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Muscles of the FORELIMB NAME Acromiodeltoid Acromiotrapezius Biceps brachii Brachialis Branchioradialis Clavobrachialis Clavotrapezius Cleidomastoid Coracobrachialis Epitrochlearis

Infraspinatus Latissimus dorsi Levator scapulae ventralis Pectoantebrachialis Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Rhomboideus Rhomboideus capitis Serratus ventralis cervicis Serratus ventralis thoracis Spinodeltoid Spinotrapezius Subscapularis Supraspinatus Teres major Teres minor Triceps brachii -Lateral head -Long head -Medial head Xiphihumeralis Muscles of the HINDLIMB NAME Adductor femoris Adductor longus / Adductor femoris longus Articularis coxae / capsularis Biceps Femoris Coccygeus / abductor caudae internus Extensor digitorum longus

CAT MUSCLES!!! ORIGIN Posterior margin of acromion of scapula Middorsal line from neural process of axis to 4th thoracic, by aponeurosis Small tubercle near dorsal margin of glenoid fossa of scapula, by tendon Lateral surface of humerus Midshaft of humerus Clavicle and raphe shared with clavotrapezius Medial half of nuchal crest of skull and middorsal line up to neural process of axis Mastoid process of temporal Coracoids process of scapula Surface of latissimus dorsi Infraspinous fossa of scapula Thoracolumbar fascia Occipital bone and transverse process of atlas Manubrium of sternum Anterior sternebrae Body of sternum Posterior cervical andanterior thoracic vertebrae Medial portion of nuchal crest Tranverse processes of 3rd to 7th cervical vertebrae Lateral surface of first 9 or 10 ribs Middle third of spine of scapula Middorsal line from neural processes of most thoracic vertebrae Subscapular fossa of scapula Suprapinous fossa of scapula Dorsal third of posterior border of scapula Posterior border of scapula, just distal to glenoid fossa Deltoid ridge of humerus Posterior border of scapula, near glenoid fossa Shaft of humerus Xiphoid process of sternum INSERTION Lateral surface of spinodeltoid muscle Metacromion process and anterior half of spine of scapula Bicipital tuberosity of radius, by tendon Lateral surface of ulna, just distal to semilunar notch Styloid process of radius Medial surface of ulna, just distal to semilunat notch Clavicle and raphe shared with clavobrachialis Clavicle Medial surface of proximal end of humerus Olecranon process of ulna, by fascia Greater tuberosity of humerus Medial surface of proximal diaphysis of humerus Ventrally on metacromion and infraspinous fossa of scapula Fascia covering proximal surface of antebrachium Pectoral ridge of humerus Pectoral ridge f humerus Posterior part of dorsal border of scapula Anterior part of dorsal border of scapula Medial surface of scapula, near dorsal border Medial edge of scapula, near dorsal border Deltoid ridge of humerus Tuberosity of spine of scapula; fascia of supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles Lesser tuberosity of humerus Greater tuberosity of humerus Medial surface of humerus, by tendon in common latissimus dorsi Greater tuberosity of humerus All 3 heads of the triceps brachii insert on the olecranon process of ulna by a common tendon Near distal of bicipital groove of humerus MAIN ACTIONS Flexes and rotated humerus laterally Adducts and stabilizes scapulae Flexes antebrachium Flexes antebrachium Supinates manus Flexes antebrachium Draws scapula anterrodorsally Turns head when clavicle stabilized; draws clavicle anteriorly when head stabilized Adducts humerus Extends antebrachium Rotates humerus laterally Draws humerus posterodorsally Draws scapula anteriorly Adducts humerus Adducts humerus Adducts humerus Draws scapula toward vertebral column Rotates and draws scapula anteriorly Draws scapula anteroventrally Draws scapula ventrally, helps support trunk on forelimb Flexes and laterally rotates humerus Draws scapula posterodorsally Adducts humerus Extends humerus Flexes and medially rotates humerus Flexes and laterally rotates humerus All 3 heads of the triceps brachii act to extend antebrachium

Adducts forelimb

ORIGIN Pubis and ischium Anterior margin of pubis Ilium Ischial tuberosity Dorsal margin of ilium and ischium Lateral epicondyle of femur

INSERTION Shaft of femur (linea aspera) Shaft of femur (linea aspera) Anterior surface of femur By broad aponeurosis to patella and proximal half of tibia 2nd to 5th caudal vertebrae Distal phalanges of digits 2 to 5, by tendon that branches into 4

MAIN ACTIONS Adducts and extends thigh Adducts thigh Extends of thigh wiscnitzer Flexor of thighcrouchprobably right Flexes thigh Flexes crus, abducts thigh Flexes tail Extends digits 2 to 5; flexes pes

Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus Gastrocnemius Gemellus caudalis / inferior Gemellus cranialis / superior Gluteofemoralis / caudofemoralis / coccygeofemoralis / gluteobiceps Gluteus superficial / maximus Gluteus medius Gluteus profundus / minimus Gracilis Iliopsoas Obturatorius externus Obturatorius internus Pectineus Peroneus brevis / fibularis brevis Peroneus longus Peroneus tertius / extensor digitorum lateralis Piriformis / pyriformis Plantaris / flexor digitorum superficialis Popliteus Quadratus femoris Rectus femoris Sartorius Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Soleus Tensor faciae latae Tenuissimus / abductor crucis caudalis Tibialis cranials / anterior Tibialis caudalis / posterior Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis

Proximal portion of fibula and tibia Proximal portion of fibula and tibia Lateral and medial epicondyles of femur, and patella Dorsolateral surface of ischium, anterior to ischial tuberosity Dorsal margin of ischium and ilium Anterior caudal vertebrae Posterior sacral and anterior caudal vertebrae and gluteal fascia Posterior sacral and anterior caudal vertebrae, dorsolateral surface of ilium, and sacral fascia Ventrolateral surface of ilium Pubic and ischial symphyses Lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae, and ilium Ischium and pubis Ischium and connective tissue covering obturator foramen Anterior margin of pubis Distal half of fibula Proximal half of fibula Lateral surface of fibula Posterior sacral and anterior caudal vertebrae Lateral epicondyle of femur Lateral epicondyle of femur Ischial tuberosity Ventra margin of ilium anterior to acetabulum Iliac crest and anteromedial margin of ilium Ischial tuberosity and posterior margin of ilium Ischial tuberosity Proximal third of fibula Anteroventral surface of ilium

portions Joins tendon of flexor hallucis longus to distal phalanges of digits 2 to 5 Joins tendon of flexor hallucis longus to distal phalanges of digits 2 to 5 By tendon onto proximal end of calcaneum, together with tendon of soleus muscle Tendon of obturatorius internus Greater trochanter of femur Patella Distal part of greater trochanter of femur Proximal part of greater trochanter of femur Lateral part of greater trochanter of femur Proximomedial surface of tibia, crural fascia Lesser trochanter of femur Trochanteric fossa of femur Trochanteric fossa of femur Surface of femur, just distal to lesser trochanter Lateral surface of metatarsal 5 By tendon onto proximal part of metatarsals 2 to 4 Tendon of extensor digitorum longus Greater trochanter of femur Proximal third of medial surface of tibia By tendon extending past proximal end of calcaneum and onto tendon of flexor digitorum brevis Greater trochanter and lesser trochanter of femur Lateral surface of patella Proximomedial surface of tibia, and patella Distomedial surface of femur Proximomedial surface of tibia Proximal end of calcaneum (with tendon of gastrocnemius) Fascia lata, which merges with proximal part of aponeurosis of biceps femoris Crural fascia and tibia, with aponeurosis of biceps femoris Metatarsal 1 Navicular and intermediate cuneiform (tarsals) Patella (capsule of knee joint) Lateral surface of patella Medial surface of patella ( and patellar ligament)

Flexes digits 2 to 5 and extends pes Flexes digits 2 to 5 and extends pes Extends pes; flexes crus Abducts thigh Abducts and outwardly rotates thigh Adducts thigh, flexes crus

Abducts thigh Abducts thigh Abducts and outwardly rotates thigh Adducts thigh, flexes crus Flexes and rotates thigh Flexes thigh Abducts thigh Adducts thigh Extends pes Flexes and everts pes Extends and abducts 5th digit; flexor of pes crouch; extends ankle joint H&W Abducts thigh Flexes crus and rotates tibia medially Extends pes (and, through flexor digitorum brevis, flexes digits 2 to 5) Extends and outwardly rotates thigh Extends crus Adducts thigh, contributes to extension of crus Extends thigh, flexes crus Flexes crus, extends thigh Extends pes Flexes thigh May server as a tension sensor; effectiveness as extensor of thigh or flexor of crus is probably minimal Flexes pes Extends crus Extends crus Extends crus Extends crus

Anterior caudal vertebra Proximolateral surface of tibia and proximimedial surface of fibula Proximal end of tibia and fibula Anterior surface of femur Greater trochanter and dorsolateral surface of femur Shaft of femur

Muscles of the HEAD AND TRUNK NAME

Digastric External intercostalis External oblique Genioglossus Geniohyoid Hyoglossus Iliocostalis Internal intercostalis Internal oblique Lingualis proprius Longissimus capitis Longissimus dorsi -Medial division -Lateral division Longus colli Masseter

ORIGIN Mastoid process of temporal and jugular process of occipital Posterior margin of rib Posterior 9 or 10 ribs and thoracolumbar fascia Medial surface of dentary Ventromedial surface of dentary, just posterior to symphysis Lateral part of ventral surface of basihyoid Lateral surface of ribs Anterior margin of a rib

INSERTION Ventromedial surface of dentary Anterior margin of the adjacent posterior rib Mainly on linea alba from sternum to pubis, by aponeurosis Tongue; posterior fibers insert on basihyoid and ceratohyoid Ventral surface of basihyoid Tongue Lateral surface of more anterior ribs Posterior margin of the adjacent anterior rib

MAIN ACTIONS Depresses mandible Protarcts ribs, increasing diameter of thorax Constricts abdomen Depresses tongue; draws root of tongue anteriorly; curls tip of tongue ventrally Draws hyoid anteriorly Depresses and retracts tongue Draws ribs together Retracts ribs, decreasing diameter of thorax

Thoracolumbar fascia and iliac Linea alba, by aponeurosis Constricts abdomen crest Intrinsic musculature of tongue consists of several bundles arranged mainly in longitudinal, transverse, and vertical groups. These attach to integument of tongue and insertion fascicles of extrinsic muscles (e.g., genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus). Tongue musculature responsible for many complex movements, among others those during mastication and deglutition. Prezgapophyses of 4th-7th cervical Mastoid process of temporal Flexes head laterally vertebrae Sacral and caudal vertebrae Ilium and deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia Ventral surface of first 6 thoracic vertebrae; slips from cervical vertebrae Zygomatic arch Various parts of more posterior sacral, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical vertebrae Medial surface of dentary Pterygoid blade of skull Pubis Ribs Prezygapophyses of 3rd-7th cervical and 1st-3rd thoracic vertebrae, prezygapophyses of 2nd-5th thoracic vertebrae Neural processes of 7th cervical and 1st-3rd thoracic vertebrae, prezygapophyses of 2nd-5th thoracic vertebrae Middorsally from neural processes of lumbar vertebrae Middorsal raphe between axis and 10th thoracic vertebrae, by aponeurosis Neural spines of 10th-13th thoracic vertebrae Anterior middorsal line 1st costal cartilage and manubrium of sternum Anterior surface of manubrium of sternum 1st costal cartilage Mastoid process of temporal and More anterior lumbar, sacral, and caudal More anterior lumbar and thoracic vertebrae Transverse processes of all cervical vertebrae Ventral part of masseteric fossa of dentary Neural processes of more anterior vertebrae Midventral raphe; posterior fibers to basihyoid bone Medial surface of angular region of dentary Costal cartilages and sternum Transverse process of all cervical vertebrae Medial third of nuchal crest Extends vertebral column

Flexes neck laterally and ventrally Elevates mandible Acting singly: flexes vertebral column laterally; acting with other side Multifidus: extends vertebral column Elevates floor of oral cavity; draws hyoid anteriorly Elevates mandible Compresses abdomen; draws ribs and sternum posteriorly, flexing the trunk Flexes neck; or draws ribs anteriorly Elevates head


Mylohyoid Pterygoideus Rectus Abdominis Scalenus Semispinalis capitis

Semispinalis cervicis Serratus dorsalis caudalis Serratus dorsalis cranialis Spinalis dorsi Splenius Sternohyoid Sternomastoid Sternothyroid Styloglossus

Medial third of nuchal crest Posterior 4 or 5 ribs Lateral surface of first 9 ribs Cervical and more anterior thoracic vertebrae Nuchal crest Basihyoid Lateral portion of nuchal crest of skull and mastoid process of temporal Posterolateral surface of thyroid cartilage of larynx Tongue

Elevates head Draws ribs posteriorly Draws ribs anteriorly Extends vertebral column Acting singly: flexes head laterally; acting with other side splenius: elevates head Draws hyoid posteriorly Acting singly: flexes neck laterally; acting with other side sternomastoid: depresses snout Draws larynx posteriorly Elevates and retracts tongue

Stylohyoid Temporalis Thyrohyoid Transversus abdominis Transversus costarum Transversus thoracis

sylohyoid Lateral surface of stylohyoid Fascia covering muscle, temporal fossa of skull Lateral surface of thyroid cartilage of larynx Costal cartilage of vertebrocostal and vertebral ribs, transverse processes lumbar vertebrae, ventral margin of ilium Lateral margin of sternum Dorsolateral margin of sternum, between attachment of ribs 3-8

Ventral surface of basihyoid Coronoid process of dentary Thyrohyoid Linea alba 1st rib and costal cartilage Costal cartilages near their attachment to ribs

Draws basihyoid dorsally Elevates mandible Draws hyoid posteriorly and dorsally Constricts abdomen Draws ribs anteriorly Draws ventral portion of ribs posteriorly

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