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5th Grade Partial 2 - Practice

A. Multiple Choice From the story Kais Journey

1. How did Kai travel to the United States?
a. He came by bus.
b. He came by train.
c. He came by plane.
d. He came by steam ship.
2. Who were able to immigrate to the United States?
c. Any parents who had children could immigrate.
b. Any children of Chinese parents could immigrate.
c. Any children of United States residents could immigrate.
d. Any children who could answer the interrogation questions could immigrate.
3. Where was the first place that Kai had to go?
a. China
b. Angel Island
c. San Francisco
d. Coconut Island
4. What was the food like in the barracks?
a. It was soggy, and lukewarm.
b. Kai didnt eat because he was sick from being on the boat.
c. It was delicious and exactly like Kai was used to in China.
d. The food was American hamburgers and hot dogs and Kai wasnt used to it.
5. What game did the boys learn to play in the story?
a. soccer
b. football
c. volleyball
d. basketball

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6. One night Kai woke up because he heard a sound. The sound was__ .
a. the sound of a rat scratching at the bed.
b. the sound of the Luk Yi walking around the barracks.
c. the sound of a man etching a poem into the walls of the barracks.
d. the sound of Young who was trying to escape from Angel Island and go back to China.
7. Kai was not allowed to see his father until __ .
a. he had passed the interrogation.
b. he had learned how to speak English.
c. he had passed the first two tests of English.
d. he had learned how to play the American game of basketball.
8. How was Kai able to get plums from the plum tree?
a. Kai climbed the fence while Young distracted the guard.
b. Kai devised a plan where he would distract the guard and Young could get the plums.
c. Kai and Young threw the ball over the fence and they used it as an excuse to get plums.
d. Young devised a plan where they would wait until it was dark outside and they could get the plums.
9. Kai kept the letter from his father __ .
a. in his pocket
b. in the backpack
c. under the pillow
d. in a little hole that he had made in the wall.
10. During the interview Kai reminded himself not to worry because __ .
a. he knew all of the answers.
b. he was the legitimate son of a United States resident.
c. he could easily go back to China to get the answers that he needed.
d. he knew exactly what the questions were because he had really been studying for hours.
11. The most difficult question was about__ .
a. the shape of the table in Kais kitchen.
b. the shape of the back of the chairs in Kais kitchen.
c. the answers to all of the English questions that came at the end of the interrogation.
d. the historical questions about the United States and the question about the first U.S. president.
12. If Kai didnt pass the test, what would happen?
a. He would go to see his father.
b. He would be sent back to China.
c. He would be sent back to Angel Island.
d. He would be sent back to San Francisco.

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13. When Kai learned that he had passed the interrogation, he said goodbye to his friend Young. What did Young say?
a. Young didnt say anything.
b. Young was jealous , but he told Kai to remember him.
c. Young talked the guards and asked them if he could go with Kai.
d. Young asked Kai to buy him a cell phone so that they could stay in contact.
B. Write the letter from the definition of Column B on the line of the correct vocabulary word from Column A.
From the Story: Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World
Column A

Column B

______ 1. inspecting

A. folded tightly and wrinkled

______ 2. taut

B. an echoing sound.

______ 3. untangled

C. to check for damage.

______ 4. rumpled

D. to separate and organize a mess of stringy type material.

______ 5. lurked

E. when you don`t want to or are unwilling to do something.

______ 6. resounded

F. a sudden increase in something.

______ 7. reluctant

G. tight

______ 8. surge

H. to hide and wish not to be seen.

C. Complete each sentence by writing the letter from Column B of the completed sentence on the lines of Column A.
(8 points, 1 point each)
From the Story: Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World
Column A

Column B

______ 1. Justin lives in the city with his

A. about the way that he does chores around the house.

______ 2. Everybody in Justin`s house complains

B. spend time with him at his ranch.

______ 3. One time Justin started to

C. ride the fence.

______ 4. Grandpa invites him to

D. mother and his sisters, Evelyn and Hadiya

______ 5. At grandpa`s ranch grandpa taught

E. biscuits

______ 6. One day they saddle the horses to

F. cry when his grandfather was visiting

______ 7. Grandpa mixed flour, and shortening to make

G. he wanted his wife to be able to hold baby Justin

______ 8. Grandpa had cried once because

H. Justin how to wash dishes and make his bed and fold clothes.

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A student without good
grammar is like a soldier
without his sword!

D. Run on Sentences. Correct the run on sentences by using a coordinating conjunction and comma correctly.
1. I like pizza my mom likes pizza too.
2. We have lost our passports we are still ok.
3. My friend Bob knows you he says that you are nice guy.
4. Little small mice ate the cheese they also took some cheese home with them.

E. Comma Splices. Correct the comma splices by using a coordinating conjunction and the comma correctly.
1. Life is difficult, it is great when we can share our problems with our friends.
2. My first day of school was very long, it was very hard.
3. Do you want a piece of cake, do you want to eat ice cream?
4. She does not know me, she knows you!

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F. Subjects and Predicates. Combine the two sentences into one sentence with a compound subject or
1. Lisa washes the dishes. Lisa dries the dishes.
2. Mark plays baseball. John plays baseball.
3. My mother went the movies. I went to the movies.
4. My dog fought the bear. My dog played with a mouse.

OK. The rest of the practice is NOT

grammar that will specifically be on the
Partial 2 Test, but you may want to use it
for English Practice!

D . Write the sentences on the line in negative.

1. Sharon cleans the table.
2. Mom and dad live in Guadalupe.

I remember! I need to
use the helper verb
DO/DOES for making
simple Present Tense
sentences negative.

3. The dog is in my bed.

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4. He loves to drink iced tea.

5. There are pens on my desk.

E. Write questions for the answers that are given.

1. Q: _________________________________________________________________
A: Yes, she lives in Maryland.
2. Q: _________________________________________________________________
A: No, we are not dirty.
3. Q: _________________________________________________________________
A: No, she doesnt like Bob. She likes Ralph.
4. Q: _________________________________________________________________
A: Yes, Susan and Sarah ask questions?
5. Q: _________________________________________________________________
A: Yes, it rains every day in San Jose.
F. Write questions for the answers that are given? Use the underlined information to help you with a WH question.
1. Q: _______________________________________________________________________
A: Mary has three cats.
2. Q: _______________________________________________________________________
A: I get to school by bus.
3. Q: _______________________________________________________________________
A: She likes to read because it helps her to learn vocabulary.
4. Q: _______________________________________________________________________
A: I watch T.V. in the living room.
5. Q: _______________________________________________________________________
A: Mark plays soccer.
6. Q: _______________________________________________________________________
A: Sharon plays soccer with Mark.

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G. Write the frequency adverb and the verb that are in parenthesis on the lines.
1. She (always, try) _____________________________ her best in school.
2. They (never, be) _______________________________ on time for class.
3. My dad (usually, clean) ______________________________ the car on Saturdays.
4. The students (sometimes, be) ______________________________ lazy.
5. We (almost always, sing) __________________________________ the national anthem at school.

H. Write Go, Do, or Have on the lines of the sentences.

1. My dad always ____________________________ to San Jose on the bus.
2. We ____________________________ our homework after school.
3. The dog _____________________________ my ball in his mouth.
4. The calculator ________________________________ many buttons on it.
5. Mom ____________________________ her exercises in the morning after I have gone to school.
6. I usually __________________________ to my friends house after school.
I. Use the information in parenthesis to complete the conversation.

Hey Doug, how _____________________________ (be, you


I _______________________________


Where ___________________________________ (you, work


I ____________________ (work


__________________________________ (she, work


Yes, she _________________________ (go


_______________________________ (be, you


No, I ___________________________ ( I,


(be 2.)



every day?

in San Jose. My wife_______________ (work




in Tibas.

every day?

to work by bus.

a teacher?

be, not 9.)

a teacher. I am an accountant.

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J. Write the correct verb from the box on the lines of the story.













Every day Samuel _______________________ his mom to do things in the kitchen. He _________________
the dishes. He __________________________ them because his mother washes them. His father
___________________ a very good job. He _______________________ an accountant at a big company. Samuel
____________________ to do his school work every night, but sometimes he _____________________________
it, so he waits until the next day and he _________________________ his teacher. At school he
______________________________ his lunch at the cafeteria because his mother makes it for him. He
__________________________ very neatly so that all of his teachers can read his work.
Today the teacher asked Samuel, Why _________________________late? Samuel said that his mothers
car is broken. He said, The mechanic in Heredia always ___________________________ our car for us. Ok
said the teacher, _______________________ down.
K. Unscramble the words and write them on the lines in the correct order to make correct sentences
1. hot / the / summer? / the / it / is / in
2. drives / Mercedes / she / a / usually / black
Would you stop
pulling me!!

3. vegetables / to / dont / Sally / eat / Susan / and / like


Im not pulling.
You are walking
too slow!

4. now / basketball / is / right / playing / Lucy


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