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----------------------------------------------------------------------------| N64GFX v1.

0 - ROM Graphics Export/Import | | (c)2001 - Programmed by EAR_CLOCK, cesarB - FrontEnd by Hyllian | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Use: N64gfx [rom] [type] [mode] [tilewarp] [offset] [size] [output image] Ex: n64gfx zelda64.rom export n64true 32 0x7bbff0 128 zelda.png ----------------------------------------------------=-=-=-=-=ROM: =-=-=-=-=rom_name_with_ext [ Rom from which GFX will be extracted] =-=-=-=-=TYPE: =-=-=-=-=IMPORT [ Import edited image to the ROM ] EXPORT [ Export image from the ROM ] =-=-=-=-=MODE: =-=-=-=-=LINEAR1 [ Generic Linear LINEAR2 [ Generic Linear LINEAR4 [ Generic Linear LINEAR8 [ Generic Linear N64HIGH [ N64 16bit high N64TRUE [ N64 32bit true =-=-=-=-=TILEWARP: =-=-=-=-=(n) [ Pixels per row ] =-=-=-=-=OFFSET =-=-=-=-=-0x(n) [ Beginning adress of the image in the ROM ] =-=-=-=-=SIZE =-=-=-=-=(n) [ Size in pixels of the Image in the ROM ] =-=-=-=-=OUTPUT =-=-=-=-=image_name.png

1 bit ] 2 bits ] 4 bits ] 8 bits ] color linear ] color linear ]

[ File name of the png image output ]

----------------------------------------------------======================= 1. About the tool 2. Aknowledgments 3. Requirements 4. History

5. 6. 7. 8.

Project PNG Format Comments/Doubts Errors

1) About the tool: =-=-=-=-=-=This program is freeware and was created for apreciation of the ones that have romhacking as a hobby. The program was made in DJGPP C++, and the frontend in Borland C++ Builder 5. We haven't responsibility for any damage which the program can do to your computer or files. Its use is of your entirely responsability. 2) Aknowledgments: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Thanks to: - Cesarb for helping me; - All from the Brazillian emulation community; - The CBT members; - Hyllian, that has programmed the frontend, and inspired me to do this program ; - All the N64 rom dumpers; - Peekin, author of SpriteView; - All the ROMhackers of the world. 3) Requirements: =-=-=-=-=-=-=--= You'll need a N64 rom and a compatible PNG editor/visualizer List of PNG Editors/Visualizers which were tested. -----------------------------------------Corel Photo Paint v10 ( bad ) ****************************** Presents some problems when converting a pallet automatically to other modes without asking the user. FireWorks v4.0 ( excellent ) ****************************** Though after saving a file it becomes bigger than the original, due to header additions, it didn't present problems. Well, my machine for tests was a Duron 700Mhz. But I believe it works in a 486. :p The program reads the file from the hard disk, and intends to facilitate the extraction of big files with little memory. 4) History: =-=-=-=-=-=The idea of this program arose from the necessity to edit N64 graphics for a translation. Well, there wasn't N64 editors, so somebody had to create it. Then I did call my loyal squire GEEK, cesarB to come to my house to begin a programming marathon. After two consecutively days without "pause", we had the first version of this little program.

5) Project: -=-=-=-=-=At the moment the program only supports N64 modes, but possibly we will add new modes. 6) Format: -=--=-=--=We chose a format which has ALPHA channel, and thought it could be portable to be edited in any PNG editor, it only works with FIREWORKS. 7) Comments/Doubts: -=--=-=--=Comments and sugestions must be sent to n64gfx@hotmail.com, or to sergiogdb@ig.com.br if your doubt is about the frontend. 8) Errors: -=--=-=--=The errors which has been founded are referents to the pallet alteration made by editors. We recommend to use the FIREWORKS software to edit PNG images. -=-=-=-=-=EAR_CLOCK - n64gfx@hotmail.com ( program ) Hyllian - sergiogdb@ig.com.br ( frontend ) http://zelda64br.tsx.org

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