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MODEL QUESTION PAPER DATA STRUCTURES II YEAR/III SEMESTER PART-A 1. What is the structure of two dimensional arrays in C? 2.

What are the types of data structure 3. State the properties of binary tree 4. What is the time complexity of bubble sort? 5. Compare linear and binary search 6. What are the factors to be considered while choosing a sorting technique? 7. What is polynomial and exponential? 8. Write the average and best case analysis of insertion sort 9. What is AVL tree? 10. What is queue? 11. Define terminal node, degree of a node, sibling, depth of a node PART-B 11.a(i) Write an program to perform matrix multiplication. (ii) Explain the recursion in C (OR) b(i) Explain the concept of Arrays (ii) Describe the various data types 12 a(i) Explain the concept of Top-down approach (ii) Describe the various operations of Stack. List its applications (OR) b.Explain the inserting and deleting node from linked list implementing stack and queue. (16) 13 a(i) Explain the operation of AVL tree (ii) Write a procedure for the following operation Inserting a new element Deleting a element (OR) b(i) Explain the threaded binary tree (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (6) (10)


(ii) Explain the preorder and postorder traversal of a binary tree 14.a(i)Write down the procedure to convert an infix expression a+b*c+(d*e+f)*g (8) (ii) Explain the topological sorting algorithm (OR) b(i) Trace the quick sort algorithm for the following list of numbers 86,55,75,32,58,89,90,78 (ii) Distinguish internal and external sorting



(12) (2)

15 a(i) Write an algorithm to find the shortest path between any two nodes in a graph using Dijikstras algorithm (16) (OR) b Write down the depth first traversal algorithm and breath first traversal. (16)

MODEL QUESTION PAPER DATA STRUCTURES II YEAR/III SEMESTER PART-A 1. What do you mean by Abstract Data Type. 2. Write an algorithm for fibonacci series 3. What are the benefits of doubly linked list over singly linked list? 4. Define priority queue 5. How do you represent a binary tree? 6. What is the factor that is involved in radix sort? 7. Write the various types of sorting? 8. Define heap sort. 9. Explain Kruskals algorithm 10. What is a graph? PART-B 11.a(i) Write about the pointers in C (ii)Explain in detail about the function. (OR) b(i) How is the implementation of structure done in C (ii) Explain an algorithm to convert a hexadecimal to decimal representation (8) (8) (8) (8)

12 a(i) Explain in detail about the operation of queue (6) (ii) Define an efficient representation of two STACKS in a given area of memory with n words and explain (10) (OR) b(i) Explain in detail about insertion and deletion of elements in the doubly linked list (16) 13 a(i) What are the different tree traversals? Explain with examples (ii)How do you insert an element in a binary tree (OR) b(i)Explain the operation of AVL tree (8) (8) (8)

(ii)Using recursive procedure, explain the operation of post order and pre order traversal of binary tree. (8) 14.a(i)Write the procedure for insertion sort. (ii)Sort the following array using insertion sort 25,30,66,99,54,28,13,58 (OR) b(i)Write down the merge sort algoritm and give its worst case, best case and average case analysis. (16) 15.a,(i)Explain the Prims algoritm (ii)Define unweighted shortest path (iii)Explain the following: Degree, Complete graph (OR) b(i)Explain the Krusals algorithm (ii)Give some applications of depth first traversal (8) (8) (8) (4) (4) (8) (8)

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