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How do you feel about: -chronic poverty? -the never-ending war? -the expansion of government?

-the attack on our civil liberties? -the rising national debt? -the increasing domestic surveillance? We at the Vote For Nobody Campaign think that you probably dont like any of them. Our outreach to you is an attempt to get you to think about politics in a different way: not in terms of Democrats versus Republicans, liberals versus conservatives, but in terms of good versus evil. Our philosophy is based on morality, ethics, virtuousness, and decency. Our belief is that nobody has the right to rule us by decree, and nobody has the authority to initiate violence upon you. We are trying to peel away the supposed virtuousness of the state, and help people to understand that ALL government operations are based on violence. Taxation is nothing more than legalized theft, and it funds all aspects of the government. It does not matter if the specific programs benefit you. If they are taken through non-virtuous means, they become illegitimate in our eyes. As opposed to those who claim to rule you, we actually respect your property and will not take it.

We are at a turning point in history.

The vast expansion of the internet has awakened much of humanity to ideas and concepts that were previously unavailable to us due to the monopoly of the mainstream media. We are realizing that, perhaps, were not as different as people on the other side of the world. We all want to live our lives peacefully, and we dont want outsiders telling us how to run our existence. We dont want people telling us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies, what we should and should not eat, and what we should or should not purchase. We come to you with a message of liberty. We wish to bring you true liberty, not just the simple platitudes of politicians that have no true desire to give you freedom. We do not advocate voting for any candidate. We do not want to rule you. We do not want to gain the use of the police and military to enforce our own agenda. We do not want to steal from you and forcibly imprison non-violent people. We are advocates of peace, love, freedom, and respect. We want to move away from the fake left/right mentality and think about how to make a better society. One thats not based on violence, aggression, theft, fear, corruption, destruction, cronyism, and hatred.








We the People dont decide the course of events, and we never have. Our decisions are made for us by people at the top of the economic food chain, and its unfortunately been that way for the history of mankind. We wish to make a change in history, and want you to vote for Nobody this election. We are a voting boycott advocacy campaign that would like to encourage everybody to withhold their consent to be governed. We believe the NOBODY has the right to rule you, and you dont have the right to select rulers for other people. The only way politicians can claim that right is by having you participate in the voting system. In voting, even if your preferred candidate is the loser, you have consented to the legitimacy of the voting system. You have no right to complain, because you have told the politicians that you agree with the system and are willing to accept anything they throw at you. You will probably only agree with any candidate on a few dozen issues. When politicians pass hundreds of bills per year, why would you think this representative is thinking of YOU when in office? He or she is likely only thinking of those who funded their last campaign, and you know it. All politicians are crooks, no matter which party they are in.

We believe that governments, no matter which type, are a violent system equivalent to a legalized mafia. In fact, many functions of government are enforced through the same manner as the mafia. The mafia doesnt directly own businesses. They allow other people to do the work, and collect protection money (taxes). In the event of a business owner not wanting to pay his protection money, he/she is threatened by the mafias goons (federal agents). In the event of the threat being ignored, violence is perpetrated by other goons (police) and the person is kidnapped (arrested). The only thing that makes the government any different from the mafia is that the government puts people in cages for YEARS, as opposed to the mafia, which will break their legs (or worse). Of course, if you resist the kidnapping, you WILL have violence perpetrated on you. Thats a guarantee. Police, in the long run, do little to actually stop violent crime. Most arrests are for nonviolent crimes, such as smoking marijuana. They also patrol the streets. . . Not to make them any safer, but to find somebody doing an incomplete stop on some empty intersection to collect revenue for the city. It is despicable that we still accept this kind of extortion in our society. At least, with the mafia, they make no claims of moral supremacy. Theyre at least honest in their intentions.

What anarchism?


Choose to stop being a slave. STAY AT HOME. RELAX. VOTE FOR NOBODY.

Please dont be alarmed by this question. No doubt, there are many images that came to your head about men in bandanas throwing gasoline bombs and breaking store windows. This stereotype is very well-placed in the media. They want you to think of these images when you hear this term. They certainly dont want you to actually understand what anarchism is about, because many people will find that they may very well be anarchists themselves. Heres a quick primer on anarchism: Anarchism is a political philosophy that holds that any institution of government is immoral, impractical, and ultimately harmful to society. Anarchists view the government and rulers as a system of certain small group of people claiming ownership over another group. In a sense, its just like slavery. No man is more hopelessly enslaved than the one who believes he is truly free. We dont believe that voting for your slaveowner is an exercise in freedom.





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