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106 N. Western Ave. Girard, KS 66743 Tel.


Weekly Bulletin


Saint Michael Church, Girard


GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am Sat. 2:00-2:45pm

ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

Notes From the Pastor: Apostolicity is one of the distinguishing marks of the Church that Christ established. From our Lord the Apostles handed down our faith and unto us through the ages. The Apostles themselves were given by Christ the authority over His Church. To Peter He said, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:10) and the binding and losing power and responsibility. Christ was sent by the Father with all the authority of heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18) and told His Apostles in like manner As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.(John 20:21). The 12 Apostles is called the apostolic college, and was intended as such by our Lord that they elected someone to take the place of Judas Iscariot. This group of Apostles later on were called by the Church Episcopoi in Greek or bishops in English although these terms may have been used interchangeably with presbyteroi or priests as in Acts 20:17-38. There is early evidence of this refinement in ecclesiastical nomenclature to refer to bishops in the writings of Ignatius of Antioch (d. A.D.107). In short, the bishops are the successors of the apostles and they were given by Christ the authority over His Church particularly in the bishops own jurisdiction that is his diocese, our diocese. So I hope and pray that our bishops visit which is a great blessing from God will provide us an opportunity to grow in our understanding of the mystical body of Christ and bind us more closely to the universal Church of God through Bishop Jackels who takes the shoes of the apostle. Especially at this visit, the bishop brings to our attention the big events that our diocese and universal Church is celebrating: our 125 years anniversary as a diocese, the 100 years of the completion of the cathedral church which is the church of the diocese, and the celebration of the Year of Faith starting this October 11th! Thanks and congratulations to our CYM teens and coordinators. I was told 22 teens from our parish showed up with 19 teens from Colgan, and 11 from Frontenac. They did a good job cleaning our hall last Wednesday. May they grow in their faith and their love for God and His people! Our PSR starts this week on Wednesday! Although next week, September 16 will be the celebration of Catechetical Sunday, we will start our celebration this Sunday where we will commission our catechists at mass with the bishop. This years celebration focuses on the theme "Catechists and Teachers as Agents of the New Evangelization." Next Sunday(9/16/2012) 10:00 AM T. Paoni, I. Muia, C., C., Puckett, C. Sevart, M.K. Smith, M. Murphy Joan Davied Faith Paoni Robert & Linda Moore Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. As we thank our catechists, this is also a reminder to our parents of our obligation as they have promised to teach their children and bring them up in the faith. Our PSR classes are just supplements to their efforts as the home is the primary seedbed of Christianity. Those who have not register their kids yet, this weekend will be our deadline and so please pick a registration form at the back of the church and give it to any of the coordinators. God bless you all! Fr. Roger **Reminder especially to all our adorers: Adoration starts this week will be every Friday right after the 7AM mass and ends at 6PM. +Pray for the eternal repose of the souls of Jack Shireman, father of Ruth Duling, and Frances Purdon. For those who know Frances Purdon, his funeral will be this Monday, September 10, at 10AM here at St. Michael. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Next Saturday(9/15/2012) Altar Servers: 5:30 PM Rose Brake & Bailey Leritz

E. M. H. C. Lectors: Gift Bearers:

Linda DeGarmo Mary Twarog Wayne & Ruth Leritz Family

Mass Schedules & Intentions for September 8th-16th:

Sept 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 7:00 AM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday 8:30AM-4PM 7:00 AM Friday 8AM-6PM 4:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:30 AM Saturday NO MASS Marion Lowe Julia LaSota Pro Populo Marion Lowe Frank & Mary Meyer Marion Lowe Julia LaSota Eucharistic Adoration Marion Lowe Eucharistic Adoration John Albertini Marion Lowe John Albertini Pro Populo Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions Children's Offering Expenses-August Over/ (Under)

Saint Michaels Upcoming Events Finance Council Tony Stonerock-Chair Next Meeting TBA Rosary Altar Society Next meeting, Sept. 24th At 7pm in the Hall. Helping Hands Need help or want to volunteer, Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684 Parish Council Dale Coomes-Chair September 18th, 6:30pm Knights of Columbus 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm St. Michael Parish Hall Daughters of Isabella Call Marilyn Bradshaw, 724-7133

July 2012 to date $27,746.38 $303.38 $31,741.48 ($3,691.72)

$2,781.00 $36.25 $20,037.74

That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am, starting September 7th.

Parish School of Religion Starts September 12th!!

PSR Enrollment Forms Please pick up an enrollment form to register your child in St. Michaels Parish School of Religion, which begins on Wednesday, September 12th. Greenbush Day Mark your calendars, the Annual Greenbush Day celebration is on September 16th. Events include: 9am-10am - Kids Fishing Derby (registration @ 8:30am) 10am-11am - Climbing Wall 11:30am - Lunch 1pm-2pm - Kiddie Tractor Pull (registration @ 12:30am) 1:30pm - Greenbush Cabin Tour 1:30pm-3pm - SEK Education Service Center Tours One Room School House will open at 8:30am Bake Sale: Immanuel Lutheran Youth Fellowship History/Cemetery Display

Living the Catholic Life in a Pagan Culture One of the most remarkable, yet disturbing, talks that we heard when we attended the Midwest Catholic Family Conference in Wichita earlier this month was by Steve Ray, a noted Catholic apologist and convert from the Baptist faith. We quickly realized that he possessed a great knowledge on the mysteries and traditions of our Church. The above title was the actual title of his lecture. He began by stating that our modern culture is becoming increasingly hostile to Christians. In the 40s and 50s, Church attendance was high, but weve gone through the decades, Christian beliefs have taken a real hit, aided by the media and the federal courts. By the early 60s, it became unconstitutional to pray in school. Pornography began to grow also when Hugh Hefner showed it could bring pleasure as well as big bucks. It is totally out of hand now, with many men becoming addicted since it is available on the internet. Marriages are suffering also. The divorce rate is over 50%, which leaves single parents struggling to be both, some with little money to do so. Then, in the 70s came the legalization of abortion by our Supreme Court. One quote from the court opinion said, Were not certain when life begins. So, I guess they concluded that it was all right to end these babies lives due to their uncertainty. Lord, help us! Now, according to Mr. Ray, the present assault on Christians is gay marriage. People, whether government officials or political parties, are taking sides in this debate. Christians have seen that the problem lies in this: If we speak against it publicly, were accuse of being intolerant. So, many times, they remain silent rather than risk a war of words against their views. Rays advice was to stop being politically correct and call it like it is. As Christians, weve been taught morality and we know when its being shoved aside. He said much more and I assure you that NO ONE SLEPT! The question is, What should Catholics do? Next week, Ill tell you how he proposes to fight it. Article by Marcel Normand

March for Life 2013 Plan now to attend the 2013 March for Life Pilgrimage, January 23-28, be a voice for the voiceless. Registration is now open! Forms can be downloaded at www.respectlifesocialjustice.org. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Decision making abortion legal. *We march to give voice to the children *We march for ourselves and for future generations *We march to challenge policies of our government that do not respect human life Costs: $360-full payment plan or $390-optional payment plan ($195 due by Nov. 14, 2012, and $195 due by Dec. 14, 2012) No full or partial refund after November 14, 2012. **If you are interested to join and find it hard to shoulder all or part of St. Michaels Fall Bazaar Mark your calendar, the fall bazaar will be held on Sunday, Octo- the cost, please let us know and maybe if you would be willing to help, we can start a fundraising campaign to support you! Call the parish ofber 21st. We have placed last years food and work list in the back of the Church for you to review and make any changes you fice or talk to Fr. Roger! Act now! wish to make. Please stop by either this weekend or next weekend. We will need everyones support to make our Bazaar a success once again. Thank you! ST. MICHAEL, DEFEND US IN ALL OUR BATTLES

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