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Strings v2.5 Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

h;0 i;' l;D ;?M ;Rich .text `.data .rsrc @.reloc imm_atomic_umin imm_atomic_exch imm_atomic_cmp_exch imm_atomic_alloc imm_atomic_consume imm_atomic_umax imm_atomic_and imm_atomic_or imm_atomic_xor imm_atomic_iadd imm_atomic_imax imm_atomic_imin atomic_cmp_store atomic_xor atomic_iadd atomic_imax atomic_imin atomic_umax atomic_umin atomic_or atomic_and emit cut sampleinfo samplepos bufinfo resinfo eval_snapped eval_centroid ubfe ibfe imad bfi dmovc fcall usubb uaddc dmax dmin dmul ftod dtof dadd firstbit_shi firstbit_hi

dmov d3dcompiler_43.dll D3DX: (WARN) D3DX11 relies upon this behavior. D3DX: (WARN) least zero bytes. Deletion of a null pointer should quietly do noth ing. D3DX: (WARN) An allocation of zero bytes should return a unique non-null pointer to at D3DX: (WARN) Overloaded ::new and ::delete operators do not conform to C++ stand ards: FDIDestroy FDICopy FDICreate FCIDestroy FCIFlushCabinet FCIAddFile FCICreate cabinet.dll D0x%I64x `9xE | ; debug_break dne dlt dge deq dcl_gsinstances eval_sample_index sync store_structured ld_structured store_raw ld_raw store_uav_typed ld_uav_typed dcl_resource_structured dcl_resource_raw dcl_tgsm_structured dcl_tgsm_raw dcl_uav_structured dcl_uav_raw dcl_uav_typed dcl_thread_group dcl_hs_join_phase_instance_count dcl_hs_fork_phase_instance_count dcl_hs_max_tessfactor dcl_tessellator_output_primitive dcl_tessellator_partitioning dcl_tessellator_domain dcl_output_control_point_count dcl_input_control_point_count hs_join_phase hs_fork_phase hs_control_point_phase hs_decls swapc bfrev firstbit_lo deriv_rty_fine deriv_rty_coarse deriv_rtx_fine

deriv_rtx_coarse dcl_interface dcl_function_table dcl_function_body dcl_stream emit_then_cut_stream cut_stream emit_stream lod dcl_globalFlags dcl_indexrange dcl_indexableTemp dcl_temps dcl_output_sgv dcl_output_siv dcl_input_ps_siv dcl_input_siv dcl_resource dcl_sampler dcl_constantbuffer dcl_input_ps dcl_maxout dcl_outputtopology dcl_inputprimitive dcl_input_ps_sgv dcl_input_sgv dcl_output dcl_input jmp umad uge ult sample_c_lz sample_c sample_d sample_l sample_b round_z round_pi round_ni round_ne retc ldms ine ilt ige ieq deriv_rty deriv_rtx endswitch emit_then_cut dp2 continuec callc breakc vs_5_0 vs_4_1 vs_4_0_level_9_0 vs_4_0_level_9_3 vs_4_0_level_9_1

vs_4_0 vs_3_0 vs_2_x vs_2_a vs_2_0 vs_1_1 vs_1_0 vs.3.sw vs.3.0 vs.2.x vs.2.sw vs.2.a vs.2.0 vs.1.1 vs.1.0 tx_1_0 ps_5_0 ps_4_1 ps_4_0_level_9_0 ps_4_0_level_9_3 ps_4_0_level_9_1 ps_4_0 ps_3_0 ps_2_x ps_2_b ps_2_a ps_2_0 ps_1_4 ps_1_3 ps_1_2 ps_1_1 ps_1_0 ps.3.sw ps.3.0 ps.2.x ps.2.sw ps.2.b ps.2.a ps.2.0 ps.1.4 ps.1.3 ps.1.2 ps.1.1 ps.1.0 hs_5_0 gs_5_0 gs_4_1 gs_4_0 fx_2_0 ds_5_0 cs_5_0 cs_4_1 cs_4_0 00ffff e0e0e0 ffff40 a0a0a0 <!-</font> <font color = "#

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klmnorstuv pqef #'()*.06JSTX^ "K` #! #" #% #* #/ #0 #2 0"9 # xyzwxyzw !!!"##$$%%%%%%%%%%%&&''''(())**++,,---....../0123456789:;< 23456789:;< )'( -0.1 /()*LMa]X !+,Z &+2 <<5 69:; =@A L/| 89:;t"#-u"%_`=N>|A}%UY^ KOik"%?QRST@hjb&'mn%UB%CVDN[EFWGH\Yde^KJcfPqrsY^gl%ovY^wxy.~z{ 1234567 00000000 !&'l >?VW ABCD VWH od= @efgxy !"#$%/0123456789 '():; !&)&&&&&&&''(( %:(*+;(:'''' .;< ;<;< *'''.''.'.__fx_2_0__ Shader@0x%p D3DCompile: Invalid flags specified #pragma pack_matrix(row_major) #pragma pack_matrix(column_major) #pragma pack_matrix() #pragma ruledisable 0x%08x #line %u %.*s #line %u 0x%x #pragma def (%s, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g) #pragma warning (once:%d) #pragma warning (disable:%d) #pragma warning (error:%d) D3DCompressedData fx_5_0 fx_4_1

fx_4_0 vFace vPos oDepth oFog oPts oPos break_c if_c phase texldl setp texldd dsy dsx dp2add bem cmp texdepth texm3x3 texdp3 texm3x2depth texdp3tex texreg2rgb defb defi def cnd logp expp texm3x3vspec texm3x3spec texm3x3tex texm3x3pad texm3x2tex texm3x2pad texreg2gb texreg2ar texbeml texbem texldb texldp texld tex texkill texcrd texcoord mova breakp break endif else endrep rep sincos nrm abs sgn crs pow

dcl label endloop ret loop callnz call m3x2 m3x3 m3x4 m4x3 m4x4 frc lrp dst lit log exp sge slt max min dp4 dp3 rsq rcp mul mad sub add mov nop boolean constant register '%s' must be defined as a variable of type bool only integer constant register '%s' must be defined as a variable of type int3 or int 4 only Constant variable '%s' bound to register greater than 8191 (%d requested) Sampler variable '%s' does not specify the sampler type. Explicit sampler types required for asm fragments. POSITION BLENDWEIGHT BLENDINDICES NORMAL PSIZE TEXCOORD TANGENT BINORMAL TESSFACTOR POSITIONT COLOR FOG DEPTH SAMPLE VFACE VPOS DIFFUSE SPECULAR invalid register, input, or constant name '%s' Invalid input register '%s' specified addressing operations are not allowed on input registers '%s' Invalid pixel shader input register '%s' specified

addressing operations not allowed on temporary registers '%s' constant register '%s' must be defined as a variable '%s' constant register address out of bounds on constant '%s', size %d, offset %d Invalid output register '%s' specified addressing operations are not allowed on output registers '%s' '%s' is not a valid register name. Registers must start with v_, r_, c_, b_, or i_ depending on the register type. (o_ for vs_3_0 only) shader version expected vs_1_0 is no longer supported; using vs_1_1 ps_1_0 is no longer supported; using ps_1_1 unrecognized shader version only vs_1_1, vs_2_0, vs_2_x, vs_2_sw, ps_2_0, ps_2_x, and ps_2_sw are supported for assembly fragments d3d9.dll Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 entrypoint true false internal error: stack underflow instruction coissue is not supported in this shader version instruction predication is not supported in this shader version scalar registers cannot be masked not cannot be used with other modifiers negate and divide modifiers cannot be combined invalid complement expression complement is not supported in this shader version complement cannot be used with other modifiers scalar registers cannot be swizzled only one address register reference allowed in a relative address expression Stack internal error: out of memory syntax error '%s' is not a valid instruction in this shader version invalid instruction modifiers '%s' internal error: production failed sat centroid cube volume position blendweight blendindices normal psize tangent binormal tessfactor positiont color fog depth sample bias bx2 temporary, constant, and output registers are not allowed in vs_3_0 assembly fra gments temporary and constant registers are not allowed in assembly fragments invalid register '%s[%u]' invalid register '%s[...]' invalid register '%s'

invalid mask '%s' invalid swizzle '%s' call, callnz, label, and ret instructions are not allowed in assembly fragments Matrices cannot be specified in temp registers with the fragment linker source modifiers are not allowed on destination parameters relative addressing of destination parameters is not supported in this shader ve rsion only one address register reference is allowed in a relative address expression predicates are not supported in this shader version source modifiers are not allowed on predicates relative addressing of predicates is not supported in this shader version source modifiers incompatible with SUB instruction only a0.x is allowed as a relative address register in vs_1_1 internal error: instruction size mismatch Microsoft (R) D3DX9 Shader Assembler 9.29.952.3111 fragment info exceeds maximum comment size debug info exceeds maximum comment size; no debug info emitted memory exhausted forceEarlyDepthStencil enableRawAndStructuredBuffers enableDoublePrecisionFloatOps refactoringAllowed %.*s void bool int uint byte float string Buffer Texture Texture1D Texture1DArray Texture2D Texture2DMS Texture2DArray Texture2DMSArray Texture3D TextureCube TextureCubeArray sampler SamplerState sampler1D sampler2D sampler3D samplerCUBE PixelShader VertexShader GeometryShader HullShader DomainShader RasterizerState DepthStencilState BlendState RenderTargetView DepthStencilView pixelfragment vertexfragment interface

ComputeShader double UNKNOWN // %s%u row_major %s%ux%u %s%ux%u struct %s struct // Offset: %4u %s %s %s [%u] mixed unorm snorm sint <continued> <unknown resource return type> <unused> // Buffer Definitions: cbuffer tbuffer interfaces Resource bind info for <unknown buffer type> // %s %s // { // Offset: N/A Size: N/A [unused] [unused] // Offset: %4u Size: %5u%s // 0x%08x Textures: t%u-t%u Texture: t%u Samplers: s%u-s%u Sampler: s%u // } // Resource Bindings: // Name Type Format Dim Slot Elements // ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- ---- -------texture UAV sampler_c buf cubearray 1darray 2darray %sMS%d %sMS r/o struct r/w r/w+cnt append consume // %-30s %10s %6s%d %11s %4u %8u // %-30s %10s %7s %11s %4u %8u // Constant buffer to DX9 shader constant mappings:

// Target Reg Buffer Source Reg Component // ---------- ------- ---------- --------// b%-9d cb%-5d %10d %9d // i%-9d cb%-5d %10d %9d // Target Reg Buffer Start Reg # of Regs Data Conversion // ---------- ------- --------- --------- ---------------------// clip%-6d cb%-5d %9d %9d ( // c%-9d cb%-5d %9d %9d ( FLT BOOL INT UINT UNKN // Runtime generated constant mappings: // Target Reg Constant Description // ---------- -------------------------------------------------Vertex Shader position offset Instance ID Unknown Value // c%-10d %49s // Sampler/Resource to DX9 shader sampler mappings: // Target Sampler Source Sampler Source Resource // -------------- --------------- ---------------// s%-13d s%-14d t%-16d // Approximately %i instruction slots used <internal error> Undefined Isoline Triangle Quadrilateral // Tessellation Domain # of control points // -------------------- -------------------// %-20s %20u Point Line Clockwise Triangles Counter-Clockwise Triangles Integer Integer Power of 2 Odd Fractional Even Fractional // Tessellation Output Primitive Partitioning Type // ------------------------------ -----------------// %-30s %-18s // %s signature: // Name Index Mask Register SysValue Format Used // -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------ -----// no %s m%u: %-17s %-20s %5u SV_Depth N/A oDepth SV_DepthGreaterEqual oDepthGE SV_DepthLessEqual oDepthLE SV_Coverage

oMask primID special %c%c%c%c %8u NONE CLIPDST CULLDST POS RTINDEX VPINDEX VERTID PRIMID INSTID FFACE TARGET DEPTHGE DEPTHLE COVERAGE QUADEDGE QUADINT TRIEDGE TRIINT LINEDET LINEDEN %8s unknown %6s YES NO %s%s %s%d%s %s%d of ob oi ip [%s%d[%s].%c] [%s%d.%c] (%.9g , %.9g oC expr vPos vPSize 0x%08x %4u: // approximately %u instruction%s used Error: Texture shader assembly not found! Error: Error getting texture shader literal block. tx_%u_%u r%u v%u c%u a%u t%u oX%u oD%u oT%u o%u

i%u oC%u s%u b%u m%u l%u p%u x%u <invalid member offset> // Generated by Microsoft (R) D3DX9 Shader Disassembler <invalid constant table> // Parameters: <invalid type offset> // Registers: // Name Reg Size ----- ---%c%-4u %4u // Default values: // %s // %c%-4u= <invalid default value offset> { %g, %g, %g, %g } { %d, %d, %d, %d } icb vPrim oDepthGE oDepthLE null rasterizer oMask vOutputControlPointID vForkInstanceID vJoinInstanceID vicp vocp vpc vDomain this vThreadID vThreadGroupID vThreadIDInGroup vThreadIDInGroupFlattened vCoverage vGSInstanceID vCycleCounter <unknown register type %u> [%d] %d[%d]. _%d_%d. %d. + %d] (%f) (%f, %f) (%f, %f, %f, %f) (0x%08x) (%d) undefined

clip_distance cull_distance rendertarget_array_index viewport_array_index vertex_id sampleIndex primitive_id instance_id is_front_face finalQuadUeq0EdgeTessFactor finalQuadVeq0EdgeTessFactor finalQuadUeq1EdgeTessFactor finalQuadVeq1EdgeTessFactor finalQuadUInsideTessFactor finalQuadVInsideTessFactor finalTriUeq0EdgeTessFactor finalTriVeq0EdgeTessFactor finalTriWeq0EdgeTessFactor finalTriInsideTessFactor finalLineDetailTessFactor finalLineDensityTessFactor preshader vs_2_x vs_2_sw vs_3_sw ps_2_x ps_2_sw ps_3_sw vs_%u_%u ps_%u_%u // disassembly only available for VS and PS targets Error: unexpected end of buffer // %s #line %u "%s" + sin cos trunc reserved0 ??? _2d _cube _volume _unknown _position _blendweight _blendindices _normal _psize _texcoord _tangent _binormal _tessfactor _positiont _color _fog _depth _sample

_gt _eq _ge _lt _ne _le _x8 _x4 _x2 _d2 _d4 _d8 _sat _pp _centroid %.9g _bias _bx2 _dz _dw _abs // ,%d >, %s:: %s<%d // approximately %u instruction slot%s used (%u texture, %u arithmetic) // incorrect instruction offset in debug info // incorrect token offset in debug info // incorrect file offset in debug info %uu NaN Inf %gf // too many instruction outputs in debug info // incorrect scalar offset in debug info // incorrect variable offset in debug info xyzw %s[r%u.%c]< %s[r%u.%c/%u]< %s< buffer texture1d texture2d texture2dms texture3d texturecube texture1darray texture2darray texture2dmsarray texturecubearray raw_buffer structured_buffer <unknown dimension> _glc _opc <!-- id=%d --> _indexable

precise (%i,%i,%i) , stride=%u _rcpfloat _uint _uglobal _ugroup x%i[%i], %d %i | none pointlist linestrip trianglestrip undefined ??? %u point line triangle lineadj triangleadj patch1 patch2 patch3 patch4 patch5 patch6 patch7 patch8 patch9 patch10 patch11 patch12 patch13 patch14 patch15 patch16 patch17 patch18 patch19 patch20 patch21 patch22 patch23 patch24 patch25 patch26 patch27 patch28 patch29 patch30 patch31 patch32 constant linear linear centroid linear noperspective linear noperspective centroid linear sample

linear noperspective sample cb%d[%d] , dynamicIndexed , immediateIndexed %d _%s domain_quad domain_tri domain_isoline ??? partitioning_integer partitioning_pow2 partitioning_fractional_odd partitioning_fractional_even output_point output_line output_triangle_cw output_triangle_ccw l(%f) _z _nz dcl_immediateConstantBuffer { printf errorf <unknown> "%s" undecipherable custom data _dynamicindexed fp%u[%u][%u] = { , ft%u ft%u ft%u = { , fb%u fb%u , %u , %u, %u %u, %u, %u , mode_default , mode_comparison , mode_mono ps_%d_%d vs_%d_%d hs_%d_%d ds_%d_%d gs_%d_%d cs_%d_%d // Available Class Types: // Name ID // ------------------------------ ---// %-30s %4u %9u %7u %7u // Available Class Instances: // Name Type CB // --------------------------- ---- -%s[%u] // %-27s %4u %2u %9u %7u

CB Stride Texture Sampler --------- ------- ------CB Offset Texture Sampler --------- ------- -------

%7u // Interface slots, %u total: // Slots // +----------+---------+--------------------------------------// | Type ID |%4u-%-4u| // | Type ID |%4u | // | Type ID | | %-5u // | Table ID | | // %s shader bytecode: Microsoft (R) D3D Shader Disassembler // Note: SHADER WILL ONLY WORK WITH THE DEBUG SDK LAYER ENABLED. Patch Constant Input Output // Pixel Shader runs at sample frequency Level9 XNA Prepass XNA D3DCOMPILER_DISASSEMBLY_FORCE_HEX_LITERALS <pre> <body bgcolor="#000000"> </pre> %s %s = %s %s[%d] = asm { }, asm { NULL, NULL technique10 pass { // No embedded %s %s = %s[%d]; %s = %s; %s = asm { %s = NULL; } MaxLOD MinLOD BorderColor ComparisonFunc MaxAnisotropy MipLODBias AddressW AddressV AddressU Filter RenderTargetWriteMask BlendOpAlpha DestBlendAlpha SrcBlendAlpha BlendOp DestBlend SrcBlend BlendEnable AlphaToCoverageEnable

BackFaceStencilFunc BackFaceStencilPass BackFaceStencilDepthFail BackFaceStencilFail FrontFaceStencilFunc FrontFaceStencilPass FrontFaceStencilDepthFail FrontFaceStencilFail StencilWriteMask StencilReadMask StencilEnable DepthFunc DepthWriteMask DepthEnable AntialiasedLineEnable MultisampleEnable ScissorEnable DepthClipEnable SlopeScaledDepthBias DepthBiasClamp DepthBias FrontCounterClockwise CullMode FillMode AB_SampleMask AB_BlendFactor DS_StencilRef GenerateMips MAX MIN REV_SUBTRACT SUBTRACT ADD DECR INCR INVERT DECR_SAT INCR_SAT REPLACE KEEP ALWAYS GREATER_EQUAL NOT_EQUAL GREATER LESS_EQUAL EQUAL LESS NEVER BACK FRONT MIRROR_ONCE BORDER MIRROR WRAP CLAMP INV_SRC1_ALPHA SRC1_ALPHA INV_SRC1_COLOR SRC1_COLOR INV_BLEND_FACTOR


single asm { /* Stream %u out decl: "%s" */ /* Stream %u to rasterizer */ /* Interface parameter %u bound to: %s %s[ %s[%s] %s[eval( eval( /* Stream out decl: "%s" */ // %u %s object(s) // %u %s interface(s) // %u technique(s) technique11 technique10 pass // %u groups(s) fxgroup // FX Version: %s // Child effect (requires effect pool): %s local shared bool4x4 bool4x3 bool4x2 bool4x1 bool3x4 bool3x3 bool3x2 bool3x1 bool2x4 bool2x3 bool2x2 bool2x1 bool1x4 bool1x3 bool1x2 bool1x1 uint4x4 uint4x3 uint4x2 uint4x1 uint3x4 uint3x3 uint3x2 uint3x1 uint2x4 uint2x3 uint2x2 uint2x1 uint1x4 uint1x3 uint1x2 uint1x1 int4x4 int4x3 int4x2 int4x1 int3x4 int3x3

int3x2 int3x1 int2x4 int2x3 int2x2 int2x1 int1x4 int1x3 int1x2 int1x1 float4x4 float4x3 float4x2 float4x1 float3x4 float3x3 float3x2 float3x1 float2x4 float2x3 float2x2 float2x1 float1x4 float1x3 float1x2 float1x1 bool4 bool3 bool2 bool1 uint4 uint3 uint2 uint1 int4 int3 int2 int1 float4 float3 float2 float1 D3DEffectCompiler MIPLODBIAS MIPMAPLODBIAS MIPFILTER MINFILTER FILTER MAGFILTER DMAPOFFSET ELEMENTINDEX SRGBTEXTURE MAXLOD MAXMIPLEVEL $Globals register or offset bind %s.%s not valid register or offset bind %s not valid Internal Error - there was a problem getting a type size There was an unexpected error in the parse tree Variable has an invalid type; is the structure definition empty?

$super %s does not support structs without members interfaces cannot be embedded in other types Incorrect number of rows or columns Objects not allowed in structures Only single-dimensional object arrays are allowed Unexpected template type String RWTexture1D RWTexture1DArray RWTexture2D RWTexture2DArray RWTexture3D RWBuffer ByteAddressBuffer RWByteAddressBuffer StructuredBuffer RWStructuredBuffer AppendStructuredBuffer ConsumeStructuredBuffer SamplerComparisonState Unexpected component type Unexpected node encountered when trying to determine type There was a problem getting annotations Only numeric types and strings are allowed as annotations This object can only be bound to one slot in this version of Effects Numeric variables ('%s') can't be shared; share the containing cbuffer instead Only numeric variables ('%s') can be added to a cbuffer Error: constant buffer %s has both user-defined offset and compiler-assigned off sets Buffers can only be bound to one slot in this version of Effects Constant buffers, functions, and techniques cannot be nested inside of constant buffers Unnamed objects are not allowed Redefinition of pass "%s" Pass Rasterizer DepthStencil Blend Sampler <unknown> DX9-style assignment syntax is deprecated in technique10 pass blocks in favor of new function call syntax Deprecated DX9 state '%s' is being ignored for %s Deprecated DX9 state '%s' is being ignored for %s; use state '%s' instead DX9 state '%s' is not supported in %s; use compatibility mode to ignore DX9 state '%s' is not supported in %s; convert to '%s' or use compatibility mode to ignore Unrecognized state '%s' State '%s' belongs in %s blocks, not %s blocks GenerateMips is not supported in %s State '%s' is not indexed Max index for effect state '%s' is %d Index is required for state '%s' SetComputeShader SetDomainShader SetHullShader Internal error: unrecognized SB API Call %s is not supported on %s Internal error: unrecognized assignment type

(unnamed) SV_IsFrontFace SV_SampleIndex ERROR: Semantic %s is not supported in fx_4_1. Stage linkage warning: Semantic %s has been placed in different registers in the two stages. Stage linkage warning: Semantic %s has been inconsistently defined in the two st ages. Stage linkage warning: Semantic %s is read from, but it's never written to. %s: ERROR: If either a HullShader or DomainShader is set then both must be set. Technique %s, Pass %s. %s: ERROR: No valid %s-%s combination could be found in Technique %s, Pass %s. %s: WARNING: There exist invalid %s-%s combinations in Technique %s, Pass %s, de pending on which elements of the specified shader array(s) are chosen. '%s': samplers can only be used with declared textures or texture assignments Assignment %s: Reference to shader variable '%s' not valid for %s techniques bec ause it uses an uninitialized shader Assignment %s: Reference to shader variable '%s' not valid for %s techniques bec ause it uses an unsupported shader model Assignment %s: Reference to shader variable '%s' not valid for %s techniques bec ause it is missing interface parameter bindings Unrecognized RHS value in assignment: '%s' There was an error compiling HLSL shader variable Undefined shader variable '%s' %s can't operate on array references Stream output geometry shaders can only be created from valid 4.0+ vertex and ge ometry shaders %s can only be used with non-NULL shaders Invalid shader type used with %s Identifier invalid or not found (were you attempting a forward reference?) %s does not support multi-output stream out StreamOut declarations must be a literal string Invalid StreamOut decl: %s Invalid StreamOut decl StreamOut rasterization stream index must be a literal ConstructGSWithSO %s does not support interface bindings invalid interface binding parameter cannot bind interfaces to classes in tbuffers BindInterfaces BindInterfaces used with a shader that does not have interface parameters Incorrect number of parameters for BindInterfaces interface variables can only be initialized with concrete classes Illegal initializer for a numeric variable Can't create/set an invalid shader. Make sure your shader is valid, and make sur e you're not using asm shaders in SM4.0 Illegal initializer Unrecognized token %s Internal error in compiler Shader model %s is not allowed in D3D10 techniques There was an error compiling expression Assignment %s: Non-array right-hand type expected Assignment %s: Only literal right-hand side values are allowed in state blocks i n Effects performance mode Assignment %s: Left-hand side type does not match right-hand side type Assignment %s: Attempting to assign an incompatible inline shader Assignment %s: Inline shader missing interface parameter bindings Assignment %s: Only 0 and NULL are valid constants for an object assignment Assignment %s: Dimensionality mismatch (LHS expects %d, RHS has %d) Invalid assignment index (%u). Maximum allowed is %u.







Unexpected template type Unexpected component type Unexpected node encountered when trying to determine type There was an error initializing parameter handles There was an error initializing parameter annotation handle There was an error initializing technique annotation handle There was an error initializing pass annotation handles There was an error initializing the compiler There was a problem getting variable type Error initializing variable type There was a problem in the parse tree There was a problem getting annotations Only numeric types and strings are allowed as annotations Error initializing annotation type Only numeric types are allowed inside structures Arrays must be either numeric, structure, string or shader Only pass allowed within a technique Unrecognized state '%s' State '%s' is not indexed Max index for effect state '%s' is %d Index is required for state '%s'

ID3DXEffectCompiler: DMAPOFFSET sampler state can only be used with D3DDMAPSAMPL ER (i.e. sampler index 256) ID3DXEffectCompiler: Invalid sampler index %d ID3DXEffectCompiler: Invalid integer expression assignment ID3DXEffectCompiler: Unsupported sampler or stateblock expression (static usage not supported). ID3DXEffectCompiler: Can't set shader' ID3DXEffectCompiler: Geometry shader can only be set in fx_4_0 or higher.' List ID3DXEffectCompiler: Internal Error: Unexpected state. ID3DXEffectCompiler: Initializer list elements cannot be complex expressions or variables ID3DXEffectCompiler: Unexpected error ID3DXEffectCompiler: Error in type checking ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' does not accept '%s' as a value ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' accepts only dwords and ids ID3DXEffectCompiler: FVFs must not evaluate to NULL ID3DXEffectCompiler: Dword expressions for state '%s' must evaluate to NULL ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' was assigned an unsupported value ID3DXEffectCompiler: Error initializing assignment type ID3DXEffectCompiler: Internal error initializing assignment - missing type case ID3DXEffectCompiler: Assignment cannot be a structure ID3DXEffectCompiler: Initializers must be numeric scalars ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' cannot be assigned an array or structure ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' was not assigned a stateblock type ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' was not assigned a sampler type ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' was not assigned a texture type ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' was assigned an incompatible type ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' must be assigned a numeric scalar or a 4-float v ector ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' must be assigned a scalar ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' must be assigned a 3-vector or a 4-vector or a u int scalar ID3DXEffectCompiler: State '%s' must be assigned a numeric value ID3DXEffectCompiler: Unexpected value type of state '%s' (internal error) ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling HLL shader para meter ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: Unrecognized value type ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: Only 1-d shader arrays allowed ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: Shader arrays must be a previously defined p arameter ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: Shader arrays index was not float or int ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: Shader arrays index %d out of bounds [0, %d] ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: Could not compile expression containing shad er array ID3DXEffectCompiler: There were no techniques ID3DXEffectCompiler: This sampler is used with a DX10-style texture intrinsic. T his is not implemented in this version of the compiler. ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed Output variable %s%s contains a system-interpreted value (%s) which must be written in every exe cution path of the shader <| A%u (B%u) %s%s contains a system-interpreted value (%s) which should be written in every e xecution path of the shader <| A%u (B%u) emitting a system-interpreted value which is not written in every execution path of the shader <| A%u (B%u) emitting a system-interpreted value which may not be written in every execution path of the shader <| A%u (B%u) Inconsistent semantic definition: %s and %s

Duplicate system value semantic definition: %s and %s Duplicate non-system value semantic definition: %s and %s Reading uninitialized value maximum number of samplers exceeded. %s target can have a maximum of %u samplers %s target does not support texture lookups internal error: output register missing semantic internal error: input register missing semantic `UUe? `UU ?internal error: emitting a denorm NaN and infinity literals not allowed by shader model maximum number of inputs exceeded overlapping output semantics internal error: statistics append failed, byte count (%d) too large? internal error: non ordinal input/output found maximum cbuffer exceeded. target has %u slots, manual bind to slot %u failed cbuffer bank %u used more than once maximum cbuffer exceeded. target has %u slots boolean constant iterator input - Try reducing number of constant branches, take bools out of structs/arrays or move them to the start of the struct - Try reducing number of constants referenced - Try reducing number of loops, take loop counters out of structs/arrays or mov e them to the start of the struct - note that the target doesn't support texture sampling intrinsics - note that the target doesn't support textures - note that the target doesn't support UAVs maximum %s %s register index (%u) exceeded - note that the minimum index is %u%s maximum %s %s register index (%u) exceeded%s invalid register semantic '%s', or variable must be bound to multiple register b anks (%c register binding required) %s registers live in the same name space as outputs, so they must be bound to at least %c%u, manual bind to slot %s failed maximum %s register index exceeded, target has %d slots, manual bind to slot %s failed overlapping register semantics not yet implemented '%c%u' Using sampler arrays with texture objects on DX9 targets is not yet implemented. Cannot use texture arrays on DX9 targets with multiple samplers. Invalid %s semantics - POSITIONT0 invalid %s %s '%s' , or '%s' one of '%s' , '%s' Sample interpolation usage unsupported on %s nointerpolation usage unsupported on %s noperspective usage unsupported on %s SV_SampleIndex isn't supported on %s Maximum semantic index (%d) exceeded: %d %s semantic '%s' cannot be centroid %s semantic '%s' has been deprecated; use '%s%d' instead invalid %s semantic '%s': Legal indices are in [%d,%d] invalid type used for '%s' %s semantics integral invalid type used for '%s' %s semantics, must be %s internal error: result violated port constraints internal error: non-vectorized pool violated port constraints

relative address references too deep internal error: multiple write to same output cannot match lerp because lerp factor is not _sat'd internal error: instruction missing outputs internal error: IF with size greater then 1 found cannot clip from a swizzled vector clip must be performed from a float3 vector for ps_1_x models clip must be performed from a float4 vector for ps_2_0 models internal error: unexpected input register type clip cannot be performed from a constant or literal constant table info exceeds maximum comment size %s+%s c_%s b_%s i_%s s_%s Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.29.952.3111 maximum temp register index exceeded maximum address register index exceeded maximum predicate register index exceeded internal error: unexpected output register type internal error: overlapping output writes maximum input register index exceeded maximum constant register index exceeded - Try reducing number of constants refe renced maximum bool register index exceeded maximum sampler register index exceeded maximum loop register index exceeded target does not support relative addressing tessfactor semantic out of order conflicting quad/tri/isoline tessfactor semantic tessfactor semantics must be in the same component %s output limit (%d) exceeded, shader uses %d outputs. %s input limit (%d) exceeded, shader uses %d inputs. internal error: no semantic found on i/o argument Semantic length is limited to %d characters internal error: output found with no semantic SV_Position SV_Target semantic '%s' unsupported on %s output %s%u used more than once integer inputs unsupported on %s Not all elements of SV_Position were written tessfactor inputs missing Clip planes cannot be addressed in %s Clip planes must be non-literal constants with identity swizzles in %s Unsized MSAA textures aren't supported on this target TextureCubeArray textures aren't supported on this target texture2DMS cannot be more than 127 samples Texture1D types are unsupported on %s texture mismatch: texture used inconsistently, can only use one DX9-style textur e intrinsic on individual samplers or sampler arrays $Element RWStructuredBuffers may increment or decrement their counters, but not both. The array element count of GetDimensions on TextureCubeArray objects is unavaila ble on %s cannot sample from non-floating point texture formats. sampler mismatch: sampler used inconsistently VOID neg

asin acos atan sqrt ineg not itof utof ftoi ftou btof btoi itob ftob round floor ceil atan2 div bilt bige bieq bine buge bult iadd idiv imul udiv umod umul imin imax umin umax and xor ishl ishr ushr movc dot noise d3ds_dotswiz d3ds_noiseswiz fxl_2_0 too many arguments to target TX too many outputs to target TX clip not supported in texture shaders invalid reference to input semantic '%s%d' invalid reference to output semantic '%s%d' internal error: gradient instruction sent to preshader fxl_4_0 SV_GroupIndex SV_DispatchThreadID SV_GroupThreadID SV_GroupID SV_DomainLocation SV_InsideTessFactor SV_TessFactor

SV_OutputControlPointID Color SV_GSInstanceID SV_ViewportArrayIndex SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex SV_VertexID SV_InstanceID SV_CullDistance SV_ClipDistance VFace VPos Position Failed to log error, redirecting to debug output: hs_5_0 patch constant hs_5_0 control point Sum of temp registers and indexable temp registers exceeds limit of %u sum of temp registers and indexable temp registers times %u threads exceeds the recommended total %u. Performance may be reduced The total amount of group shared memory (%u bytes) exceeds the %s limit of %d by tes internal error gathering debug scope information internal error gathering debug variable information internal error gathering debug input information internal error gathering debug file information Maximum %s control point count (%u) exceeded (%u). internal error: debug info append failed, byte count (%d) too large? internal error: scalar instruction with too many inputs internal error: expected binary instruction for scalar RHS maximum number of interface pointers exceeded (%s max is %u) interface calls cannot be indexed with varying values %s can only emit to streams 0-%u %s can only emit to 1 stream %s does not support stream out geometry shader didn't emit anything when multiple GS output streams are used they must be pointlists Shaders compiled for %s can only have a single group shared data item Group shared data for %s must have a count of elements (%u) equal to the number of threads in the thread group (%u) Group shared data for %s must have an element size (%u) of at most %u bytes when compiling for %u theads Group shared data for %s must be an array of elements internal error: modifier used on address internal error: Constant buffer used as address internal error: binary instruction expected internal error: vectorized instruction too large internal error: expected scalar RHS for instruction %s does not support structured buffers structured buffer element size must be a multiple of %u bytes in %s (actual size %u bytes) structured buffer elements cannot be larger than %u bytes in %s (actual size %u bytes) offset texture instructions must take offset which can resolve to integer litera l in the range -8 to 7 MSAA Sample Index must be in the range 0 to 127 MSAA Sample Index must be a literal Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using %f instead of % f %s does not support UAVs %s does not support Append/Consume buffers %s does not support typed UAVs

idiv currently not supported (instruction deprecated). For now, try using unsign ed int types for div instead typed UAV stores must write all declared components. stores to group shared memory for %s targets must be indexed by an SV_GroupIndex only %s snap offset must be in the range -8 to 7 cannot map expression to %s instruction set internal error: failed to emit instruction SV_Position cannot be constinterp SV_Coverage input not supported on %s SV_Coverage not supported on %s invalid semantic '%s' on pixel shader output Psize Tessfactor Specular Diffuse Sample Depth Fog PositionT Binormal Tangent Texcoord PSize Normal BlendIndices BlendWeight internal error: no profile exists for this shader version PSIZE must be a scalar vertex shader must minimally write all four components of POSITION DEPTH must be a scalar pixel shader must minimally write all four components of COLOR0 COLOR%d must be a four-component vector COLOR outputs must be contiguous from COLOR0 to COLORn cannot map expression to vertex shader instruction set cannot map expression to pixel shader instruction set Unsupported texture type for %s internal error: unexpected Alias on texture declaration relative addressing not supported in vs_1_0 instruction set internal error: no profile exists for this pixel shader version SV_Target0 COLOR0 pixel shader must minimally write all four components of %s %s%d must be a four-component vector SV_Target outputs must be contiguous from SV_Target0 to SV_TargetN relative addressing not allowed for pixel shaders texlod not supported on this target Shader model %s doesn't allow reading from position semantics. Invalid %s input semantic '%s'. sample interpolation usage unsupported on %s internal error: invalid swizzle found SV_Color internal error: no profile exists for this vertex shader version FOG must be a scalar vertex shader must minimally write all four components of SV_Position internal error: DST test failure allow_uav_condition a uint specifying the number of iterations to unroll count unroll

fastopt forcecase flatten n/a branch /WX /Gis /Gec /Ges /Gfp /Gfa /Gpp /Zpc /Zpr /Od /Vd /Zi pEntrypoint pointer is invalid internal error: expression expected expressions returning objects in an array or struct not yet implemented compile expression does not refer to a compilable function. API calls such as C onstructGSWithSO and BindInterfaces can not be used in arguments to CompileShade r compile expression must specify a valid shader model asm blocks have not yet been implemented non-trivial object expressions not yet implemented '%s': entrypoint not found overloaded function not found internal error: blob mismatch between level9 and d3d10 shader internal error: blob size mismatch between level9 and d3d10 shader internal error: blob content mismatch between level9 and d3d10 shader D3DCOMPILER_FORCE_PREFER_FLOW Flags parameter is invalid Flags specified both compatibility and strict mode. These are mutually exclusive Flag specified was exclusively a parse flag and not a compile flag ppShader pointer is invalid unrecognized compiler target '%s' vs_2_sw vs_3_sw ps_2_sw ps_3_sw Only 3_x and earlier targets are supported on this compiler. Only 4_x targets supported on this compiler. ps_1_x is no longer supported; using ps_2_0 ps_1_x is no longer supported; use /Gec in fxc to automatically upgrade to ps_2_ 0 Alternately, fxc's /LD option allows use of the old compiler DLL internal error: compilation aborted unexpectedly cinstanceid '%s': variable declared but not defined %s does not support groupshared, groupshared ignored '%s': global variables cannot use the 'half' type in %s. To treat this variable as a float, use the backwards compatibility flag. '%s': %s does not support doubles as a storage type '%s': %s does not support 8-bit or 16-bit integers '%s': %s does not support 64-bit integers invalid packoffset location '%s' groupshared variables cannot contain resources such as textures, samplers or UAV s cannot mix packoffset elements with nonpackoffset elements in a cbuffer

stream object '%s' cannot be declared in the global scope internal error: unrecognized statement Texture sample will be considered dependent since texcoord was not declared as a t least float%d DX9-style intrinsics are disabled when not in dx9 compatibility mode. expressions with side effects are illegal as attribute parameters non-literal parameter(s) found for attribute %s cannot match attribute %s, non-uint parameters found attribute %s expects the %s parameter to be a %s '%s(%s)' attribute expected, where '%s' is %s '%s(%s)' attribute expected, where '%s' are %s expected %s parameter to be %s, got '%s' cannot match attribute %s, parameter %i is expected to be of type %s%c can't match attribute %s, %d or 0 parameters expected, found %d can't match attribute %s, %d parameter(s) expected, found %d , %s unknown attribute %s, or attribute invalid for this statement unknown attribute %s, or attribute invalid for this statement, valid attributes are: %s duplicate attribute %s Cannot use %s attribute without specifying a 4-component SV_Position output doubles cannot be used as shader inputs or outputs. If you need to pass a double between shader stages you must pass it as two uints and use asuint and asdouble to convert between forms stream parameter must come from a literal expression structure being emitted has elements with no semantic defined %s does not support synchronization operations %s does not support thread synchronization operations thread synchronization operations cannot be used in varying flow control signed/unsigned mismatch between destination and value, unsigned assumed %s does not support interlocked operations %s only supports interlocked operations on scalar int or uint data interlocked targets must be groupshared or UAV elements %s does not support pull-model attribute evaluation attribute evaluation can only be done on values taken directly from inputs %s does not support pull-model evaluation of position '%s': undefined variable invalid variable reference in static variable initializer. Locals cannot be use d to initialize static variables internal error: invalid access of unbound variable internal error: unrecognized value out of memory all template type components must have the same type unexpected error in GetTypeArgFlags invalid register specification, expected 'b' or 'c' binding invalid register specification, expected 't' binding User defined %s buffer slots cannot be target specific Buffers may only be bound to one slot. Buffers may only be bound to one constant offset. internal warning: loop values did not converge Cannot declare streams as an input for geometry shader primitives, it must be it s own parameter. SV_PrimitiveId is an invalid input semantic for geometry shader primitives, it m ust be its own parameter. SV_GSInstanceID is an invalid input semantic for geometry shader primitives, it must be its own parameter. for better compilation results, consider re-enabling rule "%s" for better compilation results, consider re-enabling rule 0x%08x , forcing loop to unroll out of memory while parsing

Illegal character in shader file auto asm_fragment asm case catch class column_major compile compile_fragment const const_cast continue CompileShader default delete discard dynamic_cast enum explicit extern for friend goto groupshared inline inout InputPatch line lineadj linear LineStream matrix mutable nointerpolation namespace new noperspective out operator OutputPatch packoffset private protected public point pixelshader the 'pixelshader' keyword is deprecated and reserved in strict mode PointStream register reinterpret_cast row_major return sampler_state signed sizeof stateblock_state static static_cast switch

stateblock template triangle triangleadj throw try typedef typename technique texture1D texture2D texture3D textureCUBE alternate cases for 'Texture1D' are deprecated in strict mode alternate cases for 'Texture2D' are deprecated in strict mode alternate cases for 'Texture3D' are deprecated in strict mode alternate cases for 'TextureCube' are deprecated in strict mode TriangleStream uniform union unsigned using vector virtual volatile vertexshader the 'vertexshader' keyword is deprecated and reserved in strict mode while alternate cases for 'asm' are deprecated in strict mode decl alternate cases for 'decl' are deprecated in strict mode alternate cases for 'pass' are deprecated in strict mode alternate cases for 'technique' are deprecated in strict mode version token token '%s' integer constant float constant string constant end of line end of file token syntax error: unexpected %s implicitly output parameter cannot %sconvert %sfrom '%s' to '%s' '%s': cannot %sconvert %sfrom '%s' to '%s' '%s': conversion from larger type to smaller, possible loss of data conversion from larger type to smaller, possible loss of data '%s': implicit truncation of vector type implicit truncation of vector type NMLK out %s%s%c%s%s %s%s%cx%c%s%s %s%s%s%s <parse error> packoffset is only allowed in a constant buffer '%s': invalid shader target/usage register offset must be a literal scalar expression parameter list

struct/class for loop state block annotation block global default value <method> initializer value initial value <container> function parameters methods struct/class members loop variables members passes annotation members local variables global variables function type variable scope invalid <symobj> (unknown scope entry kind) (unknown scope value kind) ushort ulong sbyte short long dword half <unnamed> '%s': identifier represents a %s, not a variable ... internal error: unable to process intrinsic '%s': identifier represents a %s, not a function '%s': ambiguous function call center globallycoherent single unrecognized identifier '%s' '%s': too many target specifiers given duplicate usages specified constinterp usage cannot be used with linear, noperspective, or centroid usage conflicting geometry types AttrParams $clip_outputs Attributes location semantics do not apply to %ss location semantics cannot be specified on members packoffset cannot have a target qualifier usage semantics do not apply to %ss duplicate usage semantic ignored redefinition of '%s' '%s': %s cannot be target specific

'%s': %s cannot be declared 'inline' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'single' '%s': interfaces cannot contain data '%s': interfaces cannot be declared in buffers '%s': extern %s cannot be declared 'static' '%s': uniform %s cannot be declared 'static' '%s': extern %s cannot be declared 'groupshared' '%s': uniform %s cannot be declared 'groupshared' '%s': types cannot contain members of their own type '%s': interfaces cannot be members '%s': %s cannot be declared 'const' '%s': output parameters cannot be declared 'const' '%s': %s cannot be void '%s': %s cannot be declared 'static' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'uniform' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'uniform out' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'extern' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'groupshared' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'shared' '%s': %s cannot be declared 'volatile' '%s': array dimensions of %s must be explicit '%s': implicit array missing %s '%s': implicit array type does not match %s '%s': array dimension must be between 1 and 65536 redefinition of formal parameter '%s' '%s': static members can only be defined in global scopes '%s': static member not found in class '%s': member not a static variable '%s': declaration type differs from definition type Conflicting register semantics: '%s' and '%s' '%s': interfaces cannot have semantics '%s': %s cannot have semantics '%s': %s cannot have annotations stream parameters can only be single-element types '%s': out parameters cannot have default values potentially unintended use of a comma expression in a variable initializer '%s': %s cannot have %ss '%s': non-numeric uniform %s cannot have %ss '%s': output only %s cannot have %ss '%s': %s must be a literal expression static interfaces cannot have initializers Initializer used on a global 'const' variable. This requires setting an external constant. If a literal is desired, use 'static const' instead. '%s': missing %s '%s' used but not defined '%s': functions cannot be declared 'uniform' '%s': functions cannot be declared 'extern' '%s': interface methods cannot be static '%s': function return value cannot contain Effects objects '%s': method not found in class '%s': interface methods cannot be declared outside of an interface '%s': functions cannot have a target '%s': methods cannot have a target or usage '%s': void function cannot have a semantic '%s': missing default value for parameter '%s' '%s': return type does not match overridden method %s cannot be redeclared '%s' already defined as a %s %s did not match any prototype in the class '%s': function return value differs from prototype

'%s': 'static' mismatch between declaration and definition '%s': default parameters can only be provided in the first prototype '%s': interface methods cannot have bodies invalid usage modifier applied to %cbuffer vector dimension must be a literal scalar expression vector dimension must be between 1 and %u vector element type must be a scalar type matrix dimensions must be literal scalar expressions matrix dimensions must be between 1 and %u matrix element type must be a scalar type untyped textures are deprecated in strict mode the 'sampler1D' keyword is deprecated in strict mode; use 'SamplerState' instead the 'sampler2D' keyword is deprecated in strict mode; use 'SamplerState' instead the 'sampler3D' keyword is deprecated in strict mode; use 'SamplerState' instead the 'samplerCUBE' keyword is deprecated in strict mode; use 'SamplerState' inste ad the 'stateblock' keyword is deprecated in strict mode non-numeric sample count sample count must be non-zero non-numeric vertex count vertex count must be non-zero matrix types cannot be both column_major and row_major non-matrix types cannot be declared 'row_major' or 'column_major' %cnorm can not be used with type unsigned can not be used with type object element type cannot be an object type object's templated type must have at least one element elements of typed buffers and textures cannot be arrays elements of typed buffers and textures must fit in four 32-bit quantities interfaces cannot inherit from other types base type is not a struct, class or interface multiple concrete base types specified '%s': class does not implement method %s array dimensions of type must be explicit array dimensions must be literal scalar expressions array dimension must be between 1 and 65536 secondary array dimensions must be explicit interface arrays cannot be multi-dimensional redefinition of type with struct/class redefinition of type with interface RWStructuredBuffer(Decrementable) RWStructuredBuffer(Incrementable) StateBlock Texture2DArrayMS <pointer> <nocast> <none> <count> <float32pp> <error - out of memory> <basic> <compound> <anonymous> .$super <error>* ,%u> %ux%u typedef precise row_major

column_major const unorm snorm array_index <unknown qual> internal error: no storage type for block output triangle_cw triangle_ccw pow2 integer fractional_odd fractional_even tri quad isoline the clip planes (up to 6) to use c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 clipplanes earlydepthstencil the maximum tessellation factor to allow limit maxtessfactor the number of control points to emit outputcontrolpoints one of "point", "line", "triangle_cw", or "triangle_ccw" topology type outputtopology one of "integer", "pow2", "fractional_even", or "fractional_odd" partitioning mode partitioning one of "tri", "quad", or "isoline" domain type domain the name of the patch constant value evaluation function function name patchconstantfunc the dimensions of the thread group X,Y,Z numthreads the number of instances of this shader to execute simultaneously instance MaxVertexCount the maximum number of vertices emitted by this shader maxvertexcount '%s': input parameter '%s' missing semantics, expected %s '%s': stream input parameter '%s' must be an inout parameter '%s': stream input parameter '%s' can only be used in geometry shaders '%s': input parameter '%s' cannot have a geometry specifier '%s': interface input parameters not yet implemented for hull shaders, use a glo bal interface instead $%s '%s': input parameter '%s' conflicts with geometry specifier of previous input p arameters '%s': may only have one InputPatch parameter '%s': Patch constant function must use the same input control point type declare d in the control point phase. '%s': may only have one OutputPatch parameter '%s': Patch constant function must use the same output control point type return ed from the control point phase.

'%s': Patch constant function's output patch input should have %d elements, but has %d. '%s': stream input parameter '%s' must be an inout parameter '%s': InputPatch inputs can only be used in hull and geometry (5_0+) shaders '%s': OutputPatch inputs can only be used in the domain shaders and a hull shade r's patch constant function '%s': input parameter '%s' must have a geometry specifier '%s': input parameter '%s' missing semantics '%s': input parameter '%s' patch size must be in the range [1,32] '%s': no input primitive specified, if your shader doesn't require inputs, then define an empty struct and give it the proper primitive type. internal error: unrecognized geometry shader input primitive type '%s': interfaces can only be inputs '%s': %s only allows one depth output '%s': function return value missing semantics '%s': output parameter '%s' missing semantics '%s': output parameters not yet implemented for control point shaders '%s': Compute shaders can't return values, outputs must be written in writable r esources (UAVs). '%s': stream output parameter '%s' must be an inout parameter '%s': stream output parameter '%s' can only be used in geometry shaders '%s': Geometry shaders can't return values, outputs must be written to streams. '%s': Top-level return value is not completely initialized '%s': output parameter '%s' not completely initialized '%s': Top-level output parameter '%s' not completely initialized '%s': top-level interface arguments cannot be 'out' '%s' must have a max vertex count '%s' must have a max vertex count greater then 0 %s does not allow instancing GS instance count must be at least 1 %s only allows up to %u instances the product of the arguments of %s(%u,%u,%u) must be at least %u the product of the arguments of %s(%u,%u,%u) must be less than or equal to %u the final dimension specified (%u) for %s must be less than or equal to %u '%s': line output topologies are only available with isoline domains '%s': triangle output topologies are not available with isoline domains '%s' max tesselation factor must be in the range [1,64] Clip plane attribute parameters must be non-literal constants Indexed expressions are illegal as attribute parameters '%s': recursive functions not allowed in %s '%s': When defining a pass-through control-point shader,you must declare an Inpu tPatch object. '%s': When defining a pass-through control-point shader, the number of output co ntrol points must be zero or must match the input patch size. '%s': Not all control paths return a value internal error: unassociated return '%s': global structs and classes cannot be changed abstract interfaces not supported on %s internal error: result register invalid %s does not support doubles %s does not support 8-bit or 16-bit integers cannot use casts on l-values cannot cast the LHS of an assignment to an indexable object, consider using asui nt, asfloat, or asdouble on the RHS in %s uints can only be used with known-positive values, use int if possible internal error: l-value expected internal error: inconsistent addressing internal error: addressing inconsistent pool internal error: inconsistent derivative writer internal error: invalid sequence/cast expression

Bitwise operations not supported on legacy targets. both sides of the && operator are always evaluated, side effect on '%s' will not be conditional internal error: AND operator inputs not bool both sides of the || operator are always evaluated, side effect on '%s' will not be conditional internal error: OR operater inputs not bool .mips can only be used in a two-element indexing expression such as .mips[mip][e lement] .sample can only be used in a two-element indexing expression such as .sample[sa mple][element] both sides of the ?: operator are always evaluated, side effect on '%s' will not be conditional internal error: unrecognized expression Derivatives of indexed variables are not yet implemented. Output value '%s' is not completely initialized modulo divide multiply firstbithigh ddy_fine ddy_coarse ddy ddx_fine ddx_coarse ddx frac rsqrt eps negate internal error: chain register invalid integer divides may be much slower, try using uints if possible. integer modulus may be much slower, try using uints if possible. this operation cannot be used directly on resources containing doubles. internal error: argument missing context <| A%u (B%u) internal error: operand type mismatch %s cannot be used with doubles, cast to float first %s not supported on the given type pdr_us pdr_ub pdr_ut pdr_robj pdr_? pdr_m pdr_sc pdr_s pdr_ts pdr_tb pdr_t pdr robj proto input types for geometry shader must be arrays array dimension for %s must be %i GS Input Patch semantics must live in the enclosed type, outer semantic ignored. register %s not valid %c%u textures UAVs

%s does not allow textures or samplers to be members of compound types %s does not allow writable textures, samplers or UAVs to be members of compound types with interface inheritance semantics in type overridden by variable/function or enclosing type resources such as textures, samplers or UAVs cannot contain other resources internal error: unknown node SV_ClipDistance semantics cannot be used when using the clipplanes attribute Duplicated input semantics can't change type, size, or layout ('%s'). globallycoherent can only be used with Unordered Access View buffers globallycoherent cannot be used with append/consume buffers typed UAV loads are only allowed for single-component 32-bit element types Interface-reachable members containing UAVs or group shared variables are not ye t implemented inner array index within group shared element must be a literal expression for % s race condition writing to shared resource detected, note that threads will be wr iting the same value, but performance may be diminished due to contention. race condition writing to shared memory detected, note that threads will be writ ing the same value, but performance may be diminished due to contention. race condition writing to shared resource detected, consider making this write c onditional. race condition writing to shared memory detected, consider making this write con ditional. array index out of bounds array reference cannot be used as an l-value; not natively addressable index for an array of complex types containing doubles must be a literal express ion %s array index must be a literal expression Resource being indexed is uninitialized. Resources being indexed cannot come from conditional expressions, they must come from literal expressions. element type of texture too large. Cannot exceed 4 components IncrementCounter/DecrementCounter are only valid on RWStructuredBuffer objects Append/Consume not compatible with buffer type case ordinal too large for floating point representation can't flatten with flow control when variable is bound to b register can't use flow control on this profile can't emit if statement with both gradients and program flow control internal error: flattened side effect can't flatten if statements that contain out of bounds array accesses can't force branch with gradients on non-inputs can't flatten if statements that contain side effects can't use branch and flatten attributes together non-empty case statements must have break or return error, duplicate default in switch statement error, duplicate case %u can't use branch, flatten, call or case attributes together Too many nested flow control constructs Fall-throughs in switch statements are not allowed. can't use call or forcecase attributes on switches in %s programs flow control depth too deep to honor call or forcecase attribute can't use loop and unroll attributes together can't use fastopt and unroll attributes together can't unroll loops marked with loop attribute literal loop terminated early due to out of bounds array access loop only executes for %d iteration(s), consider removing [loop] loop only executes for %d iteration(s), forcing loop to unroll cannot map loop to shader target, target does not support breaks can't use gradient instructions in loops with break loop executes for more than %d iterations (maximum for this shader target), forc

ing loop to unroll loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] loop doesn't seem to do anything, forcing loop to unroll infinite loop detected - loop writes no values loop will not exit early, try to make sure the loop condition as tight as possib le automatic unrolling has been disabled for this loop, consider using [unroll] or manual unrolling loop termination conditions in varying flow control cannot depend on data read f rom a UAV infinite loop detected - loop never exits gradient instruction used in a loop with varying iteration, forcing loop to unro ll texture access must have literal offset and multisample index synchronization operations cannot be used in varying flow control loop simulation finished early, use /O1 or above for potentially better codegen cannot unroll loop with an out-of-bounds array reference in the condition forced to unroll loop, but unrolling failed. unable to unroll loop, loop does not appear to terminate in a timely manner (%d iterations) unable to unroll loop, loop does not appear to terminate in a timely manner (%d iterations), use the [unroll(n)] attribute to force an exact higher number break must be inside loop continue must be inside loop Consume IncrementCounter DecrementCounter stride Store4 Store3 Store2 Store Load4 Load3 Load2 byteOffset GetSamplePosition samples height GatherRed GatherGreen GatherCmpRed GatherCmpGreen GatherCmpBlue GatherCmpAlpha GatherCmp GatherBlue GatherAlpha Gather elements SampleLevel SampleGrad SampleCmpLevelZero SampleCmp SampleBias Load levels width GetDimensions CalculateLevelOfDetailUnclamped

CalculateLevelOfDetail RestartStrip Append transpose texCUBEproj texCUBElod texCUBEgrad texCUBEbias texCUBE tex3Dproj tex3Dlod tex3Dgrad tex3Dbias tex3D tex2Dproj tex2Dlod tex2Dgrad tex2Dbias tex2D tex1Dproj tex1Dlod tex1Dgrad tex1Dbias tex1D tanh tan step smoothstep sinh sign saturate reversebits refract reflect radians printf normalize modf log2 log10 lerp length ldexp isnan isinf isfinite fwidth frexp fmod firstbitlow faceforward f32tof16 f16tof32 exp2 Format errorf distance determinant degrees cross

countbits cosh clip clamp asuint asint asfloat asdouble any all abort __test_intrin4 __test_intrin3 __test_intrin2 __test_intrin1 ProcessTriTessFactorsMin ProcessTriTessFactorsMax UnroundedInsideFactor RoundedInsideFactor ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg RoundedDensityFactor RoundedDetailFactorr RawDensityFactor RawDetailFactor ProcessIsolineTessFactors Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax UnroundedInsideFactors RoundedInsideFactors RoundedEdgeFactors InsideScale RawEdgeFactors Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg InterlockedXor InterlockedOr InterlockedMin InterlockedMax InterlockedExchange InterlockedCompareStore compare InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedAnd original result InterlockedAdd GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync GroupMemoryBarrier GetRenderTargetSamplePosition GetRenderTargetSampleCount offset EvaluateAttributeSnapped EvaluateAttributeCentroid index EvaluateAttributeAtSample DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync DeviceMemoryBarrier D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4

AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync AllMemoryBarrier gradient operation uses a value that may not be defined for all pixels (in %s UA V loads can not participate in gradient operations) %s does not support aborts %s does not support messages abs on unsigned values is not meaningful, ignoring value cannot be infinity, isfinite() may not be necessary. /Gis may force isfin ite() to be performed value cannot be infinity, isinf() may not be necessary. /Gis may force isinf() to be performed value cannot be NaN, isnan() may not be necessary. /Gis may force isnan() to be performed asfloat can only be used on floating point values on %s asint cannot be used on %s asuint cannot be used on %s asdouble can only be used on uint values on %s asuint can only be used on double values on %s Sampler parameter must come from a literal expression. tex1D will be considered dependent since texcoord was not declared as at least f loat2 intrinsic function '%s' is not yet implemented return type of texture too large. Cannot exceed 4 components pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negat ive values if you expect them Tessellation factor scale will be clamped to the range [0, 1] Tess factor processing functions only available on shader model 4+ Globals Locals Struct Class Interface State Block Annotation internal error: failed generating debug info Value integer literal %u64 too large, truncated internal error: this-relative %s '%s' found outsideof function scope static method %s cannot refer to instance members undeclared identifier '%s' data member '%s': initializer does not match type object literals are not allowed inside functions global variables are implicitly constant, enable compatibility mode to allow mod ification global variables are implicitly constant, variables of classes with interface in heritance can never be modified l-value specifies const object int or unsigned int type required scalar, vector, or matrix expected operator cannot be used with a bool lvalue couldn't cast expression to integer unary negate of unsigned value is still unsigned couldn't cast expression to boolean for logical not operator type mismatch signed/unsigned mismatch, unsigned assumed couldn't cast expression to boolean for logical operator comma expression used where an initializer list may have been intended comma expression used where a vector constructor may have been intended constructors only defined for numeric base types

cannot convert from 'object type' to 'numeric type' incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor conditional must be numeric type mismatch between conditional values dimension of conditional does not match value array, matrix, vector, or indexable object type expected in index expression invalid type for index - index must be a scalar, or a vector with the correct nu mber of dimensions Sub index list mips Length Swizzle invalid subscript '%s' Partials Inputs Outputs out parameters require l-value arguments (given argument is implicitly const, su ch as a global) out parameters require l-value arguments '%s': %ss are limited to no more than %u parameters (%u given) '%s': %s does not take %u parameter%s Possible %ss are: %s Parameters Method and Parameters intrinsic function method %s does not have method '%s' '%s': static methods cannot be called on objects %s object does not have methods %s object does not have method '%s' intrinsic method Stmts '%s': void functions cannot return a value '%s': function must return a value potentially unintended use of a comma expression in a return statement if statement conditional expressions must evaluate to a scalar could not cast condition to boolean scalar value expected could not cast condition to uint non-scalar case expression non-numeric case expression CaseStmts '%s': loop control variable conflicts with a previous declaration in the outer s cope; most recent declaration will be used internal error: unable to add non-conflicting symbol function '%s' missing implementation flow control depth too deep to emit function call late-resolve interface calls nested too deeply interface references must resolve to non-varying objects internal error: failed to devirtualize a contained interface call no classes implement '%s' SetRenderTargets SetDepthStencilState SetBlendState SetRasterizerState SetVertexShader SetPixelShader SetGeometryShader D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG

D3D10_SHADER_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION D3D10_SHADER_PARTIAL_PRECISION D3D10_SHADER_NO_PRESHADER D3D10_SHADER_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL D3D10_SHADER_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL D3D10_SHADER_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY D3D10_SHADER_IEEE_STRICTNESS invalid compiler flag %s parameter count mismatch (%s) this FX API is not available in this part your program (%s) Unrecognized FX function call (%s) States DX9-style 'LHS = <RHS>' syntax is deprecated in strict mode Values %u%s unsupported compiler target '%s' the debug info flag can only be set globally %s shader fragments are not supported DX9-style 'compile' syntax is deprecated in strict mode DX9-style '= sampler_state' syntax is deprecated in strict mode xra xrai xrao ixr xxi ptr fcl fcb internal error: not all rules initialized internal error: Rule class id invalid $Params $ThisPointer [internal error] Zero character semantics aren't allowed SV_PrimitiveId SV_InstanceId cannot bind the same variable to multiple constants in the same constant bank <unknown shader model> reduce literal lit instruction <| Explicit symmetric cmp <| Explicit reduce mov instruction <| Explicit min of known positive identity <| Explicit max of known positive identity <| Explicit lt of known range reduction <| Explicit ge of known range reduction <| Explicit atan of known 0 or 1 identity <| Explicit mul of a half times add of same value identity <| Explicit negative bool less then another bool identity <| Explicit bool multiply chain reduction <| Explicit dot of partial nullity reduction <| Explicit eval mul <| Explicit min(x,y) where range of one is <= the other (ieee safe version) <| Explicit max(x,y) where range of one is >= the other (ieee safe version) <| Explicit cmp of negated bool identity <| Explicit cmp diff to basic logic identity <| Explicit Negative values for cmp and clip can be rordered <| Explicit Negative value compared with zero <| Explicit Sequence of compares <| Explicit FRC of add with integer can bypass add <| Explicit Mulitply by 1 reduces to no-op move <| Explicit

Multiply by -1 reduces to NEG operation <| Explicit integer add sequence simplification <| Explicit integer multiply by one identity <| Explicit integer multiply by zero identity <| Explicit integer multiply by negative one identity <| Explicit integer multiply by literal identity <| Explicit shift of commutative literals <| Explicit combine of commutative literals <| Explicit shift of commutative inputs <| Explicit imin(x,y) where one is <= the other <| Explicit imax(x,y) where one is >= the other <| Explicit umin(x,y) where one is <= the other <| Explicit umax(x,y) where one is >= the other <| Explicit umod(x,y) where x < y <| Explicit Eval range add inf flag if range not bound <| Explicit Eval range add NaN flag if integer mask says it's possible <| Explicit propagate range info through mov <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through div <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through log <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through mul <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through rsq <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through rcp <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through sqrt <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through asin <| Explicit propagate special floating point values through atan2 <| Explicit (A + L2) - (A + L1) = L2 - L1 if A non-NaN/Inf <| Explicit Don't truncate double values to floats <| Explicit Don't flush denorm values to zero <| Explicit Literal in Log * Mul * Exp pattern <| Explicit Addition of same argument is same as multiply by 2 <| Explicit Multiply by 2, 4, or 8 <| Explicit Multiply by 0 reduces to literal 0 <| Explicit A * (1/A) = 1 <| Explicit range sequence reduction <| Explicit Known literals reduced to mov <| Explicit rsq result can be assumed positive <| Explicit min(x,y) where range of one is <= the other <| Explicit max(x,y) where range of one is >= the other <| Explicit Simplify conditions on instructions which only care about sign on possibly NaN/I nf values <| Explicit Simplify cmp sequences on possibly NaN/Inf values <| Explicit Simplify pow on possibly NaN/Inf values <| Explicit Simplify fractional add on possibly NaN/Inf values <| Explicit CombineInstructions can create dots <| Explicit vectorize tunnel through mul <| Explicit vectorize tunnel through neg <| Explicit vectorize tunnel through add <| Explicit Change swizzle of parameters to dot <| Explicit negate modifier match <| Explicit sat instruction to sat modifier match <| Explicit abs instruction to abs modifier match <| Explicit integer negate modifier match <| Explicit max of neg idenity to abs instruction match <| Explicit Don't use marker values for clamped literal conversions <| Explicit propogate swizzles <| Explicit attempt to group scalar values read by similar instructions <| Explicit Emit return instructions <| Explicit Emit output arrays <| Explicit Tunnel through temp arrays on load <| Explicit initialize arrays to void <| Explicit

emit write masks on sample instructions <| Explicit reorder instructions to minimize register load <| Explicit Use replicate swizzles to squish literal arrays <| Explicit Try swizzling literal arrays to fit them together <| Explicit Try to match temp array loads to their original store <| Explicit Remove temp array stores that are immediately overwritten <| Explicit Try to reduce known values to movs <| Explicit Try to combine like instructions <| Explicit Remove args for CBuffers that are never read <| Explicit Hoist predicated code into outermost predicate <| Explicit search for instancing opportunities in hull shaders <| Explicit enable instancing searches for programs with multiple outputs <| Explicit combine simple instructions to reduce instruction count <| Explicit Compact Registers - Paint <| Explicit Compact Registers - Press Moves <| Explicit Compact Registers - Press Loop Ins <| Explicit Compact Registers - Compress <| Explicit mov of sampler register reduction <| Explicit detect errors induced by race conditions <| Explicit if(x){} else {...} -> if(!x) {...} <| Explicit if(x){...} else {} -> if(x) {...} <| Explicit if(x){...} if(x){...} -> if(x) {... ...} <| Explicit movc(c,ignore,a) -> mov(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both movc(c,a,ignore) -> mov(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both movc(c,ignore,ignore) -> ignore(0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both dmovc(c,ignore,a) -> dmov(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both dmovc(c,a,ignore) -> dmov(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both dmovc(c,ignore,ignore) -> ignore(0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both break never match (to NOP) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both continue never match (to NOP) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both return never match (to NOP) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsAlways_Both NOT BLT => BGE <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BGE => BLT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BLT => BGE (safe) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BGE => BLT (safe) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BEQ => BNE <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BNE => BEQ <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BILT => BIGE <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BIGE => BILT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BIEQ => BINE <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BINE => BIEQ <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BULT => BUGE <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl NOT BUGE => BULT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl a*(1/(b*a)) -> 1 / b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl combine AND of two equal unknown left shifts <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_E xcl combine AND of two equal unknown right shifts <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_ Excl combine AND of two equal unknown unsigned right shifts <| MR.GenSimplifyInstruct ionsOpt1_Excl back-propagate negate through iadd <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl back-propagate negate through imul <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ishl(ishl(a, b), c) : if( nooverflow_mod_32(b, c) ) -> ishl(a, iadd(b, c)) <| MR .GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ushr(ishl(a, bv), cv) : if( ge_mod_32(cv, bv) ) -> and(ushr(a, cv - bv), (1 << ( 32-cv))-1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ishr(ishr(a, b), c) : if( nooverflow_mod_32(b, c) ) -> ishr(a, iadd(b, c)) <| MR .GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl (a & b) | (a & c) -> and(a, b | c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl b | (a & c) | (a & d) -> or(b, and(a, or(c,d)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1

_Excl and(or(a, iv1), iv2) -> or(and(a, iv2), and(iv1, iv2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstruct ionsOpt1_Excl or(and(a, iv1), iv2) if(and_ne_zero(iv1, iv2) -> or(and(a, iv1 & ~iv2), iv2) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl u/ishr/l(or(a, iv1), iv2) -> or(u/ishr/l(a, iv2), u/ishr/l(iv1, iv2)) <| MR.GenS implifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl u/ishr/l(and(a, iv1), iv2) -> and(u/ishr/l(a, iv2), u/ishr/l(iv1, iv2)) <| MR.Ge nSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl u/ishr/l(xor(a, iv1), iv2) -> xor(u/ishr/l(a, iv2), u/ishr/l(iv1, iv2)) <| MR.Ge nSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ishl(imul(a, iv1), iv2) : if(low_bit_clear(iv2)) -> imul(ishl(a, iv2/2), ishl(iv 1, iv2/2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ishl(ineg(a), iv1) -> ineg(ishl(a, iv1)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ishl(iadd(a, iv1), iv2) -> iadd(ishl(a, iv2), ishl(iv1, iv2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyI nstructionsOpt1_Excl ushr(ushr(a, b), c) : if( nooverflow_mod_32(b, c) ) -> ushr(a, iadd(b, c)) <| MR .GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl split literal sum ishl to allow literalization <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1 _Excl split literal sum ishr to allow literalization <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1 _Excl split literal sum ushr to allow literalization <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1 _Excl a = bfi(w, o, v, 0i) | r : if( mask_is_zero(w,o,r) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| MR.Ge nSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl r | (a = bfi(w, o, v, 0i)) : if( mask_is_zero(w,o,r) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| MR. GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl bfi(w, o, v, n) << s -> bfi(w, o+s, v, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ubfe(w, o, a) >> s -> ubfe(w, o + s, a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ubfe(w, o, (a >> s) & m) : if( o + s < 32 ) -> ubfe(w, o + s, a & (m << s)) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ibfe(w, o, (a >> s) & m) : if( o + s < 32 ) -> ibfe(w, o + s, a & (m << s)) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl ibfe(w, o, ((uint)a >> s) & m) : if( w + o + s < 32 ) -> ibfe(w, o + s, a & (m < < s)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl -sin(x) -> sin(-x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl -dtof(x) -> dtof(-x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl -ftod(x) -> ftod(-x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_Excl bfi(w, 0i, n, n) -> mov(n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bfi(w, o, v, bfi(w, o, 0, n)) -> bfi(w, o, v, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl bfi(w, o, v, n) << s -> bfi(w, o+s, v, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl bfi(w, 0, v, n << w) : if( w != 0 ) -> bfi(32-w, w, n, v) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstr uctionsOpt1_NoExcl (bfi(w, o, 0, n) | bfi(w, o, v, 0)) -> bfi(w, o, v, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstruct ionsOpt1_NoExcl (bfi(w, 0i, 0, n) | ubfe(w, 0i, v)) -> bfi(w, 0i, v, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstruc tionsOpt1_NoExcl ubfe(w, 0i, a) << o -> bfi(w, o, a, 0i) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bfi(w, 0i, a, 0i) -> ubfe(w, 0i, a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ubfe(w, 0i, a >> s) -> ubfe(w, s, a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ubfe(w, o, a >> s) : if( o + s < 32 ) -> ubfe(w, o + s, a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInst ructionsOpt1_NoExcl ibfe(w, o, a >> s) : if( o + s < 32 ) -> ibfe(w, o + s, a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInst ructionsOpt1_NoExcl ibfe(w, o, (uint)a >> s) : if( o + s + w < 32 ) -> ibfe(w, o + s, a) <| MR.GenSi mplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ubfe(w, o, a) >> s : if( o + s < 32 && w >= s ) -> ubfe(w - s, o + s, a) <| MR.G

enSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ibfe(w, o, a) >> s : if( o + s < 32 && w >= s ) -> ibfe(w - s, o + s, a) <| MR.G enSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl b = ubfe(w, o, a); movc(b & (1 << (w - 1 + o)), b | ~((1 << w + o)-1), b) -> ibf e(w, o, a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl a = bfi(w, o, v, 0i) | r : if( mask_is_zero(w,o,r) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| MR.Ge nSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl a = bfi(w, o, v, and(m, r)) : if( unmasked_is_one_or_val_is_zero(w,o,v,m) ) -> b fi(w, o, v, r) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl a = bfi(w, o, v, and(r, m)) : if( unmasked_is_one_or_val_is_zero(w,o,v,m) ) -> b fi(w, o, v, r) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl a = bfi(w, o, and(v, m), r) : if( masked_is_one(w,o,m) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl a = bfi(w, o, and(m, v), r) : if( masked_is_one(w,o,m) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bfi(and(w,31), o, v, r) : if( lower_5_bits_are_set(31) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bfi(and(31,w), o, v, r) : if( lower_5_bits_are_set(31) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bfi(w, and(o,31), v, r) : if( lower_5_bits_are_set(31) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bfi(w, and(31,o), v, r) : if( lower_5_bits_are_set(31) ) -> bfi(w, o, v, r) <| M R.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl abs(a), a positive -> a <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl abs(a), a negative -> neg(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl frc(a + int) = frc(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl $IsRound(fp int) = mov(fp int) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl add of zero identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl double add of zero identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl add of negative of itself identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy (!A + A) => 1 + B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy !A + (A + B) => 1 + B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy C + (A * B) + (A * !B) => C + A <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl LERP(!A,B,C) -> LERP(A, C, B) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl eval eq <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl eval bne on non-nan value <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl eval ge <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl binary expression with negative symmetry reduction <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructions Opt1_NoExcl bge(mul(x,x),neg(mul(x,x))) -> true <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl IGE a,a -> true <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ILT a,a -> false <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bine(ishl(a, n),0) : if(upper_n_bits_are_zero(a, n)) -> bine (a, 0) <| MR.GenSim plifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bine(i/ushr(a, n),0) : if(lower_n_bits_are_zero(a, n)) -> bine (a, 0) <| MR.GenS implifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dtof(ftod(x)) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (a != b) ? a : b -> a <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (a != b) ? b : a -> b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (a == b) ? a : b -> b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (a == b) ? b : a -> a <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (a == (b ? c : a)) : if (c != a) -> b == 0 <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl (a == (b ? a : c)) : if (c != a) -> b != 0 <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl firstbit*(x) != -1 -> x != 0 <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl firstbit*(x) == -1 -> x == 0 <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl x ? firstbit*(x) : -1 -> firstbit*(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl $IsAnyShift(x, and(y, 31)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl $IsAnyShift(x, and(31, y)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl

movc(ishl(a, n),v1, v2) : if(upper_n_bits_are_zero(a, n)) -> movc (a, v1, v2) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(i/ushr(a, n),v1, v2) : if(lower_n_bits_are_zero(a, n)) -> movc (a, v1, v2) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(a, i/ushr/l(a, n), 0) -> i/ushr/l(a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_N oExcl movc(a, b, i/ushr/l(a, n)) -> movc(a, b, 0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl movc(u/ishr/l(a, n), movc(a, b, c), d) -> movc(u/ishr/l(a, n), b, d) <| MR.GenSi mplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A+A REL L <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A+A <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A*(L2>0) REL L <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A*(L2>0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A*(L2<0) REL L <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A*(L2<0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A+A REL L (double) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A+A (double) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A*(L2>0) REL L (double) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A*(L2>0) (double) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A*(L2<0) REL L (double) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A*(L2<0) (double) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A*L2 REL L where L2 divides L as a UINT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl L REL A*L2 where L2 divides L as a UINT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A*L2 REL L where L2 > 0 divides L as an INT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl L REL A*L2 where L2 > 0 divides L as an INT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl A*L2 REL L where L2 < 0 divides L as an INT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl L REL A*L2 where L2 < 0 divides L as an INT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl eval lt <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl btof -> movc <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl btoi -> movc <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl UGE a,a -> true <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ULT a,a -> false <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl simplify chain merges that bring in chain input <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt 1_NoExcl simplify chain merges that bring in chain input via mov right <| MR.GenSimplifyI nstructionsOpt1_NoExcl simplify chain merges that bring in chain input via mov left <| MR.GenSimplifyIn structionsOpt1_NoExcl clip(a+a,b) -> clip(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl clip(+d * a,b) -> clip(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl nullify clip ops on known positive values <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl remove clips that are merged with known-success clips <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructi onsOpt1_NoExcl remove clip chains that are merged with known-success clips <| MR.GenSimplifyIns tructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(+d * a,b,c) -> cmp(a,b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(-d * a,b,c) -> cmp(-a,b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(-b,0,b) -> cmp(b,b,0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp of known positive identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp of known negative identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(a+a,b,c) -> cmp(a,b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl symmetric cmp <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(cmp(a, >=0, <0), b, c) -> cmp(a,b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExc l

cmp(cmp(a, <0, >=0), b, c) -> cmp(a,c,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExc l cmp(-cmp(a, <=0, >0), b, c) -> cmp(a,b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl cmp(-cmp(a, >0, <=0), b, c) -> cmp(a,c,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl Legacy NOT (A || A) => NOT A <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl CMP(c,d=1+CMP(c,a,b),f) -> CMP(c,1+a,f) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl nullify discard ops on known false values <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl remove discards that are merged with known-success discards <| MR.GenSimplifyIns tructionsOpt1_NoExcl remove discard chains that are merged with known-success discards <| MR.GenSimpl ifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl division by a literal becomes multiplication by reciprocal <| MR.GenSimplifyInst ructionsOpt1_NoExcl 1 / x -> rcp(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dot(normalized_v, normalized_v) == 1.0 when v has length <| MR.GenSimplifyInstru ctionsOpt1_NoExcl exp(log(x)) identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ftob(trunc(btof(x))) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ftoi(itof(x)) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ftoi(trunc(itof(x))) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ftou(utof(x)) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ftou(trunc(utof(x))) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy NOT GE => LT <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy NOT LT => GE <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl iadd zero reduces to no-op mov <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Integer addition negative identities <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl iadd(a, b) : if( and_is_zero(a, b) ) -> or(a, b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl if(bine(x,0)) -> if(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl imul one reduces to no-op mov <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ineg(and(ne(x,0),1)) -> ne(x,0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ineg(ineg(x)) -> mov(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl u/ishl/r(a, 0) -> mov(a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ((a >> ov1) << o2) : if( ov1 == o2 ) -> and(a, ~((1 << ov1)-1)) <| MR.GenSimplif yInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl u/ishr(or(a, m), n) : if( or_is_identity_ignore_lower_n_bits(a, m, n) -> u/ishr( a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl u/ishr(or(m, a), n) : if( or_is_identity_ignore_lower_n_bits(a, m, n) -> u/ishr( a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl u/ishr(and(a, m), n) : if( and_is_identity_ignore_lower_n_bits(a, m, n) -> u/ish r(a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl u/ishr(and(m, a), n) : if( and_is_identity_ignore_lower_n_bits(a, m, n) -> u/ish r(a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ishl(or(a, m), n) : if( or_is_identity_ignore_upper_n_bits(a, m, n) -> ishl(a, n ) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ishl(or(m, a), n) : if( or_is_identity_ignore_upper_n_bits(a, m, n) -> ishl(a, n ) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ishl(and(a, m), n) : if( and_is_identity_ignore_upper_n_bits(a, m, n) -> ishl(a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl ishl(and(m, a), n) : if( and_is_identity_ignore_upper_n_bits(a, m, n) -> ishl(a, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl imul(ishl(iv1, a), iv2) -> ishl(imul(iv1, iv2), a) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructions Opt1_NoExcl A + B for boolean A & B -> OR A, B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl A * B for boolean A & B -> AND A, B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl itob(x) -> bine(x,0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl itof(ftoi(x)) -> trunc(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl

log(exp(x)) identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl exp(a*log(0)) = 0 identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy -BOOL < BOOL => BOOL <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy (A || A) => A <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl max(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl max(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl max(max(i0, l1), l2) -> max(i0, max(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_N oExcl dmax(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmax(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmax(dmax(i0, l1), l2) -> dmax(i0, dmax(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl imax(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl imax(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl imax(imax(i0, l1), l2) -> imax(i0, imax(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl umax(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl umax(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl umax(umax(i0, l1), l2) -> umax(i0, umax(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl min(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl min(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl min(min(i0, l1), l2) -> min(i0, min(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_N oExcl dmin(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmin(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmin(dmin(i0, l1), l2) -> dmin(i0, dmin(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl imin(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl imin(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl imin(imin(i0, l1), l2) -> imin(i0, imin(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl umin(i0, i1): if (i0 >= i1) -> mov(i1) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl umin(i0, i1): if (i1 >= i0) -> mov(i0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl umin(umin(i0, l1), l2) -> umin(i0, umin(l1, l2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOp t1_NoExcl movc(a,true,false) -> bine(a, 0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(a,false,true) -> bieq(a, 0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(true,b,c) -> mov(b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(false,b,c) -> mov(c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmovc(true,b,c) -> dmov(b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmovc(false,b,c) -> dmov(c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(a, true, b) -> or(a, b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc and comparison sequence reductions <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(a, b, movc(c, b, d)) -> movc(or(a, c), b, d) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsO pt1_NoExcl movc(a, b, and(c, b)) -> and(or(a, c), b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl movc(a, and(b, c), 0) -> and(and(a, b), c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl movc(!a,b,c) -> movc(a,c,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmovc(!a,b,c) -> dmovc(a,c,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(movc(a,TRUE,FALSE),b,c) -> movc(a,b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl movc(movc(a,FALSE,TRUE),b,c) -> movc(a,c,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl movc(bool b, TRUE, FALSE) -> mov b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(bool b, FALSE, TRUE) -> not b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(bool b, TRUE, bool c) -> or(b,c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(bool b, bool b, false) -> mov b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl

movc(b, a, b) -> movc (b, a, 0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (n > i) ? X : umin(n, i) -> (i > n) ? X: i <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl bool ? a + 1 : a -> a - bool <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl bool ? a - 1 : a -> a + bool <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (n > i) ? X : imin(n, i) -> (i > n) ? X: i <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl (n > i) ? X : min(n, i) -> (i > n) ? X: i <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl (n > i) ? X : dmin(n, i) -> (i > n) ? X: i <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl (V < n) ? V : n -> min(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? (V+1) : n -> min(V+1, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (n >= V) ? V : n -> min(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? V : n -> dmin(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? (V+1) : n -> dmin(V+1, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (n >= V) ? V : n -> dmin(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (0 < n) ? 1 : 0 -> umin(1, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? V : n -> umin(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? (V+1) : n -> umin(V+1, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (n >= V) ? V : n -> umin(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? V : n -> imin(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (V < n) ? (V+1) : n -> imin(V+1, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (n >= V) ? V : n -> imin(V, n) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(a,b,b) -> mov(b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl dmovc(a,b,b) -> dmov(b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc((a<b),a,b) -> min(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl integer movc((a<b),a,b) -> min(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl unsigned integer movc((a<b),a,b) -> min(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_N oExcl dmovc((a<b),a,b) -> dmin(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc((a<b),b,a) -> max(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl integer movc((a<b),b,a) -> max(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl unsigned integer movc((a<b),b,a) -> max(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_N oExcl dmovc((a<b),b,a) -> dmax(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc((a>=b),a,b) -> max(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl integer movc((a>=b),a,b) -> max(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl unsigned integer movc((a>=b),a,b) -> max(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_ NoExcl dmovc((a>=b),a,b) -> dmax(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc((a>=b),b,a) -> min(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl integer movc((a>=b),b,a) -> min(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl unsigned integer movc((a>=b),b,a) -> min(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_ NoExcl dmovc((a>=b),b,a) -> dmin(a,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(c,d=movc(c,a,b),f) -> movc(c,a,f) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl movc(c,f,d=movc(c,a,b)) -> movc(c,f,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(c,d=cmp(c,a,b),f) -> cmp(c,a,f) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl cmp(c,f,d=cmp(c,a,b)) -> cmp(c,f,b) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl mul of one identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl mul of double one identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl (A + A) * 0.5 -> no-op mov of A <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl mul of a number times its inverse identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoE xcl A * B/A with negative variations on A <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl normalize(normalize(v)) -> normalize(v) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy !A * (A + B) => !A * B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy A * !(A * B) => A * !B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl Legacy (!A * A) => 0 <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl

B*!(A * -B + B) -> A * B <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl double negative to original <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl or(ine(x,0),ine(y,0)) -> ine(or(x,y),0) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl combine OR of two equal shifts <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl combine XOR of two equal shifts <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl X AND ~X => 0 <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl X AND Y : if( and_is_identity(x,y) => X <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl X AND Y : if( and_is_identity(y,x) => Y <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl and(and(a, b), c) : if( and_is_identity(c, b) ) -> and(a, c) <| MR.GenSimplifyIn structionsOpt1_NoExcl and(and(b, a), c) : if( and_is_identity(c, b) ) -> and(a, c) <| MR.GenSimplifyIn structionsOpt1_NoExcl and(a, iv2) : if( can_reduce_and(a, iv2) ) -> and(a, get_reduced_and(a, iv2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl X OR ~X => btrue <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl X OR Y : if( or_is_identity(x,y) => X <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl X OR Y : if( or_is_identity(y,x) => Y <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl or(a, iv2) : if( can_reduce_or(a, iv2) ) -> or(a, get_reduced_or(a, iv2)) <| MR. GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl or(or(a, b), c) : if( or_is_identity(c, b) ) -> or(a, c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstru ctionsOpt1_NoExcl or(or(b, a), c) : if( or_is_identity(c, b) ) -> or(a, c) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstru ctionsOpt1_NoExcl double rcp identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl rcp(mul(x, rsq(x)) = rsq(x) identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl rsq(x) * rsq(x) -> rcp(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl rsq(x) * rsq(x) -> rcp(x) for positive x <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExc l 1 / sqrt(x) -> rsq(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl sqrt times sqrt of positive value equals the original value identity <| MR.GenSi mplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl positive sqrt(x*x) identity <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExcl convert mod by power-of-2 to bitwise AND <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoExc l utof(sampleinfo_uint(x)) -> sampleinfo(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_NoEx cl xor(xor(a, iv1), iv2) -> xor(a, xor(iv1, iv2)) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1 _NoExcl replace bitwise double-complement with move <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt1_No Excl bine(b,0) -> b <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt2_NoExcl movc(bool,x,0) -> and(bool,x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsOpt2_NoExcl utof(sampleinfo_uint_rt(x)) -> sampleinfo_rt(x) <| MR.GenSimplifyInstructionsSam pleMask_Both movc, unary_compute on values lhs -> unary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute _Excl movc, unary_compute on values rhs -> unary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute _Excl cmp, unary_compute on values lhs -> unary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_E xcl cmp, unary_compute on values rhs -> unary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_E xcl movc, binary_compute on values lhs -> binary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompu te_Excl movc, binary_compute on values rhs -> binary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompu te_Excl cmp, binary_compute on values lhs -> binary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute _Excl cmp, binary_compute on values rhs -> binary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute _Excl

movc, ternary arg1 on values lhs -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, ternary arg1 on values rhs -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, ternary arg2 on values lhs -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, ternary arg2 on values rhs -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, ternary arg3 on values lhs -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, ternary arg3 on values rhs -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg1 on values lhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg1 on values rhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg2 on values lhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg2 on values rhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg3 on values lhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg3 on values rhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg4 on values lhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, quat arg4 on values rhs -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_Excl movc, unary_compute on values -> unary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoE xcl cmp, unary_compute on values -> unary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExc l and, unary_compute on values -> unary_compute, and <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExc l movc, binary_compute on values -> binary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_N oExcl movc, binary_compute on same value -> binary_compute, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompu te_NoExcl cmp, binary_compute on values -> binary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoE xcl cmp, binary_compute on same value -> binary_compute, cmp <| MR.GenShuffleCompute _NoExcl and, binary_compute on values -> binary_compute, and <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoE xcl movc, ternary arg1 on values -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl movc, ternary arg2 on values -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl movc, ternary arg3 on values -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, ternary arg1 on values -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, ternary arg2 on values -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, ternary arg3 on values -> ternary, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl movc, quat arg1 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl movc, quat arg2 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl movc, quat arg3 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl movc, quat arg4 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, quat arg1 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, quat arg2 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, quat arg3 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl and, quat arg4 on values -> quat, movc <| MR.GenShuffleCompute_NoExcl mad match 1 (a + b*c) <| MR.GenMad mad match 2 (a - b*c) <| MR.GenMad mad match 3 (a + b+b) <| MR.GenMad mad match 4 (a - b+b) <| MR.GenMad imad match 1 (a + b*c) <| MR.GenMad imad match 2 (a + b+b) <| MR.GenMad a << L | b (bfi(w=32-L, o=L, a, b) if( mask_is_zero(w, o, b) && allbutwidth_is_z ero(w, a) -> imad (a, 1 << L, B) <| MR.GenMad if+lt -> if_lt <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if+ge -> if_ge <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if+cmp_lt -> if_lt <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if+cmp_ge -> if_ge <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if+cmp_lt0 -> if_lt0 <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if+cmp_ge0 -> if_ge0 <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_lt(neg(abs(x)), 0) -> if_ne0 <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_ge(neg(abs(x)), 0) -> if_eq0 <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both

if_lt(-a^2,a^2) -> if_ne(a,0) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_ge(-a^2,a^2) -> if_eq(a,0) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_ne(x, 0) -> if_ne(x, -x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_ge(x + y, 0) -> if_ge(x, -y) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_lt(x + y, 0) -> if_lt(x, -y) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_ne(x + y, 0) -> if_ne(x, -y) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both if_eq(x + y, 0) -> if_eq(x, -y) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both break(a,not(x)) -> breakn(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both continue(a,not(x)) -> continuen(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both return(a,not(x)) -> returnn(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both break(a,bieq(x,0)) -> breakn(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both continue(a,bieq(x,0)) -> continuen(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both return(a,bieq(x,0)) -> returnn(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both break(a,bine(x)) -> break(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both continue(a,bine(x)) -> continue(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both return(a,bine(x)) -> return(a,x) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both break(ge(neg(fbool), fbool)) -> break_eq(fbool, 0) <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_GE i2,i1 short form <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_GE i2,i1 for targets that use CMP <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_GE i2,-iv1 where iv1 is literal and needs to be negated before using <| MR .Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_LT i2,i1 short form <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_LT i2,i1 for targets that use CMP <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_LT i2,-iv1 where iv1 is literal and needs to be negated before using <| MR .Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_EQ i2,i1 <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_EQ i2,i1 matches when CMP is used <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_EQ i2,-iv1 where iv1 is literal and has to be negated <| MR.Gen_PreModTarg et_Both BREAK_EQ i2,-iv1 where iv1 is literal and has to be negated, CMP form <| MR.Gen_ PreModTarget_Both BREAK_NE i2,i1 <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_NE i2,i1 with CMP <| MR.Gen_PreModTarget_Both BREAK_NE i2,-iv1 where iv1 is literal and has to be negated <| MR.Gen_PreModTarg et_Both BREAK_NE i2,-iv1 where iv1 is literal and has to be negated, CMP form <| MR.Gen_ PreModTarget_Both movc(blt(a, 0), |a|, a) -> abs(a) <| MR.GenD3D10PreMod_NoExcl dmovc(bdlt(a, 0), |a|, a) -> dabs(a) <| MR.GenD3D10PreMod_NoExcl breaka match <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both continuea match <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both returna match <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both if(bult(0,x)) -> if(x) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both if(bilt(0,x)) -> if(x) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both if(bieq(x,0)) -> ifn(x) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both if(bine(x,0)) -> if(x) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both if(!a) -> ifn(a) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both bfi(w, 0i, v, r) : if( width_is_zero(w,r) && allbutwidth_is_zero(w, v) -> iadd(v , r) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both or(a, b) : if( and_is_zero(a, b) ) -> iadd(a, b) <| MR.GenD3D10PostMod_Both div(a,b)->mul(a, rcp(b)) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate lt(a, b) -> cmp(a - b, 0f, 1f) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate ge(a, b) -> cmp(a - b, 1f, 0f) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate max(a, -a) -> abs <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate max(a, b) -> cmp(a - b, a, b) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate min(a, b) -> cmp(a - b, b, a) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate dmad -> dmul, dadd <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate countbits(i) -> and/shift/add sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate firstbitlow(i) -> shift/bine/add sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate firstbit_shi(i) -> shift/bine/add sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate

firstbit_hi(i) -> shift/bine/add sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate reversebits(i) -> and/shift/or sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate f32tof16(i) -> conversion sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate f16tof32(i) -> conversion sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate ubfe(i) -> extraction sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate ibfe(i) -> extraction sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate bfi(i) -> insertion sequence <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate preshader abs -> max(i, neg(i)) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate_Preshader preshader sat -> min(max(i, 0), 1) <| MR.Gen_RequiredTranslate_Preshader cmp sequence 1 -> sat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_NoExcl cmp sequence 2 -> sat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_NoExcl pos cmp sequence -> sat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_NoExcl max(i, neg(i)) -> abs <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_NoExcl dmax(i, dneg(i)) -> dabs <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_NoExcl cmp (a, a, -a) -> abs <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_NoExcl min 1/max 0 -> sat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_Excl max 0/min 1 -> sat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_Excl dmin 1/dmax 0 -> dsat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_Excl dmax 0/dmin 1 -> dsat <| MR.Gen_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_SAT_Excl (n & a) | r : if( known_bfi_bitmask_noshift(n,a,r) && and_is_zero(n,r) ) -> bfi( bfi_bitwidth_noshift(n,a,r), 0i, a, r) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_Exc l (a & n) | r : if( known_bfi_bitmask_noshift(n,a,r) && and_is_zero(n,r) ) -> bfi( bfi_bitwidth_noshift(n,a,r), 0i, a, r) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_Exc l r | (n & a) : if( known_bfi_bitmask_noshift(n,a,r) && and_is_zero(n,r) ) -> bfi( bfi_bitwidth_noshift(n,a,r), 0i, a, r) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_Exc l r | (a & n) : if( known_bfi_bitmask_noshift(n,a,r) && and_is_zero(n,r) ) -> bfi( bfi_bitwidth_noshift(n,a,r), 0i, a, r) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate_Exc l a | r : if( known_bfi_bitmask_noshift_impmask(a,r) && and_is_zero(a,r) ) -> bfi( bfi_bitwidth_noshift_impmask(a,r), 0i, a, r) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTransla te_Excl r | a : if( known_bfi_bitmask_noshift_impmask(a,r) && and_is_zero(a,r) ) -> bfi( bfi_bitwidth_noshift_impmask(a,r), 0i, a, r) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTransla te_Excl ((a << m) & n) | i : if( known_bfi_bitmask_postshift_ignore(n,a,m,i) ) -> bfi(bf i_bitwidth_postshift_ignore(n,a,m,i), m, a, 0i) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTran slate_Excl imul(a, iv_pow2) -> ishl(a, get_lowest_bit(iv_pow2)) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarl yTranslate udiv(a, iv_pow2) -> ushr(a, get_lowest_bit(iv_pow2)) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarl yTranslate (a << n) >> (m) -> ibfe(32-m, m-n, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate b = ubfe/ushr(a,o), movc((b >> o) & iv_pow2, bfi(w, 0, b, -iv_pow2)) -> ibfe(get _first_bit(iv_pow2), 0, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate b = ubfe/ushr(a,o), movc((a >> o) & iv_pow2, b | -iv_pow2) -> ibfe(get_first_bit (iv_pow2), 0, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate movc(b & iv_pow2, bfi(w, 0, b, -iv_pow2), b) -> ibfe(get_first_bit(iv_pow2), 0, b) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate movc(b & iv_pow2, bfi(w, 0, (b & m), -iv_pow2)) -> ibfe(get_first_bit(iv_pow2), 0, (b&m)) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate movc(b & iv_pow2, b | -iv_pow2, b) -> ibfe(get_first_bit(iv_pow2), 0, b) <| MR.G enD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate movc(b & iv_pow2, (b & m) | -iv_pow2, b) -> ibfe(get_first_bit(iv_pow2), 0, (b&m )) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a << n) >> (m) -> ubfe(32-m, m-n, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a & ((iv_pow2 << n) - 1)) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, 0, a, 0i) <| MR.GenD3D10_Optimize EarlyTranslate

(a & ~((iv_pow2 << n) - 1)) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, 0, 0, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_Optimize EarlyTranslate (a & ~(((iv_pow2 << n) - 1) << o) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, o, 0, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_Op timizeEarlyTranslate (a & ~(((iv_pow2 << n) << ov) + (-1 << ov))) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, ov, 0, a) <| MR .GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate ((a >> o1) << o2) : if( o1 == o2 ) -> bfi(o, 0, 0, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEar lyTranslate (a | ((iv_pow2 << n) - 1)) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, 0, -1, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_Optimize EarlyTranslate (a | (((iv_pow2 << n) - 1) << o)) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, o, -1, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_O ptimizeEarlyTranslate (a | (((iv_pow2 << n) << ov) + (-1 << ov))) -> bfi(iv_pow2 + n, ov, -1, a) <| MR .GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a | (b << n)) : if(known_bfi_bitwidth_impmask(a, b, n)) -> bfi(get_bfi_bitwidth _impmask(a, b, n), n, b, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a & n) << m : if( known_bfi_bitmask(a,n,m) ) -> bfi(bfi_bitwidth(a,n,m), m, n, 0i) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a & n) | i << m : if( known_bfi_bitmask_ignore(a,n,i,m) ) -> bfi(bfi_bitwidth_i gnore(a,n,i,m), m, n | i, 0i) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a & n) << m : if( known_bfi_bitmask(n,a,m) ) -> bfi(bfi_bitwidth(n,a,m), m, a, 0i) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a << m) & n : if( known_bfi_bitmask_postshift(n,a,m) ) -> bfi(bfi_bitwidth_post shift(n,a,m), m, a, 0i) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a & n) >> m : if( known_ubfe_bitmask(a,n,m) ) -> ubfe(ubfe_bitwidth(a,n,m), m, n) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a & n) >> m : if( known_ubfe_bitmask(n,a,m) ) -> ubfe(bitwidth(n,a,m), m, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (int)(a & n) >> m : if( high_bit_clear(a & n) && known_ubfe_bitmask(a,n,m) ) -> ubfe(bitwidth(a,n,m), m, n) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (int)(a & n) >> m : if( high_bit_clear(a & n) && known_ubfe_bitmask(n,a,m) ) -> ubfe(ubfe_bitwidth(n,a,m), m, a) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a >> m) & n : if( known_ubfe_bitmask_nomaskshift(a,n,m) ) -> ubfe(ubfe_bitwidth _nomaskshift(a,n,m), m, n) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarlyTranslate (a >> m) & n : if( high_bit_clear(a & n) && known_ubfe_bitmask_nomaskshift(a,n,m ) ) -> ubfe(ubfe_bitwidth_nomaskshift(a,n,m), m, n) <| MR.GenD3D10_OptimizeEarly Translate dcl_func_output(a) -> o->append_dataflow() <| SMR.DataflowAnalysis bind_load(chain, value) -> o->append_sources(chain) <| SMR.DataflowAnalysis loop_in(completed a) -> o->append_inloop() <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis $IsStandardLoad(a, chain) -> append_addressed(o, chain) (range/flag prop) <| SMR .RangeDataAnalysis $IsResLoad(uav, a, addr, offs, mask) -> append_arg(sources(o, a)) <| SMR.RangeDa taAnalysis movc(true,b,c) -> append_arg(b) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis movc(false,b,c) -> append_arg(b) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis movc(a,b,c) -> append_arg(b, c) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis cmp(a,b,c) -> append_arg(b, c) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis ignore move(a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis ignore double move(a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis pred move(a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis tunnelable move(a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis and(btrue,a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis and(false,a) -> append_arg(0,a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis or(bfalse,a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis or(true,a) -> append_arg(true,a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis mul(1f,a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis add(0f,a) -> append_arg(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis mul(fbool,a) -> append_arg(0f,a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis mul(fbool,finite a) -> append_arg(0f,a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis

lerp(fbool, a, b) -> append_arg(a,b) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis lerp(fbool, finite a, finite b) -> append_arg(a,b) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis lerp(fbool, a, 0) -> append_arg(a,0) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis lerp(fbool, finite a, 0) -> append_arg(a,0) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis a + -a -> append_arg(0) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis (a + F) - a -> append_arg(F) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis a + (F - a) -> append_arg(F) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis (a + F1) - (a + F2) -> append_arg(F1-F2) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis finite a + -a -> append_arg(0) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis i + -i -> append_arg(0) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis (i + I) - i -> append_arg(I) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis i + (I - i) -> append_arg(I) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis (i + I1) - (i + I2) -> append_arg(I1-I2) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis endif(a,b) -> append_arg(a,b) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis $IsMultiWriteOut(a, chain) -> append_sources(a) <| SMR.RangeDataAnalysis o = dfuse(ab) -> o->append_dfuse() <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis loop_in(completed a) -> o->append_inloop() <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis loop_endif(a) -> append_arg(a, pred_a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis function_endif(a) -> append_arg(a, pred_a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis cl = $IsBreak(a, ci) -> append_arg(a, ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis cl = $IsContinue(a, ci) -> append_arg(a, ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis cf = $IsReturn(a, ci) -> append_arg(a, ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis cl = $IsConsume(a, b, ci) -> append_arg(ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis endif(a,b) -> append_arg(a,b,p_a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis loop_endif(a,b) -> append_arg(a,b,p_a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis function_endif(a,b) -> append_arg(a,b,p_a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis chain_merge($IsSync() || chain) -> append_arg(sync) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_Cons tInterp $IsStandardLoad(a, chain) -> append_addressed(o, chain), append_arg(a, chain) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHolder $IsAtomicAllocConsume(a, res) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, a)) <| SMR.DataFlagAn alysis_PlaceHolder $IsTwoValueAtomic(chain, res, addr, op1, op2) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, chain ), chain, addr, op1, op2) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHolder $IsBasicOrImmAtomic(a, res, addr, op) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, a), a, addr, op) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHolder $IsResLoad(uav, a, addr, offs, mask) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, a), uav, a, ad dr, offs, mask) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHolder $IsStandardStore(addr, val, chain) -> append_param(chain) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysi s_PlaceHolder $IsResStore(uav, a, addr, offs, mask, val) -> append_param(a) <| SMR.DataFlagAna lysis_PlaceHolder cl = endcase(ci, ch) -> append_arg(ci, ci_p, ch) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHo lder cl = fcbody_end(ci, ch) -> append_arg(ci, ci_p, ch) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_Plac eHolder discard_endif(a,b) -> append_arg(a,b,p_a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHolder $IsLoop(a) -> append_sources() (loop predicate linkage) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_ PlaceHolder $IsMultiWriteOut(a, chain) -> append_sources(a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_PlaceHol der $IsSync() -> append_all_visible+inputs(UAV chain args) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_P laceHolder $IsStandardStore(addr, val, chain) -> append_param(chain) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysi s_NoPlaceHolder chain_merge($IsSync() || chain) -> append_arg(chain) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoP laceHolder chain_merge(chain_merge() || chain) -> append_arg(chain) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis _NoPlaceHolder array_merge(chain_merge() || chain) -> append_arg(chain) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis

_NoPlaceHolder cl = emitarg(a, b, ci) -> append_arg(ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder cl = emit(ci, stream) -> append_arg(ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder cl = casecond(ci, c) -> append_arg(ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder cl = endcase(ci, ch) -> append_arg(ci) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder cl = fcbody(ci, c) -> append_arg(ci, c) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder cl = fcbody_end(ci, ch) -> append_arg(ci, ci_p, ch) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPl aceHolder loop(a) -> append_sources() (loop predicate linkage) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoP laceHolder o = $IsStandardLoad(a, chain) -> append_addressed(o, chain) (all sources) <| SMR .DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder $IsMultiWriteOut(a, chain) -> append_sources(a) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceH older $IsAtomicAllocConsume(a, res) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, a)) <| SMR.DataFlagAn alysis_NoPlaceHolder $IsTwoValueAtomic(chain, res, addr, op1, op2) -> append_arg(chain, addr, op1, op 2) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder $IsBasicOrImmAtomic(a, res, addr, op) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, a), addr, op) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder $IsResLoad(uav, a, addr, offs, mask) -> append_arg(all_sources(o, a), addr, offs ) <| SMR.DataFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder $IsResStore(uav, a, addr, offs, mask, val) -> append_param(a) (chain) <| SMR.Dat aFlagAnalysis_NoPlaceHolder d(x)/dz -> dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d((double)x)/dz -> (double)dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(-x)/dz -> -dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d((double)-x)/dz -> -(double)dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(x+eps)/dz -> dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(1/x)/dz -> -dx/dz/x^2 <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(2^x)/dz -> ln(2) * 2^x * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(log_2(x))/dz -> 1/(x * ln(2)) * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(x^-0.5)/dz -> -0.5*x^-1.5 * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(sin(x))/dz -> cos(x) * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(cos(x))/dz -> -sin(x) * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(asin(x))/dz -> 1/sqrt(1-x^2) * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(acos(x))/dz -> -1/sqrt(1-x^2) * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(atan(x))/dz -> 1/(1+x^2) * dx/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary $IsAnyDeriv(x)/dz -> $IsAnyDeriv(dx/dz) <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary dsy(x)/dz -> dsy(dx/dz) <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary sqrt(x)/dz -> 0.5 / sqrt(x) * (dx/dz) <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary dtof(x)/dz -> dtof(dx/dz) <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary ftod(x)/dz -> ftod(dx/dz) <| SR.GenDerivatives_Unary d(min(x,y))/dz -> (x < y) ? dx/dz : ((y < x) ? dy/dz : min(dx/dz, dy/dz) <| SR.G enDerivatives_Binary d(max(x,y))/dz -> (x > y) ? dx/dz : ((y > x) ? dy/dz : max(dx/dz, dy/dz) <| SR.G enDerivatives_Binary d(dmin(x,y))/dz -> (x < y) ? dx/dz : ((y < x) ? dy/dz : dmin(dx/dz, dy/dz) <| SR .GenDerivatives_Binary d(dmax(x,y))/dz -> (x > y) ? dx/dz : ((y > x) ? dy/dz : dmax(dx/dz, dy/dz) <| SR .GenDerivatives_Binary d(x + y)/dz -> dx/dz + dy/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d((double)x + (double)y)/dz -> dx/dz + dy/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d(x * x)/dz -> 2*dx/dz * x <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d((double)x * x)/dz -> 2*dx/dz * x <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d(x * y)/dz -> dx/dz * y + x * dy/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d((double)x * y)/dz -> dx/dz * y + x * dy/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d(atan2(x,y))/dz -> 1 / (1 + (y/x)^2) * d(y/x)/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d(x / y)/dz -> dx/dz / y + x * -dy/dz / y^2 <| SR.GenDerivatives_Binary d(a ? b : c)/dz -> a ? db/dz : dc/dz <| SR.GenDerivatives_Ternary

abs fp_flags <| SFPS abs fp_specials <| SFPS abs float_literal <| SFPS abs fp_range <| SFPS acos fp_flags <| SFPS acos fp_specials <| SFPS acos float_literal <| SFPS acos fp_range <| SFPS add fp_flags <| SFPS add fp_specials <| SFPS add float_literal <| SFPS add fp_range <| SFPS and fp_flags <| SFPS and int_flags <| SFPS and int_literal <| SFPS and bits_known <| SFPS asin fp_flags <| SFPS asin fp_specials <| SFPS asin float_literal <| SFPS asin fp_range <| SFPS atan fp_flags <| SFPS atan fp_specials <| SFPS atan float_literal <| SFPS atan fp_range <| SFPS atan2 fp_flags <| SFPS atan2 fp_specials <| SFPS atan2 float_literal <| SFPS atan2 fp_range <| SFPS bdeq fp_flags <| SFPS bdeq int_literal <| SFPS bdeq int_range <| SFPS bdge fp_flags <| SFPS bdge int_literal <| SFPS bdge int_range <| SFPS bdlt fp_flags <| SFPS bdlt int_literal <| SFPS bdlt int_range <| SFPS bdne fp_flags <| SFPS bdne int_literal <| SFPS bdne int_range <| SFPS beq fp_flags <| SFPS beq int_literal <| SFPS beq int_range <| SFPS bfi fp_flags <| SFPS bfi int_literal <| SFPS bfi bits_known <| SFPS bge fp_flags <| SFPS bge int_literal <| SFPS bge int_range <| SFPS blt fp_flags <| SFPS blt int_literal <| SFPS blt int_range <| SFPS bne fp_flags <| SFPS bne int_literal <| SFPS bne int_range <| SFPS bieq fp_flags <| SFPS bieq int_literal <| SFPS bieq bits_known <| SFPS bieq int_range <| SFPS bige fp_flags <| SFPS

bige int_literal <| SFPS bige bits_known <| SFPS bige int_range <| SFPS bilt fp_flags <| SFPS bilt int_literal <| SFPS bilt bits_known <| SFPS bilt int_range <| SFPS bine fp_flags <| SFPS bine int_literal <| SFPS bine bits_known <| SFPS bine int_range <| SFPS bufinfo fp_flags <| SFPS buge fp_flags <| SFPS buge int_literal <| SFPS buge bits_known <| SFPS buge int_range <| SFPS bult fp_flags <| SFPS bult int_literal <| SFPS bult bits_known <| SFPS bult int_range <| SFPS break fp_flags <| SFPS btof fp_flags <| SFPS btoi fp_flags <| SFPS btoi int_literal <| SFPS btoi bits_known <| SFPS btoi int_range <| SFPS calclod1d fp_flags <| SFPS calclod1d_a fp_flags <| SFPS calclod1d_u fp_flags <| SFPS calclod1d_u_a fp_flags <| SFPS calclod2d fp_flags <| SFPS calclod2d_a fp_flags <| SFPS calclod2d_u fp_flags <| SFPS calclod2d_u_a fp_flags <| SFPS calclod3d fp_flags <| SFPS calclod3d_u fp_flags <| SFPS calclodcube fp_flags <| SFPS calclodcube_a fp_flags <| SFPS calclodcube_u fp_flags <| SFPS calclodcube_u_a fp_flags <| SFPS case fp_flags <| SFPS ceil fp_flags <| SFPS ceil fp_specials <| SFPS ceil float_literal <| SFPS ceil fp_range <| SFPS chain_end fp_flags <| SFPS cmp fp_flags <| SFPS cmp fp_specials <| SFPS cmp float_literal <| SFPS cmp fp_range <| SFPS continue fp_flags <| SFPS cos fp_flags <| SFPS cos fp_specials <| SFPS cos float_literal <| SFPS cos fp_range <| SFPS countbits fp_flags <| SFPS countbits int_literal <| SFPS countbits bits_known <| SFPS dabs fp_flags <| SFPS dabs fp_specials <| SFPS

dabs float_literal <| SFPS dabs fp_range <| SFPS dadd fp_flags <| SFPS dadd fp_specials <| SFPS dadd float_literal <| SFPS dadd fp_range <| SFPS dfuse fp_flags <| SFPS dfuse float_literal <| SFPS dfuse fp_specials <| SFPS dmad fp_flags <| SFPS dmad fp_specials <| SFPS dmad float_literal <| SFPS dmad fp_range <| SFPS dmax fp_flags <| SFPS dmax fp_specials <| SFPS dmax float_literal <| SFPS dmax fp_range <| SFPS dmin fp_flags <| SFPS dmin fp_specials <| SFPS dmin float_literal <| SFPS dmin fp_range <| SFPS dmov fp_flags <| SFPS dmov mov <| SFPS dmovc fp_flags <| SFPS dmovc fp_specials <| SFPS dmovc float_literal <| SFPS dmul fp_flags <| SFPS dmul fp_specials <| SFPS dmul float_literal <| SFPS dmul fp_range <| SFPS dneg fp_flags <| SFPS dneg fp_specials <| SFPS dneg float_literal <| SFPS dneg fp_range <| SFPS dsat fp_flags <| SFPS dsat float_literal <| SFPS dsat fp_range <| SFPS dsplit fp_flags <| SFPS dsplit int_literal <| SFPS dsplit fp_specials <| SFPS dtof fp_flags <| SFPS dtof float_literal <| SFPS dtof fp_range <| SFPS dtof fp_specials <| SFPS discardif fp_flags <| SFPS div fp_flags <| SFPS div fp_specials <| SFPS div float_literal <| SFPS div fp_range <| SFPS dsx fp_flags <| SFPS dsx fp_specials <| SFPS dsx float_literal <| SFPS dsx fp_range <| SFPS dsy fp_flags <| SFPS dsy fp_specials <| SFPS dsy float_literal <| SFPS dsy fp_range <| SFPS dsx_fine fp_flags <| SFPS dsx_fine fp_specials <| SFPS dsx_fine float_literal <| SFPS

dsx_fine fp_range <| SFPS dsy_fine fp_flags <| SFPS dsy_fine fp_specials <| SFPS dsy_fine float_literal <| SFPS dsy_fine fp_range <| SFPS dsx_coarse fp_flags <| SFPS dsx_coarse fp_specials <| SFPS dsx_coarse float_literal <| SFPS dsx_coarse fp_range <| SFPS dsy_coarse fp_flags <| SFPS dsy_coarse fp_specials <| SFPS dsy_coarse float_literal <| SFPS dsy_coarse fp_range <| SFPS eval_centroid fp_flags <| SFPS eval_sample fp_flags <| SFPS eval_snapped fp_flags <| SFPS exp fp_flags <| SFPS exp fp_specials <| SFPS exp float_literal <| SFPS exp fp_range <| SFPS f16tof32 fp_flags <| SFPS f16tof32 float_literal <| SFPS f16tof32 bits_known <| SFPS f32tof16 fp_flags <| SFPS f32tof16 int_literal <| SFPS f32tof16 int_range <| SFPS fcall fp_flags <| SFPS fcbody fp_flags <| SFPS firstbitlow fp_flags <| SFPS firstbitlow int_literal <| SFPS firstbitlow bits_known <| SFPS firstbit_hi fp_flags <| SFPS firstbit_hi int_literal <| SFPS firstbit_hi bits_known <| SFPS firstbit_shi fp_flags <| SFPS firstbit_shi int_literal <| SFPS firstbit_shi bits_known <| SFPS floor fp_flags <| SFPS floor fp_specials <| SFPS floor float_literal <| SFPS floor fp_range <| SFPS frc fp_flags <| SFPS frc fp_specials <| SFPS frc float_literal <| SFPS frc fp_range <| SFPS ftob fp_flags <| SFPS ftob int_literal <| SFPS ftob int_range <| SFPS ftod fp_flags <| SFPS ftod float_literal <| SFPS ftod fp_range <| SFPS ftod fp_specials <| SFPS ftoi fp_flags <| SFPS ftoi int_literal <| SFPS ftoi int_range <| SFPS ftou fp_flags <| SFPS ftou int_literal <| SFPS ftou int_range <| SFPS functionif fp_flags <| SFPS gather2d fp_flags <| SFPS

gather2d_a fp_flags <| SFPS gather2d_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS gather2d_o fp_flags <| SFPS gathercube fp_flags <| SFPS gathercube_a fp_flags <| SFPS gathercube_c fp_flags <| SFPS gathercube_c_a fp_flags <| SFPS ge fp_flags <| SFPS ge float_literal <| SFPS ge fp_range <| SFPS iadd fp_flags <| SFPS iadd int_literal <| SFPS iadd bits_known <| SFPS iadd int_range <| SFPS ibfe fp_flags <| SFPS ibfe int_literal <| SFPS ibfe bits_known <| SFPS idiv fp_flags <| SFPS idiv int_literal <| SFPS idiv bits_known <| SFPS idiv int_range <| SFPS imad fp_flags <| SFPS imad int_literal <| SFPS imad bits_known <| SFPS imad int_range <| SFPS imax fp_flags <| SFPS imax int_literal <| SFPS imax bits_known <| SFPS imax int_range <| SFPS imin fp_flags <| SFPS imin int_literal <| SFPS imin bits_known <| SFPS imin int_range <| SFPS imod fp_flags <| SFPS imod int_literal <| SFPS imod bits_known <| SFPS imod int_range <| SFPS imul fp_flags <| SFPS imul int_literal <| SFPS imul bits_known <| SFPS imul int_range <| SFPS ineg fp_flags <| SFPS ineg int_literal <| SFPS ineg bits_known <| SFPS ineg int_range <| SFPS ishl fp_flags <| SFPS ishl int_literal <| SFPS ishl bits_known <| SFPS ishr fp_flags <| SFPS ishr int_literal <| SFPS ishr bits_known <| SFPS itob fp_flags <| SFPS itob int_literal <| SFPS itob bits_known <| SFPS itob int_range <| SFPS itof fp_flags <| SFPS load fp_flags <| SFPS load_o fp_flags <| SFPS tload fp_flags <| SFPS load2d_msaa fp_flags <| SFPS

load2d_msaa_o fp_flags <| SFPS load2darray_msaa fp_flags <| SFPS load2darray_msaa_o fp_flags <| SFPS log fp_flags <| SFPS log fp_specials <| SFPS log float_literal <| SFPS log fp_range <| SFPS loopif fp_flags <| SFPS lt fp_flags <| SFPS lt float_literal <| SFPS lt fp_range <| SFPS mad fp_flags <| SFPS mad fp_specials <| SFPS mad float_literal <| SFPS mad fp_range <| SFPS max fp_flags <| SFPS max fp_specials <| SFPS max float_literal <| SFPS max fp_range <| SFPS min fp_flags <| SFPS min fp_specials <| SFPS min float_literal <| SFPS min fp_range <| SFPS mov fp_flags <| SFPS mov mov <| SFPS movc fp_flags <| SFPS movc fp_specials <| SFPS movc float_literal <| SFPS mul fp_flags <| SFPS mul fp_specials <| SFPS mul float_literal <| SFPS mul fp_range <| SFPS neg fp_flags <| SFPS neg fp_specials <| SFPS neg float_literal <| SFPS neg fp_range <| SFPS not fp_flags <| SFPS not int_literal <| SFPS not bits_known <| SFPS or fp_flags <| SFPS or int_flags <| SFPS or int_literal <| SFPS or bits_known <| SFPS placement_mov fp_flags <| SFPS placement_mov mov <| SFPS rcp fp_flags <| SFPS rcp fp_specials <| SFPS rcp float_literal <| SFPS rcp fp_range <| SFPS rcp_approx fp_flags <| SFPS rcp_approx fp_specials <| SFPS rcp_approx float_literal <| SFPS rcp_approx fp_range <| SFPS resinfo fp_flags <| SFPS resinfo_uint fp_flags <| SFPS return fp_flags <| SFPS reversebits fp_flags <| SFPS reversebits int_literal <| SFPS reversebits bits_known <| SFPS round fp_flags <| SFPS

round fp_specials <| SFPS round float_literal <| SFPS round fp_range <| SFPS rsq fp_flags <| SFPS rsq fp_specials <| SFPS rsq float_literal <| SFPS rsq fp_range <| SFPS sample1d fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_bias fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_bias_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_bias_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_bias_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_bias_l fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_lz fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_lz_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_lz_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_c_lz_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_dd fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_dd_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_dd_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_dd_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_lod fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_lod_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_lod_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_lod_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample1d_lod_l fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_dd fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_dd_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_dd_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_dd_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_lod fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_lod_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_lod_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_lod_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_lz fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_lz_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_lz_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_c_lz_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_bias fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_bias_a fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_bias_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_bias_a_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_lod_l fp_flags <| SFPS sample2d_bias_l fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d fp_flags <| SFPS

sample3d_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_dd fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_dd_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_lod fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_lod_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_bias fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_bias_o fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_lod_l fp_flags <| SFPS sample3d_bias_l fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_dd fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_lod fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_c fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_c_a fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_c_lz fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_c_lz_a fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_bias fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_a fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_dd_a fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_lod_a fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_bias_a fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_lod_l fp_flags <| SFPS samplecube_bias_l fp_flags <| SFPS sampleinfo fp_flags <| SFPS sampleinfo_uint fp_flags <| SFPS sampleinfo_rt fp_flags <| SFPS sampleinfo_uint_rt fp_flags <| SFPS samplepos fp_flags <| SFPS samplepos_rt fp_flags <| SFPS sat fp_flags <| SFPS sat float_literal <| SFPS sat fp_range <| SFPS sin fp_flags <| SFPS sin fp_specials <| SFPS sin float_literal <| SFPS sin fp_range <| SFPS sincos fp_flags <| SFPS sincos fp_specials <| SFPS sincos float_literal <| SFPS sincos fp_range <| SFPS sqrt fp_flags <| SFPS sqrt fp_specials <| SFPS sqrt float_literal <| SFPS sqrt fp_range <| SFPS switch fp_flags <| SFPS tex1d fp_flags <| SFPS tex1d_bias fp_flags <| SFPS tex1d_dd fp_flags <| SFPS tex1d_lod fp_flags <| SFPS tex1d_proj fp_flags <| SFPS tex2d fp_flags <| SFPS tex2d_bias fp_flags <| SFPS tex2d_dd fp_flags <| SFPS tex2d_lod fp_flags <| SFPS tex2d_proj fp_flags <| SFPS tex3d fp_flags <| SFPS tex3d_bias fp_flags <| SFPS tex3d_dd fp_flags <| SFPS tex3d_lod fp_flags <| SFPS tex3d_proj fp_flags <| SFPS

texcube fp_flags <| SFPS texcube_bias fp_flags <| SFPS texcube_dd fp_flags <| SFPS texcube_lod fp_flags <| SFPS texcube_proj fp_flags <| SFPS trunc fp_flags <| SFPS trunc fp_specials <| SFPS trunc float_literal <| SFPS trunc fp_range <| SFPS uaddc fp_flags <| SFPS uaddc int_literal <| SFPS uaddc bits_known <| SFPS uaddc int_range <| SFPS ubfe fp_flags <| SFPS ubfe int_literal <| SFPS ubfe bits_known <| SFPS usubb fp_flags <| SFPS usubb int_literal <| SFPS usubb bits_known <| SFPS usubb int_range <| SFPS udiv fp_flags <| SFPS udiv int_literal <| SFPS udiv bits_known <| SFPS udiv int_range <| SFPS umax fp_flags <| SFPS umax int_literal <| SFPS umax bits_known <| SFPS umax int_range <| SFPS umin fp_flags <| SFPS umin int_literal <| SFPS umin bits_known <| SFPS umin int_range <| SFPS umod fp_flags <| SFPS umod int_literal <| SFPS umod bits_known <| SFPS umod int_range <| SFPS umul fp_flags <| SFPS umul int_literal <| SFPS umul bits_known <| SFPS umul int_range <| SFPS ushr fp_flags <| SFPS ushr int_literal <| SFPS ushr bits_known <| SFPS utof fp_flags <| SFPS xor fp_flags <| SFPS xor int_flags <| SFPS xor int_literal <| SFPS xor bits_known <| SFPS break_consume fp_flags <| SFPS continue_consume fp_flags <| SFPS loopif_consume fp_flags <| SFPS output_consume fp_flags <| SFPS return_consume fp_flags <| SFPS sync_g fp_flags <| SFPS sync_ug fp_flags <| SFPS sync_up fp_flags <| SFPS sync_g_ug fp_flags <| SFPS sync_g_up fp_flags <| SFPS sync_g_t fp_flags <| SFPS sync_ug_t fp_flags <| SFPS

sync_up_t fp_flags <| SFPS sync_g_ug_t fp_flags <| SFPS sync_g_up_t fp_flags <| SFPS arraystore fp_flags <| SFPS arrayload fp_flags <| SFPS bind_load fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_and fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_or fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_xor fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_iadd fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_imax fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_imin fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_umax fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_umin fp_flags <| SFPS atomic_cmp_store fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_and fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_or fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_xor fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_iadd fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_imax fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_imin fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_umax fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_umin fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_exch fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_cmp_exch fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_alloc fp_flags <| SFPS imm_atomic_consume fp_flags <| SFPS Needs to be replaced with a real rule IEEE-safe mode clamps float literals to 32-bit values, %g is losing precision (t his warning will only be shown once per compile) 32-bit floating-point operations flush denorm float literals to zero, %g is losi ng precision (this warning will only be shown once per compile) (unknown) output %s semantic '%s' DetectRaceConditions RemoveDeadCode MarkSideEffects VectorizeLeft RequiredTranslate PropagateFlags SimplifyInstructions SimplifyPredicates CompactOutputs Hull Shader pass-through analysis FactorMads DelayOutputs ReduceLiterals SimplifyInstructionsLegacy Hull Shader Patch Constant Separation SimplifyInstructionsComplex SimplifyRangeExpressions GroupStores UnaliasArrayLoads SimplifyFlowStores CompactArrays CombineInstructions SquishInstructions RemoveDuplicateInstructions MergeInstructions

SimplifyLoads SimplifyAddresses SimplifyAddressesIPA PropagatePredicates OptimizeEarlyTranslate BackEndOptimize ReorderBinary ReorderBinaryI ShuffleCompute internal warning: optimization did not converge Split ConvertIgnores Hull Shader codegen multiple variables found with the same user-specified location gradient-based operations must be moved out of flow control to prevent divergenc e. Performance may improve by using a non-gradient operation cannot have gradient operations inside loops with divergent flow control internal error: argument pulled into unrelated predicate cannot have divergent gradient operations inside flow control SplitRegisters Translate VectorizeLiterals ReorderInstructions SeparatePhases PropagateMovs Constrain CompactRegisters CombineInstsVectorized Reading from texture buffers is unsupported on %s Shader uses texture addressing operations in a dependency chain that is too comp lex for the target shader model (%s) to handle. internal error: invalid register preshader variable '%s' used without having been completely initialized <| A%u (B%u), I%u (B%u) race condition may make sync dependent on this potentially varying variable: %s thread sync operation must be in non-varying flow control, due to a potential ra ce condition this sync is illegal, consider adding a sync after the value used t o control the flow at this location is calculated internal warning: values did not converge internal error: component out of range floating point division by zero imaginary square root indefinite logarithm indefinite arcsine indefinite arccosine Literal float out of integer range for conversion: %f Literal float out of unsigned range for conversion: %f sum of %g and %g cannot be represented accurately in double precision Integer divide by zero Unsigned integer divide by zero Floating-point Value out of integer range for conversion: %f Floating-point Value out of unsigned range for conversion: %f indefinite derivative calculation Possible integer divide by zero Derivative being used before it was defined. If you used the assignment syntax, consider moving it earlier in the program. Derivative is not defined in this branch of flow-control. If you used the assign ment syntax, consider moving the assignment before any flow control statements. Redefinition of derivative, derivatives may only be assigned once.

Derivatives of known values are unimplemented. Unable to calculate derivative of this operation. Consider using the assignment syntax to calculate it yourself (e.g.: x`(y) = z) internal error: instruction list too long internal error: instruction list and count mismatch internal error: argument used without having been initialized <| A%u (B%u), I%u (B%u) internal error: output argument was never initialized <| (A%u (B%u)) internal error: cannot write to argument pool <| (A%u (B%u), I%u (B%u)) internal error: cannot read from argument pool <| (A%u (B%u)) internal error: 64-bit arg component %u not aligned <| A%u (B%u) internal error: reading from value known not to be read <| (A%u (B%u)) internal error: argument was never used <| (A%u (B%u), I%u (B%u)) internal error: argument was never used <| (A%u (B%u)) Use of potentially uninitialized variable (%s) Internal error: unpredicated endif input Internal error: invalid read of more specific predicate internal error: unpredicated incomplete internal error: unpredicated loop_in Internal error: unread predicate overlapping register semantics not yet implemented 'c%u' SV_TARGET SV_DEPTH SV_DEPTHGREATEREQUAL SV_DEPTHLESSEQUAL SV_COVERAGE $Invalid No include handler specified, can't perform a #include. Use D3DX APIs or provide your own include handler. failed to open source file: '%s' unexpected tokens following preprocessor directive unexpected end of file __FILE__ __LINE__ DIRECT3D D3DX D3D10_COMPILER HLSL_VERSION D3DX_VERSION define elif error ifdef ifndef include pragma undef defined invalid or unsupported integer constant expression division by zero in preprocessor expression invalid preprocessor command '%s' duplicate macro parameter '%s' include interface required to support #include from resource or memory too many nested #includes error: %s unexpected #elif unexpected #elif following #else unexpected #else unexpected #else following #else unexpected #endif

pack_matrix warning ruledisable message '%s' : unknown pragma ignored once disable '%s' : macro redefinition functional defines in preprocessor expressions not yet implemented unexpected end of file in macro expansion Arg not enough actual parameters for macro '%s' 1.#SNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#INF 1.#IND (%u,%u): %s X%u: Error creating error string warning treated as error Unable to create warning string integer '%u' integer '%dl' integer '%uul' integer '%I64' integer '%u64u64' float '%g' float '%gh' float '%gf' float '%gl' syntax error : unexpected %s comment continues past end of file hex value truncated to 64 bits octal value truncated to 64 bits decimal value truncated to 64 bits string continues past end of file string continues past end of line character continues past end of file finalTriWEdgeTessFactor finalTriVEdgeTessFactor finalTriUEdgeTessFactor D3D11 Assembler Error: Invalid Bytecode: %s D3D11 Internal Compiler Error: Invalid Bytecode: %s Validation Error: %s Bytecode appears corrupt - integrity check failed. Failed to extract driver shader code. Failed to extract input signature. Failed to extract output signature. ShaderFeatureInfo blob must not specify 4x raw and structured buffers for Comput e Shaders, or for any shader 5_0+. Failed to extract patch constant signature. Unrecognized shader type. Failed to parse shader using reference shader parser: 0x%x Invalid interface metadata: too many instances. Invalid interface metadata: too many types. Invalid interface metadata: too many interface slots. Invalid interface metadata: no types defined. Invalid interface metadata: instance buffer overrun. Invalid interface metadata: type buffer overrun. Invalid interface metadata: interface buffer overrun.

Invalid interface metadata: interface %u unimplemented. Invalid interface metadata: duplicated type in interface %d's type list. Invalid interface metadata: interface count mismatch. Invalid interface metadata: type %d violates type stride limits. Invalid interface metadata: type name buffer overrun. Invalid interface metadata: unterminated type name. Invalid interface metadata: instance type buffer overrun. Invalid interface metadata: variable %d violates limits on member offsets. Invalid interface metadata: instance name buffer overrun. Invalid interface metadata: unterminated instance name. Can't continue validation - aborting. label (%d) already defined. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). function body (%d) defined without being declared. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). function body (%d) referenced without being defined. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). function body (%d) already declared. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Declaration statements must appear before other instructions. Incorrect number of operands for opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Expecting %d, e ncountered %d. Saturate modifier not permitted for opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Precise mask not permitted for opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Resource dimension and return type extended opcodes not expected on opcode #%d ( counts are 1-based). Invalid operand type for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected component count of 0 for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based) . Expected component count of 1 (or 4 component with select-1 mode) for operand #% d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected component count of 4 (or 1 component immediate32, or in certain cases N ULL or scalar operand allowed) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based ). Expected nonzero component mask (or in certain cases also NULL or single compone nt output operand allowed) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected single component mask (or in certain cases also NULL or single componen t output operand allowed) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected contiguous component mask starting at x (.x, .xy, .xyz, or .xyzw) for o perand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected a component mask which picks any one or 2 components for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected double-compatible component mask (xy, zw, or xyzw) for operand #%d of o pcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Expected double-compatible swizzle for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-b ased). Negate modifier not allowed for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Abs modifier not allowed for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). .rrrr swizzle expected for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Only immediate32 indexing permitted for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1based). Aborting. Indexing of t# resources with current instruction requires opcode to specify res ource dimension and return type. Operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Aborting. 4 component with no swizzle expected for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1 -based). Unexpected indexing dimension for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based) . Aborting. Invalid indexing mode for first dimension. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Invalid index dimension %d for relative address temp register within dimension 1 of operand. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Index Dimension %d's relative address temp is out of range (%d specified, max al

lowed is %d) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Aborting. Invalid index dimension for relative address indexable temp register within dime nsion %d of operand. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Index Dimension %d's relative address indexable temp is out of range (%d specifi ed, max allowed is %d) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Abort ing. Index Dimension %d's relative address indexable temp's dimension %d index is out of range (%d specified, max allowed is %d) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (count s are 1-based). Aborting. Invalid relative indexing register type for dimension %d. Operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Aborting. Index Dimension %d out of range (%d specified, max allowed is %d) for operand #% d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Aborting. Invalid representation for index dimension %d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). function body (%d) was never referenced. function body (%d) was never defined. function table (%d) was declared, but never referenced. Interface metadata instance %d refers to undeclared constant buffer %d. Interface metadata instance %d refers to undeclared constant buffer offset [%d,% d]. Interface metadata instance %d refers to undeclared texture %d. Interface metadata instance %d refers to undeclared sampler %d. Interface metadata expects interface %d to be declared, but it was not. Interface metadata expects interface %d to be of size %d, but it was declared as size %d. interface pointer (%d) was declared, but never referenced. GS input primitive not declared. GS has no input primitive, so no input regisers may be declared. Input v[][%d] was declared. All GS input v[][] registers must have vertex count (first dimension) declared w ith size equal to the number of vertices in the declared input primitive (%d ver tices in this case). Input %d has %d vertices declared. GS output topology not declared for stream m%d. GS output topology not declared. Interpolation mode for PS input position must be linear_noperspective_centroid o r linear_noperspective_sample when outputting oDepthGE or oDepthLE and not runni ng at sample frequency (which is forced by inputting SV_SampleIndex or declaring an input linear_sample or linear_noperspective_sample). Compute Shader must declare a thread group size (X,Y,Z). Thread local temp register storage in Compute Shader (per thread) %d. The shader declares too much temp storage (%d registers). For Compute Shader versions < 5_0, the element count for all Structured Thread G roup Shared Memory declarations must be equal to the number of threads in the group (%d in this case). %d eleme nts were specified for g%d. For Compute Shader versions < 5_0, with %d threads in a group, at most %d bytes per thread of Thread Group Shared Memory can be declared (the amount is a function of how many threads there are). This shader exceeds the limit at %d bytes per thread. Domain Shader must declare an input control point count. Domain Shader must declare a tessellator domain. Domain Shader input vDomain must be declared with at most a .xyz mask when the d omain is TRI. Domain Shader input vDomain must be declared with at most a .xy mask when the do main is QUAD. Domain Shader input vDomain must be declared with at most a .xy mask when the do main is ISOLINE. All DS input control point vcp[][] registers must have control point count (firs t dimension) declared with size equal to the number of input control points decl

ared in the hs decls phase (%d control points in this case). Input %d has %d con trol points declared. Total number of scalars across all DS input control points must not exceed %d. C urrent input control point declaration specifies %d scalars of output per contro l point with %d output control points, resulting in %d total scalars of input co ntrol point data. Input index range defined from %d to %d includes input register %s[%d] that was not declared. Registers in an input index range cannot have system names associated with them (TessFactors are an exception). Input register %s[%d] has a name and is in an i ndex range from %d to %d. Masks (and if pixel shader, also interpolation mode) on all input registers in a n index range must be identical. Input register %s[%d] does not match with other s in the index range from %d to %d. Named register components cannot appear to the left (xyzw order) of components t hat are not named in a given register. TessFactors are an exception. Affected re gister is input %d. Named register components cannot appear to the left (xyzw order) of components t hat are not named in a given register. TessFactors are an exception. Affected re gister is output %d in stream m%d. Named register components cannot appear to the left (xyzw order) of components t hat are not named in a given register. TessFactors are an exception. Affected re gister is output %d. Mismatch between shader declaration of double precision floats and accompanying Shader Feature Info blob (or lack thereof). Both the shader must declare double precision float use and a Shader Feature Info blob must specify the same thing a s well, or neither should request it. Mismatch between shader declaration of raw and structured buffers for shader 4_x and accompanying Shader Feature Info blob (or lack thereof). Both the shader mu st declare raw and structured buffer use and a Shader Feature Info blob must spe cify the same thing as well, or neither should request it. Raw or Structured buffers can't be declared in shader model 4_* VS/GS/PS without enabling them via a global flags declaration.. CB[%d] already declared, repeated declaration on opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Immediate constant buffer already declared, repeated declaration on opcode #%d ( count is 1-based). Immediate constant buffer size must be a multiple (not incl. 0) of 32bit*4-tuple s in size, but no larger than %d 32bit*4-tuples (%d bytes declared). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Temp decl already encountered. Repeated declaration on opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). Too many temp registers declared (%d). Max allowed is %d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Sum of temp registers and indexable temp registers exceeds limit of %d.. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Indexable temp register index, [%d], too high. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). A borting. Indexable temp x%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Sum of temp registers and indexable temp registers exceeds limit of %d.. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Aborting. Invalid component mask in indexable temp decl: 0x%x. Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). Aborting. Resource t%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Expected sample count of 0 but encountered %d for resource t%d. Opcode #%d (cou nt is 1-based). Texture2DMS resources are only available for input to Pixel Shaders. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Expected sample count > 0 but encountered %d for resource t%d. Opcode #%d (coun t is 1-based). Invalid resource dimension on resource t%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based).

Invalid resource return type on component %d of resource t%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Sampler s%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid sampler mode on sampler s%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). The first stream declaration cannot appear after any output or output topology d eclarations. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid stream index s%d. Index must be between 0 and %d Opcode #%d (count is 1 -based). Stream s%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Input index range declaration out of range. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Overlapping input index range decl encountered. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Output index range declaration out of range. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Overlapping output index range decl encountered. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS output topology in stream m%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based ). GS output topology already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS output primitive topology unrecognized. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS output vertex count declaration can't be more than %d vertices (%d specified) . Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS instance count already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS instance count declaration cannot be greater than %d (%d specified). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS instance count must be at least 1 (%d specified). Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). GS input primitive already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS input primitive can be a patch only if the GS version is gs_5_0 and greater. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS input primitive unrecognized. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). vCycleCounter is only supported on 5_0+ shaders. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Cycle Counter already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Cycle Counter declaration must have mask of .x or .xy. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). Compute Shader input Thread ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Compute Shader input Thread ID declaration must have a non-empty mask and allows only components x, y, and z in mask. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Compute Shader input Thread Group ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). Compute Shader input Thread Group ID declaration must have a non-empty mask and allows only components x, y, and z in mask. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Compute Shader input Thread ID In Group already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Compute Shader input Thread ID In Group declaration must have a non-empty mask a nd allows only components x, y, and z in mask. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Compute Shader input Thread ID In Group Flattened already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Compute Shader input Thread ID In Group Flattened declaration must have an empty writemask. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Input primitive ID already declared in this HS phase. Opcode #%d (count is 1-ba sed). Hull Shader output control point ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-ba sed). Hull Shader fork phase instance ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). Hull Shader join phase instance ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). When there is no Control Point phase in the HS, the control points are pass-thro ugh to the DS, but the Fork/Join phases in the HS cannot use 'output control poi

nts' (vocp[][] registers). Instead just use vcp[][] input control points (which are the same anyway in the passthrough case). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Input primitive ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Input domain point already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Input domain point declaration can't have an empty mask. Opcode #%d (count is 1 -based). GS input primID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). GS instance ID already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). PS input vCoverage already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Components of input declaration for register %d overlap with previous declaratio n for same register. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid name or shader for SGV dcl. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). SGV must have scalar mask in declaration. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). vertexID already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). instanceID already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid name or shader for SIV dcl. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). TessFactors must each be declared with a single component. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). finalQuad*TessFactor requires QUAD tessellator domain. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalTri*TessFactor requires TRI tessellator domain. Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). finalLine*TessFactor requires ISOLINE tessellator domain. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). finalQuadUeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalQuadVeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalQuadUeq1EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalQuadVeq1EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalQuadUInsideTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalQuadVInsideTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalTriUeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalTriVeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalTriWeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalTriInsideTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). finalLineDetailTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-ba sed). finalLineDensityTessFactor already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). position already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Too many unique registers contain clip/cull distance values. At most %d unique registers can have clip/cull distance in components. Opcode #%d (count is 1-bas ed). Too many total clip/cull distance values. At most %d allowed (clip+cull total). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Components of input declaration for register v%d overlap with previous declarati on for same register. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid interpolation mode for register v%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Interpolation mode cannot vary for different components of a single input regist er (v%d). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). primitiveID already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based).

isFrontFace already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). sampleIndex already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Interpolation mode for PS SGV must be constant (register v%d). Opcode #%d (coun t is 1-based). Interpolation mode for PS input position must be linear_noperspective or linear_ noperspective_centroid (shader model 4.1+ allows linear_noperspective_sample as well). Interpolation mode for PS clip or cull distance must be linear or linear centroi d, or in 4.1, linear_sample (register v%d). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). renderTargetArrayIndex or viewportArrayIndex must have scalar mask in declaratio n. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). renderTargetArrayIndex already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based ). viewportArrayIndex already declared for input. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Interpolation mode for PS renderTargetArrayIndex or viewportArrayIndex must be c onstant (register v%d). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). PS output depth already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). PS output depth already declared. The previous declaration was of a different t ype. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). PS output coverage mask already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). PS ouputs must be declared in slots less than UAVs. Output declared in slot %d while UAV declared in slot %d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Components of output declaration for register o%d overlap with previous declarat ion for same register. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Components of output declaration for register %d overlap with previous declarati on for same register. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). primitiveID already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). isFrontFace already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). finalQuadUeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1 -based). finalQuadVeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1 -based). finalQuadUeq1EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1 -based). finalQuadVeq1EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1 -based). finalQuadUInsideTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalQuadVInsideTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalTriUeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalTriVeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalTriWeq0EdgeTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). finalTriInsideTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-ba sed). finalLineDetailTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-b ased). finalLineDensityTessFactor already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). position declaration must have xyzw mask. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). position already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). renderTargetArrayIndex already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-base d). viewportArrayIndex already declared for output. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Global flags already declared once. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Unrecognized global flags. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). enableRawAndStructuredBuffers global flag can't be used (not needed) with Comput

e Shaders. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). When streams are declared, you must use emit_stream, cut_stream, and emitthencut _stream instead of emit, cut, and emitthencut. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Input control point count must be [%d..%d]. %d specified. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader input control point count already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d (c ount is 1-based). Input control point count must be [0..%d]. %d specified. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Domain Shader input control point count already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader output control point count already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d ( count is 1-based). Output control point count must be [0..%d]. %d specified. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid Tessellator Domain specified. Must be isoline, tri or quad. Aborting. Op code #%d (count is 1-based). Tessellator domain already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid Tessellator Partitioning specified. Must be integer, pow2, fractional_od d or fractional_even. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Tessellator Partitioning already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-base d). Invalid Tessellator Output Primitive specified. Must be point, line, triangleCW or triangleCCW. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Tessellator Output Primitive already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1based). Hull Shader output max tessfactor already declared. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader MaxTessFactor must be [%f..%f]. %f specified. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader Fork Phase Instance Count already declared in this phase. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader Fork Phase Instance Count must be [%d..%d]. %d specified. Opcode # %d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader Join Phase Instance Count already declared in this phase. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Hull Shader Join Phase Instance Count must be [%d..%d]. %d specified. Opcode # %d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group X size %d outside valid range [%d..%d]. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group Y size %d outside valid range [%d..%d]. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group Z size %d outside valid range [%d..%d]. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group Count %d (X*Y*Z) is beyond the valid maximum of %d. Opcod e #%d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group X size %d outside valid range [%d..%d] for Compute Shader version < 5_0. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group Y size %d outside valid range [%d..%d] for Compute Shader version < 5_0. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Declared Thread Group Count %d (X*Y*Z) is beyond the valid maximum of %d for Com pute Shader version < 5_0. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). SRV reference t%d must have a structure byte stride that is a multiple of 4 that is greater than 0 but no greater than %d when declared as structured (%d specif ied). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). UAV u%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). UAVs must be declared in slots greater than PS outputs. UAV declared in slot %d while output declared in slot %d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Texture2DMS[Array] or TextureCube[Array] resources are not supported with UAVs ( Unordered Access Views). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based).

Invalid resource dimension on resource u%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Invalid resource return type on component %d of resource u%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). UAV reference u%d must be specified with invalid coherency flag. Opcode #%d (co unt is 1-based). UAV reference u%d must have a structure byte stride that is a multiple of 4 that is greater than 0 but no greater than %d when declared as structured (%d specif ied). Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). UAV reference u%d has invalid flag. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Thread Group Shared Memory reference g%d already declared. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Thread Group Shared Memory reference g%d byteCount (%d specified) must be a nonz ero multiple of 4. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Total Thread Group Shared Memory storage exceeded by g# declarations so far up t o g%d. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). Thread Group Shared Memory reference g%d must have a structure byte stride that is a nonzero multiple of 4 when declared as structured (%d specified). Opcode # %d (count is 1-based). Output index range defined from %d to %d includes output register %d that was no t declared. Registers in an output index range cannot have system names associated with them (TessFactors are an exception). Output register o%d has a name and is in an in dex range from o%d to o%d. The intersection of all masks on output registers in an index range cannot be em pty. Index range from o%d to o%d has empty mask intersecion. Reference of undeclared temp r%d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference out of range on vertex axis for input v[%d][]. Input primitive type h as %d vertices. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference out of range on vertex axis for input v[%d][]. Input control point ha s %d vertices. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of input v%s[%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing input register from base %s[0] not allowed when register 0 has not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-bas ed). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of index range input star ting at base v%s[%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing input register from base %s[%d] not allowed when register %d h as not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-b ased). Reference out of range on vertex axis for input vcp[%d][]. Input control point has %d vertices. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of input vcp[][%d]. Opco de #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing input register from base vcp[0] not allowed when register 0 ha s not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-ba sed). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of index range input star ting at base vcp[][%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing input register from base vcp[][%d] not allowed when register % d has not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of input vpc[%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing input register from base vpc[0] not allowed when register 0 ha s not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-ba sed). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of index range input star ting at base vpc[%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based).

Relative indexing input register from base vpc[%d] not allowed when register %d has not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1based). Reference out of range on vertex axis for input vocp[%d][]. Output control poin ts has %d vertices. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of input vocp[][%d]. Opc ode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared input or undeclared components of index range input star ting at base vocp[][%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing input register from base vocp[][%d] not allowed when register %d has not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared output or undeclared components of output o%d. Opcode # %d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing output register from base o[0] not allowed when register 0 has not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-bas ed). Reference of undeclared output or undeclared components of index range output st arting at base o[%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Relative indexing output register from base o[%d] not allowed when register %d h as not been declared in an index range. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-b ased). Reference of undeclared indexable temp x%d[]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts a re 1-based). Reference out of bounds, [%d], on x%d[size==%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (count s are 1-based). Reference of undeclared components of indexable temp x%d[]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared sampler s%d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-base d). Reference of undeclared stream m%d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based ). Reference of undeclared resource t%d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-bas ed). Reference out of bounds, cb%d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared constant buffer cb%d[]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference out of bounds, [%d], on cb%d[size==%d] (if size is listed as 0, it mea ns default size is used, which is %d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-bas ed). Relative indexing not allowed for cb%d since it was not declared for dynamic ind exing.. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared immediate constant buffer. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (cou nts are 1-based). Reference out of bounds, [%d], on immediate constant buffer [size==%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register vPrimitiveID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register vGSInstanceID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register oDepth. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1based). Reference of register oDepth does mot match declaration (dcl_oDepthGE or dcl_oDe pthLE). Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register oDepthGE. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of register oDepthGE does mot match declaration (dcl_oDepth or dcl_oDe pthLE). Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register oDepthLE. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based).

Reference of register oDepthLE does mot match declaration (dcl_oDepth or dcl_oDe pthGE). Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register vCoverage. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register oMask. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-b ased). Invalid component selection mode for vCycleCounter. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (co unts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared components of input vCycleCounter. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register vOutputControlPointID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register vForkPhaseInstanceID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared register vJoinPhaseInstanceID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Invalid component selection mode for vInputThreadID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (c ounts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared components of input vInputThreadID. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Invalid component selection mode for vInputThreadGroupID. Opcode #%d, operand # %d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared components of input vInputThreadGroupID. Opcode #%d, op erand #%d (counts are 1-based). Invalid component selection mode for vInputThreadIDInGroup. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared components of input vInputThreadIDInGroup. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared input vInputThreadIDInGroupFlattened. Opcode #%d, opera nd #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared UAV u%d. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference of undeclared thread group shared memory g%d[]. Opcode #%d, operand # %d (counts are 1-based). Reference out of bounds, [%d], on g%d[size==%d]. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (count s are 1-based). Index Dimension %d's relative address temp is out of range (%d specified, max al lowed based on temp declaration is %d) for operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Aborting. Reference of undeclared components of indexable temp x%d[] within relative index of an operand. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). Reference out of range of indexable temp x%d[] within relative index of an opera nd. Index [%d] specified, but based on the indexable temp declaration, the max index allowed is [%d]. Operand #%d of opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). Aborting . function table (%d) already declared. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). interface decl references undefined function table (%d). Opcode #%d (count 1-ba sed). interface decl expects a table of size %d, but table %d has %d elements. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). interface decl for interface index %d has different function table data than the interface metadata. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). interface decl declares an interface index %d that is not a base register in the interface metadata. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). interface decl declares an interface index %d that is not the interface metadata . Opcode #%d (count 1-based). interface decl declares an invalid interface index %d. Opcode #%d (count 1-base d). interface decl declares an interface index (%d) that has already been declared. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). bufinfo requires resource declared as Buffer, Raw Buffer or Structured Buffer.

Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). ld does not support raw or structured buffers. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). ld requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/1DArray/2DArray. Opcode #%d, o perand #%d (counts are 1-based). ld2dms requires resource declared as texture2DMS/texture2DMSArray. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). lod instruction requires sampler declared in default mode. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). lod requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/CubeArray/1DArray/2DArray . Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). gather4 gather4_c comparison gather4_po gather4_po_c %s instruction requires sampler declared in %s mode. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (c ounts are 1-based). /Cube/CubeArray %s requires resource declared as texture2D/2DArray%s. Opcode #%d, operand #%d ( counts are 1-based). resinfo requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray/2DMS/ 2DMSArray. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample/_l/_d instructions require sampler declared in default mode. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample/_l/_d requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample_c_* instructions require sampler declared in comparison mode. Opcode #%d , operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample_c_* instructions require resource declared as texture1D/2D/Cube/1DArray/2 DArray/CubeArray. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample_c_* instructions require resource declared as texture1D/2D/Cube, but arra ys not allowed. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample_b requires sampler declared in default mode. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (co unts are 1-based). bias amount for sample_b must be in the range [%f,%f], but %f was specified as a n immediate. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). sample_b requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray. Op code #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). swapc requires destination registers to be different. Opcode #%d, operand #1 an d operand #2 (counts are 1-based). sync in Pixel Shader must only sync UAV (sync_uglobal).Opcode #%d (counts are 1based). sync must include some form of memory barrier - _u (UAV) and/or _g (Thread Group Shared Memory). Only _t (thread group sync) is optional. Opcode #%d (counts ar e 1-based). sync can't specify both _ugroup and _uglobal. If both are needed, just specify _ uglobal. Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). ld_uav_typed cannot be used on a UAV that is not declared as typed (u%d). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). store_uav_typed cannot be used on a UAV that is not declared as typed (u%d). Opc ode #%d (counts are 1-based). store_uav_typed must write to all four components of the UAV. Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). ld_raw requires resource declared as Raw Buffer. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (count s are 1-based). ld_raw cannot be used on a resource that is not declared as raw (resource index [%d]). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). store_raw cannot be used on a resource that is not declared as raw (resource ind ex [%d]). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based).

ld_structured requires resource declared as Structured Buffer. Opcode #%d, oper and #%d (counts are 1-based). ld_structured cannot be used on a resource that is not declared as structured (r esource index [%d]). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). store_structured cannot be used on a resource that is not declared as structured (resource index [%d]). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). store_structured writing to Thread Group Shared Memory for shader models less th an 5_0 must use vThreadIDInGroupFlattened as the structure index (second) parameter. Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). imm_atomic_alloc and imm_atomic_consume on a given UAV (%d) cannot both be in th e same shader. Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). imm_atomic_alloc and imm_atomic_consume can't be combined with other atomic oper ations on an Append UAV (%d). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). imm_atomic_alloc and imm_atomic_consume require as Structured Buffer UAV (slot % d). Opcode #%d (counts are 1-based). sample_* instructions require resource to be declared to return UNORM, SNORM or FLOAT. Opcode #%d, operand #%d (counts are 1-based). vCycleCounter can only be used with the mov instruction. Opcode #%d, operand #% d (counts are 1-based). else statement doesn't match to an if statement. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Abo rting validation. else statement seen already. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Aborting validation. endif statement doesn't match to an if statement. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Ab orting validation. endloop statement doesn't match to a loop statement. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Aborting validation. endswitch statement doesn't match to a switch statement. Opcode #%d (count 1-bas ed). Aborting validation. case statement doesn't match to the scope of a switch statement. Opcode #%d (cou nt 1-based). Aborting validation. case %d (or if bits to be interpreted as float: %f) already seen. Opcode #%d (co unt 1-based). default statement doesn't match to the scope of a switch statement. Opcode #%d ( count 1-based). Aborting validation. default statement seen already. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). continue/continuec statement not inside loop. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). break/breakc statement not inside loop or switch. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). call/callc statement not referencing a label. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Shader Model 5+ requires that subroutine definitions appear after any call(s) to the subroutine. This also implies recursion is not allowed, although that may o r may not be the case here. Aborting. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Multiple Hull Shader phases cannot call the same subroutine. If this is an impor tant feature, support could be considered in the future. Opcode #%d (count is 1based) fcall statement not referencing an interface. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). fcall statement referencing an undeclared interface (%d). Opcode #%d (count 1-b ased). fcall statement referencing an out of bounds function index (%d). Opcode #%d (c ount 1-based). Shader exceeds maximum supported number of interface call sites (%d). Opcode #% d (count 1-based). Multiple Hull Shader phases cannot call the same interface body. If this is an i mportant feature, support could be considered in the future. Opcode #%d (count i s 1-based) label (%d) being defined without any callers. Shader Model 5+ requires all calle rs to a subroutine to appear before the subroutine definition. Aborting.Opcode # %d (count 1-based). label (%d) was never used in the shader label (%d) must be preceded by a ret. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Aborting valid

ation. label (%d) must not be nested inside flow control. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). A borting validation. Interpolation mode on input v# register used with eval_* instruction must be lin ear, linear_centroid, linear_noperspective, linear_noperspective_centroid, linea r_sample or linear_noperspective_sample. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based). It is invalid to use eval_* on position input due to hardware limitation. Opcod e #%d (count is 1-based). Can't fall through case/default unless case/default has no code. Opcode #%d (cou nt 1-based). Aborting validation. switch must be followed by case or default. Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Aborting validation. ret can only be followed by case/default/endswitch/endloop/else/endif/label. Opc ode #%d (count 1-based). Aborting validation. break/continue can only be followed by case/default/endswitch/endloop/else/endif . Opcode #%d (count 1-based). Aborting validation. label (%d) called but not defined. label (%d) defined but never called. End of program reached with incomplete flow control structure. When code ends in subroutine definition, it must end with ret. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) specifies invalid interpolation mod e for integer component type. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) specifies unrecognized or invalid c omponent type. %s array signature parameter %s cannot be indexed dynamically. Non system-generated input signature parameter (%s) cannot appear after a system generated value. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) type must be float32. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) type must be uint32. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) type must be float32 and mask must be xyzw. Too many %s signature parameters of type SV_ClipDistance or SV_CullDistance. Ma ximum number of registers usable is %i. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) type must be a scalar uint. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) type must be a scalar float. %s signature parameter %s (1-based Entry %d) has an unrecognized system name. Stream index (%u) must between 0 and %u. Patch constant signature parameter #%d (1-based) specifies out of range register %d. Patch constant signature parameter #%d (1-based) specifies register %d (or compo nents in the register) that have already been defined. Patch constant signature name mismatch with declaration in shader code for compo nent %d in register %d. Patch constant signature signature does not specify component %d of register %d which is declared in the shader code. Input signature parameter #%d (1-based) specifies out of range register %d. Input signature parameter #%d (1-based) specifies register %d (or components in the register) that have already been defined. Input signature name mismatch with declaration in shader code for component %d i n register %d. Input signature does not specify component %d of register %d which is declared i n the shader code. Output signature parameter #%d (1-based) specifies out of range register %d. Output signature parameter #%d (1-based) specifies register %d (or components in the register) that have already been defined. Output signature name mismatch with declaration in shader code for component %d in register %d. Output signature does not specify component %d of register %d which is declared in the shader code. Pixel Shader allows output semantics to be SV_Target, SV_Depth, SV_DepthGreaterE

qual, SV_DepthLessEqual or SV_Coverage only. Output signature parameter #%d (1based) specifies semantic %s. Double operations not supported unless globalFlags includes enableDoublePrecisio nFloatOps. Unrecognized instruction or instruction not valid in vertex shader. Hull Shader declsphase must declare an input control point count. Hull Shader declsphase must declare an output control point count. Hull Shader declsphase must declare a tessellator domain. Hull Shader declsphase must declare a tessellator partitioning. Hull Shader declsphase must declare a tessellator output primitive. Hull Shader declared with IsoLine Domain must specify output primitive point or line. triangle_cw or triangle_ccw output are not compatible with the IsoLine Dom ain. Hull Shader declared with Tri Domain must specify output primitive point, triang le_cw or triangle_ccw. line output is not compatible with the Tri domain. Hull Shader declared with Quad Domain must specify output primitive point, trian gle_cw or triangle_ccw. line output is not compatible with the Quad domain. All HS control point phase input v[][] registers must have control point count ( first dimension) declared with size less than or equal to the number of input co ntrol points declared in the hs decls phase (%d control points in this case). In put %d has %d control points declared. Total number of scalars across all HS output control points must not exceed %d. Current output control point declaration specifies %d scalars of output per cont rol point with %d output control points, resulting in %d total scalars of output control point data. All HS fork phase input vcp[][] registers must have control point count (first d imension) declared with size less than or equal to the number of input control p oints declared in the hs decls phase (%d control points in this case). Input %d has %d control points declared. All HS fork phase input vocp[][] registers must have control point count (first dimension) declared with size less than or equal to the number of output control points declared in the hs decls phase (%d control points in this case). Input % d has %d control points declared. Hull Shader Fork Phase reads component(s) of output control point [%d] which wer e not output by the Control Point Phase. Multiple fork phase programs declared the same component(s) of output patch cons tant register o[#d]. Multiple fork phase programs cannot declare partially overlapping index ranges f or output Patch Constant Data. One index range is from register [%d] to [%d], wh ile the another is from [%d] to [%d]. All HS join phase input vcp[][] registers must have control point count (first d imension) declared with size equal to the number of input control points declare d in the hs decls phase (%d control points in this case). Input %d has %d contro l points declared. All HS join phase input vocp[][] registers must have control point count (first dimension) declared with size equal to the number of output control points decla red in the hs decls phase (%d control points in this case). Input %d has %d cont rol points declared. Hull Shader Join Phase reads component(s) of output control point [%d] which wer e not output by the Control Point Phase. Join phase declaring component(s) of input patch constant register vpc[%d] which have not been output by previous fork phase(s) or other join phase(s). Join phase declared the same component(s) of output patch constant register o[#d ] as already declared for output by a previous fork phase or other joint phase. Multiple fork/join phase programs cannot declare partially overlapping index ran ges for output Patch Constant Data. One index range is from register [%d] to [%d ], while the another is from [%d] to [%d]. When the Hull Shader doesn't have a Control Point Phase, the declared Input Cont rol Point Count (%d) must match the declared Output Control Point Count (%d), in dicating the control points will pass through, or the Output Control Point Count

can be set 0. Related TessFactor names (such as edges) must be declared in the same component of consecutive Patch Constant registers, in the correct order. %s is in %s[%d].% s, which would put %s past the end of the available registers, since it is %d na me after %s in the order. Related TessFactor names (such as edges) must be declared in the same component of consecutive Patch Constant registers, in the correct order. %s expected in %s [%d].%s since %s is in %s[%d].%s. TRI QUAD ISOLINE Required TessFactor name %s for %s domain not found declared anywhere in Patch C onstant data. Index ranges declared on Patch Constant Data cannot cross over related blocks of hardware TessFactors. An index range is declared from register [%d] to [%d], wh ich crosses over a block of TessFactors that starts with %s in register [%d] and ends in %s in register [%d]. Unrecognized instruction or instruction not valid in Hull Shader. Hull Shader must start with HSDecls phase. Invalid instruction for Hull Shader Decls phase. Declaration statements in HS Control Point phase must appear before other instru ctions. Invalid instruction for Hull Shader Control Point phase. Declaration statements in HS Fork phase must appear before other instructions. Invalid instruction for Hull Shader Fork phase. Declaration statements in HS Join phase must appear before other instructions. Invalid instruction for Hull Shader Join phase. Invalid instruction for Hull Shader postamble section (subroutines and function bodies). Unrecognized instruction or instruction not valid in Domain Shader. Unrecognized instruction or instruction not valid in geometry shader. Declared output vertex count (%d) multiplied by the total number of declared sca lar components of output data (%d) equals %d. This value cannot be greater than %d. Unrecognized instruction or instruction not valid in pixel shader. Dest register relative index temp register component %d in r%d uninitialized. Op code #%d (count is 1-based) Dest register relative index indexable-temp register component %d in x[%d][%d] u ninitialized. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based) source register relative index temp register component %d in r%d uninitialized. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based) source register relative index indexable-temp register component %d in x[%d][%d] uninitialized. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based) source component %d in temp r%d not initialized. Opcode #%d (count is 1-based) source indexable temp register component %d in x%d[*] never initialized anywhere .Opcode #%d (count is 1-based) Instructions calculating derivatives across pixels, and using temp storage or in dexed values for input coordinates, are not permitted within flow control that h as a branch condition that could vary across pixels. Opcode %d (count is 1-based ). Unrecognized instruction or instruction not valid in Compute Shader. &DT -DT -DT -DT -DT -DT +eG m0_ ?c]

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tyh(E hTE f;C f;C PhDF PhdF h(G f;C s@ C G h$H f;H PhXH v|ShDI h@J WhPJ hhJ h$K h0K h8K hDK h0K h\K hhK h0K h|K urh h0K Ph0K QhpL u h|A t.= XFt'= XTt = PhDBUG WSP QPh 'RPh QRPh RPh tBhl? u3V3 ^[] jPP _^3 t8= 2Qh,M $h M Qh$M SW hlA Sh0M x|h xPh|A QPh8M PhFXLC3 PhCLIT hdM t_Vhl?

wftM= t"= t$H Vh(N wYt@= t"= Vh N Vh,N wytk= tM= t1Ht$H Vh0N wctM= Vh$N Vh4N t1h8N h<N _^[] QSV WhtA hlA t=f; u8h|A htA hlA PRh PRh PRh htA hlA f;P U$; ra; U$r h@N htA hlA h\N _^[ ,SVW PhCTAB h`N htN h|A f9E f;D QRj htA xhtA Ph$O Ph,O h|A t#;E t Ht h4O VhHO f;D hTO thHtEHt hxL

h\N h|A (hdO _^[ h$P h4P hDP hLP hTP hXP h`P hhP hlP hpP h|P h,M h,M h8N h Q h$Q hl? h,Q Vu# $h0Q $h8Q $hDQ QhdQ hXQ {h,Q Qh,M 7h$M hDC _^[ hlQ hxQ hL9 h,R hHR hdR h(S hDS PhPRES PhFXLC3 PhCLIT h`S hdM hpS h|S t_= >TEXTuCj hDT PhHT f;E tg;B sbh|A hTT Ph\T }[h|A hTT PhhT

r' t#j h0M hlT hDT @t+j htT hlA &t/ 't* (t% )t tej h,Q h|T hP0 hL0 hX/ hH0 hD0 h@0 h<0 h80 h40 h00 h,0 h(0 h$0 h 0 h<. hx/ hp/ hh/ hh/ h</ hx. h . h\. hL. hl. hT. h@. h8. h0. h,. h(. t0= h0/ h / jh(/ Wh8/ hD/ (hL/ /h$U (h0U !h<U hDU hLU hTU Ph\U

^uA h`U !hdU hhU hlU hpU htU hxU !h|U tfhl? Qus hDC =`~ 7h$M 0uW hDC 7h,M /uWj hDC wstj wnt^ wFt[ h|T uLh w t& u$h sj91t 2f; ;L5 h|A h T h|A PVh WPh(V h|A P(S r=h|A hHV ;B4r h|A hxV B8W 8,u h|A hTT hhT h|A V;Z hTT h\T u/h h,M t,h t,h u5h u/h ~lh h,M h,M h<N

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PVh +PVh "PVh PVh PVh(^ PVh4^ PWV 5u. h@^ h`^ (9Y h(_ hp_ PQh PQh h0` hH` PQh h|A hH` _^] VWj _^] SVW h`N h a

t$h hHa hRDEF t&P hPCSG tEP hP~ hISGN t0P t$j h`~ hOSGN hOSG5 t3P t'j hp~ hIFCE hAon9 hXNAP hXNAS _^[ htH _^[ h$b h@b @VP hVW L$8 D$d t$, L$4 D$(P PSj t$@ L$< t$@ L$< D$, D$, D$(P L$\ D$\ t$8 D$< D$< |$ h$b |$ h$b L$09 D$XPW D$` \$8 L$d t$\hHb t$`hTb D$d L$, D$,3 QVS

|$d v-hdb htb \$4F;t$, D$d L$0 t$8A L$0; L$,9 D$LPV t$< D$T L$09L$P D$@ D$D D$H |$d T$XRP t$\ t$X h,c h|A @h0c hDc L$0 t$4A L$0;L$P hLc L$4 t$@A L$,; |$ |$ h@b t$<@VP _^[3 5u) tF;_ _^3 SRP _^3 _^3 _[2 R@Ph jPP SRh jPP HRh jPP SRh jPP jPP t"PVh jPP hDC hDC G;} jPP xrj xSh

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tP !tK "tF #tA $t< &t7 (t2 )t*t( +t# hl? h\N h|A SV h4m hDC h\N h|A hLm h|A hxm xzh|A xNh hLc x>h hLc XFu( Pj`j >;r VW3 /w, VW3 t$G B _^ A 3 F$P _^] _^[ _^3 XFu CdW x=S Wj0 _^[ QWhTq Wh|q SVW3 _^[ PWS3 tCW t0j _^[] C0j Nt^N SV3 9^ PRQ u? u2W Ph\r

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