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Deivathin Kural as Hindu Dharma Translators note

More than 20 yrs ago, I said in an article in The illustrated Weekly of India that Hindus know less about their religion than Christians and Muslims know about theirs. Wanting to verify the statement, my editor Sardar Hushwant Singh asked my colleagues (most of them Hindus), in schoolmasterly fashion, to name any four Upanishads. For moments there was silence and it was a Muslim lady member of the staff who eventually responded to the editors question by reeling off the names of six of seven Upanishads.

The purpose of Religion

Religion is the means of realising dharma, artha, kaama and moksha. What does a man want to have? He wants to live happily without lacking for anything. We commit the grave mistake of believing that we are the body and imprisoned by this body. Our real home is the bliss called moksha.

The Religion without a name

In none of our ancient sastras does the term Hindu religion occur. The name Hindu was given us by foreigners.

The Universal Religion

In the dim past what we call Hinduism today was prevalent all over the world.

Vedas, the Root of All

Reveal the Godhead that is common to us all and teach us how to lead our life, and to become that very Godhead ourselves.

Vedic Religion and Varna Dharma

Division of labour, The principle behind this arrangement is that a man must do the work handed down to him from his forefatherswhatever such work be with the conviction that it has been ordained by Ishwara and that it is for the good of the world. The work he does in this spirit itself becomes a means of his inward advancement.(work is worship) Religions which have no distinctions of caste and which prescribe the same duties and rites for all their followers have disappeared in the flow of time.

Who is responsible for the Decay of Varna Dharma?

The Brahmin spoiled himself and spoiled others. By abandoning his dharma he became a bad example to others. It is my decided opinion that the Brahmin is responsible for the ruin of Hindu Society. If the Brahmin had not been tempted by the European life-style and if he were willing to live austerely according to the dictates of the shastras, other castes would have come forward to help him.

The Least Brahmins can do

If a caste called Brahmins must exist, it must be for the good of mankind. The purpose of the Vedas, the purpose of the sound of the Vedas, is the well-being of the world. The only remedy for all the ills of the world, all its troubles is the return of all Brahmins to the Vedic dharma. I would ask Brahmins to perform the upanayana of their sons when they are eight years old. They must be put in a Veda class held for one hour in the evening after school hours. He must be taught the Vedas in this manner for ten years. This is the last Brahmins can do to preserve the Vedic traditions.

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