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Estratgias e recursos da aula

O que podemos fazer: Atividade 1Halloween uma festividade que atrai os alunos. Nas aulas de Ingls ela deve ter seu espao como uma atividade de aprendizagem alm de promover cultura geral. Iniciar a aula conversando sobre supersties, medos e pesadelos. Com a pergunta Do you believe in ghosts? proporcionar um debate. (Reservar um tempo para a troca de idias.) Questionar quanto expresso "nightmare". O que significa? Como so os "nightmares" de vocs? Vamos ver que personagens podem habitar nossos "nightmares" no vdeo a seguir. Aps, assistir ao vdeo disponvel em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpvdAJYvofI acesso em 26/09/09 Este vdeo apresenta um captulo do filme de Tim Burton - "The nightmare before Christmas", nele podemos assistir a msica "This is Halloween" cantada pelos personagens do filme.

Aps a turma assistir ao vdeo uma vez, entregar a letra para que observem a pronncia. Song Lyrics: O Estranho Mundo de Jack - This Is Halloween Disney [shadow] Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? [siamese shadow] Come with us and you will see This, our town of halloween [pumpkin patch chorus] This is halloween, this is halloween Pumpkins scream in the dead of night [ghosts] This is halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright It's our town, everybody scream In this town of halloween [creature under the bed] I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red [man under the stairs] I am the one hiding under yours stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair [corpse chorus] This is halloween, this is halloween [vampires] Halloween! halloween! halloween! halloween! In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song [mayor] In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise [corpse chorus] Round that corner, man hiding in the trash cam Something's waiting no to pounce, and how you'll... [harlequin demon, werewolf & melting man] Scream! this is halloween Red 'n' black, slimy green [werewolf] Aren't you scared? [witches] Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take a chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night [hanging tree] Everybody scream, everbody scream [hanged men]

In our town of halloween! [clown] I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace [second ghoul] I am the "who" when you call, "who's there?" I am the wind blowing through your hair [oogie boogie shadow] I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright [corpse chorus] This is halloween, this is halloween Halloween! halloween! halloween! halloween! Halloween! halloween! [child corpse trio] Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare [parent corpses] That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of halloween [corpse chorus] In this town [mayor] Don't we love it now? [corpse chorus] Skeleton jack might catch you in the back And scre am like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin This is halloween, everyone scream Wont' ya please make way for a very special guy Our man jack is king of the pumpkin patch Everyone hai l to the pumpkin king [everyone] This is halloween, this is halloween Halloween! halloween! halloween! hallow een! [corpse child trio] In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song [everyone] La la-la la, halloween! halloween! [repeat] Letra da msica disponvel em http://letras.terra.com.br/disney/358436/ acesso em 25/09/09 Sugesto de trabalho com a msica: aps assistir ao vdeo, organizar uma apresentao com a turma. Separ-los em pequenos grupos. Determinar a parte da msica que cada grupo apresentar.

Deixar um tempo para que se organizem e treinem. Se necessrio assistir ao vdeo mais uma vez. Apresentar, aps, a cano em forma de um coro falado ou jogral. Atividade 2Trabalhar com um texto descrevendo as atividades comuns a um dia de Halloween. Deixar lacunas. O/A professor/a dita o texto para que os alunos completem.

( http://www.magiagifs.kit.net/Especial_Halloween/smilepage.htm - image - acesso em 25/09/09)

Halloween American children spend a part of October 31st making faces in _____________. They remove the pulp and _____________ and cut holes for the _________, ____________, and a ________________ with big ____________. They put a ____________ inside the pumpkin and the light shines through the holes. These pumpkins are called Jack-o-lanterns. Adults and children dress themselves as _______________, _______________, ______________, and _________________ At night children go from house to house saying Trick or Treat. If the people dont give them a treat ___________________ or _____________ or ___________ They will play tricks on them. Children go home late at night with a lot of candy! Bank of words: Sugesto apresentar as palavras em fichas, estudar a pronncia e o significado. Pumpkins / ghosts / candle / nose / eyes / skeletons / apples / cakes / teeth / seeds / pirates / witches / mouth / candy. Atividade 3 No Laboratrio de Informtica: Pesquisar provrbios populares que mostram este lado supersticioso das pessoas: A proverb... The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Fonte para pesquisa de provrbios: http://www.sk.com.br/sk-prov.html acesso em 26/09/09

Realizar um sorteio de amigo secreto, previamente, para a troca de mensagens. Trocar mensagens em cartes confeccionados pelos alunos com os provrbios encontrados ou com o folclrico verso: "For someone special Black cats and pumpkins and witches and ghosts are fun when it's Halloween Night. But you have a way of making each day turn out to be fun-filled and bright! Happy Halloween!" (Unknown author) Atividade 4 Promover na escola uma gincana em aluso data com atividades como: Pesquisa sobre o histrico da data: (Sugesto de sites no final da aula). Concurso de fantasias. Concurso de pratos tpicos ou alusivos ao tema. Decorao da sala de aula. Brincadeiras. Exposio de trabalhos. Sugesto de atividade na escola: Garfield: Halloween Adventure est disponvel no site do youtube e tambm em DVD, junto com o filme Garfield 1.
Atividade 5 Exerccios com vocabulrio do tema da aula e que podem ser encontrados para impresso nos sites citados abaixo.

(Fonte image and crossword http://printables.kaboose.com/ha lloween-crosswordmedium.html acesso em 25/09/09) Podemos acessar tambm o seguinte site com muitas outras sugestes de atividades para imprimir. www.dltk-holidays.com/halloween/worksheets.htm acesso em 25/09/09.
Atividade 6 &nb sp; Sugestes de decorao para as salas de aula podem ser vistas no site do www.youtube.com , conforme os endereos acrescentados abaixo. esta tarefa poder ser em parceri a com a professora de Artes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc1uQYepVpc Aprenda c omo fazer uma mo com pipocas - acesso em 2 6/09/09 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoyuHgYL-tM Como fazer uma pumpkin acesso em 26/09/09 Atividade para as turmas menores: Atividade 7 No seguinte endereo encontramos um texto sobre Halloween suas origens, personagens, histrico. Torna-se interessante seu estudo pela quantidade de informao contida e tambm porque o site permite que ouamos a narrao do mesmo. http://resources.marshalladulteducation.org/rs/l75/halloween_pre-read.htm Happy Halloween Leaves have fallen from the trees, a cool autumn breeze is in the air, pumpkins, candy and ghosts abound these are all sure signs that Halloween is near. This October 31st holiday began over 2000 years ago in what is now Ireland and Europe. It grew out of a Celtic celebration called Samhain (pronounced sow-en). This pagan holiday combined the Celts harvest and New Year festivals. Time, order and structure were abolished, and chaos was encouraged to reign d uring the three-day festival. The day before Samhain was considered the last day of summer (or of the old year) and the day after Samhain was the first day of winter (or of the new year). It was associated with the seasonal cycles of life and death as the last crops were harvested and livestock were brought in for winter or for slaughter. Being between seasons or years, Samhain was considered a magical and fearful time. The barrier between the worlds of the liv ing and dead broke and spirits walked on the Earth. People tried to make contact with friendly spirits of the dead, who were often seen as sources of guidance. Many people wore masks made of animal heads and skins to frighten off evil spirits. It was thought that the spirits of the dead required food and drink. So, during the festival people would leave various articles of food outside to appease the spirits. The sprits would go door-to-door demanding the best food and wine. If none were given, a hungry and possibly irritated spirit might enter the house and cause trouble for the home dwellers. Sacred bonfires were very important during the fiery festival. They provided light against the growing darkness and evil spirits. As the celebration ended, families carried home embers from the fire to relight their hearth fires. The Jack-O-Lantern is said to have come from this age-old practice of carrying home embers in hollowed-out turnips. In an Irish folk tale, a man named Jack once escaped the devil with a turnip lantern. When the Irish came to America, Jacks turnip was exchanged for the more easily carved pumpkin. Christians tried to replace the pagan festival with a church-approved h oliday. November 1st was designated All Saints Day to honor saints and martyrs, and November 2nd became All Souls Day, a day to remember the departed and to pray for their souls. Together, All Saints Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day were called Hallowmas. The night before, came to be called All-hallows Evening. After some time, t he name was shortened to Halloween.

Leitura disponvel em http://resources.marshalladulteducation.org/rs/l75/halloween_timed1.htm (acessado em 25/09/09.) Atividade 8 Text comprehension: a. Who first celebrated Halloween? ( ) The Druids. ( ) The Romans. ( ) The Christians. b. The tradition of dressing up started because: ( ) People try to scare away evil spirits. ( ) It's a way to honor the dead. ( ) If the evil spirits came, they wouldn't recognize you. c. Who is Samhain: ( ) The God of the dead. ( ) The end of summer. ( ) A priest who held the first Halloween service. d. The Romans called Halloween Pomona Day. Who was Pomona? ( ) A country. ( ) The goddess of fruits and gardens. ( ) The place where evil spirits dwell. e. Halloween falls on the night before: ( ) All Soul's Day. ( ) All Saint's Day. ( ) The first Harvest Moon. Playing: hunting the apple http://images.google.com.br/ (mesmo endereo acima) Sugesto de sites para pesquisa: http://en.wiktionary.or/wiki/Halloween http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween acessados em 25/09/09. http://kidsinberkshire.co.uk/news78.html acesso e download de image em 25/09/09. Apresentar indagaes para pesquisa em grupo como: - Origin of the words: Halloween, All Hallows Day, Sam hain, Trick or treat, Jack o'lantern.

- Foods. - Halloween around the world. - Religious perspectives. - Symbols. - Habits. Aps a pesquisa os grupos organizaro textos com as informaes obtidas. Atividade 9 No site www.toondoo.com criar um cartoon alusivo data, utilizando provrbios pesquisados. Atividade 10 Autoavaliao da aula e sugestes para futuros trabalhos.
Recursos Complementares

Dicionrios Sala de computadores. TV e DVD DVD da Fox - Garfield o filme - as aventuras de Garfield (ano 2006). www.foxvideobrasil.com Com durao de 20 min, disponvel em Ingls, Portugus e Espanhol. Material para a decorao da sala e da escola, se for o caso.

A avaliao ser contnua: Pela participao nas tarefas. Provrbios postados no Blog. Dramatizao do provrbio escolhido com mmica. Elaborao das mensagens para a brincadeira de amigo secreto. Apresentao oral do coro falado. Se o aluno escrever corretamente 8 das 14 palavras do ditado de lacunas. Confeco e/ou postagem do cartoon criado com o provrbio

A. Leiam o texto abaixo. / Read the text below. Halloween is a holiday in some English-speaking countries which is celebrated on the night of October 31st. In the USA, as well as in other countries, children wear costumes and go to people's homes saying "Trick or treat!" to ask for candy, which is called sweets in the United Kingdom; that way, people traditionally give it to them. This practice originally involved a threat. A threat is when someone says that they will do something bad to you if they do not get what they want. In this case, the threat could be explained as: "Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you." Children today usually do not play tricks if they do not get treats. However, some children still get up to mischief (pranks or things to make fun of people; like putting toilet paper in trees; writing on windows with soap or throwing eggs at people's houses). People sometimes dress up as ghosts, witches, goblins and other scary things for Halloween. In Brazil, this day is often celebrated in schools or tv programs for children. - Wikipedia adaptado Vocabulrio de apoio: a. Costumes: fantasias(roupas) b. Trick or treat: doce ou travessura c. Threat: ameaa d. Play a trick: pregar uma pea e. Treat: um agrado(doces, balas) f. Dress up as: fantasiar-se de g. Get up to mischief: fazer travessura h. Happen: acontecer B. Respondam as perguntas a seguir. / Answer the questions below 1. What is Halloween? ......................................................................... 2. What happens during Halloween? ........................................................................ C. Mark True or False 1. Children wear costumes and go to people's homes saying "Trick or threat!" (.....) 2. "Candy" is an American word and "sweets" is a British word. (.....) 3. Halloween is never celebrated in Brazil. (.....) 4. Halloween is a special day for children. (.....) D. Traduzam as palavras abaixo. / Translate the words below.

1. When:.................... 2. Give:..................... 3. However:................ 4. Often:....................

131 Tempo- Celebrando o Halloween Recursos e Actividades


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