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In lying position, use a bottle under your knee. Pull your foot towards you. Now, while pushing the back of your knee into the bottle, try to lift your heel off the bed by locking your knee. Hold this for 5 counts before lowering. Repeat 10 times. Then, Do it on the other leg.

Exercise 2:
Stand with your back against a smooth wall; the surface should allow your back to easily slide up and down against it. Place your feet 30 cm away from the wall. Now slide down the wall by bending your knees while keeping your back against the wall. Bend and then slowly slide up the wall by straightening your knees before starting to bend the knees, sliding down again. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 3:
Place a cushion under the heel of the leg. Try to relax and allow gravity to assist the knee to straighten. You will feel a stretch in the muscles and tendons at the back of the knee. Lie like this for 2 minutes. Then repeat on other leg.

Exercise 4:
Lie on any one the side. While keeping the buttocks tightened, lift the upper leg approximately 40cm off the bed. Hold it for 10 counts before lowering it. Repeat 15 times. Later do it on the other leg.

Exercise 5:
Lie on Your back with your legs out straight, knees unbent holding onto a solid object (bed frame or couch, etc) lift your heel slowly off the bed. Raise the leg as high as possible. Slowly lower the leg to the bed keeping the knee straight. Repeat ten times; perform three times a day.


SHOULDER EXERCISES Exercise 1: Permit arm to dangle freely. Circular motion in the clockwise and counterclockwise direction is done in ever-increasing large circles. Swing your arm forward and backward. Swing your arm to side to side.

Exercise 2: In sitting or standing position, Clasp neck, elbows pointing straight ahead - move arms out to side as far as possible.

Exercise 3: Arms at sides, back of hand facing forward. Bend elbow and carry back of hand over buttocks to waistline and upper back. Try to reach the shoulder blade.

Exercise 4: Gently pull the elbow of one arm across the chest as far as possible without feeling pain. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Exercise 5: Grasp the stick with one hand and cup the other end of the stick with the other hand. Push the stick horizontally as shown, keeping the elbow against the side of the body so that the arm is passively stretched to the point of feeling a pull without pain. Hold for 30 seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.


BACK EXERCISES Exercise 1: Lying on your back, grab your knees with both hands. Push your knee down into your hands. Keep breathing. Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times. DO NOT hug your knee to your chest! Exercise 2: Maintain a neutral spine on hands and knees and lift opposite arm and leg. Exercise 3: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Maintain neutral and then lift buttocks off the floor and hold. Be sure not to arch your back. Lower hips slowly to the floor. Exercise 4: Hold a the position as in exercise 3, and alternately straighten one knee at a time. Do it for 10 times. Both sides. Don't hold breath while doing. Exercise 5: On hand and knees. Slowly archback up as far as tolerated while tucking chin to chest. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Slowly let back sink into a sway back position, while lifting head level with back. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 30 times. Exercise 5: Sit on floor or table. Cross right leg over left thigh, placing right foot outside of the left knee. Place left elbow on outside of right knee. Gently stretch by pushing right elbow into left knee. Keep back straight while stretching. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat for opposite side. Repeat 3 - 5 times for each side.




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