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P,O. Bo\. -11(1. Cra\t.;!t{\ ,\1{ 7273()

Pr. Arnold :\JIlI r;;\. DRE

:'.1.<>,,\ ,'I '9-1 '.\'Ill be il,'I,1 .. ... , I." :lfr;l id

of \l1\1 ',\11,'11 in Ih,'
:\P! 'rl 2nJ S' ,~rd
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'\'1 1k"r ,,'ali
P:b~li\'l'r infor­
fl~ f' f~ ttt ~J t tr. "I' ChrISt yllli '~r(kr
n",':lf!\ ' 'I ,'u! ,'I' '. ,11,[ ilk
I flllnk ,IIlb \\':1:-: ",,11;11,,11' ,'1
1 malian,

H:I\': ;"'11 c\er heard :I

ttf trrt t8ihh~
Ihe ~'kd. h,:c;l\I~,' (iud .'''' lo'.('d
him He thought SrHan couldn't
break him, YOll, til..: dec!. 11111~1
,elwlar k:!ch tllal dinosaur:; :lfe b.: on guard against Satan. if
mentio!kd in the Bible';' Probably not \-ou aren't, h.: will decein: you. Use tht" P()\Wl' VOlI
But anVOlll? that has Sl?ell the remains l)f these fanta,;tlc possess through Chnsl hi ,'rder :-;;Han nul e,f :.\~1Ir lIlt:.
creatures knows tht' Bible would be incomplete, If these
creature'S \\,~re not mentioned. The BIllle i~ complete, The first thirt",sl'\en chapter:; of Joh are about three
and \\C Will document the llll:ntion of dinosaurs in Gou's of JOb'5O tj'iends \\hu thoul!ht they knew the C:lll-e' of
Word. every chasti:;ement placed on Job, -They were tcllin~ .lob
the Lord I\as placing aftljl'ti\~J1s on him, Jllh \\1~ ~,,\ illg
Some might :15k, "Whv is it imp\.)rtant it.; liS I,) he helic'lt'I\ in llod and had dlll!!' ll11thiJ:" ;l~':l!n.,t Him
be kno\\ledgcab!e abou( dllll)';~lurs (odav',)" \ly friends, !lis fril'ntb rold hlln hI? lllU"t not be 1")il1~' ,';'-'11;1.'110111;'
there IS nothing new under the sun, Everythinl,! in God's right because he had those boi I, and his rami I~ \\;is
Plan is designed a:: a type or an example whereby we gone, and on, and on for thirty-se\'en chapters, It wasn't
may better understand our Father's Word. God that was persecuting Job, though, It \\'a5 Satan,
Man of this v.'orld otlen thinks he kno\\'s a great Before we turn to Job 38 it is important for vou
deal Job \\:1~ one that thought he knew a great deal. to understand II Peter 3, There are three world al,!es,
Howewf. a~ we ;'III ;;hould leam, Job t()und out his We are now in the second v>'orld age, The first thirty­
knowledge compared to God':; knowledge and wisdom seven Chapters of Job are about the knowledge ::md
IS in::nitelv smaller. wisdom of man, or the lack thereof. God says Hothin\!
to lob until the thirty-eighth chapter. . ~
Bl~fnre we turn to Joh, I want to be!!in with Genesis
to est;]hli~h that \\'hen God created m'an in the l1esh JOB 38,1-2 Then the LORD answered Job out of the
there were fallen angels 011 eanh that took wives. The whirlwind, ana said, < ''VVho IS thiS that darkenett) counsel
progen, of the;;\' CO~lple~ were called Nephilim in the by words Without knowledge?
Hebrew tongue This \Vas S;'Itan's attempt to pollute
woman fwm whom Christ would later come, Why are you lis:tening to these people J\.lb'.' They
have a lot to say, but they have no knowledge,
That the sons of God saw the daughters
were fair, and they took them ,vives ,LQ1L~/II~5. Gird up now Illy ic)InS like a""~i1
of they chose. 3 And the LORD s:l!d, 'rv1y Will demand of thee, and answer thou MEl • \i/fJere was!
it shall not always strive w:th {>l;]n, for thai he a/so thou when { :aid the found31ions of the Harth? declare.
is fiesh yet hiS days shi.lll be an hundred :Jnd twenty if thou hast understanding \Vho hath law !I:e mea·
years. " sures thereof if theu knov~ esP or v. he hatn sirelcl:ec!
the I:ne upon it?
Thi,; IS verv important. \lan bl?came ile:;IL Let's
If \ Oll C\C! ha \ l' all ep) problem and think YOll are
pick it lIfl Willi wrse ~I:\.
really something. put yourself in Job's shoes at this point.
And it repented the LORD that lYe had Where were you when God laid the foundations of the
the earth, and it grieved Him at His earth? The very thought should humble anyone, YOll
heart. must rightly divide the Bible to underst;md God's Word,
God is talking about the fir~t world age when Ihe earth
The Lord was sorry He created man on earth and ,;vas created, This eanh is millions of vear~ pld [t IS
In verse seven. In verse seven He said He would destroy this earth age that is but SIX tlllHlsand war~ "Id,
those which Iwd mixed with the fallen angels, God loved
Job a great deal. In the Hebrew tonl,!ue. Job means ,JQf2 _.;111.:..6: 7 l:'e the ~til::!>' th~;rcu!
per~;ecuted, How 1l1:l11\ of y\Ju l'\'er kef persecuted') faster.ed? C:l~!rf1er stone tfisret:·;' ~>~/l;t:n
~he rnonling :;:Jrs sang and ail the SOilS of
I believe God w,ed .lob 10 kach us a kSSl)ll, God God ~tte(l f:Jr joy?

\'.as in.;;tructing liS through Job that S;ltan has no pO\\'l~r

OWl' VOl!, If vall have Jesus Christ. When YOU are armed
\\,ho arc: the"e sons of God

'the po\~'er of Christ, Satan will run 'from you, He \\'ere the\' ~ad',' the Bible

and shouting for JOY. This \\'as bd{)re Satan's rebellion. that follow.
The children of God. might I say before they were in
JOB 40.15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with
the flesh, \\ere happy souls. Paul tau:,!ht us that we ha\e thee, heeateth grass as an ox.
a tlesh body and a spiritual body'. There i3 no mystery
in that. We are going to turn to Chapter 40 \\hete God When your soul was created, God created behemoth.
continues questioning Job and begills to use types. The This is not vour tlesh bod\'. These were the sons of
Father is challenginj! anyone. including Job. to argue God we covered in Gcnesis 'to begin this lecture. Listen
with Him or question His \\ isdom. God begill~ to lise to God's Word no\\' , and think for yourself.
the :Ulimai kingdom to make Hi~ point.
LQfL40 16-1 Z Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and
JOB 40.1·2 Moreover the LORD answered Job. and his force IS in the navel of hiS belly, !.7 He mcveth his
said, ,c-o "Sh'all he that contendeth with THE ALMIGHTY tail like a cedar.' the sinews of his stones are wrapped
I instruct Him? he that reproveth God, let him answer together.
I It'
A cedar tree is huge and weighs tOilS. Have you
Be c'~Hd\1I \OU dnn't :llklllpt 10 in,;trllct God, e\en e\er seen a hippopotamus tail'! It is a t\vig. Somc
in \,)lJr PU\t'f,;. It lll:Lkr.:':; Him :tn,'!ry scholars say thc behemoth \\a5 the eleph~Ult. or thc
rn:lInmoth. They .;;ay the trunk was as large as a cedar.
-i.OB 4.Q..J.:::i Then Job answered the LORD, and S31d
, 'Behold, ! am Vile' what shafl I answer Thee? I will
God said the hehemoth mo\cd his tail likc a cedar. The
i~Y .'TlIne ha,~d upor. my mouth Once have I spoken; tail is always on the postt'rior in the animal kingdom.
('ut ; Wlil not answer yea, tWice. but I wli! proceeci no I think it is safe to scratch thc elcphant from the list
further' of possibilities. Only thc dinosaur had a tail that wOllld
tit this dcscription.
III th,,' t1.:5h we are' all \ilc-. Job \\as saving. "I'll
I. cql 111\ IIWul II 5h lit and 1i5kll I\l \Ull F:lther". We JOB 40. '18-19 i·lis bones are as strong pieces of brass,
llllgh; all ukl' :i Ic~,nn frtHll .Ill!' his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of
the ways of GOD.' f1e That made him can make His
';05 40 f-8 Then 3nsivered tile LORD unto Job out sword to approach unto him,
oftFle-lvhTr/wlnd and SJld, - "Gird up thy /OIl)S now
I/'~e il man i ,VI,! dern3nd of thee. and declare thou This is where God likened Himself to bchemoth.
unto "'Ie. ' VV;/t thou a/so dlsaf1rwl My Judgemer.t? Wilt
Ii:ou GOliaemn fde that thou ();3yest be ? .)Q1L4020 Surely the mountains bring him forth food,
where all the beasts of the field play.
\\'ill \,)U makl' \1\ Plan I,)j ,:lhali,'!l illcffl'cti\t~,
kIll' \\'i!! . "1I c·,)ndl'Il!1l \1\' \\',,[d III make \,!lIl'sl'lf Ha\\~ you C\en seen a hippopotrunus on a mountain"
fI!!hkl 1 lb. 1;)11.' rhl'~l' \\','[,l' '(jod',; ljUl';;1l01l:'; D~)Il't In God has described a dinosaur to Job. Again. He is
Id ,:il:lll!!l' (111,1', \\'urd Ill' makt~ ""lIL'l'i!' IUtlk good, t~a~ing Job because Job probably didn't ha\'e any idea
whal a dinosaur \\'a5 or that they existed in the first
.~~: .Q~ 19 H3st tliOi.i an :JnTI like GOD? or c,Jnst earth age. Clod is making a point. He was telling Job
t,'!OL-' t,':iJr;CH~r ~v,jth ~.; '·:o{ce like H!rn CGck nOlV if he kno\\s so much. where \vas he during the first
l'\' ,~r. r:; :1}es(v an;] t';'X ce !fen cy ::; rid Gr,r JV thyse/f ~!t/iUl g!ory carth a[!e. Behemoth did not walk this earth with man
a,r"i(j t:A:"'1U:V
in 11le' 'flcsh, Behemoth walkcd the earth in a previolls
earth :Ige.

Cast :wTO:Jd the or wrath and I:t Job .+1 leviathan is likened lInto Satan. In \'erse
ever;, one ?lJt ,;, :'fClld ab:;se .: Leak q hc is called "a killg o\'cr all the children of pridc"'.
on everv one t,'1at ;s Dfoud an:! bring tdm fovv. and Le\ialhan. or crocodilc:>. exist III this earth age. r\'lrul in
tread donn the Wicked In their pi:lce 'H.·de them !n the Ilesh is ahlc to conquer a crocodile. The lesson God
the dust together and t;nd their faces 1'.'1 .secret. tearhes LIS in Chapter ~ i is that man in the flesh has
pt'\\er OYer Salan through Iht;' power of Christ.
(,od I, 1','a"ln~ Joh h:- IdlIng hlln III ~U ah~ad and
rltl all Ihl'';,' Ih!lH':~, d' Ill' think:; he I,; abll'. Order Satan out of vour life in Ihe namc of Jesu::;.
.:/QJ-4 i nen 01:1; I also ,~ontess 'J:llo thee that and dOll't e\",r b'~ foolish .:nough 10 think VOll are abl~
l)\v1i right han::! can save thee to \\ork uut your own sahation. There is onh one
Ir YOU an: able' ttl dll these thlll).!:>, (It)d \\'ill :;av
\'\lll ar~' abl,.' 1\.) \\urk \.llil \llUr :cal\all<.ln \\ith \our \,)\\11 In His Sen ICt',
~i~hl hamL I htipc \tlU arc' 'ne\ er tl)llli·dl t'lhlU".d; !(\ Ihink
fur Ulll' Illl)nll' n: \lltl ak allk ILl \\ lIrk oul your ll\\11
sah:llioll, ,\t till; pGllii Gnd dl,Clbse,; f',\t)' animals,
bdlt'llllltli and Je\iathan. Ikhl'n](llh did nol Ii\(: ill Ihis
earth :tl(e \\ith m~1I1 in Ihl' t16h. \C\ialilan dol'S. :--'IO$t
sclllllab~ of tuda\ hdi .... \·e behenwlh \\ih Ihi.' hippopota­
mus. Bl'ilelllUlh Il\ed ill the fir:,1 l'arth a,i'.l' and I belie\e 1\;[\\/ TAPES FOR DECEMRER
was till' hmlltlls:luru.';, :1 dinosaur. Rl'llIains of Illes,,' \ ..\Ic!l lap" ~-+.Oll d"naiioIl)

crealures haw be,'!; fUlIlld \\ Ilirh arc' <)8 fel't long and Who We Should Not Prm For
\\(luld h,l\l' \\ell(iJl'd IUlb. God likl'lIS him.;~lf Itl bl'he­
IlH)th and S:II,lIl'I;; likened tn k\iathan 111 Ill:: .;criptul6

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