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Battery level indicator

Aim: a circuit that lets you know the battery level of a device from the number of LEDs that are

Components : one comparator IC (LM3914),10 L.E.Ds,1 breadboard, Resistance , 10k preset VR

Circuit diagram

This bar graph LED battery level indicator circuit is based on LM3914 monolithic IC from National Semiconductor that senses the voltage levels of the battery and drives the 10 light emitting diodes based on the voltage level that is detected.
The LM3914 uses ten comparators, which are internally assembled in the voltage divider network based on the current-division rule. So it divides the battery level into ten parts. The circuit derives the power supply for its operation from the battery of the device itself. It uses ten LEDs wired in a 10-dot mode. The device is calibrated such that it can divide the required battery into 10 levels and lit the appropriate LED as per the batteries charge level The use of different coloured LEDs makes it easier to recognise the voltage level on the basis of the calibration made.

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