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Introduction X-radiation is called Rntgen radiation, after Wilhelm Rntgen, who is usually credited as its discoverer, and who

who had named it The X-Rays are the waves of electromagnetic spectrum and Wavelength is 0.01 - 10 nm. X-rays are produced when the free electrons cause energy to be released as they interact with the atomic particles in the target. They are shorter in wavelength than UV rays and longer than gamma rays.

X-Ray and Gamma ray are overlapping band and distinction between is source of generation . History 1895 X-rays discovered by Roentgen 1914 First diffraction pattern of a crystal made by Knipping and von Laue 1915 Theory to determine crystal structure from diffraction pattern developed by Bragg. 1953 DNA structure solved by Watson and Crick Now Diffraction improved by computer technology; methods used to determine atomic structures and in medical applications Properties of x-ray The properties of X-rays are given below: They are shorter wavelength waves of the electromagnetic spectrum. They have very high frequency hence requires high voltage to produce them. They penetrate most of the material with ease and hence are used mostly to scan object without touching them. They affect photographic plate and hence are used to capture the human skeleton defects. It is used in treatment of the cancer for cancerous cells management. They travel in straight line and do not carry electric charge with them. They are invisible to eye since they lie in the band between UV and gamma rays for which we are blind.

It cannot be smelt or heard or either felt. The only way to observe them is by the use of the photographic film. They exhibit the property of interference, diffraction and refraction which are similar to the visible light. They can capable of traveling in vacuum.

We can observe the attenuation, absorption and scattering phenomenon from the XRays. X-ray diffraction X-ray diffraction is a method of determining the arrangement of atoms within a crystal. Beam of X-rays strikes a crystal and causes the beam of light to spread into many specific directions. A crystallographer can produce a three-dimensional picture of the density of electrons within the crystal. The mean positions of the atoms in the crystal chemical bonds, disorder is determined from this electron density.

X-ray diffraction important for Solid-state physics Textile Biophysics Medical physics Chemistry and Biochemistry An interaction of a particular crystalline solid with X-rays helps in investigating its actual structure. The constituent particles in the crystals are arranged in planes at close distances in repeating patterns. The phenomenon of diffraction of X-rays by crystals was studied by W.L.Bragg and his father W.H.Bragg in 1913.

They used crystals of zinc sulphide (ZnS) for this purpose. The experimental setup is shown in the figure. Draggs law Similar principle to multiple slit experiments

Constructive and destructive interference patterns depend on lattice spacing (d) and wavelength of radiation (l) By varying wavelength and observing diffraction patterns, information about lattice spacing is obtained These specific directions appear as spots on the diffraction pattern. X-ray generator

Most standard X-ray systems have three main components X-ray tube a high voltage power supply a control unit.

The following three requirements include a source of Electrons a means of acceleration, a target for interaction. Electrical power Fiber diffraction Fiber diffraction is a subarea of scattering, In fiber diffraction the scattering pattern does not change, as the sample is rotated about a unique axis In crystallography fiber symmetry is an aggravation regarding the determination of crystal structure The ideal fiber pattern exhibits 4-quadrant symmetry. In the ideal pattern the fiber axis is called the meridian, the perpendicular direction is called equator. Correction of polypropylene The figure on the right shows a typical fiber pattern of polypropylene before mapping it into reciprocal space. The mirror axis in the pattern is rotated by the angle with respect to the vertical direction. This shortcoming is compensated by simple rotation of the picture.

4 straight arrows point at 4 reflection images of a chosen reference reflection.

Their positions are used to determine the fiber tilt angle . The image has been recorded on a CCD detector. It shows the logarithmic intensity in pseudo-color representation. Here bright colors represent high intensity. After determination of the distance between sample and detector is computed using known crystallographic data of the reference reflex ion. A uniformly gridded map for the representative fiber plane in reciprocal space is constructed and the diffraction data are fed into this map. The figure below shows the result. Application of x-ray diffraction Find structure to determine function of proteins Identification of fiber structure Convenient three letter acronym: XRD Distinguish between different crystal structures with identical compositions Study crystal deformation and stress properties Study of rapid biological and chemical processes Conclusion After the invention of X-ray by Wilhelam Rontgen, it has been used in various Scientific and technological field. Although it was invented a long years ago the important of x-ray revolutionized the way of determining the physical properties of fiber and quality control of textile material.

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