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FDI is an investment that a parent company makes in a foreign country.

On the contrary, FII is an investment made by an investor in the markets of a foreign nation. 2. FII can enter the stock market easily and also withdraw from it easily. But FDI cannot enter and exit that easily. 3. Foreign Direct Investment targets a specific enterprise. The FII increasing capital availability in general. 4. The Foreign Direct Investment is considered to be more stable than Foreign Institutional Investor
FII is investing into financial markets of India. Majorly secondary market. FDI is acquisition of physical assets or capital in INdia. It leads to change in management, transfer of technology, increase in production etc. 1. FDI is an investment that a parent company makes in a foreign country. On the contrary, FII is an investment made by an investor in the markets of a foreign nation. 2. FII can enter the stock market easily and also withdraw from it easily. But FDI cannot enter and exit that easily. 3. Foreign Direct Investment targets a specific enterprise while FII targets the capitak markets of foreign country. 4. The Foreign Direct Investment is considered to be more stable than Foreign Institutional Investor 5. FDI flows into the primary market, the FII flows into secondary market. 6. FIIs are short-term investments, the FDI's are long term. FDI means foreign direct investment. FDI outflow means withdrawal of investments from a country is more than new investment, i.e.. more money is taken out than invested at a particular time.

Portfolio investors: buy stocks or bonds in foreign country's and foreign investment: is an investment in an enterprise or buisness that operates outside the investors country.

Mnc vs tnc

Multinational (MNC) and Transnational (TNC) companies are types of international corporations. Both maintain management headquarters in one country, known as the home country, and operate in several other countries, known as host countries. 2) Most TNCs and MNCs are massive in terms of budget and are highly influential to globalization. They are also considered as main drivers of the local economy, government policies, environmental and political lobbying 3) An MNC have investment in other countries, but do not have coordinated product offerings in each country. It is more focused on adapting their products and service to each individual local market. A TNC, on the other hand, have invested in foreign operations, have a central corporate facility but give decisionmaking, R&D and marketing powers to each individual foreign market.

Performance Appraisal Focus is on top down assessment Performed annually Usage of ratings is very common Focus is on traits Monolithic system Are very much linked with pay

Performance Management Stresses on mutual objective setting through a process of joint dialogue Continuous reviews are performed Usage of ratings is less common Focus is on quantifiable objectives, values and behaviors Flexible system Is not directly linked with pay

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