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A 63 state board formulas modifications & contras

Ma Huang Tang Ma huang (add last 5) Gui Zhi Tang Gui Zhi P=moderate or frail & floating T= moist

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

childhood psoriasis; + Si Wu Tang Contra; HBP, patients prone to bleeding esp from nose, copious urination Contra: Digoxin P=floating/tight Gui Zhi 9 Bai shao 9 sheng jiang 9 Da Zao 12 pieces, Zhi Gan Cao 6 fyi; when harmonize dosage of Gui Zhi & Bai shao are same sob & rough breathing; + Hou Po, Xing Ren swollen heavy head sensations; + Ju hua, Chan Tui severe HA; Bai shaochi shao, +Gao Ben, Joint Pain w/Fatigue (damp) : Qiang Huo, Fang Feng antidote; (Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang) (overdose = 4 bigs) variation of Gui Zhi Tang (GZT + Ge Gen and Ma Huang) pulse floating & tight look for Diarrhea (Tai Yang and Yang Ming diarrhea, fever no sweat, wc aversion) Utacaria; +Chan Tui Severe facial pain; +Du Huo, Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Severe nasal blockage; Chuan Xiong, Huang Qin, Xin yi hua, Jie Geng Qi level dryness; +Shi Gao & Zhi Mu Sore throat; + Ma Bo, Nui Bang Zi Severe thirst; tian hua fen (contra pregnancy=abortion) Severe lung heat; Huang Qin ** Stronger for cough than YQS Common Herbs with Yin Qiao San ; gan cao) just let Lian boys go (lian Qiao, bo he, lu gen, jie geng,

Ge Gen Tang Ge gen T= TW P= Floating Tight

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sang Ju Yin Sang Ye Ju Hua T=TW, P=float & Rp

1. 2. 3. 4.

Yin Qiao San Jin Yin Hua Lian Qiao (HT, LIV, GB)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Severe thirst; +tian hua fen Severe sore throat; +Ma Boa, Xuan Xin Pronounce cough; Xing Shen Early stage measles; +Chuan Tui, Fu Ping **Sore Throat, Boils, Sores w/o chills or HA; - Qiang huo, Bai Zhi dry mouth & tongue; +tian hua fen, Zhi Mu S/S toothache 4. P=floating, Slightly flooding T= Thin Yellow

Chai Ge Jie Ji Tg Chai hu Ge gen

1. 2. 3. 4.

SHI GAO 4.5g 15g

Ren Shen Bai Du san Qiang huo Du Huo

1. 2.

T; normal + greasy white coat P; floating & soggy, m/b weak (only 1) SOGGY PULSE***

3. 4. 5. Bai Hu Tang Shi Gao T=red, dry yellow P=flooding, forceful, rolling, rapid 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Malaria d/o; Chai hu, + huang Qin,(xiao Chai hu Tang)+ Bing Lang Biomedical= early stage measles S/S high fever, severe chills ++BodyAches Shi Gao 30, Zhi Mu 9, Zhi Gan Cao 3, geng mi 9-15 Concurrent ST Qi XU; -rice + Shan Yao Concurrent ext W-C; +cong Bai, Dan Dou Chi, Xi Xin Petechia, irritable, restlessness, disorientation, insomnia; +Huang Lian Jie Du tang What can we substitute for Shi Gao to protect Yang? Shi Hu Treats true heat false cold! NOT true cold (YANG MING, Qi Level) Yang Brightness Channel - Disorder No Sweating due to constraint OR profuse sweating with sensitivity to cold in upper back ***STOP USE if signs of HA, Stiff Neck, Sensations of Cold, Mental Impairment Constipation; +Da huang Jaundice from obstruction of heat; +Yin Chen, DA Huang Dysenteric d/o; +Mu Xiang, Bing Lang, Qin Pi Nosebleeds, vomit blood; +sheng di huang, Dan pi, Xuan shen, or Xi Jiao di huang tang **Easily Injures Yin (more than BHT) T= red, yellow P= rapid, forceful (Dark Urine, Nosebleeds, Dysenteric Disorders) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CONTRA; pathogenic influences lingers d/t normal Qi factors Sinusitis; +Di Lang Wheezing & coughing w/copious sputum; +SU ZI 1:4 ratio normal, 1:3= more cold, 1:5=more heat T=Yellow P=Rolling, Rapid

8. Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Huang Lian Toxic Heat San Jiao 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang Ma Huang 1 Shi Gao 4 ratio 1. 2.

Long Dan xie Gan Tang Long Dan Cao T=red, Yellow P=Wiry Rp Forceful

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Severe HA & painful red eyes; +Ju Hua, Sang Ye Coughing xue d/t LIV fire injuring lung (wood insult metal); +Dan Pi, Ce Bai ye, Tremors; + Gou Teng, Chuan bei Mu Che Qian Zi dosage; 9-15g Very bitter and cold so NO LONG TERM USE Lu 6 + UB 17 cough blood Chai Hu FX: Disperses Heat due to constrained Liver and GB Qi. Blazing fire from XU; +Bai Wei, Di Gu Pi (children = Bai Wei + Lian Geng) Heat in 5 centers, yellow urine, T=red w/yellow coat; +Bai Mao Gen Fevers of unknown origin d/t Yin XU; +Di Gu Pi, Bai Wei CONTRAQi LEVEL HEAT OR

Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang Bie Jia Qing Hao: vents heat T=red, little coat P=fine, rapid

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. Da Cheng Qi Tang Da Huang P=deep, shi Dat man Zhit Hard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

CONTRASPASMS OR CONVULSIONS S/S Night Fever Morning Coolness SHAO YIN Heat: Wei Qi 25times day, 25 times at night Da Huang 12, Mang Xiao 9-12, Zhi Shi 12-15, Hou Po 24 (never use so much) Severe abdominal distention; Lai Fu Zi dry, yellow or dry, black tongue coating with prickles Re Jue Heat?= Da Cheng Qi Tang Yang Ming fu syndrome causing diarrhea (green watery)?= Da Cheng Qi Tang; Da Huang 12g, Mang Xiao 9-12g, Zhi Shi12-15g, Hou Po 24g Old looking tongue Pulse= Rolling & rapid Abdominal pain that does not increase with pressure, WITH FOCAL DISTENTION Dude hardly Zhits 1. Da huang 12g, Mang xiao 9-12, Gan Cao 6 2. mild constipation WITH OUT focal distention 3. S/S; toothache, Swollen Gums! (m/b halitosis) 4. T=Yellow P=rolling rapid Dat Man Getting constipated 1. 2. 3.

Xiao Cheng Qi Tang Da Huang Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang Da Huang

Xiao Chai Hu Tang Chai hu (24g) T= thin white P=wiry

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pronounce thirst; +tian hua fen, ban xia Malaria; Qing Huo Vertigo; +Ju Hua, Gou Teng, Jue Ming Zi UTI with chills & fever, frequent & urgent pee; +LIE WEI DI HUANG WAN CONTRA; excess above & XU below w/LIV fire, or bleeding gums S/S SHAO Yang SYNDROME IN WOMAN from heat attacking into xue S/S Postpartum fever, malaria 1. 2. 3. **Chai Hu, Zhi Shi, Bai Shao, Zhi Gan Cao** Breast abscess; +Qing Pi Raynauds cold fingers & toesSp4 & PC 6 + 8 extra

Si Ni San Chai Hu T=Red, Y P=wiry Cold zero below gastric

Xiao Yao San Chai Hu T=pale red *** P=wiry, XU *** Charlie Daniels Buy Boobs For Girls With Beauty

1. 2. 3.

Enlarged liver & Spleen; + Hao Piao Xiao, Bie Jia, Mu LI Fibrocystic breasts; - Zhi Gan Cao, +Wan Bu Liu Xing, Ji Xue Teng, Dan Shen, Xiang Fu HTN; Xiao Ku Cao, Sang Ji Sheng, Niu Zhen Zi Smooth Liver Qi Chai Hu, Bo He Tonify Blood Dang Gui, Bai Shao Tonify Qi Bai Zhu, Fu Ling Harmonize Zhi Gan Cao, Wei Jiang

Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Ban Xia

1. 2. 3.

Dry Heaves; chronic gastritis, early stage cirrhosis 3. T=TYGs / P=W, R BXXXT contains 5 herbs from? Xiao Chai Hu Tang Pi Syndrome = No Pain Just Distention Cang Zhu ACRID & BITTER 12-15 g Hou Po (deputy) bitter & acrid Food stag w/severe distention & constipation; +Lai FU Zi, Da Fu Pi, Zhi Ke Severe vomit; ban xia More SP XU marked by a loss of appetite w/less distention; Cang ZhuBai Zhu +Huang Qin, Shan Yao Delayed labor or fetal death w/similar presentation; +Mang Xiao, Zhi Shi Stones in common bile duct; +Yin Chen Hao, Zhi Zi, Yu Jin CONTRA: Pregnancy, Yin Xue Xu, *No Heat Dampness sleepy, use PWS XS Cold sleepy, use Si Ni Tang

Ping Wei San Cang Zhu*** T=swollen, thick, white, greasy P=moderate, rolling Cant Calm Sisters Heaves

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Huo Xiang

1. Severe damp w/thick greasy tongue coat; Bai ZhuCang Zhu 2. Brief scanty urine; +Mu Tong, Ze Xie 3. Modification of Ping Wei San + Er Chen Tang 4. T=white, greasy P=moderate, SOGGY*** (like RSBDS)

Ba Zheng San Mu Tong 3-6g T=yellow, greasy P= Rolling, Rapid

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cloudy painful urinary; +Bai Xie, Chang Pu Stomatitis (mouth & Tongue ulcer); +Dan Zhu YE, Sheng Di Huang Bloody painful urinary dysfunction; Bai Zhu, +Bai Mao Gen CONTRA: long term use causes weak, lightheadedness, palpitations, & no Appetite Deng Xin Cao in it for HT fire drain down to SI

Wu Ling San **** Ze Xie T=white coat P= floating NO HEAT

1. Severe edema; +Sang Bai Pi, Chen Pi, Da Fu Pi 2. Cold damp painful obstruction by thirst & pee difficulty; +Qiang Huo 3. Damp heat diarrhea; -Bai Zhu, Gui Zhi, +Yin chen Hao, Jin Yin hua 4. Concurrent edema & Qi obstruction d/t excess water retention; +Wu Pi Yin 5. CONTRA: OVERDOSE m/c dizziness, vertigo, bland taste, reduced appetite

Zhu ling Tang zhu ling Fu Ling Everyone has Zero Fever w/Zhu Ling

1. Severe thirst from Yin XU; +Sha Shen, Tian Hua fen 2. Bloody painful urinary dysfunction; +Bai Mao Gen, Qu Mai, Xiao Ji

3. Zhu ling, fu ling, Ze xie, hua shi, E Jiao= ALL 3 GRAMS EACH 4. T=red +white or yellow greasy coat 5. P=thready rapid

6. S/S Chronic UTI; urinary difficulty w/fever & thirst Wu Pi San ------ 5 flowers Some Skin Colors Fade Dark 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Zhen wu Tang fu Zi cook longer Full Belly Feeling Shivers Below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Du Huo T=pale, white P=thin, weak & slow Sang Bai Pi 15, sheng Jian Pi 6, Chen Pi 9, Fu Ling Pi 15, Da Fu Pi 15 Internal damp cold; +Gan Jiang, Fu Zi Severe abdominal distention; +Lai fu Zi, Hou Po T=white, greasy coat, P= deep, moderate Coughing; +wu wei Zi, xi Xin, Gan jiang Palpitation d/t source Qi XU; +Ren Shen Palpitation, wheezing or coughing w cop/ watery sputum; +Xi Xin, Wu Wei Zi Urinary difficulty, aching, heaviness in extremities, edema; +Wu ling san, or Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang Chronic bronchitis w/SP & KD Yang XU; sheng jiangGan jiang T= pale or dark swollen w/tooth marks +white greasy coat P= deep thin, forceless 1. DEPUTIESXi Xin, fang feng, Qin Jiao 2. Severe pain; +Bai Hua She, Di long, Hong Hua 3. Severe dampness; + Cang Zhu, Guang fang Ji 4. Only mild XU S/S; - Ren Shen, Bai shao, sheng DU huang 5. Sequelae of Poliomyelitis; +San Qi, Wei Ling Xian, Mu Gua 6. Sang Ji Sheng (15-30g): Xu Duan is often substituted pg 207 7. Has SI Wu Tang in it Li Zhong Wan Gan Jiang T=pale, white P= deep, thin Gingers Belly gets Runs 1. Severe vomiting; +Sheng Jiang 2. Bleeding due tai yang XU; Gan JiangPao Jiang, +Huang Qi, dang Gui, E Jiao 3. Palpitations; +Fu ling 4. 4 gentleman Fu Ling + Gan Jiang 5. ** Cold Deficiency Menstrual Bleeding*** Wu Zhu Yu Tang wu zhu yu T=NOT RED, but white slippery coat P=thin slow, or TW 1. WZYT effects what 3 channels?= ST, LIV, Kidney 2. Severe vomit or morning sickens; +Ban Xia, Shan Ren 3. Severe HA; +Chuan Xiang, Dan Gui 4. Palpitations & insomnia; +Dang Gui, Fu Ling 5. Hernia d/o d/t cold; +Fu Zi 6. Drink at Room Temperature or Cool for severe vomiting 7. Note: Transitory sensation of discomfort in chest, dizziness, HA. These symptoms will disappear in 30 min once formula takes effect 8. Wu Zhu YU Stop Dry Retches

Da Jian Zhong Tang Chuan Jiao Cant get relief Yet

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Roundworms; +wu mei, Bing Lang, Nausea; +ban xia, sheng jiang Numb hands & feet; +Gui Zhi Do Not use cane sugar to substitute for Yi Tang(maltose) will injure spleen T=white, rolling P=Thin, tight or slow, wiry (severe= hidden) Sheng fu Zi, Gan jiang, Zhi Gan Cao Intractable arthritis d/t wind dampness: +Rou Gui, Bai Zhu Edema or leukorrhea d/t SP & KD xi cold; +Dang Shen, Fu Ling Ze xie CONTRA: true heat & false cold Oily sweat P= deep weak P=deep, thin, or deep, XU T=pale +white slippery coat Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, fu ling, Zhi Gan Cao Indigestion, appetite, abdominal distention, weight loss; +Xiang fu, huo Po Morning sickness; +Sha Ren, chen pi, Hou Po Edema during pregnancy; +Wu pi Yin CAUTION: OVERUSE MAY RESULT IN DRY MOUTH, THIRST, IRRITABLITY T=pale P=thin and/or frail DeputiesRen Shen, Bai zhu, Zhi Gan Cao Generalized Pain or Heavy Body: + Wu Ling San ( Gui Zhi) Pronounced HA; +Mang Jing Zi, if severe add +Chuan xiong Vertex HA or pain inside head; +Gao Ben Severe pain; +xi Xin Recurrent miscarriage; +DU Zhong, Tu SI Zi Painful urinary difficult in elderly d/t sunken Yang Qi; +Ze xie, Mu tong Enuresis in kids; +Sang Piao Xiao, Yi Zhi Ren Chronic rhinitis; +Cang Er Zi, Xin yi hua Charlie Daniels Sinking Belly Cant Get Raised Qi Ren Shen, Mai men dong, wu wei Zi Severe coughing; +Kuan dong hua, Bai he Coronary HT disease; +Z. Gan Cao, Dan Shen, Hong Hua, chi shao Biomed=summer-heat stroke (Yin collapse) Acute Collapse Formulas : Sheng Mai San, Shen Fu Tang, Si Ni Tang T=pale, red P= XU, rapid or Thin & xu Gui pi Tang & SI wu Tang both have? DANG GUI Restless fetus d/o with continuous vaginal bleeding: +Ai Ye, E Jiao Predominance of blood stasis; Bai shaochi shao

Si Ni Tang Sheng Fu Zi Shivers getting Gruesome

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Si Jun Zi Tang Ren shen Really Boys Four Gentleman?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Huang Qi *Intermittent Fever T=pale, thin white coat P=flooding, XU or XU, rootless at right middle position

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sheng Mai San Ren Shen Real Men Wuep

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Si Wu Tang Shu Di Huang T=pale

1. 2. 3.

P=thin, wiry or thin, choppy

4. 5. 6.

Blood XU & cold womb; +Ai ye, Xiang fu Short menses w/steaming bone d/o worse in pm; +Di Gu Pi. Mu Dan pi ShuD Complexion Be Deficient? (Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong) SP XU causing chronic bleeding= SP cant hold blood (uterine bleeding) Cant fall asleep, but once asleep its okSP Qi XU causing insomnia HT 7, SP 6, anmian, bl15, bl20, ST 36 T=pale, thin white coat, P= thin frail Resting heavily but getting dream disturb sleep, fever, long menses, since yesterday What formula is in it? Ba Zheng Tang Has Rou Gui & huang Qi in it T=pale dusky, + thin white coat, P= thin, weak, deep m/b slow

Gui Pi Tang Ren Shen, huang Qi, Bai Zhi, Dan Gui, Zhi Gan Cao

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Ren Shen no tea, no turnips

1. 2. 3.

Lie Wei Di Huang Wan shu di huang T=Red, little coat

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Severe depletion of fluids w/heat signs; Shu di sheng di Wasting & thirsting; -Ze xie, +tian hua fen (at least 30 grams when =decoction Biomed; HYPERTHYROIDISM 4. pulse= rapid, thin

Optic Neuritis + Dang Gui, Chai Hu, Wu Wei Zi ShuD Shan Save My Zero Fever? Strengthening effect of tonifying Yang; Gui ZhiRou Gui Night urination; +Wu Wei Zi Edema in lower extremities; +wu pi Yin Breathes best when lying down Variation of lie wei di huang wan Biomed; HYPOTHYROIDISM Lie Wei DI Huang Wan + FU Zi & Gui Zhi If stagnant Qi predominates; +Yu Jin, Mu Xiang, wu yao If liver fire predominates; -Cang zhu, +Bai shao, Mu Dan pi If blood stasis predominates; +Tao Ren, Hong Hua If phlegm predominates; +ban xia, tian Nan Xing If dampness predominates; +Hou Po, fu ling If food stag predominates; +shan zha, Mai ya blood (Chuan Xiong) damp/phlegm (Cang Zhu), heat (Zhi Zi), food (Shen Qu) Ban xia, Hou Po, fu ling, sheng jiang, Zi Su ye; bad hard stuck feeling zapped Chest pain; +Gua Lou, Xie Bai

Jin Gui Shen Qi wan Sheng di huang T=pale, swollen, thin white moist ct P=empty, or frail @3rd position

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Yue Ju wan Xiang Fu (Qi) T=Dusky, purple or red, Yellow greasy coat P= wiry, slippery m/b rapid

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ban Xia Hou Po Tang ban xia T=moist or greasy, white, coat P=wiry, slow/slip

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang Su Zi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ding Chuan Tang 1. 2. Ma Huang Yin Xing/Bai Guo 3. 4. 5. 6. Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang chen pi zhu ru 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Tao Ren Da huang Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang + Tao Ren & Gui Zhi 1. 2. 3. 4.

Abdominal distention; +Sha Ren, Mu Xiang Hypochondriac pain; +Jin ling Zi, Yan hu suo (pain) Throat pain & swelling; +Xuan Shen, Jie geng WHITE Tongue either rolling or greasy Qi XU; +dang Shen, wu wei Zi Urinary difficulty; + Che Qian Zi (also stops coughing) Rou Gui in it to warms KDs ability to grasp Qi S/S KD cant grasp Qi on INHALATIONemphysema= excess above & XU below Internal lung phlegm & external wind cold rebellious LU Qi (simultaneous) T=Greasy yellow coat P= rolling & rapid P= rolling & weak

Severe stifling sensations in chest; +Zhi Shi, Hou Po Sputum that is deep seated & difficult to expectorate; +Lai Fu Zi, Bai Jie Zi CONTRA; chronic asthma w/Qi XU w/frail pulse (NCCAOM) T=greasy, yellow p= rolling, rapid TENDER RED TONGUE P= XU & RAPID

BIOMEDpost surgical hiccoughs, morning sickness Yin XU w/thirst, red T w/scanty dry coat, rapid pulse: +Mai Men dong, Shi Hu, LU Gen Patients w/out Qi XU; + Ren Shen Concurrent phlegm; +Ban Xia, Fu ling Cant stop rebellious ST going down T=purple + thin yellow coat (heat w/xue stasis) Pulse; hesitant string taut Tai Yang organ disease +severe obstruction from xue stasis d/t post hemorrhage, retention of xue, trauma, difficult defecation of bowel obstruction, w/ continuous abdominal stabbing pain, choppy pulse; +Chi Shao, San Qi (i.e. Surgery) Nosebleeds or spitting up blood of a purple or dark color with stifling chest sensation; +Sheng di huang, Bai Mao gen HA (c/b clusters): +Mang jing Zi, Bai Ji LI Pain in HYPOchondria; +Yu Jin, Xie Bai Amenorrhea or dysmenorrheal; -Jie geng, +Xiang Fu, yi Mu Cao, Ze Lan, dang Gui & Bai shao angina pectoris d/t coronary artery disease: Hong Hua, Chuan Xiong, Dan Shen CONTRA; pregnancy S/S insistent hiccough vs Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang= post surgical hiccoughs T=dark red, dark spots on sides P=choppy or wiry, tight

5. Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Tao Ren Hong Hua Chuan Xiong Terrible chronic HA, Choking Drinking Sensations, Cant Zap Girls Junky Chest

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Wen Jing Tang wu Zhu yu Gui Zhi T= Dusky, thin coat P=deep, slow, thin or choppy, wiry, tight


More severe lower abdominal cold & Pain; -Mai men dong, Mu Dan pi, + xiao hui xiang, Ai ye, Gui Zhizhu Ru More severe Qi stag; + xiang fu, wu yao Mild persistent uterine bleeding of pale color; -Mu Dan pi, +piao xiang, Ai ye, shu di huang, Infertility d/t xue XU & cold; +Qing Pi, Xiang fu----wont ask this Chronic endometritis; +Ru xiang, San Qi BIOMEDirregular menses, infertility More severe blood stasis; +Da huang (not if pregnant) Feng mi (honey) is envoy; only formula w/honey in it BIOMEDuterine fibroids, ovarian cysts Has Tao Ren in it so not so safe for pregnancy, WJT better girls Feeling So Moody Towards honey (feng Mi) Persistent sweating; +Mu LI, fu xiao Mai, Wu Wei Xi Chronic or allergic rhinitis; Xin yi hua, Cang Er Zi, Bai Zhi Hypotension; +Sheng Mai San TreatmentMoxa ST 36 for XU sweating Wei Qi is weak so pores open (GZT wind opens pores) T=pale, white coat P=floating, XU and soft Prolapsed rectum; +huang Qi, dang Shen, sheng ma More severe Yang XU w/uncontrolled diarrhea;+fu Zi, Rou gui Interior cold w/abd pain & nausea; + Li Zhong wan Day break diarrhea w/other mild cold S/S?=SSW + LZW Pale, +thin white coat P=deep, slow, and weak Chun Gen Pi=envoy since its cold to stop bleeding Severe bleeding: +Di Yu, Xian He Cao (STD trichnomas, vagintits) More severe Yin XU characterized w/menses that lingers on w/ scanty red blood, malar flush, hot palms/soles, rapid pulse red tongue; -huang Qin, xiang fu, + di gui pi, shu di huang Chun Gen Pi FX: astringes/binds up the blood and prevent abandonment disorder T= red P=rapid, string taut (LIV fire)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Gui Zhi Fu Ling wan Gui Zhi Fu ling

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yu Ping feng san Huang Qi Have Bad Fear

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Si Shen wan Bu Gu Zhi (Vitiligo) But Runs Wake With Sunset Diarrhea

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Gu Jing Wan gui ban (ventral) Bai shao gushing blood has hot chunky X-ray

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. Suan Zao Ren Tang Suan Zao Ren sleepy girls cant fake Z 1. 2.

Tongue= dry, red Pulse= string taut, rapid (LIV fire) XU HT & GB Qi manifesting as dream disturb sleep, waking up many times during night terrified; +dang Shen, long Gu Night sweats: +Mu LI, wu wei Zi Severe fire from XU; -chuan xiong, +Han Lian Cao, Nu Zhen Zi, Bai shao HT & SP XU; +Gui Pi Tang

3. 4. 5.

Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan sheng di huang

1. Dont take TWBXD for long time? Zhu Sha is toxic herb in it 2. Yuan Zhi in it= C/I for ST ulcer 3. Tian Men Dong & Mai Men dong; only time together 4. Palp & Insom: + Long Yan Rou and Ye Jiao Teng 4. T=red & little coat, P=thin, rapid See Dans Bad Dream Yesterday? Monday wakes feeling just sleepy, Tomorrow experience zero rest. 1. Fu Xiao Mai 9-15g, Gan Cao 9g, Da Zao 10 pieces 2. T= red + sparse coat P= thin, rapid 3. compare GMDZT (HT Yin XU w/LIV restless organ) vs XYS (LIV Qi/xue Qi XU) 3. irritable w/chest heat +HT Yin XU S/S; +Bai He, Bai Zi Ren 4. insomnia w/thin wiry P from LIV xue XU; + Suan Zao Ren 5. palpitation, SOB, appetite, tooth marked T, frail P:+ Gui Pi Tang 6. mild schizophrenia: + gui Zhi, long Gu, Mu LI 7. BIOMEDhysteria, PAXIL 1. Pulse= forceful, floating & rapid T=forceful, floating & rapid 2.severe W-H & toxin; +Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Pu Gong Ying, Ye Ju Hua 3. severe heat in blood; + Dan Pi, chi shao, ZI Cao 4. severe dampness: +Yi Yi Ren; Bai Xian pi, Di Fu Zi 5. King herbs all treat wind 6. GB 31, LI 11, SP 6, BL 40 Just fearing Niu Cold Coming, Might Keep Mums sweater handy since dads gone. 1. T= white moist coat P= wiry, slippery (W phlegm obstructing CH) 2. LIV & KD XU: + DU Huo Ji Sheng Tang (chronic conditions) 3 AFTER STROKE NUMBNESS 4. CONTRA weak patients, Yin XU, C/I in pregnancy Cant Calm Trembling Muscles running DiLong 1. Ye Jiao Teng & fu Shen are asst #4 to calm Shen 2. T= red & yellow coat P= wiry, rapid (c/b thready) 3. DU Zhong & Ye Jiao Teng in it to clear heat not open CH 4. Tian Ma (neutral) clears heat & cold vs Gou Teng (cool)= only heat 5. GouTeng (10 min max), 6. Shi Jue Ming (60 min prior)

Gan Mai Da Zao T Fu Xiao Mai feelings going down

Xiao Feng San Jing Jie Fang Feng Niu Bang Zi Chan Tui Xiao Huo Luo Dan Zhi Cao Wu Zhi Chuan Wu Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Tian Ma GouTeng Shi Jue Ming

Er Chen Tang Ban xia Ju Hong

1. T= swollen white thick greasy coat P= rolling 2. ban xia dries damp & Fu ling (deputy) drains damp 3. concurrent dryness; Ban Xia Gua Lou, Chuan Bei Mu 4. 5. Improper use leads to Excessive Thirst and Dry Throat (contra Lu Yin Xu) bad jabbing feeling getting seriously worse

Wen Dan Tang Zhu Ru Zhi Shi T=greasy, yellow P=rapid, slip/ wiry Bei Mu Gua Lou San Chuan Bei Mu 4.5g Zhi Sou San Zi wan Bai Qian Bai Bu Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Ban Xia Tian Ma Bao He Wan Shan Zha some say Lai but moms catch Lian fools

1. insomnia; + Hu Po, Suan Zao Ren, Mu LI 2. severe insomnia; + Suan Zao Ren, Ren Shen, shi Gao, Mai men dong, long yan Rou 3. ADAPTATION of Er Chen Tang (predates ECT) Da Zao-Wu Mei 4. BIOMEDepileptic seizures from emotional problems bad seizures causing gnarly focal distenion 1. severe cough & wheezing; +Xing Ren, Pi Pa Ye, Kuan Dong Hua 2. P=rapid, thin BUT STRONG vs SMS= rapid, thin BUT WEAK 3. cough getting to feel just jammed (Ju Hong Jie geng, Fu ling, tian Hua) 4. Chuan Bei Mu as a powder; 1-1.5 (C/I in Yin cough) 1. Dry nonproductive cough; -*Jing Jie, Chen Pi, + Gua Lou, Bei* Mu, Zhi Mu, Bai Zi Ren 2. Copious sputum, white greasy tongue, stifling chest; + Er Chen Tang 3. FYI; only time chief herbs are together (WC Sequella, Itchy Throat) 4.T=thin, white, P=moderate, floating Z Bai Bai Junky Cough getting Jinxed; 1. severe HA; Mang Jing Zi 2. severe vertigo; +Jiang Can, Dan Nan Xing 3. BIOMEDMenieres disease (wind Phlegm) 4. Modification; Er Chen Tang (variation) 5. White, greasy P=wiry, rolling 1. Modification; Er Chen Tang 2. T= Yellow greasy coat P= rolling 3. more severe abd distention;+Zhi Shi, Hou Po (transfms food phlegm) 4. constipation; Da Huang, Bing Lang 5. early stage dysenteric d/o w/food stag; - fu ling, Lian Qiao, +Huang Lian, Zhi shi, Bing Lang 6. ST 36, ST 44, Ren 12, PC 6, Inner Neiting

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