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Igalens and Roussel have analysed the relationship between compensation, work mo tivation and job satisfaction in the

context of the employment scenario in Franc e. They have examined the principal dimensions of total compensation that give r ise to distinct reactions among employeesthe fixed pay can increase work motivat ion and job satisfaction for exempt employees and only job satisfaction for nonexempt employees. Secondly, the data suggest that flexible pay (variable pay) ne ither motivates nor increases job satisfaction. This holds true for particularly for non-exempt employees. Finally, the data suggest that benefits neither motiv ate nor increase job satisfaction. This research paper makes three important contributions in the area of behavior in organizations. First, it has shown that the pay satisfaction of an employee in an organization is multidimensional. This study demonstrates the critical nee d to differentiate between pay level satisfaction and pay raise satisfaction whe n considering justice theory dimensions and pay satisfaction. Moreover, it tries to figure put the impact of distributive and procedural justice on both pay lev el and pay raise satisfaction of an employee. The second contribution is that it begins to more adequately integrate justice theory with multidimensional pay sa tisfaction theory in predicting turnover, an outcome of high interest to organiz ations. Finally, it contributes by demonstrating the robustness of the theoretic al frame chosen for this study.Overall, the findings of Study 1 and 2 both suppo rted the notion that distributive justice would mediate the relationship between pay and both pay level satisfaction and pay raise satisfaction, with a stronger relationship with pay level satisfaction. Also, as expected, procedural justice was directly and positively related to both forms of pay satisfaction, with a s tronger association with pay raise satisfaction. There was, however, no moderati ng effect of procedural justice on the relationship between distributive justice and pay raise satisfaction. As expected, pay raise satisfaction was negatively related to turnover; but, contrary to the predicted relationship, pay level sati sfaction was not significantly predictive of turnover The purpose of this study was to investigate employee attitudes and behaviors am ong knowledge workers under different forms of pay administration and variable a nd fixed pay levels.The results obtained in this study suggest that the combined plan involving both individual and collective components did not leverage the s trengths or minimize the weaknesses of each individual component when compared t o the purely collectively based pay plan. On the contrary, supplemental analyses showed that perceptions of pay plan justice were significantly lower under the combined plan. The purpose of this column is to study whether financial incentives have motivat ional effects for professionals in an organization.The results of the study are mentioned here. It was found that financial incentives are associated with impro ved performance in professional organizations. It means that when performance re lated incentives were introduced, it led to increased motivation among the surve yed physicians. This establishes that the introduction of financial incentives w as positively associated with improvements in achieving the same set of performa nce goals that had existed at baseline. This paper tries to find the relationship between non-monotonic impacts of incen tives on job satisfaction. It tries to answer how much the pay should be raised to have an effect on the motivation of the employeesThe empirical results of thi s paper provide support to experimental evidence suggesting a V-effect of moneta ry incentives on performance and job satisfaction. The above average rewards, an d, especially, very generous bonuses and profit-sharing payments are observed to enhance the utility that workers derive from their jobs. Also, it shows the sig nificant negative association between small bonus payments and the satisfaction of workers with the actual job itself.

The data in the research further indicates that flexible pay (incentives, overti me and bonuses) doesn t have significant impact in motivating the employees. The r esults are positive but are on the weaker side. The results were different in Fr ance and Pakistan showing difference in response to compensation with cultures. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______ fixed pay can increase work motivation and job satisfaction for exempt employees and only job satisfaction for non-exempt employees. Secondly, the data suggest that flexible pay (variable pay) neither motivates nor increases job satisfactio n. This holds true for particularly for non-exempt employees. Finally, the data suggest that benefits neither motivate nor increase job satisfaction. procedural justice was directly and positively related to both forms of pay sati sfaction, with a stronger association with pay raise satisfaction. There was, ho wever, no moderating effect of procedural justice on the relationship between di stributive justice and pay raise satisfaction. As expected, pay raise satisfacti on was negatively related to turnover; but, contrary to the predicted relationsh ip, pay level satisfaction was not significantly predictive of turnover It was found that financial incentives are associated with improved performance in professional organizations. It means that when performance related incentives were introduced, it led to increased motivation among the surveyed physicians. This establishes that the introduction of financial incentives was positively as sociated with improvements in achieving the same set of performance goals that h ad existed at baseline. The above average rewards, and, especially, very generous bonuses and profit-sha ring payments are observed to enhance the utility that workers derive from their jobs. Also, it shows the significant negative association between small bonus pay ments and the satisfaction of workers with the actual job itself.

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