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MINI Word of the Day

Brewnesia (br ne zh) n. Rockupied (rk' y pd) adj. Poorlainoia (pr lan' oia) n. Premature Co-pilotation (pr m chr k plat' shn) v. Cartesy (kr t s) n. Careoke (kr k) v. Cashtray (ksh' tr) n. Waltermonstale (wl' tr mn stl) n. Notmeflex (nt m flks) n. Carligraphy (kr lg ra f) n. Insectiride (n sk' t rd) n. Interstucktion (n' tr stuk shn) n. Driversion (dr vr' zn) n. Wiperfection (w' pr fk shn) n. Seatus Quo (sts kw) n. Spalker (spkr) n. Freeter (fr' tr) n. Flashhole (flsh' l) n. Prohibiturn (pr hb' trn) n. Obstacar (b' st kr) n. Shoegitive (sh' j tv) n. E-cellerate (' sl rt) v. Commutant (k myt' nt) n. Enigmark ( ng' mrk) n. Spumped (spmpd) adj. Clutchuoso (klch' s) n. Foodabuster (fd bstr) v. Potholevard (pthl'vrd) n. Roverdrive (r'vr drv) v. Disflooriented (ds flr' ntd) adj. Farking Spot (frkng spt) n. The condition of forgetting your coffee on the roof of your car and driving off. When you're physically unable to leave the car until a song is over. The fear that you're always in the slowest moving lane. To call shotgun too early. The generous act of letting another car merge into your lane. To sing while motoring. A car ashtray that's been repurposed as a coin holder. A bumper sticker for a presidential election long since passed. The involuntary act of hitting the brakes when you see a cop regardless of whether youre speeding or not. The art of writing on a dirty vehicle with your finger. A vehicle that has just killed an extraordinary amount of bugs on it's grille or windshield. When multiple cars arrive at a stop sign and no one goes. Something that distracts a driver, such as a cell phone conversation, DVD player or PDA. The ideal wiper speed for the amount of rain currently falling. The normal position of your car seat. May be upset by valets and other new drivers. A vehicle that follows shoppers in the parking lot in hopes of getting their spot. A parking meter that already has time on it. That person who flashes you with their brights even though your brights aren't on. To perform a driving move you think might be illegal, yet you do it anyway. A slow moving vehicle that keeps you from going your desired speed. The mysterious sneaker you always see on the side of the road. To drive with the emergency brake on. Someone with a poor shave or makeup job as a result of doing it on the way to work. A dent or paint scrape to which the origin is unknown. Condition that occurs when you get to the gas station but can't remember what side your tank is on. A talented driver of a car with a standard transmission. A rare breed. To speak slowly at the drive through window so you can stall for time while still making your decision. A street with a large number of potholes on it. The dangerous act of motoring with a dog on your lap. Not recommended. Feeling of confusion when you can't remember what level of the parking garage you're on. A seemingly open parking space that when you get closer, you discover a small car parked there.

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