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W hat pa~ed form any Yeers Between

and King

(A Mathematician ofGttat Fame in Q.:. E:Liz.


JA ~ot ... d~eir


) and

(had it Sucrecded)

To a Cjtnttal ,J /terati,;n of mofl S T A 'T E S r lC I J\( q V 0 M E S in: th'e IYorld.,

H~s lp,~~at~

[fm{tnnctJ with Roo ot.PRB E''mpe_ror of GermtV~;, Sl."n?HEN K. oft'Pol~IJtd ,, and divers orbcr Pl<.Ulcsabouc tt4 The P'a.rtlc:u lar.s ofh.ls CauCc;a.s it was ~gitated i:n the l!mperors Court j
.By the: Po .. I , ~

; His B:mifhm~Gf:t and R.r:frotu ion m p:! n.

A ., A


The LETTERs of Sundry Great Men

and Pru Nc&s (feme \Vhereofwere prefent at fon1e ofthefe
Con feren cc::> and A ppa.ridons of S P 1 R u s :) to che ~id. 0. DE .E .

The Ori gi na1


Copy, \"riuen lll,rirh or. DsE:S 0\V.R

Ou-r Q p

: Kept in tbe L l B R AR Y of

Sir T' H 0.

CO_7 rr o~

:A( :- Kt.




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~Con6nning We, lity (as the a P J tt [ r of Th.is RELATlON. ~ and fhe\ving rhe fcveral good Us .i s that a Sober Chrill:ian m;ay .make: of A11. BY

REFACEs) the to Poinr of



P R E F A C E.
~~~~~ H A T is h~te prefented unto thee ( Chdllian Reader) being J2 Tru~ t1nd Ft~ithjul '1(.tlaJiiJ11, &c. (as the Titl~ beareth, ~nd wi~i b~ fllrtber dear~ by tbis Preface} thoug~ by th~ cdrr_iagc of iC, 1n rome rdpetl:s, and by dl( Na;J[Ure of l't too :t l t m Igilt b-e deenu:" a.nd termed,. .J lt~ork uf 1J4,1r..nijfe : Ytt j c is 11 o other [hen whar: wi.d1 gr~e,at tend~rneffc :tl!1id d t-cumfpetl:jon, \Vas tendcr~ed to men of highdl Dignity in EurfJpe, Kings and Pr.inces, and by all ( ~LmJ e:n:epced.) lHlned unto for a. while \lllith go-od refpefr. By fome , ladly ~embra.c(d and enjerraincd for a long rime .i lhe F~me whcrcofbejng car. g ryed unto IJtomt>it nladethe P~ope to bdHr hirofelf, not knowing what rbe C!~;trit of jt might be, ~nd how lllU'-~ il mrgbt COflC([~ him. . And ind:dJ fiHc~ a l~ men, Lea.rnrd and Unlar.liled Ul moB phces w1th gn:at wonder an afi.on1ffimcnt : ,all which rhings will be lhewed~ and ma;de go-od ('ro d1e utmoll of what \~e have faid) in tbe Courcnts of rhh ?oo~,, by unqudl:io~ab1e 1{~cordf :and ev1dcnoe.s~ A~d ,t:herefore I make no quefhon but there l~Vdl be men cPough found . in the wodd 'vhdte <::uriofity will lead them to Read wbtlr 1 thin! i4 trQt to ht jMt~Jiltil'J in that l(inJ b~ (JrJ} hook tb'at IJ4 rh bun Jet oui it114nJ A,g~ to read : I fiy, though it be: to no other end then to fads6e their G,urjoflty.. But \'!fhatfoever other men, according to their fevera1 inclio~tions, may pro_pofe to chemfehres tn the readjng of it , ya 1 nuy and mufi here prore.lfe iri Ehe fi- place, iu Truth rn .and SinceTi(y, dut the ~end that ! propof~ lO my_ elf ( fo fa.r as 1 have connibutcd ro dl~ PubJlChi ng of rheWorK) is not lof;u isJiecuriofity,bul lO do good, ,and promote Religion~ When we \'Vcr.c hrfi: acqua.int~cd wit-h the Book,: an~. v.rere offered rhe reading of it,, having but lately been oonverfant :~n aSubjettof mu eh Affi n iry ; to w i r:, '0 f MrflaJ..m lnfplYatian and 'Pofftfiion' , rll rougl1 i a nora n:c:e of atur~1l caufes (which la.bourof oun, as it was otJ~ ahne ;H lhe firfl in pub,_ hfl1 i ng oF it, oo do good, lo we h~ ~ e had good reafo n hnQc; ro bdicv~, th.lt tve d id not alrogethcr n1iiTe of tYh:u we aimed .ar)we could not but gladly a.coepr of ir. And as we gladly aocepr,e , fo weread unro the end with equa] eagerndfe and d Al~crjty : \\l hich. l;vhen we had done, ~ruiy .ir \\'as our ~Opinion, Th.ilt rbe Pubha1!ng of jc could not but be very Scalonable and Ufeful, as. againfl Al~ifls ac: ~JitimcSJ, fo i~ n thde Tir:nes c fped~ly, ,;vb~n the Spirit of Errol" and IHufion' not ]n proFdl A.nabMptifls Oflly ~ cvel'il rhe worfl: ktnd tha~ former Ages have known and abborred, d.och fo much prevail;!' but in rnany alfo , who rhough rrhcy difdairn and de~dl openly (and h~a.rt ily too, 1 hope, mo.A: of rhcm) t.he truu.s and effeCts that (ucb caufes have. prod.uc.ed in orhcrs, ;'et ground d.\emklve~ neverthe!dfe L1pon ~he: (:;JJme p.rjnciples of Suppflj~J J,ifpJorot;on and rmmaginary 'J(.r'ludationi i and upon {hac account deem rh~mJel ves, if not the Ont~"', yet m1.1 c.h bettet Ch n fl:ians th~ n ot~ crs. And I was. much Coo firmed. in this Jud gment wh~en [ w.as rold (as indeed 1 wa.s, at rhe firfl, by ithem rhat:: knew 'U:ry well) th.lt the MoG R.ev~rend, Piou:> and Learned A,ch/Jifb~ of .,l,magl)> h ,rel.y



rh at every Reader w1H nm: iU: rbe firft be fo weU abt~ of hr m~ l f to make tha.r; good ufc by good.1nd Rational Inferences and Obfervadons of r hi~ fad Story as is airned ar, my chiefdl aim Jn this PrefaC(_as to belp fuch. And becaufe ic is not ldfc probableth_a'- ~his~icent~ous ~gt \~Lll afford . e:Y m.Jny, \\'bo \W.' ith ;he SaduceJ ofo]d ( Eha.usj Jewdh EptcureSJ bcheve noSp1nt, or Angel, or Re~Llr rec.tio n ; " rho therefore being prepofic ffed \V i th preJ ud ice when du:y h~ r offo many Spirits a:s are h~r~ mentioned, and fo many l:r..ang~ App.uirions, in J(veral Kir1ds, ' ill noc only fh ng back 'tncmfelves, buc Wlli be re.tdy to hmgb at any ~othe r that ghre any crc~it to ' uch things. Although l \~rill not rake upon me to con en: any by Reafon that arc cpgaged. uuo fuch anopiniou by a wicked life, t lut is,, Unjufl praccifes, Luxurions lewd courfes ,open profaneneiTc:7 under the name of Wit and Gatanuy, and the like, b~aufc} l thn kl lt i.s very juR: wirh God ro 1~ ve filch ro the error a.nd blindndre ot their Judgmcnrs; [o thit wjthouta Miracle there can be Urde hopes of fuch. Yet [ ffiaiJ hope that fuch cls :uc R.1tionaltncn fober in their L\vts .and Convedanoos} fuch as l h.1ve kno\vn my felt; yea., 'men o e:x:ccllenr p.uts 1n other things,. men r~;u arc both\ illi ng to hear ar1d able- [O c:onfid~r :. that ruchl 1 fa.y, ffi3.}f recene tome Cuisfaelion bv what I lliall fay an~ propofe t:o lhti r Lngenuous c-Onhdcr:uon in tlti~ matter. Weic: \V~ ro argue d1r ea le b)' Scdpttl ~e, the bufine(ie wou1d loon be ar an end; rbtre be1ng no oor: Conuol'crred pou:u: among men, that I know ofll ch:u can receive a n1ore Ample, f ul1, Cl~t and fpeedy detcrm.~narion, tben rhi s bufinds of Spirits, and J~1ttchfs, and Apparit;am ma)r, if the Word of God might be judg .. But e I wilJ fuppo[e 1har: ( ha.,e to do with fu h) who though they d~ noc 1lrogcther c deny r:hc ~ ord of God, yet\ iUnot eafily ~ however, admit of any thing cbat they think contrary to Reafon, or at leaR not to be mainmjned by Rel.fon. f flull therefCDre forb~r al1 Scripu1te Proofs and Tellimonre$ in this parricular, and ddirc- the ChrHtian ReJdcr c who otherv..ik might juftly take offi:nce) to take: norice upou wbar ground tc: is that I orbear. Buc- enough [ will nor tlk any Scnptur~ f?r proof, yet: by w~y of Apprycuion I hope l may be aHot\1ed to rule fome Scnpture words, w h1ch nuy dHt~tl us perd)ance to a good Method in tbe cx..aminarioo of rhis- bufineffc~ T he ApofHe fa ith 1n a piace1 ~tl#.i41'1~~1,..., "">~, i"'""r'~:JO'"' ~ (projt/Jing d>rJJJjdl.lrs to blNJi(t., tbt) bt1m~ {iJ!JfJ} J {haU notenqlllir~ of \V horn, and, upon whar occaGon ir \''as fpok~en: l dr~w ~o . argument &omit; only becaufc there is a lhe\V of great Wifdom jn th1s Op1n1on 1 a.nd yer, as 1concc1ve, as 1nuch of Error and taHnood (that is Folly) as the word i ofttn ufcd) a~ in any odt~r falfe opinion that i~ ldfc popular: 1 wIn f ra tne my d I frou rfe (0 this HTue' n (0 en qui l'C \i\ h.;rdr is tb ilt fllakcs r1:, ~t fo popuLar and p]; nfiblC') amona them efpecially that p-rtccnd to a.nore then rs ordinaiy \V/ ~kiom; and then kcondly, lay it op(n(as 1 am abte) to lhe view 10 i1 righr colours, thartthc FoR1 or f. llhood of jt may be dlic ernable even to ordrnamy judgme ru:s. f; )Jhben~, (as for[hem thatJllt}' Spirlu, &c.) " re ~ay, Thel~~Jorld is fuUofwn1~ p oflute; ro know this, lO obferve it in 3B T racies, in all Profdrions, in all ranks and degrces of me 11 is ro knO\ ~he w or Jd, and chat is to be w 1f~ ~ Tltough we :all Lnrm Jt~l~r.r:r y~t they dcfcne ro be thoughr rhe plai ndl: de.1.l1ng men of the 'vorld thar ffie\"l t:hcir tricks openly In the fl:rcc{S for monry ; fo r rhcy erofeRe what they ar . They arc the trudt Jug1ers that, do their fc..n:s (and they for moc

d~c:afcd, upon rC'a.din~ of rhe faid book, before his. dearh, had ch:dared himfelf ro the: fame purpo~~ aQd ,rDifhed &t 1'ri1zuJ. But beca~fe _ :is very poffib.lt, it


7 IR

l"' "1\._JJ 1: A (I b ..

n)f'.tO?,~ofl: of ~b_em) ~der theycil an_ lt~~mtion of.Holtnl':lfe,SanCijcy, (o-r, d Sauufb~p) Reh&Lont Vurue; Jufhce, Fn~ndfh1p ; tine \Vords to c:nch m: n .that e a. re ofealle. Bdiet, and thinks th~t e\fery tbjng r.bat gh llet s muft nee~s be go kl .. Henccjris, dur meniliu have had the Re~utation of Wife men in the wtrrld 1 have '-Omfllendcd this unto us as g(('ate \Vi ~d.om1 0 T- EA sI L y T 0 L ~ .fl. ;.r .E ::: Ni .,, ~ r. ~~~rld't, :J.,tr-.;, :- -t f" ?~Cu 1.:-:r ~F;/,. ep.ichar11t:t4J got mqre credit for . th i!i one fayililg, ( a.nd hath douj! mote good too ,perch.:mc.e) rhen many. [hat bave bee.n: the Authors ~f.vaAl'Volumes. No\-~ if rJiofe Lhings tbat are e:xpofed to fenfc, the pro~pet ObjedS of cur Eyes ;~~.od Earcs, be lyab1e to fo 1nu~;:h lmpoflure and D(:c~irj [hat the '"i~ell can fca:ce kno\v wba~ ro bdkve : How n1u.ch ~ore cd'~tton do \v need tn thofe thu-.gs that ;:tr~ fo~ rnudt abnve ~enfe 1 e and in tomc:-refptch contrary tQ Senfe (and d1at is Stlirits) tiut we be not deceived ? If 'Vil e confider rhe Nature of nun, his Bodily frame, the Affetfions o his foulA' the Factdcies of his. mindJ we Ih,ji. Hhave c110 occ:1hon at all to \Vond: r if moitmen arc ape [0 believe and '[0 becheatedp Bur as no caufe ro \vondcr) io a~ ~ittle caufe o in1itat~: Ftlix qui. reJum p?l'tu' ,cogr.fJ{teretaujds! nr<l7~.-.t:~i~, a thfire a~ r or to fl'!angt 1hings tbat ffl'4) caNfo am~~mmt, is r:he prope..- affection of r:hevu1garlll.u is, of rnoft men, which they bring iuto the world wirh [hem, { ir (s the obfc:rvarion of the wifcftof mc;n rha.t have written concc:rning.the aff.ajrs and all:ions oF n1~n) a.nd cannot be rid ~f bu~ by wifdotn_, '"'hidi is the happindfr;: of tew ; &randil 11dn ntiefiitM tantum, jlJ t:mfJT Smeca fom.ewb~re fpea.king of t:be Nature of Man ;, There was a ti n1e when the: wodd \."\ras much governed by Oracles . pdva.t~e men wen[ unto rhem as unto God, Kings and PrinCCA fen[ unto them :; to be adviJCd a.'bout gre:ateft matte:n.: and fo mucn faitb WJS afcribed unto them;p gener.:dJy , that rhe very w~rd became a Proverb appli.ab]e unto .rhofe th ings~ whereof no~ quefHon c.1n be made. Y ct t bofevtry a.nci(1!.t HeJthens 7 tlur: tdl us of thcfe Orades, till us; of rhe:~[ .vani ty~ and though th~ ray not; That aU were faHe and r:ounte~ft.~ r, yer whildl they ackno\vJedg it of. JorneJthty giv~ u> jnft occafion ro fi1fpelt th at it migh t h.av~ been found. &S true of 1hc tell t aifo, had like car(' bten taken [0 examine th~ trm.h of th~m alfo. Again, the~ wasadme (and that time not mo<\)ny hundred yeJ.rs yet/a H.) vihen Miraclts were rhe onJy difcourf~ and delight of J nen : Ghotb an Spi~ rits were in every houk; and fo prone were men tOo receive what \V~ delive red tmro th~em in t'bat kind , that Mh'ade11.l.akers we re much pu.: to it ) not to m~kc {heir Horics prob~bl~, (for rhau,vas nor Jlood upon) hut to make tht:m wonderful enotJgb; tnfontuch that fonte hav~c been forced ~t .~..HifulA~ to ~comp ~ainpublickly oJ t.he credul ity of [lle people, ~vho yer them- t.-nw.- M . fdves teHus ~u.ch :more~ I dare fay. cben wa) ever crue. As of M iracles, . (u , of J:xtJrd{mti: I.Jow many D iv~~a. and Spirirs b:we b~n dr\.- cn out of ~en and .. Vi.'Omcn ) fi1p pofed to be p~ffijJeJ, by fo~emn Exorcifmes" to the gre;u: wonder of the beholders, which J.herwards upon hurher fear:c.h and exam i~at lo t1, h_ave been convicted [0 have been nothing but d1e anHices and fu bta wnniva.nces of m~o ? Sentlences ~nd judgmerns h.ave paifed upon fuch cheac:.s when thc:y have: been difcovcr(d jn. 'moA: places of Eu rope) \vhich have been publH hed. Buc rhey ha-ve done firange things thougl1 (Come ~hat were tl~ougb: pofielfcd.) and things irnpoffible, eo ordina ry fenfe, to be done by Natur~. lt is very uue/orpe h:av; : Bm: [hey that kno\v wha:t Rrangc. things nuy be don'C to the amaz.e1




1'he P 'R Fr A r. E. :
tnen< of all noc acquaintw with fuch myC!eries, by Ion~ Hfi nd Cu/lomt, they will not eJiily wonder (fo as eo make a fupernatural thtng of it) though they fee thtngs, wbteh, to their lighc and of moil, cannot but feem very wondetful an<! .lt:noC! tmpoffiblc. As forche bodily temper of man and of his 'Brain it h~th been lit fliciendy by fome lace books of that fubjetl ( Enthufia}rnt ) bo<h by re~fons from Namre, and oy fundry examples proved, <Mt a very little dtllemperol the bnin,fcarcedtfcernable unto:tny,but thofc that ue wfil verfed in the iludy of Narural caufes, isenough to reprdcm Spirits, Angili and Divds, Sights and Stories of Heawn and Hdlco the Faney : by which fober kind ofMadneffe anddcliration, iO li!tle undcrllood vulguly, many havebeen,and are daily deceived ; ~nd from thefe things, through the ignorance of men , flrange things fomeflmes havcen(ued, and rhe puce of Common-weales hatb fuffercd noc a liulc . .Arfltle, in hts Meteors, rells of one tbatalwayes faw (fo he thought,at le>.fl) another man's n1ape before his eyes, and bow they happened unto him nacuraliy, he gives a reafon. Hypf'Xr41tl, n.,l ~<i ( a very fhorc Otfeourfe, but full of excellent mauer) fhewech hov; fome, both men and women, chrou~h Natural caufes, come eo fancy to tbemfclvesth;u they fee""'"""" OtvelsandSpitits and to be tormen~ed in their Souls, even to the making away of themfdves by their own hand$: The Author of the book, Vt MOI'bo S110o, (very ancient roo bur not nght HJppo<'w, as many >.re of opinion) harh exccUenc mattercoo U: tbefame purpofe; butl have not the_ book a tbis lime by me. H)ppocw'u , (where bqare) fhewerb how ma.ny m that cafe were gulled by the Pnclls of thofc umes 1 making them believe, T hat this happened to them through the anger of fome gocf. " They that are verll in the Optic/v kno\v,T hattherc is :t "way, through the help of giJfo that fhall not be feen, to make moving fha" dows that Ihall appear like Gholls, to the grc~c terror of the ignorant behold" er : and it is fiid, That pretended Allrologers and Fortu ne-tellers cheat many "by thofc lights. lr is rhe opinion of fome j ewi01 Rbbins, T hat what Ghollsor Souls arc rlifed by i\fcromallt}, they alwaycs appear itMrfororport, that is, their head dowards lnd fccc upwards. Though nothing is 10 be wondered ':lt in Rabbins, who (commonly) ate. as full of ndicu lousconceirsas ever came imo the head of any Bedlam: Yet my opinion is, " That the lirllgroundof " this wild conceit was, fome appearance by theSptciu of an obJetf, garhe.red "through a lmle glaj[t into a dark room. For fo indeed the objeCts mullap"pcM in)tr{o corpott ,fit be done in a high room, :~~~d the obJeCts from when "the Sp<trill are gathered be lower die glaiTe through \Vhich they paiTe. And ,ben rhe rcafon of 1t t> very Oemonllrable to the light of any rufonable man. Cerumly ,by thiS fecrec(which yet is no great fecret,bemg commonly fcen and putl.fed among them chat arc any thing curious) itrange thongs may be done by a Cunning man, to thctr great amazement tht know nor the cufc. T here wonld be no end if I fhould attempt to gather from feveul Authors wlut hath been invented by men, ad what may be done by Art eo cheat men in matters of this nature. Let any man, char is yecallrangeno it, but read the life of Ait>.""J" (/" fif''Proplttt, or Prognollicator' written by Lucia/1, and he null fce DOtable example! of fuccelJ'eful Cheats and lmpollures, fcarce crcd o indeed, but l>le that the tbtng W lS ycc then frefh and famous, and that all circumfbtnccs of HiC!o-

T"he P


let him know tha:t Ieads .:bat: Lnda~J was a profd]; Athei1l, a.nd ~bC~~fore nP wonder jf he lind Flic1411U fpok~n of with great tefped-, whom aH At~heifls, and AcheiA:lcatly indined arc: fo rnuch ob]iged to honour. This excepred, I think, the tory is \reryr wortb.y to be k~own ., and n1uch m~orc wocrhy 0 be read by all men {confidtrJngthc good ufc tha~ ma}' be mad~: of n) ~ehen many bo.oks thaf a.rc dai ly trannared om: of other lang_uages. BudaiUy, If tbtrt wer an! tuch thing,. realJy as Divel.s and Splritsth:n u~ eo e app~r unrco men; ~eo whom {h()uld [he~ (probably) foo~er appear, t:hen to [uch cas daly eaU upon them, and devorC' then: Souls and Bodu:s unto them by dreadful Oaths aJtd lmpr(ationl. ~ And again, then to fuch, who through damnable. curiofily have many times ufed 'the mca.ns ( Lhe bdlrhcy could find in books, by Magical Circles. Cha.l"aders and En vocations) and yet. never, neilh(r the one nor other ra\'V' any 'th.ing ? 1 ba.vc fa[d a,s much as I mean to (though Comewhat perchance mi: h.t be g Gddtd) eo fhew [he pbm li:blenc lfe of the: opinion, in oppofi rion to vulgv. ap pr~ rh~nfions. and. cap2.Cides,. whereby (as [ conceive,. for 1 have not winiflgly omit:tt:d any thing l~t I thought materu~) it chie8y imides ir. felf to ?'~ifdom, e ~net mon:: Ehc:n ohnary ptuCJenc:e) \Vluch aU men genera.Uy are ltnbtuous of. Yer l \\'foulld not have it tho.ughr thiit all men d.tat hoJd this conclufion, Tha~:: there be no Spirits, &r. go f0 rationally tOr woik, or c.an give thjs a.ccoum: Of any other more r.uional and plaufiblc For \'il hat they hold. God knows rhe re be many in the world, men of n.o lea~ning"and ute-an capacities, who can fpeak :a.s perernptorily as the bC'lt not becaafe they have conGdcred of ir, and under, lland rhe grounds of ~ither op~nion, but btta.ufe ~ehey know 1 or have heard ic is du: opioion of fome LoJm~d, and they hQpc they fhall be t:bougbr learned too j( they hold \Vith h.t m. Bcfides an oTdinary (for fame have been learned) Epic:urtan] \V ho makes it his Mouo (to him feH and in his hcan::) , ~ jUHJ b *'l'ir~ . "lJ'~er ~i~ : ~nd feeks his cJ.fe tn this world ( .i?"'~~"'' rhejr own \t\l'o.rcl 1 \1\fbic;h irnpoHS Tra-trquilit) both of mir:ad and b~y 5 a good word b, lt iU applyed) as ! bh jMmmum btmaTJ, or chiefeft hJppin~A"e : h: is a great e~fe lo him when a.ny lliang4! things doth happen by Witch~s, Wizards a.nd the like ; and other fon1e eo fatishc their faith, oth~rs th,eir reafon and curiofity, are pm: ro j.: to en9uire of men by coniercnce , ~nd. to, fearc:h into books ancient and latel Sacred and Prorane, ~nd all li tle enough. A great eafe, l fay,, for hin1, then, and upon all fuch occafions, ro poifcffe: his Soul in (ecure ignoranc~, .and to fave his .credit (yea, .and to gJin oedit wid1 fome) barely fayjng, FabuJa ifl., l do il'lt krl~tlJt 1t~ We flu.U heal" fame of 1 thc:m by and by acknowledgJ in ctle6t),a~..mu h :as ~ ha.ve ~id : I impofe nothing upon 'them.. I \vill nor l:a.ke upo1.1 me ro judge of a book that 1 ne\'ei :read ; 1C3.~no~ fay t::hat J aer !law it.. But becauf e I l1ave heard fome n'len magnifie an E.nglifil book wr]rten of this fubjc:B: to prove ~hat there be no Wircbes , 1 will irn~art unto the Re.adcL" dlat ha.th ~ot cb crved ir) the judgn'U:ht of rOOt o f the Le.arnf:dtt ln~n th.ar:evcr 8~laJ~J ~a\'V ( ~ \V i!h he hld been m,ort gcndy dcai~ t with when time wasJ of tha.t book; whereby ~t m.ay appear (if bis judgment be: :tigbt, as I ;wn very ulcUnab]c to believe

MHlory coo firm the tnuh of the rclacion. And let him that n:ads it judgco what duU a:nd dry fdlnws th~ Mouncebank-AltrologtrsJ Prognofi:icuors and }'Qrtune-tdJers of Chcfe dayes atC", eo this N~blc:, Reno,v.ned .Alexander. Only




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li~ve, bc-c-aufe of his greal Learniftg> an(l wonted cirrcumfpt 'tion in hi:s ctnfurcs) t \Vhar. greilt l'nderra.kers many men ar~_upon very lktlc ground,. a~d ~O'W .prone others t 'O 6tol Wh1t doth tavour rhe1r caufe, thOtlgh t:O d1~ preJ_Ud~.ce thejr 1:,eue jttdgments, iF they would judg-e im_aniaHy. Dr~ 'l{.aj"t1alds in rho(e eJap bonue f .r4fltRrouts tit l;hris .Apocrypf,f.t 1 where he: doth.ocnfure lome opinions of !Badin:fu a.s prejudic~.d t:o he Cbr!~tan fai~h. lfttJ)'Uitd'uJ Sc-ouu,, nofltM~ (faith he) t qui ctJJJtrar~~rn '13oJino ;,ifamt m/amilrn., ait fJ'apiflaj confiuri,. mm p'Jffi 1Jemo"fld;S 11t ttudere qu~dem nr;mm .Jtlto"JJ~.. .Acccptt4l ilk~ '.Bad,lJQ 31 & 4~trrbl4it P(tpifljs t~igt:ntn, unqutm: vmm:s 'P11pift~ i~ to con{p~~iirrnt. _ P~,gil_ ;pft, f.? q~rmiam AnimaJ~erttr~t quttfd(lflj jtnu7ra6 malt"(ua.r,. .aitqamlo ifl.ud mtJd~ lt~trall01UI tlllt.nt,rl, prltaw~ amm~ epe filln ~ ex irnperJtia 'DI:JltBtc~,. & ctl1arw1i lmrJarum t~rtium : Ut q.t~; -nW/o juJicjo , 11UH~ JtJttkdfJ _ mdl.1 opamttr~m~ art~f4ffl ftie1Jtia ~ trJdtm rmdo a1:5a!fifj hmrc remJ 9,.r~moJo Pttet4 wqru~

---------------------- ----------~--~--~~



h.iclt he hui lded, which \Ve U.alt find ro be the fame llpon which otb(r& aUo, w chac deny Sp~rit.s ~avc gone upon~ Bllt ~ve wll~ go Mct~odj_caUy r.o work~ and . . take every dung 1n order, as we have prop o.f~d 1n the obJecb ons. Firfl, We ~~.d ~ 'I he \.VQrld '\rllaS full o f lmpoRure.. It is granted~ of hn:eoilors nd lmpol'hucs. But Vidtar chcn iluU the concluJion be , That: d1ercfo re there is no cru[b tn Ehew odd~ or J t ]call no[ to be atui ned u n[o by mona( man ? Tn1 ,.many books ot old b,ave been wrluen eo chat etfccr. Sex~fts linlly ~tricm is yer ext~rnt, a ve y ~earned bo-ok it cannot be den ied, aod of fn:eHc:m: ufc r for- the underibnding of ancient Authors, Phylofophtrs efpeciaHy~ I couJd nanu~ fome Chrifliaos atfo~ by_ pro(tffiOD~ men of g-r:. c learni:og_dur have gone a very far thJt w.ay. .B ut this wtfl nOt ~e gr.:~~nred by iol'M' l am lue ~hat are or have been thought oreat oppugners of tbc rommon opi~ ni,o.n about 'Witches and Spirits ; fame fhyftcia.ns I. mean., and Natura~ifl:s by dicir profeffion. But may nor \Ve argue ;1s plJLlfibly a.gainft that \t.lhich they profe[f~, as they h~.ve done or on do agairdl Spirits and Appa.ritions ? \Ve would be Joath to make fo loner a di greillon ;, \i\f~ lu.ve had occafion elfewbcre to fAy fomewhat to rhis purpofe: and they ~h;u will be fo curious may fce \Vlut hach been written by Corm/. A,grip.~ p4 (who is very large upon rh is fubjefr) about ic, nor to name any oth"'rs. lr is .nor yer: a fuU rcwdve-mone(h , d1at a friend of mine, ~ Gendetnan of quaJiry, brouohr hts l .ady to Ltmdon (fome 6o miles and upwai"ds from his ordinary dwdling) to have the advlceof Pbyfidans about h1s wife (a very Vtuuous .tnd :Rdigions Lady) trou bled,-\vid~ a weak flonuck and ilJ digdlon .; \\l'hich cauftd g ievous C ptoms. I tbink b~ h.ad rchc ad vie~ of no [effe then a cloz.en 6r0: ym. and b.R. [ am fure he nam~d unto me five at fix of the cbiefeH- in Credit aQd : pratlioe that ~he Town affo!derh. ot one of rhcm ~id agree inrhc.ir opinions,. cith~r concerning the Caule, or the means to be uled for a Cure. So that che Gentleman went a\vay more uofal'isfied hen he came. ~ihat: ~t: did 1 k.novv not ; I knovv "'vhat fome men "'ot1ld .ba~e inferred upon this. Yet J) for my .r~rc, fol' the benefit th:u: I have recei\r. d, by iL:, a11d the effetl:s that l have teen of e

~- Tentr tnfatiabilt: quofdam Scribendi cacoethes~ c:r eo"iltm pro)fi~s moJo r4t lochr4tur 1 & c. \XIe have been tht: morc w il Hng ro pfQ~ dllC(' rh is paffage Oll[ of rhe writings of rh;u Le:arn.c:d ma.n"' becufe aUo jo oL.lll' anfwcr5 may have occaflon ro :fay fomewh.ar: to the fame purpok j not of tha:t Author or his boor, ,~~,~ hid1 he tudgeth, any thing, but o f the_ ground upon

.tn.r '~



'The P]\
it, both upon my {elf, and others in my life-time, upon fc:veral occafions (where learned Anifls, not Empiric~ have been empl'oyed) though all the world fhould be of another opinion, I think my felfbound to honour, as the profeflion, fo all Learned, Ingenious Profeffors of it: and I make no qnefiion but the worfl: of Agr;ppa's objeCtions, by any m~n of competent judgment and experience, may eafily be anfwered. I fay therefore that as in other things of the world, fo in matters of Spirits and .Appariticns, though lyable to much error and impofture, yet it doth not follow but rhere may be reality of truth and certainty difcernable unto them that \Vill take the pains to fearch things unto rhe bottom; where truth commonly is to be found, and are naturally endowed \Vith competent judgment:; to difcern bet\yeen fpecious arguments an~ folidity of truth. But this provech nothing No : but the removing of this common objeCtion n1ay difpofe the Reader, I hope, to confider of vvhat we have to fay With leffe prejudice. And that fhall be our next task,,vhat we have to fay for Spirits, &c. before we come to particular ObjcCl:ions. Wherein nevertheldfe I will be no longer then I mu1: at this time, becaufe I fhall have a more proper place in two feveral TraCl:ates, the one whereof bath been a long time in loofe notes and papers, not yet digefl:ed, to \V it, my Second Part of Entlu{tafme: the other, in my head yet wholly, but in better re;tdineffe to be: brought to light,becaufe of later conception; to wit,A Difcourfi of (r'edulity and Incredulity, in thing; ?\(atttral, Ci1Jil and f>i1Jine, or Tbeolcgical. We fhall meet there with many cafes not fo neceffary here to be fpoken of,,vhich will help very much to clear this bufinefs. ~ But here I fay; firfl: of all; It is a Maxim of Arijlotlls ~the great Orado of Nature, which many have taken notice of, and applyed to their feveral purpofes : o IQ;,~~ J'o~~.ii, 1vTO 'fv"~ rpt:tp.~v, That which M generally belie)Jed, Mmofllike[y to be true. Who alfo in another place of the fame book doth approve the faying of Heflodl ~~/-<1! J''Qu7iyt r,rcip.~Utiy tim5Jo.l\Vfr.4l, nv1J~d. l\d.Ol TiolV\oJ t{Jif/-(l(cvCTt. Now if any opinion whereof quefl:ion is made can jufl:ly pretend to a general afferic and confeht of all people, places,. ages of the world, I think, nay, I know, and iE \V ill be proved that this of Witches, Spirits, and Apparitions may. I do not know fcarc~ any ancient book extant of Philofopher or HiA:orian (the Writings of profeffed Epicureans excepted, of Ariflotle we fhall give an account by and by} but doth atford fome pregnant rdation, cefiimony or paffage to the confir~ation of this truth.- l date fay, ihould a man colleCt the re1ations and teftimonies out of fevcral Authors and hooks (that are c::ome to our knowledge} within the compaffe of two thoufand years, of Authors well accounted of, generally, and vvhofe ceil:imonies (Hifl:orians efpecially) vve receive in other things; a man might make a book of the bi gge!l fi ze and form that ordinary books ( vv hi eh vve call Folioes) are. It is true, many Authors may vv-rite one, thing vvhich may prove falfe, as the famous hifl:ory of the Phenix; perchahce, or fome fuc h; bnt upo1t examination it vvill appear that thofe tnany take aH fron1 orie or tvvo at the m oft, vvho firfl:delivered it. They add nothing in confirmation of their ovvn knovv ledg or experience. But here it is quite othervvife 5 thofe marry Authors that I fpeak of ( Hiil:orians efpecially of feveral ages) they tell


7 he P 'R E F -.;! r; E.
us different rhings that h2pned in their own times, in divers places of the world : and of many of them we may fay they were ft1ch ~s knew little of former books, or fl:ories of other Nations but their own. Within rhefe 200 years the world, we know, by the benefit of Navigation hath been mote open and known then before; yea, a great parr of the v:.rorld difcovered rhat \Vas not knawn before~ I have read many books, _he bell: I t could meet \Vith, in fevcral Languages, of divers Voyages into all parts of the \vorld: I have converfed with many Travellers, whorn I judged fober and di(creet. I never read any book of that argument, nor yet met with man that I have had the opportunity to confer with, but .\vas able of his own' knowl~dg to fay fomewhat whereby my belief of thefe things might be confirmed. Now for the Epicureans (of all Philofophers the mofl: inconfiderable in matters of knowledg, as former ages have ~efcribed rhem) no man need to wonder if they denyed thofe things which by the folemn engagement of their Se El they were bound and refol ved, notwithfl:anding any fight or fenfe, experience or evidence to the contrary , . nor to believe, at leafl: not to acknowledg. This doth clearly appear by one that may be believed (though I have met 'N.i th it in more) in fuch things. !-ucia11 ~himfelf a profdl: Epicurean Arhe11l). who . doth commend 1?tmocntus, Eptcurus and M2t rotlorus (the moll famous of that SeCt) for the1r clJ'4p.tt,,7lv,, )'vrip."v , as he calls it their fixed, irrevokeable, unconquera6lt refolution, when they faw any {hang~ thing that by others vvas admired as .miraculous , ifthey ~ouid find the caufe or give a probable gueffe, vvell and good, if not, yet not to de-part from their ~rll refolution, ~nd il:ill to believe and to ~aintain that it vvas falfe and 1mpoffible : It 1s a notable paffage, andvvh1ch excellent ufe may be made of. I vvill therefore kt dovvn his ovvn vvords for their fake that underll:and the Language : ~ :~, ?rd.rv 1~ p.~x.tv,.p.tS (fpeaking of fome of Alexander tbe falfe Prophet his devices)
l.u iJII 1n ll.lcx. Aid. cd. p. 179

1J 1ot<tv7"

yrdp.H, "xo~1o~

,;~ ti.?rt~n~d.l, ~ o""if H'v thd4ttt

. ,.,

'!1 H p.n










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~ ?pon~ 11i~ p.~t.jt[tt.vil.:tt:

fO J'' DV~

'K~1 ._j.s~Jior

Who doubts that this is the refolution of many alfo I? ~hefe dayes, not of r.hem only vv ho are Epicureans, vvhofe 1nanner of hv tng (as vve have ~a1d ?efore) doth engage them to this opinion , but of others alfo,~vho thtnk It not for their credit ( the vanity of vvhich belief ~1everrhelefs m1ght ea~!y appea~,there being nothing fo mean and ordinary 1n the vvorld vvheretn the W1fdom of the vvifefl: in the confideration of the_ caufes , ~y the confeflion of befl: Naturalifls , 'may not be pokd ) to believe any. tht~g that they cannot give a, probable reafon of. Nor to be wondred th.en tf we fee many, notwithfl:anding daily experience to the con~ trary, t? fbck fo clofe to thofe tenets which they have wedded themfelves unto Wtth fo firm a refolution from the beginning never to leave them be they right or \Vrong. ' ' As for Anflotle,. ~ confeffe ~is authority is very great \~irh me; not becaufe I am fuperfl:ttwufly addteted to any of his opinions which I fball e~ ver be ready to for fake when better fhall be !hewed unto' me. but becaufe ) . (be.-

~-~ , ~ '>'~Y-~4 1 dNvc~.7o~.

{befides tbe judgment ofall a~ counted wifeapd.learned in former ages) Iam convieted in my judgmerit,that lo much folid reafon in all ~rts and Sciences never iffued from mortal man (known unto us by his writings) without fupernarural illumination.. Well': ;Ariftotle doth . not acknowledg spirits, he mentions tht!m not in any place. Let it be granted : And why fhould it be a w~rider to any man that knows the. drif: and purpofe of Ari.ftotle'$ Phylofophy ? He lived when Plato lived; he had been his fellow Scholef unde.r Socrates, . an~ for fome time his Scholer; b.ut aft~rwards he became his ~mulus,. and pleafed himfelf ver~ mu~h to opp?fe h~s Dottrine, infomuch as he IS cenfured by fome Anctents for hts tngratnude. The truth is, Plato's writings are full of Prodigies, Apparitions of Souls, pains of Hell and Purgatory, Revelations of the gods, and the ljke. Wherein he is io bold that he is fain to excufe himfelf fon1etimes , and .doth not defire that an)r man fbould believe him, according to the letter of his relations, but in groffe.onty, that fomewhat was true to that effecr. Indeed he hath many divine pa{fages, yea, whol~ Treatifes, that , can never be fufficiendy admired in their kind; but too full . of tales, for a Phylo[opher, it cannot be denyed. Ariflgt/c therefore refolved upon a quire contrary w~y: Be would meddle with nothing but what had fome apparent gro~nd in Nature. Not thit he precifely denyed all other things, but becaufe he did not think that it was the part ofa Phylofopherto meddle with thofethiv.gs that no probable reafon could be given of. T'his. doih c~early appear by a Divine paffage of his, De part. ariim.l ... c.;. \vhere he divides Subfu.nces in d'}~vv}oll' '!J d~Birluv~. Eternal and Incorruptible, _ is, in effeCt, Spiritual (for. that even Spirits that wero created might be termed tlJ>elv.Oo,, that is, properly,.Tbat ha1Je not their begmning by Gmeration; ,ouf we will eafily grant, that the. creation of Angels, good or bad, was not known ro dn{iotl~ : (we may underfiand GodJ and Intelligences) and thoCe, tbat ~-'-ellxMerl' y~vlo-ef<li ~ q;go~J~. that is, re mortals.~ He goes on, As for V;))ine.Subfiances, J!hic!J J~e h()izour, we can fay hut little of cbem, ihauglJ we dejire it; becaufe (o little of thetn .is expofid to /mfo (~nd Reafon.] , Mortal things tbat .we are fa~ruliarly acquai1Jted _ and d.:zdy con-verfe with, we ma knolV if we take pains~ . r:But much more Jhould we rrjoice..in _ k.norv.. y the ledg (yea though -we know but a rvery: little part) of thmgs Vi vim (or ,their ~xc~ilerJ CJ:J then in the knowledg, of tbefo worldly things though ne))er fo perfeEI and general :But t~e comfort t bat we 1Ja1Je of thmi (which doth makefome ame1ds) is the certainty, an4 1 that tl1ey come witl.-1n. the compajfe' of Sciences~ What could be faid more Divinely by a mail that had nothing by revelation~ Truly, there appeareth un~o ine (if I may fpeak without offence and mif con!hutl:ion) more Divinity in thofe words, then in fome books thlt pretend to nothing dfe. Add i:o this another place of his in his Met.aphyfick.s, where he faith, 'T hat though things fupernatural be of rhe1nfelves clear and certain, yet to us they are not fo , who fee them on]y with Owles eyes. Can we fay .then that .Ari.fl.otle denyed thof(! -things that he forbore to write. of , betau[ they \Vere e (~heir natures and their qualities) above the kno\vledg of ruan .2 Neicher is it ~bfolurely true that Arijlotle never Wrote of Spirits and Apparirions. Ciaroiil his firft b~ok 'De 1)i1Jmatione~ hath a long flory om of him of a fhape or Spirit that appeared.in a dream to one iiudemUJ (h1s familiar friend and
a.c~ ----------------~-------------------------~--

7" he


a.cquairttance) and forerold him il:range things that ~a met~ paffe. (lemnrr ALi? xJndrinus hath a G:range fl:ory out of him, of a Mag1cal Rmg, one or two) which Exceflus, King of d~e Phqcenfes did ufe, and fdrefaw things future by t~em. ,Iris to be found ot.nd feen ar?ong the fragm~nts of Ar_ijlotlefworks . And that he dtd not Jeny Wtrches, m 1y. appear by dnt men~1on he makes of. thetn in mor~ then one place. How much he af~-ribed w comrnoa report and experience, though no reafon could be given, d.oth appear by his Preface t.O his Treatife n~ i)i"l1in:ztione per infolwli-a: \vhere he propofeth rhe cafe , how hard it is." for a_f.itional mari to believe any thing upon report whi ,~ h he can fee. no reaion tor; nay, which feemeth contrary to rc:alon: as., for a m2 n w .forerel by dream \V ha-t -ihall happen in an.othe.r King.Jome far off vr~thont any apparent caufe. But on th.e other fide, faith he, not lets hard to deny that which all. men, or m oft nren , do be:ieve, to wit, that there be (uch predi~hons. For to fay (his owri words) that fuch dreams come fro~ God, beftdes what elle might be objeCted (which might cafily be unded1:ood by them that underil:and his DoCtrine) it is 'mo!l: unreafonable believe that God woutd fe.nd them to men either vitious in their li\res, or idiots and fools, of all men che m oh vile and conremptible , who have been obferved to have fuch dreams oftner then better' and.\vifer men. So leaving the buftneffe undecermined, h: do-:h proceedro rheconGderation of thofe Prophecick dream , fo~ which fome probable reafon may be given. s Yer in the [econd Chapter he faith.-direc:tly , That tho"Ugh dreams be not ~.. L . ._ ef.o~~tl.,.1ct. , yet they may he perch tnce J'cu~A~v~a. for fuch *T ~e at1ne 1 nter , preter tranilau~s it - he acknowledges Nature to lie, not e:L:~:r, buc J'cu~ov/<t., on Drmo ~.i";~lknow Jy. l will nor enquire further into tbe meaning of the[e n ot h0w lt c~n be d b d c d l 1 1 beuer tx rreffr:d, wor s; lt IS not to e one tn rew wor :i. t p aJn y apthoogh. lyable to pears that not-hing croubled him fo muc.h ( for. he repeats amb.gu,ry. the objetl:ion twice or thrice) as that God iliould be thought to favour either wicked men orfools, I wifb no worfe DoCtrine had e... ver been Printed or .Pr~a.ched co.n.cerning God. 6ut flill let it be rem embred that he knew of no Divine Word or Revelation, Yet Jul. Scaltger in his Commentaries u ron B>pocrcttes De 1n(omniis, do rh wonder that Ariflotle iliould flick fo much at this) and feem5 himfelf to give-a reafon g'founded in Nature . . Indeed he faith fomewhat to the cafe of fools and idiots, but nothing (that I remember) that reacheth to wicked inen alfo. Let ihe(e rhirigs'.Je confi~ered, and let t~e Reader judge of how differenctemper A,-ijlo~le was from that of ancient or later Epic~res.. T his menti.o n of Ariftotle ~nd Plc puts me in mind of Socrates their Mafl:er, his Familiat .ro Spirit; no Shape but a Voice only, by w b.ich his life and adions ~ere much direCted. .The thing is attdted by fo many, fo grave Authors where0f fome liv~d at the very time, others notlongafter, or in times n9fvery remcte, that I know not how it can be quefhoned by any man~ Neither ]ndeed is it, that 1 remember, by any Heathens orChrifl:ians of ancient t~ mes, and there have been books written of it:,. d.ivers-,. in Greek and L atine, \vhereof. Come are yet extant. Bur whether it were . a go9d Spirit or-att ev"il, fome men have doubted, and it is free fo.r. any man .ro ~hink \ V hat .he pleafeth of"it. For my part I ever had a. Reverend opin ion. of Socraus,




The P 1\ B F A C E.
the'becrer when the t.tme. fbould come to xmbrace (and it'_did it effeCl:u~lly) the Gofpd. Many other Phylofophers, that have been of O'reatefl: fame were certainly ~reat Magicians, as OrpbeU&, PythagortU, Emped:Ctu , and th~ like, as by thofe things that have been written of them by feveral ancient authors may be colleCted. But ~hove all I give che .pre-eminence to Apollonius 1hianeus, a man of later ttmes, and _ whom we may' fpeak with of more confidence and certainty Th~s \Vas the man whom ancient Heathens very tenacious of their former worfhip and fupedhtiG>ns , did pitch upon to oppofe unto Chrifl:. His Lif~ hath been written by divers , four of them were .joyned together and oppofe~ to the four Gofpels : and H ierocles, a famous Pb.ylofopher of thofe ttmes, made a: Collation of his Miracles with thofe of Chri~l:s , who was anfwered by Eufebiw, yet extant. Sure it is, they prevailed fo much, thath~ was for a long time wodbipped by many, and in fun~ry places as a very God; yea; by fome Roman Emper.ors, as._ find in I:Iifl:_ ry. Pl:iloflratu; hath w~itten his Life in very we o Elegant fhle (as P!JottU1 Judged) In 8 books' which are extant. And though they cont~in many fabulous things, as any man may expetl: by the undertaking, yet have they fo much truth and v;uietJ of ancient learning, that I think they deferve to be better knolvn then commonly they are; but c~nnot be underfrood, I am fure, as they fhoulq be, by any cranflat ion either Latine or French that ever I faw : For the Paris Edition,though it boail of great things (as the manner isJ yet how little was pe~fo~med may ea~ly appear unto any that will take the pains to compare it with the former edition of .Aldus : Which I fpeak not to find fault, but becaufe I wifh that fome able man \V {)uld undertake the work ; there is not any hook, by the Tranfiations yet extant, that more needeth it. What ufe Sca liger made of him~ may appear by his frequent quorarions in his Notes : pon Eufebtu-s, in _the Hifiory .of thofe times. As for .Appollonit-u his Mirau cles or wonderfulA~s (which is our bufineffe here) though many' things have been added , fome, probably, done by lmpofl:ure 1 yet I do not fee how it can be doubted but hedi<;l many !l:range thing~ by che help 'o f Spirits, which things may be judged by due obfervarion of ci_ rcumfl:ances; as for example, That being con vented before Domitimzthe Emperor in the prefence of many, he prefently vanifhed and was feen a great way off (at Puteoli I think) about the fame time. That at the very time when.Vomiti'an was killed at a?...Pme, he fpake of it publickly ~nd of the manner of ~t at Bphefus : and fo of tnany others, which feem to me (as Urlt<? m oft) almolt unqueitionabk:. Thegreatefiwondertome is, that fitch washisportand outward appearance of .Sanctity. aud Simplicity, that even ~hri!l:ians have though~ reverently of him, and believed that he did his wonders by the power of God, or by fecret . Philofophy and knowl_dg of Na~ure not ree vealed unto other n1en. So Jufline Martyr, one of the ancient Fathers of the C hurch judged of him, as is well known. Mofi: larer Phylofophers thatli ved ;;.bout Julians time, and before that, as alfo the Emperors them,klves, 1nany of them; \vexe great Magi~ians and N!'rorrwzce rs, as may

and .do b-elieve (if there be no impietyin it, as I hope not) that he_ as as w among Heathens in ~ome refpett, a .fore-~urrner of ~hrifl:, to difpofe thent


'lh. P e


eafily ~pp~ar, .partly by their own writings , and partly by the Hifl:oty of
thofe times.. I do very_ much \Vonder whethe~ any man: , being a Scholer ~ and not {honglyprepoffdfed, t~at doth not believe Spirits, &c. can fay thathe.ever read the books of Tryals and Confeffions of Witches and Wizards, fuch I mean, as have be.en written. by learned and ju_ dicious men_. Sue~ as, ,. for exa~ple, I account N ichol. ~migius, his Demonoiatria : tx judiciu capitalibus 9 oo plus minus hominum, &c. grounded efpecially upon the Confeffions and t Condemnations of no ldfe then 900 men and women in Lorrame wi. hin th~ cornpa1Te of few years'. Thac he was a learned man, I think no body will deny that bath read him; and that he was no very credulous ant:l'fuper... fiicious man (though aPapifi) that alfo is moftcerrain-: and i have wondred at his liberty many times. I know not how it is nowin thofe places; but by what I have read and heard of rhe doings of Witches and Sor:... ~' cerers in Geneva and Savoy in fdrmer times (I could fay fomewhat of my '' felf,how my life \vas preferv~d there very fl:rangely, but my.witnelfes. are "not,and I wilt not ~ring their credit in quefiiori for fuch a bufincffe.) I am. of.opinion, That he t_ at fho:.1ld have maintained there that the~e \Vas h no fuch thing .as Witches, or Spirits, &c. would have been thought by mo11 ei,rher mad and b.rain-fick ( fo frequent arid vifible were the etfetts to fober eyes) or a Witch himfelf. For indeed it is ordinary enough, that thofe , that are fo really, ~re very willing (which deceiveth many) to be thought. Irnpofiors , and there is good reafon_for it:- I fhould fooner fuf.. pett him an Impoftor that doth profeffe himfelf (except it be by way of confeffion, as many have done) and isambitious to be counted a .Wirch or Sorcerer. I remember I faw a bookfome years ago, intituled, 1Je l'inconflance des mauvai~ Anges & Demons, printed at Paru J 61 z. in quarto, and ano:. ther of the fame Author; and Gze, intituled, L'incre~ulite & me (cnauce du for.. tilege, Paris 1641. Strange floriesare told there of a Province of France, a,. bout that rime (or little before~ marvelloufly infefted with Witches and Sorcerers, 1nfomuch that people diet not kno\V one another ( in fome one place) in the iheers, by reafon of evil Spirits appearing publickly in the fhape of men; and that the proceedings of juflicc (which dorh not hap pen often) were fomerirn~s dill:urbed by them. I think the Author him.:. felf ~as one that was fent to the place by the King withfome authority,and to _make report. But as I 4o not altogether trufl: my mem.ory, having had but a fight of the books (it was atthe rJJeO in St. Pat4ls Church-yard:) So I be.feedi the ,Reader _ to re~ upon ~his accourtt that I give him upon my J;lot beft reinembrance,but to perufe the books himfelf. I. am confident he may r~ceive good .farisfa. bo.n, being.things that .were no~ done in a corner , but c very publickly and well attefl:ed as fremember. l-Iowever the reader mufi give me leave (though it be not eo. this . purpofe ~ left my fir~; c~}J~~~~~ lence be _drawn to the prejudice of the truth) . to tell him,thac I_ met Wtth one great falfhood.rhere concernfng my own father (of 131. M.) which I have ~bundandy refuted~ and. all others of that nature, .wh~n I \V as yec very young. But that (as I conceive) which in all thefe flories \Vould moll puzzle a racional -man.1 is the .fignes which are fet. down

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down by m4lny how witches may be known,as Teau, fwimming upon t!Je water, dry eyes, and the like : which things inde~d have fome ground of truth being limited to particular times and places, but are not of _ ' had general application. Mr. Vofiius- d therefore rt:afon to J/of{. de Idolol. tu. d :Eo inus ror making t hat a r8o,r8r. c find f au 1c wit h Springertts- an certain token of a Witch that !he cannot v\reep. Wh.o alfo in the fame place doeh weU except againfl: the cry.al of )'VV"-lxol.~CTElil;, as he ca1ls it ( commonly, purgatio per aqu~m~ frigidam) . condemned by many. But he had done well to have limited his exception, and to have fhe\w:d ho\V, and when j and how far ft1ch obfervations may be ufed._ For certainly _hey are notalt together to be neglected. But the reafons of fuch obfervations or marks that are given by fome, are fo ridiculous, rhat they would make a fober rna'n (that hath not patienc(: enough eo ponder all things diligently.) to fufpeCl: all the reft. So one eels us, That when the Cock croweth the folemn meetings of Witches (which opinion perchance may prove ancient enough, as vve fhall fhew elfew here) are diffolved: and he thinks a reafon may be becaufe of the crowing of the Cock in the Gofpel, when St. Peter denyed Chrifr. Another tells us, That Witches being well beaten tmnco vitis (with a Vine fl:ick or club) Maleficia iil~ta fol-vere jtevillina coguntur, ha.ve no more force to do hurt, or, that the party bewitched recovereth. And the reafon (he tpinks, and yet he no ordinary man neither) ex myjlerio vini & "'Vine~ ditea.,_ Deo, .ex cujus m~fterio So ;in my Copy, i.t ~ay ,. ,( n ~; be re quutzate Sacramentum SacrQ_Janue Sangumu ']) onum con1,atur, flin. fuould be, 11Jtu & &c. But I {hall have a more proper place for the full ex:2minatiorl t)f thefe things in one of rhe two Treatifes before mentioned. lt cannot be denyed but this whole-bufindfe of Witches, what through ignorance , what through malice, is very lyable to many mi.lhkes and divers impofl:ures. And it were to ' be wiilied that in all fuch Trials fome prudent Divines) : and learned experienced Phyli~ians might be joyned.Bnt hence to conclude with Jflerius (who nevertheleffe doth ad<nowledg Spirits , and the Illufions and Apparitions of Divels, and their t;nifchiev-: ous opperations as much as any, and tells as fl:range things of them) and fome others, that therefore there are no..Witches and Sorcerers , is as if a man fl1ould deny the power of herbs becaufe a thoufand things have been written of them of old, and are yet daily falfely and fuperfl:itioufly. _ And indeed it fo fell out once in 0\_ome,as by Plinie is recorded ac large, Where when (ome afcribed fuch po\ver unto Herbs, as though Sun and Moon had been fubjecr unto them, the dead might be raifed , armies vanquifbed, and what nut! w hi eh was not very well relifhed by tnany :, at laft came Aftle.piades , who per[waded men th~t were very well difpofed to b~ perf\vaded; that all Ph.vficall,lle of Herbs and 'Simples was a meer cheat, and that men were better want them, there being other means caller and, le!Te trouble... forne to rdlore hea,l rh and o_vercomedifeafes , which he profelfed to reach: and prevailed foJar .for a while, that theywereJaid .afide, and a neW courfe of P hyfick introduced. 'W hich for a while, as I faid, (fo prone are men commonly to entertain. new divices) gave govd content generally. It is well obferved by .Ariflotle (and I think a great part of humane wifdome



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dependeth on it) , that in, all things of the world that are co_ mendable, m as. there is fomewhat which is true and real, fo fomewhat alfo whiGh is counterfeit and falfe. There is beauty Natural, faith he, and there is Art ificial beauty by p<l:inting and trimming. . A tr.ue, found, healthy complexion, andrhac which makes a good ibew, but 1s not found. True, real gold and 61 ver, but divers things aWo that may be _aken for gold and fi.It ver at a di.fhnce, or them that judge at the outward appearance. So, true ' found Ratiocination ,. and that which feems fo to the unlearned, ...., or to corrupt judgments, though it be very falfe. _ They that c~nfider well of this, may the iooner come to the knowledg of truth In all thtngs .. Well: we goon. There was in Aix ( Aqu~ Sextite anciently, no\V Aquenfls (il'itas) in Pro rvence (a County of France fo called) in the year of the Lord 161 1. a Romifh Prleft .tryed, convicred, and by Sentence of the Court or Parliament condemned to be burned alive for abominable practifes,and_ horrid things by him upon _divers (fame perfons of quality) committed \Vith and by the Divel. He had long delired it and fought it; at lafi the dive! appeared to him in the habit of a.Gentleman. The tl:ory is in divers books, French and Latine, anp ~ran Hated (at that time I believe) in divers languages. I would goe forty miles \Vith a~l my heart to meet with that man that could tell me any thing whereby I might but probably be induced to believe, or at leafi to fufpect; that there might be fome mifrake in the particularsof his Sentence. For my reafon, I mufl: confeffe, \Vas never more pofed in any thing that ever I read. of that nature. Gajfendus indeed in Peresltius his life, ha rh fomew hat "(-as I remember) of Pertskius his Opinion, as if he thought fome of thofe rbings he confeffed might be afcribed unto imagi.. nation; but I fee no reafon given: neither ,are the things of that nature~ that can admit .any fuch fi.1fpicion. Befides, Triflan, of the Lives of tb~ Empaors and their Co ynes, will tell you fomewhat which may make a doubr . whether G.affindus ought to be believed in all rbings that he reporteth con: cerning that fainbus 1nan. I am not very much fatisfied cf what Relio-ion (though truly .a very learned man) Ga ffendus was. And by the ~Y (which is fomewhat to the cafe of Witches in general) if [ be not m.iftak...; en (for .I have .it not atthis time) there is a relatioh in that very book of fornewhat that hapned to Pereskirts >Y 'vVitches when he was a child. That wicked Sorct:rer which was burned at .Aix, foretold-before his death that fome misfortune would be done at. the , time and place of his execmion which hapned accordingly, and very fi:rangely too. Somewhat again, l mufi: confeffe, I have feen printed (Mlmica 1)-iaboli, &c.) to cake away the fcandal of forpe part of his confeilion, or the Devils faying of Matfe., &c. fome part of which things might perchance withfome colour be alcribed to imagination : but that is not "it that troubles me. But enough of him. What man is he, that pretends. to learning , that hath not heard, and doth not honour the .memory of Joachimns .Camerar.iu; , that great lignt of Germany? fo wife (and for his wifdom, and other excellent pares; fought unto by many Princes) [omoderate a man {an excellent temper for the



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'attaining o~ Truth) and fo verfed in . all kind .of learning, that '-''e fh.all fcarce among all the learned of thefe later Times find anocher generally accOinplifhe~. The firangell:. rdations that ever I re..1d, or at leaft as firange as any I have read of Witches, and Sorcerers, and . Spirits, I have read in him. : fuch as either upon his own kno~le-dge . he cloth relate, or fuch as he believed true upon che tefi:imonie of othe~s kno\vn unto him. The bit work that he ever wen~ about for the pub.lick wa~, 1Je generibus 1)i11in4tiommz, but he did not live (the more-the p.ity) to make an end of it. But.fo much as he had done was kt on~ by one of his learned fons, Lipfr..:e, an. Dom. a 576. There i 3 ~ .. he hath thefe words, .De Spin tuum rvero., qU funt Grf,fcu flLitAvtc~o admirabili non filum efficacit~te, fid manife Specie, qu~ IPJ.qv-ct1ct fla perhibentur, prlife mi.1. ; incred16tles extant pajs im 1Jeterum n,trratio~es, & 1;ojlris ~~ m paribus (uper anti a fidun compertaJiait, extra etiam '}on1ij :~-, de ,qui bus poflea dicttur. So p. 89. & p 1; r. again and more fnlly.. B_ t his fira.ngdl: relations are in u his r rofmium to ~Plucarcbs two Treatifes, 1Je DefeEiu Oraculorum, and De p; .. P gura E 1 (onfecraca Delphu, fet o~t ~y him with Notes. . Here I could come in \Vith a whole cloud of witnelfes, . name hundreds of men of all Nations and profeffions that have lived within'this lafl: hundred yea.rs, and not any among them but fuch as have had., and have yet generally the reputation of Hondt, Sober, Learned and Judicious, who all have been of this opinion that we m~imain. But becaufe we have to do with them efpecially who by their Proteffion pretend to the Knowledge of Nature above other men, I will confine my ielf for further te!l:imony to them th.:r have been of chat Profdfton_. I have been fomevvhat curious for one of my Calling, that had no other end bur to attain t<.? fame ~now ledge of Nature , withour which ~ man may quickly be lead into manifolJ ,delufions and Impoftures~ I have read fome; Jooked into many : l do nor remember I have met with any profe~eJ Phyfician or Natural if!' ( fome one or two excepted, \~vhich have been or !hall be na1ned) who made a~y quefhon of r:he(e things; Sure I am, I have met with div~rs il:range rclations in 1undry of d~e~, of things that thetnfelves were prefeot at , and faw . wich their own eyes,. where they could have no end, that any man can probably tulpect, but to acknowlede che truth, though with fome difparagement to themfelves (according to the j udgmenc of many) in the free confdTion of their own ignorance and difa biliry to give reafons, and to penecrat,e into ca_feso u WeH: .what then iliall we fay to fuch as Jul. Ce{ar, Scali.gtr, FernelitU, Sennertus:; the ~vonders and Oracles of their times ? As Phyficians (o Phylofophers, men of that profound wifdom and experience {~uch improved in fome of them by long life) as their writings thew themto have ~een to this qay. What fhall we make of them? or what do they make o-f them~ fel ves, that will cenfure fitch .men as either chea~ers or 'ighorant id ~ots ? .flenericus Sax11nia, aLearned Profdfor and Pratl:ifer of PhyGck in P_adua , irt thae Bopk he hath written of that horrible Polonian Difeafe, which he taUs Plicaml which turneth rpens hairs (in fighe) to s nakes and Serpents; in that book he doth ~fcribe fo. much ~o the p.ower of Witches and Sorce.fc:rs in caufing Difeaf:es, not private only but c:ven publick, as Pdblences and the lil..c, as himfdf confeffeth he could never have believed, un~il he


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was conv.i~c:d.b.y manifdl: elperiencc: .; and i_ndeed_is wonderful, and may well be thought incredible unto m:ofl:, yet ts matnta1ned and a_ lferted. by Sennertus De Febnbus . and in his .Gxth b_ ok (as I . rernemb~r) 'De Morhu a o {afCina,. incantatirme; & vemficii.s h1_duflu. l will forbear the namc:s of maJly men of .fame and credit, Phyftctans too, becaufe mo.fl: of them are named (and commonly enough known) by Sennertui upon this occaGon . There is one vJhom I think inferiour to none,. though perch:lnce not fo ~om monly' known or read, and that is,Georgius 1\_a~ujaiu. a Ven~tian, who by his firll: ed:Jcation and profeffion was an Afl:rologer, call: rnany Nativities, and took upon him to Prognofl:icate; but afterwards. confcious. to ~imfdf of the vaJ)ity of..the An {rh at is, when the Divd doth not intermeddle, as al'vay~s mull: be under-flood : .for fame: Afirologers ~ave been Magicians withal1, and ha- done fhange things) gave it over; an~ hath written a- ve gainft it very Learnedly and Solidly. Reld him)f you pleafe;l'n his Chap.:. ters De M~u, 'De Oraculu; yea, through his whole Book De Dnnnatione, and y~m may .be Cui sfied what h~ thought of. thefe things : he al[o was a Phyfician. Bnt I tnut1: not omit the Learn~d Author that fee out Muft!.'um .Vtro-. nenje, a great Naturahft and a- PhyGcian too; he hand-les it at the end of that wo~k fomewhat roundly and eo the quick, [ mull co.nfelfe; but very my jndgme~t, againft -~hofe pretended ?eri.paRa:ional y and Solidly, teticians, that would be thought to detend the opinion of Artjlot!t herein. I could Jay fomewhat of ancienter 'Phyficianstoo; and give fome account of tbofe many Spels and Charmes that are in_TraUienuf, in all his boo~s ; an ancient Phyfician., in high eHeeme With fome erninent Phyficians of r~efe lac~ .tini~s, as th~y themfelves have told me; though not fo.r his Charms;but fot hisother learning and excellent e~perience, w hi eh they had found good ufe ~f But this I referve for another place & work. And this mention ofthat eminent Phyfici1n who corn mended rr~llienm unto me, pu.ts me in mind of what he imparted himfelf, not long befor~ his-death; of his ow ~ know ledge and e:-<;pet:ience; and particularly of ~he acco. nt he gave u me of the e-xamination ofa Conjur,er jn S(llisbur~, at which,he faid1none \Vere prefenc but King JamerJ(of m oft Bleffed Memory )theDnke oPBucki~ham,and himfdf: It is likely fome others may h4ve heard the fame,and I had rather any body fhonld tdl it then I, who was then a pn1ent under him, and durfl: not, were I put to it, trufi to. my memory for every cir\:um.., fiance ' Hit~erto I have gone by Authorities rather then Arguments.; p~rtly becaufe I thought that the fhorrd! and the cleardt way for every bodies capacity , and partly , becaure fuch Arguments (if any bdides thefe we .have here) as have been ufed againfl: this o_ inion, p be fo.nnd fully anfwered in thofe I have cited. The truth is, it is a Subject of that nature as doth not admit of many Argurn.ents , fu.ch efpecially as m~v pretend eo filbtilty oFReafon, Sight, Senfe,and Experience.(upon :which moft Humane Knowledge is grounded) genera Hy approved aud certain, is ou_bell Arr gument. But before I gi-ve.over;I will ufe one Argument which perchance. l!lay pr.ove of fomc force and validity, and rha:t is, A ~onii.deration ofche firange fhifts and evafiotis and noto-rious abfurdities 'chat thefe nl~m liC put




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to,who not being able to deny the o1' .o~ matter ofFaB,wouldfcem to fay famewhat rathe-r then to ~cknowledg Spirits, a~ Divels,and Witchcraft~ Pomponatiui, who bath not heard of? I once had the book,l kno\V not now what is become of it:But I remember wdl;I never was more weary of reading then when .I read him ; nothing that ever I read or heard of Legends and old womans tales did fee,m ~me more groundlef(e and incredible~ But becaufe chofe . men bear themfelves very much upon the power of imagination {which indeed is very great> and doth produce Qrange effects) lfhall commend w the fober Reader that hath not yet met with him Tbo. Fient# his-Learn. d. Traetar, VB Viribus Imaginatlonu; a very Rational dnd Philofoe phical .difcourfe. Of their miferabJe iliifts and_evafions _n gen~ral, the i Author or Obfcrvator rather of Muf~umV;r.onenfo, before quoted, will give you a go0d account. I have at this prelent in my hands the writings of a Phyfician, AugfriuJ Ferreriu; by name. Wh~t he was for a Phy-fician I know not; all ( I doubt) of that profeffion will noc allow very well of his rt'reface to his Ca(ligatioms PraBic~ _ M,dicinte, vvhatever they think of the Caftigationrs themfdves. But in gener~l, his Stile, and various reading, and knowledge of good Authors, fpeak him_a Learned mat:t fufficiently. TJ,"_ anus in his Hifl01~y gives him a rnolt ample Elogium, and makes him to have heen Jul.C.Scaliger his intini:ue acquaintance and much ~efpetted by him. But I doubt whether Thuanus had ever feen this .book of his : . . it dorh not app~~r by that E/ogium chat he had. W elf, this Learned man in .his Chapter 'De Homt:rica (fo he calls it) MeJicatione, where he treats of cures don~ by Charms and Spels; by Words and Characteri, which others impute commonly to Witchcraft: fir!l:, for the ~11., he doth not deny it: (Nam iu qu~ feTJfibus ~xpofita Junt contra1Jenire, fani he minis non eft.) He .thinks th~m ' little, be.trer. then mad men that will deny that which is ~pproved hy fo vifible experience, Yet it fczems he was one of ~hem that did not .bdieve, or would not believe (though he cloth not fay fo poGtively) Spirits and Witck.J ~s, and Supernatural Oper~tions~ What then ? he plainly aintaineth m a_d avg111eth it (.though he quote no Gofpel for it) that fuch is the nature n of the Soul-of man (if he know how to ufe it) that by a fl:rong faith and confidence it may work any miracle without a miracle: Verum. confo.lentitt ilia, o:cfirma-perfuafio. (that you miy have. fome! of his words if you have not.the boak ) comjuzrat~r . indo8is ani mu 'per opinirmem qu4m de [araC'terib.us ue jt~cru. 'Ver.bu conceperuot-. 'Do8~ !7 rerum intelligenti~m httbemibus, nihzl op'us eft extemiiea cognita _1>i ammi,per eam miracula edere pojfunt.&c. And . again alittle aftei , .f2a8us .1Jero~ &. fibi conft4ns folo "Verbojanabit. I do not hence conclude that thi~ Ferrerius, ~hpUgh he fp~ak as though he were, and names no body dfe, tl;v:lt he was the ir1f or.only that hath been of this opin'ion. AlJicennt the Arab w:ts the firfl:,as I cake it, that fet it on foot : fome others have-foll()w.ed him in it. But fince thefe men acknowledg the ftrange etfed:s . tht .othe.rs deny, let the fober Reader judge whether of the two rnore_likcly to grant Spirits ctnd Divels , or to make t~e Soul of man (of every n1an, naturally). either a God or a Divel. But let men take heed how they attem_ t to p do Miracle_ by their. {l:rong faith and confidence, for that is the ready way s to bringthe Divelt1nto them, and thatis it whieh hath made many wit~h($

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ts and Sorcerers. As for t_ at Faith whereby men did work Miracles in h the Primitive times , fpoken of in the Gofpel, commonly called, Tbt Faith of Miracles, that is quite another thing , which I fhall not need to fpeak of in this place. Of a fl:rong confidence in God, even in them that: are not otherw.ife very godly, whether ~t may not, according to Gods fir!l: order and appotntment, produce fomenmes fome itrange effeets ; \Ve have had a confideration elfewhere, wh&:e we treat of rpretatorie Embufiajm. But this alfo is quite: another thing; as may appear by what we have written of it. But to conclude this part. upon due confideration of the premifes, and \vhar. elfe I have in readineffe upon the fame SubjeCt (if God give me life and health) I cannot fatisfie my felf hovv any Learned man, fober and rational, can entertain fi1ch an opinion (Gm ply and feriouf1y) That there be no 'Di1Jeis nor Spirits, &c. But upon this account which I give my felf (leaving all men ~o their o\vh judgments herein) that if there be any fuch truly- and really, it muJ1 needs be becaufc being at fidl: prepoffdfed upon fome plaufible ground, and being afterwards taken up with other thoughts and employments, they are more willing to {tick to their former opinion without further trouble, then to take the pains to feek further. ~~v1<d> .t:]a.Act.l'U~fO> fOl) 'GfOMo'i~ ~ ~~1~0"/) Tiff .b..H9ict.r ) ~ i7f1'1ct i.TOI(Joct. fl.iMoy 1fhov1a.t, as T7;ucyJides doch very well obferve~ And when we fay, A Learnul man, there is much ambiguity in that word. For a man may be (not to fpeak of tht :ignorance of the co11.1mon people, in thofe climates efpecially, who think all Learning concluded in Preaching ; and no\V in thefe times to~ , them befi: Preachers that in very deed have ]eafl: Learning, but preach by lnftin8 and lnJPir-ation, as they call it) but a man, I fay, may be.a Learned Man, a very Learned man in fame one kind or profeffion, even to Excellency and Admiration, who nevenheldfe is and may be found ignorant enough in other kinds : but a general Learned man is a thing of a vafi:. extent, and not often feen~ It is a bufineffe of an infinite labour, bcfides that itrequireth Natural parts anf\verable; without \Vhich (judgment fpecially) the more pains fometimes the more ignorance. I aim not by this at any particular man or men (Dtum tiftor) I would much rather fubmit to the cenfure ofothers my felf, then take upon me to cenfure any ; hut the obfervation is of very good tife, I know it, and may give much fa tisfact:ion in m~ny cafes,and have given an inflance of it in Tertullian,and fomc others dfcwhere. I have done for this time; I c.ome no\V to the Objections, wherein I !hall not need to be very long, becaufetheyrun much upon one thing,ImpoR:ure, whichhath already been fpoken of andanfwered. But yet fomt=what more particularly fhal be anfwered. Firfl:, Of Miracles. It cannotbedenyed hut the world is full-ofhorrible l~poitures in that particular : Yet I believe , that fome fupernatural thmgs, as cures , &c. do haJ>pen in every age, ft>r which no rea"" !on can be given, which alfo for the fl:rangeneffe may be called Miracles. B_ t if ~e limit (with hlofl) the word to thofe things that u proceed Jmmedtately from God or divine power ; I fhall not be very

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very ready to yield chat many fl~ch Miracles are feen in thefe Daye3. . Bt:t I will not further argue the Cafe in this place. Well, let us take Miracles in the ordinary Senle: I verily belie~e. that fi1ariy fuch things do happea in many places; but that . through negligence partly, and partly through incredulity , they ar.e not regarded o.hentimes, or ioon forgotten. A~d vvifer men, fometimes, though they know or believe fuch things, yet are not they very forward to cell them, lefi: they br~r;g chemfelves into con tempt \Vith thofe fi1ppoled wife men, \~ho will iooner laugh at any china they do n~t ~lnderlland ' then t~ke the rains to rect:ifie their ignorance 0~ inform then Judgments. 1 hope I fhal do no wrong to the Memory. of that Venerable, Incomparable Prelate, B I s Ho P AN oR EwEs, for Sound Learning and True Piety whilefi he lived, one of the greatdl: Lights of this L~nd ; if. I fet .down two ~tories, w~hich we may ~all Miracles, both wh1ch . he d1d beheve to be true, but for one of them, It feemes he . . did undertake upon his own know ledge : The one, concerning a rioted , or at leafl: by many fufpect:ed Witch or Sorcerefs, which theDivel ,in a fl:range :fhape, did wait upon (or for urher) at her cleat~. Theother, concerning a man who after his death was rdl:ored to life to make CQnfeffion of a horrible Murder committed upon his own Wife, for \Vhich he had never been [ufpetted ;; both there, as he related them to my F. (in familiar converfation) and my F. did enter them for a remebrance into fome of his .AdlJer{aria. In the fubftance I believe there could ben<? mifiake, bu't if there be any miil:ake in any Circumftances,as ofNames,or otherwife, that mufl: be imputec! to my F. who was a. {hanger, not to the tongue only , but to all bufindfes (more then what mi~ht be kno\VJi by 'printed books, and fu,h publick wayes) ~f England. The Firft,thus a L. Vetula Londinenfts, cui_ morieti 1Jiabolz.u ajfuit. Mir,t Rifloria quaff} narrabat ut fibi corilpertifimam 1Jom.EpifcoptfS Fuit qutdam L. mulier ditz{sima ,. et .cunofis artibus addi8ijsima : 'lJicina ttdtbm Fnkonis , qui fuit pater D~m~ni Fulconis, . tota Ang,!ia celeberrimi; atque adeo leBifwn ma.. tront:t, matn elufdem Fulconts > famiiiarifii'ma~ Hcec per omnem Vitam fortilegtu dedita , & eo nomine .infamium mulitrculdrum arnica et patrona : (uhnorienti cum adftarent qua -viri; qua {limin gra-vijJimi ; ariimadverfum efi fub boram mortis , a4flitijfe ad pedes . le8i hominem 'liUltu terrihilem, rvulpinis pellibt# amiBum, quet]i ipja contmtu oculis in.tuebatur; ille, ipfam. ~ttjitum eft d janitore, quare ilium admifi./Jet ille negar fe 1Jel 'lJidijfe. Tandem fecedunt ad .em. . f flram duo 'lJel tres, conjilium capturi quid illo faarent. Brat quidam Sel')att'lr ingenti-5 nominis . qui his Prtttor Londinenfis . fuit : . item Pater F ulcoms , et alii. Placet i/lu ipfurn compdlare tt rogart" quis e!Jtt. . Hoc ani1_11o repetunt p'riora loca Jua ad leflum. Interim L. '}Jocem magnam. edit, quaft animam agere~; omnes illam curare, fpeRare, Juble~are; mox .rtdit .ad {e illi ignotum illum requirunc oculis. NJquam apparet. Ante hori (patit~in moritur tgra. The other eh us, l(alend. Auguft. Narrdbat hodte mihi rem mtram ,. ~ewr~nd~!f. fP.rttful, Domin. Epifcop. Eiienfis : quam iOt acceptam auribut /uis a cepe oculato & au8ore, credebat ej]e roeriftim~m. Ejl )ncus in he Londino,



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qui dicitur, J/icus LongobJrdorum. In eo rvico P_rtecia eft, & ~des partecialis, in a qua fuit Pre)byter, homo fumm~ fzdei, et notte Pictatis, .. An. 156~. quo anno, fi unquam alids, peflis graffata eft per hanc Urbem Londinul?l 'Narra)Jit ~i tur bic Parroch~ et pafiim ali~, et .ipfi quoque 1Jom. Epi(copo fibi hoc acctdifJe. Er at illi amicus in Jua Par~cia infignis; ~tr, ut omms exiflimabant, probus et pttu. Hie pefle correptus ad)Joca1Jit Presbyterum ilium {tmm amicum, qui et lfgrotanti affuit, et r-vtdit morientem nt:c defernet nift mortuum ; ita 'Demum r~petiit domum juam. Pofl. horas facis mult4S amorte buji#, dm ipje_pro tn()rtuo ejfet le!i8us in cubiculo; uxor tt!iU5 idem cubiculum efi ingrejfa, ut ex area promeret Lodicem , fi"e lintetJmcn ad ipfum Ev/oM71v, ut eft moris. Ingreffa audit banc 1Jocem, opet i intwta. Quu hie ifl ~ rerreri zlla , u wile egredi, fed auditur item m '\'ox jlla : 0!_is hie eft~ Ac t:mdem computo 'ejJe mariti )1ocem, actedit' ad illum_ 0:!jd~ ait, marite; tu 1guur mortuus Mn : es ~ et nos te pro mortua compofitum defer1JeramU5. Ego Wro, rejpo~idtt zlle' l'ere nzortu.UJ fui : fed ita Deo 1Ji(um, ut anima mta rediret ad corpu-5. Sed tu uxvr, ait, Si quid haber cihi parati, da mihi efurio tnim. Dixit ilia '\'eruecinam h.Jbere fe, pullum gallinaceum, et nefno quid aliud : 'fed omnia incoEla, qute hre~i ejJet paratura~ Ego, ~it ille, Moram 1.1on jero ; pamm habes, ait, et ca]eum ~ quum annu:ffet , at.que petii}fot ajferri , comedit Jpe'Etante uxore : deinJe advocato <Presbytero, et jt4fiu exire. e~.ubiculo omnibus qui aderant ; narrat ill~ hoc Ego, ait, l'ere mortuus fui; .fed iuffa eft anim.:z redire ad jtit'm carpus, ut jcelu-s apperirAm ore meo, manibtU me~ admif]um; de quo nulla unquam cuiquam nota eft }ujp:cio. t'J>riorem namque uxorem meam ipft. oaidi manibus meu, tama )Jajritie, ut omnes res latertt: deinde modum perpetrat' fct!~yi$ expofuit; nee ita multo poft expira)Jit, ac 1Jere tum mortum eft. There. is no neceffiry that any body fhould make of either of thefe re .. lations an Article of his Faith ; yet I thought them very probable,becaufe believed by fuch a man, and therefore have given them a place here. So much of Miracles. Of Exorcifmu \Ve muil: fay as of Miracles. One notable example of a counterfeit 1-'o-ifeffion, and of great ftirs like]y to hav~ infued upon it in Ftance, we have out of I huamu, in our late Treatife of Enthufiajme. The Hiflory of the if3u) of Bd(on is extant, .who by the W ifdom and Sagacity of the R' R.J F. in God Thom.u, I ord Bifhop of Lic!Jfuld and [o'\'entry, was difcovered to be an l_;npotlor on purpofe fet up and fubor?~d to promote ~heRo~ mitl1 caufe, An.Dom. t6lo . Such examples and fl:ones mofl:.Countneshave afforded good fl:ore, which are extant in divers Languages. Neith~r muft it be concealed (by them that feek truth without partiality) that fome, once called 'DtJCiplinariam, now more known by ano_her name, have attempted t to deal in thofe things/ hoping thereby to gain great advantage to theix: caufe. . It was a famous Story in QB/i:zabeth's Reign, though now perchance-out of the knowledg of many., . and beyond the remembrance of any living, ho\V one Mr. ']). a very zealous man of chat Sett, did cake upon him by long prayers to cail: out Divels, fo maintained and afTened with great vehe;mcncy by him and fome others that favoured that caufe, though upon legal examin;nion they proved otherwife, which occafioned many books on both fides in thofe dayes, but two, melior is notte , as we fay, written by Dr. H. concerning Exorcifmes; the one againfi Papifl:s, rbe other a,.. gainft P. I have them both fomewhere yet, I hope, but can not come at


them ;tt this time, which is the caufe that I cannot particularize that bulindfe with circumftances of times, and names or perfons as I would. But there were many other books written (fome very big, . \Vhich I have feen ) about it, as I faid before; fo that the whole bufineffe , with very little inquifition, if any ha~e a mind, may quickly be found out. One Bookfeller in Little (Britain di~ ~elp me to the fight of fix: or feveri ~t once; yet one of the books then wntten, and as. I . was told, upon this bccafion much commend~d unto me by fome very Learned, to wit, Dr. Jordan, of the Suffocation of the Matrix, f long.fought before I could meet with it~ And fach was the ig~norance of fome Bookfellers, that I could not perfwade them there was any iuch book extant: but now at lafl: I have got it. All the ufe.I fhall make of it at this time is, that whereas thew hole drift of the book tends unto this, to fhew~ the error of many in afcribing natmal difeafes to fupernatural ca.ufes , which might be thought by fome to favour their opinion that believe not ~Vuches, &c The Au~hor doth very prudently and piou.Oy make this profeffion in the PreFace, 1 do not deny but that God dot!J in thefe day~s Jlfork. extraprdinarily for the deliJnrance of hu chj/dren, and for other ends kflltnown to him(eV; and O~at among oti,cr there .m~y be both poffifsions. by th.e Dive!, anJ obfefsions, a'fld W1tch-cra; t, &c. and di(Pojfefsion alfo through the Prayers and Supplications of bu {er11ants, which u the only means left unttJ us for our relief in that cafe, hut foc!J examtJ[es being rvery rare.now adayes, .&c. Yet for all this I do not condude that Mr . .D. \Vas guilty of any Impoflure : he might do it through :ignorance being cozened by others. I have heard he was an honefl: man, and dyed pioufly, and difclaimed to the very' laft that he did ariy thing in that bufinelfe otherwife then :Bona Fide I would judge charitably, even cf thofe men that' are not guilty of much charity towards others, whofe judgments and confciences will not fuffer them (though rn,en of approved wonh and piety otherwife) to fay as they fay, -and to do as they do in all things. Be it gr~nted. therefore, that this bufind.Ie of Exorcifmes is lyable to much lmpofiure: -hov;,rever, no manthac bath read the relations of men and women po!fefl:, in fevetal places, with dt~e obfervation of .circumfl:ances ; fome of which relations, be fides other perfons of credit, have been arreiled ; yea, fome perinc:d and publifhed by learned Phyficians and Naturaliih, who have been employed about the Cure, obferyed their carriage, heard fome of them fpeak ftra.nge Languages: filly women poiTd~, difcourfc:: of ~ighdl point~ of Phy_lofophy, or the Mathematicks and the like. No man, -I fay, that is not a fl:r~nger to thefe things (be fides what fame Travellers, no .way_ interdfed in the caufe, can aver upon their own knowledge) will make any quefhon either of the real poiTellion of divers, according to relations that have been tnade, or of the Divels fpeaking in them and by tbem 'vhen they have been Exorcife~; and .fometimes upon bare conference. And though fome Proteftants are of opinion, That it is not lawful or \vartantable for any man to take upon him to Exorcife- upon fuch occaGons, that is, (as I conceive) by \vay of abfolure p_ower and au~ thority, and 'by fupedti~ious wayes and means, as is ordinarily . o-?e : d Yc:t where a man hath a Calling, as if he be lawfully Called to the Mmifhy, and fet over fuch a Parifh where any happen to be poffdfed (as indeed


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d<.eJ n1y telt have a Parifh, that is, right to a Parifh as good ~ S rhe Laws of the Land can gi,,e me, which hath been grievoufly haunted, though nor altogether in the fame kind, this many years, ro the undoing of many there ; : but I mufl: not come near it, nor have the benefit of the Law ro recover my right , though neyer told why) and he 6nd himfelf zealouily moved, yet without prefurnption, I \Vould not defpair but his. prayers, with other performances of devotion, and the affifl:anc~ of fome others of the fame calling, might prove available before..God : but Hill prefuppofed , as moH expedient and neceiTary, that the opinion and refolution of fome Learned and confcionable Phyfici~n, one or more, be had in the cale; and their pre[ence alfo in all a.Ctions, if it may be had, obtained. Some, it may be, will tha,nk me, and I hope ir will offend none) if I impan: unto themwhat I have found in my F, his Ephemeris (or, Daily' account of' /;u life) tending to this purpofe . .Amw 'Dam. t 6o ~. Kal. unii. 0f!m mem{em;et rtliquos omnes l1elu o'DeU&, &c. [-June ij. /t(tum e~imus, cum matre, uxQre, .affine, et )Jiro nobili, f)om. de [ounf. et nob.li item matrona, 'D. de St. Pons : qui 6mnes in. re pietati& Of.4o~ravov"1'~ , Eccl~fittm lu1us ioci afsidue cetebravimus. lr~ter alios Sermones quos habui cum 1), de St.Pons,. de mimflrfJ pr:?'Vi.nci Vt1Jaretii .jumus locuti , cui nomen Mercero: 1\,egit ille in to traElu plt~: es pJr)JcU h.alefia.s ; habitat a. in loco, qui dtcitur, Chafl:eau-double~ .Acceperam de eo ex vu{.gi rum< )nbu5 , quod .-vim 'Dtmonas ejicitndi haberet qutefivi,. ti~ef'i3~>~fov de D. de St. Pons quid rei effit. lOa feria affirmavtt, plures 'Dtemoniacos (decem aut circiter) in Bet lljiam auduElos , eo coJJcionante pr;mum, dein orantt,

paL1m, et Lonfrjswne omnium fuijfe fanatos. 0!_ofdam Demonu ita eum certis figni$ erupifl'r: , ut. res apud omnes fiuet tijldcif.sima. fPorro aMem omnes qui f.anati junt , flteitgwnem Catholtcam '1\.omanam ante Jemper p;ofejfos. Merurum vero impatientif fime fr:ne-, .fi qnis inter wquendu.m, ut fit, dtceret, Merarum. Diabolos ejicere, non emrn ,!f, lJerurn Bccle fiam Dei effe nomma,d.tm , cr~m precibU&. ardentifftwis 'Dei aures p.auerint. 1).-Jwz et illi et uni'jjerfo gregi fuorum benedicat. Amen. In Englifh (for their fakes thlt underft1nd no Latine, and that it be not re.q uired alwayes, for it would be very tedious) this is .the dfeet,
At filch a time, in luch a place, he had the opportunityto meet with a grave (whether Lady or Gentlewoman) Matron, one he h~d a very g'Ood opinion 9f; her name M. de St. 'Pons, and having often heard by' common re .. port of a certain Proceftant rvhnifter that was faid to'cafl: out Divels, he did accurately inform himfelf by her (fhe living, it feems, very near, if not in the fame parifh.) . of ~u particulars concerning that bufindfe; who did averre it to be moft true, and that ten, or thereabom:s, Demomoniacks, or poffef1ed men (all making profeffion of tl~e Roman Catholick Religion) had been brought to the Church (at fcveral times; as I uke it) and that .publickly, and by the generall confeGion of all then prefenr, and by fome notable fignes (fometimeSJ at the going out Of the De\ ils; they were , upon his Praying afrer Sermon, all delivered. . But th:l.t he toc k it very hainouf1y if any faid, char he h.ad ca1: out Devils; For, nvt I, faid he, but the earnefl: Prayers of the Church, have prevailed wirh Alrnighcy God to work this wonde;rful thing. As for Oracles : It is true, Heathens themfelves ackn<:nvledg, that fome were

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----~--------------were the juggli.n~s of men. . S~mecim~s Pri~ces; fometimes private men: ( ~s now of Rehgton, of~reachtng, and P_raytng, and Falling; of Malfes and Proccilions: moil: Pnnces and States tn- all pl~ces ) made good ufe of them to their owne ends; and mad~ them fpeak \V hat themfelves had prompted. But a m;J.n might as probaoly argue; becaufc fom~ hav~ b~e~ fo freely acknowle~ged ro have been by compact and fi.1bornauon, tt ts the more likely, that thofe of which never any fu(picion was, .fhould be true. We read of n1any in Herodotus: o~ onej \vhich Was contrived by fraud ; but there \Ve read alfo, that when tt came to be known (thouoh care had been ea ken that it might not:) the chief Contriver, a great man v was banifhed or prevented worfe, by ~voluntary E:x:il~; and the ~acred Vir~,-], or _ ropbeu}Je, P d.epofed. . But n~r to_tnfifl: upon particulars, \Vh1ch would be long, it is mofi cerca1n, and It \Vlll cleerly appear unto the.m chat are well read in ancient Authors and Hifio_ ries, That all Hea~hens,generally the wifdl: and learne~e.fl: of them? tho.le dpecially, th_ t lived when Oracles were. mofi frequent, a dtd really bel1eve tt1e1n to be, which they pretended unto: and that they were fo indeed, for the m oil part (taking it for granted that their Gods were 1Jiwls or E11sl Spints) by many circumftances of Stories, and by other good proofs, may be made as evident : neithe_r Wa$ it ever doubted or denyed (al\Vayes granted and prefuppofed, chat, as 1n all worldly things, much impofl:ure did intervene a.nd intermingle) by a~cient Chrifbans acknoWledged, I am fure, by mofl:, if not all. But I have i.poken of them elfewhere -alrcady, and therefore will be the fhorter here. Our laft Obje8ion was: If there be 1Je1Jils and Spirits, Why do they not ap ... pear unto them, who do what they can, as by continual curfesJo by profane curiofity to invite them: Firil:, We fay, "'~t.'~iJ .. ;ti xeli-U'1- ctv;ii, ~ ivt~txvftts-otd.i ecl'o&ctv7ii. When we have good ground for the ~;, , to il:ick at the cl't&TI, becaufe , \VC do nor under fUnd the reafon, is as much as to fay, that we think we fhould be as wife as God, .Ariflotle' did not meddle with things that he c::ould give no reafon of; yet .he did not deny them (as We have fhewed) and it is one thing to require a reafon of things meerly natural; and another of chafe that happen by a meer fecrct Providence. But thi \~ill give the~ n~ great fatisfatbon who perchance believe a God (fome) as m~cle. as they believe a Devil. SecondLy, Thc;reforc_ fay, There may be fome natural reawt fontoo, upon Ariflotlesgrounds. .Arifiotle .(asharh been !hewed elfewhere) compares the effects of M'elancho!J, from whence he deriveth all kind of Enthufiafm, to the known effeets of Wine What is the reafon, t~at fotl}C men wi~h little wine will quickly be drunk; and become other Creatures, hcing deprived for. the time of the ufe of reafon! Others though they drink never fo much will iooner burfl: chen red, or fpeak idly as fome in their excefs grow :nerry, others fad: fome calm and better natured ; others furious: fotne ralkati ve, others il:upid~ The Devil.kno\ves what tempers are be!l: for his turn; and by fome in whom he was deceived, he haeh got no crcdic,and wifhcd he had never meddled with them. Some rnert come into the world w ith Cabaliflical 'Brains; their heads are full of myfieries ; they fee nothing, they read nothing, but their bt:ain is on \Vork to pick fomewhat out of it that is not ordinary ,; and out oft he very A :B C tha.t children are taught, rathc:r then fail, they w itl fetch all t:bc Secrets of Gods W ifdom, tell


you how the world was _created, hqw governed, and wha: will he the end of all things. Reafon and Senfe that other rnen go by, they think the acorns that the old world fed upon; fools artd childr~n may be cont:ent with them butt hey fee into things by another Light. They common}y give good refpett unto the Scriptures (rill t~ey come to profefl: Anabaptifts) becaufe they oelieve them rhe Word ofGod and not of men ; but they referve unto themfelvcs the Interpretation, and fo itndetthe ti:le of DiVine ScriptHre, worfhip what their OV-ln phanfie prompts, or the devtl puts into their heads. But of all Scriptures the (](ewlation and the obfcure Ptophefies are their delight; or for there they rove fecure]y; and there is not :;my thing fo prodigious - chi7 ill interpret it. h merical, but they ca_ fttch it out of foii1e Prophefie, as they \~ The le rh en, if they be upright in their lives and dea)ings, and fear God tru. ly, it is to b.e hoped that God wi~l preferve the~ fr~m further evil; but they are of a dangerous temper; Chantable men wtll ptry them, and fober men \vlll avoid them. On the other fide, fome there are whofe brains are of a Riff and refhve triould ; it will not eafily receive new impreffions.They will hard ly bt'!iieve any thing but what they fee_; and yet r.uher not believe their eyes, then to believe any thing that is not ~ccor~ingto the courfe of nature, and what they have been ufed unto. The devtl may tempt fuch by fenfual baits, and catch them; but he will not eafily attempt to delude them by ma gical Shews and Appa!itions. And what fober 'm an, that bdieveth as a God, fo :l divel.)doth doubt, but they that make it their daily practice to damn themfelves,by fuch horrid oaths and curfes,are as really pofid!,yea far more in the _offeision of t:he devil,th~ri many that foam at the mouth, and fpeak fl:range p languages ? But Jd 1r. Some have tried and bfed the means,but could never fee any thing but 'what if others chat never ~dired it really ,but in fome wanton curiofity, unadvifedly' that they might be the better able to confute the fimplicity of fome others as they thought,rather then that lheit faith wanted any fuch con .. firinati0n., haye tryed fome-things,or have beeri prefent at fomeexperiments and have feen (with no finall aftonillimenr:) more then they expe.Cl:ed or de fi~~d? Some perfons of credit and qttality, I am fure, have made it their con.. fefsion unto me,that it bath fo hapned unto ~hem; who have been-foaffected with it,that they would not for aworld be fo furprizt:d again. But 4 1Y and laftly, The Confdsions of forne Magicians are extant in print~ \\rho teU. very particularly what means they ufed, what books they read, &c. and rhey faw and fopnd "(if we believe them; and what fhould tempt them 'to 1 no melancholy men, I knoW not) till t~ey \Vere weary ,and Gods grace ye, h wrought upon their hearts to bring t_ ern to repentance. There be fuch confefa o fions extant,but the Re_der 0al pard_ n m.e ,if I give him no fur~her acc<n~nt. It would much better becom them therefore,that have made fuch dfays wtth~ out fucceffe, to repent, and t9 be thankful unto God,then to make: that an ar gument, that theres no dive!, arid perchance rio God .. There is a terrible faying (if wellundedlood) in the Scr"ipture; opv?r~vpli.r~;,.c.r, He thtit is fi lthy let him hefiltlry flill L et therri take heed (1 advife them as a friend} if th~y per {ill: in ~heir hardnefs ofheart and infidelity, lefl: God in ju{t judgmenr,though they feek flill ,and provoke as much as they can, w-ill not fuffer th~t they fhall fee ~nything,lefb:hey fhould fear and be converted.

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Come now to Dr. DE E, and to ihu !Book of his; which bath be~n the occafion of a~l the Difcour~e hi.therco. As _for his Perfon or Parentage, EducatiOn and the hke, I have but little to fay more then what he fairli. himfelf in his firit Lener to the Emperor (RooOLPHE) of Germany, that being yet very yot,ng he W~s fought unto (ambiverunt me) by two Emperors, CHARLs the ~th and FERDIN.ANDO his Brother and Succdfor in the Empire. Me Camhden indeed in the year 1571 makes honourable mention of him, and calls him, Nobilu Mathemrzticus. He dedicated his MonM Hterog0rphica to MAXIMlLIAN Succeffor to FERDINANDO; fidl printed at Antwerp, .An. Vom. 1'564. and afterwards . at Francford, 15 9'. and what other places I know not. In the year 595. h~ did wr'ite ( a~d was printed a~ 99 I am [ure? but wbet?er before that or no, cannot certainly tell) .A difcourfe .Apologettcal, &c. duetl:ed to the then .Arcbbijhop of Canterbury, \V herein he hath a Catalogue of books written by himfelf, printed and unprinred, to the number of 4~L in all, and cloth alfo mention the.books of his Library about 4ooo vol.ums in all, whereof 700 ancient Manufcripts, Latin, Greek, and Hel9rew. There alfo doth he produce a Tef:limony of the Univerfiry of [ambridg, dated r 548. But this whole Difcourfe of his bei'ng but fhort, tor the better fatisfatl:ion of the Reader, I thought good ~o have it here reprinted the n xt after this Preface. His MatherrraticaL (Prefaa before e Euclid is that I chink which of all his writings publifhed hath been moll: taken' notice of in ,England, 2nd added much to the worth and commendation of that Edition of Euclid, He .was a married man and had divers children ' . as. wiU appear by this Relation ; a grea~ Traveller, an~ lived to a. great age. Bur 4S I faid before, I do not prete,nd to give an account of-his life in general, unto others, which my felf am yet a !hanger to. What concerneth this rJ\elation I am to give an aq:ount, and 1- hope there fhall be nothing wanting eo due. Four things [ propole to my felf to that end, F,rfl , Somewhat to confirm the truth and fincerity of this whole ~ lati m. St!condly, To an(\ver fome ObjeCl:ions that may be maqe againit fome parrs of it. Thirdly, To give fome light to fome places, and to fatisfie the Reader concerning the perfeCtion and imperfection of the book, as alfo , concerning the Onginal Copy. Fourthly) and laitly, To fhew the many good ufes that may be made of all ~Y a fober Chrifl:ian. I. It feerns that Or. 'Dee beg;ln to hav.e the teputat~on of a (~njurer betimes. He doch very grievouily complain of it in that Preface to Euchd but . new fpoken of, about the end of it, . and yet there doth alio term him{df, An old for worn Mathematician. For my part whether he could ever quly be io called, I yet make iome queH:ion : But I am very confident, that himfelf did not kn~w or think himldf [o ' but a zealous worfhipper of God, and a very free and finccre ChriHian .. How this i!> to be reconciled with the truth of this (]{elat.ion, .lhall he af. terwards confide red of~ For the truth and fincerity of the fJ<Jlation, I hope D no

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no body will fo gro~y miil:ak~ us as tho_~g_h vye intended_thereby to j-u.ftifie what is he.re pnnted agatnfl: any fufp1t10o .. o~ forgery; as if any man tlk ing the advanta~e ~of _ Dr. Der~ n~m~ ~nd _ fam~ of :a. (e~jurer, . could be fufpe&~d (0. ~ave. devlfed and Invented _heft: thmgs 1n h 1s own t brain to abufe the \vorld. -I lhould ~e _ forry _ name- fhould appear my in any kind to any book lyable t<:> futh a fufpttton ; ~rid_ ch_ very name e and credit_ of that {o much and fo defervedly pnzed Libr-ary from ,vhence, this is pretended to ~e taken ., is fuffic-ie:Ot (with civil underfl:andi ng men) to prevent th.: groiTenefT~ of fi.tch a ~ifl:ake. Befides th~ - Origin:al Copy it fdf, all w~itt~n with Dr. 'D~es own hand, there ~ept and preferved. ~Ut by Tr_ut~ and Since~ity, intending not only _-D r. 'Dels .fidelity in _ relattng what . h1mfelf believed, b.ut alfo the rtality of chofe things that _ e fpeaks of_ according t~ ~his rdation : _ hi s only (hut h , oreat and dreadful)_ error b~tng, that he mdlook falfe lyrng Spirits for A."ngels of Light, the Divel of Hell (as_we commonly term him) for t~e God of Heaven. For. the Truth the.n, -and Sincerity or rJ\eality of the ~la tio-n in this fenfe, I fhall fidl: appeal to the. Book it fctf. I know it is the fafhion of many (I will not ,fay that (l never did it n1y felf) that are of buyers _ books' they will tur~ five or fix leaves,, - if they happen upon fomeYI\< hat that pleafeth thetr (ancy, the book 1s a good b9ok, and when ,th~y have bought.it, it concerneththem to think fo 1 bec:tufe they have paid for it_: _bu_ Gn the other fid~, . if diey light upon . fomew~~t . that doth t not, pleafe (Whtch' may happen 1-n the befl) they are as ready to condemn a d .ca1: avyay. It is very pollib:le ~hat fome fuch buy~r lighting upon this ~ n 2-nd in it, upon fbmeplace~ here ~n-~ there, ~here _fome od,d ~mcourh things may offer themfelves ; thmgs nd1culous, Incre4Ible to ordtnary fenJe and conaruttion,he may be ready to judge of the whole accordingly. But for aH this, I will in the fidlplace appeal to the book it fdf; but wi'th thi~ refpeet to the Reader, that he will have patience to read in order one four:rh part of the book at leafl before he j p.dge ;. -an.d if by chat rime he be not convi&ed,he fh 2 II have my good "'!ill to give it over. Not but tha~ all the re!t, .even to the end-, dot~- help very well ~o confirm the truth and reality of the whole Story: but becaufe I think there is fo much in any fourth part, if diligently read and with due confideration, that I defpa.ir of his a!f~nt, that is not convia:d by _ it. For tny pan, when the book was fidl communicated-un~i~-r~~~~M couon KnJ~bt to me by that Right worthy Gentleman who is very ftudious to purcha(e ~nd procure f~tch Records andMonuments asrrt~y advantage the truth of God (all truth is of Godj and the honour of this Land, foll~wing therein the example of his noble Progenitor, by his very nal)1e , Str (j(obert Cotton, known to all t~e Learned as far as Europe extendeth. I read -it curforily becaufe I was quickly convinced in my fdf (hat it could be no counterfeit immaginarie bufindfe, and was very defirous ro fee the end; fo far as the book did go. Afrenvards when r underfrood t~at the fai~ .worthy Gentleman ( efpecially ,as I fuppofe' .telying upon my. Lord. -of Armag?'s judgmmt and teflimonii, which we hav~ beforefp:oken of) was willing it fhould be publifhed; and rha't hemd committed

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m ir:ced the \V h~le bufinels un~o ~e; I .read _ ovetvery exactly , and took it notes of the mofi: remat ~able_ paf.Tages_ ( ~s they appeare.d unto rrie) truly I was fo rnuch confirmed tn thts. firfi: op1mon by my fecond readina . that I fhall not be afraid. to pr,ofefs that I ne:ver .ga~e mvre credit to a::.y Humane Hiflory of former umes.. All thtngs feemed u~:o me fo fimp1y , and yet fo accurately , an~ Wtth fo much co~firmatton of all manner of circumftanc~s wrinen and delivered , that I cannot yet fatisfie my felf but all judicious Readers will be of my opin~on. But neverthelc:fs t~ hdp the1n that truft not mnch , to their own judgments., let us fee. ~hac can be faid. Firfi, I would i1ave them,_ that would be further fatisficd, to read Dr. Dee in that forecir~d Prefac~, \Vhere_he doth_ plead his O\~n caufe, ~o acquit himfelf of that gnevous en me and tmput:HlOn of a [m~urer. But that w.as written , I lTIUit conrefs ' long before his Communication with Spirits : yet it is fomewhat to know what opinion h~ had then of them that deal with Divels and evil Spirits . . But after he was made acquainted, and in great dealings with the~n, and had in read_ in_efs dive_s of rhcfe his books, r or others or the farne Argument, contatntng thetr feveral conferences and COilll11UUications; tO f11C:W-, :and the manner of their ~ppearing exactly fct down ; obferve, I pray, With what confidence he d1d addrefs himfelf ro the greatefl: and wifell: in Europe. To Queen Elizabeth often, and to her Council, _s by tnany places of this RelatiOn doth appear; but more a particularly by his Letter to Sir Franci& Walfingham, Secretary, &c. That he did the like to King James and his Councel, may eafily be gathered by the Records {in this 'l(elation) of 1607. but much defective. But then to the EmperorJJ{.odolplJe , to Stephen King of Poland, and divers otheJ Princes and their -Deputies ; the wifefl: and lear.nedfl:, cheir feveral Courts did afford for the time :. the panrctilars of all which addrdfes . and tranfatl:ions are very exactly fet. down in the book. Nay, fuch was his confidence that had it not been for . the Nunci&U ApoflolicUJ his appearing againfl: him the Empero rs Court by order from the Pope, he \Vas, as by fome places may be col1etted, rdol v ed for ~me alfo, not doubting but he fhould approve liirnfelf and his d9ings to the Pop~ himfelf and his Cardin2Js. In all thefc hi s addrdfes and applications being fhll .very ready to impar_ all things t unto them chat \vouid enre~tain them with that refpefr l1e thought they defe;-ved; y~a, readily, which is very obfervabie, even to r~ceive them into thi s Myfti cal Society, whom he thought worthy, and in lome capacity to pro more rhc defign; as de .faflo he did divers in feveral places : Albertus .A.lafco, Prince Palatine of Polonia, Puccius a learned man, and Prince {j(o(ember~ in Ge11nany, who were long of the Society, be{tdes forrie admitted to fome A.Ct:ions fo~ awhile , as Stephen King of Poland, and fame others. We will eafily grant (a~ elfewhere harh been treated and handled at ,large) that a clifi:emper_d brain may fee, yea, and hear fhan gechings, and entertain them e with all poffible confidence, as real things , and yet ail but fancy, without any rea\ found or Apparition._ But thefe lights-and Apparitions that Dr. 'Dee gives here an account, are quite of another nature; yea, though poilibly the Divd might reprefent divers pf there things to the fancy inward:}y which


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which appeared outWardly : Yet of another na.- _, I::---:;- y_ -n d n-c tu_re~ fa_ , a-~o -w--it~ o-ut h~ the interv.ention and operation of Spirits, as will eafily appe~r to any man by the particulars. Befides the long Speeches, Difcourfes, Interlocutions upon all occafions and occ~rrences . in the prefence of more then one alwayes; and externally.audt~le to d1fferent perfons, for the moll part or very frequently. That thefe thmgs C<'>uld not be the operation of a difl:em'perr:d ~ancy , .will b,e a fufficie~t evidence to any rati~nal man. Again, let h1s ufual .preparatlons and Prayers aga1nfl: . an Apparition or Action (as he called them) his extraordinary prayers upon fome extraordinary occaftons , as upon Edward f\.!Oty his temporary repentance, ~nd another for him when he was about to forfake him . (in Latine a long one} Suphtn King of <foland being then prefent. And again, when his Son Arthur was to be i~itiated to thefe Myfl:ical Operations and Apparitions, in the place of ~ard}(tU~, .and the like. And again, . his Humility; Piety , Patience, (0 what p1ty that fuch a man iliould . fall Into fuch a delufion! but we fhall confider of the caufes in its right place afterwards) upon all occafions, temptations, diflrdfes, mofl eminent thro':lghout the whole Book. Let thcfc things. be well confidered, and above the refl:, his large and pund:ual relatio.n of thatfadabomin~blc fl:ory of their Promifcuo~s, carnal Copul4tion, under the pretence of obedience .to God.- Let thefe things. I fay, be \Vell confidered, and I think no man will make any q udlion but the poor man did deal with all poffible fimplicity and 1incericy , to the utmoll of his undedlanding at that time. And truly, this one thing (as 've faid before) excep~cd, his mifl:aking of ~viL Spirits f~r good, it doth not appear by any thmg but that he had h1s underftand1ng, and the perfeCt : ute of his Reafon to the very lail, .as well as he had had ny time of his life. Again, let it be conlidered, that he carryed with him where ever he went A SroNE, which he.callcd his An~elicall StmJe, as brought unto him hy an AnJt. , but by a Spirit {urt enough, _ hich he hewed unto many; to the Emperot l w among others, or the Emperors Deputy ,Dr.Cutts, as I remember: But more of this Stone afterwards. We may therefore conclude furely enough, That Dr.Dee in all this Rel:nion did deal with all fimplicity and fincerity. I fhall only add, That whereas I ufed the word_<J(eality before, concerning thofe things that appeared, according to this Relation : I would not be miflaken -, as though I intended that wh;1tfoever the .Divel did feem to do or reprefent; it was I'J\!aOy an~ SubflantiaOy as it feemed and appeared, that would be a great and grofs mtilake. The very \Vord Apparition doth rather import the contrary. All I underfl:and by ~ality, is, that what things appeared, they did fo appear by the powe.r and operation of Spirits, aCtually prefent and working, and were not the effeCts of a dep~aved fancy and imagination by meer natural caufes4 By which, fl:range things, I confefs, m~y be prefcnted and appre~ended too, fomc:times by the parties with all confidence, as we faid before, though all be but fancy and imagination. But all circurnflances well conftdered, make this C4fe here to be of another nature ; and it may be it was the policy of thefe Spirits to joyn two of purpofe in this bufinefs, to make th~ truth and reality of it the more unque-

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q_ dhonable ; hop~ng (if..God had given way) they iliould hav~ paffed, in u time for good Spuus abroad generally, -and then we.fhould luve fccn .\vhat they would have made of it. From ldfe beginnings , I ~m furc:, .great~ efi confufions have proceeded and prcva,iled in the world, as we fhall iliew e1fe\v~ere. And firice that in all this bulinefs, as we faid bt1t now , Dr. 1)ee did not. deal alone, but had a confi:ant Partner or Afsiltant, 'vhorn fometimes hirnfelf calleth his Sea, ot Skryer, one by name EJward I(elly': it will be requifite before we proceed further, that we giv.e fome account of him alfo. According to Or. Vee's ow~ relation here, .An.'Dom.llj8] . .April7. Trebon: in the particulars of his Son Artf,ur's Confocration (after his manner, which he calls, His offering And prB(tnting of him to tbe fir-vice of God:) Uriel (one of his chiefdt Spirits) was the ~uthor of. their Gmjtmtlion: but when ~nd how it hapned (being but obiur mentioned there) we do not find any where; and more then what I find here I have nothing to fay: For certain 1t is by this whole fl:ory , from the beginning to the end of it, that f\!Oty ,vas a great Conjurer, one that daily converfed by fuch art as is ufed by ordinary Magicians, with evii Spirits, and knew . them to be fo. Yet I would fuppoG: that he was one of the bell.: fort of Magicians, that dealt \Vith Spirits by a kind of Commanti (as is well known fome do) . ~nd not by any (ompaEt or agr~ernent: t:his may probably be gathered from fi1ndry places. But that he was a Conjurer, appearereth firfi: by that, where he proffered to r~ife fome evil Spirit before the Poliih Prince Pahtine, Albert Lasky (of whom more by and by) for ~ proof of his A.rt. But Dr.Vee \vould not fuffer him to do it in his houfe. Wicked fpirits are cafi: out of him to the number of 15. PJ :. But I make no great matter of that in poi'n t of proof, becaufe all there upon his ba~e report only. But fee p.6~. &c. where it is laid to his charge, and he anfwereth for himfelf and his Spirits. where at lafl: he yielded to bury not to burn his Magical bitoks. See alfo But read hi,s own confefsion (Where you !hall find him fpeak like one that kne\v very well what did belong to the Art) and the record made by Dr. 1Jee concerning a fhre\vd contefl: that hapned between Dr. Dee and him , (it was about iOme M agical thtngs) wherein E.dward fVlly carried himfelf fo fiercely, that Dr. J?ee being afra:id of his life, ,was forced to call for help. Perufe \Vell this place and I prefume you will require no further light as to this particular concerning !\!fly. As for the feveral Epiflles (in Latin mo{l:) chat will be found here, as alfo Narratives of feveral meetings and conferenc~s, they ca-rry fo much light with them, being fer out with fo ~any remarkable circumfranccs of time, place, perions, &c. that no man of judgment that hath any kno\vledge of the world, will or can make any fcruple of the fincerity and fidelity of either repon:s or Deeds and monuments. (fuch I /account the Letters to be) herein contained. A man might with little labour (that had all kind of books ~t command) have found fomewhat concerning moil: ( outlandifh) perfons in them mentioned. I could no. intend it, and I think it would t have been a. needlefs labour. If any make any q nefl:ion let them make fearch , I dare warrant it unto them they hall find all rhings to agree pun dually. But becaufe Albtrt LasJc.y (next to EdiiJard I(o~lley) is the manmoft in-

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interr~tTed in this fl:~ry; I will give you fome account of him outof Mr. (ambden his Annttls: . . An no Dom: asS~. E Polonra~ f]{ufiitt )?icina -hac ~fla.te 1Jmit in ~ngliam ut f'J(_eginam in1Jifi~et, Albert"ns Alafco/P~l4tin~U Siraaienfis 1Jir eruditus, corpbris linea~ menti:5 barba promiftjsiln;a, 1Jepitu decoro,-& perlJenuflo ; qui perhenigne ab ipfo nobiLt'bufqu~ magnoque bonore & lautitiu, et" ab AceaJtmia-Oxonienfi eruditis obleEtatiom1nu, acque rvariu JpeElaculi4 exceptus , poft 4 menfes ttrt aljeno oppre!Jus , ctam . reafsit. . But of allLetters here exhibited, I am rnofr taken, I mufl: confefs, with the Bitbops Letter. that was N,.uncius .Jipof!8licus: he feemes to me to fpeak to the cafe very pertin'endy (take fP~c_cius his a~cou~t along in his long letter to Dr. Dee, of his conference With the fud Btfhop concerni_~g the fame bufinefs) and to have carryed himfelf towa~<is Dr.1Jee very moderately ~nd friendly. I I. Now to Objections : The fidl: fhall be this: Although 'tis .very probable that Dr. 'Dee himfelf dealt fimply and fincerely; yet fince _he himf~lf fa\V nothing (for fo himfdf acknowledgeth in fome places) but by f\.!llefs eyes, and heard. nothing but with . his ears. Is it not pofsible that 1\!(ley being a cunning maQ, . nd well pract:if~d in thefe thiqgs might irnpofe ~pon the a credulity of Dr. 1Jee ( a.good Innocent man) and the rather; becaufe .by this office under the QoCl:or .he got s~l. by the year, as appe~reth. Truly this is plaufible as it is propofed ;.'and like enough that it mig~t g? a gre~t way lVith them that arefoon taken~ and therefore feldom fee any thing in the truth or true n~ture of it,- ~hui " in . the .outward appearance of it only. But read and obferve it diligC:ntly and you will .find it far oth~rwife: It -is true in~eed, that ordinarily, Dr.1)u faw not himfdf; ~ his bufinefswas ro \Vrite what was feeri (bu~ in his prefe~ce though) and heard by f\..eOey. Yet that himfelfheard often immed'iately appeare~h by many places J I {lrall not. ne~d any quotations for that himfd f feeleth as well as 1\!U.ey. In . the relation of the Holy Stone , how taken away by one that came in at a window in the fhape of a man , _nd !Jow refiored; both Jaw certain1y. In the a fiory of the Holy :Books, how burned and how refiored again (p:i!.rt of them at lealt) which Or De~ madea great Miracje of, as appeareth by fame of rhofe places; there alfo both faw certai.nly. And .Albert Lasky, the Polon_ Palatine ian Ja.w as . well M I\!lle sdide's ,- 1~ doth dearly appear throughout all the y. book that ~lley (cho-t.igh fometime~ with much adoe perf\vaded for a while to chink better of't~erri) had generally no otheropinion of the le Apparitions . bn~ th:tt they were meer illuJions of the Di vel and-evil Spirits, fuch es himfelf could command by, his art when he lified, and. :was a~qttainted with , ~nfomuch that we find him for this_very caufe forfakirtg, ordefirous to forfake Dr. Dt-e, who was . mu~h troubled about ~c.; arid :is -f-orced i.q a place to Pluvn his Soul unto hi.rr: (to ufe his own w~rds') that -it :was. not fo, and that they ~ere good Sptnts fent from .G~d 10 :great favour unto them. But for all this Kelley would n~t he fatisfi.ed~ but would - ave his Declarati.. h on or Protefi:~tion of his .fufpit:ion to the' contrary enrred into the bo6k; \vhich ydu fhalUind, and.it will be w6t'th.your re2ding. 1 could- fur~h~r al-


allcdge, that if-a man confiders the things geii~ered .here upon fever~l occafions, being of a different ,nature, fome Moral, fome Phyfical, .fome Metaphyfiol, _ and T heological:?f highefl: points (though fometirries w!ld enough, ~nd not warrantable; y~t for the mofl: part very r~more from vulgal! capacities). he will not e~.Gly beheve that l(etlry, who fcarce underfl:ood Latine) not to fpeak of forrie things de~ivered in Greekin fonie places) and betook bimfelf to the fl:ndy of Logick -long after he had entred himfelf into this courfe , could utter fi1ch th_ings : no, nor any,ma_ liv'i ng perchance n that had nor m~de it his fl:udy all his life-time. .. But that whi-ch muil: need; end this q uartel (if any man will be pertinacious) ~nd put all things out of doubt; is, that not 1\.!:llef only ferved in this place of Seer or Skryer; but others alfo, as his fon .Arthur, and in his latter day.es, when f\!lley was either go~e .or fick, one 13artho!ome--w, ~s willbe found in all .the Actions anq _.Appantton.s of che year .16o7. :\vh1ch (as I fufpetl} was the lail: year of the: Dottors life, or beyond which I think he did not live long. Seco~idly, It may he objecte~ , or fi:uck at leafl:, How Or.Vu, fo good, fo innocent, yea, fo pious a n1an; and fo fin cere -a Chri.fhan as by thefe papers (hi s delufion an~ the dfeas of lt fl:ill excepted) he doth feem to have been, God would permit fuch a one to be fo deluded and abufed fo r.ackt in his foul, (o hurried in his body for fo }ong a time, notwith~.~nding his frequent, earneft, zealous prayers and addreffes un to God, , by evil Spirits (eyen to his dying day, for ought we know) ~s he is here by his own relation fee out unto us_, ? Truly, if a man fhall confider the \V hole carriage of this bufindfe, from the beginning to the end, according to this ~rue and faithful (for I think I may fo ipeak with: confiaence) account it here prefenred unto us, rh is poor ~an, how from time to time fhamef.ully , groily delayed, deluded, quarrelled without caufe, .lhll toled on with fome fbews and appearances, and yet 'fl:ill fruil:ra_te~ and put off: his many pangs and agonies about it, his fad condition after fo many years toil, travel, druJgery and earnefl: expeCtation, ~t the very !aft (as appeareth by the AElions and apparitions of the year 1607 .) I cannot tell whetherU fhould make him an objeCt of m on: horror or compafiion.; but . of both certainly in a: great mea ~ue to any man that hach any fenfe.of.Hurnaniry, and in the examp les of others of humane frailty : and again, any regard of parts and; \vonh, fuch as were in this man in a high degree. True it is, that he hacl jr>]es \\' i~ha: and comforts, imaginary ,delufory, it is true; yet fuch as he enjoyed and kept np his h~art, and made him outwardly chearful often times, I make no qudhon ; , fuch as the Saints (as they call themfelves) and Schif maticlu of thefe and forn;ter times have ever been very proneto boafl: of, perfvvad_ therrifelves that they are the ejftils of Gods bleffed Spirit. But even ing in rhefe his joys and comforts, the fruits and fancies of his deluded foul (as in many others of a diltempered'b.rain) is not he an objeCt of great compa.C: paffion to any; both fob~r and c_ aritable? If this then were his -cafe indeed, b what fb :tll we fay? if nothing elfe, I know not but it ought to fatisfi~ a ration2.l, fober, humble man: If we fay, _ hat it is not in man to give an T account of all G{)ds j.udgments, neither is there any ground for us to murmure becaufe we do not underfiand them, or that they often fcem contrary



to the judgment ofhutnane reafon, becaufe it is again!t all Reafon as. well as Religion,to believe ~hat a creature fo much inferior to God,by nature as man is, fhould fee every tbing as he feerh,and.thrnk as he thinks; and confequenr Iy judge a~d determine in and of all things as God judgeth and determinc:th. The ApoiHe therefore not without caufe , . would have all private judomeats (for ~f publi.ck for the maintenance of peace and ord_r among me~ e it is another cafe)deferr'd to that tin1e, when th~ hearts of all men jhall be laid open: all hidden th_n!/ and fecre( cotmfels teWaled. , But we have enough to fay in this i cafe without it. For if Prtde and [uriafity were enough to undoe our fidlParent and in him all mankind, when otherwife innocent and in poi: feffion 'of Paradiie. Should we woncer if it had the fame 'event in Dr. :])ee, though otherwi[e, as he doth appear to us, i~nocent, and well qualified? That .this was his cafe and error, I .will appeal to his own confeffiott (t~ough he makes ithis boafl:) in more then. one of his Lerre~s or addreiTes,. where he profdfeth, Tbat for divers years !Je bad been an earnefi juter unto God in prayer for W{~om; that is, as he interprets himfelf, That he might underpand the (ecrets of Nature that kad not ,been re),ealed _nto mm hitherto; to the u end, as he profeffeth, and his own deceitful heart it may be fugg~fted tO him, Thdlt he migJ>t glorifie God; but certainly, that himfelf might become a glorious man in the world, and be admired, yea, adored every where almo/1, as he might be ftue it would be, had he_ compatTed his defire. And what do we think fhould put him upon . fuc;h a ddire, with hopes to ob.tain it, but an opinion he had of himfelf as an extraordinary man, both for p~rts, and for favour wit!> God~ But however, had he been to the utmoll of what he could think of hin:felf, befides his Spiritual pride of thinking fo of himfelf .(as great a fin as any in the eyes of God) his P.raying for futh a thing with fo Inuch importunity, ~as a great ~empting or God, and deferving greareft judgments. Had h~ indeed been_ a finer un~o God for fuch Wijdom as the Prop he~ Jeremie defcribeth ( 11. v.14,15' L~t not_ the W:je man alorie in hu wifdom, &c. bu let him that gloriah, &c. And for iuch k,nowledg t ~s our Saviour commandeth, Joh.r 7. J. And this is life ttern.1l, that they - may knoTP tpee,&c. And his ble!fed ApofHe ( 1 Cor.f 1.2.) For I determined not to know a~Jy thing, &c. he had had good warrant for his prayers, ~nd it is V(!ry ]i~elythat God would haye granted him his requdl, fo far -as m.ighr, have concerned his own falvatiop- and eternal happtnefs. Befides_, it is l!.wful (nay fit) for a man to pray for Gods bleffing upon his labours, for coinEetency of wit and capacity that he may do wdl in his vocation and glOJ;ifie God. But for a man to afpirc to fuch eminency above other me_ , and n by means that are not ordinary (as that conceited Plrylofofbtrs Stone, and the like) and to intereft God by earne!t folicitations in his ambition$ extravagant defires; that God, who hath faid of hil'?felf, That he reji;1eth tht proud, ~ut givet!J grace unt~ the humble, mufl: needs be fo gr~at and fo high a provocarion (if well confidered) as -that I begin to .doubt whether it be ch~tity to pity him that fuffcred fojuilJy and defervedly. 1 do r:or know ~ut it is as law full for any , man obicurely born to pray for a Kingdom , fo't a Co1nrhon Souldier 'that he may have flre~gt}l to encounter thoufands , or for a-n ordinarie Maid , that ilie may become the fairdl: of WQmen. In



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4?-ll thefe it is poffible to glorifie God, we grant, were it fi~ for us to prefcribe unto God, neglcet:ing thofe thathe-hath <1ppointed, by what means he 010t;ld be glorified; and could we fecure our felves that in pretending to Gods glory we do not feek our 0Wn. 1wifh that our great undertakers and retormers (Cuch is their wifdom they think) of Ans and Sciences would feriouOy rh ink of this; they efpecially who take upon themfelves to make all men wife and of one mind, and to reconcile ~11 doubts and difficulties ~q Religion, ~nd otherwife; in a wdrd,to make Truth to be imbraced by all me,n: Should rhefe men tell us that if they had had the creating of the world, and the ordering of all things (and there be;I think, in the world that have faid little lefs) from - beginning, they would have made an other guefs of thing$ then God the had done:We would ha~e confiderd of it perchance ~hat l~ight be the ground in any mortal man of fuc~ wonderful confidence. But luch being the condition of the world,as it is,and fuch of men,naturally,or to fpeak as a Cluiilian, fince the fall of Adam,and the confequencies ofit,the curie ofGod,&c.to make all men wife, of one mind, good, religtous, without an infinite omnipotent power ,luch as of nothing was able to create a world ; can any m~n(fober and wife) hear it; hear it with patience, that thinks it impoffible, yea firange, that CafHes fhould be built in the air, or the heavens battered with great guns ? And yet il;cb books are read , yea and much fet by, by fome men. My judgment is, That they are to be pityed (if diftemper be the c.aufe,as I believe it is ih fo1ne )that boaft of fuch things; but if wife and politick,to get credit and moncy(as fome I believe) it is a great argument of their confidence, that there he many in the word that are not very wife. B:1t tQ return to Dr.Dee : lt might be further added and proved by exampl~s, that fof!~e men of tranfcendenr holinefs and mortification (I in the fight of men) fo fequdlrcd from the world (fome of them) and the vanities of it, that for many years they had converfed with God alone in a manner; yet through pride and conceit of their own parts and favour with God ,fell into deluftons and temptations, if not alto~ gether the fa,me, yet not lefs ilrange and dreadful. Such examples Ecclefiafhcal Story will afford,and other books of that nature, but I have them not at this time, and I conceive I have faid enougn to this particular. But of his Praying too, fomewhat would be obferved. Hi5 Spirits tell him fomewhere, that he had the Gift of Praying. Truly I believe he had, as it is ordinarily caUed: that it is,that he could exprefs hi1nfelfvery Ruently and earndl:ly in Prayer,and that he did it often to his own great contentment. Let no n1an wonder at this; I have fhewed elfewhere that fome that have been very wicked, yea, tome that dyed for blafph~rny ~ and with blafphemy in their 1nourh to the laft gaip, have had it in a great meafurel and done much milchief by it. le is no difparage~ent to Prayer, -no more then it is to the befl: things of the world (and what better and more heavenly then prayer well ufed ?) i f they be abufed. And it is commonly obferved,that the corruption of beft things is moft dangerous. What bred thofe pernicious here(icks that fo long troubled the \~.rorld, and could not be fuppreffed but by abfolure defhuttion , but long affeCt-ed prayers (therefore called Euchites or lYfejfaliani, that is to fay ,the Prayers) and EnthuGafms ? And as to that point of in~Pard joy a>Jd complt~cency > which fome SchiGnatick~ and wicked men find in E thenl---------~--------------------~-----------------------

'The P 1\ 6 F A C E.

tht"mfelves at their prayers, _ hich ignorant deluded people think to be an w argument of the Spirit: It is certain,and -is a myflery of nature that harh(may I [_peak it without: bragging ) been brought to. light (of ]ate years. at leafl:) by my felf and fully dif,overcd , 'That not only the inward heat of "-mental conception (where there is any vigor) but alto the mufick of out" ward words, is able to occafion ic.. Indeed it is a P?int that doth deferve to be well con fidered of in thefe times efpecially. For when young boyes illirente men (and the number i~ likely to increafe now that Catcchi:{jng is io much neglected) are turned looie to exercile thcmfdves in this gift (as they call it) ancf when by long practice they have attained to fome readinefs and_ volubility ,whiCh doch occafion fomc inward lighrfomencfs and excita-rions, or perchance iomcwhat that may have fomc refemblance to fpirirual for row and compuntl:ion, they prefently think.ihemfelves infpired, and fo they become Sair~ts before they know what it is to be [Lrtflia1u. A- if rid they can Pr;4y by infpiration, \vhy not Preach alfo? So comes in Anttbaptifm by degrees, which will be the ruine of all Rdigion and civil Government where ever 1t prevails. And I believe that this fond foolifh conceit of In/piration, as it bath been the occafiou of much other mi !chief, fo of that horrid lacriledge , fhall I call it, or profanation ( l hope I may do either \Vithout offence, for it is not done by any publick Authority that I know of) thec:1.fiing and banifhing of THE. LoRDS PRAYER out of many private houfesand Chur.ches; then which, I think, C~rifi never received a greater afE ont from any thac~alled themfelves Chrifii~ns. I am nor-fo uncha -itable as to bdieve.rhat ir is done in direCt:.oppofition to Chri.A: by any rer al Chrifbans, bur in a furious zeale by many, I believe, againlt fet prayers .. Bur this is nor a place to difpute it: Certainly, as the Lords Prayer is~ Prayer of mofl: incredible comfort to them that ufe it d~voutly and upon good grounds (a good foundation of Relig~on and found' Faith, I mean) fo I believe that fet Prayers in general are- ot more concernment to the fetling of Peace in the Commonwealth theh many men are aware of: But let this pafs for- my opinion; there be worfe I am fure that pafs currcndy. Again, A mart may wonder (I cannot tell whether an objection may be made of it) that Dr.Vee, though he were at the fidl: deluded (to wbich his own pride -and pr_ fiimption did expofe him) as many .have been ; e yet afterwards in procefs .of time when he found himfelf fo deluded and Ihuffled with. when Edw~rd I(elley did ufe fuch pregnant. arguments to. hitn (as he did more then once) to petfwade him th~t they \Vere evil Spirits that appeared unto them; nay,whn he had found by certain experience, that his Spirits had told him many lies, foretold many.things concerning Princes and Kingdoms,- very particula_rly limited with .circumfiances of time, which when the time was expired did n9t at all come to pafs ; yet for all this he dudt p~wn hH Soul for _ them thst they were goad ,Spiriu, and continued in his confidence ( fo farre as our -Relation goes) to rhe lafl. I an(wer, Such is the power of thjs kind _ Spiritu~l deiufion, it dorh fo pofof fefs them w horn it bath once u.ken hold of, -that they feldom, any of them, recover themfelves. In the dayes of Martin Lt4thet (a great and zealous reformer


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mer of Religion , but one that would.haTe detefi:cd them as the worft of Infidels t~at h-ad ufcd the Lortli Prayer, as fome have done in our daycs, as appedrs by what he fa_ h of it i? more then one place) there lived one Michaic_ el Sti/eli ~, who applytng to htmfelf fome place of the .Apocalyp(t, took upon hi m to Prophecy. He had foretOld tht in the year of the Lord , 5 ~ J. before the i9 of September the end of the \Vorld, and Chrifis coming to JudgmenvwoulJ be: He did fhew fo much confidence, that fome write; .Luther himfelf was fornewhat fiartled ~t the firfi:~ But th2t day palt, he came a. fecond time to Luther with n w Calculations; and had dtcrdted the whole e buflnefs into 2.1. Articles, the effett of which was to dem~nhace that the end of :the world would be in OElober following. B. ut no\V Lurher thought he had had tryal el!ough , and gave fo litde credit to him ' . that he (though he loved the man) filenced hirri for a time; which our Apocafyp .. tical Prophet took very iil at his hands, and wondred much at his incred,u-_ lity. Well, that moneth andfomeafter that over, our Prophet (who had made no little !l:ir in the Country by his P~ophecying) was eaU \nto .p rifon for his obfl:inacy. After a while Lut!Jer vifited him, thinking by that time to find him of another mind. But fo far was he from acknowledging his error, that he down right railed at Lut!Jer for giving him good .counfel. And fome write that to his dying day (having lived to the age of 8o. years) he never recanted. And was not this the cafe of karned Po~ellus, who fallen into fmne grievous wild fancies in his btterdaycs, though found enough frill in other things , could never benclaimcd. though means were ufed from time to time the befl: and gentldt (in refpctt to his worth and perfon ) that could be thought of? But what talk we of particular men? Confider the Anabaptifls in genera\. Above an hundred years ago they tro_ bled u Germany very much: it coil many ihoufands their lives . They roved up and down. No foonerdeA:~oyed in one-place but they fprung (whildt that feafon ]afl:ed) in another. Their pretences every where were the fame; ~ )Jelatiom and the Spirit : the wickednefs of Princes and Magifi:rates, and Chrifl ]E}U!S to bt {et up in hi.s Tbrone. _ Well, at lail they were defl:royed in moll places. Stories of them have been written in ali Languages, read every where, ~nd their lamentable end.- Can all this hinder buttha~ upon every oppon:nnity of a cat1fuled and confounded Government, they fiart up again in the fame fhapc: and form as before; the fame preten~es, the fame Scriptures/or all the world,miferably detorted and abufed, to raife tumulcs and. feditions in all places .. Sl:lch is the wretchednefs of man t ~at is once out of the right way of Reafon a~d Sobrie_y ~ But withll we mull fay in this t particular cafe of Or. Du's, though his obfi:inacy was grc2t and marvellous, yet it mufl be acknowledged, that great was the dui.gence and fubtility of his Spirits eo keep their hold: and fome tbings foinetimes happened ( as his danger and pre(ervation about Gra)lt(end, when he firfl: , here related, went out of the Realm) very fhangcly ,and fuch wa.s the unhappinefs of his Inif-him applyed zeal, that he made a Providence of whatfoever hapned unto_ as he defired. So much for Dr. J)ee himfelf. But of his Spirits a greater qudlion perchance may be moved: If evil,. wickeq,. lying Spirits (as \Ve have rea:.on to EJ

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\6 FACE.
to believe , and no mari I think w ill qudl:ion ) how came th~y to be fuch per[wadersto Piety and godlimfs, yea, fuch preachers of Chrifi, his Incaro.. nation, his P~ffion, and other Mytl~ries vf the Chiifl;ian- Faith, not only by :them here a~knowrhl_g(:d, "but in ~bn1c plaG:es Y~ry -~hoJafii<fally. ie~ out and. decbred ?: It feemeth fomewhat contr~ry to .reafon an4 ascWitrary t~ the words of our Saviour, 13-vuy JVngdotn di'viJed againft it felf). &c. Bu~ firfl:,. tO the mat~er uf. fa6t .: The. - iveb- we know.even in the .. Gofpd did D ackttcnvledg,. nay, info.me ~2~tprodaim~ChrHt ~to be t~ : SOft ofGpcf~ which is the main Arttde he dro dontefl: Wlth CbrJfl: :by Scppture-Aut.hority ;. and by s-. P4u/5:rdhmony,. . 'an tr~nsform himfelf, wh~. h~ lift in~9 :;ui . Angel of Hght. And . in fo~ relations wdl atcefl:ed, of P<>ffdfiqn~ and publick E:xorcifrtrs that have baen ufed; we find the Divd.Dftcf) fpe~k~ ing by the mouth of women, rather hkc: a Monk out of the PLJlpit , ptrr fwading ro temperance, rebuking vices, exp0unding of my fieri~~ and ~he like ; tfiel'l. as one that. were an enemy to truth and godJinds. lnfomuch that fome .have been ready to make a great myllery and triumph of .tr- t~er.eby to convict Her.cuicks and Athei!l:s, in time, more effectually , , the~ they have been by any other means that have been ufeJ hirhexto: and af.. tribing t~e whole buGrieG not_ to t~e Div~l hi~fel~, but the great power and Provtdence of God_, as forc1ng htm agatnfi: hts will to be an infl:ruinent of his Tru~h. For my part.' I fee caufe enough t? believe that fuch .things, the Fe conta1ned at large, rntght come from the: Dtvd; that is, might truly. and really- be fpoken by perfons poiTeq-ed and infpired by the Divei. But that they ar~ implt'Jyed by God' to that end, ~- fhall n_ot eaG1y grant. I rather fufptct that whatfoever comes from them tn-that kmd, thoLigh it be good i'r\ it felf, yet they may have 2. mifchicvous ~nd in it; ~nd that I beli.cve will foon appear if .rhey canonce ~aine fo much credit a~ong men as to be believed to be fcnt by God to .bear teftimony to the truth. A rnari may fee fomewhat already by thofe very Rdations , and that account that is given us there. And therefore I do not wonder if even among the mor~ fo her Papiits this projeCt (as the relarer .~nd publifher cornplainethJ hath found oppofition. The Divd is very cunning; a notable Politician. S. fJ>aul knew him fa, and therefore he ufes many words to fet out his frauds. He can lay the foundation of a plot, if need be, a hundred years before the effects fhall appear: But then he bath his .end. It is nor- good trutting of him, or dealing with him upon any pretence~ . Cari any man fpeak betur then he doth by the mouth of Anabaptifu and Schifi?aticks ! And this he will do for many years together if need be, thatthey that at firft flood off ma:y be 'von by time. But let them be once abfolute matters ~nd then he will appear in his own fhape. There is one thing which I'wo.ndcr much more at in thofe Relations I have mentioned and that is thac the. Divel himfclf fhould turn fuch a fierce accufer of ' them that 'have ferved him fo long, Witches-and M.agicians. I k,now he doth here [0 too in fome kind, "in more then one place. He doth much inveigh a.gainil: Divels and .all that have to do with them, Magicians, &c . . But that is in general only , or in JVIley's particular cak, upon whom he had another hold, which he made more reckoning of, to wit, as he appeared

-- - - - -- 'The P ~ 8 F A C 8.
peared to ~ern aS: an. An&el. of ligh.t. . Any thing to maintain hrs intereft ther~, an.d . their good optnton of htm ; for he had great hopes from that

plQt.. But rhar-he fhoutdpurfue fo rtdgedly. pa.rticular tnen .~nd women vvhom he had . ~\ed : fo long, to death, and do the part of:a.n Informer againfl rhein, m;J.y ketn mote .lik.e unto a Kin,gdam d0'ided .againfl: ir felf, but it is not our cafe here. ; neither a.m-I very. wdl fatis~ed, that whatfoever the Oivd faith _ liyes1o eh~ cnargt of t~en) by whoCe mot1th he or fpeaketh ,. ought.to be receiVed for good tefi:im_ny. ~r~-it may be.U:eriPU o had foine. reafon; for I douht.fome have been too acdulou~. Bqt thrs by

the. ~ay 01all fuffice.

That. tht: Divd fhould lie ofr~n, or be mifi:aken himfelf, in his ffr.cJpbt'ies, as by many particulars of this Rclation will appear , I will not look upon that, u if any objeetioncould be made of it: But it may be won:dred, pert.bance,, Dr. 'Det being' often !i.n fo great 1)?a'"l of monies, tha~ he did rtot.know which way to turn') what fhitt to r:nake ;. at which nme he did~lwayes with mu(h humility addrefs himfelf to his Seirits, making his wants known unto them ; and the oivel on the other Gde, both by his ownboa(hng- and by the teili,:nonie of thofe who could not lie~' having ; the goods of eh is world (though' fbll. under God) much at his difpofin~ . , and alwayd, as.he kemed, very defirous ro give Dr. 'Det alj 1poffible fatlS,fatl:ion ~ thar in this cafe , once or nvke perchance excepted, when the Pr~ was well furnifhed (for w hich the Spirits had his thanks) at all other times he was fiill > to his very great grief and perplexity, left: to himfelf ~o fhift as.he could, and fome pretence, \Vhy not otherwife fttpplyed, cunningly dcvifed by. rhein that .were fo :lb\e; and to whom he was fo dear. Butl mufl: remember iny felf: 1 faid fo able; bur in fome places his Spirits tell him plainly' It was not in their power ' becaur~ no part of their Co.mmifsion, or becau(e it did not belong unto .them (fuch as dealt with
h.im) tO. meddle with the Trtafurcs of the earth ; and fometim~s that they were things beneath their cogniLance or interrnedling. Of the different nature ~f ::,pirits, we fhall fay fornewhat by and by, that may have fome relation to thts alfo, perchance. Bur granting -chat the Divel generally hath power enough both ro find mony and to gratifie with it where he ieeth caufe. Yet in this cafe of Witches and Magicians, direCt: or indirect: , it is certain dnq obfer"Ved by many as an argument of Gods great Pro1Jidenct Q1Jer mrm, that generaLly he bath not : It is i11 very deed a great Argument of a fuperiour- over-ruling power and Providence~ , For if men of all profeffions will hazard (their Souls). fo far as we fee daily to get money and dhtes by indirect unconfcionable vnyes, though they are not alwayes fure, andthat it be long ofrentimes before it comes, and ofrenti.mes prove their ruine, everi in this \Vorld, through many cafi1alries; as ~Iterations of times, and the like: what would it be if it were. in the power of tHe D. to help every one that came unto him, yielding but to fuch and [Lrch conditions) a.<:cording as they could agree ? Hitherto I have confidered what I thought might .be objetted by others. I have one objeElion mort, which. to me .was more confiderable .(as an ob~ .. cbon, I mean, not fo readily arrf\vered) then all the refl:: ' Devils, we think


:The P 1\_ E F A C E.
gen~rally , both by their natur~. a~ Spi~its, ~nd by the advantage of long experien~e (a very great advant;lge tndee~. ~n potnt of knowledg) cannot but

have p~rfect knowledg of 411 natural things, and all fecrC:cs of Nature which do no.t .requife an infinite undc:r!tanding; which b.y that meafure ofknowh:dge tha~ e~en ,men h~-ye attained unto in .a little tii:ne,, is not likely.ro be [o ~ecdfary tn mofl things.. Butlefl any man . fhould quarrel at the word Perfect, .becaufe all perfecbon belongs unto God prop~rl.Y,. ic fhall fuflice to fay, That the knowl~dge_ pivels have of things Natural and:Humane is incomparably gteotter-theh m n.is capableof. If fo, ho\V comes it .ro a pafs that in many places of this ~elation we find him acting his part rather as a S~phifl:et (that I(aynot a Juggler) then a perfect Philofopher; as a ~ack, or an Ef!Ipirick fometimes, then a True, genuine Naturalift. And for language (not to f peak of his Divinity, which he mightdifguife of purpof~ to .his.own ends) .r~t~er ~sane that had lean~ed Latin by reading of barbarous books, of the m1ddle age, ~or t?e moll part, then of one that had b~en of At~tflt4J his time, and long before that. But that which is ftrangeft of alL is, that as in one placethe Sp'irits were difcovered by Ed. I.<jlliy to fieal out of Agrippa or Trithemiu-5 (fo he thought adeafl) fo in divers orher places, by the phrafe, and by the dottrine :~nd opini<?nS a man may trace noted Chymical and Cabalifbcal Authprs of later times; yea, (if I be not much mifi:aken) and fardcelfus himfelf,that prodigious creature, for whom and gainH whom fo . mucll hath been written fincc: he lived; thefe things may feem fl:range, but I think they may be anfwered. For fidl, we fay, The Divel is notambidous to fhew hirnfelf and his abilities'before men, but his way is (fo obferved by many) to fit himfelf (for matter and words) .~o the genius and capacity of thofe that he dealeth \Vith. Dr.1)u, ofhimfelf, long before, any Apparition, was a CabaliA:ical man , up to the ears, as I ma.y fay; as may appear to any man by his Monas Hiergglypbica, a book much valued by himfelf, and by him Dcdicared at the.firfi to.Maximiliantbe Emperor, and fince prefented (as ~re related by himfelf)to rJ\!ldoJphe a~ a choice piece. It may be thought fo by thofe who dl:eem f uch ~ooks as Dr. Floid, Dr .Aiabafler, and oflate Gafarefl,.and the like. For my part I have read him ; it is foon ,don, it is but a little book : but I mutt profefs that I can extract no fcnfe nor reafon (found and folid) out of it : neither yet doth it feem to me very dark or n1yflical. Sure we are that thofe Spirits did aCl: their paQ:s fo well with Dr.:Det, th,at for the mofi: parr(in mofi: Actions) they.came off with good credit; and we find the Dr. every where almofl: extolling his Spiritual .teachers and infl:rucrers, and prayfing God for them. Littlereafon therefore have \Veto ex.cept againfl: any thing( in this kind)' that gave him content) which was their aim and buiinefs. Secondly, I fay, If.any thing reli{h here of Tr)tbemius or Paracel(u~or any fuch, well r.Day we couclude from.thence, that the Dive! is like himfelr. This is the cruefl ~nference. It i.s he t~at infpired T~ithemius and ParaalfuJ,&c. th1t fpea~ eth. h~re; and wonder ye 1f he fpeaks hke them I do not ex:peet th.ar atl ? men will be of my opinion; yet: I fpeak no fllaradoxes: I have both reafon and authority good.and plaufible, I think, for. \V hat I fay; but to argue the cafe at large would ~e tedious. Of Trithemit# fomewhat more afterwards will be faid. But we mufl go far beyond that time. A thoufand years and above, before

crhe P w_ E F A Ce.
b~fort eir.herof them \Vas born, was the Bo QK Qp ENo Cfl well known in the world; and the~ alfo was Lingu~ .A'dami(upon which two moft of the Caba fiands) ~uchtalked of,as appe~n by G.reg.Niffen hi. 1earn.ed books ah s gainfl: Eunomius the Heretick~ To fpeak more particularly (becaufe fo much of it i.a this Relation' the BoOK 0~ ~No eH was written b~fore C'hrifi; ~nd it is thought by fome very learned (though denyed by others) that it is the vecy book-that S. Ju~e intended. A great fragment of it in Greek(it was writte-n inHebrew fidl:) is to be feen in Scaliger (that incomparable man, the wonder of his Age, if not rather of all Ages) hiJ learned Notes upon Eufebius. h was fa famous a book anciently that sven Heathens rook notice of it; and grounded upon it objections againfl: Chriflians. It.may appear by Origen againfl: Cel(us , book SP1.7S ndr11 J'Uuyi6)(,up.~yo~ (faith he) tY 111"'f'l' 1uv tM.>..v9hGJ)r ,.e}~ iv9e~-uovc in hi&
C'Yf'tA(Jy f.~t1d.tTH 1i0t~d'l-1ct'! d.9ea.v~7c.l~ ~A9ov7 tlf d.crrAy ) <i'lfa 1~, i, 1~ EvJx }l~)lpiL[.tP,1v?.Jv :1,7/Vct ouJI' tivTk' "'1vt'Ta.t a.1a.yvov~, (.vJ'i y v"'el,.ctf ht i v 1ttt(.l'.XJc.,\ntTlct~~ ~v ~d.vv fipt'Tt.t.l ti~ ~la. 1< ~1f't'y.Jif <4.1+'-~"c.1; E'vlliX,

~~s"'"" ButS. Jerome and S. .Auguflm fpeak of It more peremptorily as a fabulou-s

book and not ailowed by the Church. :How much of it. is extant hefides ' what 'we have in Scaliger, I know riot; nor what part it is fo ofren mentioned in this Relation. By what I have feen it doth" appear to me a very ftipedlitious foolifh, fabulous writing; o-r to conclude ll in oneword Cab:~liflicaJ a ' as the D'ivel might own very \Ve 1 ;an d in all probability was the author ,) ) fttch l of. As for that conceit: of the tongue *'hich \Vas fpoken by .Adam in Para.. dife, we have alrca~y faid that-it is no late 1n~entian; and I make no quefhon but it proceeded from the fame Author. Yea, chofe very Characters <:ammended unto Dr.Dee by hi~ Spirits for holy and myll:ical; and the original Characters (as I take it) of the holy tongue, they are no other ,for the rnofl par but fuch as were fee out and publifhed long agoe by one Thefeus .Anibroj&U out of Magical books,as himfelf profdfeth : yo.u fhall hav~ aview of them in fome of' the Table's at t/,e md of the Prefaa. Some letters are the fame, others have much refemblace in the fubfl:ance; and in tranfcribing it is likely they might fuffer fome alteration.But it may be too the Spirits did hOt irtttnd 'they fhould be taken for the fame, becaufe exploded by learned men, and therefore alte.red the forms and figures of m oft of them of purpofe that they mightfcem new, and cake the better. So' that in all'this the Divel is but fl:ill conflant unto himfelf,and this confrancy ft:ands him in good fread,to add the more weight and to gain credit to his _ImpoH:ure~. Not to be wondred therefore if the fame things be found elfewhere, where the D. hath an hand. With Cabaliflical writings we may joyn Cbymical, here alfo mentioned in many places. I have nothing to fay to Chymiflrie as it is meerly natural , and keeps it felf within the compafs offobriety. It may wel go for apart ofPhylick, for ought I know, though many great PhyGciarts, becaufe of the abule and danger of it, as I conceive, have done their befl (fdrmerl)' ) to cry it down~ I my [elf havefeen !harige things done by it: and it cannot be denyed.bmtthe wonders of God and Nature are as eminently vi fib le in the experiments of that Art as any other natural thing. Howe1Jer ,it u not improbable that divers (eo-etf of it came ta the k.nowledg of man by the {}{e1lelation of ~pirits. And the praCtice and profeffion df it' in mofl: (them efpecia1ly that profefs nothing el!e) is acco mpanied with fo much SuperA:ition and Impofl:ure, as it wotild make a fober man,that tendreth the prefervation ofhimfelfin his right wirs, to be afiaid.0f

7'he P 1\._E F A C E.
i~. Of the r;anfmutaiion of Metals,. what m01y be done by Art l will not: uke
upon me to dete~mine: I am apt enough to believe that tome . ftrange things (in that kind)may.be done,ifa ma.n will go to the cofi of it, and undergoe th.e trouble upon ~o much uncertainty of the event. But that which we call ordi. narily ,and m oft undedland by ic,The Phylofopbers Stone,is certainly a meer cheat, tbe firll author and inventor whereof \~ias no. other then the Divel. Ltgi etiam Spiritum fupernorum revelatione traditam antiiuitu.s a1 tern faciendi Auri,& me tttatt idem uju e"venijfe,&c. faith one (.Jo.Franc. Picus Mirandula) of the learned,ft Author that I ha Ye feen of that fubjett, in defence ofit,I meant. If he mean Supernos Spirit~s, fuch as appear in form of Angels of Lighc,fuch as ~eluded Dr. Du, and da1ly doth thoie that hunt after fl\.e.l,elatwns, and Prophectes, and unlawful Curiofities, I grant it. But that any good Angels did ever meddle in a praCtice commonly attended with fo much impoflure) impiety, coufenage as this commonly is, I fhall not eafily grant. Though I muH add, I make great difference (if we will fpeak properly} between Arts faciendi auri (a thing I do not deny to be feafible by natural.me.1ns)and that we call the Phylojophers Stone, as before already intimated. And for that objection of his, why evil Spirits fbould not be th~ Authors or revealers of it unto any (though other wile for fome .other reafons he thinks it probable) beqmie it is not likely that God would [uffe~ them to give fuch power unto men like thcm1el ves, whom only among men they favour and refpeCl:, that is, wick.ed ungodly men. Firft, I anfwer, That is a very weak objcCtion,fince we know by confhnt experience of prefent and future Ages, that they are not of the befl: of men commonly that are_ greateft and richefl:. But Secondly, There is no great caufe to fear the that any thing hitherto revealed (or hereafter to be revealed, I believe) of this fecret, fbould enable men {good or bad) to do much hurt in. the world. The rreatefl: hurt is to thcrnfelves who are deluded(yea,and beggerd many firfl: or lafl:) and to fome few not very wife whom they coufen as themfelves have been coufened. And for this that they can do no more, we are beholding not to the Divel \Vho certainly' 'vould not be vvanting to himfelf or to any opportunity to do mifchief by hirnfelf or his Agents, but to God vvho doth not give him the povver: So much to Mirandula, out of my refpect to his name, anil for the better fatisfacrion to the Reader. I ovve the fight and ufe of the book to my Learned friend Dr.Wi:ndett before mentioned-. I am much confirmed in that opinion (of the Divel being the Author) by vvhat I find of it in the book vvhich hath given me this occafion to fpeak of it. Were there nothing elfe but the grofs and impudent forgeries that have been ufed to commend it unto men, Come entituling the Invention to .A"dam hin1felf, others to Solomon,and the like; and the many books that have been counterfeited to the fame end;and again the mofi ridiculous and profane applying & expounding of Scriptures,a thing ufually done by mofl: that are abettors of it,thole rhings vverc: enough to make a man to abhor it. Sure enough it is,that not only Dr. Vee, but others alfo vvho had part of that precioM Po1Vder brought unto them by Spirits, and expeCted great matters of it, vvere all cheated and gull'd (and I believe it cofl: fome of them a good deal of money ; Prince rJ(o femberg paaicnlar1y) by thofe Spiritual Chymitl:s.. Let them confider e>f it that have been dealing in fi.Ich'things as they fhall fee caufe ..

So Hill we fee, that in all thefe thiflgs, as we faid before, the D~vel isnot be~ holding to others, ( as.mjghr be fufpected) bur others ha,.'e been bchold:ng to him: As for his Divinity, in highdl points, if he fpakc the truth> ic was for his own ends, as we faiJ before: He: can do it, who makes any. queilion.? In comro\'erted points> we may obferve) that he doth ferve the {cene and prefcnr occafion; and l make no qudton,but had Dr-. Vee gone to Conftantinople,and been entertained there with refp~ct, his Spirits there wou-ld ha\:c filewcq themfelvesas go~d Mahometans, as clfevvhcregood Roman Catholick.f, or Pr~teftanu. Vve have fomcwherc a very pretty Tale, (I would fay a curious Obfervat1on, if 1 thought it tru,e) c_?ncerni ngthe i1ature of the Serpent or Ad~~r, handfomly cxpreffed, how fhc: tra:neth her yong ones to fet Ehem our abroad mto the vvorld, that they m~y fh ift for themfel\'es. Twenty days, as I rcm~mber, arc fpent in that work: Now whether it be fo really, I cannot fay cert01inly, but I fufpeCt: it. It is not in Ariftotle, and I looked in Aldrovand111, and I could not finde it: But whether it be fo or no) let no body wonder; for this was the man er of Treaching formerly (and may be yet perchance in fome places) among Monk~ and Fryars in great requeft. T hey would make a lory of Man, or Bc:afts, as they rhoughtf1t thc:midvcs~ and tbeir Fancies beH: ferved; pretty and vvitty,. as n1uch as they could ; whether ir had any ground of rrmb, or no, no man required; The moralization was good. If the Oivel have done fo here, it was not through ignorance (for he is wo good a NaturaliH:; and I believe there is (omewh::n even in Naturt', though we know it not, why both in facred and prophane Htllory, SpiYitsa~d S~rpents a'r~fo oftc:njoyned). of which is true and real; buc.as harh been fatd, lt fcr\'ed h1s turn_, and that 1s enough. And although, having confidered it as an Objection, how the Divc:l co1neth to fpeak fo much truth) as will be found in this Book; no man, I think, will expect I fhould give an acc?unt of any faUe Doctrine or Divinity, that ir may coma ;n: Yet one pomt I thwk fit to rake notice of, and proteft againfi it; as _ fa1fr, erronious, and of dangerous confequence, and that is, where it is fa!d, Thttt a Htan (in (ome cafes) may kill another man (Prince or other) withc~et apparent caufe, or lawful Authority, and therefore punijhable by the Laws of Man; who nevcrthelefs, may expeEi a great reward at the hands of God for hh act: How rh is may agree with the Principles of New Lights-, and Anabaptifli cal Divinity, I know not-;. it is very contrary to the Principles of that Onho .. dox Divinity, lately profeffed and cfl:ablifhed by Law in England. I have novv {aid in this main Objection, (as I apprehended it) what I thir k was 1noll: proper and pertincnt,and I hope may fat~ffie. But I ha: e fomewhat dfe to fly~ wh ;ch in this caloof Div~lsandSpirit.r i11 gener~l, I think itYery confidcrable, and may fatisfie perchance, in Jome cafcs) where noth.ng clre. can. \tVe talk of Spir~ts, and read of Spirits often) but I think jt is ' ery little that we know (the befl ofus all) of them, of their nature or cifferchces: And how then can it be expeCted that we lhould refolve all doubts? And though I think it is not much that any tnan ever knew and rigndy apprehended) or can,. as he is a man , in this bufinefs; ycrmy opinion is, (though I know it is mut:h gainfaid and oppofcd) that ancient Tlatonick Phylofophers of the latrcr times, underflood much more then mofl Chriflians ; I do not write tbis, as though I thought, or would have any thought by others to be the worfc ChrHlians for being ignorant in thcfc things ; but rather-> in my opinion, any F man

CJ he Preface.
~he bcucr Ch~~fl:ian,by much) who do.ta not regard it or deGre it: For my part, although I t:ziu~ acktiowled~e rh at fo~e fcruples_ of my minde,di~ induce me to loc.k into many Book~, UlUJ~l_vvas f~us fied_, wh!ch otherwifc'J h1d never don~; yet~ profefs eo beJicve,that !t IS fo latle that can be know,Q by man in this fubject and fubje[t to fo much illuGon, as chat I th.nk n9 fiudy is more vain. : and foolilh; and that I would n.o~go. three fl.ep s out of my doors _ rrorc.then ( what I did to fatisfie my-minde in fo :ne matters .of Fai.rh, if any'f~cn fcru.plc di4 arife) to knovvasmuch as the profound ell Plaronick. or P!1ylofopher. yea, or Magician of themallevcrkncw. 'ce:rcain~y he is bm~weak Chri!lian, when fo many high My!l:ei:ies are pr~pofed unro:us in Chrifi by his .Gofpe), .an~ of fo much co11fequcnce, that cannot bellow _ is ritr~e better: They that have any h hopes, tbfough Faith in Chrifl:, and a.. godly ~ifc, tq be adrnit rcdgre day into the prefc:nceof God, and to fee face to face, asGodhath ptolnilcd ;, :wJlthey hazard fo g1orious a hope, by prymg through unfeafona~Ie,unprofitab!e curioGty, in~o the narurc.of thcf~ \alfJ~Spirirs, whichG. od1;~th fo~~i~d_en ~ _ ur beB caufe n doth concern Rel1gon m general, that wc , bd ie'~ Sprrzts; and when O_jc:Ctions ar~ made tbac caonor be anfw~red, ~any are fcandalized, and Arhcb ifis ready to rake the a:d v~ntagc ~fit; . I f~y, that it lhould be no .wonder ro any, fober and, rationaf, if we cannoc rdolvc: all doubts, fince it is fo litde that weknow, or canknow,. beyond the bare 07'' in this..marre_r: Mort. Chrifi:ians arc: bred in and to this opi~i on~ .that all Spirits, (fo co:ntLonly called) are either Angels of Hc:aven, or Divelsof_ Hell: . I knovv.co Scriprute for ir, or determina tion of any general CopnceJ, th~t 1-remem~.r, at this timc~tleaft, and (o long I do not thit:tk my felfboundagamft appare~t refon; For the conceit.IJfall evil Spirits or Divelsbeing in H,Y, I thin~{ learned Mr. Mea de hatb ta~n that t~ t11sIt in[pm~ of his WorAs, and fuffitiently canfuted it: The very wc:ud SpiritJ is a term of grca:r: Amb.tguhy; We .underfiand by it, cpmmonly, fubfranccs, t that arc altog~therimmaterw. Many o~i:he ancic:n. Fathers, it is well known~ did not allow of ~ny fuch at all, bd!dc:s God: But welhink rhar to have no vilible Body 7 and t~ be purely immaterial, is ~11 one: God know .ho.w many degrees thc:rc may be bc:twc:~n thefe> but 'VI(C cannot know it> neither dorh it coricern our falvationJ for which we have reafon to pr~if~ God: But if it w~re fo;, that all Spirits are either Divds or Angels, what lhall we: make of thefe that arc found in mines, of which Je_arn~d Ap,ricola ha.rh writren ; cf thofe that have. been time out of minde called x6(3a,?l.oJ, (fro~1 whence probably, as we have faid dfewhere; Gobelin in Englilh is derived) who.Jive in private Houfes, about old Walls, and H~tks ~of Wood, harmlefs otherwif~_, bu.t vtry thievHh, fo fr.equent and fo known 1n fame Countrcy s, that a man may as wcll.doub~ wheth~r there be .any Horfes in Jinglancl, becaufc '[here are 11one i~Jpme 'parts of the World ; not found in: all- America, I think, till fame were car~ied t'hither : Neith~r can I believe, that thofe Spirits that pleafe themfdves ~n nothing e_ qlit harmlefs pons and \VanronH l(c elfe, fuch as have lteen known j_.,.all Ages; fuch as did ufe to lhave the hairs of PliniiM Secundw his Servants in ~he Night, as himfdf rdcttes (a very creditable man, I am fur e) in his EpiA:les, a~d the like; thac fuch Spid ~s, I f01y:, have a_~y relatioH either to Heaven or to Hell: W-e: might infi(l: in more particulars, but we do not de: {Ire to dwell uponit at this time; ~nd there i-s yet fomewhat eife ro be fa id: And what

- - -wha~ lh;tve faid of !otnc Plarobicks, r did not iruend thcre_ y tO jufiific all b rheirabfurd or fupcdlitious Opinion.s in this Argument of Spirits: As. they have fearched farrher inw it then others (bef.ides damnable experience, having confounded Magick wtth .Phylofophy, yea almofi: wtned all . ~hylofophy into rvtagick) {o it was confcquent, they would fall into more 'Errors and Abfurdit~ es; yet withaJ, they have found fomcvvhat that doth better. agree .with 6aily ~xpericnc.e, then what is commonly known or bdievcd. Sinejim was a Btfhop, but as he cloth app~ar to us in his Writings> a better Plaron~ck th~n a Chrifl:ian: In aplac~ (in his Trc.arife.De iufomitiu) he !he"eth ho\" cv] Spir~rs coir:.e, ro inhabit men , and to poffetTe their Bra:n s: H s terms are very courfe, and apparantly ridiculous; but there may be fame rnnh in the Opinion: For if there were nqt a very near and intimate ccnjunEiion, it were to be wondered ,how tht: Dive! comes to ftnow the very thoughts of Witches and Magicians, Mu found by experience) averred by more then one: Andin.th~ 'Ve ry Boo4) if I be not miftak.!n, fomewhat may be obferved to that purpofo : It n po.ffible there may be more kindes of poJJeJfion then one, ani thttt fome nten, that never were {NJPeCiec{, have had a J}zrit (bejides the1r o'n?n) refident ;n thtm, all, or mo~f part of their lives. I .have done, with what I could think of, upon which obje~lion can be made: The next thing is ro make the way clearer to the Keader;by fo11~e confideration of the method of the Books, ~md explanation of fome ~crrl!s and phra. ks rh trc ufed, at which percl:ance fome may ftick at the firfi: : Art~e very beginning a man mdy be to feek, 1t the Title of ir, Liber ftxti myfleri'orli"!, &

The Preface.

fan&li p~rallelus, novalifque. xs83. bothas itr~1atestothatwhichfol1ows,and as it reHe[ts upon fomewhat before, by which it may be inferred rh at i:he book
begin~ hercabrupt1y andimpc:rfectly:

of chis I am now ready to give an account io the Reader, and it is very fit it thould be don~. Firil concerning T.itl~s, fuchas will be found h_ ~any more befid~ tni~~ ere the whole book) or rdation beit1g fubdivided intJ many parrs; in gcneral I fly, th1r according to the: Dctl:ors genius (we ha, e fa d before- hewas veryCa baliflical, that is) full of wbimlies and crotchets) undet' the n~tion of Myfleries, 2 thmgthat fome very able,- othervvife, h;tye been fubjett ' unro) and the hi~h opinion he had of thefc actions an.d apparitions; th~y ar.:; tnoH:.ly very concealed, and ( w fpeak the.truth) phantafhck, which muH: make th~m the Obfcurer: I could give rhe ReaJer a view of them all hc:re puc rogerher, but it would be {uperfluous: .There be {orne fourreen or fifteen OiviGo11s in all now remaining, and fo ma~1y Tides: There is a Table at the beginning, that dorh refer ro the beginning of every divilion, where rhe Title alfo will be found: But at the ~nd of the viii. DiviGon, I finde rhde 'rords, SequitHr liber 24. qui hac die e'iam inceptm eft, al!l"eridie: horam circit~r tertiam, per ipfum La'Vanael: .But I fin de nothing following, (but fome vacant !bec~s, tiU We come tQ [he ix. D.ivilion, Myfterzonmi pragenfium, &c. And the lafl: Divifim h-ath r ondy fome Fables, and before them, fame five or fix pages of unknown myfl:ical vvords, ..;hich ~'!lfe know nor wh~t to make of; but of that more afterwards: Tb~ main buGnefs to be refolv~d here (a~ hake it) is what it is -rhatwe have, and whac we have not, fo far as can be gathered by what rc:maineth ; we.fhaU fee what we can fay to it. In they ear of the Lord, Onc:tho1,1fand five hilndred

'1 he Preface.
hundred eighty four, September the third, (being a Monday) Dr. De~ fidl:_ap. pcarc4 (being prcfented by A'onprable perions, and C'}pectcd) before-the Em.. peror Kodolpb~ A_mong -other things he tbcn told him, That for theft two years and a half Gods holy_ Angels had ufedto inform him: Our Book~ 'or firft Action here, begi_nt1crh 28 May 1 58 3. According to this rec~oni ng, 'it muft
be, th:at above a year and .three: Mo'ncths before, began the firfi Apparirion: The account \hen of fifteen Moneths from the 6rfi Apparition, we wam: How much (in bulk) t-hat mig~t come to, I cannot tell'; Beirher.will I warrant all perfect from thi~r 2.8 of May, r~8 ~ to the fourth of .April I4J87. though for themott part the coherence: is r1ght enough to that time: But from ~hc:nce to the twentieth of March, 1 6o7. is a !afi chafma or.hiatw, of nolefs then twenty years; How this harh happened, I cannot tell certainly; what I gutfs..) is this, fome years after Dr. Dees death ( ) Sir Kobert Cotton bought his library (what then rc=rr1ained of ir) with his Mll.,_f!,ical Table, (of which aft_er wards) :and the Original Manufcript, written \'Qith his own hand, ~hereof this is Copy: The Book had bc:en buried in the Eanh~ how long, -years or moneths, I know 110t;. bu~ fo long, ~hough it was car~fully kept fince, yet it retained fo mu~h of the Earth, that _H began_ to-moulder. and peri(h fome years ago, wh~ch when Sir ThomM C. (before: mentionc;d) obferved, he was at the charges to have it vvrinen our, before 'it !hotildbc: too late: Now full fifty years) or not many wanting, being paffed ~nee this Original came to Sir R.obtrt, it is very bkely, that had any more in all that time beet1 heard of, Sir Rohert, or Sir ThomM, h:s Son and Heir, would have heard of it, and got it as foon as any bodyelfc: And becaufc: no a: ore bath been heard of all this while, ic is more rh en probable that no more is extant, not ia England,_ .nor I

think .any where clfe: Happily the refl: might perifh, fome parr, (if not~tll) even whilefi rhe DoCtor lived; and we &all findc in this Relation, 1bat " r,ood part of hu holy Boo~J' 'a' ere burn~d, but ( whic' il more ftrange) a greAt part of them, by the help ~f Spir.its, rtcorvered and reflored: OE it may be_, that fince his death, the refi (che place: where they lay being utJknovwn) might rot in the earth! n:ovv if, as probably no more be extant_, .we may account this that we have here, in that refpect pc:rf~Ct~ bc:caufe here is all that c;m be had. But if any, (as it is the nature: of many, if not moft:) rather to deGre that which- cannot be had, then to content themfclvrs w:th ;that which m_y) lhall a much lament the J~fs of the rcft, and be lefs plcafc:d with this, becaufe fo HlUch (though indeed we know not certainly wbc:t}lennuch or little) j~ wanting; _I woJJld deGrc them ro conGdcr_with themfdvesJ in cafe there had been tY'ficC or thrice_ much more as aH thi~ comes too_:, what fhot;Jld have been as done with it? For my put) for fo much as is here fer out (all we had) I thought it would do beil, though rome"bat long, yet as a thing very e4'traorJinary, and of great co:nfequence to many good purpofes ~nd ufcs; I lhoughr, I fay, it would do bdl to have it all Printed; _Yet we had (omcq>llGderati-on abot1t it, ~nd it may be: fome others wo~ld have thought that lef5 n1ight have ferycd the rurn: But I hope more will be of my minde) and thc:rc be but few actio~s but aff'ord fotnewhat that is c:xtraordinaryjand for forr.e refpea or other obfcrv~ble ~nd ufefol-; HowfoevcrJ I am confident~ if all had 'been extant, (fuppo'!ing that the rdl: would have: made much more) that no-ne or


few vould have thought fit JO hav~ l-rintcd all; and if it had once come ro .a contraction or abridgement; it.may be much le(s then this mufr have fer\'ed; It is ftee foraU men to t.bink: as they pleaf~; . for tny part all things ,con fidered, lfindc no great want of. the rd\; -al'td if I wc:rc put to it, I cannqc tdl whether I can fay, th~t I witn mor~ were: extant: yet it gives me great content, (and I hope there is no Blafphei11Y ~r SuperH~tion in ir_, if I adfcribe it to provtdencc) that afret thatlong intermrffion, or hiat1U, we have yer th.c: l~fl AClions of all, w~c;:reby it rnight appear, afier many goodly he~s and prorr1 -fo iles, rpuch hope and expectation ; (o many Prayers_,. lo ~nany Tbaflk givings and Humiliations, what the end is of dealing with Di\'ds, and ufiflg means that arc not htwful, 'to compafs ambidous .unwarrantable deGres. Be fides, be it more or kfs that is wanting, yet I aril ~onfidcnt w~ have the chiefcll parrs h~te prcfervc.~; as parc:cularly) :an.exatl: account of h1s addrdfes and dealings with the Emperor, and other great men and Prin~es, in the vii. and fomc following Div:{ions; and that fad H.ory of tpeir .prQmifM~ Copulation, under t~e pcrfwafton of obcd:ence '<l God~ very particularly .rdat~d in the twelfth Divilion ; .w here~n ~s the cunning and malice of evIl Spirits, to lead away from God:, when they mo.fi pretend to God and godlinefs; fo the danger of affeCted Gngu larity and eminency, (chc fir.fi: .ground ~fall this mifcbicf) of Spiritua] pride and felf-conceir, is eminently tee out to every mans obfervation~ ihat is not alrc;ady far engaged (as in thefc tilnes too to many) in fuch P.rincipJes. . . . But yet ncver~hdds I muff acknowledge, that herc is one part of the .fiory c wanting, which I believe by moft will be much defired : Forwhcreas at the very beginning, mention is made of a Stone, and that Stone not ondy rh ere mentioned, bar afcerwards in every aCtion :dmofi; and apparition, througbout the whole Book to the yety end, fiill occu~ring and commerror~ted as a pr~n cipal thing; _what it was, and now he ca.me by. it, yc:a and w~a~ bc:came of. ic, would be ~own, if by ~ny means it m ~ght. : . All that weare able to fay o it, is th!s, It wtn aftone in which, and out of which, by perfonJthat wtre quali_ Jied for it~ and admitted to the fig_ht of it; "11 Shapes. and f'_igures mentumet/in eve!'y Action were fetn, and vozces heard: The form of 1t was ~ound, as appcar~t'1 by fomc courfe reprelencat:ons of it in the Margins; as pa?;. -3 95 3 99. b. 413 b. and it reems ro have be~ of a pl'etty bignds = It feems :t wa.s mofi Jike . unto Cry;'t al, a" it is called fomctimes, .aspag. bo.J,fpeClo Chtyft4Uo, and p2ge 177. b. nihil vifibile apparuit. ~nCbryftaOtJSacrato," prteter ipf~ cryftalli ~fihi li formam. .t . very body knoVs by common e~"per; cnce;. that {moo~h things. a:te fictdl: for reprdemar~ons) as Glalfcs , and the like ; . but.ordinarily {ucb things onely are reprdentcd, as fland oppofite1 and are vifible in their fubfiance. But it -M a fecret of Magiclt (which happily may be grou~dcd, in part at leaft, up1n fome n4t_ural reafozz, not ~own unto m) to eprefint.ObjeCis ( ext~r'nally not 'Vir jib/e) in fm_ooththings :. And Koger Bacon(al~a~ Bacun) in a Mlnufcriptinfcribcd, De di&l~& [4,Clisfolforum.MathematicorH111'& Dmonum,cotnmunicatcd unto me by my Learned and mucbd1:eetncdFriend. Dr. Windett} Profelfor of ; PhyGck .jt'J London. h~th an Obfervatip~ to rhac purpofe, in thefc Words, Hih Mathemati~is in maliti4Jua tomple.-14 41ppa~ent Dt:tmoile.r ftncibilitHr infor~ but mana a/ijs formis tz~izrii.r1 & ditUilt & fatiHnt mu/ta ei'.rmir~#bi/iafetunaHIII & G 'JHOd

quod Deus permittit. Aliquando apparent imaginarie ut in ung ~~~ pueri cvirginis carminati'; & in pelcvibus & enfib;u, & in JPathula arietis fecundum, modum eormn cQnfecratu, & in cdteru rebus politii : & Dcemones oftmdunt eh_ omnia qu petunt, fecundum quoclDetu permittit. Vnde pueri fie infpicientes respoli ttn tz~ident imagir1arie resfurtive acceptas & ad quem locum deport at Junt, & qu~ per{once a[portavenmt ; & fie de alih,multis,dcemones apparcntes. omnia h.;ec iUi-3 pejus oftndunt. Jo~ch. Camerarius ([hat worthy man before fpokcn. of) in his Ptoem_ium to Plutarch, De Oraeuli-5, &c.- ha rh a firange Story upon th~ credit of a fr1end of his, whom he much rcfpectc;d (as himfelf profdlerh) for his Piety and -Wi{dom .. A Gentleman of Norimberg had 2 Cryftal (how he came by it- is there ro be read) which had this venue: Si q~ta d~ re certior fieri cve-llet:l &c. if he defired to know any rhing p.aft or future. that concerned hitr, yea) or any other (in n1ofr things) let a you11g _Boy (Caflum, oae that was nor yet of Age, &c,) look into ir, he .!hould 6rft fee a man in ir, .fo and lo apparcllcd, and afterwards what he defircd: No other but a Boy, fo qualified) could fee any thh1g in it. J:his Cryll:al becan1e very famous in thofe parts; yc:a {ome learned men came to it tobefatisfiedin doubtful points, ~ndbad rheirqlleflionsrcfolved: .Yetat lafr, (as welL it ctdf:rvcd) it was broken .in pieces by Camerariu.r his Friend. Many(uch fior;es are,to befoundofMagical Stonesapd_ Cryfbls: And though Fernelius} De abditisrerum caufu; and after bim_(as I retrember}one, in worth and efl:cem of all men, root inferiorto F ernelius, Dr. Harvey, la rely dcccafed, turns the rel~tion of a ilrange fro ne brought too ne of.tbe late Kings of France, into an Al,legory, or Phyfical explication of the power and proprieties of the Elem~nl'of Fire.; yet I am not fatisfied, but th:aNhe relation rmght be lirerally true: For fa it is, (as I remember here alfo, for I have none of tbofe Books by me at this time) related by Thuanus 1 :and' fo by fome others~ very learned, underflood. Now for rhe manc:r how he came by ir, the particulars of the fl:ory caQnot be had by this here prefe.rved,. but ondy this in general, That it 'Yas brought u~to him by fom~, whom he tbougbt to be At~gels: So we finde him telling the Emperor, That the Angels of God bad br~ught.to him,a Ston-e of tha~ cvalne, that no earthly Kingdom is of that w~rthinefi, as to be compared to the vertue or dignity thereof. Page 272., i1~his conference with Dr. Curts, appointed by the E1nperor to rre~~ wich him; and alfo let him fee the flone brought me by Angelica! Miniflery : Ahd we findo this. Note recorded) [Prague,. Tuefday 25 Septemhris, I went to Dinner Jo the Spanitb A. mbaifad or, and carried with me the Stone brought me by an Angel, and the fourth Boo~, : wherein tbe maner of the hringing of it iJ'expreffed.] And for the ufe of the Stone, befides what h1th been faid~ tnis is obfervable: Some Spirits bdng in fight of E. K. out of the Stone, Dr. Dee would h2ve the Stone brought forth, hut E. K. faid, He had Tilther fee th~m thus~ out of the Stone ; to which 'the Doctor repli~s, That in the Stone they had warrant that no wic~d Spirits jbould e~ter ; but without the Stone illuders might deal with the!fl) uulefl God pretz~ented it, &c. From which pa!fagc alfo we may learn, 2sfrom divers other~ in rhc Book that although the ftonc (as we [aid bcfor~) was the placc1 in whichJ and out of which, ordinarily, mofi Apparitions were framed) yet it was not fo always: For we: ihall mc:cr Wi[h

. tl

,v~tb di\'ers ch ings in that kinde that were fcen and heard) withoJ t any reference to the Stone: From the fame place alfo we Inay learn, that the. faid Stone was the flJTi e he alfo called che Shew-jfone ;. as i11 many places befides. .HoWe\ler_, it is ccn ain enough that he llJ.d more Stones t~en- oneJ wh:ch he accounted facrcd; obfcrve Principal Stone,and this other Stone; &ftrfl SanClifi"ed Stone, ufu~ al Sbew-Jl:one, and Holy-.flone, m be thought oppcfed and d1 ay ffc:renr; b~1 t I u ndcrlland ir. otherwifc: This is the account we can give of this. principal Holy-SN~ne. And ro 1l.1pply the defect of the 1 nancr how it wfs brought ro him ) the Reader, .if be pleafe, may fiude fome farisfaction~ if he read the m41ier howit w ..u ta~n away, and reftored, very particularly .fet down, as before ( u p on :tnorht;:- occaGon) was obferved. _ Bciides this Sione or Stones ; there are div~rs other facrcd things mentioned, th':n belonged eo th;s pcrfonated San<.'luary, b~tt nothing more frcq ~H:ntJy mentioned then Cllrtains i a Curtain or Vail, as it is fom~times called . A ~nan would think at firit, perchance) that ic was fon~ ewhar outward, but it will be fouad othervvife; it ~as feen in the Stone, and appeared of different.forrrs and coloms, as rhey that read will quickly finde. Ne:-: r ~nto thefc the Holy Table is chiefly confider~bJe> ordering of it is referred to Dr. Dee, which he durll: not t~J(c 1 1pon himfc:IC until he had w_ arr.tnt from his Spiritual Teach~rs: This Table, which may well be,called Ma~ gic:.ll, is preferved and to be (een in Sir Thomas Cottons Libr~ry (from whence we had the rdl) .-and by his leave is here reprefentcd in a brafs Cut ; tnen tion is made of it, as I t~ke it, .where Dr. Pee proploferh to h1 Teachers, Wh~thcr s the Table (for the middle crof.r of uniting the 4 principal parts) he made perfect or no: Yon may fec !I)orc of it, it is a)[o called League Table, T able ofCoventmt, mcuf a f a?deris in Com"t places: The Pede ftal of it is mentioned" in two or three p)accs, and in-::!eed a \cry curious Frame belonging utuo it, yet to be fec:n in th~: faid L :brary. Bllt I know not what to make of that) neither Nalu: nor the T4hle appeareth; a~1d the round Table or Globe appeared not. I bclievo it 1 ufl: be n 1 undcrit~od of foinewhat lJ1at had appeared, before ia the fione. The Reader that wil.l be fo cmious, by careful rcad.ing may foon finde it our; I was not willing to beilow too tn uch rime upon it. But here remaineth a main bliGnefs, whereof we are to give an account to the Reader~ Tbcre were !Dany T ables or Schemes at the c:nd of rhc Book, coctaining Letters, a:b. c. &c. difpofed into linlc fquarcs; wirh an Infcription over each Table in that unknown ChauCter (before fpoke.n of) exprdfc:d in ufual Letters how l[ tbould be read. T here is on~ for a specimen here at rhe end of the Preface; the reft were omitted, becaufe it w~s judged t~edlefs, except it w~rc:: to increafe the price of the l)rinted book. For firH, Dr. Dee h it~l fdt hougb he rook a gr,c;lt deal of pains ro. onder!land the Myrtc:ry of r them, and had great hopes given. hirn fron1 time to tirn c to reap the bc:nefir ( hin1fclf complaii1S of it in m ore then one place) of his toilfome. work ~nd long patierKe, yet it n~ver came to any thing: and if he m ade nothing of then1 (eo benefi t himfelf thereby} what hopes had we? BeGd.es, we may judge of zhefc Tables, 2nd ~11 this my!lc'ry of. Letters, by what we havc f~en in others of the fame kin de. J ohamze.r Trithtmius w~s a man that wag fu ppofcd by m oft to have dealt vvith Spirits a.Jong. time~ and to,hav~ been in.fii:ucfed by. hc:In in t


fomc of rhofe fecrcrs that he pretends unro by hts Books. I know {am~ have thought him innocent, or Olt.lca(l, have attempted eo ju \Ufie him: Some aff~ct [u(.:'h things to lhew rhc:r wir, and thmk rhc:y fhall be rhougbc much wifer then other men) if they conuadicl .received Opin.ons, though the~r vanity and firong conceit of-their own p1rts, be their chief, if not oncly ground. Learned and.Judtci_ous Ma\l.~r Voffius, harh tbewed himfc:lf very willing ro think the belt of b1m and hts Books; yer he g : v~s ir over at la1:, and rather concludes on the contrary. Thc:y that dar::: d~.fend Apol loniw, the grcatcft ~ph older of l:thnicifm that ever was, and by n1oH H~a thcos accounred either a God) or a Magician, need not flick ar any rhing in this kindt!: Buday he was, what any man will have of him, (Frithemim we fpcakof, h:s Polygraphy, he fee out in his 1ife c!me, dedicated to rhe then t .mpcror: He tells tht: World of the grrateit wonders to be done by ir, that ~:vc:r were heard of: All vVifdom and Arts, all Languages, .tloc1uence, and wh4t 11or, included in it. But I never heard of any man that coulcl make any thing of it, or reaped any benefit in any ktude; vvh;ch I think is the reafon ti13t his Steganograpby. mem~oned and promJedin rhis fidl: work was fo Iong after hi5 death betore ir was Printed: It wa.s expeCted t would have given fon:c. i light eo the firfi; but nc~ther of that) nor of this latter, could e\cr any thing, that ever I could hear, be made by any man. I have good ground for what I fay : For befides what others have acknow]edged, I finde learned Viginair~1 (who in his old age was grown him[elf very CabalillicaJ, or ic may be had fomc difpoGrion that way, rhough very learn~d oth~rwife, from his natural temper) as much grQundc:d ~n that book, as any man before him: He .doth plainly profe[s he could make nQthing of it: And truly if he could not, that had be.-. fl:owcd fo mJch r ~ me and pain.:a in thofe unprofitable flu dies, I fee little hopes that a::y man elfe iliould. It would make a man almofl: hate Learning, to fe. e what dotage, even the moft learned, arc fubject unto: I. could blds them that know but hrde, fo rhcmfehes knew it is but lmle that they know, and t'\'~rc hmTble: But it commonly falls out mh~rwife, that they that know but linlc, think thatli~t~e to be m~_: eh, and are very proud of it; V\'hereas rriuch knowledge (or to fpeak propt'rly, more knowledge) ~f well ufed; bath rh is ad\amage ) rh at it makes men moll fen!ible of rh,eir ignorance~ The read of Vigenaires ng book of Cyphers (which I once thought a rare piece: rs many other thinbs of the fame Author, which I had read) hath expreLfed thefe words from me in this place ; and becaufe it hath fo much affinity with our prc{ent Theme, i was the bolder; But to return. Upon th:sconGderation, tbe Reader I hope, vvill nq.t be forry the rcfl: of the Tables (being many in number) w~re omirted. Though I muA: adde withal, had I known or thought any ufc could be made of the1n, having no better opinion of the A\.trhor (him or them) I mean, from wh9m Dr. Dee had them) I fhould not hive been \cry forward c0 have had a hand in their ~::omingabroad. I fbould have told the Reader before but it may dowel] enough here, that bcfidca tht particulars before fpecified; there were other th!ngs that b~longed to this holy Furniture (as Dr. Dee fomewhere doth fpeak) whereof mention is made in tome places: . as Carpet, Can~leftic/t, Taper, Table-Clotb, Cujbio11, and fomc or hers perchance. But I know nothing needs be obferved upon any

? he Preface. ------------------------

to the Ceremon!al La.w efpccially ; as alfo m rhofe word~, Motz~e not, for the place i1 holy, o~en rep~ared, which are al~o dfew here expounded: The Intcr1ocucprs1nall rhts relation, are, A. (rhac 1s, Dr. Dce) andE. K. that i~ Edw. KeY'ej ; and the Spirits, to the number farr:e twenty, or .thcrrabours, fo many n:~med: (Maditzi, Efemel!, Merifri,.Ath, Galuah, 11, Jubenladece., Gabriel, Jam, Moreorgran, Aph, Lasf;en, V~ia, Naluage, Mapfama, Aue, llemeft, G11 -x.a, Vaa., Leveanael, Ben,) at lcail:, but whether all lfllcrlocutor~ , I know not , bec'aufc I do AOt n~member, neither qoth it much concern. There be di~crs marginal N:otes and Obfervations) whi.ch bciRg of Dr.I)ee h:s own, arc for the mofi p:.trt not inconGderablr, and fome very t:cmar kable, all thercfor~ h~reexhibited; 'b whereas in foine places h~ had artempted to Jt reprefent the apparition, orfom.e part of. it > in f jgurcs alfo ; this being'donehut fomctimes, and in cafe it had been done oftner (except it were to.fatisfic: rhe childith humor of many Buyers of Books iu this Age, wQeA becauf-c they b'uy not eo read, mufl: havs fom.evvhat to look upon ; whence i.r co_ es to paf, m thacmuch trafh doth pafs for good ware) for the rrim1ning fak~, and oa the: conrr:uy) of little ufc, no notice is taken of it; except fome Figure be ia the Text i~ ldf; and of fomc confequcnce; for the b~ttcr unckrflandi.t:Jg of the rdl. The Gree/t, p. 25 .b. is exaCl:ly fee our, ~s it was found_, and yet to be:. fecn in the originat written by Dr. Dce himfelf: B ,J t little or nothing can be made of' it; as it is written; and it is :z fign that Dr. Dee who writ ir, as Edw. Kelley reponed it \Into him, a1~d afterwards plodded upon it (as doth appear by iome Coujc:Ct:ures and Interpretations found) n the original_, and here ~lfo exhibited) as well as he could. was no very .perfect Greci'an; much lefs Edw.. Kelley, who could not fo niuch as read it, which made Dr. Dee.to write fome th ings that he would not have Kelley to read, in Greek CharaCl:ers, tAough the word s were Fn~li!h : I would nor alter any thing that was in the Original: B'.lt the word s, ~I bel:eve fpoken by the Spirit, (and fo the Greek is warrantable enough) were th(fe, 0~1o~o i1a.te_gc; 7'~1o (p)'ov dva.~~ct~ : K6ct,uoc; )'ctp-tr.ejlu,uoc; '1'U)t,;tdv'f

any. of the[c.. I .m2kc noqud~ion but the D~'fc:l in all thcfe things had a,rcfpctl:


Toctou1ov ?r~,eg!.(~1a.s: <1 flg-e wJ{v~c; ri~~/\."v'((a.c; ~,/\.{a.c; : E'CT6eg. ,un 1svd a." v1ri> er rpop,unv ?rctp~~ ~c; : Ta.\' 'iS i?rdla.c; " o,u,'ti ?ra.est-CTx~ud~~1a.s: r'va. O'e 8-,d ?ra,v1cc; a.'?ro'A.d?r~' :

~v: K} ciu13 ~

This I 1hink was int~nded of Edw. Kelley, who was ever and anon u~on pro1efrs w break with Dr. Dee, and to be gone;) as here prefcntly after, and in d.i~crs other places of this relation 3 nay, did really for fake hi~ fo metimcs for fome ri1 e: The fence 'Verbatim is rh is : (his fellow (~r Friend) will overthrow r this worlt(of Apparit~ons you rriuft underfrand, to which he was requiGte, becaufe rhc Uivdhadnot thatpo~er over Dr. Dees Body, ro fit it, though h~ did proinifc it bimj for fuch Gghrs.) His bagf!.age (or furnit1tre) iJ in a readinefl. Ant{ he doth very much endeavor : To withdraw himfolf from this common friendjhip. Ta~ heed, that yo1e give him no occafion: For he doth mightily plot by art and curzni1zg : How be may leave you for evet. f1ej7u,uoc;) in . rhc firft lin e; m~y [cem un ufual, for l''T' o1p. o~, or ?re}7uegc; ; but it is an elegmt Mc:taphore. n~:,ei~e1a. fo;: 7rE'~~G-t, is not ufual; and h1ppily it thould ha.vc been ?r(rlej.7a.<; , and fo urrercd; bttt thac is nothing. Certainly hethatco~1d fpeak.fomuch Greek_, (~alled here Syriitn , to jeer Eel. Kelley) could not. want L1tine ac any rii1 ~o exprcfs 1e H himfdf 1

himfdf; which neverthelcfs, might be thought, where we 'finde him (peaking EuglJh, ro ibcm that under-Hood it not; f~ that Dr:Deewas fain romterpret it"": But we cannot give an ac,ount of all his f~tchts and projeCts::!le ha_d.a.confidcration, i make no qudl:ion. I cannot think of any thing elfe that the Reader need to be told, that is of thie nature, and it may be fomcwhat might have been fpared: However the Reader will confider, that as in.all Books, {o in th..is: 1-t is: one thing ~o read from the bcgiuning, and fo to g.o on with heed and obfcrva,tion, wirhout ikipping; and another lhing to read here and there, which wou]d require: a perpetual Commel'!t, which is the wretchednefs of mofi: Readers, .in tllcie qediCJing days of Learning; and therefore they have Commenu {or.E.hapfodits rather) accordingly; jimiles babent labralactufoJ', never ~ore true of at1y th.ng i It may be.fome wtH wonder what wade the Spirita lo fall upon Englifh Ge nealogies and Storic:s; it is ~t v,try beginning, thertfore I take.not;cc ot it for the-Readersfake, Lhat is yet (and cannot ot:hcrwife) _ f\rangcr to the Book; a The buGHts ts, Or. Dee was lardy grown ir. to great. league and eonfedera'y with Albert La1ky, (or al~tfco rather) a great inan of J>qJonia . You had before what Cambden laah of hi.n of his co:11iog to England, at thts very time~ and hii going away, which d~rh very well agrcc:w:,b our dares h~e. It ie~ms, though nobly born, and to great dignity, yet his thoughts did ~rpirc much higher ; and thou- h no rich man, for ,a man of his rank and quality. yet e~ped:ingfuch g matters from Qr. Dte and bn Spirits as he did, he could fin de money enough to fupply their wa.nrs upon occafion. The Spirits. wuevery glad ot che occa.. flon, and did what they .could to ch_rifh him according to his humor : Being e then at that very rime upon deliberations , that much depended of A.lb. La.r~J and his good opinion; among oth'!r thL1gs, his Pc:dcgrcc:, which rr.uft nc.cds plea(e a vain m1n vr:ry well, was taken, inta conlideration: That every thing there fa;d, dorh exaCtly agree to the truth) as I do not warrant it . fo neither am I at ldfurcat this time ro rake the pains to examine. We muft never look further in thofe thit7 chat arc ddiv~red . by li1chJ then if it were~ or be pertigs nent (true: or fallc) ro their end and prefent occafion. Befid~s, it is very poffible, (which I ddire the Reader to take good notice of) that borh here and dfc:wherethe Tranfcribers, as they could not read fomc=times, and. were forc. d c to leave fome blaucks ( tboagb feldomc: to any conliderablc prejudice of the fence) fo they mighrmiil:ake al(o, having. to do with an Original that was (a.qd is yet to be feen) fo defaced and worm-. eaten as th:s is, written (as we have faid) by Dr~ Dee himfclf. Befides the authent;ckncfs of the Original Copy, written by.Dr. Dee himfelf; the Reader may know, that the Original.; of the Letters rh at are here c:x:-hibited,arcali,ormoll of them yet preferved, and robe feenin Sir Tho. Cotton.t Library. IV. I am now come ro the Iafl: of the fourthi11gs that I proinifed,to (hew the fevcralgood uftJth~t may bemadc:of this Book, and which were princjp2lly looked upoo in the publithing of it. This order indeed I propofed to rr:y fdf, but great part of this occafion offering it felf upon other ~atter, is already performed in the former Difcourfe, fo chat but little is now left to be done However I will fum ehcm up-, and rcpr~fent them together, that evert Reader may

'1 he Preface. -----------------------


'The Preface.
have! them in readincfs and in view for his ure che ~trer. Thcfirfl:is.againfl Atheffis, an~ fuch as do.not beLc:v that t~erc &can1 Dive!sor Spines: We have argued tt, Iconfefs_, prtttylargdy,atthebcg!n~iJl.g of rh is Di(courfe or Preface, and .I hope fome may recc:!ve co~petent tatrsfaction by what we havda!d: But 1f no.Argurheruhad been ufcd, (fctting afidc ~cr~pturc: Authority) which would be 1mp~rinent againft Athe:ih) do not l know. what can be more convinc~ng then ch1s fad Story,- fo exactly lo parrict~~ larly, fo faithfully delivered. Truly) they muflfGe fun het rhen 1 do, rhat can finde whar to anfwer (radonai1y)-and .to opp<:>fe: This is a great poinr,- and a gteat ground of Retg:on; but rhis u not ~Il: For if there be Spirirs indeed~ fo W :eked and GJaliciouS~ fo fiudious and fo indutlriOUs, tO delude-mc:n, and to do rnifchic( which [s rhe;r ~nd, alJ which is Io fulfy reprdentcd in this Relation; then certainly rnu 1l it folio~, 1hat rhere is a great over-ruLng Power~ rhat takes care of the FahhJ and of ~he ~n~abiraJilts of it; of th~m efped~lly that adore that Power., and worthip 1t w:d1 true affeCtion and finceriry: ~For wichout this over ruLng Power, what a mift..rable World fl)ould we have .~ \tVhat man fofobet or innocent, that could enjoy himfelf at any time~ithany comforcor~cur.ity? Bur:~gain, what man can read this fad fiory~ and can be fo per( waded of his own Wifdom or inn?ccncy,. buc will in fome degree refleCt upon h'irnldf, and will be moved to pra.lfe God- that hotw~thfianding many , provocations in fev~ral k ;I'Jdes (as datnnab1e curioGry, open prophanen~fs, frequent Oathes, Curf~s } Perjuries, fcandal()u& ~ife, and the like) God hath been pleafed to proteCt and preferve him from the force and violence of fuch
enemies of mankinde? I fa id before, from IcC begi rin;ogs greardl: confulions had enfued, which is very true as h1 the cafe ofB~cc~ particularly mtny A~?;es before; and in the cafe: of Mahomct afterward~. (two notable lewd EuthujitJjls, by whom as ln[lruments, evil Spirits, by GJds pcrmifiion, brought grcatalreration8 in Governments, and wroughtinuch mifthief arid villany among Men and\Vomcn) we tba!lelfewhcre lhew more at large. By due conGderation of all Circumfiances, as chi:By thc:ir confident and rc:iterared Addrc:i'fcs umo, and _ AHcrnpuupon fo n1any great men in Power and Authority, and the bkc:; I am m~1ch ofopinion that thefe Spirits had as great hopes_ Dr. Dee, as ever rhey hadof Bi!cchM or of Mahomet_. Btit God was not ple.Jc:d at rhar t.in c: to p(:rmit that their malice: and fubti!ty ihould prevail. And I thirk, if wc: _onfidc:r it well, we hav~rc:aron to c pra ~e God f~r it. EngltJnd might ~avc: been over-run_ wir~ Anabaptif r: (':'hen

I fay Anabtltpufm, I 1T1can Anabapnfm confirmed and m fuil power, not as 1t ap:p~ars.in its firfi pretentions) long before t~is : . God 'be tbank~d that it was nor then ) and God keep it from it ftilJ, I ho-pe: is the Prayer of all auly fob er and Religious. And in very deed I know no rc:afon~ , ut th~ W~fdom and prudence b of ther'M:tjell:cs Councel that then w.~rc, inoppofing Dr. Dees frequent ad~ drdfes and Soliicirations, may(underGod) chailengeanddefer.e fomcpan of
O'JrThanks and Ac.know1edgement. Ag~in, The Dhel rwe fee can Pray and ~reacn, (as to, ~utward appearance

we mean; fo~ truly band rea1Jy, God forb1d that any rhtng facred and hofy fhouldhe tholJghr roproceed frorr. Divd~) talk of San Cl: icy aqd Mortificatiand on, as well as 'thebdt And what hef;~n-in.hii own perfon,-or by h ;mfdfjmmcdiarely;

c:liately; there is no queftio~, b?t h~ cloth by his Miniflers and Infi:ruments much more, more ordtnanly and frequently I mean : .Let any man judge'then, whether it be the part of a fober wife man, not onely to hear e fuch m_n a~ can give no account of their calling, but alfo to follow them, to embrace their DoCl:rine, to be of the~t number or Congregation; and all this, 1:1pon this account, becaufe they can pray and pr. ach very welJ, e (as they think and judge at leafl:) apd talk very godlily a~cl zealoufiy? How much more inexcufable they-that will clea, c: unto fuch, though they fee a~d know tl1em fcandalou~ in their Lives, ,Proud, lnfol~nt, Ignorant, Seditious, Jntalerable, becaufe they can pray, and preach,. and talk, as beft agreeth :with their own humor, and gives them befi ~on.tent? .Can any man think they follow God in this, who would have all' things done in order, and is not a God ofConfufion, (1 Cor. 4- 3 3, 4o.) when all they do, tends to not~ing elfe bur diforder and.confufion ? I confefs it is poffi b!e, that men lawfully called may prove bad enough, we have d~vcrs examplesin the Scripture. Bu' if a man, fimply and ignorandy be mif-I~d by fuch, certainly hi~ jucJgen1ent will be much lighter then they can expeer, who will not ufe the means _ that. God hath , ordained,. in fo great and weighty a bufinefs as the fal vation. of Souls is. I know not vvhat thefe men can fay for themielvcs, ex~~pt it ~e, that they are refolved to . make ufe of the Liberty of the times to pleafe their hum or ; they uiay do it; but if that bring them to Heaven, they have good luck. , But the bufinefs .of praying, is that I w_ uld principally inGft upon: o You fee here how Dr. Dee, where he giv~s an account of himfelf to_the Emperor, and others, bears hit.nfelf much upon this, thatfo many years he bad been an earn eft Suitor unto God by Prayer to obtain TYifdom, fuch wifdom as he was ambitious of. I believe him, that he had prayed very earnefily, and with much importunity many tit:ttes: This Vl(a~ the thing that made him fo confident of his Spirits, that they mufi needs b~ goo.d Spirits and Angels. I know a man, I have no comfort to tell it) . ut that b I would not conceal any thing that.may be a warning unto others, and yet I will. have a refpea unto him too: But I knew qn~,a very innocent man(in his outward converfati.on, and as I believe very really) Humble, Religious, very Learned and Orthodox, and one that had fuffered for his Confcience, as others have done in thefe times: This worthy man) being en gage- in a coJitroverted Argument, ~pon which his phancy had wrought d very much, or rather wbich had much wrought upon. his phancy; -he had written much, filled much Paper, and was deGrous to communicate unto me as his friend what he had done: But when I perceived that the drif~ of his writing was out of the Law and the Prophets, to fhew the neceffity of fame things which I thought of a more i.ndifferent nature; I was not willing to meddle with it; ~nd begun to argue againfi his main drift, and to fhew my difiiking. After many words to and fro, he began to prefs me vviththis, that he had often prayed with much earnellnefi, and ~e v1as very confident that God had heard his Prayers: . Yea, he P. or cecded fo far, that if God were true, he could not be deceived~ and ufed many other words to the fame purpofe, at which l was much amazed; but could

could do no good upon him, fuch was his confidence and violence upon this occafion, though otherwife a very moderate ingenuous man: And thus I foand him more then once, or,twice. Truly, l think God was ve.. merciful unto him, that too~ him away in good time. But certainly this bu'6ncfs of Prttyer and prai[l!lg, is a buGnefs as of great comfort (the great eft that mort.al man is _ apable of upon ('otrth) fo of much more danger and c ddufion, tb~n many do believe. And if caution and circumfpection be to be ufed in any thing that belongs to Religion, I think it ought in Prayer, a'3 much as .any thing. And-fince rhave adventured to tell one flory upon init'le own credit, I will t -11 one more upon better atithQrity, which I- have : long defired (for the obfcrvablenefs of it) to communicate unto the world, and to thar - nd, h.ad once i oferted it in a Treatife of mine, which e I thought would have been Printed, but it was not: I will firrt give the Englifh ,of it, that a"Il men t;nay' reap the benefit, and then fet it down )n the word! of my Author (mine own Father Ifaac C afaubon, of b. m.) as I have it to fhcw under his hand. At a Confiftory in Geneva, upon a Friday,-t8 July, 1589. Th~ cafe of one Mr. Nicho]as beillg there propofed to the AJJemhly to be c()nfidered of, who was wont to infinuate bimfelf into private Hot:t[es, und-er pretence of praying,_ and made final! congregations: Tbe bufmefs wa-S diflik,ed by the P aftors ; Firft, b.ecaufe nothing in the Church of f!od oztgbt to be do11e without order. Secondly, be r:aufo to turn Jitch dutie-s of Religion to matter o( Traffick to get mcney o1Uly, (without any other end or calling) wM not lawful. Thirdly and laftly, his bittt4~ logy, (or vain repetition of words) WM not to be fufj"ered: Then upon thk oc cafion it WM related by Mr. Beza, that the Saturday before, whilefltbat fha~p conflict wM, which we had before o1er eyes, (to vvit, between the Genevians, a"ld rhe Duke of Savoyf Forces) tbat a certain Woman addre.!Jed hrr felft9 h'im, faying, Whttt Mr. Beza, will you ma~ Prayers here? To which he had anfwered, No : What, do youthin"-1 de behold theft thing; with mine eye.r ouely, and do 110t pray 'to God in my heart? Giving this reafon for his anfwer he had mad: .tothe Woman: [l~ is not fo exprefled .in the Latine, that che fol 'owing words were Bett,a's w~rds, but the coherence of matter cloth fo require it] That Pray~r wao certainly a holy thing, which it did not become any man to apply himfelf unto, ( or.tounderta~) without due preparation: And that they were deceived, whp thoteght it fo ea fie a thing to pray rightly : And that care alfo foould be ta~n left [under a colour of zeal and devotion] a way be 1nadi to fieperftition: The Latine words are thefe,


[Die Veneris, Julii t8. 1589. Cum relatum ejJet ca:tum, de Mag. Nico .. lao, qui infinu::ret fe in domos variM 7re.g-pdcr'H ,.~ tu_:r~9'~~~, & ita aliquando cretus, et{t paruos, coireJolitos, paflortbus ref improbata eft: Primitm, qztia extra ordinem, nihil in Dei Ecclejia .fieri debet~ Deinde:) quia 'Tfovcrp.oJI facere 'T~v ,.p-1cr"s-lctv, ne[ '1 M. Turtio; homtnh /3a.T1o>.o)tfa, non ferenda Narratum eft tum aB fe die Sahbatbi proxime prcedente, dum acerrimum illud prlium committeretur, quod nob~ erat ante oculos, interrogatum mulierllcula, QJ!_id tu D. B. 'V~ preces hie face re? ReJPondi.!Je, Nequaquam. 1 u ne enim ( ait) me putas, hc oculis t4ntnmJPeciare, nee vota in . nimo .rd Deum Opt. M{lx. fundere ? 011tnino, a



res fancta nb_;rn, ad quam non niji mcditatum oporteat accedere, foYuntztr enim qui rem pmant ejJe faci/em, precesbene concipere. Sirnul cavendum, ne 4/icui fuperftitioni viam imprudentes aperiamm.]

In the laft place, All men may take warning by this example, how they put .chemfcl ves out of the proteCt-ion of Almighty God, either by prefum~ ptuous unlawful wi{hes and defires, or by fee king n.o t unto Divels ondy, di rcctly (which Or. Dee certainly never did, but abhorred the thought of it in his heart) but "tmto th(m that ha vc next relation unto Oivels, as Witchu.J lf/i7v7vards, Conjurers, Aflrologers, ( that take upon them to foretell humane eve ~ rs) F ortun tellers, and the like, yea and all Books of that fubjccr, e which 1 doubt, were a great occaGon of Or. Dees delufion : That men are
commonly ~heated by fu< h , is fure enough; and thofe that are not very fool s, would take heed how they deal with them, and avoid them, to avoid the lmputalion of Fools; but thofe that are wife, much more, if they can m ore then cheat; fer the more they can do, the more they know they have of the Dive! in thenl: Wretched people thatwill not, dare not trufl: God, who as he is the oncly fountain of goodnefs~ fo onely knows what ii good for every man. They may rejoyce for a time, and applaud themfel ves in their conceited fuccdfes, but mifcry, if they rc:pent not, will be their ~nd ; and it is a great Ggn that God is very angry with them, when he doth fuffer them to thrive by means whih Himfelf

hatr curfed.



ince this Prdacewas written, and almofi printed, I was iliewed a Book, etlticuled~ Theatr~tm Che~ miot.m BYitannicum, &c. by EbM Afomo!e Efq; and in fame Annor..uions there, -at the end, an account concerning Dr. Dee and Edw. K e/ley, (tbere fiiled Sir Edward Kefley) out of a Dzaryof Dr. Dee.r, all wrirren wtth his own hand: As I do not quefiion the Gemlemans fidelity in this bufi.nefs, fo I make as l.irtlc qudtion bur Dr. Dee's own hand will be found to agree in all matters of Fatl: both here and thac, if ~my !hall take the pains to compare. And it may be the Reader may receive !ome further farisfact:wn in fomc particul:us by his.labor, which is the rea(on rhat I mention the Book here, being bur htely come to my knowledge; His Judgement either concerning Dr. Dees or Kelley, I meddle not w1tb; and it may be, had he feen what is here to be feen, he would have been r;f another opinion in fomc thirp: Here is enough, I am fure, to fat is fie any man that is not very much preoccupied, or orherwife engaged by particular ends. As for rh ofc R:poit s concerning KeL!ey, ( (ome whereof concern Dr. De~ alfo) he tells us of, as I believ~ him, tbat he barb beard to, fo I muft (and may truly) profefs, that! have met with far contrary. and in my judgemeor, and by this account here given us by Dr. Dee, much more probable.- And particularly, that Kd!ey was pur in Pri(on by tbe Emperor, for a notable Chymical ch,_at that: he had put upon him; the pJrticulars whereof, though they were fully related umo me, yet I w1Jl not. adventure upon, left I mi(hke in fome terms of art, or perty circumftance of fact. And let the Read a judge by tbat account, D1. Dee (who befl: knew) doth give us here tbroughoutthe whole Book of this Ke!LeJ, whether Wevers Storyin his Funend Monum. pag. 45, 46. of dannable Necrom.tntJ, and other DiabrJlic.1L (onjuration, pratl:!~ed by Kelle)' in Lancafhire, be not (bdidcs what is there faig and attdl:ed) much more probable, then any tbing that bath been or can be {aid by others, to his juH:ificacion or commendation: Which indeed dmh m~b Doelor Vet's cafe altogether ioexcufable, that beiievin g and knowing the m2n to be {uch a one, he wollld have to do with him, and expected good by his Minilleries; but that the Do Cl: or his Faith, and his i ntellet'tualls ( throug b Gods jut1 judgemen r, as we bave fa id) were fo much in tbe power and government of hi:; ~pirits, rhar they might pcr!wadc him to ilny thing, under colour of doing 1erv ice unro God, yea had it been to cut his own Fathers throat, as we fee in the Retation,tbat they perfwaded him to lie with another mans Wife 1 and proilitute his own to a vile,and, by himfelf bclivcd, Diabolical man. Befi.des, 1 have been told by many, that Dr. Dee, very poor and every way miCerable, dyed at MortJack._, here about London, which dotb not feem to agree with the rt>port in thofe .Armolations: Butenough of them : Neirher indeed have I faid any thing at all of purpofe to oppofe the Author, but t() give this further fatisfatl:ion to the Reader, or ratber to the tmth, which I thought I was bound to do. The paffage in Wevcrs Funeral 0Vfonum!nts, pag. 45, 46. concerning Ke!L:y, for their facisfaC:lion that have not the Book, is this; Ketley, (otherwife called '1t:ibot) that famous Englifo Alchymill:of Gut times, who flying out of his own G oumrey (after be had lofi both his ears at Lanc~fte-,-) was entertain cd by R1dolph the [econd, and la!l: of that Chrifl:ian name, Emperor of Cjermany; for whom Efiz.,abeth of famous memory, fcnt (very fecrNly) Captain 'Peter GJvJn, with fome others, to perfwade him to rerum hack ro his owrt Native home, which he was willing to do; and thmkiog to efcape away in the night, by ftealth, as he was clammering over a Wall in his own Houfe in P-,-4g,te (wbicb bears his name to this day, and fometimes was an old San-ctuary) he fell down from the Battlements, broke bis leggs, and bruifed his body, of which hurts wirhiPa while :1ftcr, he dt'pancd this World. Sed quo r[Hm h<c? . you will fay : Then thus, This Diabolical queftioning of the dead, for the know ledge of future accidents, was put in practice by the faid Ke!!ey, who upon a certain Nighr, in the Park of Walton in le dale, jo the C Ol:lnty of Lane-after, With one P i11T1l ~1ring, (his fellow- companion in fucl.t Deeds of darlcnefs) invocated fome one of the Infernal Regiment, to know certain pa!fages in the lifet as alfo what might be known by the Olvels ford!ght, of the manner and time of the death of a Noble yongGeiuleman; as then in Wardfhip. The Black Ceremonies of that Night being ended, Keilq demanded of one of the Gentlcmans fervants, what Corfe was the lafl buryed :n Law Church-yard, a Church thereunto ad joyning, who told him of a poor man that was buryc:d there but the fame day : He and the faid Wttring, in treated this forefaid fervant to go with them to the Grave of the man fo lately interred, which he did; and withal, did help them to dig up the Carcafe of the poor Catiff, whom by their Incantations, they rrtade him (or rather fome evil Spirit through hi5 Organs) to fpeak, who dc:livereJ flnnge Predict:ions concerning the faid Gentleman. I w11s told thus much by the faid Serving-man, a Secondary Actor in that difmal abhorred bufinefs; and divers Gentlemen and others are now living in Lancafhire, to whom he h~th related this Story. And the Gentleman himklf (whofe memory I am bound to bonor) told me a little before his d eatb, of this Con juration by ](dley, as he bad it by relation from bi' f~id Servant and Tenant, oncly fome circum(tances excepted, which he thougbt not fitting tQcome to h.> :'-LtLrs knowledge,


Hf~t+TTtHttt~:~HcH+~t~ f*+~~~t~tfff+~~~f+t~~fftt~ffff+

Or l)eCs Apology,
Sent to th.e Arch..-Biiliop of

u it r. 15 9 :


A Letter containing a moil: brief Difcourfe Apogeticall, with a plain Demonfl:ration, and fervent Protefiation for rhe lawfull , fin cere . very faith full and Chrifl:ian courfe ,
of the .Philofophicall Studies and Exercifcs, of a certain ftudious Gentleman: An ancient Servant to Her n:ofi: Excellent Majefiy Royall.

To the mofl Reverend Father in f}od, the Lord Archbijhop ofC:.nrerbury, Primt~te and Metropclitime of all England, one of Her M~tjefties mofl Honorable l:riq;ie Gouncell: my fingulttr good Lord.
~~tfj~~~Ofi brim bJy and hearti] y I crave your Graces pardon , if I offend any thing, to fend, or pn:fentunto your Graces hand, (o Gmple a Difcourfe as rhis is: A.Itltough, by forre {age and di\:reet n~y friend s their opinion, it i! thought not to be impertin.cnt, to my mofi: nc~dfull fuits,prefently jn ~::nd, (before her mofi: .t.xccllent Majefiy Roy.a ll, your Lordihips good Grace11 01nd other. the Right Honotu2ble Lords.oi her Majefiies Privy CouncelJ ) to tna~ e fomc part of former fiudies, ?nd fiudious exercifes (within and for thefe 46 ycars1afi pafl:, ufc:d and co~tinued) to be firfi known and di(covered u~to your Grace, and other the r!ght Honourable, my good Lords of ber MaJefiies privy Councell ; And fecondly, afterwards, the fame tG be permitted to come to pnblick view.: Not fo much, to fiop the mouthes, and, at length to.ftay tbe impudent attempts , of the rafh, and malicious devifers, ~nd cc ntrivers ofmofi: untrue, foolifh, and wicked reports, and fables, of, and conccrningmyforefaid fi:udiousexercifes, paffcd O' er, with my gr~at,:(yea in ... credible) paines, era' ells) ca- es;and cofts, in the fearch, and le~rning oT true r J?hilofophie; As, therein,'So, to cerrifi~, and farisfie the g0dly .and unparti all Chrifi:ian he-arer, or readc:r hereof: That, by hi~ own judgem(nt;( upon his du~ confideration, and examination of this, no little pared!, of the particulars .of my forefaid fiuclic;s, and exercifes philofophic.all annexed) He wi11, or 1nay, be fuffici'ently informed,and pcrfvvaded; That I have wondtrfully laboured,-ro firnd,tollow,u{e,and .h aunt th~ rrue,firaighr,and mofr narrow path ,.leading all true, devour, zealous; faithfuiJ, and confiant Chri-



:fiian fiudents., ex valle bttc. miferit:e, & miftria iflim tz~allif: & tt11ebrar1un Regno ; & tenebrh iftim R.egni,11d montem fanCium Syon)&-11d creleftia taberna cula. All thanks 1 are mofi: duf,therefore, unto the Almighty. ~cein~:, it .o plel(c:d him> (even frorL my youth?by his divine favour, gr;.ce, and help) ro inilnuate into n yheart, ;ill infa ttablc zeJl, and defire, to know his truth:: And in him, and by him,incelfantly to feck, and liften after the fame; by the true Philofophical method and harmony proceeding and afcending, (as it were) gradatim, from things viG.ble, to confider of rhings invifible fro~n things bodily , to conceive of things fpiritnall: from !hings tranfit ;ry, and momentary, to mediate of things permanent: by things morrall ( vifzb!e,)nd inv~fzble) to have fome perfeveranc e of immortality. And to <.on elude, mofi: briefily; by the moll: mervailous frame oftbe whole 11/orid , phi]ofophically viewed,and circumfpecrly ~ei_shed,numbred, and mc~fured(according to the ralent,and gift of G 0 D, rrom.above alotted, for his divine purpofcs dretting) mofl: fai hfully to love, honor, and glorifie alv~dies, the Framer, and Creator ther~ot In w hofe workmanfhip, his infinite gooo neG;, unfearchabL: wi!do:r e, and Almighty power, yea , his evei:lafring power, and divinity; tray (by innumerable means) be inanifefied, and de." on ... firatcd. The truthofwhich my zealous, carefulf, and (Onfianrintcnt, and endeavour pecified, may (I i ~ opc ) eafily appear by the ~1--0Je, full and due furvey, and confiderarion o f all the Books, Treatifes, and D1lcourfes, V'll ho'e Titles oncly, are, at this ti.me, here annexed, and exprdfed: As rhey He iet down in t he Gxth Chaper, ofanother little Rhap(oduall fre:nif~, intituled, the Compendiom RehearfaU,&c. writter: a bo'. e t vvo y~ars fince: for thofe bcr. M.a jefiies two honor.-blc Comiffioners; wh;ch her mofi ' xcellent l\1a jeH.y had d.ofi: gra(.:iouOy fent to my poor Cottage in N[ortclac~: to underftand the matters, and caufcs at fuH; throuf:. h which, I vtas fo cxtreamly urged to procure at her Majefiies hands fuch Honorable Surveyors a nd vvit~ neflcs to be ~diJg ~ed, for the due:proof of the con te-nts, of my mofi: humble and pi tifull fupplicat,on, e\ hibited unto her rrofi: Excellent Majefi:y, at Ha1~pt on Court, An. l') 92. Novemb. 9. Thus therefore (as followeth) is rhe {aid 6. Chapter there, recorded.

by -aritingoffundry BooK s,tmdTreatifes :fome in Latine,fonie in Englijb, and fome of them , written, at her.Majefties commande1nent. Of which BooK s,and Treatifes, lomc are printed, and fomc: unprinted The printed BooKs : and Treatifcs are thefe following:
RopideHmata AphoriS/ictt, De prfiantioribM quibufdam Natur& vir~ tH-tibw. Aphorifmi. 120. Anno . I)S ~ 2. Monas Hieroglyphica, Mathematic~, Anagogiceque explicdta; ad Maximitianum (Dei gratia) Komanorum, Bohemit:e,&- Hzmgari.c, Regem [upient1Jimum., Anno 1 'j 64 ... 3. Epiftola ad eximiuin Duci3 Vrbini MathematiC!mt ( Fredericum Com"' mandinum) pr~fixa libello MachtJmet,i Bagdedini, Def~tperficierum Divifu;f!ibw;edit9 in lneem1 oper~ me11, & ejufdem Commandini Vrbint~t~ ; Im,?re[{a Fi ... fauri. Anno 1570~

~ trey ;

My labo~trf and painf beftowedat divers iimu, to pleafilre my native CouFl-


-1'1 The


4- '(be Bryti/h Monarchy ( otherwife called the Petty N~vy Royal/: ) for the
politique Jecurity; abund~nt wealth, and the triumphant ftate of this Kingdomt, ( witbGod.rfavour,) procurin, Anno 15 76. 5. My Mathematic all preface annexed to Euclide, ('by the right wo.rfoipfu/l Sir Henry .Gillingfiey Knight,in the .t.nglifh language firfl publifhed) written at the earnest requeji ojjundry rrght worjbipfull Kn(~ht.r, and other very welllearnedmeno Wherein are many Arts, oC me wholy invented (by name, definition, propriety and ufe,) more then either the Grzcian, or Roman Mathematicians, have left to our knowledge, Anno 15 70. 6 My divers and many Annotations, and Invention.; Nlathematicall, added infundrJ places of the forefaii .Englitb Eucizde, after the tenth Boo"it r;f the fame. Anno 1 5 70~ 7 EpiftoJa pre.fixs Ephtmeridib1f.f Johannis Fdde Angli , cui rationem declaraveram Ephemerides confcribendi. Anno15; 7. ~. "f araiaticce Co111.mt:m11tionh, PraxetJfq; Nucle~ qui dam. An no 1 57 3.

TheunprintedBooKs and Tre;ltifes, are thefe: fome,

perfi1/y finijbed : and fome, yet un.finijhed.
9 T~e ~r~ gre~t volu~e ~fFamous and rich Difcoveries : '":herein ( al
io) IS t. 1c Hd1:ory of Kmg Solom1n, every three years, h1s Ophirian Voyage. T}:le Originals ofPresh\ ter Joannes: ancl of the firfi great Cham, and his fucceffors for many years following: The defcription of divers wondcrfu11 IOes in the Notthern,Scythian, Tartarian, and the other mofi Northern Seas, and nee re under the North Pole ; by Record, written above 1 ]0 ~) 0 years Gnce: withdivers<>ther rarities, Anno 15 76. 1 Oo The BrytiLh Complement,of the perfect Art ofNavigation; A great volume : in which ) a re contained our Q~een Elh.abetb her Arithmetical!
Tables Gubernautick . for Navigation by the Paradoxall compaffe (of me, invented a,zno 5 ') "l )and Navigation by great Circles: ;lnd for longitudes, and latitudes; and the variation oft he compalfe finding moll: eafily , and fpeedi1y :yea, (ifneed be) in one minute of time, and (ometime? without ftght of Sun, Moon or Star; With many other new anq needfull inventions Gubernautick, Anno 11\76. llo Her Majdlies Title Royall, to many forr:ain Countries, Kingdomes, and Provtnces, by good tefiimony and fufficient proof recorded: and in 12. Velum Skins ofParchment,faire written: for her Majefiies ufc: and at her Majefiies commandement, An no ll5 7 8. 12 De Imperator is Nomine, Authoritate, & Potentia : dedicated to her Majefiie, Anno 1 ~ 79 13. Prolegomena &Dicrata PariG.enfia, in Euclid~ Elemcntorum Geo~ metricorum, librum primum, & fecundum; in ColJegio Rhemenfi,Anoi5 5o,. 14. De ufu Globi Ca:ldhs: ad Regem E doardum fc:xtumo An. 1 ~5o. 15. The Art ofLogick,in b.~ nglifh, Anno1547 I6o The 1 3 Sophifiicall Fallacians, with their difcoveries, written in Englifh m~tcr, Annoo1548. 17. Mercurius


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An. '5+9 18. De Nubium;Solis,Lunz,.tcrdiguorum Planerarum,immo ipGus Ud~ liferi CCX?li,ab 1nfimo Terr~ Centro, di!lantiis,mutui{q; incervallis,& corundcm omnium Magnitudine liber cl?ro~t-t'"'T 1 xos-, ad Edoard1tm Scxtum, Angliz Regem, An no 15 ).I. 1 9 Aphori.fmi Afl:rologici 300. ~nno I') 53. 2 o. The true caufe,and account (not vulgar) of Floods and Ebbs: written at the requefi of the Right Honourable Lady, L:1dy Jane, Dutchdfe o Northumb~rland, An no I. 5S> 2 t. The Philofophicall and Poeticali Originall occafions of the Configuratio~s, and name& of the heaven] y Afieriiines, writte,n at the requeft of the fame Dutchefs, Anno r 55 3. 2 '2. The Afironomicall, & Logifiica11 rules, and Canons, to calcul~te the Ephemerides by, and other neceffary Accounts of hea.venly motions: writt~n at the requefi, and for the ufe of that excellent Mechanicien M a. fl:er Richard Cba}zcelor, at his lafl: voyage into Mo{chovia. An no I$ 53. ~ ~ De Acribologia Mathematica; volumen magnum : fexdecim continens libros, Anno I 55 5 :2 4 1nventum Mechanicum, Paradoxum, De nova ratione delineandi Circumferentiam Circu1arem :uncle, valde rara alia excogirari perfidque poterunt problemata, An no z55 6. 2 5 oe fpeculis Comburentibus: libri fex, Anno 1557. :z6. De PerfpeB:iva ilia, qua peritifsimi utuntur Picrores. Anno 1 557 2 7. SpecuJum unicatis: five Apologia pro Fratre Rogerio Bach~ne Anglo! in qua docetur nihil ilium per D~monior'um fecilfe auxilia, fed philo(ophutn fuiffe maximum; oaturaliterque & modis h9mini Chrifiiano licitis, maximas feciffe res, quas indoetum folet vulgus, in o~moniorum referre facinora, Annoz557. 28. Oe Annuli Afironimici multiplid ufulib. z. Anno 1 5 57 2 9 Trochillica Invent a, lib. z. An no 1 5 58. 30 n .F~ rll!a.6 lb Cl.CJfh:;,ll ~e~AO)lX :;;v, lib. 3 Anno I 55 8. 31. De tcrtia & pra:cipua FerfpeCt:ivz parte, qu~ de Radi.orum fraaione traClat, lib. 3. Anno r 559. 3 2. De Itinere fubterranco, [,b, z. Anno I s6e. ~ 3 ~ .De Triangul orum retlilineorum Areis, lib. 3. demonfirati : ad exe1tifilmum Mathematicum Petrm11 Nonimn confcripti, Anno 15~o. 3 4. C<ibal<r Hebraic: compen9iofa t~bella, A:nno 156:1-. 3 5 Rei publica: Britanicx Synopfis : in Englifh, Anno I 5 Gs. 3G. De T rigono Circinoquc Analogico, Opufct-ilum Mathell. aticum & Mechanicum, lib. 4 Anno 1 .~65. 37 . De fi:ella admiranda, iu Caffiopex Afierifino, crelitns demiffa ad orhem ufqne Veueris: lterumqu~ in C celi penetralia perpendiculariter retraEta, poft dccimum fextu.11 fu~ apparitionis menfem, An. 1 57? ; ~. Hip parchus Redivivu s, TraCl:atulus, Ant:Jo 1 57 3. 3 9 De unico Mago, & tripli.ci Herode, eo que AntichriH:iauo~ An. 1 57 4 o. Ten fundry and very rare lleraldic<il Blafonings of one Creft or .o)rniCance>.lawfully confirmed to certain ancient Arms, lib.r. An. 1 574.


q. Mercurius Ca:lefiis :. libri 2.4 written at Lov4yn,


1 Atlanfidi-st

r. Atlantidis,(vulgariter, Indi::.c, Occidentalis nominator) emc:ndatior

defcriptio Hydrographica, quam ulla alia adhuc evulgata, An. r58o. 41 . De modo Evangelii Jefu Chrifii publicandi, propagandi,fiabilicndiqse, inter Infideles Atlanticoi : volumen magnum, libris difi:incrum quatuor: quorum primus ad Sereniffimam nofham Potentiffimarnquc Regi .. nam Elicz.abetbam infcribitur: Secundus, ad fummos privati fuz f4.crre Majc fiatiseonGlij fenatores: T erci us, Hi fpaniarum Regem,Philippztm : Qyartus, ad Pontificem Roman urn, Anno 1 ' 8 x. 43 .Navigationis ad Carthayum per Septentrionalia Scythiz & T artaria: lit.ora,Delineatio Hydrographica: Arthuro I' it,& Carolo Jac: mano Anglis, ver\ fus illas partes Navigaturis,l.n manus tradita;cum admirandarum quarundam Infularum,annotatione,in illis fubpolaribus partibus jacentium, An. rs8o. +4 Hemifpha:rij Borealis Geographica , atque Hvdrographica defcriptio : longe a vuJgatis chartis diverfa : Anglis quibufdam, verfus Adal1tidi, Septenrrionalia litora, na vigationem infiitucntibusJ do no data, An. I 583. 45. The Originals,and chief points, of our ancient BrytHh Hifiories,dif~ courfed upon, and examined, An. I 58 3 4-6. Art advife & difcourfc about the Reformation of the vulgar y~are, vvritten by her Majd1ics commandement, and the Lords of the privy Councell, Anno 158z. 4 7. Cerrai n Confiderations,and conferrings together, of thefe three fen tenccs, ( anncientJy accounted as Oracles ( Nofce teipfum :Homo Homini Dem: Homo Homini Lltpus, An. I 5 92 48. De hommis Corpore, Spiritu, & Annima : five! Microcofmicum totius Philofopbi::.c Naruralis Compendium, lib 1. Anno I 59 !. With many other Books, Pamphlets, Difcourfes, Inventions, and Conclufions, in divers Arts and matters: whofe names , need not in this AbfiraB: to be notified : The mof\: part of aH which , here fpecified, lie here before your Honours upon the Table, on your left hand. But by other books and Writings ofanother fort 11 (if it fo pleafe God, and that he will grant me life,health, and due maintenance thcrero, for fame ten or twch e years next enfuing) I may, hereafter make plaioe, and withoutdoubt, this fentem;e robe true, fhtra laient, quJm patent. Thm; far (iny good Lord)bave I fet down this Catttlogu.r,out of the forefaid .6xt Chapter, of the booke, whofe title is this: 4-9 The Compendious rehearfallof John Dee, his dutiful! declaration and


proofe oftbe courfe and rt~pe of hu ftudious life, for the JPace of halft an hundred years, now (by Gods favour and help )full} j}ent, &c. To which_ comperi~ious rehearfalJ, doth now belong an Appendix, of thefe two lafi yean: In which I have had many juft occafions, to confeife, that Homo Homini Deus,and Homo Homini Lupus, was and is an Argument, worthy of the decyphering, and large difcufsing:as may, one day, hereafter (by Gods heJp) be publifhed,in fame manner very firan ge. And. befidc:s all the reh~arfed Books & Treatifes c f~y writiug, or handl ing httherto,I ha_ ve jufi canfe,lately given me to write & publifh a Treatife, with Title ( ~ o.) De Hori%ontelEternitati.s:to make evident, that one AndreaoLibarviw,in a book of his,printc:d the Jail year,hath unduly confidcred a phrafe of my Monas Hyeroglyphict~:

p 0 L 0 G E T I

A L L.

gliphic4: to.hismifliking;

hr hi~ own unskil~ulndfc: in fuch matter: and not

Mathematie'H$ & Phyficus. 2. ''"fhe fec(')nd,De lEternitate : liber Theo/,giciiJ, Metaphyficm & Mathematicw .. 3. The third , De Hori<J..onte lEternitatn : liber Theologicw , Mathematicns , & Hierotechni ..

underfiandtng my apt apphcatton thereof, In one of the very principal places, of the whole Book. And this book of It mine, by Gods help and f~vour ( .fhall be dedi- memmay now be here alfo rebred , that almotl three cated unto her mofl: Excellent Majefiy Royall: years afrer_the writing of this letter, r dtd fomewhat facisfie Andthii Treatife doth contain three books; the reque!t of an Honourable 1. The firfi: lnt~tulcd , De Horicx.oute : lioer Fri~~d in Court , by fpeedily
pcnnrng fome matter concerning her Majefties Sea-Sove~ raignti~ : und~r rh is tirle. 51. Tht~l4ttocrll ti4 Bryt~tnniCII.


~ Truly aye great cauie to praiu~ an than e God, for your Graces very charitable ufing ofme: borh in fundry points elfe, and.alfo in your favour- 20' c..Ma, ceftritt. ableyeelding ~o, yea & notifying the due means for the performance of her Sacred Majefiies m oft gracious and bountifull difpoGtion, refolution, and very royall beginning, to refiore and give unto me (her Ancient faithfull fervant) fome due maintenance to lead the refi: of my old daies in fome quiet and comfort: with habilitie, to retaine Come fpcedy, faire, ~nd Orthographicall writers, about me; and the fame skilfuii in La tine ~nd Greek(at the leafi: )afwell for my own books, and Works, fair,andcot.re8: ly to be written (fuch I mean, as either her mo!l: Excellent Majefiie, out of the premiffes ~ill make choice of, or com~and to be finifhed or publifhcd : or fuch o r them, as your grace fhall thmk meet or 'Yorthy for my farther labor to be beftowed oo ) as elfe for the fpeedy, faire, and trUe writing out o~ other ancient .A~th~rs their good and rare workes, in gr.e ek or L atine: whtch by G 0 D S 1 rovtdcnce, have been preferved frotn the fpoilc made ofmy Librarie, and of all my movable goods here &c. Anno ' 1 5 ~ i "* In which Librarie, were about 400-o. f , 700. were anctent IY wntten bY voyage beyon d the Seas , wa" * Although that my la!t boo 1 w herco <S; hand ; Some in Greek!;, fome in Latine , fome in ?uly unJerta ken ( b.y ber MaHebre'll', And fome in other languages (as may by Jellies good favouc and licence) as by_ rh e fame words may apt he w h ole Cat alo gus t hereo f appeare. ) B ut t he pear~~ the Lecrcr, written by great loffes and dammages which ~n fundry fo-rts I the R1ghr Honourable l ord Trcafurer, grace in llave.!uftained, do not fo much gneve my heart, as my beh alf,unto your inoft Exand her the rafh, Icvvde,fond, and m oft untrue fables, and" cellent Majellie willing nis Horeports ofme,and my Studies Philofophicall, have nor 0 do. An~o. 159. 1/1~ 20 0 dorie, and yet do; which commonly' after their amsarJ'. firft hatching, and devili(h devifing,immediatdy with great fpeed,are gene. rally all the Real me overfpread? and to fom(}? fecm true; to oth er,th~y au~ dou btfull ; and to onely the w1fe, mod eft, d1fcreet, godly, and eh uttable (and chiefly t ..duch a-shave fame acquaintance: wirh me) they appear, and are known to b e fables, untruths, and utterly falfe reports, and ilanders. \iVell, thisihall b e my laft charitable giving of warning , and fervent pro teft-ation to my Countreyrncn, and all other in this cafe;



De Br]tllnico M aru imperio1 C90eCZ.anea ExtfJmport:nea : 4 dterNm Sp~tcio J ctl~ri C cript4 "n{ calt~m(). Anno. 1597- s~plemb:



- ---------------------------------~--


A fervent P



A T ~ oN.

Efore the Almighty onrG 0 P, anq your Lordjbip.J' goodGrace,this day,o1z the p~rill ofmy fouls damnation( if I lie, tJr ta~ his name in rvaweher~in) 1 ta~e the f~me G 0 D, to be my witnefle; Th4t with all my heart, with all my foul,witb aU my ffrength, power and underffanding (according to the meafure ther,of,wbicb the Almighty bath given me) for the moff part oft he time, from my youth hitherto, I have uftd and fliU ufe, good, lawfH.ll, honeft, chrifiian and divinely pre(cribed mettnJ to attain to the knowledge ofthofe truthet, which are meet:) and neceflary for m.e to know; and wherewith to do his divine Majefly fuch fervice, a.J' he hath, doth, a.r<Jd will call me unto, during this my life :for his honour and glory t~dtvancing,and for I he bene_fit,and commorJ/tie publique of this Kingdome;fo mucb, M by the ~ill and purpoft o[God,ft;alJ lie in my skill)and hability to perform : a:s a true,foitbfull, and moftfmcerely dtttifull ferrvant, to our moft graciou.J' and incomparable QJ!.een Elizabeth , and M a very comf()rtable fellow-member of the hody pfJlitique, governed under the fcepter Royal of our earthly Supream~ bead ( Q.f!een Eliz~beth) and as ttlively fympathicall, and true (ymetricall fellow~ member ofthat holy and myfticall body, Catholiquely extended and placed (wherefower ) ou the -earth: in the view, Knowledge, direction, protection , illHmination and confolation ofthe Almighty,moft Bltfled, mofl holy, moft glorious, comajefti.ctdl, coeternsll, and coe_fJentiaU 1 rinity : The Head ofthat Body, being only our- Redeemer, Chri ft Jefitt~ perfo&E God :> t11td perfiCI: man : whofe retu~tn in glory, 1e faithfully awaite; and daily doe very earneftly cry 1t.nto him, to bafte:z hh fecond commingfor hi.J' ele&lsfab:; iniquity doth fo on this earth al1o1md and precz,aile, and true faith with Cbarity and Evangelicozll fimplicity.,btt'ZH imt cold; flender and 1mcertri11 intertainment among the 'll'orldly-wife men oftbis n'orld. Therejore(berein concluding) 1 befeech the Almighty God, mefl ahundan.tly to increafe and confirm your Graces beavenly rvifedome, and endue yo'li. witb all the reft of his heavmfy gifts-, for tbe relieving,re{rejhing and comfortin~~' both bodily andJPiritHally , his little flock of the faith[Tt!l , yet milittmt here on 'art b. Amen.


An E

r L o a u E.

Good my Lord, I befeech Your Grace, to allow of my p1 aine and corn~ forta b]e Epilogus , for this matter at this time. I. Seeing my fiuciious exercifes , and converlation civill, may be abundJntly tdtified, to my good credit, in the moft parts of all Chriftendome; and tbat by all degreei of Nobility, by all degrees of the Learned, and by very many other> ofgodly and Chriftian difpoGtion, for the[pace of 46. years trial!. (asappeareth by the Records lately viewed by two honourable wirnefies, by Commifsion from her Majeftie;,) 2. And feeing, for thefe 3 6. years ]aft pafi-, I have been ber mofi Excellent M ajefiies very true, faithful! and d utifull fervanr; at whofeRoyall mouth) I never received any one word of reproach; but all of favour, ~nd grace : In whofe Prince1y Countenance, I never perceived fro-wne toward me, or di!Content'd regard, or view on


p 0 L 0 G E T I

A L L.

me: but at all times fayourable,and gracious: to the great joy and comfort of my true, faithfull,and loyall heart. And (thirdly )Seeing, the works of my hands, and words of my mouth(here before notified, in the Schedule of my books, and writiogs) may beare lively witndfe of the thoughts of my heart, and inclination ot my minde,generalJy,(as all wife men do k.now, and Chri(t himfelfcloth a vouch,) It m~ght, in manner feem needlelfe,thus carefully (though mofi briefly and fpeedily) to have warned or confounded the fcorntull,the malicious, the proud,and the ra{h in their untrue reports;opinions}and fables of my fiudies, er exercifes Philofophicall: but that , it is of more importance, that the godly, the honeH:, the modeft, the difcreet, grave, and charitable ChrHlian!;(Englifb or other,) lovers of Jufiice, truth) and good learning, may hereby receive certaine comfor! in themfdves ( to perceive, that VeritM t4ndemprc:evalt:hit) and fufficiently beweaponed and armed with found truth, to defend tr e againfi: fuch kind of my adverfaries: hereafter they will begin afrdh or hold on obHinatdy in ti-,eir former errors,vain imaginations,fa1fe reports,and mofi ungodly flanders of me &l: my fiudies.~Therefore,(to make all this caufe,for ever,before God & man,out of all doubt:) Seeing, your Lordfhips good grace, are, as it were, our high. Pridt, and chiefEl:defiafticall Minifl:c:r, (under our mofi: dread and Sove raigne Lady U!_leen Eli'Z..abeth) to whofe cenfure and judgement, I fubmit all my :f.l:udies and Exercifrs ; yea all my Books pafi, prefent, and hereafter to be written, by me (of my ownskill,Judgcment, or opinion,) I do, at this prefent time,mofl: humbly, uncerely, and unfainedly, and in the name of A lmighry God, (yea for his honour and glory) requefr , a~ d befeech your Grace,(when, and as conveniently you may, to bc_well and throu~hlycer.. ti fied of me, what I am, Intu.r & in cute : R.everendijfime in Chriftq P at~r ~ & L 1ignijfime Archiprjitl, cognofce & agnofoe 'V11.ltum tdm internum,. quam externum puor~ tui : .And wherein I have ufed, do or fhall ufe, pen ; {peech , or converfation, otherwile then as it appertaineth to a faichfull, carefull, (incere:, and humb!e fervant ofChri \: Jefu, That your Grace would vouch~ fafe to advertifeme. ~ o, I tru :t, Vltimartj}ondebunt prim-is: in Luch fort,. as this Authentic/tKecordin La tine annexed ("d perpetuam rei me111oriam) .dotb tdtifie: having never hitherto had occafion to fhew that, in any pla~ of Chriflendome: to tefl:ifie better of me, then theY. had proofe ofme , themfelves, by my converfation among them. (The Almighty, therefore, be highly thanked, praifed, honourcd,and glorified, for ever and ever ,Amen. But now,. in ofthe genuall int('nt of thi5 bride difcourfe, I m oft h:1mbJy, and r~verently, exhibit to your Grace view, and puufing, the origioali monum ~nt, and authcntick Record, before m entioned, fair written in Parchment, wirh the Seal whole, and perfecr,duly appendant: as I have 46 . years, and fomewhat longer, prefc:rved it. The true Copy whereof, your Grace doth iec, to be verbatim, as followcth.



Nif[)tr/i~ SanCi ma~r~ Ecclejite filtjs, ad q~os literteftr~:nturtt Ufnnt, J/z(ecancellarzwCtufq; omnu Regentzumpr[entesRegentzum:, Vni &. non
#fltr(ztatis Cantabrigi, Salute m in Domino [empiternam Conditioizes &.. A1erita hominum 1n nofha Vniverfitate .ftudmtium,.4jfelu jincero perpendentes; eOf JoloJ' te.ftimonio.noftro Orn4ndot ejfo arbitrainur quosfcimus ob eruditionem, & morum) proVitaftiH promerttOJ fffe, Ut iftud benefictum nobis cqnfequfintztr: 0!:_ttmrJbrem) dun hoc tempore ipfa v,eritM tejlimonium noflrum fibi poftulat , veftr<.e pietati~ per.htn literM ftgnifica1111ts ili!_od dileelus nobis in Chriflo, 1 oha,nn :sDee, Ar ... tium M~giflcr, in diCJa nofira univerfitate fa:liciter cverfatm;plurinuz~ fibi & do&lrinte & horuftatis laudem comparavit: De cuj1ugradu, & convdfatione (qu~ honefiijfiiHa fomper fuit,) ne qua uj}iam am igHittn, aut quaJ1io oriri poffit, b ap~td quibmhtJjw viri cvirtutei baudfat~inuotuerint, cvi{um eft nobh, in di~ f.li J9h~tnnis gr~tiam,hM litera.r nojfJ~tH T efliJHonialuconfcrihere; & confcriptas, publico Academi noftr~ figillo, obfig~are : quo 1 majorem apurl vo.r authoritatem, & pondu-s liter'l nojir babeant, Bene vAiete Datum Cant abrigi~, in plena Convocatione Magiffrorum Regenti1un &-11on R.egentium, Academi-;e pr~diClit : 1-1 C41end. A prilis, Anno l hri.fto nato. I; 1-~.


For certam due refpects t hr

v ~ry


of the tore(aid Seal,is nor bere in portratU(e p1.1blifhd; the Moto Loi:H; v tri f g ,fli.

pER O.R. T l ,O.

He Almighty and moft mercifu 1l God,th:e Father;for his <>nly Son ( onr Redeemer~\ Jefus C hriit his fake : by his holy Spirit', fo direct, bleife, and profper alJ my fiudies, and exercifes PhiJofophicaJl, ( yea, aU my thoughts, words, and deeds)henceforward,even to rhe very moment of my departing from this world,- That lmay evidently and :tbundantly be found, and undoubtedly acknowledged of the \1\-ife and Juft) to have been a zealous _ andfaithfuH Student in,the School of Verity, and an Ancient Gradu1te
ic the School of Charity: to the honour and g.~oryofthe fame God Aimigh-fy; and t.J the found comfort and confirming of fuch as faithful ly love and fear hi~ Divine Ma jeftie,and unfain{dly continue in labour to do good on earth: when,while, to whom, and as they may, Amen.
Very fpedilywritten,this twelfth even, and twelfth day,in my poore Cottage, at Mortlake: c.Anno. I 59 5. currmtt aNativitate Chtifti: aft, v/n. I 594Completo)4 Conceptione eju{dw, cum lif1Utm prure4 menfihH&, Comple~it.

Al~a.Jes, and ver1

dutifuUy ~ at your graces commandement:

Jo. Dee.

Of the feveral .Aflions contained in this Book' \vith the moft
Confid~rab.le Matters, either ~f

F aEI and Riftory ; or Do.Cirine, in each of them.





_ .... He firft apparitil)~t 'of Madimi, in tbe .fhape of a Girle. Alb, Lasky, his Ndegrer~ This Al. L. ( whtreof more the Prefac.e,) being the ' fir(t defigned hy the spirits, as _d' fit Inftru.. . ment, under pretence of godfi.,. ne ~tnd reformation, to turat all _hings upjidrffe t down in -the World : But thitt plot failing, therrthe Emperour of Germany:afrer him Stephen King 11fPol~d : after him-; Pr~nce Rofimberg, were thought upon, and applictttions ( as will be found here, ) made unto them to that md. fJ7hat alterations, aJ:td deftruaion~ of m~n and /zi1tgdoms would have enfued (had God given way, a.r in Mahomers ca[e,&c.) may be colleC/ed out of fundry palfages of this Book. li p . 3 Anabaptillical t X aggtr'ations of the gmeral wick_edneffe, and ll Promi{e of a general Reformation by A. L. Of Ifabel Lifter tempted, and, bidden Treafures. Ill p. 5. Mtlfical nllmbers, and letters, for a Magical Lamin. IV ib. Ed. Kelley ,his rage and fury,how repr-oved, and appeafd~ The Book, the 'Scroll, and tbr Powder. V p. 9 Great rhreatnings of future j udgemmts in all placts. VI" p. to. Divers Apparitions. Ofgood Angds, never appearin~ in the .fhape of women ; T rithemius his affertronreprovea: The Book. Divine in[pira.tion. ( See alfo p. 23. as thou fhalt find me to move thee, and divers other places,) pro;ni[ed m the writmg and, ord ~ring of it. ~ Thi-1 Book ( had i:b;ngs fucreeded ) fho uld have betn. inJfead of a _ Bible ; as the Alcoran, ( tt1td much of the fame fubjeCJ; ) is among the


Mahometans. See p. 18, zo, 6i: &c . A verY effe{fual way t o d:a.w people, under to/our of a New Law, new -ltgfus , and do{irines, ( which Anabaptiil:s have alwayes pretended unto) from. H eavfit. Vli p. if Divers 1?1y(tical Apparition-s, a1 Jitd _(cour[es. Charles Sled, poffeffed and di[Joffeed. Vlll p. i8. The Contents, and worthinrffe of the Book, IX ib. A fudden SUJt-jhine. T he Book namrd, So'!_'Je lines of it. Ed. Kdley's pangs,-and agoni;s at [11m:: Vifions, before Dr. Dee. Good A nr..els. how to be k._norm fro in evil. X p. 20. Promi[es t o A. L. confirmed by an oatb. Ed. Kelley defirot/5 and ready to raifc a Devil by hu Art, before A. L. but not permitted by Dr. Dee. XI p. 22. _4fparitio!ls before- the ~~~d Lasky: The Dtvd prayeth~ and ( Anab:tpnfh'cally) bewaileth. the wic/zednefJe of the World. Of Angel,. Guardrans. Sudden deatb fmtenced ll)!tZiJtjt the .L. Laskies [erv_llnt, fer interrr!pti;tg, th.ough but' ca[ually, the Aett OJi. X H p. 23. The Book, <1.11d divers infiru{iions ab~TJt the wri tiH.~ of it. XIII p. 24-. Apparitions i ;t the 11ir. Ed. KeHey [canda!tze-d and appe-a[:d. Prayers for him in Latine Jtnd Eng!i/h; ~ompofed by the S!irits. _ XI V p. 25. The Pr,tyer : tbc ufe a}td ( XC"el!enc-y of it. XV ib. Apparitions .111td Prophe[i1s, in tbe prefmre of !be I;orrl Lasky, . X VI. p. 2 6. The Boo!{ to be written ( it is not improbable the Alc~rmt was : ) by Spirits. Some thinj!.s rttt.ered in Greek_: ( of which [de in the Pr eface ) Ed. Kelley prcpariitg to be golie,.flrt)'ed with the fromife of'so pormd ye.zr!y. XVII p. 28. 'Diuers informatim; and r.'tutims given ( by Spirits) t o Dr~ Dee, r.on,erning Jeere r


[ *]


The Table.
,Examples of dangerolff i!tufions. numiu at C9urt, &c. Strarrg~ mJfteries concer.n. ing Guardian Angel6. Al. Lasky's Seal. XXXI P 55 A CIMtinuation here al[o. Co11n[el XV JII p. ;o. New prank._s of Kellyes. Dr. Dee given tfl Dot1or Dce to ~urn his. blafphemous. -much p~rplexed. Dr. Dee himfelf hearerh, &c. ( -which be accounted moft holy ) Books: ~ A continuati~n of the j ourney. More~~ thi L. laskies Pedegru. The myjtery of rl.e Trinity, faith, Hope, and Cloarity : Ed. XXXll p. 56 The fame Projet1 here alfo. 1'he Kelley d,[poJ[rffed ('in jhew ) of many devils . . conclufton of thit ( perfonMed) temptation, b.J the XIX p. 33 Dr. Dee, andhis.CompanJ,[etout of app~rition of bett1r ( ~s idfiippofe. )fPirits. d Mortlack ( in England, n1t far f rom London,) XXXIII p. 57: Sermon-li.k..e ,}b4jffJf humiliry,perfor Cracovia, ilt Polonia. Their danger, and defeverance, & c. Caba!ifiical d1 f1rine of emanaliverance at ~teenborough. tions, &c. Alb~ Lasky excepted agttinjf, and XX ibid, Divers Appa.ritians. Senmn-l;k._e ftuff . fome.prol1fi[.es revok.!d~ d elivered bfthe Spzrits (in La tine) who tell Dr. XXXIV p. S 9 Some places of the Apocalyp~, Dee that it was they that h11.d preferved him in amJ of Efdras App~ed t o tbefe Actions. his late danger. ~Very lik.fly il{deeJ that thq XXXV P 6o. Efdras trgarn. Str~tn-ge Prediwere the imnudiate cau[e, as of the danger, fo (]iom (but Anabaptillical, and fal[e ) of th~ prefervation at that time, to have the mou hold deftrulli()n of !(ings and fSi1zgdoms , 1P_hhin feYP 14ppn him for tbe~t imno come. for they tell him years after. The New Bc-ok, to be iNjfead of ?ften of it, after-w~trds. ~ A co11tinuation of the th.e Bible. . ( $ee before, the CIJntent.s of th~ ~IKth A&10n. ) ~ A continuati:n of their Jo!'rney. . Jottrney. XXI p. 35. Apparitions in the prefence of the L Lasky. M~{f things here i1t Ltthze~ f~r hil '[ak_e. XXXV 1 p. 6 2 .Appar _itions : good ( fo efieemed) ~ A continuation of the jounzry. and evil fpirits conte{(. Ed. Kelley ubuk.,ed fo r XXH p. 36. St vrral Apparitiom. Some evil his Magick. New Lights of dollrine promifed. .fpiritr ( he ack..?zowledged ) aPfear , and blafThe holy Language, ('!tOt H ebrew,) and te phrme. vertue of it, Gabale of nature. Chrift's T~r reftia\ IGngd<;>m : as before, XXlp p. 39 Sermonlik.,e !fujf, of mortiji.atto H, &c. Dock urn, ( in G ermany) to be de- XXXVII p. 65. Chri{t to be revealed. D ofJor .ftro ye.d, men womm, and childrm ; or faved Dee's wife and maid thretttned bJ App~r.iti4Hf at Dr. Dees pleafure: as hir Spirits nzak,.e hin~ Hil affairs in England. Sir Henry Sidne,!Jdirve. ~ A continuatim of the journey. flllflJ, reporte~ dead, by ff irits. Alb. Lasky XXI V p. 41. Stage lik_c c.arriage, and [peecbes, con[pzred agamft. Cracov1a promifeti to V o{ir ( {uch as is [em and heard in Pulpits [ometimes,) Dee a place of refl : (and af,ain p. 70.) of Spirits; at which Ed. l<ell ey il offended ; XXXVIII p. 69 Vo{ior Dee"s qurftiom, not an4 fwered. hDw excu[ed. Prophefies and threatnings of great XXXIX ibid. The queftlons again. l!y{lica/~ and woes. XXV p. 4i Dr. Dee's [everalquefiions ofworldCabalifiica\ elufions. S ome tbi;;gs obfcurely 11114 lJ co11cermttents , eluded by Sermon~lik,e fluff {wered. of SAnftification, &c. .a11d {iJme idle Appa- XL p. 71. Alb. Las~y in part rejelltd, as unworthy : y et, to be Kmg f Moldavia. ~ Their ritions. coming to Cracovia. ~ Anabaptiftica1 Prediaions of gr.eat Commoti9ns, &c. attd ChriJfs Terrdlial kmgdom, p. 46. XLI p. 73 Thtfe 'Pzfion1 and Aftions m~tgnifieJ, ~ c;ontinuat ioll of the journey. as inc~mparablemercies a~rd favours, The l'ri~ nicy ack._nowledged. Cabalifiical myfteries. XX V1 p. 47. Dr. Dee ( to his great grief and amar..emmt) rtbuk_eJ for his abode , and aCl:i- XLII p. 76. Great myfteries promifed. 49 Tables. ons, i;z unfanctified places. ~ The conjl-lmt 49 Calls, t:J-r: .- TIJeir virtue. pra8ice of his fpi rits , when they could nt t per XLHI p. 77 An illufion. A further progreffe in fo rm whllt tbey had promifed, to mak,.e him bethe Cabale of Tables and C alls : with jhew (in the [pirits) of marvtll11r.s reverence. lieve it was for his or {ome of his companies ofXLl V ( p. 78. ) The firjt Table. Myftica l mmr fmces, a1td provocatioNs. hers and letters, &c. XXVII p. 49 GlorioZK Prontifes made to Dr. Dee. H is prefent eft ate in Eng land not very XLV p. 8o. Ed. Kelley, a Mal ician, and fo r good. H e doubteth this prefent .Apparition t o it, reprovttl. Further proceeding iH tbe pr() be illufions f Devils ; llitd u much trouble,d. Great oppofitim of wick.,d mifed Cabale. {pirit1 ( iHfhew ) whileft thif wo11derful Cabale X XV III p. 5 I. Gods Greatnelfe, Juftic~, &c. [et out in a prophetical-lik,.e }tile. H is Spirit is delivered. XLVI p. 82. A Prayer, (in 7Pords zelllozu ) ufed twofold. XXIX p. 52. Some [pirits tell Dr. Dee, all forby the fpirits,prefcribed to Do8~r Dee, &c, Promer apparitions were but illufim s of evil Jpirits, ceedi~tgs in the Cabal e. More oppofition ( in.fhtw) of wic/Zed [pzrits. Bodily reverences, and prayand he mAd~ a j o1l b tbem. ~ A nd niL thif y ( while he fuppofetl; the[~ to be the tentpt ati~;zs of ers, often ufed. Tbt firfi (all ended. Th~ ll[cthe Devil,) to maize hzm the 'n~re confident at 'md vertue of it. , ther tim n , when the Devil appeared unto him i1t XVll p. f8. M ore oppofition ( i11jhew) of wick.!tl fpirits. a better Jhn}e, a11d did mo.f abufe hzm. l XXX p. 54 A. 'ontinruzti'n of the f ame Projeti. XLVJij p. 89. 1ht Sabbath ( r Sunday)to be k,rpr.

{ ..

XL1X ib.

. -- -- .




The Table.
tr11_(wered by Ed. Kelley, for i!ludefh a1td cozen~ err : who H oppofed by V o{lor Dee, with much cerdetb. confi.dn1ce.,. and fome appea_r:z.nce of .rea{on. Some L p. 9 I. Nothing appeareth. Ed. Kelley (upon mijfnk.,es in the writing, from what caufe. good g-otmds ) very confident, thll~ they_ were DeVIl s all, that had appeared hitherto ;. antl their LXI V fl. 15 9. Ed. Kelley v.ery bold (and p_erv~rfe, M cenfured by Dor:Jor Dee, ) witb the fpi:O pretmded myftaies, very fopperies, &c. 11 i b. Kelley, of tbat -mind j1ill, and re[olved to rits : (y et not without good ground of re~ brain Do[Jor Dee. Doaor Dee's great confi-:fon ; all well confidered. ) The Book :. the dence (. btrt Hpon little grounds: whereof fee in leaves, dime1 rfiom, and other particulars of it: N ot to.be written, hut by Angels. Al. Lasky Jet the Preface:) of tbe contrary. in favour. Lll i b. Kelley rcpr~ v ed. The my(lerie ofN umbers. The Creation : Fall of A dam. The LXV p. 1 60 . God all in Rll. The Devil in perpeJua/ oppofition. H_o!P dangerol (truly fpoken, la ngtlltg_e be [pal<,e, &c. ~ Ed; Kelley rerhough by the Devil, ) t6 den! with hintJ. Infi~ conciled. delrt] puni(hed . Anabapcifrical Propliefies aJzd LIH p. 93 Somewhat heard by Do{]or Dee alPromifes. Al. Lasky [ufpeaed. fo, tv his wo1zder-i~g. Serm~n-lil<.e ftuJf _ f Preo de{linatiolr,:_E !e{]zon,&c. Jrtzvered by [pmts. The LXV I p. 16 2. Ed- K. reproved, aitd exhorted to repent; eanze(l!y,yea with tears, in_{hew. Oevifs Keyes : Their ufe and 11ertue. Move not,. &c. and their b'1fim~ both with good and bad. Somt ( often repeated ) explained. The work..e Caba\ifiica! _fhff, promifuJ. f!,Ots on. LIV p. I99 The W9rk..goes on, but mt without (as ~ p. 164-. Ed. Kelley's Confeffion of heretical, damnRb!e o;inio;ts by him held and believd. Hii H conceived) orfofitio1t. repentance, abjuration of M agical arts a;rd pra'LV p. 102. 'My{iical Apparitims : explaind. a1td aices ; converfion unto God ; believed by Do(]or applytd to Doa~r Dee, &c. The holy Book Dee ( upon great probabilities ) -.to be hearty and t be writtm by God himfdf according t1 projinrere. H:-s tht~n~s t o G1d for it. -mife. ~ 165. More of Kelley's converfion. No AppaLVI p. 10 4 . A prayer: ti!Je work.. goes o1t. ritiM,and why: divers ronje{]ures of Dr. Dee. LVII p. ut. MyJtical Appar:itions explained. New inJlrul:fil)ns for future AEhons. The Dayes, LXXVI[ p. 166. Apparitiom to comfQrt and confirm Al. Lasky. the drelfe of the place. LVIII p. IJ5- A paral-le agai1z[t Ed. Kelley, LXVIII Vifions and Apparitions to Ed. Kelley, fir ft alone : then in tbe p,refence of DGllor Dee : WhfJ conte{feth with the [pirit.s alxJut the lawfulThe vifitation: the wer~ies,ofGod: Greet .proneffe of hid Magick : yei~deth nevrrtheleffe tQ bury in tbt ground hM Mag1cal Books, and Chami{cr. Expofition ( /;y {pirzts ) of th~ Vifiori, racters : which u accepted, [o one of 27 be burnfd. ~ Ed. Kelley tempted, a1td douotfr~l again, . . . An Apparition foe-wing ( IH it proved) the pre- LXTX p. . 171. A Vifioli toEd . Kelley ~ and Al. Lasky : with promifes out of the Pfalnis~ fntt e)fate of A. L. Ll~ p. 118. Ke\ley's obedimce. The work._goeson. LXX p. 171L Furniture of the Table: crrffes, &c. 7he Table of tbe Earth : Governour;Angels, &c. The former ceremonies u[ed. LIX . . . . Ed. Ke\ley at !aft ver.J well (a Tbe Book, (the tit le of it, Le- thofe, & c.) and. e d(l[/rine of Enoch, revealed zmtJ him by fpecia!l t isfied , that all H ftom God : 11nd very defavour: counterfeited by D. and M agici11,ns : VOHt; their ( haraa:ers. Myftica'l Tables, Fi "'tires, LX p. J 38. Gods power. He not tyed to time. The Words, &c. Linea fpiritus SanEti (a ho~ribla Jncari1arion of Chri!f aek,_nowlcdged. Warnings pro~anarion; bm fuch are mofi Cabal~,'fica lfflY~ to A\. L. and promifrs. fienes) myfticlll croffis,&c.Solotnom lznowledge; LXI l' 139- Calls, Aires : What a~td bow to be ( i Fy ou will believe them) bow far ;t ex te~tded. ~fed . Divifions; . and Govern1;1ents of A~tgels. Divitibns of the Earr.~. Al. Lasky, hH eafe. ~ LXXf p. 178. The Cab'ale goei 01: . Th~ wonderfull txfent of it. D i[eR[r's how to be cured, or Mapram<~, or Die nobis, zmder Gabrlel. J efos procured by it. M mey coin~d; and imcoined, ack.,nowledged. Good I nftru[/ims, H ttmilit;, &c, given b; who111. A good Prayer, ill ~~.pplyed. . LXH ll 146. An il!uder. Obedience, Faith, ~LXXII p i8i. LXXIIIp. 183. -The fecretsof States, (fo 7rithemiru roo: we have hi~ Tablts: wit bout which,G9ds promiJes not irrevocable. Exbi.tt never was any man the wifer:whereofinorc llmples ilt Scripture. 1'/ie Cabale of Calls, &c. in the Prefa-ce:) Medicine .~ Cbrifi his earthly M before. Kingdom: All things in thr[e Tables. A ve fudden.:. LXIII p. IS 3 Ed. Kelley doubtful agttin. The !y ~O~Ie : Madimi appe~treth: J?oll~r Oec wanteth, pares 9[ tbe E~rth: revelfled mtto Pwlemy' b.J at: Angel. Some Ch'ara{]m and Propbefies of -monrJ; but c~n get -~tone. A gznglmg (but fa lfe) diverr placer qf the wnrld .( sorue mi.ll:aken, Prophe/ie, con.cernmg the Emperout to {ucceed Rodolph. (See lll[o p. ~4 3 ) I believe, ) Gon~antinople. Tlu Turk. Tke Arke of Noe. T!ie ptace of Paradife. Elt, ~ Ed. Kelley ,bu r"age a.nd rev" ili1tg,mllcb diflii{e.d by Dr . Dee; repented of b! Kel!ey him{elf: titk..m Enoch, John: where .r_eferved. A .contradiltotice of (hi! rrpentan.ce) bJ the [pirits. A1t ex:. Oion obferv ed bj Doaot Dee) not an['/Peted by ihe traord;nury (fo apprehended by D. Dec) .ftdrm ,f _ . {pirits. Rome. Tbunder llnd Rain. ~ 'the fpirits, (upon goud grounds) Ju[pft/uJ) dntl [* 2] ~LXXIV

XLIX ib. More oppojition: yet the wori<_ pro-

The Table.

LXXIV, ibid. Mm: Caba1Hl:ica1 brjhu~ion.s (f~mewhat' fib,..~ Magtck , 11 s Kelley tkoT(gbt : ) 'conc_mtin~ the prattice ~f it. Dreadful Pr1ph:j1es, of Juddm altaations in t~e World. Al. 1;-asky, in {apour. '1he Book ~o be prepared, '&c., ~d. Kelley a)'rrfdi 'Magician,, by hii own




Viol : in the . A poca-

~ LX~V :P~

aclij.o'{P/edge_ ent ~ m 185 .. Pat/enr.-( tmd f-/11mi/ity, commhzde4. A . pre,tty fimilitude ( if true : .whereof fee. 'in . the Preface ':) 'pf the . Adders dealing with ber youn~- l'il'fiddity, how.grea.J.4 fin. Yet Ed~ Kelley jfilltnc;red(t/(}r, for all ib#, and vay n::fo)ut'e. . ~ LXXVI 1 .~6 . Chti!t, his co111ing in 'Triumph, &c.. 'The B.ook, ofln_ !J!=at.iqn .. Sa tans (pre__tenV ded ) oppofition . Some Propbejies, Pramt[e~, aJJJ ) nftn({] ions.. . . LXXVH P 1&7. '$qme qul'.fti.o?Js, belOHj)vg to the Cabale, pizrtlJ elud,ed, partly . a"![w~uJ.. , Invocations of good Angds. Set f-rl!yers n~t al/~twed, alid wiv. Evil{pirits, b9W to be dealt with. 'Ihe. l3oo~ of Invocations: and: now, Set Prayirs al~ lowedof.. LXXVI It p. i89. Srr1Hon~lik,.e. fluff, of the ufe of afftiCiitm, &c. S(Jmr pro.~i[Ps io D()Cior Dee qJtd Ed.- Kelley. A . Progreff,e in the Cat ale .of Calls. _ LX:)ClX P 195. DoCJor Dee 11.nd bu fellow reproved, V.o ~Qr D ee, with great bumi!ity, doth lu~fwer for b!"!!fe!f. Enoch : t~e Evolt ddiwrd unto /J..itit. ( the fame. in fubdan cr, as this, th~ [11y ; ) bj Eod. Hid Praye_r, Humility

Dollor D~e's Wife:_ .AL ~asky. DoCtor Dee1 fent to R,~~phus Emperour, with a .mrJJage, M from God_ . . LXXXIX p. 217 The Angelica! Book. Ntw orders abou~ it. Al. Lasky, though rejeet'd, ye,t to be great for a while. ln{pira~ion }romifed. to Vr~ Der, t;rbou~ a Ldter to the Emperour. ~ A Copy of the faid Lett ; r ( by ' infpira' tion probably mough of fpirits, M a man may fhZJP.f[e by the ~\1ff, ) to the 'Emperour, SecreCJ

1 ypfe ; M underflood by Dotror Dee. A very good blefting, pronoun~ed. by 41t evillfpi:... rit. Diver.s Wo~ .JenOUlfCtd. SomewhJ.t of

XC p.


, . . LXX~r. p.

197. The [piii.ts ttppoin,t their '

time,andapp,ear. The prrci[c tilm'of (hrifls .coming ; 111id o-ttber Proph.-jies, not :rrvea!cd unto 'Ze;i .for three rea(ons. . LXXXII LXXXII._I. P 198. 199 'lhe fpirits, &c. "M before. The ninet.een Calls, a.nd.t~eir he'ginninj!,s, l,.XX.X'tV p. 200. More Calls, rmd "IJ.ff.eries ; but ;tot without ( pretendtd, ) oppofition of :wick.edfp1rirs. ~dam'sfall. J.he Curfe.upon it, and . .the rff.e{l o jt. J . . LXXXV p. 206~ , M ore Calls an4 Ares. An qp;arent com,rad;?it~'Jt obferved_bJ Doaor Dee; cunningly evaded bv .the fp~rits. Dol'ior Dee; b~ Hymne, and {piritua! . ( .but not frow God , becaufe n.ot _well gr :wtded : ) rejoycing, ~tn,d thanJvgiviJfg. His {on Roland in grea.t da'liger. LXXXVI p. - 21.0. Doi;JH Dees conteft_with hw fpiri~s : he 4j[erts hit own rnnocmry, ana (to th~ :Jtmo/f of hii'power) obedience : bu.f b~tffied by .the fpirits. Al. L. reje{]ed. LXXXVU. p. 211. The fa.me .contell: profecuteJ b~re ttl[o-: wit, [o.me tbreatni11gs. h ~ Tfuir coming t o Prague. ~ Some CbitHical gibbriflr( fit ftr~ffto anw[e un[ett!ed ~raines:) found ilt the hou[e, concerning the Phtlofophers Scone. :Read there, ( and. fi rubeo m. fie nnpta m, &c. ~ l> 2q . .. :S,o me ~anjeliurei~ _ an{i meditations of Do~.r .. Dees, upuit. [on" jlaces of Scrip-


Sermoiz-lik.e flrdf. .The .power of God, Srvf'r{tlWoes. The Trinicy,&c~ lJr. Dee not bein~ willing to be. put off {~;tger, rh~ [pints, ( agai11jl tbcir wills ') mak,e [ome progrejfe in the Cabalc. Dolfor Dee, in ..the exeCution of. Gods will 1 to proceed w!th fl.lry) &c. . XCI p. lz~. D1Cior Dce,.Jharply reproved Cb1 examplfs r. ut of lhe Scriptures, &c~ ) for chujing ( when it w.u put to hu cboir.e) rather pr:e[ent 'Nr. formuuce 3 thttn l&iiger delay. XCII p. 223. 'Ihe [llme matter . here alf~ The )Ures .of Dotlor Dee's ltfe, 73. and. tJ. half; ( wllicb per~hance might : com.e very near eo eh~ truth, 1fwe could.certainly- know Wht11 hedled : ) determined. E<;l. Kdley u die violently : ( and fo he d.id: for endeavourin g an efcape out ofprifon, he b1akea leg ~nd died of it ; as generally reponed~ ) Do.m; Dec dotb repent and . re-vok,t hid choice ; . in very good language~ had it ~~n upon- a good .ground. ~ Douor Dee's . Letter r~ the J( jitg of Spain hii Agent ( or Ambaffadour) 'lfitb the EmpeJ:Our, about hu Letter ; 11nJ. m~ans. of ace~ffe, to the Emperour. XCHI Several queftions propofed by Dotlpr Dee, The fpirits jhrewdly put to it about 1t lye which . they bttd told; and yet by the help of Cabali!tical querJ:,.s _a1td _dijtinf1i~ns, ( but ~.[per:ia!!y> of An~baptl{hcal mfatuatzqns i!f D.ollor Dee,) they come off with credit. !" what {enfe D:oCfor Dee might truly fay, That himfelf had feen wh11.t[~re.~er Ed. Kelley h11d [enz. ~ Doaor 'pe: hu Letter, and Pre[ent, graci.oujTy rtccivedby'tbe


XCIV p. l2S. .Apfitritiom , Not in tQ~ Stone. . Tbe priviledf,e of apparitiqn in th~ Stone. . The Myfterie of the T r'i'i li,r y. Reafon 1111 enemJ to God, ( tO Ddufion indefd an& wildneffe: found, and _fober R,eaftnL) M the fpirits would have i't, Th~ Emperpur t/ir~llt,ted; . The names of the fpirit r n~Tff aplearing,_ tmd hpw to be fwnd fn the Cabalifli'

_ca Tables. S~me drun1),11:t pr(l.itk._s of KeHey's, tntd why here


recorded. ~A letter of the Spani (h Embaffadour hil , Secretary t o Dol/or . Dee, whereby !Je dotb jignifie the Emperours d efir e i:rnd appohtt.,J,ent to h(l.lJI bim.conte to Jiim. Ofravius ,Spjz:J~la:

Chnmb re

. . --==-===

The Table.,
Chamberlahz, &c. brings him to bim. A11 account of what wa$ [~id on both fide:. Doctor Dee's Monas, ( of wlnch, ft:e more 11:1 the Prefaa :) hil ]Vvel~tti.oifs and Vifions: HH Angehcal Scone,
&:. ~ XCV p. 231 Kelly's form~r "ti{ca_rri~tge tak_rn notice of : the c:zufe of zt : It H for given. D'> l1or Dee, &r.. Their Office magnified. K ingdomes of the Earth to be de(froyed. Hieru[aiem rejfored. Chrift ro R tig1 u. Other Predi[iiom ,very _(frange, ( but not true) and the certain year. Rodolph. Emperour, to be exalted. Seep hen King of Poland, to be defiroyed. Enoch's Tables. Dol1or Dee his Prayer, 11nd Kellcy 's Vow. ~ Dollors Dee's Letter t~ Ofravius Spinola, to be c1mmunicated to the Emperour : bNt not de /ivered ttt that time, by reafon of the Emperour bis abfmre. __ . _ ~ XCVl p 23) Ga. Za. Vaa: [pmts _ tnvtted: that is, called upon by Dollor Dee : the1r an[wer interpreted by him. ~ The former Letter, ( with [ome aluratiom) delivered, a11d the Emperours very gractozu ll.nfwer to ~t, by the [aid Spinola. Dottor Cunzm~, a Voft~r of tiJe Laws, one of the Emperours ~nvy Council ; accounted very Leanttd: appomtrd by the Emperour to deal with Do!Jor Dee, in bit behalf. ~ XCVU p. 237 Dollor Dee ask._eth cozm[ell, ( of God~ he thought:) _but _~rjt e~tcounter eth with P1lofus, ( lln evzl fpmt : , ))W as I tak._e it:) and bu ttmptations .. Ed. Kel~ey very penitmt ftill, b11t defirous, ( as ufljit) tt> be out of bi-t_ Office. The fpirits appear . Recon~iliation : rwofold : (with God, wzth _the Church, &c. Purgatory. 1he body ?f Chnfr, 7:he cafe of Rodolph. Emfe~our, m ~a[e ~e obey, or di[obey. The fplflt of Ch01ce m Dollor Dee, e:xplai1ied. Dollor Curtz allowed of. ~ p. 23 9 Votlor Curt'L, and Dollor. Dee, ( after f ome Co mplemrnts by Meen.~ ers ) mee~. Their co~tference of fix hours . Dol1or D.ee s Relation of ~im[rlf , hil Scudtes, hi! SUite; (and therein, though not appre~ended _by himfelf, his incollerable pre[umptton, pnde, high opinion of himfelf, &c. ) Revelations , Books, and wondafull confidence; 11s of mojf, that are (o deluded. ~ Ed. Kelic:y -~ranr,ely tempted. _ ~ D ol1or Dees mi(frujt of v~aor Curtz, upon what grounds. ~ XCV Ill p. 240, Lying: and frowar~ [1tence : not ordinarily exp~unded. R.econclltation to tbe Church. The fin againjt the Holy Ghoft : what it i-f, Complaints, and Prophefi es againjt the Emperour, ~tnd Dol1or Gurtz, becait[e of their in/idelitJ, aNd dif~bedimce. Dolior Dee in high favour: England givm to him, tmd f or bi-t [~tk,! , not de}troyed : Ttt the Crown there, to be transferred, &c. Dollor Dee warranted, and cdmmanded to write to the Emperour, that he could make the Philofop.hers Stone : though, ytt, he could not; but is promi[ed

it _ and the g ift of healing : ( which diver En; thufiajfr have boafrcd of; and if they have done any rhii1g . really, there is no qtie{tion but they have done it by the help of fpirics. How fafe therefore it is to go unto fuch, lee men confider. ) Ed. Kelley prayes for Do{Jor Curcz hi-t [udden death, ~ut not heard. ~ XCIX p. 243 The [ameCommigio1r,here again about the Philofophers Scone: and the Empe~ rour, here al[o thretttned : aud tmother ( Ernefrus) af!ig1:1ed to his placr. Reported here t o be poeffed by a Devil. ~ C p. 24+ D ol1or Dee, comforted and con firmed by hif [pirits , againjt flandrrs, and eviLl reports : oHt of Scripc11re; &c. ~ The fpirirs here,{eem to allude to a paJ[a?,e of the Sibyls Verfes, ( a counterfeit Book.. : ) tir Dollor Dce doth obferve af la{f, fo agru with it. Thf'y telL V~tlor Dee he Jl.'a/1 be with the Erriperour in fpzght of the Devsl : ( fo they can play upon themfelves, when they lift, to fool men: ) but did not fa~ true, and in tl,at }hewed themfelves very Dev1ls ; and that Dol1or Dee migltt have wtderftood, h.1d not his und~r(fanding been [o blin ded and c11ptzvattd by them. ~ Dollor Dce invited to Dinner, hy the Spanifu Embaffadour: who, among other things, pro frffe~b him[flf to_ be drfconded of Rayn1undus Lullms: that thts Raym. L. ( if we mlfy beiuve him ) by a retired {olitude, without Book._r : (the way commended by the lace Method al{o : but indeed che mofi: ready way to put men ouc of rheir wics : ) of an ig~torant illiterate milt:, became very harned: and that he bad tht Phi lofophers Stone: whrreupon he dotb conclude and build, that which D~tlo r Dee rrlated of hi,n(r:. f, bis vifions, a:td u vdations, &c. ' mighr be M p& , and true, The Emperour, f]iblt by him co,mnmd d . ~ p. 246. '[ be fr:cond Letter, written by Dollor Dee to the bnperour. His confidence M greift M ever; an4 purticular/y concerning the Philofophcrs Scone, .which be doth here promife to the Emper~ur, ( btmg fo perfwaded by hi s fpi:. rits, thougl-1 as yec, as ig norant of it, as ever.) ~ Doftor Dce at Dhmcr again with t/g Spanilh Embaffadour. ~ Ed. Kelley trolib/efo me: Dollor Dee's confidence in God, and great penury. ~ p. 147. Dr. Deevifited by Dr. Curtz,athis ~wn lroufe.His c ~mplaints: Dr.Curtz account flf tbe Emperour (his M ajfer ) pre[mt apprehmfions of this bufinefs: Some Mathematical BoQk_s writWtby Dr. Dee,and Commandinus (tt very famous m- n)&c, a ~ p. 148. ;inotha Letter of DoVlor. Dee's t~ the Spanilh _ Embalfadour. His wr.nder-fu!! ronfi J ewce, dec/iniHg ( wifely : his fpirits had fo infirufred llim, ) thetej f of human~ rea[on.-( roHris, fqr mentis to he corre[fed, be re. ) ~ An aCcount; (in a.Pofifcript) of IJis !ajt conference with Dr. Curtz. ~ CI p. H 9 A f ter ~ [Tf,el/ing Preface , (fittell for the Scene , . -tmd A uditonrs) a t~ng di{cour[e ( upon occafio1t of Do{Jor-. Dee bts ifif~'s fick,:u1Je : ) of true Phyiick , alld 3'] 'th~


The Table.
rbe c~u[t~ of di[rafes : mueh [avouriHg (whereof 'H'Iorr in ~he Prefa~.:e:_) of Paracelfus. his JlJ!e, 11nd [pints. Rare jtuff, mojt.part of zt, for a
~ack. ~CH p, .2)l

Clii.p. 253. The fame matter profecut!d,_and particu!~trly applyed to Jane Dee, ( tbe wife of Dr . 0~1!,) her prefent eafe: .Her l)ifeafe: a~:d the Remedy. ~ - ._Cl\f p . . 253 Do <:tor Dee reproved, as not fenfiUe .eHough of what God had done for him: w_ic_h iJ pompoufly {e.t . otlt 6J the Spirits. M!Jh my not to be rxpel1ed from thefe {pirits , who nevertlu/effr promifrd them (after a.whde) great plentJ of al./ things : p~:wer to makJ', and,marrt, wb1m they plea[r, &c. Ed. Kelley reprcved for contriving 'how to }teal away : AL Lasky to prevail ~tgainjr h.U e:lfemies . . ~ ;Jnother mettin.~ of Dotl:orCurt-z, and Dcfror Dee's. The Emperours .tiH(wer , ( by Dofror Curt:t ) to. fome p.7f.tge! of Dottor Dee's meff fage, rf,elivere(i. UHtQ him, as from GoJ.. Doctor Dee doth interpret IJimfelf. A wpts of the Emperours .profrr, eo do him good, &.c. ~ Dr. Curt~ tllld Ooc:tor Oee, t11gether again : but no ac.comzt ofhiJ two Lettrrs to the Emperouryet f,tf!eH, Marbematical iNvenriom, of D30 or <:::t\-it-z, &c. ~ A draught for a Paife, to 6e obtai,ed of the Emperour for Dotior Dee, & c. Dol1or Dee tak,.rs notice of thr rr[[>fl1s of two Spapi(h Embalfadours, t~nd anather grrat M11n, dwe to bi nt p~tbli:k._'y . ~ . The accotmt o.F [ome rw~ )?t?netbs, from~ Ottcb. x584. to Decemb.2o. are -wa~tin.f!,. ~ p. 3H Their [econd arrival to Prage. Dol1nr Dee,~ Lrtt~r ro the ~ pani(h Emba.(fadour; H11 wonderful prognffr ( as he tho11ght ) i11 b1gh myjleries a nd rrvtlations, & c. ~ Hif-houf~ there. ~ p. 354 D&l1or Dee's Ll'tter to Dil1or Curtz : (one ,f the -Emperours privy Council, 6"c. as befort,) Complaint of afperjlons") ( & . minis : mt J\imis, as printed: ) Proftffion of god iJttentitms towards the Emperour, & c. . ~CV P: . 35 5. (. lld . 36 l. ) L ong parabolical, ,enigmatic.il Appl!ritions; ( ~t,ich Dollor Dee diJ tJO.t blv ver,Y wd!l nor _ underjfanJ.; tu a~ peirethby p: 361.) and [ome wild Dol1rin:!> of tb~ f.e"ax. of .t he !..or.d ; JOnocency, fanchhca.t ion in Chrifr,.&c. cabaliJiically [et out. The PhHof~en Sco_ne,ptom,[ed to the Emperp~r by Du~r Dee. ~ C Vl p. 361. Gods my/tnies ~ot to be difpenced by degrees, &c. The Philofophers S.cone, a gr_~At .,yft-erJ. . ~ (..VH p. 362 .A. Progreffe in the Corbale\ Op.ptJfitiatt as before. The Lelfon (Jeep. 387.") .out o the Boqk of Enoeh. f -~ CVJll p. ~6+ ~- CIX p. 3 65.-~ CX p. 366. ~ CXJ and CXll . . 367. A further Progreffe. p fJbt ntyfttriu. of thit..,.,~rthy L~lfon highly [et out, ~tnd'[o,e /l,.ind of 'expofition of it: ~ut as Ed. K~lley. r-ightly judged, ignotum per ignotius. ]{evertnc~ required. Dflllor Dee in 4 fwond. .An-illufion,. ('[o pretended.) ~ CXIJI. . p, 367.. Douor D~e, &c. txce.ptul a

gai11ft, as unworthy, becau[e of their fins, and unthanlifulneffe, f er fo ma11y mercies. Anothtr, ( whomfoever DoCior Dee would chH[e ) upon certai't cautions n_ cond,rions, to be fub}fitr.ted in d Ed. Kelley's place. Dolior De::e's [orrow, ~tnd bumble requefl about the Philofophers Scone. Hu defire t o be in.fhuC'Ied (by hit [pirits ) about the Sacrament of the Lords. Supper. The my(fery ofit cabalifiically unfolded. The T rinicy, 'Adam~s fall, Chritf,s Il1carnacion. Tbe Dl8ri~eof Tranfubfrantiation: Of r pceivi11g tmderone kind: Of ado-ration of the Eucharift: B:t receiving of it, not allowed. ~ CXl V I? 373 1he former 'D o~rine hi~hly m~~~ nifted : a~ alfo the Leffon , m Clmmcal gtbbriili, of mulciplicacion, dignificatidn, &c. ~ <...XV ibid, More of their unworthineffe, ( through fin) and incapa!'ity,fQr fuch higiJ things. Vo ff or Oee prayrth. Al. Lasky rejr[led. Dotlor Dee 11tu.ch trovMed. ~ CXVI p. 37'S J)o{{or Dee very ~rne.fi for the [ecret of the Philofophers _ Stone, [ J often promifed: but elude4 With Sermm-lik._e jlr1f of reproof : of patirncr,ttffliCiiom; worthy parcaking; Conf llion, &c. ~ ( XVll p. 378. Doaor Dee himf lf hearcth, r and feeleth. M or.e r.eprcofrs. D~Bor .Dee to pr.tv.ail againjl bw enemies: but commanded fpu dily to g: for P r ague, to prevent mtprifo~
mfnt, &c.


CXV ITI p. 37,. Hrre ttgain, haftened to be gone . . Al. L.-hiJrll[e,. ~ CXIX ibid .. Thry b~gin th:ir journey; hUt by' an Appnrifion in tbe.Wil_Y, after fgme goodly-promifn nuuh to Dol1~ O~t=~ f or.hi:s obedience : and Pmtiltio1rs ( a:H fa1fe }'of judgements 11pon the Em.pcrour, .a.nd exaltation of Stepheu Kin_( of Poland, &c. tiJry ll..re ~ommanded to retur11 back,. lf{.auz, and to ret11rn t_ }?rague. o ~Which do11e Doa.or. Dee'~ ChdJ i1 chri{tmed, fome of the chiei eft in the E.mperours Court being Godfathers,and Godmothers. ~ . CXX p. 38::. Tb. Proph~ts of old times [U111r moned : why vificed, &c. The eternal r,eneration of. C:hrift, the ?on of God, Platonically [et o:4t. D~vllle Wecefiay, the, C1111[e of all thin~: Elc&ton :_Perfeverance, &c. Ear11r{f t xpoftul4ti-ns, JHZd exhortatiolts. Chrill: . 4g11in: The Church M ilitam, a.nd Triumpbattt. lJoCior Dee and Ed. Kelley much t ak,pt 1Pirhthis goodly jlujf, and confirmed ifl thrir Errour. ~ p. 387 . .Tht pretioUf Lelfon, -befor.e .Jpok,m of, f revealing the fecret of the Philofophers Stone. ~ CXXl p: .388. The Lelfon, and fome obfcure w~rds. of it, exprtf[ed. in :E glifh. Ed. K~lley, n .Jefirouf'to be ria of hi# office. ~ CXXII .p. 389. Jane Dee ( Voflor Dte' wife ) her earne}i and lm~?tble Pecirion tt G~d, ( fo the poor.woman tho!lght) and hit AHgds, ftJT relitf in her great.. lUcefPty. The Petition anfwered:, .firfi with reprflof; but com1Nendation, ttd p:t'D,ifn, 4terwttrJ.s. The [pirit co1tfeffeth, he had no porPer t~ procure them money:, hut. ixjfe~td of it , p.r~tends to give tbem good

The Table.
COJiHf(,l,,to grt out of Prage fpudil.J, &c. of a. hot confiill betwem Dqll~r Dee, ~~~d. Ed, Kel~ey, about fo~e .M(lgict!l papers: ;;, which confiil1 Do(Jor Dee thought . him[6lf .i1z rianger of hiJ !Jfe, and wai faine to crj out for help. ~ CXXIII p. 391. An Apparition fitted for the occafion. 'Ibe f ault of Ed. Kelley's refra?Jorirue,"laid upon the malice and envJ of tbe Devil, ttnd fome places of Efdras, applied to that purPo[e , Ed. Kelley ubuk,.ed ; but comforted ftltd coufirmed with a pro~i[e of no evil fpirit to be- fu.fferetl to trouble him hencefo.rth : and many good exhortations : with a Parable a._lfo t 1 that purpo[e. ~ Some qzte/tion~ prop9[ed by Dotlor Dee, JPbo is referred to the Book: of
~ A Record

for mall aQfolmion, pro1tounced by ~vill [pirits. ~ CXXX p. 4-02. ~ Do{lor Dee, &c. br9ugbt to Stepheo, ( King of Poland, ) who uj?n .fqme ~oJtditions, i1 willi.nJ[. to be pre[ent : yet makfs an obje'lum out . of Scriprure, a~ not fu!IJ fatisfied tho.t thefe apparitions, &c. "P(ere from God. To which Dol'lor Oee. mak,.es an accurat a'J[Wfr: (by which it doch Otppc:ar, that eit.h er he had fiu~ died the cafe very well; was helped; as o~ ther reall Enrhu{iafts, by his fpirits :) bttt very full of faults in the Copy, andfo printed. M ore !,ere, I think., then in all the La tine of tbr Book bejidrs. W,t t4k,.e notice. of it in the





~ CXXIV p; 395 Dollor Dee, &c. Jharply reproved for not frt!filling the command of a {peedydepa.rture, witb more expedition. He ackpowltdgeth ( co1t-oilled by fome plaufible cenfie Jent.tiom, ) hid fault, llnd pr:ay. th fervently. ~ CXXV p. 396. 1he Stone fout up for twenty d~tyes. Their journey (from Prage, to CracoYia : ) and i1t tb1 way, ftra.nge whirlewinds. Svme (frife about their houfe. Al. Laskr, by whom &c. DoCJor Dee il brought to . the King: ( fufiinem, ~ XXXI p. 406. Sad co mplaint, (as from God) fqy fifierem, to be ~orre{led, &c. ) J.e!ivers bit of inrredulitJ : The Incarnation of Chrift, and Commif!io~t, &c. He receiv(s the Communion : tberrby priviledge of <:hrifiians above t!Je Ifraclfo d9tb Ed. Kelley. its. Te~trs . Do!Jor D ee,[ent with an errand to ~ CXXVI p. 398. The Kings prefence required King Stephen: and a dirdi p.romife, and pro fer by {pirits, llt the[e Apparitions~ . 4f CXXVl I ibid. Superftitiom praJ~rs {by ap- ~ of the Philo(aphers &tone. in Latin: (but Dg[ior Dec delivers hu errand pointment af fpirits ) to the A11gels, Governriurs here our records, I know not by what chance, ~f Kingdows 11nd NatiONs. Stephen (King of are ver.y defective. K'ing Step hen, . it feems Poland ) great!) in favour (with God) 4nd to dicl not prove fo . credulous , as was .cxbe the Mini{ler of grea~ thiHgs. pected.) Di{/Or Dee dotb apprehend, (which Ke!ley dorh of4f CXXXH . p. 408 The [pirits are angrj, and Wt pr.ofee to 'b~ttJe found in hi111[elf) that the [pi command all t"o be fhut up, for a [eafon, tilL fur~ rifs k,.1uw hit tbottghts. . th.er or<kr. ( the accou t\t of fame moriechs is ~ Ed. Kellloy, ve"J unq"iet, 11nd hla[pbemo~ : Tit wanting.) confirmed agai~1, h) fome App4ritiqns ; to Drtl1or Dee's grutt romfort, :who jlill (very devout- y ~ CXXXUI p. 409. The power of God. The l aad innocently, ha4 not he brought this grieJewes; qnJJ eru fa.le~n.to be re.fl"ored. And now, VOllS deluGon : upon himfdf, by tempt-ing God one F rancis Puce ius ( a Florenrine,. a x:;edliZ fo gri~ou!ly : ) doth fubtit wrto, ~tttd. comfort . a'Jtd.ltanted.Papij~, ) bezng e~;~tertained, ami aJ,mitted to the[e fecrets: "R~ith great hope:r .offorne hifelf in a.d. . 4f CXXVlll p. 400. Apparitions in tbe prefen.ce good to be done by thiJ fello;rp(hip: Rome alfo lw of Al. tasky. Pr~mifes u Vollot oec:, And ttl i;:g . tiffig~JCJ htncef(l.rtb for tbe Scene: ( ffe p. K;,.g Stt:pbe,ri. A t Lasky u~n co~tditions to ~e 4~7). t.he{pirits apply the.m[elves, attd .fit :heir receiw& mt~ fAiJpur 1-i,tUif. ~ Dotlor flee .re~ .f~ech to rbiJ .tnd ~n(i, oc.r..ttfiJNt Th~ interpret ac,;.,m tl;e Communion again. . tion of Stri.-pt\lies. . Tbe Fadters. TIJe .Chu.r ch. 4f CXX.tX p. "4-0l .Apparitio~ .ltt. .th~ : Qlurt of . Lutber and .C~l~n, . condef(Jlful. The .Pop~ of Rome, e.n11o-t be CfaJ 1be [pi rits) the Antichrifr: the King .o f ~~land.,in t~ prefenc~ Qf A~ Lasky . itnd. .chhfk,,. VJ"fy prove it F::r;hort ations ro . rttUJn ( o11e of tht P.rmces Palau~e .'f tbeColUtlrJ ) "RRho to the Cb.ll.r.ch: and~ form of Pr~tyer, or 'IIJ:a?t'<J il .~fferul lv th" [piritt, fud"~e . Jeji:Tit_~li of the lCrng; ( .ifltJ~ rlefrre it;) lW to fu :in-. frrucll.. 'fPith :f1tJing, to thllt pur.po{t. In th.t conr.lufJ01:r, the fpirils .yply th.em{elvci .tfJ PucciLls, perfonally : ~qtrofu. ~ IJ7' otbp--.i.fe..Cin't/J~J; if {ll :rittber. Al. Lasky bu pioUI anJ rtligio.w anfwer, ~Htl lrlt if t'o rebuk_e .the prefent Pope, ( hrre 9tUed, choice : for which he i4 cimunmded. . 7 be fpirit i a WiCked ~Onfier;) 4lfli1t{f WhDmD if he Will not be P"fwaded, terrible judgements" are .denounc~d. will not mdurt, thour,li _tequefteJ; to Jut "'JJi.t~ the 4f The {ttme Action ( bec.aufe th.e [pirits hert Ki!tg, in. tbe Huoganan Tongue. They pr_omz{t t o father cbofe to[peik,. Englijh, than La titre: wherefpeit~ tt him i!l Lt~ti11e A gofid. blef/i11g, anJ

BefiJre tbe At\: ion, a. fervent Prayer.of Dollor Dc:e's., of hiJ calling, revelations, A1. Laskie, King Stephen, &c. . 4f In the Action, or A pparicio.., King Stephen, jharply reprpped for his fius. But upon 'onditioJZ ofrepentaHce, ttndfubmi[Jion ~0 God (in this wny) the Kings of the earth (. intoxticaci c~;tlice Merecricis : a phra[e oft m u[eJ in tbiJ Book.,.: that ii drunk with the cup of the Whore,) nre t o do hoJtflzge unto him; and he, (right Anabaptifme,) to work., /frnnge execNtion, &c. Very lGfty la~z guage , here ufed : Fige pedem in Aquil.

The Table.
Do{lor Oee.

w fa id in th~ Preface : in Latine bj

~ p. 430. A confiitJ of hi1, with the [aid Puccius, ab1ut th#r going to Rome, &c,

CXXXIV p. 417. The [umme of Francis ~ p. 43 I. A Paper delivered b] Pncciu5=, tfJ Do[for Dee, .n fr?m tlte Nuncio; by which they are Puccius his commi!Jion, in bieb Lrmguage. Futuu Ations, in Rome. ~ But bere follo'R'etb a. abfolved from all crimes, (were they 1uver [o grut hiatus fJf [ome 6 moneths : which beruves us of and baino~M) [o they will g1 to Rome. Puccius mttny particulttrs. bz the mean time happrned his inconjltmr.y about that Paper. ~ Doaor Dee's the fcmtence of banilhment at,ainjt Dolf;r Oee, Letter to the [aid Nuncio, upon that occafi,m : b_v the Popes mediation and authority ; ( tts his whertiu, among other things, to re!/ him of th('[l Boo/u that llad been burne4, a11d were ( mira,uNuncio, p. 4 34 dotil nck,.Howledge) and [o br11k..e the purpo[e of going to R.ome: .though 1uch drilouflJ) reft!Jred ; and of many more burned (pare fJC1J ou by Puccius, &c. as will appear. of chefe Rec,ords certainly ) not yet re{/ored, but ~ p. 418. DoOor Dce's record of a. /fra1tf/ thing, promifed and expelled. ~ The [aid Letter Af( a very mirade, in his judt,ement1 ) that hapned ter fome cat~tejl about it, committed to Puccius, to in bi1 pre[ence, andfig,ht; to wit, Book.! that llad be 6arried and deliveud. ~ More of Puccius bern burned by him, (or in hi1 fight ) rejlored unhis not faithful dealing. S. me Herefies n~(o of to him whole and entire, by [piri ts, &c. his. Some other things, laid to his .charge by Do~ CXXXV p. 419 Prince Rofimberg (you l/or Dee, may fee his Tides p. 415.) railed, and admit- ~ p. 434 The Popes Nuncius, his anfwer to Do~ ted into the Society, to be partak..er c.f the My llor Dee : gravr, and courteo tu. ( At the beginfiecies; ~tnd the Executioner of ([o [uppofed ) ning of it, am, [fir amem to be corrt[i. ) Gods j udgtmmts, &c. ~ Prince R.otimberg, ~ p. 43S A Paper, (here in[cribed and ftiled, 11pon relation of what had been revealed, conOraculum Divinum) in Kelly's ab[eHce, writcerning himjelf, accepts f it tha~tk..[ully: promiten and delivered ( I! Dollor Oee dotb /;ere refes ammtlment, and praJes fBr the Emperonr, cord:) by fpiricual and divine means : the (who[e Vice-Roy he 'ft'M in Bohemia, &c.) that drift whereof is, to confirm Prince Rofimbero-, he may not be d.ejiroyed, b11t re;ent rather. At who[e requeji:, the [entence of banilhment is mitigated. ~ p. 421. A Lttter 9f his (with his own hand) to Dollar Dee, to the fame purpo[e. ~ P 436. A long and {ubmifFve Letter of Fran~ Dollor Dee's Journey to Leipfig. ~ His Letter cis Puccius, ttJ Do[for Dee, & c. ~here, among to Sir Francis Walfingham, Secretary to ~et11 other things, be gives him a very punOual accgunt Elizabeth : wherein wobfervable his woHderfu!l o.f what had paffed, in dt[covr[e, between the Popes confidence; and vain boafting, ( though not withN unci us, and himfelf, COitC enrin[, tbeir caufe11 out fome grutmds : ) tH a very EmhuGa1:, and deappll~itions, high attempts, &c. (well worth the !Hded maH : though it canltotbe denied,that [ome readmg. ) His m cormt er with a Jefuir, before Enthnfiafls, upon leffe grounds, (when Gof/, bath the [aid Nuncio. What account Princ~ Rofimbeen pleafed t9 give waJ ) have had fr better berg , and fome other great men, made of fucceffe. them. ~ p. 4'14. One Jul. Afcanius, his 'Lttt~r to Dollor Dee, informing him of [ome reports, and attempt.r ~ p. 444- Kelley, to Dollor Dee: DoClor Dee, to hi1 Wife ; but nothing confidmzble in eiagainft him i11 Germanr, M a Necromancer, ther. &c. ~ CXXXVI p. 444- ~ CXXXVII p. 4+5 ~ p. 42 5. A Letter of Dollor Oee's to Prince Apparittons in the Stone, (after 6 moueths mRofimberg, complaining of tho[e reports,and at termif!ion) renmed, with e~pref!ions of great tletemJrs,bythe Nuncio, &c. vPtio1t, in Dolior De.e : but with many Woes and ~ -4:6. .Auother, to the Emperour, of the fame threat11ings, by tiJC ~pi rics : wh' neverthelrffe, fubj e~. P~mce Rofimberg bmrg prefent, pro,Jtife fair to ~ The fmtmce of Banifhment againft Dol1or Dee, htm, and give hzm fomu i1tjltHC1ions, bow t6 carry &c. inthe German Tongue. himfelf. ~ p. 429 Prince Ro6mberg hi6 quejl:ions and pe titions , mira.culonfly ( llH wao conceived ) an- ~ Francis Puccins very trouble[ome; but at /aft quieted with the re.flitution ( Dolior Dee, at thi.r fwered. A white paper being [et up1H the .Altar, time, abounded with money, 2000 Dnuts in one while{t Maffe WIIH [aid: the {aid paper after bng : Prince Rofimberg had a good pur[e:) Ma.ff'e, wM found all writtm, ~ntl rH [oo1t .n copied of 8c.o, Florens : whicb the [aiJ Puccius out, all the Letters tJf it .a11zjhed. A Copy tJf the h~td formerly contributed for the fervir.e. fa id paper, or ( miraculo~H) writting. ~ ibid. Some obfervations of Dollar D~e's, upon ~ CXXXVIIJ p. 448. Dollar Oee mak..es bQld to propo{e {ome qzujtions ( tending to the feFrancis Puccius (of whom befor~) hu carriage; cret of the Philofophers Stone ; as It ak.; it: ) Whereby it did appear zmto him,that the [aid Pucout of feafon ; but is rejeffed, and dotb humbly cins did not deal truely and fincere!y: which {ubmit. troubled Dol1or Dee, who much defired to be rid of him.



Part I I.

aCC\\rfed : ya Pop~ry ejfewber: jll[lified. Kelley fcandalized.t. .Doc V~e in grellt A f!,oNy: Sqitu 1or [e~rets of c(ill:illation r:evea/e.d by fp;rit~. The Powder ag a~n, and how E. K. came by i.t, . Pr:edJllions of En-gland, &c. ( all falfe. ~nd. foqljtro) Ed. Kelley IJis fidelity f1_(pe:Jed. Cabalifi'ical my{teries of Letters ~ an. Numbers : 1tot well und derjl:qod by Do[!or Uee_, &_c. tlnu;.h .much help.ed by his [pirits, But at l aff, he bath joy, ( 10 !i>l:r.it .:s he i pa fwu ded ) ud. tef ol?!es to ol;ley ~ D ot/or Dee, Ed. Kdky, 11nr/ 'their two Wi')lesj their {cnfe, apprrhnzfions, RHd rL[QWtiom,co.tJ"e.r,nil g t!;is Jiew:d o[t:ine of promifi:'-to.'i' , fi]'ufati'du m ,nl1 joynrd: exvrrfJtd i11 ( r of a Covenant ( [q by them t:.d!d j with God : k.r . fir.'i ex hibited , and e aft<'rwuds~ p. 20. compl~,ttrd, f1nd f!~!J cribed bj tht Parri.es : ~ wirb. a t~~IJ.!t. wd<_ed ,cla fe, or conclu fion, of dreadful in:precntiom t o aLl that jhqu{d bereafter C- me to the kJ1vWiedf!.e 'of it , tr ' briHg zt to b__nowledg,e : wbereM i t is ~uch t () .the gl9ry of God) and true Religion, that fuch myjt.:ries of Helf.a11.d drt' k__neJJe, jh()u/d come to light, t o be abhorred by all men : and tha,t others may b( warned by f uch f ad examples, not to bunt after new dochmes, and p.reWtded ilt[pir.a tiom 4. d n reve!a t iom . ~ p. 17. Ed. Kelley his Declaration ~fhis diflik,/', from the beginning (tf thefe A8:icms, 1,tnc t :r.fL: H is.oppiJfition v.pon occa.fion. H w diOike of thi1 new dollri11e ( in p.lrtic!dttr) M c..ontrary to the r evellled Wilt of Go :. ~ow [a tisfied in [ome m~a d [ure: and t.be_rev.pon hi-1 rf<Zrlin,ffe tc '~b7 . B11t up()n tbe womens profeJFd d ifli.f<.! , and deiltlirTI; refofves t~ give over at! fu rtber dealing. VII P1 19. Apparitions. 7b.e cbief St.o:Ile ~ar riea rnrir.J hy [pirits ilt tbeir Ji.~!Jt, Mpr.u~bor tatio'ls a<td arf_uments , (o r C~>mp:jan~t PtJ thh nevt d ofrrine.. Offer of .4 M t.racle, for1urtiJfY on

CtioH I p. 1; Sermon-lik_e fluff:. i>ot1or.Dee (having a zeal, but not according to kn<>wledgc ) crvai!oufly ajfr{]ed with it. m Prince Rofirnberg hit, expellation of money an[rrered, and eluded with great fubti!ty, by ample ou~ of Scripture., of Abraham, Davtd, Solomon; &c. 1be preci~us Powder he bad, how 4ni w.hm, tQ.be ufuJ. } udgemmts to be executed upon fewra L Gceat ones, ( fure enough. if cl:iey.h<\d prevaild ) by ~rin~e Rotim.bers, as.. fromGotl. d. 1\elley, hi~ H'if eba rm: why. H e vny weary of h;l ojJLe: rep~(lved (or it, and another ( Arthur, D > Dee's {on,) to be fubDor ftituted in hit pl~t ce: yett, 1111d hi~ portion of the preci ~us Powder to be tttk..en front him, if he do not repmt. n p. 4 . Artliur, firft pre[ented, and prepared by Prayer; &c. enttrs upon his Office : Seethdzvers things i1t the Swne; Lions, Men, &c. but hearetb not, ln p. s. Arthur aglfin, as before: Thr-ee Excrci[esm one day. IV p. 7 Arcbnr again, as before: in two Exer-


cifes more. y p. 8. Ed . Kelley,hthw


ai before. Urie\, firjt authour of V o&or

Offic~aga in : f ees and


Dee's and Ed. Kc\ley's conjuntl:ion. A New Law pr.oJ?i'[rd. bere agailf-. Anabaptifrica! DoBrine of com.mitting Adul~ery , F Gods Jllk:.el&c. or ,- Of f ome wJrds bere, [r.e the Errat:a . . VI p. 9 H ere the fpir;ts begiti to- jhew them[dves . in their ~YP1f. /ik._encff.e a pparently , t eacbiltg do[iri1us of Devils 1 JZnd yet frill ( 111 their: inftrummts a.t t~w day in divers p!11ces ) in the name of God. Vo{]or Dee and Ed. Kell ey, are exhorted, yea comm.anded, t'o h11ve their Wives in common. 'The r.a[e argued on both fid"s (rtf/J and eagerly. Other fhange Do8rine ofDeviLs,(noted,. 11nd re;elled in tbe Pref~ce) of mun;.lel co1rdem1tert by the L aws of mm, npprQved by God. Saint Paul intpioufly flitndered.. Great . pr.tnni[(s , m cafe ofqbedi-enre. 1 he Powder. T he Pope bere


Vlll p. 21 . Am ther. fl.ppar.i tio,rt ( upq_n; r:i.qut.J. 't.ttde ) to m z/irm them in thdr. P~!Yf~f~ _ olie of

lX p.

~ 2. Yet tt~t;oth~r to thr [rm purpofr . .The C?~enanr tonu b K ~! l ey,_ .m ,z d~ wbo?e a~{t iit.~.J y fplfltS. The great power of 'G~d : fai ch ana obe:-


The Table,
dience, the mni1t thing. Great promi[es, J udgeaor Dee's upon the former Propofition, &c. to be men IS prormnced again_fl Kelley his tearing the offered unto God: llmong the re/f, one for the p~tptr of Covenant. Agttinft o tb~rs, (fome alntakjng of the Philofdphers Stone : Another, readJ executed) f or enttcingbim)lway: By which for Kelley'~ being fie~: fB r hit Wife, b.ting b~r it [tems Kelley b-ein~ terrifiul, refolvu to tarry, rm : for hH own Wife fick,, &c. The Empeand obe]. ~ The Srone,.flrangdy takpt away, perour of Mofi:ovie, hi-s great opinion of DoCJor llf _(frtr.ngely rejlored, i1t the prefence and fight of Dee, and:flfvour lijfered, b()th. ~ But here followeth that great hiatus, or interX 'Th e Au of obedience (good words, to counruption of Story, w_hich bereaves "" of mall} years U:n:mcc greacefi vi\lanies, never wanted: as ( fpok,en of in the Preface:) account. All from day ly fecn: ) performed, if accepted by .fhews hen::e, to the end, fet Out Unto ltf but the fad anJ and [peeche.c. Commendatio1z of Wifdom. Sec re~ lamentable Catafirophie of this.lo11g Delufion. cy eJ!jOJ1ted. Kelley if no more heard of HOW ; Jet the Xl Cabalifiiclll Dof!rine,d the Creation f man: fpirits apptar }fill in the fame fhape, IH beThe foul of man~ not the [11bjetl of fantlification, -fore. &c. Great Pr~mi[N and Preditlions : (equally true) nrtertained) ( with the Dotlrine: ) wztb comfort. ~ An. Dom. 1 607 ( StJlo ]rt!.) Martii 20. ~ p. ~8. Prince RoGmberg : (the 111a1z now in By thif time Do{lor Dee was become a very old man : favo ur : but mi[1rably al-11[d and de!vded:) tWII ~f he wn-e Sexagenarius ( 111 he;., {filed i1t P ucL etters of hit to DoCior Dee, &c. Several quecins hi-s. Letter, P. I. +39.l. 15.) a. d. 1586. he jli ns p him propo{ed, 4St'Xp~tling great things; y muJf nuds be fourfcore and upwar-ds by thif : and wbol!y tg be governed by their fpirits, His But wr need not tak,e the 'Riord fo precifely: H owconfidence of a great Treafure, in the Powder fver if towards it then, ( more or leffe) he muft delivereti. unto him, be very old now, 111 I [aid before. ~ p. 30. Several ff<!!eftions, and Petitions of Do-




Part I IJ. Ction I p. 32. Raphael ( pre_tmde~) fent unto Dollor Dee, to comfort hznt, betng (befides old .Age ) much ajfiic:led with povrrty 11nd ficJtneffi. 11 p. 33 'lbe fame Raphael. Of a certain Treafure fomewhere under ground, ( tts WM fl(pPfed. ) Dotior Dee's que{fions rather ~ludrd, than really a11[wered. Pz~t-offs, attd Promifrs,(of JPonderfNl Wifdom, &c. ) }till. 111 ibid. A VoiCe fent to Dollor Dee, then ( t1f it feemetb) alone, . . . IV p. 34. Raphaelagain: who~ Wtth man1 f azr preteufes, and z:erJ fo rcible. Rhe~oric~ ( to fuch " one as Dollor l:>ee) doth Jelzver ~ mtffagl

unto him, of 4 Journey into a far CoN~ttry, to be undertak,pt by him in this hi1 miferable caf 1 and conti.ition., of purfe and body~ througbyears, and prefent fic_Jtneffe. The danger of hi1 difobeJir~ce herein, and reward of obedience ; che Phtlofophers Stone, &c. Dol19r Dee is wzlling. ( 0 rare faith : or rath e~ pro"digious,_ but _ deferved jtJfatuarwn ~) S_ ahsbury ,jand h1s Devds; _if the Vtvil maJ be believed, ~ p. 36. Some Cafes tmd ~eftions propofedy~tttd t obe propofed, ~ It feems DoCior Dee, at this time, to9k,Hpon him to be a Cunning-man. H is neceffity which '11 great, might put him to irto tryallmtttns: bHt I think, he war too hontft to thive by it.

V p.


The Table.
V p. 39 The fame Raphael. Some que{lims ( I doubt, how truly) refolved about the Trea{ure. The Journey h11jtened. The Hijlory of To bias. V 1 p. 40. Raphael i1t the Stone : The Jewel ; the Powder : in Docror Dee's poeffio'1t ; but not Jet of ufe eo hint. Hit tha1zk..fubue, ( good man. ) VII p. 41, Raphael again i1: the Srom:. Journey. Great Promifes of Wifdom, &c. Po[for Dee's enemies at Court. Mmey intended by the Emporour ( fo alfo p, 38.) to Dotlor Dee, hindered. Some Cafes; concerning others, and him[elf, at hit reque(t anfwered, VIII p. 43- Raphad : Divers ~eftions and y Cafes b him anfwerd. 014e John Pontoys, very ambitiotu to ferve DrJl1or Dee, in thefe Apparitions. ~ Which end here in our Relation :
and probablJ, with hil life: or at lea ff, ( tbO!!gh hit [pirits bad promifed him7 p. 34 addition of many years) nor long before ~if death. I cannot' yet learn the dire(] time of hi; death : IJt!t mur.h about thil time, ( by all reports : ) and in England, certainly. Though hit fin w~ ver1 great (tU in the Preface if fhew:d : ) yt becaufe of hi-1 fimp!e aN-d fincrre iNtentio1tS towards God, it ~~~y charitably be hopd, thar God was fo merciful to him, M to let him k.,now hit errour, and tl . repent of it, before hit de 4th. ~ p. 46. That which follows here, i1 certaiH/y intended for part of that holy Language) which Adarrt in Paradz[e i1 [aid P. I p, 6+, 92. to have [pgk._m : and by which great w.onders might be wrought. I have neither faith, nor curiofity to inquire into it any furth~r : neither will, (I think.,) any fober man.


1PProbation : fides the judgement for Piety aad fo famou every where; the firfr I N !lead oftheh1sjudgen'ient ofLearnmg Reader ( sberead rhe Book fpokenofof latewilhed Bifoop page ofit : and divers others, that annfcript,and it printe.d;)





of .IJ.rw.

M may confider, bow follicitous the Devil bath been, when he faw his plots ( God oppo.fing) not hk~ ly to take effect; that the(e My.fterie$ ( thefe Papers and Records ) might not come to light. Firfr, ~y p. 418. and P 431. ( Qofror Dee's Letter to the Popes Nu11cio ) and Come other pl~ces of the Book, it doth appear, that they were all burnt, by command; though forrie afterwards ( upon appearance of better hopes) firatigely refrored again. A ~ain, Part ll p. 21. is that horrible. i'!'precation; whereof more in the Table. La!Hy, thefe remaining Papers and Records, here exhibited, were under ground, God knows how long: and iince that, though carefully preferved) wer~ even at the very laft, when the worthy Owner took care, at~d was at the cofr to have them tranfcnbed : and fo at the la~ ( noc unluckily, I hope for the publick good : ) they fell into xny hands.



~. ~~ wj \i be f oanc!' m the"ho,l: a Row! pan.~roce~aiila.( befide$ ord:nary ij,iltrapbic11l m.Huk6; even .,; he~e.be(\_c.ace iS ~fcjd :) froiD t~c; upcprr~~dndle olt~:. C') ~~ whFlJ. m.'-~t .llappcn, partly chrolflh c~e U~~t.blc.ndfc.?f the.Orlgtlllt fe!f, ~~_m~.. ny phc~-s: "+oa partly fr.om mHlak~~m ~~: fa,d: CJ~tgiJlal,w~ete; moftleg~Ie. The_ct.~fe of whtcb miftak~s andmtfwm:.tllg, you m:ly pn~r. I ~ 1'1:9 ~"tO. &r. ft~ be fides what u1 t~rc: f:ud11tmar:b& prob~tJly ~l~eti from p~ If. 17._1. 43 .and f :q:l..~(}. can-J (o~Dtothrr!lte placu :!hat :Ed. Keilq, ford~ mo!t prm, whe11c he m~"ep<IU r~Dodor bt~ f!f v0t<!c:und fpee c8c:~( fuclt erpcr~:dt~ :u were o fom: ic_~W.~ ). tlid n?~~o~ vr ~ac he fa ~d himfelf, and fo might the. c:afic:l'miftake.. A good par~ of.ch'! G-reek. P. I. ~. 1 w~~_.uufr.ep<lr.rc~,O\nd ~~ft~~co;as 1s ~'OW!d ,tn.rhe,P~f"C'e:'P ";.).ani .1 &ehcfe ~er r_hro~~hly ~n.. dcrfto.nd.'by poctor D~ litmfdf: 1c,r~J1Mt rherefor~ be e'Xpe~ed othcrY{!Ct,bqt 'hat rh~relhot~ld be JI\3ny faul!s m the wrmn~: for whirh lw<W\d not ha\'e th~mrrocrn~( cbe PTmtrrs and Co~t!8ors, 1 mea,n:) to ~0\r mor~ ~\:i.~elchin cortleuo'cheir !qire,Yet howew ,t hou~b mar.) ; moll atc_fuch( thofe phC'C_ :xcepted.~i~'CTC the 0t:it)nJ'f'u'VC~'f fuky:) as-may .ea.(!Jy ~C CorTtftedby 10 .ordi~ s n"RJ R.o<kr that i~ convafam in hpok~ ot a-ll ~nds:Ot: 1fqoc ID ea lily coiretted;:ye:t fu.ch as wi~lnotQc:reave)hc R.e:ailerof the main ~~:i!o4.Wrer. ~~ere.,. .P'a~~~s hcr~;~nd ~hc.re,it ~f. be;wiil be fo.unil \V.~~re . r~alonab~e .SdlQl_ar ~:Jy.b,eput ti> it:u .p; U.~. ,_t;x t~itH vo~{rfrtl itf!dr}i111ptrt1J!: wJ\Ich.cerramg mu~.\>.c rc:_ad,alMvofr[met:fPfis dtfr-ur-erm~ :-thc;re h1;1og.~ JQanJc~ (~nd peru-


mttr)~\1llhon, In ~c: words,, t~ . thacath:goticai?T/ro~u.r ( wmg-6ree~1n~: or, bttmng: ) of the. f<)ul, . fo faplo~s the .Bo.Qks,ot Fhiluffiphers; Platorii(h c:fpeoally: Tha.t Yery cltprelliopsno be found tn f]IIUJ., ( < Wnrks <;omrnonlp.dfcnbcdenC6 hi~:) r ifip't'puail ondy and 'iltfd. a.'1fo.(?,(J..,_,.T; t (which~ the fame in ~ff.:a ~) b'ut-even >R/tfii 3fr/.\lttrj"': alttJ wrfrin,trr, as ir -\$ llei:i~ !)omt.Cu~h p>laro~ here.and there~ may be fOllnd; whert thc::Rc:~der muit rake foms: ti&DC tb confider, (in~ hat is Lati,ne, e~(:cially ~)if h,e t~ink .ir. wor~ the whfe. I bav.c: faid as m!Jch a.s I. think ~edful~1_1d ~ ~e~f~:~.~ wit~~(fotil me .a~ this tj~ et Sine~' this 1'/[I[(Cn, o~fervwg that 4? 3) 4:~4. ~he Latint lhet~ I~ both PliF:CS, IS very full of faults, ( br more there, man any where elf~~ that l have ob~trvcd :) l thougl!r 1t wouldnot be a.mJfie ro corretl: thofc two pages. The Reader may the bet rer knoN what he harh to do upon {uch occafiom, though 1 dare Gy he will not meet ~Vhh ~he like il.g:~.in in the whole Book,




Age 4 o3.1ine 3, 4 t:ead Con[. in oratio~ewftra r: c. q_:~apiw!a, in CJ toti1u oratio"if u. ~fl:m. ~r. Je propheti41H,/9J & rew/4trnru~m ce.JJ . ib.!. 6 grarum, 1. 8. R.egt.t. 1. ,. tntell:g!tltr, 1b. omn1mad~ D. p~r. I. 12.. proph.fcrlrcer de D. f 1. 14. ,pmplctQM~ rl:/ (on(11mmatrsln. 1.11; Nam ob ha~t. c.~~ufllm c.- -/civiffit, I. 18. prcpherica ... pr.1cipmu [c. J, I 9 Chriffianot) --- 'cp/lim41114 & i. pr.i{citniiill7r. J. 1o .rrd~7'prioniJ hm'!an.e. co11{11,mmtf~11m c. I. 1 r. Nam c11m con{. J .J.l, deponefotts tlllll de. 1. ':!.3. ipfemet Cb. l,J.6 . CbJ:i~Kmr- tnt.lptenJaM._I.l._ J,mte:prerAbarur. _l.:.f1.eo[demrepeteb~t;. Hz:: funt verbaq11~. ~o~utus fumadvos, cum :adhue dE m vob. l. 30, 'S l. null~ rJJ..prophet~.tvel ~ev_el, ttf fc. -- drcendum c. 1. 3 z.. re-tJ. [iw norabtllrlla B. }04nnu .4p. 1. J' J't'"ph tra V. 1. 34 Er in .,,. , et. Ap.[ive R:vdatiOl!U, rer, eandt"fU. J.y~. Pr.iterea, qu er. ~- 18 , AJ!uum I. -- d.cemus c. 'a~. p ipfe dicir,jigl. ): 41: &nem~gn. rtw~attanrun txtollat-me, d. e.,m.flimlliJuc, L +J colaphl_ ..&. Nor"m m. f. 1 4 a 1!.~411 '{.t! . ./ gelijhu. 1. so . .tal u pl. 1. 5 ~. [czmu-1, & Jam h".' ~t. l. f3. propheu.t. I. 54 u. txprtjJ. de m, Dwmu Et .Je l?C!It _1. 55 tnvi]lbtle.q. er: Page 404. L l ~qMd plttandum eft ? - Cb.rif!I t.::-1. 1 , All1111m. ~. ~ - {4p~rwnmnr. l. 5, q111! flla e. [. Cwdio. . Ad .fee .,, 1: ~. aJJmnlvit._ l. .u, 11., vere p. r. tf,[~r. exiftlmws D. J. ~- [urtta,,v4l~e ~ l. 16. no_(lrArum A. 1: ..I~. alliones: Angelaflllll ~[.f).v. J.'J.o.fu.nt cenf.. l. 2.6~ St'!'pzttr!lt ve~, & ut~r.D. i.17.'atbt~baJ1ijtt. d. ~9; {yr~lwl m,~- bomrciia~. L )~- .. e:q~itviftt. J~' . 4~11 o[fi~fH I. ~*-mirificis--- jiiitb~ R,. 1. ,34 quit. ".11t11i ~ jtrffi~ rx. Jtniv,!Q. t. s. .vir. 1, ~l_, otud;'!ri~m . r~bih~~ __ ~1: 1 ; rlOIOf .. - f~Jflntttlpli/.~. 4-3. no}b-11s - ~rr 1 Jtt, 1, 1{4. aNtfm- tull maxrma..tr..tlat f. 1. 4f intd/umtf, 4~. tr.tftrJ o o fpurm11f: ,. ~..,.ftr/IWI(an.ill g. 1. 'fr. quiii11m pr.opo{itlnll. I. ~ , .. -viTibiJ1 tranfglutintdo ti. l. f4. /rflite it. n. _ luctf11 & 11 .--~ Jrmpiknrti Yi*; ,b vtrt . 1; ~6. vivlim. -- fjJ~: Me..a~~tem.. -1. 11,firle!~m:f".ll1lm. & fincerllm :t:. [tMJ:(m: 1. sS. an le m. i In ~he: M~~gil\ ( U 1 ~haetle ; ) m/apir/e q~m. tfrr,.m: adii~Xit.: & ..ptr[c,iptll mtl ttoftrll ~. CII.IIJ't9dtm.


~~~ thi:ngs t'Q be.correlied. in the Preface : the .Authour being the in a Journt>J. ~hm it 'liNt~ printfd; anil Jo hi#. iitt.eHd.eJ.re-.vitw b~i1zg prevented.bJ the quic'k._ue.!Jc of tb11.f11effr ldt, he ddires tlte _Rh-der.ro ukoDQticc 1ha~ he BA.ds.h-is Orthograp~H ~kertd i" divci:s _pl2-c~ :.n Phjl.fopiJit; and P-byl~f .,~r i for l'bi~jGphl(, &c. Jir.ppPcraw, to: Htrpocr~re~, &c1 H1s. p~1n~trg alfo.: as, fuilp.oini~~far t,wo. p,oinrs: as in rhc fecond : .,pfge. .before Al:h"llfh : 2,nd befo~.c:: t,e! wh_tcli dgt\i l'l'l~ch Qbfcur.e rhe fc:nfe. f Beliacs rli1 ~ : (bu 1 mufi dellr~ rhc: Reod.e( .t 6'dl to adde l_h:c frgwu thert,I'IOn'e ~ei1'lg1>nrtrcd :) P:tge-'J; }Jne'J'i . rratl: ih 411] a'ge-.:' f().re.aif 1 f~y ,P"Yc!p.l.l44-Fiifl th~n~(as fiom th.e m th. p . 3.1.6.~:~~ c:.. P+J. r<4f. blow ~._thapp>P': 5L~j.r.tnd.o.d\Cu;f ~ ~o t p.' 1: J-4- r. iDF:cnuoqs prof. 1': J'o.l.1 4 . whidi m1 y .ea f. p, 1 l.LH io ]ufline M So quoted indc:c~ ~nd believed by d~ver~;but nor rig~dy: buc however one of the: t.nc, p. 1 J .1.1 9.

Lu.{.piffime"g. 1'-1 4 . !.7.r. byrhe ouc:!.pp. tbtdl.37. fomt; . mtfchJef w.bed 1bid 1. 4 o. ~.astbeD. p.!f.LJ6. ]ul; a, s.al: p. 16. I. q , ~n:i l8 . 7'ra/Jianus. fbid 1. 4'5. T, Re:tfon: light; $, ibid I. nlr. th3t rb:lfc: m,. p: I 8, 1. l3 .. r'hefe (1. p. I 9..L 37 admifi]J}r. ille negareJe . ib. 41. r. [c. illi ign. p. 1 91: 7 - d~ferNit n. lb. ro, ty1uAi'T1wl.. I bid 10. dpetirem. l~>id 4 5, " th. daye5 among- others, ~ne mel1om nct.t, u we f~y, by S. H. :lJ?;;un!1: hi. As :~.fcerw:tr~s ( fomc: a. or+ years atrer) P npfh impo!lurcs ( then ufe~ ~nd ,dtlcov~red) of cb_ fame n_arure, for the ;ldvancement of rhe~ c~ufe, .?~cafi_on:d another of the fame e Authour, ;~nd SubJCEt, ( exnrcifmrJ ) agamfi P itpifts. 1 h;~vc th - - - p. l.l IS J-Lo~rovou dt~lb.tj. adtl11flos. lb 14. c11m (.f. p l. {.l. ~ J.., Chrifii~ns: ~ckn. ' b. B. more fex. lb. 35. Sec therefore w. p 2.4. 4~ op. 'Fv7Tc.u-ci.7r.~ t7'1. pt). -H' 1rue a. CChr. pt6.:.S:ocqadlr. p.~7 . 16.yeare~dy,)lrb ptil: u.forr.hm, .?&c. anap- .... (inLu. p l.7+;.prcfcnced. and appr. p 3<. !5 uue n3t bud~ c~c ? lb. obf dilig- lb_3o. forthat P '' .. ?Jimfclff. p. ~ 1.3 t,<Om!J1endcth. p.n: H 7 .-t!tffer:ncc:s in r. lb r. 12, ofchJn~-- hath d, p. H 3.6 del:ayed a P-.35 confufed_or con f. P- ..35!. 7 , Devils~ I bid , . He dic\'c. p ~7-1.~.\ived:Th, ~'~ 6, more probably den Ib. 17.pa.rt 11 is(i. o'!y pan ~tall, :and not rather a new coun_ m fcit -under ~n old vnor : ) ~o oft. lb. 36. hath.hada h p 40.7 .{ptmuum. -- me .ut. Jb. 1 J.d. ao t h. lb. I fAr[. fac lb2.3. form Fr a, p 4 L 13 . of whn rsrr. p 43.6. they m~y h.t fom- p~rchtncc: eh. ibid 7. S) nt{o ibid 13 . in the T ibid 33 conceited. i':>id 4 3. fomc Table.p446. 2bour ay. p.46. 7. prilu oft; P'47t) more: of;t. lt is 3. ibid 17 Oc:lonv.ed u. P49l $.who b. ib.3 I-4). 1rfb-3up.~ 32. d~f;}l.~vtT'd.l. H '.-"'f0.~or(@-. 4). 7TilpCi.~Gtl p,jo.u. iallucas. 45 .ofthis,occ. P1'1.~0. 1 knew.p. 53 r.ud_ praying. p ;ft{crtpr l.n n' inifiery. . . Bc!idcs chc:fc: erra'r.'s: it is fir the Reader !'hould !now thac rhc wrimn Cqpy of the Prefacr had many referenc(s ro the page <Jf the.Book M S which bec:a:ufe they did noc 2grec wirh rh: printed pages, the Primer rhovghi: impertinent to fer Jown: whic!s ncvc:nhelelfe hat~} bred fome confuf)on In fome places; :~s p. 46. 41 :and el few here: but may ~al!ly be realfied'by the Ttfbie, at the beginnine- Ae.:tin, f?me marginal q uot:rtions are omitted, .w hich m~y be fqpplicd P, 34 ggainft rile ~' 4 , and fol lowing \lnes: [ Tterife ofEnrbujill{me : Cb. 4 1111~ 6. ofR.hetor and Prwtr Enth J p, 36 againft line n , r t &c- [ Vert~ ac memor...bilil H jloria de 3 Ene,gummH &c Lur. PAr. t6 H. dedicated to the. King or France] p. 4~. againft !. 6, 7 &c [ De



11Yte0famm l.lCap4IP' r4I, 14t.] . La!l!y, 1 ea nnor give a re~fon of the It.rlie.- : . or diff~rent lct{er, in fame plnccs: but that the Primer, or fame body el!e, have pl~~red rhc:ir vhlnfics therein. et 1n the T~ble: Pim 1 Atit VI afthe f11me n~tfllr~. Aft.. LT r~[. to leav~ Dr. Dec. AB:. LXz.IT; SoiJie char and tJropertiu. Att-CI.obferve: atleaft. ,, at; Att..CIV no a(tafbis{tc411d L ibid is W~tllt. Atl:CVJl. in tbe C:tb1lc Mt CXlll bra referving rfl' r.or all CXV,li fnm Pr~tg CX~.Jpo~n of; let CXXX. in'toxic CXXX V. be aotb ttllb, ofrhofc b: B~tt II t.B.lX 1ronalin&ni ag.





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.6 7 s t l ""' a. t h. R- 11- 2: a. (. I L a, "' z a, 11 t A- & In, 0 l A- ""~ A-ll! :z V ' ~~ ~ 3 14 5 6 7 .8 6 7 l a. t k 1%- a. ~ L () "'" A- t 0 X. a. rId n- A, (,. h. . h. n- 0 J, 0 IL r lz, a. h. " ; ~ 1413' 6 7 6 7 "' r t: k a. n. v a. 'Is- J e n- o J, a. L z a- "I h. e ., a- [c- h. a. 11' z a. r- L a. l o n- 4-3 l ; 6 7 S 4- 3 12 1 5 6 7 o r 1/J e 4. "' a. ' h- a. i i a. n. t h. "- 11. a. liT 11 : a. t '&. e f n. o J(, "' J n.. a r , .14 11.2 . 7 8 6 5 + 3 ~ .1 Q 7 rv " L t i b t ""-. &. .. Cl X d. 4 f' le!e r b. J1. L l V .y g A- 11- !3; a. (, h-lr " X a. 6 7'141 J % 7 I8 6 5 4 3 2. .1 7 1 a, lt e 'ft>(!! t 1, a. L J f, ){l'f- 0 'Is- V 0 f' t h. a. 1t- J e ! &, a. J 0 n-IJ e 7 6 ' i 3 ~ . 7 6 t; 1 ; ~ ! -n."' :z a.. t J a. in. :t. a."' c h. a. tt- z "' o L l a. n-IJ. a. L "' 11- 11 o n- Y " .x,., r .8 7 6 s 4 3 l a. :X: a. y 111- a. 1' I! 11 h. 1t- D 1; A- )(.V r J t 1--li a. t Cl r h- a. J. " ~ tJ ~ m- 1' h, a. J " "' ' h. .Q.IIl 0. '"' ~ J1. hp a. -r: c h. e T 'h. n. u c. h- a.[J, ~ a.fl. t1 t t L a. ~ a. n. 18 e '1J.. o ~ a. 4. "" a. ~: ~s, v. a. L tl e 1:. "" J, a.. r " e J, v o t z a."' 8 e l' 1s. a. c t a."'-~ a. t 11- t1 ?' r"' 11- ~ v o h. a. J r o n. t flY a. J, n. 4 h.v o t a. r (J r, r y a. g e ii. 11- t1 L J a. 11- z a. "'(, L a. 0 y; a. f' n. a. (. h. 0 V 0 n.IJ a. " g a. r r a. h. L " l "' ..a-IJ( p r ~ ~ 1J 11 * z a. rt. IJ e r 1s. a. z 0 L a. b. ~ 11 ,. e L~ t " ] ,; (. L a. X n. (! t J:.. A- a.[l a. r fJ e "" s "' "" " I~ J I v a. x a. -r j e ""'P "' J. o t z c. h. e 1 1t, a. y; r /L r "' h. IJ e 1 "' a. c. t ~ n. 11 a. y t c. .s u.. o &- L "' r r a. 1 o x g ~ ,.. a. 2: a.. ' t .a. "'v 11 "' J "I b I t e .: a. 1 r v n..~ a. /i. v o l a. i 11 ~ o a.[! "" c 1 a.. r s ;, 1 1 h. a- t IJ e 111- t- 1t- r1 h. a. J. ~ a- (. 0 ll 'V 0 ,... r1 >-=k 1 c:l. 1 :l. rf I>+- t1 e I J. a. t! 0 1f.. # ll 0 In- z a. c 1-. ... il. 1 ... & I,.. a- e. tl a. " 0 e tt. 0 'h- r1 a. J_ t' "'I~~ 8 1 BA G.[A F A 5 ~ " 11-, J 12- 'f V l " h. a. l "' ... ,l () J' ... r [.t J. t. It c. n. "'"" s a. n- o x a..[ls.'F e a.l,16 1 :B 1AGIA EIA I IB lA G l 7'~ t J h."' t1 If"' n.IJ e- t (J x- 41" e v o lt'l8 t :1'1- 11 a.l1 e ;,.. o t; ~~ 11 ftA 6 s[4 3 ~ 1 7 6 5 lfi..FlA 1 a. r L (1 t k "'" 6 -t ~ .. g IJ"' a. c it 11- J, a. ""11 a. r t r, c la- "-I~ +I lA 6 51 3 .1. 1 7 6 5141A GlAI9' t a. or a.LJ, a.1t- t /lo' '1 e L IJ A-"' 4 a-r l ~"'&~a.,1efh.a-1o3r666gi43Z1765433J~~'a..L~a~'~"' "'~or~ "" o t x. a. J. a.r J r ~~.~If a.lft.ll' z!A 7 7 71~ -u- e a-[U. ai.X a- r 7 7 7 I~ o 11-- ll! "' z a. ,.. e.-1' a. h.- o IJ a. ~ I.Y b ~ a- & ls. e r ls. a.. '!Lit! 11 llA I 1 1 i 1[5 B [<t1 aB c V B L 6 6 6 'B lA~ V (J J, 11 L a-iJ e s ,., "' c D b. a. L !8 a. I" 11- a.- ' t "' "" s a. 1 I B J. J. .2 o o ()! d 11 .alo a ff11. 9 !3 5: lA 1Pd.4- " a- n. Lt! "'ik r "' k ..a-1 J. ""' ..a- & J, " ~ x. i 1r t 1"' a, a. x- 11 r 8 .B lA 3 3 3 fJ X a. RIR ~ e t lh. +14140 G lA I n. l: z ~&< 1t- ~ e f b- a. ~ "" fr ~ "'t fA e l.t"" o l a.ILIJ et. ?lA G-+141-io aB OIRI~IO GOld. 3 3 31i\G 6 ~ t1 "'b. a.~G- a.l~ l"' l[1ifn, a. r .g e 11- t a- r ls. e 'IL it' (I 16 GIA 6 5 5 nldl~ 0 0 011' lh- a .l " .2, F !A 7 (J 11- " e ! Q T a. X A- r k1 : a. t ~ a. f.t c. n. a.rla a.l~" 5lA F 6i 6 61d. d- <itn- Ga-G al1 1 t lid f. 8 o o t. a. sfL a.ll' n. A , " ' a.~ t 1 IT 11 st n.- a- c. lh. oa."" r o "IJ 4o F'JA 7 7 7 a 0 o X 0[!1 m- 0 a 7 7 7 I A 9 " n- f h- a. "'3 c I l lb. A- L ~ e o r t 1da. 11- z A--l1tl.l "'L,., L ~1~11 1 1 1 '1 a. n-l:t a-[.J-18 e t 6[6 6 'B 114 n- c a. r J. a.j.X"" lfa"' c b. e 0 11- J_ 1- T a. ' 1t. e ~ a- " h. " Jl .li ..z ~ ~ ; 14 g 6 ., 1 ~ '5 -Ill; . E 7 5 lj !A .4 'C (J e # r l a. I-" 11 a. t" J e t IAll- \.f z a. !/J e- n. s o Ia. a. h. o ~ " ' 1 E F .:z .3 +. ~ 6 7 1 2. 3 L 5lAIA ~ 19" J. 1 L z a. c Ik a.. n. ~ "' n-1 J' e 1; 4 m. J c l. "'h. h. '~~IJ. f' "'b h. o n.r-.: 0 /A ~ 314 ~ 6 7 l ..l 1 4 ?tf '1-l' n- 11- L o L It. a. l~"' n,.. v e T t e 18 " n. [J e r !81" L 11-l-" a.,." -t a-f.%~ e .Bi.AGli f1A .BIAlG I 59-- .x J ",1 z a- J. "'a st- 11. z i b t ~ &.. If a '"'t o lJ 111- jf tl a. rl" e !Ill a. it t a.J~I.l 6!A lA I .BIA 57 6~! a n t' " L =a, l 11- a, k[J e 'ba-T a- f' L .t 11 11 a. !J t 11' Ill. ~ t J. ... 0 c l.. a.i)~l~ 1 .:1, 1 .9l!f.f:-f a. J. 0 ,X- a, Ih. r 'h. t1 J. n. (J (, 4- r V 4 l 'f' ~ # n. o L ~ a. J. n.- "' c ~ e r "- 1&:- L J, e J.t-- a. c. k. e o l r. h. a. l n- a- J.. " .% a. 1,. n- e 1 a- c n. e l 4, "';..%io .,.. : a. t J ' e J. a.. d. f' 11 J' a. a.. 11- o 1!1 L "' 1 1s, 11 IJ a. t k'J a. b ~ <~ n- z 4 n- c. a. ~~o . 1t. a- c. 1t a. -Y .s /11 ., c z.. s U' '( a- 11. 5 a- 'Tl-1" J.. a. T c. " L :z 4- J. .,.: A- ,_ 4- c h. i 1" a. Tt. J.. " ~ "' t l l aa 1:. =a "' 11 e 1r- ""'c [)( 0 f' c. t "' J. 0 T 11 " t" b L e lit 4- t" a.IJ. " 11. t. a. 1J t 1 a. Y- 1 r 0 1r. r ,. 0 lt a. t g a. f' (1 z 4 ,. ~ e, If L a.. X a. .Y IIL l f' o ~ !111 i1t a. c. h. o "'- J. a- 11.- c 1. a. .X a. z v ?' J, ~ a. l " 1 a .cL e r1 J. "'.x o r 1J. e 11' 1 h &, L ; , a- f' t a. J. r " a. J. fr " If- (. t a, n.. 2: 4- iL i n. c n. a. 12- et r a, , (. 1r. t " If b. a. 8 tt 0 c h. . If, J "' A- (- 1 " V I a. t c h. e, r ft. A. J. ~ J' ~ 1' IJ.e '"' r 1%- r h. e "' t b 11 11.. J, a, 8 e J. l 0 1r. a. )C. a. r J (, " 11- (1 t "' t s ! ll'J'i~ 56 718 an. L t-f.a. f,. a.l'tt-~ e h--n- 11 J'a. L I}., e. h..! e b L ~ ;r,Jx, 0 r 0- a. 7 6 5 4-3 .l.l: l;_.l + ~ 6 7 8 Lo a a"' 1t f .1.I.L o tt- t a. L 1n< "' h- o c. 1J. "" n- J a. n. c J' "' t '(! t -t 11, 11 o 6 5 ~ 3 ~ 1 1 7 1 ~16 1h' 7 B I~ e m."''n A-IJ. o .X a..,- c lh. ,._ n. s a--n. a, p v .,. ,._l.l ~ 1 n- ~a. t ? I+ .1 ~ 6 7 8 f, lrt I L D r %. a. t, 1ft. 11 c h. "' a, n.. i 0 rJ a, L z a.- J. c ~ a, r 0 11- s a. 5 3 .2, 1 6 7,
. 1 .z. 3 4 ! .1, 1 '3 ~ , , 'J 2. 1 i ~

r "' "'a.



fl, (.




Dr. DE E S @_AElions, Dithfpirits.

Liber Myftetiorum(& Saod:i) parallelus Novalifque.
Lefdm M
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~S j . .and E.

AY z.S.

D,J, Dr. Du, .

E. K. EdP>ard K( llct See the p , cC.tcc.


~a{ci his g reat hdno:u here :"ith us obteined, hi.s great good

K. fate difcourGng of the N oble Polonian A lbertzy

A. L.

h.kmg o f all States ot r he people , of rh em that etther fee him or hear of him, and again bow rim eh I was 'hcholding t.u God that his heart fhou~d [o fervently favour me> .,.nd that he cloth. fo much firive to f uppreffe and confound the m altce and envie of my Country-men againfi me , for my better credit winninoo or recovering to do God better fer vice h:erc:after thereby , &~ C> 0 Q 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 c Suddenly, there feemed to come out of my Oratory a Spirit.uall - -~- cjeature, like a pretty g'rle of 7 or 9 yeares of age, attired on h~r head with her hair row led up before,and hanging down very long behind,with a g~wn of Sey , ..... changeab!t: green ani red, and with a train lhe feemed to play up and down .......... Green and reJ~ lik e, and feemed to go in and out behind my books, lying on h eaps~ the big.~ efi . ........ and as {he lhould ever go between them, the books feemed to g ive place fufficiem!y, dif.. .. one heap from the other, while he paffed between ~hem: And fo I colltidered, and~ .. ;~ the divctfe reports which E. K. niade untotne of this pretty maiden, and ............; A. I faid ....... Whofe maiden are you ? A. Sh .......... VVhofe man are you ? , . . A. I am the fcrvant of God both by my bound dury, and alfo (I hope) by his Adoption. A voyce. ..: .. You}hall be beaten if jou tell ........ A-n not I a fine k~aiden l Give me lea"..le play in your houfe, my Mother told me {ht

would come and dwell herr.


A She went up and down with motllively gefiures of a young girle, playing by her fc:lfe, and di verfe times another fpake to her from the corner of my tludy by a great Perfpe8:ive~ g!affe, but none was feen beGde her felftt . ~.... Shdll I l I will (Now fhe feemed to anfwer one in the forefaid Corner of the Stndy) .... .. 1 pray you let mt tarry a little [fpeaking to one in the forefaid Corner] A. Tell me who you are .? .

, ...... I fr"Y you let me play with you a little; and I will ttll you who I ani.
Jefos, .......... 1 rejoyce in the name of Je[m, and I am a. poir little Maiden, Madini, I ~:m the !aft but one of my Mothers children; I have little Babj-.cbildren at home. Prolts ipfiMI

A. In the name of Jefus then tell me.

Where is your honte?

. A. You fbaH not be beaten for telling the truth to them that love ,. he truth , to the etcr t nal truth all Creaturl!s mutt be obedient. M.tii her Ma ....... I wrr11nt Jou I will be obedient My Sifters fay they muft .all come ~nd dwell with you. fix siiCis.

Ma..... I dare 1t11 t tell you where I dwell, I fhtJ!l be beaten.



I defirc

Dee. E{ar.i/i.

A true'l{_e ation ofD~-Dees Aflions, Ditli[pirits.

~. 1 de6re chat they who love God fhould dwell with me, and I with them.

Ma ........ I love you now you talk,.e of God.

your eldefl: fifter her name is Efcmeli.

Ma . ...... Myfifter u not fojhort as yoll mal(e her. A. 0, J cry you mercy, fhe is to be pronounced E[emW.

E. K.. She fmileth, one calls her faying, Come away Maiden
Ma .. ,... 1 will read over my Gentlewoemen firfr. My Majfer Oee will teach me , if I fay ami.JJe. A. Read over your Gen'-'ewoemen as it pleafeth you. Ma . ...... I have Gentleri1en and Gentlwoc:m._en, Look.Jou here.

E- K. She bringeth a little book out of her pocket, ....... She pointeth to a in 'Picture the book.
Mad ....... Is not this a pretty man.
What is his name? . , Ma...... My ....... faith, his name is Edward,Loo"-you, he h-th a Crown upon his head,my Mother faith) that tbu man was Dul(e ofYorl(.

E.!(. She lookcth upon a PiEtMre in the Book "ith a [oro,el in his hand and a Crown upon his head.
Ma . ..... Thuwas ajol!yman-wiJen be was King ofEngland.
t;,.. How long Gnce is it that he was King of England l Ma........ Do you ask, me [uch a queftion, I am but' tt little Maitlm? Lq) her't k hM F ath~ Richard Plantagenet, and lm Father alfo. A. How call you him ? Ma. ...... Richard, Surely this 'M Richard Earle of Cantbridge.

B. IC She turneth the book leaves, and faid,

Mad . .....:Htre wa grim lord, He mak,eth me afraid. A. Why cloth he make you afraid? . . Ma . ...... He is a ftern fellow, I dc not k.?tow him what he is. But thid was the Duk,t fCla~ 1 rence. Tbiswas Father to Richard Ear/e of Cambridge. Lo> here is Anne hit wife.

E. K. Turning over the leafe,

'!he fame was heir to all Mortimers lands. Edmnnd was her brother. Lo, Sir> here be the wicked Mortimen.

E /.C. She tur,ned over diverfe leaves, and then file faid
Ma ....... This fame is Roger Mortimer. . .... My Mother faith this man was Earl of the Marches. 'This fame is his wife. He hadagreat deale of lands by her,for jhe was an Heire. 'This fame is wild Genvill, her Father. HertisaTwn theycal/Webley, Here is Beudley. Here is Mortimers Clybery. Here is wild Wen lock. Here is Ludlow. Here is S tamon Lacy. Genvill his wife was Heire of all thefe. Here is Hugh Lacy her Father. He weareth his haire long, for he was Deputy of Ire~ land; That mltk,.eth him look, with fucb a writhen face. c.My jijfer hath torne out the ether two leaws:;; I will bring them when you have [upped. I pray do not tell any body of nu. a. We were earneftly called for to Supper by my folks.

Prgnounced Jenvitlt.


After Supper,

Ma, ..... . Here isWilliam Lacy Father to Hugh. Here is Richard bis Father. .And here is Sir Richard his F atLer , and here is William , Sir Richards Brother, Here is his g~ing_inu F ranee. t;,.. Q!!o an no Chrifii? Mad . ...... I warrantyou my eldeft Sifter will tell you all. H ere is his going into Denmark. Her eldeA: My Sifter will come jh'ortly, and tell y ou how he married iH Poland , and what ijfiJe this Wii~ Si\:cr. Her Sifter is 1iam had. ro tell the A. I pray declare the Pedigree d own to this A lbert L ttfc . y reft. Ma ....... Alas , I cannot tell wbats d~Jte in other Countries. A. I know you are not Particular of this Country, but Univerfal for all countries in the whole world, which is indeed but one Countrey, or a great City, &c. Mad . ...... Well, my jijter will {hortly come and tell you unlook._ed for , If you judge the[e things well that I have fpol\,en. Nam 'ftra funt. Nam vents eft qui me mifit.


-- --A true 'f\elation of Dr. Dees .dflions, with fPirits.

. - ----"

7'ruth is all that i; truth. The M6rtimer I (pak,t' o{, is the /irft of the fix : t1ure were fix Mortimers Earles of March. Edmond rvas tbe laf{, t!nd Roger the firj f; tbat Morcimer was tbe Grandfathers GTJmdftttber Qf tbit Edmond.


E. K : There f-eemeth fome one to call her, whom I hear now.

Ma .... . 1 come. A. She cook up her Skrol!s on the ground, of which fomc. were very old, and !be put up her book. Ma ....... Tbir may ftand you in [oHtt [tead. A, Mitre lucem tuarn & veritacem tuam) Jefu Chrifte,Lux vera,& veritatis percnnis Fon14

Richard Edward D11x Ebor.

Willi1tm Lafey , France. Rich1trd. France. Denmark._.

I 2

L afey. Sir Richard L afey. Peter. l<.ichitrd La[ . cy Poland.

Wil!iam Lit[cj.
Hu~h La[cy.

Geffrey Gmvil. Wilde GenvtllR.ogerus primus comes ] o11n Genvi/1. March.


We prefented our felves,ready for inftruttion r~eiving,and prefumed not to call my good Minifier fpiritual} but by humble prayer referred all eo God his good pleafure.

M ond4y

a Meridie hora 4 f .

J~tnii ,; 1583 '

E K. The Golden Curtain which cov~rerh aJl_ Stone hangech fiill, the but'! he.ue a voice or l~iirenct> thric~ repeated, rhus.
A voice ...... Sanflum, Signatum,& ad tempus. A. T he fenfe hereof may be divers wayes underftood, and mote then I can imagine, but which fenfe is to our infiruction would I faine know . A voice, ...... SaH{ium,quitt hoc vellr {uum; figillatum quia. determinatum ad tempRS.

B K. Hatd fpeeches, but h= could nor p~rfectly dtfcer~ them.

Th~ Seat

u prepar ed. 'fuftir.r hath determined. "i'he Judge H not yet )Pi/ling. M m:y thruftetb it.[elf betwixt the D ivinitj. But it is [tid, Tlte T ime .fha/l be .fhortned.

A voice; ..... Ad tempM & Ad w;tpm(inqzutm)quia rerum co~t[ummatio. All things are at h4nd.

E K. Saw no creature: But the voice came behind him ovc=r his head, till no~; when he efpied Otle landing on the T able bdides the filke cloth on which the Stone flood; he {e~med ttkc a Husbandman all in red apparel, .r~9 hofe clofe to his legs, a Hd jacket, red bmtoned cap on his head, yea, and red iliooes. He asked e, K 'ho\V he did, and e. K anfwered, Well I thank God.
(}. By your apparel it tl10uld feem you have fomewhat to fay concerning the Commons of t his R ealme, and not of high School- points, or Sciences. I am defirous to know who feut you? What is your ruelfage? and what is your name? for a name you have peculiar as all Creatures. elfe. A. He paufed a good while~ whereupon I asked him if he confidered sny fpeeche5? . .. . I r.on.fider your: [peecbu, for I have lef t nothing bebind.

E. K H~ kncdeth down and {eemcth to fay fome\vhat, his fpeech is

quick, round, and ready He feemeth to pray in a flrange Language. I perceived thefe words among many other 1 OIJ Gahlre RNdna gepbn4 oli


His Countenance was directed towards the Stone~

... .. . Vejfra non mea facio.



true~ ilati(}n D{

Dr. Dees .Aflirms, Dith Jpiritsa.


E K. Now he flanderh up .

..... 11n{f not thou faid,Fr om wbom conuft thou l IYh11t is tby nrtffagf ? [ He looked tow2Td me] ATtJ btrji urged my n011~ ? S~tying, All things have a name. It is true ; f er fo thQ {). l'.11 thtngs have bretn;[e rbey are. H a.ft thou left any thing v.n[aid ? h~vet a name' r l . A. Y cnt reb eane my f neec h es not otle1' . genera, but alr 111 parucu Iar y )m . tO '1.110( 9nl14 [ Trrr.pmtlibri The will of God be done ( to hts glory for the reft. . E.rac~nt_tn[is dr , , M) me JJ.,ge is f rom b1m, in whofe lame thou hajt defiud it, 'rPhich hatb [aid lif t up thine 3 Ams rx- ~yes,and look._umo (bebold I[ay) rhrfumof my Commahdmenrs, ,.. What I~m, 2. W!Jo[e Mihi.. ''2 11 ~/II. < YOU are, it is 1 necommand~ fier~1bm cea[t and ( ns whm[aid before)jt11n~et h m P1ttce; tznd pllTpofe it u,ar~ deter1Hhttd alr.:atiJ. umme or Judgement 3-. 1 o what ehd Fer all thmgs J our . f o plead cd obferva- The 7 doorcs are opened. Tbe 7 Governours have alruoft ended chdr GovernDlmt. t ion. The Earth l4b~ureth lis Jic~ yra. fick,_lmto death. . . N ote 7. Tbr Waters pour forth weepmgs, and have not mQijhtte [11fficunt h aruncb their ownforro'1P.r. The .Jir-e withereth, f1Jr her beat is infetted. ~ The Fire co1t[umeth (1.1fd is fcalderl with his oypn fuat. T'he B dies above are ready to [ay, We are JPeary of qur courfes. Nature would failf crap again inro the bo/om ~f her good And gracious M after. Vrh__nee is now h~avy and fink,_eth dlrPn ttgether: She bath bwldd her felf,ya (I fny )foe hatb advanced .her [tlf into a ntighty building,jhe {ttitb,H ave Jne, for I tzm ready to receive my burden. Hell it [elf is weary of Earth: For why? The [on of Dark,_neffe ccm, th now to t:hallenge his An~ich~ifi his right : and [eeing all things prepared and provided, defiretb to ejtab/ijh bim[t:lf a k._i,gJom ; fay 2 10 Y !1. 10 the ing, We au 1ww .!fronge mough, Let us now build m a kin~dom upon earth, and Now dlablilh pmt ofSarao. chat which we could not confirm above .And thereforr, Behold the end, Sorrows. When the time comrtb, The ...... thy forrows lhall be greater thah the fweetnelfe, the farrows (I mean) of that thou fee.#; I mean in rrfpeli of the fweetnre of thy k,.nowledge, 7hen will jou lament and weep f~;r tho{e thou thoughrtl were jujr mm. When you eanteflly pray it jhall be fllltJ unto yo111 Labor; When you "'f011llll t11h__e Mercy Jufti'l Labor. flJall [aj, Be it fo. "'Jherefon (I fay) tbirft not overmnch: For fear Ieaft thy capacity be conf~Nndd. Neither move tbou him whichbttth moved all things alread} to zhe eltd. But do th~u th'lt wbich is r~mmand,d. N either pre[cribe thou any form to God his building. All tbing1jhalrbe brought into an unif ormnl Order. A/. datl:J, Whom thou fay eft that thou hajf not yet confirnud, co11fint~ ,itb [,~o;. C~1111fel. It ufaitll h471t accrpttd him. .Are not th([r News [Nfficimt ? . It i1 faid~, Il<' jhall ' overn nu 4 pfople: of ~m[elf be_Clt~t~tot~ '11urefore let him belitve, anl N~es m i Jerondly Re ojcf' that the Angel of God hach fo governed him. j Tb11t in Eleaion he jhall lcft1on, . govern han a peopl e. Dt}ireth he to hear of gre~tter bltJJedneffc ? 0 King. He h~tth alfo [aid: Thenfo~tll it be [aid unto him,O King. Y_itk r~tmtll dr It followe tb confrquently that he is called; and tllat to a K ing!y 0 ffice : For w!Jo{oever is An 11 !Jtts~' .~0 oointcd i.nthe Lord, his Kingtl..m i1 for ever. ~a~~onr 111 e Will he b~ the {on of perdition l Let him thm witk his f ttthers J:Ut O'! tbr g,~rments of pride. Prid,, tzJe.fjrrtli bt 1uws? Tell him thou haft prayed for h1rn;the DevU envyeth lum, and h1s efiatc. Tell him fhat I fay Jo. Say it' fr a_{hame for a Kings Son to commit theft ; and for him t.; at is called, to do the worJte1 .-!; tmrigbtiou[n'fffi. Studie(i thou to pleafr him? G ive him tharp and wh<:>lefome coun(et For in ~im ( I fay.) tb_jfttte and alteration of the whole Worldjhall beg~n. t Wouli:ljf thou '<.11ow from JPhenct I cttmt? TboujhJt!t, But do.it _ Humbly, it is not""} part to meddle any further than niJCb~r'g!. BJttil.tt H [aid before wtto thee~ So jh~rll it r.o111e to p~tffe. Mofes had a rvd 11h"'eby be Wits k,.nown, and the ba11d of G<Jd 4f1Prwet. Let hin. pf~ tkrefore to carry the rod of righceoufndfe .about him. Mob 7 . rt>d. Fo_r we 11rr [even : andi1t zt~ u c~mprehended that rod JPberewitb Mo(es wrought, .A1 it it h~ S~tnOumJign- gun fo 1 t~d;lf:'~l!tJe.fee htN is holy [pointing to the .... .. and:-by him fealtd and for unril tht time. tiiirJ,d ttmpws. 'Jherefore uJr patience herein wttil the riJ!I~ that it is faid unto th~ .. , ... V tnite, ,videte, ( & loquimini ) Judicia melt. He that fa ith tfms (![peak._ of my [elf, and as roncrrning mJ meage,) if eqJtal wit.h the greatefi Angels; :11-nd bis Nttme is Murifri. Mllrifr; my 'Ibou btt{i wr'fttn my nai/te,_ 11nd I am of thy K 11/mdtr., brcaufe thy. K61mJtr is '))j G~4. Calcndcr. l11 the grounds of all thy T abies thoujhalt finde my name. A, I r~member not any fuch .name wri~ten by me, lJJtt it may be contained in fome newCompofiuon, or Collefrion. Mur ....... It is true ,for if thou hatlft rml'nnbuJ all thofe tbi1tf.J:'!hirh .th.lln hAft #ritten, the11 :/hoNid not mJ meJJnge nted. A . If


A. If I might wrtho~t offendin.~ you,

I would move tw<;> Petitions nn~o .you, one concerning

the Soul, and dte ocher concenung the body~ Coucenung the . Soul, IS for . one lfa.bd Lijftr, whom the wicked , Enemy hath fore affiitl:ed long with dangerous tempt-ations , and hath
brought her knives to ddhoy her felf wichalli!he reiifrech hitherto , :md delirerh my helping. counfd, which how fmall it is God knowech. The other is of another .woman, who harh great need, and is driven eo maintain he~ (elf, her hu sb:Uld, and three duldreu by hes hand labow,_and the,e is one thar by dre~m is advenifed of a place ofTreafure hid in a Cellar,which this worucid ha eh hired chereuponf and harh no longer time of hiring the fa id Cc:llar, buc rill Midfumrncr u.cxt. She, and rh is dreamiug Maiden dtge ed fomewhat, and found certain tpkens nocefied umo her:But fo left off. I would gladly have your help herein,if it pleafed God. Mur.... .~ I an[wtr :thce, I will ro me 11gain fo on, and tboufhalt ucciv~ a Med~cln~ which .fhall ttach tbe-e: t~ wo"r'ft ht!p in tht fir(f. The fecond is vanity, fol' it is not fo~ but to. tht intent that 11ft e-r grut l.?pe of thil wtJrlti hdth in(ell~d tht weal<Jings mindt : Defperatton might have the more ~~" llnd rudy nttrance. But ytt jhe jh~ll be c~mforted fur thy fak_t. A. The prai(e be unto God. Mur.... 1 Go. Ontthing I h11ve to fay, be ftiitbfull in all thi1tgJ, I have [aid. A. I pr~yed, and gave thanks haruly to God for his mercies, and- grace~ ,-and fo rofe up. A. Then he faid write, M. 49 under V. 43 unuer R. 35 z . . and 47 underlF. R. I.} Tbitjhallead thu to "1J namt,he that {c:nt me be amon~J you.t..Amen,Amen,Amen. 9 3 3 42 A, Noce in 'flfbtll(l Collella, (whic'Q I irfi gathered of the 49 good Angels) l too the rhi'rd lettersoutofthe names, itistowic, outofthc:49tb, nam t ,and rh ...... 47 9 33 42. which agreed '\lery well with the letters, but the five and chircieth name did nor yield R.. m his third later. Therefore I am.... in the...... Mond~y. after fupper 1583. Junii 3 t... . . Afcer.f4pper, as we were together in my fiudy, and attending fome~vhat the retum of the good meffager fpiritual, and faid .that he promifed eo come again fuddenly, he appeared and anfwer_ed. Mur ...... Sol am, write 7 30.25. 44 373 5 46. To the tirfr S. to the fecond O.the chird L. eh~ fourth G. the fifth .A. the ftxth R. the 7!h S. ~. 1 bat makech S 0 L G A R S. Mur....... Add tht firjl,and !aft 1tumbtr together, it nt11k._eth 53 ltt that be tbe Cen~e to thf rtft. A . To be put to the Center of the Stt'ptagonum. Mur ....... So. The ground hereof if to be found. iJt tht tiJird T nblf in tbe firjf: book,.: I mean iit Th~ third Ta t~ thin~ oft~e feven, !hr Tablt flf B. B. &c. being tbf firft. hie in the firft My name is allo to be found in the fame Table. . book. . Form this upon a plate of lead : It prevailt:ch as a cure agaiufi fuch infeCtions. My prqmife ts done. A. How is this to be ufed~ Mur.. V[t it upo., the body mole(ted, addi~tf!. tht letters of her n11-me in a [mall Circlt OH tb~ bac"'- blt.!f not the letter I in their fornt6 exprrffrd, but tht number of [uch letters. A. \V e_ know not how to number her name in our lercers. Mur. .... Tak_e thtm out of the [er.onJTaUe (any Ta blt elfe of tht '[eventb -willfervt) [o fb1t D. The fecond thqu tak,~ the nuwtbfYS IH tbrmfindejt thtmplaceJ with the lttters . T lb~e did not A. How is this to be ufed about Qer body ? fccvc, & th~:reMur . .As by J ;[crttioJZ Jhtzll bt thought beft: It prevailtth {ulrr.ie~ttly, fo it be J.o11e, bat thui !ore Jhnfcdhthe 'JP 1event w ere . . all the ' f fl.T, 1 .teach r hte, an d t b tH concernntg 1tllture. '<Tl. ) . 1C! tcrs .,_.'ft .oealtb ~f him which [ent me b_~ ~tmong(t you. A mm. "might be; ha~ A. Gforia & gratiarum a8:io perennis fit Deo nofl:ro onmipQtemi uni & Trino,Amtll.


lfbtl Li-

fter, tb~ bd:. prt

0frb~ L11

The fo~~ part of tile


Lam in,

WedneCdayaMn-idie circ42d . . ~s8~. Jullii~. ~. E. K. Ha? been ever fince nm.~ ~f the Clo~~ tll the m:or.uin_g iq ..a ~Wtc.vello.us ~rea~ dif.. quletnelfe of mm de fwy, and rage, by reafort h1s brother Thoms~~ had bmught bim news chat a Com.

A m~cr u nt 1 urh

A true Relation of Dr. Dees AElivns, 'With {pirits


Go~m1i~on_ was ont to attache, _and apprehend him M a fellon,for coyniJzg of money.


in cve(y ly, chat lHs Wtfe was gone from Mtfireffe Freemans houfe at Blohley , and how Mr. Hu[ey had p:mthcr<:~f_, reported him to be a cofcner, and_ had ufed very bitter and grievous reports of him now of late; ~n.! a mJhcl- and ~hat his wife was. at home wtch her mother at Chipping, Norton, whereupoM;I confidering 1 ous > e. his great diforder and incumbrance toward him externally, and his greater offending of God

with hi s furious impatience incernally ; and remembring the whole premifes of God his fervice to be performed by us two (if we would be ducifuH fervams ro his Divine Majefty) 1 was tonched with a gr eat pang of Compafllon , both that any Chrifrian fhould ufe fuch. fpceches as he ui'ed, or be of fo revenging a roinde and intent as he fhewed himfelf to be : and alfo in refpe8: of miite own credit tO be brought in doubt, for embracing the company of fuch an o;u,a dzforderly perfon: And thirdly, that tbe good fervice of God might hereby be taken fr um our two execuring, to our g reat danger, both in body and foul: Therefore to do my Amicorum om- duty as a man refolme ( upon our uniti.ng _(1r G9ds fervice) to do for h;m M for my {elf : I made nia comm~nrll, God my refuge for comfort_, cottnfel, and help in this great affliction >and crolfe of temptation. Whereupon after my vehement and humble prayers for rhe forefaid purpofe, this voyce was heard of E. K. I had(npon fome reafonable refpea) fee the (hew-frone with the my fiery in it, on the Table by E. K. alfo. _ _ A voyce ....... L et the dat4ghters ~flight T.ake up their garments, let them open the windows 9[ their fccret Chanzbcrs, for the voyce of man hath[ttid. . Oh, ihew thy felf to be a C od; yea, perform that which thou hafi already promifed, gather yo1 vejrures togethn_, for thofe tbat are jick._ have need of help ,ru are the children o_f pitty, Nore,ofDeand i't the loins of rompaffion do you dwell: For I hav1 [aid, you are. And I have [aid,my Detertermination mination {hall not fa1l, although with the fons of men my Determinations may be undeterunde[eqnina- mined. ~:re tent~Come J?,ttther up your g~trments, for tbe Crtnk.frs are ripe, and the Biting-worm Jeek..etb to gntrW tions by the into the L ily . Biting-worm. He bath [aid, Let me prove them, for they are not jufr: Yea~ let me touch them ,for they are unrigbteoll!, I. h:tve grant~d. him power, but without prevailing, I have given him we-pons, but they are not .fharpned, hw fingers jhall defile, a1_4d yet not defar;e; For I have appointed him a night; and have prrfixed an end thereunto, to the intent it may be k,.nowit : 1 hat thll! far J have ftretched his mouth.

have heard a voyce about the fhew-fione very great , as though men wc:.re beating down of mud walls. The thumping, fhuffing, and duttc:ring is lucb.
A voice ....... Ari[e, I [~ty, for I will be revenged again_{t the fcorning of thoJe ;yea., of tbof that are fur.k..fings. A. After a great filence and pau(e, appeared one on the Table ( without the skirts of the filke farcenet) like a -v.oman having Qn a red kirtle and above that a white garment like an Irifh Mantle, on her head a round thing like a Garland, ereen and like a Coronet under the Garland, but not perfectly eo be difcerned; on her breafr a precious Stone of white colour, and on her back another precious Stone ; both which Stones were [et npon a Croffe, in rhe very cent er of the Croffe. A. Your exteraal apparel ( you Daug hter of Light) you perceive that we have famewhat noted : but by (be power and mercy of the external Lig ht, we trufi: and defire to amderfl:and fomewhat of your internal vercue. She faid ... ... What do you thinkJ am a Jewellers wife by my apparel l A. We deem you to be the Melfenger of him that hath for mankind purchafed the Jewel of eternal Bliffe, by the incomparable Jewel of his mofl: precious Blood. A '{oyce out 1Villyou bave this too ? ~f:rh?n~~t~e. A. After a pretty while filcnce, I faid, We expeCt the execution of the purpofe for which Y you are fent. She fa id . . . .. . It is written that Pride was the firft offence. Githgulcag k..new not himfelf. Therefore he was ig;zorant.

e.. K.

B K . She js much fimbliog about the Stone on her breafl:, and regarding it. . E. K. Now She ralketh with other whom r fee not , her talke is very lliort and quick_, but I cannot perceive what f.hc faith
She....... Read what I have [aid.
I read the former word,, She, ...... You"'Pill grit.nt.me that Pride i-s. the greateft fin.

d true 7VIatian of Dr., Dees J1Clions, JPith fpiries.

Pride "'M> the caufe he k.,new not himfelf. Therefore PriJ.e if th'e c,aufe of Ignorance. A. The Argument is good. She..... Ignorance was the nak.,ed1uffe wherewithal you were firft tormenteti,and the firft Piagut that fell unto man was the want of Scie11ce.

B K. Now the fpeake[h to other again who appeare not , and they feein to anfwer her again.
She:.... The want of Science hindrethyou from k,;nowledge ofyour [elf.

E K. She !ooketh upon

unfeen people again

6. .

and fmilcth Now tile fpeaketh to the


God help

thercfou k.,noweth not himfelf, is proud. to know our fel ves for his Honour fake:.

She:...... r ou have time enoUJ,h, therefQre we may ta"'-.e lea[ure. t... [I made fpeed eo write. j

. K. She looketh wpon

and fmilc:th


K. She talketh again with her invilible company,

She:.... Pride is rewarded as fin, Ergo the firjl offender was damned. WhA-t fay you Sir? [ fpc:aking to E. K. J What differmce is betwem your mind and Pride ? B. K. Wherein am I proud~

tJ. .

. ..... I n the fame wherein the Devil was firft proud. Who glorified the Devil ?


God glorified not the Devil, but before he became a Devil he was in glory. She. ..... The abnfing of his Glorificatio1t made him a Devil: So the abufing of the good.. A De,il, nelfc: of God toward this man, may make him a Devil. The work..s of the Spirit quick.fn; the doings of th~ Fle.fh lead un~o deftrn[fion. Art thou offmdtd to be called a Devil? Then extol not thy felf above thy ElcB:ron. No man if eletled by proper name, but accordi~tg to the meafure of hit faith, and this faith u Faic&; li".Jely and hath a quick,ning Spirit in it f or evtr. Indud thou .art ignorant , and therefore t"ou art {ufficient!y plagued: Why doft thou boaft thy {elf and fay, Thts I can do? 'Ihe Reeds pipe, but it if long of the wintl, and herein tbou jhewejf that thou k,.nowefl not thy [elf, for that thou art proud; pray therefore that thou mayft hate underftanding, 11nd caft away pride if thou wilt not be covnteJ. a Devil. By true underftandingyou learn, firft to k.,now your [eltm what you are ; of whom yot4 are2 and te~ what end you are. Thu undtrftanding caufeth no {elf -love, but a fpiritual felfe-lwe. T hu underjl:anding teacheth no Blafphemy. 7hii under{tandmg teacheth 1!0 fury. It teacheth a man to be angry, but not wrathful. Wrath,' For we may be a;zgry, anclttot offend. Wrath is to damn2tion. Thereforer.onfidering that Damnation was the end ofthe/irft, which was Pride, ~nd Ignaranct, the punijhment of the fecond ( wbich .u very loathfome. ) Pray unto God th1 may~/f Avoid the firft, tl1td be unburdened of tht fecond. u Confider by whem thou art coun[elled, a;rd of whom the couN[el i# : with uo there is no caufe of offmce, neither wthe coun[el given with a weak, mouth. TYilt th:m be well rewarded ? Why ftudie.ft thou not to do well? . Wouldjf thou be one of the cho .. [m ? j1:and lliff and be contented wzth all temptations. [I God a God of Juft.ice ? B K. It is true Be thou therefore a juft Jervant. No man inheritetb the Kingdom of Eternity, without he conquer in this World. No man ClOt chnJienge ju/f/y ll reward, ~ithout he be a Conquerour, or _do the work.es of Juftict. Doth the Devtl per[wade thc:e? Arme thy [elf againjt him. Doth the World not lik.,e of thee ? h u for two caufes; either for that thou liveft well and not Ifs a worldling, or elfe becaufe thy wick_edmffe is [uch as 'that the World wondretb at it. If thou be in the fir[t Rejoyce, For ble.!Jed are thofe whom the World hateth; when they laugh at thy godlineffi Be [orry and grieve thou at their finfulnejJe. ' I f tbou offend in theJecond fiie hil/tify froni the World: Tell. the World what thou kaft of hers, and let ber be afhamed that thou k,.;rowejf ber. I s thy flejhftzjf-neck.,ed .? Faft and pray, it doth avoide temptation. Be forry always ; For in thh World there it nothing to rejoyce at. For fin onely provoketh Be forry al.; wayes. to farrow, whether it be of thy felf or of another~ yL

true~ elation

of Dr. Dees Aflions, with jjirits

Be .{tiff again{t temptations, for who[oever h not armed as I am, /hall be vexed with the weapons of hi$. ad.ver[ary. . .. . My Garland is Godlinr"'e, my Brefiplate H Humzlzty, and upon my bacl<_ I wear Pattence. Her attire ex. JJ' h Jh /3 pounded. . The[e do I .wear to the intmt J might jhew you 'lP atyou ou a wear. 'fhe mire of But as the[e tbings are p.'aced in their cfoJTes; [o do . the croffes a!w-a_Yes follow them that we at fpiricual crca- tbem. cures. Ar~ thou prmiJhed as anApo[l ie ? Rejoyce; it _ a hapPJ crojfe. u Art thou vexed n s a Tyr ,rltt l thank_ God it is in this World. FJr bltj[ed are thofe that are punijhed here, to the intennhrir fins mdy be forgottin hereafter, I per.fw,7de to. the .contrary; Re hu- .ble, _(e~k.. true wifdo~' then ~re. you t.rudy fajhi.oned accorm Good Angels. di.ftg to your Mak.,er, imd(halt r~{t with M, with Ha!lelu]tl"ln Heaven. . . . I have. coun[elled, l have done my meffage thM far. t.. Your counfel is llerfeltly good, and your melfa3e merctfnt Hts name be pratfed and g\orified that fent you. Amen. . . As you were called hither, by the name ofDaugbters of L1gh~: So tht s other day,. there was one fenc hither (of that blelfed company) who was accounted a Daughter, and had fix: Sifters more : That Daughter her name was Mad~ni; fo of your name w.e are defirons to be informed, for difrinfrion and infiru8:ions fake, in the trade of [hefe my ftenes. She faid ....... It is go~d to k,]zow my name ; t ofu whether it ~J.gtee with mj DolJfine. E. K. What can you (for al! your ~xhortatioh) accufe me of?

zndec:d I thank you very heartily for your exhortation and good counfc:l; but hovv unjuftly I am mtfufed at HN{eyr h~nd, and fo provoked to this extrc:am affitchon of mind and fundry unfcemly fpceches, be you Judge between HuFty and rne
She [aid. Who[oever bath committed fin and is-)tot reconciltd,jhall have the reward of a finner. There is a double Reconciliario11, the one is witb Gul, t?e other with the Confr.imce. Btt this man is not reconciled inConfcience ( repenteth not his wi k._edneffe) thereby it followeth be cann~;tbe recoJtcileti with God : Ergo he 111u/f be rewarded as he id. The reward of fin is to be abfent;; or ra~ tber t o be banijhed in t ~'H W!Jrld from rhe fociet) of G d and his A)l.gels. Good Angels . So itfal/eth out to Rt'uions and Countries, Ctti.es, Kmgs and \ zfbidls, Attthorittes and their ?-> h 1 our keepers. Officers, whm (I fay) they ar~ e/franged with a~[enc~ oft etr appointed and g ood keepers, Therefore it proved tlltlt the Devil id mo/t w~th hzm, llJtd neare{t with him, Whom the ])evil is a Lord of, he ufeth as hi1 [ervanrs,a~td where hi1 ['rvice may be greate{f don:, there id he m~ff alledged. Hi! [ubtiltus are principa( and great : A nd by thefe rea{Qns I pr~ve that 1ohn H14foJ, Hufey is "eajily to be i1tjeC!ed, either .with en~y, 111alzce, (lander, ~ dijhonour of Gvds word. lJILt'lr you. This is o1ze of.tho[e Affaults that ts promtCed Jhould a Who id to be blan1ed, he that confen teth, or he in whom th.e proc~rement id l Thou didft confent ~Znd chu[e him for a Companion. Be not th.!refore angry at hH ~t~alzce; for tbr /ire that if, thou hajf brought in with thilu own hands. To mea(ure the Enemy his ind~{try it impoffible to look._ hzto, his fubtiltie i; more incredible. The Reward of gl)od life is great : Bur the {ilthinrjp that fin carryeth with it in this World ttnd /eadeth with tt into the World to come, id mojf horrible. ' a I s it 11ot [aid, That a sk._mitifh .fhall be ( and that gre. t ) ~uc you fhall be Conquerours ? It id '1flri tten, It wtrue and fhall be never overthrown ; [o mighty ir his jlrength that bath armed bimfelf with it. l n the Serpents belly, there is nothing clean: neither with W!hl)neff perfonr ( ungodly I mean) id there anj pure [ociety :. L ight agruth not with Darl<_neff , nt1r vertue with vice, thereforebe you r Our urrlting. 'f one, and in one, that you may agree and have. the reward of one. Behold it w{aid, I 11ill part bounds between the juft and the rmj u/f, I will fuffer tbe Enemy t~ f owe difcord to tlu intent that tho[e that are my people may be [ep.1rated and have a dwelli 11g by tbemfelves. The necefticy Perufe the Scripture,,it if alwayes feeH that .tbe Spirit of God forceth Satan in fpight of his of Satan. wor head to feparate the evtl from the good by dtfcord, and herei~ the D~il work,.eth a CTainfr himfdf. king :agasatl We good Angels keep fecret .t he Myfieries of God ; t~ings that are eo co~e we alwayes ~;"j11 tri 1 nifi k._eep clofe "JVi:h this exc.:ptio~, Jhe form ofour Commandment. juffinonpro nNnTruth zt 11 tbat a Commtffion isgranted n;t onely to enquire of thee, but alfo to llttach thee, and. tint boni An- thatby the Ct. unci{. ftli. . . If he go down he .fhall be attached.~ thertfore tempt not' God. i'l C~m~t7Jon t.. But if h_ tarry here and his being herr: fo known as it is, it is lik eJy that he {hall be ate out or t '.J rached here to my no fmall grief or difgnice. What is your counfel herein ? She faid . . ..... It u written mifery Jha ll not entet the doors of him wbom the Higheft hat/, Jf8~. h magnified. D l X IT, & D I C 0, & DICTUM SIT; The world iliaH never prev~ile lhe Boo.c, t c againfr you.





In refpefr of the Book., the Sorowl, and the Powder to be commuoicaced, What is your


J true7.<!lation of Dr. Dee hif. AElions, -with fpiritJ, &c.

judgement or mind, feeing when he was coming from lflington wich them) he was threatned to be 1ndled in pieces if he came with them to "!e .? . .... All that u [pok..en of, if in very-ded, vamty. The book may be ufed to a good pur pc:>[e. The Book They were wick.fd ones. But Its thefe things are the leajt part of thu a{lion, fo are they 1M much t~ found. be fook._ed after. . . . . ~. As concermng the Powder (I befeech you) what xs your knowledge of 1t? The Powder .. It if a Branch of Natures life It is appointed for ,qime, and to a purpo[e. . . .. A. As concerning the earthes of the Eleven places bemg With exped1t1on ...... What is now to be <lone with them ? , ...... It w.u a /orefight of God, if they had been. there now they had utterly perijhed. The fi E:lrths. A. 0 Jefus, that is a marvellous thing ... ... Helas, that u nothing. . A. By nature they could not have perifhed irt fo fhort time . ..... I have [aid.



Tc:ll us your name,

...... Ifyou will remember my coun[el, I will tell)ou my name. E. K. Your counfcl VYa:i by piccc:.mealc told me, that I cannot remember

it but in general.
...... You do, and have, and I am almoft HAT H. A. I nndedland you to be A T H, in figiflo E meth. AT H....... So am I in the number of Gods Elect. ~. Shall not I make meanes eo cMr. Richard Young, a~ one of the higher Commiffioners Mr. R.ich,srJ to do my wmpanion here fomc good ? r,u,g, A T H...... . Trouble your [elf when you need. E. K. She fpake this fomewhat tharply. Get your friends to flgn ifie down good report rJf you. Cam~ not there in many years. . .6., As concerning my writing of the holy Book, how {ha1l I do, by reafon of the perfect writing it in the Due CharaCters? feeing ma1:y words are written fo> as the pronunciation llnt:l-the Orthographie do hardly feem to ague ? AT H....... You (half bave a SchoDl-majler fufficient tD ua:d tmtoyou. ~. Where lhall I begin ? A T H....... Let him lead you to that, who is within you. ~- As concerning l fabel Lijier who isvext of a wicked fpirit, how well have 1 executed that which was prefcribed me; or how well cloth it work ? A T H........ Frirnd., It u not Qf V ~hart,e. R.emnnf,er the true path !hnt ltadeth uJtto tru~ honour, where there fitteth a True and Juft G 0 D, who grant you his DireC/ion and cjfflblijhmmt of perfeCt lift. A Amen, Amen, Amen. E. K. She is gone. Junii 9 a Meridie h~rtt ) . A. Very long l pnyed in my Oratory and at n1y Oeske to have anfwer or refolmions of divers doubts which I had noted in a paperland which doubrs I read uver difiinetly, they concerned the preparation of things about che Table of prafrice, and other things above my Lamio ~nd Stone; but anf~er came none, neither in the Scone did any thing appear; no> not the Colden Curtain, buc the Scone was of his natural Diaphanitie. But I held on in pictiful .manner ro requeil fame advertifemenc,iffor any our trelpalfes or offc:nces this w1looked for alteration from former dealing had f1apned, &c. At length a. voice came from behind E. K. over his head, and faid thus : A voyce....... The judgements of our God. au mojl: profound and hard in th~: underftanding of man. There i~ aile~ce above, let there therefore be patience among(t you. !.have [aid. A. Upon thrs artfwer I began to difcourfe of divers caufes of this Glence, ar,d divers man4 Silence. ners of filences; and in the end r became in a great and forrowfull heavinelfe, and fear of the wrath, or difpleafure of God; conceived for fame, our misbehaviour towards him Gnce our lafi: dealing, wh~reupon I prayed long at my Desk, fianding for mercy, comfort, counfd , and fome expoiicion of the fotmer fentence. Aft et' a long time thus palling there appeared one in the very top of the frame of the .fhew-jlon~; much like Mzchael; ~ho faid, ....... . Wrirt, fo r I mu{fbl gone . Silence there 1 m heaven, for the Governours of the eatth are now before the Lord ihe s doings of their feats are now difclofed, every china is N 0 T E D. For that God will be ..righteous in all his doing s. => There is not this day any one that govemech the people upon earth , but his goTernment


A true 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his .Aflions, ''ith jjirits, &c.

is difclofed, and his government is fee open, and his faults revtaled. They without number cry, Lord, lee chy vengeance come. The c:a rch fayech. Be ir fo. Sa than is before rhe Lord : He hath gamilhc:d himfelf with Garlands as a Co.nqueronr, and whac he faich is wonderful!. Th erefore lhall the Lord open his mouth, and cnrfe the earth, and all living creatures. For btiquity hatb gorten. the upper hand : Publickly the .)~taus of mankinde in the world are condemned. We are all filent and ready with our Vio'!s to powre the wrath of God upo~ them, when he faich, BE IT S 0. Therefore be you patient. For, o11r p~ttience itt an tmiver[al file~tce. We look for r he month of Jufiice: Bnt L 0: Tht Lord fairh unto the Lord, lift up thy eye~ (0 God.) Behold, the lJignity of t.hy workmanfbip , yet fuffe~ for awhile. . 1 have a pcC!pk tltat will forfake rhe1r cruelty, and put off theJr Garments that iltnk of abomination, in whom rby name (hall be tnagnified, and our glory in heaven more:: exalted. But as thou wile, fo be ic. Behold, I [peak,. m body, becaufe I tremble , as at the force of thy great indignation: Not~ tvithftar.ding> we will what thou wilt. If therefore thefe wonders be fo great in heaven, wonder chotl not :.at our filence : Therefore be patiem, and fay unw che earth? Why groanefi: thou fo hard, or why is thy . body fo rotten : Haft not thou jufily deferved thefe things .for thy iniquity? I fay, if you be partakers of th efe fecrets, how much more {hall you be partakers of that fweecnc!fe, which is the eternal dew, and very hread it fc:lf of life?


VioJs re2dy.

Yet awhile.

E K. He is gone.

0 ..

I prayed a pn~tty while after wich thankf-giving, &c.

Soli Deo noftro omnis


& gloria in [eculorum f~cula, Amen.

J!Unii 14. I 58 3. Friday, .t meridie, Hora 4 ~. A. The golden vay!, or curtain appeared, covering the whole ftone, whereas aH other vayls and curtains before did ufe to cover bur the more parr, or thofe things which were the ftanding tmplemcnts of the afrion for that time. This appeared as Coon as he looked into the fione. I made long, and often prayers of thankf-giving, callin~ for grace, mercy, and wifdom: with fuch particular inihu8:ions as 1 had written dewn the:: doubts requiring light, or refolu.. tion in rhem, At ltngch appeared a woman like an old maid in a red Peticote, and with a red Jilk upper b odies, her . hair rculd a~JUt like a Scotcilh woman, the fame being yel low : the flood arid from ri:e t n :w Sarcenetbelonging to che fione, aad fhe faid ...... God fpeed my friends, A . A good grt:ecing to with us fpeed by him, Amen.


B .K. I never fawchis: \voman before.

...... ]; may br you have [em me, but my apparel may alter m_y fnjhion.

E. K . She fe,~me[h to go in ;z great path before her very fpeed1ly.

Mniemym:aid had 'n~ered ...... Jrtu., 1ww he will be angry with me,tH he WtHWith his maid. A. Every Action not yet efme on Thurf- fe8:ed , whether is it at home, or from ho~e? d2y ni~ht, A. God grant you then eo make fpeed homeward , and to your home, and all we to the with her undue [pcech.

1 pray you, whither make you fuch a fpeedy jt;Urney . , ...... I am going he me, I have been from h,, me tbi~ [even-night. A. Dift.mceuf place cannot protra8: time in your journey homeward.

home where che-higheft may be well pleafed. ...... s(l,.ro, y_ou talk., too 'Wifely fo r me. A , God make me-to--talk w1fely indeed, and God take all vanity from my heart .All worldly .,.... You may thmk,. me a Vllin-lm[wife to be g~ing tbur long: Butby me y ou maJ perceive how vai11 tfifdom va.in. all wo,rldly wifdom is. I am in a better cafe then many are, for though I be f rom home, y et am I going home, S ome there he that neither have home, nrither en go homt.

E. K. Now corneth a goodly call aged mAn all in black with a Hat on his head, he hath a long gray beard forked, he f~itb to the Maid, thus :
Old man ...... Wihthrr go )OH maid l M aid ... ... Belike Sir, you may be fome kyn untO thefe men_, for t hey are alfo defirous to know whither I do go. . Old man ..... Me think..s I jhould'bave k.Jtown you before l Mtt.id,' ...... If you knew me before, y.on may the eaer know me now. ..,. [Old


true~lation of Dr Dces

JlElions, with fpirits~


[Old man] Where bave you been ? tmd if thy gravity were iH good M thy 11ncient diJJembling, I would tell thee. Old man ..... 'Ihefe words be very large, wbtt.t is tbe caufe thou wilt not be atquaint..ed with mel (I 11 ever did thee harm) and I have drfired t? be ~tcquainted with thee a l~ng time. Maid . .. With counterf eit gravity I w1U never be :.cquamted, netthet .t hy age, a~d. thy fame nor thy hairs, nor the foberneffe of thy countenance can move me to any acquamtance for that thou never delightedft in trrie wifdom. Old man ....... 11Jen go your way lik_.e an Harlot. Ma id . lfwicked words do proveanHarlot,thenthouhaft judged thy felf.

E K. Now fhc goeth on for\'YardJ and the Old man is gone out of fight. There appearethn ow a young man, fitting on the fide of a Ditch, and to h1m ilie faid ...
M ,tid, .... What aileth you to weep ? Young man ..... ; I we~p for tky difcourt efte. Maid ....... Thou canfi not move my confcience : No,

O fay)

thou canft !lOt move me to


E. K. She lickeih his tears, and faith.

Maid ........ Every thing elfe hath fame faltndfe, but here is none. Young man ....... Oh. I prtZJ thee, do [omething for me. Maid; ...... Oh, toqualifie thefe tears, is no other then to dry rott~n Hemp with a mighty fire, Young man . . I will fee thee hang'd before I will weep any more. Maid,....... Every rhing commonly t eacheth of it felf.

E K. The young man went away tamping, and angry, and now file i~ come where a multitnde of young Children are, there is much meat on a Tabl.e,.and ~be Children being not high enough to reach it, pull'd the maid by the Cloachs, and poimed eo the meat; !he gocth rot:~nd about the Table there is but one di(h uncovered, and that feemeth to be like dew~ fhe putteth her fingers into the Dih, and letceth the Children lick,and they fall down dead.
Mtt id. : Blame Juft:ice and not me, for if the. Children had ever tall:ed of thi<; meat .before they might have continued.

E. K Now fue mecteh a thin vifa~d man very fe. bJe, who fl:aggered e on his fiaffe, and he faid.
F~ eble . ......


Help_me fo.r Gods fa/t..!. a ~ . i will do my befr. .....

E.. K. As fhe came coward the man, the man fell down; She heaveth him up, a9d again he faileth down, and &e liftcth at him fiiJl.
Maid ...... , Go:1d will forms, but the matter is not fufficient : This is long of thy felf. Fe~ble ....... Ob, I fay , help me. M aid ..... .. It i s tco !are whelp thee, I came this way many times befre, and thou never foughteft help at my hands. 1 t is written, he that defireth not help, till he be helplefie,h ~ lhall be void~ of the benefic of an helper.

E~ K. Toe feeble man goeth a\Vay, and tbc departeth from him: Now ffte cometh towards a man going up an hill, who had torn all hi~ Cl oaths off \Vith bran1bles and bryars. Therefiand a greatmapy ofMawmets, little

the top of the hill, who threw flon~s againfl him , and fo force this climing man (or goer up the hill) to tumble down agaiu to the foot of the hill. The skin doth (eem. to be off.his hands and his feet, and they very' r~VY, with his excdftve travail with hands and feet up ~har. hill; Now there appear men eating meat below at the foot of the hill,who offered him meat to ~at; But he Iaboureth up the hill again , one of thefe men faid, come let me bind up t 1.v feet

ugly fellows


The Glymer....... Vnto him that hath 110 wearinejJe, there helongeth no forrow.

E. K. She ftandet:h and vieweth him.

C z The


A true Relation ofDr. Dee his AE!itnu, 'n'itb {pirits, &c.

The Clymer....... I prny you help mr. Maid . ...... It is impoffible for thee to get up here. Clymer. ..... Of my fe!f it i1: J will never be of the mind e. It is impofUble. Maid,, ,.... Come on, I will do the befi l can.

E. K. She leadeth him over fl:ones, and rocks.

Maid . ...... Thou wilt be knocked in piece>, ere thou come ro the top. Clymer....... Do )'OH your good will, I feel no harm.

E. K Now fhe ieadeth him in a place, where Springs, ~ick-mircs, and Bogs are.
M t?id . .. ,, . Surely thou art beft to go down, for thou wilt be drowned. Clymel". ...... I pny you help, 1 will go a; long M I m a;.

E. K He gocth forward, and finketh almofl eo the throat

M aid . . .... It is deeper on the further fide, thou wert befi to go down again. Clymer. ...... I frel rhe ground h~trd under my feet: I will not yet de{pair.

E. K. Now he come-eh out ofthofe dec:p places, and he: feemeth to come to a place like the bottom of a hedge, where fiand fiiffc rborns , pi ked upward) very fi1arp. Now come tvlO, or thrc:e handfome fellows, and fid,Alas ,let him tarry here and drink, we willle~d him up another 1\?A) ro morrow
Maid ....... Farewell. Clymer. ...... I pray !rav e me 110t [o, let m~ go with you. Maid . .. .... I mufi need~ be gone, I cannot tarry for thee. Clymer....... I ~tm yet 11eztber hungry nor thir{ty > and feel no wenineffe: Why therefore Jho7!ld /_Ita)'


. K . He goeth, as though the thorns prickt him, and grindech his teeth
for pain Now they are corrie-to a fair place~ and then ilie faid to one.
i;j,robiU cmniavincir.
('_, Lah 6 r

Maid ....... Fetch meat and drink.. and cloarhs, and cure his wounds: For unto thee br!ontetb the fr!icity of tbis place : For nei ther from the highejt to the lowe{f is tbrre any whom I pitty, but fuch as this is. Cfymer ....... I k,_now not how I iliall ttfe the(e things. Maid ..... , The true.H tirs have alwayes difcretion. To thee it belongeth, and for thee it if prrpared. V[e it therefore with&ut offence at thiNe own.

E K Now both he and the go into a Callle, and the doors are &ut after then1, and fhe cometh out again.
Maid ....... This is written for your rnderjtanding: L et therrforr your eyes be opened , and he 1
not b!mde. Neitlu r f r,rget what herehath been opened.
A. We p erceive that FeNcitM via ardua ejf, multi! obfit~tdifficultatibzu & periculis ;fed con.11-.rmtia & patientia pervemttlr ad F .t!icitatis arcem, which we befeech the Almighly God to grant unto us. Maid ..... Well, I w.ill he going ttll you hnve [upped: .And thm 1 will tell you more of my mindr. lt will be yet fix, or feven week..r journey before 1 can get h()me. 6 Note 41.or A . Sit benediau. Detl.f 11ofter nunc & [emper, Amen. <49 . d.:~.lcs, _reAtter Supper we ftaid awhile, bemg come to the place, and though nothing was feen, or mha~~gdnll f heard-., yet 1 fpake, aifuring my felf of the prefence of the fore[aid maid, though as yet to us t en 11 ay o [, l1bl Auguft next m en 1 e. indulive. A. We would gladly know thy name. o A L vAn. Maid....... My name i1 Galua'b, in your language I 11-m C'!lled Finis.

E. K . She fuddenly appeared as !be fpake this.

Fili lucu. Filia filiarum.

That [Finis] is Latin. Gal ...... I. You are. none of thofe that are called /ili.t !ucis, or /ililll filiarum. Gal. ... No. You will not be offended, if I propound a doubt (omewhat impertinent to our matter in hand, yet of importance for us to hear your judgement in the fame. TritemitM,fayeth that . never any good Angel was read of to have appeared forma muliebri. I pray yoLl to give u s an A_n An~eh bo an[wer to this fo grr.at a C lark, his words, which are to be: read in his little book , Oao !!<f!cOI tnform:l . .. .r G), S n ~ 1 K. fxn,ini:t ~li - ft 101tu1 M axzmt1za~e C.e;aru. ..... l'h ere o::-- If" ~ une et:a.. San~,.,e autem .nitge z, quonunn aJJequ 1ndo :~ pp1- {Jione mmqua! vanantur fe.mper app_nre~t 111 forn~a V1!1h. Nufquam nzim legimm fcriptum quod reant? bomu [pirtt!U lfi forma Ut VlfUS muhebn ,aut bef\J; (U)II[cunque,{ed femper in fpecie Virifi,

A. A.



A true 'I( elation of Dr. Dee his Ailicns, rPith fpirits) &c.
GaL ... .. You think._ then I have f~me ~tnder}tandirzg.
A. Yea, God knoweth, l do.


Gal. ....... Fir_(t it if evtdent that the Spirits of God are.incomprehenfi.b!e to tb'J[e that are their inferionrs : FQr the higher order is incomparable unto G d, And by degrres, tbfe that are their inferiours are alfo incomp.zrable unto them. It fol!oweth theref.rr, tbat in re.(pdi of that degru in Angels tbiltzs are inr.omprehmjible. A r Angels ( I fay) of them(dve.s, ~eith:r rt~e man nor wo~1an; Therefore they do ta~e formes ipfl;c:r;:r~:. not accr,rdzng to a11y priJporttan zn zmagznatJon, but accordzng to the drfcreet and app!ttrb!e will u 1 , .,Jt11ne Ja both of him, and of tbe thing wherein th,y are Admini/frlltors : For we all are Spirits miniftring min~ ncq11e the will of God ; tt1J.d unto whom ? unto every thing within the compaffe of Nature: one!y [im. to hi1 glory and the u[e of man. It folhweth, Therefore, conjidering tba t we minijter nut of our ~"g~lorwm felv;-s that we fhould minijfer i1f that unfearchablc {Qrm within the which our ex ecutions are limited : miftm~t, But if Triremius can fay, 1hat woman alfo bath not the Spirit of God,bcing formed and fajhioned of the felf fame mizttcr, notwitb{tanding in a contrary proportio11 by a degree; lf Tritemitts can feparate the dignity of the Soul of woman frot the excellency of man but according to tht form of the matter, thm mi!.ht hif Ar,~ ument be goo-l: But becaufe that in man ~tnd woman there if proportiofr, preparatio1t, of fan[iification i1t eternity; Therefore may thofe that are the eternal Mini!ters of G od in proportion eo Sanctifi~arion take unto them the bodies of them both. I Hie 5 mean in refpetr of the Form; For as in both y ou read Homo, fo in both you /iHd one and the {elf H~c 1.. hcmo. fame dignity in internal matter ~ll one. But Tritemi~ts [p.:~e in refpefr of the filthineffe (which indeed if no filrhineiJe) wherewtth all women are fiamed ; and by reafons fro111 the natural Philofophers : as a man ta{ting more of nature indeed thm of him which if the Wor~ma1t or a [upnnatura.l Matler. He (I fay) concluded hi-! natural inventio1t. In re[pe{f of my [elf, I anfwer Tri- o4 tv~tb. temius thm : I am Finis, I am a beam ofthat Wifdom which is the end of mans excellency, ThfJfe alf that arc called Fili~ and Filix filiarum are all comprehended in me, and do {lttend Apparition in o .s~pcn Tme.Wifdom; which if Tritemius marlz, hejha!l pm:eive tba.t true WiCdom is alwayes the forme of painted wtth a wowans garment ; For than the purene!Je of a Virgin, Nothing h wore com- woman. mendable. Triremb11 reGod in his judgement ltnoweth how Tritemius is rewarded. If you thin'<. thefe arguments be not fufficient,th~ Qne i1t refpeCI of the /irft ground, and the other in warded, refpe[i o_f the mea-Jure of my name, I willyet a!ledge greater.
A. Thefe Arguments do fatisfie me : But to have wherewith to ftop the momhs of others who might ufe Cavillafton upon fuch matters, it were fomewhat needful to have heard your judgement : Whereas indeed our own affairs in hand avc rather to be followed at this prefent, and of greater Arguments or InfrruC\:ions in this matter I truft het:eafter to have underftanding: But as now I chiefly regard our Action in hand. GaL .... Begin the ]J Jok._next Tuefday. My felfwill be thy Dire[/or ; And Af my nam~ i.l,[o I willlead U!lto the end. All other things

ufe, 1tr.cording to thy judgement and proportion of his Spirit that guidethyou. Gal . .. I my [elf will be th-e finger to dire[/ thee.

Gal, ...... The finger of God ftretcheth over ma1ry nmmtains. His Spirit comforteth the weak,neffe of many places. N ? [otn[e is ;mfurnijhed where his light remaineth For underjtand what I am, a1td it wa fufficient an{wtr. t.. At the beginning to write the Book, thalli require yout infirutl:ions ~ Gal ....... Do fo. 7he Mountains of the World .fhttlllie flat ; But the Spirit of God jh.1.ll never be confounded.

E K. Sbt: fitteth otl a ro ,k) and hath done ever fince fupper
Gal. .... .. Ab Sirra I was a weary. A. As concerning the Polonijh Lord AlbrrtUI La(cy whom we are certified to be Bf Got!. tlelied to govern him a people, whom we are willed to love and honour, What have you O fay of him? &c::. Gal. ..... . A slt me thefe things to morrow.
E. K.

She fmileth and catleth a Jight from hero


Gal. ...... I [mile beraufe l fpeti.lt,. of eo morrow; yea I fec:m to [111ile.

t.. As concerning Irabel Litter, I pray in what cafe is ilie? in refpefr of the wicked fpiric A, L.

which long i1ath mol efted her? Gal. .... .. BelievcJ For that the chie.fejf What u fpo~m by m we !.ivc but our crmfent to. . For he that fp eaketh in us is to be asked no fuch quefiidri. No'-C. For whm he fdith, it is mea(ured. As it was faid before ; The Hill; and Mountains of tbe J!Torld may be mttde plajn, but the

Spirit of G od never ro,rfoundtth.

A. He that i~ the end of all things; and the end ofends (unto whom


all honour pratfe and



A true'l(_elation of Dr. Dees Aflions, with'[pirzts.

chankfgi ving is due ) blelfe us, endue us with hi~ graces, and abundan~ly power forth- his mercy upon us. fS Fini! />ArGal. . ..... Vnd~rftand my name partict\larly, and not generally. ricd t1 u : [(iI [peak, it to avoid errour. her ljt11s allt ,perfeve re eo the end. on~s. t:... ff2.::.i prrfevrrttverit /ideli-1 _( Deo noftro ) ufque ad ji1te~ hicfalv_~H. nit : which faithfulnel1e wirn all confiancy and pattence che Bleifed and Almghty Tnmty grant and confirm umo us for the glory an~ honour of his Name, Amen. E. K. She is gone with a brightne~e~~s3. Saturday afternoon,hora 6. 5 After that the noble Albertus Laskje had bet:n J"nii 1 f. t:... I ufed fome difconr[e "l with me, and was new gone to London, by prayer to God, ~nd a~terward proteftation to G.l/uah in refpelt of her willing me to ask certain matters agam rhts day whtch ... yefterday were not anfwercd : But very long it was, abov~ half an l~onr,before any thing appeared, more then the Golden Curtain all over the Shew ... . _ At length appeared divers confufed forms of divers Creatures, and then, by and by, van;fbed away. t:... I prayed to God to bani(h all confufion from us and our aaions, and to fend us lur:er>~ & veritatcm, per unum & propter unum)& conjtantia.m rerum .... 11.. Then appeared he by whom ( before) we were called n; and feemed to fcorn at E. K. E. K Here appearcrh ll, and he fce,11c:th to mock me. I!. .... .. Th.lt is a gird to you Sir for your filhing. t:... 'E. K. had fpent aihhac afternoon ( almoft ) in angling, when I was ye1y denrous tp have had his company and helping hand in this Action. l:J., Shordy after this,appeared Galuah and to be in a field clofed round about with a hedge, Gal. ..... ~ Ilere ilno WtlJ out. Il ...... C omel will do [omewbat for y ou ; It is a ftrange thing that wifdom cannot find a '1PA:J Wifdom, through a hedge.

E K This Il pullerh down the hedg~

Gal. ...... Go thy way, thou haft done but thy duty. IL. ...... Farewell Dee, Farew.U l(e/!y.

:Du, Kdt,.

c..K, He is gone.
GaL ~ ..... 'Ibo[nhat ,~afte of everloftiug Bank._et>, fare well, tt.nd defire the fame_ t~ others.


come to a gnat Cafile-gate,all of flone, n1th a draw~ bridge before it. There is like a fjreyhoNnd grA"P.en or cut in lbe Stone ovc:rthe

c. K . Now fhe

Gal. .. .... It i4 very lilte) I will look.. if I can have my entertainment b~e.

E- K. She is gone in.


After a while lhe came out again.

Gal. ...... Bee it [pok..en.

A oice our of the Scone.

Cur[ed, defaced, and damned be thif place. Gal, .... And why ? Becau[e they have puffed 1tp t!Jeir flefo, follow their DWn imaginations, wallowing in their filthinrffe , as Swine that tumble in mire. Behold it if t~o late with tbil people, I cttn get no lodging. 0 ye my feet, be a witmffe agaiHft them, let tbe windes move the duft to report their unk.jndneffe.

E K Now fhegoechalonga great Way,. like a common_ high..way; .and rhe light of the Air about her iccmed .fomewhaE dark like Evening or Twilight
Gal. ...... Yea though you h-tve too much light, I have too little. I did but over-helf.r you, when you Jaw me Hot. t:... [Note. I had fpokcn of too muc'h light coming frotn the weft window <if my Study toward the Ta~le, where .the Shew.-itone ftood, when we began now to atcend her c0ming, and thereupon ~e fpoke this. J

E. K- Her own garments cafi a light E.. K- ~ovv tl.e comcth amongfi a company of men ba'l!ing go19ns fur .. redwtlh -rohtte, andfome otchem havtngVel'l'el Caps1 and [omcHa~s. One of them faid to h~r, What art.thon?
Gal. ..... . I k,now not what I l1llltJ my fel/ Wil{yoiJ buy any pretious Ston~s of 11te l

@A true 'l(elation of Dr. Dee his AE!ions, rPith fpirits,&c~

E. K. She raketh our of her bofomc= a great many of precious fi:ones uncut, or. unpolilhed E K 'fhefe men look on them.
Gal. . .... Trruly, thry are pure and good.


E. K Tbey fay alfo; Surely rhc.:y fcc:m to be good, ddivcring them from
one ro another. E. K. Thereappcartvvofac men ; who faid,1ct us 6rllget money before we buy fuci. rnfle.s : bdides char, tbey have not their perfeCt form
G al. ..... I pray you:> l-uy onf of them of me. Will you buy none neith;r l

E. K- She lpeakerh that eo them, who firfi praifcd the O:ones

~~ ?

... Tujh , I prny thee go alout tby bufines


doft thou not perceive h&'W the are fo:tnd fault Thole lllCn y


Gal...... 1ufh, Tifh, they be not ' ut fo r yoz<r f a.fhion. Be it (aid. . T beir [en[t>s Pre g-u. t e1. with hanfitory vanities. ' Gal. ..... L t>t the;v (therefore) perijh vainly, bectm[e they 11re t ranfitory.

vo)cefrom the !lone.

I:. K. Now the cometh whert {he muf/; clamba up a , all , ha...,ing flepl in Thh Par~bte, . it of rJggcd fiones,; There is a fair building beyond It. There go many up ~~~~~Pr~:~ is

thole lteps : and when they ate almofl: at the top , there mceteth them (oine, w :t r(5nm r -:-r~ rf'ole afth e "'ho rake them by [he hand ,and help them up .and over into the place. r!out-Ies of 1 Then one of them that fiood at the top of the wall (who had a furred E"' 'md. Gown ) and helping of men up , faid to her; Comeawa vvomau, wile thou y come up? E. K . She faith nothing to him, but fiandech hll, and looketh away from him E K. Agaio, that man fa id to her, come away wilt thou come up?
Gal. ..... . Vnbappy are thr;fe whom thou hrlpejt : And whofe breath hllth infeC!ed many, your bands are t M blo "dy, for me to come anigh ] QU.

E K NoW come handiomewomen to the wall, and fomc: faid, good fifier, l pr~y yo'u come away.
Gal. .... Your voluptuous father k._noweth me no t, fo r his da ughta, I de1ty yo .. ..

E. K . ~ o vv (f;'!, ' C: [ "7 0, or three bra"Je fello'JJs wirh Rapiers by their The Artyrc of fides, and having h.tZtts without band:,, and their ho pinned up, and with ;~~:ha~?t'bc ftn gartc:rs ; thele hdp up people that comcJ and one of them faid : Tarry a Court, linle,wom.tn, and I will help thee lhortly.


Gal. ..... Fy upon you : your clodths are irrfeC!ed with abominations of your Chamber , I will rarry time .

E. K. No\V cometh a big !lout man to the top of the wal!, .1nd a boy with a Crown on his head ; l:le feerncth robe about t 8 years old .
..... So it i-1, and plea[e your Majt>{ry: Therefor8let this way be razed.

E. K. l-Ie fpake to rhe young King upon former talk betwc=en them ma n. which l heard not
..... Be it dam .

The flout big

E. K. The 'W:1ll quaketb aHdfolleth down: And fome of the jolly fellowes,thc which were on [he w all before, fdl down,and other fell owes came and dig- ~e~ed:~~-bro ged a great hole, or breach in the vvall.
G al. ..... Thank.,.s be to G9d : N ow, here is entrance enougb , (}/)

A voyce out o fra nc.

c. K .

She goeth in.



A true'l(elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions, 'Dlith [pirlts, &c.

The young man, or fhiplin (vvich the C~own on his head) and the other big man cmbraceth her : His Crown is a Triple Crown ; or three Cro"ns one; upon another He hach a little thing in his hand, which heholdcth clofe> and ovcr-gripeth, fo that it cannot be difcerned .

The big rn1n.

. . . ;. Thrmgb

th~u hdft

travelled M a woman, thou jhalt now be ftnown to be IZ man.

B K. He fpake to 9al'l'ab They embrace each other. They fetch cloaths for her, and put upon her a black Gown, a mans Gown, as the Gown of a Counfeller She kneelcth down like a man in form, her head and all ~~~lv.sb tr1nf. fo, med into a E. K. Then the young King lpake to her, faying,
..... Wbn.t this Rod may do, wor~.

E. K; He giveth the transformed man a Rod; one half being bloud, and the other half vvhite, the partition of the le two being long-wife.
A voyce out of the fl< ne. The mtn~for
m~d m1n.

ff<!!.~ jujla funt fa ciet & meM men(urabit v;rtutes.

A voycc: out of the none ,

For untill it was appointed, 1 fought it: not . Let us clean{e the Court, and examine the multitude; For errour is alwayescovered in many. Gurfed are thofe that are judged by a multitude.

'I he mnrf 01 med.

E. K. -All they that fell off the vvall ,and they that vvould have helped her up,they come in bound hand and foot.'
Root them out, 0 King, pitty no fuch perfons> for tbofe be thrfe that never hacl mercy them{elves.

The bJg

B. K. Novv cometh a woman out, ha"Ping a Crtnlm on her head: fhe hath a long vifagc.

down the Rod before him>and begin neth to vveep ; and faid . Let i# not be ~id, tt41l pitty the AtJIJinted.
The big m2n.

Nny, let her drink_ as jhe bath deferved. E. K. The transformed man Iayc:rh

E, K Other men about her lay hand on her, and pl14ck tbe Crow, off h~r
The transformed man taketh up his Rod~ antl.layeth upon the top, or Crown of that womans head. E K The young King fayeth unto her) What wilt thou?

.... Let ber dh: , for fhe hath de[erved death.

The wom 1n.

B.1( The bigge man, and the young King talk togethet alide, ~he vvo..

.. , . If it plert[e you, pardon for my life and digJtity.

man holdeth her hands abroad, and knocks her brcafi? And a great eo m.::: pany of them about her are hewe; in pieces) by tormenters armed
A voycc out




E. K The King and the bigge man come in again. The rran~forE. K The King fa id to the transformed roan ; Be it as thou wilt~ Be 'o" m;d man. t'l'o jo)ned together For I vvitll you both well E. K. The vvoman bowech down vvith obeyfance , and thanketh
ofrhe ttone.

them. The bigge man raketh eh~ King by the hand, ~md the: transforme_ e man taketh the Y\'oman by the hands , and puttech her hands to rhc hands of rho King, and the big~e m~n; they take each other by the hand, and kiffe her. e. K. All
E. K.

A true']\ elation.of Dr. Dee his Aflioru with {piritJ) &c.

B. K. All is now on che fuddcn vanithed away, and the transformed man is returned again to her worr.ans thapc, and !be fa id.
Gal. ...... N (Jw I will go with pu, Sir, your jormzry


. K. Sht: f peakech eo you A.

To A . I will leadyar1, if you wilf f ::llow m~ up. But you muff bavc brok...fn.fhiN ns. A . By Gods gt:ace~and with his-he.lp I will follow you,and in.refpe8: of m:r lhitms b~eaking, the joy of t)1e confequent effefr wdl utterly take away rhc gn~f of the !hums breakmg. Gal, ...... And to you Sir, you were beft to hunt and fi{h afterVemy. f t.. She fpak e fo to E. K. becaufe he f pent coo much timt= in Fi lliing and Angling. J . Gal. ...... Whom thou fa wed~ here lhall govern over 2 r Ktngdoms. ~~ JGogdoms~ t.. If there be no my fiery in that fpeech , the Conqneft muft be great, and the trouble great and ftran; e.

c. K.

She gQeth on her way along a lane

A. We know nor who lhou!d be that King fo lhewcd. Gal. ..... . Sure thy demands are fully anfweTed. Confider thou wh4t thou fuJt...eft, Andof whom thou fuk-.ejf, A11d by whofe help. 'fhm look, to tb~tt which is decl11red. I -.ill follow my office, fo r in tbofe things wb:rein tbou 11rt inqlli~tive.J have (ht'W~d the End. The End, ~. Truely the occation of my prefenc a skmg you fome quefhons , arofe upon matter con ceming thi'S Noble Polonian, of whom you bad u s yefterday ask as eh is day. Gal. .. .... V4nity h11n1,eth not at mine Elbow. . Believej f t/,ou that already [pok._nt? fpoltpt ( !fay) of him ? A. Yea forfooth:, I do believe it. Gal. ...... l fa! unto tkee, His nam~ is in the Book. of LVe: The Sun (ball not palfe his courfe The Prince before he be a Ktng. Hts Counfd jhall brud A lterarmt of this State; yea of the whole Alb, LAi~(. World. What would{l thou k,lfow of him ? A. If his Kingdom lhall beuf:Pof.and, ot what Land elfe. Gal. ...... Of two Kingdoms. A. Which I befeech you? Gat ...... The ont thou h11_{f repeatul, 11nd th~ other he fuk..etb as right. A. God grant him fufficient direfriou to do all thing s fo, as m:.iy plcafe the Highetl in his

calling. Gal. ...... He jhttll waxt no dirdlion in any thing he defir~th.

A. As concerning the troubles of Aug11_/f next, and the him to" do? to be going home before, or t o tarry here ?

. dangers then, What is the bell for Augu!l.

Gal. . ..... J hav t told you that at large even now, axd if "'thou l~ok.. iJtto thofe things that are are a~ anfwer now t old, and are now done. t~ .chis t~ueA. Concern!ng Ch. rl(s S!ed, his no (e gufhing with blood t wice yefiernight and this mor- {\ton. 1 ningupon my.charitable inftr nt\:ions giving him to venue and godlindfe. Gal.... ... l ~now him not : n;r Any name hnth he wi rh M. A. Meaneth he we !I towards rne ~ Gal. ...... Wbatfoev(r a wick,_ed man meaneth it knot well; but in that fenfe it id demanded he 111e1Mtth well. The ~'vi! {pirit that po ffiffeth bim "INs t.aft out of him, even at his nofe, at the prefmce of thof-e Cb~~rles Stel tb11t were prefmt with thee.

Gal. . ..... Whom God bath armed, N ? man can prwaile again}. t.. In ref.retl: of my own ftate with the Prince, J pray how much bath he prevail~d to win me due credtt: and m what cafe fiandeth r'n y fute,or how am 1 to u(e my felf therem? The p.remif~ .

Gal. ..... Believe me we k,.now not bintAme; Trouble me no more witbhim. t.. 0 Lord, though men be frail e,faulty, and filthy, yet thy uiercies are mofi. praife.; worthy ( among all gen erations) of all thy doings. Gal. H old thy peac~, ~rare mw to. execute the ]z4ftice of Gad. ~. I fpakc: a great while of the_ mercies of God and his u!lice , and gave thank s for our C..lling and Ele8:ion into this blelfed ftate. Ga_l. .... .. J will tak..e up my lodging fo r tJ.,is night. . . . A, G od 1!rant me worthyoHtich godly gh e~s, . God grant me a dw ellmg wtthyou where hi ~ name is eternally praifed> glorified, arid Hmll:ified : T o him all Creatures render thanks3 honour, and g lory. Atnen. .4men.



.A true 'R._elatio of Dr. Dee hir .!lflions 'DJith jpirits~ &

thankcs unto him and glory ; fiant : Dig11um & Jujl:Hm eft.


the San.~.



lee our cf

/J., This voice out of the Stone being taken to be the voice of ,.G_od) jmporteth' asmtu:h as )f God himfe1f had fealed to that as his will and decree, That all Creatures .(hould re1ider




Tue(drty Jnnii 18 An. 1583. ante meridiem r_irr.tt 9. t.. j prayed firll:, and declared our a[tendmg th1s day the promife ofGod to be performed, &c. Ga ,..... Are four hours yet to come ? and I will be ready. Are tbe works of wifdom /ecret, until I h~tve afcended this Hill? ls the Harvejheady when tbe Corn wripe ? Ar~ the Labourers ready when their lnftruments are prepare,.d ? I have faid. All wifdom i1 recb,.mrd by the eternal Will; and until it be faid, there il no a(Jion toller~tb!e; When the Sun jhineth I will appear ammgft yolti when it if [aid c~r:ze, lo I am ready. '[he~Jaye ~f )'our fat hers were bleffed; but the hour when tbi4 Book, fl1all be wntten lhall be fanffifu:d,_yea in the midcle,{t of intelJe{Jual under_/fanding. For herein i1 tbe Creation of A dam with hw tranfgreffion. 'T~ Dignity tJ1td wifdom he had The Errour and horror wherein he was drowned, yea he.rein is the power [pread of the b;ghrjt work,_int, in all Creatur-es. For as there i1 a particular Sor:.! or fire inflaming unto every body (I mean reafonable} S1 there u an Vniver[al fire and a general brigbtneJJe giving, general light unto them, wh~ch is but 011:e> and jhinetb throHgh the whole,yea is m~afured equally unto every thing[ rom tbe beginning. TIJe life of d!f things is here b,_nvwn : Tbr reward of death to tho[e th:t.t are rewarded for life. None are rewarded but according to their de[erts : of tbe which t/J(re are two k.,inds. 1 . 'Ibr[e are rewarded with death for their wick,.edneffe. 2, So are thr.Y rewar.d~d with life for their conJtant living. Amongft the Angels there may be errour, a!td fin may mak,e them fall fnm the brir,htnejfe of their g~ry. . But to the Soul of man ( being once glorified ) fin is utterly, ~e4 moft largely oppofite : Neithtr ]hall that dignity ever be loJf,ftained; or defaced, that is obtained here with the worlzes of righttoufneffe and true wij'dom. What[oever bath lreen from the begilming ( fince it was {aid in Divine Determinatiom,. Be it tlone) if here in,!ofed. . Therefore foou!d thif day be Hallowed and San[/ified befare the Lord b..j you. For if the Prophets ' did worjhip tbif day of his afcenfion, much mor~ ought. you ('YiSich ha't'C ta,/ted of the fir{t; Jt.ndjhall now ta{te of the fecrets of hit J~tdgemmt$) glorifie b coming; But with you .Satan is bufie; His briiHes ftand up, bif feathers are cajl: abroad. Therefore watch flnd pray; For thofe that go to Banquets put .on their upper garments . Am~tg]f you therefore is no found belief; Neither do you confider the [cope of tb~~ bleffrdneffe :- But [ucb ir the greatneffe and excellency of bi, forek,.nowledge,that he fuffereth the enemy to carry a hmrden, yea fometimes to preach upon a Stage ~ FIJr it w[aid, He jhall triumph unto the end,. and Jfar.e him[elf here as he would have done above: Neither jhttll he be thruft out ~f door; tillihe .end be determined. Therefore watyh and pray, and lo?k,. about. with diltgence_; for tho[t things jhafl.b_e opened unto you whzch have not bun difc!ofed 1mto the Holy Ones. Ob, how hard a thing it u for flejh to continue in tbe workJ of Juftice l Yea, oh bow hard a thing it if for Wifdo m' to be acquainted with a hotchpot of fi!tbim.ffe ? Cleanfeyour garments, Lift up your hearts, and rent your jaftlts in pieces, thtft there may be one heart with one confent, and unto one e1f'd, unto him which i1 One and the End ofall t.hiugs ': and to In m for and in hil truth,and for the greatneffe of hil mercies : To whom be praife for evU.. b.. Amen.

E. K. All thewhi~eilie fpake tb~re came a bright beamefrom ~he My fiic~l 6cone to the body of her, and at the end ihe mounttd upward and

c, . We fet up the hour gtaff(:s to meafttre four hours juftly after this an(w-<tr "aiJ.d in. flruttions. TuefdaJ> After Dinner about one of the clock and i the hours expired, and we. atunded the mercy of the High eft, 'b. . At a great gladfome ihining of the Sun (whereas it had not lhi~d but. a Htde and !n:... confiant~y ever iince his lail_wo rd s) one appeared ~n the corner of the ~reen .iilk Sarc~-eo, by the Myihcal Stone,She was ltke a woman as Galvah th face, but her .app~trel was a mana gown furred with foyne~, or,as Geri.tle\vomen do wear upon gowns. !:>.. Upon the diverfity of y our apparel we are to a sk whether yo be Ga.!vah or no. ~. ttr have you alfo,as I have done, put on your Holiday- cloths ? Gal,

E .K.

.true ~elation of Dr. D~e his .Affions, rPith fpirits, &c.

Shcdleppeth.forward one llep.

Gal. '"" FEAR G 0 Da

Gal. .o.. My Garilrmt 'is cilled -HO X M A RC H, tihicbinyour fpeecJJ is called ..... I 1m i urtt [apirnti.e eJt Timor.Domini : we accknowledge it to be an old and a true

Leflon, and alfo the fir flil:rp of the path ... way eo felicirv. Gal. . ..... What it fart l A. Fear is of two forts :'-one is ca]led- /ilialw, the other fervilu. Gal. ....... Vnto the Jujf a1l fetzr ujoy ;-and therefore the be?,innzns; aitd nttra:nce mto quietneJJe. True qul.ethee and rejt if.w_ifdom ; for the mmd that k..,noiPeth bath tlu greatejt rejt and quietnef;. The Daug'hter 'Of Vifpai're un'io thni'itk.,ed i.f fear. . . This fear u the fir{f that__4rcufetb unto damnation: But he that i- . perfd wi[el or hath taflecl s J/y of wi{Jom, k,.noweth the End. A nd his fell'r u of the thing that is done. Thil i1 the true fear of God ; a;td when we fur fin, 111e do it becau[e we bate it. When we ftudy to do good, it is a .tok..,en of our fear, in that it is a tok,_en we fear him, whom we love and fbr ~ho[e honour _we jiudy to do well. Thi-J i-J till that may be faid of lively and unlive!y fellr. . . .Touching the Book.., it Jhall be._ ca llt>d logah : which in y9ur L anguage fignifi eth Speech from The Tn!c of G 0 D. Write after this-fort L 0 G A ET H : it u to be founded Log.ah . the Book. This word u of great Jig1Jification, I mean in re[pefl of the prt;foundnef!e thereof. The firft leaf ( Ifs you ci!l! zt) u the lajt of the Book.: 6. I under-. And as the firjt leaf u a hotchpot without order ; So it fignifietb a di[order of the World, and ftan~n?r rhls i. the [pee ch of that Diforder or P rophcfie. en1\ f: Write the Book.. ( ttfter your o.rder ) back._ward, but a Iter not tbe form of letters, 1 [peak. in ~e~n ..r ind~:J refpdi of the p laces. . the lall, is of

"i:lfi be


IC.' Now a bcame lihooteth through him from the Stone and !o.through h~fi~~c;~:.
E. -K.

his head and out of his mouchJhis face beil1g from

...... Write the 49

toward il:.


You htroe but 48 . already. Write firft in a piiper ttpart . E. K. Said that GalNlh her head is [o on bright fire, that it cannot be looked upon: Th e fire fo fparkleth Loagaeth feg lovi brtnc and gliilreth as when an'hot iron is fmitten on an An- Lrtrzed dox ncr habzilb adnor vil, & efpecially at the pronouocing of every word. It Now Se:u appe- . H i s to be noted a\fo that upon the pronouncing of fome doncha Larb v ors hirobrtt words, che'Beails and all (:ream res of the World eve ry one fhewed themfel-ves in th eir kind and form : exi vr zednip taiip chimvane But notably a\1 Serpents,Dragons,Toads; and all u gly chermach lendi x nor zandox. and hide()uS lha_e.> of bealh ~ which all made moil p ug~y col.mtenanccs,-in a manner affauiting E.J(. but contrariwife coming to, and fawmng upon Ga!vah. It is to be noted alfo that by degrees came a fecond ~eame, and a third bcame 'oflig ht into Gn!vah from t he Stone, and all'the th ree togeth er appeared: the third parricipat~ng_ of t_ e other two. h The: fecond beame came at the word L~trb,pronounced; when alfo Frogs and Serpents appeared, &:c : The third beame upon the word Exi pronounced. Note alfo, that the manner of the fi ry brightneffe was fuch, and the grifely countenances of the Monflers was fo tedious and grci vous and difpleafant toE. K. i:bat part! y the very grief of his mind e and body, and partly the [Ltfp efring the Creatures to be no good Crearures, neither fuch greivous fights necdfary eo be exhibited with the Myfteries delivering unto us) had in a manner forced him to leave off all: -But I again with realonable exhorting of him, and partly the providence and decree Dtvlne, wroug ht fonie rhitigat:i'ng of his grief and difqnieting. Gal. ...... Tbe[e are thefe [even . t:J.. Bldfed and praifed for ever be He who is one and th ree : and whom miahty minificrl> or govemours do incelfamly glo rifie. :::.

r58 3 Gal, ...... Thy folly and weak._nrffi is great, God c.mfort t,bee.
[ t:J. . He fpoke to E. K, for his exceffive difquiecneife and f1ifpell:ing. of the verity or goodnelfe of Galv~th. ] A, Note. Now thtt beames were all r etired into the ilone; again likewife all the Creatures and -ermine or ugly lhaped BeaHs are a\1 gone. We were willed alfo divers times to imty. At fundry pangs of E. K. his ~riefand difqniemeffe> fundry fpeeches were uttered Pray; by th e fpiritual (rea tu re : among which thele noted. :.... He tbat is angry cannot fee well. From him t hat is perverfe, God turneth bw face. 1 he hiltdrance of punijhmelft, is the mercy of G ~d, which imputeth not fin unto them-whom bt .The Ele~. hat/, Chofen; T herefor e be lJatienr, and reconci le thy [elf to G$d. Rec?ncll~:~,D . tion; 2 E. K .


.A true Relation of Dr. Dee his Aflions, 'll'itb {pirits, &c.

E. K. I do it with all humiliry and finceriry of minde, aud befecch God rohdpmewirhbisgracc;forofmyfelf. I cannot do fo,.yctl am Thomas 'Didymas, I -will believe 'hefe things, wher~ I fee {he fruits ofthem.
E K. How can you pcrfwade me that ye be no deluders?

~. He feetned yet aeain to dou?t, wh. the!'this Creature and the reft, (partakers of thii e aUion) were foundly good, and votd of all baltmg, or abnfing us.

A rt?;,m~nrs eo pr" v.c our ln l\ructors col be d '

.OaH, ..... I will prove it by contrarj. The fervtlltts of dark._nee have their Garments ftninu!: their. mou_ths ftincJt.. of bla{pfmny, and firs, but our G nrments are no futh, mither do our lips fpeaJt any untruth ; ttnd therefore we are goo tl ngc $, of God ,Jor,wh r. t' d . .o1oever HOf .thetruth, .Ho{ Go. Moreover:> thq Devil if k,.nown'by hit worlts :f the fpirit of God controlleth theml the [pirit of or God agreeth with 1u, mtd u[eth no co1ttr~lmen t againjf it , tberefore it id ~tot Dauleffe. ' I1t one thing thou mf1ye.fi k._now Ul diffeting from Devds. Merc y. The wick_,ed.{~irits a!wayes abhor this word. Mercy. But it if t'be DoCtrine that we preach in refpea towards y~u, we are not now (then) evil. BJtt thw way teacheth hardneffe, and if a jiumbli111g block,. t the wick_,ed: but the beauty of the eafile is not able to b.e e:xpr:effed. The a.rire be. H 11ppy arc they, which are covered with tbe Pearls of Rigbteoufneffe, and on who[e bead there i1" fore. Garla111d of godli1tec : For unto thofe belongeth to tajle of the Fou~ttam of true wifd(Jnt. I s it no.t written of this book,., that it teacheth nature in all degrees ? 1'he judgement bereof is Inrellefrual, And wajh y our feet, and follow me. ~. Lord wafh thou our feet, or dfe we lhall not be clean. Gall. ., . . How tboJL art God k._11oweth: But comfort your fdves itt 'this. This TdlimoThat neither thi~ Teftimony can perifh, neither unto you can remain any flavcry : fk!.ia ve ny vi.'lory. fir a er it vi8oria, in him, and for him, to whom 1I ea ve you. ~. What !hall I do with thefe 2 1 words now received; Gall. , , . , , There are onely the W?rds of the firft leaf. ~. I pray, how fl1alll beftow them, or place them. Gall, . , . . . In them is the Divinity of the Trinity,
The firfr Icaf of the book.

The Myfterie of o~ Creatiin, The nge of many years. . And the conclufion of the World. Of me they a-re honoured, but of me, not to be utterttl: Neither did I difc!ofe them my felf: For, they are th11 beams of my underfi'auding, and the Fountain from whence I Wllter. A . I befeech you, how fhall 1 write thefe names~ the nrft leafe. Gall.. , .. 1hey are to be written in 5 Tables,-fn every Table ::u Letters. A. Hq~ ihall I place the 5 Tables upon two fides : three in the irtt, and 2 in the fecond, or one in the firlt-, and 4 in the fecond, or how elfd Gall, . . . As th~u fee.fl caufe. A. Shall I write them in Letters of Gold? Gall. . . . 'I be writing h4th been referred to thy difcret ion with collours , and fuch thi1tgs tH ap. pert 11 in to the writing tiJereo(. Vpon_ the firft fide write three Tables, and..on the fecond tiP~. ~. How, thus? :::-..::: Gal. . Set them down, 1 will Jiull thy judgement. ~. When, now? :;_:;:~ Gal . N ot now.
E. K.

She is gone,

Deo N oftro fit La~H,honor,& Gratiarum a&io permnis. Arutn.

W'ednc[day 19. Junii . Hortt 2 . a Mtridie. A. I made a prayer to God : and there appeared one, having two Garments in his hands) who anfwered . . . . A go~d praife, with a wavering minde. 6. God make my minde frabJe, and to pe feafoned with the intellefrualleaven, free of all fcnfible mutability.

E. K.

One of thde two Garments is pure white: the other is fpeckled of

divers colours j he layeth them down before him, he Jaycth alfo a fpecklcd C3p down before him at hi~ feet; he bath no Cap on his head: his hair is )QDg 2nd yellow, bur his face: cannot be feen; ~t the leall it w2s turned away.ward from E.K. concinually,chough E. K. changed his place.

.. .. .


A tr11e '!(elation of Dr. Dee his Affions, with fpiritJ) &c.

Coat, and his Pied Cap, he cafl:eth the one fide of hi~ Gown ov(:r his fhoulder,and he danccrh, 3nd faith,
.. There is A. "God, let IMhe merrJ. E. K. He danceth fiill. 'fhrre is 1t lmtven, let ut be merrJ. Voth tbis DoCirine teach you to k,.n~w God, or to be sk.,ilfull in the heavens? N ote it, E. K. No\V he putreth off his Cloathes again: Now he knee1etb . Youjhallfu my faa,lo,it is white. E. K. No"v he putceth on his Pied


down,and wailieth his head and his neck, and his face, and thakcth his Cloaths, and plucketh off che uttermofl foie ofhis llioocs, and f~Ueth proilrate on the ground, and fayed:
Vouchfafe ( 0 God) to tk..e away the wearinef[e of my body, 1tnd to cle~tn[e the filthiHc~ of this dujf, th-at J may be apt for this prrrenelfe. ...... Mighty u God in hi! great Juftice, and wonderful in his immeafurable mercy : .The hett .. -vms taJle of hi1 Glory : 1he eart& ir r:onfounded at his wifdom. In hell they tremble at him, as at 11. R.eveuger. Thisfheweth thee ( 0) to be a God, and jtretcheth forth thj Glory from the Eatt Jmto the Wejt; for thy Heavms are Statutes, and thy Cruztures Laws : that thou mayr;t be acrotmted tt God of Ju/i:ire llttd Glory. Becaufe thou art a God, 'f.?erefore there is a Heavm: F , r unto the Prince ~f RigbteoufneJJe, there belonz,eth a place of Glory; Into the which there entereth no"e that ~tre defiled, neither fi1Lb as lire blr:mijhFd with the fpots of iniquity. M.11tus H~c toHa e_(i ...... E. K. putting forth his right hand, H~c Autem nuda ...... E. K. putting forth his left hand, $Ci Habet aures intelligat. E. K. Now he Ht.~:th down on the ~csk~top and looketh towar<l me A. Thi s Parable is in general, fomewhat underftood of us: but in particular, how it may be, or is to be applied, prefently we underfland not, ...... Beware left error enter within the dwelling place of Righteoufneffe. 1 have [aiel.

E. K. Now he uketh the whi(c Garment, and purceth it on him

Hi: feemeth now to be turned to a womao, and the very fame which we call GAl"PAh. E. K. Now he is come down to the ufual place, on the Table. ~. I have affayed divers wayes to place the five Tables, on the two !ides on this Srfi: leaf 7
E. K.
Is it to your likein.'! as I have done it, in the five litrle Triangles? . Gal. ...... As conctrning the Jetting down of the five Tables. it fufficimt as it is dotu. 'Ihe Cttl'fe why l appe.ared thus, was that )flU migbt avoiJ rrror. A. 1 pray you lO lhew us the means how that error was or is to incumber us. Gal. ...... Wbofoever taketh fervants of the wicked, to prove the Glory of God, is :i.c~ Note. curfed, But, 0 Sa tan, flow m.z1ry are thy deceits? Nore, my Companion (E. K. ) would have caufed per[onal apparitions offome ofche reproba .e fpirits, before the Prince Albert Lask.ie in iny Study, thereby ro fuew fome ex- A, L. perience of his skill in fuch doin;s : But I would not con[fitt to it : And thereupon Galv11h gave judgement and warning of fuch an error, of my Companion his intent, & c. Gal. ...... Behold, it if fa id, befo;e h' go from hcwe I will pour Wlter into him ; .And my An.. gel {hall ar.n?int him, as 1 have determined : Hide therefore Nothing from him ; For you be~ Note of A, L long unto hrm. Neither can fiefo and blood work., thofe things that 1 have Glorified in him ( All

things that are eftablifhed in God, are Glorified. I fpeuk., thi-1 for thy under_lfanding ) Neither let ;our hearts be hardtzed; for the Earth u condemned, and thefe thingg (ball come ~o plfe. Credit i1 all tbat Ifeek,. (faith the Lord;) for when I come, I fha_ll be fufficiently believed. . An Oath I tnk,.e the God of H eaven and Earth to ;uclge; and [wear by huu ar a Wltntffe,thac the(e wol'd' arc true, and fhall endure unto the end. The general points of 1111tns Salvation are concluded a!- Note of Gene~ ready ; but the Jpecial gift helongeth unto Gvd. God jfrengthen you againjt IJu adverfary. ~al ~oint~aod
A. Amen. pecul g1ftt.

Gal. ...... Soonyoufhallk.,now more.

A. This Prince would g ladly know, Whether it [hall be befr for hini, with the: fidl: opportunity ,t o be going homeward. Gal. ...... lt fhall be rmfwered foon, and what quefiions foever h e alfo demandeth A. May h e be here prefent at the atl:ion doing? . Gal. ...... Th ofe th at are of tiJu IJoufe, are not to be denied the Banqueu therein. A. L . nuy be ~. May I reqlldt you to caufe fo me fenfib le apparition to appear to him, to coinfor.t him, ~~~em ~t and efiablilh hi s m iude more abundantly in the godly intent of God his Service ! ton!.




tru~~elatiiJn of

D. Dee his A8ions, ~ithJFirit;, &c.

But what{oe'ltfr if of the flelh, is not

Gal. ..... , If you follow 111>let him be governed by Ur ofus.-

E. K. She feemeth to weep ; for \:be water com~th forth of her eyes.
A. You perceive, how he undedlandeth of the Lord Treafurer his grudge againfi him ; Aud perhaps fome other alfo, are of like maliricus nature : What danger may follow hereof, or incombrance ? Gal. ...... The [um of his lif e if already appointed, one jot cannot be diminijhed : But he that Be '[orry for his eneA, L, poverty. is A fmighty can augme11t at- his plea[ure. 'Lethim rejoy'ce in poverty. mies. And do the work.J of Juftire.

She feemeth ro put the air over her, and fo to-enter into. a-Cloud ef.invifibilicy, and fo difappear.

- .}(. E

Deo gratias ttgf!mll!.

Wm[day after nom, circa horam 5 The Lord Albert a Lasky being pre[ent. f:., .weart~nded of Galvir.h Come inftrnfrions or difcourfe concerning the Lord Lnsk,ie-.

E. K. At length,app~ared before the ,Lord Lasky (in the air) an Angellrt _ a whit: Robe, ho1diilg a bloody Grofle in his right hand, the fame h~md being alfo bloody. t:-.. In n~mine Jefu Cbrijli Crucifixi>a te require qui Grucis Tro}Q~Um hie Geftas ut ilia nobis
fi~ifies, qu.e[unt ad Ch.rifii gloriam> cuifit honor & LaM pernmis.

K. -Now he: is come fr~m before the Lord Lasky, and fiandc:th here on the l';~ble: he turncth bimfclf to all the four quarters of the World; he knceleth dovvn.
He prayeth. .
...... 0 God, Why jhould the people upon ear:tb rejoyce l or TPherein jhould the plell[ttrelof their fmfual delights be fixed l Why doth tbe Morm bold he-r cour[e l or why are the Stars obferviHg an order l Why are th:J people thM jrllttercd abroad l B~can[e iniquity hath caught the upper hanr.l. The Doors' of our God 'lire polluted with b!afpbemy , hi1 Temples de[olate, bi1 Commandments violated~ an,d his Glory accounted as nothing. But wilt thou fuffer ; or canft thou hold thy hand from thy great and mighty jlrol{p? M ojf High c~d, Mojf Mighty God, M9ft Honourable God> have mercy upon thy people; refpert the Creation, ( the Creation I fay ) of thofe, wh~rein thou haft delighted. Suffer ~tot the Serpent to extol hu head above thy .Altars, tzeither let thy holy Veffel be poi[oned with bU venome; For thou .:rt M ighty' and (JVerc_omeft all : and who can rebel againft thy Prow.effe l Bend down thy merciful eyes, Behold this confufim: look_. upon th Temple and fe~ y the defolatio~z thereof. And then in thy mercy ( 0 )fhew thy [elf t o be aGod, and [urh a merciftt! Govern?ur-, as bath compaf!ion upon t~ofe that are difea[ed, yea even unto death, Grant thif Camafchc:th galfuagath garnaftel zurah logaah luferoth. Amen.
t.. I pray yon to declare unto us your name. .. .. : ftfy name iJ Jul!anladace. A. If I fhould not offend yoo, I would g ladly kno:v of what order yon are, or how yen;: fiate is in rerpeet of Micbael, Gabriel, Raphael, or Vriel. .... Jub. Vnto men, according mm their deferts, and the firjf e.xcetLenry of their Soitt, God bath appointed a good Govemour or Angel, f rom among{t the orders of thofe that are Rlef[ed : For every Soul that is good, is not of one and the [elf[a me dignification; Theref~re arcording to hif exrelleHCJ we are appointed as Minijft:rs f;om that orderi whereunto his Excel.'enry accordetb : To the intent that he may be brought at !aft to fupply thofe plaes which were Glorified by a.former ; And alfo tot?eintent, that t~e Princeoj])ark,.neJJemigbtbe contiter~)oifed in Gods ]HJfi.ce. Am ong{l tbe whJch I 11-m one whtch am the Keeper and Defender of thts man prefent : which carry the 1riumph and Enfign of Vitiories continually brfore bint, as a reproa{h to my ftdverfarie:; and hi1, and -to confirm the dignity where11nto b'e ~~ ca!ledby the pre[e;zce ofthis Character.


E. K. Now hcheaveth up the Croffe.

Jud~ti. Jli8ori~.

A . L.

A. L.
A. L. P.n year. to
come . Hi.ndr:1nce brtedeth cx-

a ption, zr-d lillbrwkr.b hindrance.

. . . . . . I have alfo fealed the fame in his bear"t: For unto him belong great Victories , in the 1tttm~, and fo r the name of his God. The Jews in his ~ime !hall nafte of this Cro : .And jJe with this Croffe fhall he overcoJl)e the Sarazens, and Paymms : For I will e{fab.lijh one Faith (faith the Lor~ of Juftice ) TiJttt I mny be i<Jtawn to be the [a me that I was firji: an-011g all peop!o. c_7t.1 oreovn I wzll open the hearts of all men, that he m11y hnve free paff<rge throl!gh tb~m, and will not fuffer him to pe_rijhwith the violence of thewic/zed. _I will hereafter vifibly appear unto him, and )11ill fay, Tbts IS to be dot'le. But a year is not yc:t come, ttnd tbefe things jha/l,be finijhed. But ( tbus faith the Lord) I have hind red bmr; bee au[e he beark.ned to the provocation of thofe that are wanton. .And hath confented to thofe that ~lafphemed my n.tme. Bid lnm fool( to thr .fleps of his )'Oflth, mtd mell[ure the length of /Jis body; t O t!Je intent.,he mlly five b~tt n > and [e~ hi~i fe/f inwardly. D.. Note.-

------------------------------------------~----~------~,~~,;=~~~ ~

. ....

At this Inftant: Tnnfeld came rafhly upon us, into my Study : we chi1:1.king th'at the Scndy door bad been lbm; the Lord LaskJe being gone out of my Study, che other way through my Oratory, to take Tanf elds me!fage from the Courc, and having difl)atched him, rdl:ed without: and Tanfe!d having commendations to me, as he faid) from Thi~ y 4, 1 rJ.J fome at London; fearing leaft he (hould be be fem away by and by, wichou t d oing theCc, fer vc:d th'came undifcredy upon us, eo our no litde amazing, and great fearing his i:atl1 opinion Lord L.d~r afterward of [uch thines, as he could not perceive perfeCtly what my Companion and.L were doing : Hereupon, Jubanladace gave this fenc ence, or declared this the fatal end ofTttnfeld. Juban ....... It is [aid~ H'e that entreth in t/,11! raj}J!y, Lo.five moneths areyet to come, and fijhes oftbeS(ajhal! devourhis carb,.afe. . . Asbefor(>whatfoever he taketh inhand.fhall profper, for my names fake. For tbsu it A, L. J,;s an~ is:fai'd, ~~.nd rix[f words tere the words wherewithal I do annoint bim; for than the comfort of th( noinc;r,g. l;Jigbe{f, th(re is not a fweeter Inunction. L ook,_ not for the rnarveiles of this fYorld, as the M,. ttcu !a b wick,_ed man in his hrart doth ; but jtudy to pleafe him with whom p migbt rej oyce ~-'o r ever. T o11 {igna;o~JMit. fons of mm, What do ye [eek.. after? Do je hunt after the Jwi{tnl'jfe of the winds ; or are you pertn a a .-eo., im,Aginingtt form unto tbe C/oiuis? or go ye forth to hear the br.tyingof an Affe, wbzch pn_ffeth away -with the fwiftnejfe of the air? S eeb,.for trut wifdom ; For it beho!deth the brigbteft, and appetrreth unto the lowejt . Cecill hatethbim unto the heart, and defiretb h( were gone hence. Many Th L d oih(r Jo privily fling at him; I cannot properly fay .fling him ; But (I fay) I will pour down my Tre:fur~~; '11!TAtb upP'lf them, and tb(y jhall be confounded . in the midjt of their own iniquity, Let my faitbful livt and qe ltk..e the fruitful Vinyard. Be it [o. A. For his r eturn homeward, What is your advice? perhaps he wanteth necelfary provi.fiott, and money. Jupan...... Hefoa!l be bDlpen here, tlnd elfewbere 'miraculoufJy. Ifpeal.(as it were to bim fetf. Let bjm ~o, fo [oon as he c~tn conveniently. A. I GAy ag~un, perhaps he wantelh mcney, buc the T rearures of the Lord are not fcant, to them whom he favoured:1. Jub ..... H is help .fhall br ftntnge whicl1 hatb 1tot been oftm {een. 1he ff0_e-r11 loveth him faithfully, and hatb fallmout withCecil about him: Lecefier j{dttereth him. His doiJTgs are loo/ted into narrowly. Fut I do a!w'ay es inwardly direc.1 him, and I will mix~{fer fucb comf ort unto him, as fhall be neu.Jfary in tb( midft of all his doings. When this Country ilia !I be inva- E~la-nd. ded, then lhall you paffe into his Country: and by this means, hall his Kingdom be eftabli..: lhed again. This i s more thm my duty. Thi.s is the /ir{l time he bath been bere, tHtd it is won- A. L; 4(rfu!. . The fecond coming is not long unto., and then {hall he be wonderful. De jfitut~ a me, premitur a malo. He is now deftitute of me. A. Note, as foon as he had faid this Centence, he feemed to iink through the Table hke a fpark of fire ; and feeme,f.to make hafte eo lus Charge, l mean the Lord Las/r..ie: whereby we perceive the 'frailty of man to be great when he is D(jfitute (yea but after this manner) of this good Angel. Bene'tiuum fit no11un Dei no.flri 1:unc & in fempiterna. [.eC/4 111. Amen.

A. Note.

'fhurfday, 20 Junii 1583. After Noone C irca6. . Gal. ;.... Labour in the writing of rb~ B~ok,_diligmtly. S ee tbou cleanfe thy [elf o~t both fidu Be tsl~ne while it is done : that if to fay, whlc thou art in doing ir, bencefortb and till th( time C{)f"t ufe. [peecb witb ~~~no mou ; evcty feventh day accepted. Every fcvcruli A. How ffiall thofe dayes be accounted ? day. Oal. ...... Fr,om Tuefday !aft: Tuefday b(.ing the firjf of tht [evm, and tb~ next Mundtl)'; tb~ Mondayes, fnl{mth, and fo forth tvt'r.J <.Monday is the fevNtth. In a , ure a ffi on a.ll tbingsoNght to b~ jNT:e. . A. May I be writing every day~ and at any tiR1e, w~en it lball come in my mind ? Gal ...... 'Ever as thou {haft feel m( ntove thee. I wi!l.flir up thy d e11re. G ood dt G es !l:irred up by 4 How !hall I do for the let.ters? Shallifimply tran!late the letten as I find them ?

Gal. ...... I. . . Cl._. The tides of the fides,are tbey to be written onely in the holy Chara&ers? Gal. ...... Al thou [a.yejr, even tbofe words do mal<_e the holy, thilt thou calleft them holy.

good Angels;

Oal ... .... In t.fe la.ft r.ven of the 4 0 dt!yes, the .words of this Ibo~ lhaH be difringuillled. Difri.nfli "n of r:.. And accmted alfo ~ Gal. ...... I. w <lrd> :tnd ac ~;>.. How tltall l do, fur the T~bles where certain letters are to be written in all the void cents; l)laces, feeing they will not julHy ag ree ? Gal. ...... Tbere is one fv.perfiuoll!: it is to be filhd ilf order as it jheweth. A. I lhaU not dare adventure on i t without direCtion \l'hen I come to it. Gal. ...... Thoujh~lt want 110 dire{{iou. . A . For the inequality of the firft 49 'lines I rquire yonr advi [e.

I believe verily, that they are holy and fanetified.


- - - - ---

A true Rel~tion of D. Dee his .AElions 'Dlitb (pirits, &c.

Gal. , . . . It is no qufftio-n. Gat!. . ... Thou beginnrft in the world to look_. up to heaven : So WM it begun in earth to .ho"k.. up to the do ing ab!Jve. The lafllife iJ Hotchpotch of the wicked in the World, and damned in the HeU.

Tht horch-

pO!ch fup.
ame 4. folio. TQ E.K.

E. K. Wbat is a Hocchpocchl&c
Gal ; .. .. The grutt r thy folly if, the greater thy wi[dom will b.e herelljter. '1hQ[e tbat -are inthe 11orltl . . . Tbae are the Souls of the wicked and damned in Hell. totnot de[t"Yibe tbe le aft j o of tho that are in heavm : Much le thofe that 'are ignorttnt, declar~ y [t JJe the nwtife.ft beauty of 'R'i[dom. There fhal/ come a dtty with yo11, wben you jhal! rejoyce. In th~ mean [en[o'n, rent }IJifr hearts, t!nd turn unto tbe Lord. b.. Deus in a.djutorium noftrum intende,Domine ad jnvandum me feftina;Gloria Patri,& filio)& S,&c. Amen,

5Cfturday, ante Meridiem. H ora 10. Jlmii 22. t;.. Whiles I was writing ~ertain prayer!i to good Angels, and Atl proprios no ftros Angelos for A . La s~v,thc:re appeared one very big in the aire, all in a white.Garment full .of plaights, and tucked up very dubble, with a myterlike Attire on his head, and a croife on the forepart of it; He willed E. K. to [pea"- to me, and to tell me of hit being, there: But he refufed, and exprefly dt"P 1zi~d it, partly by rcafon Galluah faid that he would not deal with us, bt.u: every feventh day (being ever.y Monday) till the a8:ions were ended : and th erefore he fuppofed this Creature to be an illuder, and partly he urged fome evident token, or proof of their well- meaning ro wards us in Afr.,&c. He went down~ and fti\1 this Creature follow ad .bim with a drawn .[word:~ rrquiring him to declare thefe words to me ; but E. Ko a long while bad him declare them himfelf unto me, if he would : and faid, why !heuld he not,&t. At length my Companion came, appeafed, and contented to hear what this Creature would fay, who at length faid thus : .. The Eagles bave food for their yfJung ones, b Divine providmce , and not of the"Mfelves. y i. K. wss , - Lord l~t me d i minijh the power ~f 'thil wick._ed [pirit that dotb [o provo"-e , and jfirre him to mir~~ewh:u re- [chief; ~~~rn~t:d:~iy !f the love of the fathers ( 0 God) be great towards their Children, muqh greater are thy thiscre:uure' blej]ings m tho[e whom thou haftcho , [en 'oodwords. b., So, (0 Lord) fo. .,. Behold, I will draw threds tiJgether, and ma"k..e hi m {l Net, which jhallalwayrs be betwe"fn ~ow ~e c~me him and the Adverfary :neither jhall it diminijh hit rmder{l:andiHg from the true fight of me. 01 ;:~a~e~ t ~~ It hat- been [aid, The place i1 holy. Write that jhall be here fpok.,en, with devotion .upon .,uds rny thy "k..11m. Great i1 thy w~tme (0 God) and mighty art thou in all thy work.,.ings: 7?>y h1lp if ftrong . ,:ll~fide, snd to tho[e that delight therein. 0 magnified be thy name from generatim to generati()n. :a !'lit nd Oratio. \oocl by my .... d' m the Table. Spentu &: mente tco, ile cgvemh Sit mihi vents orandi modus: nam bonitatem Dei Lando: O, lram Patris otericus fum, qu~a hisfce, lumen ejus elongatur a me: Verum in nomine Chri.fti remitrionem delictorum meorum, & conNow he pray- firmationem in fuo Sanfr.o Spir im exopto . Per tc, HaBduja _, rcfurgam, me accufo, me coneth fomcwhat demno : omnia male feci. ~n his own Omnia per te (Pater) funt. Paratus e.fto exaudire. Oculos ad Ccdos Elevare nolo, egefta.., aaguag~. tern quia Oteam nofii. ~tid differes.Oomine, Cor menm in melius Confortere? Vivus 8c No: he hetb non mortuus fum: lgitur Credo in te. Exaudi me Antidotum rn1hi San&um monfira, quia frollr&ce. eve- ma Iurn meum agno fieo.. M" h 1 J'olot that lt_te mt 1. a~xt mm ruum d e f ede Ma.Je.fi acts ru;e : Et pet' A nge1 os .-y fe.11tence be bonos tuereme. Audt,Exaudt, 0 tu tgttur Angelus meus adfis mtht. Defende me, nee trade ufcd, fomc di Corpus & animam meam in manus inimicorum; meorum fed fecundum magnam mifericordiam runa ill the Dei, (per potefiatem tibi traditam) me .protege,adfit mecum prudentia tua, qui Diabolum 8c bowin& of _hit Sathanicam fraudem vincam. AdJuva me derelitl:um, Confi rma me debilem, Cura me fanuru, bodfi or lytor; fana me ;egrotum : Mihi cHo fpirims fuper hnmanam fapicntiam. F ac me fidel em Operatoh~~di~;c~;rhis rem: A.dduc tecum Angelos de ~c:elis demilfos ~anfr.o~, qui me cc~um in adverfi$ c_ue~ntu~ & hands,&c. ab omm Cufiodtant malo, donee tlla hora venent , quam n emo evttare potcft ~ Sufhnmt amma ~e holdcth mea in verbo e jus. Am m. bu ~~ up. Glo rifie God y e [ons of men , and prai[e him in the midi of y our wicltedneJJe: For he is IZ (jod ()n g that jhewetb mm:ie to his people, and beboldeth thJe t~at are ajJMJed ; All honour, prai[e, antfglory be zmto him, n~ w and for ever. Amen. b., I b efeech you, whotr is your Rame, that this mercie of God may be Recorded , to have been bdl.owed upon us by your m inifiery ... Gabriel. A. Shall I lignifie to the Polonian Gentleman, that we ~oceind this prayer from you, and fo make him partner thereof G~tbrie/ Do fo.


~ true7.V;Iation of Dl'4 Dee hir

6., He made the

AElions.'tl1ith Jpitits, &c.

l. ~-

The he.fp of t.he Vrd is with tho[e, .that he loveth, and fo be it. fign of a Crolfe over ourcwo. heads, and fo went away. Gloria fit in exceljis:J Deo noftro & in t~rra Pax hominib111 bone volunratisj Amen.

Saturday; Junii n. a Meridie, Circa 6. . 6., Upon the pernling and examinin~, this prayer G_abriel revealed unto us:J I found ~errain_ 1mperfe[tions, and fornedoubcs, wherem we thought tt ~ood eo as~ counfel, and rr.qmre Ga~ brief's ad vife : That the prayer might be perfetl:,as ~e nught wellltke of to Gods honour and our comforti. At the length : No.thing appearing to the eye;but the noife of a found :tbout E. K. his head, and wichall a mighty weio-ht, or.mvifiblc burden on his right fhoulder, as he fate in the green Chair,by che holy Tabie,or' place : And unto certaiil place~ of the prayer; which I noted and repc.a ced,thofe words, and anfwers were by Gabriel given. Gab . , .. The Preface muft be in,for'if olff hearts be not prepared tmto prayer,our prayers are in vain, ~id differs Domine, Cor meum in melius Comfortare. Per te & in f\Omine cuo refurgam; id eft, Halleluja. The firft way is mor~ ejfe[iua!. Say Augcle mec, but the other is more effetiual, Cut:a roe fanum; Regard me, and look,_ un'to me, being-whole. A. As concerning the infcription, which I have - ritten before the prayer: I would. gladly w know, whether it be to your well liking of it. Gab . Fiant omnia ad laudem Dei. My doings are of no [ucb ret.ard : What I hnve done he it r4ne, fo "thatyour additions be to the ho1to'IIT of God, it is [ufficient. . The effect of his prayer is greater, then is the form.. The f~rmrr is greater thm the forming. That is to fay, he that bath formed it, is mightier then any virtue, whrreht-it is formed. Wherr[orver, therefore the mind formeth it with you with perfell humility' and con[ent, there is al[o the former. As formed . of hi~t therefore> I lea- e you to the end of his work,_n1a1rjhip , which continually {l>rmeth all thi1:f!.S ttccording v to his own fajhion. Sins;, .. Your fins have banijhed mr,ftom [nyi1tg tbofe thhtgs I. would. 6. , 0 clea'tlfe our hearts, and wafh away our 11ns, amplinf lava me ab iniquitate mea & a pecCilto meo mwzda me, Gab.. , Sins are mver wafh~d away , or forgtJtten with the higheft, but with fuch 111 are forry, and alfo make Carisfaction, Satisfattion~ 0 L?rd, full [orry I am for my fins, and What [t!tisfallion is .. req11ired I would gladly k._now. Gab . The offence was not thine. E11ery one ~n11fl [atisfie,_o~ el[e he jhllll be damned. A. Goo<!: Lord expound eo us the my ftery of fatisfattion. . Gab . .... W/mt the &ul. offendeth ; and is con[mtingto wick,_ednee, be is then. to mak,_e a fpiritual fatisfa{}ion, wbich is rhe end and pnfell f ruit of Cqj:trition. For thofe tbat are tr:ue!y Con4 trite, do tru~ly [tttisfie. Another [lltisfallion tbere is, wbicb.is external. This .fatisfaCiioJt.is to be made for fins commirted agaittjt thy-Neighbour: For if thou offmd 'thy Ntigbbour, and do him wrong, or t~tk..e nny thing from him, by fraud, or violence, it is a great fi11. For tbis, thou canft never be Contrite if thou mak.; not fatisfallio'll , 11ot 01tely Co1tfeffing it, but i lt {atisfying his de/ire that is offmded,- a;td.that with [or row. 7'his is trrt~ Dollrine~ Yntd .fhafl never be overthrowJt by the [piritr N 0 T E. of falfe invention: which indeed is the firft rye unto the Devil. I f y ou may 'ifmd yottr brother, and Good Angel~ bt therefore accur[ed: How muc"h more fonll you be accurfed, when.you offend the meffager of him are robcufcd tiJat is your. Father. . Behold, he fay~tb uot, I have once done amiffe. God b~ mercifutl to y 011, that re verently. his merr.~es Hfight bnhe grt'illlter upon you. Be mindfull of my [ayhtgr. E. ~ t._. Deus mifereatur nofiri , & benidicat nobis, Cor mundum Greet in nobis~& fpiritum redum ponat in pra:cordiis rioJlris, Amm.
I )

8 3

Wednefday, Junii 26 . Hora 9~ . pr4entt D ..Alberio.- lasky As we were together_in my Jludy, and l ftanding ac OlY Desk .. There appeared to E. K. a ron~d. Globe ofwhtte fmoak ?ver my hea.d , . Thereupon I perce1 ved .the prcfence of fome goo? fptncual Creature, and Jlratghc way appeared the good AngeL I . L. t::. . I fatd, BenedilltH qui 'venit in n~min~ DdmiHi,& igit'IIT nobis eft gratiH !~tudif advmtu~. I.L. Et quid tu dicit l [ad E. K. Loqu~[U5 ell. J
. A.

c. K. Si bonu1 es, & lucu _ (piritus, bene "'Pemfli, I. L,

Et bnze tibi fi et.
E . K. He hath a beCome in his.hand.
Q!id cum cua fcopa decrevifii facere? I . L. Secundum D(i beneplacitum,

I. L.

E. K. What w1ll you do with this befome.

B.K. Here

Here comtth a hi!, tall creature, forma human a qme facile non pof!it difcerni, oculi ejus videantur dfc duo Carbunculi Lucenccs & mirabilitcr micanrcg. Caput ejus videtur aureum, os videcur valde largum effc.~~ & Caput videtur .mobile & quafi ab humeris feparabile., totum reliquum Corpw videturdfemarmor quafi
Vox, ...... Fecifti tu l

e K.
[E. K. J

JL, ...... Feci. Decedite in Oratorium, nam m.tgntt hie dicmda ftntt, 92.::_i decedent ? I L. Princeps,& tu, (Bow down rhy knees brother) and here what I do fay. q~titti~r iJFt [To E. K. h.efpake.] Jtnrmns ipfius, Magnus ille ...... Filio/i hominum quid vult is? E. K. & no11 .A. Cupinms tHndari a pecc~ttis, & illuminari fapientia divina, ad ejns honorern. tot (ufpi< ienJo in c~g ir 11tioM eE. K. Ell Jumen quoddam in Aere ~ & ipfe ofcularur Jumen illud
Su[pim hoc fallum eJJ: ut
jHs de jfrHereter,

he faid fo to IL.

K e. Propicius dl:o mihi peccarori, 0 Deus, crdcit jam Corpus ifiius m2gni in immenfum quantum, quod ~on poffi~ facile difcerni
Mag, .. ,.. Filii hominum, .quid vultis l Sapunti.tm veram. Mag ...... 0 vos pueri & filii hominum,quid vultis ? ()., Sapiemiam in Deo,.& propter Deum, veram. Mag...... .Andite, quia JujfUt &ver~ fum ( inquit DominiH;) P'os nihil impiunt, iniquum, Si"gfi[~J clurn vel injujlum fu[c ipite : N ff.m qu.ecunque feceritis nut la , vel negligtntitt, vel infcitia, vel contemptu, profert verb.t, vel etiam nimia {uper{iitione funt, ( Sicut Scriptum eji ) pott{iate tradita fpiritibiH mend acihur, flarnm_am ex ore ut vexarent bonos, dum affligerent m alas, Sed dixit Deus ( DeM fum quidem veJfer ) qui Spiritum ev~mlto ,(' . 'AT San[lum non au; ero a vob. : N am ert' ~s IS,quos per potenttam confi rma bo me am : HO t zgttur c a zte . . N comagi Cum perverfis fieri, qui inaniter rebus &- Idolis huj 116 mundt potentiam pfrribunt meam. DeSu~;:~ari- Sed Credite per[everanter & ad fin~ m ufque & fidem habete: quia, (per me) o~itnia mundan11, burspiriti~us..fuperat jigillum, &[ubjicjet J?imones voluntati veifr.e. - D.emones [ub regi~nibus permanentes,&' Angeli bonncbz inclufi Lunaribm, Angdt mer non fimt ; Sed C.e!eftes, Sanlli & veri boni. Nonne vos homines & fedu b~tbent. mort ales 6 non fine peccato, Cui voluntatem liberam , _(imul & p~rcare permiffi: ut iHtelligendo PelltnrnniHm exinde malum, & me Deum veflrum ttgnofcatu vos. Audite igitur, Audite filii mei, ..... Calamipri~eipi11m in tat em totiM terr.e omniumque viventium pr,edico. Bella enmt undique horrmdA & trifti ffima, Et tmtws. peribit ad tertiam ufque partem g!.r.dio & fame Terra. Erunt c.eder multorum, ( pene Oll1rnium) T"!"'ilmp"ii Principuminteritm, Terr.e ntot~, quales non ab i1titiD mundi ~ Terrejl-ril Dttmoni4 ( T~trctt rN~r~a. viz.) Imperii ruiltJt. Nam fie conftitui.

IL . ...... Dir,Propitius ejio mihi peccatori.

[ E. K.] Nunc refpcit vos

b.~ A. L. and I were in my Oratory. Stepbanm, Polonienfis, miferrine in bello jugulatus, Cadet. ltet1.lm dico: Stepbttnw, Polonienfis Rex, mi[errime in bello jugulatJU, cadet. Vocabant te iterum [ refpirit Alb. lasky] ad Regnum Principes : quem etiam ego Poloni;e, Moldavi;e & populi mei Ducem & regem con(tituero. Tunc attinges defideratam metam & non errabu ll Scopo. ~ia ego [um DeiH tUIH, & docebo te utilia & vera. Et Jabo tibi Angelos meo: adjutores & comites etittm ad fecretum quodlibet mundi. Vigilato, Or:ato. Igitur , Pillf eflo, donee venrri; poteftas mea & in te, & fupra vos. Interum figillate qru vidifti1,& me_ in publicum producite.

Nf inpub/i(urn

[E.K.] Now he fhakc:th: he feemeth to turn his head about his fitoulders.


E. K. Nunc accipit enfem& percutit nubes, & crucemformat ante{e, ab ueroque latere ~ pofl fe. Crede mif,i, eft jinu rerum : Dimietuneur Peccat4 rveftra.
E. K.

Cadit) quaG .diftrael:us , (vel fc feparans) in 4 panesJ & a-

Vox. ...... H abetw quL adeo Decreta fuitt. b.. Mifericordia Dei, fit fuper nos nunc, & fcmper. A'mm.
Saturday 'lunii 29 ameridie hora 4 While 1was about to write che Title ?fthe fecond fide ofthefeventh leaf; and(E.K. fitting by me) Madini appeared as before ltke a young girle, at'ld I faluted her in the Name ~~~::~~ ~:! of G od, as coming from God for good, and [aid to her, that I was wonderfuHy opprdfed ~'nA/b, LaJ.(:ic with the:: W<?rk prefcribed tO me.ro perform befo:e Augu(t ?exc, a.nd defi.red her to.help me his Pedigree~ to one ro wnte th e holy Book as tt ought to be wrmen : feemg I dtd all I could, and Jt feemed almofi impofii.ble for me to finith it as it is reqnifite.. Madami prornifed to help me eo one

trne '.~{elation of Dr. Deoe his AE!ions with (pirits, &c.


one ro write the Boo~< ; arid thereupon al~peared eo her ( bnt unfeen of E. ic) her Mother , .... Madim.i Caici alfo.> that lhe was tiow learning of Greek and Arabick 3 and the ~yriah

Tongue. Mad .. ~ ... M'tber I pr~ty j~u let him hllrTr o1u to 1Pritt hw Book.,. h. I pray thee tell me Mndimi, what was bjs n~nie which ycHterday tempted my friend and ~ccQ[ed me mofi unduly and unrruely w E. K. AS tt. murderer, and hypocrite~ an~ one that had in jured a thou(and. Mad........ H"if name wns Panlttcarp, . b.. Can the yricked Conjurers have their Devils to write Book~ at their commandments; and fhallnor an horte~ Cluiban Phtlofopher hne che help of God his good Angels to writ~
his holy Myficries fo greatly redoundin.g to his Glory? And fedng you are the Mot her of Mtrdimi here, J befeech you tdl me your name hera; as the order of all our dvmgs are di~ frin8:ly and mder1y noted. Mother ...... : I am ofthe word, and by the word : {fay, Sea~ up thofe things thou haft : And I my felf wtll take charge. of Ga!vab to. thl' e:ttd. Ad roitand:Jm (cand.dum. A. Truth it is,'it mnfi grow to a great miflikeing grudge, that God (h ould feem to have laid burdens on our Qloulders, grc:acer than we are able to bear: and then if we fall .md faile under them, he would find a caufe not to perform his promifes made for qrrying of thole burdens. Mother....... Wluzt[oever is thy p4rt, tbe f~tme will I perform. I 11R put tby yo}v (in tlm one thi11[, ) up:m "mJ .fhoulders. c., Will you rh en write it as I !h'ould have written it ? .Mother ..... 1 hnTJe [aid I will. A . Where thall I leave the Book ? . Mother ....... Lt>ave zt where J'u will : your locks are no hindrance eo us. E11m when Our.locks. the time cometh believe and you jhall find it writtm. c.. You have eafed my heart of a thoufand pound weight. Mother . . ...... Becau[ey fhall not fall intfJ error. Dojtthou believe? 4. Yea verily. Mother. ...... Then verilj will/ do it, Fides rua erit inftruinenrum operarionis me:~:; Erit, & vidcbitis, & nunquam peribit. Galvah ....... One thing I will tucb thee. The Entl is grcnter than the BeginninJF,, or tht Mid{t ; For the End is witneffe of them bot'h: But thry both con?t wztne.JJe of the End Mother ....... He that appeared yejrerday is fajc mout.b, now: M.titim, SA-y your fron, whne lnm gone. ~. I pray ce\1 me your nanae. Mad.. . ... Mother I pray you tell your nanu. Mother ..... I A M ; What will you more?

She flicth away like a fire. .!irltaaimi fa1leth down proffrate on her face a wbile
E. K.
A. Now I fflall have Ieifure eo follow my fute, and to do alt Mr. Gilberts bu.Gnelfe. Mad....... My Motbrr will [pellft to the 9(t_emfor p ujhortly. Serve you Gut whil~ I dt

E K. She prayeth vchemenrly

Madimi . ...... I pray you teach me to [pelf,

Now fbe com~[h near to us.

[She fpake to E. K.
C4Vti1I iffi. IVII: c .. s boe Qp111

Mad . ...... This is e.t, 1-'~ ~uA.i'T1H~, GUT&- t t""tp@- ~70 ff)'Or ctV:lJ'l1~<'1.
XOf'r.'-1}- 1-'~1 :l"f ?rpbGu f'-1-@- '2'U)';( ri VH /;' forte: ,-mfdt(t)"'jl vcl?rtti.(trtl.l
~' a.'tJ7(,l 'TDITct.uror "'x::t.Ctr~


le i.s the Syrian To11gw.c: y<~u don~ un4eri\.trld it. - (to~.) {11b11met, t:lo..

alicirur,vel abfrrahituli



tl ~~x.~tTffo f&A.ia.
Thsr wts with Mr H "'J Lot his offred f rieO' ib:n U l-e 'contdfccl

ta'G~ /<(YI TU.:r; -.'uTu cx.'~orf-LUJJ lf~pHcrtU


)t<if a.'1ri.T'Y!' ILO(Jol~ll~ x.c4a.CTIIoillcil1'i~


l'ta.' ?I'M'I"@- .l?fiA.l?rff,

fpeak fome Language which [ underilaad, I \Vill rx atrcr. preffe no more of cbis Ghybbrilh Now ilie prayeth agam Now tbe is gone

E. K .UnleiTc you



d true.'l(elatiou of Dr. Dee bii Aflions 'llith !pirits, &.c.


Benec!iB:us fit Deus, Pater Nofier, Dens totius Copfolationis, .qui refpexic affiittionrin rfervuri .ftli,& :in ipfo puneto neceffitatis mea: pr~ftitit mihi auxiliuin ; ipfe Soiu~ Cordis ,')crutator eft & renum. Ipre efr Lux mea,& Adjutor meus, & Sufceptor meus eft. In Domino fptravi, & liberavit me ab anguftia maxima propter gloriam Nominis fui~ quod fie exaltacu~ fX m~gnifi~;atwn nunc, & in fempitema fecttla. Amen, Amen_ A men. , !:1. My l1eart did throb oftentimes this -day, and thought that E~ . did intend to abfent K hirr.felf from me, and now 11 pon this warning I was confirmed, and more affi1red that it was fo: Whereupon feeing him make [ucb hafte to ride to Iflington : I asked him why he fo hafted to :~ide thither: And ffaid, if it were to ride to' Mr. Harry Lee, I would go thither alfo to be acquainted with him; feeing n?w I had fo good leafure , bein~ eafed of tne ~ook writing: fifcy pouad Then he faid, that one told htm the other day chat the Duke dtd but flatter hnn , and totd y ar'y to be him otherthings, boch againH: the Duke (or Palatine) and me, &c. I anfwered for the Duke provided for a11d my fe\f; and alfo faid, that if rhe fcurty pound amtuity, which Mr. Lee did offer him, E K. by John was the chief Canfe of his minde fetling that way (contrary to many of his forrfzrr p(o1ni[u tl Der. me) that then I would afTure himeffifry poundyearly,and would do my beft- by following of Jl)y fute,to bring itto paffe as foon as (poffibly) I could,and thereupon did make him promife upon rhe Bible: Then E. K. again upon the fame Bible 4'id [wear unto m,e-conjfa-nt friend/hzp, anrl 'never to fo r[al(.e me: And moreover faid, that unldfe .th1s had fo fain out, he would have gone beyond the Seas, taking lhip at New-Cajf~e wichii1 eight dayes next: And fo we plight ot1~ fairh _~:ach to. other, takin~ eac'h other by the hands upon thefe poinr~ of brothe'rlj, a11d friendly fidelity during life , which Covenant I befeech G od to turn ro h1:9 honour) gloric: , aml fer vice, and the comfort of our brethren (his Children) here in el\rth. Tuefday,Ju!ii 2 .t meridie,Circa H oram. 2. t:.. While I was writing of Letters to Mr. Adria"H Gilbert, into Devonfoir~, M1dini a~ peared by me in the fiudy, before E . K fitting in the Chair, firll: on the ground, then UJ! higher in the aire; and I faid; How ii the minde of Mr. Secretary toward me.) me.thinketh ic is alienated Dl~rvelloufly. The Lord Mad ....- . 1'ho that love the -,porfd, 11re hilted of God. The Lord Treafurer and he are [e Tre~furer, and joyned together, and they. hat~ thee. I hea_rd them when they both [aid, tlnu wou/djt go mad .fhorrSecrccary W11/- I)' Wh4t[~ve1' they can do agamfi: thee:, affure thy felf of. They wilL jh~rtly lay a bait [fr thee; fi"gham. but efcbew them. A.. Lord have mercy upon me: what bait; (I befeech you) and by whom? Mad... .. They hAve det(rmi;ud to [ear eh tby boufe: BNt they ft11.J until! the Duk...e be gfJtU. A. What would they fear~h it for? Mad .... They hate the Iluk,r, (both) unto the death. t:... And why? Mad: . 'Irtk,.e heed th.zt y ou den!tiprightly. [She fpak,.e to E. K. J

- - - -

E. K God the Creator be my witndfe of my uprighc dealing, with, and toward him, (meaning e:, ) ever fince my lafl: coming to him.
E. K. his
o ath~


Mad.... It is good to prevmt difeafes.

B. K . By.this book (taking the Bible in hi~ hand) I fwear that I do carry as faichfull a minde to him1 as any rnan can, ever fince my laO: co-

Mad .. L ook_ unto tbe kinde of people about the Duk._e: and tl!e manner Qf tiJ,ir diligmctt. A. What mean you by t hat? his own people mean you? or who? Mad ... The e[pies. t:... Which be thofe ?' Mad. . All, there is not one true. A. You meat:! the Englijh men. Mad . 1 ou are very groffe, ifyou under.ftlt;zd not my fayings. A. Lord, what is thy counfel to prevent aln , Mad .. The fpeechiJ general, The wicked !hall not prevail. J:J. But will they enter to fearch my houfe, or no? Mad.... Immediately after the Duk,.e hi.r going they will. t:.. To what incent? what do they hope to finde? Mad . . 'Ihey fufpell the Duk..i i4 inwardly a Traytor: A ., They can by no means charge me, no not fo much as of a Trayterous thought. Mad ... . 1hough tby thoughts be good , thry cannot: comprehmd tke d1ings of the wicl{ed. r,. fumme , they hate thee. 1rujt t~IH not; they jhall go ab1ut jhortly h offer thee friendjhip: B.a t~ thou a worm . n a heap of ftraw . i A. I pray you 1expound that parable.

Troll: them

Mad A.

d true~lation of Dr Dee hii Aflioni ~itb JpiritJ, &c.

Mad. , . A heafofflra"f! bei11g JleVer {o. g,reat, if no Tl'aight upon it w9bn., not.,;ithft.tnd.ing,t'lt~~ ry {lrtt'# Mndrttb the. 1rcrm.t pa.JJa;p; See 't/Jem:. dttd b"e ft 9t [e'en of th~m; d~ft thou underjfitnd it.~ A . J pray ynu make more plain your c<;mnfel. Mad. My couitfel i1 plain enough: A. Wheq; I pra.y you; is the Dukt! Hleely to go away! Mad .... In th~ middle o.f AuguR. .. A. Jf in the midfi of .Auguft he will go,atid then our ptalHf~~ be yet in hand, what fhaU he done wich iucb our fut1liture is prepared; and ftanding in the Chamber of praetife


Mad . .. Thou 'lutjb10 faith. His going- ftandt>th upon the detettnin~ted purpofe of God. He .id your hen.J..gr.~dtly, Jt"'d A;L. intnfdeth to do much for you, He is Pr.epared_ to do thee good,~nd thou ltrt prepared tci Jo "im fer Se 1tice, vice. Many men purpofe, but one letteth m order. .. A., As concerning Adrian Gilbert, whar pleafeth you to fay of him; ar~fhi~ ititc:iided voyage. M td. . He is ~rot in the true faith. . t.. How hath it been (aid, then, That he lliould be the ft!tter forth ofGod;h1s faith and r~: ligion amos1g the infidels. Mad .... Th-1t w a my;tery. A. Whether !hall it be good, that the-Duke refort hither oft, or tarry for rhefhoft 'Part at hi .~ lloufe .at L r. ndrm. M.td. . Humane pl'tcie CI11J1tot pre'&ai.f. As many tH ttre not faithful! in tbe[e 'Citll[e~dhafl.dif i tn6.)t ntt[erable death : and jhall drink_ of fl ep everlajting.. .As in on.e toot thert art . nJ1j di'vi'N'tls' m [D in the _lrem and l ranches are many [rpltTatiom A . Give tome more light ( 1 bdetch you) to rh~ ~tit:ttlar un-derftandin5. Mad ... .1.he fire that k_.indleth all thefe, and wluretn th.J live is One' furming t~t'1)1 .ttoc~rditig to (rrhaJfo:ver:) the fub/fance wb~reflpm they are groiJ~de,/,; So D) the lee you may prove the greater: 1ha.t tH in pa.rticular,fo lik._ewife generally, All emanac1ons are from one. In the fi.rJ~ 1JiorJ,_,Iz~;t jhip lieth fecret in one unk._nown : And is [ut led~ and therefore it bath aft. end. The fo'! through the C1rcle! and Mtiflie body, The heart in the body , The intdligence in the inwa,tJ mllh, 1h~fon ftom his ownj entre fpn-ad.t'th out the beams of bis limited virtue , The Hart lift' to two ; and r~c The hurt, the Ce'rm:c of life tq the ww!e J..ody, under_ltanding' q~i~nt-tb .the. minde; that minde I fpeak of The m nde . putteth on a aery lh.ape. It followeth thtref6re, thttt -ev~ry thing (what fubjfanr.e foever) bath a t>mreth on a CI'H :re : From thew hich the Circumfluenr beams of.his proper power do J>'roc.eed, H'hm tbefe fi~ry thape. i-re perf e[i/j k._now: Then 11re things fun in their trut k,.inde. I [peak.. this t.o provr, that the good Angelof man, which is the exremal Centre of the Soul; doth.ca.rry ~ith him' the internal Char acter of that_thing whereof he feeketh to be a Digniner, within rhe whirh doch lie [ecret 1 tbt ConjunCtion nnd'Separatioil o_f the proporti0i1 of their timrs, betWi:~Ct the foul .and body of man. 0 huppy ( tbl'refo re ) if. tbat Soul, wl:rich beholdeth the glory of his dignifbrti~n; and is partaker wich him thar- is his ket>per. This ~;wt9n unto meH, the thicl<,nrJJe of fhe earth dotb not binder tbtir {peeches; neither can the darkJuffe of the !owed llire ob_(cure, or maize darJ,. the [l.:tirpne.f!e their eye~. T.hs Char11.[/er, (at his nrxt r:omhtg h;ther )./h4ll be made ianifeft 1mto bim.


E. K . He fhcwctha bloudy hand, ho}d~ng a bloudy Crofle with lerteff on it, like aur ho~'i 1 leers~
A. I befeech you, how hall his pro\'iiion of tnoney from home ferte his turn, or how ilia-11 be here have he\p for hi5 charges bearing? i [e Mad.... _ our words m11k._e me a Chi!de. Tho that fi[h .for Dolphins d o ttot ftnnd upQn the Nace the fo rm grou{td, 'lh?!e.thllt fit in Co1i11[el c11ll not in the h11rve}t pe ,ple, Hor account not r.heir work.,s. .f:!eof aci\ild. th~tt _1tande~h avr.ve the M /on,feeth greater- thinJ!,s thm the earth: Is it nor [aid, The Lord wdl provide? I_lt and ab:ve rhe M o(m, (or that I difpofe his life from above tlie d1[po.ftionofrhe M m, 'To. .uk.. wbat )<1_ hw fervants did,wM a folly; b~cavfe their majfer w.u Ue cob ffed: A greater quejfion to M/z hew b!rjfd he 'ti'.H, then t? ark how many jJmp he had, ~. I am ddirons to know what you mtant by Caying , That my words made you a:

Childe, Mad.... Becaufe y ~ u 4'~ me Childifh queffion>. His good Angeljh~tll reveal hi! Cbara[ler 11nto .. bim, and thou.fhalt fu it, [pointing to E. K.J Brtt tak.,e heed thou [11y truely ; And ufe J!!'Cilt re- k.eY'd~nee ~() 'l!ermc:e, or elfe the f~~t that love thee !hall carry thy Carkas out of the doors. If hi carry it ~~IHm"iC:~ ;,pon him, i(jhall be" tol(m of the Covtnmt between him and G~ d. rium. A. The itnage, or fimillrude thereof (mean you) made in pure Gold, ~~~rha'?s cnaMad.. I So thofe that jfnt!l fee hit St;n_d~rdr with.that jigne i1i them jhall perijh mlledo Mtterly. A. You mean, if the fame be painted , or otherwife wrought in .~ii Banners <l'nd Pcnons, &c. Mad .. . Let himu[e it ar a C 1venant, betiPeen Gfld ami him. A. How fhall he frame ir in Gold, folid-wife, or Lamine-wifct? Madd. . Hh uwn .Angel }hall reveal ir.-


A true '1( elation of Dr. Dee his AElions 'll1ith Jpirits, &.c.
A. Becat1fe it hath been faid, that in the beginning of our Cquntry trouble s we ilionld be packing hence into his Country; What token (hall we have of that time approaehing,or at band? Mad . .. Your watchw~rd is told y?ubefore : Wben it w[aid unto you, V eni~e, . &c. A. But ( I befeech you) eo be ready againf1: that watchword, hearing what is to be done, as concerning our wives and children inco his C<;mntry. . Mad ... ... U'r!iracNhUi wthy care ( 0 God) upon tho[e that Are thy cho[m, and wondtrful

are the wayes that fhou hajf prepared for them. Thou .fhalt tak._e them from the fields, and bflrbt~ur Thou art merciful unto thy faithful and hrd to tbe he~tvy-hearted~ Thou jhalt cover their legs with Bootes, and lramblrs ]hall not prick.. them: 1heir bands fhall be covered with tbe skjns of Beafts that they may break.. their way through the bedges. Thy Bell fhall go befort thent Peac.ebt Ma watcb and [tire Dirdlion: The Moon jhall be clMr that rhey may go on boldly. a,mongjf you.
rh~ m at h6~e.

. K. He is now gone away in a fire, Honor, & Gloria in jecu!orum f~'ul~t . Amen.

IEterno Deo noftro,fo Laus

Thurfday Julii 4 hora I I: nntt c.Mrridiem. 1583. Note. A. When I came h(Mlle yefterday from t h ~Court , and from Loffdon; and from th~ Lord Lask..ie, I found tbat E. K. was purpo fed to ride forth of Town, and intended to be a.;. way (as he exprefly told me) five dayes: Certain Companions and his acqua.:ntance having fo appointed with him,fome tarrying for him in Mortluck..t , and fome at brainford ( as was perceived this day afterward, aud aJ he confdfed umo me. ) Whereupon J thought good to. fignifie fo much unto the Lord Laskjr who-meant to come and ref~efit himfelf at my houfe, .as he was wont before; eith~r thts day, or within two or three dayes after: Who alfo delighted in E. K. his company, & c. Hereupon about the time of E.K. his rifing I wroce rhefe lines, intending to fend them prefently to th e Lord Laskje, that word might be returned of his intent before E. K. lhould ride, I meaning and hoping to perfwade E. K. to tarry fo long, ~nd upon fuch refpett.

Obiliffime Princeps, in reditu, noftrtJm E4wardum inveni, faci e quidem !.eta : fed itineri tamm,llt dicit, quinque dierunt:r [e accingentem: Hocqv.e matutino tempore nbitum vel itniftud ingredi nt?/itur ; R.tve1'[urus (itt ajirmat) poft quinque dies. fj0_id fit ipfa turitas., novit ille qui veriH & Omnipotens DeUf eft no{leY. H oc volui, ijfo mane fummo, vobis jignificare, ur., quid faCiu optimum fit, Cogitetis: De a!iis,fuo tempore, Julii 4 1563
V<eftrz Celiitudinis fideliffimu s Clientnlu~ Joamus D u .

Thi s Letter being now written, and not yet folded up, my friend E. K. was ready and came out of his Chamber into my Stu dy ; and I told him, chat I was even now fending word eo the Prince L11skje of his rideing om, and return afrerfive dayes; and fo fhewed him the Letter: who wheu he came to the phrafe, ~id fit ip[a verzttH , he wa5 famewhat offended, faying, What fecret meaning hath this, upon fome of your two former confe rence ? Truly ((aid I ) even fuch as the circumfiance of the Letter doth import, that is ; Whereas y cu fa id chat you intended to return within five dayes, 9r at the fame dayes end, it is uncertain whether you will, or (hall, return later or fooner : and therefore ~id fit i.p[a vrrit,Jf of your return, or ~ment t o return, onely God cloth know. He would by uo meanes admit chat my fincere expoGrion, bm feemed fitfpitious of fome other undue conflruetions of rhofe former words ; thereupon I took theLetter and tore it in three piece5, and fenc none : But in my mind refen:ed all to God. his difpofition, a!furing my felf of God his moJf conftant proceeding in his 'iW11 lljfairs. Shortly after faid E. K. to me, Certainly here is a fpiritual Creature in my right s o.,lt, fhoulder, who (~nfibly faith eo me, Come away: So ( faid 1 ) did one fay to Sow!e, when Ev1l fpirirs. tl1ey would have had him away to have drowned him, whom I Jlayed in this Study by force, . and [o hindered the Devil of h1s purpofe then; as appearerh by rhat unhappy man yet alive. Nay faid E. K. they have told me that if I tat'ry here,llhall be h anged; and if I go with rhis Prince he will cut off my head,and that y ou mean not to /terp prom1{e with me; And therefore if I might have a thoufand pound to tarry, yea a Kingdom, I cannot: Th f'refore I re/ea[~ f ifry p<'und y ou of JOZtr promife of )O po1mds yearly S tipmd to me,and :rou need.not doubt buc G9d will deyearly llipcnd, fen d yon and profperyon, and can of the very ftones ra tfe up chtldren eo A braham: And a~ain b cannot_aiide my wife: I love ber n11t,'ft.ayl abhor her; and there k the houfe I am mifliI E. K. his wife. ~ r f in ked, ecathe I favour her no better. To rh efe > fuch his words po en in great pangs and difquietneffe of mind, I repofed and fa id, That rh cCe his doings and Cayings were nor of God, a~d that br .my whokp~oceedin& he mig ht perceive what confid ence l rq)Qfed in hi!\ d ea_l ing . With the fpmrual ! onrfnends, feemg even to the uttermofi: penny (and more than my ab,\Jty Cerved unro conveniently) I laid out fiill about the .... ming of fuch t hings, as were by me ro be done, &c . Well, on che fudden, do1m h e went; lllJOil his Mare, and away t oward


mcrvallouOy out of qu1et agamfr ittS Wife, for her fnends thetr bitter reporcs agamfl: him E.. I\. his wives behind his back, and her filence '-h~reat, &c. He is gone, faid I, bue I befeech the Al .friends. mighty God to g uide him and to defend him from ~anp,er 01nd:fhame; l doubt not but God will be men:iful him, and bring him at length to fuch order, as he ilia1l b.: a faithful fervant unto God, &c. No~e within three hours after, came E. K. up my Study fiaires unbooted, for he was come in a boat from Brainford. When Haw him I was very gladinward1y: But I remained writing ofthofe Records as I had yet to write of Tuefdayes lafi a8:i6ns. I l;lave leucmy Mare out( (aid he) and fo am retnmed. It is well done [aid J, and thertupon he fate down in the: cbair by my '(able where he: was wont to fie: And it was ten of the clock then. He took up in his hand the Books which I had brought f~om London of the L. Laskje, written to him in his commendations, &c. And as he was looking earn~frly on theril, a Spiritual Creature did put the Book on the oud1de of the parchment cover, divers time9 ; and Olice would have taken it out of his hands : Divers times I heard the firokes my felf; At length he: faid, I fee here the handfome Maiden Madimi, and have done a pretty while. Then faid 1 to him, Why told you me no fooner ! Whereupon I took paper purpofdy to N ate w.b.at fhonld feeoi N ote~worthy .u followeth. A. Miftreffe Madimi, you are welcome in God, for good, as I hope; What is the caufe of ;rour coming now ? Mad ....... To [u how you do~ t. I know you .re~ me ofcen, and I fee you onely by faith an~ imagination. . Mad ...... LPomtmg to E. K. J That fight is perfefler tbttn hiS. A. 0 Madimi, Shall I have: any more of thefe grievous paugs ? .Mad ....... Curjr Wives, and grett.t Devils are [ore Companions. A. Inrefp efrofthc:Lord Treafurer, Mr. Secretary, andMr. Rawly, lpmyyou, Wnat worldly comfort is there to be lookeJ for? BeGd es that I do principally put . my cruft ia God. Mad, ...... UU adder will ftaine, wick..rd men will offend, and are eafie to be offenkd. t>. And being offended will do wickedly, to the petfccntion of them that meane.. fimply. Mad. , ..... Or el{e th~y were not to be called wick.,.ed. t.. As concerning A.lb. Laskje his Pedigree, you fa id yonr Sill'er would _tell all. Mad . ...... I told you more rlmt all your Dog pai;ttrrs and Cat paimers can do. A. You fpoke of William Laskje and Sir Richard Laskje his brother,ofwhich Wzl!iam going into France, and then into Dt:nmarlze : and his marriage into Paland, came this Alh"t L~ts/tie, now Paladine of Soradia, &c. . Mad ....... Tho[e were two prttty men for itU ttr meddle withtr!. H'be1t yott fer your [elves ta t.ttber, and agree together, I will mak...e all agree together; E. K. Will you !1adirni lend me a hundred pound for a fortnight~

A tr11e ~elation of Dr. Dee his .AEli,nJ 'JPtth fpiritJ, &c., !Jrdinford. After whore. going? my !V if~ came up i)lto.my Study> at~d I faid, Jane, t.his m.ati


Mad . . ..... I hnve fwept all my money out of doors. As for money we ('hall have that which is necelfary w.hen God feeth time. Mad ....... Hear me what I fny. God is t~ unity of all things, L ove if the unity of everj Congregation ( I mean true and perFtllove. ) Tbe World was made in the love of the fa ther. You were redeemed in the love of the Fatber 11.1td th~ Son. The Spirrt of G'Jrl u (yet) tbe lov~ of his Church. Yet (I [ay): For after it doth.T 'f'iunaph, it is not clllled a Church nqr a Cou- 6. ~e ure ce t,ug~ttion : But a Fruitful inheritance and a. Perfe8: B~dJ in Cbrijf. Tal<;. the love of the Fa- call u ~cclifta ther from the World, and it perijheth, Ta/ze the love of our Redmrption away, and We are dead: TnN~:.rls. ( I will no t offend) put your injt~ad of our. . Ta~e the ligbt ~~ the Hol] Ghojl, which is tiJe /()71~ The t\ n gcls of the Father trnd the S(Jn fr1m tbe Churcb~ and .zt wzthercth. Even [o tak_e love from Jtmmg{t you, were noc rcttnd you are members of the Devil ; Therefore it w [aid unto yon Diligire ad invicem. For love deemed, il the Spirit of God uniting and k,.nitting thinp tof!,ether i1t a laudable proportiou. TYbat doft thou hunt a.fter ? fpeal{_m4n.,Wh1tt cloft thou bunt after ? [This was [aid to E. K. upon fomc (ecret judgement of Madimi in him. E. K. I hunt af(cr nothing The !o1Je of G1d brudeth faith; Faith bri.ngeth forth ( on the one fide) Hope ; ancl ( rnt the r. F.1ith. 11fh-er fide) thework_es of Charity. Dojt tb'u love God? Seek_~{t thou to be among his Elefl? WhJ :~..Hope.: deft thou not (therefore )love th?[e tMtgs that are of God? Herein thou jhewe{t the want of faith; 3. Chu~ty,. H~r~i1t ttre thy bragging words confounded ; for thou [ayft, No maJt can accufe thee of evil. Bt~t th~u haft no faith becaufe thou hall no hope. Wilt th-ou fay, thlf't thou ha.fr faith l . Shew it me hy thy love : Who[oever (therefore) loveth not God, H accurfed. 'Ihou lote{t mrt God, L o, lehold, thou break._e[C hu C(J mmaHdments. Oughtejf thou 1rot to lov e him ? A nd IJJZft thou n11t faith through the kve in God l Truely thou oughte/t [o to do. Wilt thou Let me [ee thy hope on thu fide ; Let thy work._es.fl:and on the other fide. And jhtw thy [elf to have fa~th that th:>rein thou mayejt love God, and be brloved of h;m: But if thou hajf 1tone of the[e, tbou haft httte. If thou hate G od, the reward


A true 'l(_e lation of Dr. 0 ee his .Afllons with [pirit s, & c.

reward thereof "u great ; but the gre~ttne.JJe u unque.ncbnble_ fiu. Wbo[otver followetb not the Commandments~ bllteth God; If fin be the breach of the . Commandments, &c. Doft thou love Silver ancl Gold l The one u a Thief, the other is a MJlrderer. Wilt thoz1 feek._honour ? E. K. No h" .So did Cain . But thou hlfjt a Juft God tha~ lovetJ. thee ; ]u/f 1tn.d vertufluo mm that de5 Note t ' lioht in thee. Theref"ore be thouvertttOUf: For thon (halt . tread the World under thy feet: came eo pane a ' J .Anno 1 5S9. I promife thee~ I have driven the Sk.,ulten~drab out of our K ztchen long ago. whw he was t:.. Do youmall worldly covetoufoelfe ? ndc Baron of Mad ....... Yea, and the firjt heavenly covetoufneffe.

JMJtm 1" tfnno

J 5,0.

Carma geta Barman.

to fay ?

t:.. I befeech ypu, what is that Mad ....... Veni ex illo Barma.

E. K.

Felt and iavv a fpiritua] Creature go out of his right thigh.

Mad ....... Wlure are thy 14 Compa1tions ? Bar....... They dwell here. l.l.. {He that was come out~ fe~med a great handfome man with a Sachel of a Dogs skin by his tjde, and a Cap on his head, &c. l.l. .0 the hand of the Highefr harh wrought this. Mad ....... Venite Tenebr.e,fugite Spiritu meo. E. K. Here appear 14 ot divers evil-favoured lhapes ; fome like Moo,;11

kies) fome like Dogs, fome very hairy monfl:ruous Men, &c They feemcd to (cratch each or her by the face Thefe feem to go about SMadimi and fay, g;t de pragma kt4T es beiecb.
t:.. What is that to fay?

Mad ....... Volumus hie in Noftris habitare. l.l.. Qga: funt ilia vefrra ?

E K One of them faid Habtmus hominun i{Jum 'Damicilium noflrum. Mad ....... The vengeance of God u a two-edged Sword, and cutterh the rebeltioM witk.fd ones


o~t, an.d utrer d 1 fpJ:cko~ of


in pieces. The hJtnd of the Lord is lik.,c a ftrong oak.., when it falleth it cutteth in [under many bujhes. Tbe light of his eyes expe!l dark_ne.JJe,and the Jweetneffe of hu mouth k_tepeth from corruption. Bleed are tbo[e whom he favoureth, aJtd great is their reward; Becauf<!! y_on came hither witho.r!t licence and feek to overthrow the liberty of God his Tcfram~n~, ~~d the ~ight wherewtthal he frretcheth unto the end, and for becaufe you are accurfed tt IS fatd, I wtll nor [uffer mine to be overthrown with temptation, though he were 1ed away~ Bfhold I bring back_ again. Depart unto the la{t Cry : Rejt with the Prince of Dark_neffe there is none. Amen, go you thither. Et fignabo vos ad finem.

E. K. He fealed them all in the forehead : the J .of. and their principal, their fealing was as if they had.been hranded. They funk all 15 downward through the Roon: of the Chamber,and th~rc came a thing like a wind & pluckt them by the feet away. E. K. Mcthinkerhi am lighter~han I was; and I fc:cm to be empty,and to be returned from a great amafiog; for this fortnight I do not \Vell re~
membervthat I have done or faid,
Mad....... Thou art en.[ed of a great burden ....... Love God, Love thy Friends, 'rove thy Wife.

E. K. Now cometh one with a red CroiTe in his hand and lcadcch her away,andfo they vanHhed We prayed the Pralm ofthankfgiving 14 of

Roffenfis for EK his deliverance from Barma and his 14 Companions- Amen.

firfi papers, E. K. Sal. appeud ofcen ro him, whipping before as 6. or 7 miles difi:mc from him think that ~he bleffed . Jubanladace had been fent to have faid fomewhat unto us of his Charge ( th e P6nce Ln.sk_ie) But I found in the end that it was a token chat the Princce Lask_ie was p_nfively careful of us , and that his good Angel was his .wice neffe and metfage, by that token his peculiar Car~!ler as is bafore caught.


Omnis Spiritus Laudet Deum no.!frum Vnum & Trinum. Amen. Sequitnr lib er T ertiariu~ S ex:ti.


J true '!{elation of D. Dee his.Aflions rith fpiritJ> &c.




..A MortlacfJ t.Angli~e, vid [racrmia rpolomi11.

Saturday, Septemb.


Die SanlJi Matthi.

The Lord Albert LM/zy, (Vaywode of Sirttdi~r, in Polonia) mcermg rne on the water, aS we had ;tppoimed: And fo brought night to Londo1t,; and in the dead of the night, by Wherrie5, we went to Greenwzch to my friend .Goodman Fent the Pot1 rer his boufe ; Where we refrefh~d our felves, an~ thi~her came a great Tylt.; ~P:H~~ boat from Gra<m .end to take u ih, (by appoint~ent of me and Mr. Stan!ry) tQ go to om; fhips, which we had caufcd ro ljr.feven, or eight mile beyond.G.ravu m d. To which fhips we canie oh Sunday mqrning by Sun rife .: In the greater of then) (being a dubble Fly-boat ofDemnar/z) n1y Lord L1f/zie, I, a'n d E. K. w~t~ my Wife and Children,&c. went: A in a1iother fhip (by me alfo hired for thi~ pafage) went fame of my Lord liis men, .nd cwo horfe,&c. th.at: fhip was~ Boy er,_ a. pretty lhir With little windc we 1h-aight-way hoyfed fey!, and began our voyage m the fhrp.. . This 2?.. day we we.re in g'reat danger of perilhing (on the fands, ta!led the Spits) about There: a~orc: midni ght : We had ( ~:y:fo:ce ?f wmde.concrary) anch9r~d bytheh~,_?hd the Anchor came ~,rie;J;~~tf hom e, no man pe;ce1vmg tt, nil the lhtp was ready .to fink~ o~ the I.and-;. Then, upon great almGft. ' dili gence and polJrcy ufed by ourMarriner~ in hoyiing fay I, and cuttmg our Cable, (ro leave our (hoce ank er) and committing our fel ve s to the hands of God, and mo;t e~. rnejrty }'rilyin[[. for a pro[peroM winde: It pleafcd the Almighty , and m9fi inercifull God, fuddenly to chang~ the \vind s, which ferved us W bear from the lands; and to recover ~mborrough, ba.. k a&ain. The 23 day (being Munday) we came to the niouth and encra11ce of ft;_inburro1tgh Cr~ek.,, or The <'Vid cm Haven. And as we made tO land in.fma!\ Fifher~boats, the lord L~kJ.e, my \Yife a11d G~iJ . help o! G od :u dren in one boat, and I, with E. K . Marie, Elizabeth, and J ohn CrfJI\,ar, in auother, it f~l~ fo tht very miout, that at the !hips fide:, our Fiilier-boat his fay I~ yard and fayl was enrangled on the Maynof danger yard of the Fly-boat (being frrok e down) fo that, in our feuing from the !hips fide, the cop oca ly. of our Boat being fafi above, and the windes arid fiream carrying the Boa't off bdow 7 i't int:!ined fo much qn the one fide, that rhe one half of the Fifher boat.( wtll near) was u1 the water, ai1d th e water <:am:e.fo in (by the intangling before fp ecified, not eatily eo be undone, or loofed) that my Lord, my Wife, .and all chat faw us thought chat ofnecdlity our Boat mu~ 1 k, and lo, we to have perilht. But God in his providence and' mercy had greater, .. of 1n us, fo chat we 'became clear; the Boat half full of water, (o that we fat wet to the knees , .and the water with th e billow of the Sea came Hill beating iu more and more: And in this mean trouble ; otre of our two :Boa.t-men, had loft his long Oare out of the Boat ituo the water; and fo i10t onely we ~acked rhe .help of that Oare, but alfo by reafon they would have followed the wirlde and ebb, for that Oar, (contrary to our courfe in hand,and not able ro bewme by) with much adoewe confirained them with the fay!, our one Oare, and the Rudder to make fnch (1-.ifr as they could to ger to ~inborrotfgh Town : And in the mean fpace E. K. with a. ..,,.eat Gif!t let did empty mo!l: part ot the warer out of the Boat,elfe it mnft needs have funk by ~\I mans .rc:aCon.;,.r length( eo be brief) we came to the Tow1r fide, up the crooked Creek_:whe1;e, w.l1tn as rhe Mafier of our lhip would have takc:n me out in his arms (Handing in the water wiLh his Boots) he fell wich ltle in the water, where I was f'oul arrayed iu the water and Oafe. God b praifed for ever, that a!I that great danger was ended with fo fmall grief, or bu1c.

~~~~gg)~ departe<f from Mortlack._, about three of the Clock after noon:



Wednefd2y, Sept~mb. 25. Circa 3 a Meridie, jam pleno mari . ~. Oravimus ad Denm,ejus i~lj>lorabamus !luxilum,Cortina fratim apparuit. Ora vi dem}o folus, 1)}'9 auxilio, t.e~1pore neceffita~is : ~ex pedum aftitudinc ,a pparebat unus, in aere, <tU~ii alter a c:x parte m~bt~)mter E. K .Et t!1um 1nterp6fitz.

B K- Ego illum cognofco

...: .. Tu r;.~bes ea"{am me cogno[ cendi,& illum qui
E K.

rite mifit, vel jtim non vi;t(i/fos~

f.' Gratia'f

Videtur cl& Mic had.


A true'J.\elalio ofD Oee his .dflions ith [piritr, &c. ~. G rarias .rgimus Creatori nolho,-qui bonUtn, potent em & fidel em.minifhum fu;;;;ifetk

ad nofrram proreD:ionem tempore neceffiratis nofirx. Mich ...... L oquor de tribui rebUI, de meipfo & illo qui me mifit: De v9bw,refpellu.i lliuf quod eftif & de fervi tio Dei quod futurum eft.O vos pottftarts C<Eli & terr.e,col/igite vos in fimul,rtfpicite Den,; veftrum : Coufiderare beneficia ejUf_ tl1t n.on vos col/ig:: vit fimull Er concatenavtt vos in feipfq? Ai ; non ejtw glonficati rrf pequ officii v~jfri ,ad quod pr_.e,~a~rlu"! pot~Jtter, af!ignati efti-1, in vobmtate ejM~ qui glorificat ~i:pfum. Eca qu~ modo vof~u_t ~edtdiftJ-~ _prmclpt t mevrarmn : vel quare vetfri pri11cipes contendunt contra altif!imum :_& coflzg~t H vo[tet m fimul ad contende~dn~r contra ip[um,qui efi potentif!i~,veltllum vel/et i-f f ubjugare, cup~ arma funt [uper ~- mnem f?_tztudmem : ~o modo lfttr detif contendere cum ejtH fortitudin~< _ qu.t ~jt r..au[tz (j'lod tam t'?lf!t rJ Vel Jhrliti-1? See ita oportet effe: quia 'Dobi-f jii7i!avit gube rnattonem, & tn vdhas manus dedit V to lam dcllrua:ionis. SuJ. date locum fin.i voJtro .: ~ia ht ejM for t itudine di[perji eritio: Et omnium rerum conc!ufioJtt ~tli ~ veftr~ debe;q r e aperta. N e mirentur fetvi Dei, de fo rtitudin'' t emptationi-f : I?(__ia m agna eji fote_{t.tH impi~ (.ir- hi~ntj-1 L,t~1f~, quando il!i e)t ~u~ figillo tradita. fo!e dedi~nemi~~, bac h4r, fcil &vernment. vejtram gubem-.uonem per dlil"/11 Ecce clavu p (!fztJ.e ap:rta 11hz elf. NLhtlommur veftra adh11 .c erit major il:tiquitaJ, & vefirum regnum erit difperfnm in e;us potenti [uperbia, &:;am m 11g11us e f j Satha1tz qui refiilit fortitudi~i Dei? ~am . n:agna? igit11r , d_eb.et fffe. vejlra humilitaf, fJP.~ debet vel [uperare vel mon. Sed vobH fie dz:ilt lJommus. Aperzant ventL ora fua , & r 11b.i.mtes Ler the-For~ itqu~ profunda & potentia guttura. I n cnmes partes nu.vi.,,vtt vefcraru> n. Aperiat. terrJZ os l{_ots li2ht. fuuttt, & djcat, quod ~evora.r~ vellet. T amen no1t pr~v rdebunt ~ia. ~i~i addam (inquit Dominus) Mirhad. q'ti es fornrudo mea, Porenoam meam pr~valefcencem : Et vos entls dua: flamm;e ig;ti.f , ; 1110 Gabricl, igni-t pote1:tw fr.ifocant u .os tot ius Ma litiif . Idcir r.o, vobu bme fit ; fi.::_ia inimicus rft for_tif!imus' 1 pr~da elf mnxima. 1hz Mementote, q11od Homines fit h. M ementot_ , q11'od terra fit.i-1. 'c Me~ nuntote, qv'od Pecratores, Memmtote ,. quid eratif, & 1te tradatw obli.vioni quid rft!-t. I n iflo m_im t'ivit i1 q~i onmitl in fwt h~bet [ubjeClione. Sed i/le, qui cum tllo_ ejf, Crvcifixus ad gloriam, Hath provi- debet inmedio morta.lit atif cot71prmere fe 1p[um ad ln~>nortalem Potatrtn.m.. Servi 'Dei, [emper ded you, prvtzluerJUtt: Sed femper_per Adverfitat~s. ~l . non eft de h1 mrmr:l.o , vos l?r;epara vit, c Finis nrSiri N ihi/o minus debetts ea xmplere , qu.e zpfe provzdzt. Q!10d mnndus poffic fiert novus & fc,vitJi, ipfe af;nofci. Forms ip[e e.ff, Potens e.ft ille, Aquila illa qu.e cooperit nTttgnum mo11 tem'a/if [Hw. Sed poten:ior_ e[f ejus fortitude qui num~rat JfellM, ~ mon~es colligit:. N<t11t qtlicq1id ip_(~ L~pp ed up. loquitur ,etf vrrztatu zgnH: Et eJt Jimu! Po~~n t1a & ~[ius,. t1t tmmedutta p_ro~ortzone. Etiam ipfe IJUi fecit Orbem, _homi~em mfimulc~m~e_glt,cr ~mma operatu~ elf, Omnza 1 e(i/fnrs. ~p[eejfqui p[" vobif pr.eceptum dedz t : Et ego t!O~H 4tco, Re[ptctte d_ pun~o m pun(]um 'ad llltdJI{'fn Cct!t' e~ per e Cirwlum rerr.e: Conjiderate omnra m uno;6". ~num tn omnzbus. Ponderate, vel per ratior.em 1tumermtur, vel menfurate QUemadmodmn Salomon fecit, vel quemad.modum Adamo erat con:eJJ11111 (quod nmc non poces fed facics) Tunc conc!ude,_ bfervant omnia cur[rmt Jimm : fed verbum Vomilfi. O Amat~ IJe_um qma ] uffus eft. __.A mate vos i1tvirem quia jures e)t (empiternum. ftificati. Ob[ervate mandatum Det quut e mmfura JuftztJ~. jf

E. K. Jam rr:ena alur ;~d ilium, cum [orona in Capite, quafi... .. d accipil glaaium Michaelu
Coro1tatu. ... .. Ecce magna eft for titudo Dei, & P uvalebit. Mich . ..... I dcirco ejt beH_di[lus L'eus, vos jufrificati Ct" 119S fa n[iificati. e

E K .. lam facieban# fignum crucu fiamme,e tribw 'Vicibw , & ~ nauta nofler cNm nolra ~nchora aLondino hodi~ redierit nonne eft conjilLUm, quoa jiatim binc 1lll.'l'ig!tnUI, fi ita ille )e/tt, &c
O f world~

k. Rcdeunt

Coronatus ..... Ego.fum de Ca:lo : noR r efpicio ternm ; Nihilominus terra ier C<x:Jos vivit. Se<juimm~ v~ cur,Cum Terrenorum. Pr;r.parate vos femen, Nos vo1umu_s, ( 0 I?om_in9 in te, cJfe pGratt, cum sncrcmenco. . Veftr~ ~ u ra non p~cclt pr~valere , quia vefin lhtmicJ funt fortes: fed quare d edecore affic10r, cum :ale tetrcfinum-..v amtatum ~ Defiruac una vaniras aliam: Aft Eleai prrvalebunc in forcitudine, contra illum Principem Vanitaris, & Re<>en~ ftulrorum omnium. Q!!ia Dens nofier eft fapiens, Judicia ejus imperfcruca bilia , Patief1ria immenfurabilis. Laborate vos, &. Nos gubenubimus.

f. K. Jam rec~dunr.
Vox ...... Ne di[putet~ ulterius cum Deo: Victoria Tefrra erit. A. Magnificerur nomen Dei nofrri folius oomipotentis & optimi. A111m.
7'burfday 26. Of'September we went to lhip, and lay in it all night at Anker. Friday 27. Of September we fay led fr.om ~inln1rrou,h, and fo by the lands end into tl1e main Sea, N. E. SaturJ11.7

A true ~el4tion of Dr. Dee his Atltr,nJ with (piritJ:~ &c.

Saturday 28. Of September we fell on Ho!lrmd'Coafi, and hone of our Marriners ~ Matter, nor Pilot knew th c Coaft : and therefore to the Mctin Sea. a~aih, wrh great fear and cl an~~ c- r, by rear~m we could fcarcely gee off from chat dangerous Coair,the winde was fo fcarce for tLac
s~nday 2 9 . Of September we came: into the Briel-httvm; and there were like to firih on ground : at lengrh we came to.an Ankor, and lay in fbip all night. Monday 30. Of Sepwuber we landed, and went into the Brief,


Briel.e, Oc:iobri-1 2. Mane HQra 9 "Die Mercrii.

B. K. Nihil apparer in Lapide, neque Corrina, neque aliud quid. Ore. rr~us conflanrcr,&c. P.pparet Domu~ magna cum multis pinnaculis~ val.dc clegamibus Et pavi ~ H~tuum vidc:tur dfe mulcis innaris bpidtbus ddili1 Clum & vi demur multi dfc gradus per quos afccnditur: & vidrrur dl~ :..rea viridis ex dextra parte,& ex alrera parte dfe vslbs,& rivulus ex .1! a. P;.: s ~1 ~~x verfus folem efl:, videtur quafi novirer reformara Et circa incronum c-Cb o~ tt.induni qucddam a::Ji6cium: fendlra: non funt Gmilcs noHris ic:d qtuGcffenc Templorum fenellra:
A,. L. Dixit qu~ tl videtNr
~' fe f

ilfa arx Regia, qtu Cracovi.t eft,

E. K. Subiro defcendit ignis & per tocum Conina folira ant~ domum ifiarn.
E . ~


apparet. Jam venit

Pox. Garil ud mafch, icb na gergalaht gemp galnBcb 6 :bAn!ada11.

Jubanladaa. h jan1 apparc:t fupra ChryUalium : & Chryft~Uus v1de::: tur ciTe pc:rmagnus.
Jub. Deus numeravit & dies tu os & pofferitatem. [E. K. R.e[picit A. L.] .t K Jam n:cc:ffic a ChryHallo vet!u~ caput irftus A L.
Jub, .lit a pdline tH~ 11011 c~tdet Capill14s H.n nmeratus, Om11ia lmtl' _(e babmt. [floc diit:it Je Ji 11tu r frum A,. L. npJ4d Lask .] Ec'e h.1be -vi n re.~ifmdz: A i conrra let:i?nl!m put,no. A, Perdicio te novit , & numeravit annos wos, & incipi e!fe forti::;: Q:.,!,ia illi eH Pote(tas AnticbrijlHt, data,lnfewus aperit os fuum contra vos, quia fciunc, quod vos glorificaci eri.:is in Deo. E~o vici quincum figillum, & mihi jam r<rtiftitur in fexro. ~1: Deus facic,non participant cum humano judicio. Ecce nunc Difcipulo~ fu:>s congregavic , &. docec. 0 Crelum & crrra quam magn.e funr mi!Cri.e, qu~ vexabunt unum & polluenc alterum ? [j(...)a b ni A116eli c11dent cHm illo & r;~lt Cl.m ;flm1 mt'tNent. Sed ilh ad rempus cadent, non in pcrpemum. A , Sa\vo judicio ~ ccldi:e Catholicre Orthodox<r,videtur mihi quod Job de ejufmodi Angelorum cimore, five cafu, & refiicurione, five purganone prophetaverir, Cap. 41 . ubi ~tiam addie de miraculis ejufdem: Sstb ipfo er ant radi (,{i-J , & fternet fibt aurum q14afi IHrHm. Antea dixerat. Cum rulatus fuerit timebunt Angeli, & territi purgabuntur, &c. A, 0 Deus quam terribile futurum efi tempus illud, &c. Jub ....... Scri,~ M Dei my_lteria, & Veo grati.JS agati1 pro ve/lro Ja !vo .flatu: f}2:fitt m11.re i'lu ttbrmdnbnt contra vo.c, & multi perier11nt, Ejus potentitt pr~valebat, & commutava veftrum curfu~ in loc~m illu incognitum: quia ab illis non erat e;:cpet1atus. Sed fugite llb hac terra , quur. M alediClio Dei eft fuper dlant. Cum illo eft una verittH: llle qui ;ll dunbus "iis erat,non plllct Deo. fi!!_i ad finem u(.;ue perdurat, quiefcit cum ga11d;(l. Sed ille qui pedem non ponit inter S corpioltl.'$ non potr,!f intrare [uper Goz.litcb. A. ~.d hoc? J ub...... . Gn1:dium in vera fapimtilf. Jub .... ... Hor notfrum ejf MllnHa, quiJ n!imur. Sed rgo Jum JanCiifica tus perCreationem, In .flituti~nem & rx Divina voluntate. Idcirro vas {anCJifico : 11on cum me11. propria fantiifi<atim.l', (e& illius Ju;fitin, qui mum originem fanEi ificat. E tfote M onw in Fide, fd quafi iJsf~tntes patientia. F acite qud JuJfum ejf, & ne oblivi,ni tradatu ve_;tra~ JJfitiam,.

B. K. Infinit~ ~uJfi locuH~ vel Aranc:a: cum faciebus humanis ilium circumvolitant, & guafi igacm in ilium c:vomunt
Jub ...... Et lev/tiJit fe contra vos.
Jub.... Fittt Jujfitia ejHs.

[To!lendo Crllcem [Ham .]

E. K Jam avolant pr~cipit~s, & quafi deorfum ruentes

Jub....... Cavete

jlramine : qNia i1fcen{Nm,tota domum i11cendit.

Q!!.em fenfum hie perpendemus nos: Myfticum ne, an marerialem?


Jttb ....


Jub . ...... Hominum fragiliflimar um. . D.ia.bollu c~m_lllw f raudu!mter orrr~tu.r : m~gn'! ~ft merces quf. ru, Sed qui apper.it fQres c~n.tenttom, tntr~ mzttzt Serpente~t. UU.zled~tr' funt mv1di: e fR:Jia illi{unt bened,ai qui f e mutuo dzhgv.nt. Pax mter vos fit ; quuz. eft neaa.rza. !J0.ut pacis ini.micifunf)Jottntes crmtra vos.
. K . .J~.m loqu~ndo) vi?etu.r minor~ mi~r paul~tim no~~
De ncftro deceffu ex Anglta qutd- tandem Jam Ret;ma & fm confihanrftatuenmn . ... . . Aprrit os fuum, fed liquor mm ejt fat is fr.igid~M . J am tjl: mtJH c t~-lidal 'teq; tt>ftingui potejf. Corda fui popiJli d o fall away. Her arms are weakened, her legs weaker, hcc fl10oes are full of forrow. E. K. The furious Monfiers affaile him again. Jub.., .... f&.!!_is eft, qui pote{t vivere, fi tr~tn[grediatur preceptum Dei? Vel q11id de illis judi.care vers, whom God impnteth fin UntO ?




E. K.

They ala1le him again, and he putteth his Croffe toward them.
Their mifery begimreth, and foal! havnto end, till he that fitteth here do end it.

E. K. The Monllers alfaHe him frill Jub ....... 1he wall muft b~ brok.en d > and th~n jhall It be [aid. Happy art thou which haft wn, dwelt among{t sa. But if thou live righteoufly, and afcend the flippery mount am, The11 Jhall God .ATigli.e btllt be merciful to them for thy fake. Becaufe thou mayeft be beloved, where thou art now defpi[ed, trir pr pttr and ha;t v 11nquijhed thy enemies, with the truth of vertue. He that entred into the lowejt kel!) CJ. ex mtrll and jhed his blood f or pur fins, b~ merciful unto you, and give you peace ; which is tb; [pirit of Dei mifui,or. P a tien~e, that J l U may live, not lik._e "mt, but as thofe that do fepar.rz te themf~lves fro m tbe -world, ai11. to the true contemplation tJf God his mercies.

. K Jam iritfa[ in Caput, A. . cum flamma ignis.

A, Omnis laus, honor, &

gloria fit Deo nofrro Omnipotenti vivo & vero.


11:mrfd ay, OCiobris 3. We came from Hriel to Roteroda'm in a Hoy of A mj1erdam,to go within land, here we lay all night_ . . Friday , Ouobris 4 We cametoTer.g.owd hora 3 a meridic: where we lay W tthm the Town
in the Ship. Saturday, OiJobru 5 We came by flarlem to Amfterdam, and lay before the Town alt night in th e Ship. . . Tue[d"rry OCiob. 8. We faited fr.om Amfterdam to Encufen, and .Erlmond Hi/ton went with my good s by Sea toward Dans(. . . Wen[day , 0{]ob. 9 We (et otffroin Encufe~ early : but by reafon of a contr:try wind, we came very !are to T;IerlinJ?..~em. Friday, oa~b. ): I. We went within land in little Scutcs from Herliugbem ( by Frain~er ) t o L('Warden. S!l1!{rdszy, OHob. 12. From L e-warden., we came w Dock.!tm ( in fruall8oaces, ) .~bout 1 of i:he dock: af-cer noon.

Sund.ry Ouob. 1 ~ Apud Doc~um in Frifitt Occidentali. Diu Chryfiatlus tanqnam l<tpis ni g~rrimus aplJaruit. Tandem in il)(a .l.apidis nigredine, appuuic homo nudus Cru cifixus fuper crucem: fd tamen non mon>tniJ\ ; ..Cr\tcis parte's infra manus, omnes fanguinolent:E videbanrur. F af"cia linea circumdabantr Corpiss cjus, (a peftore deor(unl ) & fines ejuklem fafcia: pendere videba,ltur circa ~r:11ua: & fang uinolema apparebat: &ex quinquc vulneribus ( utChrifii erac.) ysdcb4ltnr fanguis.gutta~ tim cad ere: Tandem difparuerunt b;Ec omnia : & quali deorfum fub1idere vidtbantur; &; 1a1)is clams faCtus eft, & apparebat Cortina a urea ; fuh ica crat h a;c muta~ iD.

dicit J qui tua judicia manifejltlf, ut po!Jis fuper terrrrm cognofci; & tit-' tutt g/l) rill a uplificetrrr, 1 11d c-,nfola tionem eorum qui elelli frpt.t, ..& ad dolorent, & dedectM t n.l.ium qui cruci/il,.({nt lz~men i;tuitdi ( Wligmitum Domini noftri, S ai<Jatorem hrm~~tni generis) quoz:~dre . Ecre port; pr.cfa;,Jtll [rmt iniquitati. Attollite oculos, & vid'ete quo. modo filii- homimmt !Hilti devhunmt rffe ; qui ti eorum habitatia eft [alia nigra, 1errafigillata ejf ad, eorum de firuuzoxem; (jJ!ilf.\f?eu!1! dereliquerzmt, & fibimet ipfis adb4erunt; & adhuc in partes d1Jecant Sfrvat~ro1i 1!11J;d' J r[um Chrio ftum [ ofc,/atur enfis fui crucem J contimt' cum blrrfphemu eo rum {ltcrifii-iu. , V e 'l.!lu',".q~i.J illos odio pnfequimur, & ve illis qui inter illos habitant/ ; quia iniquita~elftus.t po.llur.K.lO.rvttt>, dum ihter illos dfis, quia ve{tri inimicifunt multiplicati, quia vobis dico 1tu_ncium Dpm~ni.. e:>.:ercituum, Regis fide!ium . Kelinquite i7tfantiam, & vivite, & ambulate pt!T 1.1iar pnrdentii ;.:& vz1.fite nmt 7Jeo i1z domo fua. ~ia Do mM lnitjuo.r um, non eJf hJtbitati? vel!Mr;,r ~ prei1hlftit~,: ir~qik potefr No mew

. K Jam viderur lapis dfe va1de magnus, & ante lapidem fiar~ quidam magnus, ( quafi Michael) cum gladio ancipitc evomeme ignem ~x utraquc acie ejufdem. Mic . ...... .J~(ft & mirnbili-J 6- per ~ttttximt es tu, o A ltif]ime Drru: [ gwut ~ j{exw h.r.c


fl{elation of Dr. Dee hir AElion:r tti-th fpirits, &c.


N omen D;mini ejfcrri legitim~, i1t illegitima Natione, illegltima fallit, quia derdiquerun~~ftlltuta Thcr~ ~rd~ .tlltigimi~ Hoc dicit D~inru ; Eg,o fum Del .Juftiti.e : (<T- jurttvt & non, e{t un.U5 iJiter illos were much

qui vwef"~ i7'ftrno ne uv.~t .a11im.1. ~nnodo BeJfi~ t.Jle deven_r-unt / de quibus fcriP,tum e}f. e A.bj(j worn 1lotitia Dei: Hom'J ilfe fdti& eft penu Vita illorum, qui devorantur, & talium quos ignw con- fumpfir'fedibit in .1udiriJ'rontra iftam Nat1onem. . Blrffed and. Su.nUified , 1md for rverntore praifed "ltrt tlum ;, ..... Jud-ge; which bttft Jliid; ittUl Raigne/t for evrr, A :S!.ri-ii!~tir)licati fttntinimici nofiri, &c.

E. I(. He is gon1::

Si multiplicati func inimici no-Rri propter pecrata no{ha., tlt difticiiio r nobis intutn.;. bat lutta, Mif~:ricordiam D ei imploranms ut ip(e noftram etiam mttltiplicec forritndinem) &c. Gab ....... Pluck_ up your httzrtJ, kw your k_ner:s, & audice qua: dicit Dominus. ThJlr faith
the Lord, I_fyou will previle agttinjf the wirk_ed, and rej '}Ce antmg_tbe [an[iifird;you muff obferve. an.d k_rep [uvh co.mmandme}tts, a.s ar~ ordained hy tht God of Truth,) unto thofe that ~tre partitk._ers

Covennn_ . t

Ask.. Counfd of Gbd; Be milde.

Fa(t and pray.


Be CbtTrit,,b!. Vfe true F'rie~tdfhip in the [ehJice of God. Perfevcre to the end. Are not the[e Commitntlments necru.ry to be k._ept of all Chrzjlian men?. t:.. They are undoubtedly . . Gab .. . And muff of neceflity he k,_ept of tho[e that are fai thful

E. K. G abritl alfo noted thcf~ Com... d f bl man mencs ii1 a pair o Ta es, afctr he had pronouncc:d them"

.[ li. K He HJhdcth as thou.gh he il:ood behind a Desk, and preached or

taught. J
Gab. . .-.. Well tbou [try eft; L o our enemies are multiplied, multiply thou therefore our flrength 0 G!~d, N:ztrtrt u fuhjetl u_ ro you fo r the name of the L (/rd-, n t as. unto Kings, buf as unto th~ n Mini/f~rs o(hi-t eternal will, whereb)your juffi/ic~t tion u fettled above the work__s of N attire already~ 1-'or, beb,td, y u pattir.i}Jate tbe mercies of God thiottgE his Son Chrijt JeJ~, in >14: in that we cpen unto y~ u tho[e things t b-ttt have been [ritled; even from the Juff, for the which we are btcome fla vrs ttnto Corr~<ption ; }hewing our [elves in diver~ .fhapes, to tbf! dijhonollr of dUr Cr.eation : Yet are we quirk._ned and revtved, becau[e we are become the finger of GI)J: and you are [an[fi{ied,and witbal jutfi/ied) brc au(e you are touched with the finger o-f him. that reviver all th ngs; Therefore; Rejnyce, l~cjo)ce,be ]oJful andfing Praife; unto God, Pnd faint 1tot : [aying, Our enemies a.re r;[en up agai~tjt !M, yea, thty Pre multiplied ; for thJH faith the Lord, and it i1 aluady fpok._en bj
the J[oly Ghojl.

[ E i< l-Ie makerhnowgrc:atobediencc or reverc:niCc:] Frelices funr, quibur 'Der~r fpes eft. [ e_. K. He looketh now up unto a thing like: a Throne] Et omne opus optMtio Dei. [ E K Nowt-her~ comerh a beam down irtto his he~d, an-d he is eo:: vered with a great thing l1kc: a \Vhite cloud] E K. Novv the Stone is all on fire Now r:he fil-a afcendcthupward, the fht:aming beam firetcheth i~to his head {till . E.. K. There appearech alicde woman a far off, and lhe isJo.clear d tran!parem:, that there appearerh a man child in ' her;- She h~th a CJat as thoug~ ir were Crimfon, and. bath a long little face:, and hath a lhangc: G!k attire about hrr head .. aI Videtur effe uxor mea
0a&. , ...... Go woman, thy grief jhall be leJJe than it batb been.

. K. Habet multiu tttnqull*' par-vo-s nigros canes one artd tydh chcitmourhs With packthred.
E K~ A, great Wind blowerh _ !n O

pt;/l (e. Now goeth


So God u[etb to:tJve If [JUtjJkto the wick_ed1


De Angli~ & meo privaco 1~tu; oupio at>iquid audire : turn ex pietatec:.t<gapattiam,

tnm propter _f<1m::f me.e raE ioner11. Gab. :...... : ~ief.:ite pauMuht7 & it~nwt 'l.lenero. My Lord[11ith1 Let my f~rvants fit up,. b.~t!~e t:~ Jtnd: rak..~. their re;r, I wzll vifit thrm forthwith in pettc:e. had kneeled, :... After

- - -38

A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElion1 wirh (pirits, &c.

After a great quarter of an hour) he came again.

E K. He appeareth now clothed, Wilh' his garment barging "it~ bells of Go\d, and flaming fire coming from rhem, with fi~verifh Bamc$. He harh hanging abour his Cro\vn as if they were ieven La bells, the tOps of which come from above, from an uncc:rtain place and diilance Gab ....... Venit9 Morvorgran. E. K. He caUc:th with a loud voice E K. Now cometh a big black man, with a white f~cei and after hi~ hath 1.4. They !land in follr rows, and in every row fix.
Gab ....... Let me fee thy [ea!e. <.)}tor ....... Behold power is given to rue: Neither is the liquor thac thou minifirdl of any tafie with me; Neither lhalt ( be overcome, for I have placed my feac hc::re. Gab ....... But by w.~ofe.permiffi n? Gag lab nai.


E. K. NJW ..:~Morl!o :gran faHc:th doV1non his knc:c:s, and che rcfl on theit face Medicina Vei, mtlb, juftz,ia ~era. E K. T1 :ey tremble that h:flat on the ground. E. K. Mor"Vogra>~ fbewech to Gabriel on hi~ own lefc breaA: :a CharaCl:er..
Gab ...... For 19 moneths. Behold the will of God: Recaufe tbou haft confpired and rifm aga i11;1t rhe LIJrd, ht his cho(m, ant! half [aid; it if to weet tbofe tbar are [ubj di unto rhee, Let M nfe up t~gain} him, and perfecute bis fo~l: let tu ferretly entrap him, for, withoHt d111bt, b' is rich. And becaufe y ur confpiraCil's 11re not of theft onely, but [ alfo of murder : Therefore I f eu! thee with a Wl'a/t,rr power; And l:e it Nnto tbe according unt o the word of God, that jHdgetiJ Rigbt to fly. From f-oil unro worfe. From wrfe unto con(ujion. From confufion umQ d~fperat ion. From d efper/lt;on unto dttmnation. From d.tmllation Hnto eter11al de~tth.

[E. K Now Gabri1l did put another prick eo the CharaCter on his lefc

brralt ]

~tor . ...... Curfed be tb~t God, and defaced be his power; for he handleth us inunjufiice1 and dealeth with m without mercy ; Bc:caufe he is noc merciful nor juit.

E. K. Gabriel goeth from me to one of cbe z.4. and fealcdnhc:m Now thy go all away ; and he breaketh off the pomts of their Swords. They go by him.
A. ~is efi ifie Morvorgran, & quo modo h;rc nobis inftituit infc:rre mala?

Gab....... [1ock,.um, rh011 foalt carry this nutlice fiiJtto thy grn :e : Eut I hnvr made weak_ thi firengh. B 'red be thofe that entertain tb [e th11.t are ttnnoint(d in tbe L ord: for they alfojhall tnjfe of the oil of hu mercy. I had care ofJou,jaith the Lord, neither will I [i1jfrr you to pnijh in the w11y ; Therefore be thank..{ut, nnd forfak,.e the world; for the world bath forfu'<.m y ou, aJttt ronfpired againtt you. BHt thtfe things are nothing. Behold lajfly, th1M fa ith the L ord. E. K. Nov\7 comcch a falet or helmet on Gabriel his ht>ad, or an half

fphere; A great noile of many voices is heard as of Pillars that fell. Now
that thing is taken off his head
Gab ....... Thut faith the Lord.
[hall envy thee. E. K. Now comcth

The world on both fides, jha!L rtfe

11p againjt thu, llitd tbt)

a beam from above (again ) into yahriel hi$ head.

Gab ....... Gna [emerob Jebufan gonfag vi cap neph JehMjla'b om[omna dedo;!h.

. K. Looking up, he faid thus,

Hoc tft
Ne ptve.s repentht()

[E. ~Now cometh about his faa:. lirdc things of fmokc, and he putu:th

terrore : & er11entes tibi

potentiM Impiorll"''>

Las/tje, Domi1tU1.

them from his face He \"Vould open his mouth, and they come upon his mouth. They rife out of a pie before him, inumerable. Gabrie/ lc:emuh to be as big as one of us. [E. K. They fwarm continually. ]

true~lation of Dr.. Dee his

Aflions 'Jith fpirits, &eo

JJominiu ill~ Abr11bam


[ Gab.. , .. AdhHc D .. s laboro ]

E. K.




cometh another

fireaming beam down eo him]

a fire down by the fame beam that came

into his head.
trit in latere tNo,
[ .Adjutor me ut; ]

E. K. LookIng up .

. .. .. Now cometh a bigger fire down on him-]

._ cuftodiet pedem tuum ne capi11ris

[ E K Now they run headlong down into a great pit in the eanh, a11d one pinchcth me by the head.]

:!per a igitur in dominum Veum tuum

For thou thalt overcome;

v er it tibi Viaoria maxiffllt;

E. K, Now the aforefaid fpiri[~ invade Gabriel again.

Gab . ...... What 1 fuffer, is not lawful for man tofu; Therefore Ceafe for a "Phile,
fice nature: Rut return and hear of my commandment.


C K . He is gone, but his Desk Handcth fiill.

Sunday a meridie bora z. Octob~ 13. Gab ....... And hereby I teach you, rbat tbofe aJJlif1ions "Phich you fuffer in foul either for your offences towa rds God, or for the imperfeuionr of your mindes, being void of brotherly ch:~rity toward your neighbours ; ( And [o from you generlllly hereafrer, how great, or bow man) foever). o11gbt not to be m ani feJted or made open to tlu "Porld: but perfectly jhadowed , in Chttrity, bearing JO:<r own infirmities, and fo the infirmity of others with quiet and hidden minde. For the anguijh of thr f oul is compared "Pitb prayer, dwelling in one hou[e wbich O!tght to la t;gh with the World, and to weep t o"'Pards heaven. For every fin is noted, and tbe lea]f thi1tg as wdl anmtgjf thr Celeftiatbodirs, as the Terre.fliall is perfe{]ly confidered of. For fin hntb his end, and his end is punijhment. And fo, contrarywife of Vatue, W1[dom (in the one and twentieth Ent ie or L ... ,) His gnund is upon mi!dne]Je, wbich mildnfff( purifietb the body and exaltetb the foul, ma/l,jng it apt and ready to behold the heavens, receive glo rious illuminations, and finally hringeth in tht foul to participate, with 1u, nit earthly, but everlajting wi[dom. The Son of God "Pas fa ntrified in hw fiejh, through mildnr!Je, and was not of thw world, becaufe he was tbe mildne of J!e his F ' ther. Therefore be )'OU meek,.: . Be fervent in meek,.mffe. Then . jhall you tak,.e up that CrfJjJe which Chrztf [polv of, following him:' "Phich Croffe is t be Compaffion in mildneJ!e over thy , brcthren,.for (in fak.e : Not as worldlings do, !ookj,g, but 1tot lamenting. . The other part i1 in [ufftri~tg mildly the n.Jfli&ions of the world, and fiejh : Hereby you bnome Mart)'rs for that you mortifie your felve~, wbich is true Martyrdom. He that f orfak,_etb the "Porld for the love of God, i~ hw So.n Chri/f, fhall bave hi~ reward. But be that forfakfth him[elf, jha!l be Crowned with a Diadem of Glory: 'ThM faith the Lord, I am jealous over Jo u, becau[e you have vowed your {elves untQ '111c. But great are th8 temptations of the flejh, 11nd mighty il hw jfrength wheri the fpirit is wenk._. Bnt


A truefl{elation of D . Dee his .tJElions with Jpirits, &c.

But thus [11ith God :Jt_s bertcr to fill up the Soul_ with heavenly ronwnplation, 11nd cadeftical i food ; t1.reign in heaven, 11nd to be bdfJved of him: Thm to pttmptr th11 fiLthy fi~fh, whofe delight deftrfJjtth botb'?4.J (ind Soul. .. It is written, He rhat bridleth not his fl~fh , is give1J t o ri~ tol!{~teffe, which i-s the fleep of 4eath, ~tnd tbe jlumber to dejtruliion. But thit is true a~ftimnce , when con- . temni~tg the Wbrlrf. y :ujly the delight therein : refra.intng from pltafures : of tb_e .body, Ttmper:atig the jlef1?1 ~4 nt:rbJng it.')l)eak._, and that ,forth Lt,rd hisfak._e.. . For the fl~fh and [pirit rejoyce .not at onr:1 Neither can the fulL belly grone out true praJers; -Feed th'ere.fore.the So.Zfl "'l'ith the love of our fot iety. And bridle yo11r fiefh ; For it is zn[olmt. Cjne ~hing, I fay, look_ to )'Our {trvants. See , that in one houfe there dwell not delitz.hters in vertue and holine!Je, mingled witb fuch M harbour :vice upon vice : WhB[e drunkpm,.J fe is abomination:> and wbofe cliet Jfirreth up fornication, For wick.,Fdneffe is amongtt them :and they fe!lT not God:> neith1r do the.J ab{fain, accordi11g M the holy .GhoJt by his Church bath talfgbt. M al<,_e them clean: Thm fhall Y?U feel our pr-efence amOitg J )0!1 . A nd (Pe wiLl all of/( de(md you from the rage of wick..fdne.!Je. t We delight in the God of rrurh , and,in th~ worjhippers of Ju.ti~e. Th:ts fayeth the holy Gh~J,f : L o, I have made me a 1 abernacle, where tbe God of GJds reigneth in Juft. ice. A nd I wi{l fa;t(Jifie thofe places which rejoyce in ch~~.nty. M ingle thrreforc y our A lms With chariry. And let yo11r prayers and fajtiltg ~ mingled with Alms duds. f , r he that prayeth rwd fatfeth without mercy, i-s a lyar. Moreover, let your {riendfl..iP le fuch, M i1 of charity, and not of tiJit world: Neither for tbe worlds [flk,.r, tut for the fervice of God : A ll frimdjhlp e/fe H vai1 and of no acco1mt. 1, Charity i4 the gr(t f the H ,lj Gbo't, which H~lj Gbod i-s a k,.inJ iing'/ire , ~?titring things together, _throttgh Chri:f Jefus ; iu the true wifr.Lom of the F llthrr: Whi(.h fire. it of nQ {mall acc~unt, neither to be reck._olttd of , M the HearlmtS have done. Fot happy are thofr 1rbich are fed with ch11rity. For it i-s the meat of ut th4t are anointed, which iohe [on of God, and the li[.ht f.the wirld, A . Is charity the fon of God? . Gab. ... It i1 fo :He that W4lk.etb in charity wa 'k..etb in Gods f or ch~trity i1 the 1Pillof the [it~ ther, i! hit OTrlt J.,.fit,ht, and illumination of the fairhfull, thro~gh hi4 H oly Spirtt, The ch11rity of 1he Chur,b, i1 the H ~ly Gho.ff. .But he that dwelleth in charity, dwelleth m the hloud of tbe Blrlfrd are thofe tbat dwell iH Lt1mb, which it the will of the father, which iJ the Holy Ghoft. chari ty Perfevere to the cud .: N . t negligently, but 1Pirh gooJ 1Pill, whirh good will, if called fea r. W~irb frar i1 the beginning of wi[dom, the firjf.flep intn rejl. He that continuerh to the end, rrceivetb hi-s rrward: Bur he that leaveth off, i-s a damned Soul, Fini~ CtlrOI,la~ N ::ithrr H ]()UT juifification by the brghming, but frmr the end; M aHy mr1t begin, but few end. op~u. Paul w.u jujfljiN~ : Bera~tfe he died tlr Frvflnt of God, and not f or his pre~tching fake. He that dr<ellrth to the end, is the Childe of God: inhrrtter of e'L!erlajting life, mtd eq~tal with joy bimfelf 1 N ot the joy of jllyes, but tha.t jt.y which Goi h11th made equal with the joyr of his [on Chnft , in the Even in this pla~~ , . ma11y prrfo. s hnd ronfpirrd againjf you. But the comp.my of the fauhfull. FfJr the A ngel of the T r-wn is Jfrmgth of God bath [rated thmr: And they Jhallnot be tmpunijhed. [ta led , and his feal wt o d ejirullion: Thrice c14rfed are thofe which dwell within hi-s governmmt. But you are fafe, and fhall be fafely dehvtred from them. In England, Thry condrmne thy doingr, and {ay, Thou ttrt a Renegttde, For they fay, Thou httfi England. defpifed thy Prinre. Wbat w.ufd1t thou k_now of them ? Cea{e till yfJ'U hur tbe mtmber of their drftrua;0 , . Engl:lnd. Dd1re what plague you will (fai th the Lord) upon this people, for their ungratefulneffe,and 6 '"lrjlruEiio For the Lord is angry with tbem : and he [atth, -Judge yo1~ this wh~ed ] F. d<._um mihi they {hall he .afflicted. l l llctf]a ji ,K people, their Town, Meu, Women, and Chi ldren : And it 'jhall be fem that the Lord , the God of patm, rV' H.eaven and Earth, barh mercy on ;ou. 1:>. . Non nolha, fed Dei voluncas fiat, ad ejus nominis laudem & honorem. Gab . ...... Bid the fires fly from H~ave11, and confume them, and ic fhall be done: Or , fay, Let the Earrh [wallow them, Aud thPy (hall per.ijh. F r 1 httve made Heaven a11d Earth (f,1ith the Lord) 111~d : ]u!fice is for ry people. I ~m a flaming fit e amo11gji you, and thl' R1Jd of Jujtice It ts {ard, H eave 11p rby hands, and thou Jhalt be heard. The peace of him tbat is the fpirit of wifdome inflame your mindes wah love and charity , nud gr11nt yo" continuaHce to i,is glorie. b.. Amen.

]Jeo JEterno, Omnipotenti & Mifericordi fit omnisJaus, honor, & Gloria. Amen.
7'Ht[day 15. Oaob, We mad,e hard lhift to get from D ock.fim to A ngem by fun fet, 1bur[day 17. Ottob. We came from Angem to Embden, going without rhe Ille~, and comin~ iuat Wdlt:r En,b. We ('ame before the Town, by fix of the Clock afrer noon : hue could not g et in at the Gate, and therefore we lay all night a {hip board, buc my Lord A. L, wem over eo the Jodping on the other lhoar. Friday 18. OCI:ob. We came into the Town: My Lord lay at the white Swan raward the water~ fide, and I) and E. K. with my Children and Many at the three gplden Keyes; by the Englifh houfe. S1mdny 20. OC:tob. This day morning about eight of rhr Clock we went in a litte Hoy from mbdeH

A true~ elation of Dr. Dee his AElicnJ 'Pith JPirits> &c.

- -- ---

Embden toward Lyre, my Lord tarried at Embdm. We came late to Lyre : and the fame night we went from thence in a Je!fe \cute by Styk,;hu[oi to O!pm. M1mday 21. O&ob. By nine of the Clock in the moming we came to Oppen : a very .fimple Village, and from thence we went firaighc way to O!denburgJ,. <{ue[day, 22. Ottob. From Oldenhurgb, by De!menhur_/f, to Bru.me : and were lodged at an old Widow} her hou[e, at the Jign of the Crown.

-- - - --


Saturday Ol1obriJ z6. Hora xz.{cil, in M eridie. At Breame. t.. The Lord Albert Larkje, being ar Styck.,-bufen behinde us,with the Earle John of EmbJen and Friefland,&c. E .K. The Curten fcemeth to be far backw~rd in the fione: and the fiono

to be dear between the Curten and the fore-part the leggs oF men up to the: knees.
Jl, ...... Room for a Plmyer.

Under the Curcen I fee

t.. Then appeared one, and faid : Jefus, who would have thought, Ijhou!d have met you here?

E. K He is aU in his ragged

Apparel , down from the Girdle ftc:ed: But

above he harh a white Satten Gcrken


E. K. My thmketh th4t t h~ gra"'Pity offhi.-5 AeHon requireth a more gra'lJe geflure, and more gra'l1t JPeecbes Bear with me) though 1 fay fo unto you.
ll....... If I muft bear with tl1ee, for {peakjng foolijh!y, which art but fiefh, and [prak_e{l of thy own wi[dom: H ow mHch more ought eft thou to be conteNted with my f.e}frtre~whicb if appointed-()[ him, which reg11rdeth not the outward .form , but the fu!filliHg of hM will; ana the k.,.eeping of hu Command >nmts : rPhi:.:h if God : whofe wi[dom unto the world if foo !ijhnej[e, but unto them that fear him, llll everla r ling joy, mixed with gladndfc:, and a comfort Qf bfe hereafter: Pnrtak,_ing infallible H ow fay you to this, Sir, Ha? joyes, wit &hin rbat if all comdineffe and beauty.

A. By che mercies of God we are here: And by your will and propriety , and the power of God you are here. ll ....... Tujh, doubt not of me, for I am I. L.

e.K .
E. K.

He rurneth up his heels toe K.


I do not underfi:and your words: for becaufe I do ondy repent

your fayings.
11. ...... It is t!.Je part of him that is a fervant to -do thir duty: Of him that watcheth, to Iooft what he feeth: For thr: guat eft point of wifdorn, is, reverently, to confider thy calling. It is [aid> do that, '1Phich is appointed, for he that dQth- more~ is not ,a true fervant.


K. How can that be~

S ir, here i s mony: but I have it very hardly. Bear with

m~, fo-r I can help thee with no mQre. Come on Andtas, where are you Andras?

ll. ...... Speak_ when tby time c9metb.

E. K. Now cometh one in a Gown to him The Gown is bare Jike . a prc:nticc of London, a young man
Jl. ..... Did not I bid thee go yonder, a~td f etch me money.
Andrar ..... Whither.

Il...... This is one of them that forgetteth his bufinej[e fo foott tU it is told hfm.
And....... Sir, I wem halfway. Il.. ..... And how then l Speak_ on, Spealt,. on. And. ...... Then being fomewhac weary: I frayed, the rather becaufe I met my friends The third day J came thither: but I found him not at horne. His family told me) that he was ~ewly gone fonh. ll. ... . And y ou returned a Coxcombe. Well thus it is: I placed thee above my fervants, and did what I could to promote thee : and endeaveured day!y to mak,_e thee free. But I amrew~rd1 d with loytring, and have brought up an idle per{o1t. G 1 thy way, I will deliver thee t9 the Officer. The Officer }hall delzv.-r thee to the Pri{on : and there tbrmjhalt be rewarded. For fucb ar do that they are commanded, de[erve freedom :but unto tho that loytre, and unto fuch M Are idle , venge~tnce, [e and hunger belongr:th.

E. K. He taketh him by the arm,and ddivereth him to a man with a flaffe in his hand: and he putteth him in at a door. G . K. Now


A true'R_,elation o/ Dr. Dee his .Aflionswithjjirits, &c.

E, K. Now 11 himfelf goeth into a houfe, which all this while appeared o:\ rhc left hand.
[E. K.J Now he.bringerh another by the hand.]
Jl .... ~ U}ly think,_eth y oujhould be a fit man to d? my meffage.
E. K.

I!. ..... Come


Novv he "'hiipereth him in the car, and poinreth out h

A {fra~tge matter. [Pointing to E. K.] . . . . . . 11. ...... I have h':fineffe in Denmark, and thu fellow zs t!frazd to go thltber : Tell hzm , thou eo mejf from me, an4 thit,t I will come my felf fho rtly. I k,.now he wilL do fo mHcb for me, h'e bath had -much acquaintance with me, ...... I care not, if I bad fome man to lz,eep me Company,

11 ...... I -wrrrrttnt the man, be not abafhcd,

[E.K. J

This new come m2n fa id fo.] K. He vvhifpereth again with this man in his ear.

IL ..... The[e good fell~ws are not ready, or e/fe they might go with thee. Go .thy way in Gods name: See that you do jour bufineffe. I /zeep [nch [(rvants, IH none in nll the Countrey k..eepeth. E. K. He keepeth no fcrvants. ll. ..... Meddle with that, you bave to do with all. I prnj this man, and tha:t man, and every one decei11eth me. Good Lord, rrhe~e jhould 11. man finde a. true friend ;tow adnyes ? I wilt go and tell the /znave that he p~ovide for him[elf. For it will be marvel/our b~trd weather. You were bejt to do [o, fe,~{t you blow your Nails. E. E. He fpeaketh to one within the houfe. 11. ... ,. Tb& you fee me ( Majfers) how I am troubled with my fervants. How now what aileth thee l [E. K. There comcth :a woman round about his houfe, ~nd the feemeth

to pafie by him She is in EnglifhAttire.]

11. ..... I will lz.now what aileth her to cry. What aileth thee? Woman. One of my Children is dead. ll. ..... A I<H poor Chi!de : H ow qnn {hildrm refift cold? foe might httve k._ept' it warmer. Cold pierceth,wherc jho t cannot enter. >. This woman is not of our Company ? t I trufi, None of our Children, lhali peri!h in this cold, 11. ..... Ha, A,your C~ildren? you k._up them warm: I t will do them no hurt. Tbo[e that are warned, efchue danger to come: For mny things are prevented b.J t/,e quality of wifdom. ~. I trufi, we !hall fafe arrive at the place appointed, in Crac~w, or e)[ewhere. c.. But as concerning Vincent Sevi, brother in Law to the Lord A lbrrt LIH'k,.ie, I pray yon to !hew us the trmh of his fiatc. E. K. I fee him walking in a fireet; and a thick man withhim ; And Ger..

U/b feemeth to come after him.

The thick man his beard is fomewhat like my Lord his beard, he comcth after Vincml , Vin1en"& hath a black f;tten Dubblet on, cut with cro!fe cuts ; He hath a ruffc about his neckJ a long one edged with black, or blue
b., 1 befecch you. I. L. to !hew us what Town that is. 11. ..... sp~akjng to him that jhewetb it: for I !hew it not. t>. 0 God.

11 ...... I rcmem!:er not the name of any fuch Town.

~em Deus

n on amat, non novit.

E.k. Now rhc Town appearcth agam, the Sea runneth by it.

an old rotten Chur.ch Handing at the Town end. 6 or &o n1ilcs off o E. K It !eerneth to be Embden in my judgement E K. But Vi~~tent and Gerli(b fecm not to be in one Tovvn,or flreet

There is The Town feemeth ro be

t>. I befecch you to fay unto us whether A. L. befnrni!hed with money, at Grave John his hand, fo as may fcrvc our turu, or no. I! ...... I f I have not told y~u already, I will. You grudge at mt,

[E . .K.] He fpeakcch to E. K.
11. ,.. Judge

J true<"R.!!fation of Dr., Dee his AE!ions -with jpirits,.&c.

Jl. ...... ]uJge~ my 1/iords with reafou, nnd thou jha!c finde .tbem true, 1 ouchtf.rm witb underfta nding, and thou.fh,.zlt finde them profound. My lVords are tr/Je, BeCI17'[e Tam (ent b] Truth : W bofo-. Neither are we to [peal<_1,ravely, whmwe ta~~ upon Uf the per[ons of BIIJt'rs and Se!lers. eve 1' doth the wilL of his Mafter truely in tbis W or!d;.fha!L be la1gh~d to [corn: B1t w&oro [peak_,ftb worldly and fendetb otit jhadows;, if a:co11nted a pillar oF tl.'e Earrb. Happy are tbo[r> which are not fooiith, neither in work_,( fay, There is no God ;. Such reqtle/t , [~;~eh mzfwer. Such earthly minde,[ hea~enly m?tiolts. Yet Huvmfpea!(etb truth, awl. tbe Eartb lyuh. T hit is not 'i1'.J uch office wMich I bave tak_en i~t-band; y!t brcaufe I have dealt with jou as a worldling, I w as the fitt e/f to an[wer yor1r worldly expdiat1on. D.. As you have dealt wich us, not according eo your office, but ac~ording to o~1r worldly expefration : So now do we d efire to undedbnd fom ewhat accordmg to our lugber and heavenly expe8:ation, of oar doing the determined will of rhe Highdt


Bl\ He is gone, and al ~the Srone as red as blood.


Vide in[ta,

B K. Now he is come again; ard fiandeth in the fire.

Il. ...... Tht~ [aitb the L ord, I have taught you h'lW to live, I have [et y ou Statutes, and have wijhed you nry Peace ; .Follow me,and I will be your God : F or unto them dhat at'e wife,jhall Sup.ril i11 fine there be more wifdom given; But ulfto them that are become foolijh, my wifdolft if a . . . , dw 13: OU. &
The[e five years to come, are the Deliverance . . . Yea ,[ orrvw }hall bring forth her Childrtn;~P~,~:;h~fi.e My H ow;ur }hall be defaced, and nry holy Places pluci{_t. No man bath ever [em fuch a world: F or of An. 11s4: N ow jha.ll t!Jry f ay unto tht M ountains, Come and rov er M , and unto the Water;, Swallow u. up: t 5Sf , l~Ss, for w~ know there is no God ; ndther if there. any care of M a;tk_,ind. I will plague the peo- 1 587, 1 588. pie> and their blood [hall become Rivers. Fathers jhall eat .their own Children.' A ;td tbe Earth jhall be barr en: The Beaffs oft the field fhall perdh,_ A11d the Wdtersjha!l be poifo;zeda The A1ro jhall infetJ her Creatures, And i11 the Deep jhall be roaring ~ Great Baby/on .fha/1 be built; And the fon of wickednelfc,jhallji.t i~ Judgement. But I will rrferve tWJ Kingdoms rm'touched, And I wi.ll root out tbeir wic~dnPffe. 1ea, thM [aitb the L ?rd, From the North jha!l co:ne t From th~ Whirlwind, A 1td t!he H ills .fhall open their mouths : A1:d t-here jhall a Dr ago1t fiie out, fuch M t-{onh. ttevrrwas. But I will be glorified by you) and by thofe that are not yet dead. And you }hall have power, fucb as I will be glorified by. K eep thr:refore th~ Statutes which I taught you, Forget not my words : For 1 thofe that look., back., there H great wo. Happy ar~ they that continue t d mto the end. Amen.

. K. Now he is gone.
D. ...... .

E . K. Now ht is come again

]1. .. . Thur f aith Jehova: 1 a,m the beginning an.J the end, The root tt1td, life of all R.igbt e. oufneffe. I fay ,. ( Bf'ny (elf) I a~z with ' ]OU~ A~d will blre you in Rigbte. ufne.J[e . Cea[e . o therefore to move-me; fo r I am Abmghty, And znqlllre not of me, wl:iat I have.de~ermmed; For Vrd~fup~1 7ime growth, and 1 am a Juft God. Therefore Cef![e, Ceafe, I fay; I in my ftlf fay Ceafe. Call not upon my name in defiled places ; L ea_(t the wir.k.fd ones bar what I determin. I . will vi fit y otL at your jonrnyes end : l will rdtifie my promife to you: Be iwha(ie therefore : At our JourAnd fiie fr:o m fin ; And f/ie the[ociety of [llch as are accurfed : For I 'tZm j ealo11i dver my people. neycs ~:nd. Yea I will not fuff~r them to drink_. or ta.fle of their vefftlr. Be you unto me a people, that I may behold my people: .And I will beumo you both, A God fo r ever. .

E. K. JL. faith Amen, and falleth all in pieces, as frri.1ll as a!hci; E K. Now all is Clear, and the: curtain is come ae1ain

Deo Omnipotenti fit omnis Hono r laus & gloria,in fecula Je~lor~m.


Friday 1 Novemb . 1)88'. Mane At Brtame. Albeit we were willed (~Lord) to Ceafe : yet underf!:anding the fame warning to have been meant (or Enquiring of thy Myfteries and fecret Det ermiJtatioJts, wherein we intend .now r1ot to deal, but in matters before and laf!: moved, and wherein we were not fully fa:tisfied; that now we niay niore exprdfdy b e certified, and that is of three tbings. Firfl for Vincent Seve . Secondly for Edmond H i/ton, (Jone with the Ship toward Dansk_. And Thirdly, as concernin!I hel p for money for the Lord A /b . L tisk_ie. And herein we c~a ve either the miniflery of jubanlad.eecb, or of If; or whoni fo'ever elfe it thall l'ileafe thy Majdly rorend


.E. K. A man with a black Gown appeareth with a Cap, falling neck, with a big Book under his arm e.

in his

It Chould feem to be A phlafbrn, my good Angel.

E. K He bath a white R.obc under the bla.ck Gown} which goeth all G %. under


A true Relation of Dr. Dee his Atlions with {pirits, &c.

under his Govvn, nailing behind him; bur, -the whirc Robe traileth not; his Gown hangerh on him , as though it wc:rc falling off his ihouldcrs behind.
t.. 11.1 the Name of Jefus,the King of Glory, are not you Aphlafben my good Angel, by the mercy and power of God, fo affigned?

e. K

He looke[h very anciemly

. ..... fmpire, Mo.Jt high Glory, and thank..s, throughout all Creatures, be unto thee ( 0 eternal God) fir.ft . . Secondly redeeming, and Thirdly [anCiifying the World in bit Creat:io11, Now,and for ever : .And uf long as it jhall be fa id Ofanna in the ~ire of the High God .. Amen. t.. . ..... Arnen, . ..... Amen ....... AnMn . .... ; A1anifold are the Merries of God towards man,whofe ba[eneffe de[erveth no [uch grace and mojf unfPeak_.able' blef!ing : But fuch is God ; what be ju}lifieth him[elf, in the ftrength of hit mercy, and heveth his honour with hu own holine]Je. For what it man, that can jujtifie htm[elf? or that bath any thing, wherein hit bowels can re;oyce ? Wh~rein can b~ determine happlneffe to himfelf l Or how can be compare him[e!f with the trees that are fruitful ? If the life of man be fin, then if it bateful; But who is he that hateth it l But even be which is above, and is f~trthejf frot ini<JUity. Great, therefore ( 0 maJt ) are thy miferies, when naturally thou art, and lovejt to be hated of God, who[e [ervice is J uftire, and who delight Peace. [e Cfmfider therefore the Mercies of God, tbrougb his loving k,jndneJJe towards thy weak.;neffe : And ack,_nowledge his Power which mak,eth tho[e !froJtg wbich bave ;zo force of themfelves. Gather not up your ow1t inventzons ; But be fazt!Jful fervants, performing the will of him which [an{]ijieth you with obedience : for. of dujl you are become fiejh, and of fiejh the [ervants of fin ; that at length you might be made free, through y our own' confents in the mercies of him wbich bath entred into y1ur weak._neife, and weighed out his blood for your Redemption : Even be which bath ptt;ed the uttermoft permy of your Ran[ome. And why? N IJt. to the intent you jhould brag of your [elves. But bath chttrged in conditi~nyou Jhould maintain juflice into tbe work_s of Rigbteou[neffe. Vnto wbom isH eaven 11. [eat ? bztt 1rrtto fuch as are fai thful fervants: Wherein the Dignity of your Majfer is k,nown, of whom it is [aid3 Bleed are tho[e that ferve the God of Hofts. If any thing, now, happen unto you, that is the riches ofyour Mafter, Be thanl<.fulfor it; ttnd confider bis ltberalitie: And how much the more he openeth hif Trea[ures to you, Be fo much the more thank_.ful; For unto [uch belo1tgeth the owner.fhip of more, and the reward of [uch as are ten times f aitb.ful. Ha pp] are th?[e to' whom it it [aid, Thou good [erv ttnt. Be no Gadders,forthere is no hou[e to tbe hou[e of your M-zfterA Talz.e lmd alfo, !eaft you minifter his bread, to [uch M are his enemies, and [o, unworrhy: for unto both tbefe be!ongeth tbe rewar-d of unfaithfulneJJe. Be not high-minded, when you borrow your riches, lcJf the moths enter in and corrupt your garmonts: for Pride is the depb of fin ..... Cea[e not to rebuk..e the dijhonouras, o .... Neither maintain the homur of any other : For he. that entertaineth you, bath [ea!- ers edyou for others, And bath ftrengthe~ed you with Auth:~rity, The Rd of his Ju(hce. Generally thefe things have been [pab,_en untb you, and thefe Leffons are not yet to learn : Br:t happy Are thofe whom God fanCiifieth; being unholy, And Wt times bleffed are the Temples wherein hu Holinrffe dwelleth. True it is as thou [ayeft: Generally men are [an{]ijied, tbe people of the Earth through all Nations., myftically: through the mercies of God : But where the [anDijic ~ttion agreeth not with the thing [anCiified, there entreth wick_edneffe. The Spirit of God u not fan flified in Hell, Neither i! hit holy Temple beauttfied with the feet of the unrighteoM. It is written, Dogs honour not bread., neitber defiled ptares things that are holy: For as Hell dijhonorireth Heaven, in refpea of unrighteoufnre: So, thofe that are wiclzed dijhonour the vertuoM, a1td [uch as are truely holy,by fo ciety : and they {fin~( of their wick._edneffe. For it if written, And Satan went from the prefence of the Lord, leaving a jtink._behind bim. The ligh t of tbe Su~t is tak_en from the Earth, by the congealed cloud. The fins of the people, and fiLthineffe of places, nre put betwun vertue and the things Sacramental. Therefore, it is not true, that thou mayefi lawfully caH upon the Name of God in unhallowed places. t.. 1 crave pardon for my ignorance, and errour herein : But I required not to know of the heavenly Myfieries; Onely fueh things I d emanded information of,which not onely were above humane power to anfwer, ( and fo might feem worldly myfreries: ) but alfo the true good news of them, might, many ways, be comfort unto us and ours. ..... Behold i,z Ifra el, the rough ftonrs are acceptable A ltars, And the ftinkjng Caves have been "-.nown unto the Lord. And why l Becauf~ the place was holy, netther this filthin e here, nor of JJe any thing e![e crea ted, hindreth: But the filthineffe of the place and Country wherein they flrt: defiled ; for in pure places, the defiled are bleJJed. David [anCiified Saul, with the prefence of hi.J Annointing, and bu Harp [pak._e out the wonders of the Lord. We come unto you here, becaN[e the will ~f God in yrmjhineth: But the filthineffe of thu Country ob[c:ureth the beauty of our meJ[age. N ot that it is ob[cured in ~,but hindered t!Jrough wick_. ...... from you. Therefore flu tbe company ~f Drunk._ards, and fucb as we ~..... their own underjlnnding.

[ . K. He holdech up his face and hands to h~aven-ward.

...... Drunk._ards and fucb as defile themfelves are ttpt to k._now things worldly ; not as wife men do :

A true '1( elation of Dr. Dee his /lElions with JPiritJ &c.


de: but that thr World mily be a plague to their iniquity. Thou defire/l pardon, and called.ff th.. bufineJJe a worlrliy myjiuy. But the myfteries of this world are put under the feet of the faithfr~!: whicb ( tiver[een through God) are generally comforted and dirdied. Then, therefore what care remaineth either o.f the Sus, or of the flimy Earth ? where, on the o1u [tde> thou rega rdeft the Ship, nnd on the other fide c...Jvloney. I fay unto thee, God c.orreeteth this world and the ciijualties thereof, left thofe that are of thee, {h9uld blafpheme his 1tame. A. Bldfed be his holy Name, and his Power magnified for ever. .... .. Thy goods are [afe, And the Earth.fpa /1 provide for you. Be not you careful; for unto the ju ft,yea even the hairs of_h_iJ head are numbred. I am filent for the JJI"or!d; for it iJ not my propriety : But notw_ithftan~mg ask,. and tbo.ujhttlt 1:ot be J.en7ed. . A, As concermng Vmcent Seve > h1s ftate and belllg, we are -very defirous to be mformed.

E. K: T'incent Se~e appeareth here, going down by Charing CtoffeD

There is a taU fellow vvith a cut berd \Vith him in a skie.coloured cloak.. VirJcenl bath a great puff: This man W;titcrh on hlm with a S~ord. :He is going down into Vveflmin{ler ~ard : He is now talking with a Gentle, man on horfcback, who hath five men following him, with Cap:- cloaks fhort, and mufiachcs; And he on horf'e back is a lcari vifaged man with a fhort Cloak and a gil r Rapier; his horfe hath a Vel vet foot-cloth. E. K. In rincen~ his forehead is written; Where pollJer )}}anteth, rigor weaknetl:>. E, K . Vinc~nt laughcth heartily ; and ihcweth two broad teeth before. He holderh a little flick within his fingers croaking. On his left hand he hath ~ skar of a cur, on the nether fide of his hand. Vincent hath a pair of bootes on, which com.e fl:raight on his legs, and very clofe. A great many boats appear at White-Hall, One is graffing in the Garden there. Many people are now coming out of Weflminfter Church. The Gentleman on hod{.: back alighteth no"', and goeth do\vn tovvard the Court before Wejlminfler. Hall. Be goeth now up a pair of fi:airs; and there fi:andc:th a fellow vvith a vvhite fiaff Vincenlis gone in whh him; The fervant walketh without. The fcrvantgocth to a Waterman there. The Waterman asketh him, whe;:; rher that be he ; that is the Poland Bifhop? The fc:rvant a~keth hi m, what bath he to do? Now the ferv~nt goech from the Warcrman. Now com. cth one down rhe O:airs, and faith to the Servingman ,.that his Mafler ll1all be difpatched to morrow The fervant faith, He is glad of it. Now all that Shew is vanifhcd away. Now come there two han.dfomc men, they have Cloaks on their tboulsers, and they have hats oa like Tankard .Crowns. One of thele fa id,
A .... Junderftand by the King, that he beareth him great favour.

The other faid,

B .... But Kings when th~y become rich, wax Covetour. But do you thinft he will come this way? A ..... , Yea mary, if he be wife; for he ]hall find nt1 better friendjbip than in Denmark. Here i.r the fellow, he bath brought a bag ofAmber.

B. K H~taketh the fellow by the {boulder, and faith; Come awayi He bath been an old doer

E K Now tbey are gone, and that Shevv

. K Now


./l true'l{elationo[Dr. Dee his Aflions

~ith {pirits, &ea

B. K No\v is the 6dl: man in the black Gown come again .

.. . .. , Thru you fee, the World anfwereth for the World, Be merciful. Flee pr:ivy leak.,es 5 for the Dwil is ready 11t every corner. Be H umble ~Jnd Obedient. Tbat receiving the reward of true Jer'Dants,JOU may rejoyce as Enheritors of evcrlafhng f reedom; The reward of Juch lls a.re faith~ ful n the end. God grant you may fo be. Amen,"

. K Now cometh [he Vail again which aU this .while was gone behind rhe- Ston~
t:.. Deo noftro Omnipotenti,mifericordi,& jnfio fit omnis honor, la us, & gratiarum a..Ctio, nunc & in fecula feculorum. Amen.

!:>, ~hile we were at Bream, among many other things told and delivered .to E. K. a~ he was by h1mfelf., by a fpiritual ' Greature, I know not who, nor of how good efiace, or what d!ate he was of: This parcel among them be held in writing, and imparted to rue; And I .thought my pains not ill befiowed, to keep the fame in record here.

Two ye2rs and , quartcr,fhall be An. r~86. in January.

Gani/11-f that, in houfe mofr fiery fairer than the Sun, Hath.honour great, faith, give !)lace, your former courfe is run ; Therefore Brft framed Clouds unknown draw near with mighty frorms, Wherein fuch bodies li e obfcur'd, or cake ten thoufand forms. Your bellie3 firowting long difclofe, and on tb.e harlot earth> Seem fair to man, as when the waves as Midwife h elp .. r birth, Twice jhall the Sun put on the heavens, and once look..qullrter way, And workjftguncouthworlds,build up a City,where men.[ay ~ The l;Ioliefi fiood : And Beares bring in ufurping fire at hand, And people [pread return, whofe new built altars flaming fi:and. Whilfr fuch as ftrangers were Cate[y cry, and bloody knife, With privy lhame defil'd bekye~~ a thing n .. fo,metime rife, From midnight UntO noon, tWO parts and more fhall flaughter feel, And all the World from South, ta{le all, down force, ~?f fire and fteel. Small wonder though the earth at fhadows fighting nothing grieve) When mighty Seas lhall <lry, and heavens lie, who can live? That mortal eyes lhali fee a T eq1ple built with precious Stones, Or Creatures ftrange made .new in fight, of old and long dri'd bones. Or Ang els dwell on earth: bur I whafe firy fingers can Unloofe thrice fealed Books, and utter worlds nokiiown to man. 1'fee thefe curfed-wights, whofe borders lead thy journey on 3 Shall witb the t~irtieth moneth,bt bought, or fold, or fully gone. A nd England perijh firft. .w ith Moths long h.a rbour in her sk1rts, The Spaniard lofe their King, and France rebtl and fall by fpirts. And holy man ten dayes befieged at home, with thefe dayes whelp!>', Till he at length made free by fudden force of Y ertues helps. '1he Polijh King bath play'cd, and friendly manfh.all then bear [way, Amongft earthly friends, and fuch as hope of former faith decay, At ldr wear high eft Crown, if fall from vertue mak,es no loe, .And h1idfi this coil to come in fpace of new come layfor to!fe. Th~n lo, Come other times mofi Holy, and a Kingdom fhall, From He.aveQ come, and things forthwith again to Order call.

Saturday 2. Novembris we rod from Bream,- two great mile to a Nunnery called Oftarhold. Sunday Novembris 3 we came to Fure o~ Fu~eden. Monday Novemb. 4 we came to bed to Hflrburgh. Tue[day Novemb. 5. we came to Buxtenhadnl, and there by 9 of the clock in the morning we took waterin two great Skutes or Boats, Horfe-wagon, and our ftuff and all, and ferryed clown the little water, till we cntred the Elb, and fo cro!fed firaig ht over to .Blank,,pt 1uzfen : there d ined, and <\fter dinner by coaches we came to H amburgh, where my Lord lay at the Englifh houfe, and we at another lodging, a widows houfe. Wen[dPy Novemb . 6. we rid to Tritiiw 4 mile from Hambur:gh, a little Village, having left


d true 'l(elationof Dr. Dt'e his Aflions

~ith fpirits~ ~c


my Lord hehinde : .a nd a lfo milling my Children and fervants, which were gone before us an other way to my great grief: till l:)y m idnig~ t, by fendir1g out mdfengers to liften and e!!quire after them, I heard of them. I, my Wtfc, Rowland,f'Jurfe, and Myrcopsk.,ie, my Lord h1s man. Thur[iay, Novemb. 7: We came to Lube~, aud were there at Inne , at the figne of the Angel, or rather St. Michael , at :a. Widow her houfe , a very honefr Hofteft;. Saturday, Novemb. 9 I received Leners from rh,e Lord Albert LMkj.e, of the Engl_ifh mens ill dealing, :and confulting with che.Townf-meh of Hamburgh for my' .fray, and conveymg back again into England, &c.
WedneCday, 13o Novembris, 1583. UUane hora 9~ At Lubeb,_. Per horam fere, per interva!lft, variM feci mu!' petitiones & f~pe oravimur. At length appeared a [word, tw~ edged, firy, or rather bloudy, and a bunlh of rags hanging at the t op of it. The rags feemed ofWoo1len,and Linnen Cloach : like a bundle of Rags gathered out of a Taylers lhop. Thefword ftood upright in a manner, butleaning from E. K. his face, chou6h it feemed to [mite ~t E. K. A voyce. So beit, ( 0 Lord) fo r thon art mighty. Be it [o unto them : For they have embrac:etl 11n Harlot; a1zdhave forgotten thy iea:foufie.

Many arc:: the Harlots that fvvarn1 upon the c::arch) and inhumerable arc their Childrcn,and fuch as they foflcr. Their rc::vvard is ready. E . K The fword now fhaketh again mightily .
...... He that mtreth into the hou[e of tbe wirk.fd i1 defiled.~ but he.that confenteth with an Har u accurfed, He that delighteth in her [ecrets, }hall be fta~bed. And Leprofie jha!l dwell in bi1 houfe f or evrr. A. 0 Lord, I truft, this ~efpefreth none of ns, in common fenfe to be underfiood . . . He that delighteth iN light, loveth not himfelf, but defireth the Love of him,thllt itlumin. te_th : a But, tbll4 faith God,. I will not dalljwith you: Neither Jhall )DU handle m_r, 4f you have done. For, your Horedom, i-s wilful!: and your vanities wor[e, But this 1 leave amongft you, that yorl jhall k.pow that I am righteoltf. For, h~ that de[pi[eth nre, i1 accurfed; and unto him that diffembleth 1'1) fajhi9n, are mi[eries without number. So , unto them, that enter nto the houfe of bla[phemy, is vengeance ready ttt hand. A. 0 Lord, what is tbi~? Man is but earth, where the heavens dwell:-tieither. are the works of man acceptable, but with righteoufnefe.

E K The fvvord &aketh mightily.

There appcarcrh a man with a Bible about his neck;Hkc: a Daetor. and he fl:andeth mifc::rahly i!'Jfire. And fo likewife appear~d divers other with Bibles about their necks, and they in fir~ likcw1 fe. Still come flames from the earth, and encrc::afe the flames of thefe men about th~m 'Thfre 2ppeareth, and endleffe. .. me, mofl: terrible with fire , and other mofl: hi~ deous ffllews~ .... They be fuddenly gone aw~y. And all thefe men be now no more:: in fight.
E. K.
A voyce. Happy are tho[e that fee, and can remember. Eleffed are thofe that hear, and are not forgetful!. A. Thefe words, and thews, 0 Jefu, mak e evident wbat...

E K All is gone, exceptthe fword which Handcth in a Cloud, and rhere cometh! hand and fetteth a feal upon the fword
you, the more J'ou are defiled .
A voyce. I brought you fro m iniquity, t" the intent you might be purified: But the more I cleanfe .. .. . I have offered of old, anJ it jhall be told. I have promifed , and it ./hall be perfcrmed. You have not k,.ept ~y Commandments., .And therefore youjhall be plagued. , He thllt goeth out of the way, fhall recezve the reward 9f errout. For {tragg!ers, are [potted febp!e. And none can he bleJf'ed, but fuch M dwell in the Tabernilcle of rigbteoqfneffe. But behold' I will tell it unto J'OU but wzth greater hard~ee. And I. will mak,_e yon k.now me, before I vifit you in kjndnrjJ'e, For tbiH [ayeth Sat ban. Lo, they erre jti!!. Do ]u_/ficc for thy glory [tt~e. 1he_y enter into tbe hou[es. of I dols: _ And laugh with blafphemers. 7hey ar_e filent, when thy name is b!a.fphemed. Deal wztb th~m M a G ;d: or el[e tbou art not righteoM. Therefore, ~e free from S athan; that bt mllJ praife your :tighteoufnefJe. Yea, that he may fny, M he bath [aid. Let me touch them~


A trueRelation of Dr. Dee hi. AE!ions owith (pirits, &c. s

Vntill then; 1 will be ju(t. I wit! not ffJrget rhis wick_edne.f[e, tilly:JU be made clean. For, behold, 1 have Jealed it : and thert:fore it mujt befhtijhed. For what is fealed of me, cometh to p11jJe. A. A voyce. He tbu.t di.fJemble th the zmnge of Chrift, h a liar.

.... , . Nr.w cometh a grave man, all ~loathed in white, with a Mytre upon hw head . . . . . Tbe God of pent:e if .a con!forting, Medicine, to fucb, M delif,ht in him, The peace of the worlrl, if the ima1,e of God : God a1td man,-wbich w Je[Uf Chrzft, the [& of ~he livi1tg God: Which n k_nit with the father 111 the fpirir of truth' (proceeding from them both ...... e'lJerlajring will,) opened bis nurcies to his Apo{f.!cs, replenifhm.g them fully and mightily with the will of.the fatbtr, to the comfort of the world : Wbich, made mefJilgers tbereof, have delivered to the Cburcb, full and perfeCI Statutes (M the Will of him, whereunto jh~ if unzted and married) to be k..;pt inviolable , and. without transgref!ion. Thw Will, Covenant, or Decru, ([ea led unto the end of the world in th~ number of the faithfu.'l) whofeever brea'k.Jth, or diffembletb,i-1 accurfed, or damned. Tberefor~ faith the word of God tlnto you:Tou have run affray, you have entred into ~he houfes of Idols. I have brought you fr' m ftre, but you ii're entred into flames. ANd why l Becau[e you defile your [elves with the wick..e4neffe of deceivers : Who[e imag~s you [aw affirmatively, though,Hot verily: Continually overwhelmed with aa.i/yJ and inextinguible flames: Continning even fo long , M their errour is exalted; Yea' even in the profeffors thereof' to thur eternal damnation. For M Chrijl: ' and his VoCirine ir light and truth: So [eem the impofitions of Sttthan to agree, or tak..,e unto themfdves, .fhaprs or llk_enejJes of the true image of him that [avetb: Whereb_1 he truj1eth in himfelf under the colo11r of nJeek_neffe, into the companie of the fa ithful/; Dev9urint, their Sor<ls with ra'lJe~ting, diffemb_!ing-:, and fa!fe lik_e!yhoods of truth, unable to be decided by man. Happie are tho[e that believe them not : For he, even he it w, that w a liar , and w o!dejt in der.ett. But M the fat her if eternal: Sow the [071 eter.nal, which eternity of the fath~r and the [on, w the holy Gho(l: eternal, priJceeding equally, ar tbe finger of God, and [pirit of truth, to tiJe general work,:manjhip of Gods. determination k._nit together, three Fer[ons. [E. K. He maketh a great reverenc curfie] in thu omnipotency by [piritual illumination, and through the holy Ghoft delivered unto the Apo(fles, M . the pledge of God Eccltjia his mercie and promife, i-1 alwayes certainly linb,ed , j ? yned, and cngraffed into the [ociety of th?[e 6 Cbrijli. that fulfil! the will of the highejl perfea!y, and without errour, whofe jtrength jhall cont'intte , and glorie branch out, even unto t/;e end of thw world, and beginning of comfort, Therefore, believe : For tbe [pirit of trutb work_e t~ w_/nders, raifeth the dead, 1md hath power to f orgive fins. Through the power of him, unto wbom zt w m a .... For, a; Chnjt bath all piiwer in heaven and in eartb delivered ... , .. Sv buth be deliver.ed all power in heaven and ~arth to his true Church. Therefore jhl: cannot erre. For where power is "flithout meafure,errow hath no number: Bdieve not theufore tho[e that lie: fayittg , '1be Church of God w iJtfeC1edwith errours. For the offences of few are " , fi not counted errour, but unrighteoufneffe : Neither can the ftragling feet of a few dnmk_en, bring in L..:J. Foru, ag h r. gering. famy to the whole ~H1 e. ....... It lieth not in my power to deliver you> or r~r.~ncile you from death a1zd Hell: The tormentry and filtbineffe of the wnrU, and the wratb of God, But yet, (That Cloud> Jet afide) whicb il betwl m me 1.nd you) I [puk., afar of to you, faying, 'I'he ]uJizce of God, w vengeance it [elf: Neither batb it a ny contrary, but even in the midjt, aud Centre of it [elf: Which u the drop an.,d liqNor o.f hw eternal, great, and incomprehen.fib!e M~tje}fie of himfelf, his mercie: Which, even in the mtidjl of JP..jiice if found out , by f~rrowfu/1 repentance , and reconci/iit.tion: Not in that it w nrreffarie with Go?i: But that it if fl Medicine applicable, and mojl healthfuiL to the infirmities of that man, that coveteth to be healed, relea[ed, or recovered from hw [oares. Thw i1 it , that mujt comFor, M Jufi:ice i4 tbt r e.ward of fin,fo w mercie the re~ard of repental1(:e. But merfort you. cie if rhe Center of lzght: and Jujtz,e tu be cajt off, and Jhut Wtthm dar'ftmffe. '1he'refore, be not negligent. . . . . ~- This whoredom, how 1s tt comm1tted, or of whom? ...... I teach the ...... Where thy habitation war, errour rained, God called thre ftom it: and d~~ livered thee by many, but unk.._now1z wayes: means not to he uttered by man. Thefe places alfo are jhut up from tbe favour of G;d, For their obedience n counterfeited,and their prayers,out-cries. , Therefore hatbthe L~rd ~pened him unto you tha~ invented the vanitie: that J.OH might be partif~en of his k..,nowledge, and fecret j udgements of the 'Wzck._cd. Here alfo you entred,and are ne:wly defiled; For .the Devil entred in, an~ found h.im wak,ing: And 'lo, he entred_ yet, and he war not afleep. But he w.u happie ,. being k.,zndled wzth defire of God,elfe bad the Judgement of hi! bodie for thw w~rld been fulfilled. . Wic~edneffe followeth him : and the [pirits of evd cotm[tl are at hand. You jhall feel the fornw ~herrof, and jo11r family jhall be di[comforred. But pray unt9 God, that it fall not out, that Sathan goeth ab.;;ut : Neither that it come to paffe, which be bath power to execHte, For, thi-s tok.._en fignifieth your mi[eries, at~d it i.s a fign of that , which i-f given to execution I have [aid. The peace of God be reftgred unto you.


E. K.


true '!{elation ofDr. D~e his Affions ~Pith fpirits, &c


E. K: Hcu i~ the man again . . . .. 'two 'WfJrds and I h~tve done. Nothing iJ plainrr than that which iifpokfn : Nothing certainer than tbat which if appointed. Be you penitent, that God may be mereifu!. This i.t all I h11ve to fay . Tf"ajh your [elves, and I alfo will mak_e you clean, Kejift you Satan di!ige;)t/y, and I wi I ( help you mightily. a. 0 Lord lhat ft:al to the Sword and rags break off.

K. N'ow he is.gone. .

. K. Now he is here again.

....... Thid cloud is a feparation betwixt thif, yea thu glorifie4 company and you. Look_ not [1r an.J light, 1Phi/eft thw dark,_nefs i1 pre[ent. Behold, my m~uth faltreth, lmd my lips are Jtayed : But pray you, and you ]hall not be rejelled. For the .flronger you be, the merc.ijiNller is God, itnd she 1Peal{_er u, and ]hall be, your adver{ary. L9ve t9gether ; Serve God together: Be of one beart together. .Alwayes preach. God. I am tied.

E. K. Ho is gone.
A, ~ifericordia & pax Dei fit fuper nos nunc &femper.

A mm.



Novemb. 15 . hortt



K . .The cloud appearetb, and opcneth, fo chat the Sword may be


E. K, An hand comeh_ :tnd nipperh off an inch of the cop of ~he Sword, ;tnd 1ome of the rags are fail en down; fome hanging Oll the bil\s of the Sword) and fome are thruft through with the Sword. N.ow the Svvord is filut up again in the Cloud.
A. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, and

A 0 Lord deal mercifully viith ml as thy children, to be corrected with rod or whip, and not with thy emmies, with fword ro cur or wound us. Let not ~a ran force thee to jufiice more mightily, than thy fa[herly goodndfe can indine thee to !hew mercy upon us.

deal with us as thy yonnglings and novices.

E K. Now come in an eleven, all like: Noble men. One of them ha rh a regal Cap, and a Gown faced with Sables The Cap is hke a Polonian Cap, but rimmed up vvich rich Sables No\.-V cometh one and bringcth a very rich Chair, befet vvith precious Stones : 'Four of the Corn pany fee dovvn eh is Chair, for that Principal m:m. . He that brought the Chair vvent avvay J hey all do lovv obedience: to ~his principal He fitted\ dovvn, and"putteth his Govvn over. He i~ a goodlier man than the Lord A . L. The 4 pluck 2 thing like a Canopy over che Chair, and they put a round Cusfbion under his f~et. This PrincipaLfpeakc'h as follovvcch
. . .... Pluck_ up tby h?ttrt and be merry, pine not thy Soul away with inward groan.ings ; for I will opm unto tbce the [n-nts of Nature, and the riches of~he World, and withal give thee fuch direllion, that jh,zlf.delivcr thee f:rom many infirmities, both of body and minde : Ea[c thee of thy tedious labour, and fettle tbee -wbeu th~u.fh:~lt have comfort. A.. Thanks be given tintothe Highefi, .nc>w, and ever, ofall his Creatures . .. . . Why rlojt tbou ... within tby thougbt: H ~tft thou not need of Counfe!l A. Yes, God knows) fo r I .am half confounded ... .. Then fir.tf d with thy [elf to rejt thee,for. this w;nter. Secondly opm thj miad to defir~ fuch things 11s may advance thy Credit, and enrich thy Faptil.J: R.e_ap unto.thee many friends,and lift tiJee- up to honour ; For 1 will jtir up tbe mindes of Learned men, th~ profouJtdett in the Wo rld th1t they jhalt vijit thee. And I will di[do{e unto pu fuch things, a; {hall be Wonderful!, and of txceeding profit. <.J'v{oreover, I will put to my hands,and help your proceedings, that the TJ7orld mlzy talf<.e ofyour wi[dom here.tfter. Therefore wander not farther into mzk_nown places, contrtt giotU, the very [eats of deatb for thee, and thy children, and [uch as are thy frimds . If thou enquire of me where, and how. Every where: or how thou wilt tby felf. For tho!ljhrtlt f.rthwith buomnicb~ and thou.fha!t be able to enrich Kings, and to hdp [uch as are nredy. rrajl thou no t born to u{e the commodity of this T:Yor!d P Were not all tbingl' marle for mans u[e ? A. Will you f;ive me leave to fpt!ak ? ...... What canjt thou. Jpeak.. heremtto l Wilt thou t!wr~ me for tf.,i; l



A true Re!at ion ~f Dr. De e bis Aflion s Jith (pirits, & c.


All thanks be unto the King of Glory, &c. t., js it your meaning that we fhall itay here, and go no farther with the Lord Alberf

. . . . Lnrkje ? Yes in the Summer ; wheN zt u more fazr. . ~:r befeech you, Where would you, t~at we !hould make our .. this.W inter? ...... Where ;ou will. Are you [o rmwife .to go with him 11-QW. Let hint go .befor.e, ttn4_:pro.vide for himfelf, tbar he may the better pr~vid for you. The weath~r will be hard, gn.d_ the tra11el unfit for chi.ldreH. If thou covet tiJ lrve tn ea{e, heap not up thy WlVes [orrow. A. 1 de fire to li vs in quiet, that my fpirit may t:he better attend to the fervice of Gbd Tarry you, and my promife Jhall be quic/zly performed. J 11ill 1io.t halt. JPitb )otl. How fa! you Sirs l .

...... w,u,

[E. K. He fpeaketh to. h!s Cor:n.p.any,vyho ma~e curlics,and lay not!hing.]

A. I befee:ch 1ou to appomt ail apt place: Thts you fee IS no fit place . ... I will jrir thee up [~teh friends, as jhali C~Jntent thu. As for dwelling pl~t~~ thou jhaa bejfow them JVell, you are contented, t.. Is it your will, chat in this Town we fhould part from the Lord Albert Lask__ie. t ...... What jhould JOU do elfe .< Are you n:ad men ? Will JOU 11tH huuillmg int.o fl.flnt,er 1

wilfull]? t:.. I befeech you, lhall this be nothing prejudicial to our former doin~s, and order already taken and decreed for our going tOether? What, is this contrtLry to reafon l Wrll Y' U are content~ A. As the will of the High eft is, fo is mine and none other. ..... Sirha, df) you fee this frPord l I rP.ill be a furety for thi-s ( I w.arrant thee ) alfo, ... ... Your brotber is clapped up in pri[on~ How lik..,eyou that ? Your h4u[e-kseper i nwan. And why I pray you? ...... For that, that thou nzayeft be ajhamed of. t:.. What is that? ...... 'I hey eA amm him : They fay, that thou ba_{f hid divers (ecret things. As for thy Boo~s; thou may{t go loo/:.. them at leafure. It majbe, that thy houfe mIJ. be butnt f(Jr a remembrance of tbee too. Well if thq do, fo it if : if n Jt,as thou wilt . .I have rold thee my pbanfie, tmd givm the~ mJ counfel, offert;d thee "1J help, and defired to do thee goiJd ! ' The choice H thine~ A. 0 Lord the Author of all truth, and d~re8:or of fuch as put their trufi in thee, I iuotl humbly befeech thee to confider thefe premifes, thus to me propoondtd.. lf they be true, :and from thee, confirm them: If they he illufions, and not from thee, difprove them. For; hardly in my judgemenr, they do or can agree with our former precepts and order taken by thee. A voice ...... He that ll[cendeth up td the tQI of the hill, let bi~ believe : For until he C(/1111 th!tper, let him do hidabour. . 0 Lord, I doubt ofthefe thiags, and promifc:sof eafe, wealth, and honour. A voice....... Judge the Truth, bJ the laji: .A:Cli~n. 0 Lord,What is that Altion? A voice, ...... Wenfdaies At:lion. '{hi? Cloud ([aid the voice of the Lord ) is put bihlfi.Jtt 111 ~tnd you : H'bat terefore mAy come between? NQW judge you. o.. I fufpe8: the whole apparition of the eleven to be an illufion. 0 Lord confirm my judgement or difprove it:. A voice....... The Spirit of the Lord M not amongft you. b.. What mifery are we then in ? 0 Lord, Mercy, Mercy. _A voice, ...... Di[p11te not with God, where whoretiom is great. b.. 0 Lord, This whoredom we underftand not. A voice....... Pray daily, with repentaHce, that this cloud. JHtty be ta~1t away, and th~ [1Pord Jiminifhed . For the Seal cannot be brok..en, until Sllt~tn hav~ done bis utr~mo.ft; yea t/,e Httermoft of hit malice. F<ir it is granted him and he nmft Jlrik.l But pray y(Ju unto God, tbtd.the fword may be made jhorter, orjluck.J: out of the hilt, that in jfrikjng he want power. For y9sv, fin if ttbominable, and a [evenfol offence in the fight of the La-r.d. A. What chis whoredom is (God knoweth) we underfl:and not perfectly. 1f che Spirit of God be not with us, how can our prayers be acceptable ? A voice...... 'ihU! faith the Lord, Turn unt9 me and be forry for your fins , aNd !er: my A .. gels be witnefle thereof. For I[wear by my (elf, that my Jujfice jha/l htmg over you: And wbt-H I punifoyou next, I will raze you from the face of the earth. Therefore, Vow your [elves unto me , and mak,.e your veffels clean ; for your habitations in my fight ar8 mthing : . neither is. the fu~{tanet whereof I framed you aceptable 1 am the Spi-rit of Trmh and. Vnderjranding, and will not be dajht in pieres with worldlings ; Neither 11[e: I to dwell in defiled places. For my SanUuary ii holJ, and my Gates are without [pot. And wirb me th"f'e ti:tulleth no unrighteou{neJfe. A. Lord


trNe~lation of D. Dee hir

4Efions -with fpirits:~ &c.


1:>. Lord, is it thy will we fball go with Albert Lafk..,ie to La[co ~ A voyte;"iheLortJ [dieth, Whllt I have [aid, u true. 1Yho rebukjth me, faying my ~rJrds ar~ ~a~true l The correlfion of him that reigneth is mi.gh~ie s wh' hath numbred it l But to his de ... .ftrulfion. Be you holy, that my hand may be weak_. t:... 0 Lord, the fear 'of thy punilhtnent afionieth my heart : and uncertainty of it iri time, and place, doth alfo encreafe my grief, &c. A voyce. Th-e fool [~tith i?t his heart : Oh, how great is thy punijhment over me. Teach me the place of thy corre(Jion : And whtte thou wilt chafti[e me. Who is he that defireth t o meet God his 'Vengeance, or the punijhment of bim that crmfound-eth the damned l Mafte your hearts clean,and wipe the fin from among/f you : And de {ire to be forgiven;[or mi[erable a-re .they that mut with .'Dengeance, or that /tnow the place wher-e fhe tak..eth up her Harbour. D.., Gloria ,.Honor, Laus & gratiarum aB:io perennis fit Deo nofiro Omnipotenti : Nobis ve... a Deo Plltre, propter Jefum Chriftum in Spiritu San8:o , fit Mifericordia, Pax & Confolatio in via virtutis & veriratis. A mm.


Mqnday, No'Vemb. I~. Hora 9 Mane.



There appeareth the Cloud , wherein the fword



do fed
b.. 0 Lord, be mercifuH unto us, and rigoroufly execute not. thy ] uflice upon us, t:hy weaklings : Norfuffer Satan to T riumph, where thy glory is ex1)etted, &c. Converte nos DeM [alutaris nofter, & averte iram tuam 4 nobu,&c.

E. K Now cometh one in a whue Coat, not perfectly to be feen; but as if he were fecn through a Ciprdfc; and laid as follo\veth.
... , .. H1Jo iJ he tbat leadeth out the Lion to prey l or who is he that lifteth up the feet of the yomtg ones t o devour l Who feedeth the [mell of the roaring Bear, or hatb taugbt bim to remember the place of his recreation? H ath he al[o taught th~ fields, to put f6rth their voices : and the mighty 7'rees to jlourijh iH pride? Are not the Hills glad when they bring forth Corn l When the Valleys rejoice Wfth threefold waters. Tbe beafts of the wilderneffe have they not /znown Caves: arzd unto fuch af are made tlt'te, if there not a ...... underttanding? For, who ;, he that teachetb teem, to m~t/te [ubjdl them[e/ves, whir.h are ravming, (}r to bridle [uch a! llre- of their frow'ardneffe l E-zmt. he it is, that look,.eth d9wn from Hellvelt, and beholdeth the ellrth, and meafureth with his feet, faying, It u done. Which entreth tt.lft~ into the hou[es of men, and liJfeneth to that which they call wonders. Wbicb openeth the gates of hu k._now!edge with hi-1 own finger ; And whicb [ayeth unto yort : H~w are ye become wife ? Or from wh~nce is y our underjta.nding2 are y9ur hearu become Caves t o fend out Th.unJers ? Or why are your fpirits th1~ vexed with holiJU.ff'e? .Are you not a ftiff-mck._ed people, and'[uch fH are defpi[ed l Are you not poor,anJ. therefore b'!ted. Since, therefore,you llre become Bajlarc!s; who t eacheth your lips to [peak., of my Church l Or bath taught you to urge me with mine own fpiritl Behold, l am mighty, Becau[e I am the joy of the faithfull. For I am called the Temple of the Holy ones,and the be~tutj t~f Ifracl,. T/;1 fpirit of man crieth out, and pierceth into the Lord, M the [w,ftnrj}e of an Arrow: .llnd he he4rd them. Therefore, 'thlif doth the winde of Cabon open h~r mouth, and [weareth by rh~ Jafpar Pill11r that ftandeth in the T emple of Reconciliation} and it ThH1td(i'e'tbj and is {aid, Be it done . And be,hold, the doors open, a11d tbe Holy Altar u cover~d. The beafts with many fut bring up burnt-ojferittgs: And there is a[trcrifice that a[cmdeth up, and it is a mighty winde, [uch IH hat/, not been fin. e the beginning of dayes. c 0 pen yor~r ears therefore, and prepare your [elves to hear: For this ...... is mighty,f(ir it H of peace. My Jujtice (faith the Lord) ii [ealer;l, and you l:!ave finned mightily : .lltlj arm is /fretch~d forth, a11d I mu{r be magnified.: For vengeance is gon~ forth, and u appeared. ~tlruttl.y. But who is he that refijl:eth the venome of the edrth, or inftrufleth man to avo~d the Dar.ts. of poo[on? f-1~ [aitq un{,f) y~u. ThJU it is, becau[e I hav~ [anui/led you1 and h111:1e made you holy to the earth : Ther(fore will l help you .: Eut not M you defire : For your ,prayers and unrighttoil& life jhllll beco~ bands iJf yarn. And I will mab,.e a contention het#ixt S(lthan and yor:t. I f therefore you labr,ur hard,and open fervent min4es,fuch ~are ~tot of the 'Wo.rld! and can binde thii [word an d cloud of vengeaHce fajt from amongf/: you: Be it fo unto you, fo.r it it your own rigbteoufnee. For S a than hatb reviled, and hath [aid, Tben jhalt thou fee. But fo long M they are Holy, a,;d become rigbteQr41uJJc, they are b~come [aftt: but when the fall y Satan entreth in. For the.powet of.rigbt eoufneJFe is become a Ccnquerour , if it figlli mightily: And Satanfhall be confounded by a righteoll! judgement.



A true 'I\ elatio~t of D. Dee his Aflions '"'ith JPirits, &c.


For I have decued it: ,zndby my [elf I [wear it. 1 will be a righteoUf Jud"e betwixt you. Therefore, tak,.e heed you fin not , tzor go into d~ath: For great 15 the fall of venleance, Be not therefore defiled with t~e filthineJJe of the wici{_ed; Neither delight in fuch M coTmterfeit truth. For I am one fire that Jud~etb Ill~ tbmgs. And I delight in people that ar~ joyful! with one Bank,et. For tho[e that fill the1r bellm at the hou{ts of ftra~:gers : Become enemus to me. For I have fait!, My [pirit is holy and.my annointed righteour. L~t the earth rife up, and co11tinue in her wicJtednrffe: Yea, let :hem Jay, we have found tbe anointed: .But mJ contin_ ance is truth, and t~Nj are u become liars. For my fpirit work..eth, and behold, there are wonders tn the fight of men. ANi. where{oever I dwell,[uch zs my power. Be therefore of 01te hou[e;that you may eat together:Leaft you bank_et too much, and fo become der.eivers. I am one, and am k..~own by 01re:. An~ unto One, Which One I am married ,_nto. (And I am merczfull) Whofoever Jtbzdeth not therem, zs an .Adulterer. Avoid y o" darltneffe, for righteou[luffe is prefent , a1:d my fpirit entreth. Blef{ed ate fuch M belifve. Amen. Even to the , Amen.

E. K. He is gone There appeare fome bands linked tQgethcr, as Chaincs about the Cloud.
t:.. Welcome be thefe bands.

B. K. He is here again; .... and faith ... .. eth .

..... . Why are you become- dull? Why are )OU yet ignorant? eth~and fpeaketh to E. K.] Seeft thou the(e .. .... [He point-

E. K. 11 ee them, I th3nk God .

... .. 'fhefe bonds au your own righteou[neffe =And M they appear before the Lord, [o {hall they binde vengeance t o gether: But if you become weak..you fall. But pray, !hat you fall not :For they are tbe dayes of forrow. The fpirit of God u twoffJld; prefent .Jah ag1an, and pre[ent Nah gaffapalan. Therefore talte heed. For, in the firjf, yot' are bleffed: and it may return. But he thllt u filled with the [econd,fhall be drunk..en for ever. The fi.rft h power prefmt, and a comfort inmen.furable, glorifying, and jlrengthning all things that are agreeable to it: But when the differ, y it returneth. Tbe other: if the fpirit of the firjf, and the [econd , Almighty , and everla(ting , unmea(urable , and inex?licable: drorrning tbe will of man, that becometh jfrong in the fountain of gladneffe and under{tanding: true wifdom her {elf, and not returning. Pray, therefore, that yon may be perfeti: and that you may be fea[oned: For it if a falt that {av9ureth to the end. The peace of God be a.mongfr you.

E. K. He cafl: off his Cloudy Lawn ,and went away. He feemed to be Raphael.
t.. Yet we befeech you more expreOy, and particularly to deal with us,&c. ...... It if {aid, ...... It is written. ...... It H truf.

t:.. Gloria, Laus, Honour, Triuruphus & Jubilatio fit Deo noftro omnipotenti : Nun~ &



Wednefday, M 1 vemb. 20. M~tne hor. 11 ~. Lr1belt. As thou haft of thy mercies (0 Lord) given us fom thew of thy favour bent towt!rd us= [o are we defirous to underftand how our Letters have wrought upon our friend his heart to joyn with us to call for ~by mercies, pard~n and help: for if they have, en do we hope, our bands (of acceptable hfe) whereby to bmde vengeance prepared and m tended .aoainfi us, lhall wax more and fironger : by thy great mercy and help to thy well-pleafing in thy fcrvice hence forward.


E. K.

Th~ Cloud and bonds

appear; But the bands appear fewer.

t:.. 0 Lord, IS ou~ ftate fince yefterday beco!ne weaker with thee? And !hall it fo narrowly be cxa8:ed? Thy w1ll be done, who art holy, JU1l, and mofi wife, 0 God.

E. K. The bonds about the Cloud ., now are onely two; which before \Vere fix, or feven. The bonds fec:m of a fmoky athy co!lour, fpirally going about the Cloud.
Ar length a


...... J~dgemen~ H tbe end of Ju~ice : di{fribttthtg and delivering alfo to every thing,[een, heard) or determmed to hu proper end uprzghtly. Are y ou able to deny this? D.. The end of our a8:ions, words , and thoughts may feem twofold : One of us in~ended , and ~ent to be g~od: The other not depending upon our weening, but accordmg to exa8: w1fdorn, what u the end of the fame; here deemed the proper end if 1 underfiand right. ' A voycc.

true 'l(elationo[Dr. Dee his Aflions ~ith fpirits, &c.


A voyce. Lo, judgment is the end of. ]11fi_ice in tbings.that are handled uprightly: whereof you finde the Om11ipotencie and Truth of him thttt Judgeth Ommpotently: Which beholding your Co1nbat, bath--girded bim[elf together 1 and beholdetb the L ifts, and he judgeth uprightfy: For, he barb [worn it Arm not your [elves therefore arweakJings : But provide tK migbtie and couragioZH Souldiers, fo r your oW't defence. I am wzthout corruption (faith tbe L ord) a1zd lean 1rot with the windes of Bafannah. A. 0 Lord, give me leave to requeft thee, tl'c . A voyce. But I llm juft, and judgement btJ {elf. E'rter 'tot therefore into "!J holy places : Nei rher k_neel down before my [an{iuaries; fayi"g, the Lord bath Chofen ur, He liveth, and it is true fur ever. For I have [aid, It may be undetermined, I wi~l a/[o [ee, whether you be ftrong mwardly, or privily rotten. For with t.he world your weak.,.nee zs great. Whofoever overcometh jhall rtjoyce. But I will be a God in my Covenant and will. hold on my promife; Fight therefore a-r it becometh you, and r.ajf off the world. Mak_.e f/ejh [ub; ea , and jirangle your Adver{ary. For Nnto fu ch belongetb the entrance into my Cha~b ers, a1td the ufe. of my wtll, 41 the H orn of my glorie. For it is written, light dwelleth not tn dark...mffe: Nezther hatb dark_'lteffe comprehended any light: For dark_.nej[e is the Cave of errour, and the reward of !inners. Thur [ayeth he, which beholdeth your [orrows: And it is a fight for many daies, which appeareth neither in tbe one, nor i" the other : nor giveth he an[wer until! the end.

Bl( There i~ one come in like a Ghofi) and hetakcth all the hangings away, which beautified rhe place 1ike to Curtains. Now ail rhe fides of the fionc are darkifh ; and the Cloud fiandc:th in the very middle thereofNow rh!: bands feem brighterthc:n ...... becaufe the place is fo darkifi-1.
A. 0 Lord, many daiesCombat is affigned us. Ana forafllUlch as Mili tia eft vita hominis [uper Terram, we are now in a great uncertainty of our Combat ending.

E. K There fiandeth the number of-40 upon a great Labdl, and no. thing dfe.
A. This 40. ( 0 Lord) what betokeneth it, dayes , weeks, or years? Well: Whatfoe ev.e r it be, Bleifed be the name.of the High eft. Our God, King, and Father.

E. K.

E K Now is one come in very brave, like a Preacher; l take him eo be aft evil one.

Benedi8:us qui venit in nomine Domini.

This Preacher-like Crea-

E- K. He faith nothing; Not fo much as, Amen.

...... Are you fo foolijh to thznk,. that the power of God will defcmd into [o ba{e a place'?


E K. The power of God defccnding, delcendeth to beauti6e the place And whatfocver he beautifi~th, he doth it mercifully: And fa through his

mercy hedefcendcth among us, that put our trun: in his mercies
...... It is true : But, unto tbofe th4t are righteoZH. A. Chrift his coming hath been to fave finners. His converfation was amon ,. finners, halt, lame, blinde, and difeafed. So likewife : Now our frailty or impurity will ::.n ot ex~ elude his prefc:nce, or the Minifiery of his faithfull Angels; ,., .. What, in this ba[e manner? A. Do you miOikethemanner? ...... Can any that' bath any drop of wifdom li'<; it? A. Are you wife ? ...... Or elfe I could not fee thy imperfellions. t.. Which be they? Accufeme . . . . What greater imperfe{iion, then to imagi1te much more believe, tbat the Angelr of God; iPill, or .may dr[cmd into [o filthie a place, M this corruptible .(tone is? Confideri.ng the clearneffe, and big_ Heffe of the aire, or the places that are prepared in mam bodie, for fuch mtrances. t.. Who caufeth thee to come here? Thy fol!). t. . Art thou aood,or bad? . ...... l am good, or elfe I could not fee the bad. _ A. Ergo, chou art a lyar, fol' thou fayd'fi:, No good Angel, would, er ruight come here int() thts fione. A. Thus will God be glorified againfr wicked Satan, and his Miuifi:ers. His fetch was ve-



A true'l(elation ofD. Dee hii Aflions Dith [firits, &c.


ry fubtile: As, To bring in doubt all the A&ions perfom1ed in this ilone. .

e. K.

He fay~th nothing: Neither can he fay any thing

What canft thau

He fcemeth td be

a very foolith Devil.

Mendactlm oportct dfc memorem, Now be packing hence ... . . I will abide here. A . Wberc God will permit thee, there mayeft thou be: But we will (as now) ceafc :And we thank God highly of this comfort and vifrory : We befeech him , that we may as profperouOy overcome a\l other Diabolical a!faults or fophifl:ical , or untrue perfwafions: and all his Temptations. A men. Glory,Honour, power, and praife be to our Almighty and living God, the Lord of Hofrs, Jehovah,nfJW a12d ever. Amen.

Saturday, Novemb.


Hderidie hora I~.


E.K. Here appeareth the fame b::td one, firtmg, who laft appear~d. The

Cloud with the [word appcareth at lafl: : with two wreaths on one fide; and two on the other, fpirally. This Creature takcth the cloudy pillar, and throweth it from him divers times
He fayech. Call M long M tbou wilt, I will k.,eep thee for feei1tg any more fights hn-e. A. Or Lord, attend unto thy giory: Attend unco thy honour, regard th~arrogancyof this Lnciferine brag againfl: thy younglin~J s exprefied. A. And of the Lord, Alb. LtHk..ze, &c . ..... , He jhall come to dejtrutrion, M thou and thine t o mife;able beggery: Becau[e he hatb con[enteJ to them tbat are Minifters of iniquity, fpirits offalfhood.
E. K.

He looketh on a bare book, when he faith thus

., . 7'be yower of God entreth into the Soul of man, and doth vi.fit the Chambers of his under.franding: openeth his will with p wer. The [pirits of dark._nejJe are ready for every pla.ce, a1ttl. can deceive, [aying, This is of God. Vnto theft> YfJT.I have li/i:med : and have [worn it M a Coflmant But I am come from Go i: and am entred indeed, and will mak._e you bun between God and you_ gry in your ow~r foo.lifhneJ!e, that you may becom~ wife, None 'bath entrcd here with power but I. And I will t.trry here. And I will be a wall betwixt you, and your imaginations: and betwixt th~fe that have tempttJd you, and your weak..,'Hcfft> For thou haft called upon God : . tnd he bath t heard thee, and I am he that fayeth fo unto thee, .. Laws of[alvatton are ready,follow them. The way into darJtnee wwide, aud eafie, a1rd where light i-s, it encrea[eth joy. Be thou therefore warned by me. Nay, I have [aid. A. Thou haft faid here, That thou art God, is that true? For thou haft faid, Thou hall called upon God, and he hath hard thee: And I am he , that fayeth fo unro thee . ...... I fee thee : And thy wifdom iJ nothing : Mak..e of me what thou canft , I am the meffager of God. , ..... A void dark.,neffe, avo.id dark.,neJ!e, avoid dark_neffe.
E. K.

He plucketh

doYU1 violendy

(in the !lone) the Clouds, and all be


cometh light in the fl:one

...... Ly here with thy fellows. Thofe that are of wifdom, let them underftand. A. 0 Sapiemia patris <eterni, illumina mentes noftras, ut tibi ferviamus in fanCtitate, & Juftitia toto vit<e noftr<e tempore. Amen ...... Carmathar, a Knight of tbe Rhodes, WM thirteen years de<ieived with one that appeared (<K br thought) in glorie & 'J#ifdom in the image of Chr~ft. Antony WM beguiled in divers wayes. The Prophets & Apoftles have doubted in many things; But becaufe they faithfNlly believed they were not rejdled. Their hope became fruitft~ll,and they b!effed with underftanding from above .If fo be alfo, y;u repent, and be f(Jrry in that you have yielded unto the injfrPiments of wick._edneJJe : and follow 011'> M they your fathers have done ,you fhall ~lfo become wife: But I fay unto you, That 19hich you have confented unto u amiff~, and falfe;worfe rhm errour it fe~f. For, wher e have you tafted anie fr~it out of tbat Doarine. H ow po'Jr i-s tiJe power, that hath been long tr d of in you. J You have fo rgottm JOllr (JWn ~now/edge, and are become of fars, bli11de : fu ch flf grope their waJ. Such end,fur.h Fl)r the end hangeth from the beginning: and id become a means in it [elf, to bring all beginning. things to paJJe. But neither the end Nnr beginning of fuch things. M JOU have handled bath b~en perfefl, or prob able: But a de,eit, comprehending the im age of f alfhood : Yea, 1nuch more the trap.s and [nares into wick...edneffe.; which deferveth dejfrutfion eternally..


A 11:.1 '1(~/wifm of D.

Dee h~ Afliotu Jtri-th {piritJ~ &c.


If thil'lll")~ti'rlife )'1!11, 'BI' it fo. I f thtfe -e;:ampl~ :lt'1t'J JlnilJrtbie 'ltT'guJnmts b' [ou1rd, Thrn lltCIJfilrilyyou ought of dutie to be Co11n[rlled by me: Btrr1 hnre'ofnml'my mouth tnd to!d}oli. Be t .if ~n~t~ .)OM., Mc~;dJng to~our ili[pofitioJz, A. Be ic unto us ~ordi.J)g to the .merdci and lotin.g kindnclf-eof che HigheH.; Into whofe hands we commit.onr fel ves, ail Otit doings, .and intents . 1:M-ts 'Wtll [aid . God 'be 1Pl'fh.PU E. K. He is gone,.and in the plac~ v-vhere he Goad tbclikenc'ffe of a little

Circle, as .ifapritn v.vere made vvith a Thimblc:~brim

c.. 'Soti f)eo, Horroton:lnis, &
Gluria.. A mf.,.,

~:&. Orabarn diu.ad Deum, ut A rbice.r elfet in.ter ifios. A .... num .. luni confuginms in wupor.e ne.tdma~ .;.c: ~ te ( Q.Deus ) folo peitd~Ds; &c. ~. SedeO.Us 1~il tU.tttangulct, 8c ft conn~tebat verfus ...f. L . ....... t:~ O.in.a; 41P<it-k,;e,jhtr/t...eb.jf{fJrgetflnq[-e: Lift not up fby ( elf fo 111ucb ~ , 'But clofe up t.f;ne t>U't!Ht~tlft. .1iheft dili1.6l'id.J.eltJ.r~) 'Wbicb Ctl'rr:J thee heaJf.,rtg iiito foflj, and tranrf<trm ther If.~ j/Mtlw .: BJ hofii -cfllli(el tltott ntb~tne. tliflmtottred., 'lffld by . rbdn /lialt become a {pot ;, tb, . Bo~of Flltftl~ C~ll :to.:rntHotbrance the Hijlme; of .t'be whol~ Wvrbl:, ,olitic:rl ttnd Ec~kU.;c~l. I~i:r.e ~ t~eLeltt'tted. .H14t..~e f-ettlet.l ti:Jeir:j url:grmrnn 1n th~ B"'k. of qod. ,Ope1t " lMfeeJtf) tnl trhoU; f 4JiJ f !be .frg.phe.ts m- ftJrifathers ( men {.riJumled itr wifdom nd Je-ep a ~nd.mg,.)-vefiWtlul thtm[<tlves r:- th.il 'flltrighte~mjp, befieii11g lyars; coufrmhig to 11n.,. JT~~ afi.dltitlij di.fho'fW'IIt.i.g tbe N~me. IJ/ Gotl. Theft. f.7lll to mi;~de. t'hine own ejltt,te, thr flortr~ tf ihy_yO#th, llnd J'fil'rbilit~s; '1Piitrei'n. t6(1U tlr.ry~ be rn-11.de p,trfea. 'hich if thou truely dtJt 4(bt~ bnifh th".Jijh'11f'B'ilr to C-rad aittl ~is .Angles, ##m mtt to tbeTr S ...... irfity: For the S)rem.s -~ tt.W~-.._t, rtttitbe'i:r fszf. iJ'tfl rl~afrmn. I . , [Mt from God; iH 'If trf:ffcnger to .. call .the-e WIW ; fw tbP'IJ ;t~ Gori..miglfti(J Bebold 1 .~if be' rrnrd~ cimtemptibl(, and become lr tbou lln;{.hingfiocl{. 7'hylii1t!D:w./hllllbt J..-eftt!!td, tmi'th) f'!Jfr("Tit) .ffi!>tted 111ffh ignomittfe. MorY~ -wt.r; {ttch s ~ tit! frie1tt'is:/hll.fl}bi.k:~" 'their.Jieid.t.l {1t)if!t{,., Whrzt :wife nu~n. brttb tbiJije~ti. overto"" ? Whta is lie tfntt ~.lur.tllf'e fo'tJiifh? ~ mitJ.If ~-efiri it; ;nrtl i:rmfent., 11s .before ; Btit 1 4111 jhitliblmg 'ithtc~h-em.it YM'i a'Btt .wHl dweH in 4/1-Efentettd fdr.yonr purpofes

E K. Here appcatcch fira.igbt the .fame fcl.. E.~ low thar~df fpakc_, and. lcftth~pclntJf~e:litrleCircle behind him. ~.L.

2". Novemb.

Mane, 8 1 Lubrk.,. W4Y , . (a~ the firfi loolci0g}


.8- K He hol~& ap h~ told him truth.


hands towArds





Nay I hal!e
Thou tbalr 0c lunged, . he faid ro! .K.

B K. Ho.haW! now gotten him 2 Chair~ aud Gct-tt-h down

If it be ti'Utl\ts thert it is a: t<fketl tbelt God is .-ery mtrcJfttl ~lto us ; atl'd that we are Dtcii1111, a,. l'n his f~r h;gt~.iy~ ftt .give. &'S this fh'rhirig to Cl\'bid efil. Now relleth th~ other part; lo & Fae How we lbaH attain .to good, and wi(dpm, ft~nS Ood 1 fnch ~s by the true 'Oftld pecfH~ u[e of num. Pfalm.

ftis creattirCll:.i we might do him fonie acceptable fervlce .> with true obedi'ertce and humi licy, &c.

E. K One cometh to him; and faith.....- H.~ go:=th a bout to tak~ you a ..

lyar. fi. K. Htgoe!rh away, snd t;;1!Yft1eth 2gain.

E. K. This man nit:n thus came and went away, and comc:tb again, w is aY ifl white~ he ka<h a ill vor Crown ot\ bHJ .he~~ ; he fp~aketh as.fo1lowh
........ De111 that.1ou have done, Co~felfe ino be faJ{r~ C-r..J J'Uh.ll7Je#ffind~d, AJJd let t~ 11'11gels ifGodfeeyou dojo., ( thattbel "'ft.J car~l,U/" Joilr .Pr.ayers;)'fo jhaiLJ?rlbel'o-merighteou.r; BUt why.do.fl thou write words of contempt ttgabift .Ill ? For Oite indur mmtber is A/l; An4 we are, tzll; One. B/liepe ~ ; .for of otl_t filv~ s 11~ btiv~. no pfi'R1~r to iJ:I.ilrMi you, 'IJ1IU9 delivh y(J'fl the Commandment of God~ Rtltt !dill" cl1Jrtrhs0 p~l{ flib[i ~lifl'8nnolf! hw/Zr in pi-eces ; .tbi?i fti /J rl.ow'li before the L~rd .: fo r he it essf#;it il 1ri{d6jij, I '/Jl'tle J~tt far .this, t'i1ftr~

E K He is gone. .
t::.. ~is

ell: difcrcror 'Spiritttltm?

E. K .N ow be cotnetli in agaiR and fpeaketh.

~ ..... Oh,)qJ~ IWt a Ledr11ttl Htatt ..,..... Truth i1t tbtfocoltd : H~ it is rhlt Jift rlnlj jtulg.ith all If his ilif(tttion be given to you, tbank., God: A. im


A true 9.( e!ation of Dr. Dee his AFlions -rPith jjirits, & c.
t:.. Illi ergo Commtctem'us hanc caufam: ab illo hoc donum perentes & expeelantes. Nos interim pie in Chrilto vi vcre intendimus.

E. K. He is become a great piHar of Chryflal higher than a Stec:ple He ~(cendeth upward in clouds, and the little circle remaineth.
A. Gloria, la us, honor, & gratiaruni actio

fit Deo noD:ro omnipotent! T rino & uni, nurtc,

& in fecula feculorum.


Tuefday Decembris 10. After Diner, we removed from Lt~he~, and the Lord.Alb. Laskje went by Coach to Lord {hri{topher, Duke of c.Jlterk_elburgh. 1hurfday night we lay at Wifmttr. 1 I. Decemb. vel12. Saturday morning we came to R~Jtoch. 14. Decembris. Mmday D~cemb.




10 ~


E K. He is here, chat faid, he vvould dwell in omnibus ElemeNiis, &c

,, .... I c<Ime from the formtain of !i~ht, where is no erroflr nor dark._neJfe,!Znd have Power, ( hccau[e it is given me from the Hig,he{f ) Whicb, ( Lo) is grown and become 4 migiJty R9ck._. For it is [aid of me' Behold I will vifit th.?m that put their trujt in me, With a comfortaL!e.ffrength in the time of need ; For my Rock,. is an ever!a{i:inJ!. {frength, ttnd the Hills of my counrenance en.. dure for ever, If then I be the Countenmce ofGod, and a pincing fire [ent out as a jlam~, not onely with his great mercy, but with his good will~ and that towards yoit,overwbelmed,n;t raft down, but almoft for ever buried in a lak..e Df ignorance, and inquei:J~h.J:ble flame, fuch a> confumeth with ignoranr:e, deceit it [elf, and a provocation too manifeft, a1zd app.trent de/fru!lion : If I then with this meJJage ( being the mFJJage of truth) my [elf a mean .... fufficent Order for the pubLi(hment thereof, can, nor may ...... ttJ of ... n I am) vehemently defp1[ed (the fruits of a good Confcience, notw1th tanding jted{aft) Then zs he of no power of whom I am .... becaufe it is ~ritte~. S~ch as rife up ag<ttin/t m_v Spirit, I will de.ftro.J. the~ in the mid)i: of tbe fame fire, and Wll! delzver thetr ajhes to tbe wmdes for a memory of thezr wzck..edneffe. But he is ju;t, 11nd is without meafure: k,.noweth what is, ttnd what is tD come, which bath thus faid of 1ou. Behold their ignorance is ?,re at er, and they e{teem not truth. Lo I have heud them, in the midft of thBir' corruptzon; yet thry are become faitblejfe: I minijfer unto them, but in vain; But beho/J tbeir mouths are clofed up with idleneffi. 0 ye of little underftanding, are you become fo blinde, that you will not fee ? Are the window! of your ear.es made faft agamft truth? Are your: confciences [ealed up, with a thrice burnt iron ? Defire you light, and yet refufe it? Have you craved .. , , and now den] it : yea utterly difdain it? A. That is not true.

E. K Now cometh a head behind hitn .

.... . Lo the endjhpll bec.me your comfort, if you liften to the [ongs of my mouth: if not, everlaftingfol!y: and a reward of fuch, as are weary to bear ofTrrith. Now I pinched him,,, ...

E. K This he f.aid looking behind him.

A. .... .. Burn thofe blll{phemozu book...s of thine; and I will teacb thee wifdom, A. W 1ll yon have me note down that fentence fo
...... I 'Will. A. What blafphemous books can I acknowledge, feeing I underHand none? Ifthe}i contain Sentence, make me to perceiTe it; that fo I Play compare it, with the Touchll:one of God his word, ufingthe Talent of fuch reafon, as God hath given me . . .. ... I go, I g~, I go.

E. K. Now cometh a great 'fire down, and there appeareth a great huge man, with agrea1 f~ord in his hand; Gre cometh out at his eyes~ and at his mouth. This t_er(ibJe man faid,
... Malediai funt, qui jurati ftmt rontra Nomen meum.

E. K. Now that wicked creature fhakerh him! elf. A. In nomine J efu Chrifl:i Redemptoris hum ani generis, ~is [ This was fpoken to the man wtth the {word. ]
.. .... Sume vires. t.. D em in adjutorium meum interide, &c.

tu ~!

Miferere mei Deus f<t-C-.

E. K Now the: great huge one knceleth down~ and his face is (now) ftom meward; he lookcth up toward heaven ; he hath ver~ long hair, to

A true '!{elation of Dr. Dee his .AElioniJIJith fpiritsj &c~

beneath his girdle:, his Robe is long and rucked up eth up


Now he" fiand~

... Curfed are th~y :' Cur]~d an they : Cur[ed if he for e'Ver. . I am, I gave.thee power, and fe~led thee .for a time: Fower_ tc u[e the vebtmency of thine own poifon; but not to touch my cMt ThM be faith, And.( I tll1f ) thou art alyar from the beginning, and the fuUftta.in of curfednelfe Damnation is thy dwelling place ; Vettth is thy [eat ; Vengeance if the Crown of t9y di[[,lory. Be~aufe tho.u hajl: entred intq "t'J [ea~: Ha{t exalted tby brigbtrreJTe,bla[ph~med my name; whereiH. ( in rhi-1 A aion) .thou continuejt (No poznt-of thy ciJar.ge, nor ~f mj perm.iffion. ) , Re thou ac-: (IJT[ed, weak,.ened, overthnrwn, and defaced. T.~ou art :panqijhetf, Thy tin;e is .fhortened. And why? I atn, .And J fay thou figbte}l:, again{t .me, aJtd not againft. m.e.v. I am ]uffice;. and the fl:rength of him that liveth, whom thou bajr felt, alld }halt feel;, world without end; Therefor~ Dep!Zrt ; . Depart I [lly.

E. K. Now the: fvvord frandeth

by him, with the rags that appeared

before .

. Vmgeance, prepared for others,be thy reward. : As i.t Wf!S delivered unto thee, [o tak,_e it with thee s That the malice which thou fhewejt to others, may heap lip thilu own dejiruliion.

K The wicked Tempter fallech down into a hOle, and this high creature putteth the fword a.nd _ rags. do~n afcer him, Now this great creature appeareth as fmalt as he u{~d to do. And lt is Michael,
Mic; ...... Veniat Lux Domini,. (!7" fidelium Confolatio.





E.K Now is all come in, as was before : The Vail, the: fec:t of men
appearing under, qfJc.
Mic .... ... Thus bath God dealt mercifully witbyou. ~;>.. His Name he praifed for ever. Mic . ..... /Ibsu bath 7 ruth vanqu~{hed dark_nFffe. Even fo ,fhallyou vanquifh the World in him which the Spirit l)f Power and Truth. For I ba1re Sworn (Yaith the L ord) and will be merciful u:r.to you ; But ceafe for tbe[e dtTies to come; for. they were daies delivered : Ln them be (therefore) unto you dairs of Repentance: For tbe end of 40 daies mujt CfJme : And thw Do~ {trine. jhall be written untf> all N-:zti:ms, evnt.u'!to the end o('tbe _World. Tbe .Grain y y et in the eartb, and bath n-ewly con[ented with the earth: But when tt [przngeth, and beareth feed, The number jba.ll be tbe la_{t. A A dark Parable, to my underftanding, i~ this. Mic. ,.. _ The tran(parent fire of Meel<..nejfe comfort and W4rm your f ouls, relii-fie and mak.~ .. ftrong your bcdies, to rh.: eternal comfort of.the Worldto come; in the pilgrimage which JOU jhalL mdJUe, with a heav.J croffe for the. Tefftmonze of Truth,

..Amen. . K Now he is gone) and the golden Vail is drawn again

A. Omnis lam, honor, Gloria, Vic.toria & Triumphus fit Deo noftro omnipotemi, Vivo & vero, nunc,& in femp.iterna. feculorum fecula. A. men .

E: l( ~ A great many voice~, fay,

Sonday, 22. Decembris, Mane, we went from Roftoch tOward Stetin. Wenfday, 2). Decembrw, on Chriftmas Day morning, we came to Steti1: by


of the dock.

Anno I 584. Sti/q v.eteri.

Stetini in Pon1erania.
January '1 . Mane,hora 9 Veniac lux Domini, & fidelimn Confolatio, &c. 40. dies, jam cornplcti funr, & c. E:xpe8:amus pr.epocens auxilinm Ahifsiml, &c.

E. K. 1 cannot fee but. an inch jmo the Stone. The Curtain appeareth, but more deep into the Stone At length cometh one very tall, in a long white Gown, all open, and his hair of his head hanging. do~n to his legs. He hath wings upon hi~ head, annes, hack,. ~md legs.

Flefcemetb.to defcend from the Clouds) and upon Clouds whichUeftoa~ l'Vifc for his defcending He fpeaketh as follovvct-h


A true '1\.. elation of Dr~ Dee his Aflions with jjirits) &c
. . The pllf'eneffe of bJmrility, diJperfed through the inwartl bowels _ f n111_11, is that, which is uto led (with JOU) Ptr[everance. Which Per[everance, beauttfieth and ~{tabhjheth in 1t true and jfedj"a_(f Blljis tho[e things that are acceptable in thf' fight of Go~, the work,p of man. Hence fpringetb jujlificittion, wbicb . .. with fke love of God. Herezn are you become lik_e unto M for thfft we are the ~age ofPerfeverance, :znd.the Glory of God. But i~ tu i~ it di~nified: I~ )OU it h, and nwft be zmperfe(J; For nothzng H of fiefh or blood, that recetveth perfeClzon. The Emanations from God, to, and into hi-! cretttures (which agree in the Center of the Earth m the k_nitting,up of things) are ejtabltjhed: So that one jot of hh Will neither can, nor maJ perijh, wax w ~nk_., or dwell in error : Which forefeen from the beginning, carrieth in it [elf the reThrough which mercy and remembrance, YIJU are become the membrance of all things to the end, fervants of G9d: N(Jt for your own [alz...es ; but in that tt is-the Glory of him, which bath calledyou OJr Calling tl) thh exm:1[e : 1roublrfome to the World, but rewarded with Glory. or Excrcife, If thrrefo re your imperfeliions rife up and refijt the Will of God, fayi1tg, bl~t-[ph.emoufly tts )ou do, Let us (eek other wayes , Then you are not cowtted perfeverers , neither are your workf worthy reWffrd: But humane reafon can per['wade and give judgement again{t thefe follies, much mot~ are they damnable, and de[erve corrttr.ion in the voice and judgement of Juch as are pure. He that dealeth with the wir.k_ed wa lyar, and {hall have hi-! reward : But the end of comfort;, in the pureneffe of [pirit. But 0 you of little wifd~m, you rife up againjf the windes, and yok._e your wits again(l: tbe mountains: N:ty youcaft.Your [elves ~own headlong, where there zs no mercy. For what blafphemie i-s it to fay, I fit be the wtll of God, tr muft follow ? Is Hot man fu)je{f to the bringing i1t of his own labours i' And are not they allowtd to hh comfort, being brought in? The foul of man i-s t~e Image of God, after hi-s form, which k_.eepeth Within himfelf the power of hi:f divinity in the heavenly Spirit, whereby be hath At4thority to confent with God i1t the work_manpJipof his Will and Crea.turej: Whi:h Pow~r b:ing feale~ a~re11.d-!, giveth wtto ma~ ( as !'ing of him(eif ) to con[ent to hu own fa lvatzon, con;oynmg and k...nzttmg hzmfdf together, e_ther wrth perz [everance in tbe aJJured hope of mercy, or (with wilfull drunk..en>telfe, ) t9 the .reward of {ucb as fall. Therefore, Become H oly. For the foul beautifieth> when it io beautified in it {elf. l{q.. jijf not the Wiil of God, which io mighty on you: Be 1tot obftinate. Be lmmble, Rejoyce not for this World : But be glad that your names are [ea led, and that you fhall correCt the World. De[pair not through wealzneffe ; for from whom c~;meth Jfrength l If puddles become Seas, the end is more wonderful: But yet greater when finners are called to th~ k.,nowledge and perf9rn;tance of God his Will, thorough his mere ies. Even as one day perljheth and h not, although he hathbeen; E:l'en [o it is, andjhall be the ftate of thw World. For th; And Hierufalem Earth mujt fing O Sanntt with the Heavem, ~nd there mujt be One vet"itie. jhrdl defcend with 111t horn of glory to the md. 1he SJJn and Mormjhalt be witNeff s, and wonder e at their flay . The Kings of the E~trth jhall become proud in thcm[elves, 11.1zd are Wtable to be tamecl with man. But_ I will yolz...e them (faith the Lord) with corre8:ion; And force .them one to imitate anotbers fteps: Yea. they.fhall tre11d the grapes alii<!; For in my Vineyard Corruptio1t jhall not dwell with Aurhority : Neithrr jhall the Prince of 'Dark,.neffe ufurpe my further honour.

E. K He fpeaketh much in a fmaller voice than he did I cannot per.. ceive it] He turned back and fpakc
...... I
[pea~ thefe

things for y_our und'erflanding, and thttt you m11y be'firmgthened.

E. K. He turneth back again ( as before) and fpeaketh I kno\v not what .

faithful, that you may be fed with that food thllt {hall pre[erve

the image of Peace : and rem11 in and a-liPaies re{t before the mighty flames of Zanz.or: where there dwelleth no defiled Cr.eature, nor any mtrighteoufmffe.

..... My de,ar brethren, therefore rej oyce in ComfiJrt,

E. K. He turneth now back again ( as before ) fpeaking.- He feemeth

now eo lean againfl: a Pillar ofCopper, great and round : And he is become leffe than he vyas Now he fl:andeth on the top of the Pillar, Now he knc:e~ leth downJ his back being turned.
A voice faith to him ......... swear ......... [1]
He fa id .... It h done. He fa id ...... The firjt voir.e oJ>eneth hw mouth and faith [ There io a great rumbling and rou jhings offalling of Towns or H oufes, as it were in the Sto1te, ] He faid ....... Tbe will of God h fealed in thh Prophefie, and it jhall endure. A voice ........... Swe-ar ~, .......... ....... [2] He (aid ....... I have done. Ne faid ..... It thundereth, and it h the fecond voir.e. Tht effect of God his Will, it 11ot of time ; and therefore not to be k.,nown of man, till that motr~ent and end of time jh~tll ttfPear, wherein it muft be puhlijhed, Pnd finijhed with power. E. K. Now

tu{ true~lation of Dr4

Dee hir JfElions 'With fpirits~ &c.


E. K Now itthumbleth again very terribly, a-s though a vvhole Town

lhould fall down into a great Valley

A voyce ........... 'Stvcar . ...... [ 3 ] He Caid ...... l have ..... And it i1 the third; and the tafl voyre. All things that are crook.,.ed. _(hall be made ftratght. The winde of the heavens jhall walk_. through all the edrtfJ. WiCdom jh11l! fit in her Mnjejfie, Crowned, i1t the rop of an Hill, with ex(llted glorie. It i1 the end.

Now all dafbc:th in a flame of fire, Pillar, and he, and all, and fo flieth upward.
A voyce. ..... H e that bath ears, let him hear. Another voyce. It jhpll b~. Amen.

e. K

. K. No\V the Curtain cometh before all,as it vvas at rhe beginning, this day.

O.Lord, for thy great myfl:eries declared nntous (this day) we moft humbly thank thee. Secondly, of Vincent Seve,

But ori. our parts, there remaineth fome matter ..... thy hands by Come of thy good Minifters,
we dclire to have fome advertifement: as of the Lord A lb. Lask.je. &c.

E. K. A very little Creature appeareth, and faith .

The little one . .A word, and away. The hettrts of Princes, are the fecrets of the Lord: Such thq are, as unlock, the doings of thu world. r:.. Of A. L. his delay in coming (contrary to our d efire and expectation) I would gladly underfiand the caufe, &c. . The Httlc.one. Thq[e things that are of wick,_edneffe, are not of our remembrance. This flay ]hall hinder a third part of his glory, But all your life is not of him: Nor he of you. if he Nore. become ftOod: he ]hall be well rewarded. He i1 forward , Vincent i1 in France. Of A. L. nd

He is gone fuddenly. This Creature flood betvveen the Curuin, ohur f~paratinc c:rc:a,ter. and the forepart of the fione, it vv~s one of the leafl: Cuatures that ever l

e. 1(.

favvAll Honour, praife, and thanks be to our God Almighty : now and ever. Amen~ Thurfday, Januarii 9 The Lord.Albert LtHkje came w Stetin, Hor. 2i. aMeridie: Fryday, Janurii 10. Ma.~tf-CAS 11tvr1a.' u<fCorct;c. ?rttcra"@- ~/ot. Hr-r~ prima incipiebat, & per 2. hort# JuMbat. Stetini.

Sonday, 12, J anuarii. .z ~84. Stetin. 6.. Afcer Dinner we were talking together of our ~ffairs. A. voyce in E. ]{. his head faid, Jam venit bora. t::.. After Supper, ::1~ I had a defite ro Ibew to E. K. Come places of St. ]ohm A pocalypGs1. a voyce faid to him, Equsu albm eft initimn Dotlriu veftr,e, Et eft verbum D ei. A voycc. Eqlllll AihHJ, 10. & 9 [tmt NtJvemdecim. 6. Herenpon feeking in the 19. Chapcer of the Apocalypfis: we found the Text, EquM albm, & c. ver[u 1 I. A v?yce, N_e d'lbites. Sum enim fervm Dei. T o thif purpof: _appertain thefe places of Script urr, er-c. 7be[e are the dnyes wherein the Prophet [aid, No tatth_fhgu/d be found on the earth. V'd E.f.l This Faith mujt be rejtored again, and man mujl glonfie God in his works. jam the light of Ji~.:. cap~;-: God. verfu 7: t::.. Then, by lik e, He is V RI EL. ...... I am a witneJJe of the light. Tt.e[ are the times when ]uftice and truth muft tal<f place. e Behold, I tou,hed him, and he became a Prophet. t::.. Mean you E[dras? Vrie/. Yett, in hu ninth Chapter of the fourth book._. Th~re youjhall /hide manifeftly the. Pro~ This attion in phefie of rhif time, and thw a8ion. E.{arar l'rophC: ~. Alak, we think the time very Io11g, !Jefore we entred in the right trade of o\tr true !ied of, ldfons, U r . . When you bavt. the book.. of God before y ou, Then I will npen tbefe [tcrets UJt"to you , r:.. Bnt Alak, the ttm~ is very long thereqmo) the more is our grief; I 2


A true Relation of D. Dee his Af/ions "DJith fPiritr, &c.

A, I mea m fomewhat of our other book, which is to be written. i U r. I "P'ill [peak,. of that al[o. . . A. This dtlay is greatly to our gnef, an~ occa6on of ~a,ny t~tattons. . U r. The tentptations of the world are notbmg unto the wi[e,happze are they that.fee~ t~mptat~JI& with e:nptineffc- of the belly, The Timber if not yet fe4[oned, or eL[e thgu:jhoHldeft Prophefie . l mean niJt thee E. K. /::... Vinca.t manifefla veritas.

Ur. 1hc Bible it u.

E K. He is gone.
Honor,Gloria,laus,& benedictio, fit Deo Noflro, qui in A L B 0 tias fuas fafrurus eft. Amen.

E Q U 0 Jufii-

I j. U'vtane hora. 9 !. Stetin. /::.., After our ~one difcourfe upon the 9th, Ch:a.pter of E[drM, &c. Vriel C'a!lle, and flood he .... xy. npon E. K. his head, not vifibly. Ur. ReadthefixthChapter. For faith muftjlourijh. 1"heworldurotten, andus'<.aldm ht

Monday~ Januarii

their own fitts. t:.. E. K. Read it, and in the 28. verCe, thus it is. Florebit antem fides, & vincetnr cor :rnpcda, & ofienderur veritas, qu;e fine f ra ..... Diebus tantis, &c.

A voyce faith, Open the Shew-flone. E. K. At length appared one in a long vvhite Garment The Cu(tain went a{ide, and che feet of men app~ar not now. This man feemeth twice fo high as 6. He bath nothing on his head, but long hair hanging down behindc him. He is ticd,or girded about., as though he yvere tied vvith many girdles..
E. K.

U R 1 EL. I am Vriel [[aid thi-1 man] The light, and hand of him that created Heaven and Ettrth: that talk._ed with Hdras, and did comfort him in a!flit/ion, and the fame that hath talk,.ed
with )IJU: Yea , from the beginning of this aCtion. Therefore, gird your [elvu together , and hear the voice of the Lord : Liften, (I fay) to [uch things IH are hid, (I fay) to them that dwellabD1J~ t6c H ettvens. Behold, thi4 if the la.ft fl~ep of the world : and the tzme,that the power of the hightft bath armed himfelf, [a;ing, Come, 0 ye ftren;r,th of the Heavms,and follow me. For the earth bath cried vengeance, and hath curfed herfelf, and de[paireth. Come (I fay) For I will place the feat of rigbteo,fneffi. That my Kingdom maybe in One : And th at my people may flourifh: Yea, even a litcl e before the end. And what w thul E. K. He fpake thc[e four words in another Tune.

. K He ]ooketh up ro h~aven
An Ane:d

A voycc. Blt ed art thou, which re[pellejf thy Juftice, and not the fins of man. Ur. 1hi.t is the voice of the Angel that now raketh place. now uking place. t:.. May we be fo bold as to demand the name of that Angel? lir. No, It is not lawfrdl. 1 [wear by all things that are contained withire this holy boo~(.: *By the feat of God , and him that fitteth th~r~on. That the .. Note,he r~ke tlih, An Oath. words , which htt11t been [po'<.en in this At/ion , and .fhall be now [pok,.en, by me, pointing down to rhe ~rear Bible of the: A l'rophdi~. are true : Three yettrs nre yet to come; even in this moneth , (that .beginneth Lord Alb. L..rr~m,up an . 1 7 in the .fourth year) Jhall the Son of perdition be known. unto the whole world: on which the ShewJ"n~a . t~. Suddenly creeping out of hrs hole liftv an Adder, lea.ding out her young ones af- ftene, now, flood, .-fnrtehra !l~s. ter her, to devour the dujt of the urth.


Si Jimplru,~r, {re annus eft in. ttlligtnlhls,fi nrnfepttnanuswnur, noftrtJrttm annorum i4. .fit bt~benawr pro ullo annD ,,]fico : tul41 , men{tr~ (:Jc, Perpen!le.

Confider well. I [ufp~[t 42 moneths (now and then) to be underfiood for an year. . . U r. This moneth iJ: the fourth year :1 jhail A1ttichri!f be k..,nown unto all tbe world. Then jhall AntlCht ,{1-us. wo, wo, dwell among{t the Khzgs of the earth: For they .fha/l be cbofen nil nmw. N either jhall Omnrf n:nc I .( J. Fe~ts periburtth ~re. nnyt batruet h now,or rezgn_et h ~a K mg;or Govenzouro1 t~e .. .. l eJ 1 unto"t be en d o.jth~ zve rnre ' t ' rium tlilr'l year : B11t they jha!l all perijh. 4 ~nu m{n!itum. Their Kingdoms le o11ertbrown.

t:.. The fentence is dark, in refpdt of th e tim'!,

A tre '!(elation of D~ Dee his AE/iC;nJ DJith [jnritJJ &c.


Tb~ 11trth wtrjl:ed. 1'h~ Rivers bet(ftHe bioud , . 7Pith the bloud of men and beafts mixeJ toge D. ~~~fpicor 41 -. t her In this time Jhall the Tur/<..i(h jta~ be roo.ted up , and rttjt fr!>~" the earth. A nd in/fe11d mrr.f~~ /''~ n"D . . numran""' 1 of hi.m jhall. enter m that Devrl : t,7t -~ather of luzrs , and fuch M Jwr.ll m. the houfe of V a-_ MJfh? rfliut . d' nity. Ee/o()/d, Th1s Prtnce (hall fly throu g h hts Kmgdoms, M tbe Pn.l'lujix: 'l!tl 6. 1 h~y are m dPara .r~d.' Gteyhound aftet his fpoyl : devouring his polfetlions, nnd cutting di)W/1 ann11r v l: ari1 rhey we <! caYnt upwar . h d rr' J cfpccbll y E.lias. the wzc~td : Bltt c fuall become pr?u . . J. ,Jf' Propbets of the Lor,. ~:nnHny: on. Jhall dercmd frotr1 Heaven~ G.!onthed wzth thezr old Garments very frfh, Antc h., J' , and not fftiined. Thy eyes }halL fee tbem. Out of thefe books fhall the true Oottnne ~ s.prrbra. of the Fro;-bets,and Ap:~fihs be gathered: Which are not to be under/tood, but wzth tbe [pirit of unA.L, derjtanding, the fpirit ofwifdom, and trutb. Behold, I will fay unto }QU my felf. Eno,b.


Come, Hear. . Ot~r !lgn. For, the voyrr of the Lord is 'With power. Therefore , be milde? and of h!tmh!e [p;rit. For lo, . . tbe time }hall come. A nd' I bave feven books, fuch as !hall be deltvered unto one of you. A nd 7. T. ;hrr m:Ir~ill meet thu wa!kj~tg in the fields. And will ftretch forth my hand, faying, Come: Thn! jh:J/td~,,J11Ffi A. thi~te eyes' fee tlrfe thiHf!.s, thrzt thy fpirit d oth. And tboujhalt b ecome a man of underfiandiH ~; : for I will give Ehee bread , and thou (halt eat. it, fuch, as {h;~ll he the breas of fufficietit comfort.

F. 14r.

E. K. It thundreth in the lone.

the Lord.

Of thee, [pointing to c. K.] thus fayeth

Thou art flefh, attd !tecome .fluhborn. Thy judgement waxetb dull, and thy heart [ea led: But I E. t( will un[eal thee ; and thou ibalr be partaker : Rut (brcart[e thou hajt. offended me) not with power in worldly things, I will m~tk..e thee a. gre.xt Seer : Such 1111 one, as jhall j11.dge the Circle ef things in nature, But heavenly wtder.ftanding, and [piritudl k._nowledgfUhall be Jea!ed up from thu in thil world: For, thou art become .ftony, and ha_tt cried out againH my Saints. Notwithjtanding, your life fhall be together. Thou jhalt be a wor/<..nu:n of nature, !oozing into the Cha.mbr:rs of the earth: The Treafnres of men. Many thing are pluckt from thee, wbich were thine :But not from you, becaufe I have promifed rh em. TYhat /.1 be, that bridled the )l'indes~ t::. . At Y' llr prayers ? Or, who u he that preferved you from the blondy imaginations o.f m en? [and] hatreds of the world invincible l Is it not he, t~ilt i1 ~~d of Heaven and Eartb l Is it mt he, that made both f/.ejh a1 Soul? Ye~ even he it u, tiNt td faJeth. Fiy from the wick._ednee, and fociecy with Dfvils. Lenve off to fi n llgain;t the L ord: for h1 N of great pow~r. Th/.1 u the la!t time that any jhew jh~tll be made in thil jlone, Fci, lo, ni~ Cr;1 ercc the promife of the mojt highefl jhlltl be fulfilled. i~ t " oked 2f-. E. K. Now 1 fee all thofe men, whore feet I faw before: And there fit-~~~~:~:; di~~


his teeth fiery And chere fit [Ix,nified.: on one fide of him, and fix on the other. And there fit twelve in a lower h~t undet them. All the place is like Gold J garnifhed with precious ft;HE's, On his head is a great fione; coverjng his head j a fione mofl: bright, bngh. tcr then fire. Four bring in a man bound. No\V all is gone except V1iel.
Ur. The endofwordr, thebeginning of deeds. A voyce. St>al .i t up: For, it u at an end. . n.. What is your will, that I (h.,!l do with this fione. Ur. All H [aid: and I 1tm fealed for time to come. n.. Deo omnipotenti, vero, vivo, & zterno fit omnis bol'lor, Laus,Gloria,Potemia, virtus & vit\:oria : nunc & in fc:mpiterna feculornm fecula. Amen.

Wed1te[dny, January I~. vre went from StetiJt to S targart. Sonday, Januai'Y 19. we came to Po[en. Eccle{ia Cathedralil Po[nanienfis fundabatur anno 1025. per Wincellau:m Regelfl Chri!lia- mrln [a{lu'ltt cujiK [epulcbrum in inferiori parte Ecclefie extat , lapide egregie extru{Jum.

'0 x.{rJ""g:. m'yM "''d IJMd"''v J'i'c~. rlit rii E.. K. ~J'w.Urt., '">"",H i~a.t'l'rodl"";; (i.e. UUa.f!.1mm adzi vit. periculum- per iniquitatem E. K. contra 11fe.) Sund~ty,January 26, ...... Invi[eb11m Bibliothecam Ecclefi~ Cathedralil. M 11tdRy,] an nary 27. rr;~, x.up. o~o~ Bftli<f. (Rix.e cum uxore hrroes.) T uejrlay, January 28. We Went from Pofen. '1hz !;Jd:1 Jan. 30. We came to Konin Town, over the long and dangerons Bridge, l1ith J, much cumber at one broken place, by rea[on of the huge Cakes oflee; which lay there; Satur

Jannaty 2 5.


A true '1\..elation ofDr. Oee hi.r Aflion.r

'~Pith [pirits~ &c.

Saturday, Februarii, I. \Ve paffed the dangerous way of Ice, having 25 men to cut the Ice for our Coaches to come through above two Englifh miles long : but for all that great help, we could not get eo Vinew Cicy that night, by reafon of the great water and lee hard by the Town, which was broken over the banks into the medows very deep. s~nday, Frbruarii 2. We came over the great water, the lee being moll: part (with that nights winde) driven away out of our paifage. Monday, Feb. -3 We came by Shadek._ to Lask..o Town, and there were lodged in the Provoft his fair houfe by the Church.

Primlt A crio apud Lasko. T11e[day Februarii 11. Stilo 1 1eteri, aft 21. Stilo novo. t:. . After our prayers of the 7 Pfalms, and my particular invitation and calling for God his help, and the miniftery of his good Angels: After (I fay) more than halfan hour fpace attendance; E. E. [eemed and thought that he felt a thing about his head; as if it clawed with Hawks claws. it continued no long time. And t<?ward the Eall:erly corner of my urtat .Study above, feemed to E. K. clouds to appear, far off, as at a quarter of a mile diftance, Then al)peared a Sea, endldfe one way, and a Haven mouth with a Riverwhicb fell or ran into that mouth. And befides that R.i ver doing down in to the Haven, did another River appear by running into the Sea, without any Haven makin.~ or having, The water of this Sea, is not like Sea-water, hur rarher like ~ickfilver. Now cometh a mountain, and (wimmeth upon that main Sea. Now that mountain feemeth to refl: and fiand before that River momh, that is by the Haven. A voice, ..... . Men[i1re me,

E. K. Now feemcth a great thing like a man to fland, With one leg in the forelaid ~ver,and \Vith rhe other in thefaid Sea, by" having a corner of rhe ... id between his faid legs. His right 1eg is in the Rivcr,and his leh: in the Sea. His right leg [cernc:th gold, and his left leg lead. The mountain fiandeth before him. His l.egs arc like two pofis, of the fubfiance ofthe Rainbow He is very high: he bath a face, but wirh many eyes and nofes) but not diihnetly to be difccrned. His body feemeth to be red Braffe. Be !l:andeth with his arms abroad, and no hands appear. His right arme is -:>f the colour offil ver ; His left atme leemeth to be black, twinkljng His he~d is much of the colour of that Sea wherein his lefc leg fiandeth Now beginneth a right hand to appear ; a fair right hand.
A Yoice [aid to this man ........ Meafure the water.

He an[wered, ...,.,. It is 250 Cnbtts. A voice ....... Mea[ure that fuot of earth. E. K He pointeth to the mount~in. AM[wer ....... Jc is a cube twice doubled in himfelf in a flraight line,

E K One fpeaketh behind me, faying

...... Mea[ure the Sett al[o . . Anfwer ...... It is 750. Cubtts.
3 in 4 rfficiNnt l l .

& in {e rfficit
H. t fficiunt. 108,

& ).

E. K He now floopcth to it, and taketh of it in his hand

He fait h ...... The fourth in the third, and three in him[elf [quare.
The age of Nature.

9 N unc 9 in

E. K Now all is gone, all is clear, and nothing appeareth

t:., At length after this, E . K. heard from the forefaid corner of the Study, the noife, as of a Sh! p toifed and jolted of the waves of the Sea. Afcer: that E. K. faw one that frood all covered in a white cloud by the Eafterly co rner of the Table_, above the Table in the Air. He faid. . ...... Bettti [unt, quiltu veritas) [pes, & Cin[olatio eft : & quibtu luminaria majora. inferviunt, iJt fortitudine & potentza .eterni 6" Omnipotentu Dei.

E. K. Now the cloud covereth him, and abidcth. E.K. Now he cometh out of the cloud, and fiepeth thrc:efieps for::::


true ~elationo[Dr. Dee his Affions with Jpirits, &c.


ward, and chc cloud ftandcth behind him, lake a garment ... At length he faid .
.... . Then i1 their blredneffe> eternal life.

E.. K . I never faw him before: He is covered with a red Purple Robe,
fuch as my Lord, here, ufcth; but made fomewhat like a Surpleffe. His head is covered with fe:tthers like Down: His face is hke a childes face: His neck is bare : His legi are ba . m oH wbire: His garment comerh not but ro the fmall of his leg. He flandeth upon a white great round Table, like Chryfial, alt written with letters, infiniccly On the middle of the Table is a great fwelling or pommel of the fame fubll:ance the Table is of. Upon th~t pommel he fiandeth~ Hr. harh nothing in his hands; neither can hishands bedifcerned His Robe hath no D.eeves.
He faid ...... N on poffum diutizu videri: ServU! {um Altif!imi: N ovi Tetram iit paradifo. Spirit!.IS [111m S A P I ENT I .lE : Nomen meum eft N A LV A G E .

E. K. He mak<"th a croffe upon rhe place vvhere he fiandeth.

Na:l. ..... ~eatur Pater: BeatM Filiu;: Beatuf SpiritU~ Sanlfzu~ Bea . tu .. . t Menf u~ ratio rerHm & [ub{lantia rum omniuni vifibilium & i1tv1 jibilium, v erz e_,-. [anCfU6 eji: Dens in proiniffis fuis & v eritM ejzu, Talu e{t. E. K. Hereupon he ilievvech a round Globe.
. ... Crrlum, Mundzu, Angelsu, H omo, Nihil, & non nihil, & omne quod eft, vel erit, Nihil e(t nifi [plendor, Gubernatzo , & unitas Dei : ~.e a Centro. f ormat a ejr. reformata ejf, ab initio ttd tempM men[Hratum, & in perpetuum, L aM tibi in Crrlo, L azu tibi iit T erra, TriumphUf tibi in inferno, ubi non e L azu, nee Gloria. jt fJ<:!tt jam infufa Jent io, do~eo: Sed nzodo, lingua, & ideomate pr.edil1o .

E. K. He turneth round when he fpcaketh N al ..... Omnil Caro maxi111e eft jibi applicabiliJ, i n natur4 & perfdiione [utt. l41tda fsmt Myfteria Dei, no1z uc audiaittur, fed ut i'lf.telligantur.
Igitur reve-

E. K Now cometh a great fmoak : now I fee nothing : now he is gone.

A voice. .... .. H ear.

[E. K. lfec nobody.] E - K. Methinketh that tWo fpeak, or eccbo

elfe this vo1ce givc:th an

.... The wnpatient and troH Uef?me .(pirits of indignat ion, wrath, blafpbem and di[obedie;zc~, y, continually contmd, bear arms, and ravenouflJ run wilfuliy, againfl: th~fc that are the . . Meffagers and Angles of the. Dignifird and triumphant GlorJ : which i4 now the M iniftery of him .t hat is Dignified in his Father: To .the htmour and glory of thof e that are humble and faithful in obedience. Tett tbo[c wicl<_ed o1w l<_eep open wars agai~{r pod:. and bu Annointed in Heaven and Ear th, onely for tbe fafegMard and true l(eeping offuch as love God, and f ollow hu Co mmandmmts, rejo.JCe .in Tr~~th, and are v ifi ted in Kighteoufnee. . Dark,Jperches t o the fiejh : but wvrds mixed with humane underftanding ; wherein brief!J I will manif e{t the envy betwun the wick,_ed ( in refpeCI of their envioufneffe ) ttnd thof e that are juftified m H eaven; which fight in the governm~n t of mans foul in the Creatut~s of God : Not in tbRt they ltnow they .fhall overcome : But in th-at they are enviou; n,nd proud f rom t!Je beginning. Their content ion ts eviclmtly amongft y ou, which are joyned. in the [ervice of God : Not M Defavn-s, but as Cho[eil; wbofe veffels and power, are beft i<_nown unto God.

E. K. One fiandeth on mv lc:ft ihouldcr and faith

S inifr-er .. . . Doft thou not hear, how like a fool he fpeakcth, without all r ea Con ? T hou an: a fpirit of lying . . Th.ou art one far theft from t he glory of God. T hou ar t a Cower of lycs, and a teacher of faife doCtrine. E . K . Thus faith he on left hand. S iniftrr ... Speak, fori have power over thee. Canft thou d eny it ? Dexter. Thou think,_e{t fo , becn:Mfe. thou hadJt power : But the brightne.tf thou hadjl, is e turned into iniquity. True it is, thou hadjf power t o banifh the wzck,_ed out of Paradife : But me tb9u ltno1Pejt not> bet:au[u thou hart 11ot banijhed me. I n re[peu of thy dignificatjon (which Jilr~t1fg wi th power ) 1 [ay with the H allelujab : But in refpeti of thy f all, ThM [4ith th-e L ord 5 Pofui. tencbras a tergo meo. Si11ijin- Fy upon God, that ever he created me.
. ,J




A true Relation of])r. Dee hi.r .d8ions ~ilh (pirits., ~c.

. .

Dexter....... Evm thw, do they Je~k_"continually . to.~~~t~r into the 'JI'eak_.eft veffel : of envy, not to rriumph; for th~y /tnow they fha.ll 111t: but tbl'y binder th1 time wiib mti11, wherein they may offend his coJt[c'imce. E. K. I hear ho\vling and lamenting:
To E. K.

Dexter ....... Su.rb ~re thofe ofwbom th9u feekjfr aid and comfort': Tho{e that afPear wtto tbu, have (ought thy foul; And the fr~tit of them, if accordmg to their deftru{iion. Believe them mt. It if [aid before, Thou.dealeft with dev~ls. What rew_ard jhall he reap, that /ighteth" tJgainft the H ighe{i? Or ttik_,etb part 'With fuch as are banifoed f rom 1Ughteoufiuff ? MH 1h"ufc e ch foa!L lm punijhnmrt be, 'Jf!iir:h [eek...eth help of tho{e that are dijhonoured. For d.ijhonour, ~ to imperfd1i in, and H become a monfter for deftrullion. It u written .... Nothingcan ftandbefore the Lord, thar if imperfetl; Much more that imperfdtion weakpzed,whjch obe1 eth the imperfd1 . Leave, f'r,r the k,_ingdom of R.ighteoufnrffe. u at band, A nd.tbiJu mu(l vow. Hear the Lord, That thy fim may be forgiven thee: .Ff!r the Prophefies of the Lord are 1:ot uttered to tht world, with the feales of the. wiclr,.ed. Therefore become holy, that thou majejf ~tugment the bene/it of Godbeftowed ltmOnj!,fl yon; and rmder it to fbe world~ aJ the Meum eft pauca dicere. mrffage of trttth, with thank__sgiving. b. . Sed quis fis, N efcimus, an non idem N aluage, qui nobifcum prius egifti hodie? Nal. ...... I am, E. K. Why call you thofe Devils, with whom I deal; not offending my

confcience~ but intending to do good to

my felf and my neighbours?


you be of God, where is the fruit of your doctrine! &c

N al. ... ... I f they were .not Devils and enemies of tr_uth, tbey w;uld praife and honour God in hf! Mrffenters of trNth. But becau[e thi{ Aaions Jtre t"rut, and the trkth of them jhall be tb~ dejtru[fion of their k_i1igdom ; Theref',re d~vilijhly and envioujly they refift the will of God,. Deny. ~evls. . ing th~power ; Bta[pheming his truth, and znfe&ing pis V(Jfels . . 'Thu it teach l .t what Dottnnc In our Do&rzne t here tS no~hmg t~tugbt but. t he jTate. ~J t he wor ld, her.e,. and .to come. "' pro.1.he cth. ph fies of time, and t~e k..~zttz~g up _of God t my/lerzes~. o~metJ ft:~"' tzme to tzme,to thof that ar~ r his fantlrfird : P..S teftmtqHzes m the Creatzon and Operatton of hzs Creatures; YPher~of this do-. trrrne i1 a parr. 'Ihe Prophets. in their times were m t ignorant b 1evelation of the good y will of their Creator. The .&poftlesin Chrift his Kingda..m, were ma~e partak.,ers of the myfreries ro come, of the frate of mans fa lvation; ttnd enJ.ing of this combat, which is" in that day, 'When all Crea tt~res.fhall receive thezr reward. The Church of G,d is ilw~jes garnijhed and fur'llijhed with jpiritzial Revelaticns = .tis a Manfion or Dwe1ling..;pfau of 1he Holy Ghoft. Thc[e latter dayes, and end of harveft nrujt have alf.o Labourers : For no .Age paffeth away, but through the hands of God, who ma~eth the end of his doings k,nown to the World: To the end; the Wtrld may con[ent 1111to him in Glory. So tbat t"bis Dotlrine, is the tny.fteries of the wmj, of God, [eated f t om th.e beginni1zg, now delrvered unto mttn, for t_hat R.efo.rm'ation which m(tft be in R tformn ion. One unity efiablifhe.d unto rhe end. The very part of that Circle, which comprehendetb the Note rh~r Myjreries t~f the Higbr/1, in his Prophets, Apofiles, and Minifters yet eo come> which are alive, C ircle, and Jhall bear witnrffe of etern#./ Comfort: 7he.fruit"Of our DoCirine is, that God _fhoufd be praifed. . For ~f our fe lv.es we fuk.. no glorJ : B11-t weferve you to your comfort, feacBint,. you tiJe will of God, in tbe [elf [a me Cbri/f, . tbat w. s cru. a hzs cifie4 ; fold and died in the Patriarchs, and publi}hed to the World by " Difciples, and. is now t aught unto ; ou, in the r-emif(ron of fins .. great eft in the World, for the end of aU things. Tbe".vet-y k:y and entra1zct into. the {ecret m_ rjteries of God,.. (" in u[P.e{l of .!Jis . determination on eartb) bringil{g with it reward in the end of etemal glory, wbjcb is the greateft Tre~[ure. Tbof~ that tempt the~, do it i 1t re{pe?J of the fear they have of the po.wer -tif G"od,fpringing ~n thu. Let this [uffice. The World is vain iu re[petl of etern.ttl j o yes. flea1Jett and Ea.rthpaffeth (l~ "Way; 1he reward of theRighteousendureth.


Nal. .. .... What do yotifee imperfell, m all that IJatb been delivered l

Ne I. ....,.. Yo"tf hne 4-9 Tables : In tho Tables are containtd the mJftical .anJ holy .voices of tbe [e Angtls ;. dignified ; and in ftttte di[glorifirJ. a:nd drent in r.onfufion : which .Pierceth 1:J eaven, an~ . . look,_eth iJrto the Center of tbe E artb : tbe very langt.tage and fpeech of (hzldren and Innocents, t:,.TnfYd;tn 11- 'fi l .t G d b c, , . en. fucb ns magn' e t ~e name oJ o , and Are pure. Ji, Ap~i~,;',.'" Wberem, the Apofiles underfiood t~e diffufe ~J(nJ ~f the World,. imperfetied .fo~ ma11s d lxtt h4nc lin.- tran[?,rrf!ion. Tht[e Tables' ate to be wntten, >tot by ~an; but by the finger of her whtchts motdm mmqrlam ther ro Venue [ o.; Madimifaid'her mDther would write them, An. IS~3 J Whereilt the wbole JuijJt rt11tl.4 World, (to flefh ~rt:credible J rdl Creatures, and i1J.all k._inds,are numbred, in being;~nd multitude. ~"; thefe two The mea[ure.and proportion of that [~tbftance, whicb is -'frt~nfitory, and fh4/L wax otd. places be z:e. The{e things 4nd myfteries ir.re your p11tts, and por.tions'[ealetJ; a; wdf by your own k.Jto1Pl1Jge, coociled. JH'tbe fruit of your lnterceffion.


A true~ elation of Dr. Dee his At/ions Jith fpiritJ; &c.


The knowledge of Gods Cn:acurc:s. Vnto. me 4re delit~~red five parts of a time: Wherein I will opm; teach , and tm~over the f ecrets ~ive.p:ar;s of a of that fpeech, that holJ myjterie. T o the iHtent the CAB A LA .. of ,N A J' U R E, in vo;ce, [ub-: ume. Jlance of bQdie, a11d m.,ufftre in all parts maJ be '<.nown. . FIJr there if-nothing, fecrt.t , but it tl-:a 6e revelt/ed, And tbe fon of G 0 p jhall .be Jv-own Vt p 0 wE R' and efiablilh a Kingdom witn righcc:oufnelft: in the earch, and thro com-eth the end: . , For the earth mujt come Wider fubjet/ion, and muff be made pure. That death may btt [will- Jt~grrwm Cbrr /owed in his own Kingdom, and the enemy of rigqteou[neJJe finde no. habitation. The word of G1d m-Jll 1'!1"' 11'" rn Jureth fo r ever. His promi[e~ are j11ft. His [pirit is truth. His judgements .infcrutabl~. mrtli, Him[elf Vniver[al!. He it i:; of whom you labour. , The promifes of God in this earthly Noble man }hall be fnlfiiled. Salomon ufe4 the places of honour; aHd war exalted. Thus fayech the Lord. I have fealrd bim againft hatred; and have made his feat open. Le.t him therrfbre firi~ up; tbitt the people may {u him. For mortal men have places of hono11r, ttnd in their own Courts, they come to ~e rxaltrd: Wh? is he that made the r.arth, and dignified him with a livmg Soull Even he it is that rxalteth, and in who[e ha1tds the Kingd?ms of the earrh ar~ fr.tled. .. . Behold, tlle fifth tlnie !hall come, (in re[peti 9f the parts of time) and it is the da; , that bath ~em promifed, TheH Pntll your eyes be open. Then }hall jou fee. A voyce. Staj there.... ~. Nal. I o.bry.

Now 1 fee him paffe awJy over the Chri!l:aliine Table, . 'hich i~ V round ltke a Cart wheel, having a ~reat knop in rhe middle.
E. K.
A. As concerning our .:11dering of the Table, and the reil of the fumiture,we are defirous to kno~, what is now eo be done: feing, now we are come to the end of this firfi journey. A voyce. Be it thy charge. 1 will put to my hand. A. Mean you it to be my charge to ord~r thefe things, as my imagination !hall be inftruCl:ed, by God his favour. A voyce. It is fo fard before. A. Gloria, Honour, & gratia rum a8:io Deo omnipotenti Deo nofiro Domino & Patri No!tro : nunc, & in fempicema feculorum (zcula. Amen.

8. a. Meredie hora 3 Lasko. Stylo vrteri, aft 28 . Di( ftilo novo. A. After fonie prayers made , E, K, faw (as he thought) N alvage fianding at my lc:ft

Tuefday, F(bru11.ry


A. In nomine Jefu Chrifii Redemptoris nofiri, Efiis vos Nalvage?

Nal. Tu dicit.

E. K ..fhc lower part of him is in a Cloud: but all his upper part is out,hc bath a thing ltke a Pall hanging down behinde him from h1s head; He hath like a round ... of boane in his hand, he fGc:meth to be as farre as the

Church. And I fee him,a.s well winking as directing my open fighc on

Nal. What il it ,1ou requirr l

A.. The expofition of tile time delivered to you in five parts.

cttlelltt, I rc:ad, and when I came to the place, that death mat be fwaHcrived,. CJ"t,. Nttlvttg,t faid as followeth. Nal. 1hat is the laJr Conqueft. go fo'riiarJ. ii. hi reading? NaJ. I. ll.. I read to the end. Nal. The fingtr of the higheft p~ru[(th nittr1re amongft you by himfelf~ and i11 her own motion. 'Ibrough which at/ion things become) that were not (by Gmer.ztio~t: ) .A.nd in the fame time vanijh, M tbougb they were not (by corrupthn.) A year it w ; . Wherein nature lool{.eth with mmy rj(i tbrougb . dwelling places: Tlnto fome ur a Nur[e: tmJ to the reft M, a ./f!!p-mother:. And fo it is ~t/1111 in tbe.Scrfpturrs. For, a time is an year, purpofed by determination in the 'judghirent. of God; whtch I S not known to nta'z, how, or wh~n it /hall happm.- Another year is . time. a ljfllb!ijhed, 11nd prefently delivered, M tbf prefmt judgment of God. Tbis that 1 [peak,. of. .A ti111e is 1t1t yur. Tbe parts are /{.nown ~mongjf ;ou.

Nal. Re11d it.

6. F.lio /re-





A true 'f\elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions YPith JPirits> &c.

E. K I never heard any fpeak fo leifurd y

N al. Now look.. to your under/fanding. I [peak.. of two year;. One appoint rain the jtHlgement nd determin ation qf God to come,and unk_nown to man. . The other the time of the Judgement of God (and before determintd) nr;Jw pre[ent': Notwithjfanding; beffJre ~etermin:d . There is dif fertuce betwem rrn year m_r!fically promifed.; a~~ unk_nown : a_~zd. the tzme that u mY_{hcal!y promi[ed. l!. K.Hclreak- and k_nown. Annus myfiicus fumitur ?~pltctter : Unus, ~lll efi Tempus cc:guttum Deo,& hO'ctha languJge mini 11on revebtnm: Tempus , hoc dtcttur .' apuJ ~eum. , An~u~ nos tllud computamu~. r n me tHI .AI ind ell: tJr;-r. finiwm coonirum Deo & Angelts, & revel a cum honum : & Annus eft pr~fens. known an ! ' ' ~ look et h r,~~- Tbis IaJf is tbe y ear I [peak_ of. what ononc t:.. \Vhatare-yourparts ofthatyear? . . . . . . . fiJc. Nal. March, ,;lpril, Mtty,June, July, Auguft ..... in 11lo antem dte, mver'ueus Chriihtm. The words of this V oftrine mutt agree, and rimes.

E. K. When come }'Drt with the.reil of your word~ ?

Nal. A s it is given me,[o I give it unto y~u.
. A ,gr'-atnnparience.
!= 1 !,~li 1 ic:a:

~h~ e~~~~~ng.

[ln Thefe ~cek s are the fruics of my labour eo be known. For l muft unfo:d unto you,and cc open the (ecr ers of rllis myfiical , and Deli1Hred fpeech: Wh ereby you talk in mortal " founds with fuch as are immo1tal:And you may trudy know th e nature, and ufe of God his " Creatures. 1 hercfore,b~ diligtnc in hearing,and Receivmg. For the courfe of man is con

[t:.. He was thus interrupted by E. K.] --'' Mufi end their courfe in the promife of God:


" trary: But the determination of God moll certain. You ate anfw ered . . .... Mean y ou there LeMten weeks, or the 't"eek~ of all the fore-rehc:rfed moneths ? .... Of my "'Pho/e appointed time.

E. K He ilandeth higher up
... . . ]YliJy we ( with1ut offence) r equire your . at tt!l times, tu our r afe requiret!J.? N al. 1 our labour is my re<ldintffe ...... Y ou fee I have an A 1,ue : What is your cou11[el therein ? Nal. I hav e to coun[elyou ( from God.) A. Bleifed be the Fountaiil of counfel, and of ~u goodnelfe.

E K. He fheweth an houfe; ~nd fix, or itven T otches : They arc: lik c lbadows .
...... In t'he name of God what maj this mean?


the top of it with

.E. K. 1 hele Lhadcvvs go up and dovvn th<: fide of the hcure ) thrufiing their Torches into th.e fidts of it. _ The houfe is like chi1 vc1y houfe. They go round about the houfe. There 3re eight of thc:m. They have cla\vs l1ke Eagles. When they fie, tbey are like Apes. They fet a fire on it, and itburneth mighrHy; Now you~ wiferunnrth out, and feemeth to leap over rayl, and to Jy as <kad. And now come you out of door, 2nd the the Ga1ery_ Chitd ren fiand in the way toward the Church. And ycu come by the ycrn door; and kneel, and knock your hand on tbc earth. They take up your wife; hn.head wagglcth this way and that vv:ay. You look up o hraven frill, and kn~el upon one of your knees. The lone houfe quiverf tth anl. quaketh,and all the roof of the houfc talleth in eo the houfe, down upon the Chefis. And one of thefe bagg.1ge thing~ laughnh The houfe burneth all off. Your wife is dead, aH hc:r face is battered Tbe right fide ofherface,.her teeth and all is bartered She is bare-legged, lhe bath a whir~ Peticote on. Now the apparition is all gone ~it feemerh eo be pulled out of a pool of water, half alive, and !lalf dead, het hair hangi.rg abom her eats They hold her up: l'ow. they ca~ry h~_outat rhcGare. You feem to runne in the fields, and rhrc:r, or f-our men after you You run through waters All ddappeareth; And now 'N.al"'Page a?peareth ag~n He iecmeth to have wept
b. .

Nal ... Gocl

A true '!(elation of Dr. Dee his At/ions 'With fpiritJ~ &c.

may e[cbue them. And how hall 1 efchue them? . 'Nal. .... , Tbtu _(ayeth the L ~ rd. Behold, 1 bttve [ea{ed tbee for my [elf: for mJ people,and for my [ervaut, Ther~fore jhtt{t thou not peri.fh; No, not the /etl/1: hair of thy bodie.. Fear not , be ftrong in faith. For I come jhortlj. H eark,tn therefore to my voyce,.I [ay, therefore hearkpz t!J my v'oyce: For- the fpiri.t.s,.of wick.,ednet'} a1t~ confufionhave rifm up againft thee: If therefQre tbry prevail againfl my purpd[es; . 1hm.fh~ll zt b~ no world: Nt'lthr: .are there lf~J heavens. B_ut, thw place w .not for tbu; yet'zf thou wzlt, be zt Ttnto thee. I w1ll feal d~flrrtllton, both fo r a tune and for ever. Be "~ighty therefore m m_ e. All the earth rageth in wick,_edneffe. And fin?fe fmell'eth thee ready 1toW t o creep out of IJ~ h~le . ~f. thou move rhy feat, tt Jh_all be more .acceptable. For, evm thw yea~ jhalt thou fe e the btgummg of many troubles: .And the entraHcc of thw LASKO, into the bloudy fervzce of the worl~.


Nal. ..... God f!,ivrth y9u w arning tbat yon

E. K. He [eemeth to (pit fire) and fo vanifh away.

0 Jefu Chrift, weh21vc committed. our felves intc;> thy hand; .and do fubmit our 'Yil_s to l thy ('fovernmenc~ What fhould tillS mean of ternble deftrutbon threatned eo my w1fe and maiden ? And as it were freni ie, to !ight on me for forrow. Thefe things cannot well ~gree with our former a(fured protection.
E. K .

I fee a little' wench on the bench, all it1 white, ilie fayeth .

. . Ho1P do you fir l ... , [ 1fl111{_ing curfie t o ~.J A. Better ic is known to you then ro my [elf, how I do. ...... Sir, 1 httve bem... .. land, ~t your houfe, where they are allYPell. A. Thanked be God . .... A nmt .... The ~em{aid: Sbe WM forry thatjhe had loft her Philo[op~r. But the L ofd :lrea[urer an[w,errd: h~ will come ho e jhortly, a beggin('f to you. m '1bey were bl11c}z. Sir, Herry Sidney died upon Wednefday laft. 6. Note, at Pr~t&ue, AUg. 1 ..~ A privy enemy of yours. I _underftoocl thu ~Ir ,H(n rJ . r f h' ..r d Stdn~J was not dead 10 Febr...... I ever ~o? k. h lffi _~or one o my c Ju 1nen s. :ary nor March,no nor in May . , .. But thH zt H: '1ruely, none can turn the ~ems l~eart from you. laft : fherefatc this mutl; be I could not come into your Studie : The f!2!!em h,zth caufed it to be [ealed conlidcred, D oClor H~ger !lis "P T oubirwbeen ufed t o good Cities: J.t weu good, you did confider fon told m~. Yo~ ro.ly al~o it. Little words are. of 01Tre11t ma.ttl'r. l!l:uk .h 01,. .th~ D~v 11 ac tlm Clt~COVIA . ld o me to 1ettIe my. 1elf firfi ) r r ume dtd mtf-mform E.. K. and A. W h ere, I pray, wou _you Wl 1 . foit is poffibl.e that this beiog ...... c./vly moth~r rvould gzve you coun[el to dwell at LA S C 0. a lye:, was his, A. Dp yon cWfemfrom your mother?


1111 unwife maiden. The Devil bringetb the f ound ()f my mouth Note the to thy ears. E. K. For l [aid C R A C 0 V I A, and he Jpak_e L A S C 0. envy Be power ~- Scing your mother would wifh me to' dwell at C RAC 0 V I A, at what other place of the D evil. would you wifh me ro dwell ? ...., Lux ante /acimt, Tntebr.e_poft t ergum.

Upon what . . J efu, you thi11k.. tbat I am

E. K. Now 1 feel a hulling thing go from tny head .


...... I praJ you be ,not off(Juled with my jimpl{city : My mother a!1d I am all one. tn us it Th~Cncor!l difcord: I pray you bear with me, if I fay, ] be the Concord of t~me. Thefe are my words. ofumc.My nwcher would have you dwell at C RAC 0 V I A. And I con(ent unto it. Let them . that be wife wzderJfand: A lwayes pray that yo~ may hear truely, and receive faidifnlly. A. May I before I go any further demand 1f you be Madimi ? .... .. 1 am fo, Sir. A. As concerning t his terrible Viiion here Chewed what , is either the itHem, or verity , of it? Mad. S ir, will it pleafe you to hear me l A. Theveriry is mofi: acceptable to me alwayes. 1,.,-'tliJ. Anno ~a f ....... I tbink,_your booltJa~th, T?u man bu way is prepared, &c. If8;. Jun.I6. A . I trow~ th~ words aTe, H1s feat lS made open, or lllade manife3:. S!lprr, ttnte aH9 foli~ Mad... .... I t wfo. B~ ar with me, l t/,i,k,_, it is [o. A. What will you fay thereof ?.

Mad. ~ .... And upon l'arth Pr-inres have b . i1t thfir own CouJ;ts; . I rerhember, Fie was fea'fed ~t ~lordake. . Contra onm: malum. . Then c.annot tbe King- of Poland~ nor the c hance/or, prevttzl agam{f htm. Yet Vend1derunt ammam'ejus. t::.. l ord be m:rciful umo . : . ; What Trayterons dealing ? I befeech you eo. fay , e. m that cafe ,; He IS our great fnend, and for the fervic e of God ftirih(riilg.' K ~ Mad..... Tou


A true 'I(elation of Dr. Dee hir Aflions TPithJpirits, &c.

_ _ _ _ _ _ M _ -..-.. .. You met a man by tbe way : He is an Ir~jhman. ( But as me, he [aid hew~ _ad-. a French nun) I heard the King, whrn . . bim to go mt~ England. Bu.t he could not poifon him there . '[herrfore he [11/lowed bim, all the way. B11~ zf he return ag.wt :They fay, We rPill exalt him. But [end thou thy Army, and we will [md hzm. Wherefore bath the Kzng abfented C on(piracy oi rhc K. ot bii~J[d{, but to betray his Kingdom l Truely, I can tell no other ca~[e. . . I' of. wj .l: rhe <..My M other f aith witbin thefe few daJes, lf-/ter be callethzt) a lztt~e t~lk_, Let hm1 go r,,tz Jg~inft to Cracovia .... himfelf as David did before Saul: It may be the people wzll lzk,.e well of him. A. L. !uJh, 'f,!]h, Ti~or innatus, will ne~er prevail. E, K. She faitb fo ,turning her head Alto~ug,h~e batdzm, he cannot hur~ km; back tO one that fipakc eo h r S1r, '.f you tarry here, you wzll have great e grief in this houf~. c.. How long ( I llray you ) would you with me, to tarry here : or how foon to be rid h(t'lCe? Mad ..... :. Har~ ... H I', E. K. marvelleth what I will [aJ now.

E K. So I diJ indeed.
Mad ........ The Phyfi.til11t faith, infetled air i1 to be avoided in haft. t.Mizny Prinees foall he acquainted withyou, and L earned men. 1he good are oftentimes Jfirred up to offend God, 1l1hof e offen:es are b?th wilfulllnd r11jh : For temptatio1t if a T ouchftone, a1zd iJ one of the black.. fellows. chi~Feji W< ,;pous. A. I befeech you, to fay fomewhat of th e time of our going hence. Mad . ...... Tujh, I pray you, Go hence as foon as you may. t.. T o Cracovia, you mean. Mad....... I. . I will now and then vifit y ou there: A nd will become friend with you, E.R now : for you are become a good man. 6. As concerning that terrible !hew, what can you fay of it ? Mad ....... As a warning to beware that, that jhould be. This iJ the !aft Spear. t:.. Bur, ifi go to Cracovia, no fuch thing lhall happen, I tru.fr. Mad . ...... So, Sir. Therefore, Thw is your warning. t:.. Is it not, then, the wifl of God, that I fhall fet up the Table'here, a5 you fee, we ban pr epared. Mad . ...... Be C01ttented. This U'ilde.rneffe, is 110t 40 y ears. My Mothe;r faith, It mull: not be h ere : yet at your requefi, it mily be.

c. K

How can that be ?

At mans commandment, the Sun can fl:and. Mad....... He faith true, Believe him. Therefore I will not urge lt.n.J thing fverein,but d,. fer till we come t o Cracovia. t:., At Cracovia, lhall I fet it up ? And !hall I require Pernns honfe there~ Or what honfe d[e, is, in God his determination, for me and mine~ ...... As wife as I am, I cannot tell, wiJat,yet, t o fay. It is the Town, 1Phefe the S11hbath day jhall be celebrated. A. But now, as concerning the houfe, What i s your word? . Mad ....... You will110t be defritute of 1t11 houfe. Wi!t yon believe. me ; F or I am your true fnend M AD I M I . Here jhall be the end of your tutmoil; Be of go9d cheare. Did you not will us to hive my eh eft from Turn before we go ~ Mad ....... I, when the blacJtm bath called home his waters. A. Alfoon as .. . . n have it from Torn hither, then we are to be going.

E. K How will my Lord ~gree to this?

Mad . ...... Now you are become~ new man, ~oth we may dwell in one lmtje. Sir, I promife you of my credit,)'OU]hall be to learn nothing of thefe things by Augufr.. A . By Augu{rnext ? Mad ....... Yea , .. Next. 6, P erhaps m.y Lord his furniture of money will not be fuch, as to ferve for our carriage anew, &c. Bell des that, I would wilh Kef mark.. to b~ redeemed , before he fuould ome to c Cracovia : Perhaps then with the people , his credit would be greater. Mad ..... .. Thofe that become Kings, care nothing for Farm-h?u[es. A. I would that needleffe co!h here bellowed, had been faved : or chat you. had told usthis fooner. Mad ... .... Silence now, is my beft ~tnfwer. A. Do Y:on:know, ( 0 Lord, what fay I ? ) Have we had any name of N A LV AGE, heretofore lll our Tables or Books expreffed? Mad. . ..... What have you written, that have you written. H e is a near k..,in[ma1t to my tM9tber We call him, with~, Fuga tefl'cfrrium. 6 . We b efeech God, that all intermedling, and faucinelfe of the wicked in thefe Afrions may ceafe. You know how one clawed him, here, on the head, as with Eagles claws.




true 'l(elationofDr. Dee his Aflt'ons

Soli Deo Gloria.

~ith fpiritJ,



Mad. .... H e ?!lilY rcjoyce, the) clawed not his fotil.

You are contmt to let me go.

E- K.- She goc:thaway {orncwhat bigger, and in a long Gown.


Martii 2.. Stylo novo. Friday , Februar. 21. A MeriJie, Vtsko. A s I had talked of Madimi, and IL. to E. K~ abont TreafUre hia in England: and 1 was defirous to have Come advercifement by Mlldimi, fhe appeared. Mad . ..... , I tm[wer your inward man. I am come again.

E. K She is bigger than the was

Mad ....... 1 am a little grown. A. As concerning a medicine for my Ague, I would gladly . . And as concerning the wife of our dear friend, the Lor . , Mad .. . . ... I pray you, bear with me at this time : I am as willmg to Rnfwer yott (when light cometb again) iuyou to ttsk. me. You may confider of m~tny thing, I ettn ax[lrler them briefly. such b!ef!i.ng 4S my Mo~ber btftoweth bn me, fuch r give you.

B. K. She fmilerb.
A . God grant that his good Creatures mayfmit-e on me. Mad . .... .. JYhen y ou Jtnow 111~ well, y ou wilL find, I. hapr been very charitable.

E. K. She goeth away naked ; her body being befprent with blood ; at the leafi that fide of her toward E .K.
A. Lahdetur Deus T rinus & unus, nunc & in fempiterna feri.tlon1m fecula.


Saturdllp Februarii ~t. 1584. ante m~ridiem, Lasko. [ Mar.tii J Stylo novo. A, The queJlions needful to be require~ of Madim_i. .

Ifthe Pedeftal (for t he holy Table) being here mad e, !hall be carryed with us to Cracow, rather than to make a new ther e : both to fave time, and to have our doings the

G ood counfel for my health rec<>vermg, and confirmmg.

1nor e (ecret? 3 What. is your knowledge and judgement of A. L. his.wife1 in refpeet of her life pall, prefent, and to come; for we doubt !he is no t o ur found friend ? 4 It is our very earndl: defire, that the Danifh Treafurer inf,_ng!and, in ~he ten places, ( feifed o n by E. K. ) might be broug ht hither, very fpeedily : whereby ,.4. L. might re-. d.eem Keyfmar~at:J.d Lttsl~p lands, morgaged : and alfo pay his debts in Cracow, and about Cra.cow. For, elfe, neither can he come with any credit, to Cracow, ( as he is willed ) neither cari he come to us, there, fo commodiouOy, and ofc, as our confer~nre& rnay be .requi(jt, And thirdly, the day of Keyf mark. forfeiring ( without the Emperour his favou:rs.ble help ) draweth nigh : as in April at. St. George his Day nd:t. t:.. Afld by your fp eech of Englan-l,you givemeoccaiion to enquire whether her Majefiy deth caufe my rents to be r eceived, by my Depury affigned or no? "ttVhether her Majefiy , or t he Council, d o intend to fend fur me again, i n.tQ England or n o? And as concerning the red p ... which E. K. f9unq wit h the book in England, what it i s : And what: is the b eft ure of ir; and how that ufe is ro be prattifed or p erformed~ . , ~- . af~er ti:lefe Q_ueHions written, and a lictle our praying to G~ .for his light; verit-y, ancl help, and to (en.~ Madtimi, according as fh_ ~illed me eo note many ~~ings,for ~hat lbe could c anfwer them bnefly . we ufed filence a vrhde; ach fhe appeared on my nght hand betw een me and E. It . . . . ,; E_{rffed be his na ~ethat in truth,t~nd.Jort~ truth, [e~deth J..is -Minifters fiJ i it/tr.uCf them that lo ve Trtttk. . .4 . . Ew~ [o ..... Bt not pzerced too much wt'th fight of me. [ toE, K. for llc looked merv!llloufly eari].dllyon her . J . E. K. Shc:leemcth .more brig he than was; And' to . . . and fl:and



in a more bright plac_. . e

1. .. .. ..

Mad ...... , All bonour b~ ro hitff that livtth. in H eave-n a111l in E4rth, dntl is mighty in Ill! places .
Y our hettlth:

the place on thcCu(hionsonthebcnch,;whcre Die fl:ood ycfterday Bhe 'doth now as ydung children do, playing with her

. E K Now fl1eisgone

coatS J

A true Relation of Dr. Dee his Af/iuns "IJ7ith (pirits, &c.

coats; .and at length fitteth down on th: Cutbions.
Mad. , ..... Ev~n ttJ Jpititual an,J dignified' illuminatirms; from afcen!ie.n, and by dtfr.mding, work__ the will of God, d.'termined in a/l Creatures, diverfly, accord ing to the mea[11red purpofe of the H t.f!/nft, in di[perfing his wilL upon and into every one, particularly ; wherety [ome become wife, one in ibw, .anothrr in thl!t dtgree ; other [ome might) in WfJrk,.s, wherrby health and hdp, comfort and joy, w given to the f aithful: Even fo, af cmdmg, doth H ell inf~fr, Jomt:timr with error, and fometime 1r1tb infirmities: So that from Heaven [prhzg,eth health, f rom below mfirmitieJ of body and (oJ {, Where.y we find two i m,nediate powers> bringing forth two pr~p~rties, The one Comfort) ' with Joy ; T ;Je other Infdiion with fo~row. . JJ 11r tbis may be obje[ird: H ath zt not been feen, that tbt: wir.'<_ed cure dif~:afes I and r~flor~ heabh ? Wharfoever is of death, is Jorrow; which is the ground of fpiritual and b~ ddj infdlion fu tbat evil cannot work._ good. H ow ran it therrf& be that the d~ad revive, or r~(fore health l re 'lbe cure therefore of all [piritual infdiion ( I mean the inftl1i~m off~cb, as are fpiritual is in re[pellof huweak,.~fjJt,and n~t ofbw.frrength; Ber.au[e S at.zn i~tfrliing, may be~ome werzk._ ( w~~r~bJ he r.anJZot prevazl) and Jo g1ve health, by reafon of w~ak,.nrffe ; Otherwife, -srztb power, brmgmg death all manner of wayes. t:.. E. K. t hought a thing, whereunto !he anfwered . . and he faid .. . my thought: /he anfwered .... in my deg ree, though ts. . known eo me, I, than an . . !he is of God and in God, tha . the thought of man.

T "o immcdi;~.tc I'O WtCS,

E K~ She ... I hear a buz; .. e~r~

.... , . The_(e two immediate and Jupmtatural properties are fo digJtifitd in Creat zon and tzJeter-:mintttion, that rhe go?d Angels cannot cure, or belp {t4r.h infirmities, as are brought in ty the fubtile in f :(]ion of the wick,.ed themfe!vu: V1tlee in body the i,mmediate power of t hr fecond Per_(on in Trinity be adjoyned .i n the aid aHd cure of thf' in{elied b:dy; which i1 the true Phyfitian. A nd M he toiJk,. upon him man hi! frailty , {o hf i1 chief GoverNour over th~ [am<? i1t all de~rees. If the J'lul br infel1ed, the Angels ha1'e 110 power to it or mak,.e it clean: but by tlu will of the F athrr which is tbe l-J. o/y Gh~Jf, def~mding tbrou,gh the Angels m to the propriety of thr Chun h : wher ~Ly the Di.fcafe w rurd. 1 h!'refore, confidering, thou art in(el1et( not ttaturally, but by fpiritual and wick,.l'd inflammation, Jiirrmg 11p thy tody unto infdiion. We that are g?od Angels, ca11not w.inijter help v.n!re we feeL tbe i: mediate power f him which is the fecond, and the water m of Lifr. N otwithltanding, as we k._norv bow the infeCJion gr~w, either locally ~r r~allj : S~ ea~ we find contrary places and t hings for comfort. Whm Herod wa~ infdted bJ the Devil t ,, k,.i!l very Chri{f the Son of G Jd; His purpofe was not altered by contradill_io~ to _ Devi!, but 'b.?' th~ forek,.nowlrdge of God, wbich appointed Egypt for the hw [f1fegua rd. So 1t w[atd unto thee, I t wthought go9d tho1 fhou!dj1: rejt at C R A C 0 V I A; 1 ffJr it i1 a place fttnfti/ied., both in fore- drtermination, and now. Therefore ufe tht: S abb ~tth, tntd re/f fr om.lut(Jf.'Y : R eap now, and eat the f ruit of thy labour ; Prrffe the Vinel that thou mllyejt drink._, 11nd le comfortet/ : For the pr~mi[t>s of God; are not in vain ; N either are the Heavens fruit lrffe. For as it h faid, Thou art not bound, but fvr 'tht [ervice of God : N rither jhalt tho~ be m riched by Prmces : but jhalt e"rich them. Flejh may [peak.. vainly, and be without comfort: But the promifes of God, cett[e not, neither becomt rmcrrtain, This year t o come, il of great hlood-(hed: prepared to flop the mouth of the Earth, which gapeth f r forr ow. 7 herefore th~u muft be feparared, that the promt[es of God may be fulfilled: which cometh ( not at your reque.ft, />ut at hw Determination) mo{t abundantly. 7 hr_(e Boords n~ed not, 1 he pavi ment }hail ferv~ ; Jot it w nt'ither the Earth, nor mrms b~tnds, (but the Finger of him that /ivrtb, ) th'llt provok,.eth. Behold .... Thlft the powe~ of G11d might be k,.nown, therefore he bath ch-.[m .thofe that ~tre not tegarded, to the intent, it may befaid; L o, This is of God. .. H a.ff therefou , and ftay not, for thy warning H great. . 1hofe that tzre W1[e ( to fin) in thrir flefh/y. imaginations, are derei11ers of tbe1n[rlves: Which ;wic:h us are nor to be accufed, but rather unknown. For the Kingdom of H eaven id diviJed fro m H ell : and thofe that ~re of H dl, are unk,.now1z from us. For IfS and . , it'aruraLIJ, lt,.n9wnot, oneanother,fucb, andfo it is ofuo. Sit t ibi fat is quod illam non novimus, neque virtutem ullatn defcendentem ab i\la vidimus. Neither h .the power of God in bim,for huO'Wn fak_t:but.for tl;e ~pirit that God bath p.'anteJ in IJim. F?r we have k,.nOW1t btm, and again have forgotten hint. And yet we undmrand him But ( [ ..teach tbu iz MJ:ffery ) by irradiati~lt into hirh : tt11d not by rejfex101t fro m himfe/f, A s the hell'llens fly from the [link,. of the infelled powers, even fo, fly thou.

C r:acovia,


A. L.

b,. Ca,oJ.tmort ip[zus Pt~latin~t.



Gan. What 71ilt thou WJth 19b11t .wilt thQu ha11t l

E K She calleth one1 who is now come here. E. K. He {eemer h ro have his tace half me? 2.. . ike a man, and h~lf like a \:Vom.an l his l S body being all covered with hair, ruggd., E. K. 1 hiS

E K. .

true 'l{eltttionofDr. Dee his .dE/ions IPith_ fpirits, &c.

c!/J1adimi fhakcth her Coates, and brulheth her Coatcs wich . . .


Mad ..... ThM fnyeth my Mtther. Beware of wilde bony, and raw ftuit: The one c!arifled; the (lther ripmed may bf'oome good. .Tho[e that b,.now .not wine b-ecome drunk._en, b~tt t o fuch as k.Jzow it, it Lrir.grth he,ilth. Even[o, thi-1 Dourine. For, unto him that it i4 tafied, being ripe, or . .. . or becometh comfort, and the Key of a pr . .... But unto him tiJat t~/leth it wildly, and ... ... W orb,.eth frrnw. Ypur k.!zowledge i1 1 eo have, but to learn eo ... : So that JO may be,both hav,;nJ!. tot U tmd learned. Small. are the -z:rea_(ures of thi-1 worM, in ~ef p.e{] of the wiJ.doi that judget6 N AT V RE. For unto him that ;u(lgeth truely, wh11t [ecrrt u hzdden l Thofe rbat [ak.. tbe world fhalt be contemned of it : But he that flieth fiw;z her, (hall u[e her M a flave, or ar tbe [rco~td mnther dotb her daughter. Notwit~j1rmding, of my [elf, I will be more appliable unt9 you , thm yo~jhal.l 'be followers of me. For,for that cau[e am I. become!=hildi!h. Therefor-e ccafe: He if true! Wh G d . y wife> that fayetb, God k__no-rceth at. all tinus wbat we ,have need' of. Be not tempters. Be patient. hi ~in~fl~n 5. E-o en rM thy dejire if, fo are all things in England. Nothing kept b'acb,.. But for thy fttk..eJ as :1 Chi! de, fuch M are thiile, dre with them friendly uf~d dealeth with 6. If tbou Jhouldejl not l-e called home:~~ow jhouldefl tho~ enjoy t~e benefit of God his pr::mi[e,wh:ch us. bath [aid: 1'hou jhalt ctt![ qer ha.~k,, &c. t o her pre[ervat1on. B.Ht, firft -chefe ehin<Ts .mull come t o pa!fe. 1he Counerey fhall be divided, one rife up agai1t;!f anot/J(r. . Great trra{oHs be wror~ght. Tea, and one cut 1111others throat: 'And when t/,e grea.te{l trMbles are, Then Jhalt thrm fave ber life-~ 7hen Jh all the wallbe brok._en down: And ftee pnf[age {J.;all be made: And furb 4f are sk,prners, and a[cmd up the 1tttrrow.fl:t:ps, or .fhew themfelves 01t the wal!s,jballb~ trodden down ttnd defaced. H ere ii undajlanding . ..... That which thou, E.K. h:tjl,w a part of four, and i-f become the fifth: Tet it ii none of the j flur) dignified i ;i a Cube, whofe root if * 25 2. ...... I will~now itjhort!J. Thouha/1 no power ( for: .time u~ot yet com: .) But muflb ebrought f orth jliortly; tiJat it nz,zy be k._n~wn . ..... Made it,wa:s * H oly (but it .').YM made by tho[e that ..... , It : -hicb is not man, neither a;ty thing of wici(edneffe) which for his fit;ls died, ltajt be jhou!d kave bten d"(frojc.d in ..the fectmd death. Revealed unto thee, n either for thi-n.e own fake ; nor at t~y requeft : But by the' will of God~ for a. tinle th co me,

. K I pray you to tell me plainly what ic is.

Mad . .. .. Bt> content . ...... I [peab,. , hti!, leajl . th1mjhrmldejf fin, God the fa ther, the So11, and tbe t holy Gho/f b!t-ffe y o.

E. I( Now the is gone, tU a mighty 'all ~oman.

t:.. V eritati a:tema:_, fit a:terna Laus Gloria & Benedietio.

Note. M11tlimi a s a rail wo-

man now.

E. K. Amen
Wednefd-ay, Martii 4 Mane. 15S4. L A:S I(O.

t..Martii 14. Stylo N ovo.

t:.. After my Petition made eo God (at ehe infiauce of A. L. not prefenr now) ro know of M~ldavia l\.ingdom, the fl:ate to cOJ]le _ t hat is, when .A. L. and by what means he fhould en: joy the fame (being befor(: ac M ortlak._, promifc~ unto him.) And at my reqneihng chat Ma-

Jimi mi ght be the Miniller of his will therein : Ae length appeared Madimi. r:.. Gloria Pa~ri,-& filio& fpiritui fane\o : ficut erat in principio, & mmc & femper, & in fecu la feculorum. Amm. Md. Ame~. A (ertahz rich man, fa.ther of ttn houjhQ!d_ returned~ and fo und all things out , of orda: And 1~, he looi<.ed up, and [aid unto hi-1 frrvant : Ari[r , and be. read)', , fo r I 1fill [et my hoN[e in order. Go to A ffon , and 1 will meet thee there : And he ar(J_re up,.and.wcnt unto A tiOn : But bi-1 mnffer cate not: At le>~gthh,e [aid unro him. Behold~ I wz!l no! dw.e!L .h..... Remove , iy.hovjhold v.iflo Banal, and .be did fo. And the fervant prepared a f raft : But bs majter (/a1m i1o!. , And ht: [a id u-,zto him the third time ;. why fZ rt thou [orrie, or whj art .thou aitgry l ..... Oh . unto n!e,fo~ I am thj maiirr. And he fa id: Rife, go unto Mo!Cchecks, and thou jhalt meet me there. But !o, thM fayeth the fervaut, my mnjter forgetteth ..... a11d hath comma.nde.4 me twice,. and I have prepared for him, 11nd be came not, and be faith.m~to me. the third 'tim~::, Ari[t,go~ a1t'd 1 will meet thee: Thou :fba lt finde me /here; But he will there a~(o (ierrive me: .A nd he fent bef .ore,and behold, his mafler .... But.immedia.tel] after that,t he [ei"vlt.~ts ml'J[mger ~.. The fa ther of t-he horijhold came;a;.d he loob__ed but his [ervant WM not there. .And hefmt for blm, and 'fOm.m andrd him. to be ..: d t o be brought aH "With violence: But the fe rv ltntJaid, deal no.t thri!, with me, for it is violent : But the maJter an(werrd, and [a~d.: What I commjlnd thee ... ghtelt: For [ervttn'ts h,r-fie HO freedom of themfelves. And zt cttm~ to paffe thd afte~ t-he mafter IJ~rd p zthere1 togeth~r his frien(lr :: Fie .faid untp tbem; Arife up, 11.11d finde me cnr that rs F A I T H F U L L wzth 0 B E D I E N. C E. Then be ]/retched out his h.a11d, and he [aid untiJ hi.s fervant . H old, t:zk.;. thy .reward :Fr;r,from me thou art banijhed. How. fay _J()u, TJ~ this ]ulfice, thllt he.did 1 mto his.[ervant l r:. . 0 Lord, we appeal to tby mercies, and we acknowledge thy judgements alwayes to he

mofl: jua and true, &c.

Mad. Tht

7 z.. At rue Relation of Dr. Dee his .AElioni .with (pirits ,.&c. ------ - Th~ Ark_. of the Lord w.~; th( Covenant of 0 BED I E N C E. l_Iappy are thofe that enter. Mad.
E K.. Th,rc fpringeth a thing before her l.ke a Reed, but withered.
Mad. Vn~o thee, [E. K. pointing to the Reed,] thtM fayetb the Lord, Becau[e thou canft not ~11dure the eHd of winter , Spring on, and gruw : Bur m the midjt of [thy letsuty, in the midft of fzmrm~r,(hn/1 thy dejirullion le. . A. L. I wilL anoint thee before thy timt; for 111) promife fak_.~ : That thou mayeft fall in the mjdft vf thine fJWJ1 time, for thy weak,_neJJ~ id great.

E K She fiandeth ~nd holdctb up her hands toward hcaven,and faith no~
thing that l can h~ar.
Ma'a. Go, mak,.e hafte: All flefh it abominable. E. K. She fpeakech another way, not toward usl Mad. I am [ealed,_Neither can I {peak,. any more.

E. K Now t:hc goeth away J1kc.- a three cornerd Cloud.



J efn have mercy on


iagainfi Hell, d'eath, and che Devil have mercy on us.

. K.

Oh King of] ews have mercy on us.

Oh Conquerout

Now is he here, \Vho was hR here. Arc you Nal"Pagr... . In the name of ]c:rus. Lord be rnetcifull unto us,&c . . Is foaled; 1 am e3tcepted. 1amcommanded,ar1d my Office u to feas!J. E. K He turneth about with a great fwihnefL, at l_ngrb he lhnJcth, e
i::., b Lord, and our .:iefire is to be taught of thu, in thee, and fo'r thy fervice. N al. To him to whom it if Jttid~ G 0 : 'tht.u, I [11y, lrt him b,. t.,oing. For Gorl hath ftrefcbul out hrs baud, and he [ayeth, I will not plHck,. it bac~, b11t ~tb flmgeance.

E. K He turn~th again

6. I

0 God, to whom is that G 0 , fayed? N al. 1 hrJtnnortnl mnn, who is the Lord 9f he11lth l t:. . The God of Heaven and Farth. Nal. 1ht Lord is angry, 11.nd he [ id unto thu.
A. Vide T ob. Cl!l. 33 t '~"d"''' en i~ ll.ram m.-m

fide of :an

;g_ue,:and 1hr~upon did fomewbu d 'ff~r,:lw:ait

ing :aHn for 1 he Lod.

.A. l.. Hi' he)p, chi't6y,

Be gone. ~i(h Coach~ Ho,fe, and Lo, there is a rlrt') tJaa. And if his own Ang,tlliffa tiot made iHterctffil't Muncy, r ; .t z.. fr,r him, he had been nothing: Seal thr1e !hiHgs, ma..._e hajte. Jr 1> iblf1 mdu Be gomt;. Divzn.r ,tf(tFor the Lord if aHgry. '"?a.t, ~ t" .. ..... 0 G0 d , c , cxC. . 017lines,a-&. N al. Th~ hi' fnyeth . .... Lasky hath tejoy~ed '/Pith an H arlot,antl hlftb me11.[t1ted me , '19hicli am unk,.nown : But he jhali be rewarded.

A. L. T() thee it if [aid ~ M~tk,_e hafte, and be goHe. i will fulfill my promifc in him for thy fake: But he .fJ:a!l.fall., being TJone 1[ thy acquaihtance. t:. Pronounce favour and mercyonme: who inmy fin , and finglendfe ofheartrcjoyce
to do what l can porfibly perform. Nal. TU! tlrJ h . ve fa id ag,ainfl thee. Ltt him not g. Thf'J jha/1 tarric wh,re they wouU not. Cea{t, writ1 no m()re. t:.. Soli Deo, omuis honor & Gloria. Amm.


Of them thlll fayeth the Lord.

c..ftlondJtJ; Martii 9 Hora 9 Mane reccffimus a ...... & prima nofre fuimus apud Petr ....,. 1ue[d11), 10. Wet!nt{1.ay, 11. 1hurfdny,_ 12 At M :chow we lodged at night. J<riddy, Martti 1 3 We came eo Cracow., circa tertiama Meredie, and wete lodg ed in the Sulurb by the Church at .... ,., Where we remained a fevc:,tight, and eh ell (I and my wife) we :tt'moved tO t~e houfe in St; Stephens fireet, which I had hired for a year, for 8o gyldc:rs (of 30 gr.) And Mafter Edward Kel!J came to us on F ryday in the ~(tcr week (by the new Greg rian Kalendar) b'eing che '-7 day of M arch, by the o1d Kalendar : bur che hx.rh day of April, by the new Kalendar; Ealler Jay being the firfi: day of April in Poland, by the new Gre"gDriit11 inlHtution. C R A C 0 V I A. Martii 1 3. An. I 584. Omnu llonor, La us, Gtoria ($- Gratiarum AClio, fit DeD Noftra Ornnipotenti,- Trino & un'i 1ttl1ic 6- ftmper. Ametl. A.



of Dr. Dee his Affions 'With fpirits, &c.

SA 0 B AT I C U S,



Pars prima ejufdem.

T11e[ day morning, Anno I 584 . Apr.ilis 1 0 . flilo novo Gregor}cmo. CR. A COVI lE.
ll(.~~~~~~.YIFter our ~iv.ers prayers ~nd contcltati?R of our humility, obedience, U~~Yl!IV.jlo and credtt m t hefe Acb om; : and bemg come now eo Cr aco11ia the

pl ace fa ntl:i f.ied, wh ereunto we were will ed to make hafr, lentb appeared Nalvage.



E K He hach a Gown of white Glk, with a Cape with three Fendants with talfd~ on the ends of them ~~~~~~'I all green : it is fur, white and feemeth to fhjne, with a wavering glittering. On his head is nothing, he hath no herd His pbytiognomy is like the pitlure of King EdllJard the Gxth; his hair hangcth down a guarrer of the len.gth of tbe Cap, fomc:what curling,. yellow He hath a rod or \'\'and in hjs hand, almoH a-'i bjg as my little fin ger : it is of Gold, and divided into three equal pan:s, with a bright et Gold than the rel. He fiandeth upon his.round table of Chri:"' fial, or rather Mother of Pearl: There appear an infinite number of letters on the fame, as thick 2s one can land by another. the table is fome\f\hat inc1ined on one lid~ : he flandeth in the Yery middle ; his garment covereth his fee t~ his brea!l: feemeth fmooth as the down remainino: of a Swan when all the feathers be o~ fo is his neck) &c. He is Ie~n and long: ifaged
t.. The infinite mercies of God be on llS : and the light of his countenance fhine on us; and his favourable countenance be on us. N al. ... ... A mr n, 1111to him that is, and 1Ptts, and liveth for ever.

E. K He looketh earneftJy on his tabJe , and ttitneth him to view it

Nal. .. ... A ll things are in order. Thur f.i ith the Mejfenger of hin. whhhu the God of Wi[-. dom. Is your woYthineJTe fuch, a~ you can merit [o grea t mercy l ur are yor~r vrf[ds cleanft:d, and made o!pt to receive a1 bold the fw eet liquo r, p~re u~tderftaHding it felf l u.l t.. H ath the Sun w trcd into your bowels, or have you tafted of the n ight- dew ? Where are yo11r Vnfell[oned y?u are wedding Garments ; or after what fort do J IH provtde ftJ r your mltrriage? ~tnd withered jfefo, partak__ers of thofe things wbich mak._e you holy : through which pnrt rrk_in~ and the [ecre t providence of him that i1 the High11jf, you bwtme dig1rijied to tbe md, rrnd are fuffic:irnt!J 0 Jfijf-neck_ed pe9ple JOTI de[erve nothing, a11d pt you have tbe wajheJ for the time of entrtwce. But, what, can coru ption be p arta~er of thofe things that are iftcdrruphire of fuch as labour. tib{e ? or man , which fn.vormth in himfe!f, cnn y ou favour al(o of .the A lm'ighty. 0 you weakJingr, 0 you of no faith, 0 you:'C.!nlzers of tbe ea r~b ; W here u theJhame you have ; JP'bere are th-? tears y ou !et fall; Where u the humility you are taugbt to ? N ay you are fuch as f ay in your hearts; if th ~ Spring be.fair, the H arveJr is li/v to be good : I f thefe thing come to paJJe,. it is the finger of the IJord. But fuch u your imperfetiion, fucb are the ftuits of the fl'ejh, ttnd the vanity o.f m9rtality. Notwithjrandiilg, etmfitler tb,rt y ou tfre fervants: Do therefore the will of JOUr Mafter . You ' kJul to bim that is the giver of liberty: Nt1y you are beltre become fru: Be _r,,it.Jjid aitrl tba.11 r:ome childrnt: par~ llk_,as of' th~ cw11[d of hii-11 thi:t .fit teth d1zd [t(th; and faitb I am . Therefor~ be fober,f1ltb(ui., ,rnrl w n.wr not, .for t/g iJlbu itallC'e "f yu~tr Father is great: y or.r freedo}1J is 'lllithout recomp~~c~, <tnd y :ur Maj fer t he King of J u ftice. L iYbete


A _ Reltttwn o1D. Dee-hisA8ifJfl1 'Pirh ffririts, &~ true

Wbt.re are the people~ or in wbat guieration did t~ey dwell, that hatp been tbU! ~tcquainted and drawn into f amilittrit] wit-h t~e true .Servants iind A~tgels. of God ? .Vitto 'Whom bav~ th()[t myfteties been ()fened Is it-not [llid)df t~fe tb~t 81"t fanOI_ift~'d , '(he Lortt' 4ppeared unto them in a vifion: But he cometh~o you wb,en J9u (lre awa'<! : Vnto the'lii he came Mnlook.fd for, unto you he -comdb reque{ted. Arife up therefou;.antl be,not /tr_g,etf'!l ~~at the Lord bath done for you ; 'for 1 he l.nd ml t:~e things of this World are not, until they b~ done, nezthtr it there any, rhing affured, but by the end._ It was.faid unto Abraham, And I will deftroy them. He befirod it ; bu_t be ask,.ed mt, when. Faith. Gre.zt .is tbt"reward ofFaitb; for it giveth jJre11gth : But thofe tbi!tt ate faithful are not ofthls world. . Notwitbjfanding, JOU have [aid, ( as it wa1 fa id by th'e D ifciples to Chrift, when they wereJ ~t unpure~ and bliJ.t'd. ) When ilialt thefe 'things come t6 paife t Ldrd, '1Phtit_1 meant by rhw, or tha t ?' Simple Faith excelleth all Science. ' For, Htaven and Earth jhttll peri./h in their corruption : But the voices of the .T..ord, mu'r;b more his promifes, are become Angels for ever : For '!S the Sun bege~teth i1t the earth, and is father ofmany things that live in corruptipn and have e11d: So if the God of H81lven, the bringer forth and b~getter of things celefti~tl.with life aHd for ever. For w.~y, Dixit & f.lcrum eft, 'f,very Idea in eternitJ is ber.o111e for ever, and. wht is Idea. thought, is becom!! a living creature. 1 teach you a mJ{ttry. As the tr~e in [appy life, watering her {elf tbroughly y bri1fgeth forth t'lie orname.nts of hrt o'IPn beauty : So the {piritU4l jart of ~an b.eing good a11d dignified, burnijheth bim[elf, "With hit found and ~aichful thought : I mea_ th~ glory and }hew of bis own bell14ty; for the foul of m~tn grflw eth, 11 either- with beauty to falvation, or with dijhonour anJ /ilthineffi, t damnatitm. I have done my (ommandnunt. I have tts a Schoo!,Hafter wrtr1ted )DU~ tt!fd 111 a friend co1171{tlledyou : I rPill al[o teach )Qtl.

[E. K. He fpeaketh in a thin fmall yoice.]


He ufed a great pau'fe, and Glence.

E. K Hc.fl:andeth and pointeth with his rod to the letters of his Table, as jfhe made fomc account or reckoning. He went out of the middle, 3nd meafurcd how mfy fiep 5 it is about
[E. K Tho&lght in his Jriinde, terwn) and he anfwcrcd his .thought, fat. ing, What need 1 fily r~rum? The Grammarians will be on my fide Ot11,;u,, is more than to {ay ~niNtn rerum. J B. x. This fecmcth to be fpokenby fomeothcr1 in my imagination.
Nal, ...... Omnium, u the thing th4t i4 my charge.
Nal . .... Pater, Filii, SpiritUI SanfJM: Fu'l!attmentum; {ubftantitt~ & principium rmmium.

E. K. He il:ill.conferrcth place to place, C!Jc. So. E. K. Now he ftandeth fi:Hl. Corp~s omni~m E K. He pointeth to the whole or round table which he frandc:th on.
The fubftance il attributed to God the Father. . The firJl circulttr mover, the cireumfer-ence0 God tbe SoH, Thefinger of the Father, anl mover of all things. 3. The order and '<.H:itting together of the parts in their due ttnd perfeC1 proportion, God the Roly Ghoft. Lo, the beginning and end ()fall thi1tf,S. E. K. He fiill counteth. and conferrech places and letters together.
I. 2.

NaL .. ,.. Lo, it i.s divided into 4 pttrts : whereof two are dignified: oHe 11ot Jet dignifitl, but foal! be : tbe other without glory ()r dignific~ttion. E. K. He feemeth to poinc tofomedivifioni.
Nal. ...... Vnderftand God,.as thefubfta~ce of the 'fPhole, ( ttt dove [aid.)
E. K.
E.. K.

He.counteth 3gain.

Ste here three [mall lines.

Nal .... The [ub[fanre of thh par-t i.scal!ed Vit:~.

He poinrcth to the uppermofi pare.

NaL .... Called Vita Suprema.

Thofe three fmalllines appear in the uppermotl parcel.] Say . Gaudium, [pointing to the uppermofl line. Say .. Pr.efmtia [pointing to theJecond.]
[E . .K .
...... Laud~tntes or Triumfhllntes [

pointing to the third.]

E. K.


Jtrue CJ\_elationo[Dr. Dee hir.Aflions DJith Jpirit.r, &c.

. K Now he beginneth to account in the lecond portion,
[ He counteth again. E. K. The four portions arc of equal wtdeneffe, but not of tqual clearndfe; and rh1t about the center is ot fuskilh or lead ill:! colour. E. K Now he (hewerh three !mall Jines in [he fecond portion. He
Nal. .. .... The Continent, V ita.


feemeth to

fpeak eo himfe1 Ffomewhar.

Motus ...... to the [eco1td;

Na\. .... .. Say ...... Potdlas .... to the firjlline pointing. Minifirautes .. ... to tbe third.

Nal. ..... . 'fhu Continmt i1 a!Jo Vita [ pointi1tg to the thira portion J non dignificata, fed digni ficanda. . . . Nal. .... See .... E. K. There are rtlfo tl1ree lines, Acbo ..... z1t the firft lme. Faltum ... : in the fee nd. Confirmantes ..... in the third. Sirha, thi! i1 true L~gick._. [ 1>. He faid fo to E. K. who now gave h.imfelf eo fiudy Lo~ick diligently.

E. K, Now he procecdcth to the third circular portion.

E. K Now he llanJcch trembling.

N al. ... ,.. Oh qual! eft J uflitia inttr miferos I t:., .... Sed,mors eft qu;e peperit hanc vilam. 'Vita eft etiam h~c, fed qu~ peperit mors. Say ..... Ltt&M ..... ~ Difcorditt Here fetm three lines alfo. Conf mrdantn ..... Tho[e that do their aury.fhaltreceive their reward. Let my diligence teachyor4 diligt11ce. c )3d not anhgry, hecaufeyou do n11t underfta.n'tJ,: Tbefe be means to 1mderjland. e E. K. con ~"eue that e was very angry. Nal ..... Pray r;nto G 1d) .for lam refifteJ. t:.. Deu~ in acfjutorium noftrum imende, ("f'r.. Say .... Vi tit Supre ma. [ pointing eo the uppennofi line of all. I find it ( by addition) in tbis L4Jtgu~t-gej I ad, but written thM, toward the left band, zn three a~tz_les


E. K.

a Say . Gnudium Moz. efl aa in this manner.

1 /huJ it is 1t nttme a[cending ana ~t.nfwernh to the twg ttrtnm.

I d z a o m

Nal. ..... I~z wrote three.' it is larger extended. [A.. z ex.tended is t:.od. J
t:.. Will you pardon me 1f I ask you'.another quefiion of eh is extenfion? Nal. Say on: Moz in it [elf fignifieth J oy; hut Mozod extended, fignifleth the Joy o t:.. No word i:n his radical form is extended Nal...... The{e doubts will at length grow eafte. Fr;e[mtia. ..... 1 find it called Zir.

t:.. I pray you, is Mozod, a word of three letters, or of five?

So ..

I d z
a o

m z r
Nal....... P~tentia. ,.. Butfay, Pita[ecunda, I adbut thus,
I d z s a i a 0 1 g 0 d
This Lelfon is greater than any that was learned in Crttc6via. this day.

m z


b n a d a z 1 a B

d i


A true 'l{_e !ation of Dr. Dee hit Aflions 'With [pirits~ & c.

I will t ench y ou h~re af t er the diftiH(]ion of them. You mean of I ad diTerfly fignifying. Say , .... Poreilas ..... I find it Bab. It doth a[cmd from theright band toth left, Morio ..... 1 find it Zna, 'They will not fall out [o, but they will fall out well enough, Nal ...... Vita tertia ...... I ad. b. I pray you, what is ofMiniftrantes .~ N al. ..... L ook.,you toy our Charge. A liio ,.... Sor Faaum ..... Gm ..... Vita qn;e etiam eft mors. ' 1 ad L ul1M ..... Ser Di[cordia ...., Off


e a d i

If th~ order of the 7 able be ex fpiritu SanB:o, 'The fubjtan ce of the F athcr; How ]hall we gather the Circumftrtnce, 11hich id the Son i. Th~ Sm i-1 the Image of his Fat her ; Theref ore, i1J bi-t death, he mujt be the Image of his fat be,. alfo. Jf fubftantia be in forma Crucis, thm the S o~e k the Imagt of his Fa.tb1r. . .... .. .... La1ed~tnter .. ..... Luach. t;.. The: reft I pray you to deliver us. h c r v N al. ...... Bear with rm, for it iuafie f or y ou,. i d z s a 1 but harJ. for me. . l a o 1 g 0 d h Miniftratttes ...... Lttng v m z r v r r c Confirmantes ..... Sach. ~ . Now. abnafos a N al, .. ... Whm 1 'k,now,you jlJal!. sdazsea b.. As Sach. i a b r d i God be merciful to l a n g It i1 fo terrible, that I tremble t o gather it, Confundantes ..... Vrch. <fhus I have made platn thi-1 body generally : 1he particulars are long, hard> :md tedious. Ihy name be bl,Jfed, 0 God, whirh canJfopen a means, wbtuby thJ powers immediate may b1 opmed 1mto m~n. P9wer, gloryJ and hon~ur, be unto thee, f or thou ttrt the tr,rte body of all thzngs; and art lif e etern-.1.


E. K. Now he is fuddenly vanHned away with the Table. 1Jeo noftro fi~ omnis la us &' gratiarum aEtio nunc & in {empiterntJ jeculorum fecula Amen

7burfday, Mane, Aprilu I 1, 1584. CraroviL. t.. Some delay upon our prayers made, at length appeared Nalvnge in lhape and attire as lafi before: He ftandeth frill. N al. ...... Benedietum fit nomen <JJomini ht .eternum. b. . Amen, N al. . . .... Audite mei fratres patienter. The Godhead in hi-t fecret judgement k.,eeping i1t hi1 Almighty bo [9m, the imnge and form ~fall thingsj univerfal!y, look,ed dow1t upon the Earth; fo r he faid, L et M no'HI go down among the fons of mm : H e faw 'that all things grew ~ontrarJ to their creation llnd nature ; either 'k,eeping their dig>!it ies and [ecret vertues }hut up in ob[curity, or elfe riotoufly perifhing , through the imbecility nnd f rowardnefJe o ignoraNce: So that it w .H [aid, Behold, I delight nDt i1t the World: The f Elemmts are defiled, the f ons of men wick,ed, their lodies become dunghills, and the inward parts ( the fecret. (1;nmbers of thetr hearts ) the dens and dungeons of th~ damnrd : , Thereforr I will draw "!J [ptrit f rom an1ong[t them, and they jhall become ~o re drunk.pr, and tbeir ignorince [Nch 11s never wns : N o, notfiJ e the fa ll of heavms. tC F", l ;, the time if come, And he that is th e Son of Unrighteoufneffe,is and liveth: Vnt~ bim rl er.eforc jhall be given jlrmgth and power: and the Kings of the Earth jhllll become mad : yen, cuJt r nging mad ; yea roen ht th: third tJtdnl'j JP, ltltd that iit thr depth of their own imagi114 riom ; and I will Wild my 7emp/P i 11 the IYoods, yea even in rh~ Def ert places 5 llttd I will , becoml

true~lation of Dr.. Dee hir

AE!ions 'With Jpirits, &c.


bee~me a Serpent in the wilderwff : for I have tuck,.ed up my garments a;zd am fled away, a~zd She ln the wildc~e foa/l 'tourn on the Momztains without comfort. nefic. Lo, the Thunder fpak._e, ~tnd the earth became mifty, and full of fogge, that the Soul of man m1ght flup in hi! own confufion. The [eco1zd 'Thunder [pak_e, and there arofe Jpirits, Ji!ch M are f or Sooth-fayers, Witches, C/,anners, and Seducers: and the~ are entred i1zto the holy places, t~.Hd have tak._en up their feats in man. [JYoe be tmto the earth ther_efou : For, it wcorrupted, W oe be zmto t/g earth, for jhe w furrmdred to her adver[tt.ry: Woe be unto the earth,jhe u delivered into tbe hands of her memy: Yea, Woe be unto the [om of mm, for their vrJJels au poy[olted. Bnt evm then [aid the Lord, L e, I will be k..~own in the wildmu.JJe, .and will Triumpb in my weak_.nr.JJe. And lo, be called JOU, and you became drZfnk,.en , and fo~li.fh with t~e fpirit of God : And it ,:Po1$ {aid Defcmd, for he callttb, and bath called: and Raphael tbat broug~t up the prayers de[cended : Ra;>haei: 11-nd hew~ full with the power, & [pirit of God:ttn~ zt became A Doflrme, fuch wa~ never from the n;s Dobeginning : N ot pai1zted, or carved: filed, or imagmea by man, or according to tbeir imaginations, chine. which are of flejh: but fimple, plai1t,full of ftrent,th, and the power of the holy Ghoft : which DoBrine began, as man did, 11ak,.edly from the eartlf: but jet, the image of perfeflion. 'Ihh [elffame Art i1 it, which w delivered unto you an infa.l!ible Dot'rrine, containing i1t it the waters, which runne ~hrough many G.ates: even above the Gate of Innocency, wherein )OU are tttl!ght to finde ut the Pignit) and Corruption of natu,e: alfo made partak_.ers of the fecut Judgements of the Almighty to be made manifefi, and to be put in execution. Which k,nowledge in you w to bt made pe-r fefl: two wayes, by p~er, mediate, a11d immedi.tte. Immediately frbm God , in rrfpdl of hM. will, and [ecret Judgements, a-r unto the Apoftles. By means and tradition, ar from M, opening the fubjtance and body of nature, according to our own image, which is the thing I have now in hand. 1 am therefore to inftrull and infor".t you, ttcc?rdhtg to your Dollrine de!h:ered > wbich i4 c1ntalned in 49 Tables. In 4-9 voyces, or calhngs: whzch are the Natural Keyes, to opm th~fe, 110t 8 K . .a 1.. 4 9- hut 48 G One u not to be opened) Gates 0f Uftd err andmg 'whereb )Orl jhall have K,_1f0Wle~ige .:~. 9~s, their for ry calls,and or to move every Gate, and to call our as many tH you plea[~, or Jhall be thought nece.JJary, which can ufe. 'flfr.J well,righteoujly, and wife!y,ope'n mtto you the [n..-ets of their Cities,& mab,.e y~H underfiand p erf.e8:1y the contained in the Tables. Tbrougb which k..no'I_J'ledge )'Ot~jhall eafily be able to jri.dge,not M the w~rld doth, but perfe[//y of the world, 11nd of all thmgr contamed wzthin the Compuffe of Nature, and of all things which are f11bjell to an end. But behold, this charge of mine is tied unto time : Therefore be diligent to !e.zrn, diligent to N ote. hear, and that witb patimce: For it u neither a fre e Sr.hool, nor a School of continun.nce. For M Ta~e d_me -power w1tot given unto me beyond che firfi: day of AugHft nexr, [o have you no ftrength to learn wht~e um.e ts,. r h 11 ff f 0 OL\.rme. n: for ome will ~tft r r, becau1e I am t- e ua o your Nal. ..... I am for the comfort of the world , 1ZHd not for the hindranc~ : Th111 [ayetb the Lord. ~ ~~a next, To them that have Harveft let them rettf' .11nt uHto fuch ar have /abfmr let_ them WQ rk_. As fo r me, 1 atTt titd to time, and am ready at al t1mes: For I meafure not your mght, 11or d~ty. A. Thanks be unto the higheft. Nal. ..... Celf.{e now with me, for no more de[ctndetb. SoliDeo Honor &. Gloria.

After-noon, the i;ame Thurfday ...... After fome lhort Ejaculations of prayers ro God, there appeared a great black mafiy Dogge: with whom I would have nothing to do, but expefrNalvaj{e. He faid, that he was Nalvage; We rebuked him as aiJ. Hell~honnd . At length An illuding he: departed; and Nalvage appeared; ~utbnghter then to day. ~ wickcdfpiri~. Nal. .... . Have you tho[e things I told y out to dtty _? t:... We have them in record and miude, Nal. ... Read them.~.... t:.. I did read thein.

E. K He: laugheth, ha_, ha, ha, &c. a great laughter: He hath alfo a Ta.
blc:, but fe~mcth notto be like rhe former Table of Nal'l>age. There arc: ten, or e1evcn divifions in this Table, as was not in the former Table.
A. If thou art Nalvage, proceed the Doetrine of wifdom, if thou art not Na/vage, depart in the name of Jefns . . ,. I bave free will, and therefore I will be here. A. N ow I doubt nothing, but thou art a d eceiver. [Audite :] The ignorance of the wicked becomerb dull: which !hewing it felf is fwepc out of doors,- and thrown on the Dung~ hills.


~;0:~; fi~~.

E. K. Now appeareth one like true Nalvage.

N al ..... . Even [o id it D tbe [ j } fo r t/iou haft opmed thy blafphemj : and being difrovered, Rrt b(come ?~to!e ~ccurfed :.1herefore becaufe thou art accmfed, thou art 1tot dignified; but become a Velfel of IniqUity: And therefore haft no free-w ill, For, free-will either w, or i4 in Free-wfll. ~llte to be dzgnified. Therefori, tH dl{fi I [weep thee out: antl cajt thee into that Du11ghill, which 11 the plaee of the grtatcjl woe_: the Dunghill, and. the tew ard of the rmrighteou~ . And, b(caufe thi)U

,..., (J


A true']\ elation of Dr. Dee hiJ Aflions TPithJpirits, &c.

tbo11 ha{~ thru(l tl.ry [elf into the J udgements of the Lor.d : and haft lmr.rd tbe [ecrets of the A lmighty: 7 hrrrfe re I feal the.e tanquam truncus in Infennun. E. K. He llrikc:th him with an yern, like ~ pair of tongs; in form of a

Mould to caft Pellets in: griping his brain and underchapi, and fohc fell down and difappeared: an.d in his place came 1'\al'l'age c. K. Nal"Vage maketh cur fie toward the four quarters of the world.
Nal.... . . . vl'ty U s if

good .u tby Urn.

E. K. ln his heart thought that it might be, that now one 'De-,il maflertd an.. oth~r' and thereupon faid vm. E. K. He is now accounting ag~in on his Tabl~ :.she did before

cb 4 t tfl1( ff,


R~ckward .

Th& ca!ls.

Nal. .... , Vnto thii DoUrine belongeth the perfdi k.Jr.owledge, and remembrlt'nce of the my(licllil Creatures. How therefo re jhall I znform you, which k.,now them not? 6 . Mean y ou as Babyon BoboJel, &c. Nal. ...... 1 he Char11.Clers, or L etters of the 1 abies. t.. Y on mean the myilical Letters , wherein the holy book i~ promifed to be written : and if the book be fo written and laid open before us , and then you will from Letter to Letter point, and we to r ecord your inftruetions: Then I t-ruft we lhall fufficiently underfiand, and leam your inftru8:ions. Nal. ..... A/[q-in receiving of tbe calls, thu if to be noted : tha.t they are to be uttered of me,bac'ftward: and of you, in praUi[e,forward. 6. . I underfiand i, for the dficacity of them ; dfe, all things called would appear: and fo hinder our proceeding in learning. Nal. ..... ,., D P C E 1 E I It S M S SS E S A I I M M N S E S.

E K. All this was in one line; in the lowcrmofl: portion: and lowermoG

line rhereof.
Nal. , .... I E E E E 1 M 0 E D ME T M M /1 MMDMA ETSEAM.

C K Now he fiandeth fiill.

43 EVliii.
Nal. ..... A E R T I S A N S S EJ ~ S D M M S E A 0 A V I I I IA OAO 11 V IT S 14 ITT S DAIN.

B K Thefe feemed to be taken out of diven lines 1 in the three lol'tt portiong ; but none out of the uppermofl, or fourth
Nal. .. ... R S H D D S R. R. E S 0 L S N R. E R E E SF RH E 1 E E E E I E E 0 E 'I IS OE RTTHVEOISEOESMETFED E 1S E EEEE RSESEORSMET St. D. R. F E D E T S E E E R S E )( E ER. S I S E H . N 0 E S ME F S f E E D I E 0 E IorF. S S S I S E O ES HE [~] DSDFTE IEO RSOE DHTET Wher(foever OES.HEO TR.TE REOE HSER 0 followech, EEIRE SR I SOEHEEDEIEHE it may be E or DTRNDDHDN. J, 1'be teft of this L effon, the next morning. 6.. After the correD:ing of certain places before in the Letters he faid. more. t:>. Thanks and honour be to the highefi for ever. Amen.


I feel no

Fryday morning_, H ora 8f. Aprilu 13: Cracovi;e. Not long 2.fter my Invitation, Nalv age appeared, Nutu Dei. N al. .... Our peace; 1Phich is Triumphing patience, and glory be amo11gftyou. A. Amen,

Nal. ,.H. It.

A true~ elation of Dr. Dee his .Aeliotl! 'a1ith {piritJ, &c.


Nal, ... It may be [aid, can t~rre be patience in the An~els, 1rhirh arr e:c,dted abflvr the a ire l . For, fuch as were of errour have their reward: Ye.'l, {or(~fltb m.v dear brethren. For there it a Patlen~~. continual fight bctwoen us and Sar.an, 1!'herein we 11 .mq.- fh l:; pntie'ncr. 1 !,it it not {pflk.,en wi.t h 1 ut a caufe: For M the Devil h the fa ther oF Ctrf>ing, fo doth he [uttlely ;n(elr the :-ietrs imaghtarion, mingling nnperfe8: forms vtich .mjr urterance: Water u not rraiv~d without air~, n.-itbrt' the word of God without blafphemoU! infinuatis.>t. The {on of G1d never did c nvert nil, nrith. r did alL that did hear hnn, believe him. TherefiJrr, where the power of God is, is a:fo Satan: Lo , I fpeak,_ not thw without a Cllu{e,.for I hae an(weretl thy ~nfeCJion. . . . A. E. K. Had thought that Angels l1ad not occatzon of any pauence,and fo was hts thought anfwered. Nal. ..... I finde tlu Souls[ man bAth no piJrtion in this firlt Table. It H the lmng~ of tbe fon The firA: Taof God, in the bofome of hw ft:tbe,., beFore all the worlds. It comprebendeth hw incarnation, 'a{- bk. fion, and return to judgement: whicb he him{df, in fldh,'<_noweth not~ all the rejr llre ofundcrJt4nd- }~~l~cnter ing. The exa8: Center excepted. A (Two tboufand and fourteen, in the fixth Table, is) D S6, 700 3. In the thirteenth Tab/( is I. A ln tbe nth, Table. 11405 downward. I In the lajH ab.'e, onr !tJT~ rh~it Num/Jer. A -rrord, Jaidayoufha.ll underftanJ, YPhat that '1Pord is before the Sun g9 dflwrt. Jaid a is rlu !all- word of the C<l 'f. 85. H 49 afcending T .of9 de{cntd;ng, A 909. direll(h 0 fimpfy. H 2029. dirttl!y, calltt Hoath. f r()m the low angle on the right fide. Continuing in the fame and next fquare. 22 5. D 22 5. [1he fame numbrr repeated. A In the thirteenth T~ble, 740. afcending in his fquare. M The 3orh. Table) 1302S . fr.om the low angle in the left-fide. 84. ...... . In the [quare l[cending. Call it Mad. 0 Thr 7th . T able, 99 a[cmding. C 7he 19th, dr{cending 409. 0 1he . 1 . from the upper right 1mgle, crofj'iJtg to tbouthe~ left, ttnr.f, fo 11[cmding I 003 8 3 N The 31 tb. from the Cmter to the upper right a;:gle, ~tnd fo dt{cending 5009. Call it Noco. Be patient, for I told JO'' it w~r~!d be tedi1U1 0 The 39th. from the Center d~fr.endinz,, ~ r the left hantl, 9073. D 1'he 4'th. frfJZ theCentrr a_(o endinJ!., an-l fo to the right upper Angle, 27004. R The 43th. fr .- m the upprr left Angle to tht right, and {o fti/l i"n the Circumfertnee. 34006~ I The+ tb, a{ceH.ding, 72000. 82. In th .. (a me TaUe de[cending the lajl. Call it Zirdo. p Tf,, 6tio. tr.[cenrhtg ro9. A The 9h. arcntrl,;ltf, 405. 81. L 7'ba nth. defceitdmg 6c3 ....... Call it Lap. A. Hu, he firoke the Table on Saturday aaicn fol:a lo"ing at my reading over of it backward. E Tbe 6th, fro'?! the rig;t Ang,le uppermojl- to the left, 7oo. G The I 3tb dr{cending, 2000. R The 17th. from the Cr1trer d?w~tward, 11004. 8o. 0 'lhr. 3tth, d.fcending front the right Angle t.tJ the Cmttr, 32000. Z 47'h. IY,4000. defcending. Calt it Zorge. [Of Qne [yllable .] A 19t~. tom the left corner dc[cmd!ng, 17200. 79. A 2~1 from the Center a[cending to the left .Angle, 25000. Q.The fa me Table a[ elf.ding, 33"00. C1.ll it QA A. [1hree fyllables with llCCtnt on the laft A.] E Th~ {econdTable; 112 a[ce,.,.ding.

},. The ...... th, defcending 504. C Tht J 9th, Table defcending 101 3 [That C, u Clllle4 C Minor.j I The 13th. de[cending,zoo'). C The .f4th. de[cending, 2907. Call it Cicle.


E. K. Now is be kneeling, and praying "ith his Rod up

76. 0 The 4th. a(cending to the left Angle, 390.
D 'Ihe sth. dc[cending

0 In the fame defcending,


C(l,ll it 0 D 0~


Here he fhiketh again on Saturday.

N. Tbt


true~elation ofDr.

Deehir AElions Dith [pirits~ &c,.


N The 91b dr[cmding 8o4. A Tbe 11th defcending 200). .. 'This A ntll) he an A or 75 B. 'Ibr 14th tf:,[ctnding )oo6. M N 'Ibe dtb de[centfing noo4 : be corrdled it M. A The loth defcending 17006. Zamran. Z The p tb t!e[cending 40006. C11ll it Zanran. I give it fa/fer Nttto you, than] receivuJ it. E. K. thought it.



T The 4th defcend;ng 112 ...... Thil Hlay beT or D. 0 T he 6th a[cending from thHenter to tbe left corner 1907~
CallitOD ....... . or


A The
C 1'he

9th_.11(ce~ding 500

defcmding 6d~

Call it C


16th a[cending 22oo6. A The 19th de[cozding 230 12. 1t1td Jo, it is Zacire, C 'lhe 3oth afcending 3000 6. A The 39th from the left angle defcending 42012. Z The 46 th afcending 31 2004. CJIJ,zt Zacar.


A,- [ l:J.. t"R1o fyl!able~.] E muft come after R.' : but without number;

Vfeyour time of ufrejhing, and return

Deo gratias reddamus immortales.

The fame Friday after Noon, circa 3 haram. After a lhort requefi: made by me t d Chrill: fdr wifdom, aud verity to be mihil!ered by Nrzlvaze; he appeared and fpake 01uch to E. K . which he exprdfed not to me: but a length confd fed that he gave ~im brotherly coun(eJ to luve deaHng as an Idolater or Fornicator againfr God, by asking counfel of fuch as he did. , . E. K. confeffed that he had been that day, and fome dayes before, dealing by hi mfelf after his manner, to underftand of my Lor9- Laskjr, arid. of other matters of La sk,.o, and feft hif qudlions in his window written. Na lvage told him the devil had now taken away his que.. ttions. E. K. went down to fee ific,were erne, and he found it true. Nal. ... , Pray ...... A. We praye.d. There is a11 error i1t t.he !aft, not in the Number, but i1t the Letter. I will /irft go tbrot~giJ the L etter-s, and after come to the Numbers. How man7 w~rds hilveyoH received thil Jay ! ~.Thirteen, whereof lmda was faid to be the ]aft of the call. Nal . 7'bey be mor.e'Worth thltH the /(iFtf.dom of Poland, & -ptttimt, for the[e things 11r1 JPOJCderful. N (The number muftnuds go ro ) thefixth, defcending 309.

A T be 7th ll{cmding 360.

0 The 9rh nfcending 1000. 0 'l'he 13th afrmdi~tg 105 0 . V The 17th a[tending :1004 .
Adde thofe la_{l Numbers It is Voo:an. It mttJ be founded Vaoan.


309 3" t> 6 1000 IOSO


Vooan is fpok._en w ith them that f4ll, but Vaoan with them that llre, and are glorifial, The

412 3

devils hav.e loft the d~nity of their found s.

t:.. They make 472J. N al. . ..... It is 'a !led tile Myfticttl r oote itt the higbeft af cendent of trlln[mutatim. t:.. Thcfe phrafes are dark ; w.hen i't hall pleafe God they may be made plain. Nal. ...... It is the [quare of the Philofophers wor/{.. t.. y ou (aid it was a roote. N al. ...... So it i:t a roote {quare. 1::.. The (quare t~ereof is 22306729 .... Tbe word is, by imerpretation, Ignis .vera mater. The vain PhiloJ9phers tl.o think.. it dot~ beget bodies. : but in trJJth, it conceiveth, and brhtgeth fort b. 70 D the fifth, A[c mdi.ng, 4- 0 the 3.9, afcmding, 7&o6 . if 0 D. [ A. drawing the 0 long. ]call

!.:A~i1 ~tn

r11m magnA


L 17

A true 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions with fpiritJ, &c.



L 17 (not 17 the firft, but 17 and thr tbirdth: fir it is of the third.th: and 17 it et may be of them both) af~ending, 4i9. 69 0 0 the 18 afcneding 2017 .... thif 0 muftbe[ound~d as A. T M M the 24 from the center to the left angle, a[cending, )069 .... T mutt be inftead of M. L A A ~o defcmding, 9012. A I I the 3~ afcmding, 15079 B p P the 43, from the cent~r to the left aug!e, defce.ndiftg I 5 9o6S. Averfcd. Call it Piamo el. It it Piatel Baltale to be founded. A-s the ear is the chief [cnfe ; fo, being.infe{fed, it is the greatefi hindrance. Many there be Note Intrtl. that thrufl themfelves between you and me : and they are increafed. Power is given a_gai,n d~s. to the Shew Stone; and thou (halt not be hindred. A. Shall I prefently bring it forth ~ N al .. .As thou wilt. A. I brought forch the Stone, and it feemed marvellouf1y brighter than before it was wont

eo appear.

E. K He f~cmeth to pray
There appeareth to me in the Stone a1ichael ~s he was wont to appear, \'Yith his fword in his hand, and in a long white gar mcnr, q:jc.
E. K.

Mic h....... I am the ftrmgtb of the H igbe[I, and the mighty nrme of him tbat if Almighty : your / "!low fervnt, and the mea~;er of the. Higheff.: The powers. of the ear~h have r.ifen up a; gain.i rou: But you {hall p.revatl, and thts Dofrnne !hall be deltvered as IS promtfed, and G?t, ~ 511 P:O<> ' according unto time . But pray earne.'f/y ; for to, the whole korte of 4ngels, [uch as are hleffed) ~:rfor~cd. c have cryed unto the Lord-, faying ; N ot fo Lord : Thy bread n torn zn puces, or reproachfully eaten. ThM therefore faith the L ord, Be patient, for the place is holy, and the power of the Higheft i4 ~tmongrt you. Receive wi!lmgly : for he chat is offended 15 fmitcen. Be comforted, 11nd be- Th~ di nifica'IPare of der:eivers : for the power of the wirk_ed is increafed> and is become mighty : But into tion 0~ thethis velfelJhaU enter no unclean thing , noi: for this time ondy, but for ever. Stone. Vnt'J thee N alvage thM [azth the L ord, gather up thy wings and enter : Do as thou art eo m.. ntttnded, and be multiplied. Be comforted; for Gabriel .lha1l aicend and ftan.d before. the Lord> Be muldplied~ ~tHd.fha!l have power and defcend ; and he jhall .be y ok,.ed unt o thy loynes, and thou jhal~ become Gabriel. -might] ; that thou may{t oprn tbe wonders of the Lord with power.

E K. Now is Nalll4ge come into rhe Stone.

Mic ...... Be comforted,be comforted, be comforted my brethren in the God of Hofls : f or your comfort is and hall be of the Holy Gholl:. Therefo re let peace be amongjt you, and be 1[0 more The holy b11be,; for wi[dom d-,Pelleth not amongft children. The peace of God be amongft you : .And tbm Gh-oil, 'lniiCb I have comfortedyou. E.K. Be is gone.

E K Now here is anotbc:r.

C.. lt is Gatrirl that came t o Daniel. Gabr.. ...... 1 did [o) and I am that Gabriel, and the World beareth witneffeof my. roming. You reheliio~ windes, you deceivers of the righteous,you nak__ed fub(tances and things lighter than the windrs., k._now notyou that thr: God of your creation bath rewarded yo~ k__now you nat your ownweak._neffr, b,now you not your ftate of no return ? I J.ry headlong you all ( wtthout rejijtan1:e) fall Jorrn. .to your pla<;es : Be gone, fink_,for I am of. power, and do prevail. Behold he bath placed darknelfe behind him, and hath made t~e li,f,hts of . eavm as. the Lamps h of bw beaut_r. <Yo.you that are conf&tmded without return; for the name of our God in his detennination is invinci:,Ie. T~is night if 11. Sabb.zth,and a [courge to the wick._ed. .. Nal. ...... I promifed to expound you a word, the /irjf you had to day, but the !aft, It fiJ!.nifieth; ofthe Highefr.

E. K His'Table now appeareth very evidently to me, as that I could

paint it al1.
Ceafe for thu time, for it ha time ofji.lence, for the wi!:k...ed ar-e coiifounded : in t;he mtrrn_ng i early youfhall be taur,ht plent~fu!ly: fo r my power i-f become a hundred and fifty j and 1 will /inifh my charge, long before the: time appointed. Gabr~ W" are alwtryes pre[ent until the prom:febe ended. l~eft in peace.

E K. Ga~riet fctmeth to be all in complea' harnef!e, like skale r of~ Fi(h from M tbe

E '?.
N ote th!s form,the ot Gabl'!el :tt this occalion.

A true 'l(_el(ltion o[Dr. Dee his Aflions Dith !pirlts~ &c.

armp do"Wn"Sl'ard J ..i:s yards long.

wiJb 4

Stv>ar in his h4nd' all of fire~ about a two c

The peace of God, and his mercy, be on us now and ever. Amm. I fit fhouldnot offend you, I would glady ask your kpowledge of the Lord Alhert Laskje our great worldly friend, and that for the fervice .of God, if he be pafr the chief danger of his prefent infirmity, &c,

Al. Laskfr,

r 1.. him of whoz it it [aid, he hath con,ented wit h an Har 1 z we "-now trot the end of God hi-s juot

.... , Jf/hm we enter into bim, we k.,n~w him ; ,

but from him,. he H fcarce k.,nown wrto M : IH of

jlice wbich i4 upon him. H i1 prayers 11re come to the fecond heaven) neither hatk any ret:eiv ed remembrance of him : But we will pray unto God to be merciful unto him, and that for thy fake; Becaufe thort }halt Not be made a laughing-flock t o t he wicked. Pray thou for him, that thuu mayft work in him that ~~.ay;~ for :which he workech not for him[elf. Hold up thy han~s for him; for it i1 a lar:'ful and a charitable thing: For God hath . granted thee a force m prayer : But be pattent altd bumbl~. God his gift to We with thu, give thanb._s and laud Unto the Lord.

Ll in ~raycr.

t:. . Laudes Deo nofi:ro inteffiiriter tc:ddantUr.

Saturday, Aprilil 14~ <.:Mane. Cracoviz, 1584. Oratione Dominica finita, & brevi iUa oratione Pfalmi 3 3. infpeao Chryfi:allo apparuere ntrique Gabriel & Nalvagc.

E. K They kneell as though they were in confeffion one ro another, and .... about half a quarter of an hour.
Gabr, ...... ) after me.

0 beginning nnd fountain of all wifdom, gird up thy loines in mercy,and foadflw our weak.;ne.Ife 5 be merciful unto m, and forgi7!e us our tre[paffes: fo r tbo[c that rife up [aying ther e ilno God, have rifen up dgainft M, [ayng, Let IH confound them : Our ftreHgth if not, neither arc our bones full of marrow. H elp therefore 0 etrrnal God pf mercy: help therefore 0 ttenwzl God of {lllvation: help therefore 0 eternal God of peace and comfort. Who i-1 lik_e Nnto thee in altars of incenfe? before 'lt'hom the ~iu of Hettven fing, 0 Mappa Ia man hallelujah: Vifit 1 O'God with a comprehmding fire, brighter tb~n the S t ars in the fou~th hea~en. Be mer~iful unto us, and continue, with m ; for thou art Almzght.} : To whom ~ll thrngs of thy breafis m Heaven and Earth, fing glory prai[e and honeur, SaJing, Come, Come, L ord for thy mercy {aJv. Say fo unto GpJ, k._neeling. . t:.. ln~peated it, kneeling, and E. K. likewife kneeling,

E-. K 'fhc:y both kneel down again, and put their foreheads together.: G abrid feemeth to lit in a chair on the one fide of Nal)Jage about 30 yards off, on Nal"'vt~ge his left hand Nal~age fransetb .
Gabr. :. : '2_ !landing) fai~.. .

... ... Thm faith the Lord, Who i1 be, that dare r~fift invinr.ible ftreng~: Se ale f eale up the Soutb, Seale up the Weft: aN.d unto the North put three Seales.

up th~ Eitft!)

E. K Now fitteth Nal"'age in a Chair afidc from his round Table, rhc Table being fomewhat before him
Nal. ...... Name that I poi1zt to. [To E. K. he faid fo, -as concerning the Letters.

E K~ He Bung like a thin brightndfe out of the Stone upon E. K. he hath his rod, which he took out of his own mouth . . . e'l? .. . He holderh up his rod; and faith, I am all joy, and rcjoyccin my . K He fmit the round Tab]e with his rod; and :it whirled about with 2 great fwiftndfe. Now that which before fcemed to be a circular and plain form, appearcth to be a Globe an~ round Ball; corporal, when it turncth.


Nal ...... Say the !aft.


Piamo et.

Jtrue 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions ~ith fpirits, &c

. .


E. K. He firiketh the Table now, and though the body fee m to turn, yet theL~ttcr feem to fland frill in their places. E.K. ])low he plucketh out five Books, as if from under his Chair, and fetteth them down by him; the books be green , bright, and they be three: corned, C> a clarpSal R.ead back_.ward . [to E. K.] Evtr] thing with M tear:beth. Read back.;ward. Letter without number. Nal . ,.Read back._ward, letter without number, the !etUrJ thou IJadjf yefterda.J. A. After all read, he proceeded thus: P The fourth afcending, 97. A The fixth afcending, 1 1 '2 68 I The eighth a[cending, 207. P The ninth a[cending, 307. PI A P.

E K Now he ftriketh it again, and it turneth


The nuntbers aftn.


1 A A

A A I~

The prft A may be ~n A an 0 or an E.

7'ho[P ltrc two WtJrds. E K. Now he Rriketh

again, aDd turncth : hjs Rod fecmeth to

be hollo\\' .like a Recd.

Call it Bogpa.


E.l(. Gabfiel falleth down on his face, and licth pro!lrate,and NA1"11age holdeth up his Rod all the while 1J OS He pointed beyond him in the upper Circ~, it fcemczh like a Roman C.
'Poamal Od. put out the S.. M~tlr..e if tw" word . It ntlly be all one word with S. or for JOIIT t~~tdn-ftanding. r.Mtzl<..e " point between Poamaltznd Od.

LA M A 0 P.

T. but it would be h11rd

E. IC. Cjabriellietb proftrate all this while.

Cllll it Zome.
~~ With great difficulty thil Letter WM J~(cmud : N al vage himfelf faid:J .Ne k.new it not yet; but itfeemed to E. K. to be an X. Nalvage denied it to be an X. ,an4

ftzUl h6 k.!'twnot yet the.mJftny: fay .~he L 9rds prayrr, f"r I cannot opm it. Although my po11rr e multiplied, jet! kj:Qw not thi4 Letter. .At length he [aid it WIH V.

B. K. I can remember that word ndl.

Nal ...... Thoujhlllt not remember it. 6~ PEV. It idcalledVep. t.Mk-.e tz ~ilft there. !:... A full poind

Nal. No, no, a ftto'<f,


C11ll it Loholo. OLOHOL. Long, the firft [Jltab!e accented.

e. K
6o 59

Now he firiketh the Table

Call it D S. 0Ua/te a p1int at S, the A pro ~

It is tht upptrm~{t of S D. SI MAP I. Pronownce # IPA M I S.



Callit U L.

A, With fuch.found to U.as Wipronounc'-

yew) whereof bow~ are made. M 1. M A PI"


A true Relation of Dr. Dee his Aflions ~ith {pirits, &c.


E K It fcemeth to be an e.
Labiis claufis, [ Sp.rn] [rnn umJ ... He hummed twiu, fignifyi~~g tw words mort, whicb were not to b~ pronrrunced till tn.1
'IUrt read in praai[t.

D 0.

0 D. As }OU h4d before.

E. K Now 911britl rifeth from his lying profiratc.

H 0 T LA B.
Callit BA LT 0 H.
Call it Piap.

PAl P.

E K. Gabriel fi:cppeth up, aod feemcth to fl:orm angeriy agaioft fomewhat.

A. Belike fome wicked powers would intrude their illnfions, or hindra~ces in thcf a8:ions.

E. K. He hath thrown his Dart from him : and it comcth to him again.
Gabr..... Count the number of the words you btvt received to 411) A. Sixteen, ifPoamal; Orl be made two wordJ. Gab...... Be pack.,ing, and [o m4ny plagues 6 amongft JOU more thm JOW e

f. K He feemcth tofiorm fiilj.

11"'"' 'RIM btfrt

Gab ..... Come in. E. K. Now there come four more. Gab, ..... Art not thou Adraman? Which haft fallen, rmtl ha{l- burjl thy Heclc.. fortT t;me& i And Go thy 'lPay therrfou, thou Seducer, enter into wilt thou now rife again, and tak,.e p~rt ll1ftW l tne fifth torment. Let thy p wer be leJJt then it if, by IH mttch lff thou fuft nmber here.

Now they all four fall down into a pit, or Hial,. of the foundation ofrhe place where they ftood. E K NaJ~age lieth all this while upon his face
E. K.
Gab...... Count no"IP agllilt. A. Sixteen. Gab....,. It unot [a. 1here it an trrour. Nal . I am decriv~d from lpam. 0 D the next i4 fal[e,~tnd fo art tht rtft : Ad f il that that follO'JPith.


I bad Balroh.

Na\. ..... 4nd Piap.

Nal. ..... Whilf it thil! [to E. K.] E. K ... ... G~ Nal. ~ .... No; it it tUJ H.


u prJiflt,./htJPittg 11 ft'o/v-, CltlleJ Virgula.




b S.
Call it I A D P I L ~tccent lld.


Call it Gono.

Gab, ..... VKove not, f.r tbe plact Yi'axeth mort ho(/'.
Nal ...... P1i11teth S.D,

D S. "'his-wMrorrtl1til ~H MollrlltJ followiHf. to bt

too mHC,,
C11ll it AD N A.


E. K. Gabriel did throw a brightneffe upon E. K. after he ha<i ftrokcd his own face firft , E.K. ftarted at lt.
4' AZ R. NZ

A true 'J{tlation of D. Dee his .AC/ions Hth fpiritJ, &c;



Call it Zurza.


As . Z~turz~.

E. K. Nalvage knedeth down before the Table, and ufeth many indinations,and gefiures of reverence,as Priefi:s ufe to do at the Alter.


F A R Z M.
moreovtr tbe .Ar~of~no11ltd't



P I L A H.

Tbru fyllablu.

P is dilliac!tly prOMUR~ "d by it fclf.

E. K. NalqJage cometh and kitfeth the Table and kneeleth down, and fee1neth to pray.


- ith w
a Rod


E. K. He kneeleth down again,and ufeth fuch geltures as b~tore.


a rod

E. K. Nalvage faid, Adjuva me; 0 mi Deus. He holdeth up his hand and klffeth the Table, and ufeth wonderfuU reverence. He faith again. Fer opem, 0 mi Dew
tleli1Jtrtl JOII




A hid#

Pir, there is a poills


Call it Caba.


ALE R 0 H 0, I matle a La

Call it Ohorel;a, 1

Nal. There it a flop, fhtwing "ftrDitt 11:11a~ ftuighl down thw(


M R A S A C ~ ..luuu

C~farm I

a ft~p.

E. K. Now he knfetb the Table again.



#ith admirtttioJt


a flop

ltt M.

HE L 0 B 0

j our Garmmts
anJ .A -wbicb



0 B 0 L E 11 U R. - S B DS




E. K. Now he ufeth the former reverent geftures again.





with tk .Pr~




Nal...... .Aij1lflrt mt,.tJ -tt~i.D'"'


t IH 't





,f my han&U.


htre a point.

27. H 0 L


A true 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions ll'ith jjirits, &c~

the palms

Nob /oh.

1 A.
As before 0 7J. veftures

truffcd you together

A poin~.


<~f my

A poitic.


A 0 HT 0 N

in the midft y,t4r garmmts


Here is a paint btt"ore the word. A poinr Three fyUablcs

A AQ_,

~A .A.

.E. K. Now he ufeth reverence to the Table again.


QJ. 0 H

meit[Rreth which

H 0L


A. as




Nal. Adjuva me Dli Deus. 18. G RP L A M a through tbrujfi11g/ire

Malprg, tts M4lf11T{.



7' A.

Now he prayeth as before, his arms extended.



and the Moon



A point.





K. Now he prayeth again.


a word by it fclf.


The SMII hands in


Here a point.



Zol :Gotl A, as ol: /\ point, S ohra. 'Vonpho.


of wrath

bove the {irm1-mets Calz.

LA N S H as L~njh.



in porPn- e:ultetl

Adjuva me 0 Deus. of J~ft;ce TLAB

tire God

Balt. Here ilia point.





Q'lltT )flU


Here a point.







E. J(. Now he fitteth down in his Chair. mighty and firfi: Call.
.. Pray thttt ;su m11y m1derjland what it t:.. Mean you prefently? N a] ... I> prt[ently. t:.. I pray to that intent.

J true 7<flation of D~.. Dee his Jlflions Dithfpirits, &c~ - --- - -u.


This is the end of the The &eft eau

E. K. All the .Stone lheweth fire, and all is on fire, nothing elfe appearing : not like conunon fire, but dear, thin, &c. Now it waxcth clear. E. K. And now Nalvage is on the top of the Globe, and his feat remaineth in the former manner of fire. Now Nalvage holdeth up his right l1and, and the fame feemeth to be many hands. There is on one of his fingers ari I. It vaniiheth away ; and fo on divers fingers are words as follow.

Reig11 over yo1t

midfl of my vejhtre f,


the God of Juftice,


red with the

of JtnoJP/edge,

together as the

power exalted ahove

the. fi rtnaments of wrath, tn

palnu of ml hand.I,


lifted 1tp
your voices




Jt?hofo hands the

gon iJ as a 8'1Pord, and the .Moon aJ

the 6c fire of gathering and beautified JOUr

obedienil tmd f.aith to him that liveth and triumpheth



to whom




tlmtfting fire which meaforeth



mad a Law to


garments i11 tile

govern the holy ones>

he which jhineth as





.A true Relation of D. Dee his Allion..r -,a,ith.{p'irits ,.-&c~

zn the midft

your Pa!ace, and raigneth among.ft you as the Ball4.nce

Move therefore and !hew your felves,


1 am


the [a11ze JOHr God, the

the myfreries of your Creation,

rig.hteoufnejfo and truth.

friendly unto me;

of the 6o 6o






E. K. Now all the fingers be gone.


ment : The uctrance of which, u of force, anci movech rh em to VH1ble apparltlon : moved and they are forced- ( by the CoYenant of G9d delivered by his fpirit) to render o~ The covenant b d' r . 11. of God. e tence an d ratthfu l rlOCtety. JP,herein, they will open the my uenes o f t h e1r crcatton, as f ar Obedience. as Jhatl be neceffary: and give you underftanding of many thou[and ferrets, wherein you are yet Many kcyes. but childrm; for every Table harh his key: every k._ey openeth hi-s gate~ and t'very gate being opmd, giveth k..,nowledge of him[df of entrance, 11nd of the myfteries of tho[e things whereof he u a1 inr.lo z [ure. Wzthin thr[e Palaces you _ (halL find thiJ!.s that are of powr,as well t o [peak._, as to do Norc thefc for every [ (1) Palace J is above his [ (2) City] and every City abot~ his [ (3) entrance. J Lhrec degrees. Beyou therefore diligent that JOlt may enter in, not as [poilers, but as [uch as de[erve intertainment in the name, and tbriJugh the power of the Higln}f. For f!pttt are the mercies of God unto Fairh. [uch as have faith. Tbt. is therefore the key Pf tiJe firfr feven~ according to the proportionof rhe A. key of the firft Creation. NiJ -m;re for this time. fir\\ fc:ven. ft a/wales to ma'\.e an end r. A fign to make A rgn
an end.

Second Table, followeth tn pral'!ir.e for the moving of the fecond Table, the K~t~gs and ~i.nifiers of govern-

Nal. ... It i-s the [en[c in y our tongue of the ho(y anJ myftic~tl Call before delivered : which

E. K. He drew a Curtain before the Stone, .of white colour.

The fame Saturday, after Noon, bora 3 ~ 4 The white Curtain remained abouc half an hour after my pt ay er to God, and fome invitation to Gabriel and Nalvage, ac leqgrll the Curtain quaked as choughwind blew ir.

E K. Me thinketh that I hear a fiir within the Stone.

1 had difcourfcd fame ,vh:u wirh 1!. .
K. oft he man-

At length

ncr of skrimgc:s.


..... t~ere are two k,,il:d of vifions, the oHt by infufir of will aHd de{cending, the qtfurhy inm f ufionby penmf/ion and a[cending, The fir.ff i-s the image of the Will of God de[cmdi1zg into the bod), and ad; J yned" to the foul of man, who nature i-s to Jiftinguijh things of bi1 own lik,_en"ej[e, but [e jhut up in pri[onin the body, wanteth that power ; and therefore being iiluminir.ted by [piritua.J pre[enr.e, inwardly~ feeth no'IP in part, as be ./hall hereafter do in the whole. E.K . he r~e:ali- , But note, that everyvifion u accordmg ~o the [o~l of man. in powr: and fo u received of bim eth hollowly. that feet b. ! he boy _ f m~n fe.eleth nothmg [pirztual ""td be be of incorruption : Therefore o The other i-s to be found out b hu contrary. y u[ech no fenCe m and dlummauon.

they appe<;1red. E. K. They have very eyes which twinkle as other mens eves do, and * therefore I fee them with my external eye, not within n{y ima . . gtnatron, as .... ....


E. K. Here is a Devil that dcriderh thefe infiruCtions, and faith, you may know his vertue by his wirdom : he never '\vent to
Gabr. ....

dtrue 'l(elationo[Dr.Dee his Aflions ~ith fpirits, &:c


Gab... I k..now what be w: P.t;wer n given to nu to refi.fl him, but not to touch him. He hath .Note, afcended, and begotten him a fan, wherein the people of the earth thall be accurfed. A~ P"'fer Anti thofe that .llre in prifonjhut .up, from light, ~tnd the ufe of t.~e df!J comprehend 11ot any thing , .but tbat Cbrifti,, which entreth unto them by permiflion, or free will; {o ,wthe Soul of mm jhut up from all light, . except that which entrethb.J tht wi(l, or [ujfrance of the hif!.he'fl; But a.s obedience if. the tryal of {iignification, [o a_re the (Jeremonifs appointed by God, the WTtnrffis of jtl/fific .Hion: For be that violated the outwar~ Law w~ ac.;urfed : au~ the very end of Ju/tice to [alv11.tion wtbr pbu./-.i~nce, _ ndfubntiflion of the Soul. H ow Caft it be that ibe eJSrth and a . elements foal! bea~ witmffe tigai~(t mim in the d_ay of JudgemeHt , but in the perv_er[e u[e of th~m~ contrary to God hts Com~andmmts, He H a flow S>hool-ma.fler,and of[mall undfrftaudzng, The w1cked Gab ...... Ceafe,for tbe co11jlif1 u great, and muft have judgement of the Lord. fpirit faid, A, Sall I joyn my prayers w.ith yours to our God, to drive a~\-!J this wichd fcorner , and contemner of your minifrery ? Gab.,, ... Not fo,you k..now not the ferret judgements of the Lord f.erein. The white Curtain JJ"M drawn. A. Deo Nol1ro foli Omgipotenti fit omnis laus)Honor,Gloria, & imperium in fecula feculomrn. Amen.

Sonday, April'h 1 S. c.Mane H or. 7!. After t few prayers ncceffary , and Invitation to 'Gabriel and N alv11g' for their in{hu~ e l\:iom .. Our inftrullirms fhall grow moit plentifully amot1fr yot.,t. Rut give place to time, for A voyce our thit if the voyce of the higheft . Be boly and right~ozu in the work..s of)IJur hands, and keep-a\- Qf the ftone. wayesthe Sabbath ofyou.r Redeemer hereaf ter: qr evmyet, the Serpent it amr mgjt '"' ForSbbaoth. even yet theSerfent it amongft-my-holy ones, and endeavoureth to CUt you afunder. Therefore r, be Serphent: fi h h' k h t n a ourec to I fay be holy even in the wor/ts ofyo~r hll~ds, or et tn et . to ~reva1 agatnLr you: But let your- pare us 1 fuQ. hou[es be [wept clean, tbgt when tbe _(pj entr(tb, he finde nofbmg to feed on. dc:r. and ho. A. We ceafed and gave our felves to the Sabbath : coilfi4cring, intending hence foreward pe~h to p1c: t'O vifit the Church aud Alfembly, to pray and meditate on God his fervice. vail, S olw J efus Ch.rifrns eft TriumphatQr contra mort em & D.iabolu>, Dominm Nofter & Del# N ofter. Amen.

Monday, 15. April#. Mane,hcra 6. Cr:acovi:. After .a lhort prayer to God for remiffion of fins , and fend ing of his grllces , and his good Minifrers affigned for our inftruetions: and for the avoi~ing away o~ the great enemy,~c. who held conBilt againfr Gabriel, &c. - The white Curta'm appeared frill drawn b~forc in the fione for an hour.

E. K. There appeareth a face fianding upon two Pillars, the Curtain yet remaining drawn: The face is fiery, and bath very great teeth. The Pillars are like Marble fpotted gray, and the ground of the Piiiars colour white. He faid,the works of the highefl: are become a fiurn-: bling block, and have entred into the breafl:s of a woman,and he is _e-b come angry. But when fhe thinketh her felf happy, ihe fhail fhunble, where. fhe woufd not, and become forrowfu11 without comfort. E. 1(. This face and Pilla,rs became a great water fwellirrg upward7 and fo vanifhed away.
A. After about arl hour, the Curtain was opened. All afJpeareth as before : GA!Jriel fitteth in his Chair, and ,Na/vage-kneeleth. Nal. ..... Pr~ty, for the mercy 9( God. A. I prayed divers prayers of God,& help Pray, for th~ujha/t not be heard? So, againfr the wicked enemy,yec prefenr, well {aid; fy upon him. and molefi:it'1g us as he was permitted., A. This Devil rayled againft God, ~. Thy judgement light on this wicked Rebel for this blafphen1y, 0 God. G_ - .. MoltC not, for pre[ence of power n great. ab. Na1...... Number the words of thf firfr Key, A. I have counted chem, and they feem to be 88.

li!a1. ,.... 'Ih(re arr mt fo many.


9o A true 'l(_elatio111 o[Dr. Dee hir Aflions Dith !pirits~ &c. ------------- -8 7 r::.. Where have I mifreckoned, I pray you? Perhap~ Poamalzod i~ to be but one word)
and fo are 87.

E. K. There is a great Crolfe over all the fione that is red: Not onely over to be impreiTed through the fione.
Nal . ..... Number the-words in thy o'Wn language. D., I have numbred them, and they feem to be 169. D.. While I numbred, the great red croffe went away: and lhortly after came in again in"!'
t o the fl:one as before. Gall .... Mo'e Hot,for tll~ place iJ hol.J. You have Znrza. ds Gono i1i the Call: th: fd is too much. t., I will then put it out. t:.. I finde Zurza Adna ds Gono. Nal. ..... <fhat ds iJ too much. I pray you, what if thelt the number of them, of you 11J:.. lowedl Nal. ..... 86. A. Making alfo Poamolzd one word? in that account~ NaL .. Set dorm.



6 _,..




9 ~ 2

-46-3 1-7--2 48-1 49---5 50--2

So y ou lifted up y our voycrs.

r and


51-1 52 - 4 53-I
54-I 55-2 56-2

l ....

[ware obedience and

12 -


ftt.ith to hjm tb4t liveth




-x5 _ _ 2

I+ ~ I





6o_t 61_,
6z ___ 3 63 _ _ 3 64r _ I

'~9-4 I



.2-4 _ _ 3


66 ---2

67-- .[
68-2 69 2 70 I







71 t 72 I 73----1 74----- I 75-3

7~ -- 1

foew your {elw&

34 __.. 2 35-I
36 ~1

77--I 78-3

39 - - 2--71 4--4

... so-- 1


.p- z
~- 3

8z - - z 83--I 8 4 - 5


86 ::::=-:- ,


. --~--------~

.d true 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his AElions 'nJith -fpiritJ, &c..

Tne(day, Aprilis I7 Cracovi::e. . Afrer .diversE jaculations appropriate to the aCtion, and the Curtain of whit6 war er yet remaining. E. K. thought divers rimes th~t he faW, thrmtgh the white Veil, ftnd flon<; _and all, nothing appearing therein. E. K, immediately fell into a new doubting of the ve; l i~y of thefeactiot~~' and _(aid he had <1- Vifiol) by a good Creature the latt night, who faiq thefe CrcattUt:S w1rn wh tch we dealr, wou(d no 111ore 4ppear unto him. Herenpoll he faiq that both. the lafi daycs 5korner,and thefe our infirufrors were aH Devils: al1d that he w<:ml4 no more Gt to_receive A.B.C. And fo by Letters, any DoCtrine of theirs, unldfe chqr would otherwife expreOy, and lively deliver a plain rule thereof: With many other arguments to difprove th!! verity of our Atl:ions, whereupon hefaid, that J ohn your boy can well enouo-h delinr you their Lerrers, and.fo you need not m<:,&c. I referred all to G od, his will, a~cl metcies: For, as l ha~ at l:iis h<U1ds o~ly, and by hjs-order, and for his fervice required wif-. dom and tru~ k_.npwledge; fp dol not doubt but God w.ill, according to his accufromed good.,ne!fe, provide fo r me, that is befi for my vocaciqn here in earth,&c.


E. K. He rofe, ,_and went away: and left me alone in my Study, ap~ po~nted for thefe actions.
DeM ilt adjutorium meum intende,Domine at! adjuvandum me fe,1ina. Gloria Patri e.IJ. f ilio_ Spiritui Sanuo, jicu~ er at in pri,:cipio 6"' n:mc & Jemper (?' in . fecula & Ainenr feculoruni.

Thurfday; Circa 9 my upper Study, and had gathered the holy words the fecond and thircl pll, and had co;1ferred them with their Englijh delivered alfo unto us : Jl_ . K. came up th~ fiairs, and fo went int o his Study, and came out again, and as he was goinr: down the fl:aires l opened my Study door, and faluted him: He thereupon came up again, and came into my Study : And there I (hewed him what I had done ~ and how I ha.d fome nnderftanding of thofe holy ~vords, t.heir fjgnifications by reafon Qf <J.ue applying the Englijh to the word Chriflus, inte1_1ding thereby_to hav~ it~dit.~ed ;E. K. to li ke thy better of rh~ manner of otir friends,due,and MethodicaJ,proceeding with us> and told him that unleffe of this firangc lauguage I fb ould have rhefe words delivereq. llntO us Letter by L~u.e,r, we might crre both in Orthography, and a!fo for want of the _true pronunciatiQtl of the words,;md .Q.i~ tl:infrions of the points, we might more mitre the effefr expe8:ed :-But as on Tuefday laJ[, fo now again he faid, our T eachers were del~1de~s, and no good,or Cufficient Teachers, who had not in rwoyears fp;1ce made u s able to underfiand, or go fomewhat .: .and that he could i!~ two years hav:e learned all the fev en Liberal fciences, if he had fidl: l~arned Logick, &c. where.. fore he would have no more ro.do with then:t any ffi\lllTier of way ,wi!ht:d !timfclf in England, <UJ~ faid that if thef~ books were his, that he would om of hand bu1 n them_, and .th.ar l}e haq written to my Lord (by Pirr11is) that he ~oak our Teachers to be d eceivers_, and wickl!4, anq uo good Creatures of God, with many fuch fpeeches, and reafons (as he: rhou~ht) of farce to difwade himfelf frol)l ai1y more dealing with them: Bur willed me to ufe J ohn my Boy as tuy Skryer, for that rhefe fvirimal Crcatm'es were not boun~ nl,lto him,!)c. 1 anfwered unto a_l! t he(e parcel and r eafons, as time ferved declaring my perfdl trujt in G?d,that fe<:i.n g I haver many 'years d ellred, ~nd pr~yed for wifdome (fuch as . hdc ACt:ions import) P.-t: his hands, t ~nd by fuch mean s f!S t~ his Qivine ~faj e~y feemeth bell) tbat l!e would not either mijlik_e my ~rayer, or abufe my Co_n!l~t hope 1p lm goodnefe and ll,l_ rcf; Th~refore I c:Qnclncled that e 1 referred all to the mernfuH wtll ,of God, and _ m_1bteq nothmg flC the length to be fat ifd ~ed of my reqi.tdr , and praye~ made unto l!lm~ So he .w. nt from me this fe~ond time. e God lighten his lieart with knowle_ ge 9f.the trut.h~ if ic b~ his Diyi!Je wil) ~tnd plea~1re. d N ore.. fermis went c,; la:fr \Vedncfday mornii;).g , ~nd had received our Letters after . JiOOn, 0,11 l\t efday ' la!t :, But on Mond.ay b~for,e the wickec;l Prince .of darkneffe dig what he ' amid hind.cr :aur proceeding, On Thuda!ly, T nbim (l:>rother to my Lord Larkje _ is wife) brought news to Crttcovi~t, 'thac. h J;Jy Lord LMkje was coming;to Cracovin. wa r.d . Emericzu came from Kef;ua_rkf, ~nd _re~ rum~:d .back flgain. Tabi~f rode from Crtz.covi4 r;o.ward Ke[mllrk.. .

As 1 was in



- ----- - - Silturday, Aprilis ~I aMeridi.e. Afcer our pr~yers made,_ appe<~.red fbortly .Gabriel and Nn.lv~tge. E. K. propounded fi~ quellions orderly .p. which had bred .~r~~t doubt in chi~ f;uuafie, and regttefted their an~



A true '1{e!ation of I)r. Dee his .d8iorts 'With j}irits, ~c.


He 'iVould ha~; our fpirimal friends to pr~ife him the p~~forrnance of the Prints. Gab ....... If we lVrre M .zjft>rs ~four own doings, we mi~ht well promife: 1J11t we are [ennt,nt~ and do- the will of our majter. But let me aJ~the~ one queftzdll: Dojt thou not tiJink,. that all things are poffible with God? Gab ....... The11if there no caufe. whytl~oujhould d~(f.ruft. Let him that is a {ervttnt,and is conHHfmded to go, go : and let not the earth rife up., and ftrive _ gainjt the plowman. a Wh~t_t fin ir it when the creature rifeth up, and [aithi, his heart, Let the L<?rd make a Covenant wuh me, con.f{deriJJg he is a bond hum ?


E. K. I do (o, and I know fo. .

[E. K. They feeni, both the voices at once, to come to my eare.l

None but he that becometh difobedient, ~t.nd. uf~tfcth his M after [ A W uld do fo. .o . Gab. Nal ....... 1hefe tfJings, that is to{ny, thi1 'Doflrine, delivered by ut, is of God, 1tnd of /,it mercits grmzted untoyo11, wbicb cannot b~ i;t vain: and therefore eo be performed;, f~r tb~ f ccret detrrminations of God are unk__nown unto Jk, . He neveriheard of any man tbat.would ask_,1 if Godwou'ld petform his p7>0mi[e.r,

E. I\. By- Aug:uft next?


E. K. ~hy jpyn you numbers with rhefe letters, and added none with thofc of the former Table.
Brother, w'hat is thf cartfe that all the World is made by numbers.? The Numbers we [peak,. of, are of reafon and form, and not of merchants. . l::l.. I bcfeech you as cont:erning the powder whereof he thinketh that he bath made. due affay of ir, as if it lhould have been the Philofophers S_ tone, and fo affirmed to be, by the miuifler of chis aCtion? I beft:ech you fo to anfwer; che ~hing, a s his reafon may . be fatisfied. A; . They gave no anfwer hereunto;but proceeded in the former m'a tter or Nnmb'~rs. Note th~ Frc- Gzb ... . Ever7 Letter fi.g1tiji.etb thnnemb'er of the -[ubftance whereof it [peak,etb. Every. pcny of thi s w~rd fif,Niji.eth the quiddity of the.[ubftance. '.f?e L ettrrs tfre feparat ed, : a.nd .in confufi.on . llntl_ : M:theJ and therefore, are by,numbers gathered together: :which alfo gathrrrd Jignifie a number: for iW Languag<:. every greater contain~tbhis lejf r,fo are the [rcret and un~~zown forms of thi'!f.S e ~p in their par_wfi :' Wh~re being known in 11umper, they are eafily difl:inguifbed;[o that herei1t we t eacfJ. e places to be numbred: letters tote eletied from .. tln 1zumbred, and proper. words from tb~ letters, fignifying [ubftantia}ly the thing that is [pok,.m of in the cmter of his Cret~tor, whereby rven as the minde of ntlf.lt moved at an'ordered [puc~, find is eafily perfwaded in things. ~hat ~re tnui ,- fo ~tre rhe creatures gf God ftirred up in th~mfelve~, when they hear the words wher.e~ ithal they w ere nurfed and brought forth: For nothing moveth, that is 11ot per[waded : neitbrr .Cfln any llndernu1d- thi,tg be perfwaded thllt i~ N1tk,nawn. The Creatures of God underlhmd you not, you, are nor: . i ng, r crfwa- 9ftheir Cities ; you arc becom~ ~nemies; beca~fe )'ou are feparated from bim that Gcn.Jerneth th~ lion, Motion'. City hy ignorance ..
Numbers. ]V,;,uri Forma/es. Pnlilu.

. What if it were a hundred Augufis? you maJ he-a wearJ before Augtill: next, of I[rael were of tbeir Manmt

the Chillmll



Gab, ...... M~n in his Cre~ttion,- being made ~n Innoce)tt, was alfo ardho'ri{ed aNd made partak,.er of the Power llnd Spirit of God : wbereb.y he not olte/y did k...nom nil thi1tgs und'er his CreaAJam. tion a~d fpok,.e of them properly, namilzg,_them as they were : iut alfo was part:tk,.er of.our'prt[mce ; and f ociety, yea a [pea fter of. the myjferies of God_ yea, with God hi:1z[dj : fo rbat in innoetnq tht po 'Wer' of his parta/l,.ers with God, tm411i hit good . .Angl:s, wtH exalted, and, beca"ie poly in the fight af God t!!f~il that <;oron~on ( fDr fo u the true 1zame of that mit,hty Devil ) mvying hid ~:::~o;~ felicrt~, a1td p1r~_eivit, t~at _ fubflance ~f ~H leffer part w~ frail and rmperf rti in_refpe{i of /Jis the t 1 uc Lanoua~ pure Ee., bet, an to aatl buv, a;td'[q preva.zled: tha.t offmdmg f o becll.me accur{rd tn the fight of gcs.: t> God; tmd [o lo.fl the- Garden of felicity, the judgement of his 'hnderfia.nding : but n0_: urterly c ~at~ m h is the f lf'llour_ of God; a1zd_ was driv.~n f~rth . as JOIIT' _ crip:zn-es rec8rd). rmro tbe Earth wiJii:h was C S ~e;':,afc~.r covered ~zth bra_ mb/es: where bcmg as dum~, aHd not- able tri.JPeak,.,he beg1m to letTYit of neceffii J : ~~;it: ~be La11gt~age which thou, E. "K~~aHeft [I H c_brew: J andye_ not.t.bat [z H ebren'] ~~mongftyou.: t Lingua .Ange- tn the whzch he uttered and delrvere4 to bi-1 pofteJtity;the nearefr knowled ge he had of God h1s lica. , Creantres: and from his owH [elf divided h,is fp~ech into three part!'; twelve, three; and Lmgua A,g~-- fevc:n : tbe number wher.eof rcmaineth , but the true form~ and pronuntiarions wa1;t ; mtf ;~;~ ~~{;1~';1,~: zherefo~e it n~t of that force _tkat d _iPtH_ in_ hi-s own dig~rit)', much_ to_ le cor.:pr..rc~ wit!~ this t hat le~ noce11 ri.tS:at11 we dc~lver)wrnch Adam. venly fpak e m _mnocency,a~1d wa$ never uttered nordrfclofcdto man fince ull now, wherein the power of G;d .mll_{t wor.k.., and wifdcm in her .t ri1e k.,i:td b'e de!i'vtr:ed: wbicb are r.ot to be [pok,pt of in a1ry othEr thilzg, Hrither to be. 1tu /l,.td of witb ;:. nvj im fTt:inations for M ihi-1 Work,. and Gift i-f, of d.t.d=> "ff'qich i4 tdl p;ner, [? doth b~ opr1z it h~ a w igte o/}o"'ter, t he

,E. K_. Whether_isthis Lang~age known in any part of the \Vorld or no ? if it be,where and to whom?






th~ i~ttnt t>~t

the propOtitJ/Ils nt~~-} a.gr~e in tbem[e!vei : for it w writtm, Wi[dom jiruth 11pon tn H ilf., ~nd beh~ltkth the four Winds, and gi_rdeth h~f (rlf ~~gether as tk.: brtghtnejf of the mornmg) which u vifztcd wit/, a few, and dw~lletb alotte as thour,h foe 'ere a Wrdo'R'. _ 1hiH you fee tbere, the N eccf!ity .o.f thu Tongue: 'fb~ Exce!le.itr.y 'of it, 4nd tb~ caufe why it il.preferre4 before that which yo.u Ctf.ll Hebrew : For it is writt'en> Ever] 11fe, confenttt/; to his gruztrr... I truft this isfi'ffirzent.
[). This anfwer offended gi;ea.dy E. K.. and thereupon he lefc ~tf,and would receive: no more at their hands. 'God make him patient, and a fa vourer of. this Afr-ion as foon ~s it' is needful that he !hould he. A. Laudetur, magniftcetur & extollatur nome11 Jefu Cbrifii. i 1t omne ;evum. Amen!

E. K. As concerning the power) What is it? Gab . ...... What it is, that it is, for .the k._nowledge of it may leadpu. ~o erro.r.

Note on Tuefday after Noon;. cirC'It horam qua.rt.llm,as we two fat together> E. K. fa id that '4 Ap'rilit he thol,lght upory. the matter; Et' quod j 4;, velle't:d~ll'S ho.ras mih'i cwcedere Ji_ gulis diebrt.f ad reel- I his 4ftcr. n

illa, qu.e illi'trader~ vel(en~.. E~o a~tem illi & 7111lx.imo -peo.gra_ti.~s egi,qttill b~nc effe mu- noon, tationem de~trd exce!fi fall am vere ]Ud~a'Ziz 5 nttm ltHft prandmm ngzdiffimus tr'llt m cotraria opinione & ftnte>ttia.

Wenfd~y~ Cracovi;e, ~prilis zs, Ivt~tne, wa 7 The V ail appeared as at firfr afmolL After half an hour GabTiel and. Nalvage appeared, after my manifold prayers and .difcourfes. . . . . A. Two keyes we haverecetved by themercy of to~ H1gheft and your mmtfters, the refr we attend, according to themerciful will of the Higheft. Gab .. . ~ .. M~ve 1zotjromyour place:., .for the place is boly. . A. She.w a ~oken 0 Lord when thy wj.ll is. whereby. to perfw~de thy mercrful dealings , wich us, and }he pretence of thy faithfnl Minifters. A. The fr;ullt:! of tht;-Scotle gave a cdckling,nu hand touching ic, or otherwife any mor , tal or worldly thing mo_ i;11g)t. 1 h ead it very cer..raiuly, and to E. K. it fee!med the fGund v of a bunch of keyts, a.s tf'tbey had quick ly been lh:.rken and Hrongly.


E. K. Gabriel btt~th., and N4h!ag.e .ftandeth.

Gab, : ..... My Brethren f:ea_rlz.m to my vo;ce,f~r. I am the ~rue [ervan.t of the G~d of Abraham, Jfaac, and Ja_ co'tf; t-he' dfgJ,i:t:Y flbn:eof 4s , fuffir;~ent. 'both for tbe verity' of the -D'oarbie, an(l the c,otr/irmation, aJtd perfwafion.of.J'ortr mi1zdes: for as God is .the Father of the. Faithfuf, f~. hejh~weth. bimfolf 'lfnto the faithful : wher<by you may p,.,ve the ~relit comfort and con[olatim: tbat. yeu tllllJ jNJflJ gauer of t.~ mercies of God, as ~uchiug you.,. Eletlion. Fo-r at ~hirt t:tme b:ath (il()cl ,t.pp~a'l'ed-unti the.. unrigbt'eoul? or ;when d~ you read that eve,r he vi]itfd the reprobate ? For ,th.e re,'>robate hath no vifittC,tion, h;1t in the rod of Ju(tiu_': But you may ri[e :ujJ ttnt'lnZ,)our [elves, fayi"..zlo, we are ftoward, w.e want faith. Anobjcdion. 1'rue i( is,the a?Is of faith, but ~zot tbe roat,s. offaith~ . But I f~J Jmto yo14~ '.r/J.Ilt the 'PO'~r of ~nfwcr. God In his Elellion; wtbe Bafis of. nuns putitfi!J lt'ccepiatbn. td Bitt ./;ere there il ib[qv.eit.r Ele{fion , juRifietb. riot himfelf; for 'Ibat man imaginin[rhu Prede[tination and perfell _ ~hrrr[orvtr thu if found,or thu Dollrine preached amongft)ou, either Jimply in man; or puhlir.k._'ty ilz CoNgregation, it u the fur~ jig1t anti. tok_ett of th~ir perpetJ.Ial .ig~:ora,ntc. .and confi.fi.UQJ : For ;tbe lYlll and Po.wer of God 'beltntgeth 11ot to our meafure (-~rit w:zs the taufe of re'be!liort ammgfr Id) m .t.eb /rife among men, wbic&. a.r.t fighting yet .for. the (;/.o,J {)f their reward,. BtiiPU it. if a [LtJ .in him that jud~etb of hu brot~~rs Co?tJcie_nce; Mucb.nzore hit a tbre~fold error, eo form the imagio:ttions of fin~ by wh.oft: .uua ~mattOJlS they are. Br not proud .tberefore of the gift's of Gad, but beco me humble.; Neitber j~fJ.i/it ) O fe!f in ret{Y' [pr'a that this is the wo.rli t>.G.Qt{delivered unto yo~ fo.~j(JH.Y. own (elves : But the more jou rectiile~ be the more thankful; ' aJ:d the mo.re you be in the jfrengrh of G.od~ the mor,;o u[e. YOif,f.bf plff.tmffe of humility. Of whom it is.faid, Behold my Spirit hqt.h..Ptttre.d, }tit .m-to. mj Jc-~tJ4nt; 1 INid,fy~ arr b~l:om~ humble tt~d- 1w.ek..,in t:he fi'e,IJt of men :. 'B'ut 'lf'We~e the. [ervan~s of'tl)e God_ of Abraham, thc.n ate Go()d Ao eis. we tbe [pmts of trr~th~Lnd wsdre.~am:lmg , J Ot' our. .ffJ-tk 'mxitgnzfi U llx fii/~. ~f f.he bea1J(Jts, g a11d we are become mighty in the power of the Almif!,htJ . 1herefdr.e ought we. to be Jg/i n.oul. N' w if )'Qll wilt confeffi your fdves to be the c~J'i ldmt ~1 Abraham,thm mvft you al[.o accept of our li,o{1Ti1te : Fqr .tbe ~1eat :,whereby Abraha01/iv.ed, is the. fame food w~ miui{ter: unto you: of whom i t. if (:zi2 Hebelieved God, a1zd it WM counted unto him for rig~tequfneffe. Even fo do yeu, !, tha'


A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElioru with (pirits, &c.

th,t you alfo '11/tty be righteous, wberein do you differ fnnu Abraham? Weu you not barren l iYhiJ bath made you fr~itfull? rlid God. mak_e a Covenant with Abraham ? Even [o he doth wit/, J'fl Did the Lfrd in bid MiA Covenant. nijl:ers a.tJpear unto him ? .r~ doth hr, llnd will do unto )Ou. Were the Jin,r of Sodum (the fifth that per ifhed) imported into A brabams bo{ome, as tbe [ecret . determinatio~ of the Lord ? Are they u!fo not manifert tn t J you (even by the fame God)as touching the time and corruption of this world? 1\ oJ~ he not s1p in the morning, and beheld the confnfion , and headlong Ruines of the wick_ed? And jhall you not alfo fee the ruine of him th4t id the [on of wic/tedneffe. 1 es, unlelfe you hinder yqur fdvcs. For rht: promife of your God is without. exception. Be mindful thertf8re of your [elves ; and c,nfider your calling: That JOil may be ftilll:leffed in him tblf.t is tbe God of Abraham.? whJ wyou; r a rher. In rhefe k,.!'yes whirb we deliver, nre the myfleries and fecret beings a~td effeC/s of all things mo-_ The Keyes. 11inr;, and mo<;ed within the w~r!d. Linr.ttl! & [.:iIn thw is the life of M 0 T 1 0 N, in JPhom all tongud . of the world au moved, f9r .there is t'IUi~. neithrr ( peech nor .filence chat was or !hall be to the end of the world, but they are all as plain bere, M i.n their own 1tak.,edneffe. Defpife it not; thcrrfore ..... For unto them that are hungry, it w bread, it;-zto the thir{ly drink._, and unto the nak_ed clothing: 4 Serpent it.i-1 of many heads in-vincible. Believe therefore, that with him you way be wife.: thttt Jour humility may be [tteh , M mJt) be numb1 e1 in the world. I have [aid. Nal. Move not, f er the place is holy.

E. K. What mean you by that fentence or phrafe.

Nal. It is of two parts. the firft in refpell of the [pirit and prefm~e of him tbat is boly: pre[ent
and teaching. Secondly zn refpetl of your confent, which il obedirnr.e, for obedience confirmeth th11 will of God in man, and the will of God confirmeth man; falvation; wheufore it is [aid , move not : and why? becaufe the place is holy. - Move neither in mind, neither in body, for obedimc6 id the r.onclufion, tmd confirm4tion fyour feparatiom from th~ Devil! SJZcrifi~e is ~~cepted, bHt obfl dience is b~ttrr. You are fure!J anfwered.

E. K. I like your anfwer well.

.N al. 011r wifdom,jha/l pro11e Rhttoric'k._.

N aaq

inyour creation of tlie.fecret wifdom parrak_trs as unto the partak,.ers


It i4 q attn
.I t i1 Pl~t.pli-



It is Pugo.
It is Im ua mar~

your {elves unto us





E. K. This letter turneth fo about, that I cannot well difcerne it.


E. K. This letter alfo turneth round.

Move we [11y
i1t whQnU

Zod a. Gohia.




.A ai om.



Amongfl us

U btC01He

Mi c;r. olz.


E. K. This Letter moveth. E. K. Now he maketh a reverend Curfy~

NI A0 0 DD 0
~tnd name

Od do o ll in.

E. K. This letter alfo moveth

fJd id 11nd

I! mull be foondcd with one


E. K.


true~lation of Dr. Dee his

his mercies

AF!ions Dith fpirit~, &c.

ea ea eo m.
Jehu{oz. Micma.


E. K. Gabriel1haketh his fpeare. Nalvage.


Z 0 S U HE I



E. K. , Now he ufeth his reverent Curfies again.

63 Your [elver Amiran.

Nal. Vid I not bid thoujhouldeft not move I

E. K. He hath thrown down his rod upon the Table.

[ t.. I had moved to the do re, becaufe I heard fome going up and down the chamber with.. out : we had forgotten to !hut the fiaire-foot dore.J A, 0 Lord, I did it not upon any wilfiill difobedience. But pardon this Fault, and by thci 8race (0 God) I will avoid thelike fault henceforward. Nal. It Wlls a great fault . A . I befeech the Almighty to pardon it.

E. K . Now he is kneeled down, .and all his Face is under the Table. Now he is up again, and taketh his rod in his hand,and rtiaketh a Croife with it three times : Eafi, W efi, North, and South.

So your WDrd. und



E. K. He pronounceth the i fo remiifely,as it is fcarce heard and in

the pronouncing of the whole word he feemeth not to move his lips.
I fay Gohus.

E. K. He made long leafurely reverence.


R 0 L 0 H0 G

lift up.

Goholor ,

E. K~ He ufeth reverence again.

Nal. 'the Ht;d is a name mightier tben the power of the fame. 6o D AM ~f the [anie your God Mttd.

E. K. He ufeth long reverent Curfy again. E. K. Now he holdeth up his Rod.



In thename

J)Q oi ap.

E. K. He holdeth up his rod again.

and .truth of Juftice

Od voo4n.



<the sk.Jyrs
thus.JOU are beeo m~


55 54

No an.


on the urth continu11.llJ


Cao[ g.

Now he ufeth courtefy.

52 51


fiers of life and incrett{e


powring down my power


PA-npir N A- nil eel.




mig-ht wor~



A true ~e/at ion of D ..Dee his Aflions Tt~ithJpirits, & c.

E. K. He ufeth rev{'rer.c,e. Now he holdeth up his Rod and Jhaketh
it about his head.
48 BAAT E NQ 47 E D 46
your govtrnmmts


De,is my name:

G .'\ 0 N I I M


He ufeth Gourtefie. E ..K. Gabriel ihaketh his fpeare.


Nal. ..... It may be ct~!ld Mi moag or Diuph

E. K. Now he extendeth.
45 DO

from the Eiglj(fl veffe!s



Gab. .. . ... c.Move not.

4 3 NE FA F 42 BS A COC

to the intent that

Fafen Cocasb

of time
the true ttJ!,e.t

I M0 H





SR 0 V



E. K. He ufcth moft reverent Cur.fie.



{ttccef!ively power unto ever,J one Cif .JCIII


~trg as in barge Vomfarg



of governmrt




E. K. Many founds are heard in the flone. He kneeletl1 down.



i1t feats 12.


31 DO 30

plllced you and

ll'rg as in l"trgt B.ALZAitG


Stewards 1 made yotJ



28 I L I

i11 the firfl

Julll rife



'14 [ T


111 .burgrn 111 Burgd~

t' hud



A true 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his .AfliDnf -with fpirits, &c.






E M it is tt wore!

E. K. Now he ufeth reverence.




are not

Kil I Cbifge

zo SI HC


Ki4 Cbw


tht Crettturts of fbe e1rti

org as in f.torgll Toltorg

~; itJ


1heuin 'of Je~h;


ocb ihttch pfJi 1eloc6


E. K. Now he maketh t
t6 H EL P S 0 M Q.

tht horns

t.Jf!os Pith


7'tt fU in
Yo,. U.J c.U Tapui 11/fo


the uft

W~ay bt

E. K. Now he maketh a Croife again. ......... Now he ftoopeth down and kitfeth.

Ytl L or YmlL
Giti ptt6


of living bre~th;
the {tllfl






Norz Os Lox Job

A Cro!fe again.

[Os figttifieth t'11tl111)




on whofe hands

He fioopeth and kiifeth the ground.



Com Stili


r .. ;
1Mr G,.





true~elation of D.

De. his AEiions ~ithfpirits, &c. e


He kiffeth the ground.


He fetteth his hands on the ground<

Mic ma.

<Y"J. .


it pleared yen before, fo would we gladly have the fence hereof in Engbjh. Nal. .... , L~t him that bath wi(edom underftand : For here bet,itme the myfteries of your WJrld .
1 2

6..\~~~:i~~;h; Na~e of Jefus; as



3 4

6 7 8 9


Behold, faith your God, I am a Circle, ou wba[e hand! ftand 12 Kingdoms; fix are the feat~ of living breath,
'l'he u jt

42 oftime;

43 to the intmt that, 44 fro11t the hit,heft ve.f[efJ

45 and
46 the Corners 47 ofy our gover~tmmts, . Gal, .... mighty if the God of 1!o ftr, hu 1eople. .



16 17 18 19




2& 2.9

30 31




36 37

38 39 40 41

are M jharp SickJes, or t;e h rns of death; wlurein The Creatures of the eartll are to are not, except mine owu hand= Whicli fleep and Jhall rife. In the firft I made ;or1 Stewards and placed you in feats 12 [or] in 12 f-eats of government: Giving unto every one of you pow:r, fu'cceffively, over

the true

on the earth. .) 3 ThiK 5-f 55 you are become 56 The s"f<_irts 57 of Juffi~e 58 and truth~ !59 In the nttme 60 of the fame, your gqJa 61 lift up, il2 I fay, 63 your {elveJ Behold, <'4 hil mercies 65 ftouri(h, ~6 67 and name r18 if become 69 might} 70 amongjl IH; 7t in whom 72 ~e fay, 73 Move, 74 De[cend 75 and 76 apply yoNr [elzm U.Jtto 1111 77 M UJttO 78 the parta~~rs of hir [ecret wifdom

52 continuai!J

48 JOU migbt work. 49 '111} power, 50 pouring d~w.n 51 The firer D/ life,and m~re~t[e


;, Jottr Cretttion

E. E. Now all all his fingersdifappear.

K. K. Now Gahriel fiand.c.."th up.



Gab ... ;,. Heark., 0 ye fons of mtn; if-the firft of tttl't1ne, nd the begi1mi'ltg of your heittt, in body : of Crcovia, and one in the firfl. Wherrby the things of the world have jife & li11 e, Thefe four calls ace the fecond, the 3d. Let him thflt bnth wi[d!!m uHderftand. Gnw toge4th. 5rh. for the firft Table can have no thrr,for thif hath irs fruit in due time. Albert L it is of the Godhead. '<tll, L~~.ie bath not d.~ne the Commandmmt of Gqd; ht fhould hflve been here by this time. A. Gloriu, Lm~, Honor, & Irnperlum fit Deo N oftro in iufinita feculorum fecula, Amen,

There ate tbree calls in the fecond ~rt


J true7\elation of Dr. Dee hir .Affions TPith Jpirits, &c.

A. Remember rhat on H'edfday night, A pril the 25. my Lo rd A /bat Lask..ie came at night to Cr~tcovia,and lay in a little wood den build ing, among guards, by ,Sr. Steniflar/5 Church : and, 011 the Friday morning following intend ed to <mter hi!> journey coward Kefmark._, aud the recovering of Kefmark._: J efns profper his juft Caufe,


Wenfday morning, A pril# 1584.



Nal. ....... A new A Ciion -

- Back,;ward, Mbefo re. of him that li.vcth for ever.


D A l 01

Ioiad. Zir.


tt ftrong



fee thing ;



ma ~e me

Ozazm. Od.
Zalllran. [ asC




in power, jbew )



unto hj, ferva nts,

No quod:

Gab ...... , The pl~t.ce i# be-come more holy, and he iJ become m~e meek..

Nal . ......



therefore Move



[ Nal. .....

Ma/t..!: a flop there.


fa ith the firjf,

G o hel.

E. K. Now the Crolfe before. UZROT 40




again thinner than lt was


.Ari[t; of the all-powerful. in the




37 36



Manin. Oqua.


is 1tot


S ttch
a building,

Cors. Trof.


youare become

No an.




Lap. Ozongotc


then thf man] fold wi1z dcs;.





A true Relation of D. Dee his AEiions 'B'ith [pirits, &c.







Chis [ the I long.

Mi calp.

D 0

migbti" llnd
tha11 the barren ./lbne




your feet


Chis [as XI~.

of righteoufn1fe
for the Cha111be1 in their beaut.1
the jlfrWret

as Giui.


EG0 0




Lors I <}Wio Q!!_n Ta, Paracledac



or M
for " weddi~ g Cups




1 have prepttrta


A M R. A S A C


within the deptb of r#iJ Jarn

have fr~tmetl the burning flames



1 al pur g.


of the firft

S o bam.


A word.
Vi iv,
Sa} d.

0 yuu the {eco11tl

YOTI'r V8iCC S of 'IPDmUr




Fa aip.


Zoo g.
V pa ah. Adgt.


A true '/{elation of Dr. Dee his .Aflions Dith fpiritJ, &c.



fir.ft word.

The firft iJ the !aft,


E. K. Now he holdeth up many handsandfingersas before,and on the very end of the fingers difiincHy thefe parcels appeared 10 Engliih.
The [econd "'Pord - T h e wing. Vpttab, is the wingt, and .Adgt, is Ca14. 3- - ~f the winder, ..---. Hnderftand your voices of '#indes. 4 5 -----Oyou 6 -the [econJ. 'J - - o fthe firft, 8 - - '11hom
2 ----

- - - - 1 h e b~~rHingjlt~.Jntl

10 - - - -

3 1 14--

1x 12

have (rttmed -,pithin the depth ofmJ Jaws, - - - - 1Phom I httve p.rtparetl

15 1

16 - -

f~r (I.Wttlding,


the jlowres i their beauty 1 9 - - - --fortbe Chamber 20 of righteoMfneJ{e ; 2J ftro,ger

. _

- -


i<f. - - - - - y~tn- feet - - - - - - - - - t h e n the barren ftone, 2) ,,--1 26714127 - - - - m i g h t i e r

2l - - - - - - - - - - are -

28 - - - - l l r e

your voztts 9 - - thm the m#nifolrJ 'Windes: 3o For ~~ y ou ~tre become - -. _ _ _ a building, 33 --Such 3 .___..,_ _ M is not, 35



- in thf minde 38 - - - - - ofthe llll-powerful.


- .Ari[e, 39 - 40 - faitb t~ firft ; 41 ---~-Move 4 ?; - - - - tbertfor'

. K. All the Stone is become very dark.

The wicke~ faid ....... 1'hou ./httlt o tro further .. ,. ~. I prayed Koffenfis P[tt!m 9 and the Lords Pray~r, and the Stone becamt clear, and the fingers appearcs again, -through the mercy of the Htghefr .... ,. 43 44 45 unto bu [ervants; - - fot11 JOIIr [elves - - inpo19er, 46 . llnd 47 - -~- ma~e me 48 - - - - - - - a ftrong. [ Ste t"ing,] 4 9 - - - - for ~o '),1 . . . . . _ _

Th:s bis 1!14 him corretlcd,

were of tl\e wicked h~


----lam Df him --that liileth for eCJer.



E K. Now


.11 true 'l{elation o[Dr. Oee hi.r A.flion.r 'liithfj_!rlts,_ &c.


------------------ appear no more fingers. E. K. Now

Nal. Compare them now together.
t:.. 1 have compared che Englilh Joyms to che myftical words, and l find 12.. of e~ch: fo th~t they agree. . . . N aJ, Thr" you bavt this dayes l~bour. !'low The. 1PhJt~ filk_ zs extended over the llo'!e 6 , Soli Ot:o not\ro, Deo omnrpotenu, & MaJcfiaus treruedx, & fuper omnta amandz, fit omnis laus,graciarum actio,& Jubilatio, Amen.

E. K. N'ow he is [et down in his chaire.

Fritlay, Cracovi~, Aprilii: Ma~te, hora fere

Oracione Dominica & aliis Precib UI 11d Deum finitil, pro luce '& verit11tt 1 in banc f(Jrmam, (Jmnipotens, [empittrne, 'tier& & 1 ive DrUI no(ier, mitte Hobil fpzritum fanl'ium & veritatem tuam, ut {apienter, fide/iter&, ron{l ant er tibi [trvia mJU, omnibl# diebus vit .e no{lr.e. Amen. The white Curtain, or veyle, appeared very long. . . t:.. It fell fo out by the wonderful providence ofGod,tbat E. K. and:I.quietly confidered. thtfe ;~chons,generally, & the contrary fpirituall informations given eo him,apart by himfelf; (& (ometimes)while we were receiving our i~lt1:ructio~s,by?urSchoo~maft.ers,Of which contrary power, fome woul..d tayle on God, and blafpheme.hts MaJefiy hornbly, as may appear by che reccrd offome late Actions; But this was our concluGon, that we both delired the Yericy,:md that (o, asbefi n1ighr pleafe God,in t~e manner of coming l:Jy it. t:.. He.Judge~OLord,becween us,fending usche verity of the ju~gment,for the glory of thy Nora,:lrbirrcmem of God name, forasmuch as they which impugne thefe proceedings, do (to E.K.) as it feems nqulred. perfeCter, and more wife and fruitful then QUr Schoolmafiers, which I took tdbe the true and bleffc-d Ange\s, &c. E. K. Now is the note pluck't aGdc. A, About an elt: en of the v A. Bleffed be the highdl, who is Almighty. Clock. , . nit I mtnfis Gab. Danida , a mighty 1rophet (not the le aft upon the urrth) ope11td hit moNth,~tHd [aid , Bt. s:b. /,old, there ]hall a Whale come from the Ettjf; the fouttcnth day of thi!i Month, S-A B.

E. K. They fecm to fpeak both together.

Gab . N a\ . .And he tntred intothe field, ttnd be met with a Merchant, and hi [~tid unto him, Thou art not for me : for thy intent dwellech in the world. He went .fz1rther, and, to, the+-e was a field of all k_ind of people,diverfll recreating themfelves in their own pleafureJ: and he yet [aid,Lo, the[e are not for te: 11nd he went on; ~tnd, l~.);e Jaw, A N D IT W .A$ .A N A}{ E D M .A _N, Gab. Nal. M.trk_, [to E. K. J

E. K. So I do.
Gab. N al.~ 114 his hands were .divers things; moff(, /(aves, flowers, and herbs ; 1t1td he woH.dred., [aying,Why art thou nak,.edllfnd hefaid, Lo,I Rm old, and .em without. Garments, and thefe are the things wherewithall lwill be clothed. And the Prophet talk.Jd with him, 1utd told him of the Whale.

E K. They fpeak both together, that I cannot difcern their


A1zd ht comtttanded him to k.t~:ul, ana he lifted up hllnds hil to luavm and prttyed within hiYH felf; ~tnd he ftii4 aljo unto him, I am 4 Prophet, rife 11!1 1 will ble!Je thre in fl"C 11ame f my prophefie: and lo,he took.. him by the hand, and went for;w~trd ' and the wtty 1PIIs rougb,ftony, a11d ver7 found: l!lnd, a:s the) wmt,thq found men, huge and big, mdnJfrdus :- aHd the Prophet [aid, Tb-efe pleafe me A Child rJot: and,as they ttdk.,ed (Jn the way,they overtook.. lllit.tle child, And the Pbrophet ttsk.,'t him -bis name, """he itnfwer"td, He wa~ a man : aHd. he [aid' 7'hou pleafeft ~,for i.hou m~tytft be 4 man . A Hill. Thrre was .a Hill,and.thty ajwtded,and, ~tfter "while,thechild becanle weary, tmd .fate-do'IP;i); faying 1Pith .bimjtlf., This hill is troublt{ome, J.flm Ho~ able to k,.rep ~ompanJ with them ; and the Prophet, mtfkng htm, went back, 1md f6und htm fittmg. AtJd hebegn to weep, [aJiHg, Whither wi!lyou lead me l But the Pr,ophet comfortii1Jim, aHil fait!~ Now thoil"j(lft , tho1llfrt not a man .And thus he did, afcmding [undr} times? and,to,h was the top f the hill, ."itnd the Sun was hot ~tnil clear in the t11t4ft of the day, The Prophet [4id U11to the child, look.. to th Centre of the Sun, and {o e l>e did,ftedfajlly. P I k,tkl't .AHd the Prophet fa id ultto him,NoJV I have ixperim~e of thee, na I k,.now tho1i wilt be a m1n; 0 .And be [aid unt him, that was nak.,ed, Here are Pm) Ink.., and Paper. pc .And !o thou haft one th~tt can [6e far off, ~tnd be ]hewed llim the Seas : [ttjlng) loolt unto the oritns, Ea:fl: and he told him of th~ Whale and of his coming, and of mlfHY. myjteries .B11t the, m(In lllt{1Pered him,[4Jint., 1 am naked, the ~tyre if jharp, and 1 batJe no food: flo"IP



S TA Y [I) many dayes l and he [aid unto ~)lm, Sit down, and nore,unrill this a man. . Note uncill. Feed by comfort. For the Whale ~all be thine, in whofe belly is a Cheil: [wallowed of grea,t value, and they were contented . .Behold,che people of the countrey were rich, and'::,~'/:;~"[;11 . had conquered many Nations, fo tbat he was a Monarch in the world; rh is Monarch was fubdui. ' skilfull in all Sciences~ and knew all things to come, and he caUed his Counfdl together, and faid unto them. Lo,tbus it iJ; the cauJe why I ~av~ made tho[t' mi.<!.ht) banb,_s , a;rd hllve drawn my people from the lower places ttnd the Set#, if for that, I fear a Whale : which, if he land in my K ingdo mes, W1ll Qf! my de/1-rutlion, and rhey told him what the Prophet had [aid, and bf! bef!.ttn to rage, and wns puffed up with anger, and be opened hi1 boolzs THE SE C 0 N D TIME; and. his eyes were opened, and he tmderftood that tbe Prophet bad a[cmdrd unto th,e top of the mountain, and ll.ad taken with him a naked n1an, and a child: and he [aid to his Minilfers, A[cen.d, and bring me t he child, for I will examinf! him,and k,.now the Prophets meaning, and be appa.relled /rrim richly, 11nd gave him much, but he prevailed not. And he faid within him[elf, A[cend again they jhal!, and bring down. that man. And the Jervants afcended, and they found a Marble fome, and they -were angry among them A \!! . frlves,fayin~, Is this a tan? And lo they came unt"o thf! Kmg; tind [aid, Thou fende.ff us forth, but fio~~r c: we found a mighty flone not able to be moved. Where is it therefore that thou wilt have us feelt,. thl!t man; Rut he Jaid within himfelf,I will overcome the child, and he took_ him by tbe hand, and led him int o hid Orchari, where he opmed nnto hirn the fecrets of hi! boolt,.s, Jo that he became sk..ifful . Bnt,lo,the Prophet aro[e, and,as he walk,.ed towttrds. the H ill, to comfort them whom be ar.counted his frimds, he efpied the child apparalled ftrangely , and in company with fl:rangers : Strangm. tznd he opmtd hit mouth, and began tiJ prophefirlayint,. The King bath rifen up agJ!.in[t himfelf, for he hath CHOSEN 7'HE CHOSEN, lf1td bath ~prned the ferrets of hit own Kingdom to hir deftruttion, and be frretched f'" tb his hand, and fa id unto the rhild, Come with me : and he was UNWillinJ{,for his pleafures wae great. And he lifted. up his voyce and [aid: and he SWARE , And,lo,he came with him even unto the mountain: a1zd the Prophet [aid unto him , When th?u waft a child , I led thee , but now thou art become li man. ftretch f crtb thy leggs,and lako.~r, and he was mzwilling. Thus, whi!jf they werf! talk,.ing, they that waited upon him were at his feet armed, fayirrg, come \vith us, for we are {lrong rnough to deliver thee. But the Prr,phet [aid unt~ the-m ; GO E bttck. and tdlyorrr King, tlJttt I found him on the way, and a flr4nger, and I bad pity on him, and I tQok..him fl)r my own. Tberefore-ftrive not, for jujfice muft prevail. And they began:to jtagger a. drunk.._ards, for they k.._new it was true, And thf! Pr-,pbrt fa id, Now come with m~, I willyet le11.d thee:and thq ~t[ceuded. The Prophet held up hit hands, and SAID, I SEE, and behold, he that was nak.._ed arofe: Jtnd [~tid, I SEE A.(.SO. A . d the Sear aro[e, and a. 17'Y'eat tem1left, and brok,.e down tbe ban~ : and entred o:n the earth, .., . . " n r r: ... 1 domgmuch l~arm to the people_,. that Kingdom: An d, lo, t here ar8Je a wzna tbf! S E C O N D: .mdrll mlfnlf.tof tio clfm temp~~ and there wer~ four bea/fs, [uch as are in the world, and Wf!rf! never k.pown. A;zd the} came .fT.cr~. {wimming, nnd fo landed ~n the Hill. And the Prophet Jaid,Ari[e, draw out your [words and kJ!l Venu11. the!", and [tJ they did. Behold,the blood of them vanijhed into a ire, and the fiefh becttme ettrtb : The entralr of them Venrus :.. wafted away 'With tht wa~ers: ~nd their bones-burned with a vrighty fire. Thf! fecond wind aro.fe, ~md tbere were five Crowns: in the midft of them fate the F a.ther of life, with a golden head : whofe Feet bathed themfdves in due ttnd fweet Mtt1ma : and the l'rophet [aid, Put forth your hands: and 19ater r. fbPy did fo : But lo they were afraid, for be thttt./food in thf! ntidil of 'h~ Crowns,was full of betT-uty. 'Ill .l. And thf! Propbet [aid; Fear not, come wzth me ; and he opened unto them thf! fecrers of the li1Jfltria rc,. Crown ; for iit every one if them was a golden fentence. And the fecrets of the Hill began to 'M"rl4m. lbake, and there was a great Earthquak,_f!, The third.wind aro[e: 1nd the twelve Ced4r trers that wcrf! never corrupted, cam_e and planted i/w111 3, themfelves in twelve places of the Hill, and thf!y br~ught forth ftrange fruits, not as Cedar trees do. . The Prophet [aid,Gather , for I k.._now you -hunger, that 7ou may be refr~fhed. While they th11s Va~t1u 4 talk,.e.tl, the f~lfTth. wiltd aro[e, and,behold;all the mountain was a. flaming. firr, and there were five 5' Tm" mot~ Earthquttl~,.tf' [1!-ch as were no~ jittcc tbe beginning of the wnrld. . Tbe Pr9phetJooJ:... tbe~ liP;for thf!j 'fl/ere become as dead. .1/nd fuddenly T.he Ftrrnament and the waters were Jojned together, and the Whak CA ME, lilt,.~ unto a. lf!gion offtormes: or 4f ;a~c.Whaic :he bottomlefs Cav.e of the North '(~!ben i~ i1 open;ed : tmd foe wns full of eyes sf every fide. The Prophet fa.id,S.taJtd ftill,blli: they tre~bled. Tke w11.ters fan~{., and fell {tlddenly away, [I) that tbf! Whale lllJ upon the H ill,roaringlik,_e a Cavt of Lions, and the Prophet to,k_. thrm by the h~nds, and le.d.tbe-m to 1h.e Whales mouth,faying,Go in, but they tremblf!d -:Jebemently; He [aid unto Th Wh the~ the [eco~d time, Go hi: and they durji not; And be [ware un~o them; and :t?ey e~tred in, and me~th. aJcs helzfted up .hH voyre, and c.r.ied mightily, Come away , and, /o~they flood _ efore htm rzcher tben an b Emterours 7'hTime, for unto him that wa5nak.fd, were d9thes given : unto him that Wits a child and a man, Were I 'l gates opened. Ani the Propbet cried mightitJ,and [aid ' Tbi5 Wh'ale cannot die; a1td lifted up his 1.1oyce again i!nd [aid: Within this Wbalf! are many Chambers, and fecret dwelling plAces, wbic:h I Will divide betwixt you on the ritht fide (unto rhe which was a. rhtld , anfJ

- I tb~refore c~n

dtrue 'I(e!tJtir;n of Dr. D~e his Aflions !Pith fpirits, &c.

1o 3

Child becom~

n~ ,

A true Relation of'Dr. Dee his .Aflions '!l'itb {piritJ, &c.

a man) tbere are twelve op.med, but unto tlm that haft provid~d jlrange Garments for th] and not [urh M men ufe to wear, I will give thu hea:l, hart, and lt(t fide , wbo[e plttcer are '46. Tou jhall mter, llnd be poJJi.JJd this day together: And behold , the [on }hall return Jo' tlt 36 again 2 1 times, andin one year, but not all at 01te time. Toujh~!t depil.rt hence into a. J.welling 2.( fhall be all one: '1'htre chere il no end, the place of comfort 11nd infpett#table glorie. that J A Mi' acle. I have faid. ~. As you have delivered m a para8le, .enigm11, or prophefie, fol befeech you,forthe fet ting forth of God his honour and glory, to expatutd wh~t is meant by the Gab ... Nal. . The Prophet i4 ia bil name. Whale,the naked man~ the Childe,&C', <fhe nak..d m11n if Dee, The Childe i4 Kelly, Tbe Prince i4 the Devil, 'Ihe Hill i4the Wqr/d., <fhe waters llre tbe bofome of God., The 4 beajis are the 4 Elements, The I~ Trtes are the 12 pans of the HeJtvms, The Whale H tbe fpirit of God, The Ch~mben are tbe degrees of wifdome, 'I'be 1hunders and win des 1tre the eilds of God hil Will ind ]uJgemmtu The reft- are not eo be fpoken: 'fhi4 I tak,.e to notifie to 111 tbt judgemmt And arbitremtlft of God betwee11 IK , ill refpetl of our PetitiM to hid Divilte Majefly nollt made, 'IPhereb.J tit maJ be 1Zffured wbllt to judge of the Cre&tuTtt whrch do dral with Uf in th.H a(Jion, and of the impugnersj or difw~ders of the. credit 6[ it. '(hid I ta/te to be fmt and deltveteJ. unto 11(1 of the meer mercj anJ providmC'e Dwine regarding his own glory, and tbe fincerity of my h6pe and co,fidence,wbicb I put wholly in him, and alwayes will G~b} ... You are happy, fo~ JOU believe,~ K. what am I. 6.. IH h~tppy if you belieVJ_t !ik,.ewi[e. Nal. A. Are you not to dchver us our lelfons orderly, as we have begun to recetve? ... ~ Vnderjfa11tithat, bJ the Prophet delivering Pen, Ink.., and Paper. ~. As concerning the book writing by the higheft, what .lhall I expell thereoH Nll. .. .... There i4 no point of faith. A. I believe verily that it !hall be 1fritten hy tbe p()wn- of the highdl. Nl. Nl ..... <fhe powtf'of the bigheft confirmelh nu, but not my po-wet, the hightft. A. Be it as the will of God is,



Gloria Patri,& Filio, ~ fpir.i tui fan8:o; ficut erat in principia,lk nunc,& fcmper, &:; fecula feculorum.

E. K. The white Curtain is drawn. E.K.



Saturday, 2.8. Aprilil, M4nt hOTa 8. CracoTia:, .Orati11ne pr~mijfa flatim appareb~tnt.

E. K. They are here.

Gab.. ._...

not, for the pl~tce itho!J. Holy, holy, holy, is he, who fantl:itieth all things that are fanttified.


E. K. Hemaketh Croifeswith his Rod toward the four parts of the wor1d, and then kneeleth down a while.
Gab .... H:ttppy id be that bath hit skitts tied up, and i4 prrpttred for a Journ_e) , for the 'RNt.J .fh11ll be open unto him, and in hi! joyJttr jhall there dwell no wearineffe: hit meat jhall be M the tmdtr df'll', tH the {Jrettmffe of a. bul!oclv Cud. For unto them that have ., ]hall be given, and from them th.tt have tt9t, jhall be tak.,en away : For wh.J, ~he bur cleapeth to the willow ftem, 6ut on th'e fands tti4 tojfed t1r A feather without d'Rlel/ing. Happy llU the) thtit cleave unto the Lord, for the} jhall be brought unto the ftore-hou[e J a11d be /I.CC(Iflnttfl, ~tnd accepted tH the Ornammts of hit beaut): But pra.J with me. 0 thou eternal foundation and ftren~th of all things, ttlortal and immortal>which delight in thy face and in the glone pf thy name, Confider tht foundati~n of QJir frt~gility , and enter into the 1Peak.,ne.f16 of our inwtZrtl part.r : fn-we art become empty; whofe [alt i4 not1, nor hatb any {1tvour: Fortifir, anJ ma~e 111 flrong in thee, tUtd in thy ftrength; Have merC.J upon IH, H ~tve mercy upon 111 , Have merry upon 111; that in tbi4 JPDrld Qllr flrengtb "!a.J bt in p1Ztienct, ~tnd 11-fter thk life} that 1u ma) a[ cend unto tber. NalA-

A true Relation of Dr. Dee bis AEiiMJ ~ith fPirits, &:c.



Nal. .. ,.. Amm. We prayed the fame prayer.

E. K. Now Nalvage fianderh up upon bis Table of Letters.

Nal, ..... It u a fide~ long Letrer.



Nor mo lap.

E. K. Now he kiJfeth the Table.

i6 FA A

ntil) praife


L i T S ER.

tbat you


Reft el,

Now he kilfeth the Table,and maketh moft humble and low Curfies, having firft laid down hi's Rod.

As plea[lmttkliv"ers


N A R. M A Z D 0

Ant/ jhew .J'Ur [elves

Od Zamrao

E. K. Now Gabriel fhaketh his Dart terribly. E. K. Why fhake you your dart fo?
Gab...... Scholers ought to give ellr tl their Scbool-maftert.
P 41




of the Creatour
in tbe name


Do oa i!


Jtnd liveth 1rbirh;,



0 SI
Zirc naiad


the LorJ JOIIT GP~

Now he ufeth his accufiomed Curfie.

vifit th' tiZrtll

Eagle Fgaos ~


* H


11ntl you fons of plta{url


Nor qv.a fa hi




111 the




29 SI H C


Od lonfhin



ttnJ thrir po'IPers

Now he kneeleth.



:6 SI H C


J trlle 'R!;Iation of . Dee hi! AEfioni Dith fpirits, &c. D







fucct J}ivt!J,
which alfo

Ca pima li

2f TSD


Now he falleth fuddenly on his knees.

~nd wax


as Wedge Od Vgeg
Ki"i Chis

:zz SIHC


Now he kneeleth.


71fe fecond "begixnings gf things

in lJ''bom

the g .as ia.


feuii'ge Cafann"


-but one ;
1Jath yet Mumbretl

Conn po

17 16

M A.B 0 S



963 9;

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Map m
0 a 1i Ca farmi Vi V di




l have plawl under whom



in the [econd angle?

1\ow he Jiftcd up his hands.



wh'zch raign


E. K. Now he goeth off the Table,and kneeleth Down.




Now he lifteth.


numbredl tht thunders of e1tcrea[e



AYa vago
G Chis ~e


Are not [ayi11g, h a.ve (ook..ed aho11t me,




Dc.r pha



4 DO

in the {out!,

Ba bage



my feet
I hav e [et

Las di
0 thil


E. K. The Table turneth continually to his Rod end , and the Let ter feemeth to fiand on his Rods end difiincrly. That is it. This is this Call.
- I httve [et - m y fur in tht [1uth, 3-11nd 4 5 - - have look_ed 6about me, - f aying, 7

26 -

fucceffively, [or by [ucceffio11]

27 - a r e 28--- the number of time, 29 and 30 their powers 3 1 - art 3 2 - M the firft



The Thunders If em:rrafr umbred? 10 _ _ H _ _ Thirty three 11 9_which raign 12 _ _ in the fecond Angel~ ; 3_ under whom 4 _ I h4Vt pl4cul JS 16 -9639 _ w hom 17 _None 18 _ h.t.th yet numbrul 19

33 - 4 56 34--Arife 3 5 - you fonsof pha[ure,



for I am the Lord your Goa 40 wbicli is 41 - - tt1td !iveth. 42 .- . . In t he nutrt -4-3 - - of the (;reator

37 38 -

and vifir the earth;

39 -

_but one


21 Z% _ _ the fecond beginni~tgof tin's

in w/,om

i5 - - .And Jfmp you [tlves [or


24 _

_~tre, an~ WIZ:<

25 _ _ '1Ph1ch n!fo :


46 _ IH ple11[~nt ddiv~ers , 7 _that you ntlly pr11i[e him 4 amoHgft 4s _ _ th~ fans of mm. 49 50--


E ..K. He hath now plucked the Curtain to.

A. Note.

~. Thanks

be to God, now, and ever.


A. Remember to requefl information ef fuch a \ford, tmderfiood,fomc: where. Note, the fecond Angel.

as (f.1ith the Lord) ii n~t

here to be:

Monday Cr~covi4, Aprili1 30. Mane hora 6 !.

Oratione Dominica nita , & precaduncnla pro profpero fuccetfu A. L. ( ja111 apud KeiP. mark_, queritantis~ petent~s jus fuum hereditari.urn, & aliis brc:viffimis c:jaculationibus, prG profpero fucceffit 'm hac achone tandem poft fen1l horam apparuerunt,

E. K. Now they are here : and Gabriel is all full of glory, he feem.. cth to light . ll places. a

0 the mercies of God encreafed, though his determination be all one

E. K. Now he is as he was before : and in the time of this his glorious apparition, Nalvage kneeled down, fomewhat regarding to~rds Gabr.id.

Gab Git~t

8 L

lrllt ~ldtioll ofD

Dtre hit Aflionr '11ith fpirits, &~.

-----==G~ab-.--..---::G::-:-ive ~o him th4t hat" hid b~tsk._et qten: ~tit from. him that i4 .nor rea~yt>..Jepart4 ...


~ A

E. K. There appear here, 7 other hkc Pnefis, alltn white, having long hair hanging down behind : their white garments traile after them: having many pleits in them. Me think that I have feen one of them before, and upon that creature appeareth a B upon his cloathes, an L in aoother place, an R upb:n his other ihoulder, another A upon

his other Jhoulder.


An Hill.

There is anH upon his, breaft; there is an ~upon his bead, and .~ C upon.hts .fide-on liis garment ; and an A under his waft behind; The Letters feetn to go up and down enterchangeably in places. There feemeth an V on him, alfo an N, a D. Now cometh a talbnan by, all jn white, and a great . hite thing w row led about his neck, and coming down before- like a tippct. Tb~y all in the Stone (being9 ) kneel down unto him. The tall man faid ....... Take thi.r Key, and power: afcend and fill thy tzJeffel,for the River i1 JJOt pure, and made clean. E. K. Now he is gone (that faid this) in form -of a great 1\-lillfione of fire. E. K. Now they go up a Hill, with a great Tank-ard., as ie were., of Bone tranfparem; Now he openeth one door:, he) I mean,that had the L~'rets on his back. 1. There appeareth a Partridge,but it bath one leg like a Kiie : This Partridge feemeth to fit on a green place under the gate, on~ leg is much longerthan rhe othcr~being like a Kites leg. This Partridge feemeth to halt. He bidde-th .&ne of his Company take it up. There g~eth a blidge ro the top of that Hilt, all upon arches, -and under it goeth a River. He taketh the Partridge and pulleth all his feathers, and they fJ.U into the River : He cutteth off the longer leg jufi to the length of the other. They abottt him cry, 0 jufi judgement. Now he turneth him otfover the Bridge, andhe Ayeth away, for the feathers ofhis wings were not pulled. 2. He goeth on, and cometh to another gue s and there the third roan unlocketh it, as the fecond next him. unlocked the firfr Gate ; he himfelfhaving the. Key firfi delivered him, as above is noted~ There appeareth a thing like a Kite, all white, very great, it hath a fowl great head, he feemeth to be in a verypleafant Canlen, and flyeth from plac.e to place ofit,,and beateth down the R ofe trees and other fruit trees. The Garden fcemeth. very delicate and ple1i.fant; They go all into the &trdeil ~ ~nd .he fa:ith:1 Thou art mHre Wilderndfe, thy feathers .and -carkafe are nor worthy the fpoil o.fthe Garden. Now the Kit-e fcratolleth and .gafpeth ~t thjs 1nan; btit he: tali:eth the Ktte and cotteth her carkafe in two equal parts, from the crown: ot his head, and th-roweth one,half Qver one fidfj oftlle Rtidge-; and rh~ other

half o.vcr the ~t~r fide,.andfaid, FDwles tnuft be devoured of FtlWies. Tht: 1-.cfi.f~ ~ e jujii'till .Jitvin.a, G:lapping their lr.mds oven their heads. 3 Now

tr~~e1VI~tifJnrif D

.. Dee hi.J JlElionr Dith fpitit1, '& c.

1 IJ

3 Now thenexr in order openeth another Gate (going up upon the fame Bridge frill. ) The refi of the bui1ding from the Gate inward, feemeth very round and bright - yet there appear no windows : 1n tt. It is a frame, made as though the 7 Planets moved in ie. The Moon feemeth to be New Moon. There fiandeth Armour,and this man putteth on, all white Harneffe. He feemeth to kick down the Moon, and her frame or Orb ; and.feem.o eth to make powder ofall; For there is uo m,ercy here,faith he. 4 Now another of them goeth forward to another Gate, and open.. eth the Gate, and goeth in ; there appear an infinite multirude of me~ There :6tteth aman cloathed like a Priefi, having a. great Crown on his head: hete are many preaching in this place. He goeth to that Crowned Priefi,and he takr.th away divers patches of the Vdhare which be had, and the patches feemed to be Jike Owls, and Apes, and fucb like. He faith ...... A King is a King, and d Priefl is a ftieft. He taketh from the reft their Keyes and Purfes, and giveth thetn a Staff and a Bottle in their hands. He goeth ffom them. Ht: putteth all that he took from them in a houfc befide the Gate, and. writeth on He wrote Cogno,r:cat quz;r:que 1r.1tum. t he door, cogn~fcttr, 1 1 Now the-y proceed to another Gate, and another of them opened that Gate. The Bridge cantinueth frill, afcending upward. Now there :~ppeareth (.that Gate.hein.g opened) a marvellous great Wilderndfe. There coll'lttb. a great number of n.a~d wilde men to bim) He Ihaketh that Gate with his hands, . and it fafleth in -pieces, one falleth on one fide into the Riv~r, attcl, the other falls n .the other fide into the o

........ Let botb tbe[e places, 'b,t, f71.44e one. the lafl: For 'from them thiit'h'izv~, jhiz!l be given.

ce tak,.m ,

L et the fJ.oil of the firft, b.e the comfort of izH.d. unto them that hav t not jhalt

6. E. K. 'Now he goeth, and the !aft of ~is Company openeth an.. t>ther Gate ; he is longer in opening of that Gate,th~n any of the refr. There appeareth a buihy place, and there runneth a great River on the very top of the Hill,and a great Gate fiandeth beyond the Hill,and a very rich Tower all of precious Stones, as it feem~th. Here he ~lleth his Tankard in the River, and holdeth his hands up, and xmktth fltew as he would return. He faid ...... This was my coming, and.fbould be my return. E; K. Now they appear fuddenly before the firft Gate, and there the frincipal mtJn difl.j!,eth the earth, and putteth ftones and brambles, and leaves afide. There he ta.k.eth out a-dead carkafe, and bringeth it to a fire, and frroketh it : a very lean carka(e it is ; .it feemeth .to ..he..a dead Lion ; for it hath a long t~il with a hufh at the end. He faith ...... Come let us ta~ him up, and..comfort him ; for it is in

Now the Lion feemeth to fit up and lick himfelf, and to drink of the water, and to ihake him[elf>. and to roar. The man taketh of the fegs



A true2(elation of D. Dee his AHionJ~ith jjirits,-&c.

or flags by; and firoketh the Lion as he would make his hair finooth. Now the Lion is become fair, fat, and beautiful He faith ...... Tdrry.you here, till I bring.you word again; for I mujl follow the _ ivn intu the Wilderneffi. L E. K. Now all they are gone, except the two our Stbool-mafter:t)

Gabriel and'Nalvage.
Gab.'!''" 'Ihi4 i4 the ]uJgewwtt of God this dQy.
tlntln-ftand it.

u h-e thtrt bath jtulgemeHt te

b.. ThO'U .O Lord know~ft the meafure of our judgement : Give therefore light, und~r Jianding, md the grace toufe thy gifts duely. Gab........ Liftm unto my words, for thry ar~ M Comm_!Jndnunt from ahove. Behold ([6itl)Ju) I hne tltfcendtd to virw the E.arth, where I will dwell for froen da.Jes, ttnd twicr fevtn dayri: 7lmef~re lettht1fl be J~yesof reft to yau. But t"Dery fe_vmth d11y, IYPiltvrfi you, Its NoYP Id~,

E. K. He fpeaketh as if he fpake out of a Trunck.

I Wlderfiand that thi5 refi is, chat eYery Mo11day, for three Mondays elfe next afcex: ether, we !hall await for our lelfons, as now we receive, Jtnd that w~ mllJ ill/ tb~ rrjf fol!oJP fJ'JIJ" lj[Airs of jbJdy or boujho/J. mAtters. . Gal. ...... It H [o, for one day thall b~ as a week : But tho[t d~tyes you mufl ttbflain from ttl!

things that live upon th~ Earth.

b.. You mt211 on thefe three Mar~d.a~s, rofuein~: next. Gab....... TouflJ~!l rover thH Tablt with a Hew limtttt cloth.

E. K. Pointing to the Table we fat at.

MoilwiUingly. Gab ....... M~uovn- tt HtW Candleftick,t, 'Jiith "raper burning. A. Obediently ( 0 Lord) it thall be done. Gab....... .And the Cllndleftic/v jhall be Jtt on the mid.fl of t"e T11blt bet'Wixt you two. Not~ That a day may hecomea\Veek, and a w-eek as many years. .Gab.. For I have put on my upPer g~trmrnt~ a11d have prepared to enter, uuJ it H foortlJ:

m IU)tyet. E. K. Now he bath -plucked the Cur~ain, as if he had pulled it round about the Stone ; and it feemeth full of little fparkes like Stars. . Gloria patri &jilio & fpiritui fan&lo; ficut erat in principio, & nunc, & femper,t!Jv tn fecula'feculorum.
Vide libro ......... f pro f<fquentibus.



C RAC 0 V I ENS IS 9 AB BA i I C I, An. ~ 1584.

Cracovi:r, 7 Maii, Mane, hord 6.

-~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~-Fter. prayers, .a!)pearc:d Gab.rJtl and Nalvaf!.t;, with the 'fable, and

Gilbriel wich his'O!rt iu his. hand. Moreover chere appeared the like fumitur'e of Table with a whjcc: Cloth, a CanJlcllick, and Taper on i~, wic_h a Ddk and CulhioRs ( w-hich t had eau fed to' be: m:.td'ewichred croifes~n them:)' alfo_ E. K. himfdfand l appeared in . the fame Scone. In effe&; all chtng~ as w.e had before us ,.after half a quarter of an hour~ that lbew of our furniture, and our fc:lves, difappear(d.

E.K. Gabriel fiandeth up,and fpeaketh as foliowe~b .

....... A migqtYCitJ wM bttilt on the top of a. mountaiH, itt ' thf 1Phir-h dwtlt manythu[Jtlldr. Round itbout tbt. H ill, raH it frt.fh R iv(r, which 1JIM the oHdJ c~mfor:t . of the Town : for, of it th!j Jrnlik,., 1beir Y1ives~ thiir c"i!titen, their ra1t[etva,rs) th!ir . mttid-fer'll~nts, t&tit camels., bol'{es, mules, and ttll rht bea{ts ~f their fields. The begimting of wbic" Kiver was a Spr:ihfl, which "R-'M un~ ~nown to th~ City, by 'reafo~ of the . yth from w.~en~e it -defceided. It came to 'affe; thttt a S~r-; pent groaned far lur ti,u.,.anJ lo, jhe bro~ghr forth : tt.1td - ~ ; were [ticb .as her [tt{:. ani jhe lifted 11p per head alfd le.iuwl upo;t her t'IPice writh.en taile .: ~nd b~bdd tbe Sun fld.faft!y, (for her -ntvy 'II'M t01J'a.rd tha~ City). and lli4 [aiJ wJthjn /Jurfe!f ; . MJ children fire. ytt ytnmg, t.he tmte grew,and th,eyhteame big:. ttit.d.fhe went- unt9. tb.~. S~rihg,. and [111ile4 'ttitd fa.id .with a _ laugh ;ng voia, Tbt Earth is fallen iuto thai thou art chok.,ld : but ft(ttrk,.en unto my vozce, Thou (halt _ receive comfort 1 BNt .fhe W9uld not. And .fhe liftetJ up her ~oice and roared ; fo r ]he WM fu~l of craft and tltceit And jhe faitJ r:mt4 the jhiw.gle1; .tbTough the 11'bich the .flpring dut5 (or rather [Jerh) 7'~u art full of mptinrf , nd rJoid plaCII . Ll't my childrt~ {'t~trefore) biJ.e themfe/ves witbill thee fo_ a. fea[?ii : e r .,e~ thq rure L 'fJ11tmttd f .lhd jht d~a.rttd willaHg/y, Jtd faith within btr . [elf : 'N.w ,I k..ltO'W I jh~tll be Lad] Df tr. City. . And after a few year;, tbt young SerptlitJ b(CtH1U,gre4t ; . fo ; that ~he o1u httlf of thrit' bodies Jwelt 11irhin'r!M Shi,lglu,tiH reft trouh!ed tht .palfagt ,f tlk Gpri~tg: Sa that th( Spring gttJahe..: ; f9r, the iltjury that Wdl done ag'ain.ff h!r, w:w f..r~~t..-. Agreat miftry,forthe Hi{l .i~becpm,r:ltf[tJl4ttwith(nd thet#dter, a!ta .tht City lln4 the',bea(fs perifh f r. ~ant o.f drink_.; 'for the ptaple,gr.ottn, and dre fttd of forrow. . .. ThidOty and Serpmts~.at-e '6<1 nliw,_an4 jwlgerltdt muj f be lud, bet#iil(t the Shingles and th~ Spring. fo.r btrween litth the life tind d~itth of the City. , . . . 'Ih, faith the . ~or:d NJtto tbee .[pointing to "E; K.]. GiYd up .thy {elf, ~tnd fit down, Ctntfidrl'
J~th parts,

t1H4' giVe pJdgtt1fr11t :for t.hJ tHOiltb !hAll thw daJ be tbt judgem~nt tJf tbe E. K. Do you mean me.?


t},f a"lt

f M plazn. . Cottfrd-tr fTi~ ~in,;,tllt.,.lft&.t/Pt} uf lh~. Spri. g, tbttt it mujf co~~ tliat waye.s : n ttHd r~condly; the hea.lth of the Ci'.J.

E. K~ As the Lot:d hath put the Authority of Judgement into my ~ands, fo I befe.ech hiIQ r~. ~v.e. me wifdOm a~1d underfiandiog to judge nghtt And becaufe theJudgetrtent he-reof is committed to me, I fuf~ petrfom~ other ttiyftety to lie hidden Inthis my ;udgemcnt required: But if it lhall pleafe.God that my:friend here, Mafier Dee. ihall grv~. me bis advife, l.ball think .my felf well.fatisficd. . ... ~ ~nji~er -with .JOUr fe.lf C [ttit~ t4e Lord j ttnd 'p,iv~judgtmtttt agtti1iff tbt Shhif)n; for

E. K.. My judgement is that the Shingles and Serpent lhouid be re~ movedaway by an Earthquake,.from. the place which they encumber . ~nd let,;t~at ' there ma-y be a ~ ne~. place', and courfe for that spriog; to the relief o(tha_t c . ty as .pe~ore. lt was.
. ... Bi


A true'l(_elation ofD ..Dee hit Aflions Ditb fpirits:~ &c

. Be it [oar thou h11,{l faitl, f~r it. is a jufl judgenmtt. Now bear~n, wkat the Lord faith; The people ttH(i City of the Hill,,.H the w }rfd, wh'irli sre from time to time by the merCJ ~tnd. [frmg of Gods 'f!'i[d ;m, relin:ed . ~umched : 11rcording ro the extremtfJ and neceffity of thlir thirjfing : But tbt people a11d Clt) re [~h tts 4re of the 1'ti11plt nd Chttrcb of God, which drinlt Bf hi-r mercy to their comfort. The [:anuls aitd other b~ajfr_ art 'the peopl~ of the Eertb, which delight ~11jin, and in their o_w~t intttgi't"tion, wbicb .a1[1 are rdirod with thofe tbat are of tbe City : b,_t the 4zverfi'ties ef their bodus'J d~tb c11u[e tht diverfity of tbt ends of tluir comfsrt. The Hill :wherein tbe Spri11g W., Jigni/ieth hts Prophets, and fuch .:.rSare drunken in the Lord: . Tbr~ ugb whom, mwardly t?e mn-cies ttJtd ~ifl.of God'and of the Hit,hejt 11re open from time to time, gccordilcg t, the fecret will and d~termtnauon ~f fucb M are withi tbt- CitJ of bis E/e(J.. But the frailties aJtd ajfdfzms of therr fiefh .tmd otJt'IJI:rrd mlln, are tl>eir fond imaginations a;:d lo.o[e Shingles wherein the Serpent, the old_ Devil, ba.tb h,zrbour.edb~r -r.hi[. . . J.ren the [piritr vf darJt~effe ltHd J. ceit, which alwayn refitf the Wtll of God, and are put bet.,ee/1 e the merc~sof God att.d hit p~ople_. Mofes; Daniel, ECdras, al l the rejf of the Prophets : Chrijt hirtwelve, Paul the <.fil'renger of God, thry Jiti all hurt tbt CO'IIJ!.Tei,ation of rbe Faithful in t~ir ftejh, until tbty g~tVe[rHten'e again}fthem[dves (M thou htijt done) with amhrdment of life-: for who id WH'tby t, /tHow tlufecrets o f o tr God,but be that deltghtetb ill rigbreou[,uif", ii "bediettr,. ful~ of faith, and the [pirit of rmd~rfl,mding l Re it therefore unro rbu 4f thou.baJf [aid. L et the ~hingles ~tnd. Serpents be fep.uateti, that tlie Fount6.in may feu/. llf before. .All the tujb that th~~~ h6.jt of the wiclted, burn it.

E. K. I do not know, they are wicked .

.. Their doings with thee, are the hindrance of the Will of God> and therefore.they
are wicked. '

...... Thou hn{t giflen judgement ~tgainjl' thy [elf : T k..-e heed thou o!feHtl Not th.J,OW" joui. A . Send dqwJ:t.thy Spirit 0 L'Ord, and illuminate E, K. hiii heart wit4 perceivii1,g wrong opinion, ('re.

c,f hii

E. K. lfMofes and. Daniel were skilful in the Arts of the Egyptian

. Magicians, and were not thereby hind red for being the fervants of God,. Why may not I deal with t}lefe, without hindrance to the Will of Cod?
~. Dark...nrff.(y~f!J.ul unto -light: tbe Grta.ter exclt~dttl the leffn. The m;re a man ,\lfo1"etb JPicJtedmffe, the more he jh~tll httte it, being called: bck._. The more they I<_Hew the jhatiow, fo 1~ucb aHore tiny "delighted in the' body: . For the d11i)tgs of the Egyptians, fee m, and ttre not f Tb~ . Joings of the Lord are, and 'continue; fortH the Pttinte'i' imttateth the geftures of m~tn ;,. hiifll ~ult.J, fo doth the Droil the [ubjlaHces and things created and ma'de b) God. Stll!ld vp 111td look, into t~'fllblle ~rld, ilftl her y outh, llHd middle flge, for tbry arl' pttfo. Where are the monuments that Sat all bath builded l

E. K . .Hath Satan buiided any monuments?

...... Y.es :. H Jt.th he not b!4ilded him tt f.ort T1t tbe whole E.arth l H Atb he no~ the viliDr:J O"Ver the .Saints l Dwelltth he not in the Temple ~f the Higheft l Triumpbeth be 1tot i~t tht Cities of the whole_W orld l . I r ~s ....... 13td withlu.t comfort, are his villories : without plta[ure hil dwelli1zg pl~tces. For bz ltnoweth hil time 'is 11~ hand, He that uow giveth fr eedotw, jhall become kound; And . unto who the w!nle World iJ M a G11rden,jhall there be no one foo t left. Therefore are all his. pletr[ures vanity : alibis Triumphs[moak.., and his Authority, nothi1rg indeed, but a meer jhadow: For th~t thllt il Hot, ctinnct be; where, tt il [aid of the Lord~ it jh~ll not be. Neither can tn,1th, ligh~ or .wifdom> afcend frotu the Earth, but defcend from the Heavens. Compare the Earth, ( into the_which the Devil it thruft 111 into ,hi! dwelling) with the H etztlt1f! . which art provided f or t~ holy. Confider the pain o( th~ one, and the p/ea[ure of theothet : fl,e feiSt of Gods Jujfice, and Fo.untiZin of hil Merr.y: The Cave of Dark.Jt.tffe, and the Diadnt 4 Light. A~td then rry, wo, wo, w unto fucb ar erre; and who[e lives are but jhadO.ws.: Frrr: tbe~ .,, f~lictt] i4 {ucb, tH from whence i.: C llme; and 'their rtriard is all one, with tlu [pirit and prim:e f Dark,.1u lfe. Compare fond /tn_wledge, with true wi(dom, Thy fpirits of lying ~itb us, that -are the.v?i~e o of truth : 7'he v antfJ thac thty.lead thee. m to, 11.nd the reward of our me ffage : And fay JPttb111 thy f.e_!f, peccavi. _ Wilt thou be per[waded by. exper-ience l Confider thy imprifonme nts, thy .4fiiC/io1t andjhame of b~dy. Confider the love of a. few, and envy of multitude. Weif,h wit/, a j thy [elf the vanity of thylife:, 7hy rajh foot -jleps, A ll that bappned unto thee, b tht [o,iety, .anJ. (M thou thin/z.e_jt ) comfort ; bMt i'ndeed the flinging prick,_s of thy enemiu ...... Since, we came into thee, ([ent from tlie Lord, andctrlling thu, to God )'tboubaft.brlll klivaed fr o them~ ftomJZ. place- full of fornictttion, llttd the. 1PY.Iltb . of God.:. e"alted to tN m skirts of worldly houour; and hajf hun fatjsfitd fo r the neceffities ~r this World. H o{y .U tM mone,y that iJ gottm righteovfly ; but ~tccut[ed 11re the t'l.lili tb~t llTf rtapta '11itb,-;r@t 411

His life ocd.

.A tru!: Relation of Dr. Dee his AElifJnJ Dith fPirits, &c.


,All which tl,iHgs tbou hafr b) us in bleffednrffe, and in the ftn~'TPltdg_e of the will of God, ~bovc all men. Br{ides ourcontiniur[ pre[mce with thre, t iJ thaomfort of thy Soul. Even tbefe things ar~ of us 1u 1d of our G 1 d. Which [ware unto Abrabam, ami d"TPeLletb in the Temple of righuoufnej[e. N o"TP: thrnfore let rxperience be a ]14dge betwixt ur and them. But, this f tryetb the L ord. I deal with JOU M a Chdde _ But tbe veffds tkat I m11jl ufe , muft 6-e Pure velfcls. : pure and clean. t:.. Cleanfe chou us, ( 0 Lord) CIJr 1111mdum Crea in nobis;Crett. Gab...... They that are incredulous believe n~t the1 Lord, but tlrive 4WIIJ his [pirit: But here . a grain is ,it bt:cometh tH a mountain. The Lord is 11pon the ~ttrtb : T lli./ b1ed tbou fwup rby lntrr.lhlli. houfe clean, for unto bim tbat is na/ted, ]hall there be Cloathes gJVen: But he that is covereiJ. ttl~ ready, .fha!L be made bar~. , 1 co11fider wirb t/,y [elf: for the Lord [peaft~tb not on&e more, t-tll t.Jou haft fulfilled tb) o-wn judgtmmt.

E. K. I will be contented to bury them in the field, and not to ufe Hi o"n them , C'r come at them : and that I will fwear upon the Bible to per- !~~~~~!' form : and if they be earthly, I wiU commit them to the earth: and fo led, feparate thofe ihingles from the place near the fpring: and in this manner fulfill my own judgement: For, I will nat be obftinate , but commit

11!! things to the end.

Be:anfe thou art content to bury them; and withal!, upon faith in the promifes of GoJ, to ab. jure ~hem in fimpli~ity of l>eart, ~Hd extt.rnal ufe .....fi~pl), llf a true meaning brfOf'e the face f t.t,e higheil: 1he Lord ;IUctptPth zt, and zt .fhall be fifficunt. . . Fur:her, th1u h~tlf 27. CJnfirmatisns ~f fin, and confent wtth t~e Devt!, which your intention calltth Characters, whereby thof~ [even and twmty, (lifte unto the:r rnother) are become fami- Charalb:n. fiar a11J p!t,cfant with thu, th.cy mutt be brought before the L~rd : ~ne/, .offtred into b3s hands. For fo long as they are, the wtckcd alwayes vex thee : For the Ob!Igatton burnt, the condition is void. The[e mut1- bl' buritd with the rejf.
...... But mufl be brought, and burnt here before the prefence of God: Tbat,the cau[e diminijlmL, tne effel:t ma_y ptrijh.

[E. K. Which refi ?J

-~. K. l will be contented to bury them likewife , befeeching the

Almighty to accept of my intent herein, as of the refi before fpecified .


... .. . He if conteHtn l; b11t let one be burnt. Yo11 ma.J [Hjfa one to tellifi~ the difcredit of the It if but accordh'g to tbe gro~tnds .of chy own Magick.

E. K. I do not underfiand your meaning herein.

Gab ...... RadiM p4rti4, may beficut totiU& {orporif.

E. K. I underfiand not that, alfo.

Gab....... U'Ytagzcft work._eth effett iH thmgs ab{mt , tbd it doth in their parts, being trefent. The wic/ted /till the body ~tb[mt, but the garmmt pre(mt : [o are all of one confederacie, di[- f:l.l clauht t,racrd by the confujioH of one. Thou art contented to bury them all, upon the 'onfidence, and that l mJf. Jure hope of tbr promi{ts of the God of lighr, nd to !>ring one tH a c.nfirmation of thy prQmife t1 te- hhard.fomJlifte thy obedience a~ concerning the whole: which one burnt and abjured, may be a teftimmy ~~\unat to the AJtgels, that thou art obedient for God his fake, and for his tcftimony ;md truth. Bwt and abj~ar~cl. thi# JOU .fhal/ burn with Brin~(i9Ht onely. Whofe ajhts ]hall be k,_ept IH a te{limony , till the r-eft be obwcncc. alfo confumed. This you foal! do the next Monday at the rifirlg of the Sun. That the numberof the time may be of one bigneifc. For, bef~re Aug11ft jha/l thofe Keyes be delivered unto you= which give entrance:, yea, even inco the privy Chambers of wifdoru, whereof you ~all have If. the next Monday. And this dftys allion is not the tuft amongfi them. GlorJ be tQ ... cnce. God , and obedience unto man.

E. K. The Curtain is drawn.

t.. We are dc:firous to know w hecher. thus,th. i daycs aa:ion {hall be 6nillied: and whether i we !hall fafl:.lHll as was prefcribed. Gab ... ... lJetrali not from the day, th,rt, which is c~manded. A. We are very defirous tO und~rfiand of rh prefent eiate of the Lord Jtlbert LIH/tie : for as much as we were willed eo go wich him, a(ld he linked to us in Come par four aaions:

To underfiand of his Hate, would be eo ourlreat comfoct. t o Gab...... It needetb n,t, fo r the wJrld btr elf is at band. A. V'erilyJl ull.ledhrd not thlt fp::cac:h:ls c: coming back again ?WhatJ We are commanded



--------'ft> ufe


trt~e~lation of D

.. Dee hii Aflionr Dith jpirits, &c.

ektiOw: Jlnll f'lifrlier then ortr C~wtmRndment is ~rrour. He is in his band that knoweth how

--- -- - - - - - -


E. K. I fee ;~ man climing over a Hedge , and as he clammercth i>\ter the flakes break , and he falleth down. N'ow he is going np between two Trees into a Medow-ward. Now he hath both the boughs .in his hand, fianding fiill on the ground. Now he goeth lower, there i$ a.gap, and through that he is gone into the Mfdow ..... fo it ir if LM/;Je ..... faid a voyce.
A. This is d2rk : it t'noy pleafe you to give fOJ))e light.

'Thi# if 'ntOYe thm ~nout,/, for the matter.

t:.. Glorh, hms& hdnor Deo Nofi:ro & femp1r. Amen

Cuf~ t~

s k._ theft thigs ~ere, 'fl'btre tt il [aid, no izpure thing jh?U!d mttr. Omri1potenti}Patri,6li() & fpiritui Santeo, nunc

A. Note, at this prefenr \\'as one come, and in the houfe (of whom we tmderftood not till fie was gone:) whom the Lord A. L<Hk,ie had fent to cercifie u s, that firll he was in fome cnmber aod hindrance. Secondly, how Fabil/6 (his brother in Law ) and another had given l11m counfel, very rafhly to proceed: B11t leaving that. Thirdly, by the gap and open way ~ith etlate of the Commons.., or Citizens, by their great Zeal , and favour that he obt4tined hi-; purpofe. This (in dfeEl:) we nndedlood at the Melfager his return after noon. Which marvellous exaetly did an[wer to the fom1er {hew. Remember that on Saturdt~y after noon, the Chancdour came to Cracow , wtth 6o Coaches in his Company and train: he bringing in a clofe Coach (covered wirh red) rhe Lord Siswd S.Boro.sk,_ir Prifoner, whom he took on Friday night before, at his fi(ters houfe, being fq>arated from hu Souldiers and fervants, &c.

Sarurday, 14 Maii, M11ne borA 6 Fere.


accepta: And as conceming one of th~ 27. CharaCter s he had left'it with me, ever tim:c the latl aiHou, to be burnt at this dayes aB:ion, and it lay ready by me.

Or~tticn.tm Dominica* fv.diniUf, &c. Mitre lucem tuam & verit~tttm, 0 Deur,&c. ll . .E. K- Said, he had d ontt chat wirh the t.ralh fpecificd, as he thought would be

bk to the Lord

E. K. Our infirucrours appeared at the very firfi looking of E. K. iLlto the flKw-ftone.
t>.. \V ill you t hat llhall now execute this burning of the Character here all a facrifice (to the highdl:) of our hnmilicr and obedience? Gab.... Not M a f.zrr ift;e, bl t M a vdlory. t.. Shall I thm do it, I pray you ? As with the confcnt of my yoke-fellow, imd fo all one .to be taken as bis aCtion . ...... He thar doth right eofly rffeHth up a facrific~. N at ..... lt iJ trrte} r.httt ht tbat H obedient, and d~tb 1nl!, i1 accepted with the LQrJ.

E. K. J did take facrifice to be onely with bloud.

'Gab . ... 7his is

facrifice, btt~tnf~ it is done righttoufly.

E. K. You faid, Not, as a facrifice, but as a vicrory.

Gab ...... He that ovrrcomftb bis enemJ rejoycttb '"' f~r frientl,(hip faJv, but for vi!JorJ. T't frimdfoip toward God is obediene. He tbat obtpfh God, is 1t frim J unto himfdf. CoJ tteed~tb not tbe lfJvr, or frit~td}hip of man. Therrfore yo11 rejo with God, who ot~ertbrew them; yce tznd therclJ comforted. For be tb11t dwelletb in the L~rd is comforteJ.

tcm ~.r,e fee

6. Ht no

=i~~~O:~ ;;
praye:,endt fo1aetl0t\ of

"fh9u o;nu{t thy mouth, and fayeft before thr Lord. 7he fpirit of God hath defcmded. A , G!oria Parri, & c. And he bath entred into judgement with me, ~"d I am cndemned. .But wher~ Ju~ice d:welleth; tl.welltth a~ro mtrc.J. For, HI) Idolatry is forg9tten before the Lord.

E. K. Have yoo oolnmitted Idolatry?

E~ K. 1coo. jcBurc.iij

. E. K. He fpeaketh in your behalf Mafter l\.ellj. 1 ill therefrtre ~pen_ 1 ,outh,{aJing, I hll'V_e trred. . 1 will opm 'n1J mo.uth 11l{o,awd co'JI- f~ffe-my fins : And, 1 Wtll V()w unt o che Lord ae amfi the WICked. And I will fay l,mto the lord. Lo, ~ere are the fp ils of the MoudJ bla[phrry. Behold, 0 )'OM Angels,a bla{pbtmy, 1md lli6111[i the J.igiJejf. btb(,ld, tl;n~:zck,.t dt. e.Ift of .Afetndam,


dtrut 'l(elatiocofDr ..Dr.-e his AHians with fpiritJ, &c-


Bear witnfjf with mr; for I f:J.rve f~lji!hd his Commudement. Bear wi.tneffe witb me, tbat I . .....fl111 in return nor, and rr.>j?ycc; for ft~cb are the [poyfr.s of the wick_(d, .. ...... & fiGab . .Art tbot~ contented to ronfent hereunto? :.::~::

E. K. 'iVhat I have dJne ~rith the reft, God, and they (if they be of :::::~[,d God) know: upon the forefaid conditions I am com:enrcd to have this .....d~ CharaCter to be burnt. Let it be burnt. . ... zerl~
A. I burnt it immediately, with the flame of brimilone, and broughr the burnt black coal or cinder thereof to the Table, and laid it on a paper. Now 0 Lord,ddrk_>~rJJe is ccnfounded, let thy ligbt ./hinr in us, and thy trvth prevaile.. Gab. It i> welt. t.. Blerfed be rhe name of the higbeft : whofe mercies are infinite~ Ob, a Cweet and comfortable fentence.

E K. Now Nalva,~e turneth round, as he was want.

Gab, Move not,for the place is holy.

E. K. Now Nalvage putteth down his rod to the Table,he maketh a crolfe upon the Tabie reverently.
Na1. Allcbings goforwards,Let : g F 0 R WAR Da.lfo. Gat;>. Move not, for the place h ho!J.

In the


u nor. 1.

E. K. Nalvage prayeth.
Nal. Not B .tiCK WARD, as you were wont to do> but F 0 R WAR D.

E. K. Now he maketh three reverent Curfies,.as he was wont to. do, before the Table ..

Sa pah.
Sa peb.

'E~ K. Now he is on the top of the ZI MII


Zf n:ii.

Du ~v.


E. K. He maketh curfy.
No as. Ta. qu 4 nis.

0 D .. no

. ... redi

.... dcd..

.. .ione

as ote'h Ad roch.
CIZ osg


}/fl. onts,


Pir ip [ot~ Td.blior. Ca[arm. .Amip zi








E. K.

12. o

A true 'l{ elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions YPith jjirits, &.
E. K. Now he maketh curfy round about to all p:ufl) of the Table7 he kneeleth down.
Z 1 Z OP
Zod lida.

;t ila Word

and a


E. K. He fbeweth it not in the Table yet.

Nal. NolP I fee the lPQrd of five Lettn.s together,fotlQWing .fetter by let.t er.

Stay tqere.

z litlll,

Z ;J-lirla.


.or gi.

He maketh now Curfy.



E. K. He feemeth to read as Hehrew is read.

Z IZ0 P Zia:op. Z CH IS Zod chis Nal. lt is better than the ~ther ,[mean that Zod~chis being of tJ1te fignificAtim witbZiuJ r1ar
Zod-chis is better to be ufed.

E fi~tcb.







E. K. Now he maketh curfy again.

7hila, OM syit4hh.

Now he ma







$Q ba.

f ]Miiz {o cxpoundtd.


K.ifta. Chis t~t.







Q_C OC A 58


f!2.s 6cash . (a.


Ni is.


Darbs-on~ Syllab(.




ar zi.

K. E. Curfy. E. K. He bath drawn the Curt~n.

lt i s not to be fun wbllt h( doth .
A. . ... .. ... of 4

minutes of time the Curtain was drawn,

E. K. He is now otherwife appareiJed, all the oudide of his Gown is

white Furre, on his head is an attire of furre, wreathed or wrapped as the Turks ufe; his head is now like a mans head, with fhort hair. OD Od.

Bli 6 r a
l a ial.

Cor, l,


Etl ntts.
Ci c!u.


BJ gle.
ie in as i eH tlr illd- as i11de G e j11d

That is one Ca11 .
.... ... b ....... .M ove not, for the place is boll.J.


; I.





s d~ u.

es diu




E. K. Curfy, and he kilfeth the Table.

pilz m.

E. K The Curtain is now plucked again, for three mi:1utes c\t four. Now the Curtain is opened again. Now is he changed. NQw he is His tpparcl.


12. 2.

A true 'J?... elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions "rPith Jpirits, &c.
all in bbck farcenet, very plentifuU of fiuffe, girded to him, and with the caller high to the midfi: of his face.

Sob am. tl

Put out the lnft p.:/gin.

11rgnrt on.


E. K. \Vhy did you give us them?

N al. ........ If if ftanJ.






Mill p.trg.

.4r c Is gi.




C~ DS gi.


Od chlf.
Ant tith.







-.;. t11.


B ri t11.


A .t;rue ~elati()n of D. Dce his Aflion-s with (piritJ, &c.

The Curtain drawn again. Now it is opened. He is altered in apparel ; one half under the girdle is red,and above the girdle white.
Z a &am.


G-ni catzo.


Sob ha ath.


Lu i a he.


1hat is t/,e {tcond.





IS 11l man.

AA 0

0 ecri mi.

Ao .
I A L pir gtth

. E. K. The Curtam drawn agaift, and fo rema.ind about 6 minute!. E. K . Being weary of fitting, I would gladly have leave to walk a Jirtle. His Apparel all one as it was.
Na1. ... ... Tou may; but to fit, il

m~rc obedient:

E . K . wal ked awhile,

E K. Now, when it pleafe you.

t~jt.Agg11rin{. mindt. That God which created you and us, make us to have conftant mindes in aU vertttous purpofes. Gab. . ..... I {wt~tr : Movt 1Ut ; for tht p!t~ct is ho!J.

Gab. ...... I ful


Q1.1 I IN

!!l!!.i i If


}llf ,,,.


1 ffOAS


A true 'I{elatioN o[Dr. Dee his Aflions -Mth [pirits~ &c.

NI Ni.

E. K. He prayeth.




Chir !IUI.



Zo n11c.

Lon tl6h.

The Curtain is drawn again : and after 6 minutes open. Now he is all in a blew 1ong vefiure, with a long train ; and bath a

little Coronet of Silver on his head.

0 OM I A M
Od mi 11m, er Ol NHI.w.

CbM t11J.

ooE s

0 tks.



0 thil rit.


Or:l mi 1nn.






A true Relation of Dr. Dee his .dBiQnJ Ditb (pirits, &c.


1 2)



0 mi ea of z,()d.

p APN 0 R

A A lom.

Ba g!c.

Curiie.he maked1.

L 0 N SH I



BIGLIA Nal .... ... Thu i1 at an end.

V Ge gi.

Bigli ad.

~:;;.. Bldfed be he that is the beginning and ending of all things.

E. K. The Curtain is pluckt. Now it is open, and he is all in green, with a Garland on his he~d.
Bttz me !o


1 tit

0 .';;.


Na u vJ.bh;

G or V RAN
V rfm.

V GE t1

V geg,
D[abr~tmg. [


g notaJ dg'. ]

B.d t~


E. K. The Curtain is drawn, for a whik.



.A true~ e/ati/Jn of D. Dee his AElions ~ithJpirits, & c.

Now is in -a Robe like a Marble colour fpotted, white, gray, and


So 1ft mi


Fire Cilrhc fuddenly out of tlt~ Stoncj thllt made E. K. ftarr. TR lA N

ih ln.

E . K. Now he kneeleth.

Ta lol cis or fls.


E. .K. He ietteth hi3 foot on a letter, pointing to it. fire on E. K. again.

He purwh Hs
fcer on :~1 1

He throweth


rh de leu ers,


Dfpa. ox.


or 1(4 off.O

Ds chit.
Oai pu r11n.

Te lo 11h.
C1t cNrg.


0 i fl ttJIUt. Loll cho,




NI I S 0

Ni ~ fo.
B4 gle.

G o b6n.

WI I S 0

Nit fi.

A,true.Rel4tion- of D. Dee his AE/iQns 'JaJith (piritr, &c.

~o. He cafteth fire on E. K..


Ba gle.



Si a i Otl.

6ft ,


E. K. He makcth a curGe, he fayeth Maln,a again.

JADOIASMOMAR p 01 LP l ad o i

mo mar.

Poilp,'o~:u [yll4ble.

N 11 S

Ni if, {mall folllld Qf i. Zam ran.

E. K. The Curtain is drawn, white, and reddi.lh. , more red then white :Now it is away, and all opeh again :Now all his Gown is yellow and yellow furrc in it; and on his head, aHoode of yellow like Velvet, &c. E. K. Why change you your Apparel thus: E. K. He fpeaketh very fpeedily to Gabriel, but I cannot perceive


A 0


K a.

Ca of go.

!LI. ... S .



0 D.
Cor ji,.

A bra mig.
This is the end of that.

E. K. Now he pulleth the Curtain : Now it openeth again. His Apparel is now changed again of an Alhy and brown colour, in fafhion as before.
Gap. ..... Who is to be compared to our God l



ea o li.


Pur gel.




yal I A L por.



Ds hrin.

.. FA FE

E fA fit ft
V on ;h1.

F oris A lhu.s F A F


0 l.




(J}J 2.11I{~







a a.
y',e U11.








IJ '

E. K. Now he rurneth roundabout.

A lflr.
Lilt tlll.

Hemakethacudie. So doili

S os OLN



Ch.il 1#,{ 'I
Cno q~ tli.

'6 ClAL

Si i.


V Hfll.

Al tl111.


Cfl. of

L ollor. Gnay.



E. K. He plucketh the Curtain,and quicklyopeneth it, . And fayeth: ~ Thts word u the ~5 word .. You mufr 11j ter E fa [6. fe, put" P. baCkward.

L K. My

E. K. My thinkcth that I hear a rumbling, or clatteringof Pewter in the fione. E. K. After he had fpokc:n , he lhut the Curtain again : Now the Curtain is opened again.

CH liS





Dril pi.



Parm Zum ;;i .

Cni la.
Daz id.




E tham 2-od.

.A chil da



M irJt. Mire.



P l D I AJ
1 i tli a z.



A true"l{_eltttiot~ ufDr. Dee his Aflions ieh [pirits, &c.

Colla!. Vl ci nin. A [o b~tm.
V cim.


'Ba g!e.


C i ir



Ni i





0 .. AF E


A eo


I Cort



V nig .8/i QT,

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn.

A voyce.


mJ of th~tt.

This is the fifth of this day.

E. K~ N0w is the Curtain open. clear, whitilh, and blewiih.

C 0 R

All his Cloaths are ..... ry , very

(i;o rax o.

A. X







@Atrue ~tlati.onofD. Dee hit AE!ions l'ith fpiritJ, &c



....u .... A L
A Z I ........ R

Lu cal.

Pa tb.

V I R. Q

Li !, 1tQn.

Vir q.


Cl pb~tn.



Bet'1fWI Chis ttnJ;Virq,y~u muft put i Op a 1PITl.

B.a ct{r.

MA ........

a fi.

Ba g!r .
Cll of gi.

........S Gl


J r.


as t ig.

Do fig.


Bas gim. OJ. Ox ex.


Dn. zr
Sal brox.

....I AT RI S


Cynx ir.
Fa b1 an. VnUchiJ.





~ 4 $ Jg~






0 [.


V ob im.


Giz:. J Od.



i 6rr.

c 0 c........

s ...



M ...... I DS




La rttt


Jrdn Coc11sb.

Thh word muft co111t ntxt after Om droln.

E l.

L pa tralx. Yol (i .
Ma torb.

E. K. Now he pulleth the Curtain.

t.. This Om droln is before four word~t. The Curtain is apen away. HG is in hii Haming apparell.

N 0 M IG

big. No mig.


M a non.r.
0 lo ra.


An g~ lnrJ.
0 hi o.
0 hi:! ,



0 hi o.
0 hi1f'".

0 hi o.


t ~3 -------------------------------------~~----------~~0 HI 0 Ohio,
N0 I B
No ib,

A tru~ Rtlation of D . Dee his AaionJ TPith {pz'rits, &c.

0 HI 0

0 hi.

C A 0 G 0 N
:8 A G L E

M A D R. I D

Ma JriJ.




K Chi [o.

D R. 1 L P A
N 1 t S0

Dril p.
Ni i fo


N I D .A L I
..... . A voice.
"f!Jet~JJ 6f thtlf CIf.

Ni d li

This is the fin h.

The Curtain is drawn. He appeareth now 411 in violet Silk like a Cloke, and on his head a bundd wreathed of the fame.
O:~t l



R1/ Jo. Od.





Cor~ .



Zil J1




Yd zir.

Ca"' U 6:~t;


N llSO


Ni l[1.



dtrue1(elatimoj D~Dee hi1 Afliont ~ilh fpiritr,&c.

Sal m~tn.



T~ lteh.

~t Jlr .






s. b~.

S 0 BA

IGA N 115 A

Ni f [tt.

JP r~tmg. g, n~t ~ dg.




. ~ ..

OM-t~lh is ~~raU'Il.

The ~nd of this

... . . .. Thu

E. K. Now is the Curtain pull'd away: and quickly pull'd again. Now it is open again. He is apparellcd, of colour between a blew, and a red mingled; bLR: blew feemeth to be the ground. From the lhouldcr on the arms, is a trunk of fcven pendant Jabels, with laces. On his head a very broad Hat, between dun and black colour. His apparel is very long.
N 0 N CI

w tht ~

No" ci,


BA bff gt.





H14bi.; "






D RI}{

A true 'l{el4tion of D. Dee his .AFlions 'P#ith (piritJ, &c.

DR i X Drix.






E naJ. Ovof. So bil. Do


0 0 0 Al N

oa in.


I vo1tpb. Sobtt.
V fA llb~




Nan b11.
Zix lay.


'Do& fib, Od brint.


He 1naketh Curfie.
li ....
TA ST . .
y L .

Hu ba ro, 'I4! tax,


Do a /im:.

..... ... . .

Eo lit

Ors ba.


Ds chii;


Mic ,;4,






A true 'I{elation of D. Dee his Aflions Dithjjirits, &c.

Lot~jhi to%.



J umbd.
Luf d11n. Emod.


Tli oh.


1u Tils.


Tlutt iJ th( 'tmlfth.

M11J. d lo darp,

..... ..
.... ..


Di tt(pert

............... ..... ......... ..... .... .... ..... .

.. .ICL E


0 do
~a .



u thl: eighth




Ds briH.

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~0 116.


sO BA-

@_Atrue 'l{elatitJnofDr:. D~e his Aflions rith fpirits, &c



INn po vnpb.
~~ dolf.


Od. To a tar.

E. K. The Curtain is pluck't to.

A Toyce. 'Ihlll.t il the thirtunth.

E. K. Now it is open again. E. K. He is now as if he: had a pall, or Robe of Cold with a firange c~p of Gold on his head.

... . . . ....


<.JWi ea Gl
Ol pirt Till, I a! purg. B liort. Vs OJ-. Buf dir.
0 i ad. 0


1 A LP R G




ea of go.


Ca far mg.
La i ad.





Ca faf~tm,


I umd.


.A q lo. A do hi.



13 8

d trMe'R.!Iation of D. Dee hi1 Jlffions Dith fpiritJ, &c.






Curtain is now pluckt to.

A voice ...... <fbat u all. Bleffed be the Creator of all, who hatb mercy oH all.

E. K. NClw he is here, apparelkd as he was wont to appear.

:Jromifc of

N a\. ...... ThM, h11th the L ord k,.ept proJttife with you : ~tnd will not forget the leaft part of God cenfirmccl his whole promife with you. Keep you theref.re promi[e with the Lo) d; for, he H j tlllow, ~HOt

ceived rhe


To be re.

Monday next

to do? Nal .,.. . <fhe Ent.lifh "'Pill have tt day bJ it {elf. Nal, ...... The [ .o..J Thicd Monday tll CDme,you jha/l h1tve them all. So that,yM bllv_t btJt tbret dayes to lllh,ur .o.. You fpeak of the next Monday, and the third; and fpeak nothing of the fecond M,,_ day : and you faid, that the Englilh will have a day by it felf: And you fay we have blk three d~yes to labour, &c. Nal. ,.; ... What I have [aid, u [o. Go al[o, ant/, refre_fh JOUr {dver,

~- Will it pleafe yOM to deliver us the Eno-lilh of thefe 14 now, a~ yow. were: wOO eo

be defiled.

Procud as J0111Wifl Jo.

The next M~ndttyy?u Jhttll have, IH many.

[E. K. The Curtain is drawn.]

A voice....... Stay there. A voice... Give God thanl<.s, and mak._e ttH tnd.

E. K. Prayed the 145. and 146. Pfalm kneeling re~erently ; and I likewife in heart confenting thereto, attentively lifining. Note ..... E. K. is very well perfwaded of thefe Actions now, thanked be the Highefi, who is Almighty.
.o.. Laudate Dominum de Czli!', laudate eum in excelfis : laudate eum omn~ Angeli ejus, faudate eum omnes virtntes ejus. Q!!ia ipfe dixit, & faeta funt nobis. Non fecit calitcc omni nationi. Soli Deo noilro, laus omnis,Viaoria, Triumphus,& Jubilacio,

Monday Cracovi.t Maii,


1564. Mane, hora 5

Aliio Tertia, Lu1tttrif,

E. K. There appeareth neither Vail, nor any thing elfe in the Stone.
.o.. At length appeared one, but none of them : he is jolly and green, with a long ( like green Velvet) Robe: his hair long, like yellow Gold: nothing on his head but his hair. He fiandeth as though he fl:ood in a cloud, above the ufual pa vimenr in rhe air. re . .. ... Lo the Sunjhineth, attd nteH frar 110 rain, the clouds llTe di[per[ed, and they look., 11ot for 6. tempeft: But wbeH it rilineth mightily, or the heavens frowt~, then I<Jep they their ho11[u, {11ying oHt to anot~r, Whttt unreafonable Tempejf is this ? what l{ail-ftones ~re the[e! GcoJ. Lord~ who ever [aw fuch windes ? were there wer /ucS, windes t _ So fha/1 it be of tile power 1Jf GoJ~ A. which holdttb iu hit hands the winJe r and [cattereth cloudes abroad with hit feet : For of hi. , comntg,.fhall it be [aid amo1zgftyou, My Spiric hach vexed me, 1md I am troubled: Why haft tho God Is not brought ht thhtgs, greater thtttt. th) [elf? or whtre Jhall thil power dwell that overjhado'19tth me} tied t(} time. k per- Wantmgyou jha!l de fire, ( as yrJII do. ) a11d bei~lg filled you ~all thin you have roo much. iormance Flt]h can mver be tbrough/y mortzfied but wzth dtttth. Thmk., not, thttt the Lord H at thl' Sllll, . mcan~tlt that k_eepeth hit continual watch through tb~ heavens; which becrr.ufe be if made f or a timr, is alfo dwell in~ with tied tO rime. him.fi fe, 2.rc He that fittetb and judgith, k;,eepeth no cour[ ; but a continual performance of his loncr-~ e ma~f:~~~ful fore p rovidence : F(IT he that u[eth him orherwife, .fhall bt rej elltd : becau{e his [ 6. J dw::t!itrt,J f:ay are not i11 the nt~mfiom of tb~f4ithful. Lif~ up Jour (llrs ~berefor~ ; for thl/5 fa itb t;,~ higbe J et. Jllh,.

A true~elatioll of D... Dee his Af1ions ll1ith {pirits, &c.

Wb~ mad~ f!be btoil~mts, nf [pre-A.d r~wt-lil(e 11. glfrfiwtt l Who breathed into 1fta11, th.~ fpirit of U11'tltr{lttHdiitf, l Who 1111trthre tlu p~ud wor(rl. with ware,rs -~ Who {'>niled 1tt thl ruin of Phar-aoh? Who rO<JtNl the lfick.fJ rmt of the,r fe.ttt's .> ant.l made rhem beconte viruytt.Tds for my p~o:. pie: yea rlu lfijf-'l~ck,pi~4tim l ltPbo threw dowx tbe T orrers of Babj/011, rr, d. tbe great ~~tr lot l Wilo drtelt upo~t t~ E11rth, tt nd be-cltm~ f{'tfh; to pa.J f1Jr J OllY 1Pir.k_ednd/r l Who t untbled t~ .fto1te .jf'OHtl tbe w,tl, th4t t~ S,up lfttght drt1tk.., ~ E vtH IJe it j;; ,tl)ltt gflve ali tb~fe their ti,ies. H, it il, tbat u .11 t~b le to mal~! JO unr.ierjta1td; M tbofe, that ca(i into the waren , a1zd {aid, Let U ns draw up our filh., : YPbith alway~ dealeth with che weakc:tl: To tbr intent he might prove iim(rl{ the 1fr01tged.

[E. K. He fpeaketh a great deal of fpeech as to himfelf) which I perceive not. J


...... Even he it is, thatwill makt: you llron~ and wife, I f he ftndyou witb gqrmmrs. J'<flt He it ilt th~Jt faith tint6 you, Wa.ve'r not,; Be Jfedft~ft; far th~ fair/Jfu/llre 1uv.r. 147fle- op11s r;Ji.


[E. K. He ptitteth his right hand out of tbe Stone, b?ing grafped together. Now he openeth his hand, and it i s written in ; and it is fo far from me, that I cannot read it : vet he feemeth to be nearer to me, very much more than his hand. The writing feemeth to be like the leaf of a Book. Thus it was wricten.
t)t to my fDretellillg . TroJ1blel. Suddm [orro~ if a r ba1rd, r (11/ thr t~rth. L&Jskie, if he fervt m~, i'hall be King of foland. !f he [er'lle anc.. t. tier, bit h"'INtJ.flutll f"ll out; lte{ort him "'ith poi[on. Poifon.

No, hK S.i, k lmoft ~uilt-.

. . H ltvt


E. K. Now he clafped his hand together , and flayed the

t.. Whonl is Lask,.ie tO ferve ( 0 Lord ) btit t~ee? to keep thy Vtw$ , Sca.tl,l.tes ~nd Commindentents ? not to derend upon ally creantre. . . '1be King 4HJ ehlflfCelor have fold the ptQp/e of this L~tHd, 411d 4Yt [TI~rn Tur ...s. R.~- Turks. ,,..,, lftf h(ln\t to La5kO (. Laikie) ft)t; d tbou do. thoM foa!t offeU me . a, to fqt f_mprrour; N ot to us~ for I will comfort twt witb fA-vour. Let hint ndt rttutn theHU; ti1l he be warned 6.) me. A. L . t.. You n\un, from che Eruperow1 Court ? AJ z,~ah A. 1 bef~h you~ by wlutt tokert, !hall he reeeive your w~rning? rtm tud14mj . Be thou his right hand, to his bddy, <trtd his mottth to me. I will l;>e rnerciftil unto by ltim, and hold up his head. Ltave off, till the fevemh hour of tl;e daJ ; ibtl# fOlll'tth ~~~ .,~~~~~. JI{Jion. A. Mean you the (e\'enth bour; 2s frotii rtrldnigl1t iai\ ? o.. That begihm:th at noon, if you make btit t: hours in ~he day ; or a c J 1 if you reckon commoh hours. The [e_vtHth fro* the H ori{oH : F. UH, tb.tt rutt caH


E. 1C He himfclf runneth away.

All Glory and Prtife be td Ood



Et~Jem du bmi, bortt 7 ( inr.ho~tnte ) i~e mtridit.

Hor,. plil1t,mtri4

E. K. After . quarter of an hour ( almofi) appeared our Infiru.:: a &>rs, as of . . e time.

A. Gloria puri ~ filis & Spirlhil Sinlto, fitut crat in pritH~ipio & nunc & in fempl-


Gab....... <..Mfve, vt; ,evt not, fr>r tbt piu~ ii /Jol).



Re patieut a !it tit ~hi!~~

E. K. Nalvage prayeth all the while. . E. K. Gabriel rifet~ out of his Chair agairi, and warneth as b~fore (thrice) that we fuould not move, for the f)lace is ho1y. Nalvage maketh a crolfe toward the 4 quarters of the vVorld, with his rod, as he was wont. Nat. ...... Tle~re #.rt 30 C:r.!ls }tt to cntt. . fho[r 30 Jtre the Ctt!fs of Ni . f-.rinces flllJ it fpiritUJt.l GwernouTI, "nl ll'b!)nf tb~ Earth is delivered .11 ~portion. Tb.efe bring in and again
difi Kings and all cbc Govemtaenti upon che Earth;


au T.i4rJ tl;( N <~turts t;f tiJings

with OlJi:cq


A true~elatioN o[Dr, D(e hit .dflions with fpirits, &c. ------------------------------ V nto wbom, the prcvidcnce of the eternal Judgement, js r.J~. . . P r;ne<s tiu vart4ticn Qf evrry momrnt;


of the .Air, or not rejeCted, but dignified; tmd th fJ dwell a11d have their habitation in tbe a;r divrrfly , and i-. . Spirits digni {undry place.s : for their mtrnfions 11re not alik.!, neither are their powers e1ual. Vndtr;f~ltfl

~nr,eh. art 11 /fo g6veNtul by the 7 whichJf4tnd before t~ e _p re~ence of God. Let him. t~at r11n [re l~o~ coJ An~els up : AM let him thllt can here, attendS for thts tS wtfdom. They are all fpmts of th<l Aar;

u r.cg. r~ady -opened.

1hefe are generally governed by che twelve Angles of the


Trtlts: which

mmc of tbc
6rc to the eau h. Note. Fot a time.

~;~the de~ thert(or<, thllt from the _ fireht; thfe e~~t~~ tchere are 3Lo pla~-e~ orb a~i~ngs :. one above and bc:neadi another: w~rem t e1e a ore;ar-a reahtres ~;ave flutr a oa...., 1 or 11 ttmt.
. -. Pt tota terra difiribura fub 12. Principibns Angelis, .12.' Tribuum Ifrael : quorum 12 a\iqui plures, aliqui pauciore.s ~artes habenc fub fuo regtmme ex 9l partibus tn quas tota terra hie demonitramr dfe dtvtfa. Apccalypfi johannis Tdlimonium? de 1 2 Atldis 12 Trib~um) Cap. 2r. Qgando di-.idebac Altiffimus gences, quando ~e~ara~t fiho-s ~~am, conflicuit terminos populorum, juxta numerum tihorum Ifrad : Hoc tgltllr hinc egregte patere. They bnr no name.

- - --- --

or eh

{E. K. What is without a name?]

tbti.T being. Vwd"/1tnrJ tbe.,. . 11re [P to be "ltP'tlittated, 0 tlmt tot Twentieth air, 0 thou fixtmttb Air, &c. . . . fometime, (yea all togethrr) two or three oft~ t!fe govern, by times, -whirh are the " Kings N11to thife t t , bt [}'D"rn of) 11nd bur~ rule togttbn-, aud 6t one time ill tie di'Dijilms . In .the 6r(l Air, tbt ninth, elewnth, flttd feventh .A11gel of th~ Tribes, burr r>e nrl gw~r-11. Vnto the ninth, 7000. ud 200. and 9 minijfcring Angels flrt fubje(J, Vnto the tftvtlftb 2.000, ;eo, 6o. v.ro the [tvtnth scoo, 3co, 6o, 2 N al. ..... :Count the number ....... A. The whole [urn of this Gov~:rnment amcuJJteth to 14931. Nal. ...... It i1 right. 2. 1'be fecond il divided into 3 parts, the .Angrl ()f the {o11Tth Tr:ibe hath tb~ /irfl; The ~Jtt,tl f the [econd, the fecond; 'Ihe Angtl of the- fec~d tht thirti. 1he fourth htb tl;t{e mAny 300c, eco, 30, 6. T he /irfi fec ond. of the [ecolld 2000. .o. 6o . 2. 'Ihe laji 1f t/Je [wmJ . oo, 90 o, 6o, 2 . .AdJe the{e together. A. They are .. .... 6 660. 3 T he third. Tbe firj f, The ,;,th, '!ht {econd, tbe {ttmrth, 'the third t~ teltth. n,. ninth ...... +400, The frvcnth or the {tCQnd ...... )66o. 7be tmth or tbe tbmJ ... , .. 9236. NaL . ..... Number them ...... A. They are.in aH ...... 17296. 4 Nal ....... The fourth bath alfohil th;u parts. The .Anj.el of the tentb Tribe h~h te firft The tenth bath alfo th [ecMd. ne twelfth hiltb the third,

. a.

.. ..... 7'heir order(J pl11cr: But w tiJ,y have, in u[pe8 thn-ef~e, bJ the firfi, fecond, third fo~ thirtieth .A~r.

E. K. He prayeth.
1be firjl: tmtb ...... 2 360, SeconJ. tenth .. .. ;ooo. 7'wrlfth or the third ..... , 6300. Numhtr the fourth al[o. - - - - They au .... ,. I I 660. id alfo thruford. 1 ht firjt of the 1'rilts have tht /irft .. mth h11th tbe Jecond. The el~vmth b11tb the tbird. 7he firft h11tb smder him 8630, 'lht. Jt1.10ith or fwmd .... 23~. The tlevrntb, The third- 5ooo, ~oo, tJPo. Numb" the,.

A. They are-16738.

E. K. He prayeth reverently.
Be pAtient for._ while. Theft govern in tht fixth. t:>. . If I undc:dbmd you right, thtfe. 6. 'Iht[e gov"" in the fixtb pi ace ( hieh is t o L ome) 1 he .Awgel of the fifth tribe, luzth th~ firjf pert. (fo' thtrt are........... ) 1 be L1.11gell of tht t-welf th bath the fecond. 1/n .At~gel of tiN 6ft.h bath the third p11rt. 'The Angel! of the firjf, tbat is to [11y, of the 6rfi fifth, h~tb fubjrOs, ;ooo; 6 c 0,'2(), of the feconJ or lwelf th, 900, 2c 0,. of the th1rd p14ce IZnd fecond fifth 7000, 200,20. 1ht fif th g~verns in this ordrr twice, therefore it is termed, the fecond.fifth.. Numl:er it. A. They arc-20040 7 1be {evmr1J bath alf~ rbru placts. Thefourthhatb tbe firft. Tbt third h11th tbt fec~ nd. 'Iht thtJenth h11th tb~ thirti. T~ foz,:rth and t~e firft plare-- tcoo,3oo. 6o, 3 The third A11gdl 61ftl fo colfd placl, 7 0 00, 7 00, 6. 1he tlt'tltnth Ant,ell the tbira p!ac.r, 60oo, 300, 20. Numhn- it. ll., 1 hey arc: 2038 9. fo, ..... . it is the.feventh. S. 1 he eight AJre, . ha th ~lfo thTtt Jllrts. 'I hr .Angel of th1 fif th h11th the /irft. 1J,t An[.d of tbt fir f. bath tht [e,ond.1he .Angel of the ith h1Zth the third. '1 he fif th .Ar.gt/ #nd fi..rJf place ;ooo, 3c.o,6o,2. S he /irft .Angel 11nd fec~nd plir~ 7cco, 2co,3o,6. '1/;e ni11th Angel 1 d tbt tbmJ m p14rt, 2C0,300, ::.~. Numltr it.


They are-I3900. T . The 11 h 1tb is a!fo ofthru plares. _.bt tbiril_Angel h~ttb the fr/f place.. The unth A~tgd b.'t th 9 the [econd. The ninth Angel h~th the thzrd, the thzrd Angel kath m tl:e fir{f p!ace 9 '}00,900)90, 6. 'the tenth Ang~l and tb~.foa~~tdplac..e 3coo,6oo,zo. The nmth Angd a11d tktbird plfl..Ce, 4 oool 200, 30. Nmn[er rbem . .A. They are-t7846. . 10 , T&e tenth hatb places alf~ tbr~e. The elevtnth Angel! occupleth th~ firft. Tb~ f~venth An.f.el occu~ieth the [econd. 16e nith A-,gel occupirth t~ third. T~e e/evmth .Angtl and fir/t bath 8ooo, 8oo38o. The [evmth Angel in tbe fee and, l coo,zoo, 30. 'the njntb in tbe third, Iooo;(':loo 10, 7 Number tbe.rn.

They are-11727

Nalvage prayeth.
Oabriel. ...... Tllk..t heedyou. wove not. 11 The d~veeth, u thrte Ifs before. The firft is oc~iul by the tmtb. The ferond by tbe fixth; The third by the tltlird. In the firft place. 3000, 4oo, 70, z. In th: Jeccml p!aa, 7000, zoo, 30, 6. In the t'bir~ place, sooo, zoo, 30, 4. Number them .. _ - Tb~y are 15942. z. The twelfth bath alfo his dtvifions. Vhrte fir{l places il of tht fixth. Second pltce of the 1 rigbtb. Third ofthefecod. Tb~firf/ltatl12.ooo, 6oo, so, 8. Th~ [econd, 7ooo, 70';),7o, 2. The third 3000, 300 90) 1. Number it. - They are 138n. I 3 1he thirtwrth bath thtee. ne tenth id in the fir/f. Th6 firjl u in the fecond. The fevtJtth il in the third. Th~ firft hth 8ooo, 100, Io, 1. The fecQnd 3000, 300, 6o. The fevmti Ange( in the tbird 4000, zoo, 1o, 3 Number it. ~. They are 15684. 1 4. "[he fouruenth bath thr~lftld pltc-e (IJ tbt rtft. 1_h.e fift ~ngd o<e~fie~h tbe fir(f, The feveHtb occupieth the fecond, The tw~lfrh 6Ccupieth the thm.l. The fir{l whzch zs tbe fifth Angel, 200o, 6oo, 70, 3 The jeco,ti.lw.lh ~000, zoo, 30, 6. The twelfth 8oo, zoo, 30. Numbe.r it. A. They are-201 39 Nal. Hilve- patiece.

E. K. Now he fiandeth on the top of the Tahle.

Nark., tliligmt!y.



llnf-w"e- b to tbe ~"gel! of tW 11intb, .,.,I.i"cl' is of tbt PrJ, ?bicb occrtpieth the /ir!f place of the t firft~;re. lt is the nau of thllt p~trt of tbt tarth wfllCIJ is governed by the Angel of che ninch Tribe, and thofe that are under him in the firft divijim. Tht firft AJre. Mtr~. Jiligently.

Mi,~{ters, m the [econJ plac Mar~

Pax com/?.

.An[,;-ere.th the eleventh Ante!, tmd is tb~t part of the Earth which is governed bj bim and his

f tht firft Ayrt.

It an[wertth to the[evmth Angel firft Ayre.
M~tr~ .dilitent ly.

V 11l gars.


t~ bi' Mmifters, S56z, which Are the /.$J p~trt Qf th~


Do ~g His.

It - the firfl p~rt of tbr f(conl, the firft pttrt oj the earth , which is governeJ in the firjl is sf the fecrmd, as itjhalL ~ftw 1-ppear, und~r the f~11rth Angel. M4rk,. diligently. Pa. c~[na.
Nore tnd un
der!h.nd this well, bow one


f~cond Ayre, BY THE ANGEL of the fecond Tribe, with his Minifters. 1362.

lt.u the name of that part of the world' on earthJ th11t is go't.lmw.l in-tae fecond part of the pa~t /o..,cr





A true 'I\ elation of Dr. Dee his AflionJ'RJith_ !jiritJJ &c.

D .. AL .. VA
Di a li v tt.

'the third of the fecoHd : whsfe g~vernour is the ...nom of tbt Tribt . The Third Ayre in the fiJifl: place.

S amatha bath over it of the Tribe the ninth. The [cc011d of the third is.


Ki. Vi rachi.

Vnder tbt feveNth of the Tribe. The Third place of tht Third Ayre.


An dJs pi.

It is governd hy the Tenth of the Tribe.

'ne fourth Ayre , Tht firjl



Tb1 tanf.

His Governour is tiJe Tenth of the Tri~e, wb~fe Min#Iert 11r~ 2360.
The [ewtJ f the [o11rtb.

It is goverHed by the tenth of the Tribe.


Poth nir.

It is govfrtted hy the Twelfth of the Tribe.

The fifth Ayre, The firft part.


Ltz dix i.
Which is governed by the firft of tbeTribe. The focond part of the fifth.


No ctimal. Which is go11eYHeJ by the feventh of tbe tribe.

The 1hird of the Fifth.

Which is tovenml by the e/evmth of the Tribe , who[e Min ifttrs Are 58oz.

lJe plltienr 4'11hile.

Tbe fi:t tb. Gab....... Move.not ...... :Mofc:'s was to fec:k in thefefecritS0 N al. ...... T he firji of the fix th whofe Govrrnour it the fifth of tbe Trib~.

1'be [ec1nd r,f the j~-Xth, who Governour it the twdfth f tbt Tribe. fe

The third of the fixth, which is govmtuJ bJ the fifthoftbe '.tribe.

Whofe Minifien are 71lo as before.

"Ihe firft of the feveltth is governed bJ t~t f ourth Tribe.


K. E. Ever tbe Table turneth to the letter under.

The fuond of the [eve_ th, whofe the thirJ of n

Tbe third of

The firft of the eigiJth, who Govtrnour il the fifth, &c. 1Pho MinifttTIIWt 4362. [e. fe

Tbefcond of the eighth, bJ thefirft of tbt Trib-e; wbo Minifters 7236. fe


Th11 third of the eighth PR.ISTAQ

b the 1iinth of the Trih~, ad under him 2302. y

"rhe ninth : the fir.ft, govmttd by thethirdJ 'Rihofe Minifters, 9996.

The feeo11d, of t he nintli

Move not for tbe Lord il gre.tt amongjf yo11.

n, lll{f f rlu ni~eth


PJ t~ 1Untb of tht Trib~


d true~lation of D .. Dee his .Aflions ~ith fpirits, &c.

The firft of the tenth

by the elnmth of tht 'trtbe.

1'/u [econt of tie te11tb
1he third

Lex llrph.


by the {tlltllti.

f the tenti
Wbt{e Milli..fters Ire r6t7.

hJ the lltlftb.
'[.,hi to,.

H ~tve ptttimce.

"lhe firft f the eleventh,

MWftert 3+71.-


fecou got~mtea by tht fixth Mixifters 7236.
V[n1ar &11.


7le third


1o no


'l'be fir~ 'f the t'IPelfrb, go bJ tht fo<rb.


'Ihe feconJ of tie tJPelft'
Vhe tiird of the t'/Pelftb

1'tt p..


by the eighth A~~gel.

Gt do

iy the r~o1Jl.


"1be firft of the tbirtetnth

ltliHifter1 Sn 1 .
The fecond LAPARIN

t.verntt:l by the tmth.

Ge c on/.

by the firft of the 'tribes.

L P rin.
'h] tbe {eventh of the tfl1elve. Do ce p~tx.

The l~tft of the thirtemft DOCEPAX Is Italia.

1'he firft of thr fourteeth TEDOAN D


fifth of the 1ribu.

7'edo ana.
'fhere li1~ttM lld

Tbid is England ~tnd Scotland too, calletl ancinttly by the nttme of Britania, Hlltn tbat k,lWIPeth rlu truth af tbe.Britilh Originals.

The Britijh Originals,

"Fhe fetona of the'+'


A~tue 'I{elation of Dr.


Dee his AC!ions "With ffiirits:~ &c.

lli vi p1s.


by the twafth,


0 o 11. namb.

E. K. Ndw he prayeth. E. K. Now Gabriel fiandeth up.

Gal?.. 'lhe Lord prtloneth y oHr fafting,

a~td ttcceptetb the inw~trJ 1111111 ~ lab~ur lfo u 111DT

1 OU jha/f biZVt th: reft. A.. May I be bold tb ask you one qudl:ion? Gab, ..... You mtty. A, Is the ~een of England, alive, or dead ~ She liveth. I am nothint near the ettrth.

, K. The Curtain is drawn.

We prayed joyntly fome prayers.

A.. Upon my motion, for the Lord Al. La[. how to deal wilh the Chancel our , the Curt~in was drawn open, And he in the green, who appeared to day, came imo the fione, and faid as followeth. Thus fayeth the Lor d : J o body to bod.J, but let mindeJ 'e [eparate, f or he wde[pi[ed in the Chd tne yn fight f God, and is d elivered over to de.firnttion, which ~oth tarry, till it: _find~ hi~ ready, .. n'i'~clollr Ifrad decei-ved Egypt, and [aw Egypt overthrown. Let htm do what he will mth hUll, but Craco~~r, let him not joyn his minde with him. A. We are defirous to know your name. Mapfams undc:r My name u called Die iltis. ~. Jefns declared his name, and fo have Gabric1. I a"' ont under G abr iel , and other good Creatures before unto t!Je name of Jefus I k..now and us. honour. Map. My name h Mapfama.A. h, die illis, the Etymology thfreof?



How mu.ch it importeth for U! to unded1:and the bell cdttnfel that is to be given to A . L. yoa know, &c. Map . I am commanded, and I h11ve done my comnwtdmmt, But {u, that thou, and he ful;. fill thofe things that re commanded. you by me. A. You fa id I thould be his mouth to you: How fhall I execute that, I pray you ~ Map . ..... Not to me, but to God. A. By pr;tyer mean you ? Map. .... Yea, and by pre[ence. A. By ptefence, with whom? The Empe., Map ..... Thou !halt go from hence with him to the Emperour : God will fii r up farther rour.~ mattet, by t hy prefence there. A. Shall all our Leffous be finifhed, and fufficient p ower delivered unto us according to the promife of God ? ...... JDtl jhall be able t o prtttlice by Sunday. A. By which Suriday? . . .. . But the praCtices that ttre the in.firuaions of tb e High eft, are not but in lawful caufe~ and for neceffiry, to glorifie G od ; and againft Pharaoh, A . What lh~ll, then, be the hability of my skill to praaice, bc:fore Sunday next Gne~ Map .... ... 'I h~(e Calls touch all the parrs o f the W orld. The W o-rld may be dettlt ithttll, Viiible ..,tih her parts ; Theref ore y ou may do lt11J thmg. T1.7efe Cllll! ll rt the k,.eyes ~tto the G6tes and Apparition, Ci tirJ of ~ifdo~~t. W hich [ Gates ] are not able to be opened, but wich vifible apparition. N oce. [ r:, , And how lhall that be come unto? O? ferve per . Map~ ..... . Whicb is llC~ording to the former infir uttions : . and to be httd, by calliug of evt:ry ~~~~:~ he Table, Yo u called fo r wifdom, God h.rth opened unto yort, h~u Judgement : H e hat.h Jelivcted by Sund~y 11n t oyou the k.e yes, that J OU may enter ; But b e humble. Enter not of prefumpuon, but of nc)(.t pr~aire. ~ ermiffi on, Go not in ralhly ; int be brought in willingly : For, many have afc ended, but beinr; calld j e'IP ba1.Je entred. By Ssmd~ty y ou jhall have t ll tbings that are rleceJT~try to be t all:lit ; then ( M ~i~~n pra~ cc a-

A true 'l{_elatio~ of Dr. Uee his. Afli011r Ditb /pirits, .a e.

Hcafionferwlh) ;;;;may pnfl1ic~ ttt all timfr. But you beint, called by Gotl. ,IZ1tti.J10


pv.rpo[l. h' C 11' b G d t:.. How fball we underfiand t ts a mg 'Y o ~ Map . r G o~ Jfopp~tb my nmnh, I wi~l anf"'!'er thee no mou. . . . A. MjfericordLa Det fit fuper nos)ventas eJu; fulgeat & floreat m cord1bus noftns .

t:.. E. K. read this prayer devoutly, .and l joyniu~ my mind to his pronunciation thereof kneeled by. Domine Je[u Chrifte, Deiu falut~r,ium noftr~rum. ~~~j M .nonsm fit ben8dil1um hod.ie- ~ quotidie: .l hs ~,n~cr t 11i .tfcenditft [uper Ccelum etZ!t, 6-d deiiCtrttm Dez p~ttru: denuo tmtNir ad ;udtcand11111 ;, ~~~ n\llriV,.\"t<~ ~Nbivu1 , cum potentte m~tgna; & Ma}'.fillte mirabili,.educ nos vinlJos .i1r ItJeccatu in fortitudine p ,\(..., . . )I . . . , _. .


writ!~O ! h<: ~~ of May follow-

.: acc,; 1 !hv;~ld h .I V-e be<n

t 11)

)tljtifi::nttOJtJI tu.e : ut d.talbemur_per remzffionmr ptccatorum [upr:r nzvem; adeo t be~UplcztWM fit ri'bi b:1birare in nobil) & nos tH te. Amen. A. Ex Pfalcerio poft 67 Pfalmum.



Tue[day Cracovi::t,<.ft!aii 21. 1 S84. ix W!.it[on~week.., M~tne circa 7. . . After our fitting, and Come prayer ufed, appeared a very little Creature, on the Cui'tuon, by the Stone: faying, Put out .J ,ur C11ndle; for yo.u fhall-have notl.)ing to do; to day. t:. . vVhat is your mme that we m;ly a;ledge your meifage for our c:xcufc : feeing we wc:rc bid yefierduy to labour eo day.

E. K. He is gone.
A. A:f,er that abotlt half an hour, there appeared our Infiru8:ors, as before time. Gab ....... M'lve, , ove, mwe not) for th~ pLace is holy.

E. K. Gabriel ftandeth up, and after a while faid

., .. 1he beaven> ttre called righteolll, bec11u[e of their obedience. The earth ttccur[ed, be~ canre Qf her frowardnetfe. T'bore th<re.fore, that J' '\.hellvenlv tbinf!.s, ought to be obedient ; leli. reel. O!>eJ;ence, J' 1' :J 'J~ wirb their frowardnefe, they be confumed in the end, burnt to a!hes with fire, "' tbe Earti Jhnll be for b(r UHY1f.hteoufnrffe. Tberef.;re, be you obdient, and full o.f Rumili!J; ufing the inftruwtent of righteouf~e.D'e, (which is faith) ThAt you may be pertll~ers of rh~: cel1{tial comforts; whi'h are the hire of[ucb as for[t~h,e their frowardnefs. It bath bwt [aid unto Jou, . Mea[ure not out Gods building. It bath been [aid Ultto )'9U, . , . Continue to tbt end. It bath bem alfo told you, ... "'htn the Determinations of God are not a~ yet efiablifhed upon you. ,. Vid R Fsr i t H- writrm, It may:, again be *undetermined I [peak., th'u for your iitftruClitm ~ For cap~ :~F_ 1e' ma11y have th~ power ofGod, but not unco.righrcoufndfe: tWJII eviJent Jtm~ngJl tile Jews in revw~ta Jmr- the chorce of their l(inj,; . In the veq honf~ of God, amongft thofe that entred into the holy place. "!n~t-~ne D~i I' or, a~l thllt t/,e PropJgts al!noynteJ. were not good. N1t, that thtJ wne evil in the time of their j q?rv.:t't~e- anointmg, btit befaT:fe /.{eir In-unui~n, lltld the dignity of their offire WM defild in them in the md~ ~'~ [,,; -~:~;~~: rbrough t!:e)r ow:1 frowardneife. The H igh-prufts lll[o were cho_(m in r ighteou[neJ{c , and {;y th~ .Rt,: .m Cif?. 'I.. [pirit rf God: bJ,t they became Rtbels in the h~lJ bou[e: and [11ch of who111 it K [aid> Altiffimus 3 ur -<:: nftm; r aUtdli fuic fcandalum ill is. I.v en {o my brethren ma) it be with you. Domir.ots f.rA. Jefus defend u :; from that inconvenience. ~:wJ fJ;.gs, &r. For altbough, it hat h pleafed G.?d , to jhfW kmfelf unto you, yet are you not njhamed to [~ty : If 1 the h:zr:vejt cometh nJr ;n, at the lime appointed, I will become a runnagate. But Eut,e ( my ~rethren) H ath the Lord nnd o( ?ou i' I t Heedeth not be told, you ; you 'Jt...no'lll p 0 [ wbl[? the c~n trNry. 'Ihot it followeth,y01ihave nwi of God. Rut for what ? llnd why l That your fo uls. may overcome this 1Yorld, overcome the body, to tb~ dif,nity of an Angel. And becau[e Jou ttr:e 'Mi[erttble, 11nd turlfed out t o the field, full of brambles am/. mi[ery, lMne, nak__ed, and unarmeJ, to /igbt againjt him, that refi}tetb againjt the might of G~d. Confider tht[~ lajt 1 wo: and .then anfwer J ourfelves, for the reft. Cave. 1 gzve')ou a foort warning. God will f ulfil his promifes: .And (a) he hatb faid) by this Au~ P1omi,, C~i gu(l, youjha!l und(rjfand. conji, lr.an!Jir. x. How to ~now and. ufe God his Creatures, good and bad. Note the re- 2. But when, and (ot what, ts the e ift of the Higbe/r, ~tnd jhall bt fulfilled in you ( If J~ti 1Pill cond lnftrufti- be obedient ) wbm it plea.feth him: even with a found from his own mouth, fayiug, "Vmite & on er Glft of audite. the High~Cl _ For the] e A [/ions 11re twof~!d .- c~nfider it, ifyou can : and they are the greateft, becaufe they ihe Act'a;' are tlg t ajf, and contain all thac hiuh been done befvre them. Whirh if pu Cfmjider well, and t c grc:acc: to wbat y ou nre railed ; ]OU foal! prrceive, that the Judg~mmts of God, are not a Tenn~bal!. M.1 ve not from Thllf much I thouf!.bt to warn yo.u my brethren. Have a little fllf ience fo r th~ Aai~n. pla.c. He th11t /firretltfrom his plact:,_fhallfind the reYPard of it. t:.. After

@_Atrue '}(elation of Dr., D~.~ htr Affions ith (pirits, &c.

~. Afcer half an hour ?


The twelftb bath the thirJ.

Gab . ......


mt, Movt notp Move n?t,

..... Tbt fifteenth . "Ihru parts. The nintb hnthth( firfi-, 1he tenth bath the feco)u[. 1he trnlfth t'e third:

17. .... The fevmtnHtb,

The fecond bath the fir ff, The fir(f bath the fecond, The ninth bAth tht third.
18 ...... T/u eighteenth if of three.

1hP16 hntb 3 parts. The [w mrl bnth the firft, Th( third bath the f~ond,


~the fi fth, the feventh,

the twelfth.

E. K. He threw like dufi out of the Stone toward my eyes.

19 ....... The nintuHth k alfo thutfold. 1 .... ,. The twelfth. 2 ...... 'fhetighth. 3 ....... Tht eleveHtb.
20 2 ... .....

third. 3 ........ [evmth,

1 ........


7 ht twmtirtb is alfo thre/fold.

I , .......


The one and twentieth, i1 alfo thrufoU.. twdfth. z ......... eir.hth. 3 . ,.... fil( th.

E: K. There ftandeth one, at one of my eares, and at another) an- A tempting illud ing fpi ric other, howling like Dogs ; and faid, Ah you beggars! come in ph,c.
Gab...... He will deceive yoH, tak_.t heed left you move.

E. K. He feemeth to be telling money behinde me.

A. Look not back in any cafe. The Himh of the jiftunth h~tth untler him [ of tbe I 2. 1ooo. 300. 6o. 7 6 ~~ <).. Sup. 'fhe tenth o( the fir}f [~:] hath UHder l OGO. 300, 6o. 7, c~.J of' the 12. . of this fir~} The twelfth of[~.] the fi~tr 1ooo. 8oo. 8o. 6. , L The fir(f 1j the feconJ [ bath Hnda bim 9000. 900. 20, ~nd he i1 the fecoftd 0; ( tr.n: Ternary. tYrelue. The fecond of the {ec"nd, which i1 the third of the I 2. 90::>0, 2 oo, 30. The third of the third, whicb i1 the twelf th Jf the twelfth, bath u;rder him 7ooo, 200, 40. 'Jhe firjf of the third (the f~cond of the 12) bath Tl11dtr him 7000, 6oo, 10 , 3 The [econd of the third, 1Phir:h is the fir{t of the I 1. 700o, 1 oo, 30. 2. The third of the thirJ, whid1 i4 tbe Jtinth of the I 2. bath with him, or u'H.der him, 2~oo, 6oo, 30, 4 18. The firft of tbe f ourth, J!Phich wthe fifth of thr I 2. 2000, 300, .fO, 6 1 he fecond, which i1 the frventh of tbe n. under him;ooo, t5oo, So, 9 '!he third of the fourth, which u the twlfth of the I 2. under him 90oo, 200, 70, 6. 1'be firft ~f the fifth, which i1 the twelfth of the I 1. under him, 6ooo, 200, 30, 6 . '!he fecond which i1 the eighth of the 1 2 . rmder him, 6ooo, 7oo, 3 0 , 2. 'Ibc third of the fi fth : which wthe elevmth of the 1 2 , under htm, 2000, 300, 8o, 8, Tht fir(t of the fi;xth, which i1 the fifth of the I 2. under him 3000, 6oo, 2c, 6, The .fecond o.f the fixth ..... the third of the 1 2 . 70oJ, 6oo, 20, 9 The third, wbtch if the fevmtb of the I 2. under him 3000, 6oo, 30, 4 21 . The firj f of the f evmth, which Y the twelf th of the I 2. under him. 5000, 500, 3q, 6. J. he fecond of the [eventb, which i1 the eighth of tbe 12. under him )Ooo, 6oo, 30, 5 Tbe lajf of the [tvmth, whicb i4 the fixth of the 12. under him )Ooo , 6oo, 50, 8.



N umber every Ayre.

tlnve patim~e for a. while.


A.- The x). ,____ The

16. -

The IJ The 18
Tht: 19 The 20 Jrhe 21

46 20 283 9 0 17 ; 89 19311 1 53~6 ~--. - 14889 ------ 1 6 ~29

- - i s the twelfth of the twe/vt. is tbe firft of the twelfth. 3w the t welfth of the twelve.
2 --


The firfl of the [econd.

'Ibt firft of the f1 urth [eventh hat thrrt parts.

2 ---.... tbt [eventh of the twe.'v e. I - the {eventh of the t1rdw.

3 ~ rbe eighth of the twd~e.

Jtrfle7(.,elationof D. Dee hiJ Aflions '~Pith jpirits, &e.

7he rhird. I - - t be foNrth of 2 . - tlu tenth. 3 ----- the twelfth of the twelve. 2). Tb~ fo11Yfh. 1 - - the fourth. ~ the fecond. 3----th( twelfth of tlJe tlPelvc. T he fif tb. 1 ---the twelfth. 2 - the eighth. 3 - - - twelfth of the-t19dve.



Tbe fixth.


- t h e fecond. - tiJe fourtb, 3.___ the fifth,

1 ___.. 2 -


the tenth~ the ninth of the twelve. thd fixth .

%. ' The fir ff of the /irft, wbioh iJ the twdftb of the twelv, zmJer him ~coo. zoo. 3-0. 1 . The fecond of the fir:Jt, uHder him 2000. 300. 20 . 6. 7 }:e third of thr. firji, which iJ the elwenth of tmder him zooo. 300. 6o. 7

. . TJJe fir{t of the fecond, which 7000. 3 00, 20, 'Tbc: fecond under him 7 000. 200. 6o. 2. ?"In third of the fer.ond, wbich iJ the fecond 6f the u. under him. 7000.

300. 30.

Tbe /irft of the third, whrch iJ the fourth of the twelve,under him 8oco. 200. 1 he f econd o tbe third;whicb ;, the tent h of the twelve, u1ztler him 8ooo. 300. 6o. f The third of rhe third, wbicb iJ tbe elevmtb of the twelve,unda him ~ooo.20o . 30.6.

The firft of the fourth, which u the f~urth of tbe twelve, under him sooo. 6ooo. 30. 2, Tbe fecond of the fourth, wbicb it the fecond of the twelve, 6ooo. 300.30. 3 The third of the fourth, which wth~ twelfth of the twelve, under him 6ooo. 200. 50. 6.
z6 ThG firft gf the fifth, the whi'h il the twelfth of the 9000, zoo~ 30, 2. 'lhe fecoltdo[the fifrh,whichh the eigbtb of the rwel11e, 3ooo. 6oo. 20. Tbe t.~1rd of the fifth, which is the twelfth of the twelve, sooo. 6oo. 30. 7
27 Tfg fi.tft of tle ftxth, which i' the fecond of th.e twelve, bath under him 7000. Tbe fe-coHd of the jixrh, the four th of the twelve, 7ooo. ~oo . 6o. T l. t third ;which is the fif th of the twelve, 70oo. 200, 6o, )
200. 20.

28 The /ir:ft 11f the {evnith, tbe tenth gf tht twehe, 2000. 6oo. 30. The fu ond of the feve'uth, which is tlte Hinth o.f the twelve, under !Hm 7000, zoo, ;o, 6. Tbt lajl of the feventh, the fixtb of the twelve, under him 8ooo. 200 ,


Th e 22!h .. is .... : 6925.

2~ - - - 2 1 9 15.

2f _ _ _ 24796.
2) _ _ . . 18201 .

2 6 - - 18489

28--- -


They ...... 1 kneel

to prayer.

Then t he Curtain was drawn.

E. K. There appeareth like the fnuf of a Candle on the top of the fione, it is like a little 1park of fire. After this , Gabriel f~id by voyce, Have patience.

After half .m hour. A voyee faid ... look to ... , to E.]{.

E. K . .The Curtain is drawn open. Nalvage fiandeth on the top of the Table.
Nal. ..... 'the firftipart of tf.1 firft f(ven JIU kJ tf J-y. T he ninrb.


A trt4e'l{elation of Dr. Dee his AHions -.ith (pirits, &c.

The Wtth, the fuofiJ. 1 rhe firft, which is the Wttb. [



No ci 6;.

16 The _ firft of the fecond .

1'he [ecoJta.


La vtt con,

is gnurntd PJ the t/Ptlfth of tlle tr~elftb. Sf)CliiAL


Minifters 91fO.

The third.

The fir:ft, 1Phich is the fecod of Sigwurf.

The [eco1d.

The third, who[e govmmJr is th1 ninth of the twelve.

A) tlropt.

The firfl: of the fourt,,

'fo c~r 1:.;.


The third.

The firJl of the fift".


11u [econd,

ne tbzrd.

The firft f the jiJCtlr.


z; L dron..


A trueelatio of Dr. Dee his .tfilions ilh /pints,&,.

~h~ [ec.1zd of tlu ji1tth.

1le third f the fi:ttti.

TOTOCAN The firft of tb1 [tvent b.J t~e twelfth.

To to c~tn.

The [ew1d of tile feveHth.

Chirs pa.

The third f tie [eve11tfr.

7'. ,, ''"'
Dg. Call it, Jlilig.

Nal.. ..Te laft {e1mt. 7he firft.

1'he feconJ of the l4j {et~en.

The thirtl.


'the /irft of tit fee


RONOAMB The [ewul.


'Xh'" tllirel of tie[,.,,,,

24 The firft.

0 R CAMIR. The CHIALP S The third of the third. SOAGEiL

Or ea mir.
Ki. Cbi alp1.

So 4 ge el.

ne firft of the fourth.

The [econd OBV AORS
The thirds.

!J tht (econJ f the t.elfth.

Oj va '"

1'he firjl: f tile fifth 26 POP HAND

Ran gl11.m, hy the tYPelfth of the tYPelfth.

P1 ph11.ad.

(<)_Atrue 'l{elatwnofDr. Dee bir AElions ~ith fpirits, &c~

Th~ fecond.


7'h~ third.

Ni gr~ nil.

Jaz cbim.


7'be firft

7'ht thitJ.

0 R. PAN Is
:18 ., ..., Tilt ftrft of th~ [evmth.

Or Jtt ib.



Fods Ni.

71-t third.

Mal....... Httve patiace f~r ~while. s~, 011. 'The twe11t) PJintb htb th,u p4rts, The firft part bath llis Governfur t.t thirl of the 1:&. !1k- {ectml tbt fourth of the; - the fifth 6f tH 12.
30. 'Ibe thirtieth ...... h1Ztll4 pnts.
J 2

Ox lo tar.

E. K. Now he fiandeth off the Table.

tbe twtlfth.1 the fo~th. of the 12 ,

-4- -

t6e tlmd.

the fixtb.

The ftrft ofthe nine 11d t"entut~b4thflllln"biJ,, 96p. 1be{ecoHa ..... by t~ fourth of tbt 12. tmtkr hi P36. 7he fiftb f t~ 11. tbat 'Qvnontt' fl1llkr 7635

;o "fhte111tlft1Hftbe I3, 4632. The fecqnJ, .... by tbeft~urtbof~he 12. nm hi, 9636'. 'the third .... by tht third f the J41lkr ti7'32 'the l~tft .... by the fixth 56 32
o 'The tllrtb in the firft divijiQH of the 29.


by the fifth of the 12: 1ht thirJ, wb()[t Minifters re 7635

0 drtUt tJ.



1~ 2

rd true~lation of Dr. DeehiJ .ilElions ith Jpirits, &c.

30 ....., 1he firft of tbe 30 .... U1tder the
I l,

Gom zi am.

The [econti under tht f ourth o f

Gem 1 zimb.

The tbirJ ttltder the tbirJ.

The!aft ... by the fixthlf th~ 1:.
The wrth
none , . re : but

~d v~rpt.

As you gave us tafte, or warning of lt~li~ and Brit-ni~t, fo if it be thought good to we are detirous to underHand of the rcft, the Application to fuch names ai we undcrftanrl . Nal ....... Mal<_e 11n enJ f9r to J~ty: Give ever. Ma"'-e y oflr [elves re11dy for tQ morrtws A.Ciion.


.Mal. ..... 1 bnve Jone.

E. K. The Curtain is drawn.

~. Deo ornnipotemi,

Optimo, & IUa.ximo Univerfa machina creata laudcm gloriam &



norem reddat, nunc & in perpetuum,


ginning Dominr J efu Chrifte, faid by E. J(. and me.

There is ayrayer w ritten after the Action of Monday Mttii 21 . next here before bewhich I mifplaccd there; for after this; daye~ Adion, it wow



A true :l(_elatjon of Dr. Dee his ..dllions ith (piritJ, &c.


1') 3

Pars Q!1arta; Anno 15 84. Maii 23.


Cracovi.e, Maii 23. Mane, hora 7 ffere. Poft oratirmes noftr~ts.

Curtail} the firft looking. 1 ~~~~~~~~HeA. There appeared, atgreat ftorm,or temptation to E. K. of do,lbt~ A: happened a ing and miOiking our Infl:rufrors and their doings, and of contemning and condemning any thing that I knew or could do. I bare all things patiently for God his fake, &c. At length the Cnrtain was 9pened, and they appeared.

E. K. I am contented to fee, and to make true report of what they will ihew ; b~t my heart ftandeth againfi them.
Gab ....... 'the time {hall come, that the oa/t that if buttn with every ftorm fhall be aDining in the Princes Hall. . . . ob(e Gab ....... Move 1tot,f9r the place if h3ly. He that doubteth, doth the froperty of the fiejh, d~aubring .-. but he tbat bath faith, bath the gift of the llo!y Ghgfi. Th<! Swttllow fiietb [wift, but where {he & lit,bteth, there u 1t? remembrance of her bei;rg : fuch ltU the words of man. But our words are lik.,e wtto tt fwift ttrrow, th:tt l!ntrd~' and jtick_eth where it lighteth. A s man lotll!th the Owre for the Gold that win it, and .f~r the rnd of b~ ufe ; [o G1d loveth the J,unght'lls of the World, &c. But the memy,the more he lifteth up himftlf, the r.reltttr foal! be his~. I fufpett fall: for inffead of joy, fhall enter in an hundred, 11nd in{lu.d of.~~m dred 11. thoufanJ .But bewAre thi~ place te of thofe Rrbels; f'r they are lii<,e the [mall ftones which are in every_ place pf tlg J;aYtM. But bcJm['erfca. -~ve not. Let U& do that which is our part : Vnto others be it M they d[erve.

E. K. There appeareth a great thing like a Globe, turning upon b~!b::~;1:r. tvvo axe ll-trees. ing.
Nal~ ...... TNrn to t.be firft Air ...... t;.. I have done. N al. ...... The Earth in the fir[t ttyre, h this, [ E.JL pointing on .that Globe to it. J A. We befeech you fO bound or determine the Countries or Pardons of the EaHh, by
cheir unu.rooA .Longitudc:s and Latitud~.s, or by fame other .certain manner. Nal . . .... Our manner is, not as it i4 of wor!dlings : We deterruinr not places ~tfter the frms w:r.rdu; of let,r, 8r ~s luves- are: nezthert we clln i111llgi11 aHJ thing 11fter tbe fafhin of an [ A ] horn: as 1 t~

Notwithjtanding the Aitgel of fbe Lord Appe-~tred unto Pcolomie, 11.nd epened unto him tb~pr1;rts ~red~: ;~ of t"e 'E~trth : but fom~: be was command et!. to f: cret: and t~o[e are N Mthward under your Pole. l.Jmie. iJlt t~nto JO'R, tbe -wery true names of the World m her Creation 11.re deli'l!ered. ms t.. There appeared a grea.t water, long and narrow, reddilh, and thc:reby appeared. ng There appeared written qypt. He harh in his hand wrirtcn S]ria. And of that heo any raid, that it was the fecond of the firft. . .P~lcs ,., 0 lVlOI~ N01~ appeared a very fine Land and Region in which appeared a great City. in the ed<re of .atione. it. There appeared wrinen ..... Mt[9potamia. The eh ird of the firft. b Now appeared a large portion of the Earth, wherein appeared Beare, a great Ri rer from The fidl 0 f h' a Hill going into the Sea with three moutha. The word written Cappatlocill. fecond. t TJ,~ [ee'ond of the [erottd. writteH in his hand 'fu[ria. ~.I tu"~Y you, do yqu mean Tufcitt by ltaly l 7Dt third of the [uand: written Parw .A.fia. The firft ....- Hirca n i a - A. Mar~ CA{piumappcared by it.. 'Ihe { econd - - T18ra.cia The lajt Her~ app!ear people go{ng into Caves of the ..grmmd, anct .dwelfing in Gold Miacs Caves : . they are long hatred men, naked ; Here appear great H1Hs, and the vemes of 1he undc:rrhe Pole Gold Mmesapp~ar : t~e men fee m to have baskets of leather. T hi ~ is on:e of tbe places ilii- Arti,l(. dcrthcPole Arttck, wntten .... Go[mam. b.. - I s it fo called, of the people of(he Country? Nal. ...... E v en a..t this hour.


tb~&t tSU Cofm~gr~tp!ttrs do.


E. K. Here


A true ']{elation of D. Dee his .dEiionJ ~ithJPirits, &c.

E. K . . Here appeareth a mighty gr~at Hill, an~ about it a great Cave of water. Here appear beafis dtvers: fame ltke a Swine, with feet like a Beare, his neither jaw hanging to his and divers and a mighty Hill running, With branches: there by lie things \vi th huskcs on them.
The firft.

he appointeth,
..,r;tte11 The b a idi.

Here the Sun fhineth fair. Parfadal. The third----- Here appear pc0ple very beafi:ly, w.ith Mantles on their fhould~rs : and beafi:s with long fnouts.


Here appear great rotten trees, very old, great \Voods of t.hetn. Beyond the Woods are great Hills. Great Fens appear, and great Marifh.ground : Fowles as big as Swans, green, fcaled on their b~cks, in the wate."r.
The firft of the fifth Baariane. The fecon d - Cilicia. The t"rd Oxi?fll. 6. The firft ~f tbe fixtl1 The fe cond - - - Cyprus . Tie third ----- Parchia.

N nmidia.

7 'I'iefirft 6fthe fromth -


7'bef,cond-Tb~ thirtl A . (

Here is a great Defart: no Trees. in his hand --Arabia.

Phalagon. never heard of ir.

E .. K. It is toward the North, where the veines of Gold; and fuch 6 : Groyntud people appear as before were noted. On this fide them a great way :u Jrlliak. appear met~ with fwinifh fnouts, their vifage is fo firouted out; hut to be perceived to be of. humane vifage.. The women have abm,1t their privities very long h~lf down to thetr knees. The men have things on their lhoulders of beafts skins, as infiead of a Jerkin or a Man.. dillion.
8. The firft of tbt tighti- Mantiana.

People appear here of reddiili colour.

7'he{tcDnd- So-.;ia-

On the one fide of the black men

Ti~ third - - -

like Spaniards appear very high men with Spanilh Capes without Swords by their fides. Here appeare great Towns; divers ; The name being not evident we urged, and Gallia appeared.
8. Ibt fitft lllyria. The {tcond - .
...... If thouflir, tJ,,u_foalt lttvrr [te mort-- To E. K. Sogdiana. 7'ht thirJ Lydia.

A'true Relation of D. Dee his AEiitJnJ irb (piritJ, &c.

The firjt Ca[pi1.

t c; c;

7 be third.

Men like Dutchmen with leather ne.. ther fiocks. Here appear Monkies , great flocks. The people have leather Coats, _ .and no beards, thick leather, and Garthers. They gather up thinkg ......

NaL. .... 'fl.,e[e people arewJtk,nownwith)'"U


Are chcy noc in Africa l N a\. ... ,, Tb.y be. Now a dark fog covereth all the il~me. N.tl.. ,.. S tay awhilr.

E. I(. I pray you let us go to dinn'er. Move not, I fay. E. K. Nalvaf!.e prayeth. Nov.: he _pointeth to a place.
11 1be fir!l of the eleventb. Btthyma. 7'he ferond. [A gmtt Cit.ie, a;zd the Sea hard by it.] Gr:lcia. t.. Is not that great Citie Conftantinople? NaL. .... It u. There w.rhe feat of that great Devil che Turk.. Na\.. .... Hew b'ut Tenant at will. Licia. The third. 1 :o. The fi~{i of the twrlftb.

[. K. Here appear han.dfome men,in gathered tucked Garments,and

their fhooes come up to the middle of their legs, of diverfe coloured leather.
Nal ...... The[e be tho beyond Hifpaniola. [e

E. K. It is a low Countrey. Here appear great piles of !tones like St. Andrews Croffes. Two Notable .Rivers are here, The women have great covertures over their heads, coming from their fhoulders, as the Hoyks in Flanders. 0 ni Gap. Ther(Jare on this fide of i~, (a great way) a great number of dead

Nal. ..... It is beyond Gia pan. A. Then it is that land, which I ufc to eaU At/a,tis.

Nal, ..... 1heyftretch m~re near the Wefl: They


:25 Kingdoms in it.

7e J con cl ...... beyond a place wllere tie Ge[e. I India, India i n the hutvettly government is divided into t'JIIo p~trts. This ts called the grettt" lndc.
"l'be thirJ., ..... a grellt many litth Ifles.

Orchcnii. Do you mean rhe lfies of Ork..ney. MaL ..... N o. A. T hey feem to be the Illes of Malacha. "''he firft of the thir-temth ...... .hchaia.

The fecond , .. Armenia.

E. K. A great old Cafile fiandeth on the fide of the top of a ve.. ry high Hill. It fcemeth to be made of wood, It {eemeth four cor~
.a.. .J befeech you what is that Caftle ~ N,al .... Ir is the Ark of Noe,
Th~ th1rd ...... Cilicia.

MaL ..... Y1n never k.,.rtew this Cilicia, lr is 11p in tbe Mo unt~oins bt)'fJJtd Cathay,

This is Cilicia, whru the Chillre11 of Nemrod dr9~ll. Nimrod.

E. K, This

t.S 6

J true (l{_elation of Dr.. De.e hi1 AElians Jr.ith Jpit:tt$~ &c.

E. K. This people,fome great Cy.ants,artd. very fair. Their Apparel-is Gowns tuckt up, they are verycofi[y Appare!l'd, and in their.faces they have great Jewels Lib..! precious fioncs hanged, they are marvellouf .. Iy rich apparellcd in filks.
14- Thr firjf ...... Here fu, IH if mt~ny hDu[es were thrum Jown, 4nd C~tftles. Paphl~gonia. Ondy one H ill ttppellreth in it VtT.J loH g. 1h~ frcond ...... Phaziana. Tbe third ...... Here be nun with bro~t). Caps lik,.e E!yptian,, and many Mormt4ins 4re here ~" one fide Chaldei . S The fir.tt. ..... ltergi, Hne ppear Wo.ods, Wilters, 41td fair Tow1u, b11t the Peopf~ 11re yd!IJ-,., tawny, axd have great lumps of fielh under their Throats. They are to the South of the !all Cilicien s. 1brre are 14 Kingdoms of tbem. The fe~oHd .. .... Macedonia, The th rd ...... Garamantica. 'People qf 11 low fttttur~, Uack_., fr9artJ people-, na"~d. The firjl of the fixtrcnth . . Here lib,e men f wilde gejiure, cl~atlled lib,e Polonians. 7his Countrty is . ., ... ~aurom1tica. The [tcond .. .. .lEthiopia.

E. K. Here ;1re fomc naked , fome not naked , covered with red Garments. The houfes feem like Tents, made of cloath and leather.
There are g~eat Rivers.
The third.

Kinf!.s Co11n[rl are A /fiononurs. Th( Kings name thd ltiYP g'lventeth ~ Gap!a ca.r. T'lu firtf~. Suji thcu thu Coulituy .? ...... Colchica. To E. K. The [econJ ..... . Cireniaca ......

E. K. Now he theweth by the North-pole , and the great Mountain. fi a cim...... Here be [even 1CintJo7tts s their diief Citit wcttlluJ .Fiacim , all that are f thd

E. K. Hard by a greott water.

TI.Je third...... Nafamonia. The firtf...... Cartbago. The [eco~d.. . N-,w appear ma11 Cro~otlil.s,lng nrck.,rJ, fca!eJ IJ1t tbe body,YPith long taile.t .... y ....... Cox la~Jt. A great place appea1~erh, coverc.d abou r wicb fire. c.Mun.J gr"/t ~erptnts ppu r here of 2 00 f ot. lt apprafeth verJ Eaffward. No f-Poplt ..<p,tJtar here.

...... Th~ vrry [llmt ; from hmce he WIH turned out into t/Je earth. This is the trrle V'al~ of .Jofaphat. ' A. Will you give me leave ~ Say on, le fhould [eem this mufi be on the earth, not in the aire ....... It is t.~pon th~ earth. You faid that from hence he w.as turned out into the earth, .. .... The cw[e of G~d iH Adam C11u[ed the earth, where into he YPM t:llft t~ be amw[ed. for, if Ad am hd. a fter hi/-[Ill/ tarri.ed itJ Paradife , hi! JPick.,rdnte woulJ have altred the innoC'fflC..J of the pl~tce . Tb.-refo re il Pa'nsdtfe Jitl inguijhed f r.m the earrh, in rr[p~tl of her puritj cb~tuft the earth i1 drfiled, and Cfrrupted 11ith man. The earth i-J f aitl t.-be finftlll"in -re[~Ci f t/16}11 of "' an. _ . Till 45 degre~& , both Northerly and Southerly ~- 211 is kn8WI1 in clu: .mofi F' .of'-fhe A world: :aut of any fuch place there is no knowledge nor likelyhood by any HiftopY of the~ dayc~, or of o!d time,..

E. K . There cometh from Hea.vcn like a.Mill:, and covereth a gt~at place, about 300 mile long, like a Park, enclofed with fire. It is "on a Li.c.h ground. There coll)e four Rivers out of it , one Eaft, another W dt, another North, and another South. The pales, or endofure of it feem to be Arches,befet mofi ri.:hlywirh precious ftones. In the Gate of it fia'ndthreemen like u s,one is in' a long Go.vn with many pleats,.the other like in a Caffek. The thi rd in the rough skill 9f a be.-J.ft. In the name of efus : Is this the Paradi{e that A dam was banilhed out of?

Na\.. ,TIHrt-

- --. ... . . Then fo re tb~ u' cunning, and the wifdorn of God. N al.

@A.trt'e 'l{elatiorrofDr. Dece bf.s Affion'f ~Nth fpirits, &c.


'Ib~u d"!U/llth jlejh in it t't fhall ne, ~ r d ie, wbicb-.,.ere t.t},pt up (or tt t~ftimoJtr. of: 1rMth. ~. Eli<' and "E.wch, by the .l.poc~ly.ps do fc:etp that they: fh.ould fuffer duth, unde.r .Mltichri :~, i f~e underfi and right. There is E ll~, E'lfrJrh, and Jo'b n: They !hall {eem t o be dead. by his po\vt:r, bur noc dead.

Tbr t.hird -


X htteen Tbe firjf ~ Parfuvla. I ~11o w i t 1eot. 7. be {econd ~ - 1-drica. .. . ... '[bllt w~ underjfand commonly now for Gallia. It is tbJtt *bich ylu c.tll Flandria , tbe Lo"'P. Country. 'fhe third _ ______... E. K.. Here appear ltien with tallons like Lions.

They be very devils. There are five H1es of them. Thefe be they that ca.n dwell in any part of the &rth, and are called Piloft. Nothing ditfereth them, hut in that they have bodies.

::zo-'.fhe firft

E. K. Under the South Pole.

llnder the Here appear _little men with long beards: their Soutll ~o{e. bodies as childrens bodies.

N a\. ..... , 'fher~ dwdl~th tbe Wo11der[ul Emper.our of the WorlJ, .and tlu wonderful (';it.J fthc D. A wonder"H'fr/rl : H ert ttrc an b1tn'dreJ anJ. twtlvc K.htgd~ms. 1h~ G:ity u 11 huitdr6d frty fix le6t,rm fui ~cac Cirt.
~tbout. ~. You

. . 1'. I . underftand two En-ghih mt1 ror a eague, as m Fr11ce? es N al. '' ... I. Thetf' il"lflellcth the true genmrtio~e ~f Cham, Toll-am.
c~rcedonia. '.fhe fer:ond '.lhe third --~ ltalia.

~. Jt'ttlia and Rritaniit were before applied : the third of the r.~ and iir11: of the I-f: ..... Therefore th~fe two places to be reconciled. He pointeth to a great City with a Rtver by 1t ... ... ']'bis ;, rlntt Cit; "'l!bich .flutll not have tlnc ione fianding in it. TbM Cit.J in Italia l.. IS i.t Romt>, 1 pray yon ? Nal ....... It it f\.oma.

E. K. Now there is come a white mift in the Stone.

Ceafe, fa id


A voice ...... St~J f~r a while.

Na\. ... ... R.ud tit"' in myh~tnd As thD"' [uft th~"' [~.He fpake to i, K.]

E. K.

si The firft - - - - Britanii.

Thr feco ntl


The- third


"'hr firft


Marmarlcot. 7'he tbircl Concava ~yri,, 13 [tconrJ of th, few1ith

The fewcd


71, firfl - Geba.l; - - - - - . Ela~ 7'he thiril lduma. Nal. ...... It il beJllnd..Grcenland.

T.bt [ec~nd

vidt Elamitz.

24- Th't fir{t -- Media~ 'I~ [e~Qnfl - - - - .6nuna.

~ true~lation of D. Dee his

AElion.s Dith Jpirits, &c.


<fht third-___.. Chald.-ea. ,., 1 bcfeech y ou, ~hat differerh this _h4?dea from C-6lati before ? Nal. ...... 1ottjh._ll finde te i/iffn-enr:e ofiC, m praaice.
25 - - - ~-- Th(e peopl1 S erici. The [econd - - Pedia. The tbinl - - - - Gongatha-

E. K. Toward the South Pole.

Lions here.

26 The firff - - Gorftm Beares and The [ecod - - Hifpani~ . The third - - Pam?hlha - 21 1he firft - - - -Oacidi. . e ..l ..... .. Thae be 9 Kmr.dqms-

Fair made people; but tawny. E. K. It is much Northward-.

The fecond-- - -~ab~lon. The t h i r d - - - Med1an28

The firft - - - Idumian. . N al. ..... They lire tW9 ljles mvirond with arn. The [econd - - F dix Arabta. of the Scy thian Sell, which t.~eth in at Mafpi. 7 he third - - Mecagonitiden- It ftandc:ch very Southerly,


29 1he fir_{l - - - AIT}:ria, 'l.he [econd . . - - - Afrt~a . . 7he third - - - BaB:nam.

30 The fir 't - - Afran ..

The fi"cond - - - - Phrygta. 'Iht third - - Crera. 'Ihe fourth --Mauritania.

. Here appear people with one eye in their head, teeming to be in their breaft, toward the Equino.Sial.
a . I remember of people called Ari.Ma.[pi.

N al.

..... , 7'bi4 days Ld[o~


Nore...... . Hrr-e are

s, which were mver k.,~town in thefe tim(s

w M m~ch wort~, as all betwan thil a.Hd

.... The re(f are. ~ . I hear nothing of P lonit~,. c...Mo[ch1vin, Dania, Hiber~ia, Jjl,mdia, and fo ofmahy other which ! could name; what ts to be chou~ht.of tilofe ? m refp~a of the diltribucion of the whole face of the farth ? . . ..... Polonia and MoCchovi;a, are f Saromatia; Denmark, Ireland, F rizeland, Ifeland, t. Are under are of Britain: And fa it is 9( the reft. rhe R:giment t.., I befecch you eo what part, is .Atlttnllis and the annexed places, Under the King.of thH m"~r~a Spain called the We/t-lndies ? .r ; l ch,cf\y denotcth,(1,, Nal. When the1 e o appear,they can each tell w'at t hey own. Prepare fo r t1 morr:.ws .AtJioit. A. Moll: gladly __._

E. K. If you prove your felf tru~, you lhall win me to God.

Nal ... ... 1 ou ma.y be a;zfwered with the /irft words l _(pok.,e to day,

Deo, Op~. Mu:. fit omnis honor, laus ~ Gloria nunc & fempcr.

A mm.

Thurflay M ati. 24 Becaufe E. K. came not, ( accordi~t g as it was bilden y e!lerday) to follow the A8:i on : T wem to his StuJy door, and knocke~ for him: And I requetled him to come; and he refu!"ed fo to do, and ~ ave m e a (hort and refoluce anfwer, That he would never more Thofe word~ have 10 do wid1 thefe AC\ions. J ask ed him the rea[OJl why : He would g ive none : nuc he fpahc afrer earndtly denied to proceed . I toiJ him rl1ar !lis wo rd~ yefiemight (chat he eou ld not the 1\.tlion this day deale) did very mn ch grieve me, &f . whereof he made fmall acc*"'unr. So I went ended more into my .~mdy a9"ain, and commi:ted the l aufe to Gvd. ~han 2 "chhour Afrer half an hour :and le!Je, he camc- fpeedily out of his Study, and brom1:ht in his hand m l 11e a rn h d C harrer of that Book he read the ~ ber before my one Vo:ume of CornefiU1 4 g,nppa tS works, an m one Study of pra- names of Countries and Provinces colleeted om of Pco/omeJK (as rhe Author there norerh) cUce, Whereupon he inferred, t'h.t our fpiriruallnltruaors w~re C'Jnurs to give ~ tt de[cription of the World, t aken our of ocher Books :and therefore he wo1dd have no more t o do with them. 1 replied, and faid; I am very glad char y ou have a Book of you r own, wherein rh~fe Geographic~l names are exp1dfed, fudi a.s (for the moit part ) our lnfrru8ors had ddi vered nnto tl s :
. l.

A .t.rue Relation of Dr. Dee his AE/iQns "D1itb fPirits, &cc. 1.~9 -------------------------u s : and thar, accordin3 to the T.enor and for of my requefl: to him, fo to hav.~ chem exprdfed : for our mo re perfect information, by tbofe kno.wn names; to undefl:aoQ th?[~ 91 unknown and unheard of names, offevcn letters every ,one: whereby they (our Inftrufrors l mean ) are very greatly to be thanked, and eo be deemed (in all rc:afona~le mens judgements) mofi f riendly, and far from cofcnag~, or abufins of us : And farther I fa1d, that I my felf, bad here (et down on a paper, all the 9 1 names coget.herorderly, as we received them, and that 1 had h ere bron"ht the defcription Geographtcal of the whole earthly Globe: and alfo ~ r r Ch L r 'b Pompo 11 ilM u'l-t r/a. 1 et 1 orc h E I' n. Wit h t he. artes t~ereunro be1 111 _ng 1Hl ongmg, r 1 .d e,cn ed ,~,r y by 01111 d : T o the intent he ought fee the vency of the1r words ye~erd~y deh ver-ttd unto us: for the performance of my requeft made to them, on Tuefday lafl: m rhrs form of words, a s the 'Book hach it recorded rhus; t:.. As y ou gave m a rafie, or warning of Iralia and Brit1111i~t, fo, if it be thought good to you, we are delirous eo underftand of the reft , th~ Applic~ttion to [uch nanus as we

- -----

9 . Nlrnes of 1 the world~~ eathly h.~o..,l rzrion.

,. GewJ111 u. niv- r fal Ch:m

of the World.

Whereby you may perceive ([aid I to E. K.) h~w your reafon is marvdlou!1y confounded by your wil !ul p bamafie ; Forfomoch as, wh~rem. yon would find faulr; in ourfpiritual ]o(huttors doins, . Therein they have done that whtch I req~e.tled rh em : asappeareth ; and that to t he- inre~t , of known Countries we might underfl:and whicQ, Angels I1ad rhe governmt:nt : for fuch purpofes, as occa!Jon might offer 0~ require ourrraa:ices to be.tryed in. This ( qu,tb I ) j, to groff~ y our e_rror, and to wtl~ul yourwra~gling : But I do in nar rower points p erufe a11ci conhder chetr words and d omgs ; In wh1ch though famenmes my writings ( afn-r y our declaration ) bath been amended by them, yet the occafion of ruifwr ittino for the mol~ part, hath been either in your mifreporting what you faw and heard, or i11. ~y wrong hearing, or writing ! and fometime by the fpiricual prefent 'c orretting of my writing, aud fometimt: '1 onger after, &c Bm for all this, E. K. remained of his wilful intent; and fo departed to his Scndy aCTain : And I committed God his ( anfe, into his own hands,carc and ordering, as may be belt f~r his honour and glory. So be ic


. _ Monday, M aii 28. h' ra 10~ .t:nt~ meridiem.

A. I faid the lo'rds Prayer.

E. K. Here appeareth nothing but the clear Stone. Now there appeareth a white cirde , more than ufual : 'itis as it were a white fmoak, very large comprehending ail the heavens .in manner, having as it were, the breadth of my fing~r in1:he cir'cumference or border of it.
t:. . After t \ is, an hour and an half, after divers our difcourfd of my Wife her fpeeches and ufage toward E. K. &c

E. K_. Her-e appeareth one like him in the green that appeared Iafr
day : the Etymologie of : whofe name is Die illi.r, and his name
t:. . In the name of Jcftis, and for the honour c.f J efus, we befeech yon to .deliver the Hrity ofyourmdfa~e. Mapf. ...... He liveth, and hr {~t ith, Ari[t up, and fay unto them. . H o'W .tnti11J times hav~ 1 opened my ttr,jtts to etbrac.~ you ? H 'ow nft h~v"t J w~pt over JOU,M a father .? B ut y oh art jfill, ftiff-ncrk,ed and di.fobediext chi/J.rm, L o, I CC<\fe yet, nd will not imputl' thit ?f?icl<_edlfe.!Jeunto Fortt, Ceafe


. 0 bletfed.God, blelfed God,.blelfad God of mercies. ) and tlm n ro .r. 'J'~namt, 'h r, be underftood ( . .... .. RecLu1 e my promt~r.~s may b~: n.o rw't./,fl I t hiz~ t .~ 1o11s pf mtn,.tay n11t [aJ; From .Puniih ap 1 [ucb a d~y cor;trth in ~he Bridf.e,roo11f; nor d fuch tt- timt foal! tb.t ~ Lilf.J .{pring : Let the. dJCJ, ing you, that I w1l1 v1fit you m, be unlzno-wn unto you. A perYerfc E ..K. I thought you would fav fo.,

nor.or c~re:

. utterpart .. .. , .. Bind up togtther,.4S leaim; -wllofe sl<_in jhall ber Sil"ZZtY: '3oj.h.ch~s, in length; 8, iltbrra.dt;J, A. Do you require: it to be parch mcnt, or paper? Map . . ~ ... .,I bttve faiJ.
~. What

.Map....... But thif yonfoall do


Wb(e P.er:imeter ,.f odi ~e Pcrimeccr.

t !3o] f

lhaH _, then, do, after~ have c.aufe~ 4g lea'/es t.o .be.bound r I Map....... Tbl's done) rife up, tmJ Jerform y our Journey, #s y du 1u .&ommiUiiltJ..


1 ~0
__..... .
6 . Pcrvctfc. . lnwrdtl EonoTl(/fl,

.dtr,ue'J(ebztionof Dr. Deehis Aflio~sDithjjirits,&c.

. , 1 h d 1 ,xf the binding of the book : Mean yon af~tr rhe binding of the book

Our ~omg to t.. 1 1avc car one y..., . rhc Emperour' thac this )ourm:y fuall be enrted mro? Cour[. M I _ _ _ ___._ _ . - -___ ____.~_..... _ _ _ _ . _

M ap..... .'Tl,e f our tee"th J.a of JOllY rea, even thi-1 'l'able-Cloath, tmd none other fhl b( [puad . ,. './ J' . .[Bra Bank,_d. E K H . h h'

A.apWh~~ fhall I do with the book , after I .have ~ound it? E. K. I '\'vi'l1 anfwer for him ....burn tt.

. .e pom tet to t ts n .. J"l per T able-Cioath.

Trf h t you (hall invite the Angds of the Lor.d: In the miJde(t of the Tt~ble '1-zy down the I'Y, crerm o, 1 ""~ 'ji f h d hook_ and go f~rtb; mal(e lfo the doors af.ter JO.U. . hat the heavms m~) JU;>~ ~your lltt ' au Dh;vine mea~~. , 0H 11111y be c )mfurted. For, 7ttll1f is not wurthy tl wnte that jh!t!L be wrttten: nezt~r jhall there b~ 1 T c Em?e h b J, f~uxd tuany worthy to opm t at oo'\: rour. 1.. heart.. F our moner.:, 1 have entertd alread:y inr.o the . Ewperours :d L d d d -1 .J d LVrdl lib. 19But lt maJ be.ht wi!l.btc(Jnte Wllfull, If .he o a un re an .tw~:v.euayes .reruaiO> :a,n -~ s c.,tcm'e. l , is noc. . 1~4. For I have cut down the b 4nk!~ the 11-llt.~rs .may rujh tiUt, that .thue may .be 11 [udden ~\ceratl

T hc wnonv; oflhc book by


Su .I den alte ration in this


the Sun .lfOr Moon, bltt .be y a]w.qes. For, whom I findr 11/'t,.fla/1 be mA.tle "t}ter: And to ~ t~P! . u barren, fhall tbae be little 11ddeJ Three da e~ 1 _ Three da~e! beror~ you take.your voyage, jhlfll you mret me ~ere. . before oJr F'or, 'I' htt.v~ fomethmg to fay unto you, YJ?hzch ]hall b~ bzddm r zll. then. .. . . . j ourney to the L~t Lasky Jfretch out hulims: Fo~ I Will* love In m, and let bHn t,ttp~ ypzJe :And ta/te much' lEmpcrour... for thr Vtffel is wide,. that he Jhall drznb,. 1Jf. . . . : Vule Ju"11 "< L .t him no~ defp:ur: for lu that t,overnetb the w.l(des, .swl dwelletb not m the hands of man,ile u ~n t~L. is that ]halL comfort him. . . . . , .. . J'Iather . Glory bet~ God the Father. Glory be to Go.d the Son. Glory be .to . .Hl t.IJe.J;Qt, . O.hll.lf~ -.All. th1 G d : on. Heavens rife up, And glorifie God. S 60 H9 1Y A. Amen. Ghofl. u . .. .rnap.. ; ...:HA-11el Uj.a..,. ThcCalls, ot' A. 1 befeech you, as concerning the rdhof the Calls, .or.invitations: w.e ..are .mafi rea~ ,to r~cei-ve theD!now. lo-filations. l:l Thu fday Map...... Pray:,;tbat tlxi[e ~hrrnJ.gyes to eo'me, nllly' f.tisfie #llo[e tru da~s tbct are ta.lt~ Friday, SartH~ t:.. (' befeech you to let me underfiand, whether I lhall take with me o~e!J thii-TaW_c-.

us of :any recurh<11g anppe:areth 'Y ttle nineteenth book.; Therefore with humiliry i:hat doilbt mufl: be moved. Be ready alwayc~.

When I warn you , J ;t~ { lhall recurn: B!tt you . .PI.eafe Rerurn W2rred, :as before \!tU bid much, if you .believe, Jf .titHe gover.n t~oL -1) rt'Jjidrncr, (rrt den.,.May ~ t .:Bu~e munt aot to w:arR :tJine not) but. let m~ .prouide.nct got~rrn ..i.me : Lo~k... V;t-.ilb.er.fw t 1

In thH, now,. tH11e.

. '



:er~if~i~ ua.

clay hfl,wcrc Cloach. J~(l Cc l!. K. Map .... ,. With rhe fhewftQne.th'.tt is nud~f.br,YOIIY folf . h'~r'' q:.11:\; A v0yce ...... Cn.uft' tht boo\ to be made all ready.


l undedbwd chat I lhall caufe the leaves to .bdilver'.d,. Wld fo prepar.cd.

&. Mlfe-riotd~

D0nuni in etcrnum cancabo: Ejus nomen ftt hen~;d ;aum ex hoe mmc & j,n ftmlpt.cenia feciiJorum fecula : lUe folus-eA: Deus Noficr, Ornnipotens,etcrnus & vivus : Illi foli omnili honor> laus & Gloria. Amm.

Strturday, Cracoviz. . zMan~ tm a. 7. Poft.pr'ece.s ~t!iquot & petiti:.nes m.eas.: ftatinr ftr1 n.pparuit.

E. K. I fec .him, that we call Gabriel, fitting in his Ch.air alone.

111 ll work.,s~ vJ.J.,g,ntjy11fg> themby

Tll: Devil.

. <:Jabr...... God H. a /Pi.rit _.Ifentja/:ntd in himfUf :' ~!Jmt.iri~ AJfd worlting hy bimfe!L .I.fmtll e /i.imfdf :.So tbd the begznnmg and endmf. pf 11ll things:, tlr.s~ ~~;re ~lr~.lld'J,.or 'llY"t<-in:him alreitdy, IT1td tot'D'mi) iif>l~tced zn ~!Je f~rmtain, a,ocLwdl-fpring \\If ,a-ll life, comfort, and encreafe: Wherrby we fee, that the. he.lliJens and the mi,ght.J. po111e,rs th~rtin from the bighejf unto tbe !owejt, thi1tf,S that flail blhl1 llf!ffld, :4ffll t'he~irth 'lrltb r !l'that foe' brin$eth forth; )t'~, the ~' wer parts (though ll[ter a~other mamur, 1111~ by wnothe~ coJi.t:{t:)~ niL ba~tg, 4 nd. are e/C~tb!ijhd,m and ~po,t the unfpe.a~al!e fnw.n :m the prcvidmce ofJJzm. #(11'11', thtrrfor~ .call 'th~ t:lu:z:e,srtttt ll"ffrll Or lh~ rnrth, (for rbe"Eldl Ja/ze.J,wAnt-lt. 'omforJerl Or ,the f(nur p!acrs loo'<. fer comfort? If it le f' _(rberrfo:d J,l;v1 t ~JJel.Je4_v.~.s.c4mt~t m-< f Onif tllle p~w'tr of God be Jo mrghty, a11rl Jo full l.f pre-.aJimg; If m the hor1 of light there be.no dAr'k_iN>J]e, or [Tom the fr H ~ave~ c11n dtffnrd n.o ~ic~rJnrfJr; ( And tpby? hecat~Je 1hry ll.re.dign.l/iui in:t/,e pt/SPer of G4d.) Wh11t w he that Jhou!d bve, ami d1fircft the Lord? B11t beuill,) Thc._ power,and quality. of the


D.~~i.l is nor one!y nun.\fefr, b~t alfo fii I! ~one ended\ (Z~a)njft~t poJfer_ 4nd w.ill ~f God : J!irring Fa !ling, rni(. ,,, ~n4 pro.vokjng man to fajf ~t full ~ank~ts_, to jtudy_ for ~~.od and ev1l. T~ rife up ~gamft tbr l1kc~ ot tbe L ord, 11nd Agllin;t hw powrr. And to vex the Lord hzmfrlf: which C llnnot be vrxul a~ the wirJt...e d- DCVII, tff~ pf th.f Devil., l>v.~n fbr tbil Clft!}"r,f11yeth the L ord Ul! tfl.}qu-: Il"'W long 'lliii,)'otl wallow i11 wick.._idne(Jd H ,w lo11g will )OU be druHk..,en with f olly l H~w long' will you rift up ngain{l the t.. "Eor~itutli L ori aud againft me l * S IIJmg, AnJ if thw be the power of God, Art tJufe t~ Mrffagers of nrm P'"'~~"lt[ the bighrjl? Is tbid the will of God I Ot can it be,tbat he bi(th c~re of the eartb l J ut thefe are the ctntt"'e: H~~ bl4fphrmier of your moutb. But I fee, I mufi ~ifferre my[df for a rime,and_muft raife tlp .a .Table ;~;"'" 0 ,:,~: ~ 'Jf~tre t~fT( jh~tll ellt more worthy. C~J!fidrr Jl.'hat it i1 t~ dt11.l ~ith Devils :Is it ~tot to tak..e pt~rt tjlls eft. -,pith ~r~el~ l lr it 1l?t to be Tr4it9r.( dg.rin_tl the ~nnoi1tted in hil swn KingJo m ; bit 110 t a greater Bbfph:mies. fi thtn the ji~ of the D evil! For why, The Devil finnetb in him[e/f, tt1:d tberefo r~ had. hw fall. nf runhlhrnent .Bli! JO!fT ft.ff I if JIIIT felvrf ~n4 /,y the D evil, 11.nd therefor~ it if the greater. But, tH it ufai~ be- ~Gn ~:: t~~=n~ ftrr~ Whrre i1 tber~ ". ~~ni111e11t upon the erzrth t?_ttt t~e people have raifed. up, i1t the remnnbrance of ycc ~of C oo his Jpjcf..ef!tsrJJe ? /yf4~/ ~h~te be t~a.t fay, L o, there'y Hteru[a lem. Lo, t9n-e WIH tbe Lord. buried. moll mmifull ~q, there the ft.oud~ dividtJ themfelves ~ith all the reft; in rem~mb rlf.1f.Ce of the L orl- : Bur nme vi!ici~g of_us. ikert if tl?ar fy, L~, i'f thS, plif~e the wick._ed have ~i[en up anti prevt~ileJ. Therefore to cleave~~~~ wnb Wlto the f~rtl ir g~q4~ 41f4 r, {11/orp a f-enjib le Do{]~itu, .,bicb brmget!, witb it [elf the loath.fomneff: i he Ikvil r of ~ick,.ednrj[e, and the fludJ to rU well, that t~e Wtck._ed may be cmfound~d. AliH I let t.Ye whole Sopbiftry. urth rife ''f, [:hmfting,up his hand] even this band,ca11 gather the~ all together : what t~eufore ctm thl' Lord do when b froYPneth? 0 unreafonble Creatures, ffnd wcrfe thm be~Jfs, more ig~eort~nt fben thf /:(lt ifs tblft .( Til[t in the Momttazns: Are )Otl not -4-fr~id of tire PQW_tr of God,whe, it becoceth it sk._ourgr l For, doubt you 11ot, to Jeal with tho{e t. ttt are wick._uJ 1 ( yg'u of no fait h) 7f7herefo re h lut.th the Lflr4 made the earth, bt to be glorifi.e4 jJt the creaturer rhrrtof .t ..,dnd what is :he that glrifieth God u urth brt 1111111? Thirtk..Y"' [ n :t] (therefore) that thr L ord, hatb not care of his 'Jeople l Tllink.. 'O't th.zt thrre ;s 1. Seat upon rartb, 'llfherrin /,e bll'th not bidde~t the mi.f!.~t of his free l-911ter? V 1tb Sgt,tn get a S~ed th.:f he is not pri:J} of l Br:lieve, 0 you of little Faith, for it is ;:- p 2 ich. de power of God, zt. is the Key of the whole world., which is t he Key of mans CQn{cie>zce: If he Faith i rhe lo;k_ not the door ' but lkpart And lettve it open : W o be to that .Soul, f~r the Prince of d~trk.Jzeffe en- K~y of m2 ns tretiJ, and ir poffiffid. to tb1 etern al wo of hir dwelling pl4ce. If, therefore the earrb be a C ate '.o;;fcy;:~i . Jmtf_ him that made it,(a~ appefrerh by ~is Prop~et~, and .h.J tbe s~n of God.) What are you~ Or ch/t,iekl~~. b,ow tmpcy are you ? Whep. y ou think i t zs "' vazn , thac tb.e Lord hath appeared umo e.K. Very ve-


Btd i~t you-wo is figured t_he ti~tte to come : For maHy jh~oll cleave unto th~ L ord, even ~t tht; firft ~'6 ure of th call : And many jhall1oubt of tbe _ Lord., 11nd not btliev hi~ f,_ a {ea[,.,, r !lut M you two foal! tirJrocoru,~ J.ell ;u one Center, (if you ( }lt) do ll>o~for'IP~rd~ jlf'p !'tbt) So fha 11 thr fa~ of the wlrole Yidt lib. 1 9: urth oe, for~oo. one lumdreti tntd fifty )tllrs. Pr<~t.e'-7Aul (For, tb_e.f!llit of Prtzdife lhall appea r, -~lntf 11othiHg tntt) be M e~trth wi thout curforr. V*m o11il(, 'tor, fo, tbi ftrf! jhttlll e ltyf,) 4nd it jha ll be a Kingdom 'wit/JQut corruptun. ~r:-~e:,rs; , N ow, now, hath the Se rpe~t wallow_d hir fill~ . c~p. 1 !. "ill No'IP, N w, are a!/ thutgr zH the pnd.e of the~r Wtck,tJ,~, ParaJife . Now,~~~, is the Heir retzdy, mojf li/te his father. A.t'fi ~mto the ~arth through his govern- Psrad:(e wa~

hcroent!y fp~


menr ,.,s Kznga.om Jh att r.~d?Je 1m .e11a Wit~ "''J (r.J. AJIG fNr-- ttte the - lftttr aayes. Aml this is the j<yed be en. 1 r.. J r.. :r: .1 .r. lafho For, 1 . 1 .1 llaft Proph.c:,Gc of . the W ~rld.. . 1\egn~m Dei . . No~, Jt.,o'fl',.?ha/1 rme K mg rfr up ~gar.nft ~1zotb~r: Anl thert Jl!afl be Uou~ Jhrd throu,hout: ll the mille a11Mr/(m W~rld: fi ghcmg becwc:cn the . cvtl hts Ktngdom, and the B:m,dom of ltght. O de q~to, c2p.1o. ~OJitlnli~lf.{ aJJ~ .quar:re{s 0~ the ea:th bmvun mart ana lf~J1,f~ther ;,,q fpn >wife and PTMbanJ, ::.~=~r~!ri lis Kingdo "' 11nd. Kz_nr,dom ;Jell., rve_ m the very beafts of the field foal! th~re ~e . lunrrd ~ .4nd into Dia novi/,m ' n tbtm }hall the fptnts ofConcentwn enter. iftifw~t . Far, now"r.otnith the necdficy of thing1. T he lauPro
Gab .. , .. . A; fo r you, tbH4 f ayeth tbe- L~rd. A. A 1 I l'~v.e c b-e ;~u, to enter nit~~ ba~~ : ~,nd htt;veco1fl'jnUt&etl~ .lO.Jit~ ~pe11 the Cor. > thal the ~tn n fcattered ma-! apfear, and th4t wbtch remazn_ezlir,zH t_he jheaf may ft~tn_d. And have ~ntered into the 'Po . .P "fi.rfl, and fo mto the {wenth. And have d.e/zve-red N.nto yoH ch.c T eJhmony Of my fp1rit to come. Etca ron, F. or, my Barn hath bem ~~niJJPith~ut Thre(hers. And I "ve k,.ept . my flayles t'or a lang time hid The twofold. 1~ 1.~ t U/ 'n. ~'. . manner f thrs .., .Wt""'o~n p a_ces: ~r h ''" fil'? 1e hc D o~nJlt: th at 1 d e1 ay lSt 1ver u~to -!ou: "rllch il the Inftrummt Dotb ine. of thrajhmg, wherewzth_ }hall beat tile jhettfs; that the Corn wh1ch lS fcatt~red , <ind the rcft The Sayle for you PJ&f be alh:me. Gocl his B~ ( But tt .wo;rd iJt the meat~ [e4{o1 t.) . VnMm ovile [11 If 1 b_ _ e Maft.tr of_the B ~ rn, owner of ~he ~.orJi , _ _ antl deliveuf of r11Y flAJle: 1[ ~ll be mine. tllr~m,ram o'l)} ( A11d.tutto you_, rilere u no!hutg :for you arr bzrelmgs, wliofe reward. il hravrn. J um J {lib P!'""' 'Ihm Ju~ that you 1uitht-F thre.fh, mr unbi.Jtde) umill I bid you, ht it br iufficieltt untyou : that ~tor;, qlfttm &tlt{1. .r. '1. h b . ,.. r1ar/(m, c .JO~ -vzow my heu e, tM Y_Ou _ '\.now t e la our I wfll_pu~ J~ t~ :. "(bat I f~vo!lr y~u [o 1ftur.b t1t tl ent~r- Note, biddin,.1 tAtn you thtl abourerr wzthtn tt'J Barn :For wzthm JJ r.hrejhdb lione wzthoJJt my confent.;

Gdhilade, add

f.. K. He now knee leth down.

phdic. Bell & c onrN entiDflinu; f ecc 1ty o things, viae

Our uomog For,iu)'OU.fhall many peop!r bebirjJM, ttnci.'inyou .fhall there be 11() prorniled. a cob (hall be j oyned together; 1tnd their Kingd1m Jhall be all one: "For Efau & ~cob. the Prie,fs be.

divifion: For Ef3u 11nd as the S~tcrifice is, fnnuft

E .. K. Now he kneeleth down again.


Me thinketh, I hear them

fay, VVhat !hall become of Lask.je ? E. K. And fo the people fay. .

[ As/z me no ~ejtions : but hear, what I have to fay.] . .As tbJfc that dffire to mak,_e ll fpeedl Dinner, and to entrrtain their gue{ti, go fudden!y out, llnd gather tbe drye(f wood in the YPood-pile: N ot becaufc it is mor.e wood than the fther.;- tut b~caufe it A. L. u dn', and v,10ft apt for the f peedinefs of the kitchen. So, it is '1Pith e, faith. the ~or d. A. L. The apt For> I re[pe{f him not in thrtt h1: if a man, but in re[pe{f of the manner of hu; nunde ttnd inell in theworld ward man, v.hich I fincl'in refpea of my purpofe, apteff in the world:. becaufe ~e naturally hateth f:r~~::c~d: the wicked, Thc~efor: naturally I (ove him, of <JJ~ho~ 1 faj ~[wear) . If he follo.w me \faith ~h~ P li Lord) I will be Wtth hun,as I was wtth my t Warner at Hurzch~ : And I wd! be mzghty wzth t 'J'[ur, cap. 5' hzm in this world,a1td a 'fo11er of hi m f9r ever. But me think.,eth he wtll bet ~roud. If you find mt rh 6. Micbael weak,_: k_now you, thu I am not wettk.,, of my {elf ; bur your own weaknefs tnay be .your cantile 11PP11rmt fulion. For I am a fir~, and t ak..e hold offuch matter as I find pt. t~~ide of A.L. E. K. He kneeleth again. fuf,,c"!.ed. I have now toltl you ( "'l Brrtbrm) of, And of the manner ~f. the p1wer of God. 1 D 'Ul if,fll! :nos 2. or the n4ture of Hell, and of her wic1 tdn(IT(. aur rm,matcria. J '\J .U ' Neccf)icy. 3. Of the cour[e of th~ Wor!J, nd of t/,e neceffity of things. 4 Of your detlioH, avd of themtithereof. 5 Of Lask ie, And wh7 he is eleCJed. 'Note. 9 Now I am lafl!y t o per[wa.deyou, by the power of God, thaty ou mak,_e your [elves apt and Arrr. ::nd meet meet m acter : ttnd that you may ftand before the Lorti as cctptlf.b!e : which .JoU jhall perf9rm if mmer. you intend your former Letfons. The grouna whereof if Humility 11ni Perfev~ranr.e, which be.:. H l!m;lity. cau[e they h~tve been often [pok,:n of, I paffe '1Pitb referring y()u to the.confiJeration tlureof. FCrfc..,erance. Givmy, you one W{lrning, T hat th;s A{fi~n jJa!l never come to paffc , until -there be no.re~ ~J:.~:n C.: a- m emhrance of wick edneffe, or hell, left amongft you : 4nd yet, af ter, for a time, y~u muft have pnrimcc. For, Y ' Ur offices ate ~tbove a Kmgdo m. Hinder Hot tile L~rd in his expeditions . We rn-:,s!l: e-o to Remember he hnth commanded you to go to the Emperour. Happy' id he) that cometh when th.e Emre~our. he is bid Go. .And fo olijh i-f be, t~t goetb not, when he id bidden. J "I~~ pl;1 ce fQr There, ufe thy feJf: fo r it fhalJ be a key of thy habitation : An4 for that J.!ace, i4 ~~ .wh1c~ my A_n- Angd of thy Creatton fealed. Love together : ;f:Ie humble and Clntinue to the en . ~e}, 0~<;{eaMn e.: Deonoftro immortali, invifibili, omnipot~ti, & Patri mifericerdiarum, ejufque filio :;~; ~~der- Redemptor i nofrro, & Deo ~piri~ui . Sant.to, fit omnis laus, gloria & graciarum altio. nand '2.~ yet,ei: .AmetJ.
ther che Em perours Court,


Monday, . t Cr_(iuvie t 4, Ju Mane, hora 8. n.ii, Orationem dominic~tmgenibM flexu retitllvi, v11ria[quc juxta popofitam materiam ejacullttitm(1 h11bui, vuria[que inter nos colfationes, cnnfiderationefque ulti morum verb~rum iffilii GabriP.f.id, &c.
After almoft an h.ou r after our 1itcingro the Aetion, he appeared.

E . .'K . Gabriel is here again in his Chair, and his dart upright in his
hand, his dart is like a flame or fiaff of fire.
t:. .Bletfc:d be God.
t:. . Afcer his appearing, he frayed almoft a quarter

of an hour before he began.

Gab. ...... As God in bu effential beiH if a Spirit, with1ut Jemonjtration, [1 arc hh profou11d g, -providences, wor"-.s, and drterminations, unable to be mrafured.

[E. K. He maketh curfie: but nothir.g appeareth in the Stone.]

Gabr . ..... Htreby 1HII) youfind;thttt the IGveof God towards you ( 0 wretches ttndfimrers) H tuore than a love :. ttHd mDrt than c~n Ire rneafuud, .which was the cafiJe,that with hid o'W~ finger, ( delit,hting in the [ons of Jacob~ )hefeafed thw [ajing; J~lt with his o1rn finger, thit. fhew anJ fign of hi-t ex(el/ent,and 111,c tha,, love toward bid people. Goti hi5 jca I am a j ralous God ; which is as much to fay, Lo, I am your f riend : na7, rathery~ur f ~tht'r;, l~ fic. and more than that,Jiur God: wh:ch delighteth in you, rej~yreth in y ou, And lovetb you with that Exod. 10. a. affeCtion [ J ealoufie which is more than love : 11. hich is As much to [AJ, tH my !eve is fur./, toPcu[, S a. warJ you, as I am to my Celf. But, 0 y e jlijJ- ned1,_ed ] tws, 0 y~ Strumpets,yoN defp;frJ the /ov~ ef God,you ro~-~:mztted ttdu!tery, ~nd ran into the Temples of Idols : whichwrH th~ caufe, tb~t the fame inomh, thAt praifed;ou btf ore,

[ E. K. He maketh curfie often. ]


... Said -it>lfo ofyou j Ii 'r~peHttfh rh tbtrt f Tflltd~ thU ptoplr. Let nie raze t~em out, an,d ma]l,_e a peopl~ of * thee. 7his Idolatry WM the cau[e, from time to time, that you berame Captives, To Mofn llnd of Inberitours, Rultntzr.ates, ~tnd with~uP Maffer.. Vnto J~U alfo, tbuo faitb _the Urd (unto Exod. Jl.. B 'foit 11t}.B't'l!.!'brht, I fay thirtate h~.e) Mor~ than t~~ t~v~ (Jf ~fa~he'r'is~ i1 t'-'e lbw of Gad to~ard ~~~ti(!;.c JOtl : F-or~. tnm w?ich of t.6e G~ntzle~, EatJj the L1rd fhewed bnnfelf? 1Pbere dinll ~bey, or wbere The unmei~ bn:e they .dw-rllrd, Into ~hofe honlt'S ha~t the Ahge\s ofthe Lord dercended, faymg;thns and fut:ablc love-of rhus, doth the God of Hearth arid eartl1 1Hdn to 'd'eltle \vi.th th'e World. God. award us 1_i,in/tJb1l >fbt, th:;t tbu ir more tbllit love l L~ut rh~refore lrlf'rro1P/y into JQHt [elvtr: Vn- A: L. [),. ..EK, {~vr;r tf.~ dbmgs of y onr llfe , ami. [tr. et Ch a!nbers : EM er into jtalg~ n;ent witb ) O fe!vrr. Vnto hhortauon r !Ir tbu I [p fak.. [ To E. K. H nJf thou notrun 11ftrayfrom t-h~ Lgrt/, a1ttl cornmittd U.o!atry?. ~~:nd~e~~of t:. . He told E. K. oflt~s f'attlt s3 whi~::b E. K. would not exprdfe to me; and I delired h1m life. w Ii it en eo them, and to do as it ap_per~aineth to a Chrifiian, &c. G~b, ;. ;. . Bur. t hM Jlli~h the Lord~ r a~h a _p~rt_ Sphi~ t~at ~:~.rticipateth not with the deGod .bled ; nett heT can I e11t~t lt1 mercy mto tha c hbttfe uvhtcb ts dertled. A great faying,my Brethen : For 6errby Jrni llr'e mon~fheil to mttkj your ~nfcience's cle~n> to opw yottr fel \>es in purenefs, to th~ Lord, th.'T-t he may enter imo J1U witl} c~mfort. :For, h long ItS thou dcalejt witb 'f!ick.,e~ fp;r!ts, wilL the Lord k..up ba ck_ ~is hands: and thou kc:epefi back the ~ord. for.fh,._!t The Lord kept ~r not ve [asd hereafter i L,o, tt 11ot thiS man k..nown to have deaimg 'W'tth the wzck,~d? And ( ~ back. the foolif!J 7/0tces of tbe p~ople are ) Is not this he that can con0:1.'ain the wic/zed ? with further flrgummts, by r:petition of tby doing!. Wdl, if thm wilt be te Mi1tijfer of G~d; If thou wilt go forrpard in his Work.! ; If tWII wilt P~ the hitppy. titHes tEat lfl! to come,. thou mutt a!:{tain from evil, and tht~u mufi [weep thy houfe clean ; Tbou mttft put on thy beft garm~nts, And mull: become The chief lefhumble an cl meek. Let n1t ihJ life be a f~andll! to th~ willf the LOrd, and t~ i:he greatneJJe of fon. . his Work.,s : For the tnwe: thitt is fl7ithin ~~j fo-nl (in refpefl of his elfential quid, ) is of great f orce The cff~h~al r 11-ttd abil~ty toperforin rkofe things that pr"oceed with power= which fs the caTI[e that the wic/zed <;hlraffEte;,_C:ah- .r. r [IOn 0 " " IS oues obey thee; for they fear themJelves, wben they fee the 1Ca l'o f t hy c reatton. foul,and lothe Tbis is therefore the Caltfc:, t hat God finding thee ( tts he pn.fftth by, by his Angel) fit in c:~ufc ot his matter, but, my brotber (God lzncwcth ) fa r'untit Hi life. 0 C6njid~.r the di[,Hit) bf t!Jy Crea eleaion. tion ; Confitier thtl the njfd{tofl ()J God to~ard thee, w more thanJov_e . . See how h! be4reth with . ~r~. thy infirmity, from time to time. . 0, ~fay~ (yet ) Enter into judgement with thy [elf: .And ?n.!in; th~~s Co;tjider, that ,bou art now at a 'l'Hrnzng where there heth two WttJ er : Om? jhail be to thy eo m~ fit in 111 mer, fort, The oth~r to thy ?~tpetuttl 'WtJ. Let not good ground brinf. forth w~cds, leji: it .cbol{_e her unfit in life.



t:.. We will call ilnro God.f,1 r hts mercies, gra.ce:s-, a:nd help, e"r. 0, confider, my brother that the appearing and 'W9r'<J of the devil are ~ut of nece[Jity. That is The nec:efsit~ tD fay,_ ~hat he that w go;d, by refi.J~in$ ~f _ devil may manife.ft _ the and mak,.e pl11~tt to the p11wers ~~i::: Dtvtl~ and [ptrrts of Heaven, the ./l:rntgth of hu fazth, and_affurance of bts H ope : 11nd fo, necelJarily; by g l the promife 'of God, inherit 1/tr!Aftinf!. life, to the which be is ele[fed. To th~ wiqk._ed; that be- either "ltb c~tu[e of thhr difobediuKe a1td partak.jng wi.th them, thlft ttre tb~ A ngels of darf<.:nrffe, ( even tho[e, good men thar {trive itf,niJfjt the L IJtd) thej might "'Porthily be Ja~J~ned : ~ccording 't ? the nc:cc:ffity of God . :z. his judgement. Su, tberefore they appeare unto thee, either fo r the greatnefs of thy wic}(ednefs, or Wth evtl or elfe becaufe thry fufpea thee to be elected, lf thou, therefore thin!( thy [elf eldld, defpJe men. them ; If tb111 therefore think.. to be~ f?irit Jignified; dnd in glory, Then b~ faithful in thea afst.J~ ranee of hol)e, and ufijl the devil: that we may tc:fiifie thee, befoie the heavens, and before Teftihcui on the God of Jufl:i ce. Angelica! of

E. K. He weepeth.

E.K. his Con


A. E. K. and I atfo could not hold our teares, Ab, my brother, great are the joyes of l!eavm. Ret~mber what Hell u; for to thee the * For~ +-An, 1-)~t. nac~ was opm: Renu.mber the ~i{ion thou l.ladfi of ~ell, _ n1 of her powrrs, a.t M~rtlake. For ~o;;::;~;;,d n Hothmg (my brother) 11 done w~th!Jut 1t. cttufe. Remember t/i ;u couldj mt abtde zt: No not to fr.e : : Think.. th felf accurfed ( thertfore ) if thou feel it: For, if Sodom bad feen it, t/,e.J y would have been converted.

E. K. He prayeth.
I. 2.

I lutv t 1101') tr;/d JO"fl of tbe Jeizlottfie of God, imdof the C 4U[e therebf. I huve a!fo io!dyou th11.t the hou[e of God mfl:ff b~ clean, llnd without [pot.

[ E. K. Now there cmneth a brightneife about him.

3. La/tlt J I hav~ told you, of tbat.nec'eflity which caufeth the dev ils to w~ rlz, and ~tppear : llnd have exhorted )'OU to t!Jc. love of G9d ~nd rep11ttance j whir./, were the"thhrgs I one!y had t6 [ptak, 6( . t:. . 0 Lord, feeing we are unifo r~ly deGrous that the Action may proceed, a:nd that we crate "thy mercy and graces, as \Veil for the ~Jardoning of our wickedrtefs paft, as for the 'con~ titmation of ns in thy fervice, What lh<tll we look for couching the pwceeding, being thus fulyed to onr great grief? . Gabr... ' .. Ton h~tve tD tecciv~ t/;e "Will of God (but wh4t it i-1, I k.now ngt ) thofe three daju, befQrt

A true~elation-of Dr. Dee bi:r 4fllons-~ilb}pirb,1>~c.

V;Je ,,,;;,

.htfort JOM begin your ]ouriftJ. ..lnd )O'It tr~ If, tl /(arn, lfhllt rot Angel 14,_ nd ho" mi!'.J S~tbj.tlls be bt/,.. . .. , . . . 3 b. . . Which.Angcl? .u,~ Gab ....... That gotHrntth Hrlcs~h ! hi:b is tbe mtrer D[ Jht +Elt,ents: 41111. "bicb Dlltl] + i# 1111 Elemmt. The Princrs ntl Gov.rr11ours.. e l[o sf tbe +E ftments, ( t~lid of their Ge11n-tni~11, 5 bow they r~ceive ,mi~tio~t, nd JH TPbtst qu11tity) With th.eir Mini{rers _t-ht ttre rq~dn- them. b.. 1 faid toE K. Thefe !P,~H be par~ of yoir pracbce and portton. . . 6 [Gab....... . r 1/l_ltYe All t~; 'J)H._joyn~IJ ;, th~ H IIYVtjf of the L orJ J . n~ Angels alfs ofth( 7 t 48 Jtng!rs of the brtt'Dens, an thetr Mmifters: For they re the[e, th~th.tv(_ the tAnt11Jers anJ 'fit t Ego fcvcn dc- windes at Comm:~ndment~ 7btfe ma/v -up.tbe. ttlffe, a.,d then, Colffeth the H.arvelf.


l(rees & ' :t half

ro <Wry.angll.:.

E. K. He 1.) gone.

Th uu.l rs


The full ;ime,

'r cr. Non nobis Domine, non nob'1S)1ed nomtnt tuo da g1 . . T u . ~n1m. Al.t~R:.I~us, O m~ enam nipocens; fempicemus, vi vus, & _ve,ru sp~w;; . nofter cs : . u'nus & Tnnus :, ~u1 .t\ogdtcus .c;de..; !lifque chonis decantat perp:tuo, Sanaus, Sauau. _ Santus, .Dommus Dc:us _-Zebao~h. s, Amen.

-- - -


friday; Cr~t covi~t, Junii 8. /tfll11t hora 7 f. Pofr .precc:s, & ejacu lario1es .':~ nas & grari.ann~~ ~Cbones pro magna ~i.~e~co~di.a Del; . erg a .nos & l?roprer J!'. K. qlll J~Ol p_at~fectt n,HhJ horren~~- & m~dt1phtt~ hcrefiu~,-: & bl~fphenuarum dogmata, qwbus 1lh hoile,s ] efu Ch nlh d lum mtbuetallt;-& quod jam ( :: onfelfione' pr:e r11if~~~). vellec facrofanltum myfterium corporis& - fariguinis Chritti recipere, illifque malis Angelis renunciare, &. omnes illorum fraudes detc gere, v-c.

Con.verfio E. K. ad De.mnJ abdicatis 7 omnibus Diabolicis experimcntisJ &c. (

Nihil apparuit hodie.

i\lbeir the like had never happened eo us~ (that J remember: ) but that either.Cloud t llnaccu~om- Vail, 01: ( ome Voice wa~ p.ercei ved by E. K. Y ec this. f doiAg ~ve not onely too le patimtly ~ cri abf~nce;~nd but. K. u(ed many good r~afons t~ prove, that fervilncs ought to attend fo lone, as irplcafileoce. fed rheir Mafter to have them await his coming to any place, to them. .. " And that, ab.ouc our o...,.n affairs we are contented to ufe patie~1ce for a long time but eo await the Lord h!_s coming or mel>age) is a ~ime better fpenc, than in any hum me aff~irs> &c. He very plaiuly, and at large made mantfefi: by co!'verjio11 to Go.i from the praCtices with ~ick ed fpiri~s :.. Yea, that he ~as ~eady .to burn wh~tfoever h_ had of ~heir tra!h and cxpee nment!i. fhat he would wnte m a book the mamfold hornble Doctnne of theirs, whereby they would have per[waded him ;.... That Je[JU W.t's not GQJ.. ..... Thar no prayer.oughi tB be maJ.e to Jef~ ... 'JJ,tt ther~ i/no jilt .... Tbllt mans {ml d()th go from o1te body, to a.nothtr childes quick.._ening Qr animllti1 1 u .: .. . Tbttt as mtlnJ mm and wom.n >ts are nn P, have alwayes bun : Tha t is, fo' m11.11J hu111ant bo.dies,and humane [o~tls,neithtr m .- re nor lrffe,ns tue.ngw, have al'fiPaJes beeH ..... 1 hat the gmertt.ti .n of mank,i~td f rom .Adotm and Eve, i4 not 11n H ift~ry, b11t a riting

..... No Holy Gho/l they

which bath an oth~r [ntfe ack._~,wledged . ..... They would not fujfe~-r hmz to pray to ] e[us Chrijt; .but .TPou!d r_ehuk.._e him, Jaying, that h( robbe{i. Gq.i. of his ho11our; &c.

And ll'l. of very many other moft blafphentous Articfes and Points of Doctrine, whereof more Chall be .fpoken in another place. . T,his forb earings of our Infir uetors .preCence,T did expound or co.n jetl:ur~ to be done great ly for the honou_r of ~ud, many wares, if the fame were record_ed fomew~at near to dJ e very manner ofche. thmg as Jt wai : for fo,fhould appear eo. the poftenry, hoi;'V tntely it bad bt:en faid before, rhar he lhould be conyerced toGod : H9w a:uely God d:td prepare_ E . K. hili The marcer foul to be a vefsel. cleanfed, and fo mape apt fur h.is vi.Gting of him, in mercy and comfort .. 411adeapt. wher~by che ltfeof E. K_. (no.w b~i.ng ~rnei1ded, aod his dealingwirh rhe wicked c_c;aulefc l off) fhou1d not be a fcanda!. to the Will of tht: Lor.d, .and to eh e g rcatnefs of his works : as was noted unto us iq the !all: Action. Alfo I fa id, .that JJOt onc:ly -his C~mverfion recorded !hould be a more evtocnt .aroument D.. We left off of his (o oft r q:e:ned El~frio!1 : 'Buc hig patient a ttendint, this pref~i1c day,( [ 6 J two ho~1 rs ~nd JJora 11, a half, and tak ing all rhmg~ m fuch for~ as be cam~ ah humble and patit:nr {er-van~, ). "i 1 be_ 1 a mon: fm e aud cv1dem argument that ~t wa.s no light. ptng, f uch as he. hath n1 e ont ward Jhew ad of

Artue ~elAtion iJf Dr. Dee his .dflions. JJJith {pit-itJ, &e.
Of diverfe times before, but a very harry and fincere convedion, fuch ~s wirhout all doubt; will be f01md very acceptable ro._rhe highdt. Mo:e?~cr , .he declare~ r,h.at abo.ut .nine~ Ol' ten dayes pal1,, .he did intend to h av~ got ten ~way r~cretly bJ tk~ "~'P fpmtu al of thqre, With whom he had fo Ion~ dealt: And therefore that fill now, h~ d~lllt bypor.ritically . But, where.;is they fore were ever accufiomed r.o threaten. him Beggery , (a thing whkh he mo.ft hated and fc:ared.) Tlrat n;ow tJe c areth riot if h_ fhould have.want; yea, he took it neither robe fbaine, or fin e to beg : and t hat he now mad.e,more ac~otmt of God his fa v~:m:. and life eternal, then 'he i:hrh of all tranfito'r f.- wea1th and nches, and to be entangled Wtthlll the dancrer of thefe wicked : fpirirs rh eir fnare~, w ich all .. ~ L ~ Alfo he now perceivt:d'bis great errour wherein he was oflate, wheri he would for an affured temporal maincena~ce h~ve foJ:faken the_'d~ali~g wi~h the wicked~and fo more "illingly wouki .havt followed thel-e acboos Vllchtmt replll'u~g =Saytng now,that ne is ao perft:~ Chriihan:, who fo.r money mtJft.be hired tofoi~kethc: Devil and hi~works,&c. A~nd a~. for t :,e iffiteofthere-afrionsbe:w,4/d mv~ either Joubt, ~r nti~,k._e, h~w[orver fell flit; aff~nn g h~mfelf : T flat <?od ~ould. d~ all thm~s ~~11;and, for his honour ,.&c. .Many other b1s Jaymgs v_ ry,glodly l omtt,t~mkmg thefeiufficJc:nt here. e

6 ')



fed, and mofr ~lonous T nmty, we}"tll for ever Magndie thy unfpeakablc: providence, om,~rliOD. favour, El et\: ion, and-Convt rfion zmto thn, . 0 Bleff'ed J~fu, we will for ever extQl. thy lovii1g kindndfe, and long fufferi- toward . us, n,.

A. 0 Almigbty, eternal, ~nd mo_ ~lercifull ~od; we thank, ~lorifie, and praife thee; Oblef l1


and thy Tr;umphant proceeding againft Satan .and his Minifters ; fur thy Ele1:

0 holy Ghoft, the d.ire8er into ~11 truth, and comforter of thy Elect, confirm,and dlabliih our Confirmation burrs wir_ thy gracious, an& c?minual zeal, and l ove ?f trut~ ; I?u rity vf life, Char~- prayed for. b. t able hunul1ry, and con/tant pattence to thy well-pleanng linttll the end: 1 hat after th~_ life _ (through the_ mercy of rhe fath~r, and Meri~s of our Lord Jelt..s Cftrlit, and thy chan~ab!e embracmg of us,) we may fo r ever enJOY the heavenly-Kingdom;among the bldfc:d Ang~ls , and all 'the dignified company of map.kind. . .Amm. ..J.men. A mm.

Munday, Juni'i


Mau:e hora 7 ~


After our P.J:alers due, and thanks to rh.~ Almigh~y for. hi ~ ereat mercies and power fit!( artendmg fome lln:w,as we were accu{tomed to req:ive : and among divers ourfhort difcourfes of our faich, hope, patienc;e, t:on{hmcy,hu.~o mility, an.d other our duties r equifite in t~i s actio n, and in the fervice of God: E.K. of hirnrdf faid rh ~fefe'ntences wo rthy t o be:: recorded, as the e~ident token of his found and faithfuil turning , an~ i1it ent' to ~eave unto the Lord.
fh~wed in the 4;ohvetfion of E. K. we frayed

E. K. I t~ck..!zowledge my Juts have deferved)that this [even years I Jbould h-ave no jhew, or fight 'of his ,good Creatures. . ~- E. . If I lhould fit thus for feven years, attendtng the pleaK fure of God, I would be contented. 3 E. K. I repent me no-hing of that.I have done, in forfaking thof~ t I was wont to have to do wichall, &-c. E. K. In the fione ,nothing appeare{!' all thi5 while of our fitting

t::.. Nihil vifible apparuit in Chryftrttlo Jacrato, pr.der ipfi~t~ Chr)jht.l!i 4 Hor r r. we left o~ - ;r.b tem 1 ormttm : ut E K d txzt r fo we attended ~. hours d ters 6.. I will affirm nothing in this cafe,- but this, my conje8:ure may be an 3 quar recorded : The caufe of the nonap pea.Fance the l~lt Friday, and noy.r this Mounday may be; this : z . . Th_ t, as we.]ofl: and ~efufed th_ dayes affi_~ned by ~>Ur infiruD:ours, to finifh _ iri; ~he Jnfiice a ree a-ll So now we lhaJI call, and reqneft thre~ dayes, and have not ht?g : as, th e[e two dayes It hath ~ad, fall'n out: and it is poffible, one day mo re we thall have the hke non-appearance.
'lllJ1 t



2. Accordiagto the premilfes ; Onely, three d ayes befo~e . our journey, fhall be begun, Vid~ [4,T;Jc: thall hi e that delivet~-<:d us, which in the three laftdayes we lhould have received, & c. n Y Ot


true~elation of

Dr. Dee his Aflions UJith jpiritt, &c.

Or elft.


The ' onver3 . T hat great Caveat before nou:.d, .(on Saturd ay Jun.ii 2. lafr paft) nny have fome for.~ fio n of E. K. warni n g of tiJis ~ur pa tience t o be "fed; af ter ou~ Converfim unto God : The words then recolid~
b tfor c made mantfcfi.

. This A tlion jhll/l HtfJer come to pnff~, UJttill there be HO re.,embr.~nce of'wick._edneife, or Hell left ~~~rmt.g{t .JIU: A nd )et, after, f or a time y ou muft b11ve patience. Far, your'Ojir:es IZ TI ab~ve a Kingdom. To conclud e ; w hatfoever, wirh God, is known and ufed as the true .:aufe,we are conrenced : N othino doubrin a of t he goodnelfe, an d wifdom , and power of God to perform his promifes and C o vc:naat !> ade to, and with us, for our fc:rvices to be ufed to hi$ honour and m glo ry . . . Molt wiHinglf , and p~tientl y '"t: will atte.Qd the Wtl! and pleafure of the h1ghefi h~rrirr. Jnrendinn hence forward (by che help of God) not to g1ve our fdvc:s ove~ unw, nor eaiiiy w be. in"Vetgled, or allured of r:he t emptations of.thewo rld, the fit:{l_l, or Dev1l. . i'or which ottr dirpofition ofminde, aud all other benefits rece1ved from above, we render mofi humble, harcy, and entire thanks to the Almigluy, moft gloriom, and bJ.cifcd Trinity. A > 1J>t, Amm~ A mm.

.are thefe:


ceding .great mercies H~ewed in the Converti.Jeg and R eforming of E . K, & my p romifing re re<:ord t he At t~ereof, a s well !& God lhou1d give me gr~c : and alfo craving eamdtly for comfort to be g tven to A. L. beutg fomewhat opprelfed WJth p eniivweffe to fee hi own fubjeC\:s, and (er vane& to t riumph agaiuit him in his low dl:ate from hig h,and all for Jack of money and weal th,&c. Suddenly appeared . mighty I~mg, and ?ig arm ~nd hand in the air~, tD ~~tch 11t the Jhewft one: and E . K . meanmg to fave 1t from h1m, put ht s hand en the fione, and Irumediately the :fione was out of the frame, we know not ho w, and lay by on the Culhion, & c.
Prft I!Zeditfm And t~ foon ~fter ~pp cared G~br!d, in all manner as he wa' wonr, and on baram 11b i~ i of che fione (that IS agamfi E.K. h1 nght hand) as he was wont. s

t.MunrJ,ry, Junii 18~ Mttne, horn. 8. Cracovix. After roe Lords prayer, and fome other p eculiar pr11yers and tbankf-giving,ror the ex ..

the right. fide

cula [eculorum.

Glerin. Patri, & Filio,& Spiritui S ani:frJ, fic~t er at in principi'J, -6- n1111c,& [f111per,& in[(Amen.

G;t)r...... The <ortlfort and peace of tbe Father , Son, and holy GhoH: be amongH: .quicken and confirm you.



E. K. I pray you what was tf12r)that

would have fnatcht the foew. flone?
l>t fun.

Gab...... Let hH houfe comt, th.tt biJ i1titp4ity


This r~~meth E. K. I fee I1llny houfcs, and beGdes thetn a fair Houre feparated ~a~c~;::~:r- by it felf, the Houfe is of.ftone a1zd wood, ttnd a fquilre thing' 1 n the end tpw . wh~re it, lik._e1...~Turret. a The houfes of the Town !re low wood~n hou.G ;, es the K ill~ nc>fW l is. mal : T~~re appear tn that odd hnufe fdk,ws tn red Coats , like Poland Coats. Now I fee a biggc mari fitting within the houfe af-ore the wind~w : and the houfe is hanged with T1trk.je Carpets , and there The Arms of is wrought in one of the Carpets (jufi afore the door) a mdn, on h. r/o Lirraw. batft, with a [word i'n his hand: and the man is like the man 1 faw at Mortlac"- with a \iVart on his cheek: There fiand by l1im two boyes they have red Coats on, one of them is a, little fair boy = Th.ere fi41 nd: cth a man by with a fword, which he delivereth to him that Gtteth anci he looketh on it, being gilt and graven on it, and layeth it down 0~ the 6 : J J,ere fc:erncth to be Table.


N ~~?,ical Cha-


Gab.. ,. 7 1.1 id a f word, Whfrrin be pu'tt~th his tr-Hj >bNt it jhll!l fa il him. M

E. K. No~v

- --K. E.

A -~n.te l~riatifJnof D~ Dee bir AEliorM fitith (pitit~., &c.

1 6'1

Now- that man caJleth the leiTer boy to him, :tnd- the boy thereltpan runneth a!ong J -Callery. Now tha. man with the Wart t goeth~.out after, , fLouting himfelf, and no b_ dy with im :.Now .he o h c-llt?tihthat le~!r boy to J.im, and maketh figne to him , finiting- dp~ _hand .on, .another, and drawing it under.his throat: as though he threatned the boy, ~rnidfe he kept fecret. Now he cometh to .a door and knodccth, and one like anItaJian le'tteth him in. There he bath 'in the corner a frame ~fwood, and a great fione in the middle of it (of l:hbt:it r6 Inches fqua:e) and there is a fireon that fione, on the middle of it. No~,, he taketh that engine, or frame with the fire between him, andthJt man (Jike an Italian) a11d carrieth it into another Chamber. There they have a dead mans h;;tnd. Now he taketh out of his Casket a black box of yern (as it fhou!d feem by the blackneffe of it) The box.is about a foot long. Now he hath fet down the ~ox , an~ the f:ilmc is open, and therein appeateth an image of wax of b1ackH'h colour, like fhooemakers wax. There is one like an Angel, made of red fiuffe, ftanding at the head of t~e image, holding like a Skarf over The irnage is marvelloufly fcratched and rafed, the face of the image. or very rud::: Jy m1dc with knob; and dents in the legs of it. Nqw he Jooketh four wayes : And.fpca~eth (the man with the .W<lrt1'1,em n ~ith th(' W :rr mOn hli f:1.ce.) vncmt'-. Th e- houfe aforementioned feemeth to fiand without the ftoiJ.e, and~o";;,~c~ :urc be'\JCn d the ft one, . posc: ~ n en./ r d rer wuhin lhii. No v" they poure blond out of a B<ilOn upon the fire, and by the 'hah ll<>ae. upon it: and it frieth in the fire. Now he, and the Italian-li~ man, have put on Apparel, black, like 2ny 11-t, buc Clof~ wir~out Gowns : each of them, and th~ engme feemeth now to be fet in: a where chc:rr Chimney. ::arms :1re put our.

Gab ...:. Br it, tH it WIH.

. fpzrtrlls t.hey go J'l 11nok es out at a wm d ow, . d. t here fi an det h one 1.1ke a (l4~t'l.lrnrrunr, t.ce r an qwi Cyant m:1n, and he taketh them, and windeth them up as they come out '1Jotri nte.

E. K~ There -be fix finokes, like fix men fianding about them : and A.,-.,_; _Afi, q

at the window.
fn--ap~d [ o. 1:>... .As it is tb~

Now all that fhew is vanitbed away.

T!,u i1
th~ fev~ntb

Vab . .. Thit if th~ cau[t that Laiky is poor.


image that he /;atll

fcvemb, fo (1 tntfl) ic is the laft. d b.. Erg~ An . dab. . . . ... 'Ih1 s if- three years four monechs, and trn ayes, fine( thry begun ) fo l1ng bat~ 1 fBt.Ft tlu A1ge! of the Lord bun rea.dyJor ty [afe-,rJard, (0 Lasky) Jtnding t the window: and br11"rii inttpt:. nmt rlir Uin<~ reaiiy 10 binJe tip mifch;e( prepar(d ttga injt thu~ .This._ mi_(i.hu.f (ha_! I fight upon his own kaJ.. . . . . . . ~~~d':;;~~ _ But: 1f thJu rem11zn mJ [rrvrmt, and dt th~ wrk..r thttt art r~gittous, l wzll put Solomon behtndl rbe "indow, t,u, -.nJ h!S rzchrs under tlty feet. winding utJ B~ therefore comforted m.,~: fot thf bre~rth thou bret,~fi is rninf,and the hotly that thoH JweN.efl the 6. fmoker. iJt, is the wor~.of my h11nds. The u rt6 from whmce th~u c;rneft i; miHe a:![o. It is 'I, th~eforr, that c.z;t down, and none but I; th.at raife up 11ga:in.


Gab. ...... Art th?u{~t.re that tlwSun_(hineth? [p~illfing to A .] A . bl am a s much as my eye may judge. 0 a . ,.... So {ure i t i!, that he jh.J I teign : ntl b~ the l{ing o Poland. f A. Alwaye_s.l underfland a condition, if be do, &c, bt 'Jhe w1ll of God be done~ w h1s honour; a nd eo the comfort of his EleCt. Y 2 Gab . ,. ,.Atak,.f

E. K. All the .ll:one is become full of a fmoke.

A. L,



vltrM1<!1atitm of D. Dee hir .Aflions 9ilb fpirirs) &c.

-- -- _____ :_ _ _,.:._

{i;iab... ~.:k.! J,~tflt f(Jt yo jtlfr1Jt.1 . ur _ . 0 Lord, the man is ready (in man~el') bat hability wanceth: and.ro Mic thy ltelp .lteieb rn, we dar-e not, ~i.t.t as thy wjH is.; fo be 1t. Gab...... :'J'tj :u lk,_ with God f or mrntej JS" f oil], to t.r-11<. itll G?ti for .,trcJ; is grt-d if,U,. ::... Lord, this mighty ar,m alld hand> ~b.i<ih h~rt appeared, and wo.!d: have.. fnatct-cd _ tile at
ltune, what wa:s it, and wh o fent it ? . . , _ , . Gab . ..... It is tt 'lf'-icJ?..~d powttiJPllich -t~ KiHgs l1Kll. t11tirs- b1111t fmt 1t'IJIU1fg{f .JOlt, 6w~ 61 hall 1
. . . . . t.~, What Y tis ltis ~ncenr, I b efeech you? and l m.rvd that hts EnchantCTS were able to de" t~~uy of our tlo}t1S to rhe Kihg . Gab ..... The -Jcmg ,k,_Ho~thflf~t Jfll'f doi11gs. . b. . . J beft~ech you, as con_ cerning ~he -i.-8 leavc:s,.beiog co~llWlded eo be ~d, and to-be

JW' U W41rd fr t:t t11rni!!'g.

:filvered ; whar, tf I canfl:d feve11 whrce leaves to be bound before, and fevcn behiade, for the mor.e aptntffe ~r the binding ? Q;&b....... 7/[e .thi11t IW.H juti,t.-ellt. GOd will appear no more UDto 7ou, 11Wtill Jfll tttk.,t ~ '~:.. W c believe, The Lord wiU perfonn jltifiU). hi l promtfCS', Gab . ... AcrtJrtiin{. to .JOilr jai1h ~it JMfo ~Ji~

The white
Curt ilia.

K. Now he bath pUlled a wlt;te Curtain about the fione ,-and tliC fione is da-rk. .
A. Stffi.Pn


l.tuJetur qui Yrim11 & 111flll '}1, -owmipottlts ,go fo*pitH-11111.


Fulnt{day~ Jwtii 20. ~ ~idir. 1 Si4 Cr.~i~. A. Itis tirLl: to benoted,.thzt thi-s inornm~ (c-~rly) toE. K.~ lying in his bed, and awak-tj .appeaped a Viofion, in manner as f~llowcth: One. ft,anding b.y bis b~d head_, -..ho~u~ed him btl; t he head endy , to make htm the nwte vsgtlam. H~ fcerned tb be cloathe wath fea~ g
thcrs, firangely wreathed about him all ovcr,&c. There ap~arerl eo him [E..lt'.] four very _fair Caftlcf!_,. ftandi~t~ -in the fOur parts of the world: out of which'hc heard die found of a Trumpet. ThC1l feemed out ofnery Caftle a cloath to be thrown on the ground, of more: then the breadth of a Table-dofih. Om ohhadn the Eall, die clba~ .feemed to be red, which wa1 caft. Out of that in the South, the cl oath feemed white. Out of that in the Weft, the cl~th feemed ircen, with great knops on it. Out of that in i.he North, fpread,-or thro"n out f10nt t~ ,;ate under foot, the cloath f-eem.;. ed to~be very black., . _ , . Out of e-,eiy Oate then alftted one Trttrnp-eter whofe Trumpets were of firange for~ wreathed, and growing big ger and bigger toward the end. After the Trumpeter follo"ed three Enfign bearers, After them fix ancient men, with wbice beards md ilaves in their hands. . followed 'll comely man, Wi[b very-much Apparel oti his back, his Robe having a lonr;:


After him came five men, curying u.p of his train. Thtn followt:d one g reat Croffc; and about rhat four ldfer Croff'ei. IhefedCro es Thefe Crolfes had on them, each of th~mttn, like lbrtl, tbeir faces difrinB:Iy anpearin" on JeCB~e not tt> c. . r. . be en the . &:he four pats,of-the CrolTe, all over. ~found, bur in After the Crolfes followed 16 white Creatures. the aire in And after them, an ininite number f~d ro iffae,md ro fprcad thrntfelve~ orderly a ;t'~e !!aud. tom~ffe ; . almo~. before rhc four fornald C:~iies. . . . fccmcd Upon whtch V dton declared unto me,J ftr1.1ght ~ay fet do.-n a Note of 1t ; trufting in God to be of& that it did fignifie good. Clotid ~like After noon, as E._K, fat ~y me, be_fel~ on _his head fome ftrange_ ~o~ing : whereby be 'he ~lift-bow', deemed that fomefptntual Crean{r~ dui -vdit ht~ ; llfl~ as fft ~ere concmumg rogecher , and I had red to E ..K. fom~ r~re matrer out_of l!lffltrJH EpdHe~, PoltcttTfiU, and Martialit; fome of the Sacnunent, ~nd fome of the Croffc, a voyte anfwered, and fatd, Tb~et it i4 true, thttt tb~ fign f th~ CroJJ H f gred forct and vertlle, e After this, the Cpiritltal Creature feemed to E. K. to ~e very heavy on his right thoulder .as he fat by me in my fiudy : And as E. K: confidered rhe numbers of fuch as be had' num: bred to paffe out of the four Gatts,(it is-to-wir> t . 3 6. 1. 5) The fpirinlill Creature{aid the number 16. is a perfe8:number,contiling of 13-6. 1. and 5 He ~id funher more -Gad rhe father is a !landing Pillar. ' b . Uron which word 1 -s k~d ~i~,_ if.{ fhould write fu.ch m~tu:r as ht was to fpcak .And he anfwercd to E. K. at hts raght e u . ... If th1u wilt. ll, His yce was much like unto a IJl21lS voycc, not bare m nor hollow. J



. Dit~;..

..-,J).i?Jitl~d Witb.vtt /t.T~ttght line, i1 91U 1111"J t'iPII, t.. Wbatis to be divided wirh a th'aight line~ ...... The Pillar. In tfle n:rme of J eftis, who art thou ? ., I'be fervnttt of God. ~ Ar-.t thou fc:nt from God, wkb good tydings or ntelfage? ..... . Wbat 1 nm .~e k,.r.oweth, IJf whm 1 bear witruffe.
~ .. What is your name, eicher as you a~e notiied among the blelfed An~els, or called by; of any mertal mati? If you be of Verity, and f9 of Charity, you ,cau.ot miilike m; fpeechcs,

E. K~ He fayeth nothing.
A. Bclikc he is not fem unto us by God : for if he were, he would

do his


...... 1

V E. This A V E is one ex filii# Plimmt, of whofe ord'Cr


R.~cle is, v/Je


lih. :a.

t., If yon be~ V E, In the narne of .Jefns ,"fay, that all wicked Angels are juily wnde!lmed and, th'at.,. ~the mercy (Jf God, in the merits of Ch1ill, mmkind, dc:a:, is to

6'- ....



JJnd in tht hr t2lk tGgtrhe ,That God would tlot. vi fit us but at th.c d2yes Cif h~tb [ 2 J{ealed us, i tb the t,tJod ill ~fmankJI!il to their comfort. But joun\ey r2king ( u wu Iaft if I be A. f~trndttl to the word, then iUI I n.Dt of r igbt~tlfntffi : llut" my :affi;med ) Thcrefere wh2rfotigbttoufnrffe il 11j the 'fl'orld : Thertfoit, That I vi fit yon of my (elf, ever elm~ before w.as (O ~ Cttn b~ no offmu. 'Ih1[t tb~t 4re, ad "ti!e i1t wic~Jnrt' are tl~fho ooubted IS an illulion. He tlttrefort: allfffercrh i rft our tiDtzrable, and f~tr friJm tht tfferciei f God : For it it writtrn, l am aoubr, and then to my requeft .. God to th~ living. Tberef.re, do l tlijhollur them : fuch (I [llj) be malteth anfwcr. ls 6-te')Jick.fJ. Tbe merties of Gorl, ( wbich H the trUt MattH~t ) co_mf~rteth the '9mfortul, anJ ziveth hole f . . . ttendwet, f [ur:h l t TJIH tl{ttll], flf~ ]inners, and maJ retz.-n: 'Ihereforr,I fay; mercieJ Mt(trtmliA [ ,f"Ga] ( 'IJ'bich Hthe Fo11ntain ttnd fweetnefTe of the love of Got/.) il tt thing mojf b!,.!Jul, mofl Der. IHIJ, m~Jl to, be d.~find iH Huvm nd Erth, a.H.tl G mr, the creaturt and [ervant ~f God, ro bt ( tt11l"ft11tlf [pok,pt if, a" uguired : "For, it is tbe f ood wlurewith we live : nmt the very bre 4 J -.htr,.ith we are rrjo)w/., Thus much, thou ~(t required . ~. 1 did fo : for fo, is his Jufiice ~gainil the impenitent," and his mercies fO his Elefr tcftined truody. Ave~ . ..... Have ptttitittt: 11Pill rHat'lt llfret it ft~ m-imrmu. 6 . Hereupon, ( in the m.e an fllace). we confidered the preniifes :. and liked v ery well Cif dte fcandal, or c..ffence; avoiding : ~ecaufeit was:lailly ( ]ziifii 18) faid, God 'V ill appear m~ more to you, until you cake your journey. . AB<i fecondly he anfwertd my reqnelt of Goci bis J ul\ice a; aittit the wicked Angels, and alfo of his mercies towards mankind. 6, . About a quarter of an hour after,thtre feemed a thing to come again on E.lr. his right Notl!' tti't lboulder : and ( as before ) he C2wfcd his lhoulder to be-,e r}' warm wh~re it lighted on; manner ~a ~. Benedittus qui v.tttitih nomine Domini. Halldu j-ah. rhing fdc


M {-ecrrt ,.ill a~td pttrfO[t : and in pttrricut~rity,.

.. L ... 'Ibt * vifit4Hott of GQJ, is triofold:

[i.] In re[peli of

li. K. and I faid now i.l our


E. K. Amen

warm on the

rigbc tnawder:

Ave ...... 1ht place H.[iluified. Santtus, Sanau~t. Santtu~, efi Dominus D~us lcbaoth .. Ave.... ;. 1. in tbe favour of God, coH.jidtri;,g (11n~ hy fora of hi5 [~ere.~ love_r_o~ard )911) ho"'W Stttan purpo{dh; yet, an_d daily to ov~rco mr you, thout,ht good, ( tbruugh the mercus of God) to pre'llptt his malice, a~zd th~ tjfe& there ,f. A. 0 b1e(scd, be thdu, our God of riu!rcies :uid all comfort .A- e ..... . ,"cihat1 ( 4/though~yet~ the flarv~.ft bt uot.) .tbe Yilzeyard m(ght yeild_fomt .frlt: , v ,hereb God might be glorified, and you; (in defpit~ of the :wo.rld) r rviveJ. and C y o'!ffor.ttd, For rhe glot)" might rtioyce, 11nd fhak e-off th~ prefmt cares to come. . F_or if tho[e t/,ttt bt unwort~y, c_ H fee.m tQ of God, a be lifted up, ~nJ to enjoy tiJe f ruits of the E4rtb, by the Tt11'pter _ Much morr.o11g/if the tne. fer : vtt.11t! of God, t o ful hil fatherly f.oodnt'ffe . 'lhofr that truft in me ( {a ith ~be. Lort/. ~ .fhafl Hot be tlriflen to defpair ~ nr;ther will I {uffer the be~t-jt of the field to tret4d [uch as I dtltght m uml~r


.A tnu 'I( elattof.l of Dr. lJeehir Aflio~i 'l?i-t.h f&iu ~ & c~

- - - - f -e-t.--=T-:-: -::F.::-a-r-:th u mii1e, nna the glory thereof : _ -:( 1.>-e Tb.e flelfvens llre ftt~ ~lfo, -a~l .tlli Col11[orts that ne in rbem. Why b.Jth, (Therefore) tr,_ father of.Dark.nf.Jfe, rzfoqup [~tJmg. .1 1 will {hut up the Earth from them? z. I will (ea\ up the mindts of men: and they jhall ~eco.me bttrren -t4T!-ar.ds:them? ~ Their miferies !ball be great, eYen unto death l _ The malice of For thi-s cau[e: That he migbt wak.m the L?rd~ when h~ il .a fletf: .1,h.at tho[e ~hat _.t ru.ll in~m, s~un ptoNk mit:,ht be co mf~rted. Hehatb Cealed the Earth from you, .and_ I "':'ll open 1t un~o you: 1-l~ tth hi~ Qwn bath f~~.id, y ?u jh tl/ be poor: B!tt I Jay 7 you jhall become exceeditlg ne h. . C'ln fu!ion wh~r l_ ' rola blefJimg : <'T'.h 1 he . E ar-t h may b ,, . . t h' h at, he 1hough 1 r0 r. Iwiil b!cJJr:yotl witrJ tt trt>o; ~~at t e, oren un oy;,u w tc p 'evail. '-o \'aft' you h all comemn. (,o1 futfcrerh ':o. And _that mJ bleffi n. h i< to be protng .an d l.aws may dwell _mong; you wherem you jh all Te)OC~ a ullt:t vc 'l that rhe the end.

2ffi:t1e,l miJ!.ht

b: coraf Of1c-cl, . ' . . ; nJ rhe :df..i-Ave . .... .. Thi-s w.zs thuttu[e that. 1 appettred to thee, E. K. thH '1tormg. Now tbeufQr't Jtr confoun- h!ttrk,_m unto me: for I will o~en unto you the fecre~ knowledge of the Earch, that _rou 11)a1 ~d. f deal wich her, by fuch as govern her, at your pleafur~; and call her to il reckonm~, 41 11. _,.overnours o . 1... , the narrh. .S,t:;erhtrd :d Oth lY&.[c (rV.t.nts Dfh H L ?r d .

A. O.bldfed bleffed, _hle!fed> God of power, goodndfe, and .wifdom~

I expound the ViGon.

4 Aftgtli Temt.

P rinces.

the4hot~fe~,. t;re the 4 4ngds of the Earth, -which ttre th1 4 9verfeer[; II.Hcl W tr.tch-to"'P(rs, lbiU t'!it etmtal God i11 hi-1 provi-ience h;1.th placed, againJl: the_ ufurpmg blafphemy, mi(ufe,and ttetlcfl. ofrhe wicked and greac enc:ny, the Devil. To the intent thflt being put out to tbe Earth, bil eizviotu will might be bridled, the determinati.ns of God flllfi.lled,_ llnd his. cre~ttures ltept ~tndpr~ J~rv~d, within the Gompaffe and meafure of order. What Sa tan doth, they {uffcr ;. And what thry wiuk,_~t,t.,. h-e JPrJt~th .:' But when he tEink._eth him.. Jdf mJJ nured~ then feele<h he the bit, In each of thefe Houfes, the Chief Watrbmttn, u a might] Prince, ti mi.ghtj Angel of the Lorti : . ~hirh' hath under him 5 Priitces ( thrfe names..I mujt u[e fo r J Ortr inflrullion. 7be [ea/, and autho-.' .Jifre.t of the H ou[es, are ronfirnud in the-beginning of 'th'-e World. [e Vnto every one of tbem be 4 (:hara[/ers , ( Tok._~m of the pre[ence _of th.e f1J1t D[ God: . b whrmt all thinJ!.,.S were made in (

. J;;,ufignes_ ijpon the Imag,e wlureof, H _J~ath: lvhereo~ the R.edimption of >nlfnkjntl w .tja.. ,


and with the which fte jJJ1zll come to ;udge the Earth. Angel~. The[e ~tre the Cbara[Jers,-and natural mark..! of ho/inr.JJ'e. Vnto tbife ,-belont. four Angels 4 fever.all y. The ~ 4 Seniors $ in the ApocaThe 24 old mm, are the 24 Smiors, that t. John ume~brtth~ lyps. 1'he[e judge the government Qf the C~t!Ues, and fullftl the JPill of God, lls1t is .,rittm. t he 1 t namc1 The I 2. Banners are the 12 na mrs of GQJ, that govern all the creatures up1n the ..Earth' vi.fible ofG ol. and invifibll', ro mpuh~ndiHg 3, 4, and 5. The ~ne;els of Out oftloe{e Croffes, come the Angels of a.ll the Aires: which pre{e~ttly give obedience to thf tA'1.e th~ny w'i ll of men, wben they fee them. 1r~s 1 11pr.c, Hereby 111 11y yotJ fubwrt w. ole Countries Without Armies : which you mull:, and thall do, fo~ o the glory of G od.
The ufc in


'rhe hi~htr
inllru8ions. On Monday nclC~ 1. 5 ]Hnii.

Princes, who you t~k.e pity of, orwijh.welltmto. Hereby jhall yo1t k..now the [ecret Trea[ures of the waters, And unk..nown Cavu ~J the Eartll,' And it jhall be a DoCJrine, for you onely, thein{Trument of the World . For, the re{l of ;our lnftrullioHs , are touching the Heavens, and the time to come: ,/the which, tbi-1 wtbe lajt and extreain k..n!)w{etl_g8. Tbi-1 will I deliver unto you, ( becauf~ I have yeilded you befor.e the Lord. ) Vpon M mdny ucxt, I will appear unto you : and fJutll be a Lelfon of a few dayes.

JV tke[e youjhall get the fav oar of all the

E. K. The will of God be done.



A blelling.

Ave ....... bt the mean[e4[on, defireyou of G~d,,fuch things , tts ttre neceJJaryfor you. He that fi!(eth all thing;, a1td fro l11 who-,._all things live, and in, and through wbo:;,, t#ley -~n [a#l11jied, b!effe y ou, and c~ nfirm you in pe4ce. b.. .A men. 6.. I befeech you, to Notifie this mornings Viiion, by words : as all other holy Px:opheti
have recorde~ theirs.

Ave ..... A Vi.-

J trru t;R_ 't!Ation of Dr. Dee hir AF!ions R7ith fpirits, &.c
Ave. ..... .

'7 I

A Vifion.
Four Jumptuoll> and belligerllnt Caft!es,

The fign of the love of God t oward his faithful.

.nt 11[ th: which fo rmde:l Tnunpets thr~~e. . 7.he jign of <..:M~.je{fy, the Cloth of pttf[~tge, Wtts ca{t forth. In :the E:.aj, the cloth red ; ~tft.e r tbe new fmittm bl~od.


Wli.re. In tb"e South>tiJe cloth w!tite, Lil!y colour. G c r>. In the W eft 1t cloth, the skJns of maJty Dragons ,green : ga-rlick_-bltt.ded. Black, ]N'the No~rh, the cloth, Ifa ir.-coloured~ Bilbery jrryce. '!he Trum.pets f~zmd once. The G~ttes open. The four Caftles are m7Ved. 1here iffiuth 4 Trumpeters, who{e Trumpets are (f. l',-~tmfs,ftJC cMeS.)IPrett~h-ed. There followeth out of every Ctt.{Ne 3, holding up their Bil1lntrs difplayd, witb enfigne, the names of God, There follow Seniors fix, alik.f fr~m the 4- Gates: A f ter tbem co111eth f r.om every part a King : wbo[e Princes tt.re five, f,flYdaNt, a..,d ho!di~tg up his traiJt. Next iffueth the Croffe of 4 Angles, of the Majefoy of Cre.ttilm in God attended upo>t everyone, with 4: ~twhite Cloud, 4 Cro ffes, bearing the 'lilitntffes Qf thf' Cov nant ~f God, witi:J the c ~ PriKtt gone out before : YPhich were confirmrd,every one,with ten Ange1s,vi.fib/e i1z cou-ttennnce :'*King. Jtfter every Cro attendeth 6 ANgds, di(pojitor; of the 1fill of thofe~ tbttt govern th Caj flu. 40-i'o.lilgeis, on JJe, "rhq proceed. Anti, in, and about the middle of the Court, the Enfi.~ns k.,eep tbeir jftm~mgs, op-.the 4 .c{ofics, 1ofite to the middle of tbe Gat.e : T.i;Je rejt pa.u[e. The :14 Smators meet : Th~y,Jmn to sthtend!ng_ on t t c pnnc1pal '~nJult . I& Angels. 1, A V E, S T 0 0 D :S Y T H ~ SEER It vanijheth. So l.Jeave you . A- Omnium bonorUJll largitori, Omnipotenti Deo, tit ~terna laus, ratia nun aC\:io, honor g omnis, & Jubilacio. Amen.

Jrmii, 22, ~3 Note. On Friday, and efpeciaiiy Saturday, E. K . had great Temptations not eo credit this A&!Gn., end was faid unto by a voice, how our Intrrua:ors would ufe cavillation of our difordered life, to forfak e ns, and not to perform, ac~rding to our expeCtation of the former promifes to be performed by them. A TOK(: faid, likcwif.e, to him, that A. L. Chou1d not go to the Emperours Court, for lat=k ofmoney : for ft.e fhould get noue here. Likewire, it willed him . to go up into his Sntdy and he would fhew him all the effeCt: of our Inll:ruetions received. E. K. complained to me h ow hew~ clms gr(!ivoufly mole&ed by fuch means)and almoft broug ht in de(pair.. But I cornforced him as well as I could ( my felfbt:ing inwardly, moft forrowful ) and ruade my moane to God by 'prayer when I was alone; for him, and our Caufe, Moreover he could not be: perfwad~d by me that gDod Angels WQu/d underr11k.,_e to help us to any re/i(f by nt1ney or treafure: afi\rmjng that it 31)pertained to the wick.ed ones: feeing they were the Lords of this World; and the kingdom of God wasnotofthis \Vorld,&c, .... Said,tbac the wicked wire in -tbe worid, and ofthe world: but t"he Elea were in the world, but not of tbe World. Si de Mrmdo effetif, Mzmdtu quod frmm eft diligeret: qNia '!Jt:ro de mundo 1f~lt e Jri-s [ed ego e~gi J on.(af>. 1 ~, ._ vos Je mrmdo, proprerea r.dit vos mzmdtu. Ergo dedi eil [ermonem wum, & mundtu eos odio habuit, quia non funt de ntundo, jicut & ego') fi 17 non f11H de mr mio. N 'On rr.J!.o ut t 9ll.U eos de mrmdo, fed ttt ferves eo> amalo. De mundo HOJZ fimt : ~n.t6p, ' ficut & rgo HOI1 fum de mundo, &c. To be of the world, was eo be in lol'e with the trade of the vanities of thiG.world, and to follow them: . And that money and riches were t b ingjndifferent : good, if they were weH ufed ; and evil, if.they were evilly ufed: And that, J oni-s omnia coc1per abantur 11.d bonum ; ThcrefOt"e tf1e godly (!'the Patriarchs and many now adayes) might have money; but.eo ufe, not abufe it : and that fuch is our cafe and necdfary requdl to God, &c.

Sunnay, Crac8viL, J uKii.-:4.

~ Note, while at my lodging \ by Saiht.Stepbens) I was writing the N ote; ( on the page

a M~ridte fi1ram circ:itert~tiam .

gomgnextbefore) of the Tenrat1ons ofFnday and Saterday: E. I{. was at iny Lord A. L. his lodging (at the Francifcan Fryars, where lle lay at Phyfick) and at t he fame rime, this b2ppened, as followech ; As my Lord A. . and E. K.. fate together, conferring and confulring of our atfairs., o( Gods mercies, and offundry rentacionsof the fpiritual enemy, and aftenvard, as the Lord A.. L. was reading R~fmfi; p{~tlm; de Fiducia ift Deum1 fuddeniy, upon E~ K. his rig-ht lhou\der;_


Q.id a hea\y thing fecm to fie, or reil, whereof he told the Lqrd A. L. 'And ~crft-artf mi this l'oyce uw:red ~y chat Creature in Latilu . . . _ L~ sky ,vntiet te,.PIIf, cum tu portbi.t ~er[l!?n, [t.aecimum, illj~U . P[alnti'u,,-,ecj.mi, i11 Y..fi/Jt. tuo, & vinees mt nicos tuos. . . Th c:n' A. L f->l_;lght in Dttvids Pfalter for the el~venth J:lfairu, a!'\d fixtc('fl.th ver"fe ' tbet eof: and t~hilc: he was fo about thac Pfalm, The voyce faid rhar he meant not Hiat'Pfalr:n. ~.Da ?itl, bm rhe dcvcmb Pfalm of J<_gff~~>~fis : whi~h Pfal m the _ or:f A. L : was th~i\: ~ rca4ing. CO L E. K . a ;1 d wa:; abouc che verfc; !J'c tabor ac.:dolo r, &c. bemg the _ .Gxth vc-rCe. .By and lJy after, the voyce fa1d in Englifh. Trufithou.in God. H e.ret.t pon the Lord A. L. did read forth that Pfalm of R.ojf.-njis, and..when hc.came:rci\tie .fix.teeuth vetfe .the reof, being s; ~mbulavero. in me,J.i., tri~ulnionil, me cuftfJ Jies a.Jv~[l# i'!}nfitts tu Man11m tu m extcndes, & dextt_ra tuit. '?St falvlfb"H. Thereupon the voyce fa id : Put to che firfi liqe of the next verCe-:. And that was...Dmi111 '" rmutilt;rr:o nit perficfes.. . And as he would have read further, the voycc willed him to fray at t~of~ worcl~, a. d faia n asf61Joweth: Vi1t .AmtD ~ 1f we~r unto thee Gy the rrue and living God, th~t this Chall com~ to pa(fe. ls S ~ . J~nli Then F.. IC. fa'td unto the Greature: fu the nam.e of God, Who,art-.tbou? Aad..:he uCracovi~. Jwexed in L.ttin, andfald, . . . ' Ego Srmc A V E, chH plurlf Audittil. A. .Gl~ria, laus, honor & gratiarunl aCtio perennis lit Deo.Noiro, , ~potenti & Mifericordi. A!nt.


Muoday 21 Jmt~ii, Mar~e ho.r4 7

Cncoviz .


No.w here . ftandeth one in a white Garment, ~ith a white Ceidet about his head like a white fmock, I. remember not that ever I faw this Creature before, his Garment is tucked up .
~ . Ave.

.E .. K. There appeare~h in the fione, like a white Curtain all over the fione: After awhile it was drawn, and layed on the back-fide.ofthe ftpne, on he lp together. .

c. Oratiot~tm Dominicarn ~(ncunci.tvi._mzu, & ~t!.ljuot 11li-.fl orlltiunculM ex P[~tlmil; &~ After w.e_ h;d fit awhile t Qgether conferring of .Avt his Yifion, .& c. A voyce {aid, l_ri"g up lbt _(hew-/tone. . . ; 1 had [rt ic down on the Table, bdunde the Cutlnon With the Croffes, fQ.r I .had fur4 ni(hed the Table with che .Cloarh; Candk&, &'C. as of lace 1 was wont: Hereupon l [tt up the flone on rhe CuChion. _

t Four

...... Who u e that id ricb? r;.. The Lord of aB ,..... ffe it is th.at op~1f~th tbt tflore~brmfes, Jtot [uch




.,ith tfj, JP&IiJr, hilt [uci 11


pure, awl. witbout end. A. Bleffed be hisnaAteforever

..... .T(J tb~ pure in fpirit, and [uch tH h~ deligbteth"in. Aat~. _ ~trbllm Vixit Domi1HH , . Invoctt H~lttm meum, & . mittaril vobis n.;bum quo fJ~icavi tc:rram, re~ & ~:m in ore [pon[um labit-" tie_[e , & teJlimoni~em dttbit Je {t~ 1ft i!f telfi111.oni vineat Jtta./~s. lift \ & {apietJ E. K. Now is there fire come, and hath confumed'this Creat"ure all

to piece~, and he is fall'n down 't o alhes. ~~~uJi figu-. Now he rifeth up, and he_is. br~~hter ~4en' he. Wf!S beforr
l Jdt: me"

rsanrl uA.miFI

r de wr" rt,

..- , .. So doth th~ glory o '(lod f

comfort tk juft, and. thty rife f!g ain JP jti a tbrufo/J



A place wa~ made.

K. !\low he fpreadeth the airc or openeth it b'efore ._ ., - and , him

. the.re appeareth . befor~ .hima fquate . Table.

Now .

A .tr.ue 'i(elatioo of Dr..Dee his .A&';;ons ~ith (piritJ:J &c.

17 3

Now he taketh off fhe Table ablack-Cflrper. The r:~blcof Now he taketh o~' a green Carpet. the Earch. t'low he taketh off a white Carpet. b. He r.akech otf rhe eo! ou'Now lie takedi offa. red Cioath. red cloa :hsin . . h to b e mad eo f eart h, as p otters Clay, due order, re An d nowt he T able appearet fvcaiflg rhe four farrs gf very raw earth. chc: WoilJ. E. K. The Table hath four feet, of which two ~ouch the ground, and two do not : The feet feem alfo to be: of the earth. The Table is E. K. On the . left c<>rner (farthefi from E. K.) did a T appear on the Table : Out of the tap of this T do four beams of clear collour bright.





... 'That part [poiHtig to that T] ef the T 6ble of the earth of thofe t.;at govern tbe earth: tbar i-f are governed by the feven Angds tbat tCre govn-:ned by the fevm that ji:ani l r.f ore G, d,tba t 4 re gowrnrd fy the livhtg God, which .i-f f~un~ "' the Seal of the living g od , (Tan with t(Je fortr) 'Which jigni_fie the four powers of God pnncp1alz11 ellrtb,&c .. . . !l not, fo r the piace i1 In !J , 11-nJ. become ho!J. . ove .. I faid.~tc t [o, he [ai- it, tbttt beareth witnt.Jfc of himfelf. Vnto thi1, obry. the ether three A ngell of thetable.

E. K. On the: other farther corner..of the Table:. (on E. K. his right hand) is a Cr9ffe like an Alphabet Cro!fe. This Cro!fe, and the other T do fcem to lye upon the Tablc,in a dim dunniih,or a sky colour. All the Table over feemeth to be fcribled and rafed with new lines.
.. The ettrtb i1 the litft, whirb i1 with che Angels~ but not M the Angels, ttnJ tberefore it {l and- The E:\nb . th in the Table of the {even .Angels, * which fiand before the prefence of God in che !aft place> Jliat! t ;s.i; 1 '1f?ith()Ut a Lettrr, or nu.Wer~ but figured b a Croffl!. y Marrll . , . It i1 exprt ed in the A nt,le of that '1'ffble, wherein. the names 'of tbe AngelS are gtZtEered, Jb. t , and do ttppear, tlf..BJ Michael and Gabriel, . 6 . 1 remember, there is an AI phabetuy C rofre.

the right' han~1 t o e. K. appeareth another Croffe,fornewhaton thi's fafuion t. and there ap.ficar~d thefc Letters and N umbcrs.

E. K. Novy in the corner of the T ;lble, on


lib. ~ .

A1 no15 8:r..

Aprilis :t B

... : .. It if in that T ablt, wbicb c<>~fl.frctb of 4 a11i.f 8 .

.E . K . In the lafi corner of.this earthly Table appeareth a little 'round f mo~e, as big as a pins hea<i. E. K. Now is all covered with a mift. E. K. Now I hear a great voyce of thumbling and rumbling 1nrhe fione. E. K. Now all waxeth clearagain . Now hoveringly over the Table ,appear infinite fort of things like worms, fometimes going up and fometimes down ; thefe [eein fomewhat brightilh. Over thefe higher in the a ire, appear an infinite fort of [mall, little, blackifh things, bigger then Motes in the Sun, and they go up and down, and fometime come among thofe worm-li~ Creatures.
Z ..,.The

A true 'I(elation o(Dr. Dee his Aflions Dith Jpirits~ &c.

. .... 1/.lr Lrd nfPeared unto Enoch, and wtirmercifull unto him,opn~td hit eyes,tbat he migh; fee and judge rh e earth, which wa.s u11k,.noll'~t unto his Parents, by reafon of their fa /l: for tht Lord JaiJ, Let MJl;t'W unto Enoch, tbc ufc of che earch; And lo, Enoch war wife, and full f the [pi rit of wifdom. . And be faJ'~d unto the Lord ,'Let t/gre be remembrance of thy nurcy, and let tbo[e that love thu ra{ie of thi1 after me : 0 let not thy mercy be for?,ltten. And the Lord WM plea[ed . And a(ttr 50. dajes Enoch l1ad writtn : and thw wiH the T'it!e of his book,; , let t"ofe that fear so. D:ty~s. God, and 11re wortby rea d . ihe cit le of But bebolrl, the people Wlfxed wick._ed; 1t1td bcr.ame unrigltteouo, and the {pirir of the Lord rNs far E11o,hr boo'::, ojf, and ,!,Oile away from them, So that ~h~Je that w-ere unworthy bega1t to read. ~btd the Kings of ' ex;~oand~d In- t/g Ntrtb rdid thm Rgain{t the Lord,Wlr.tt is it that we Ctln119t dol Or Jllho is he, that can refi}t us' 1'1~ 0 n{;~,.s:or . A _ the Lo:d WM vexed~ and ~e fent in am?ifJ!,_(t them an huxtired and fifty LioRS ~ and fpirirs of 11d wick .. d rpirirs WJckcdnd~e, errour, and decezt: and the)' appeared unto tbem: For tht L~Jrd bad put them be"" fcducw. . twem tho(e that are -wick,.ed, and his good Angels: And they br:gan to COWlterfeit the doings of ~ oumelf~.t God and his power, for they had power gtven them fo tl> do, [o that th1 memor.J f Enoch wajhed mg. away: and the fpir its f errour began. to teach them Do{frincs: which from time to tzme unto thi$. age, aH.d unto this day, h.ttb [pread abroad into all parts of the world) and is the sk.,i/1 and cun11ing of the wirk_ed. Wicked MaHereby tfgy Jpr~tk. with the Devifs : not becaufe they haie power over t~e Devils , but herau[e the} r;icians. are j oyned unto them in the league and Di[cipli~te of thei'r IJWn DoUrine. For behold, if the k._HowleJ~e of the myfti~al figures, and tbe ufe of their prefmce is tbe gift of. God deliveud t() Enoch, and by Enoch his reque/t to the fait hful!, that thereby tbey might have the true ufe of G()ds creatures, & of the earch whereon thty dwell: So bath the Devil de!tvered unto the wick._ed the figns ,~Lnd ~~k...nrs of his error and hatred towardr G()d: whereby they in ufing them~ might confent with che1r fall: and (o become p~rtk.frs TPith them of tbrir r~:w~trd)which is eternal Jamnation. Tbr[e tbey call ~haraCiers: a lanwttable thing. F()r by thefe, any s~/s h.Jzve Devils Cha- perifhed. naeu. Now l#~tth it pleafd. God to delil'er this Doetrine q ,ain out of da'rk,11e.f[e: and to fuUill his The mercy of promife with thee, for the books of Enorh: To whom he [ayetk a' he fa.id unto Enoch. God to Dee. Let thofe that :arc worthy underftand this, by thee, that it may ~e Qnt witnrlfe f my promifi To .Ll. t oward thee. Come therefore, 0 thu Cloud, and wretched d.trk._nrJre, Come forth I {lty. out of this Table ; for The wicked thf! LorJ again hath opened the ear tb : and .fhe jhall become known to the worthy. E.nocb.
pgwer expelJcdouc of r.he



E. K. Now cometh out oft e Table a dark fmoke , and there re.. maineth onthe Table a goldiih flime ~ and the things which hovered in the aire do now come, and light down on that fHme, and fa mount n~ agatn.
He faid ...... Non omnibM fed h1nis.

E. K. He taketh the fmoke and tieth it

...... I tie Iter not up from 11.ll men, but from the good.


Now cometh a dark Cloud over all at,a1P.


A paufc,

E. K. Now it is bright again.

Jle faid . Fiant mni~ f~tti/l;Ma ...... Number.

E. K.

J true Wf\_elation of Dr. D~e his Aflions RJith Jpirits,




E. K. ( fee lines and fcribblements (as before) going athwart the

E. K. I count thirteen lines downward.

.. . .. . Stn)' t.'l;ne.


E. J(. I

count twelve this way overthwart.

E. K. in the jufi middle of every fquare are little pricks. The Table
feemeth to be eighth yards fquare. E. K. No.w come upoh rhe'fc fquares like Characters. [ 11. (, the tnte /mares of Goe:. Jis 1 piritua Creature.r.
...... Write whRt thou [ee jf.

They be NOTE~


E. K. I cannot.

Endcavot!r to do y-our beA: , for he that biddeth you

do, will

alfo give you -power

to do.

E. K. Did hi..s befi, at length fire flaihed in his fa~e, and fhortly af.. ter he fai9, l perceive they be eafie to make, fo that I tell the fquares, by \vhich the lines do paiTe, and draw from middle prick to n'liddle


A wicked

At leng th E. K. liniChed the Tabk: he faid that thefe feemed to b yeHowi!h Gold,

E. K. You heard one here fay, I write my own damnation.

...... He mig,/Jt blf-.e [aid, you writ e his danm~ttion. Pray, and wri te 41 many mort liner. A. After awhile E. K. did with great eafe fini!h the four parts of the Table.

powctr tempc-'

ing E.l.

E. K. The fione is become dark.

A vorce ..... Cell[e (or ait hour. A. May we palfe froni our rlaces as now ? ...... I. r:,.. After a little hour paO: we remrncd, and as we talked of the premiffes,._ he faid
.. .. . L,-fe no tnne. /::,.. He faid in the llone being clear again .

..... ln tbe name of God, be diligent, and move not fr the place i s holy . ..... Tti!(e I be firft [quare: write fronJ t/Je left himd toward the r~c,ht, you }hall write fmallletter~ and great. S11y wb ~ t )'OU fee [to E. K. J .r .Z i 1.a f A n t 1 p a. A. I F.ndc here one fqttare among thefe C:harael:ers that hath nothing in it.



eA true ~/ation of D .. Dee his &lions JPith Jplrits, &c

. .. It muff !. filleJ. a r d Z a i ~ p a L a m.

E. K. A dim Cloud cometh before mine eyes: now it is gone.

cZonsavoYauh ToiT tXoPacoC Sigasomrbznh fmondaTd iari oroibAhaoZpi CnabrVixgazd Oii i t T p a l O a i Abam o oo aCyca N a o c 0 T cn p r aT Ocanmagotroi Shialrapmzox

E. K. Nowcometh a Cloud over.

Take the fecond, that is the third that wa:r written.

This pmay
fbnd backward, or forward. E.K. Whn is

b OaZaR

uN n a x 0 p 0 a r a n 0 l:J

the reafon of thlt diverfc fwing? -- For beginnirlg t h~rc it will mlke the nam e ef :a wickc~ fpirit,

pm n i

s 0 n i z 1 z n r C m o r d 1 3 J0c a 11 c A r b 1 z m 0 p a 11 ~ I d 0 I 0 p I r X p a o c

b. Soisthe r ame of t he fill: d!vili?n of

X t

r V

p ha R a 0 n d n 0 0 m a b g n g b e a l 1 r l e mu z 1 a M h 1 1 h c t Ga h i a s om i 1 l p z a m S m a L n 1 a n b a s i 'L 1 1C p a s t r 1 m

;~~ ~~rt.7-~~

A voy,e to this inrc nc.

~". It 111'lt b~ Jra1!'n from rb~ end, or foot to th4t .prick_., ~efort YPbere it cometh doubHe ftom tbe fir {t t"p, the tyick_ w alloweJ bNt to one, and not twzce to be accounted: So th11r, th,:zt jian6Uth bur "((f fix pric~s: 1'ber~fore it muft be fr1-me4, 1-nd now it H of [even.

...... T'bat lajhcord if Valhim. t.. I marvel of th'at fquare that lacketh chi line.

E. K. All is in a Cloud.
Now all is clear again.
donpaTdanVa . oloaGe oob a .. 1 oPamnoOGm dnm aplsTedecaop semi oonAml o x Var sGd Lb r i ap oiPteaapdoce psuac n rZ i r Z a Siodaoinrzfm daltTdnad re P !>Hk,urd, . or forwarddix omo n s i osp 0 A i~ ,_rfw:r.rd, OoDp z i A p a u l i r g o a n n Q.A C r a r
This i6 the Table thlt hath 4 and D on the cop, by me fo Jloted,

E. K. Now

A true CJ?.. elation of Dr. Dee his AEiions 'Pith fpiritJ~ &c.
E. K. Now
h~ calleth ag;tin, faying,
A. This i~ the Table that had the lirtle round (moke. A, No, it was t he Table before..


To gc onxrua lGm
nhodDialeaoc p a c A x i o V s P ~ ~1 Saa xaar-Yrot m p h a r s 1 g a i o 1 MamgloinLirx olaaDagaTapa paLco dxPacn n dazN x iVaa sa 1 1 d P o n s d. a s p i x r i i h tarn d


E. ~. Now all is in a whitifhcloud covered.

E. K. Now al1 is clear.

. ~ .. Mi!k! tbe fir{1 fif,TiYI: upon a clean paper, lf1td ther~to adJe the fimple letters: Thnz fhrr!l h~ar m~re. Tbo:1 mujt mak_e the fquares of the firfl part of Jbe 1'.!ble unto every [quare n1td his letters. A. T have made the fqunres of the firfl part, and [et in the letters. Tho:, har i;z r.~e mit/.d!e line o r o i b A h a o 'l p4. t There are 6 linrs above, aud fix -be. low. '[IJ,;t lil1e is called bnca Spiritus Sancti : and out. of that line cometb tbe three names of Lineea Spiritus God, f rom tbc Ea{t g are, bei~.~ of h ,4, ~nd S. l~tters, wbic.h were the armef of t!Je Enfignes that s~nE/i. were [pokJ'n of bcfor~. ~ro, tbah, aozpt , I fu.zd bef~ re, wat God the Fatber 4 migluy pillar o,iens. h 1 1 The 3 names clivi d cd wtt a ng lt me. of God in Ban. The Fatherhim[clf, without tbeline. QtrS, The F ,aher anJ. Son by addition of the line.

There two lines bet.i;zning


J i

A d

a r &c:

/),., Wich chat liue ...... I .

That ie the great Croe that came out of the Eaft gttte. the Holy Ghoft?


'Ihou bajf in the upper left angle in the fecond /inr a r d z a. 7'hJu ba{c tgat maizerh the croffe dowJZWard : /irjr i, tben the fame d, o, i, go. a. Will you have Jix letters downward ?

...... 1. S o th"'' IJ.z11 the three otlJ~ r croff,s iJt tfgir angles. A. Will you fj ive m; leave to repeat rhem, for fear of erring? 1 L a c z. a, tht: d own line of Jix letters, and p a L a m th~ croffe line . .. ... It is fo. A. Now to the other on the left fide below.


the down right line. Now the croffc: line, is 0 i i i t, T en faces on the Croffe~s. Here thore Croffes I1ave ten. faces. A, One Ieee er is reckoned tW ice which is in the center of che Crdffc : and fo ihould feent to be elc:vet:.
.;;.. , This

A true :I( elation of D. Dee his

..... Thid u true k._nowledge. t., The lafi: crolfe is thusl his down line is

AE!ion:r~ith jjirt'ts) &c..


A. The Croffe is a L 0 a i. A. So have I the 4 Croffes attendant on the principa,l Crolfe

..... . H l'r e thou mttJ.ft [e.c tbe cau[e, that Pdat wrote with 4-letters, /::;. H oW doth rhe caufe appea r ?. ...... For alove fVt rJ croffe, jlttltdetb 4 letters; N ot that Pllat k,.new it, but ,that it Jl!,M. the for~ detl'rmina . i:m of GOd. t . . . They are thUf tv be rettd. the upper left ~tngle thou haft r z I ~ : ~ronounc.e, urzla.! by 6. ,A.norher tbu >talle the firJt Angel appeareth. z I a: go tbm to the firft 1', alf.d pronounc.e i t z!ar. 'lq4t. WIU ~~oi~~undig tbe fir ;t letter of thefir/t Angd, if the laflletter. of the [econd = tH of tbe firjt r, was the fir~ l~t The 4 Angels ter of the name 1 af r z la, that r is now the la(f letter of the name of the fecond 4ngd, begtlf!fliJ_g ever ever y at z, as z 1a, a11d fo bad<. again to the r. c rolf~ of chc 4 A. ~o that the third beginneth at 1, whofe la1: ktter is the firft of th'e fecond name; and ~:~ff !a nc ~ is called Larz, and fo of the lafi : ai it r z l, to be pronounce~ arr.d. . ' . /::;. So ;hat yoft hav~,of thofe 4 letters, 4 Angels nan1es,here thus gathered oUt; but how are The .u b th ey to be u[ed ? ...... L et it be [uffi('ieut that J OU i<_now tbefe nttm~r. I will tucb you to ufe them. A. Shall we labour by like ord~r of every the "' letters over the croffes eo mak e 4 udt . .. f .4 A n11:e.Is over ) -r every crolk names . ...... Th~y are ~tlfo to be mttde. . A. I do know .affuredly that there is ery much matter in this Table. S~lom1:1 1 1is ...... It IS tr11e : fo r hitherto; firetched the knowledge of S olomon. knowlcd.i!e. . ..... Now f(lr y o;1r fix Senion: whofe.judgenient if of God the F ath~r, tbe Son, and thr H oly !>ix s~niors Ghofr. ]1z tbe line De Spir itu Sanfro, you have Abioro of fix l~ tters : 1b~ fec~ml 1fame of th~ feconl Senior it of 7 as~ A (the fam e, afcmding) Aai1r; a: if the thirJ, tH th~ fecond, ilt patre & tilio) H c mord A. A~a i1z in ~piritu Sanl\:o, hah.pi. The fif th, in -patre & tilio d ~fcendens hi pot g. Tbe H ow ro. m,ke fixth, A V to Tar. If you will mtt'<.e them of 7 lett~rs ( beettu[e two of th6m, are hut of fix.) that 1 s~nlos of . r lC . r: 1 whm t h wrat h o f G o d H t1 be enrreaJe d , s, .e 7 . lcrccrs.



The enerealing 'Ihm wherettS yotl{ay, Abioro, [tty Habioro ; 11nd whrre you f ay. Haozpi, fay ahahozpi, T6o1J of n , mes wirh b~]f llaofpi, hef ore h A ; tak._e t}Jat unto it and it mk..~th A ha ozpt. .And [o th~y conji;t RI!; of a laccr. 7 lf tters. . . .

Thou haJf b the fifth, in the l~ft part of the bu, de Spmtu Sancto : thpu haft a tbe fixth, ( tht firft part I)F the line de parre & filio J~fcending. ) T tb~ fixth in the fe~onJI part d~fr:mdT ing. a T he firJr in th~ feco'nd p.trt tl(fcending, or the feco nd a[cending, ~Thou hajl a the fifth, tn aozpi, . , 1i Th~ fixtb, and V the fixtb, nfcmding in the p-trt de[cending of the line de pat re & filio, th# [ero11d and jir;t pt~rt. Put the A or the h that .fttt.n d in th~ Cent er) to it : Thou hajt. Batai va or A or H. Bataivh. You mnjttak._dut *one of them, either tht A or tbe h. A, comiter, and h in extrcTo ::ralce th~ J d' .. '


So I fee when the contral\: A, and when the contra& H mufr end t hi) word : That The King his is the mighty Prince whofe traine was bold en up in the Eaft. n~me El1. To morrow. ... : " Spare me now, 1 will opm y ou more [ecrets t~ morrow, I am fecretly called ll'fli~J. : but you fhal\ find me the true fervant of God.


I f 1 h. 15




E. K. Now he fpreadeth the white Curtain over all that was laid
on an l~cap behind.
]Jvered c m, bur by. ~he

CflHatters or .. .... Ya one thing ere I gD. Thofe Chari:tCitrs or Notes (for, fo call them ) are the pares of N ,t~s. the who le Earth, as you may find i11 tho[e names* I deliv_er~d yl)td efore; To the intent you may . N a!vagh de- work all the World over at one time. t Now, my love rc:fr .vith you.



ow c is go'ne.
Dei patris filii & Spiritus Saneti fit fuper nos.
Amm, Semper.

h .

fJme fpmc of God

A. Amor


. .. Tue[d~y,Junii 26. MaJZe hora 8. Pre~1bns fin~t1s, & .Pofi varias nofiras confid~rationes de pr:r.n1iffis,tandcm apparnit: 4 V .E. In ilQrutne Patns & F. & SS ficut erat, &c. AmeH,

E. K. He

A true Relation of Dr, Dee his ABionJ -with [pirits, &c.

E. K. He hath gathered the whole Curtain together as ycfierday, and fet it behind. Now a white mifi cometh over all, Now the mift is gone.


A'/e . ...... .All glory and praife, ~(to God the Father, the Son a11d Holy Ghojf. A. Aruen. Ave....... Now to the purpofe : Rdl, for the plac~ is holy. Firft, t,enerally what. this Table containeth. 1. All humane knowledge. ~ Out of it fprin~ech Phyuck, Th~efie;~nerabtlot f n.. ' . The l<_nr;wledge o all d ementttl Cretttures, amongrr you. H ow mttny k m des t h ere are, and t " '~ ta e. 3 for that u[c chey were created. Thofe that live in the air, by themfdvu. Thofe thllt live in the aters, by them[elves. 1 hofe that dwell in tbe earth, by thmtfehm. The property of the fire 711 which is the fecret life of ali things. . -4 The k._n,wledt.,fintling and ufe of Metals. ~ 'IIJi verrues of them. They art all f on~ matter The cong elations, aud vertues of Stones. 5 The C~nj o)lting and k,nitting together Pf Ntttures. The dejlrlllliM Pf N~tun, and of thingt t/,at may peri.fh. . . 6. M oving f rom place to place, [ n.s, rnto thu (;ountry, or th~t Coimtry at pl(PjMre. ] A boclily and a 7 "!he k._w,wledge of all rr4ts Mechanic!. H'Ut: motioa, 8. Tranfmutatio formalis, fed non effemiali!.

E. K. Now a white mifi covereth him.

A. -

b.,. Theninth
Chapret may be add~d, and. i s of the {ecreu ot men kr.ow-

Paufe for a~ of-- -

...... L&ok,. out Lexarph, witb the two otha tbat follow him, among tfre names of the Ettrth the: linhg > 15 a pc..... ere: .wher~~; three lafi. . liar Table. Lexarpb, Comanan, Tabttom. Look.. out the name Paraoan. Write out Paraoan in a voiJ p~tper. A. I have done. Seek._ out Lexarph. h. I have found it. Look,,int the 4 parts of the Table, ~tnd tak,t the letters that are of the le aft ~hJtraC1er. Lo~~ n~ong the 4 p~trts thttt have the CharaCJers : and fgpJr.. to the CbllraCiers that h11-11e th~ le aft letters. A. I have done
.... .. Ho 'Hany lett1rs !6re tbeJ l
~..... They mlljf bnigbt.

E. K. Now he appeareth ag-ain


I:J., Theyarethefe (as I havenoted them) OA JA

...... 1heu are 8 in the 4 Dwell in.darl<_effe -


JA. il Afterwards I found g let ten in che 4 principal : for I had o mitted Y I. t.. I fufpee% [his was fpoken to me, to my reproof, for no more diligc11ce ufed in the fear eh.
a r

h c o n



Lexarph, Comanan, Tabitorri.Set aot1n thf~ thr.u H;tmu~ leaviftg 8Ht tl;e firft L [ th4t iof Lexarph, [et tiem J.own by 5] Ave....... Your fic/tHee cau{eth me to be fick_.. A. E . K. had the Migrom fore. . A g reat Temptation felf on E. K. : upon E. K.. his taking thefc word~ to be a fcoff, which 6 they be s were words of compalllon and friendlhip. na~es of the "" .. 'the fir{t is exarp, five in order. S et them ddwn without the firft table: Tha.t.fhllll m~tite f':erin~ to C~{ the cro that ~indeth the 4 Angles of t/,e T able to~ctltcr. Tile fame 'that jturcheth from te l~ft to pu, Own.ant" fft rit,ht, mufr al[o ftretch front the ri!}t to the left.; fiZ"TJCII. m Ar~nam A. HaVe
Tenr!i air, an-

------------------ made this croffe of uniting aU the !I.. Have I now

like of.?
Wic'ccdAngch ...


~ tr-e ~lation of Dr~ Dee hii

J1Efions.Dith Jpirits, &c.

4- part~ or Angels together, as you

011t of t~at line,. if . tb~ nttnu of 1t. Devil, whofe rlames or wick,.cd Ant,d, as well from the-. right, as from th~ left, exctptmg the [ ~] 4- Ang.els rh at are are of 3 lem:rs. above tbe croJJe, whieh /;Rve 110 participation with Devils. 4- ,> ,ny;eh 3 f The letters tbat joyne tbo[e ~ames, wbicb may be put before tbe [A 4] names of tbe forn ~n ~~;~e[;;1rro0r_gt/s of the four cro in ever_y angle, (as well f;ont the right, as the lefr,) it the name of God, .JTes' Ces. Erg.,, 16 whereby tbefe .A11gt:fs, are called and ~o appea:.

Every name,[omtdi~tg of three letters, beginning [.

" S0 t J,, . < ...... 1 In the firft {quare of tl1e rig[Jt fi.de thou ha_{t r. begimting the nam~ of the Angel U r'Z la: put er, it, and it dJilng,etb the fozmd, into Erzla. Erzla is the 1tame f God that governeth, Urzla. A. And likewife the other three above the cro!fe are governed by chac: name of God, Erz.!a. '1ak,.e X .which i.J the next letter : /l)of<...u;tder the CroJJe in the firjf ,. tn the cro!fc of union, or angle; thou half C z (thm o, i1t the cr,ojfe :) tbm n s. CaLl it C zod. the black crolk r. rr en es : I t is o'te of the 4 ant els"that Jt:rve.to that crou e, w 1tic h arc T he + Angels fcrving to n1led bu this 11:l!e Idpigo. It.is the 1tane of God, of fix letters: Loo'<. this lelf.:c Crorie. ./ [ . in the croffe rhn.t de[cmdeth,bt that name 6. Idoigo they appear, by the Nore. d dA~peabrJ ng bhy one name [t:. Ardza] that is in the croffe, [ 6. Tr:infvediuy J tbe'J do that .ell me, an otn y a not er. h d d o t ey are comm<Ln e A. Which they ? you named onely .C.zod n es. Ave ...... There foi!9Wetb Tort. A. Which more? A. The principal Croffe trarifverCary. Thofe two, under, till y~u C61me to the Croffe. A. Do you mean Sias,..f m n d? Phylid:. ... Tho[e 4-bnf Ph]firk,_. A. }..s they do appear in the name of God !doigo, fo what !hall be of the name of God Ardza l /{ve ...... The one-rs to call them, the other is to command them. N ote. If it be a1t iHcurable dife_t{e ( in the judgement of man) t~en adde th~ letter that ftandetb aw t t The An: cl gttiJ~/t the name, llnd mak,.e htm t up hYe : then he cureth mtrac~lloully. b is name made But if thou wilt [end fick.JttJJe, thm tak,.e two of the letters,a11d adde the letter o f the Croffe [ . of five lcmr$. tht. ,black;. croe Jto that, as in the fecond, a To. T~e u~e of the . [ .A. This a, is of the croff'e of union) or the black croffe. ] wtckc powers. _ .. .... Then he ir a wick,.ed power, and bringeth in tlifeafe : ttnd . whm thou cllltejt'him, call him T~eCaU of the hy the name of god, back,.ward : for unto IJim, fo, be it a god: and fo confrrain him backward, 1 " 'kcd, as Ogiodi. A. I think the Conftraint mufr be, by the name of tht: Tranfver.fary backward pronounApp~~:r~n. ced, as of Ardza, is back way, azdra : For ogiodi, lhoukl bnt canfehimto appear by the order Conft .. aiotof Idotgo, u[cd for the_4 gopd Angds.. .... .. The name of God in the\ midd~{r of:~.9e grea,t Cro.JTe ( where the 1tame ay hape A er H in BaataioA, ~he end ) upo1t whi~h th~ 4 Crofles of th. firft. A~gle attend, ( or fir(f part of the. table ai:undeth ) c or ca11e.rh out tbe fix Semors: w~icb give fctenuam rerum hnmanarum & Judtcum,accordin~ to Baataivh. tbe nat,tre of their parts: n~ i1z the E1 after one fort, i11 t.be Weft after anotber, ~Jnd fo of the tjt rejf. .

f1.1cb in evcr"y ofthe 4 - Ptinc1p1l q uartcrs.

A . An example ( I pray you) g1ve ...... .Jr,.in the firjf of the biar:k,croffes

of this rule. thou hajl:, e.


E. K. A Cloud covereth him.

The upper rit,"t axyJe in f-he Htxt croffe, bath the [a nu name [A hath his per.rtliar 11ame of God to call out, and to conftrain, !:>. which natlJe'\nean you? Ave. .... . The.napze thaf if, f1t the croffe. t.. llacza.-4 Good F: n[;cls. M: cals. 7he good Angels are alfo 4 They have power over Metals, to find The wicked Angels of this them, to gather ~~em together, and to ufe them. portion. 'lbt[e, that ~ltT~ ltht ~ioJtt>il ontJ , ( made by three _letters) are the The to.blc of creation. P_rirrces of tho{nvit:ked oncs,,-that frood llfar off iis the Table .ofthe Creation, Lib. 4 alim 5 nnll{p~l & A. You mean in our fourth Book .
N ow he fpe:~keth of the fecond lin le noOe above, on the ri,ht !ide in the .Call quarter.


A \'e ....... Th~_(e can give money coioed, in Gold or SHvtr. t.. Which the t ? u , Thefe wicked ones mean yo\.f?

Tbe other giv~ no money coined, but the metal.

~ . You


d true '!{elation ofD.D~e his Aflions r;ithfpirits, &c

r:.. You mean thr good..
...... I. t:.. As X (I Y


...... EX 0 Y.
A. I note this pronunciation.
A.. Th~ next is apa. Tbe third Croffe u the CroJ{e of trttnsformtttion. t.. Meatt you that on the left fide underneath?


'The fourth is the Cro of tho[e Creatures tbat live ill the f,ur Elmrmts, M JDII clfl! tieM, ffe Tile fir_lt Angel the aiu. ~he ferond---- the water. 'Ihe tbzrd - t h e earth. 'I he fourth- the life, ,,. fire of tbingr that live. A . is not Acea the firfi .Angel? t., En peat . .... . I. Then N P at, b.. Then 0 toi, and P mox.. A V E. They 11re eafie tB call. 1. The k..nitt inf[. toj:,ether of Natura lietb in the f~ur Angels tbat llre 1ver the firt't Cr'ife. ~. As Vrzla, zlar ? &c.
2. ~:;..

The four Elc_.


The knitting to~ ether of Ill

tu res.


The carrj'int, from pia er, which place lieth in the A 1 tgels f the [econJ. Cro jfe. 1 underJland in the Angels over the Crolfe. 3 A ll I-1 and-crafts, or .Arts ttre in th: Angrls of thu third Crojfe. 1:.. I onderfland in the Angels over the Crolfe. _

c 14

' ' in locu111. All laancicrafos.

E. K. He drew out much fire out of his mouth, and threw it from Nore this ran: atlion of :a him now. fpirir~al Crea
A. I pray you, what meant you by that? ...... For that I fult1ll my Office in another place. Sttty, at thu time I mu/( a![o be ' one.

tu re

~:;.. When will you deal again.

A vc. Aftrr Pimti'Y about rme, or two of the Chrl(.

E. K. Now he lpreadeth the Curtain.

A. Deo gratias nunc & fc:mper ag.amus.


t Tue[day' Junii
t.Miu~ lu~m


a Meridie IHJY/!'

~ Cirtitlr.

Gloria Patri,&C'. tuam & veritatem tu4m, 0 DriK, &c.

E. K. Now he is here, and the whit~ Curtain laid behinde.

Ave ...... The CroJJe of the fourth, firff Angh. ~Cnderfland the Ang els over the \..rolfe in the lower right corner . ...... Herein may you find e the.[rcrtts of Kings, and[o unto the lowejt d~grte, .But you muftThefemcsoF 11 N otr, That ar the Angels of tbr firf/: of tht four croffes in thr E~ rt, which are for Mtdicine: Jo lfre .1 fhrca.A the firf\ of the [t>cond, tbe fir!f o( the tkird, and the /ir!f of t/g f~ur: h.; fo that for M~Jicine ~here ~~r,re;~ ~di be jixtetn, and fa of all t he reflm thetr order: but that the} differ m th.tt, [ome be rhe An.ge s of cine. the Ett(t,. other (ome of tiJ( W11fl:; ttnd [o of t)e re{t. Nstwrt biftt ndinj,, to !(now the world before th~ waters, To bl privy t!J the d1ings of mm, from the N ~c. The JPiltel"s tc1 Chri/t ;. fro~/ Gb~ijt u.ntg the rewarding of the wick._ed: The -wiclt,.ed doings of the .fle.fh 1 ~r bldLJ Kinp:tbr (ond .'fitd devrldh tm:lgmauons of h1Jn, or to [u wbat the b!PJJed Kmgdo mjhall be, anJ. h' w the dom an e.arth. urtbjhall be dignified, puq;ed, and made clean, i1 a meat to? fweet for your m1uths. Thecanb, t.. Cuu-iofity is far from our 'ttlrents. A vc, . ... , But there i~ neither Patriarch nor P ro ph et fanetifi ed, Martyr, Erg1,thefe are here or Confe ffor , King, or Governour of the people upon earrh, that his to b~ learned out. _ A. Mnimt ~nim n<~me, eo nnnuanc e, an d end , lS n ot ( l'k c: t he Moon at mi d ni!!bt) in thefe 1 [Jien rM & man1[cfi11 T a bles. t{f, in medto crzli & ;.


t.. Mea1 '1 you not the Crolfe of tbe fourth And his tr.~lfverfary of a l 0 a i ?

firft Angle, to be:

[a a]

thati which ii of a Q u r r z.

Ave...... It

A true 'l(_elatio ofD. Dee his Af/ions 'Riith Jpirlts,.&c.

Ave ... ... It H [o.
A. I underfiand not wdl, your account of 16 Angels for medicine. Ave .. .. .Are there not four princip~l Croffes l Every Crojfe hath ~Ifs f9ur, The firft Qf evtry four ar.e the Crolfe 6f medicine, f() thttt there be fixtem. Ave ... ... Onebook,. ofperfellpapa. One labourof 1- fewdtZJtS, Forr~,Fonhc.. The call in~ theRl together, and the yielding of their promife, the upetition of the nJtmes of lheir pro Gd are fofficient. ai'ifc;, htwe given you Corn : I have given yau ~lfo ground, De fire God to give yon ability to till. A. We will pray for his ne] p that is Almighty. ...... I a1v free befort G~ d. Catcb that catch can. Be it now .1! it WM before. E. K. He niounteth up into the


airc, and is gone.

A. When would you that I Chould prepare that book, and what call you per1:5: :. and bow many leaves would you wi(h me to make tt (Jf? ...... Your book., is not of my charge,
A. Lord, as thou haft dealt mercifully with us hitherto, and hall given uHhe undedl:anding of many fl crets, Coin refpeCt of this firange dealing with us, and IeaTing of Ave.we are .d efirous to know fame caufc: and therein we reqmre that Madimi may be fcnt,


Madi ...... Howdoyou?

E. K. She is here in the ftone. E. K. She maketh a lo:w curfie.

A. I declared our admiration of .Ave his Co fudden departure, aud required her opinion of the cafe. Mad .. ... , Surdy Sir, I can119t tell : but I "Will go fu if my mof'ber can tell. A. He that is the Creatour of all things, be merciful! unto us, and lighte~ our hearts with Mue knowledge, as our cruft is in him.

E. K. She went away, and came again after a little while.

Mad ...... My mother fayeth, yott fhonld have been at tbe Emperours. A. But you fee it is impoffible to g ee thirber without fome good provifion of money made by our great friend A . L. I pray you, w h~t can you fAJ of Ave l Mad . ..... UU'y gentle brrJther, Ave is a good C~;~tuJ;C. : i11rJeed you mir,ht hllve made more of him. A. I befeech you to give us Come Oer.laration of Ave his lafi words. Mad ...... There is no word unperfe8: : r0 y brother .Ave hi~ nature is to be plain and fhort~ e:... I pray you to fay fomewhac more plainly of Avc his I aft words. Mad~ ..... If it were the commandment of n;y mother, I could do it. But this is the go~d will of my brother toward you, A. As your broth er hath done this of his good will) Co do I d eGre yon of your good will to do, or fay (omewhat to our comfort. Mad ...... Sir, I prllJ you., parJ()n me. I m11y not meddle with Ave his doing. 1 ha-.~ .,,_ thing to f ay to you, but I know my Mother ha ~ h m#cb t() fal to you .As the mighty tbrmder cometh, fo cometb the promife or God . Rodulphus the ~elf the Emperour (my mt~ther f.ryeth) do any thing again_tr Lasky, or bin r oNr Mw. dn, (fhe anfwereth in earne/f) thrrejhall be an Em1erour. A. L . E1rne!l is mtt2DI t'O k e yot!r fentence more perfect A. Ma be l!Alperour, 'IJide Mad.... .. Therein lieth tt myjfery. :u Stpt. Prsge. 1t!J Mother, my S ijrers, Ave, 1!, () [elf,and thaefl of 11$ will not be frQm A Myllcry. you m you r need. A comforta.ble pro~ A. Now is owr need, as we have declared. miCe, Mad ...... Sir, Content your {elf : For,yet ~t[eafon , you mu_(f have patieH ce. God blreyu, fo r (M yet) I feelnothinf{ to fay to y1u. Mifericos, clemens & pius eft Deus Nofier: Cujus nomen fit benedittnm, Nunc & femper. Amen.

.Note. Abo~1t [even of the ~lock ~hi s a~rernoon, E. K. came again up into my :fh Jdy: and ~emg me rea~mg, ~n.d confidenng rillS Achon,began to nnde talk of it, and willed me to aftay the pracbfe of .t 1f I underfioo~ it: And,ro be brief, by litdc and littl e fell to this itfuc that he twnfeifed h1mfelf to be very fony that he was fo far r~ing in words as h ~ was thi; day,

- - --- day. Nay, (f~id I) af\}' man liTing, elfe, would have found juft 'ca'lfe of comfort,and to give thanks for A V E}C: ci1 fp :::eches eo him, as he ufed unto you upo':l true compafliop, and no skoff, &c. B t you by and by called himDr-vil, and "agc-d rm f rrber againji: Mitfiad and Ga- bri~l, and t.he heavm'y p(l;~er-s wich mol! horriblefpeeches~& c. He becam e very pcnitent;and ac- NoT A, lznowtedged t.'r.z t he hd _otfclld~d SJ-o.i: and faid,that fure!y it w_af of the, T'ev.:t, for he did not r>~~i;e"tia remember his. words: Ollt he 15 1ure, thar they were not decent, and beleeched God to {or!{ivr .J(n grata_{!!. him: And fo did I, and was very glad of this'hi~refornli~g himfelf, and we (being-. oft (be- 7Pj~e~~-~rlJJ fore) called down eo ft~pper) were going out of my Study : and ~s fie was almoft at the door N~te his. to goont, he faiJ to me, I {er! a vtry heitvy thing upon my fhouldn : and it if warm tpith a 'I: nnnncr of a Wbeteat I put to the door , and fa[ down again : V ~rily thinking \.as ic wa~) that' it was heavy thing the prefencoe of A V E, whereupon I fatd ti'nto th'e Creature. odn rh.e d(houl er, an warm ~. In the name of efus, Av~ art thou there, he anfwered immediately after as follow et h. '!.ith:al!. Ave ..... ~ B e~;ai1[~ thou [E.K.J h:zr ac1zH61rle~'!,eJ. my honour llga.in: I wili alfo tUk,}tow!edge m} . t bel[r'tr,ward pu: But 'f!hrre m,tn cnrfeth tbr H_eavens ' what b-,ly Creature caw n.bide l Or where Sa tan if brought llltO polfetfion, by free w tll of man , wbat good A ngel. if he th~tt depart7 eth. not? A 0 Lord, con~rm thy mercies rpon u~ from henceforth. ; Ave ..... . A s conce~ningy1ur A a ion , Tb.e Heavens bear wirnrffe of it. D. There w~s a terriYea, jefterdiay 4,d the g,oo1 Angels 'ontmf. 'Wtth t(Je "tl'icl{_ed: and therf' rible.. ftonn of thunder w~r a grettt conjjtl bmvixt tbem; and ~ha~ about tbe love of Go.d toruzrds ~nd rain~ co...-a d th( you, and your. A [lio11. But I wd! 1ifit J9U again m the morning , .a nd c:nd cf our ycller-dayc:s will perform my good will in God toward you.' BuNb.~u mud pray of ten i.Cti on ~ .wh i :.h , l faid,was if thou'wi!t ttvoid tempt a.tioli.. God be nlercifull to you,forg1ve you,and fomc what more then Dl- . rural. ftrengthenyolf to tb~end."

./1 true 'f\elatiiJTJ of Dr. - ---. . -

Dee his Aflions Jith (piritJ:. &c.




Amen, fweet Jefu, Amen, . was thus ended, I delivered toE .K. my Pfa.lter book (with die lhort prayers M E t P ;Jt:J-nexed to t~ery Pfalm) .whflre he hi.mfelf very ~evoutlx , and I?enirently prayed three of ni~~riy ?ea;: th.em, and I h eanng al fo of them, gave my confcnt 1!1 hearc to the fame prayers. ech,. t::. To G<:?d onely be all praife, hono::r, and glory, now and ever~ Amm~

A. When .all

Wed1!efdaf ,. 27. Junii. Cracovi;:e. M ane horam c'irciter, 7. Uratione- D6mi~ica finica, & pecdiui Orasione contra Tentationes Sathan;:e, apparnit ipfc A V E,&c.

E. K. He

Gloria Patri, & filio, & fp1ritui fanfro, &c. Am~n. .. Ave ~ ... In the name of the F ;.ther, and of the Son, and of the holy G~oft . ~ . Amen, . ,.~ New,what if thnt, .that ifhardtoyoul' . . 4. firft, whcch er tbe Table (for the middle Croffe of uniting the four principal parts) be mad~ perfect, or no. , Ave. , ..... Thou ha.ft found out the tfutl1 of it. . A. I think a myftery did dcpeJ1 upon the choice of the thrte names, Lrxarph.C:<~manan,and
Tab it sm. . Ave ..... That i1 mt to our p11rpo[e. . l:l: Yo:' bad IJie chd"e out of ~he Tables the Chara8:~rs of fewe!t Letters, and I found them to be 0 A 1:1 A A, and 1, you faid they are eigh..t, you faid there arc eight in fo:tr:I know not what this meaneth: Ave ...... YorA -mf!Jjt mal{_e up the 1zame Paraoan, l:l. It_is the fecond part of tbo A. What hall l?erome of the L averfed l 22 aire. Ave ...... It may b( N, 1r L. il.. What muftI now do with that name( Ave ...... ~n ~xa.rp? there wanteth aH_L. 1!1hich L..;s 9f more force th_en the N. b.; So is-,not one anJ therefor( ~t H fn m the Tables. As far ar that N. ftretr.heth i1t the Character, lcrter fupcrflufo far ]hall that C'~u_mrey I:>C confumed with fi~(' '!~ fw.alfo_ ed i_to Hell, flf ous, or wamiag w n Sodom Wllf for Wzck;tdnee~ The enJ. of all things zs e11en at .hand: And the in the Table1. A Prophefie of tartb muff be purified, and .delivered to, another: . thiogs at h~nd. The I;lenv.ens .f!'all br 77.. times above themfelves~ Ani the ettrth ]hall bring NOfE~ . fort~ 1!t~.o ut Ttllage : Propb:ts fpea!z of d~tyes,:[ asJ.pre[ent!J;th~t ar._e.frir off. NIJ'IJ'Ierra. Bu,_ w_e freak...of dayes thlft are ha.rd at hand. t For,_lmmedlately ~fter your. be1_ gwith C~fa!,fhall the -wh~!ewor,ld pe in fudden alteration. Batta'ils :Rod~Ipbru.Citfar. n llM ~ouJ.{he_J. gtr.a._t numlier : The Xi11gs of-the earth }hall rUJt unto the Hills, No~, lniijum mal1~nd [a) CO'Der IK~ . r11m injl~n"C. .

is he.re.:


[a a


true '1(elation of

D. Dee h;.s AffitJnJ TPith JPirits, & c.

------A -,--h.~u mighty G od of Hofis :be our .f ircngth and comf<;H't'. -.-0 T
.... when you hear the peo~l efay; L11, there i4 a man-child that ~oth. great marrNtils, (whitb is even at the door tbrdbo1d.) Then, then th~ll you fee the calamtry of the earth~ . A. L. But let L MkJe, the [trvant of God do . M he. is co"!manded : And ~hat goodnelfe foev~r he. cravech !hall foll ow him, for the Lord bath fpared hun among the 1\mgs of the ca_rh. r r.bn~, provi. . Let bit provide fo r this .6ne j ourHey: He ]hall not nml to provide for the rcjf : For, he that hath !ion. all, hath provided for him. . The fitreemh d ay of Sept.e mber, that fhall bel twelve moneths, !hall you fet up the fifnle. of I n Con n1-nn. , f .n Z:." nopl~ 1 s8~ . t he Cr~)ffe; even in the mtdd fi o Con1.ttnthtop e. 1$. :X.pt, nl;,, b. . _ hy will be done, 0 Lord, to t hy honour and glory. T Ave .. .... In thu Kingdom jhall be much b!oud.fhed, and the one fhall c11t a1fothtrs F'o!~nd, Prj. thr.oat. A nd .J5 the L ord httth promifed,fo Jhall it C()me ptlfJ~. r,iffio canftrmar ' .I" iie A.L. fmt. A ve. . . ... N (lW t o t,e .-r b!e. . c. Of th e P rinci t1al King of Eataiva,or Baatttit7a, ( ufing the lafi a twice) l doubt of the perfefr writing of it. . . . Ave . ..... I s it n'bt ~ritten l I t i1 all, m~~ ufie , an.J z1t gathering thou can(f not ~rre. . '4 Seniors. The 24 Seniors are all tJf one Office: But whm thou wilt work,. in the Eltjf: , tbou mujf t 4 k,e [uch M Noce,This Jj. . ear rule there; fo mu(l thou d~ of the re{f. b verfiry of A Do you mean t he e!late, in refpe8: ofany place we lha\l be in,or iu refpe8: of any earthwor king. ly place. accounted ~lwayeS"the Ea!t part of chc world, wqcrefoever we Qe? The (our p l~gues , or Ave .. .... The Ea!t and Wefr, in r efpefr of your 'Poles~ Whttt will you dfe of me? quarters . A. Wheth er t here four Tables be joyned in their right places, or no.' Ave . .....Theybe. NOte, of the b.. Of the Letters in t he Tranfver[ary of the wicked their black Ctoffe; l.eccers in rhc I know no t;fe, as of m o t i v a t ; nan, &c. ~l.zck Tt;ln.-cr , 1 ary. The book. Ave . .. , .. Thou'Jha!tltnow, when thou writefi thy book. A . I defire yon of the b'~ok to fay fomewhat more for the failiion, paper, and bindinO' & c. Ave. ; .. .. Thou mayeft ufe thy difcretion. ~' ~~ Y ou mean (I trufi) rhe book t hat you bid me to prepare: For, the other is not for wnttng. . . . A per fca maA ve. .... lt il not. . I my felf wtll fi.and wtrh yon, and fhew how to praaife. flcr rc3dy. t.. Bleffed be God for h is ready help. t.. I will prepare che book (by the g race of God) with all fpeed. t.. As .con cerning the Offices, vertues> and powers of the tliree oTh~ Ol~m of all [he cher quar ters of the Table, what fha11 we think of theml four qiurrrr., Ave.: .... They arc all as the fir!1:.



t.. N ote. Thou halt three namrs of God, ou ~ of t,he liue of t he holy Gh.o.fi, in the p rinciCroffe of the irfi Angle, fo hafr t hou t hree m the fecou-d, &c. in the twelve: Four dllyes ( aft(r your boak,. u made> that is tO' fay, wrierm) mufr you ondy caH upon th c, 0 ~ B'uncrs. names of God, or 111 t.be God of H Jls, in thofe names : . Four daycs. 1 h Fourteen And 14 daye~ after'yon fha I (in c is? or in fome convenient place) Call t-he .Ang~fs bJ Petid:tyes. tion, and by rbe name of God, 11nto th~ wh1ch they are obedunt. Ob~dicnc. The I 5 day you {ball Cl oath your [elves, in vefiures made of linnen, white : and (a h~t.ve W~ttc s.\lnnm d e apparition, uf(, and prac?ice of tke C reatures. th fo), it is not a laboHr ofyean nor tnany v euurc ' ayes.
The twdve
namcs of God.pall
G :~. . mc m :~nd

b ook, oncly

once eo be u feJ,

b Ave . ..... Nay, thq allplyd at this. 1 ou mufi.nevrr ~fe the Garnunt after, but that oiJr.e one(y, neitherthe book.

E. K. This is fomcwhat like the old fafhion ofMaaick.

E. K. To what end is the book made then, if it be not to be ufed after.

t.. l e is made for eo be u[ed that day ondy. Ave ...... What -will you elfe? t. . As you bell know : we need infirnCl:io.ns; yet neceffary for us. Ave. : .... Very f ew. A ve .... , It is ll jtrm with fruit, but it wnntrth lenio.

E. K.
Fruic 1han

V\~ hat

mean you by that ?



Avr:. ... ;. 1l ;ere be nror( leaves then fntih ttJt.d in fflttJt'l itC1ions tbN"e be tll~'r cirr.utlljla~:Ca ~it.

:.. Bnt hhe is onely marrow, and no bones, or fieth. /j., A:;. cone;:, nit1.:; the gteat rNulti:Micie that E. K . faw in the Vi lion fra ndin"' ifta the fix-: teen An~;d~, next tbeG~te, you made no mention in your Defcripcion of~du: Y..i6on: T.htre .. for e I wotdd Rnow w..P.:xt [hey are: A vc, ... .. TIJFy b~ M ,';:ii;n.: ;m:! Jervants.


true 'l(_elationof D. Deoe his Affwns ~ith fpirits, &c


E. K. *Aliter, Smdnma, as E. K~ faid. . !)., Of chis There jhalt thou fee thy old Sondenna, ttnd. many other wick.fd ones, that thtu bajt dealt witb- wckcd ~ ~ndtnall. H ereby .fhall you judge truly of wick..ed UUagicf<., God oe Wzth ) OU: I r.ill be rel'ldy, ~;. ~f~~ o;h~ ' whm you ttted nu. ~ction fa id.

~::.. JE.cerno & omnipotenti Creatori rerum omnium, vifibiliurri & invifibilium fit: omnis Seciog


come ~, '::> ' ::> to be known , ( 2.nd not . by me : fnr Thld received rile Saer nnem with Mr. Minivn,. of whom I had him, n~ver eo bcwny or d;fclofc his name) I will cell you fo~~whu of him. He a-ppcarc:th in many form~, ti ll ac length he appe~r in 2. Triangle of h<t, anJ being con!lrainc.l eo the Circle, h e tlkn h for 111 ( ~ " ic w re ) of a g.reat Gyant , 2nd will declare bef re for a mont~ to come which fptrits Jo orderly nn~e: wh;c' \ by r.:tmc being oiled, will do cheJr offices, with a few- ochec citcum(\ari((S ufcd, &c, This, indeed was o ne, of whom I nnde mo!t

lau . honor <'!aria & t:>ra[iarurn aCtio:



account, &c.
b; 1 . R emember, I have not yet hear d any thing of the) Princes whi.J:h held up the traine of the chief King. Doubts, 2 , . Neither any thing ofthe Trumpeter which went before all. . Neither of the letters in the T ranfver(ary of the black Croffe. 3 . AI fo of* Docepax Ted~and,being referred to CiliciH, N emrodiana,and P4pblagonia in the* D~dmd by 4 late expofition of the pla ce~ by vulgar names : an d befor.(;l in the naming of them by the G_~~.bml and names of Creation they were. applyed t:o I t alia and Britania : One of thofe is eo be NAJ'IIt~t,e. doubted of. c;. We :1re defiro ns to know the Etymologies of all the names of God which we <hall u[e_, richer to G od him(d f, or to the Angels. 6. \Ve require the form qf our Petition or Invitation to be made to the Angels. 7 Of rhe 20 (and mo re) diverliti.:s or t:orrdt:ions of this principal 1 able, We require y our cenfure, which diverl}ties I have (by con jeeture ) lo mad ~ or amended. . 8. Whereas I was [ t::. Jwtllc:d to call 14 dayes, rh e Angels w btch are to be u(ed : fo wonld I D.. . P~tgrrra tt know whether a\fo I lhould (ummon the wicked here recordt:d (out of the black Cro!fe, ha- duil,maprmving the.tr off- (pring) likewi[e 14 dayes. enre.

At length ap peared a face , ver~ g r eat, w1ch wmgs about, ad;oyned co 1c; feemed eo be in a great Globe of tire

Saturday, t CracoviL, ]u1zii 30, Man~, circa 9. hora~. domiHica finita, & pnpofi_c w~llis 7 dubiw, quirvimru paulJI!um. Deinde, aliquot orariones rx p[alterio recitavi, itcrum q11zevtmus .P"ulu_luJH. .Ad {em~horam nih~l apparuit.
Orat iou~

afrerward he

..... Heark.fn to "I) voice. Modefiy, patience, and humility of heut and body, doth bdoJtt, to tbefe .ACiions. hiJW mahJ 1hrmders the L ord hatb injtore fo r the wirk.._ed. t.. 0 T ord, we know not. . . .. .. Wtre )'014ever in the [ecret caves of the Earth l

Tell me


No, Lord , never.

.. . .. 1 ben tell me how mauy windes the L ord bath prep~tred for an year? t.. Neither that can we tell : We are noc of the lord hts Council in theft: things
providence . . . . . . . Cntz )
OU tell me none of thrfe qur/ti ous? ...... Can )'Ol! tell wh.r.t }hall become of ;our [dves l

of his

c, , Gori oncly knoweth, and no creature but by him : for all things arc: kept uncertain until the eud .

. . . . 1 ou beget children, f<..now you the hour wber~ in they jhall be bobt.? ...... 1 ou bq.i1: labour, can J OH tell wba t peiut of time JOU fha/1 end i 1t f A, G od only is the ~'onnrain of all wifdom and crmh . ...... W-e!l, then 1 [e e,you are Jrownd in ignorlfnce and f<.now nothing.

E. K. He turneth round very fwiftly,

...... Evm as the Adder leadeth out ber_Young one~, the fir(t day _one foot, (out of bn- b11e) not Nore thi.1 limi. beraufe they .fhould eat, b11t be.:aufe thl'y n11ght acqu~t.mt tbem[dves wztb the air, and her.[ubtlety. lirude well. The [econd day, one yard and more:fhe m compPJJeth her hole, nnd windet" to and fro,and teacbt!Jtm to c,eep ; and [o five or fix dayes, till tht:y l<,now how to move llndjfir their bodzes. After tlx feven th da Jhe lendeth them further, and .faineth deceit, jfrikj14t the groHnd witb her J, :ad , ds though zt were the found 'Of fom e one atband : And tbm gaping, beginnetb i:o hiffe, and {tirrrtb up fea r 1mto hrr youne, ones, (o that they enter into her mouth. A nd tbUf foe doth till they be 1 z o~ I 3 day_es old : 1hrn .fhe leadeth them a jlo~w-catt, and ex~rci[!th them botb with f ear , and b~Jmg themfrlves ; And whm they fleep (being you1:g and wearied with /ttbour) foe fiealeth f rom thnu and mak_,db a nD T amongft :he le4VU and {malljfone~, with the ~;zpifing 1j h~r 1:inda parts: [e Te


~4 tr9.e7?..!!lation of Dr. Dee his

JlE!ions 'With-Jpiri-ts,.&c.

To r he intmt fle "~!ght fee _ what jhift her worm:s cit!f.mttk,.e, which ftirred -ip withfear, a lid mif!ing r
their mother, fo: learn to couch themfr!v-rs m th~ Chymne~ of the earthS .At length, afterJilence, t he mo_tber: thn;{l-eth oat her fel_f, and Joubfetb her tongue (With .the found whereof foe u{eth to Cafl t be m) They come tof!.~thrr and re)oyce, wreathing tbemfe!vn diverfly about her body, f or . jo.J.: She for a recon1pmre, fufferetb them.t o hang up m her baclz, and [o walteret~ to her hole ~ where Jhe g11 - rheretb the lenvrs of the earth: and ~fter }he hath chewed t.hem [mall awl tender, with her treth rmd mingled tbem with the dutf, (he fpuet_h them ont again, andbeginnet~ to lick,.. tbem by little and little, as thQ?~gbjhe hrmgered, which Jhe [ubtlelydoth, that her wor111es mi[!,bt eat and forget their hmr.tz.rymjJ<'. . Fm .Ti(v, i it 20 d.ryes, tbey beco1He big, and as sk,ilful in the propntJ of thiir kjnd . : jhe (I[ity) lead etb them out into ll .fettil~ place, and full of dew, and .full of bujhes, and pl'l1ces apt .to t ?Jver tb:m,. wbere th f'y feed, d~e{l, obferve their craft, and at laf!: f6rfake tQeir-motller, Evtn '[o; . it if wit.1you ; So the 'I..-orrl~ ( th~ true S ~rpen t and W!lrme) !eadeth y ou out from day to day, 'ltccor- 1'1-it:mt,hing ding tofortr jtreugth : ;rnd as yo11 gr ,w, tothe intent you might., at lajl be brottj!,ht unt'o tbe pfea[a1tt t rue 110ifJom. d tw, nn-i fo!)d ()f his 'mercy, which i. Triumphing true wifdom . s But this the Lord fearech .of you; that, as tb.e wormes aid, fo you will for fake your mothe,r. A. Forfak e us not, o God, Cotlfinn thy graces in. us, and we lhal1 not forfak e ther:. The. mtttfrl' of the S erph tt, h, not to for[ak,..e IJu yaung. t:... 0 Lord we depend onely on thee, and without thy grace and c,ontinual help, we perilb. _ . . . N 0 E. Tbe Lord told Noe !(lJt6 before, the Flood would comr, 1he believed him: 1he.~efore he is fnfe i~> botb W?rlds. The Jolts tn la~ of Lr1t:s funk into He!.!, for that they derided the words of God,atid believed them not.. H wife beca me a falt-jtonr, for that jhe !o'ok,ed bark_, and did crmtrary: to Mllfe5 t be C1J 'I/J11111tdment uf G:d . Mo[es b~d the reward of his holineffe in. thi-s world'pluckJ bac.k,, be~ Nurmri 10 .J pt t rt~ c.aur~ he faits, Can chi s, &c. ,.urn " c J' . . ~ . b:tc 1.1~bis 4 , I , as the me.J{e'fger of God, am ar one tbat fay, Cave, T ak,..e hee.d that you becllme not.f n in larn, o fJU:lm powim11s thougb Jou paffe the fir. , Ta~e heed you look., not b$ck,: for if you do, you /hall m 't fee !be flood, nei~ e eJi:ere. tber jhall thq L ord pui rt vaif betwixt yM anJ vengeance, neither ( I fay) jhall the promifes of God collie in your dayes. If G?d had tal<_en you up into the heave m andplaced y ou before hu 1brone, anJ told}Ou the things that are to come.you would b.e /ieve; But that y ou camt?t do. . The L ord if m~rc.iful, be d efcmdeth into your houfes, and there telleth you what if 'to L ome, where ye~t ~tiay1m derjfaitd : But yo~ bel'ieve him n~t. Ther efo re faith the Lord of you~ I fear you will J:i. forfake your moth er: . But if pu do it, I fay, tf you do it> I wilt mal(e of the Mothe sJ me11, that


111al! teil:ifie my.natnc.

E. K. {ever toldyouI.do not believe-them nor wil1 defirc to believe them.

-Faith. Obedience. Humility,

nor ~an-beiievethem,

... ... If you be fai~bful, you able to comprehend : I f you he obedient -ar1~ humhle, n~ Creatures. of II~tt.vm .fhall 11bide with y ou; Yea the F a,'ther .'and the Son, and tll'e Holy Ghoft fball ma~e.his d welling With }0!:. Jf you perfev~re, even with faith aqd humility, y ou jhall fee the wicked c{ ,yes thrz t are to come, enjoy the promtfes of God, and be pnrtak,.er of .tbo[o b{elfed days th.at tcllow : For wonders unheard of, in, and of t~ world, are llt hand.. You are warned; A cave:lt. The ,Spmtof God reft with you. A. Amen, ~- 0 Lord, lhall we continue.in this wavering or ftiff-necked willful blindrie'ffe, and frob.. wardly keep out thy merCies and grace's by our flefhly fenCe, aud unreafonabl~ perfwafion am.s ac ry . h . . c I ~ ' M. 'fi e ) h.tc a mt & ~amfi t e ver ltY OFt lJ uue uu . rs . ..uddt fe ri'o ad 1. All tbi-n.;,s are committed to thy Charge. . J<..'rm. diU~t e- . . t.. 0 Lord as much as ever I can do by prayer or otherwife, I do, and yet I enjoy , 'J.e f wt. fruit. my long travel. . 2. 'Jhou baff groUHd, r ~W if tbou CJln, . . b.. How can I wi ttJout further infiruttions and he) p ? ~nd now, when [ require Ave to conie, he comerh not : 0 Lord comfort me. . 3 . A V E Jhall come when thau haft-n.eed of him. ~. In te pomine fperavi, & fpc;ro, & fperabo. . In di!! T.ribu!ationis exaudies me l Refugium meum, fpes mea, vita ~ bea titudo mea Jefu ChrHte, tibi ClUll Parre & Spiritu San8;o iit omnis honor, laus, Gloria ~ Gratiarum aai p Amen .




Orat i~nt tlomiJ.ticr~,/initn, & mor4 aliqua interpofit~, & ali"quot al~H ex pfalterJo recitatis prt. r:ibus, & pofl var~M metH ad Deum:ej fiCUl llt iones. . n}f[tmib~rilm. At leng th .Ave appeared to E. ,K. jn.the Shew.flone, &c.

Monday, t Cra covi~, J unii


M ttnc hora


t.. .0 Lord, aU honour, thanks,.anq p11life, 'l>e' Unto thee, who heareit Jhc_ .P-!ayeors oftby firnple fer:vanc. 't>.Fiifl,

A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AEiioru !Pith (pirits, &c..


Firft, for the reforming of diverfity of lette<s in the names written, I require your aid:, unleffe you will firfl: fay fomewhat el[e. Jy the fame Jeflts who fitteth on the right hand of his Father, and is the wifdom of bi1 Father, I requt:fty:m to p-roceed withus. Ave....... So that the body of Chrift, now, i1 glorified A-nd imm~rtal. :>. Moft rrne it is Mors illi ultra non non dominabitur. Ave ....... But as the Prophets, that were fullftled with tbe HolJ Ghoft and Spirit o God, before Chrilt, tajted of bim, in that hejhou!d come tU a Saviour, and in the feed of m~tn; sX u the Propbefie of thi1 time, Cb'rift being a[r.:eH.ded, in the [!:me Spirit. But that Cbrijl fhall come in his Adve111111 Chd. glorified body, Triumphing againjf Sa tan, and all hif enemies. ifi. A. ~o be ir> 0 Lord. f-. ve ... .. . But that the words of the Propbefies maJ be fulfilled, It i1 necejfary that the Earth [warm, and be glutted with her cwn fornication and idolatry : ~bich , what it }hall c, the fame fpiric will open nnto you. A. Fiat vohmtas Dei. Ave ....... That you may not onely be 'Wife in forfak_ing the world, and forefeeing the dangerr of f erditi.'IH ; But 4l{o preach the wonders of the fame Chrijf, and bi1 great mercies, which it to conze and tO _appear in the clou~eswit~ his body glorified. Tbe L ord [aid to Satan, I will give thee power, m th~ end over their bodtes, and thou jhall be cajf out into the fields, and that for my Our bodies ro names Cake: But my Vmeyard, and the frnit of my Harve{r , jhalt thou not hinder. Thus mJ becdl o~:~druc brethren bath the L ord loved you, Thus have the Trcafuus of the Heavens opencd them[elves 1mto theliclds, yuu : Bllt your faith {ptingeti not. r::.. It !hall when it pleafeth the Highell: We befeech him to mcreafe our faith as 1hall be moll: for his honor and glory. Ave....... But unto yl)u it jhall be revealled, what }hall Cl) me, after Morrows,after ])ayes, Wuk..s, Prophelie. ~~nd Years : And unto you it jhall be delivered, The Prophrfie of the time to come, which is twelve; x -- u ofthe which you have but one. A. God make us faithful, true and difcret(ervants. Ave....... Fer God wzll jhal(e this earth through a riddle, lt.Jtd l(noclt tbt: V(Jfe/s n piequ, t"row Jo~n the f<"ats of.tbe proud~ and eftabtifh himfelf a fed _of quietn~ffe: that neither the Sun may Regnwtn fNtll fhme uprnt the Ui1Jzift, nor t/,e garments ve madf of m11.ny puce:. rwm, A. All !hall be in unity : un~U pajlor, unnmo11ile, &c. Ave ....... Hafte therefore and be gone: as the Lord bath appointed you, t!Mtyou may he ,6. Begenec~ uady for him, when be bringeth the fickJr. Pur.ifie tt!l the velJtls of your hou{e, .rnd gather more theEmperour. imo i ~,(md when the L ord preffeth,he will ;.)ve-JIU JPine ailundantly : .AH.J lo,the. fork.. are weary That hold up of thtlr burd.eus : But bt diligent, watchful, and fnU of care : for Sa tau huufelf H very bufie the grapes. TPith you. After dinner I will vifit you wich inftrufrions : But 0 1ft) Brethren, be faithful, and ~a~a~f 1 per_(evere; for the fame fpirit that !ettcheth the Churcb, teachetb y ou, s::;itli~ San~ ~. To the fame Ho(J Spirit, With the Father and the Son, be all honor, power, glory and [1111 praife, now, and ever, Amen.


Julii 2. Afrer Noon, Hora I ~ Gloria Patri, & Filio &: Spiritui San8:9 ficnt erat in principio & nunc & femper & in f;ecula feculorum. Amen.

E. K. Here he is now.
r::.. Nob is ad fit, qui cun8:a creavit. Ave . .. ... Wbat will you ! A. 1f it pleafe you, the folution of the former S queftions firft:. A. 1. As of the five Princes, which held up the traine of the King. Ave .... The ~tow/edge of them he!peth not now. A. 2 . Secondly of the Trumpeter, what it betokened. Ave....... It bath n~ relation to the[e Tables. A. 3 Ohhe letten in the Tranfverfary, I would know your will. Ave ....... They are, M the otlm, but for a peculiar rra8:ice. A. 4 For Doccpa:c and TeJoand referred divedly; as I have notctd) Wh;~t is the c:iufe of Doepax. Ted~nd~ this diverfity? Ave . ...... It wM the fanlt of E. K. in reporting. A, Whu i che very Truth ? Cal!s, A Ye, ..... Thou.fhalt be t aught that, w!len tkou haft their Calls, Nalva1.e i' It belongeth to Nalvage his correliion. cotretl, r::.. 5. As concerning rhe Etymologie5 of thefe names of God, we would be fatisfied. A ve ..... God il 1t S!irit, an is nrJt able to be comprehended. A. Some Notifying or Declaration, no full comprehenaon I require;



A true '1\ elation of Dr. Dee his AEiionJ 'D1ith jjirits, &c.
Ave ..... It if no part of mans underjflmding. They fignifie all things, and they fignifie nothing. fi '6 d 'd d Ave ...... Who cttn nrpreffe.J ehov~h. w/,ttt it"figni/ieth. Oeus gnt cat a 1 quo ag1t. A. As for the form of our Petition or Invitation of the good Angels, What fort lhould it be of? Ave . . A .fhr-rt and brief f!uciJ. A. We be[eech you to give us an example : we wonld have a corifidriice; it lhould be of more effd t. Ave.. ... I 11111) not do [o.

l nvoc1tion .


And why?

We bereech you, fhall we ufe one fonn to ~11? Ave .... Every one, after "divers f(;rm . . A. If the minde do diCl:ate or prompt a dtvers; form, you mean. AYe ...... I i<._now not : for I drn/1 not in.tbe foul of ma1t, A. As concerning the diverfity of certam words m thefe Tables, ~nd thofe of the portions of the Earth delivered by Na!vag~, What fay you? Ave ...... Th~ Tables be tru~. ls it AJdrBpl, or Andropl? Ave ...... JJoth names be true, and of Qnt .figmfication. I bttvt delivered you the Tables, {o u[t them. A . As concerning the Capital letters, have I done well ? The ufe oft he: Ave .... .. You bave eafily corretled t bat, and ro good md; for every 1etter, and part of letter, lttten , hach his .fignificati<~n. A. 1 befeecb you fay fomewhat of theN in Pr.raoan, of which you faid> fo far as thac ftretched, ibould fink to hell. Ave ..... Every letter in Paraoan,is a living fire: but all i!{ one quality and of ohe Creatio11: t'fote, But unto N is deliv.ered a viol of Deftrua:ion, according to that part tbtrt b~ u of Paraoan t~ Gove10our. t:>. It may pieafe you to name that Place, City, or Country, under that N. Ave ...... Ask,. Nalvttge, and he will tell you. . . A. Asconceming the wicked here, Shall I call or fummon them all, as I do the good ones in the name of God ? 1 A ve .... No man calleth 1pow the n~tm~ of God in the -wick...ed : They are {ervttnts and vilt flava. The wicked foirits arc vile A. We call upon the name of Jefus in the expulfing of devils,faying in the name of efus, &c. Oavc,. Ave ..... Thflt In, if A[.ainjt t~ wtcl{.ed. N~ jujt man calleth upn the n~tme of God, to allure the devil. t:>. Then they :are.not to be named in the firfr fummoning or inTitation. Ave..... At no time to be: called.

Ave . .. ~ . Invocation proceedeth of the good will of man; a,d of the brAt And fetvt1tCJ of tht [pirit : A~t.J. therefore u prayer ~f [11cb effell with G~J.

E. K. How then lball we proceed with them?

Ave ..... Wh~n the Earth lietb opened unto your eyes, and whe11 the Angels of Light, ./hall off(r tb~ paag<s of the Earrh, unto the entr11nce of JOIIr fmfes, ( chieJlJ of [eeing) Then }hall you [u the The Tr~2.'urrs Tre11[ures of the Earth, as you go : .lhtd the cttvN of the Hills jhall not be unk.,nown unto you : ot che Emh. Vnto tht[l',you mf7y [a;, Arife, be gone, Thou art of deftru8:ion and of the places of darknelfe: Our w.ords to Thefe arc: provided for the ufe of man, Sojhtr!t thou ufe the wick.,ed, and no otherwife. the wtcked A, This j~ as concerning the natural Mines of the Earth. ~~:ru~~~P Ave ..... Not [o, for thtJ have nothing to do with the natural c.Mitm of the Earth; but, with that 'llhicb i1 corrupted with man. A. As concerning the coined they have power to bring it. Ave. So they may: that they keep, and no other. A. How fhall we know what they keep,and wh21t they keep not ? Ave ... R~ad my former w' rds ; for thou doj1 nor undtrfta.nd them. A. 1 read it : beginning at the fir.fr line on this fide, when the Angels of light, &c. A. I mean of coined money that they keep not; How .fhall we do to ferve our neceffi ties with it? Ave ..... The good Angels ~tre Mhtifters for that purp~fe, The Angelr of tbe 4 4ngles foal! ntai<._e the Earth open zmtoyou, and_fhall[erveyour mceffities from t.he 4 parts of the Earth. b. . God mah me a man ofw1fdom in all parts, I befeech htm . .A. Nore I had fpoken fomewhat of my pare in Devonjhire Mitaes: and of the D~tnifh Treafures which were taken ofrhe Earth . A. Thefe our ~e.frions being rhus anfwered, now I refer the reft to your irillrwtl:ions intended. ln'l'oc:srions to Ave. Yw have the corn, 11nd JO'It ha11e t!Je ground : M~tk..e you but invocations to' fow the be made. feed, ~tnd th~ fruit fhal! be plentiful.


true ']{elation of Dr. Dee- .is AE!ions ~ith fpirits, &c. h

. A. As concerning our ufage in the t~-dayes in the l4 dayes, we would gladly have fome information. Ave ...... YIJu would k,_now to reape, before pur corn befown. A. As concerning a fit place and rime to call, and other circumflances, we would learn fomewhar. Ave ....... You would k,.nowwhere .and when to call, befou your invocations bear witneffes of you r readineffe. t.. Then they malt be written in verbis concepti.r, in formal words. Ave ...... I a very eafiematrer. A. What is the Book you ~ ean tbat I thould write? Ave ...... The Book,_ r.ottfiflet h ( r] of Invocation of the names of God, and [ 2 J 1Jf the Angels , by The Bcm. the na~s of God : Their offices ttre m.tnifeft. You did deji.e to be fed with [poones, and fo ;ou are. A. ~s concerning Bataiva, or Baataivb, I pray yott not to be offended though I ask again, what I S the tru th? Ave ...... The word i1 hilt-of fix letters , whereof, one is on th~ left fi-d e, one o1t the right, trPo a- D.. He meanhove, and two under ; A and H are put to e[h of the le1 A. Sometime~ or communiter, A,_an~ in ext'iemil Judi~iis H as I was taught before. fide of the A. So that the wo~d !S Batniva, or Batllzvh. fqfuhare c_m.cr e

and d rew the whue Curtatn.

; K. I think he be gone; for he made a fign of the crofe toward us'

o c c prmcl-

p:~.l cro~:

noc pcrfea fquue, buc hcterome~

A. As we fate a while and talked of the Calls received in the holy Language, and not yet m. Englirhed, there was a voice. . . . .... T 9 N jhaLl have tbo[e Call> m Englijh on Thur[daJ . And fo a>"'- me 110 . more queftims. The Calls to A. Thanks, honour, and glory, b e to our Creator, R.edeemer,and Sanctifier,now and ever, be had in EnAmen. glilh on Thurf~

day nco<t.

Thurfday, t Craco-:;i.e, Ju!ii, 5 M:tnc, bora,-8. fer/:. Ortttione dominirafinrta a!ii[que extemporafteis ejaculationibzM ad Deum,& repetito promiJJo u!timorr-mz verbor.zlm de Angelica interpreratilme If. il!arum invocationum, quas a If Maii ultimi recepimus, tandem apparuerunt, Gabriel i~ Cathedr.t & Nalvage. Gabriel in his C hair, and N alvage Wtth the Table, or rather Globe wich the letters iu


t.. Blelfed be our God alwayes, for hi s mercies : his graces be with us, now and ever.

E. K. Gabriel fiandcth up.

Gab ...... Di{inm ejt _r~pe v,bis, perfeverate nfque ad finem. A, God give us tha t ability. Gab...... A ltd ~hy i1 it [aid [o ? but beca.ufe JOII- jhall have many umptations ttnd ajjliaions: after which come confolation and comfort .. ~f the Smith prove nnd tt>mper bis Gold by fire, his intent if to excel! in the worl.(thttt he bath in hand : that thereby it mij!:.bt be tryed, refined, and made ttpt, to the end wht!rein it }httll be ufed: Murh more, thinl<,you, ~pth the God of wifdom, forge; trj ) ttnd beat out, fucb as be intendetb to ufe in tlu execution of hit divirte and eternalpurpofes. H ow the.refore can you find f ttult with the L~rd l How rMzyou fny, he dealetbnot jr(Jt{y withyon .~ when hefujferetby.u to be proved to tbeuttermojf. Jf you p-aJ the uttertoft farthing, are )'OU not becomef~ ee? If you feel ajjli!lim and temptation, 11.ttd with/taxd. it, are JOTI not the more pure? the more ;u/fified.t for the ~ineyard 1111d H arveft of the Lord ? 0 J'es, my Brethren ; fo r tbe more the wife man is a.ffiiaed, the "tore- he re joyoeth; And the greater his aJ.verjity is, tbe more he pro[f. ereth. I s it not written .f No mtt1t cometb to the Lord but he if juftified, purified, and accepted. PYbence therefore (ifyou [uk,_ to come befo re the L ?rd, that is to {ay, to appear, to b~ b!effed) fhall your jr~ltiflcation ~r pnri!J iltg anf l Of your OWit nat!1re it cannot ; .for you were born finners : 8 1 e 1t by ChrijrJoumtry: I n whom 7ou are jufl:ifierl, tbr ~ugh ptttienc~, and refijlinz t~mptations. True proof;and touch of ma1t : But me thi;tk,_tth I hear. you {~ty, 0, if we were rich, or .of ability. Tme it i s, for tbe d11_{l of the earth taity men excel you: But in t6at yo~ fp eak vrirh God, in .us . his Angels ( that i1 to f~ty Meffagers ) you are not onely happy (which bajpi fujJe the otbers w..z.nt) ~~~;d~~e:t~f; but y~u excell a/! the creatures r{ the E~trth. God, 0 my lJretbrm, tbeir ioy is a'6itter~[weet : But the comfort that you have, is eternal, i1 fweet, and a food fo r ev, r. Theref?re, i.f JOU will be eternal, ttnd in perpetual comfo rt wzth joy, dt'[pi[e tbe worlil.f~ r tbe worlds {a~e: find deligbt. in God fo r hY mer,ies; >'hich if J~U trulJ do; Thm can tto Ten:pc.fl: prevail, 1t0 affii[i~m co me a~i(fe, 1Zf!r no bu~den. be too keavy.for you: For it H writttH,_ Gaudutm bea~orum Chnltus : Cm Mundus omma mala fec.tt 0 my Breth.u n, be c~ nte.ted, nnd {uff(r the world: for ar Cbrijf in vanqdifhing ber, did prove him[elf the S on of God: s~ jhn.ll you i;: rejijfing her, at la_Q: overcome, anJ. be ac ~01mted the [ons of


[b b]


De e.

A true 'I{ elatio~ ofD .. Dee his .dflions Dithffirits) &c.

God in C hr ilt, of whom JOU are 1t follower. t:. . God be praifed therefore.

John De:e~ be of comfort,: for thou (halt overcome.

E. K. And what do you fay of me?

t:... If I prevail, Satan fhall net have his will of you : for Gab .. But 111tto thu [ E.K. ]faith tbt Lml,Take heed,how thoumcddleftwithhcll, lea it fwallo\V thee. H ,zve pati ~.>:r;e, a time.
n ...

E. K. They b~ gone out of fight.


In the mean timeiwe read over the prem1lfes twice, to our great tomfort.

E . . Now they be;; here again, K.

Now is a Cloud over them, all white like a fmoke.
A voice ...... t..M~ve not,for the place is holy

-By a great hollow voice!.

E. K. Why ihould it be holy.

A . - The Court is, where the King is : So where the Lord h prefcRt; the plate i!i accounred holy, and is io.

E. K. Nowthey be out of the Cloud.

t:.. After this, they made another paufe : longer than before.

E. K. When ihall we practice Ave his Calls, &c.

Gab . ...... My brother, thou haft lea.fl carr: Thou drnwe[t both of GJd and man
l-li~ fee of A. C.. nti[ed thee, fh all b.e pa ved thee; and that which is to comr:1 tb1u ]halt be partak.Jr (Jf of 4 oo Doll m [ ~:; . To E. K. for he hath no care noeither .for meat,nor drink for him and . his, }'~arly. he deil:imcc of 400 Oollers yearly penfion, and is to have Come help by Art.

Tbat is pr'-

N al._ ....: Say the firft word of the Call.

Gah S diii.

neith'r is


It is the fifth, for 4 being Englifued.

The Spirits of the fourtk Angle are

E. K. He holdeth up all his hand, and

on his thumb fiandeth written and on the fingers orderly very big letters.
C::.. lt is yet a
myfic,y t o whu book
en d ~ , :u~d

There was no word there thllt fignified Nine, the third word jhou!d b, E 'M ,


words have 1c lation,they arc in every Call

foll owing.

mighty in the firmttment of waters, whom the /irft hath pla11ted If. Torment to tbe wick_ed,
a Gjtrland

to vanne the earth and Th1t word



thou h2ft aoc~ it is Aclm.

conti1zua! Work..men, . who[e courfes vifit with comfort

the earth,

to the rit,httotiS; giving unto 'them fiery dartf

and are in government and continuance tH the [econd 11nJ the third :

nry vozce3 I have ta!~ed ~fyfz4 and I move J.OU in power and prefence,

Hellrk,.(n untf .

E. K. Like

}hall be

~ Song of1mtour c~ou~ ~vereth 1tnd the prai[e bctw-e~n Se d 1hc 1h1nc~ m ~f your G~ the air. m your Creation. 6 tl


Nal. ;..... Th.rt is one.

E. K. Now he plucketh the Curtain over aii.

t> .Becau~e yon faid that Acam betokening 7699. was to be put in his place: 1 have viewed and num.b red,and I find the words of the Call,more_;than the Englifh parcelb, by many: For theEngltfh parcelsare4x, and the Call bath above 5o.

A voice....... You have 0 D the fourth word of that Call; 1he whole c~ll M placed ther-e, and ught to be the next. N Ctmber the words of the next Call, A. So that the ne:x.t Call ought to have this Englifb.

E: K. Now he lheweth again.

Nal, .....

A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AC/ions 'With (pirits, &c.

N al. . .. The mighty [1J1mds
have enured into the third Angle, and are br,cot1u lff 0/irmin the Olive Mount, look.,i'ng with f!.ladnejfe upon the earth, . E. K. .tZnd Cloeds. * dwelling in the hrigktnee of the H eavens

contim-1al C0141forters, unto whom I f aflmul Pillars of gladnefo

nineteen - That i~ Af a11d that word _ gflVe them !fave not veffrls there, to water the e11.rth with her Cre~tllrer, and thry are 'he brothers of the firft andf.'cond, and the beginning of their OWJ! feat~, rPhich are ga rnifhed -with continual burningLttmps 69636. Nal ...

whofe Feral numbers J&IIWant llre M that word. the firjf, the ends and. the Contmts of time. Therefo re, E. K .Now all ~me ye the jiY.gerr au tntd bowed downobey ward. your Cr-eation, vifit U! in peace and comfort~ conclude Uf (H recezvers of ~heir myffer ies, fo r WhJl Our Lord and M after. A 5 is 1111 one. r

E K. Clouds came berween. E)(. t-1 is eyes' :and the thew-


E. K. Clouds. Fort~ fie.

Dw~ll;ng in [he ~ri~'ltndfe of rhe henens as continual comforters.

Nal. ..... That is it thttt wmt before.

E. K. Now he draweth the Curtain.

r:.. 1 rridenblnd this to be the Englijh of the fifrh Call; and that before of the fixth: th e Numbers of th e parcels fcem to agree. So that w-e have now the Engl.ih ~;f the fifth trud fixth Call. Th-mk.._ed be God. E, M, A f. and Peoal, three words which you faid we had nor, 1 finde th em in the Calls : yo:Jr meaning perhaps is fomc other then the common words.

E. K. Now he bath opened ~gain.

A might} Guard of fi"(, '!rith two edged [words fl aming, Nal ... . wbich have Th't is l'. you the Viols have: nl>t mark eight tbe my frerie. of wntth for two times and a half; whofe wings are of Wo-rmwood, antl of the mArr~w f [n..'t have fetled t heir fee t in the Weft, tmd 11re meafi.rred witb their Minifters, 9996 ----That is,

C.tt!, that you 'Ihe[e have not, garher up the 'Mo .ffe of tne earth, [as] the rich mttn doth his '1reafure, curfrd are they whofe iniquities they are, in their eyes 6-r e

tbeir hands are


Happy if h~
on Wh9}n .~ they frown not: For why.? th~ God of righteoufneffe repyceth in them. Come away, And not your viols. For, the time is fu chtH reqJtireth comfort,

greater . then t!Je earth, .And from their mo~tths rumu of blo~d: Their heads are covrred With Diamond, and

5 9


E.K. Nowhedraweth the Curtain.

As I was comparing the Call to this Englijh, a voyce faid.

N a ll ... ,. , I t i-f the next Call.


I underftand it t o be the fourth Call, or

E. K. Now


tr~e'R,flation of Dr41 Dee his

-- --

AEfions ~ith Jpirits, &c.

co,.e away. For, the CrowHs of the Temple,

E. K. Now he openeth.
1be 111idd11J thr firft,

the tbird H eaven


Nl . ....

0>~.: And thlL

bare nvr,

cf Hirrcin!J pillars 26. bt whom tbc Elders are l ecome ftran?,r, which I have prepared for my own right~Jifneffr, faith the L ord, wbo[e long continua~tce jhalt be tH Bucltfes to the jfoupi?tg Drttgons, and

lik,_e unto the H arveft of a Widow. H~w many are thert "'llbicb remain in the glory tJf the earth, wbich are, ttnd jhall not fe$ Jeatb until! 6. I undedland thiJ h:,ufe rhc end of this fa ll, earth, ace, and tke Dragon fink.. C~ me llWaJ For, the Tbun4tn have {pok,pt :

the Coat of him, that if, WtH, andjh4/l be Crowned are divided. Come appear to the trrrour of the ellrth and to our comfort, 11nd t;J[uch

" prepareJ. 11re


E. K.

Now he hath covered all again~

t:.. As I was fp~:tking oi ltis divcdicies, faying, This you have not, and this you have not: A voyce [aid : Som~ pu f;.tve , aitd bme you have Hot, whether )Du have, or h~tiJe nor, it is a myfiery.

E. K. There i3 a little fire in the fione, going aboutit like a lirtle Candle. The Curtain is open, ar..d a great Cloud over them. Now they appear.clear.
are numbred and are harboured in the North, in the /ik_eiuffe of a11 Oak,., who{e brllnches are 1\ettfts

The Timnders of JudgeHtent 1111d 1Pratll. of lttmentatirm Ol. That yo" have nor. anJ 1'91lr weeping, with an httntir~d- r orJ. laid up -mighty E~trth-quak..er. for And th~ urth, that times in the parte

Thoufantl - - - - MatJ,



That you have


{urges Thati5 D~to~ which that you have reft not [or] lab1ur ftill, noc, neither lc.now.

E. K. Now cometh a Cloud over them very white like fmoke. Now they appear again.

Which burn

the "Ibunders



time here.


'DOnti t

out tbe h~ads of S corpions,

~tnd live Sulphur,

,,;,gled with poyfon. Thefe be

hringeth out Nal,: .... a thoufand- Matb, 'fOU even tH have it the heart not. of mtt doth bu thoMghts, wo,w :,w9, owt,wo,wo,

One rtel<..

to the earth, for tb her iniquity

t,reat, Come away. But



your noyfes.

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn again, after a quarter of an hour. E. K. Now

A true '!(elation of D. Dee his Aflions ~ith fpiritJ, &c.

E. K. Now he appeareth.
Nal. ..... CIJnjider by thefe, who[e bv.finrJ{e JOU have in h#nd. 0 you of flrrow tht rngr hind(up in the South, your girtlles,
and are
0 Thu Y ll h.we not,

1 93

and Vifit


Bring down the Ltt1tterns your train ll ...... Here mu.ft JP~rds in the end of tbe fir.ft Call, follo~ ~t Mo-ve)&c . .A. Bm this Call, it d ilfereth a little expre!ly. t. . They are the 1~ !aft: words, in the holy langua~e thtlS : Zacar e ea, od zamran, odo ic.Q}.ta, Zorge, lap zirdo N oco Mad, Hoath Jaida. J4;tother ~ fpak.e, i(i1 mefurel, The might! feat and and cried with a loud 1JO)C11 it i1 M groaned, and Cgme away they ay, thtre were and l::J. 7 whofe '.thunders they gathered them~ I 1 Number

3663. that the L grd m~ty be magnified, who[e name IUtto~tgfl you i1 wrath,&c.

MiAn .... ,.

TPI.ich flew into the Eaft, 11nd the Eagle


{elves together
Tb'ere is oo hnguage for chefc worQ in s

and became the houfe ofdeath, 1f whom

31 - - - Ga. Come IITPflJ. For G~br.

lprepare -


for y ou.

~ or,h:~vc:p 1 c:pared.

N ote: Thenbegi1t. attbe firrl(J;all, Move, df before.

E. K. Now they appear.

Othou the.governour of the fir.ft flame under whfe

6739 w!Jirh weave tb!' urth

tfre great name Righceoufneffe,




with JriMJJe, wbich l<_no of


the feat gf Honour


I le mefe: W'dm[d11y, J ulii I 1 . dixit hie dee.ft.

Atbrge. D1J>, ......

Of the fir it flauJ.e,

the V O .)fe of God, the promif e of hzm TPhich it called amngft you Nal ...... I'urie - - - o r e;ctream - - -Juftice!

Of the: 6rft


Nal ...... Then move

before ,&.c. 0 JDU fons Sons. vexing Daughter s. all c; eaturu of f"rJ, the daughters of the earth of the ju.ft, with age 79'bich which have N4l....,; Nal.. .. under you fit oH 01..... 16 36 ~' Behold, 24 [eltts 0 J vtl [words of th1 South




...... MoYc, ar before.

maJUng men drunk.!n whzch are ,mpty. Behold, the promife of God
1tnd hil power, '!Phi eh if called 1tmo11g{I you A bitter fiing,;


Nal-vage. Ux.

42 eyes
t iJ fti~


the wr6.th

"f fin,
...... Move, ar before, &c.

9 13

E. K. Now all is covered. E. K. Now it is open again.

0 tbQu:migbty light, and burning flame of cmfort


the glory of God

to the Center of the earth, Inwhm

------------------Trutb tlJe frcrets of

liran -


.11 true 'J\.e latiou.of D. Det his Afli ons Dith Jpirlt J., &.~.
i-s ca.llul in thy Kingdom


b.zve their abiding wbi.:h

1:::, Thi is th;


not to be mea[ured. ~e thDu a window of tomfort 1111to me.


~"' Move as b-tf~rt.

~ .... ,.

ceive.\ l he 01 i :1 the ho ly L.m-





thr h!luj e OJ. } .;;:.-

half thy bfg:nnin{. g!ory,


j1Mlt comfort thr Jufl-, which 'lt'il/k,_eft 011 the e.rrth with -{ut 8763 ----that 11nderjiand

Crettturrs gretlt art



in the/id of znd Ctmq11er~

6 . [n]
. 16

...... Move, &c.

E. K. They have covered alJ with the Curtain.

o-' thou
third jillme, whofe wi1 rgr


Fn.s---; r Faxis

to be


v xation 1111d haJJ:

whv[e God

is Wrath in Anger.
Gird up

rhe c~ll Tt~xr. 1 inde alfo in forne words T or F indiffcJ.:entl v ufed, (6. q.] [l7]

lii ~t d in

733 6

L:Zmps fiving



thornr to fti r up

be fore th8r,

.... . M ove, as be(ote, &c, A voice . ..... Vpon Mondnyyo!t/hrrll h:tvt the refl. {}., The Go:l of Hofts be pratfed, his name excolled, and his verity prevait to the comforE of his Ele[t. Amen A voice ...... Tlu Eternal God bleffeyou. lYe huYJe no mare noYP. ~::;.. Amen, Amen, Amen. Hora 1 2 . ~::;.. Upon O:Y conlidering (immediately) of there Englilhed Calls, and the ~ngelical LanNOTE, guage belong_mg to them, I fin~ that here are but 13 Englilhed 0f the 14 which are in the t hird Craco~ten Volum~ comamed. : and here ~anteth the Engldh of the third ofthofe . 14 Befides thts,you may confid er cliat thefe Engltlb Calls keep this order as follow ech: and to make it a more perfeCt account from the beginning of the firfr Call of All ( being loag fincc Engli!hed, and three more ) Then l~ve we 18 Calls, whereof 1 7 are Eoglilhcd.

8 ~4-4

~ 1

9 --5


10-1 2 --

I'l ~ 7 ~~ ~ Ix
If .. ~ - I O

~7 - 8


Note , the third of the third Book, which is the fevcnth~ from the be~in ning , is not yet Eug-

13- 9

I8- 1 4j~ Il

17-13 16 _ _ 1 2

-12 ~13

Vide pojt Jufii II. bm: 4 There is the Call Eng liihed.

"'< o

~ n


u_s. .. ~

c:T,.. " n o()~


"' n. 8::l


. 3

~ g :,."'
~ 0



- ~





Ergo, there lack yet 30 Calls, for the 30 Aires, &c. ( befides the Eng,ilb of the fev.entb: or third in the t hird B~ok camain::d) and fo !hall there be 48 Calls : For the firfr Table:, is no C;ll : Although the re be letters gathered, but made into no words; as you may fee., ~ b~ fore the firft Call of ali.


'J>A true 'J?..elatit)n tif.Dr. Ik.t his .dfliotJ} rPith JPirits, &c-.
Saru.rday, ]'14li1 1 Man e hora 6 ~ .t _ ,Cracovi,e. Ora~io.ne Dominic11.finira; .alii~~e t~ ad Deumqu.am ..ipfu!ll A11e pecicionibqs, requirebam
Judicium ipfius Ave de meis tarn_ad Deum quam bonos ejus ang7l<>ii faetis orationibi.ts. Poft vix qtunam h or<~> partem app,anut;. Ave ....... -If the words .or tr11th of our teftinwty and m1'J[1ge, w.~re, or 'IPere,cont"ajmd witliin . the capac;ity ~f num, 1'hen might tb~ Devjl thrujt in h~mfe!f, and_ dijfm~ble the 1m4gc of Trut: J;ur becllil{e it is of7rutp, and of him rbat bearet/; tejhmmy of btmf~lf, it can neitber b.'lve affinity with fb& Jlefo; nor be frok,rn of in this fenfe . . La, thus, deceit[ullJ, ~ath the Drvil entred inta man. A. l3Idfed be th e Loid of ~ll rruth. Ave ...... 'Jherefote f eeing the word into~ corruptible, Thofe ,th:z~ mini(fer tht w.ord> r.an1M .J wfitin corruption. 1 fr,eak.. not thi1, without a cauj_ my brethren. 'e, p.. J_ pray yoq .ropr<>ce.ed,accordingly, that we may- know the caufe, if it be your wiH: or elfe leavirig t his Caveat unto t~s, to proceed tq t~e n~atter wherein we required y our heip-ing hand to co'r re8: or confirm, or ro do t~<n: whrch IS behooful. Ave . ..... : For, which ~fytJu ha'!le fougbt th~ L~ rd,fv r the L~Jid bis !:iwfe or fa k...e l A. That, God can be'jildge. Ave ....... Or i;J whi :h ofyou bath due obedience ; either to the word, or u11t9 us that are fa-nliified _by the word, ~een faithfully perform eel.? t:.. My poinrs of erronr, and difobedience I -befeoch you to Notifi e, that I may amend them. Ave ...... It mpy be,you will {tl)', we biVVe ltr.boured, and we IMve watciJed, yea we have called o;z t~e name of the L ord . "YYhrtt bave you d:me that y ou ou;r,J,t mt tiJ do , ye.r, 11. thortfand timrs more? A. We vaunc nothing of any our doings, n or challenge any thing by any perfcfrion of our doings. Ave ....... Sha ll the hirding fay, I have laboured hard ? or doth tbe g,oqd fervtt.'nt think__ he meriteth his wtges ? ltis not fo . But y ou do fo; Therefore JOU are nezther wnrthy of your rfwttrd, no.r the na1~ offti irh{ul "fervaJtts. A, No Lord, we challenge nothing upon any merits;. but flie unco thy mercy. and chat we era ve and call for. Ave....... 1ot< do wiclzed!y-and inj u/fly : yea you cr. edit the Lord, as you do your [elves : your fairh if t!Ye .faith of melf., and 11ot of the faithful. M any _ things hav( I [ai. u11to you from the beginning, ( {ttith the God of J uftice) whirb you h~7/e 4 heard, and not believed : !Jut you t empt me .,- and pro"!J< m:; yea you jtir me up to be , a11gry ,k__e with y :T.'. A , lf chy .Attr;er !ball be on m, befide the forrow of chi~ wodd,tenc(ltionsOf the: fc:ind> &c. Then are we no t ab) e ~o endure . ...... A n[wer no t me,_ ~tnrl hear w ;.~t the Vrd [a ' th mtto thee : Sat an l augbeth you to [corn ( & r h~ fa-ith unto the Lord, fiandin~ before him, . Are thefe they_ who~ t~ou deliveiedjt fro,: the rhq!; re at :tnd ]enls of the Seas, ~tnd from the brntds of the wzck_ed, wbom the wmdes were a comfort to; and thy p~cu li1r mer~ C :untena.nte a. LaJtthor,;: l Brtt th~ Lord jameth n t to hatr hint: for he k._11owetb. it i1 true. My"d es of God brethren> yon feek the world more than you fe ek to perform the will9f <J:od . >If tb /ugh God !hewed on .us, : cov.!d not rain Gold ~tnd Margarits amonp.Jf yo:t: A ; tb ,ugi.J tbe bre11tb of God W~r e lt1t able eo beat t/r,u-n thl' whole earth before you, . 0 Jort faith!r.fTr Cretttur, s : 0 ) 'e bypJcriteJ i1z th? Vineyard of t l:t Lbrd: 0 you u1tworthy fervants of ['tch a M .ufer. Nei rher u;tto i\braham, nor unto Noe, n!>r unto any other. Patri art bs or Prophets, bath God done more mercifd mtto, tbtm unto )'0'4~ T o Abraham he [a id, W)m I r~unt at t hif ti me of t he )'fttr) T bou .fh.' tlt have .a [on . V nto No:: h~ [a id Build,thee a Sbip .' M ak,.e up the Ark.., Th-:s a;td t:JM) t fh ttll !;~: fD r UJ~ people fh.a?I perift}. ' l ou remember not tbat [eplr w .tS fold b_v his l' retbY f,l; or i yort do, it mttJ br, yo.!l thit:\ it is a Gen~r. 1-1. fable: If you_ tftlink._ it to b~ true, Tb:n confid~ r how h.e efcap?ri the p,r; Confi ,.l er be was f,!d, ttnd [o became a boitdmrrn: B'lt who rbttJtg~d tbe jm _,tgination and fenfe of hi5 bretbr,n ? who (I fay) came between their 1/ ranny awl h;1 . znnocency? Wh,tt W .l-f he th.tr m ~tde bi il free.? that brtught him before Pharaoh l y ea, and thitt wbich u m{)<fe; made him reign over Ph~ra O'h : Was it not the fame God, that d ea leth with you~ 0 ye of little fll itb; a)Jd_ .Jfar1Jrlings2. witberd gr.1Jft, and bldrteJ wi. /lorf's : What and if )'OU . "'UU in hell, tsnld he not drltver ) 'OU ? lf ygu become bon_dmen, canniJt he. mak_e pu free ? If y ou be iN prif n, cannot he d eliver JOrt? Cannnt h e co:npaffe your neck with a chain ? Brit Sa tan o fa ith, Lo, they fay, they have a leng Journey: It is necr_[[tcry th :rt G?d comfart tho that put fe their tm{t in him . Eug e, 0 ho 0 )'Ott bege:_rl.J fl.rrve!lilgs, Jl n t b n~ t t!Je fam e God, t!J~ fame e Raphael that be had. :. Yes. ve-rily , a {honftr.nd a btmdred; and a thoufand and a hundred thoufand thou[ands _tbat are, 11.11d more thr. n Raphad f or the help and comfort of the faithful. Wlun 'H erod forig,.bt to kJll the fon e.f God, in th.at be was nun: hi& Father .deliver ed him not with ," mig~ty wind, nor wirh berctin;; down of L?rds p ,z[~tces ; _ by a dream appeared unto but Jd(eph, [a.ying, ft~c> H.erod [rek.r th the child hi; life . N ot e the manner of"his waniing) Th.e nian ~



A true'!( elation of Dr. Dee hit Affions tnlbhirits.. &c.

bear what tbe Lord [4'id in fkt n~d.. Return, for . hr :that fougbt thf Why,.Ifay,yorotte'IS K,u ds, w~r[e t~an thu~cr.emmts o[theFms~ Up and be have 1rot you greater w.arnmg l. Wbertf~rt itfait.l un~d .Jilt, U;p &Jd ~gone, b11t tllat the .L~rtl a ~one. feeih the thoughts of tniltl" ~ eflt.11 of .hi~ which tceketh2y~r deftrt~lbon ) Even of~.J,ii Wtcked 5~qbe" llat hPr King whirh fet'kath t.o daitroy Lasl(_u. Ku.gofPotjna, ,r; . 11 .h. . Could. not tbe [.tme L or d_, conJ.ume t bat WICk ed. monuer andf Iferofb' . e 1speopIc, ( w zch tartt~. et~ for a ttme) witb the/iie of his m.;uch l Yes. but that e bath given all things .c thwe. ~[e h that are rig,l.>teOlH RYe ofren. rilfies ta~n a11aJ becttH[e of 'tef'tptatilms that are t9 come: . But the ~~:~ 0~f ~~~c -pid?,.e-d a're'fi~(fereJ tiJ continue; b1caufe. they_ nti~ht be more hedvy, 4nJ. fini._ Juptr : _But; (for ~oil~) righrcN.1 ~ now Ift~J unto)'ou, my brethren, Fl.ee tbe m1f~luefs that are to come, Jtud ..g9 ffJr1J1ard tn the[~rv1ce Df :a I'd chen. the H ighejf, that)'OU may en;oy the promi[es that are made you, and b.e piZ.rt4k._ers of tbe iapP.J day,; Flee, to come. Takeheedofwhoredorn,andthep.rov.o caciot1softhefielli. -For-whJl ~ho[e tbi1Jf.s tl,at Re B:Jt 1o. aayes. .fay, are not without their caufe. You have b.ut ten dajes to r.trry ( if JOU wiLl.fo!low my.cun[el) But'if yoilli1~ger any long er, you may Jri~t~ of a Cup th.tt JO~ 1P''4!d nf/t.. H/brr.i{ore dotb ~od 'Wilm )'I)U, buttEat 'be would he jull with y otl F:t ~~h he not the whole Earth . t~J fer-ve hi'lt.l l Be!i111e me, by the teJr~11tony- we bear, thac the good Angels weo:: p over J0:4; Jor; .as ypu are p;r~cicu!~rParricubr Iy called, fo have yo_ your particular and unaccullomed Wr~tptations. . Bt4t pray unto. Go'd, th.t' u Temptations. you may prevail. Niritur enim, omnibus modis, $acbanas ur vos devor~t . It if [aid unt ) you, If you provide for eh is Journey, & c' Tbar word 1s a~ fure as the (lrongProvid~ for efi rock in the world. Cn nfidering that you were warnrJ by the fame Spirit (whereof I [p~JZ/t) 1his Journey. S'pir ir us 3an- bring witJuffe of bimfelf, and by r, which beRr witnejJe of him S' Givt ear, gird up your fe/ves, aud llus, be gone : For, evm at tbc v~ry Joors, are mifchief. .After a while I have f~meWbllt df~ ro fay Be Rone. unto you. ner of hu departure :


E. K. He covereth all with the white Curtain.

A. We read and confidercd thete premiCes fomew bat diljgemly.

t.. Afrcrward, [ AveJ he came again,' and ( .&er a paufe ) faid as followetft;. A ve ...... MJ brother, I fee thou dot not unda:tanr.l tbe myfe.ry of this Book._, or worl( tiHu hlt.fl in En,ch. httnd. But I told thee,it was the k..n~wledge that God delivered unto Enoch~ I [aid al[o,that .Enodi lab;ured-;c diyes. Notwitbftanding, that thy labour be not frujtrau, and void ()f fruit, Be it unt'b:: Book 'en- to tbu, as thou hall done. fumcd.J t::.. Lord I did the befi that I could conceive of it, Ave ....... I will te!l thee, what the !ubour of Enoch was f9r thofe fifty d11ycs. t... 0 Lord 1 thank . thee. N4 l. Ave. re H e made, (as thou haft do~ze, thy boo~) T ,tb!ts, of Serpafan aud plai'! fto ne: 11s.tbr .AJtgd of
is a kind of flue.il one.

the Lord appointed him ; [ayiNg, tell me (0 Lord) tho:umber of rht daycs thllt I jha/l 1Rbo11r in. It was an(wrred him ~o. ~0 Daycs la 7 hen h~ gro aned within himfe!f,[.tymg, L /rd God the Fountain of true w~[Jom, thou th._t opme(f eur. thefecrets 6{ thy orJnt {elf ,mto man, thou k,_n ..we(f mine imperf,aion., ani "~ i~ard dark,_ne.ffe: fl ,w can I (therefore) {peak,. ~mto them that [peak,. not af ter the vuce Q m:m; or wortbi!j call on f thy na11z ~, conji.1.erj;z:, th~t "!Y imaginatz m if v.t.riabl~ and .fruit!tJfl? , and w:k..nown t1 my [elf 1 Sba!l the s~nds [rem to lnVttC thr: VUomttlliHS: or can tht' [mall R.ivrrs entertain the wond~rftd
E:nocb h:s a~:ul rmk_nown wav.rs l prayer to God. Ct~.n the v"fflof fnzr, f ragility, nr t bdt h of a determined prop9rr;o.n, lift up him{df, heave up his btm'dJ, or g,athfr thf StJn inrv hh biJfom ? Lonl. it camtot be : L?rd my imperfetlion is great:

L ord I am lcjJ<' th<tn [and: Lord, thy g?od A~tge!9 anr.l Cre~ttures ex e 'l me . far : our proportion a not alik,.e ; cur fenfe agreeth not : N twith{fanding I a m comfort d ; For that we hilllt all one God One Cre2tour all one begiMin~ .from thee, that w: rr[pttl tbee a Cre,ct~ !r : T i1erefore will [ ~all upon thy of all [bings.. name, and in thee, I will become mighty. Thou lhalc lig h'c me, and' I will become a See'r; A ~ccr. I will fee thy Creatures, and will magnif.ie thee amongfi rh em. Thofe that come unto tha hav~ the fttme gate, and through tbe fame gttte, dt[cmri., fuch as thbn (enr.lefr . Beho!d, I /Jffe- m7 huu[e, r my labour, "IJ heart aml foul, If it will pleafe thy Angels' to dwell with me, and I with them to rej oJce with me, that I may re joyce with them ; eo IJ_Jinifier unro me, that I may mngnifi; tbJ name. Then, lo tb"t, Tables ( wbich I bave provided, and arcordi11g to thy will, prepued) [ offer unco thee, and unto thy holy Angels, ddiring them, in and t:hrough t ny holy nan1cs : That as thou art~ their light, 4nd coittfortej f them, lo they, in thee will be my light and comfort. L ord the) pre[cnbe not laws unto thee, fo it is not meet that I prefcribe laws wuo them: lf/bttt it plea_{eth thee to offer, they receive ; So . har tt ple.afeth them to offer unto me, will I alfo r~ceive. w B(hold I {ay(O Lord) If I (half cal!up;n them in thy namr,B~ tt unto me. ilt mercy,as ll?tto the fervant of tbe Higheft. Let d~m alfo manifeft unto me:, flow, by what tVord s, and ac what ti.me, 1he Ctll of I {hall call them. 0 Lord, l there 1111) that mea{ure tht' he:.vl'Jts, that IS mort all . H , w, thertAngels. for e, tan the he11vens enter ;11ro mans im~tginatio'n l Tl'.} Cr~at11rrs are the Glb.ry of thy rountennce : H erdy tbc~ glorlfirjt all 1hings, 1rhi1 h _ lory excdle~h and ( 0 L8n/. ) is f ar do11t my G zmdcrjfandm;;. It u great wjfd~m, to [pea/t and talke according tl)_ undrr;t.nr,dhr!J with [t:.J Kings:

A true Relation of Dr. 'D ee hi1 .AEiionJ '!Pith (pirits, &c.



[~ Ki11p : B~t :t 1t c~m;und K 1'1t s b) 11. .{rbjeiled comnta~dmmt, [L~JTbe w~re no (:ng~ in E."ocb is n~t wifdom, unlel..le JC co_ from thee. . Behold Lord~ How hiuim:; ConrUie- tlierefore how to me (ha!J I tbel'efore_ ~[cend into-th<' l.J~_avtns I The ttir wzll nor Cllr_'rJ ask ~~i s do uht of . ~~is 1hcar~ pr~but rrfijletb "''l folly I fall down for f am of rher11.rtb. 1here phwnl lo S~'!~11 I 6od ~2p. a. f!'~' . ' d ' . '/ 1 d 11. t!uc unjud~d N ci;JJU had Kings rore;) 0 thou verJ Lrght an true Co.m1 orr, that can!,, T. b!~ayu, long bf. . s6 111nil ume. . Tha-er.: . J' . . d I ,-11'. h r. an ~ . ore lt1ftl dofr comn~antJ, the he~vms ;_ lJ---~ ~( Op ~ t e!e a . e! unto fqre there mighc qe fome -in Enocb thee Command _ them as IC pleafcth mee : 'and 0 ) ou f.4nu/fers, rus tiia~ : or' he prophelledof tbem. pn./tru~ light> of 1tuderjl:rp1dinl,, Governin~ ''this; earthly-frame, and che e\erilents wherein we live; Do for me ar for the Prva11t of the L?rd: f!.nd . HJtto whom it hlltliplett{eJ the Lor.d tl)_ tal/t G ;ou f . . Behp!d;.Lord, thou h.tft -ir.ppoin~ed me 50 _ times; Thrtce. 50 tu~es will I lift :my h11n4s unto Aw. thee. . Be it Ultt 1 m p i lS it ~/(' r{eth thee, and thy holy Mi~tiil-ers~ I reqftire no~hing' but th~e, an( I fh:H is to fay, t- rough thee, and for thy honour and glory: But' I hpe 1 jhall be fatlstied; and fha\1 not die-? thrice a day. h (As-thou hafi pr6mireq) U1'ttzl thou gathe~ the- cloud~ tog~thex:, and Judge all things : "'ffbtn in ell 'm.,omtltt I fttflll be cbtt~t,ed a~td. dwellwztb thee for ever . The[-r ;vords;'~ere ' ~hrzce a dayes ta(k.. betwi.xt ~noch a ni O~d: Yn the e_ d of. 50 day_ th~re rhricc a day. n es, appeared unto bun, -,hzcb q.re_ _ ot now be. ma.nif e_tl-rd 1111r [p?/{.en of: he eHjp) !d _the f rrut of God n hif promife,aJ~eceived tptbenefit'ofhis fatth~ Hert mtty.Jbe wi{e'learn ~tJdom. ~- for what doth man tbttt M n;.t corruptible l . I'kave not tbat( rltdJ [ay a..ny more unto )'JU :_ he_litv~ me,! h~ve [ai4 great tbings-u-,to}ol4: If. But you will havemc hcreafcer,-1 will come.


....... Confrd~ -wellmy 'IIIJrlr, 411d "What 1 have now .[aid .rmto thee: for be,.e_.t!,ou. mayft learn wi[dom, an...d alfo Cee what thou bafr rodo. A. I will, if i r pleafe you rd.d over fome of thefe InvitatiEmS\'fhidi 1 bave made. and written here in this Book. Ave.... ~. , 1.9U m~ty .not u[e that word Obedientes. A. Y:ou fpake of a firl~ ward to cap, anti of a feccind to con/frain, Ave ....... 'It fignifieth, -it urgerh them mpr.e in G.od. J J,ave [aid. Noce, .w hat is meant by the'name of God chat . was faiq to conftrain, beiug the fecond Whlt i' metnt


nall}eS of tWO before given.



. lS E. K . He gone, and aIJ cove,red 'Wtt h t h-e C Urtam.


[he phrafc

n~aio, i~ re-

or werd Con~

Ail honow:-, praife, and glory, al-l thanks and power_, is due to our God and King. ~ea 1of good So be it. Amen: ngc

Mo,Iday, Julil, 9 Ma~(: hora 7 .tbret quarters, t Cr~covi:e. OratiQnibus-quibufdam f.initi's ad Det!D:i & dei_ dead G.zbrielem & Na!tnzge, .~c.. n

E. K. Asfoon as he loo~ed, -he found the Stone - overed with the c white Curtain.

A paufe of a ; of,ao hoti,r : In which fpace I iifed fundry ejacuhatious to God, and his
At length they ap-

Ar This day wa5 appoi~ted, we1 attend therefore your inftrua:ions. peued not, .but ut ed a votce. A w ice . . ... . Thit d4J, but tbe ~~~n declining the (o'IJrth b9ur. l:i., Ypur mtaning is, tbat at after noon, at 4 of che clock. The -voice ...... As thou hajt written-- A. T he will of tb.e High'dl be done. .Amen.

good .An~el s.

~..As E.JC ..wasfayingto me, that he thoug~t- that the Angels might....teH the certain day

Monday, 4 Meridit, hor4. 4-

and tlJlltS of rhmgs to come, and tha( Ange;ls could n6w fall no more, .& c. touching Angels; fuddenly a voice wai heard, as follow&h~ A ~oice. ,;, ... Herein will I tlll/t#iriJ you, "'Y brethren.

Of fuch thing5

E . .K. Gahtiel pnely app~areth: n d ther Nalvage nor the Table appeareth. He fitteth in a Ch~ir, and with his fiery Dart.
G.a~r .-... ~ .. Tb_ f!.-phi,t~ in[pire~ ith rh~ .floly Gbojl,w~re a.ffur:ed of the co e .ming { their Mef!ias, of the1r Chr-![~: ~ rtt_ what_dlly, or m w~ zr )'e.JT was not o mans under.flttnding . Chriji htl11[e.!f _ f tJfened tmto hH D.i[czples /m death, and tbe mttnner thereof; but tbe d'try and hour he never dif[ cc] ,;/~feJ.

A trMe '/{elation oj Dr. Dee his AEfjonJ withJpirits, &.c.

Dr {tcll.nao ,rrJ_ c!JJ[rd. So l~ewi[e t~ ScripturlS Jp~ak.. t,f the coming of Chrifi,. but the atly ttnd hour , tbe Sott o.f \ltlltMCbri/fi. mu k..,now~th not. But beclfu[e m tzm~ t o come, and f or thts a&1on, ( the nu~tge of the bigheft) A11d pffurtd, a11d infallible DofJriwe, (in refpeti that Go.d appointed .JIU 110 certflill til11e) is llecef-

farj. Fr>r, for this cau[e YQH W'fl.ver tn7 brethren: and may lofe the benefit of God hit f~t1Jour, ~tnd m.e:rcits. 0 Ji>eaiJ...ling exami1tt the lropb.et>, fool{_ int1 the doing of t be Apo/tles ; There a/wayes went a promife l ef~re the end : But the end- W<H rhe bene/it and frait of the "fromife. Some 11./leadf.e Paul,.fome Peter, fome Daniel: But m tbis ctz{e fhall )OU a/leadge the Cayings ofGod,fp1 km i.n the fpiric of trmh by me qabrirl, the fervant of the higheft. God, (or three caH{es hideth rlu end, mzd tbe -z,ery time of his heavenly purpofes. As after 11littlt filmce you fhall./hfr. .. t ly bear.

E. K. A cloud covereth him. E. K. Now he app-eareth again.

Gab. .... .: Fir_{t, by r~a[&~tof h'u Ql9n ;nexplir.able Eft & non eft elfe, 11hicb without the circlllllferena, jfrengtiJ, capable vertue, and powrr- of man, hi! intelleaualify, ~j,erebJ he t~ppear"tth to bt verily one God, and incomprthenfib!e. Secondly, becaufe Lucifer with hi! yea fayers, (d11.mneJ ju(Vy) .fhould J!ever t~{le of hid light, mr 11nderjtand hi! fe, rt't judgt'ments : whd" he would, and might d~, if thty wtre delivereJ to m11ns imagination, ud di[c11rrr[e : Becau[e it i4 within the circumference and compaffe of bHCreAtio"'~ Confider of tbf'fe two.

E. K. Now he is covered in a white Cloud again.

The fidl: rea[on, or cat.fe we do not fufficiently underfiand, or conceive. J)eut df e, Santtis Dens. N on eft effe, Jmpi1s Oel.<s. l'or, In the judgement dny, God iH hu [on, Chrijt,jhal/ }hut 1-1p hh perpetull! 11nd everlftmg Ju.ftice, wratb, and anger, 'ffith HelL and dll mnation. L eav,ng them, and forf~t}(int, tbem, a11tl in no cafe to be called their G d. F rarres [ 11] non habebunc l)eum. But thty jlutll b~withouf a guide, and witho-ut a Centre. Hereby )'OU may undcrJfand , Eife & non ~fi elfe. To th~


Wednefday following.

ThirJ.ly, tbat man firmly perfwadeti of things fpok._m of by God above hit cap11city to c~me, ttHd unk._nown, might worth1/y in the dre11gth of f aith, and thrM1gh thr effert of.hh pro111i{es 111erit hil [11 .. 'l!OU i1t Chriji) and receive eternal [a fva tion, j ujtly before Gori 1t11d his :Angels. Thefe 11re the tbru r cauJe.s. A . This la1: caufe, if it would pleafe you to rnake more plain, it lhould greatly enform QS and confirm us . . '1hefe are the three 011-e/y cnufes, that the ends of God his d~terminations re fecret. 1. In the /ir.Jf, that God 1111ght ap(!ear omnip~.tent. ~. In the fecond,[eafcd up in bim[elf from the k,.nowledg, of fu_ch M h11ve re/J,l/ed to t/,eir J.eflrutlion. 3 In the third, that man mi~:,ht ju.fl(J be made worthy of the places prepttrer.l for him.. Nalvage.h cnllrJ away . .Pnd camr~tbe in .Allion .,it~yr;u till W~dnefday. . Then thaU you have the Calls that you look for. , And fo enter mto the knowledge and ptrfea under franding Df the 4$- Gates and T .tb!es if you will. 0 Lord, hy will ahd mercy be !hewed upon us. Gab ...... But underJtand that it h 1. L abour, the hardeft and the !aft. A. Violenti nilnl difficile : God ftrengthen our will and fai h. Gab. 1 have nt thing eife to fay unto y ou. But God be merciful/ upt1 JOU , and fQrgive .JOU you~ fins. A. Amen. Gab ...... .And thttt you go lmtce, mak...e hafte. A.

E. K. He is gone.
Gloria Patri, & filio, & fpiritui Sana:o fie ut erat in principio. & nunc &:: fempe.r , &:: in fecula feculornm. .Amen.

Wednefday, Julii n. Mane hora, 6 f. Oratione dominica 6nita, Sec. A. We await the pro1,11ife, which you made us, 0 Gabriel. A voyce. N ot HIW, bttt llt tht fourth hour, detliwing M btfu.
At four of rhe Cleck afc'er


The C11rtain


ftrai'bf Wa.J.

E. K. And why not now as well?

A voyce. He that labureth itz hil oJM h11rveji labom'etb whm htiift: ht f1l thttt ft./heth on the Sell, mu{t be ruled by her 1ur[~. A. Fiat voluntas Dei.


A tue 'l(elaionof Dr. Dee his Aflions ~th {pirits, &c. t

Wednefday, Ju!ii

a Meridie, hora

A. At the fidl: look1no rhe Curtain appeared to E. K. his fight, A. When it ;hall plea[~ thee, 0 God, we are defirous to receive wifdom from thee.
A . At Gx of the Clock appeared a lictle one, yellow, like a little \.hilde; his hair fine yellow, and a very amiable face. To avo id reproach> and {or the truth of the W(}rd I vifit yl)u,inftead of Nalvage, wbich 'annat N 0 f E. ~~me. I am !le Mefe, the f ervant of the bighejl:, which injfead ofNalvage; will, llnd am able to fup~ ll.~1 C:ce~~ one 1ly bu ~~~che .~ . h f J [ of figil114m Dti, A. So e It m t G name o e ln'i, one of the Sc:p. }1em .......... c..Many, andJirong are your enemies, both bodily and ghoftly : Btlt br y ou jh-ong, t~narii where0 awl 1ou }hall prevail. ' Aw and,,, Ma1y enemies . ~\C:e Tranfta Therefore ftty, whitt YfJ.U will haw me d , , bodily and t:., That (if it p!eafe you) that Nal'tlitgt woaldhavc done, tionofthc ghofily. 7he Eaft i1 a boufe of Virgins. Call imo 'll' 'll.. h . not by fi ngers. Lclith. A. He d rmnguuoet rt Jle ..... Well,you jh~tll have fingers.

Sin,~ing pr~ti[es

the fi ames of fidt gl orie, 11herein the Lord bath open1d his mouth

with BrnameHts [o bright fuch 110 work.. wonders on all creatures, wltofe King4oms
and continuance are ISf the third and fourth jfrng 1'owers and places ~f comfort. The fettt of mercy llnd. continuance. 0 you fervants of merCJ

they are b. n,t m lie. .... Twenty eight ~~t you ha'fe living dwellings, not. in whom the: jfrei'tgth of ,utn rejoyceth. .tncl the are a pparail'd y

UUo11e, appear, fing praifes unto the Creator, and b~ mighty am1ngjt IH, for unto this remembrance i s gtven power, and our ll:rength waxeth ftrong in our comforter.

A. J pray yo;t ro confider of tbe form of the promife, for we were promifed to recei vc: tbe Yiu SMprli. Calls wt loo!~ ed fo~ and (o to be fit for the 49 Gates,&c. If this you have done, be the performance of rhofe the words of Gairiel, or no, I pray you confider. jle... ... For the thirty Cal!s:J or thirty Call:J to moHOW tU th~ fQuHE boNY, Thurfd3y ar four of 1 will eafe you fv.ffi~ientlY the Clock afternoon. t:.. I befeechyou (ifl fball not offend to rcqueft it) What is the caufe t~fGabrieland Nalnge their abfence? lle ...... Spiritual Contention between Satan and them, and more thm man can; or may un-

lie. ...... Lo, rhn-e yu IJave it,

tlmtand. A. Then I pray you, why was not this fupply fent at the time ap?Ointed? }le...... It is not of God, to think.. thar God is of time. All things are tied uut, him , and n~ thin,{ can be fepttrttted from him. ' N :Jtwithjtanding, be nzay {eparare himflf from them. But you Nfnmen fhtt /1 underjl:and, that tbr_(e nineteen Calls. CaHs reA There are but 18 befides the firfl: to God. ceived~ ..... . There are ninetf'en befida th~ fir !t] are the Calls, or entrances into the The u(e of thde knowledge of the myfl:ical Tables : Every <fable containing one whole leaf, 1 9 Call .. whereunto you need no other circumftances
1. Tht

firft Cll beginlfetb In Englilh

01 Sonf.
I raign. .Adgt. Can

2. The fee and beginneth

In Engliili 3 'I he Call of the third 'l'aHe hegim:etb In Englilh


E. K. A white cloud cometh about him, but hideth him not.

lie ...... BHt you mujl tmder:ffand that in [p1akJHg of the tirft Table:;; I fpeak of the fecond, lo that tbe fe cond, . ith y ou is the firjL w "f. As this laft, bt.h9ld is the fourth, but with you the third. It i5 the fcventh: but the third of the fourteenth.

[ c c: 1]

llc. o It

A true 'l(_elatio11 of Dr. Dee his .dflio11S 'DJith Jpirits, &c. ----- -- It--il the Call of the -third. ------ Ilc......
5 1he next in Englilh il I have fet Otbrrwl[e---- 0 thil.
6. '[he fixth - T h e might) founds. Otherwi[e- ~aphah.

7 'Ibe [e't>mtb-~ The [piritr

8. 1he eight Gab. 1be Eaft


Ilem . ..... Loo/t th~tt, tllttt you call the third. t.. lt is Ra.;J. 9 The H t l t t - 'Iht mid.J4J tiJt fir{t
Bafenn lo, or jafeml to. " " ' - - - . . A might] Micaoli. u. - - - T h e Tbu,tlers of juJ~tntlllt Coraa:x:o. Tftere ""uth a JPhite brir.bt ClouJ about hi,. I 2. The mighty {ettt Sai Ox Cai al.



E. K. Every time he fpeaketh, he pulleth lire OUt ofhis mouth, and

cafteth it from him.
I3 - - O y o u Nonci. I 4 0 you fworis Napti.

E. K. Now a white Cloud goeth round.

15. - - - - 0 uu (ons
No Romi. 16. - - - 0 tho'l the {Tot~tntour l !s Tabaam. 11. ..... Tbfre you lacJt the thmJ 'Word? A. What is chat? ...... or the ftr il fiamr, it tnfwereth to L a1 purt. 1 ~u had not the txpv fition of the t/,ird wortl. I 7 0 ye of the [ec1nd flame. }Is vivt a purt.


0 thou third J."u lis di a\ pare. 19 0 thou mighty bg6t ll m.icaiZo al part.

1huf you h11ve


lo{t } ' ur lahour.

E. K. Now he wrappeth the Cloud that was under him about hi&
. .. God be with you.

E. K. Saw hjm go upward.


Glory be to God, praife and honour for.


- - -- --

- -

-- - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -

Thurfday, Jlii 12. -l Mere h~r6 <f. t Cr~rovitt. Oratione f'mninica finira, & breitcr ad l'e.,t[e quibufdam diB:is.
tl .

E. K. The Cur rain appeared at the firft looking. Now in rh uame o f Jc:us,~s concerning tbofe 30 l.alls, or thirty Call >

we await


informanon of l lem(fr.

A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElionJ '!Pith (piritJ, &c.

t:.. Afterdi\ers parcels of our Aaions pall with N-:lvttt,t bei"ng read,which were very well of us liked, at length I!emefe appeared: and after he had fhewed himCelf (the Curtain bein.., opmed ) he drew rhe Curtain to again. ~ A. I then [aid three Prayers out of the PCalm5l &t".


E. K. Now he fiandeth as Nalvage ufed to do, upon the Globe with the rod in his hand: And Gabrielfitteth by.

Jn" the name of the eternal and everlalling God fay on.

E. K. Now the Globe turneth [wiftly, and he pointeth to letters thus, with the rod which Nalvage was wont to u[e.
0 you h~avens

I think this word wanteth

Ds praf~


as may appear by Madri4x, a-

bout +4 words from che end.

whicb drPell In the firj

CH I S MIC .t\.0 L Z





Chis Micaol~.

Gab . ...... t...M:t>ve n9t, for the plac-.e is holy. Hallowed be his name, that fanctiiieth whatfoever is fanltified.
iH the parts


Sa anir.


of the


os g.

tmd execute tht j udt,emeHt

Od ftjiu
B,lt/ .:.i zr 4s t Ta la- i da. {a

of the higheft

Go hH lim.

It il{aid

E. E. There came a black cloud in the air about the Stone as though it would have hinderedE.K. his fight. '
Gabr . ..... It bebotJ~th ~ H ave a little p~ttimte.

to do that

we do etJm with pe[mt contentionagainft the wick,.ed,

Ihe curtain is now away again, and they appear again.


E. K. Now ts the curtain plucked to again, and they covered.

the face

A io i 1111.


()f .JOTIY Gd
1ht he ginnin:



of Co'I'Hfert
11h1[e eyes



Sa J,a. o oa ~ na.
Kis f


L llCil'-


trl4t~lation of Dr.. Dee hiJ

Affioni Dith Jpirits, &c.

Lu elf ti


the brightneffe

the heavms,

l'e rfpsol.


v .

N 0 N CF

for the gr,vernmmt

Nonef. Ne t4



f tbt elfrtb,







Ilc, ..... R.tad it.


The f.nglilh.

Ile...... I

Dam pur..
N1nsf No r;f.

with a p,.,er ,rmltrftanrlint,

To IJ t.


Gmi tU t:. tu.




1-ll thlff~s

Tlf t.l.



[A. It follow in Li~ro Cr~


-------------- -------- ~----------~--~-------------------------

@;!{:trtre 1<t.!tJtibn ?Jf D . l*. hir .dtf~ns rH'Ih f?ir'tl, C<c. e






Libri prnni, Pragenjis Cr.efaruque, Anno I 584. Augufti


5. Stilo Novo.

Liber 5 Cracovienjum. My.fteriorum

Thurfday, ]u!ii I z... Ann~ 1584.

t o the providmce

Yar ry.

t:.. Note the wi-cked power dazelc:d fo the eyes of

ID* U 1 G 0


E. I(. that he could nor well d iCe ern this 0, bat

fraying at it a while concluded it to beau V : which afterward, and by and by, he corrected. of hirH that jitWIJ ~n the holy nrD'ne Jd ~i~go.

I doi go.

The Curtain being plucked.

Jle . ..... Have Pl!t;~nce.
t:.. As we were talking of the name of God Idoigo in Enoch his Tables, a voice faid.

A voice ...... Where the mojt force was, the Devil crrpt nzoft in. deceive y MJ. l:t.. It ltluft be then 1 doir.o ?

H erein the D~fJil thout.ht t~



Tor zulp.

t ofe up
in the heginninl

la o daf.


The earth, let her bq {,IJveriltd

Go h61.
Ca 6[ ga.

Ta ha ord. Sa nir.


by Iter p~trts ;
l~r tlttre b~





in lier, tbttt the glory of het

Yr p6 il. Ti 6bi.
Buf dir tilb.



.A true'l{elatio" ~[Dr. Dee his .dflions DithjpiritJ, &c.


-- --



No aln.



Orfba. Od. Dodrnmni. Dod rm ni.



in it [elf.

Zyl na.
El oz:tp tilb.
Parm gi.
Pe rip faK.



Let it run
'JJ'ith the He,ve,s,

Od. Ta.


an handmaiJ.

11 ... Hllve ptttience a little.

Let her fervt tbmt
tme Jea[on:
BD' a pis.

E. K. Now they are here again.


Lnib m. Chofc.
0 v Cho.


Let it confound a11other,





let there be no Cruture

Chris te os.
A g tol tom. Mirk.



YPithilz her the fame

Ti ob I.



Pa Om~d.

, one and the fame.


her members let them aiJJer in their 9ualities,


Dil zmo. As pi an.



A true Relation o[Dr. Dee his Alli1ns f)ith fPirits ~ &c.

Od. Long, or jhort.
Let there b~ no one CrelltUTI



Chris te os.


Ag 1 ter tom.

Ah . .Aeh.
Pa rach.

1he wick..ed [pak._e behinde

E. K.
A fymp.



with 1mother. The rea[onabl4 Creatures of the ellrth,

~r Ma~t.

Cord ziz.


Let them. wx and weed out one another.

Dod pal.
Fi falz.


Ls mnad.

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn.

A voyce ...... Read. A. I read it ..~. ter from the begihning hitherto. l!e...... Whereat J~ubt JOU. t:... Is it tn:e, that before the Creation of man this kinde of Maledietion WJS pro.nounced, or when dfe !hall we underHand it to have been fpoken? A voycc:. ; .. True it u that one man weedeth out another. To avoid which fav.lt it u[aid, llntl after God thy brother IH thy [elf. One Kingdom rifeth up again.{!: tmotber, the fervant againft huMa{fer; the wiclted [on difdainetbhu .father. A(l wbith fell upon man whm God cur[ed theearth: For, perfel'l love WM tak_m from among ft them, and tbe [pirit of m a lice came amongjt them, to the inunt t-hey might be ll/w.ayts .zt varittnce, and one weed 9Ut auothtr, and fo muJt be, and }hall be ur. to tbe end. A.n[wer me, ,~-hy turned God Adam out into tht earth. D.. Becaufe he had tntnCgrelfed the Laws to be kept in Paradife , ... It u true. 'Ihen Adam offmdiltg, received puni(hnmtt for bu offence, in tbttt he wM tu,ned out into tbe earth. If he had been turned out to a hleed place, thm cn;t you nt aptly fay he W<l! tt< rned o~t, for he that if tutJted out gocth t9 dijhonour: Even Jo Adam, from innoccncy tbro 11gh bu fa'G was turned oP..t to corruptio;t into a pri{on prepared for him before, if he offended. God ( 111} br other) k_nr'W he would o nd: h~ k.Jtew alfo . ow to dijhon ur hitn. .ffe b o Nete. A s J efm Chriff brlmght a/{ blt.f[ednejfe,and co;Hfort into the world:So did A dam,ar - ~n .rhdame cur{ecL,bring all mi[ery nnd wretchednrffe mto the world, and in the fame in{iant, 1Plf.:-n 1 nl\anr.. j\dam ')l.',t.; exrelfed ;. 1bt L ord fuffe red th~ earth to !:e accurled for Adan1~ [ak_~ , and i/'n~elscd[ then, Ltid. the Lord t hefe things, and gave unto the world her rime: and placed over ber Keepers, JYatr.h-mm, and Prmcrs, f~t yellrs, moneths , and dayes: [ 1 am Princcs'ofcbc ettjie,you may underfta~id 1117 rllle.J earrh. t:.., Not e , All this W\lS anfwered by a voyce, as concerning my qeeftionJ or doubt heretofore expretfed .


K c :;n:m(:n,

.... : Afta thi1,4 grc4t pau[e ~.if !'fed. .: In wbicf time in_mj m.i nde;I difcourfed of the Mini/fery Angeftcal, not alltobnvebcenconnmtte1. to th(lrcharge wzth thezr Creation but Hftetward ind vers times, d -vers offic~s,both toward God ani. man. ' lA voyce...... 1; 1ff~rro'1JI moming I will mut you here tbe tbird IJ)//r. [d d t:.~ The


A true~ elation of D. Dee his Aflion1 UJtth Jptr.its >&c.

r:.. The third hoer after the Sun rifing mean you? A ~oyce . ..... I. A . Let , s hartily thank t he Lord and praife hitp alwayes: His Mercy and Grace be
rpon t< ~, now and ever. A~~~n.

t Crttcovi.e. Fryday, ] "lii 13. Mane hoht. 7 t.. Orati -ne D ; minzc<~ fimta, &c. t,.. At th e fir fi looking , E. K. faw the Curtain ufual to appear, and fomewhat plightc:d, and (horrly. A voyce...... Read that 1ou have doJte. /::... I re<l..d hirherto that was writren.

E. K. Now they appear, the Curtain being drawn away :But the round Table, or Globe appeared not. E. K. Now they have drawn the Curtain over them again.
/::... Bleffed be th ey thar are come in the name of o r God, and for his fervice.

E. K. Now they appear, and the Table) or Globe with them.

1le ...... The re/f. r:.. Jn the name of Jefus, and for his honour.


A1td the dwelling places, Let tbem forget tbe ir nanus, the work, of man and


Farg t. Bams 0 ma oas.
Canis bra.

0 MA 0 AS


A ua vox.
g dg.

hit pomp:
Let thun he defaced

To nug.


hi-s buildi11gs,
let them become

Ors cat b]. No af mi. Tab ges.

Levith mong:


for the ~eafis of tbe field

0 RS

confound ber untltrft4nding

Omp tilb.

with tlark.,neff~, forwhyl

it repenteth



Mo ( vah.

I made man

01 cord ziz.



~A true ~elation

"[Dr. Dre hif Aflians Dith [pirlts) &c.

one whill let her bil.l{ibwn,
Lea pr ina o.

Gab. ,....
M.1'lll' 'tMt,

Ix o mix


Od ell c:O casb.

for the plac! if ho!J.

E. K. All is Govercd. E. K. Now it is open.



a flraHger, becaufe
foe i-s

Go fa a. Baglen.


Pi i.


the betl

Ti ~n ta.
Ababa Iond:


af an harlot
1t1td the dwelling l l flct of him that is fallen. 0 you heavms a rife, Tbe lower heaven's imdcrneath you
ltt them [ervl_you;

gt, otdgt. Odfiiorgt, lotch; oi lodn re ,lac VO Vim,



Madri iax-. Tor zu.

0 adriax. ka.. Orocha.


A boa prr,
Tab.i o ri. Pri5z.
Ar ta 'ba$; dir A drpan:


Govern rhofe that govern, Caft dBWn




Cor tla. bobix.


f all:,
bring fort!i

toJ cant
tri a:i.i.
Ar eo a Ztor;
Od quasb.

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn.

with thofe
that mcteaJej and deflrof

ARC 0 AZ 10 R

[ d d z]



tr~tt:R..!Iation of Dr_ Dee his

tht rotten.
No plac~;

.Aflions 'D'ith fpirits, &c.



Ri pfr.
Pa a oxt. Kor Saga cor.



let it re111am

in one number.





frd zar.

the Stars








Od zanirJD.,

Sib fi

the Csvmant

E. K. Now he hath drawn the curtain again.

of hi# mouth,

But moaa.

Sur zas.

he hath [worn


in hil Juft;&e.

BaltalL Odo.

the myfttdts
of}OUT Crelttion,






Ozazma. Pla pH.

lad na U1ad.


A. true 9{elation P[ D. Dee his Aflz ons DJtth (pi.rit J & c.


"flu ftrj Ain, called -----~ - .- :. Lil. 'lhe{tcoHd -----....-. ~-~ At:il. The t h i r d - - - - - - Zom. 4 _ _ ....,_.. _ _ .__.,..____... _ _ - - -Pa~.;


5 --_.,_.._-------------------Lit,
- - - - - - -- - - - Maz. --- - - D e o. -------__....;-. - Zid, 9 -------------Zip. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zax 10 ik. 1 --------------Jell 6

7 8

15 - 16 -

13 If - . . . - - - -- - -

12oe. ~--------~--lim.


- - - - - ------Oxo.

-.....__.-~ -- Uta

--------Lea. 1'7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T a n . 18 - - - - - -- - - - - -- -Zen.

19 -

- - - - -- - Pop.
kar in palato very much.

20 _ __ 21 ~-------- ---- --~- Alp. _ __ . . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Chr

2 2 --- ---~-- ...-----.--- Lin. --- ~ -- ----------Tor. ---------~---Nia.

23 24

26 ----~---- -------Des.


~----------------- Uci.

27 __. - - - - - - - - Zaa. 28 - ----~-- ---- --Bag. '-9 - -- -- ~------- Rii. 3 o -- - - . - -- - --Tex.

Thrre all--~Note. No., change the Jlatue, and th~ CJ!ll i-s all one. l-tow this Om: A. Bleffed be. he who onely IS alwayes one. .Call may (e, vc t... I take thefe names to be a s primU~,f~cmrdui, ttrttUf, and eo )O the 3'11. A voice ....... Not [o, they bt the fubfiantial names of che Aires. t... le was faid they had no proper names; but were to be called, 0 thou of the fidl Aire, 0 thon of the fecond> &c. I pray you reconcile the repugnancy of chefe cwo places; as they fhould fe~m.

E. K. The Curtain is opened.


E. Now Gahriel fiandetb up.

Gabr ...... ThM bath .G~rl k..,.ept promife ~ith jou; and 13ath ddivere~ yo11 th e k eyeS of ht$ ftorehoufcs: whereinyoufhallfind, (if y1u enter wifely, humbly, and patiemly) 7retJ[urts m9re wnrth than the frames of the heavens. Br~t yet it ~ot Augnft C9 me : N_otwith{tanding the L ord hath ~t~ t kit prom ire with you before GoJ his. rd. the t1me. Therefore, N~w ex~tmzne yo.ur lro9Jts, Confer one place Wlth another, and learn ro be miC fu tnleJ e per[dJ for the prauice and entr~znce. . before A : g11jl. Su that your garments be c!ta11. H rrein be n~t rafh ;. Nor over haf1y; F , r tho that are Coo ufel foe [e hlft.J and r'lljh, a!'d ar~ l~tbfome!J appar~llrd, may knock long before they e.n ter. prcvmrion. 1'./,ere is n other uading of the Bo1k._, .but the 11ppenring of the MiniJier s and. Cruturrs of G~d : The re.ading '1'hich ]hewing what thq are themfelves, fhew how they are conjoyud in pow er; and reprefented oh he !look. formally by thole letters. The: !ett~$.

E. K. Now he taketh the Tab-le, and feemeth to v(rrap it np to .. gether. .

A. Seeing lhavemoved the dou.bt ottbeir umes I prayyoutod!lfolveit. Gab ....... You plaj with me childifhly.

(have done.

Gab ....... Thinltefl thou tbat we [peotk,. any thing t~at i-s 1r ~t true ? The myrt~r b Thou fhalt never .k..now the my(feries of all things chat have beer) Cpoken. Ifyou love t og ftbtr, a,nd .dwell rogether, a1 in one God; Thrn the [dj-[.t1rze God 'P)i fl be mer- of r~ :s B~!~ td cifN/ untopu : WhichblrJJe 7o~, comfort pu, a1zd jrrengtben )'Dit u11t.o the e~td. More I woiJ!d ~;: 1 toge [tt)'' b.ut words prnfit not. God br 4no1tgft you.

E. K. Now they both be gone in a great flame of fire upward3:




A true 'I{elation of Dr. Dee his AflionJ'rvith jpirits, &c._

Do~ine exercituum clamavi ad te, & tn falva"fii me. Convertifii dolorem in $Iaudium mihi, .

laudibus te celebrabo Domine Dens quoniam non pr;eva\nGrllnt Inimici mei fup~r me.

dilfolvifri lnfrum meum & cii-curndedifti me la:titia. Mi[ericordias t uas in ~te.rnum cantabo, Nocam faciun veritatem (uarn in vita mea. Os meum narrabit JtJfhtiam ruarn omni tempore beneficia tua: cert~ non novi ntiK!erinn. Sed Gratias agam don.ec mors rapiat , cibi vfallam qu21.mdiu fucro. Laudem tut loquetur os m::arn: & . omne v_v~n~ alebret no~en 1 tuum Sanctl:lnl? in perpetuum~ fernper .. Lau?~tc:. Dommum, 0 vos Angdt C:JUS,potc:mes vn_:cuce facientes Juffus e;us, obed.r~ntcs voct nrbt ~lhus. Collau~ate ?e.um Unt verfi exe.rct ms ejus, Miniftri eju~ qui factus voluncatem CJUS. Omne qt~od vtvtc 1at:det ce Domme, Amen. IS8 4 . Remember that on Saturd,ry, the foarteenth day of Ju!y, by the Gregorit~n Calehder, and the fourth day of July, by the old Calender, R~w.'and my Childe (who was born ltclanatts prn e Anno 1)83. Jar.Htlry zl. by the old Calender) was exrrearnly fick about noom, or mdday, 17J1i tllitf, and by one of the Clock ready to givt: up the Oho.ll> or. rather lay for dead, and his eyes fet and funck mto his head,-~r.. I made a vow if the Lord did forefee him to be his true fervant , and fo would grant him life, and confir~ him his health at this danger, and from this danger I would (duriug my life) on Sacurdayes tat but ont mtal, &c. Rememb~r-on Wednefday night the eighteenth of Jrll , as I walked~lon~ about nine of the y Clock in the evening, in the Chamber before my :,c.udy, (above) md1vers places of that Chamber appeared iafhcs of fire, and did not Iighcen abroad.

Munday, Julii

2;. Mant Circiter 8.

Oratione Dominica finita.


I read Map[ama his firfr words of the book to be prepared of +8 I eaves to be filvt:red, and would gladIy know what I was now to do. By and by at the firfr looking into the

E. K. There appeared ten Pikes, all black on the ground in a Circle as it were, and 1 in the middle,a great Pike, fianding up. AnJ

Vera,[alfis, falfa, fecmcd to be written in the middle of that Circle,

fomewhat blacker then all the refi, which feetned to be as new riwlten

A Yoyce .... ~i non in 7 vivant in undecimo, t>. I made a fhort difcouife to God of my fincere, and jdl: dealing,hitherto of the book of
Enocb, written,of the book to be lilvered, how hardly I can gee it performed to my contentment: (the booki being laid on the Table, that of Eno< and tbat.as it were filvered) &c. I h, craved therefore the expofition of this dark !hew , and as yet nothing plcafant, or plain: My confcience is clear, and l mtfr in the Lord his mercies.

E. K. After this appeared a man all black, naked all over.

. ..... 0 thou that art j t4f, ~t.nd bafl a c[(ar confcience, lln{wer m(. ll.. In the name of Jefus .. .. Who commanded thee to be gflze ? Be i;one, ...... I take the Commandment to have been from God . . .. Thou haft brok._en the Commandmmt o God, f ll.. l can in no cafe yield thereunto . ...... YBu have difhonou,red the Lord: which i-1 j u in thtbottom of hit owlf breaft, 1tnd g~tze yoa ft warning, and commnnd1d you to go: which i-1 the L ?rd of HeH.ven and Earth. Uay ~ r. MAitt. t.. 0 Lord, my firfr charge was in the le wvrds : Thon fhalt go from hence wit him t9 tiN E.l ~ Mniti;e Emperour: 1t was al.to faid that he fhould make provifion for this on.e voyage, and for the per Map{a~a. reil God had prov1d ed. So that feeing I was to go with him, and he hath not yet p rovided 1 1.]1Uut,per (doing what he can) what !hall I fay, or do ? .A V ll. .. Tru~ it i-1, thou hajt had the viCtory, and thou, and thy Children ba1.e.t11jled mercy . Thou art on~ of tbo[e, that wben I command thee t u leave nothi11g with lif e, yet thou [avrft the fatlings to of ftr before bi ltl that abhorretb fu.b [arrifice. A. Lord, l know no fuch aB: of mine : The L ord be mercifull to me. For when it !hould come to fnch a cafe, Ood knoweth, !. wou!d fpare none . .. . 0 tho11 juft m1t1t [Jha/ting. hi-! he.-td] thou art become a Saul. ...... Wheref ore did God ( an[wrr me) ta/zctbe Kingdom out of Sanl /,it bands? A. It appeareth in the BibJe, becaure obedience was better then facrifice. R~g.T .CJif,TS. .. Even r~, if thou hadjt been O bedient' thy obedience had been regarded. B7it I fay unto tl>ce, the Lord owtth thee nothi1rg for thy lt~bour : he bath payed thee to the utterm~f. As

@.A true ~elation of Dr. Dee- his /.lfliuns with {pirits-,&c

- --- ~--

.. ~ L.

.Ar for Lasky, I will give him over tO t he fpiric of err our: and he jha!L become more pogr, fo that bi1 cwn Children jha/l defpif~ him. . . . . , ht~~;::;.guc But it jha!L n~t come to pae zn thefe dffys; For 1 wtll keep my prom1fl' Wtth you. Y ou do t. 0 moft the Commandm~nt of Princ~s, and Lords, and Majfers: But whm the Go~ of ]~ffice ( w_ithout your m. rci;ua :and Jefert) entertameth you, and placetb .yfJu, atrd dwelleth amongl f you, ( whzcb w al)/e to g1ve you 11!! jufl G od. thiugs) commandeth you ~o go, and that .for your 9WJt projit,yon think.. i t n~thing to offend 15im. But true it u) 'Ih.1t, Obedience pieafetb the L orfi for thererin,hi1 Creat ures glorifie him moft. Obedience. All Worjhip, ail Honour, all Love, all Faith, all H ope, a/f.CNarity, all tbe k_nitting together of tbe He~vens conji{teth i1: Obedience. For i.f y ou had Cem~obedient,the very jlmes of the earth fb.ould have ferved yo ur necdlicy. Fpr the Lord will not be found a lyttr~ t.. 0 Lord, be mercifl\ll to me: I could not do thy Commandment in going without A . L.uk._ie, and him 1was not able to caufe to goe withoUt provi.fion: And to our judgement he [eemeth marvellot1fly to b:: careful! to make prov_ifion: bt't fl:il! he hath hindt>rance. ...... 1hou (hear~jt thou/) the Lord forgiveth thee: but. from hmcefurth, Du, Is p:~tdoned. he commandetb thee that thou opm mt the Jeerers and the judgements, No more fccrets of Gocf which the L ord jhall open unto thee of tht times to come , 1mto to be open.cd toA. L . Laskie. t., I pray you to fay foruewhat uruo us, as concerning th;s boo.k ~o be fi1 vered : Elfe what fhalll do, if I have not direction herein, the care being fo hard . ..... ./} s c_oncer~ing tbe ~o.o~, when thou art at the end of thy jo_urne! it .fhall be told. t.. M1fencord1as Domu11111 a=:ternum Cancabo, Ame!f. HalleluJah. Amen,

Tuefday,..Julii 31. Mane hora 7 t Cracovi.e. OrationeDominica finita, 6"" Vf!riis ejrr.culatiouibur fallif tam ad Gabrielrm, quam Nalvage, A vc, Mapfama, & Ilemer, quam n_tqximc ad Deum .ipfum pro fuo ~umine, nuxilio ('r- proteflione; tam in ipfa a[iione quam itinere pr.c[enti, futuro,7.!er[ur aula m C;cfans. Afcer a great hour atcendanc<:. Ac length appeared one all naked, black, ?lnd about. the fione a C ircle of black . He faid ..... Were you no t commanded to go after ten d11yes l t.. le is true . ... A nd. wbat fo/loweth l . /:>.. l appeal unto the mercy of the highefr, for that 1 have not offended upon wilfulneffe . ..... . Say rrbat fo!ioweth . t.. It follow -ech t hat we may drin~ of a Cup, which we would not, &c. And alfo we. were wilted ro provide for this j ourney, which provifion onely now is made for us two , and not yet for A. L himfelf. .... .. 'Ib1u J~tyeth the Lord, I have ftretchrd out my band, and you bave hhtdred mr. I hnve brout,bt things unto their cour[e,but you have thrujt your [elves between. Wh~ n I ~ppointed you 10 dayes, did I n1t' alfo tell JOM that the earth 'ti-'M . mine. . tCJ Day~s, Am not l the God t~f heaven nnd eart~, by whom y 1u breath. 7he f.zme which alfo for[ak,etb not ~ my peQple in the time of need. I have opened "') wings, but you ha11e rej11[ed my cov1r 6. Fort?. ;\.hdrtc{fe .. I have brought in madnelfe into the houfe of the.unjrJft, bu.t you have pre procured i n rhc K. vented 111} judgement. and he is now reco.AHd'becaufe you haTJe done fo, and have trujfed m~re in the mallices of the vered. world then in my power . t..A fco~;~rge ro fol- . [A, Lord we have not done fo : to our knowl~dges. J lo.v unto us: Lord be .... Thrrefre fh all you drink,_ of a Cup thllt you wozdd not : but it jhall 11ot mercifutl. fill! in thefe dt!yes, but in the dayes to come.


[E; K .

.The fire-cometh out ofhismouth as he fpeaketh.J

...... If you go, it if: ifJ Olt go not, it alfo fhall be. [ t.. Make that dar.k fpecch plain~ for I need yon not. t.. W c were willed to go, but with this condition, th~c Lt~t~k,_ie fhonld make provifion > '......I h11ve not [ea led thiJ fin unto thet [ t..J"ut Jet I have menfured out a plague, and it fhall fight upon you all, Eut unto Lasky I have fe altd it, and itjhall be heavy.

A. L.


K. Doth not A. L. ufe all the means he can for provifion matt

.. .... 1be timt foal! come when I am, tHtd will appear untv thee in fell my name lik,_e a11 hireling. N otWlth/ftmding, - th~ midd of my fury I will be merciful! unto in f a"'n yo111-then /hall the Rod break. in pieces. Vifion, and of fevrn Rods thou when y ou tbink,_l bave fo r
b, Lord

foalt 'chu[e oift", unto you both I [p(ak._: For I will not ltt pae my difoonour unpt<nijl~ed)neither rPiil I
J01t 1

.A true'l(_elatiou ofDr Dee h,i.r Aflions ~ith jpirits; &c.

- - ----t:..-.-L-o-rd-:-d:-e-a-:-1with ~--;e hav~ j~ft czufe to prtt OQr r;;ft-in tl~~~ot oncly-i~-~he prig~cipa\ flare of our fal;vation, but a\fo in this Acrion. ...... You go: I will not forfake you. And what I have [aid, tbat I hi!ve [aid. And it is 4 !i'IJing[pint, and jhall bea~ witnee.of it [elf. For, gre11t is the God of Hofts in fowcr,and in all his work,_s, and words m~ft {u(f. A. Lord, is it thy wil that we ihall go before: this A. L. tmurd Prage? it ihall be. ..... If you tarry it is, and if yoH A. Lord make that plain unto u. ? s Tluf fuyeth rhf' L ord, ~F you tarry, it is becau[e I am, wbirh amflre11gt.h, and triumph again(r mine enemies, tmd Jo again# the enemus of thofe that put their tl"uji in me: And fhall be, becan[e 1 am jujf, and be't:izufe it it. For, tbar I nm, I 11m, and my [pirit it jufiice and trtttb: which befou, W.Js, if, ttnd jhall be, 1 wJ, after,world without md. t.. Lord, ltew s Lhe \i~ht of t~y countenance, and be not wrathfull againfr ll5 any longer, be a comforter unro us in our journey w be undertaken . . ... tJIItove me not, for I am gone.


E. K. He is gone.

Mifericordi;J Domini

fit fuper nos, nunc & in fempiterna feculorum fecula. .Jlmen.

A N N 0 58 4

On Wednefday the firG day of Auguft,at afternoon (bora 3.) we eutred on our journey toward Prage, in the Kin2dom of B~ame, whither we came on churfday fevenight after, by three: of the C.lcck, that is exaCtly in eight dayes. We came by Coach, 1, E. K. and his brother, and Edmond Hi/ton , fo that we came to Prnge Augufli 9 by the new Calendcr : but by the old Ju!J 30. two daye::; before dugujt che old Calender. c..Miferere Noflri De& No_f.er neque in eternUHJ irafcariJ no. it. b

Augufti 1 Wf'dnefday , we began on the day of eh e a~:mption of the blelfed V'rgin Mary: in the excellent little Stove, or Study of D. Ha gee!( h1s houfe lent me, by Eeth(nn in old Prage; Which Study feemed in times pafi (Anno IS I8.) to have been che Study of tome Scu.:. dent,or A-- ski\f1 ll of the holy fione:a,name was in divers places of the Scucly ,noted in letters of Gold, and Silver, Simon BllcalaJtrnu Pragenjis, and among other things manifold wrinen very fairly in the Study (and very many Hzeroglzphical Notes Pbilo['phiral, in Birds, Fi,hes, Flown, Fn:its, Leaves, and fix Ve1fels, as for the Philofophers works) tbc:fe vc:rfes were over the door. Immortale DeCUf par gloriaque il!i debentur Cuj ~ ab ingenio e{t difcolor hie paries. And of the Ph lofopi1ers work (on rhe South- fide of the: Study) in three lines, uppermoft was this w riuen. Candid~t fi rubeo mulier n11pta fit ntarito: Mox compld1untur, Complexa concipiuntur. Per fe fol'IJzmtur,per fe quandoque perfhiuntur: Vt duo qu1: f uerant, unum in corpor( fiant: Szmt duL rrr prime, Sol cum Lrma, tamm in imo, Confice, videbu, fit 11b hiis la pit quoque KebJU, L mt p9tmtatT:l, per~git Sol Rrbit a[JH; Sol adit L vnam per m(dium, rem facit unam. Sol tendit vtlum, tranfit per ecliprica Ca?lum .: Currit ubi Lmta recurrit hunc denuo fublimtt, Vt fibi lux detur ,. in foie lf"~ retinctur. Nee abitt vere, fed vult ipfi commanere: jl/ujirans certe defun[ium corpus nperte: St RebM fcires, quid eet wrcperires, H.er ars ~it cara, brevis, levis ~tque rara. Ars noftra cjf L udus puero, lauor mul~erum; feztote omms filii artis hujus , quod nnm poteft . colligere frutlus noftri f.lixir it, ni/i p~r tnt.ro?tum no/fri lapidid Element ati, etfi alia m viam qu.erit, ~iam nunquam intrabit nee attiJtger. Rubigo eft Opur, quod fit ex [)to auro, dum intra.verit in [uam bu~11idita.tem. And fo it ended.




M.YSTERIO. RU~1 PRAGENSitJM Liber PrinMs~ Ctefttreu(qne, .Anno 1 ~ 84 ..





15. inceptus ad Omnipotentis Dei &- Gloriam. Amen.


}eri potefl, quod anni ~~ 88, & aliorum fupputatio, . initium fuutu habent ab ipfa die Paffionis Chrifti 'fel Afcenlionis in C :Elum. A tque c~njel1~tr ~"[~--~.--"'~,. hac ratione, 3 3, vel 34- anni plures conriderari de bent :quia tot an-v;,14(,, 1 norum Chrifi:us erat tempore (u;t paffionis, vel afceniJonis : .t)dda!i igirur annis t588, 34 & inde emergnm anni 162 L atqueiilenumerus propius accedic ad tempu s .a~norum dilllvii & Arc.-e, cujus fi- Nott~ dr bnos mi~icudinem fore circa feclUldum C_ hrifii advemum Scriptura:: 88, docenc : Vel, cum pofr creatum Adamum, Anrio Mund . 1655; biluvititn Aqua:, . omnia deleverit vivenria : Pofr Chrilli, ( nollri Adami (piritualis ) refiitntionem.in C :Eium, Anno 1Gi s5 ( qui erit ahno 1688.) expe.C\:amns Diluviu.m ignis, quo omnia funt Immucanda: vel Charicacis & , ardoris Chriftiani magnum futu .. rum fpc:cimen.


Non faciet Dominm; DE VS verbum, niG revelaveric Secretum fuum ad fen 'Oi fuos, pro~ ph etas. Leo wgic:t, quis non timebic ? Dominus Oeus loquucus eft : ~tia non prophetabit.? .A.mor, Cap. 3 B. . N ihil mali invenimus in homine ifro' : ~id fi fpiritus Iocucus ell cl~ aut Augelus ? .4t1. ~poft . C11p. :J3 C. Dico enim vobis, quod multi Prophet~, & Reges voltJefum. vide re, qtt: vos vidctis, &: non viderunt : & audire qu~ auditis, & non aucUerlUlt. L uc.e 10. r; . M atth.ei 13. B; Chariffimi, notice omni Spirimi credere: Sed prob3.te ~ pi ritus fi ex.Deo fine: quoniam rrmlci pfeudopropheta>, exierum in mtllidum. In hoc cognoi ClLli r -:.pi rims l)c:i . Omnis Spi.. ricusqui conticecur Jcfum Chriftum in came venilfe, ex L) w et!, & ,:. ]-1 uines Epti~la t . h. C'llf 4 .tl . ~ifquis confclfus fucric, quoniam Jeftis eft filius Dei, Deus in eo rnanct, & ipfe in Dca; ~c. Cap. rodem c.
. Pll.ulUI.ad Cotinthios, ~piftola; I Cap. i. b. Gratias ago Deb rneb femper pl'o -vobis; irt graria Dei, q\n~ data . ell: vobis in Chritl-o efu) , quod in omnibus divices faCti elhs in il lo, in ornrii ver bo & on1ni ftienria ( ficut ceHimonium Chrifii confirmarum eft in vobis ) ita ut nihil vobis de rit in u: la gra cia, S x p::Cl:antibus r(tie!ationm Domini no{iri J rfu Chri(fi, qui & conli rmabit vos u[1ue in /ittl'vtt fine c:rimine, in die Adven tiK domini notfri JeCu Chrifii. Fidelis.Deus per .q uem vocaci eft is irr Sociecacc:m Filii e jus : . . :J.. Jefu Chrifii Domini no{lri, & c. ,.. . . . . Suzetl Jc/._ t:.. Noto R evdationem & adventum Chrifl:i fecundum: deinde coi1firmationem qua:: re.: fpicit alium adhuc iinem temporis : unde de Regno Chri!h hie in t(TYH,fc:t\mdum oauilis Apo.; calypfim, videri poffit hie locus r!liquero pr<E bere G ulium, 6"c.

Paulm ad Cor httbiot, Epi(f . a cap. r. D. Q!!:E finlta funt mundi, dtgit Qeus, ut confundat fa pieutes : & .in6rina mnncli elegit Deus-a nt confuridat fo rti a .: & igno balia nlundi , & contempcibilia chgit Deus, & ea qui non f ant ut ea qu ~e fu* defl:ruerec, ut non glo riecu r omnis caro in confpec:tu e jus. Ex ip(o aUt vos e(tis in ChritloJeCu, qui fact efi nobis fa,piemia Deo, & Jufiitia_. & San8:itieatio & Redempci<>; Uc, quemadmodttm fcriptum eft. Qgi gloriatur, in Dotllino gloric:tut, . ( c e] . l u/111_



true~lation of D. Dee his

A/ions Dith Jpirits, &c.

Paulus ad Corinthios, Epi(t. I. cap. 2. C. Nobis autem revel at Dens per Spiritum fuum : Spiritu s enim omRia fcrntatur, etiam profunda Dei, &c. Vide pra:cedentia & fequentia in eodem capite.

}>rag. P rima Attio, Anno i584. vVedenfday, .Auguti, 15. M11ne horam circitrr 9 6 . We thanked God for his fafe bringing us hither , to the place appointed by hirn : We defi red him ro dire8: us, as the nfi of our A8:ion requireth: And thirdly, for the Book with iilver leaves, to be prepared, we requj.red inllruetion, as we were promifed. Anon after E. K. his look in~ into th e Shew-ftone, he faid, I fee a Garland of white Rofebads about the bord er o f the Srone : They he well opened, but not full o nt. A. The great mercies of G od be upon us : and we befeech htm t o incrc:afe our faith in him, accordit1g to his well liking,

E. K .. Amen. E. K. But while I confider 't hefc buds better,they feem rather to be
white Lillies.

o. 1tAngets.

E. K. Theyare-72 in number: feeming with their heads(alter~atim) one to bend or hang towa!d me, and another toward you. They feem alfo to move circtdarly toward the Eafi: but very lowly. In the middefi of this Circle, appeareth a little fire, of the colour of yern, hot; readv to melt :from yvl.j ch fire to every one of the faid Jillics, is a fiery beam extended; wbi .b beam toward the end, is, of more W 'hitiih :fiery c.olour, than it is near the center. A voice.-... E. K. A voice cometh ihouting out from the Liilics, faying, Holy, Holy, Holy : and all the liiJies are become on. fire; and feem to tumble into that fire. And now they appear again difiinctly, as before : And the fire remained in the center fiiil : and the emanation of beams, came from it, fiiU to rlte forefaid ]iJJy buds. E. K. I hear a found, as though it were of many waters, poured or fireaming down in the clifts of great Rocks and Mountains : The noife is marvellous great, which I hear coming through the Stone : ai it were ofa thoufand water-mills going together.
A voice ....... Eft,
Another voice. ...... Seemeth to pray over, & quo modo t;'l:. A voice .: ... . Male & in fummo : & menf::r atum etf.

t... The eternal God of his infinite mercies, wirre away our blackne!fcand iins, ~1d make pure> and whiter than Snow.

E. K. I hear a great roaring, as ifit were out of a Cloud, over ones head: mofi perfe&ly like a thunder.
Another voice ...... The Sur./ is bro'<..en.
C::,.. ViJt ApQC.t{yp{m, t11p. r6. {t4 'Viderwr qwGd non (tl/lll.'nttr ordine, vthti q~tis t:t re:rrw judict~ret ; Aft n~n a]"viw Me cffuf.cm eJJe etilll!'fi ~~~e ~ otim 1.1indict~t"m requirtb.tnt rl/1 qur (~tb dtari (11nt: no~d~m lliJ t r 11t concrum, 1 rf'1 e, Si' hied;,; pottft.
~now her [elf [Viola

Another ...... PtM'e om the fi~th Viol! thitt the earth maJ

Sexca. J Thef-e are th e dayes of wo, chat1ne

~pokei1 of.

E. K. Now 1 fee beyond like - Furnacea

mout h, as big as 4 or 5 Gates of a City. It feemeth to be a quarter of a mile off: out of the Furnace-mouth feetneth a marvellous finoke or frnother to come. By it feemeth to be a _great Lake of pitch : and it playeth or fimpreth, as Watet doth, when It bcginneth to feethe. There ftandethby the


A true Relation of Dr. Dee his A'iliiJns -with (pirits, &c.

pit, a white man, in a white garment tucked up: his face is marvellous fair ; he faith very loud.
A white fpiritual Creature........ A[ cend.

21 )'

E. K. Now there cometh out of the Lake, a thing like a Lion in

the hinder parts, and his fore part hath many heads , ofdivers falhion s : and all upon one trunk of a neck. He hath like feathers on bi ~ neek. He bath 7 heads: Three on one fide, and three on another, and one in the middle: which branch from the neck is longer than the other, and lieth backward to his taile-ward. The white man giveth him a bloody Sword : and he taketh it in his forefoot. The white man tycth this Monfier his 4 legs with a chain, that he eanrtot go, bn t as one fhackled, or fettred. Now he giveth the Monficr a great hammer,with a feal at that end where the hammer fuiketh, and the other is fa.lhioned like a hatchet.
The white man faid ....... A

a1:d terrible befl:{l- ..... .

E. K. This the white man faid with a loud cry.

A voice out of the little fire. .. ... Seal bim,for two yeilrS of che Seven: For, fo long u hwpoweY. Stars, with the Earth, even to the third part, are given unto thee: The fourth part thou .fhalt leave untouched.


E. K. The white man taketh the hammer, and firiketh him in the
forehead of that head which is in the middle, and lieth down backward toward his taile. E. K. Now all this vifion-is vanilhed away. The Stone is clear.

E. K. Now Madimi appeareth, and !he feemeth to be bigger than

the was.
Madimi . ...... The hleffingof God tbeFath~, the S on, a1zd(in theFather andtheSo,r)ofth~
J:Ig{y Ghojr, in power and. cottzfort re.fl: upon you, tal<_e hold o you, and dwell with you, that you ntaJ f be apt to rer~ive th~ comforr of my childifhneffe l anti th~ reward of fucb. bmocrnts, as my vp ic~

beareth witneffe of. You both, the Spirit of God, fa/ut~ you: which alwayes comforteth the Juft, ~tnd wthe.ffrength and ~ay of [uch as are Eletied: of whG it is [aid, .Mictam illis Angelnrri, m in Adjutorium. t.. Are y cu Madimi ( in the name of J cfns) that I may fo note of you ? Mad. ... ... I am Madimi, and of that ordtr, wberein rhe wo,zders of God are wronght with . . power, with y ou, as "'I.J words are : with my [elf, M "ry cuation i1. Md~ 1 m 1 tj t1C to, as I have often promi[ed you,[o in the time of yo11r neuffity and grief, I vifi t you. or me pocejlarum. b.. Thank s be to the Highdt. Vule :~.6, Mad, ,. N~t as the f rimds of the world d'1 , but as a comforting [pirit : exalting the fer~ Junii. vants of God, 11nd cbeYi{bing them with celeftial foo d : But my mother i1 at hand, which openeth M~er M:adimi. tmto rhee, the will of God. Believe me, many ar~ the woes of the ...,orld, and v-ellt are the [orrows that ~re ,o come : For the L oyfl preparetb bw R ait:-bow, and. the witntffes of his accou11t: The Rai11bow. anJ will appu:r in the heavens to finifh all things : and the t ime is not long . . A}oc~Jlipf. 4 BlejJed 11re thof e that believe ; for fai th fhall flee from the Earth, ud her dwelling places ]hall be F . h in caves, and un~nown nwuNtainr, and in tarts of th~ E arth whi'h tbe Lord bath k,tpt fecret for h=~~l ~~ fuch tH./hall triumph and rejoyoe in tb~ Judg,ment to Cfmt~.. {9 I. Wo be to women great with child, for they fha!l bring forth Monfters. E:a[[h, 2. Wo be unto tb~ Kin.,~s of the Earth, for they ./hall b~ beaten in a Morrar. . 3 .. Wo be unto fuch M paint themfelvN , and are lik._e unro the Princ~ of pride ; for rheJ jhall Jrin/t the b!o~ d of thezr ~uighbours, a1td of the~ qwn childYen. + Wo be unto the falfe preachers, yea [tvtn woes be unto ihem ; for 'they ar~ the teeth of thi Beaj. He that bath ears, let him hear. Scvca W~ ~. Wo be unto the Vzrt,ins of the Ear rh, fo r they foal! difdain their 11irg.inity, ttHII t!Jry fh'llli be com~ Concubius for Satan, and Je[pi[e th:God of R.ighteoufneffe. [ e e 2] 6":w,

unl onJao


d true~lation of Dr Dee hiJ Aflions '!t-ith fpirits, &c.

~~ --~

------ --- ------~-

6. w:v be unto the Merchants of the ettrth , fqr they ar11 bmmu abomiuablr? : Brbold , they art berem~ the [pies of the earth , and the dainty 71!ea t of Kings~ R11t they are /oolijh : Yell, they jhA!i f tt!i into the pit that they have diggrd for others, Jf. m Madim 7. fJ/ o be ttr.to the book._s of tbccarth,for they ~tre eoi'ntpttd; a}td are b-ecome a -wrofting flock.,, antl 1 firebrand to the confcien.ce,. Stoy R: [e[9n, for my tftother cometh.
6 . \V c read overthe premHfes, and fo conferred oft he verity and weight of em. And rj-. j~ while Jl;ladimi fiood flill in E. K. his fight (as E . K. told me:) Bur btcanfe we were willed to flay., 1 moved n? quefiion: bt1t wi l1ied_ t~ h~ve fo~u: underfianding, how wy wife and . childn:n.(atCrarovia) ~td. Here;:pon Mt~dm1l fa1d_as followetb; . .




,, ,;,"t~J cod~- and rn,,prth w1th gt-ellt rar.e to (Jverwlxlm the 'JifO r!d upon trxe: .And he feek.,eth the dejtrullzon of (h<>; her (dt: tl.'} ho11jhold, and t~treby rhy ovtrthr:ow: The life 9f th) Children }yea, he.tempteth thy wife wirh d6fpair, r111rl to be vio{ent unto her [elf. 6. Why witl:! defpair? ...... But his lips are fealed, anJ his clll'IPs made dull: that when ht would bite he C4mt~t : Aitrl


Mad, ..... H~nr what} faj unto thee [A.] The King of dt~~/znrffe whettrtb his t(etb again~ thee,

.A. L.

where he fer atc.h(th tht'bloud followeth. not. But hear what thy friend [ttJetb unto thee: Botk in her fdf , and by him Marlami, my friend. tat moveth her to [peak..; As thou art the fervant ~f the God of vi{i'ory,f .(halt o tlfou triumph in the Gocl of firetchforth and Conque.r . A. Madzilodarp. This name of God is Thy wife~ thy chlldrm, thy [ervanti, and. more then that, {nrb M favour t/,re, in rhc 1'th, p1 iPCip~ll Call, b{ginning 1/J vi- even the coverings of thy hoHfe ; are t~nder the prote{liort a1td defence of fuch lW nilll p4i t. So~Jrr.A/1 e.rlr. llre of power : againjf Whom, 1Uither the rage of fiu:b M raign, neitht:T the [llT.J &'" . of Azithority (though it h~rth the help of Sa.tun) rnn prevail. F?r why? r:iod hatb c. are a.ver thee : But thy f tr.itb is [.;wewhat lowtr. T ak_e he,ed r~f Sa.ta.n, S~t2n hls Tuirerous ~e will joyn bimfelf Unto thee. But beware Df l.>im. F~r, fin keepeth back inlinuation ~o be ukcn tbe pgwer of God, which is oftmtimes d eferred for 4Jtotberfell[on: 1 ea, evm ~ccd of. for the wick,edmJJe of one So~t!. Lasky, I look_ for, but I fee not : Bthofd., I wraft nry eyes after bi m, Anrl cnmtot fin de him. Peradventure he bath hid himfelf bebinde [om~ Mountain, ~r is rrept into a C11ve: for he, appeartth not. A. I bc[eec_h yon, what _s the caufs thereof? Is _he not gone from Craco~ia? i . Mad. ,~ ... Stn u thf greateft M~untam, llnd he r:e7oyr:eth when be pleaftth lmnfdf: ilnd rn the fury of bh flefh crcepeth into a Cave from us. _. . . Lo, IlookJ"r 'him, and cannot fee him, yet [a tll the world over, It ~ At one mfbnr MadJmr a jign thttt God it not w'ith bim .. fcclh all the world over, r A. 'I b elcec h you, 1 not f;One from CntCQvza yet? JS 1e Mad ...... I tell thee,.l fee him not; I can [ay norbing of him. 1)., Lord, our coming hither was to come with him. Mad ...... Thtrefore brought I ther hither, that thou . fuouldfl not tarry with him. Kmwe/f tbou not that God if marpelloJM in his work,_s l Haft thou not beard of his [ecret jrul.gements l If thou haft, Think,. he h~ttb caruver thee. . . d For lllfo,thy wif( and .chi !dr~n,and the reft of thy houjhold muft. be moved My w1fe, c!Hidrcn, :ln hither.llou!hold roufr be - oved m 1::. Wh I b (i h ) to I" rAge. en, e eec you . Mad . ... Let that be my charge to anfwer tbr~.

M4ttr Mii ,;,


E. K. Now here appeareth a little fire like the fame, which appeared before: but it bath no beams from it, as it had before. Mad ... Hie & hLc, eft Mater mea. [E. K. Pointing to -the fire.] .E. K. She falleth down on her face proftrate :Now ihe rifeth again. This fire entreth into her mouth, fhe is waxen of higher flatu-re then !he was, fhe- ha th now three faces.
Now it is the ver.tue of ~he Trinity in her fo reprc:fented. M~d ...... I. And I have a few thinr,s to {a7, and I fa.J.


E. K. I hear a marvellous noi[eJas of many Mountains falling. Mad ....... A rife, and believe. Tbe ti:m-r u co-me, that of the fool~fh 1 will mak...e th~. wife .And f [11cb as are finfull men, my anointed : if they encli;u their e11.r unto my voyce. E. K:. Tl1e noyfe is - arvellous: And which of the rnout.hs doth fpeak, m
I cannot difcern.

A true ?(_elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions 'With _{piritJ:~ &c.

Mad ..... Firff, thou .fhalt write unto Rodulphus, 111 I fhrdl eitfpire thu. "nto him faying, Thtd the Angel of ihe t.Jr d bath appeared unto thee.~nd rebuketh him for his Gns,

Tben jh-alt thou go RoD o LpH lt s.


[ l never heard any fuch noyfe: it

[E. K. A great noyfe ftill.J utH if h~tlf the wor!Cl were

~>.. Either E~. v. 1 , t 63 fpake not this, or L omitted ro write ic at the: fir fr.

ru{hing down an hill.] . Mad ...... If be hrar tbee: Tbm [try unto him, He lhall trmmph , Fear thee not. If he hear thee not:Say,tbat, 1:he Lord, the GQd tbat made henvm and earth, (under whom ke breatheth, and hath bif [pirit) putteth hw foot againjl his brra.J1.

[E. K. A great noyfe fiili.J

And will tbrow him hradl.ong from his {eat. Lo, th:tl (I [wear unto thu) I wi/j do . . lf he for{ilk,.e.his wic/zednr.JJo , and turn rmto me: His feat jha!L be the greatejt that e11er w.;;, and the Devil jhall"become hir prifoner.


Dei JtramrnrNrn
& Palfum
' 11111 t..

de R.

E. K. There came great flafhes of fire out of her,and fo out of the

ftone: and fuddenly 1he was in her former ihape again.
In the name of Jefus. Mad ...... Where this voyce entreth, no man bath to fay : Ji'or it is tbe beginnilt!, , fo it is lik..ewif' the end. 1'h~refore enquire 11ot any more now, but cea[e : For this is the marThe marvellous bq~inning vellous beginning of this }all time. of this hft time. 6. Ail thanks, Laud, Honor, Glory, and Empire be to the Eternal, Omnipotent, and our t>nely.God of Heaven and Earth. Amen.

Thurfday, Augufti 16. 15,84. Mane, circiter horam 8 j. t Prage. t propounded, as concerning the book to be prepal'ed for the Angelica! writing, &c. And becaufe M ap[ama ha? dealt about th~r .point : Ther efore! .1:equired at God his hands; the Miniftery of M apfama herein : if ic were lus will.
6. heribru fin itif,

E. K. Here is Maclam i.
b.. Bldfed be the God of Heaven and Earth, who regardeth the Iincere intent of his- .6l.a

ly ones.
Mad ... ... When f~ed time is pafi, wbo fowe th his Com l Or what is he amongJl: men tb~tt ca!le:h back_ the Sun a mznute? So may it be [trid of you, which were flac~)n [owing, and therefort have le~ p11e tbe benefit of time, wherein your fud might have multl.?Lied. Beh:Jla, )our /,rb:!urs a;F in vaiH, in refpeCI of that you might have receivPd ...... For Ai.lgufi is pa{t with you tbe /ir{t da_r: Awl Mapfama wanteth, not byhimfdf ,.hut M C. through your neglij!,tnCe: whofe fingers wrougbr, and made an er..d {)f a,nothe.rs -wor~, whi'h WIH tied ap ama. t'O time. N aivage wrn beaten baclz fr9m you : But you confider m t his cortflifl,.neither tha'llk.. God fo r that he bath finifhed f or ytJu : with whom [ Nalvage now,yo:t have 110 p~wer. For the Receiver and Giver for that time, w~re of time. But to the entmt tbat the Heave1ts may agru, (beca;.{e tl1ey are tbe Hgbt of him, whichis the A paper boo~ ligbt of his f ather) I [ay unto thee thllt thou m11if pr-rpare, of fair , and decent paper , a book..~ 7'0 robe prcp2~li. the entmt, that the pap:r it fe if may bear witnr.JJ: agai~tjt y~u: and receive that, wh!.~bjhou!d bllve bwr printed in Gold. 6 . God he knowcth, and the Heavens, that ! did the bell I could, to have had the bnnTt

But :where tl~e iMtch-mm fleep, and do 1Jot their duety : Theft talzeth plare, and thf enemies maize havock.,. The fins of La~ky are not a few; yea, they are fucb M have brought the Pri1tce of Thieves;"19hicft had prwailed: 'But Godwa; watcb-man at tbe inner doors . For, he denbted of thy faith, and laughed God to skorn. But hear the vcice. of hi.m that fitteth: L eapers 1111d defikd people ufe not to carve at a Kings Table :for when bis Carvers becmte L~apers, they Jtre not: bee aufe the.J 11r: txpelhd.. . Even fo into my Chambers, a~~:d [ecret judgement> erztretb not the Incredulous, ProucJ , a11.1./. Skornfulljinners. But hec&u[e he became wor[e then a Leaper, I banijhed him out of "!J Cbti,iWersj. for I irm more then a King. l~yotwit_h/fandi:tg, l:ecan[e I have [worn unto thee for him >I ~ill fu.ffer him to bt exa!td : But in t"he midjt 1f his 1riumph be .fhall fall; ar a proud Tree J.uj!#anallm 111!1 J h h .r. P:e,pro A. t. ~~t , w oJ e roiJt; are nnccrt a/Jt,

:filvc:red. Mad ...... It is [o : I will bear witne1 wit-b thee._


I will be jv.jt with thee, And wirh this Emperour lhal\ be thy aboad . .AuJ through thy mo11th jlnt!l rpriilg a Cdar-Tree, whofe topjball toucb the Moon , and branc:ber cover the beu.fls o(, the field, thebjrds of tbe A ire; )ea, llfld a part of the SeM. ilecaure thm ~' h~t)r raken pains for me, l will Jeal jtl[tlywitb thee, and reward thee. The fans of wicl{_edmffe are proud,becau[e of their promotion; are .fiout, b~ctt11[e of ,. M tb D doms and 1' ominiom : But they mu(t fall, becau[e their budding doth jfand on* faJJd. il tt.:J. b . Do my Co mn11111dment, e not afraid. N ew I: ams. For l have new ltffons to teach tha, and n~w l1ok__s to opm, Jucb M have bren fea!ed
N;;w bo0b,
dern'ff~ .

------- ----- half belie-ved me, atiti ha/1 not murmured agtZin{l me, And becau[e thou


A true'l{e/;,tion ofDr, Dee his Aflions trith Jpirits) &c.

~-- --

D~r /u~er


t:... Cwm 1"'Perort

P ropbtti'A dt t:...

their King-

m tbe wil-

E . K. She is gone.
~:>. As concerning the Letter to be written unto Rodolphur, 0 Lord, I would gladly know the Anuntenr,and when! !hould fend it. A v~yce . ..... Incipienti, dabitur. !:>, I underiland this thus: That, when I begin to write ir !hall be infpiud from God.> as was faid before. A voyce ...... Cen{e. ~. Deo Nofiro Irumortali, Invifibili, & Omnipotenti, fit omnis honor, Laus & Gloria: Nunc & femper. Amen.

Friday, Augu/ti 17. U'vlane. t Prag;e. A. Becaufe 1 would make no_ delay, for the ~ew:r writing to d~e Emperonr Rodo!ph 11~, I framed m}' fdf to wnte, befeechmg God that 1 mtghc fo wnte, as xmght be fufficiem for tht purpoCe.,&r. ~nd thus_I wrote a_s f~llow~t~h . O mntpotentts No fin Creaton s \. Chnfhanorum omnlllm lmperatorum f;eliciffime 0 R:u~~:f,~~:~;;m dolphe) ram tfi h?minibus inco~nita illa, _qn~ cw~ch_difponit perficirque, p 15- 0 DENPwu.i.:>rtd. T I_A, ra~a9ue tpfa rerum _fenes & co?rdmatto (a p~tmo ad ulrm~um) quod a plen lque, teE.al filfu, n1 ere, forttl!to, vel cafu, hoc tllove event re mo.io, eX'!!hmentur omma, qu;e extra pra::terve fuocap.s. rum Confi!wr1m de1'ignariones, fieri confpiciam. Verum quibus ell mens Divina: veritatis lumine collufiraca, & ad multi~lic es longifque imervallis d illin8:as rerum confecttciones conliderandas, aw~nttor, evidcncitlJ~le dq~rehe_nd_en ~ il_li quidem, ~, 9uibus pr~currilfe, tanquam canfas, occafionefq: e neceffanas, alto pnon, & tnterdum long e dtverG[im0,tempore, oportuerat. Arque ut vari'etatem nunc omittam exemplorum, ( qu:e, ex aliorum homiqcm inter fe collar is vjris, conditionibus, fa8:ilque adferre potlim,) t.xemplum fati5 confpic:mm hoc unicum fieri poflil: Ntmirum illa, (incr~dibilis fere) qu.e inter facram C:efaream Majdrat em ve-flram, & humdli':flum ~in ].Jeo)_ Mancipium me veilritlll (~x multiplici~us utrinqtte p">ecurrencibliS cccaGonbus) 1,a~ q~1ah milar~ Vldemr, In umm (tdemque a_dm1~andum quid) Combinario, Di vinaque coni p1rauo. Ambt verunc me (J uveHem) Illnfinilinu Imperatores duo : Vi8:onofiilimns i1le Ca.ro/11$ ~intiM, & ejufdem Frarer F(rdittandus, vdh:a: C.efare~~: Majefiatis .Magnificentiffimus AvM. H1c, PQ,(oHii_, Hungari.e : ille vero, Bruxell.e,Brabant i.e. Hi e, An. 156 3 JI le aurem, Am1o 1549. Aft demennffimum Impera rorem M aximtlianum , C.E{aru vefir;e Maj eH;~,ris Patrem \lrumortali ~!ora dignur:n) jam .c~m H rmgrtri.e coronatu_m R.~g~rn, ( inviriffimo quid em ipfo Tyranr~o Turctco) eod~m !11 Pofo.no,eodemqt~e, :tnno 6 3 xn delu:;us habere ccepi: illi: fque rariffimas vtrtUtes,cum fideltrer colere, tum pofienrau eafdem reddere commendatitfi .. mas,opere qu_o~am cona bar Hierogl_rphico.~~ etia_m in l ab01~e exantlan:. . do,animus nuht pr-:rfagiebar,Aufinac;r ~ famtlt~;~lwm fore ahquando ah- I.,btllr Monadu Hieroq .em in quo maxima.mea fpes,& pr ~hco Chnfitanorl!m fiatt:J,Res,con- ~l;phrcdl Tbtoremare 1o, fi1 ma;etur, (vel confi rman poterit,) Optima, Maximaque. V efir;e ig1- ;am "nre 10 ~&nnor edzrt. tur C< [are~ M a jdli,Imperarorum R umanorum (ex A ullriacorum Principum nobililTima familia) mea ;eute florentiu.J11, ~V ART 0 : Adfum, & ego, friplicis Alp-haberi, litera* Q::arta. A~que ita adf ~~,ut me ipfu~ ad pede~ ~~fare:e ~a je~is vefir.e dem_ifse ?fcu1 at~dos offeraru: plurimum gavtfurus , fi qua tR re, Chnfhan:e Retpubhc:e lm,peraton tanto, taltque,gratus, utilifve eife potero. Vefir;e facr;e CLfare.e Ma je.ftati, foli, fi ,h:rc aliquandi u confiare paciemini(neminique Superfcriptio ~rat ha:c. . decegere velitis) rem facietis valde neSereniftmo ac powtt,ffimo Principi ac Domino Dsce!fariam. mi 1to R.udol pho,Dci Gratia Romanorum ImperntoPrag.e, An. 1584. Augr~(fi 17. r i j Ot/per A ugufto,ac _Ger~ania:~Hu ngari;f,BoheC4aru M njejfi1 Vejlr.e mia>,&c. Rt;,i, Archtduct Auftn;e, Duci .BurgunHumdlimus & fiddiilimus di:e Stiri.e Carinthi;e, &c. Comiti Tyro/if , &c. Clientulus Domino nm clementiffimo.


1ollnn~s Vu.


A true 'I( elation of Dr. Dee his AC!ions 'With fpiritJ, &c.
Monday, t Prag~, Augufti 20. Mane cirr.a horam 7 t;.. Precibus ad Deum fufis, ex more noftro, &c. x. 1 propo11nded: If the letter written for R?dolphus, were as it lhould be? 2 Secondly, bera':Ife we were willed to invite the gooci Aijgels, forche book writting, I a~ked how we !hould ll1Vite chem ? 3 A~ concerning our wives, and my familly fending for : 1 required, when that lhould be done? A. ~ickly apparition wa ~ made,

E. K. Here is Vriel.
A. Welcomebe thclightofthe Highefi. V RI EL. ... ... We be unto the '1Porld: for her ligbt is tak.f~raway. 1Yo, wo ~ u1tto 1111111,for tbe eye of light bath for[ak._en him. Wo, wo be to the underjl:andi11g of man, for it is led out, with a thrufold fpirit, the [pirit of errour and ignorance. And wo be unto fuch as belie-.e * Aliquid Je~ not the glorious and Jupereminent light of this Tejtimony: fo r they are not writtnz with the life, 1ft force. ~teither jhal!tb(ir portio;t bt witb the living. T~e Spirit of Thus faith he tbat is a mere floae, (which fittethb~trPan the feat of light and dark._;uffe) who[~ ~h~\ellimo wings ilre gunt, and more than mighty: wherewith he gathereth the Stars, and the powers that ny robe beliehang 11pon the firmammt 1f the firft and leJfer light : placing tbem 11nd powcrihg them, in the Spi- v~d upon greac rit of Truth ; and through his 8Wn power, the power of tbe word~ wherebJ all thinf!,s are, and are dlfplcafure clfe comprehended: in that he w as well in the heavens of Glory , Cbaflity, and Me ffge, ns al[o in Heuens of places unk._nown to us. Glory, Cha~ . . . f\iry, Angc:ls. Behold, thofe thllt dtg znt' Nature Wtth dull Mattock,.s, and dull Spades, are Juch, as of every congeled [ubjlaitce can imagin, but not judge : are f~o/ijh, and of tbe world: who[t imngi11ations, are become the inftruments of vanity, and the piercers of bim which il the {flther of ignorance. Wo be rmto them, for their difputatrons and dotJrmes, are J,gma's and dull. TYQ, wo unto them, for they are fuch as p!eafe themfelves, and are become fathers to many lewd children : of whom it il written, Tbey are become jtijf-nerk,_ed and proud,and the followe,-s of their father. Therefore bave I gathered my [elf together, 1tnd am hidden from them; becau[e they are proNJ and haters of innocmcy. Thefe teach Hot unto you a do{lrine, mither are you parta/zers of their Banlzets ; for the Spirit .of God, i1 plain, pure, and mo/t perfefJ. The[e breath not upon you, neither are the Ornannnts of your Garlands enterlaC,etiby tbefe: But by him are you lifted up, that is the God of Jullice, and the Difdofer of his own fecrets : and the headlong drawer vf tbings to an enti. G od t~ us is Therefore believe, anti dream not with the world : For the W9rld jhal! perijh, and all her ad- t~V)lfclafc~r herents : and fhall be caft intq the pit of wo everla{ting. Read tbe Scriptur:s, an:l underjla1td ~rw:s own ethem: but Wr'ljt them not, with the wiclzed. L ook_ int.o the fimpli ciry, a11d nJti<_edm.ff of God hw e Promi[e. : View the imtocency of f ome thitt receiled thtm, And let nat the wick._edneffe of thl)[e that the Lord made vert~ous, go out ofyour remembrance. But fo 'Iri:lmpbetb trlje power, fo ga th~r(th b~ himfelf together u difcomfort the Serpent: 0 ' tbe ligbteft he ma~dh th~ heaviejt, and of the wea/<..eft the.Jfrongejt: And in the wealzejl ve JJels, worlt,.eth he hw :nercy. Aitd why l Behold, !ell the world, in her proud imllginations, in the ornaments o.f her pearls, and mojf pretiOlts wits, jmulci brag, [aying, I r.an compare with the Lord. Hear -rtty voice, for it i1 of God. The w~rld bringeth.forth no good thing, n(ither are tbe doings of man accepted; but where the [pirit ofhnmi- Humility, lity dwe/Jetb. Out of the depth of darf<..HefJe,ha.th God made light = And lo, the light il great,and th-e darlznee comprehentleth it 1zot. So;, in thr Wet~k,.r{t will be le ex.a!ted. The Spirit thatJpeak.fth unto you, is he that bath 11 T11wer to bui!J, a }frong Tower ttHtl a. mighty; yea Juch .~- one, as bath m t been from the beginning: No, n t from the brgimting. Great il the foiJn- Vritl harh :r dation thereof; for, it if of Iron ; !Jut greater are her WilliS; for they are of Di amond. Moft Tower to build z.reat are her Turrets; fo r theJ are the feven Brads, that beho!J, judge, and gther: And they &c. ~tre made of Truth, the Spirit of Eternity. Vntfl tbe laying of every jlone, are you made privy, And for tlm Tower art you provided. L:::.. and!!.. K. 1. For lo, the firft bath appeared, and {hewed him[e!f mightily. '2. And the 1 recond bath redeemed, and avercome Sat an. Primur Filillll Spiri(IH San' 3. And lo, the third n.ppe areth, and foall vijibly jhew the power Df God to all Nations. thu. For N ow cometk the Defolation of the Wdrld, Altd the fall of her pride. And this is thel~tft .q . Rod that meafureth, and {hall be brok,_en : Fo.r zt is [a id, Now will I hear you from un- n~Jo !t1ohtlr I rt>Vmg;e t he bloo d of7011r brethrut. qua r top n " c{ er t I A 1 1e car, N ow wdl f.,quu(ut e/1. 0 you ignor ant, a1zd of ryeak._faitb : Know you not th~ timts that 4Te to ~onu ? 0 y ou th~t [pit ApoealypC,cap. c11t t he meat f comfort : yea when it is put lovingly i11to your mouths. Tf/b) art yon f~rrowfull IS, F. o Why r~joyceyou not, that the God of Jujfice i4 girded, n11d h.:th wh~tted hw [word, upon a thoufand th~ufand M ountains of fire ? Why laugh you not the world tco Jc:orn ? .and deride her fontir;ation? :w~ep not upon ber; for jhc it accur[ed : N either wonder at her ; f~r foe will be more wonderful.


A true 'I{.elation of D. Dee his .Aflion1 TPith }pirits, &c~

- - - - -- - - fig urarionc

You have received this Dottrine in Chamben;, :andi in fecret 6. 'Ecrle{iaftes. TempiiJ tft tattr~tli places : But it jhall ft and. in tbe great City : and. upon 7 Hills, & wnrus eft l:qurr~di 'llrlur/ dt rr~tn{- and f11all efrablifh her felf. in truth: Purifie the walls, and fwup
chri!fi M:mh. 17. B.

out the duft and. cohwebs ( tbe work.} of tbe vmemous) that it tnlf} be cit(bnto the lUver,- and brought:into no remembrance. Y ~a, it jha!l fit J11 Jofapbat, in Judgement, againjl th~ -wic'<fd, and jhall becf!me a fire engmdred in the r~ve "f Tlnmders 'thereFore, When you are commanded, bft up your . -I' h H eav ens .fh all ,,ght. 1: he~ds, and t fear not : J or whom, t e 231lt in your fdvrs be patient,. axd continue to the e11d : That your Crowns 11111y tXceed the Garlands of the E arth. . 1hm faith the Lord, Lo, I hllve promi[ed thee, thttt my Ant Prom;Ce of vifit1tio n for the 4~ gel jhall t vifit thee : A11d fo it .fhall be. But if I now .vifit grcat (ails , ~nd the Holy Boo ~ wn- thee, 7h~ts will the world fny hereafter ; Lo, he barh famed t inj!: ~ nd :>r:ltbfinf?. a Do8:rine for himfc::lf. L o he excdletb in {ubtilty . Whm I Lfl}ariD ~anif.fta & in loc~ Silnl1ifi- iiavc my la~s, chey were not fecret; neitb~r - 'IUS t_he plact ca:o. Anci,bn iJt tvtrfio per S~mtum S~. fitumt. .. E1"ft, l' akll ad Jbt. ), tm{an{lijied. W hen the Comforter ctmeth, gzrdeth hzm{df atam{r the [m of 11'ick.!dnrffe; Then muft you be k..nown, and cap. 1. , [em unto the Earth. But I will give thee the choice : Chu[e therefore, whether thou 'Jiilt ban"k,.et Now: bec4.u[e I havt . Ao "Eiea,on or . ~ Or tarry , tz.11 I r 'f I. Choice dfcrcd promz[e(J, thee : tee the tzme mo.re com.lt'nunt ; F or l ~' 1 R o d o lph . be11.r"'-en unto ro 6. (hall wonder, and rejoy ce with thee : And I will e~alt itm, above the Kmgs of earth. 111y voice, He _ RnDOLPHUS Stay a while : 1 come again.
'Muc. _B luc 9 B. u. l\, Co"f}ar. 9 E.r pr ~p ;~ Mmhxi c~p. te. C. Jt.u~i juurt .cudicris, prtdiWt {11Jt1 ulllft ic Luc. r L. " lFoel. cap. 3 1 car nor.


t>. Afcer he had frayed a while, and read oYer the prem:ffes, and taJked of the manner of the Choice or Election offered : and the dealing wich R14dJlph : we thoug ht goo~ to beferch God to regard his pro.,ife, for hrs glory and honour~ and we mofi- humbly to thank h1m chat he would offer a ch oice to me a man of no vorchinelfe, n0r wifdu m : therefore mofi- de.firous to be entred [peedtly intfJ the School of Wifd:;m, wherein we might grow, and attend cbe oppor:tunicics of any thing eo be done or faid by u~; So that ( if it were his will ) we were, and are defirotis now to be vifited, a s his moft merciful promife imporrech. .

A Vi{ion.

E. K. Now Vriel is here; he hath a Chair, and is fet down in it: It is like a Throne.. Here I fee a green Hill : and I fee thereon three men, like 1earned men, in Gowns of puke-co1bur : thry have Hats on their heads. Vriel hath in his hand a thing like a rolling-pin (of half an ell long) of Gold. The Guden of I fee beyond the men, a very fair Park, enclofed with pale, piked,&c. C omfoEr. Ifee Rofes and-Lillies, and goodly Flowers in one part of it, and fair running waters in it, and little Hills) and all manner of B irds: And in the middle of the Park, is a turret, and in the top of that, a round thing like a Stone, which giveth light all the Park over : but without the Park pale, it is duski.lh or dark. Thefe three men fiand together upon the pitch of the bank of the Hill that goeth down toward Vriil. There appear three diverfc fair wayes to the Park, two from -the Hill where themen fiand; and one from the place about Vriel. 1. I fee one man walk in the Park, nnd he picketh Flowers,and putting them to his mouth, they fmoke, as the fmoke of the fnutf of a candel when the candle is put out. ~. I fee likewife another man gathering of Flowers there, and he would put the Flowers to make them flick on his Coat, but they will not hang on but fall down, it is fo bare. 3 I fee a third man, who bath his Robes all belayed with lace of gold, great and fmalJ, and divers pretious Stones, and on his head a wreath like a Garland, very broad befet with very beautiful pretious Stones : and he trimmeth himfelf all over with the flowers of the Park

d ttue '!{elation of D. Dee his .dflions with fPiritJ~ &c.

ot Garden, Now the three men are come from the Hill, before Vricl his feat .
... I moft hu.mbiJ befeecb yoH that. 1 JUJ have acceffe into the Garden of Comforr. Uriel. ..... You fhall: I am contented.


Onef: ~f thcfc


(lnd now fh,: ll f'nt er, have de[erved the.i r reward. whtch garherBIt {rme. there be that enter) and refpe{l not tf1e end; and [uch ]hall they be As be is, whicb ~:d flowm,and defil eth the flowers. of rhe rhird.

E. K. Nowthey three go toward the Garden of Comfort: they men :uch point one to another, and feem to talke orie wirh <in other. They go 1n the path whi chleadeth from him [ Vrie/] toward the Park. Urie\. ...... 1h~rore Wi[H men, for they fllall efcape the danger "f the [ t. J fir f): a,d the fccond, 6 He me2n, and jh:zl!l1Ve as the [ ~J third in comfort and -,le4[ure : For !Jehold, Thofe which have entretl) :~~1 \:~:n~ft

E. K. Now here cometh a man from the Park-ward, and meeteth R.efpict fiftcm.l tho[e three men,a nd giveth them three very rich garments : they put
off their former garments ~ and put on thoie rich and beautiful garments.
Uriel ....... 01htr[ome there be, and f{O the middle way, hecau{e it .H ~he next andfl:raighteH, and thofe be [uch tis enter with their owa ornaments, rPhich are verJ poor and bare, and upon whD[e garments can hang no p!eil[ure. Some there are ~bat mt~r [r] fr?ru me (for without me none entretb into thttt Garden ) and J becau[e! am the bght of lmn that lzgbteth b] Creation, therefore is there a way perfell, and bear* Note. c11u[11 eth tefbmony from me, whereb)' they are thought wortby, and are [ 2 J apparelled for tb~t pl~ece ji~eqfl~t non: qf pleafure, and (o worthil] mter, &c~tll{apr~:r:} Lo they enrich themfelves., bem?, made rich with the beauty of {o plea[ant flowers. and they al 1 W1Yes drink., of the water of wi{dom t~ their comfort and continuance. Bleffed is be that [o ul mmt c. entretb1

maj , propbl W

'theGartltn of Comfort

..... , ~ .. ("

all.,,rthy to enter: but ondy one J,llth

the proper Tejfimony, &c,

Uriel fitting in hil Throne,


Three men going to U rid, from his Hill

worthy to enter "'l'ith T ejlimony.

i. He tbttt defileth the jlo-~Pers, 'f{)as wortby to mter into 'ur Garden : but becau{e he c~me not A defiler of cbc 'tber t 9 my Throne and ro't 0 ol. tile 'JIIav de[cending frun the Hill, [to me] and hroug~t mto the 6o~m. b1 .., ' l' '\.. ./ . . [ ftb h. dt fheGardenof Garden of Wifdom, hu worldly apparel ; whzch, to, Y 4 fii~Jes as a nil etween z,. an rue w f,J . . fr d J "om. "Wi[dom, yet he think,eth htmfel 1atisne . . . 2 He who{e coat u bare, ? as alfn wrthy: ]Jut becau{e h~ thotlf,bt hunfelf wortEy, a~d ~~fitecl , t my feat, hoook, tht middle fllllJ, where are no ornam.ents : Ther~f-ore he brought rn hts own 0 nak..edneffe which u fo thredbare, that the flowers fall off zt; as from a marble flone, and the waters glidetb of it, as j r11mthe back..of a F~tlcoH; Beh~ld, I fit: happy are tho{e, that come unto me. . , . . Lo, ou{ee,,,ou way becDme "'Pi[e; fllith the [1} Cloud}, 'IPife with the [2] bare; andwz{1 YPtth Thr.eeriianncr 1 tbpfe that are.[3] advanced; ~ond dwell in t rHe wi{dom. ofw,fcmcn. The Gate tbttt ~ho'ujhitlt enter into, u a fire of fury, ~tnd of reve~ge :' FLtry ~nd . K~..; Bt b#it mtn .thtt-, as th] Eullion id. Even from the beguuung) nakedly, Open l!nto vesge, [ ff] Rudo1ph.

Tuefday, 21 Augufii: Ante Mai Jiem hor1t1ti Cm:iter 9 t Pragre Precibus finiti~, & imrito Vriele ut nos illumin:tret, dirig:-ret, con(olarerur, &c.

~. We propounded unto yon yefierday (0 you fairhfull mdfager of the highefr) as con. cerning this letter, how it is liked: when it is to be Cenc, and by whom, &c. Uric!. .. 0 e11r~~' h~w great a Mo1~(ier art thou, tmd how great wthywick,.ed~te.Ife, which ma~_e{t dv.~l mans caparit.! , and carrie{l him away into an obfcure anJ. rajh feH[e l N 1J t wirhout a caufe a-rt them hated with tbe higb~(t ;yea, not without a caufe are tby Garmtnts made jhort. tJJ.1y brethren, how lo11g will you be grievoM t -:1 the Lord, buw long (I fay) will ) 'OU be withlut underftanding. 0, bow long wn! you confider your own commgdities, aHd negldi the barv(_{t of tb, L ord? [ tl, l underlland not hing of the occafion of thefe fpeeches.J Uriel ...... But behold, for yoQhs~vc chofm untoyour [elves a vijitatio11, and have bro"krn th~ A r~proof of vifitation of the Lord. our thoice JA:lde. For whm you w1rs commanded JOU wtnt not , and unto JOrtr j elves you chrt{e dayes f~r lldvantage: Well, I fay, Take your choice. and become wife ; for 1 am ready to deliver. 1 faJ', prepAre your [elves, and be r'ud : B)lt If ellT me , (yell, Ik,.now it) tba t JOII will become y Prepare. foggy and mifiy. N otwithjfanding thJH f~tydh tbe L ord: Since you wiN become wi_(e, Chafrifc your (elf for a few dayes, and abftain~ and you lhall fee that 1 am a Go~ that can vifir,and mightily: The Promife I am not .man, that my prorm{es-ma1 not be, nt>ithe.r [peak,_ I Qf any thmg that l ived~ not, for am itccom~[h life. light, and thebre~th of uuderjta~~ing. & caufe you have follo:wed my Commandments (yet ~dwell pl,ea.- !iJme of you obfimately, a_ ra~her, as reprehenders th7n ?bed1ent fervan_cs) I 'will.fut 4 [nll[nd A~e" promifefie unto Satan, and unto hw Mmtjtrn, and thou !halt fit_m JUdgement agamft the w1cked: For A I will multiply thee, and thy houjhfJ!d : A 1td of thy feed; yea, even of thy [ud, to will I finder out a Camber, a and will root out a people., which 1 have a C:lmber _, 1Jide long favotlred. And for thi-s caufe fparcd * I him unto thee, for unto him Anno 1~8~. 1f.M.-rtii. thl.t loveth me;wil! I be tZ ju{frr-warder. The branchtS of the wicJted do ~ cut * A. :orr~ rnrtlli~it off, and mak.,e worfe then tht .t5ffrs d1mg: B11t unto th~ faithful! will! fend R.o_l"n~m mf""~tmme, 11 honour, aHd a Crown of rr1 oyring. cu(n',.ra , ~1"'. rtftzrfi,,)r Dctlls v on r . r 1 111 Hm, who w .he, th4t I c anno~ reward hmt l Or where dwe!left thou , (m covi11, An. 1 58 4.1sd1i 14. EeaveJt, or tn Earth) that art, and rejoyceft not bJmel If thou follow my Se o_ s 1u n~jfz quoil m Cowm~tndments, and I once beoin to love thee? h'1' mrhL tam mitlm t.i I have told thee th.zt I will flla.ce thee here. dwtr q~.tm 1Jiru~ Mari<t ; . . 1rrgnllff11671! Wt[trl, (!ft. ~. I mufi be I11 s. Cm e.J [ 6.. In t JfiJt Srpt;1 1 Mi{tric{T piaced here in Unel. ..... Not M 11. Citizen, 'but 11.n owner of ma- dt~ Dei l'"miffarir, ny htJufes.. But tak,.e heed, thou-be be ;ujf. to me, IHtri .do Prllf/ wiJat I co~ma.)td tbee. A. Lord thou knowefi rny hearr, help, and fupply my wants: NOT YE T Stewards Uriel. ..... Behold, the Cor1t is not rzpe, nei1btr are tbe Gr.trpes ur:J ,_nor the Sun hath nM yer-f~tt .Overf~e~s{o~te-d. them; 1berefore, yet, need 1 nl)t Stewrtrds, but Overfeers : AntJ ilf .)t-J, Laboreriare to me L.3bQUrc:n. Bec~tufe, not yet, no, not:. y~t ili rhe ~ime ~f vifita:itn.: thcrt-fort h~ that br~ng The Lord his as fh~dows. Happy lS h~ rh at ra1nerh vi-lir'2tiorf is ~th hw SyckJe 1tow , mujt not reap for me, hut m'lljt Yf}oyrt:ttr.him[elf . OM Lord> leait afterward the doors be lhnr,- and t'lie feaft at .au c:nd. All -gifJom ( rtnd fcit[JSlQt yet. ces

E. K. Vriel is here, and about his head a.t a little difiance,is a bright part of a Circle like a Rain-bow, &c.




A true Relation of D. Dee his A'dions -with (pirits, &c

.. res cQmprebnJded inr+ifdom) that work._eth for.himfr!f ~id of the 1r1rld: But thr :ifdiJm.that l f!,IVf , I give opmly;and without reproach : that I al[o Te)OJCzHg tJt the wif"o m may be gt-. rifird, aJ!d tx~ _ a lted with- a Dz.adrme of hon~T!r. When Sodom cnrd for vmgeance , bad I zt not ready l Cor(ld n~t 1 from heaven h.1.ve <>~i!Jumed them wirh . the brea_th of "!J own mou~b -?_ I, irt my fetf k,_irow it and am wi tnrffe. :But to, in .the pride of tbrlr filthm ejfe I bad regard eo t 1me : And ( t!J:r.r it might 1 ime. be' k:_no~n tv ill! Nations) licenfed my Angels, nnd gave them power~ A~d lo, tbtn made a promif'e t:J.. Promif.: to rmtl alL Nations that they jhould be b/e.fFd in Ahraham :r~en the fa we mo~reth that I de{froyJ the So~ A h bA,., domires. Thrfe tbings did I, ~f mzto Noe: a1td mtt~ Seth, ~~omi l .vcd : I made them privy < rhe thid ab, of time t.9 come, and ~pened finto them my judgements :_becaufe the w~r!dJho.uld be h/tly condemnd. fe n of .-Jd14171_ A ft er the [f!me manner '!tade I a promife uncoyou: L o, after !be.[ame ~anner have_ I _called yo11 A_ promife to coun[d. But you have chofen the low~ll, a~d have ref\1fed the h1gheft places, and have m~dc: unt<;) 1 regard ed your ow!f con~f<horcs,afnd IW ~r, v1firat10hn. I cd~~ttznddnl tlue not to go _in_r~. t~e w~ods, Th~ choice ht and 10 fettrr Jf/o!ves : nez! rr t o aw t e -v.Jg!'rs tert . e 4vere .J not unto t 6e lPIC'\.ea, nezther mil1ikcd m f uffaed I_r~e~t to Tl'h'ce- over y~u : But 1 h~vebrought yon f~om ~e;tt~,_and from the dayes ofThemcr~ies lamemaoon; and have dealt Wttk you at f tllthfu!l brethr:'z do zn tbe1 r dzvifions : N ot tha! I fo rget of God upoa my feif, bu_ that I weuld be magn~fied, and that you m~ght fa your wzldmffe ,and nttk...e_d rafhneffe: us. t M ilnJ are there upon th~ urth, whtch w_ou!d ha~1e bur_(f wzth gladneffr, and h11ve unt tlmr Garments in pieces. If I hAd coYcbed them wu:h the leafl: of thefe Conr:Cels ( [? I ea.'/ tbtm ;becan[e they ['e:..To~ :.rgr.J re my fecrtts) I s it not r tJJi.:imt that I /rave brouz.ht you[~. ]htther fafe ?;Have promifed yon A fu re h elp 11 a fure help? . . . promif:d. Lo you 1Jiraft me,for wbat it he of the [A Th1s ts fpoken m refpefr of G od hi s wortd, to whom I jh,r/f confirm letters l judgement r equired of d ie letter. They grieve ,r, b(cavfe thl'y are the doings of m:tn : 0 man, let man anfwer unto thee, and let it f 11ffice thee, that riJe mark_ wbereat thou jhoote}t it in my;bll1td.. . U'Vl) Wl)rk. it not a work. of hours nor days. But whm I commttnd, do 1'peed1ly. When r.; e J)o lhe l ordi Thu1tdt rs fall from Heaven, and bum up the Earth , [cafe her f ace, and leave ber Na.Ji...ed. The 1r., Command-_ . 'Ihen, will you believe. menr ft>ccc!ily. Behold, HI' that i1 a man, being 1zew born, waccounted a M tm:1er. N ~c;, figdes. J s it not written? L o, tbe L ?rd /qok._ed from hravm in 4-H vifitation, t~nd in th~ midday, .6nd ~ d \lA e~~ groaned upon brr, for (he had vexed bim. H nppy it be that it rrndy.Whm he v/fitrth: Thac which l an nor t JS, 1 command, lee it be done. .For when the Kings of the earth, fay, do thu: They' play not alfo the pttrts of thrir favants and fubjctis , bHt lo, it if done. Suffr:r me ( I pray fou) to b~tve that fa



Dco Nofiro Mitericordi, Pio, & Jufio) fie omnis Honor,Laus & Gloria.

A 't1Jel1,

Ttlcfday, 21 A ugufti. t Praz::e. After Dinner as we [E.[(. and were in my Study, and conferring of my choife , and !fiery forry that we had n~ad e our cho1le n.o~ of the bell : E.l(. faw 'Cirielin the fl:one, which yet flood unpnt up : and fatd, he had feen h1m there ever fince we began: So coming to the ftone be {4id tH follow.eth. Uriel. .. ~ Murn:ur 11ot amonz.fl Jfiur fdvt.s: But rejo_J("e and be glad, and found into the greatn.rffi f Gods mercus, _~hzch brar~th all yur weak._neffe, and learieth you tbrol!gh the foggy and ptrilrJIJ6 mifts of yow J.ady tempt at tons even by ~he hand : .And 1WII', itot onely giveth, lUt alfo exhorteth; 1 [peak._ with J0!4 4S 11. man, rea, let me [peak.. with you M a man :You are opprefi vmh fin; and wirh the world, and are not yet apt for the vifitation of God. Norc:our unMy bretbren , God bath dealt mercifully with ll, In malevolam anih1ani non introibit ;:~~c~:!it~;: you, bath opened unto you thefe three wayes defapiehtia , nee habitabit i.n corpore Ecdefia lles; jirou.f fubdito peccaris,Ecclefiafies, cap.r. cap. 1.


[E. K. He fpeaketh other language, I nnderfiand not.]

.And why?
..... , Tbat one of you might bave- cm red into dte high ell Gate. B!'cau[e the workman might be able , .and C(')rrefpon dent unto the work) ~nd time (of the Lord) eo come. God h ath d one may great thing:; for you: but you will not fee them. Tar,. xy awhile till I come again.

mun be corrcfpondem.

The workm~n :tnd the work

To t:J.. W1s faid, lnfac. {li; To I.i. In viJe. T<i A.L. rutJive.

E. K. He is gone beyond a thing like a Hili.


After half a quarter of an hour he came again.

E. K. He bath a pair of Tables in his hand, mad~ as of white bone! and therein are many r;ames written otJerly, one under another.. E. K. If I thought this to be of God, and this to be Vriel indeed, i~ were anothermatter: but thtir too much familiarity makethme doubt 4. The old faying is erne in you ,Nimia f amiliaritM pttrit co;ztmiptum.
[f f z]

J true~l4tion of Dr DeehiJ .Aflions 'With fpiritt, &c.

U rie\. ...... Bdie.ve me; by H!!aVeu and Earth_,

A new choict

E. K. He bath another Book holden unto him, by one fianding by him, who is like a lhadqw. lf ri.d. . . .... Gi_ve ear, fa# and cbnfe : for ttfter thi1 time, there is no chojce.

I""' tr_ue UrieJ.

by God bn' Dee, thy, age an4 continuanc-e in thu world, grm mercy :porti 6 n, 11hich.)"OU cflll Nature, il7 3Jtttrs ttnd a f;ramed. Book 13 :tnd .:~. half ' {h


his ~ge.

do k . E. K. H~ that is like a a w openeth the Boo -; it feeming to be of yern or fieel. In whit.h Book appeareth divers names, as Barnafan, Cor{ax, Tobomapbala, &c.
( t:.. They feemed to be the names of good Angel! proper to peculiar men. ] U riel. ...... Thnu [E. K. J dofl more than thou art Commanded, Yet, ceafe a while. [ t:.. Becaure he [ E.K. J read rhelc: names.

in flefh, according to the fot.t,er, ~tnd fecond pro httlf: and here it il [ t:.. pointing .eo .the ocher

Angd11s b<Jaltt,

E. K. He fpreadQth a thing like a Cloud before them. E. K. Now he appeareth again, and tbe other with him. E. K. Sudfamna appeareth in the Book, and againfi it 46.
Uriel. ...... So mu~h jhalt thou



J live bJ nature, ttnd die violently.

E. K. Now he is covered again .. E. K. Now he is here ~gain. E. K. Aflafben ftandeth written in that Book, and 7 3 with a pr.lck over the upper part of the Egnre 3 E. K. The Book is very big and full of names, and numbers againft them: the leaves are very thin. Ajlafbell mly E. K. NowVrie/openethhisbook himfelf; And thereappeareth good:~.nge. d . ft f( h8 ::~lfamrta E.K. againfi Aflafben, I 22. An agam Sue!; amna appearet 7.


~~r: Natltrd 1 wrari~.

tl'l '"" Beyond t h e w h'1ch ,you cannc t --- .~. .. ctw,t 'f dmg t h' ;c. aI11Pilye-s gzven b 'll7 h . ne. . ~an . . H r1 ~'t'~ ') God, or Jtt the i'nterceffion of fome one, or mo, of us his Angels. The other if natural; notwitbfta11ding is fhortened thr~ugh the fin Gf man, I am a witnefs to my felf, that thefe books arid words are true.

E. K. Now he is in his Cloud again.

A. After a while, they appeared again, as before.

E. K. They ]ook very gravely on their book-s.

Uriel. ...... Behold my brethren, God i1 ready to open hh merciful fto.reh~ufes a11d gates of 11n.. 'But he that liveth f or himfelf, and fer the end &{ thid .fhadow, limiieth 6 .a 5 K:n9; b.iJ wi[dom wrtb thi1 numbt'r : - 11nd jha/1 both have an end at , once : But h-e that turneth ilim to 'Ezelda'' did llh.~ wall, and weepeth bicterly, fhall enter into.thh Book,:. But he mt!ff not build ~ hid own b{)ufe, R.egn11m 4. t.1p. but an houfe for ~he Lord ; Netther muft,he be vdited by the challenge of pronufe, .but 6y t~ :.o meer mercy and good wiH of God, and at his pleafure and appointment : He tbitt bath under Nore, }landing irr him bear. Bebold, Thw hit pen, i-f Jt_!ett of Steel; But that that I r111:.e withal, u of Gold, and a piercing In * Allgllfti 1 i ftrument. If therefore your vifitation .fhizll be after to morrow, and that yM Covet to build w or re- ( becau[e you are men) Tben give your namts unto the yern: But. if you will remember the Lord, 0 fo:~~~~ choice. and adde any thing unto his building, faithfully, Then vow your names unto me, In the name of.him which created you. After tbis time, there is no rhoice, .A g eu mercy, 1her~f"e, confider r for, never before, (but ~nee ) "'as this myftery, and mercy of God openul an.t my!l:cry. 1mto num,
d~rjfan'ding .unto-you :

E. K. Now he bath drawn the Cloud to him.

t:.. I am notable ( 0 Lord) to give thee condigne thanb for thefe mercies: But thy will be done : Not a~ we will, nor as we have rallily and blindly (before) chofen : But this is our choice, to be thy ferv~ts all che dayes of our life ; and we de lire notlong life fo much, as the favour which addeth thofe dayes, wherein our faith may be fruitflll through thy gra ces abounding in us, I renou~tce my former choic~, I cht~llenge HO promife: But require thee, 0 God,ofthy fatherly goodnetfe eo be Qty ligl1t, direltor, ftaff, fl:r. ngch, defence, and comfort, e Tb~ former now and ev.er, Amen. ~~tee renoun . Uriel. ...... Alw~Jyes call unto me for the '1-1fti~ony and witnejf'e of tht fromi{t: of G1d, and Thi's Day. the remembram;e of this day,

E. K. He

A true '1(elation .o f D". Dee his .dElions rPith fpiritJ>&c.


E. K. He hath written after the ~ numbers in his own Book, . In .Bt.

Ad laudem, gloriam, & honorem Dei, Efio, Efl:o.


Uriel....... Now du.lwitb ltodolph. and be not ilack : fr until thou have talked :wi~ R:odol:pbn , him, I appear no more, Thy ha.fte, fiiall prevent the fl ander of wicfvd tongues, .wb:~m Sata11 hltth alrrady jlitrrd up .tgainjf thre.

I underfiand of none. Uriel. . ..... It u beft thouundajlllnd it 1zot at all.

E. K. He putteth a Cloud over all the Stone, like a white wrinkled Curtain : and fo difappearetl1.
~. But thoug h you appear not, yet of Madimi I may require anfwer, wife and children are to be fent for, &c.

know when my

E. K. There is no anfwer given .

.t.. Fiac voluntas .Dei, juxta ill ius beneplacitum : cui omnis laus gloria & gratiarum A8:io o. ) tnlnc: Q(. tn omne ;eyum. .AmeJf.

c.. I rec;eived letters from my wife. that {he and her children are well. praife and thanks therefore. Amen.

God have the

friday, Augu.fti, 24-. a Meridte. P rag :e. Being willed to deal wich.KodolphM, fi rl.l: by letter, and then by fpeech: I tho~ht good ~a fend the Letter befor e wrttten, for the Ernperour; by the Noble Dm wi!hdmo de St. Clemente, the King of Spain his Pr.e fetJt NegtJtiorum with this. Emperour: and thereupon by Emtriczu Sunttag, the Lord Lask.je his Secretary, I' wrote this to the aforefaid Don Clemente, and fent it this BartbolomerP Day. A eft honain~tm in terris conditio (Nobilifsime vir) ut fibi fol1 nnllns natus e!fe videatur: Immo nequc; fibi t~ll~rs omnia fpm~~e nafceT?ria, velulcro ab aliis ?blata, qu:;e fibi n~axime funt neceffana, reclptat. Mutu~ mde honunum emerferunc foctetates, mutu~ amtciti:e mutua: opera:, Mutua dona, Reritm commutatio, & emptiC'nis, rerumque venditionis contra~ 8:us : A liique diverfi hominum exiflunt flatu s, unde hominnm inter homines, & cum homi,;. nibus mulciplicia procurancur officia, commerciaque. N eque omnium illorum, fola eft ntilicas el..( qu~ l>eribit) v. luptas, fcopus ill~, ~e.l finis? quem atringere. conalltnr & fiudent : Sed o aliud aliq1;1ibus e~ propoGt~m, .quo.d D lVlrM~ s qw~em efi, quod VI rrutcm vel H_ nclbtem n 6 o tuiuare poffumus; quct c~ hcus denulfa, ho mmum 111formet mentes .& orner, Gbtque co 3 ptec : A.deo ut fedibus illas redda.t ~ .r l ~fi~bns di~n~s . lllud~ illuc~, ergo elf IlluftriCsime vir quod txcellentiam veftram cam mth t pndre reddrd tt atten~am, ben1gnam & perhumanam; Ilh.id eft qUQd veftram refricabit memoria~, & vefirum infigni rer acuet ingenium 1 in Caufa mea, fuz C~fare:e Majefii cam prof>onenda, quam cdmm eml anda: eoq\ie trafranda modo, quo i!la trathri Arcana .debeanr, qu;e a paucis crdantur , & a paucioribus imelligantut: veriflima licet fine, & ex fefe uriiillima. Q!:o cicius C .efarea fua ~1.ajefta 5, mira bilerri hanc & maxiroam Dei, non Providentiam folum,fed bonitarem cri am an1plexus fuerir,eo citius & abundanti us, meet ad i!lum leg aticnis conll'abit finceri cas, bonicas .& uciliras. Voluiffem equidem hunc ihclnfuni libelh.rm, licera.fqueinclufas v dh~ excellemi;e, ipfemet atrul.iffe. Sed (ami vcnia fit dietuni ) ex d igiti pedi's.ntei oif~1fa cutrcula, non cam commode polfum hodie pedes venire. Prc.inde ami eo mea hoc onus impofui 1 ut ( cum vefir~ Excellenri~ manu urn deofculacione) omnia m ea vobis offerat fervitia ; hocqu, quicquid e!t, pro fua C:efarea Ma jefiatc:; traderet munufculi .


24. Auf.,ufli 15 84.

"1he Suprrfcription of this L etter



J oaJUles Det;

Illuftriffimo Domino, Domino boft Gulielmo de Sanao Cle~.ente ferenialmi atque Catholici Hifpaniarum Regis Negotiorum apud (acram C :efarearn Maje{latenj> &c. Pr .EfefioJDomino l;neo Obfervandilfimo,

true'J?.._elatio~J ofDr.

Oee his .dffions 'DJith Jpirits, &c.

Monday, Augu{fi 27. Mmu circa,. t Prag;e, Prmim finitis, I Rrbpounded to God., of Madimi four things. Fidt, what w.as the caufe of the errour recorded) Febrt 18. this Anno 158-4. at 'Lask,.fJ of Sir H enry Sidney his.death? Secondly, In what fenfe is this to be un.lerfiood, which M.zdimi.willed me to fay to Rodolphus, A11 Angrl of the Lord hnth appeared unto me l , Thirdly, M.tai mi f'aid as concerning the time of my wif.: and children and houlhold to be moved hither, Lrt that be my b.zrge to an(wer tbee l Fourthly, M .tdimi willed me to write to RodulphJ~t . And I have done, and caufed it to be : c!e\iverr,d ro D m Wi!helmo de s,uzfto C!eme1tte, the Spaflilh Embalfadour, to deliver it to the Emperptll God pro[per it. Amm.

E. K. Here ihe is.

t.. Th e ternal roots of verity briHg farth fruit~ to the comfort of fuch as ddight in t he pure veri~y for the rervice of God, &c. And you Madimi, as a Minifter of the Highe11: in verity, are unto me welcome. Cttu[a fint q "' j 11 _ M a . :. .. .. E ven as mans fi ngers [ or a t h" H;)g, touchzng , movmg, or. Jc orcmg 6n mJrrU)ftent N-:cc t!,is m.'Jficnl, is tb~ cau[e, without th<! which it cannotfoun.d, or drink up the air ; which agaiJz feek_.-. ph' lrc of ing i!J~e, and feeling a fray, is tbe [obj eCium eau[~ of concord &r dijfnancy, 4Ccording to the infound. ward [pirit and imllgination of the thin:, tb1t moveth, or ~f the finger moving ~ So the ettrth!y part of m:zn, whi:h hath no motion of it fetf, (radically) movetb by touch or finger ( wba_foever ) [pi rit tual, and fen de tb imt founds; not accordmg to her [elf, but Mcording to the fiery ,yea invifible, am/. ' fp'iriwal f'?1Pfr, wherrwitha! it if moved. 'fh,ee movers flereb; we letLrH, that mans body, and. hif or_ anical m9tions, bath three man~tcr of movers ; ceng in ~an 'on traliter, by the property and pe'r(eCiiM of the S?u(, afuperiore, and by .defcenfi:m > f rom the Ancurnng. gels or partivipants of underjtandinz : E contraiio, aJJd afcending, [pirits wick._ed, and tempters, 0 Splr~d. r in all m?ving. . . d1, .,brundir 1,_ Btt hdt JOU muft note, That as the Sun depriv_ th the MQon in refpeCi fJf her enc4 which is to e m,n 114n&: ettllf11 give. light, but not of hn [elf; So do the Angels .:nd highrr powcrs drow1z Jt.nd cv~rfondow the fupra .h .nz,n- (o,tl in tan when tlxy are prefent : workjng f rom GuJ and in tbem[cfves, ( as from abvlie ) and not !.m. 1 , ... pten~mln- 11) tbe Ir?ul 'ls uy ro?. t) or firf/: caufe of th1 motisn. J , . ner(')l- th.cDi:t-. B 1t wh,n r.:JI' D:vd entretb, ai1d afi:cnietb, he work.,eth not bJ force, b'Jt by enttcement, and[o i h>lical wuk allurerh tile foul, to grant his pofreffion : whereby he entreth and becometh ftrcmg. i n~~; in, or by Tbo[e that have tars let them he&r ; for my words. are wifdom, and the grounds of malt) m.1n, Sc:iences.




Mundwr !fllmttnH/11 Corpu1 , drc. Cera. Swptritn-, impreffio { ff~mantt, Inferior. Pt:>.y ~~~io!l: Temptation. lmprr{Ji9 prdominanr efi emfide


6 . Per qw~ bomo ptccat per ttlcm prln!rur :qui Jrxir Afeenda,rn~f:Jc. J.Jm rx lnfmtali flru,jemper af~rndlnio r,nrar.

Then, by a fimtlitude, is the world wax : M 4ns kodJ wax : and the natural motions of things, naturlllty extended- w~:~< alfo: B"Ht , our purpofe is of m~n ; which at one infrant receivrth three {mpref fions : Mif!ive, Natural, and Offenfiv~. Whereby you may perceive, 7hat lftltn greatly ueedeth to praJ aga.in/t temptation : For 'the ]aft Seal) IS fign of him that owech the wax, HaPJy are thofe, that can wauh and pray: for (t~ ch tbeJ are that grant tzot any room or interejf > to the wicked afcen-

der. l anfwer

y~u: If you be bt'tt as a i1:ring, Challenge but your owH duty ; But tak._e heed,yon be in tune.

E. K. She fpeaketh, but I cannot exprdie it.

6., 1 pray you let nothing of your words, that you utter to us, Of' before us, be unrecord ed. Mad ....... You are not worthy to w;itP it: fo r it if the harmony of the heavens. Stay a wbik; for I -woula o!'en that unto you, whicb I perceive I may not: but I come again. [ t.. We read over r.he premifes, and weighed them a~ infrructions of the three divers movers of mans fenfes mternally, &c. And fo after aquarter of an hour

E. K. Here fhe is again.

Mad. ...... For he tbat purifieth hu hqu[f, and ftrawth rujlm, and beautifieth tbe chamber>

witb Garlands, u worthy to u rei:ve ( becaufe of hif apt'.u.ffe, ) [uch as are me!fagers of underfiandin g and ligh t. My .friPhds and brethrm, "Jflrvelfo{tS i4 the God &J Wifdom m all bis d9ing,s ~t,nd worlzs, and full 9 varic~y are the work,f of hu bands. .f

E. K. Now ihe fpeaketh again

The Anfwcr

I underfi:and it not.

the fid}.


B1!t to the Anfwer: The end of my purpo[t', Satan, perceiving you [ E.K.] tts wdl to b~ moved by him becauf~ of your own grant, ns l'Y the motim wberrwithal y ou were moved ttnd i!luminattd :

dtrue Re!tstion ~f Dr De"e hii .AE/iens rPith fpirits,&c

with this <;>ne']ye, to overt'ur11, or at time was verv b :dle wi h /eajt .to f!emi{h the Wbrthindfe of our meagt, altd of;imr recriving : ~e E. K. nd dtc:ar:J h:t cau[e h e [aw. the courfe of nature, ai!d the doings of mtm, and that this man name to b~ Sltan at Mr. Simon Bagek,yotlJlg 1-lagek.,. , would fir{t vifit the-e, [ ~ therefore he LIHf(~. thrdl: in a jhiny)e o.f bi1 (!Wft cutting a;td nature: Not to 'tbe intent it fh~uld An imenJcd lye by . as ~q. r.rerlited;but. to rbe irttent it jhould be a jtumbling block.. to the atii9n in tzme t:l n, . to come, which if new. c.JWy bretbrm, be h a marvellou5 'Worl{_- man: and one thttt flrik,_eth mw the mo(1:. Hrings,ili a mll11ner, all . But he hath hu rerPard: Ther~fore do I deny it to be [p?k._cn by me, or of me. ~. So by God his Gr_ace, J dig cvn.ctive, and undo~bted ly think, an~ of many other things , befidrs that, I have occahon of reform111g the R ecords: that the heaveqs may agree, as the R cforrmr iphraf~ was uCed . . on of the ReMJd . ,... Many there are n ot: But fuch as are, g ather them together, fet me fife theni, cords. A .. I t hank God for tht his mercy. A. Now I befeech you to the fecond my prefent requefi before propounded, it maypkafe you to give anf'wer. Mad ... ,. When the Kiug (endeth ll Pre[mt t o a NoHe n11fn, pr uitto any one tbat he fa'tloureth, Anrwer to rh he lo-ve.tb, or delighteth in: 'Ihe Mrjfager ca;rrieth it, delivnetb it within his hov.[e. fccEJnd in 2. Pa-

p fer!, even in this one [entence ;yea,

minat~d :

11mi brmg the father of.futtl~q, ffnd a frow_ard underffa1fding pur-

Sn ~ n ~bQ1r


E. K. She feemeth to finile.


. ... He to whom it is fmt enj~yerh it, he u[eth it.; yea , peradventure (bei~g tt daintl Jtjh) rateth of it. . Afterw11rd the King {endeth to hint b] the fame mrJJngrr, {trlutetb hir houjhold, And con~manddb him to fn.y: Thzu [ayetb the King; G tf! fuch 11. man anJ. fd lute him : Tdlhzm th11-t I wilt vifit him, .1md that I [ay [o. . Behold, he firteth fti !l, and g ~rh not, neither dotbhr the Commandment of IJis Super'i~ur. For lo, {ayetbhe: The King commanded me nor ; his mdfager came:, and would fo. But whether th~ lf.in/f, will [o, or no, I lz,11~., not. .. . B:~t h~areft thou: Tholi wicked ~an , haft thDu .not eate;z of hi~ meat,. ~nd eujoy'd th~ benefic of A.Myllery. lm prej(nt before l Yes, A thrcefod benefi.r, wh1ch hall contmue t:ntlll rhe [eventh Angel, Vide 8 9 rei,& and tmtill the third woe. 11. ca?ira .ApoMa n begettetb a Son, and la, his wif e is with Childe, and.fhe l. ofvth. for the tim~ of her delive-'"IJP1'01 ra1tCe; If tbe que(tion be moved unto him, (his wt(e nor yet deli'ller:ed, ) whether he have iffue, .ot fruit of his body, fay thou tmto .me, what }hall he an[wer. A . As it ihall: plcaie God. Mad .... .. That is no anfwer, A . Then he may fay, He i~ in hope to have the iffue his wife goeth great withal! , may thia .feem atr anfwer, I l;>efeech you? Mad ...... ThcT!gb the Childe be not yet born, he 'hath ilfte D1liverance, ii, by rea[on of the ijfue; ..llHd JtOt ea/led ijJue of tbt de/iveranrt: for be i s ll {on M wfl/ uWor,;z M born. So is it ~f yo~: Thou h.afl prayed unto God, ~nd he hath hcMd thee. , . ~~oMJ!{~Jrer A nd lo, tbe 1lfue, whzch be gzveth tkee is W tidv m. But Le;, the Mother of tt is not yet deb- wiiJom. 'VtreJ. Wifdom. For, If woman k.,now ber ti111es and {eafonsof deliverance: Miicb more doth he, DE. VS Mtt: which ihe Morher o f all chin'gs. But thou muyjt rrj o..~ce rhut tberc iJ a time of rtrum omt~iulll, id:,. u de(iv.ertnce, and that th} gift is compared to a woman with childc. &Pam, 71Jr, M theJ one h,nnd ftn//1 e vifii le: fo ww1[dom granted, nnd.lhall appear: d c n. BenediElfll fit DtUI yea, a livtly, an matt per1eu. Creature. J 111 tu, q~i re[pt&it . Bebr, /dJ the A11gels of the L ' rd b.;ve been fent down from G od , unto f,im ,emir114 C' alfpmtm, rE.K. Jhere iJ fight, which i1 :f thh houfho!d in Clod : f1 e bath brou.g,lt untg ~hee. E.K. N ot tatl:er ot jhat which he rafteth nst 'him(r!f : And yet ~u dlft~btejt,fayinl1, H ow jhalll fttJ that he fctth, oc ~ ~~ ~he A1tgel vf the L ord hatb appe~tred unto me. .Unto thee, [ ~. J we have appeared : for nrito thee, [ we llrt Noc e. ::... How the Angels fent. . A,11d becaufe hit tye hath feen , thtuforr We buve jO.}ntd b'tm of the _ :d h 1 :vc appe~rc;d to Lo. . .t: J. ,rr; ~ : whch .nVIly fctm more cerJinto t hu, t bat - t be tzme OJ d llr'\ntJJ 1 t bou mtghtc/t r m tee. . . . . . taln ( a.l mon) then - :u the . t.., It ts to be m~de .And before rhe ttme of thr vz~ phr~fe is vcd6 d of the A . gds perfect ,before thettme fitatim thpu md1: be made pcr- appc-.:.t!ngt9 ]frJ>h, iflfPmnis; of his vification. feEt 'V'dt /11.::rrh~i, cl?.~. . ~nd becaufe_it it of th~e and nor. o( him : Therefore doth not GoJ intpllte unto h.irn his offen~ tes, but place rh in you the figure of time to come.'


Supra li_b:. 15. I58f.

For fo"!''e there be thllt n. tuially fha.ll drart inthePkw1{tht !Atdi a

I h6_1fe,no1hing el[e to fay r~r th'J ba'l(, their reward.


]uJttr2. AR(l other[omt there be,tha; mujt IJflVe their times an.d feafom. For thy b~tJ{hold aff.ai~s, I {ay ndthin~ yet, n either for thj Later [ent, or Mr jfen Anf1ier ro rhc:
Na m Deus ag1t m fms, ficutvult.

tlue ~>but b/4ted be thofe thttt btlint i" th1 Lr.dJ

third and founn


E. K. She

rul trl4t ~lation of Dr.. Dee his Aflion.s ~ith jpiri~s, .&c._
E. K. She goethaway, divided into a great many pi~cu.of fire.
Deo NoRro Omoipotenti, c:cerno & fapienti: fit omnis honot,Laus& G_ loria.

.. -


Note. , At noon, this day I received Letters from tne Lord LI'Hk.,ie, from my wife, anq fr>om my brother N)colaf Fromo}lds i:l E_ngl.z_nd: how Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Sted, Mr. AndretH Firmorjhntt, nty Book-feller, ufed me very ill m d1vers f~tts, . . . The Dat es of the Letters from E_ngland were of the 1 S. "ncf x6th. day of Aprzl 1584. My wife is in great forrow for my ?rother Ni::holM. At ni"ht aft'er Sun fer, Jimrrich Sontaf, brought me word from the Spanilb Ambalfadour, Monday, ?-.11th:~t-be l~ad delive1ed to the Emperout this d ay my Letters and Book: and that he took chen1 guni L7. gracio:Oy and thankfully, and faid that within three, or four da)W he would let rhe Spani{h Amballadour Lmder!l:and, when he would give ml' audieHce, Del bene -vertat: & ad [Hi mmhsil honorem & Laudrm. Amen.

thus out of the fione. 1 fai.d rh at in the ~one we hav~ warrant rbat.no wicked thing thall .ent er: bm without the ftone, llludcrs .mtg ~t deal With us, nnleffe God prevented it, &c. E. K. fatd again, he had rather deal thus.
One of the 3 . fpirinsa~ mOl tures fa1d. Hein the middie of th~ .....

Satnrday, Septembri! I .Ante Meridiem Circa. ro, t Ptag::e. As I, ~nd E. K. fac in my lictl.e Study :after our talk of d-i~ers matters , and of my expc:Cl:inp, audtence at the Emperour hts hand,l!b-c. E.l(. faw three hrde Crcantres walk up arid down in the Sun-...fhine, abota an handfuH from t~e pavymcnr: and the Creatures themfelvei very fmall, not an hundfdllong, like little Qladows, or fmok es, and the pach wherein they walked feemed yeHow. They walked a good while to and fro,-tiH at l~ngrh J fufpeeted thdthry ~ere {e1tt t~ llf; and fo-1m~pared the lhew-ftone : But E. K. faid, he h11d rather fee them

E. K. Now two of them feem to kneel down in the Sun beams.

...... Blt ed be Go. the Fat fr, Go

Hit meanzng wabove thy figbt.

d t l~e. S on, a~ d God thr b9ly Gh~(l-, the mojt /JJ/y a d bleffel. , 11



Trin ity : One, true, nughty, perfe{J everlafimg and tncomprebenfible God. [ t:.. Amen, Amen, Amen.] ...... Which will be comprehended with tbofe thttt live in the H tllVtHs t:., R od. !lis heart is to (the rr:ue Church of God) of fu!"h IH meafure him by faith, and 1tot rellfon : he curned by God, but r which bath Cent . t1S to do his will; Both in thiZt lu will turn his heotrt: kno..- notche me~ninR . .And itt tbat he tioth vouchfaf e to mak_e you wit1Uffes of hi-t Jeer et purpo-. - t:.,Sunt JuliwA ultim ;,. res, and. determinations in hand. Ii_n (~ Sbpiritur Sanlli in Tu.._ Thr [x middlemoft [aid-- I ttm th1 midf! of _ third, and tbe !aft [ t:. rJf the {pirit of life: tht V-nderji1od m tlm t~mpora~ contro?Jer:jie , and cimf/ifl gf mans 8_ottl: but n~t accordmg to lm eternll!ttnd immenfurable proporh~~



FlAgtllurn Dei.

Tht{2 ]on the right fide [aiJ.-I am th~ fmmJ. of tiJe third, whic/, dwell in the [pirit, and l ower of God m earth; 1 have power to fcom:ge them that refill the p ower, will, and commanciment of God : and I am one of rhofe
that ftand, and is pex:petual.

'rri~iw & ~~-

niw Divi11a. of fBWtr, and many.

the father-, {olt, and hcly fpi~it are o~c , b11t of themft;lves and .bei'11g dilated, is .full So -arc 'If~ otze partzcularly m power, but Jeparated ; notwitbflandi11g, Jpiritua(ly, of, and amongft oth_ and d~!a ted in t~e will of God, and into the branches . of bis determi er.s, nations: but particularly lzvzng, ~tnd j oynt!J pralfing God. For
tVeH. M

E. K . .Now [3] the other (the third) on the otherGde fiandeth up, and faycth;
~ ...... The KinJidim of God~ and of his fon Chri~ : (which is true God, and the fu~ffance of hi1 father, 7'rue God of true God) ts contrary to the Kzngd1m of this world. A, The ~onf~!Ii on and belief:of the E. K. What is that, God of God ? Catholick Chnrch : not to be talked of now.

E. K. They aredifappeared: but their p<lth appeareth in the aire, in fi1n.;.beams fiiH. t... Half a qu.a rtcrof an hour they had.dif E. K. They are here again.

,-;ri; fian &




the fons of faith, llW HQt of the world: which is called R.e~[on. Wbicb i9 blinde , and is [ealetl

,..... Happy are thofe that are of his Kingdom, for it ha.tbtto -en4 ;yu, hnppy are tbofe tbJtt ~re


- - - -

-~-- - .

A true- Relation of Dr. Deehis AEiions -with fPirits, &c.

-with the mark,. of deftrui;Jio1t. . Re&4U[1 fo~ pro{ecuted, and put to det~tb the Son of God, the God 1f r ighteoufnrffe , and light of all that live. . 1 .tm tbe la.fl,o f the fir[r,of the fotirrh,llnd I have-power to gather up the. b!e[- ;::.. His 11ame is tlie E;us officium eft tranfplanfings o.f God.a11d to [et thent(if they lall.3. Jeerers 'of dtc: tacio Donon1m Dei. be difdained) ~n a better [oyl. r. !me of the fourcb .a Table. d Qf Hoaps~ 3 For thru [ayetll t~e-Go . I f he dream and will n~th.ear me Galber up thllt .he bath, ~nd that ,hzth Rod if. Vult lih. If, .fhould b~ given him: that h1s ltfe may be fhorC'", and hl4 boufe wzthrmt Clmfort; M.tli :t8 . 1584. that he may paJJe away. 11ak._t;dly, M a,fhad~w. . ;: } As lo, behold, we go, ad we will dwell tbere ;ye~, even in the skJrts ~f f(.,, their Garments will we tak,.e up our habita. ilh. t And why? An~rli obferwrrttl Behol d, thu bath God faid : In the morning watch them , IC1tl. [u how they rife. In the day t"ime give "ear rmt"o them, and liftenunto their _coun[tls. Stand Noffr4 optrA 0' .Conover them iH the night; and note their filthineffe. .And when lt exceedeth tht filia. Strike. number, ftriJte. Nore. 1fhar.e they that muft Jjrd1 your pritCJifrs. . ..... Behold, let Uf tive 1eftimony of ur ~mes. One: of tbcm fayc~h. My name i s - Ga E. K. He in the middle. My nJtme i s - - Z~t l b.. The three names make one name of 7. Letters, GlltZ:IIVd.a; Myn~me i 1 - V,u:{ S we are called' by pofition. <J'bou jhalt finrJe M amongft the mercifu.l l Tables delivered unto Enoch: and [o unto you. 1 The middl~mft . rr .tmof the third Tttble, and am extream. . A. Of the Phys. I am of te third, but of the humanity, and the [tcond. fick part. A. Note the third Table here meant, is that _.) ofthe Sotlth;as.Eafi:, Weft, . South, and ' North; their placing is others. And I am the fourth, but Angular , 11nd rxtrellm~ Linur of the rpper-. moft, /), The three laft Letters in the uppermoll l. lineoft:ht'fourth Table .

...,. We are gone. E. K. A voyce. Follow that which is comHtanded thu.


They are out of fight.

G a - Vltimuo fpiritUf llivorum. Za Fl&ge(lat~r refi;fentium potejlati)

voluntati, pr.ecepto Dei. Vaa- Tran[pl~tNtfl.tor Donorum.

A .lEterno, Omnipotenti, Trino & uni Deo; fit omnis honor _La &. G loria~


Monday, Sept""mbril 3 Mane. t Prag;e. to. N ora. S athan.e aftutum & 'Vi~lentum S tr atagema. t... There was great difqnietne!fe in E; K. being come home from our Hofts l1oufe, where be had lyen all night upon a form: by reafonhe had been (which he mver was the like afore, as he (aid) with wine overcome fudd enly :yet intending with himfelf w take heed of being ovedhot inj d.t~inking of .wine : being requefi:ed by the Hoftes to give her a quart wine upon the good bargain he had in a qock he bought of her for five Suc kats : In thi s company of d rinking was A leximder,. the Lord LM/z~e his fervant, who came with us ro Prage: Unto whom E . K. (when the drink on the f~dden had overcome him) faid he would cue off his h ead, and with his walking Haffe did touch himfa~r, .and fofdy o.n the neck , fitting before him : This A lex 1111der being half drunken himfelf, by &: by took thc>fe words tn great fnuffe, and went to defend himfelf, and fo rook his. weapon to him;and rherctpon they by caufed ..,4/exand~r t'O go down: It was fupper time; and ] that-night refrained. to fuppe, and ro tarrying at my Lodgmg, and look in? out, faw .Al~xander ~cting on the great fione again1: our Lodging: t called to him, and told him that they were at [upper: And he came over to me, and ~e had wep.t mu~h _; he_complained o~ E. K. hi~ former wor4s, arid the couch_ 0f rhe ftaffe,. how tt was agamH hts credtt to take that tn good part, and fpake many Sol,lldters terms of flout words, not worrhy the recoraing. 1, thereupon went to our Hofis houl"e, and would underfiaad the very truth ; and there I found E .]{. fa"fl: on Oeep on a form, moll: foundiy : for which I was right for_ry: And yet better pleafed to perceive th e \vordsof E. K, which fo moved .Alexander (bemg half drimken) to have been fpoken by E. K. when wme , and not wit, bare rule: and fo pleaded lo;tg ,time "'ith...tlexa;zdn, that of words fpok._w [o M thty w~~e, JtQ [uch ex aft account .w~s to be given to him, &c. A.nd after two hours perfwaGon caufef ,d/exander to go to bed. in our' Lodging, where he ufed to lye , For he would havt; gone out,


[g g]


rdtr:l.e?{elaticnrif Dr~ Dee hiJ JfCiions Difh fpiriti) &.c.

to our former .lnne, in: thofcf ragirrg half dninken pahgs,hewas i~ ~which I c~ought not good.. This Monday morning E. K. coming hon~e, and feeing Alexandtr; as he . came: ia ; .he faid~

they teH I fhonl d have fpoken ~ords, wh1cl1 greatly oifen_ ed thee yefterntghc, and t~ac I d touched thee wich . my ftaff, &c . I know nothing of it, andlhok e hands friendly wich A lex.ftHd~r. Well faith A lexa#er, Si fuiffet a!iusj &c. E. K. came up eo me : 1_told him how forry I was for this mifchance, and cold him of the Warc~men perceiving Alexander his dif-~niet mind, nnd hearing his words, tney came to me and harged me eo have a c.ue of the c peace .ke4'liing ( aqhey _ id .inde~d) .And farcher, faid, that .Alex'anJ.tr in his rage, fa~d, chat d rathe1, or before, he fbouiJ cue off his bead, that he would cue E. K . .in pieces. .So foon as l had ex1w~fft:d that word of this drunken A lt:xander likeV!ife, (whom now I faw quier, and E. !C. a1roquiet) fuddenly E. ,K. fell inco,Cilcb a ra ge, thac he would be revenged of him for fo Cay:ng~ an'd for railing on him' in the fireet, as he did, &c. -Much a do I, Emericru, and hi's brother, had tO fiop or hold him from going to A !extnrder wich his weapon, &c. At length we le< him go in his dubblet ahld hofe, wichout a cap or hat on his.h ~a-d : and into rite fireet he bafi~:d with his brothers RaFi er drawn, and challenged Alex'andtr to fight : But ;1/e;candtr went froin him, and fa id. N qlo Do mine Keileie', Nolo . . . Hereupon E. K. rook up a fione, and tlir~:."r after him, as afcer a dog, and fo came inco che ~sff~ h1s ex- hc.uCe again, in a i;uo.fl: furion s rage for that he mighrnot fig1uwich ALex,znd~r. The rage and <ebimfi . velie- fiuryw. s r . . d n. . I I . 1 . I,. . r. r . a togreatmwo, rdsar1 genures,as r:mg1tpamyprove, t hatr he wzct<Jd enemJ;IUf{,h t . : ;i:tn. c:mp either E. K. f1i s o'Wit deftroyhtg of himfdf, ~r of me, or hi~ brocher, &"~ . This may fuffice to.nocifie the mighty temptation and vehert1ent workirig cif the fubtile fpiN oce_the eau re: ritual .enemy Satan, wherewith God Cutfered E. K. tc::> be tempted, and almo;f o-vercome : to my ~fthu rc:cor- great gri~f, difcomfort, and ~ofi great difcredit: if it lliould (as the truth was) have come mg. to the Emperonrs undedlandmg, exc~pt he had known me well, &c . I was in trreat doubc, how God would take this offence, and devifed with my fclf how. t might, wicl:honefly, be cl~ared from the llianie and danger-that might a rife if chefc two lhould figh~, &-c. At th e )eall it wotrld croife all g.ood hope here wich the Emperour, &c. for a time, till God redrer- fed ic. Comfor~ in After I had brouoht E. k. to_ fome quietnelfc, ( by yeilding much tG his humour, &c. and time ofnc:ed. fayiRg little : ) not long after,,came my me!fager frohi my wife at Cracovia : . and Hr1{!,h my t lervant with him, to my grea_ (;'o!'H.fod~hrough ber le_tters , and tlie full Catisfying of me by Hugh my fervant his kno~;Vledge farther. than conV'enient!y could be writteu. ' ,_ r About -a of th~t clock: afr-er Noon, came this letter to me, of the EmtJerour bis J ' -. r(ndinu ore: Comrort 'J I M in time: otf net:d fo r me.

Nobilis,- Pra:clariffimeque Domine, Domine ol;>Cervandiffime.

JE[ar, j4m ja.mfignificavit Dt>~ttino Legato Hi[pani(lrum, H eriJ 1flto, ut Domi1t:t.titmrm vtjtram 11d [e evocaret,ad hor~tm fecundam ; qua ea m ~t.udire cupertt: Vominatio ve/1-ra fi ad J.i{]am horam venire pot er it : accedet ftarim Dominunt O!Jnvium Spi1zolam, q_ui. eft Mt~jetfati fu. C.{aru a Stabulw & Cubiculit. I s enim ra.m, ad M aj rjtatem fuam introJ.ucet. ~od reliqu~~:m ejf, n1e D. vtjfr. quam o.ffiriofijiml: eriam at que ttiam t:ommenda,

D ominati1nil veftu Stt4d.iofiffimns

Arnoldus V and er Boxe. Hetetrponl I went il:raight up to the Cafile : and in the Ritttr.:SroYe or Guard-Chamber I il:ayed a little; in the mean fpace I fent Emericus to fee what was of the clock : afld the Chamberlain i ( OCinfJilu Spino!a) fpied him ou ~ of.chc . Emperonrs Chamber window, and called him, who came up to me, and by that time was the Chamberlain come out to me;_and by Emericut he. undere curreouOy: H~rA ttrtiA flood chat 1 was the man the Emp rour waited for. He carue to me very rxllllt J meri. told me of the Emperours defire to' fee me, and to fp.eak with me. So he returned t? the iie. Emperotir inco the privy Chamber,. and came out agat~.for me) and 1ed me by the sk trt of th e Gown throuO'h the Dining-Cha.-rber, and the Privy Chamber, where the Emperour fat at a Table, with ag~catChe1: andScandiThof Silver,.before him, my Monas and Letters by him, & c. I came toward him with due: reverence of three curfies, who lhewed me a gracious and chearful countenance. Then I era ved pardon at hi.s Ma jellies h~d ' for my boldneffe t~ fe~d his Ma jefly a Let~er and the Monas Hurbglyphica ( dedicated to h1s fathe~. ) B.ut I ~td Jt of fincere and enure (Tood will I bare to his father M axz milian, and alfo unto h1s MaJdly: and that the rather, bcau Ce I had nood proof uf the favour whi< h Almi ghty God beareth wnro his Majelly. He then thanked :;,e for his fathers Book, and did <~ffirm.> that he belieYed me, that I was affectionate llntQ his Highneffc: : And of my efternation with the learned of che world, he had heard
N ote the Original lmer it felf is in tbis Book. OIJ,.vius Spinola Chamberlain and Stall-Matter in th e ab[enct: of the Officer who IS fc nt imo Spaifl.

~A trtle ~elA-tion . fDt. D~e hir AJiions fllitb [pirits.,&.c o

heard by th~ Spanifb Embaffadour. ; and alfo of my zealous mip.d cowards his g race. And c'ommended the Bo9k Mon.u, hut faid, cha~ it was too hard. for his Maj cfties capciJ:y ; and ad7 ded; that the Spanilh Emba(fadour totd ,him) that 1 had forhewhat eo fay unto him,- ~.,J 1Jet P,ro futt. utddate. I . anfwered, So I hav~, and withal looking back whether any.p1an were m the Chamber or no/ I found that we 1vere alone: Hereupon I began to' declare chat All my life time I had fpenr in learning : bt~t for this forty years continnaHy, iu fundry mann~r5, and in divers Coumries,-with. great pain, care, and co,lt, I had from d~gree to d .::~rc: t:l,. fotlghc . to come by thehelHnowledge thapnan.!Tiig ht :1ttain itnto in the world :And I f\lund ( at knJltl that n either any nran living, nor any Book J could yet meet withal, Wa5 able to teach me cho(.e truth~ I de fired, a1rd longed for: And.therefore I concluded wicR. my felf, to rriake incerceffion ~nd,prayer to the giverofwilCiom and all good things, to fen:d me fuch wifdom, as I might know the natures of his creatm~es; and alfo.enjoy means to ufe them to his honour and glory: And in this purpofe made divers atfayes; and at length ic pleafcd G od f~nd w .iue his [ ~] Lij!.ht, w her~by I am a{ fured ofhis.m:!rciful h earing of ~y long 1 fervt;n~, confta1r~, A. llrie). and concu1Ua l prayer:, m L caufe befo re fpecdied : And that, Hts holy An~ols, for th~ : e he tWO yea rs and a half, have ufed CO inform me: and hue fiui !hed fuch workdn my hanJ5, Books finifucd~ to be teen, as no mans heart could tt.avt: wilhed for fo much; yea they have brought m~ a Stone of tha't value, that no-earthly Ki~1gdom i!l of that worthindfe as ro be compared to the A Srone vertue or digniry thereof, &c. And chat thefe :things be true, [ p.rotdl:ed, anrl cook eo brou11.hr by a w~tneffe the Ood of Heaven and Earrh, by whofe Commandme:~~t I am now before yourMajefry, good Angel ( faid I) an,-t have a mdTalje from him to fay unto you; and that is this: The :'\ngel of the Lord hath appeared to me, and rcbukech you for yoar fim. ., If you w.ill My mdfap:e (d bear me, anrl b~lieve m e; y ou !hall Triumph : Ifjro11 will nor hear me, The Lord, t:he God the: Emperour that made Heaven an.l b rrh-, { unde r, whom you breath, and have your fpi rit ) puccerh his.AJd~lpb done. foot-agaiofi your breafi, and will throw you headlong down from your feat. . Moreover, the Lord biirh made this Covenant with me (by oarb.) that he will dd and perform. Jf you will fo1 fake your wickedneffe., and turn unto him, your Seat fha(l be the greaceft that ever was-: anJ. thr. Devil (hall b ecome your prifoner : Which Devil-, 1 did conjefrure, to the Great Tnrk; ( faid I) This my Commiilipn, i~ fwm God : I feigne no-~hing, neither am I an Hypocrite, an Ambition~ man, o r doti~1g, or -dreaming in this Caufe. If 1 fpeak o~hc:rwiCe then I ha.v e jufl: caufe,, I forfake my falvation, faid I. The Emperour Caid. he did b elieve me, and faid, chat he thought !loved him unfaignedly~ end faid; that I fhonld not need fo earneft pro~efiacions.: and would noc wiflingly have hiid me to kneel, foofcenasJ did. F a.rtheri fa id, His Me je}ty Wa'sto fee and nnderftand nakedly, from the beBinnirig' the All tbe ceutfe whole courfe of rhic; Angehcalleading, infrrutl:ing, and comforting of me : fo_ io 1 was cont- of our. Actions r ntanded, that I fhould from th'e be~inning, nakedly open unto R.odolph, the m<tnner of \.Jod an~ drfions, bis vificacion? and fllewuni:o. him the holy Vifion: . Which my cha'rge I am ready to do: Tht ~ae:e/ t~o t~ rnperour fatd, at another tune,. he would hear and ttnderftand more . . I fpa k e yet {omew bat Empe1our. ptore in the purp6fes bc;:fore, eo che itm:nc they might get forlle root1 or better H:ick in his minde. To.be lhor.t, he thanked me, and faid he would henceforward, tak_.e me to hu recom rnendil t1( Jnfl11dt7flYI'} and fome fnch.words (of favour promifed) he Wed , whith 1 he~rd U~t we! I, be fpake. fo {()w. In the end p erceivipg chat his will was to end for ch'is tiliJe, t .did my duty wi(h curfie; and at the <;ioor going out, I turned bac.k, and made ct.trfie, and fo ume into t.hc next C (:ambe r,where the Noble Oaavim Spinola ~ame tO me again, ahd wich curce- 08iviusSpinollS word~; offered me great friend /hip; I took my 'leave of him, and fo came throu;sh tlie '" Ritters ~cove or Guard Chamber, and fo down, and home. I had a large hour audience of 'his Ma_jefty. Dett! bene vertat : lid [ui nomini.l Laudem, Honorem~ & G!oriam. Amen.


Wederi(day, Septembris, 5 1)84. M111te circitefharam 8 t Prag:e. PrecibNs /i1ritis~ &c. R.rpetivi ter banc Smte1ttiam Mitte lurem tuam ( 0 . De111 ) & v~rittt tem tua1H-qu.e nos 'ducat & perducat atl nfBntenl Sanlltmt Sim & Ttt.bern"~u!a CQ?feJfif_ Hierufalmr. A. I hae ro the beft<?fmyabilicy~boch wricten andfpoken unto R9dotph, as l was willed: how it worketh or caketh :p lace in hi ~ heart, .is knowt) to thee 0 God, C"r.. . Now .J im eo receive farther infl:i:ufrions, what is .to be pone in th~s caufe, or clfe what, {oever lhaU pleafe the High ell &c , . .

1.. ~'jlfl. ~.Noce vriti E.. .K . Now here IS V rze1, an d a blac'\.. t hrng zz~ a Sarcen_t o z ~ be- his tace 'now . 1. . 1 ~ore hiSfac~, and o.Ver his head behind : by t'he refi of his garments~~~ e~:e~h~~li 1t feemeth to he Vriel. had highly of
G.od make all things whi.r e,and mak~us; whiter than Snow: What tha~ black Scarf lmpPrtctb. l i11ow not; bm J fufpea. (gg 2J Uricl. .,,
fended Go<!.

"'K. H~d

./1 true 'l{tlati(}R o[Dr Dee hit Affions ~ith JpiritsJ &c.

----~~--- -~---~--.:--------------:- - ---- -~. ~ --

Uriel. . S uch as defile the feat of the Soul, and are fuffbca. ed W.i"th drunkenneffemter t not ,nto the KingJ.,,m of Heaven, neithn can behold the ornament}. of the Lot'd /,if beaury. Sun d ~ y l~ ft Su) how Sat an, h~w he runnetb beadlo1tf{. abwt_I1J1d through you. Su, how he mak._eth hi/d..,,[-. \teen me1 n l loully d,unk, ling place wi.tbin you: of whDm the Lord gave you warning, faying : Sa tan (eek_eth t ? fift you. ti.c. L1, hebath done wick..etlneJJe againjt the Lord, and againft you ; f~r he htith blemijhed the eyei

o n


of y~ur mzderftanding.

li riel ...... Is not Je[1141God, andthe HlghPriejl of the L ?rd, pl~tced o~t tbe t:lght hand of hi4 F ntJ..rr ? tJ. He is : we be-lieve it. tlacli.clp.; .a. U r id : ...... Is 1ro.t S,ztan ( tt5 the t ~rophet faith) fujfer,.J to /land anl triump/, on the nghtpandoftheLordofHofisandJulhce) as ch.e op~n tnemy oftbe Lord, and of his annointed. ;the ovtnhro" True it i s: a~tdhe hath almofl given you the overthrow. almofi given. ~. Affift U'i q God, ana bl! our llrengch ~,~gainll rhts moll Cubtile an&mighty enemy. Uriel. .. .... But beca~tfe he it fnbrile, ttn!. h.'zr.; power given unto him {or a t i me, and hath ftriven. ag~tinfl.Jetl., not for your o'wn f-akes, {but becau[e you are of the Spirit of the H ;gh-ejl ) anll The eye lf.I(. ag,tintt h~ trftimony: 1ht:rtfore dotb. not God, in hit J ujfice im_pute the fins of the eye, unto tb.c t i:c body A. body. [b.. lord thy mercies a: re infinte-, praifed. bet ~y name for ever.] J;;;. Rv rh: eye UrieL .. , ... B !l t comm.mdetb the [A J eye to be reconciled , lti the . {pirit of Truth hatlt is' lld: . ftocd t ttught

[E. K. He fpeaketh other words between, which .I underfiand not.] .

!ii(. rhe S:er

J : d\s . ("\loo,

E. K.



2nd t1y :.h~ bo-

Vide Septe..,b. 13.

A. G~orified be God for

i y is un_dcrR wd ] .iJR De~

of R.econciliation.


.his moll loving kindne(fe and infinite mer cies towards. us fraile, and finful ~reatures: and we befeech thc:1! to !hew u s tht lighf of ~hy countenance, to our ccmf~rt nnd direCtion. Amm.

t.. A5 1 was putting up a11, 1Jriel a1Jpeared again, with his black Scarf, as he did before : but paufed a whi.le before he fpake any thing. e.. In thy name ( 0 ]ef'u) we <J ttend thy words by thy meffager to be uttered. Uriel. ..... Give ear unto my voice.

E. K. Now he i~ become like a great wheele of fire, Jike a waggon wheel: He thrufl out his hands on the fud4c:n, and fo became like a wheel fuH of men s eyes : it turneth round, it is full in all places of

thofe eyes, l~ke living and feeing eyes. v Now cometh fir-e out'of it in 4 places. . Now there is a great Eagle, which is come, and fi.a ndeth upon it : It ~ 2~;:~c white i s a white Eagle: The wheel turnetli fEU , notwithfiaoding that ihe fiandeth on it. 1 E. K. She h~th in her beake, like a fcrol of parchment. She hath t wo monfirous eyes : one like fire red; her right e ye as big as my fift, s and the ]eft eye, is Chryfial-like. She fianddh hovering with her wings fpread, and her fierri or tai k fpread. U-nder the wheel is a great va] ley, and in it a great City ,and a 'Hill on the Eafipart of it. And all toward the South are HiUs. 1 The City is as as big as fix of Crdcbvid : and many ruins . f hotife~ o in it there appear. Thete i_ one place in it covered, fq~are like a litt le Chappd : It s 0 bathalitderoundpinaclein the end of it; and over. it in .the air; hanging alittle fire bright. N There be many like unto fowles, like Ravens, .and their .heads likeunto

A trUe Relarion of D Dee his AEli'onJ 'DJttb fpitits, &c.

unto bright fire; They He into a Country .a great way off fr~m this

Now Vriel fi:andeth befide the wheel, and the . heel is as it was be.. w fore : .and he as before with the Slarf. The Eaglecryeth andskriketh as a Guil, or fhe Sea fowlesdo. Vriel fcemeth to defcend from the air above, and to .come to the ftde Qf the She\v-fione.
i!.. _ k, 1 A p,_iUes, br.Jt iN the <:>ffices _tt~d dig~;itier of tbc: Prophets: wbich ~ al~ayes b eautified ;h~r:'e,.h ~,;~" wirh t~e "Aiiii;U of the Cherubtmr, .~zth the ~ozces th a_t cry a. thoufan~ tho11[a.nd tmtes JJ1 a-mo~rm~ be- God h is ;nercy f ore the L ?rd; ~1:11i be_forr t.?e M 1t JeffJ of b11 eter11al Seat : where m ybu drJ exceed the Temples 2nrl_fnff:rA"ce. of the eardt : whrrejn you ttre qeconu [rp4rated fr.om the W<Jrld, tmd whereby y~u au lifted up; as ~ Which h:ave fthe. hQ'Uihofdof th~ Dled~ roenby the very handandfingerofthe H it,litif. . r,ot fu h pr~o., Blc:Jled_, bletfed, ble_fed, is cite Lord eo whom Cherubiq1 and Seraphim inceffantly fing, c:~cc .ongehf Sanaui, SaniJu.r, SIIIDU6, Domlnzu Pe/16 Z ebabth. Amen. . Uriel. ...... But" lhac ir may appear ,.th.tt he it, that revealeth, wbich gather~th the C(otds to- Dm 1'/f q~ti1ut f.ether, and. is the breath of all thmgs that l1ve : Becattf~ [Jay it may appear that t~e Lo1d vifir- uvtlar. cth, ~t-nd _ .or power, and. th4t thr imttgmatiom of m11.1t, Jl1:C before themfelves, Ifs rh~ dujt ofthe w urtb dorh h(fore h(m th.tt movetb zt : 1 upen unt ~ y oJJ a Sea!; ) et. [ecr.er and not k._nown. A Seal opened. [ ~- Zach. 13. --Et erit dies una, q~x notd. efi Domino, &r.] Z uh ' 'Y 13. Behotd, now crmteth that d ,q, that il knqwn umo the L qrd himfelf, wherein the Kingdoms o{ the cap. B . Prlr~h.fhtrJl begin to ('fd!: that they may perceive how thry have run a}iTil); and h'QW weal<, t/uy ar~ ill th-e tri!tmph 'of their pomp!'. _ .And now out or Hieruf;llem, out of the Chllrch of God, ttn.~ ~f hi.f Son Chrift, foal! ' affe out and tacbt cap. tJ. fi~.,., the w.zter of life: T~~t the [rtym~s o.f thr A ngr(5 and Spztzt of the L ord, m11y be verified Rp- ~. u the fa ce of the earrb, [po.\ rn by hu annomred Za~hary. Diu v inrliO.t, N ?w fhaU thiJ[t: t/.11.yes open thernfelvrJ, whirh are the dayes of vengea1zce. lltgnum C brijfi Now, No"(f' .fhal/ rhrfe woes, that hirv~ ~edt [poften of and [ealt:d, burjt out, to the confufion ~f tbe jam frtebilittwr. -flick,.ed; . and che eftabliJbment of hi~ J{ittgd~m, wliich is antt;inJetl. Brh;!J,"I teat.~ rhee. Thof~ that i~thabzt the 'bolT City, and Jl[urp the authority of the High~ff, are cttlled in retem- A ~ropheGc abrance befou the L ord, and they fhall be fcatte,ed likf u~t~ the might] bail, tbat the [pirits of the ~amft th~ Nortb bave 'athered ttt!,ailt,l t be d<ZJ of rev-'ng~. Clergy. ihey_ beC f ro_ud, .a'l;ld think,. thru is no O od. T_hey ttre ftiff-neck._etl ; for they lire the f~n.s :And. ar.,e Jml' ~f"Wiak.,ed~teJY . L,, tn tht _d~y_es of R.od Jiph, fh_zl{ tlm come to paJJe~ o( whom t~e L ord hath lf {aid, If h~ biar ml',and bd1eve ?J.z' wo-rd ~, I-wtll pP~ce Thee [A Ullto h1m, as a m1ghry rock: . . I will open unto thee [A ( for hts mil:ruchons, and lafe~uard eo come J. rny determin.zriom in l?:vrna Ap'". 11.a!fJ, and lo, t~ 'co"!l' . And 1Ppt.Jt he bath wipe~ awlly his. d~trk,.neJJe. lllld offence' of hts r~ul, I /." 0 'P J!-oJ. wili appea_ unto hmt, t1> ~he terrout: of all N a.tzonsr _ . ulpbo ""fl!U For I reJo;ce, wben I exalt fuch ttJ arc we. .tJt...: And whm !- help the comfor:.tll'ffe, ant I magni
2 nd

Uitei. ...... The L ord haJh cho[enyou to be Wicnelfcs,through hit

~Jtercy and flfertr;~tce, not in th~ 6 .


Th2nks, honour~ and glory, is due to thee, 0 our God. Uriel ...... And behold, the day of t_js vifitati9.,, and of the ~xw1tion (}f thJ judgelfunts~ is at Another Seal h b.tnd_: And lo !-.open unto you llnothtr Seal.( BecaN[e I .have (llid unto you, 1 am true, and ope~d. :

foft )

In th~ ytar ez;,hty eight, !hall you fee the Sun move contrary' t:,p .hrs courfe, TIJe Stars [Do.] encreafetbeir Light: 11nd[ome ofthtr11t* f tillfromheavell. Then .fhall tkt Ri11ers run bltJod: Then-jhall the w.o be unto. women with child. Then ]hall the time came to pajfe, -thllt this l'rQphefie Jhall be J~,~t~wtt
. . ..

6 . Ferr-rtuf~; ,. Math,l.f. G,

An. lf88. or which 18 elfc P

tMn to be known, .Ao. ~f8_8.- 6... Whch Sll? Fot 1 have not yet had (chat 1 rcmcebcrJ re c. Fortt An;t6i8. Thas Prothd ic "to be known An; 1581.

the year neu6ed to be IJIS.nor

. This l'ropheic:
yet 16


F~r lo, t~ .Lord b~tth f'rtpttr6d his Propbet, anti. be jhall de[ccnd frou1 the Heavens. : a.s it is Malach.cap Pritten by_ Malachiah the. Prophet. * 4 B: . _ , FJitU Osall !Jehold I will fend before thiJt day, ( n~t that day! fpolt~ of, ~ut tbr gteat daj of the Lord. ) com~. Ehas agttin ~mongjt you. ~- Note-twd


A true 'I{ elation ~/Dr. Dee his Aflions TPitb jpirds \&c.
In tbe mean feafon will I be mercif~!l untoRodolph, and will /Jrint,)n.t~ bi4 Rod. The hc~udfy- hou[e, [uch I# fhall be sk,jlfull: untf whom I will give my fpiri.t_ to ~Qrl( Gold;, , , ing of _Rod~lph hi~ feat Sil1>er, 'and the Ornaments of hw hou[e. And".he ]hall perceive that I blfj]'e lmpenal. him , In that I have tied him to. my G_ arments. If 1(, he hear thee not _ . _ _ Vidt ill[ra StpBehold 1 have one in l:ore : Yu , [uch art one as cleaveth unto Jnilice. M~tn is but tt Rud umb. u. that is Jha~m ~ith tverywinde. The pride.of Kings, is M the beauty of a Peacock,_:.See how the} rtm al!a(rray. Su bJW they tempt the_fpirits of ri~hteo.u[n~ffe. R :')( Pet, . Lo (~ 1 have fa id unto thn) I rderve rh at wtcked Kmg, not that I will be merciful! unto him. Stcpi14n1H, But tb,at be fhali (hortly peri(h with an'eternaf [courg,e. A;zd now hrar me what I fay unto the~. H ereafter,[ee thou tempt me not: cAvE. v ,t[ onely . Neirher looz for my _prefence after thlli order: But for great_ cauf...:s. in .great <aufcs is to be For lo, tbu it the end of Teaching. Now CPmeth in the time of-warn J oo~ed for. . incr and ofcourifeL The end of tf:l(bJng or :::> V''ll 1 f k~ in'ftrudingthus. ' A. _ I you gtVe me eave to pea \ U ne! . ..... Say. . b . I trufr it fha11 not offend God at any time; to c ll for [Uriell bu. light i~ matters darK a 1!nocb hhT.s- t o vs, and above our capaci~y. Alfo inEn!!ch his Tables ~nderftaJJding and enjoying , we~ bies. are to reqtiire help of initruction at .dve: and fo of other pomts and Doctrines already begun, we are to requin: cheir .help, who have begun with us,&c. Uriel. , .... As far M the Lord harh [uffned you to enter into bw Garden: Even [o far (1 [ay) Tlrfte, and eat. A. The entrance yec we have not, bu: the manner t o enter: The perfe8; pra8:ife is the bdt: entrance. . U ri.el. . ,... c.M_ Jpea~eth not with thre: wbertfore dojt thou wraft the L urd? All things that an are dtli!Jrr_ed thee (Ire plrrin. A . Lord, I do thu:-. (peak to be perfeCI:Iy infirueted in what fenfe y( ur words are to be ur.; derftood, when you faid :This is the end of reac9mg. A. Vriel?or perhaps in the U 1 id.' ..... 1hou hajt csdled 11pon me,and I h11ve heard thee, name of God. Thou hajl: defired cemfort, fl nd I have rumj orttd ~ht'e Th ~ fpirk of 'eh vice Thou hd}f the fpirit of choice, . , Vtdr q. Stpre~t~ber. Be it Fffiimt u~zto the~, th11t the Gard~n of'the Lord is open nnto thee: .Garden of tht Lord. where there w no hunger, nor tbirjt, but a /illi!Zg [psrit, a comf~rter. Note. t What care iJ z.t unto me, if the .Kings of the earth [ay: L ?, thu if not of me. b.. Ex Dei JuLo, t}JW is not of the highejf. mi'nc. Uri eL .... . Brhold, I am the light, and {ervant of _ God: Ble.lfed are ibjs Tdlimony. thofe which believe, and are made partakers ir1 this Tefhmony : hJ AtivenlltJ J>omini the w. ir.h you are become Prophets, and are fanCiified for the comin~ b of the Ll)rd. A- He purtcth us in reBut to , why do r [peal<_ rmto y~u, who bave defiled _yo11r [tf1,es l I will , rnembr3nce of eur frailry; 1 ':lnd ofi'e nct: conllnimd be:- ta'\e up thc.{e lhin;;s that I hav~, and will be gone.- Lo, blejfed is be thltt fotenoted. .giveth ear unto t he L~rd. '


E. K. Now all is v~niihed. away, anJ he is difappcared: vVheele, Eagle, 'Citie, an~ - all,&c.
A. All laud; th:mks,honou rand P;lorybetotheerernal, Almighty,mofijdl-J;ldge, and tnercifull farher our God, tht God of Heaven aJJd eanh, whom of his infinire goodndfc, we befe~ch to have mercy upon us, otnd to pu rifie OL r hearts and confciences, graming u s humble contririon, and fine ere ~onfeffion of om' l ran!f-:reffions and iniqtiiries w h acfoever. Amen. Note . While I was thu~ r~qnefiing G_ud? E. J!.~ made a vo'w ~f penance, during his life~ (in token of h_ earty forrowfu~udfe for: h_ts faulc m that da_yes action 110ted) ~-ever t-; eat his E.E:~J:Itsvow f~p~er, or ev_en~ngmealon.S ,ttur4ayes;durmg hwlrh; wberet~l I bc! ~ec~ rhc ~Igll-t_ft to r~gard offllfhng du- hJs m ward uuenr, an cl his concmual metnory of the Lord hts mercu:s, m Cparmg h1m whet1 he ling life:. mo1: had offended ~im. t:.. Deo Nofiro vc:ro, vivo, ommpotcnti, & eterno fit omnis Honor Laus & Benedi8:io, nunc & in perpetuuu. .Att~en.

Wednefday, Septemb er 5' N 0 T E. !J.. The morni ng o f this Wednefday(bef(j)re I pr~par-ed myfelffor the former aa~on)lfont E'?'eriotu with two Letters to be delivered: the one to the Spanifh . Ambalfad0t1 (giving him r thanks for hi~ lwt\ourable dealing with the Emperour~ Majefiy in my behalf) and t he other eo the Noble Oaavi~~t Spinola: thanking hin\ likewife, and requiring his infrrnttion; or advife how 1 might moit conveniently proceed in dealing with the Emperours. Ma j.efiy : The Copy


A true '1(elation of Dr. Dee his AE/ton.r ~ith fPiritJ &c.

of W:hich Letter I _t!~ought good r_o - ecord here, that the etfechhereof confequent, migh~ have : the light of che Ongmal cattfe (01vme and humane) annexed. _
I lluftri & M llgnifico Domino, Domino 0{/JZ'IJjo Sfinof.e;{acr~ CAJ{arett M11j Pft11tir ajlnbu/is & Cubic-rtlis V omino [Ho obfervandif!imo.

Llullris ~c Ma~ificc Domine: N~m polfu_m f~tis con~ignasve~r~ Magnificientia: age re gratias,pro .fingul~n tlla,qua m~ He_n a~1pltxt e~J~ h_umanr~ate & benevol_encia .: hominem quid em vobts incogmm:n,Ced cam(;n VJn~ns & ventatts fiudofilfimum: q01que omnr teliquum me~ ~it:e curriculum (Deo fie vokme) ~n hoc_ ~onfumere ~ecrev~, ut f~cra fua C.e{ar-ea Majefias c) ~re perci pia~,Cib_t,incredtf>ll1 t ~r( f~re )prop1tuzm fMe D~1 Ommpore~_us tremen~am Ma jel1arem. Atq' .e quamvts Vtdeam mu_l c_p ICib;.s mu_lrarum B..e_gw_n~m ne~otus, [uam facram C.e[arram 1 Majeftacc:rn occupatd.fi,nt:m kp1llime cenep, neque alus, 1l!tfque a me> fu~ facr. C6)"ar-~ Maje.fia[i proponen~is. ea~ (is, c~mm_od e vacare, vel poffe., vel ev~demi aliq1.1a ratior;1e debere: T A ME N, h altqurs excogrtan poffit modus, pro loci, tempons, & rerum occaflone, quo fua facra C.t[aua Majefias, ea pe~~s me videre, ve~ ex_me i~a.e ll}gere _ dign.arerur_, qu<f: ill! forent grara .Ea in re, v.e~ra: Jllufin~mx Magmficenct;e hbentiiiJme aud_ uem vel reCJ[tcrem ~nforma tionem atque Judtcmm. N am. m t:oc cor~~ era, ut. te:-1pore dcbtt~, appa~eat, Omntpotentis Dei, & [u;e fa.:r<e_ C.erar~.e fv1.a J e fi~tJS fervltlO _ Ma~me auf~TI_l' pro Sa cr~{anfr:r. Ort~do:x Ca( tholic & Apofioitc fide1 llluftranonc, ac Re1pubhc~ Chnfiian;f' dcfenhone, amphficarione .. que) Add.ictiffim'lm1 devotiffimum , fideliffimumque me effc, ac fore facra: fu~ C.e{aru Maje~

fl:atis fervtWret.1t.

Opportun/tatif ft.os mature c~lligi d~bet: Cito emm fie~ matctdtu.

+ Septembris 1584.
f.!!uftriffim~ Magnificenti.e veftr.e

Joannes Dee.
.E~t~ericM went :md ddiver~d my Letter to_the Spanijh Ambalfadour: But this he brought back again; fayin~ , that the Emperour \\'as nddex:'- very early abroad to Brandeijh, or - elf~: where: (not cenamly being .known) and thac ch1S Noble OftaviN!Spinola was gone with his

Hereupon [ determined with chan~rng the Date; to *fend unto hun at_ theEn1perour his Majefiies returning to Prag~. Vesu ben~ "JJ~r-tJZt.


Pa811m trt die

11 Stptcmb.feiJHtlltt.

UUr. Dollor Hagek bif {~n



.At noon thit


I fent Lto:tters eo my wife: to my Lord Lar~it,and to Mr .I'.w/ Her toll, by the Melfager of Reichenft~in; on this fide N1_ffe.

Monday> Srpttmb. Man~ hora 9 t Pra~~. ~. Precibtu fif.titis; I invited Ga,_ ia? 1' JZa, (as being affigne~ to t~nderft_and of Ro~plph his doings,) that of them I might rece1ve mfirt1thons; that my proceedmgs rmght be anl werablc &i occalJoil fhould be given.

E. K. There appeareth written in great letters upon a right hand (and no body appearing:) the hand being very big.

Cni eft h4bet: ? Cui nihil non ha hebit. ~

K. And fo the hand vaniihed out of fight ; The writing was in the palm of it. .


After that appeared the fame hand again, with his writing

Fue, & faCJum erit,

V{tra, non habu,
'CJht1U011 II.Abt,,

E.K. It

--------- v~nifhed away, by and by,hand, writing, and all. -- -E. K. It

~ -

.11. tr11e 'l{elation ofDr Dee h.s .Aflions "Jith Jpirlts, &c. i

6 Furiher, 1 . A. Ita~: this (0 Lord) ~n this fence : Jhat I a~ to proceed, and to do as I _inten?ed , in have not ro either wnting to Rudolph Q1mfelf, or to the Spanijh Ambaffadour _, or to_QCfavzM Spmola fol.' fay,or do. the Emperour to give rrte audien~e,-time, and place to hear, and fee the Records ahd Monu. mencs,whi~h I have to fhew him: And that when I .had tione as was commanded me, that, Then the pttrpofe of God .lhall a/fo be done. c:.. Deus, in ad jutor~um noll:mm iniende tuaque nos ciirigat fapientia, :ld illud F acimdum,-quod tibi maxime erit grarum. Amen.

- - - - - ' - - - Tuefday, Septemb,ti. Hora 9. ferc. Mifi per bomimm Emericum Soncaginm Secretar!um Domini Palatirii Siradienf:is lie-eras illas ad Dominnm oaavium Spir.wlam: quas fuperius defcripfi; fed ~bi ir:t illisfciipferam qu~Z m~ beri amplexi ejfu. Nunc, fcnpfi, qua m~ ante paue,os dies amg\ex1 ef.hs,8r pro; quiqne omne reiiquum, nunc fcripfi quique reliquum,&r. & pro incredib!lit~r ( fne) f'!opitiam, ~c: fcripli:, nunc, Incredibiliter ( ferf:) & modo mi:rabpi,propiti'!-m fore~ &c. Et ~ehqua emma fcritJfi uc . fupr'a annotavi :fed data: erant ha-, IL Die Sepumb_i1; Ill~ autein pnores, +&ptembrf1. r Tradidit iilas litera<> (Emericus) Magmfico Domino Spinal~!) jam Harim poit prandiu:m c~ fare Majefiatis, & crafiina die (pofl: miifclm) pro rc:fp,onfo, venire jufllt;

Wednefday, Septembri1 -I2. Man~.

A . This morning, whe Eme~ir:us Sontag w_ent up to the CaGJ~ for anfwer froril the Empen rour ; By the No\;Jl~ 0/Jav!ut SI:UJ.ola~ he r_ecelYed ~he effect of th1s anfwer, whic_h I required the fame Emericuo to wnte down w1th h1s own hand (for fllndry refpe8:s;) whtch his own hiJnd writing I have a9nexed ad majorem rei fidem, And becaufe his writing is not eafie to be read, I have written it plainer fomewhac, as followeth l

ReJponfum imperlt.toru, per Dominum Spinolam,

. Sacr~ C.t[area !"''ajefl:as be?igne ir;tellexit qri~ D?minu~ Jottnnes D(e, per (u~ Ma jefiis btculanum, Do~ mum oaavl~m Spmo1_am, p~opom Cl,lra Vlt: Ad. qu~ 'fua Ma Je1l:as gratiose. a fe refol~it : OJ.!.?d quand?q~t?em Latm~~m Sermonem non ommcxJJarte. ex~C\:e ca1leat: pra:terea _euam va~us ~ mu~uphctbus r;egocus o.c cupata, n?tt femper. a and1enuant vacare J?offit, vi den fu;e MaJdlau ut tdcm Dommus_Du, cum !Magmfiw Dommo Doctore Kurtzio (qui 8c (u;e Majefi:ati ab arcanis eft confiliis, fatifque fidns, eruditione quoque iRfigni poll et) tratl:aie, & negotia fua concredere veht. Id' quod, fua Majefias pr:dibato Domino Conliliario fuo Kurtzio, renunciari curabit. Sin ver~,fecus Domino Joh~nni Dee vi~ebitur,_ft~am Maje.fiat.e~ quomodocunque tandem per otcupauones facere potent, dcfideno Dommt Dee fadsfactu



15$-+ xii. Septembris.

F,mericu.r SoHtagieu NJtzn.u propria.


c:.. Which anfwer, both by word of month, and thus by writing being received hy me : and the faid Emerir.ut being (by the Noble Spinola) willed at Evenfong time, to bring my anfwer herein; which I gave him of my great good lik.jng the fame, and mojt humble thank._s to hi1 Majefty, for fo wife and t,ratiout hu confideration had of the caufe. I reqrired the fame Emericlli to underfiand; when, and bow [oon Dofror Curt ziu.r thould be made priyy of his M a jefties plea~ fure herein: and fo, after my difpatching of Emericm,I endeavonred my felfto render thanks unto God for his mercies, graces, and truth, in thefe his affairs : befeching him to frame my heart, tongue, and hand in fuch fort, a~t to his Di~ine Majefry, my dutiful\ fervice, doing, m21y be acceptable: as chieay of me in.tended to his honour and. glory : And fecondly to the comfort of the godly and eleB:: And thirdly to the confu!ion of the proud, arrogant, fU>rn full rnemies of t:Iiith and vtrtue. A mm,

On Wed~

Thurfday; Septembr# I 3 Mane, h3 7 ra f Prag1!. I received the Noble OClavitM Spinvla his anfwer by FnterictM, as concerning my acc(pting of the Empe~our hi1 gr:ahotu .former an(w~r of condefc mdin~ to rnJ reque{f,[o much M_he C 9w:mtient/y could: whtch my anfwer yefterday mght, late \Va~ delivered to the Noble Spmo_!a. Whereunto he faid> that my Anfmr would be mo accept~tble umothc: Emperour: and tbat to morrcw, jf (meanin~

~----~------------~---------- --------------~---------------------------

@Atrue ~elation ofDr. Deo~ hii Aflioflf rPi.th {pirits;&c

meaning- this Tburfday ) the honourable Do8:or C11rtt fhould underftand t~e Empei-ours plcafure herein. Hen:l:ll)on I willed Emerzrus to go up tci the ( aO:Ie, and ro hringhimfelf in fightofth; Noble Spmola, if he could. Thereby ro help his mer110ry,.for w:irnin,gand_information to be g i.v.en to the.faid DoCtor Curt z :. That fo we might corpc tog~'ther, fo Coon, as convenict'ltly might bP.. Deo, fJmnif lllus, honor, & gloria. Amen.


1 37

Thurfday, Septcmbris q. u"vlaitf: , horam circiter 9


A. Precibzu /initi-1, 4:lnd the q[e propounded of the Emperour his Anfwer) for dealing with Do8:or Curtz., a mafl his Privy Council, faithful, lear ned; and wife;. uponche con~ fideratiom.aUedged, I requelleq of God, his pleafurc: to be figlilified unto m e~ by fome of his


faithful and tnie Meffagers : whether I fha\l opm!y and frankJy deal with thi1 Do[l r; fo, as the 1 lmperour, by ~im may underlla1id that which. he Thould have done ar ~Y m'Jurh. a(ld hands originally: And whether T may, both alone with the Emperour; anl before, and with the faid Doctor, deal in this Ac.tion as occafion !hall ferve from tiine to tim,e, at my diterecion, informed by his fecret grace divine. . . . . . 6. Nor_hingap'pearing, or being heard, in a quuter of an hour fpace, I fufpe~ted Come of our mifdoin.gs, to be tbe cau[e of the Lord his refraining to anfwer: a11d thereup(m I did fall to prayer fgr mercy and grace, and deliverance from the affaults and. mal,dous purpofes of the Devil againil: us: A!1d that I did the rather, becaufe as I felt my gooJ Angel (or other good friend) in ,vertne, fo I felt Piloflm, fenG1:1ly, bnfi~, aad as it w~re tO t:erri:l.: me with my offe,nces pall, or to put me our of ho~e, at this pr'e [enc, from beir~glwird. B1 c I he\ et. on to pray divers P Iaims, and at length againil: the wicked tempters parpo[ely . After my prayt;rs and alfuring E . K. char the fpiritual enemy was here bttfie, and a..:tend::d to fmilrate th~ <;!ayes Ac:lion: H~. an[wered, that ag~inlt him [E. K. J he could not ~revail, or acc\ife him, for .his lace notabl e fault; fo r he haj ma.le a reckoning, ana forrowfttl bewaihns for that his rrefpafs, ro.th : Lord, and t'hat he doubred n ot o f forgivenefs ; .and chac h e was fo reconciled eo God, chat Satan nor any o~her wicked accu[er, could pm him in any ,{?ubt of Re:oncili~tioi God his mercy, &c. And he fpake Yery well both of repentance, Gods mercic:s, h1s ;u!hce, and of tbefe Actions. Mary, h e confeffed that by reafon, he himfelfwas an 110meet perfon to come before Ghe Emperour, or Princes, & c. and theiefo.re ifit wot}ld p\cafe Go.i tO diCcharge him oF further medling, fo, by reafon he' might feem well at cafe, &r. At length, afcer an hour appeared Vriel ; but with a Scarf before his face, as he had la(!_ . A. God fend us the brightneffe of his_cou nrenance when it lhall plea[e him . Uriel .... 7 rue it i>, that i;z re[peU of the tcrrour and for r.e of God his wrath and indignation in [ 1 Judgement : Reconciliation is mack : throug!J that tower wbi.-b u given :mto the Lamb, Reconc:ii 2 rion tl' whom al! power u givc~z in lleaven aw l Earth; Btt with th f [ 2 congregation, a~td the mem- of r-:vofom; brrs of Chdjf hw body, the numbrr of the faithful, the Church af God, you hav~ not !'uade,recon_ciliation, .Andtherefore,are not fiJ1ners worthy to behold the face of true lig hc and -underil:anding: Whtehr7fofre ~ ' rtt ts ace for thn-e i-s a d ouble R eron.cihatlOit : One ( and the fi rjt) b'etwee,n r he C on [ c1ence an d che JLidge : ycr covered. 1S through the force of fatth and rrpMtance : that if t9 fay, Reconr. ciliation againfl: Judgemcnt. Another, ( the [econd ) Recon;i/iat im ftile {ltpa S.premb. ~. 2 be.twet'll the Spirit of Truth, ( tbe Ch:n cb of God ) and mans Crm. 1 he eye IVa'S cc:unmlnd~d ro b~ reconCilcd tcS the\ Sp:rit fcimce. of Truth. &hold I teach you a my,ffery. J.. Tho[t that ar~ atonewithGod,jhallnot be jdged YPith the wick.,edin the [a{f J :tdgemmt: ]ujlrt' D Not1Pit/,ftanding the ] uftzce of God if purr, awl mzdefi!ed ; and fuffererh not: mans fault: tmta et. punilhed. 2 But h( that w~rt one with the Spirit ~f G~d, it made one.w.ith hh1t, a11d wit hone

For tbere are many tbingr ~hat God bettreth witnelfe of, in the foul and Jeeret Chambers of ma !I, 6:,Ab 1 1 th11t neither the bleffed , a/read; diguified,,nor to be dignifhd) do, or can know : which it tbe caufe.mels ;~':/: thttt tpe [uul of mrm, ( after bif body fleepeth ) being fo und ~_i~ollucc::d, is rec_eived, and foatched mr, &c. !Jp,offttch as are the. M~ !Iagers of pu1111bment: ~tnd [o;atc~rdinJ; to the multitude (lftheir fins, are A. rempor~l m horrour, ahd pumfument. T.~refore not all, .that are puril{hed, !hall be damned ; Neither p ltni!bmer.t. is ~t evident unto the Angels, who .fhall be {rtv~ : I Jpealz tmera/fy. "fberefort when you offmd, be alfo reconciled unto the M other of the houfe : that you may have Eo:clrfi.e (athQ-, plllce before [uch as are reprov<;_d. . J,ctt,mnciliari. _H_ereinyou"!'ay ~mderjland rhe retaining of fin ; Fo'r.the Et~. J reA. A ccipit( Spirirum s .,,_ _.d.(b~mu's; ummgof fin 15 a JUdgement: And therefore. it is nc.cerr..ry thar Gdd ll~m, qiiOr lirn remiferi li! pecc4ta, fh~uld hold a -general Jay, that tbo[e that have trM{tecl in him, and in- temirr.lnw eis: & q~Qrum r~ wardly .ha'}Je been forry ftJr thci'r offences, . may alfo t a{t-e ' 0 f hi! mercy. fmu eri ris, m:nen.ia ,Pwt: Joannes . "fi 1 r E lr. bow vQU Id tt b~ 11ert eR-, t hat the Prophet 1aith? If in Het1 t hou 1o. E.. ~hcl\ .. ~ ~. c.- xs., .c. iu t'. 1, Si de[cenJm in Infern 11 m~ a~ ~, ~here. iif,, n,




n;s. he that iJ forgtven tn hu heart by God, tn bzs Son ChnJ and [2] reco~ctled tbr,ugb the holy Sptt; Thc perfca ,_f_ rit, to the body from whence be it fallen, i1 fafe, as well from the wrath of Go~ to come, as tbe furaore by . puni(hment due unto his offences. ~~r:fi. and;t_s And therefore is the reconciling of brethren, of great .force. Whereftre hath Chrift lefc his r:r.urcn or pi- body with the Cburcb?. Wherefore he cttlled the bread of Life.? . .. ~ lth.c.; .D. 1 frry uHtoyou, my brethren, that the bodJ of Cbrift digrtified anJ glorified, it true brettd ; is trul


A true'l(_elation ofDr'. Oee hir Affinns nith Jpirits, &c. Bur, here; t~ere ~ a ~aution ; All fi~s t~at are frJ~givm by the Church, ?affe not th~ ~re :


com{ort, which cleanfeth !inners that are penitent, and wiJietb away the puni.fhment 9f adverfitJ. Happy are tbofe, th:tt Nlt of him, and thttt account 1tO his body, as te jha.dow of a candle. t /:::;. A!iq~i b.m.};:lnid, 1 teach y 9u: Even as tbe. Spirtt of God filletb tbe Congregation of the faithful; {o doth 11,-i dJfllnt ( /),.i{l t~ 'P !<S tk body of Cbrztf now dignifie, fill and clean[e all chat receive Wfth forrow; f"rrow I me11.n for f..;(fc ph~nia tbeir wick,tdnrffe . jiJ,~m. But !o: his body is b1come an offen'Ce unto tht: wo rld. Many there are thllt fay, This is Chrift : JLt brbol;d I tell eh you. Even as alL things were made by him,fpirituttlly; So are all, that are of his E!dl, murifhed through him, bodily. Lo, 1::~ is become one l)Ower, one Qgd; in that he is ndther feparated from his body, nor feparJ.te th his body from his Church. After a whi.le 1 comr again.

E. K. Now he ~s gone away.

~- W ~ read over the premifes to our great comfort, in the mean titne, whi1e V K I E L difappeared.

E. K. Now he is here again.

6. N 11\\' h<=
anfwroreth to

UrieL ... ... 0 ye timerorl! birds, How long run you hrad!ong into the TVildernee ? How long will you be ignorant l 'How long will you tempt the L ord with the fp.irit of fooli.jhneff~ and err our J "'Y rcq~te!l: Behold thou hajt wt judged well of me. Behold thou haft placed me in a low room, and haft tak._m ~r~ proponn- the Garland fr?m my head, and trod it under thy feet: For, what is R.odolph, that is not at e Rudolp. leifure for the Lord, th~ Go~ of righteou[neffe1 the King of H;avcn .an~ Earth? . . . Are thr<.y troubled wrth thzngs that are ,greater tha1t I l True tt ts ; for wzth me there zs m; trouble : fo r wbere I enter, I fet f!ll thh1gs in quiet. Will the Cormfelloi!YS of the Earth, fit in judgemmt to fi ft the L ora? 0 ye foo!es and jfarvelings of the Earth : 0 you of little underjranding. 1bink_ you, that y-ou are able t" ji1td light ttmong 1f the ajf.r irs cf the World? true judgemmt in th~ imag,ination of man? or verity amont.Jl: the' hoords and cprr11ption. of covetoufneffe and falfhood .< If. If he be not at leifure t9 hear me : Have not I told thee, that I have aJtot~er in ftore l Lo:J I fee, all jle is full of folly. jh t.. It is not yet done : and therefore we ask counfel of thee ; and I thank thee ( 9 Lord) . . El a for rebu~ing of us, before fanher errour committed. SpmluJ fir U ne1 .. .. . L o, I gave tmto t hee, t he fipmt o f c h01ce: and ther1J ore 1 wur. regard t h~ dorng, . ,r:: . .., q~tid e . ~/depagint: ['- and will wink at thy weaknefs. I will b!effe all that thou tak,_e/f in hand, and wilL cover thee qmte. with a Robe of Purple ; /that thou may(t underftand that all i1 mine, and th~tt I raife up whom I lift .R._ 9Ju/p. . And I .Jay unto. thee again : io, Rodolph hath heard thee, And I will poure my Spirit of truth Spmrus wm~t- into thee, and tho u lhalt be a light unto him . w. If. E~t, now, If he live righteouj!J, and f9llow me truly; I will hold up hit H oufe with Pillars of :::.. From the Hiaciul1, and hi1 Chambers ./hall be Jut! of Modefty tt.nd Comfort. I will brtn~ the Eajt wind over Eall, C?mfort bi.m, as a Lady of Comfort; and foe jhall fit upon his Caftles with Triumph. , and be jhall fleep a nd Tr1umph. with jey ~oldo.Inp hi f~l ertlam More~ver I will b!ee' his loynrs: and his Hou[e ,(hall ftand to the third generation': and to the uo rs _ . . . generationem. end; for, n~w, the t;ortd bath hoary h~zrs, and begznneth t~ be fi.c~ . . . . If, If he defp1fe my comtnandment, I wzllput the [word agamft him; and m hzs dwellmg places Secre!ie requi- jha!l ~is enemies banh,,et. ( Bnt thofe that deal with thee, let them fow up their month : lefi: red. being cut with a Razor, they !peak not.) For thofe that negleti my Judgements I will dejpif~ them, and their feed foal! wither, as corn {own out of [eafon : But he that love rh me, I will multiAi.Jm'Deo quo ply hzm, And he that add-eth unto me, I will adde unto him a thoufand. m~Jo ~onum rft: But lo, thou h11.ft the f pirit of choice. ~~~:i~:~r~Elc- n. _0 Lord open my _u~dertla?din_g of that fayinp;. . . . . . liionil f 11pra Unel. ... .. ff<!!.os tu elzg~-J, eleCizfimt: .quo a~ttem J.efpzctS, dc[pzczrmtur ettam. s~pt. ~. A .Dwell thou jn m.e ( 0 Lord ) for I am frail, and (without thee) very blind.

E. K. Now he is gone.
A I fpake this
to E . K.


t.. Tl1y glorious name ( 0 Lord ) be-magnified; praifed) and cxt1lled f or ever. Amen. 1 perceive that I iliall not deal with the DoCior Curt z now. Well, 1 can lee him under-

ftand that I had rather deal with the Emperour himfelf, and fo fbift my f elf of him.

E. K. He is here again.
U rie\. ..... Y es, deal with bim : and hide nothing from him.
t. . With DoLtor Curtz , 0 Lord ?

Urid . ..... I - -- Aitd t!.erc>f orc I [aid,

H.t tbat addetb unto me ) 1 will adde mtto him a

tho,ifaHd :

d true 7<elation of Dr. Dt'e his .AEficns. ~ith [pirits,&c

t.bim(:tnd : But IJ~ that pltt;eth with me s lo, I [wear, I willO!ot his u ll11U from life: [ti]Libereagas: Deus ell enim liber,

6.. Fa~kly'_:u
'llY te rm was in my fidt re-

E. K. Now he is gone.
t:.. Deo Omnipoten~i, Invi fibili & mifericor.di Gloria : nunc & in perpetuum. Amen.

fit t>mnis honor, laus;. gr~tiarum

a\..UO ~


&: ,(lion this dly


q ucft, or


Thnrfday, Septembril I 3 M11ne. t Praga:. Emerirzu d id bring himfdf in fight of th ~ Chamberlain, the Noble Otlaviu Spirzola : as I willed him: And he called EmniCtiJ to him, ancl told him, that this day bo8:or Curtz. fhould wtdcrilaud the Emperour his pleai'O.re, to confer with me, &r.. Emericzu abmit 10 of-the clock before.N oon being in the Riccers Stove (or Guard:..Chambcr ) faw Do8:or Curtz come out from the Emperour,

. Friday, Septemb. 14. Mane, circa 10. I fent Emericzu to Do8:or Cv.rt1::. his 'houfe in parva parte : with my commendations; and to f:~y that bdore, I undedlood of Do8:or H ageck._ Mr. Doctor Curtz his de fire to be acquainted with me : whueof I was very glad and defirou.s : and now I r;rnlt that the Eq~pe Tour his majefiy, by his ~~thori ty hach. taken order_wich him whereby to begin . our acquaintance, and ( God W J!lmg ) our' perpetual fdendlhip. The DoClor was at ho111e, a~1d to Emeric:M ( faying the effe8: of my meffage before noted) the Do&or _ cclarerl tbac C:tpt aver at d 1111tra variaf occafionesmecum c~mr a h'rnd~ amiciti.tt, &c. and thar now h e is very joyful of th,e occafion offered by the F.mperours Majefly' : and that this day fundry affairs did hinder th'e opponur.icy of our meetir.g, but to morrow at any hour ( at my cb'oice ) he '"6nld pe ready t o welwme me to his honfe : and fo with theuf ual phrafe of offering all his fervtces to my pleafure, he [em Emertcus to me witl.i !1is fa id Anfwer. ~os De.ZM conju_ git, H omo ne [eparet, n Amen. ~os aut em Desu & C4ar copnlflt, copulatiffimi mane ant. Amen.

Saturday, Stptnnbris, IS A Mrridiehora ([er~) prima. t Praga:. I came to the forefaid ( call ed Doctor ) Cz.rtz: about one of th e clock after Noon., wh~ had all-the day been reacly tO have heard me, ifl would fo have had it: buc I fcnt him word in the morning 1:-.y Em'tr;cw, that af~u Noon, (as now at this hou~) I would come' to him. 'Being come, he cncen amed me cnrtcml{Jy : and two eh :airs being at the T ~e.nd., he gav~ ~e thc, preemine)lCe ( by a fri endly kind of earnefineffe) Thet~ .he told 1~1e, th at fong 1ince m Germany, he had hearcf of my fame, and had feen of my wntmgs: and that he wa~very glad of'the opportunity now of my coming to this City ; <tnd that otherway es he V{ aS delirous of my'acqllain'tance, but chiefly feeing the Emperoilr his Majefly Ore tenzu (for that wt! S his phrafe ) by word of his own momh, had willed him to he.ar wha~ l had cof:~y to his Majefiy . J -began and decla.red my loog courfc offiudy for 40 yean, ~\way es, by d egrees going forward, and ddirous of the befi, and pure truths in all manner of ftuches,whercinl had patfed, and-t hat 1 hadpaffed as many as were commonly known, and more than are commoniy heard of. But' that ac length l perceived onely G od (and by his good . Angels) conld farisfif; my . de fire': which.was to tm4erfia11d the 11tZtures of alL h~ creatures, and the be(t ntanner bow to u[e 6.. .<'Jwfltorurn t~Jtit' hil divinehmor aJ_td glory, and the comfort of the eletl, a1 ai[o 'to tbe rrpioo aud COlt- meorum [ccpA!. td J. ftdi.on of the adver[ariesof hid name and honour. And here in 1 had deal ed I uridry wayes: And at length had found -the mercies of G od futh as eo fend me rhe infirn8:ion of Mir.hael, Gabriel, Rnphul, and 7Jriel, and divers p.t her his good and faithful Meffagers.; fuch as~ !1ad l1ere now brought books ( about 18) to lhew him the. manner .of. t heir l)roceeding : And that} though t it good to begin at the Jail book, which. al(o concerned moft th~s prefent'Emperour R. odolph. And fo I did; ai1d'fo by d.egrc.es from book to book Jigluly, I gave hin1 a R odtJ/ph . rafte or fi~ht of the mort .part, and alfo Jet hih1 fee the Stohe, brought me by'Ailgelical. minifiery, &c. . .. A-11 things being feen and heard, that ih fix hours I could fh'ew him: at length he required <>f me what conclulio11? or fummary report he lhouJd make ro che E~peroiu. I _<m f~v ered , aS he hadoccafion of the things feen ai1d heard ; but if he would follow my coni1_(el (fomew bat npert in ~befe, Divine and Ang~lical doings.) That his Majefiy was t o thank God for his My counfd td g~ea t n:erc1es and graces offered : and thac by me one, who rnoft fincerely and fairhfnlly gave Dodor C11rtr. l)ts MaJefiy to. underftand tbe will of God herein, and that hi s Majefiy w.~ eo do, as M nry (the blelfcd Vtrgin) did' tc;> Jay up all t heft: my informations iT~ his heart' otn<i t o fay Eccc [ hh 2 J frrv uJ

~ triU!~/ationof D

.. Dee.his .Aflions ~ith Jpiritr, &c.

[ervUI Domini, fiat voluntM tu a, and fo to attend the manner-of the lord his proceedinl'"; whil! he framed his life, as it became eve!~ Chri'ftian to do. ._. He faid, that he would"write (for his own memor~e help) fome fhort note of bis obfervations of my fpeeches, .and things feen and mar.ked: and that he would to .morrow (beino Sonday) or on Monday, if he conveniently" cou1d, make a.report to the Empetour, and fo wirh all. fpeed gi-e me to underftand further of the Emperour his Ma jellies wilt and pleafure. Hereupon courteouOy he hrought me down to the. fireec door of his ho.afe ; and I came home after !'even of t~e Clock, and an half,,in the evening; The mercies of 'God be on me, and his name be magnified and extolled in thii worl-d, and fol' evec. .Amen. N ote. In the mean fpaGe while I wasthus occupied with the forefaid Mr. Curtz. E.K. was . vi fired at our Lodging with a wick~d Temr~ter,who denied itny Chtijt to be :and that as the He_:~.lrohfatd hc~rt received comfort of all the Members of the body: So that he, who is God, of all rbines t Ilat 10 t e . b 1 d h th ( qformcr my R e- recetved comfort !J Ang_e s, an ot er.. e Members o the world: and that I was now wtUl cords that I one, who would ufe me ltke a Serpent, Wlth head and ray! compaffing my confnfion, &c. he had noted ma- earnefily reviled E. K. in divers IJlanners : he (aid, that E. K. !hould be damned, and faid: ny a ~y,and un- moreover, t hat of our pra8:ifes lhould never come any fnlitfuiJ end~ &c. tn,tt ' A. The eterna~ and Almighty _God confou~d the Adverfar~es of his truth and glory, ;md of hts Son Jefus Chnfi our Redeemer, and the Tnumphan~ Conquerour againfi, llell, fill, and the Devil. Amen.

- -- - -------------"'--- - -
P R. A G lE. On Monday and Tuefday the 171h. and 18th. of September, I fent . Emtriclk up to theCalHe, to li!ten after anfwer of that DoCtor Curtz his report tQ the Emperonr, of that he ha~ N ote, the perceived by me. (But on Monday (OCiaviiH Spinola bad fent into the Town for -.mericm,Em;>erour en- and told him that the En:tperour h~td C llre and defire to under{ta11d my doinf. ~ith the DolJor: clined to heat, And therefore asked Emericll! if I had been with the Do8:or, and he affil1ilied that I had." &c. Hereof (faid he) the Emperour will be glad: And yet (as I began to note) Emtric~H coming I futpett the on Tuefday in the face of the DoCtor in the Ritters fiovc:; had not one word fpoken to D oaour dorh him, that either he had fpokt>n to the !mperaur, or he had not. And therefore I [ufp~a th:lt not fealfin. the Doetor dea\eth not honeftly, faithfully, or wifely in this (o weighty a cafe. And fora[~ cere Y much as he told me, ~hat the Emperour his Majeitr was perf;raded, that he wa_s piom,&c. perhaps he would be loath; now, to prefer me to the !peech o( the Emperour, fc:cmg both he him( elf, afld the refi of his counfcl ftood perfwaded to the contrary ofthts. King. Hereupon .thi~ great delay, upon finiftcr report made to the Emperour might follow,&~.

--------------------------------Note. Frygay, Septemb. 21. Circahoram xo. Fere, M~ne. t Pragz. 6. As. land E.K. were together in my Study, eamefily difcouding of Auricular confeffion, publick confeffion, and co!ffeffing to God alone, and of the Authority of eh~ ~hur.cb,and 't he manner of the fame Authority ufing .to releafe, or retain ftnS, E. K. faw one walk on the Table between him and me: Thereupon I framed me 'to write, and note what lhould be fhewed, or faid, E. K. willed me to fet down the fhew-fione : So I did, and he looked . .

& . K. I fee him here with the Scarf over his head and face,untiH his wafie, but I fre his hair yellow behindeon his head,&t:.
Mitte btcem tuam, 0 Deu-s & v._aritatem tztam Jtt ipf~ no.f ducant ex hac valle miferit ad montem San&lum Sion, & ad creleftia tua Taberna-


U rid .... I am Uriel the [ervttnt of tll~ tn()ft wi[f, mighty, ani ~verlafting God : which vifit yo


for tW() cau[et. The firft, that I may ~pen unt'o you true, llttd perfell light _ {uch M dA.r~nrff~ comprefundeti n~t, : infllible, and trne meat, the P11er and [pirit of th~ everlaftin.g God, The [econd, that 1 may coun[tl J014 tt;gain.fl the world, and tuch you to triumph ag~t.inft ber fr~ , wardnre. For, who hath trufttd ;., the L~rd, and bath been caft down .? or what is ht that ha'th 'l'rinitil Lttx cried al?d, imd i-1 not heard l Therefore,! {ay tmttJ ~ou; H ear my vo 7ce: For J a~ of truth, ~nd tf myftrri~ per put ag amfi darkneife, a11d in me A.Yt pub/ijhed the Jrght, lutd n1J}ftrits 4 tfle 'Jrtnrt) from ttt Vrielm~ r~ve- to time, and in all ages unto tho{e thitt fear, and, obey God. l~nllir, . 1wo things there a~e wliich are the [tals and ntark..s of Satan :which hri11g ttfrnal de-ath tntd ~endAe~Jium Jam~tatio~ to allfiuch tH are noted, or burntd with thtm, that k u [11y, lying, And froward ji Obfttn4llilrl I


A trtle 'l(elation of Dr. Dee his .Affioni with fPiritJ~ &c.

Behold the words of c;brift,unto thi fubtile (your father is tt lyar from the beginning, and the Devil.) H eark,m unto my voyce: He thai [1 Jteachetb fal{e DoCJrine, opmeth [z] hi-s mouth. ttgl/~nft trHth no defrraudeth [3] hid /Jrother ~ a lyar, and jhall not be forgiven. _ ' ' For firfl:, be Jinneth agaznjl: bts Creator, which created all things in truth. 1 2. Secondly, be offendeth ltgainft the truth, 11nd his Redeemer, which is . rbe [on of God,_ very 3. Thirdly, he offendeth againft th~ {pirit of God, (of the Fat her, and the Son) the holy Ghoft : which jhall not be forgivm ; And therefore dotb he htcu-r:re the rigour of Gods ju}tice, his etenM!l ' damnation. But, I fay, give ear unt8 my words: For, I will fift the dujl-, and finde out the Pcarle, "that if a long rime bath /yen tr1dden under tbe feet. I will come again.



E. K. He is gone.

We read over the premilres,and [o expefred the reft.

E. K. He is again here.
Uriel. ., ... N ow let U5 jo)n.the[e th ings together. All jlefh offen~erh, and is alyar. Who, therefore jhal~ be faved, or efcaJe eternal damnation? Objem~; He it is (I fay) tl,at when he bath lyed,and [po~etz agamft the truth doth not frowardl_J dr~wn' d, S.;httio. 11nd k,.tep down hil fin in filen ce. For, lying meritetb the vengea1tce of the Trinity. But be that u wilfully froward, [ealeth up Mtndatium. hil own d-amnation : For this caufe (my brethren) and to the intent that the' mercies of God might EGcltfi4 Dign!alwayes be ready for finners; htttb be provided the light, and comfort of hil [pirit , !eft as a con- w & durhor~ tinual workman in the Church and [pou[e of Chrift. tas. 1 teach you briefly: that, he whofoever, optning hil m?uth ttgainft tbe fpirit of truth; and with wilful! fr9warrlnrffe continueth i11. hil lying, without reconciliation t:> the Church finneth agtthtJl the Rechnd_~ation lioly Gboft, and jhall be dalflned eternally. tot 10 C urcb.
I come a(.ain.

E. K. He is gone.

E. K. He is h~re again. U riel. . ,,, . Be now therefore aimonijhud (I fay) be war1ted : AnJ confideringyou be finnerr, uc"'
k._nowledr,e your offenc~s, le aft in the end your fin be againft the hol; Gbojt, and [o not to be forgiven. 13ut herein the) erre with you that rxpouud the Syriptures, [~tying, that man finneth, and cannot be forgiven, becanfe he finneth againl rhe holy Ghol. I teach you_, my brethren : that there is ~o fin agllinft God, but it is ttgainft the boly Ghlift: . r. , fi: If robe, iu the end, it be (hut up with w1lfull filence. ll,u,l I' d ence , 1 Whrn[eever, (theref&re) you have offm ed ac'\.m1wledge , l.fay, your fins, before God and hil An .. !::. F. 1. . A - ,ff. I'_ ,(f, ' IliA gels : That Qr;d maJ .f orgzve you, a1t d t he ..1/J_nge fs bear wztneJJ e t1f your J ~r'gtveneJJc, and fhut not up pcenimri4 IS tn your fins in froward filence. . Tefta Anltlici, If thou commit adultry, if thou bla.Jpheme the name of God, if thou be a lyar; yea, if thou [peak. Frowa1d fi~ againft tbe truth: yea, if thou fay there i. no God (M tbe foolijh do) Defpair not; faying, I httve ~ence. finned againft the holy Gh9.rt, becaufe I am a ji11ner, and a blt~[phemer of the name of God, becau[e I Pfal. have fpok,.w, and opened "'Y mouth alain_fl: ~he [pirit of truth: But go unto the Church, which is Ito ai feci~. governed by the [pirit of God, and there wzth hearty, and open confef!iOJZ difclofc, and mak_.e p!ainfiam tb7 offuzces, that the h1 Ghol may bear witne!Te in the [pouf~, ~tnd Ch11rcb ly ' of Chrz{l: ; That thou haft not finned againft him t o eternal death : Becaufe t:.. Voluotary confeffion thou .ert not drowned -in froward fi~ence. is contrary to froward fi For P a!rhoug6 God bear witneffe of repmtttnce. ~ltbough he bear, ttnd lenee. . , . opm hf! ear!, y~t confiJ.er alfo he bath hands,_ttntlruft ' un'tye thofe bonds -!udrt'! ~(I, M.Tahnul V et, . h h d f God , but h. Jj . w herew1t h you are bound . , Wb .IZt are t .! an s o w pznt, , ta~ e J.Aizaro, o c.t I . wherewith be mak,.etb and created all ibings. 1hrrefore whm thou haft cried out and art forry, enqeavour thy felf alfo to be lifted up by the hands of God. Learn a fimilitude inChr~fl:, which ( jignifying the power of hil Church,) commanded the oj[mder to go and wa.fh himfelf: and fo be WM who!~. I [peak_. this,for thy [E. K.J inftrulli01t : I fal alfo unto thee, [E.K. J Go and wafh thy felf : For thou llrt a lyar,thou art ~ drunk,.ttrd: And tber~forc thDu art a ji1:mer. And if thou perfevere, and jhadow thy fins with wilful! fi !ence frowardly, then feale{l: thou tby [elf with the fecond brand, anJ, canft not be forgiven; bee .cufe thou finneft againjf th1 Gho{l:. . Ananias fell down at th/ feet of Peter , not onelJ for tbttt he lyed: hilt becaufe after his Gf~ All. ?. fente he wM'wilfully filent. Here thou vtajejt confider -the gruttneffe of God bis_my/l:eries, and [ecrets 9f his will and of fa- SNprlf vour, that he firetcheth out unto thee in mercy, for thou art a Childe, and mufi afcend ~ ~R.d tnu{l become a man. The re/t afte-r you are refrejhed. t:.. We went to Dinner to our Hofi: his houfe. b. , Thanks> honour, glory) and praife be unto the Almighty T rinity, now and r:ver.
W 1




A true 'I{ elation of Dr. Dee his AflionJ 'IPi~h )pints> &c
.- - - -- - - ~- r we had been at Dinner, th ey read .over the preniiffes , and confidered them /::..-. A-ce-


E. K. Here he is.

Bldfcd be he chat coritcth in the narrie of the hig~efr, to whom be all honour and glory.

Amrn .

U rie l. ..... .Lo, Lo, Ln, ( 1 fay) 19bich of foil bath an eye, tha.t Jeeth n,ot, (now) tiJe world : th!: vn.tty, and fully of wcrldli11gs: and'[uch M are cho~d with tile mildew of vanity and world!J pr8 motiO ? lJ _ For thJU ,raytb tbe Lord; .wherein roMd I }hew my [elf morr, 'ei ther .1mto this age , or un.to this E 111P~ ror.:r, rh en wrr h r,e buking him for his fifts from Heaven ! t More a[~, 1-Vlo is able to promife more, or to perform t njfure.der then' I,which ligbten,and malt,_e all things ? furcdl)r. Yer tb,y nel.ieve not, J'ea, thry rejoy;:e m their own folf,y, and de[pife me: yea, becau[dhry t::. Is de rpifed of Rut!, and del1)i[c .thee, r>biJm 1 btlve fent wirh wj word unto them. Curt:~;,_

Well, tb'u~ [nJrihtbe L ord, they h11ve de[pi[edtheir own Gnlaxds >and have trodden their food rptde.r feet .~ 1hryhave .rent their R_ohsin pieces, an_ baveca{t them into (be waves. d They arebeContra Jtud. comdnajfqlre Dogs, fo r I bave j~rfak..en them. . And lo, Rodolph, I will [etttter thy bones, ant/. thy' bead }half 'be deiJided in many pieres. . I will.tring in t/:oj er:emies ~ver all tbj'Kingdoms , and CoTilrfl Curl~. for thy fak.,e jhall -many tltP~<[PJuis pfnjh. He al{o that think.,eth himfe!f wife, if he dJe a itatural . death; then I ,am n8t, neither that l1ive .with my ptep!e . 6 ~e,ir q'1od BtJt becaufe thou haft rlondbat which I rotmH<mded thu ~ 'imd ba{f not forgot my tutme. Lo ur rnpwthun I will plant thee my felf, and thou !halt grow, and otit 'of thee fha'll fpring a mighty and a ter~ 4 ~;iJullln . rtliJCTl- rible fwq,rd: wh,re Rifts fhall be M the Carbuncle, ~tnd edd! like unto the friog of a DnrQ"on,and r J' . . . ~ . ~ 1 ~ c~rtfut lf1vm.t I will not fuffer thee to fall: neither jha!L thine enemie.s ride uPon thee. 1 ruefy, truely, thou jbalt oHm A. k.,now I am with tbee. _ But be patient : for Satan bunteth hJrd after tbee. Thou jhalt S.ctbanar. Ne m3gnlrudo revebave .alwayes a* prick, ~ven unto thJ la{t grave. But tbaein j!Jal! velationum extPJ/AI nu, dtJtfiJ rft mi bi. i\imulus carni5 me~, &c. Fa~:.lus thy faith he ercalted, and thy reward ~reat. 1J Corintbros Jccij~d", cap. u. .. .... I come ~tgain.


England pu
doned for


E. K. He is gone. E. K .. Here he 'is again.

Uriel. ... Lo,for thy !ilbour I will reward thee: And fo it jhall.be. . Btho!J, I had determined to have rooted out the Engli{h pe(Jple, to .have made a wildernejfe, arul defart of it; to hav1 fi lled it with ma~ry jlrange peDple, ~tnd to-have tied the [-word h it perpetually. But This. is no contradiCl:ion, for thus this wildemc!fe and filling is to undcrfiood.


A. The filling of it with frrangers. !hould



_God will gfve me Engla!fd, rh1r is ro fay,. fpare H frorrt di!huttioo for my fake, &c. E 11gland. ~. Our good re~urn inro EngA1td after c,.,tttin moneths, I will bring ~bee borne; land. A, Per haps, Cpiders Syirl~ in rhe aire, ya, thou (ha,ldive till thou be able to l)a!fe the waves: :m carried by \ril'1~s of rpcir own fpinnin~,or without ~ !hip~ and to afcend the C!illS,a5 the Spiders do. 111~kin~, orelfe 1 know nm ho1v. Jlud; l re- , Norwith{fa~ding, f will t ~lze the Crown from the hov.fe, it is snaincdfo~ thS' moll partin l3oheroin, and in . in , .and I will place it, M I havr Pro ph eficd unto thee.

been for the conqueft, and in a manner razing, or defacing of all Citi~:s, Towns, and Cafrl cs:, and fo to have brought it to a wilderneJJe and defart. But Lo;I will give tluee tbnt land; ( onely for thy fake) it !hall not-be t6n(umcd.

the E.mpire, rill! 58 9

Not"'Pithftnn.ding; fo r a time_ thou jha!t live with Cxfar. ,

...... I come again.


E. K. He is gone.

0 Lord, what lhaH beeome Qf my good fdend the,Lord Lash.ie

E. K. Here he is again.
AL. :Uriel. ...... Of Lasky t/m~ it 'is [aid: fhou I~. ~nft groaned for him, a?td ba/f plaad bim iu A. L.Came ro ti.!J [e... heart: From henceforth will I reconcile him unto me, nd 1 will cea[e my anger upon him,
us ro 1 neon~ and be jnall ,ome hith~r jhrJrtly. in Boh~m i:a, "' h r cg out ear.W bat I 1 ay unto t hee.. A n. J 5. , poa ~

But he is a wanton, and 11ery prone tq fin.

m!ltanKm a !'1iclsH,& C .

c.ptun, Md~i-

[E. K. He feemeth to have talk with one afar off]

c~e far thought

Num. 1:' Jdl.n.


Even f ecret.

tbou hadft bad the PhUo[ophers ftone , and (M yet) he think_eth fo, I. choak..ed the gluttmoll! Jfraeli tcs with qu11yies, fo will l '/;Qa/Z.e him witb that J;ebold,

A true Relation of Dr, Dee his .AElions rPith (pirits, &c.

Behold thou jha!t write unto him, faJing, that he regarderh not heaven: Ani[ay :nto him, that thou canft n:ake the Ph~lof~phers fione, I wi~l p~r u~toL;;{:~. ro be written form it unto thee : Thou {halt do Jt : And I Wtll gtve unto thee a fpectal Lapu lhil.?[ophorum. vertue in.healing: That whmfo'ever thou con1eft hither: 1houjhalt u11der"' A fpeci:tl !(it~ in .healing ftand tbe truth . ..llnd thu I do, becaufe they jhall not defpife thee. by the !hew m rh.s !lone. t::... 0 Lord, for me to be defpifed in doing thy commandment , is honour and comfort to me: But as concerning thy honour and glorie; Thou in thy wifdom ~nowef!: what is befi: to be R. Ptribit. done. . .U riel. ..... Notwith{landing, tboujhallfee hjm perijh before thy face. L o,from thh time, I will Beneditlio Dti uper noi. .fit r bldfc thee marveliouDy, and 1 will help thee in all thy work}. Do thou alwayes : { And mak.,e me thy Bilck.,.ler. A. What !h~ll I do with DoctorCurtz, as concerning his anfwer? Uriel .... Hand!~ him lik.e a man,forhe will deceive thee.

E. K. I requeft you but one thing for all my 1abour and travel; that is,. that this Doctor might t~is night be bereft of his life, to the.ter rour of other, &c.
Uriel .. Have patience, GGd turneth all to bw glory, and your rommodity. To merrow I have fomething elfe to fay. Deus No!l:er in crelo, omnia qua:cunque voluit fecit: llle Col us efi: Omnipotens, ~ternus,fapi ens, Bontis,Jufl:us & Mifericors: Illi debetur omi Laus, gratia rum aaio,honor & gloria. Amen.

Saturday, 22. S eptemb. Mane, Circiter horam 9 Precibns ad Deum finitis, & variis ad ipfnm Ejaculationibus pro Lrce & veritate Dei, &c. 8_( quibu.fda.rn de Rudolphi & Curtzji corruptis. Judiciis (qui Dei Mifericordias, juxta earn is f~fum JUdtcare aufi funt) [appanuc Vrzel fac1e velata ut ante.] Uriel. ..... For tbh caufe (fay I unto tbee) write unto Rr~dolph ,[ayi1tg, I can make the Philo- A Letrer to fc:>phers fione : Becaufe I would place thee With them, according eo their hope and imagination: R.udolph the That whil~jt they think,_ little of me, and of the fweetnelfe of my melfage and tefl:imony, I might Ernper~ur. burft out ammg{t them j as the mighty waters do out of Hills,when the earth moveth: For I ht~.ve faicl /!;;,?~~:~e~= unto th~e, I will place thee here; If I fow t~ee here, what Raven can p!Hck.,. thee up bJ the roots. r.e motib11r. N o, I will hide tliee, M the Hen cloth her ChtcketlS': And I will make thee fpring eo their de- L12pit I'hilofo :Llrutl:ion. For why, thou .P;a/t overcome that myfi:ery for t~J own f ak.e. r11m. A. For the glorie of God : J.,is honour and trittmph, all good come unto me. Uriel. ... .. Behold,fince they will not tye thee unto them from heaven :Thou jhalt tye them unto thee from earth: That thou mayeft rej oyce when thou feejt their dejlruc7ion , and be ready cloathed c4[ar futllius, f~r him that is to come. _ Ir Waf [aid unto thee, my mother faith fhe '19ill chu[e an Emperour 111 1t is a faying of M4aimi, J unii 2.6. I 5 &4 Cr11covi.e. crneft : But it h Emefl:'that jha/1 fit upon hu feat. Behotd,'there Erncft~ Fr~eer Rudolpbi. Jh~ll be no feed left in hirttfor hif wicf<.edne.De. ~ea, the bLeffings thttt .t::... ~leffings offered a,re proI have offered him jhall return again; and I w1H l(ave hu houfe na- ro1fei w1th conditions. Jvd. But when he feeth and hath Gold (which k the thing be deGold, (X lapide Philo {ophor11,.. jireth, a.nd thofe tbat coun[el him,do moft defire him, for) Thenjhall he Mors truddis,rerribilis; inaudiperifh with a moft cruel, t errible, and unheard of mifchief. ta. But lo,I have written hh name within my band, becauf~ I would not forget to puni!h him. Be- Nocc, lnld, I .could fmd tbe windes to devour. him, and could open the Caves of the earth to [wallow him ; 11hich would turn to my honour: But I have a. care over you. Now I am unto y ou in mercy and wifdom ; But 1 will be with you i1t ter-. vod i~ mercy, wifdom, ror and miracles. And I will dial with you in a higher degree: And y ou cerror,mJrac~cs. . . M . Vox D~mmrur.h~mrnzs fu 7 Jhall hear mY vovce' 1 men do their brethren.h './ Lord) for t hy onour and gory:Th at be, 1 f ur a nohrs lludrbJlu. A. What thon w1 t (0 _ Uriel. ..... But tbofe that are hu counfe!Lers have commanded him, ratber then counrel!ed him, eon r 1arrz ctt ifil , J' to hne no dealmg wtth thee at all. _ faris. And he u poffeJJed with a great, and a mighty Devil. And behold Belzagal (which u the fury and R. PojJ:jJJtr Prince of the Turk_;) dotb affift him in hh wick.ed,uffe, for he k.Jtoweth it may come to paffe that * his Be!7.Jgal ea. Kingdom fhall be fhort . But give ear unto me. Fawn thou upon C;ffar M a worldliJJg, that thou cod~mon TureA, mayeft draw him with the world, to fee the glory of God: but ~o hu deftruliion. . For lo , how much ~"r:r'dfb or more a mans felicity u in tbi-J world, the more fh all be the b~trden of bif dejfru[iion. Rlliolphl(; r.i 1'here be that gape after thy books, and {peak vainly of things that are not. Therefore I coun- rb~r. fel that they dwelt not long wtth Poland. My books Behold, when Lasky rometh, b~ foall not haftily return into Poland : till I whifper in his ears, frocn.~ol~nd, H~ u dead that fought thy life. I have mor~ to fay, but they are not (yet) nccrJJaq. A. I:. A. I befcech rou to tell me when I fhall prepare my felf eo go for my books,&c. Uriel. :;.. i

A true C)(elation of br. Dee hi.s .Aflions"UJith jpirits'J &c.


m1y chilfc h:y rilll~ t o &9

U rid ... :. Upepk._ no t, duzt J:k_now r~ot; .but ch'ofe . cby" o-wn time. Now wll/ 1 beJ.Omt 11 C~urti~r.



E: I(. He isgone.
Fiat volunt'ns Dei, ad ej.mtaudem, bonorem & ghr:iam.


. Monday, Srptembr~, 24 . Mane horir. 8. t Pragcc. . /i. . At tl\(! fii-fllookina E.K . fawVr1el, but covered \\'ich his Scarf,- &c. Notwithfiandin.aI fa id (ome.prayers eo Ggd on mr. knees;. an~i came and fa id here. M ittr Lucem tuam & vaitt~m tuaw 0 DeM : ut. ip[.e 110S ducnnt .a.J monrem Sion, &~; . le is eo be remembced that for rwo caufes we rcp~1req .to the .Shew-flone: the qne by reafon of the letter whic-'1 I had written to the En1percm: and was minded to'go to lh.ew it tq chf Spani(h mbalfadour befort; I fcnt it to rhe En: pcrour~ to hive J~i s opinion of ic, and alfo to be;1r ic. Secondly, by reafonof.fonl flanderous wordswluch were ipoken ofmc here at this E;mb~lfadonrs Table : That I was a Conjtire~, and a bankrupt al~imifi,"an~ came here get fomewhat of the Emperour: and that I had fold my goods, a1~d gtven to the lord LaskJ~ the mony, and .chat. he had deceived me. .To thefe umruths the Em~alladour di" 'r eply iu 'f!lT d behalf : for whtch I meant to thank h1m, &c. . . UrieL ...... Evm as . th~ accur[ed,and caft. dorpn,moft wilfully ahborreth hattth, tt~d dijh'on~ur ~th, the God of Ju.ffice>becaufe oJhi~ mightinefs a(1d Power over bim: So do' all. tho[etbat fuck,. 11ml bang upon his dugs ,tbM nre covet eo tU d;td dff:roru r;f.worldly prom. tion : ~bat gdpe an4 tbirft after o uu gtory of this WJrld, abbor, ISatr, a1!d con.tmua.lly veX' a~d dijhcnour, (11ch as {ov~ Ju.ftice, or dwell UJ17J.er the, w)ngs of th( God of powd and Tr~ll"mph. B ere m mny y ?u r-e;oyce, tbat you ttre partak.,~r and inJUJcm ts ( rai!edq.t, alld d.'[pifed With the world) in thcfe!!o:wjhip of God;. and ,f hit Son Cl:r~;t. H erein lnll) you br J!_/ad,~batyou 11.re [raled, tmd dwr.ll with the Fathrrs,-trnd that yoN p!11y , >:>a1 r..l(o u,von tbe Harpe of David: for verily_ as hq ll.re~fofhallyou be: a1(d -IH they are made ri 6hte .. t ~~..,aa L V 0;;. by reli{on of their e/e{iion, RnrL. crowned toward eternal JoJ; So Jha/L y ;ur Ele{]ion tft:blifh E ~mo. yiur r igbteQ;!fiu.JJe, and give JOII Gttrl an di of eter1tal' comfort. Thof~ tbat ore on the S~as, are fe.rrful ,f t,~e wi1tdes : And wby ? beca~(e 9[ the -motion' of th'e place, and of the power of nttture: J.S.ut it i1 not [o,-witb y ou : for y ou dwell zn Ca{fles made ~f marble, wrought out of the 111iddeft of a .nmb,l~it.tt in f;,re r.;;~k.., a mojl Jfable found,rtio1t, . For rrhy l I am fure that Goddwelle_rh ilt"JOII, and you in him: . ' o'. s 1:1 ;:os it/i~~refou lift I!P"Jellr heads, and rejoyr:i whmpu are affliCled,and ~eep " rhe image of Clod fincere 1):> . , . . and l){rfe[t in you, . hat du may always be* mercif ul in the ]mllff,e"of" hi.J SoN Cbrijl. But when.the t y 1 , n Co '(t [ ' ;' :.i . d ' LJrdt opene th hi-! mouth, an d ca!Leth .y ou togeoer, 1raymg, .t V emte & au d ae; 7benly away all ~-~;. '~,5~ F. vr. 01Ct"CY ;_ the God 0~ * Jnfl:ice dwelleth.amongfr you, W~o dwe!letk' i.n a .houfe till it be perfor ',!1i[~rr.,t ditt. fca!y fitt ~.fi:ed '? or. wha:. zs be that _ putteth Q.h a garment before zt .be m4de .<' Be J8U a.f[u,red, thttt t ' rguzm' ~'~ lPh~ 1t rh e t houfe ts)imfued)and your* garment mad e} ymfhall both e.ntt'"'(,and be clothed with 11 ji ' u'". (Mr:.a 1 c;o 111f ort : Comfort oft wifdont and pown. 1 am mindful_ of. Jou,and will be mindful of my *pro 11 ~ },'/~ -~~-zs. ije t-JWflrd you. And l.f you remain and dwell [forte [. tog~ther] dee(l: J and be con/fant ilt ~ m t b:. ~:~~.' you fhrr.ll paf[e the t Thunder_ that are to come;yon lhall be wimetfes of my power: a,;d .fhall,ente; s " Vefles. , into the * Landof Promi[e with thofe tJJat foal! be comfortei~ where thefe dayes lhaH have an end 't SApi::llria cr. m. 0 my brethren, t!Jil .worid ex&eedeth iJt . wir~edne.f[~, ~nd is a trrrour to th~ good Angels : Beeau[; ~~~e~::~1itr.~. o.f tbe f~ul~ tha.t.fhe dev ~ttretb. But when bgktme zs rewarded, _and Jurtr~e firteth .in place, . Then t ;., nir/~~ vrn- jhalljhe be~: no werght hut be made all one wzth the b1ttomLrJJe pzt. Defj ife her, de[pife fur ; for Tin:. jhe is a~ H tr!ot, 'fur a p~ omif.. Dthold I have entred iit amongft you ; 4nd it is my Spirit that A Spiriru l)ff (umus d<il1t wt ~nzs. D . r. , . I . fi ])omi no Magnrp' n lmlr.o vlt lt mo !radeth to the Esubalfadour from Spain. I will reward de Santh Cl(m.:,.re,Hif a11iar~m R(- him. gis kg11ro h.ec tCpt rirtm/4. ; cui rnace 1her1'fo re tts thou ha{i opened me .1mto the * wick._ed,fo Let al[o the dem d.bit Dells. good bear wit1zee of me. D. Jlcobo Curn.io CoojiliariiJ Ct(~ ; , The L ord is become .a firebrand in fury, t1.1td bath nrmtd hi m- [elf : anti bath ta/zm 11nto him his great T argl't > ttizd the spear of his indig11at-io1t : A ccurfed are tbey that have offended him.


mr.mini i11 Sibyllt crdculit (i r,uis & Larinis ftteili.r ptr CllflAl(on~m , ~aberur n~men VritliJ in!tr tllqs qur eollel1urt {unt J mines ai judicitlm Jii# & b'ic y


~rut nf1(!71

T um vero a>terni Genii Immortalis

:H~a. & .. i~o~.u~.). . U R .I EL, Saniel, Azaelque,

Qi!a: mala gntfque h9minum parraveric ante Sciences E terris auimastenebris caliginis onuies. Judicio fifient . Jd formidabile patri~ < Magni, l tnmortali s fo lium, 6'r. . O r ar. Sibyt pa g . 79 Ubi fequumu r plura de V R" i E L . E.

And when I ,feparate them in the aay of wrath t~ come} (as OiJe ofthe"ji.JttTers aNd gatherers i1 (Jf tiJe !Jarvejt of God ) T_hen the-! .fha/1 k.,now ' that I am U R I E L, '19/Jir.h. ;ill Not forget the z. mck_.edm.JJe of the1r hands} nor tbezr bla[pherne'M mouth, in that day Q revenge. f A f ter

~------- -- --------------------------------------------~-------------------

dtrue 'Relation of Dr. Dee hii AFli6ni RJith !pirits,&c


A(ter 11. certai11 time cometh Micha~l unto you~ aHd jhall )hew unto yau his hloody Srpgrd; tmd Prt~pb~fi.1 Je you Jhal! /land under his Bamur. H~ fhall hold up hiJ hand>, ttnd {hall fight again{t the Hills for MICHA.EJ..fi.. you : and your enemies jJuz/(~ot be. Vnto which timr, r(ctzve you Light and Comf~rt : and be coltltented witb advn-fity in tbe L'Jrd. . Matlt. c2 p. f My brethrm, it is b-etter tb be poor; with thofe that are *poor in fp.irit: thm to bot> ricp with~minip(otbof( thlzt ar~ gluttons~ and with the Princrs nf tb~ E4rth n""t eft rrgn e~ or/fm, &c T~aujha!tle7Pith C;efar, in def!it~ofthe De'vi!, 6. rit '",;. i hizve J' raid. c~{rt. . t undcdland . t:.., Gloria patri & filio & Spiritui San8:o : Sicut erat in Principio 8C uunc 8 femper, & in ~oc rhi1, how it fecula feculor~:~m. .A.mm. " _or !hall be:


or widi which

'Nott : As I haci finifhed this A8:ion, and was come to my $tudy door; E1turicus was re turned again from the Spanifh Embaffadour, to whom I had fenc him deftrous eo know hi!; ltafurefor rite:. who had now fent me word by_Emericus to come to diner,& fo he would have .leaflire, &c. Whereof I was right glad ; and went thither to diner : : who into his inermo~ ~mdy (where he himfclf was writing of letters ) caufed me to be brought. And after I had complained of injury and violence dorieunto nie, by fonl flanders, and chat, at his Honours Table: (to which his Honour? in my behalf had replied: and therefore moft humbly, and lincerely l did thank him) I fatd that the Emperous Majefl-y himfelf could bear me wicndfe, that f nfed this phrafe unto him, that I came not for his riches as,Non venr ad vos 0 Scrmif{ime C.t{4r propter divitias veflras, ut inJeego .div~s ftercm, .fed ti V<'(r miff116, . non audco aliter f ttur~ quam ej 11! ad veflr.e_m c.t[auam Majeftatnn voluntatcm d eclar.flre, &c. And therefore, Ho.w falfly they Oandered me) it was evident : and becauf~ I perceive tha~ Dofror Cwrtz hach not dealt neither with due encerrainrrierlr of rrie as of a frranger, or a Sndem,or a Ma~hematician,
~rai[e nnto, a'i of one long fince of_.great fa.me in Germany, and fo in his good efl-imat~n) &c. And lea1: of all, as of one, ,who altered fo greac clirtefies to the Emperour~ Majefiy as h~ _ as .m ade ~icnetTe_ of: I ch~ught good_ to fend unto w the Emperours Ma Jefiy this letter follownig, and fo read 1t. unto btm afte clmer, when I_ thewed him Librtt'!' Pr.at.enfemjive C.e[artum.; and moreover LiLrum d.erimum, ( whofe former title was"Libri Stxti My-tici TertiariZH) and there iliewd hirn diver.~ Ael:ions in Lacine al .. ready cranfhted, becaufe rmw eo cranOate.fo to hira of die En; lifh, did feem to iae both te~ dious, and to him not fo r eadily pleafant. All things on his p 1rc conlidered, his fummary final co"nclufion w-as, as well of the !all: offet: in th\5 my letter, a,s of the great actions and d-ivihe purpofes.. For the firft he d,e dared tliac he was lirieaJly dc:fcen,{ed out of che conCari.. guinicy, of one 1t Gentl~ma'lf) but rmltttreJ at the ftr[t, who hft hw wi(~, chi!drm, and fam ily ili . . . ., 3 11 Maiorca, and a[cended ttH,Hil!therr, and _n pla&~ {o 1ir~ry remained ln w1 i nle' year, and ai tht ~ "'! ~~~ years enti, be cam~ down, ht [o lettrned and wife, that ill who knew him before, w_ond~ed at it, '""~~~e;;::;::. Ahd that the fame man was called R!J.J111Ntdo Lullio : ani clue h e m.di! that wh1c!:t u called the Philofophers Stone, as in E'lg!and (faid he) I underftand is good record ofic : Therefore I fee, quoth he, that it is a truth and ;>o:Tible : and as he bath gramed the knowledge of i-t to one lban, fo he may grant it to anod1er, &c. And as for the ocher higher matters, i perr:erve th-at God inwidetb fome great matter ht tbil world. But I am nor ab!~ judge or detemunc of it ~ But I am of this mind, wherein I can arty w<ty further the fervice. God, I will be ready and obedient, &c. And as for the Emperours perfon himfejf, I fidd him of a good na..: tnre, curteons, and mof't zealoufly Catholick : yea ready eo Jhed his blood in the caufe, if opportunity required. He underftandeth the Latine well, and Cpeaketh fufficiently well : That is true ( quoth I) for he fpake wc:ll in La~inc: to me divers things. Moreover ( f-a:id he) as concerning you, I Jaw him V try 'fl'e!l affeCiionated, ma/lJttg great account.of your book.,, &c. Therefore you are not to. regard thefe Dutch mens ill tmgrms 'R'ho' bard!) can brook,. anj

or tif one whom ( to my face ). he_ gave great



ftr,mger, &c.
Upon farther matter that I bad to thew him) I o'ffered my ready ~pair unto him at ali times of his good leafure being called or ~arned. And be defirous to fee the Stone brought tfJ me by an Angel, willed rile to come to morrow alfo, to Diner : I promifed -bim, and fo , with thanks yielded to his honour; I departed toward my Lodging at !ethrlem In old.

[ i i)

.A true'l{elatioR of' Dr. Dee his AffionJ

~ith fpirits:~ &c.

1'be CJpy of the fore[aid Letter to the Emperour.

t:.iltis ( 0 Sermiffime Ca:far) & pcrmagnis ( fere omnium) Creatnramm Dei , immo i p llus Dei, &: co:lefiibus hand paucis my fieri is, arcanifque, veftra: Ca:farex M a jeftati!i juffu per me (jam, ante quatuordecim dies ) fid eliter, fittcere, & diligenter (quantum f ex horantm fieri poterat fpacio ) declaratis, ac manifeftatis: eidem, cui, eadem penes me videnda, audienda, intellige!1daque e.lfe voluiftis : Indc, nunc, qu<e fit veftra: C;efare~ Majeita[i, fimplex. (~ahquam ab ~q~o r~rut'n Jftimatore) ~aaa relatio: vel, quod_ctun relatione adjunttum Judtcmm: vel, quahs totius proceffus exeog ttata cenfura : vel, qualts mecum pro- cedendi, vobis perfuafa cautio; vel, qua-le pro C::efarei vellri refponfi forma, initum captuaiqne confilium, Non ~am imruodefte curi~fus, ut ~xpifc~r, Ne9ue aliter, v~l alia ratione de facra: veHr<e Ma Jellaus Ca:fare~ prudem1 & grat10fa ( 10 pra:m1ffis) Refoluuone, fum fol.o licitus, quilm, me ( fidelem, fincerum, & devorum ) Dei Omnipotentii, & (in Deo, prElpterque Deum) vellr;E fa~r<e Ca:fare~ Majefiatis fervitorem d~ceat ... Video ram~n me ( dut;n nullum adhuc ad pr::emdfa recepenm refponfum) per tarn altt filentu ( quafi ) ftunulum, ahqtumtulum impelli.,ut fc:cund o vefiram Ca:faream Ma jellatem admoneam,N e di vinam hano, & divinirus oblatam Mifericordiam, tarn inexpe8:acam,.tam magnam, cam ina11ditam, tarn admirandam, cam mulriplicem, tarn fiatui lmperatorio, Chrifti:an;eque Rei publica: neceifariam, tam cerram, tarn para ram, eamque ( per Dei Omnipotentis, C a:farea:que Ma jef!afts veftr:~:, fi delem ferv~torcm ) re ipfa, vobis confirmandam, & ad1uinifirandam: ( fi facra vellra Ccefarea Majeftas voluilfet) parvi momenti negotium, vd inventum aliquod humanum, aut fraudem Diabolicam, eife, fniffe, vel fore, ulio modo fufpicemini, vel Credatis. Tali enim & ram gravi veftr:e C~fare;e Majeftatis errore, Omniporencis Dei incend1 po!fe . furorem vehememer vereor : & ne hanc Dei mifericordiam refeuemes, ejufdem indignanrem provocetis vindta:am, valde metuo. Q!!apropter, cum videam Celum ipfum , & . c:r,ldl:ia talia myfteria , non u\i tanta:que cura:, veftrz facr<e Majdbci C~fare~ adh~tc effe, quali, quanta:que optaffem equidem : Ego potius quam, ut, vel Deus hu jus fu~ ( prius inaudit ~ ) Miferir,ordia: ultroque -wellr:e C a:farea: Maje.fiaci oblat<e,prorfus nullum (penes homines) haberet confpicuum ju dicium, argunlentum, Teftimonium vel experimentum: Et pot ius quam mea (f<epe nominata) fi.delitas; fil'lcericas, & D evotio ( fiv e votum) erga. Deum & 'veftram C a:faream Majefiatem~ onmi ( apud pofieros nofiros ) careretfide, & veric:aris mat.l ife fia: robore : In Dei Nomine,. & ad ejus l~udem, honorem, & g loriam: & ut veflr:e ferenitfim.e Ca:farex Majdh.tis fatisfaciam defiderio Heroico, De lapide illo'BenediCI:o : ( Philof.ophorum v.ocato lapide) in infallibilicer videndo, poffidendo & utendo: Alfero vefiri facr.e C ;efare~ Ma jefiaci, lapidtsnt eundem me ( auxilio favoreque Divino) conficere poife. Et propcerea ; Si veil:ra C;efarea Majellas; .r"fle v~l~t i!lt~rim, ~bi imime ,cha.ru.m haber~: E~, fi, pr.o d~gnitate tanti m>:"fterii~ & Benefi<:u ( fib1 a me hberahffime & lituml!Ime exhtbendt} grattofe rue rraa:are dtgnab1cur ( Non tamen alio quid em vel altiori me iniigniens Titulo quam qui ~eil:r<e Ca:f;lrez Ma jefiatis Philofopho & Mathematico conveniat-.,) Hiis literisore & corde polnceor, faneteque coram. Deo Omnipotenti voveo: Opus illud philofophicum, Omnibus fuis nmneris perfe8:um, in manus vefiras Ca:fare~s, ( & {me fumpc:ibus vefiris ad illud opus perficiendum requirend.is ) :ac breviffimo, quo fieri porerit, tempore ( N utu Dei) me datnrum. De aliis pr<eterea Arcanis, adhuc rnihi filendum effe video, Nunc autem facra: C:efarea: Majeftacis vefir<e gratiofam, liberam, conftantem:Jue voluntatem, in pra:miffis,non aliter, t1ifi ex veftro proprio grariofo ore vel el: veftris C~fareis literis propriis, intelligere Cupio. Nullu111 enim ja111 nofco, dignum.& apt urn; qu~ in i ftis, alilfque N acura: & Art is fecrecis_j meus ( pe~es vefl:ram C:ffaream Majefl:atem ) fieri deberec Mercurius.


Tuefday, SepteanbrH 25. Praga:. Note : J went to Diner to the Spanilh Embaffadour: and carryed with me the Stonet bro~gh t. me by an Angel; ~nd tl~e fourth Book , wherein che manner of the bringing of ic is expreffed. And alfo I earned wtth me Librum Scxtt#m S antium Myjficum. Aftar Di~er, when I had !hewed him th~fe things: his final anfwer was , that: v~rily he took the domg to be .by good Angel : marry, the matters to be too great : Therefore (faid I) tbey are for the fervtce of God, and nor onely man. He faid he was a finner, and not worthy t<? be privy, much Ielfe to be a doer in them:. Nocwithfiand ing wharfoever he can do A Copy of the thetem acceptable t? God, he would be_ moll: obedtenc. thereto. He de fired a Copy of the lmeri delired; Emperour ~1sforefa1d letters, that he mtg ht confider ClrCltmfpefrly of the Contents before he fkould dehver them; whereunto I co"nfented. Rendering his honour thanks I del)arted. After

A true 'I\ elation of Dr. Dee his Affions with (piritJ, &c.
After my return home, I found E. K. refolved to gofrorn hence to morrow, for his wife, E K R d .. and fo ltraightway i?to England : which was to rrle a gri~f: But wA.at c~n I .do , but,;~ imoe~:C~o refer all to the merctes of God, whom I have called upon for wtfdom to ferve him withal ? I l.Jna -u he prc: have put my nuft in the lord, I have not murmured at any fuch pangs and tentatidns tended. hitherto. The merci.es of the Higheft be upon me; as I have put my trnfr in him,

Now were we (all) brought to great penury : hot able without the Lord Lask_ies~ or Come heavenly help, to fi.tftain our .(late any longer. Befides tbis, I unaer.flood of the ~eens difplea(ure f1r my departure, and of the Bilhop of London hts inrcnt to have ~gun to have accu[ed m~ of Con juration, and fo to have had the CeClet aff.i.flance of you know whom. Tu es Deus fortitudo mea, refugium meum Sufceptor meus, & liberatl)r meus. Amen.


Wedenfday, Septembrit 26. Ante Meridiem. Praga!. About 10 and a half of the clock, Dr. Curtzfent with Mr. Simrm Hageck., his ferv.ant to know my lodging : He had paffed not far off in a lai1e on horfeback his felf going into the Town, andfo met Mr.Simen Hagecl<.. at the lanes end, &c.

D. C11rt~.

Thurfday, Septembrw 27. t Pragx .. Mane: About 7 of the clock came Dr. Curt~ his fervant from his that his Mafierwoulci come unto me at 9 of the clock.

Malter to tell me,

1J, Cutr~

At 9 of the clock came D~. Curtz on horfeback to me, to my lodging (at Doctor Hage+k.. his houfe by BetiJleem) my w1fe he faluted, and little. Katharine, my daughter; Mr. Kelly had gotten him into his chamber, not willing to be feen. After he was come up into my little Study, and there fet, in Mr. Ke!ly his ufua1 phtce, and J i.n mine;, J began to complain of the great injury done unto me here; for I came as a fincere and faithfu!Jervitour of the Eniperour hi s Maje!ty, in.tending all goodne-ife and honoUI: unto him : no hindrance, lolfe or hurt 5 neither came r propter divitias C.efaris mihi ~olligen das, as I faid expteffely unto his Majeil:y. 1 was, before 1 came hither, of good name and fame, both in this Courr,and all Europe over, As you )'our felf Mr . Doctor : qt10ch I) can bear me witneffe : and other in this Court divers : And rhar here my nam~ and fame fPould fuffer (hipwrack, where I thought I had been in, a fure Haven of my principal Pacrone: My thinketh that great injury is done unto me: J kholV no m~ans how to help it, but to give you warning of rhe envious mali(ious backbiters that alro are about this Conrt, that as you :find occafion, you might encounter with this evil, and foul monfl:er, in fo mighty a Princes. Caufe intruding it [elf. The Do8:or feemed not t-o know what 1 Illeant. I told him, that at a Noble-mans Table, There w~s, of great accoum,who faid, that there was an Englijh nnn,come tb the Emperours, A bank..,rupt A!cbimift, a Conjurer, and Necromanti,lt: who had fold hit own i;oods, and g;ven the Lord Laskie the motey: and that be had beguiled hzm: and that now be would fttin get [ome of the Emperour his money from him, &c. The Doctor feemed greatly to miOike thefe flanderous words, and faid, th.at he never heard of any fuch j with Come few wo~:ds more, of che wicked manner of backbiters.. After this, as concerning the report making to the Emperou r, of that i had !hewed unto him, his boufe, (as before is noted) he faid that he han mad~ a plain and iincere report. Whereunto the Emperours Maje.fly, had (as yet) given no anfwer. And to be plain with you ( faid he) his Majefiy thinkech them almolleither incredible~ or tmponible :. and would have fome Ieafure to confid er oftbem: and is defirous to have the fight of tho[e Latine ACJilins ypu ]hewed me~ or a C opy of them~ and efpocially, of that, which containerh a parapbrafi s of the Apo.ftolical Creed. I anfwered, that my Books I would nor deli ver out of my harids: And as fo r a Copy of th em, I would (at leafure ) wrice it; thar his Maje.fly mi g ht, h ave it. And then I told him farrher, th at b ecaufe it was fo long before I heard any word of him, I had letters ready to fend to the Emperours Maje.fly, to have farth er d eclared my mind unto him, and I declared unto him the tenor of them :and he told me that about three of the dock after noon, his man .H10nld go to the C~urc, atld if then I would fend them, his man [ ii 2J !houtd


A t~ue'l{clation of

Dr. Dee his .Affions withJPirits, &c.

fhou\d carry them. 1 anfwered that I would expect a day or two for the Empe;ours re~um hither. After this we talk en of fome Marhemancal matters : And I fh~wed htm the httle. Book de Juperficierum di'l!ifionibUf.' fee forth by me ~nd Cammand!nm ~ pn;ucd at Pezaro in Italy. He faid chat he never faw Jt bcfo:e :. I ~ad htnl then take t.t ~tth h1rn to pcrufe : and that if I had another Copy, I would gtve It htm; but I had none o-ther but that. I !hewed him alfo the Pr1pdeamatn. AphorifticiZ de p'r4fantionbm q11ibu[da1n Natnr~ '!'irtutibiK, which he had never feen before. After this, .with murual cnrtelies oifered on both pares (after the manner of the wor1d ) be took his horfe, and returned uomeward.

Friday, Septembru, 28. Prag;e. Intending to fend the Emperours letter (here before written) to his Majefl:y, by my good friend, the Spani(h Embaffadour, 1 wrote this letter to fend tu the Embalfadour in that behalf, and as concerning the credit of thefe Actions.

I llufl r'iffimo Domi1 Domino- Don Gulielmo dt S tmtlo Clbnentt,fermif[imi to, atqut Catholici H i[paniarum Regif. apud facram C:rfaream Ma~ j~ftatem, &c. Legato, Domino [TJ.o obfervandiffimo.
Jllufiris & Ma~nifice Heros: Multis hoc probari potefi tefiimc niis & exemplis , quod ilia, qua: (pr eter V:tilgarium anium & fciemiarum decreta) Nova, & fupra, vnlgariter Studiofo rum eX}Jeetati?~em, bomini_ us (licet pii~ & c~ndi~i s quid.em) Divini~t~s revelatltur myfl:c:ria,b cum ~ilmma ddncultate velmtelhgnntur a pauctffim1s, vd vtx fine fufpmone admittunrur, aut cred.untur a pluri:. us : Aft qual is , in nofl:ri5, (fi rea~ pieque informat<e roftris adhibeatur judicmm) e.ffe pot eft fufp"ttio? N am~ Deo ~mn~potente, pe~ !llultos jam an nos, fiddicer, ar.demer, & confl:anter per preces requdita faptc:ntta: Una (fcdtcer qu.e penes nos quidem) VI decur effe radix & occafio tanri ill:ius Doni obtinendi. Afl: in ca:\efl:t fuo Palario,ante conditum mundum, determinata, & afllgnata erga nos Mi[ericordia & gratia Omnipotentis Dei, pr:rcipuum, folidum, immobileque hujus tanti myfterii dl: cenfendum fundamentum: In quo myllerio, talis relucec, per potentes fidelefque At1gelos Ifagogica Informatio, De Arcanis Dei confi liis ; ram in rnundi creacione Creaturarumqne naturis, &vero ufu, quam in mundi pr;efencis moxque fmuri ftatu: Et preterea, de. blnius Cacholic<e Ecclefi~ (chariffim<e Jefu Chrifii (ponCe, nofl:r.eque p~~ marris) fanctitare, d~g_nirate, & .Aut~lOritate ( veluti in qua etia~ efl: Sanftorum Commumo, & Peccatorum remliho ) & de mulcts nonduru per nos reveland1s f)ei Arcaois Magnalibu!l & Determinationibns :.~<)d tantum abeft, ut aliquis (fan<e mentis) Chriftianm, A8:ione&Nofiras Myftica.s, Diaboltcas elfe frau~es, contendere, immo ne fufpicari quidem conetur aut poffit: ut pouns, tale Arcanum De1 propofitum, incredibiliter admi~ rari, ra~ionem humanam, in eifdem examinandii, fubjugare~ & Dei erga Elettos fuos aG!mirandam mifericordiam in iftis eife manifefiam , humii\ime, & cum fummo tremore fateri vc:lit: Ego quidem , ha8::enus, in iftis , aliud ( fere) nihil, me elfe invenio, nili Calamum fc rib~, velocin:r per me fcribemis. N am vifa auditaque (iri mea pra:feJLtia) fideliffime, de litera .interdum ad literarn, imerdum,- verbatim, interdum pluribus fimul n :cf'ptis verbis (ipfo eodem temp oris momento, quo traduntur) annotare fum folitus. Aft jam in quam multa excrcvi:t Nofter talis labor volumina ? Ex qui bus omnibus ilium fruCtum , fucceffi.tmque cxpeB:amus, qualem rr<efixit il~e)cujusnutui C\~n&.a obe~iunt.Ifia~ a~tema~ fua~ facr~m C.efareJtm Maj: fiatem hteras meas: Cum veftra magmficenua oppor:tmutatem mvemct pnmam, fi meo norutne: humillimeedem exhibere dignabitur, Turn magno l'flihi (DI.vinitus) injuncto, levatus cro onere . Turn magno, avefl:ra ruagnificentia affeltus bencficio : Inter im vero, Dum fu .e facr<e Majeftatis C,efare ad iftas refponfum dabitnr, (nimirum fi ad 14. vel 16. dies prius expettandum effet) v.cl, fl:a.cim pofr acceptum rdponfi.tm ( fi tarn expedite illud recipere poifum, qu~m quqd reCt:J?i ultimo) ad irer me .accinge.r e debeo , propter familiam, libros , & aliquam meam iuppelleatlem, hue (ante hyem1s afpcntatem) transferendam. Ubi, tum C.e{are.e Majeftatis grario~o .favore, & fub ipfiusProteB:io~e ~~~erato~ia, voluntate~t Omn;potentis Dei tmplere, pro vmbu s, & fu:.t facr~ C4tllru Ma Jdl:atJ mfervm; ( wnqnam e;ufdem Phi!ofophU! & Mathematicm) fidehffime, de tempore in tempus, paratus clfe pocero.

Illuftri vefir.e Magnificenti.e


Joannes Dee~
I an

A true 'I(elation of Dr. Dee his AElions -with (piritJ;, &c.

I anntx:ed hereunto a Poft-fcript, which followed\:

Earnm e1fc partium , & confultum c:1fe duxi vefir:e Mag1-1ificentia! paucilfimis verbis fignifican:: , quod heri, .mane , hora nona, vir cgregius, & fuz Majefiis C.e{<~re~ . 6.dus Confiliarius D. Dott:or Curtl!.ilu, me humanitfime invifebat in meo ergafiulo, & hy pocau{bro, juxta Rirhleh~m , ubi videre poterat Bibliothecam prt>fentem meam , nullam (fed~) aliam effe, pr::tter Saneta Dei Evangelia & Biblia facra ipfofque n~firorum myfieriorum libros :Ego autem quodam huruili modo (inter C<teras querelas meas) de tarn longa interpofica mora conquerebar, tnter ejufdem (de meis rebus) faetam relacionem, & C4areunt de eifdem recipiendum rcfponfum. Ille vero fe fimpliciffime Ct{are.e MajelH vi[a auclitaque (penes me) reculi1fe alferuit , nullo fuo , de eifdem , adhibito judicio. Verum, C.e{tzri (dixit) quafi impoffibiliavel incredibilia fui(fe vi fa. Et de refponfo mihi (in hac parte) dando ; fecum , adhuc) fuam dcliberare velle M!ajefiatem ct[aream. Unde ego de lireris meis iftis, [u:E Majefii ruittendis , mencionem feci & fummatim earundem cenorem, eidem enarravi. Ille eafder.11 fiatim habere voluit, ipfi C.efare.e Ma jefiati a Meridie mittendas: Ego quidem C.efarH me velle ad paucult>s dies expecrare adventum dixi. Deinde de rebus Mathematicis breviffime inter nos habito fem1ot1e, illique (ad pervidendum) daco libello quodam Geometrico (per me & Federicum Conima11dinU1.-i Vrbinatem) in ' lucem olinl dato, & mutuis, poft, utrinque promiffis officiis humanicacis & benevolenti:e, abiir.

Saturday, s~ptemb . 29

Di~ Sa.nG/i Michae.lw

. .The fore~aid Letter to the Emperours Majefty, with this Letter t<;> the Atnbaffadour, and thts Poft-fcnpt: And more?ver, (according to the Ambaffadour ~~s requeft) the Copy of the E~tp~rours Letter, al! m one uct~rmore faper clofe.d (Letter h ke) . feal ed, and with fuperfc.n ptwn t:o the fordatd Ambaffadonr ; Cent to hts honour ~n Mzchaelmas day at dinner nme, hr E~ttcricM Suntag: Who delivered the fame to the Secretary of t he Ambatfadour, and he to the Lord Ambaffadour, as he fat at dinner.
DeM bene vert at ,~td laudem

nontinh fui.


Septem~er 29.

Remember that this day (after-noon) I fent Hugh on foot wich my Letters to Cracovia to EJ.mond, that JilY folk lhould not be out of .quiet, or afeard to fee Miftreffe K elly , fent for, and no Letrers to come frcm me, &c. I writ to rhe Lord LMk,.ie of our wane of moner, & t,

Monday, Ot1obri1 I. aMeridic circll 3. hmmr. P rag<. Oratione- dominica finita, & c. Valde cito eft fa Eta apparitio.

E. K. Here be two, one his face is covered J a:nd the other is not: V rifL And heJ whofe face is uncovered feemeth to be Gabriel. Gabrirt.
A. Sit benedicrus Deus Pater, Dens filius, & (Deus Spiricns Sati8:us 1111nc & Semper.


A. Our chi~f caufe (at this infiant) why we refort to tbis fhew-ftone, is for t under.:: . o fiand (accordmg to the grounds of God his promi[e) the ftate of my ~ife her grievou$ dif-Jan.t umii eafe, and means to cure her, whr:rein if it pleafe the Lord ro be merciful! unco .her aRd me, mt~m.,rbll4 i~ !hall be the occafion whereby !he will all her life time praife the name of God for his mer-Penfulo 111" / ctes, and be of a quietter minde, and not fo tefiy and fretting as !he is

. Who llre you, or from whmce CI!Jte you, that you require [cimce ; which f-eel<. to be mor" Gabrid~ wife and expert , then fucb M _are the Children a.Jtd J)o{]tJrs of this World l who[~ judgemnits are [i i 3] tdjh,

A true 'l(_el~-ztion .o f Dr. D ee bi.r AfliotJ.f Jti-t /; Jpirit s) & c.

_ _ _ _r_tt_fh_,_a_n_d_u_n__e-, d -{1--a;Jing--;;-;~;J: ~~~iia ~bo_(e iips dwrlleth no trutb, . fay) are you_ , that y oujhould deferve the maje/tral benefit of [o great and [ar.fli/ied grace l as to underjfllHd the determination of God, the power of hi s Angels, or the brightnejJ~, or ob[~ :1rity of mans Soul; and underjfanding: 1011 de[perate ]inners, and p.artak..ers with the wick.._ed, how cJtn JOU [eek._ bread at JOllY fat hers httJtds : whnz you fe ek.. to Ileal Into his batnes? Tea ' into hw houfe' anti dini~tg TaTl.e robbing bles : ad more then thttt ; yea ,-even int:J h~ pri1J] Chambers : net to fp,yl him of his houfoold }fujft, G od of hh bo- of hw Gold , or preciollf _ {tones, but of t"he diademe, and Crown of his eve.rlafti ng Maj e(ty and "ho nour. nour: y ou are thiev.wmd robbers;:md through the Dignity of your fpi:rit you !hall think to exalt yonr C elves,and to live in Majefiy with the world. True it is, JOU may live [o: Br1t you live with an Harlot, and jhall pojfr the rc'1Pttrd of Fornica .Jfe tors and A dulterers. 1berefore feck n<?t to feed of [uch food, af the IJol)', an:d Uted meffengers, and M znifters of th~ J'oni Argdi ])Pi, God of H.jls and f,lory do t a_(re of: and .are comforted; forrbey are the [pirits of truth and underjtdnrling : [uch M cletive unto_ their God, and fight again_{f the abominations , and horrible bl11[pheAnimtfr11m _ mirs of the world anJ her adhermts: which (becau[e you [et yottr [.elves againft t~em) jhall .'<fep, ff/ell.!or v c J and rkfe 11p the brigbtneffe) and ob[curity of each Soul f rom yo~, th~t y~ur igno.rance may be greater~ obJ&<~ ri lttJ and 7our darf(ntffe th~cl<_er, and that you ma; rttP-nt Wsthout ltgJJt: to the B~rathrum of ignorance si!pe1b1a phi- 1rhere pride ,[elf-love, and the Childrm r;f va11ity have t~eir habitatim. ' la:,rill vaniThen (peradventure) will you fiy within JOUT [elves :There be other door's, there be other woods 5 16!. yea, there be other .wayes' let U! therefo re feek.. out them. Jli(OY El~m cn But beho~d, I willjhut up frtmt you all Eleme11tal Vigo~ : S~ tbitt. the Fount~t.iHs of coagulation r ,,t,;, jhafl be drud rf?hm you {ec-k._ tbem, a~d_the 1taturaf 'niJUrifoment and food of parts that dwefl in one Cnagulalil!, proportinn fha ll bide themfdves , and be afleep when you feek.. them; yea, in the iowejl I wi/l place a P ab,.[a. ~hreefo~d door-bar, ;trcnger then a K9ck,_ 1f yearn , wbich Jhall ftand betrpm: your eyes a~td k._now, . ledge , and you fl)lz/lnot fee: for perativenture !ou nuyJay ~n y our _(elves. 6 . Forre Lapu Behold, tbae is a Jcie;Tce k.n-1Wn; yea, there zs a con ;uncbon of [ 6 equal qualities, o~enind unphd?fopb~~rum . r . r. /." i.[h: for netther ere,b nor ltlfelligit M . t o M rhe m_y/f erzes fJ.{ com_rl)rt zn.m fi rmztus, t ha. ts not JO 0 you 1 ool' It. there, (hall yo1l finde the Lord, 1f you f ollow the fteps, tmd defiled wayes that the world 'teacheth you. For I faid of yau: L-o , I will plare you again.r1: the world, thitt Nos mundi lnimici tffe dtitmus,& mundus nos odi11 prQfe my name maj be magnified, and the world jhall hate Jo" fir my qilimr propur Deum, fak._e

-T ( I Ph;

0 Lord, be mer.cifuH unto us: peal, Lord, with m, as I ha"e put my truft in thee! Turn away thy wr~th ( 0 God) and vtfit us m mercy: 0 God_, 0 Lord , what grievous fayings are thefe ? Gabr iel. , .... Trou!Jle [D.] thou not thJ heart, but hettr the vsyce of me, Gabriel, th e man of God. 1 am the true med ecine of 1i1ch as pnt their tr~tft in tbe God of H o}fs, and in his {o1: Cbrijt; which is the Lamb of life, and the comfort of his father,which give unto thofe that thir{t, the true medecine Oabriel. Mi[tricorJiA of com:o rt and contolation; neither ihall God forfake thee , neither !hall thy Soul be de:Deifupertl. ceived. But it behoveth the{e things to be fpof(m, that fin might be corretied, and Not 11 cAuf.nn Accr~ in ~ crep11ti1nis iftiHs, the name of him that fent M, magnified.
. . 6..

Gabriel. Hear my voice:

Here placing.
A. In nomine Dei loquira:,

qui per omnes Angelos loqUItur: licet enim Vriel dixerit vel alius, tamen Deus feroper :RuJ~lphus fld~ loquitur.
hue M iferi(.()T~ di '"pa:c,

M I [aid u11t8 thre , [cJ will I place thee here. And from JH:r.ce thou ihalt have fciem:e and underfianding,and thou Jhalt be favourable in J };e eyes of him, that I favour not: that my glorie might be exalted in hi~, and agai1~(l his childifhnelfe. Ytt, I will be merciful! to him ; yet if he hear me. E. L,

...... Vnto thee [E. K.J I [tty, (0 thou that art a worldling) A voyce from :in uncertain pbcc. I will flir tiP f rim4> -mongjt you , at~d l will fill thy h~nds with There were fome wicked rcmpters vexiJ;Jg E. K. fro_ hearing quietm that rhou ciefirefi: But tbat tbou re~ei1>1eft in the one, I will'plucf<.. ly. b~ck.. in th( other,-that whntthou wouldeft be wife, thou !halt not, E. K. and when thou would eft fee, thou lhalt not. A. E.)\. Was very much offended at thc:fe lhatp words' &c . aftd would have left off,

Uriel ...... Inobediens es, & caiHgationedignus. Gabr ...... A s f or the vert11e of the h?ly [pirit [pok,.en ~f) the gift of medeciite , and healing .S~t;u. i (which .Jn4 ct.ll Phyfi"-) AltH,JoH k._now nit. ' tillt,



A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElions tPith (pi-rits, &c.

In[aui funt o~mtes, & fatui: For, Phyfick is in very d~ed, the trne , and perfect fcience of the nat~ral .combmatl~:m, -and proportion cif known parrs, anfwenng tn graduation real', to one pr1nctpal and defined ; is therefore above the capacity of fuch as are . wo.r~d(ings,and do hunt after money more thm the truth of Gods fplflt ,
Uriel M a wztmJTe jtanding by,
D1i11iti~ MediciM, Mdicina &'!!era & puftlla {cimtia lltlttmclu combinati,nu , & proporrionu parrium not<~r,.,m debito mc do rtfpQndtncium in graduatio11e reali arJ ttnNm principale, & definitum effe,


But lo, light .fllr.nd(th by me, and

~words are medichu: .and what[1ever I [peak,., light bearethwitne.f[e of me: 1herefore are. my words true

..... . Hav e patience a~hile. li. He difappeared. /i. We examined the definition 'of Phy!ick to be a very. apt anCwering, both to the Anatomical natures of man> or any patient, and alfo Gf the Herb, or fimple ~ that is medicinal , &c. t:.. He came again and proceeded. Gab ..... Which confi.{leth. of two parts,the k,.nowledge nf ca?leflial :adiacion (the caufe of [ 1J eom- R.,Jiatin Ct2l>ining) and Df Elfmental vtgor. the :fln1, and c:aufe of [ 2 J proportton. /eftis, 'liigor tle1he firft, and ca?lejbal is threefold, that is to [a), from God, from the Angels, from mans mentalil_. Soul. The Je~wl ( rJJat is to {dy Elemental) iJ ~be k,.~towledge of the.{lar [1] coagulati1Jg; of the [2] tabula of the parts nourijhed, of the [3] CDH)Unllion oflik,.6 qualitie~. ' (Here is the true Art of Pbyjick,_. ) ibis fmmd is threefold. After a while I come again. A. He is come again, and proceeded, Gab. ...... Got(), A. lri the name of J eftis. Gab; ...... Thenyo~ are di[eafed,you are Jick,: you mufo have a Phyfitian: wby then,yotlr Phyfitian mzj{l- be fuch n s bath this Science, to judge your difea.[e, Deus 1. Whether ( for fin ) it come fr ,m God : anrl fo by prayer to be cured : Or from the A ngels, as the Minijiers of Gods Juftice ( gtnera!ly ) for defert or fo r reproof: Allttlzwt, a Or from the foul of man, as from the chief life of the body , who[e infeCtion radically, _ ttd by the Amm h.minil, in.flim1ce of propsrtions mzmediatt, ( htdden f rom man, but ~nown unto m,) . if called ( wtth m) ~ rr 3. h J ' /nJ miO antntil, Mazah ; wzt you, mptecas. . l ,.p1eras, The[e are the firJt three , and M aJ!.icall Caufes : The other three Art Elemen- Tres magic.e tall. c.au[.e. 1. Iiitb(r bJ th~ .frar., that i1 caufe of coAgulation a1td imbibing of mans [perm in the f~mine Sre/la, 1, blood, without .the rvhich it c~uld not. Cibus. 1., 2 1he o~ber ( that if the fecon.d) throu~ infetlion of meates which are divers, wherewith the tbhtg is, [and J conti1tueth, which in their k,.inds are many. 3 . 1/ie lotft, by conjunCiion or mixture : which il the [ecret property that draweth inftllion from Mixtis. 3 mttn ts man. . Thefe if you Ji,.now (for he if 1H Phyfiti an zf he k,.now the~ti azot ) how they are and live, and are joyned togeth(r in their proportions, and -tlfo w&m they exceed, or are diminijhed, in tbat they AttrallJo mo.r-_ are you }hall be able to bring them to their prop'er being ; wherein thry 'lire ratit:ed and JOfUm, contaglo~ ~oru:z . . J reJ?JC e. [ ~. ~e was away a quarter of an hour. J Gab ...... Lo, th~fe are feeds antl foundations : 41td here I httvr ( according to my prdperty) touched thi leajf of my .flrings for J Oit. If now you intend to excel! the Phyfitittns of the Earth, and to help thofe that are dife<ifed, MeJicinavera, fincerely, truly, and through the .power and mercy of God 7 'I hen mufi you at.tend upon me," ttnd my expofitions; for f orty dayes, whereiu I will open unto 40 . D4yes.' JOU, many and wzk..nown fe. rets; ~tnd will romfort you iPitht?Ju one h-erb or branch of my Gardeli; rruc G;wriel! c to the intent you may perreive I am true Gabriel. vmu Gociel. B~t as in yo1l that are heare~s, due obedienc: ought ~o be, [o muft J k,.up th: .Authority and Abflinnentcs1[j gravzty of a ~choplmafter, Juffermg nme lo hear my Dotlrmr, but [ut:h as are ab.lhnent and dean~ p~r~au a ttt~ fed from thetr fins, &arit. Confider thereffJre, wbat the mercies of God are, the fruit and value of tbil DocJi-ide,; and the nak,.-ed.;;

Jtefpon{Hrn "o nak_edmff( and neceffity of thq world that requireth it, ami then anfwer me.


~ true~lation of Dr. Dee hi1

[ d

AflionsDith Jpirits> &c.

For your an wer is a vorP unto the Lor , of whofe help ilnd romfort I bear witntj{e. c,;nf.l.uio q~;. But ItS touchiHf. thy wife, her difea{e is in the firft Elemental, and very danger~Ns, and t"reat,an~ 11:c;_'u neth her child, yea and her [elf death .pi(~ 11l~ Yv llf ptriculofus. A. Lord, therefore I refort unto [hee, who art the Cutei"ofall dieafes. G ab ....... But t9 n-Mrrow ( if tbou re{Ort here, ) I will tell thu, what it is, a1zd will define of it. Lord, I trufr, "le {hall be cttred: What is unpoffibie unto bUt' God? Gab... .. .. I cea[e. A. Jnceffant praife and honour, be unto the Alatighty, moll: bountiful, ahd w;.ife God~ tht Lord of Hofrs, our God and King. Am m. Remember I f~~:nt letters to Cracow by the Meffaeer of Prage:
AwxiliH & m

,~, .


Tuefday, Ollobrii 2. Mane hor~ 9 t Praga:. Orationibus linitis, ad Deum, &c. Deus in adjutorium nofl:rum intende, &c.

E. K. Here they be.

t:.. G.;atia Dei, patris, &: filii, & Spiritus sancti, fit fuper nos nunc & femper & in fa:cula fa:culorum. Amen. A. They paufed, before they fpake, very long. t.. Perhaps they expeB: our anfwer, as conceming our cleanfing and ab11:ainingfrom fins: Herein I crave at Gods hands his grace and mercy, and intend and defire both eo be pnrged, and alfo to abfiain not onc:ly 40 dayes, but all my life, to the befr of my abili-


Gab ..... ,. Puris -babemM omxia~ lmmtmdis nihil. A. I befeech you for God his fake, & per vifcera mifericordi~ Altiffimi, that you would de
dare uuto us a certain remedy of my wife her difeafe, &c. Gabr...... : When th~ wife was~ milkj~ fubjiance, griJwmg by the perfe[iion .of the plaee, anJ 0 Virtur. influence radtcal, ( wh1ch onely, IS the gtft of the Sun) thm, was not the Matrix, or bag of Nature ( whereinjhe encreafed) perfe a, or of fufficirnt retention: BJ reafon if tt feaver going Ftbri lAbor11~at before the ctmception : So that, the .Angelica! adminifrratiotz, generally cmtai11ing, the ve.!Jel of life, M4ttr uxor!s for the proportion of the world,* mtred ~y f orce of thetr Order immediately}before tbe [A]inward 1t11te ':11F'eP'': parts, were eftgblijhed in their -utttriment and proportion. Mm. or,to, ~he foul is fenc Which is the catJ[e, that tbe fecrJ1J,d veffel, and !~weft of nature . (for, your terms I muft u[e ) m, to if r~ thin, and tyed jhort, that it ~ n~; t able to '.rep in, or retain, the ji"tttile and quidditie of her own 6. ~t. f 1"ne fiubftantial bein$!.' and feed. my w1 e. "F~r(a?, vaf~ Wherefore, when the reft of her dige(lions (according t1 her age aud nat11.ral ftrength ) fulfil femmarr~. their offices, by degree to be received into that receptacle' then} dotb the_ force of nature quail : and by the fubtilty of the principle, or matter ejected, ( wbich fetk._eth to tak,.e up on every cent er a dwelling place} ) the guts and paffages, are offended and fcalded with an intemperate heat: the moft fubtile and jharpeft part, being of a mofi penetrating vertne : (and therefore fuk..ing ~he } pnffage) mixeth her [elf with the e~crements, where rdliag, fhe turneth unto her firit form, which he is blood : Whofe ~inteffence work..etl~ i1t her own property and beginning, and forceth the [I J ex... ir. crement ftercoral maHJ times to become bloody, the ot/,er part being more heavy, notwithjtandint, unapt to defcend, ( ~ia natura qua:rit omne fnum ) becoputh Cllrrupted ; and fo hy vertue of J!xmment nature, is caft out as an [2] excrement, bei~tgblood and matter. llin. But I tell thee} that fo long as N_ature was in tbe loweft d~gree, anJ the [perm k..epr; more Heitr .. . together, by rea{on of the fpirinial heat in )'outh, it was not faulty in her: if~r":' 'a~:~~ But in her fixteenth 1ear, when they were nore heavr and fo"ght iJJue a11d defce~tfion; thm began or ~ap~~a;in~r; Nature to feel the effell, zn the places, ttnd ve(Jel, which is the ground of her retention, the cbi:f bafis heat, and mother of her dwelling. . .B fhold now, being fa!tive, and tbe force of beat drawn to the nutriment of tbe Creature ; More ... tl.ur ~1Ut!pr~g 1ver the 9 ther part ACli11e compelled into a nearer place, by the impediment of imagination, 6ringi~":~n~tion. eth great dauger now, by rell{on that Nature i-t become very w~alz., and 1fot able to nzak..e excumental expulfion. But

@A true R.elation of Dr. Dee his AEiions JPith [pirits,&C!

- -- - -



15 3

But do(f tbf) 't think.. that there is a remedy to this difea[e? A. Yea verily, rh rough the wifdom and mercies of che High ell:. Gabr ....... I have tflut,bt the dzfeafe; I wr!l g9 and fee if there be a rnnetlj. t:.. The God of Abraham, l{~tac, and J acob, be merciful to my wife and me, and fend her remedy and cure of her grief.

E. K. Here he is.
Gab. ...... C&me again after Diner. t:.. We had been fenc for to diner, twice or thrice before. So we went, A. Miferico(di;e Dei iint fuper nos. Amen.

After Diner, cirCIZhoram x.


We reforted to the My fiery: and lhordy 1 they appeared both.

E. K. Here they be both.

Amber ( which zs the white Amber) an ounc~:t and a quarter of Turpmtine. The.phyticd remedy. t:.. Of wafbed Turpentine ? Gab ....... 1urpentine thttt i4 wa.fhed lofeth hi1 vertue. Break,_ the Cock)n pieces with a pe(lel, ( hil feathers plucJtt off) pound the Amber [mall. Put all thil into a ;.a/Ion of red wine . May we take the red wine of this Country ? Gab ....... I . Di(till them, with a fire of the fecond hear. [ A. I befeech you, how long !hall they ftaod in fteep ? Gab ....... As rhou wilt. J S till it again the fecond time, ( the .feces being cafo away) And adde [omething mor~ ta the fire, fo that it be a quarter toward the third. Let her fa ft fo rty hours from meat: A nd let her divtde the Medicine i1tto three parts. 7he firtt part, let her drin~ (being mil~warm) by little and little. 'Ihe [econd part, let her ma~e a fa wee of, for five or fix me ales. The latt part, ht her 1~[e in Ab[(jondiru: And lbe ihall have health. t.. I befeec h you, in how many dayes compa[<; woJ!d you have this ce be done? Gab ....... It is no quejfion: the n'e,ef!ity of the thing teacbeth. A. As concerning the lnf'am, what fiate is it in? Gab. . .... Shut tl~ mouth S eek_ not, t:.. I am contented. ~. As concerning a Phealant-Cock, I know not how or where to gee it. Gab ....... All the cre.at~rrs of the world, e!fe, help not. I have taught, tafzethou car,. A. The thanks, honour, and praife, be ro the High eft, and I thank you for your charity and good will, ro irnparr there thmgs unto me. Gab ...... You foall havr no more, at me, until you ~e repentant, and r,econciled and are P f emttnt111; made apt or my School. R c()nCJJu~ti~.
A. Gab .... . .. Tt~k..,e pure wheat, a pinte : o11e Phea[ant-Cock.. alive, an ele11en ounces of Mil{culi1te

E. K. You might give this Table vertue to cure her, or. cure her with fome one thing, or fimple, if you be good Angels.
Gab, ..., .. Vnto &, the vrrtHr of Gods Creatures are lt,.nown: which we may opm unto you: and . the power of giving vertue i1 in God: Therefore ceafe thy mahcions tongue. li:. K . Hts ma1t[ous [Onguc 1 have no more. ar-ainft God

. . pcrmo & Maxrmo r. omnrs 1 . . A. D eo 0 mmpotenu, o . . ut aus honor & gI ona ; nunc & gels,

E. K. They are gone.


b;s good An'

Thurfday, Ol1obri4 4 Mane, hora IO circiter. t Prag;e, .i Orarionibus variis ad Deum, & pro pane quotidiano jam in rem pore ileceilitatii, finitis, &c, apparitio facta ell. .

E. K. Here is he, that is .covered with the Scarf.

Uriel, ~ ..... flear,Othou, [ t.. J that fayetf, (if I have put 111] trujf.. in thee) hear me, I f that thou hndtt taried at home,and wan- to -6. It was 1 parcel of my prayed G od ted Hry admonijhment, thy children har,L been fcatteted,thy wife had CS.. Mi(ericordiat l),mini .in 4terended her dayes wi~h .[1rrow: and lo, the birds of the air had iwm cantabo, qtti me fub alu {uu il tejfed on thy C'itrk.afe I( thou wad held h the hand, and attended l.tf~m jel'l.Mvir,fervat,& {e1v11bit. y o1z, by hettvmly Pilots; whm the Seas would have [wallowed thee,and Sa.t an had power over thee ; If poi[on hitd prevailed,. wherewith thy meat W4s often timrs [awcea. If the continnal rage of Sa tan and the worU had overthr& thee. Then had not I be~n thy Wn God) neither had done well UntO thee. But out of all tbefe I "ve led thu) a f ather doth his. t:hi/J


J troe- <.!:/ation of Dr.. Dee his .Aflions with Jpirits, &c. 7

- -- - ~-- chi!rl frorn dan.~er, And from man} more .[cou~ges and -adverfitie-s un/znown to tbee, but uady ~o ajjli[r t.?ee. H,tiJerto, thou [a}t!1 tmto me, lf : What haft thou done fr;r me, or added unto my If. name ? Wh:t t haft thout~jt thtr>t I have no.t given tbe,e ? or w!utt ca'!ft thou hav:, that I pluck.,har.k,,l Hear~ v~ice. He that fovetb the world, loveth net me ; for wbat 1 d? I do: and what I am, I am : And 1 made nothing witbout a cau[e. Thou, haft not y et begged f9r niy nan1e, neither haft been imprifoned for my fake ; Eut I h11ve turned the prifon fr:ottl thee, and have opened unt o thee my my fi erie-. I [ay unto thee, I am tpe begzHning, and an undefiled Spirit, and there ~ 110 ricbrs tbtt t is wi tbortt me. l f I .fhoufd not fdffer thee to be p roved, TheN were thou 11oi f or me;. r r i1w io. p ~~(~:1s wh \P' For;,, tbo[c t h<~ t are.mine-, taJ!:e tribul11tion : But when Satan hathf ent hw whip; If thot~ be found are lo ng in faich ful, 1w,i\1 place my covenant w i~ h th ee and thy chilqren, And I will be uvealed unto them fpeo" ir g . d unto tbe m d o{ the world. Si! \fer and Oold I give not ; But my bleffing , _ is ab~v~ the ft~b~ F d bi 1e~dum, _rtance. of t b~; E.crtb; Dayes thcr~ . be, that rhon mnfl: drink ofgall,and a time cometh, when Veindt v i n~m. than (halt_drink wine. In the.mean f(afon , tboft!. that' give unto thee, I will mnltiply all they I nretim. have witb Mr[fing a thouftmd fol~; fir. t~o[e that give unto th.ee, I will giv~ 11nto tbim s And; thofe tbat pluc!z backJrom thee, I will a!fo pluck,. bar:/?,. from tbem Tho that are of me,have no jpot: i fe for I am all beauty.
----~- ----

o Ketly,r;._elly,


But.will you give us meat] drink, and cloathing?

There jhall come a time,(if yuu dwell together and love me) that in the twink of an eye, you !hall breath your lafr, and live J. . again: and I wil( kjr.'\. unde.r mJ feet all the proud Nations ~f the itiu ocul1, &c. Earth :: for my day is a~ hand. But J am .a jealo1f! God: . Be The C:omm;fl!on, _an~ m~nner of therefore f aithful. If I fend thee forth, and they heotr rhee not : prophcfymg 2gamfr rhe u1credulou~. or meafure thee, as a jhadow,at noon day es, GtJ unto the mountaiits and ta'<.e up fl ones and br_eic/l,_ them in)ieces with lt mighty pefte! ' caft th(m again{t the windes, and into the f our parts of the Earth. .And fay, ThlU and du!:; be it unto tl1em : Thu~ a11d thus let Connrm1tion the Lord work for me : and thy prophefie Jhall be true, and it jhall come to paffe that thou f~tyt(t_. of t he P ro So lik._ewi[t if they hear thee, d1 unto them, that my ble!Jing mqy alfo be k..nown. phd ie. !!>. Lord~ what !hall I do, if they hear me ? The m~nner of U riel . ...... Do unto them the fi gns of good.; as it jhal! come into tby mind. b!effing P ro .
. phetical.

Pa11lus ad Cor. Epifl. t . cap. 1 ~. vtr[" 5 L & P. Tf. cce .myflc.ri~r_rn vobis di,o: Non orrlnf s q11idem obdormiernus: fed crnnes mutabimllr : mom. mo &

I come ttgn.ilt.

E. K. He is gone.

I thank t hee 0 God, for this g reat comfort : my heart is g reatly refrcfhcd therewith: Thou arr my G od. t:.. W e read over the premilfes.

E. K. He is here again.
1-Yhy doff thou .K. J Fe:ek.. to flee f rom me? a,ud {ecretly putt eft int o t~y heart, &c. A. ije fpake d1vers chmgs to E. K. wh1cli chiefly conc~.tned hlmfelf: and . he would not 1 not knowing. qtter1:hem now : . But .\le cold m.e, 'I_' hat. he was de~ermmed to !J.ave fold .ris cloths, and with as nmchJpeed as he could, With hiS wtfe, to have gone to Hamburgh, and fo to Engla~td, &c. If his wife would not go, th.ar he wqu1d. Uriel .... ; . H ear me,There is not any one,moreftr_ong,more rich, or more friendly, tha1z I, &c. A. He fpake much again eo E. K. .of himfelf, wh1ch. he expreffed not.
W.K. lnten~in~ . t o deP,arr, and



E. K . It is true~ I will follow God .; b~t I doubt that you are not
Uriel, ...... I will jhew y ou the water : do what you lift I fay w-tto the~ [ t:. J Tak..e .uot thJ 'Wife J.ane with thee, leaft thou have a new forrow. . 'ow, Three of you jhn.ll go, The fourth, [.T. K. (which i1 [E. K.] his brother ) jhall be a [er 'Z!Itnt to his houfe. 'Utid our I can weB keep-it. . H ou(ekeepcr. But when thon comeft into Poland, be not known, L ead out Lasky b the hand, and bring him y A: L: . . hither and prophefie againfi: his enemies, that I may break them in pieces : and may be mindAg:unfl usk.Jc ' h is enem-ies as ful of my Covenant. in the f ormer He bath mtlCh need of Counfel. p ractice was I am with you.

.of Go{

My wife not ro go now ro era.


. r. E. K. H e IS d'nappeare d.

t:.. Deo n oflro, Domino nofho & Saru:tificatori noftro Onmipotenti,a: teroo~& rnifericordi 1it omnis laus, g ratiarum afrio, honor & g loria nunc & feinper . .Amm .


A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElions -with [pirits, &c.

F ryday, OCiobrn 5. At.afternoon came one ofDdl:our Curtzs his fervams from his Mafl:er to tell me,that his Mafier would come to me to morrow in the morning about feven, eight, or nirie of the Cloek,as I would,&c, Saturday, OCI(Jbril 6~ Man~. Before [even of the Clock 1 thought good rather my felf to go to Dofrour Curtz, then 'to (ntfer him to come to me Co far, and that for divers caufes : So I went to hirn,and came before he was 'ready. 'At his being ready he came forth, but nothing with fo chearfull a coun-:tenance to welcome me as he did at the firft: I conjectured that he fufpeB:ed that I would tak~ his words in eTil part; which he had to faY: to me from the Emperour, which (afcer I had fomewhat fpoken ()fthe book chat I lent hurt, and fome other, chat had t\'ritten fomc::what of fuch matter of divifion of fuperfiCies; and he had told me that this my book was the mofl: excellent Ih that Argument; and fo made a paufe, he began in this fort in two parts to div,ide his fpeech; and faid _tha-t Ctt[area fua M,1jrftlis quantum ad fua peccata (per me repr~~ hm[a) folet Confef!ionarium adbibere tempore & Loc, opportunu ,-,uque diffidere ilium de Ml[eric~r dia. divina; ~antum autem 6-ti me attinebat , paratam eJ!e (uam Ca:faream Majr}tatem mihl gratificari & bmefacer-i in qullcurwque re qu.t i!li& [ubjireret ..tuthoritati: 1 hereupon anfwered, and faid : Doleo ver.b.t mea in alio fenfu inte!le{]a vel concepta fuiJJe 4 fu C.efat'3 Majeftate quam intdligi vel onci!i debebant. Non enim me t}tlf fieri Canfeffionarium cupiebam, fed peccata eju5 ex ctrl~ repr(lm4[a fuiffe, boc tili fignificau jubcbar, nt feci: unde ille confolatifmil pliiS haurir1 poterat, quam e:J( CfJnfili alicuj/16 [ui amjc:i w! C.nreffi~narii fui, peccata ej& redarguentif, Domini enim Dei eximium declarabat favorcm,&c. [}C4ntum vero ~d illam quam mihi offerebat fua Majtftas Ca::farea gratiam; humil!ime ac, ept<Lbum. Nunc vdo qur;d defid~r~m titulo Philof~phi & Mathematici La;[arei injit,11iri cttufa ejr mu 1tiple:r; tum re{peCir-s [ecreti mei fer witii erga Ca::farem, fub eo pr.etextu c~landi q"Ham majorif autboritatif & favorif apud Cxfarianm; & Ant.los meos, ne vd il!il hie nugM agere viJear, & nu!bu1 effe ~/timationii, Vi!'l i]fis etumi ~idc'rer apt M, coNtra quem futtnt invidiam & maledicenriffima.m, ut incepne, exercerent linguam impune, &c. Oro.bam igitur D. Curtzium ut Ca::faream [uam Majeftam ~dmoneret de indebitl(: interpretattone illorum verborum quib& vitia ej ur udargMeba~<ttur, &c, Then he fpake of the' fecond Lettera to the Emperour, the dfecr whereof he had heard at my hands, and had fe1'lt on Micbaelmtn t''f'en to the Emperours Majel1y, a note and ad vile of them. as he now fa id. And did wifh that they had been delivered before the Emperour had refo1ved on che former anfwer : Thofe Letters (faid I) are m the Ambaffadour~ of S:,ain's hands; and if he will not deliver them to day,I.will fw:h th~m for you :H_yot: do(faid he)I will de1iver them fl:raight way, for at eighth of the Clock you fhall have me m the Ritrer fiove, or hear of~.: there. Then (faid I) I will ll:raight way go to the Ambaifadour. 1 went unto the Ambitffadour of Spain, and reporct:d all that had paffed between me and D. Curtz, He faid, that by reafon of his divers affairs he had not good opportunity, never fince the receipt of my Letters to go to the Empcrours Majd!y: B:tt that this day he deter~ min11d to deliver my Letters with his own band unto his Ylajefl:y :fo with thanks give_n to hi' . horwur I departd : I went to the /titter ftove (or ( hamber of prefeuce) where I found none of the Guard, but very many fitting without. In the fiove were three, or four, <ilf which 01Je went l1raight way into the privy Chamber, and by and by D. Curtz. came: our from the Emperour unto snt: ,I asked him if he had told che Emperour of my grief concem:d of his mifunderfl:anding my wordi: he faid, I, and that the Emperour cook it nor in c:vil part, and fo of divers other things we had talk walking up and down togerher about a quarter of an h9ur : Among other things I told him that the Lord Ambaffadour ~ould deli vcr my Letters himfel f to the Emperoars M11 jc:fl:y, (o I departed, and he retwrned back to the Empe.ronr inw the privy Cliamber, ,

Sunday, Ouobri1 7 Mane hvra 7. Cent to thci Lord Ambaffadour his hou(e, and there I learned that the Amba!fadour had yefrerday delivcted my Letter to his Majefty: And that an{wer was to be expected by D. Curt:t.. After Dinnc:r I went to DoB:or Curtz home to his lodging, and he had nothing as yet to fay of the Letter delivered by the Lord Ambaffadmu;-: But we fdl to other [alk, aud 1 told him plainly, that I had not hithertolivedobfcurcly, neither witbont care ofmy good fame and name, maintaining, and incrti:aftng; therefore i- here for my fincere dealing 1 hould feem to be defpifed, or not regarded, or rob e but a trifier, my thought I fhould have great injury; And fure I was that the Emperours Maj efiy was much ruled by him, and as he did frame his judgell}eut, (o did his Majefiy very oft refo1vc in fuch matters as mine i whetefore if I were

A true 'I{elation of

Dr. Dee his Aflions ~ithJpirits, &c.

were nor ufed in my caufes as was reafonable, and for the Emperours honour it thou Id not be laid to any ncher mans charge but to his, &c. He ,prornifed that he woulq. deliver all in the beft words he coitld, in'frie11dly furt,&r. After this he frlewed diver~ his \abours and inventions, Marhematic21l, and ch~efly Arirh~etical Tables.:, both for his invention. by fquares to have rbe minute and fecond of obfervat1ons Aftronomtcal, and fo .f.or the mendmg of Nowtiw his invent ion of the Q!!adranr dividing in.9o. 91 92. 93. &r. . . 1 then open~d to him my fecret of my g\aifc::, for battering ~n a dark night,&c. Her (aid tha.t conclu~on w?uld b~ very acc~pta ble to lm Mi! jefly, I told hun that the glaife was at CracfJvta; ~nd hiS MaJdly ihould fee 1t by Gods lea \'e, After this I told him tha~ I would full fain have a Pafport, or fafe condult to paffe quietly and fately in any of the Emp~rours Dominions: He thoug~t h'ts ~ajdly wOl!ld will_ingly grant that, and w11led me: to wntc thre.e, or four hnes as l would have It, and he tnformcd rue rhus: . C:{ fa ream fuam Mnjeftatem bumi!limc orat Joannes DC:e Anglw, {erfHif!im~ fu.e M~tj~{fatit De~ 1JfJtiffim& (ervitor , ut pro {,a maj,yi in ltiJterihU! per ""'Pliffimumfu~ Ca:farea: lYlajejfatit Imft rium conficiumis {tcuritllte, !iterM [a/vi taJ[UI fiti concedne dtgnaretur. Joanncrs Dee~

At my coming home, I bethought .me that ~would gladly, t~e fai~ P2fport, ~afe Conduct, or Letters of pa!fage, more ample and beneficral ; as for my w1fe, chtldren, famtly, fenants, and goods whatfoever , and for one whole year eo dare from the date of thefc prefents thu.

wednefday' On MD~tdtty morning 8. oa:obris. Sa cram fuam Cxfaream Ma.j eftatem humillime ~rat,fermif!im.e {r<.e M~tjttftat.it DrofJtiffimU! fer'Vitor Joannes Dee Anglw, ut eidem Jo~nni pro feipfo , U>efJre fu~t.,liberil_ fuit, familia fua,fervito ribZM, Ancillil {Hit & fuf'Pellellili .fu4 quacunque {ua facra Czfarea MaJejrtH fa-vorabiles & t,rtttio{M [utH literas [alvi quieti & liberi tranfitw per omnes & qull[cm,que ampliffimi MajeftJtti, fu.e Czfarea: Imperii partes 'ZJiafque, & pro i1ttegri at~ni (proxime poft datlfm pr4entium [equentit) rem. pore quDcumque, clementer com:eJere digna1'etur.

Monday, OCJobru 8, I went to Mr. Dofror Curtz, with tbefe laft Letten; fair written, and I found him to be at the Hoff rate Camer in Counfel .: and fo awaiting till they rofe (half an h6ur after 8. of t.lte Clock) he came out with my Letters in his hand, which I left yeftemight with him. llhcwed him thefe laft written: And b.e faid they. ufe to limit no time, but to make them indefinir:e. So he took the lafr, and I had.the fonner Letter5 back again; He went with them into the pri vy Chamber, he faid, I fho~ld not need to fend for the Letters, but he would fend them home by his man, and I went from him toward the Ambaffadonr Don Gr1lielmo J.e Smttio C!1 mente whom I found coming with tb.e Ambalfadour of Spi!in (who came three,or four d ayes before: to give the golden f'leefe to .t he Emperonr) and tile Mar!hall of the Court to go to the Empc ... rour prefendy to have audience :And as I fiood in the Court of the Amhaffadours lodging, and they three on horf- back coming, ~he Ambatfad<i>ur my friend did put off his Cap, fo did the new Ambatfadour and Marfual twtce very courtc:oufly to me, I faw it was no time to of fer fpeech ro the Ambatfadour; now of my giving thanks, takini: lc:ave,and requidng his plea furc toward the LordL~~S~ie : fo followi.Ag them to tlte Court,I paffcd forward hon1e toward my Lodging,



Myfreriorun1 PR AGE N sru1-r Confirmatio,

I )

8 ) . .fanttarii

P 'l\~ A Cj .lE

ltertnn veni Pragam ultimo Decembru,

ANN 0) I)



N No,

0 T E.

and :f6hn Crok11r , ("in a Coach with Hodc , which 1 had. bought of Maficr Fri%-fr) from CrA&Ivi toward PrAgt.
P R A G Ev

584, DrCI mbril Hl, (Styto Gregoriano) we did fct forth~ I, Ma-fier Kclly, Rowt~nd my Infant, with his. Nurft?

~iiii~!i.~~ JhcembrM 3 o. W c came to Pr~gt in tlie afternoon. INctm6tr 3I. l wrote to Don Gulitlmo tie S"ilo Cle111m1, the Spani!h Ama baifador, as followeth.

Llufi:riffime & m~gni6cc: Hcros Lic.et mea nondum priv~ta turavcrim ncgocia! pro quibus ordinandis, multos interim dum hinc :~bfuerim, & laborcs pcrtulcrirn,& fumptus fccerim: Tamen nolui lir~ras ad vdham magnificemiam, a. Nobiliffimo illo Domino PAJAtino syradieofi mi!fas in rri'ultas horas areditu mco tNinere penes uJe : Ne aliqua ex p;me,officio vidcrer dedfe mco,tam erga vefrram magniticentiam; quar:n ipium Dominm~ P4latilluTJt. ~aRtUm vero ad Myftcriorum incrceibilium pto.: grdE.am, habeo & quz dicam, & funt qu~ au diam multa ad vctitatis caufam (invitif.;: fimis cjufdem advetfariis quibufcunque)eluci~andum. De quibus quando opportunum crit, paratiffimuscro, cum audire, rum audiri: e~ quidcm modo, quofioccritati &:. fidditati mc:r crga c teJrcam twarn Majeflatem cricconvc:ni~ntiffimum. Interim ali.: qumdicrum incervallum liberum rcq~iro, ut tarn ~des tnihi mcifquc: conducant .(fi fieri potlit) accornmodas, quam ut alia, ad rem familhucm fpc~bntia difponatu'j Dcus Optim. Max. Magnifi.ccmiam vdh:am ornarc: bcarcqu~ dignetur.

Pragtt ultima Decembri& 1 .f 84.

lJlufiriffim~ Magnificenti~ Vefir~

A a

1oannes Dee.


F RID A 1,

1 )85~

P RAG .lE.

Anuary 4 I hirtdtht H1[ein the Salt. ftnet, If tlu tJro Sifttrs: Bt~l Mr. Chrifio. phcr Chriftian) whD nu ''"K time 6etn ChAIICIUr' ~ RegtfJtr of'" Pragz, dJd mAlt the 0Vt11Ant or B.ug41n ft!ilh me: ht hd Anne tht~nt Sijltr, to Wife, ISIId the 11her sijltr nmcd Dorotbc: , b;jJ to btr l11ts~And. This Dorothca J,e/t ill the HDuft, And s 11 rtm1ve to An 1ther H '*fe of h~r DM'n hArd by : And to tleti 'Vt1' 11nt1 me IS11d ~t~inetht whole Houfo, ,it!, aO tht pp,.rtttiAntts '.{TllfJitJ And eftments) nJ /tl py.l~r the 1t4r 70 D1/iers: uti thAt qutert1, (every 3 Mllltths txpirtd) 11 P"1 thtqt~uttr.s ret thrre1{.

writttn bef~rtthil. 'Ihe COPJ I/ the utliT which I Wrllt fJIW' Is thil.

,NfJ111 I ht fDrmtr. usrds ,, p rage: .4tliD11S dtJ mAke ..btuJiilfnl metil11 : ANti" letter ~I his wrilten t1 mt the ~Ih. tiy 1/OOtober Ann o1 S84 ; is ~egintlint of the Bo1k ne )tf

Anuary 6. I rote 11 D. jacob Curtius: One 1[1he EmptriNrs ,,;'f)J CDunfylt, of

I Duftri & ,Magnifico viro Do Jacobo CurtioJ tt acr Cefare<r; cMaje/latis ab arcanis Conftliis, Domino mea plurimum colendo.
Uul\ris & magnifi~ v.ir. Majorine affid debeam ~x bona vdlra an ex comumeliis hie abfue I dine, & falvo meo ad Pragam reditu:gaudioreprehenGonibus interim dumva1em4.. rim, contra me & variis cjaculath & quafi nimis, do

Ior~ torgueti, pene incenum v1d cri poffir. Ego quod fiatui, hatt~nus feci : fup .. :pe1Ie6tilem fcilicet elt CrJ~t(1t}ia mea m cum tota familia mea , hue jam adduci cura, wcum magnis quid em bboribusmeis; & fumptibus haud modicii. JEq~s cex qua ,ja~ veni) tales quales ' etiam cum aliqua difficultate, canduxi. Et hac pr.efenci fcptimana? omnia hi~ nofira ad eafde~ .c~t~ffime tr~nsferri,r~mque famil.ia_rem, & Oeconomicam., quodam craffo modo d1fpom, negoc1orum meorum rcqmnt ratio. Interim veftram magnificemiam enixe orat am haltere velim, ne ullo modo a:gre ferat, quodeandem nondum inviferim, officioque meo, in hac parte, accurate fatisfecerim fpero,quod una me cum fem. re velitis, jure merito in proverbium hot i .abiilfc dittum. SatiJ cit~, mod'o [ati1 bent Non f~um liteto:e ad me veftra:, in abitu meo,mihi magno interim fucre folatio o: Sed & a,bfeme.me, fa:pe tefiificara bona vei):ra de me concepra opinio magno me deliniv1t gaudio:dc contumeliis igitur, & lireds vefiris, & veram de me opinione, Gve judicio,cum opporrunum fuero nacrus ocyum (predi6Hs negociis meis confe6tis) vefh:r magnificenti:r ade~o,m aliquid dicam:& paratiffimus futurus,ut omnia qu:r porcro faciatn> quo vobis & pofieritati coni\ et, fideliter & in cere (prout fiarueram) a:d facrre fu~ Cef.are Majeftatis, zgregia fervitia, animnm me applicaffe meum.

d true relation of Dr. Dee his Aaions, with{piritt, &c 3 _ -. - _ 55

+ Pr11g4 .Ano IS~~.
ianuArJ u. Sattmi.ay Afternoon Cremoved clean from DoCtor H ag~k., his Houfe hy Bed/em; and came with all my Houfhold to the Houfe which I had hired of the two Si{~ers( married )not far from the Market.:. place in old Prag tt.
]~JnUJtr1 14. Pr11g tAEfio prima,poft r'editum. <.Mondtt) Circa 9 horam i media node:. Pr<'cibus ad Deum de more fuGs, & inyocato \umin~

auxili6gue Dei, ad ejuldem v-.:ritarem intelligendam, & cum vinuce na8andam, &c.
E. K. Here is~ onewilh a V ail afore his face, as ic were; a Hatr Cloth of A h. 6 colour: I know him not yet ~ I fee a Garden full of fruir, of di vcrs forts. In the L1: VA NAEL mid it of it is apl~ce_higher then t_~e rc.fi. On tha~ place ~~ndcth? round Hou!e,lt h:~th ~,~;:: ?:Ofi~ fourcorners,[w1th1n] and 4 Wmdows: andevery Wmdowtsround, ;~nd hath4ullimaparu. round partitions, round alfo. It hath 4 Doorcs, and 3( rhell. E:~.il: Door is one fien, at Tf.h.I(.HNott(~ ( D re ou 1s the South 1lleps, an d at t he N orth 3 , an_ at t hc: Wcu oor, 4 fieps ~ T he firfi roi.tnd wirh~ui d Door is white, like Chryfial, tranfparcm:. The South D oor is red of an bigh coluur, a~d _fqua1c tranfparenc. The Norrh Door is brig ht black, nor w be thorough feen, as the rcfi, Wlthm. The Wc!t is green, like an Emerauld Stone: ~o IS rbc ~omh Door like a Ruby. The Doores be all plain. The Houfe wilhin (as it may be judged by the tranfparem: Doorcs) (ecmcrh to be white, and empty. E. K. Hctharhathhistacecovered,opcnc:rhrhc EaftDoor; andallthe Houfc 1 fccmeth to be on fire, like a furnace. The fire wi_hin d(-th wcve, and move about the t Fire. Houfc,and by the roofe. Now he opc:ncth the Weft Door, and thcrc appcarcth, as ~ if all the Houfc were a fountain full of water. And there run divers fire2.mes , in the w:ucr. fame; one water, w:"Jcreof, onc doth go and corn,:, as if it tbbcd and flowed; which {beam doth go a.hout all the rc:fi , by thdides of the Ho~fc:_; that is) as if iovc:_c the r Ocean fca compafiing t \' c World. The next fircam , wtthm.thar, moveth_ from the: ~fides ward, and m.. kc (in manner) 4 Triangles, or rather Cones, of water-, whofi: vertices rcfr cut off (a!l lt were) by the middle fiream of water which occupicth the middle or Centcr of rhe Hou{c, and is in circular form invironed . . An other manner of ftrcam there is, w hi eh commcth from the 4 corners of an inncrmofi {quare: and !o run di~metrAtiler or 'ontriUJitlorie wife, toward that circular ,middle fireeim. . . . The mtddk fircam fc:cmcth to iffueout ~t the very Cent er of the place, and tti mount up, and making an arch of his courfc ; doth l cc:m eo fall circutAriz"tr in one; circum fcrcncc. E. K. The fire ai!o had diverfiry in it.

6 1 would youhad noted ~he diverl1ty of the fires :~lto. Thof~ that Learn trul7, /earn by part!.

The colour of the water in the Center, is mofi pure whicc. . The wat'crs of that Saint A ndrews Croflc, arc like a war er foruewhat Saffronif.h ca-.loured. The waters oft he Triangles, arc forncwhat like a watrifh b"lcw, which ap .. pcarcth moft, in the top of the arches of their flowing : For all fpring ocherwil c The uttermofi water, i.s of~ick-filvcr thew, as if it were fomcwhac mortified.
6 In the figu re follvw1ng , you may gather a better and more cafic underflandiog of this Defcription of the water Hreams.
Here is s . blank,or void fpace in the briginal eopie: but nolir,urt.



3~ 6 -@A true Ktlation of Dr. Dee his Allions, with fPirits, &c.
. E. K Nowheopcncth the Fue Door againe: . And the fire appcareth iA afquare place. And there apptare 4 fires filtin g tbe whole place, leaving nothing 'lhst&NNm. One of thcfe fires fccmcth eo tifc from the Center of the place! and to go in low arches to che-4- corners of the Hou(e. . The Houfc fcemcth to have 14 foot long in every fide, The arches of thcfc: fires fee m eo come from a trunk of fire, which rifeth from about th,. ':c:ntc:r: and fccmeth to bc<4:/~ot over in the Diameter. This Trunk fcemcth to bc:.h!gh thr~tcrs of the height of the place; The place fcc:rncth to be as high as it is broad . On the top ot this fiery trunk,fc:cmcth the fire to be in form of a fiery Globe ,having 6 foor, his Diameter, which firerc:vcrberatcth and rollcth in it fell. From the fides of rhc Trunk ( between the faid Globe and fordaid Arches,) gocth up fire TrianguJarly, filling all;- raving tllat which rc:maincth filled, by the flames of fire, which arifcch from the Here is Globe to the 4 corners ot the Houte, fiJiing all the blank, or void place above the Globe:: as by the figure annexed, fpcc in the OriJ,inaJ Comore plainly may appear. pie : but hg iE. K. Note The colour of the fire of the 4 arprc. ches, is very red ; The rcft arc very pure, Aerial, candcm, &c. The Motion ofthe: uonk fire is f wiftc:ft. The Original Ccntcr of all thcfc: fires, fecmcth to be-very Hnlc. E. K. Now hc:opcnc:th the red Door. The Houfc fecmcth darkilh, of colour of the J &ire. fm~k of a Wax Candle being put out.

fwifdy then the othtr: All horn the middle of the Houfe. Three of them move arch-wifeeo the fides. The: firft and fccond arife to half the hcigh t of tbc place. The third occupicth the other half. The fourth goeth upright to the top of the Houfe. The fecond his fpace(that he firikcth againft on the Wall) is double to thcfpacc of the Wall, againft which the firft finitnh.

...... BJ it [elf, it is not, but b1 tbe Sunne, it N tlt.cr. E. K . It hatf1 4 motions in it alfo : every one moving more

Mere ls a
blanlr. or void f!'lce in the Ori~inal Co pie: but no i-


E. K. Now he openrth the black bright Door; And the Houfc thqc fccmcth full


ofblack duft, like Gun~powdcr colour, or fomewhat of Lcadifh colour. . E. K. Nowhcfcemcchtogocdown, faireandfoftlyfrom thcHoufe, down the little Hill, and frotn thence goeth by a water fide, to a Rockiili Mounwn. E. K Hcfpcakcch.

e veri eri.

...... A foend. 1 am now rtAd1for JoU : Bring ONt JOUr UJ!AttockJ, Spadts, And S hovtls.


E. K. Now come out of that Rock,fcvcn lean men, with Spades, and Shovtls, and Mattocks, &c.
Foil()W me. 1i. 1(. Now 'bey be come up to the forcfaid


...... c.,

@_Atn~6 'R!_ltJtion- fDr. Deehit AlJions, rlntbJfiritr, &c. ;~7 o

Hill, wilicll.heforc fc. :mod covered with Earth and Graff.: : But now it appcareth tobe c a B..ock ., aad tbcy .dig .tltanhe Fire fheth out again of thcidlr6akes, and iome have bl'oken their Mattocks, {omc-tbcir Spades, all cxcep~ two, ont \vith a Shovel, an other vnth a Picbx..
~..... CDme'rJII, Dig till Y.tJH ft~de, . . . E. :K. Every one ftandctb dffl:in~Uy-0ne hom arrot~r,~nd they dig on thefordaid

The Worllmen. 0 Lord we labour in vain. .. So ttJII ,.,., fure to~, unlrjfc JoU hAVB 6-mer TQoleJ. TfJe Wo ri(.#IHt, A ias we.labour in vain. 011r fthilll~ lNisi! long of yo1~ ...... I pad JDil,..rnti&e 11fjlnmnnr.r tQ /i:lhour with, hut !OH a.rk..!d not m~, where;n JOIIJI'msld la t.rnn-. Tbtr~-f~ ltilve r~ di[ged AW4J that which JO!I f~w' have rtpulfo whh rhltt JM k._lf~.,., mt. A dark man thou srt, and hidden from men, and lo are thy doings. One of the.U E. [(. They fiood gazing one on anorhcr. bid ro rhe ...... HtltVtJM not ~f'fer Injfrl4 menu ? G11,provide yolir felve.r, An4 r-eturn man cove reel R k C h with HairE. K. I hey runne a great pace tothdorcfatd oc y ave tram w cnce they ca-me Cloth of Alh O'Jt fitfi. Now thcyt\)tm: ~gainc wi<h great Beetles oflron' aRd w~dges. They c~lour.


knock their Wedges (as we u!C in Wood) and fo break off great Slakes of Stone, like ~late, and throw it down the'Hill.

One of tbtfll. What a thin~ is th;s, that rh is Wecg is broken? tAn o:b~t We are in w01fe cafe the.n ever we were. E. K. Their \V edges are broken, the moll part, and the Fire Eticth'out oftnc: Srone

in grcoar Oiboo~ance..
...... The nA/ure of thi.r Stoweis not
tfl c/fAVe:

Therefore if

other lnflrllti'lellts JOII mufhuz fo. E. K. ihey arc in great difquic:tncfs among thcmfclvcs ..., Thofo thllt go a Jou~nq, provide them Clo11thes aptif!Jft All wet~th~s: He that is 'WOrth! ofthe Na.N of a Conqutror, cArrieth with him ll f1gi11es: Wbert the Bridges he lmk.: n down, /1e ftttJeth 1101, lm:aufe he_ is prepared : Behold ,he hath viCluals for time to come, 11nd his St~tdJ is M -.ell the event, as is th&m~an. So fbo~tld true Lahallrerr do : caJidenn~ what thq workjn For the EArth is Monfter wirh m11n7 [.fees: And the re(eptacte of it vartetJ. (io hQme, flawa not id/e. Provide hJ Arts for the ht~rdnefe of Naturt}ftJr the o)lt Sifter Tlttpetll withoHt the othtr.
h11ve no

. K. They go away fpcc:dily .

....,. The) hve their Tooles to bAr nd their Stule.r tfl temper, It will be more then AU hour [pAu hef"e thq return. Therefore mtt] JiiH [pe11d the ti,., ;, your neceflit~, 111nd ufe the time of d~tJ AI JOU are tWJIIIl;nud " wonted. I 111[o m11jf over-jte them, r el{e the1r labour will.h withollt


F.. K.

6. Gloria Patri, & F. & SS. licut erat, &c. .Amen.

The fat;o day. atter dinner we returned to our former purpofe for God his Service; to hi! Ho i1our and G !or);. r.. K. Hcis here:. Now the ~abourers be comming our:s They h:~ve Wcdgct

made long arid Charp: and Pickaxes with thrcc.pikcs very fuorr.
T hq fa!; Our trult is, that tbefe tools wiH ferve. E. K. They fall to work. They make like: fquare holes, and put in their wedges,

and break ~p the rock or bhickiih Clone (like yron mine:, or Magnes fione) in roundilh .lumps as big as a two-peny loaf, about two or three: inches thick. They pick or dig round aboutthe hole firfr, and fo after ufc their wedges. The Pichxcs have three h~ads, every pid:thcrcotbiggcrthcn the other. Thdirftasbig as one finger: the fccond as two : the third as broad as four finget:s. And fo after the firft digging they fetch thtc~ or four cakes or pieces out Clf one hole, and then they go t.o another. Now one of them is fatn into the ground, up to~ the arm-pits. Now another is fain in~ to the lmees. Now the houk ftanding thcrcon bcginnc:th [O !hak~,and waver from one fado 10 the odxr.. Now the men be gottcn out ot the holes they ftuck in
Ow of the -,-~rk..,mtn to the q,;JI. It behovcth yo;1 to find a rcrn:dy, or.t(j)lec Ui underflaod what rtmcdy
...... UJ.{A~e All end of Jl1Ur



J truerclttrion of Dr. Dee hi1 AEiio~lJ~'IlPithJPirits :.&c.

remedy we !hall finde~ thac you may delcend chence: for lo, the pet'il y,o.u ~land in., ti great: for this Rock was nothing elfe but a !hell) who[e kernel is a ,bottomleffe lake1 and a mY,re quickerted with fome Chut up V',later rou comt hither 4S L almtYtrs' therefore mak.! ., end o.f JOUr Wllrk_., naftif,J lf#t'idle. If the hou[e fall; And I jink._, then is '/OUr /a/,ou.r at 'An enJ. or th~ end of JOUr /A6ollr' li r thl fulfillt1fg of my will, ""a the promife 'JPhich you h~ve made me. 011t of them. We are ready to do our promi(e ; but we are more ready to provide that you may. be amongfi us ; fo yon may be free from d:mger. . . t " 0 )OH of fitt /e wit ; are rou /flZO~ afhamui! . hich of J"l't have drt~eft .,it h1111 tbt focr_ets of w this Hl/l? lea, which of you intendeth to fulfil his promife? ruige not" thtn,l(,. -wkeqf JOf4 haver .~0 s'<.ff~, neither he {lack_. in thAt J'1f.l ha'fiCt !l do: for the ont ho~th his rer:M rd of idft11efe, And thl 1ther tJ condemneJ of rajh11e{c: For why~ lr fpr~r~'(erh 011 her miJther tgnorance. They fa! If we work, it is againrt reafon. N eiher doom tools anfwer to [hts labour. Therefore we had rather be idle, then to labour about nothing: for eo labour in vain, is ro do nothing. If we were determined to work, how lhould we perform our determination; fincc the In(humems of working want? ...... Gather up rhe pieces of your fpadu, that ;J wotJd, and may he j1yned togtthtr: Tbt older Jtd the bafer they are, rhe fitter theyllre to turn up Juch foile.


E . K.. Th'rc comrncch a Smitt1 by wicha budge( full of nails.

One of them re the S ?.-;!h. What halt thou there? Smith, Nalles. ...... rhou ram'ft in good time, leave thy nai!J bebind thee, ~tnd at thy r~tur" I wi/J pa' thu for them. Sn, U!>d. 1s 1101 u"mindfNl Df :.u, for nlfiiJ are the jirteft things to further JOUr work.: Joyn therefore your Jpades and foovets trJgether, tmd !.-hour. E. K. Now they ate mending their fpades and !hovels, the iron of them being all

E K. They be like Hodhooe-nails

off and broken.

Now they work, and throw away the earth like durty fand, and th~ skutf of the r.kketh tothelr ipadcsand fl10vds. E. K. One gocth behindc, and makc:th a trench to let th: wat(!r out from the fan d.

Ont of them. H ownow I Have we found harve!l in the midtt of vv inter? W.hJ: lr!hat have J~'~ there ? O ne of thetn, M:my,cirher eAiahlafte~or Salr. E. K. Now one of them knockcth a p1cce off with his fuovcl-cnd,

and rcachcth it

up to h.is (: uidr.
... Did I not tell Jou, that the Earth hath man'! fi~ces? E. K. They w~1rk now cafily, :mdcut up itke Salt Dr Alblaiftr.

Now they have diggc:d aJI the hill away, c:vc:n eo the houic. mcth builc:cd upon that white fluff.
Oneaf thm,. If we dig any further. we lhall undermine the h>Ufc : ...... Go to JOUr lmfinej{e. E. K. They work . ...... Soft,joft. Now labour with Jour ha11dr as foftlJ a; WMJ /;e.

Now dae houfc fee

Sttfnd ajide,

Now he takcch one of the: irons of their lpadcs, and !cemeth himfclf to pare the fides of the Fo1mdtt1irm undenhehoufc,andicfccrncthtO be a vdfd of tranfparcnt gl,ffc, and having fire within it .
. E.
I(. 'fimor D omini

... ,.. The fenr of the Lord is a burniNg .fire, confumtth not, but retfijieth the body ; the old droji
cending' fDr the end of ioJ is glory ; but gloq is the crmfumm~Jtmr of defire, t~nd the beginning of felicity. No man emreth into ) DJ, but bJ life: neither is there anrlife, hut in the fear ofg od. Whofoeva tbertfore hath the fear of God, le~ him draw ~eer, and come hither. Numlur excudeth not, but by unititJ. Neither is there anJ rnultiplrcatiun hur b1 t'l'der. For the root. of number u one. And things that afl:end Art digr~i.fied by order. Out of this veffil go foNr vents a[ctt~ dmg imo that ~c(, whith is the Root, which is this J,u,/dil!lg. It ir Jaid, Behold: let m7 fprrit enter in, let there he Separation made Within the ~oufo ()f the 'J:Xjrth, that the .e.Arth "'"!be divided into her mtmbers. Curfed he that /1od7, that is n1t divided, IICCOrdr,g to prop~rtion' 4njwtri1?[. to the Dwijioll, for fhe h4th yet 1#0tC4ft off the jhllpt ~f a#frk_ne!fe.

it -wipetb awAJ, tmd the daily influxron of the fie(h and fin it f'paratetle from the (r;ul. lJehold (I [t4J) he liveth not, bt~t unto whom life is given : neither is their an7 ;oy, lflt it iJ af-


:. K.

There runneth up fire into the houfc, fmm out of the round glaffc: veffcl under

J true CJ\f!}ation o[Dr. Deebis Atlions, with ffiritJ, &c.

under the foundation ot. the houfc. And chat fire mak~th a gr~at noife (through the black bright or marble doorto be hard oncly.) Now that North door is mtgh~ily thrown open, af\Q ~here appear io the houfc lik~ kernels of apples, and {lime appear-: ~h,. and wat:erchioncrche~ fiime, an~ chereappeareth pure w~cer, elfe. Now cherc commeth toget.her frufflikc:ycllow earch, which the fire,wrought out of the black earth: And the pure water ninnc:th into that yellow !tuff.


... :of rh attA~apllrt.

E. K. The fire reul(ncth b:tck again among the fruffin thac houfc, and there appear of alt Creatures Ct)mc. t-ferr.ts ..;rratim,and it is th' firfi. E. K. Now he rakech a lump of the ~Jnh lying by, which was thrown up, and be breakech it inro fix pieces like round Balls. ,. K, He-tJkcth a thing like a vdicl of iron, and putteth int~ it th~t mixture sf yrt. ~~~earth And 111a.fr. And it lo:1kech now like graffc mingled with water.


in, and it is t~.lump of gold. He: givcch it him tha ~ fiandeth by . ......{o 1Vt the (eed.s of the eart h. E. K. Now he caketh the !cc()nd, and purrc:th it iri . ......CfJrr~ptirm i.t ~ ~hi.ef,for he harh robbd the.: of thJ beft OrnJtt~~entJ, for thou trrt we4k.!r iJIJ rhe fecond. E. K. He tak~rh ic our. and it is as if ir "'ere: pure filver. ... ,.,where there i ; dn1~b/e rhtft, pQ erty in[ieeth. But, natwtrhftandi.ng; ThtJH llrt tr!$e; for v
thoH gi11ejl 11ntu t 7lt'l y rhing ,, m11ch Mlu d!fi.,..:rh: Th'u openejl the greateft hAI;ibtJ and ftrerJgt/1 of th1 power, Dot[llch 41 it harh been, fl;lt fuch Arit is, E. K. Now he puttcth in the: lhird Bait ., .....ThtHI ~11/1 tarrJ, for thoH ~rt of an harda dtgeftitm, ji11ce thDu art the third, Content thj Jilf,fgr th(Ju_ 11r t 'lOt 4N J,IJ~r!{IJr.. . E. K. He take eh it 0uc~ and gi veth unto one of tb.em that fiandeth by, that is a red
, .... B~ho/J., thy mpt her~ H eat iJgone, and the amJ of life entrtth; for hohat p4j{eth hiJ mid i/.I#Ate, der:ar.eth, and drot"ff'eth tfl A" end, ~rhold, thou fha!t find .c Step-mother, for thou cam'jf out qf time. /?.. }(. Now he; pllttcrh it inro the: velfd , ... Let cold cover thJ face, let the N orth :r~LJ !Jtt.tt t hu, (t~r tho~t .crt t~n entmJ to thJ prede~ tejfort. 'But thou Art ofg;re!ft v ertue ,["of thJ excreme"t {h~tll vertNe receiv e dignity . And thj vertMe fhall 6e a ,f!_ IV !.end. to N tftU r ( ; f or tho~t {h~tlt be vijible -when t he other llrt fllent : the S eaJ {ball nor hind~t thy vertue, notw tthjlanaiNg , thy vtrtu~Jball differ with the Set~s: For as they dif~ fer, Jo fh11lt tnoH~ E. K . Now he: rake eh it our. It is a ragged thing like Smiths cyndc:r of iron, and it

...... Thm art !fro,g, And wilt b~ga a ftrong Child. E. K. Now he p.mech out the c:Jrch which he put

metal like copper. E. K~ N{)W he tak~tb up another of the lUlls, and holdc:th it in his hand.

ha[h holes. in ic, as jt itw~re fpongy. E. K . N 0\V he cake eh up anpther Ball of the earth: he putteth it in.

...... T htJH Art traffa~(e u d. !tkf unto nn obedient daughter: But thoH [hAlt he the fifth in th~ Jecond and ttn !nftr-umou tothcfirJ' . E K. Nowh.ctJk:.etltJirou~ , ~ishkeuntoawhiccwhctfione, ashdh~pc:d it at the

putting in, it is like Tynnc. E. K. Now he takcth up another Ball, :~hd putteth it in

.... Tho11 ;m the lajf that bll.rh ;, hi,.ftlf and 61 htmf~lfhu lleiH[: B~holti thy [11c1 is tik._e Nto. ax, 6ut thJ inw,rd btJwtls ~re /if<! UntiJ. rhe A~rger 1f aSerpent: MAIIJ {hill/ h4'Jit thee. hat foal/ not k.,mrw thee. One of them bJ [Aid. W1ll you give me norhing ? E. K . . Agr;a.cclOud-covercth them :~.IIJ thcfioncand alL 6 I [ J mcd (o a qmner of an hour . E. K. ow app~ar~thanother, none of them before appealing. He (cemcth iofat N oft comming, and highC'r placed the~ th~ oth~r; it f~cmeth to be U RI EL, be h.adt his face cov~fc:d with aS karf ofb~t:k hanging down eo his btcafi. V RI EL ..... Blejfo4 arc [14ch as are ntH offended;, th~: little 01UJ. [E. K. He fpt~k~th pdw a langusg~ which I .undeJ'ftand nor.] U R I EL ..... P~r ihe Angels of tli~ Got/. of R'l,himif~~eJe, t~rt his little gli'1: IVIJ[u~lnu /c.no.,

. .

--- -- -- ---- -- -


---------------@Arruerelationof.Dr. Deebis AClions,rPitbJPiritr.)&c.


not ft ofCt?ll.cp1jet11Ct bJ &D",je11t ( iJpeAI( t.h;j f" 1oi-r. tlnderftamiing.) T ~heed (thtrif~~re) thAt }Oil ojfMa not JOMr folves :for JON mft hu111u little o11es ; IUid the power. #f the h~J;heflmJI A~oun4 in Joll. . J/e thatof{enaah his brother, cffenJeth 6od :/Jut he thAt ojfe~deth hiJ OW111 /mio&mCJ, is tt/Jhr ~e~ of rht Lord. Lo 1011 ar~ The cljildrert of Pr9mife, :lnJ in y0u is the myllery t>f a great., and l!l1ghcy Seal. Therefore JlstdJ to humh!e your {tlve)., for H11mii#r in he X.H'u f InnDWICJ. B11t (mJI?rn-b;e,) lnocemsbJn14tUuJouc4~mot be, neither'"" J6Hferv qorJ in the i"'"gmil(ionof cleRnntj[e of 1~ur OPIII fi.e(h. Now (rhtrefore) (ince JOU Are .ftejhl], will 1~ become innoce11t? Or how CAn JOH {eek,.thal wh~,h N arureht~th fgjl? ln Chri!l)e 'l"be Scripturr1 tutch yrm ; Th4t in Chrill you 1t1ere horn a-new: .And hJ hi1n Jou 'IIIIIJ /,e~ome htay oecom: lmto~entJ, . 'Illhen in him JOH Art cleanfed. Therefore, tf ;, him tht jf11u of J11Hr lnno~enc1 rer4in, Inr.oc:enu, if!~~ him JGU.A1'e renewed, 4nd made cle~tn, ( heing rotten and defi/(a,) wh7 feeJ:...Jou not him, 4f you and bebom jht1111d do r tnet!'. ~ "'"" th~tt fo~k.!rh the hrighrne{[e of the Surme, goetb lt~Jtr the Elfrth: ]tleithn- creepeth IJ4 fflto Hnk._~wn Ctrlles. Tht r,gr's fetk..,n their preJ upo11 E.anh, wherl rh~ 'WIIters ar~. IIDt, . Neither,the~ Eagles upon WJCteu. T ~:nptat!on, . No more ought yoi1 ro ~rudg that the Lord tempteth you, nor eo be offended when the \Vorld offtrtdeth y@ u. . lJ it not [t~id llnto JfiU, th~tt JOII fhU fight 11 1.reat fight: WhtCt fight is it mJ /,rethrm : But :1 BactelagainH the Worldlingsaud the Devll? fO:ings. I [aJ unto JoM that Kin5~ lhall be oftnJt d .in you. The Slln11e&t:ll{eth ,or, 7et he (hall wzfo, yea he Chall ~ot be . The Lights of Hea11en k.eep their cour[e; b:4t theJ {hall flsadeniJ fl~tt.er, ~Cnd f"get thtidont, -wornt W4J. Much T1'1'lre ]hail the wick.!drujfe of rhgfe rhat rjfe up11gtun(f JOM , h11ve Ah e11d, foi' in them is no cour[e bur error,t~nd the fire-lmmdr of SAthAn, prep~~red 111 tmtr n111 hAnds, thtir


dejlma i?. . Y'llorjll 11-1 B~hold, theJ {hall contend Againfl ;o .~tnd fha/1 ikfpift *tl!ee! Bt lo I b,Av~6Jeffed thee ~~~we them: ~r.ll erit. for thou {hAlt fight at.Aift them, amt ~Jlt overthrow them: thtll "'} N11m# mAJ b# ma~nified in thy mc:> uth amo'1glt the mulmude of the fmtull. . Beh~ld, tb~J Art oppo}te IJnti thee, l~ecA,fo tht] "'~ ~ppojit~ nto me : far I hlhle i.Athered thee fr.Dm among/1 rh~m , and they are become thy Enemses. Smce therefore thtJ 11re tli11~e Enemits (hect~H[e thoN mHj- fight ~tgamft them:) Be nit griroed therefore wheH their wickedndfe cloth of.:. f;nd thee ~ But put on the ~~T~nour uf p4tie,.ce, Afld Become innocent. Mioiftti veri Doft thQII think,. thAt [ro1n the HeAvens cAll c1me the dew 11nd lifl Dj 110 thin[S? Evenfo think.. filt~S., AJfo,thAt from w comrwth no Hntrtlth. . /!e therif~re innocent, and be not deceived 61 the flefh; (Ajf rt:Afo llftk, cavered with her, {loud: tAnd lift up th1 folf.Jn him, unto him(! faJ) thAt b.lh lifted chce from the Doores of Death: t~theuut tJfthe hands of Butchers, and continued th~. for a meJilber of ~is Glory. 'Behold, J f! unro.chce,The !,righ t11ef{e of T rNth lver-Jhlllbwet h thee. If thtrt[t1Yt,thot~ dweD in 0 lftllt1111 miftrico rdla lutt; trllth, whj fholdc{l th(}lll~e afr4id l Onftderig th11t foe con(JIUreth ""d refjleth llli her Enem~s. Dtlllint. ~ehold; the World dtfpiftth 7o11, JOIIII/fo jh111L dtfpife the War/d. when rhe .A,j,'t.l of the Lra ps~treth hir.,.raih ud vial 11p(}n the EArth, ,.,d_ ewemieJDf th1 the SoilI'll f G,d, run ne in Anl'n! tin fheep. Whu thefolf-f~~~n Plaj,'lt: that was li1 the land of Pharaoh rAi~~,h HI the Houf.-s (If lllJ thllt aJIIIIIeth p()n thl EtCrth,fch AS the Lord Ahhorreth. When the Lord -with his hand JhteO gather 11p the frtiits Df the fitmh from t/,itrs, /41 here ihen jhaO he their hs11ors? Wh.tt theJJ jhllll be ~~~~ with mDlJ; "JIIith thMIHttlt AIUl ftrm;et of th"e Earth? Of ,Phat v.l/11e fhAil the-ir love be thm, " -who fha/1 regard their friendjbip! Prophetis lo t~e ie 4 yea res that are to &Ome,[h~tO All thefo rhi11gs t:mJt tl pJi IS 119 fAnd this grellt j(IJ jhttJI he tHrned iJJto tear1s ~~ Bri,jiMJe. IS90 wh,? JOH oflittle fAith, J~H k...ow 11tJt horil ofttll I htitll /Jrm ~~~~m~gft ,~,: whiT the Harbor 1 f9t that I have thruH you Jmo. Notwtthftandi"t 1 ,..,.,. A1111111J.fl JOHr felvts/ Bm ftick.Jft UIJ .. 1 J!~r .111.him thllt le,.deth]ofl : F~r lu 11 A Jure Guitle. we ate in. .. .And 6e not "fr"td, thtJugh theE Arth oP'" her jns t~~U~ft Jo, for .,b] ? I -will hteffe all tbmgs 1-QU. take in hand, (f~ith the L.rd,) and my fpirit fhall dwell amon~R you. D. May I (peak ? ~. K. He turn-:th him to you. D. How fball our new ~roccedings joyne eo. our old beginnings? 0 God, our guide;lighr. fiaffe, ihield, and comfort, &c. U RI E L. Bthold, I wcch 1qr~, '"fore I corrtff: BNt the 7)(}1rine I ttMh is Humility , Paci~rv::eJhej~nhn fpe,.k._to one above,] and the fear of wrath to come vffier .,h,ch mllM~r, I h6Uie tllllzht thmt, "' the l:i to R11ir-!Jh, The~fn-, ifthoHteach OlmLien~e throNth the fpirit (If GQd, .pperint1111to tble; Bl thoN 11/[. lnd {;11r1.t. Patient and Obedient: ANi Humble thy fdf aoco thera, for my fake. /'lDt with th~ Qpem11g 4 ""1 Note .foAl ' 111Sther wtth the Counf ai/es, thl# I fh.O u/hur tbie: ~lit with .. TIUJ mintl, Obediendy, I promifc4



.deting eo f,.erfgulic that which thou haft promifcd in me.


lrW ~llr#iot~o[Dt. DeebiJ Allions;'lllith fPirits, &c. 361

I-~~m[11fficit.WI jJtuz.tb, .,a_ ill k thf b~kj".,,.;. if thtJ intt~4 evii, it fb.llit r4f upo1r them; 1'" whtn thqJ~~tti" it, it fhA/l fri~e -wilhin thnn~ And thy goings in and out (hall be fate :tmonglt A way of 'ea~ them. JJut btbl'd, 1 teJUh 1111111 thet ,, lm:h tb.u ft~~wefl noi. when tho mindeft to do if11' liag. tbig, ;, the nllrtU.I[ God1 to hir h11our,to the helpf thJ neigh~our, or thineowntDmfsrt; Go a~ ~out it whatfoev~r it b~: and begin a labour; Do thatching thou 'intendeH. .Ana [e.e that Joll JoJn with ue e~nfe t9JIIIIIf'ds G1d AwJ the bNft~~ef{e JDU are ~~ec11pi~d in.. Then cry out 111 God for &Dmfort, for light, "nd true underllnndmg. And it it fhatl/, given umo theeotbundll17liJ. ForLo, lf~rl""tothet -[. K. lundcrftandhimnotnow.J lwi!lo1m MJ hlfnd 11mo thee, 1111d bt Merciful umo thee: And whenfoever you /Hapupthe Wood toge- Togetbcr; ther, I will defcencfAml gifle fi.rC'. . Bekold, I ~epback__thereft of MJ me.ffage for ~~n fJther tim6, Which fhli ~e mtdJ fot ]Oil when I fiiUl lo readJ tr1 receive it. 6 I requdted to know how I Chould deal with the AmJa!fador of SpAin, or the Ernperor,orCurtiM~~;Secn.odly,fOur 'R...U L F. here given, I .UJ'ldedhnd_tnot.For I dare not begin any labour withoLt i counfel ~ine : M-ans imagination is fo weak, Ice. U RI EL Thor~ haft th~fe thlft .tre fet u11to the~ here for thy inftruflio,, which jh.1JI by degrees LtAd thee intC? the degrees af thAt thoM Art to Jn. Bt degreej, But it is oNe thing 11 receive Corn, and "bund~t,ce ofgrain, hy the blejfing of God, in the retur11 tJf An Jtllr; ~tnd 11n other thing to do the work.! of the Apo,9!es. For rhe fpirit of God is tw~fold : working b7 i~tformnuon,. and influence C rzlejli1tl through the grAIIt ,['God his gooJ will). in the minijf'er1 of his Jlngels,to the informlltion of Juch 111 are hil {llithf~l a11d chofen: An other thing to be ;n[pired from God himfeif, i1t1 his hoiJ fpirit , imediacely '-'fmi"t'a_,;J '<.nitti11g Wifbm tfJgether with 7on, beyond the power th~tt is giveD Hlllo h11 .An~ gels .J h1111f ff'ltn N11tl1 you 11[01f11J 11nd tr-ue JAlri;u, and hAve given JOU not flefh!J Put Celeftial ~DIUI/1: App!J fDUt {elf unto it, as the Spirtt of God leadeth JOU. tAs f or thof~ Jllick!J mm (tht 4mbaj[Aikr excepted) o11r unrbr/f4114inl h4th no nAme 'if them : We remem6er them nor, eil.hn- lj111it llnJ thing for them. lfut if thou in .thJ fimpl1ciry and innocency cnft not tkal with them, the fANlt re./feth;, thy gwn f"ith. Simplicity. I Am gone, In noccncy .-

A Deo nofho Omoipotenti Imltl~~trtali & "Regi Gloria:, Gt omnis laus ,, honor, gratiarum
adio & Jubilatio.

]11111111rJ 16. We4efdAJ, Mane hora 9 t fere


in parabolis foltlm & znigmutibus, fed clara cet, &c.

E; K.

~ Precibus ad Dewn fufis, ut n?bifcum procederet in fua mifcrkordia 8c lumine Tericatis, non ~ manifeHa veritace, modo qui illi maxime pla-

I fee the man again and the houfc : the man fcc:mcth to be covered on his

face, and foovcr with avail of haircloth to his middJc.

When it fhall pleafe God, all vailes and u,nigmata lball ceafe ..... Wh~ttfoever I te~~eh 7ou hAth " My./lerJ .And I""' a tMrftery ;, .my {elf. Eve11 fo All thilrgs thM J~U leMn fJf rm:, }~ ft he csntent to receive .cs mJftica/ inftrCiions comprellending perfea.trllth, 1111d to he ~lW" to fucb as .ere true. S ~*e ther~ b~ that h.cve, and hAve nothing7ea tl.gh theJ hve ,.IJ, for All, ir fiOJ~teit~ed: But the Mfjhries of God Me infinite, And his gr-,.ce ;, rwt robe determined. 6 That faying is dark. That which i.r .All, is conteined. Beleeve JOU, thAt we give hsly things Hnt.l Swine r Or ~pm the fi"ger and ~~rk...mt~nfhip of God HJ6to S in11ers? Gsd farbia. Mofes faw God. hut his hinller- parts. The Pr"p~ers ere lfcqutlinted wir.h Gsd,kut ,.rfti'""7 The AfOJiles .,-ub tbl So'llr~e ,[God i jhAJo_ s, 411J theirowrs impoteC1. Till, I /11] unto JDfil, that fhe thAt IJeth in the llfp of her Mothe_r,. w lz.nrrweth not 6ut b 7degrees., for it is rhe mAnner of GfJtl; Wlicom, both immediately and by us, to keep oack his Wifdom from Hell and corruption. Thtrefore m11rmur 110t At that which .JoU receiv e, for it is nQt Joll; O'Wn. Beho!J, if f'U have ~et ttr ,_,ou m ea it not: ffJr it ts vallitie to feel(. for thllt JOH hAve. Well,fince it is gitmo JIH, Conftdlr what it 11, tht is give JOII. Cofid.tr t~l[o h11w it givtn l'", And hy whtJm. 2. We know by wh()m, as our confciences and faith teach us. . ...... 0 1ou of little 1114derjf11nding: Who is he that can and bath t~ give, but Gvd, Je[Hd Chrift the Sotme of the living GtJJ, nto whom aiL things.,, ghien ;, HeAven, .end iiJ E~~Tth, ifther:efore, ~Jl b~ h1s, then he gi"eth. A11d if1o receive it hardly;- Confider how hatdly you ought to deliver

if it be_ fire I"CTiving the form Qf all worldly thmgs: Th~n ct~Jiit not to Swi11t: nfither t~nir vivif a 'ans. }tt WIJTjhip it. Behold.p Mn ~, But:. in havini it you a1utl ~afc t be;men, tor by it you emer upi71 r,< l'.
1\ nd



B ~



~------- ---

J true relation of Dr. Dee hiJ .A8/(Jns, tlrithJPiritrl&c.

- - - - u pon, and into all immortalirJ: AJ;ldby it }QU facenJ. into the irlte k._,C.,t,Jg ofour.for'efAthlr_s,anJ /filte of lnno'cencJ But I hear If vgice; I will depart, And C'Dmt agtfin. E. K. Now all is vanifhed away. 6 We read over the prcmiftes t0 our comfort and intlruB:ion , . we befcecli God, ,tO.continLlc:' his graces and mercieg, 011 us, and in us,to his honour and gtory,herc: and tor ever. E.J:. Now hc:is here again. . ...... The:wifl of God zs Hpo~'J me, and fntt:tcherh me unto ot hn- .things. To mtlrrow in the mrJrning., with empty BeUi.es, . I wilt tellyoH .what it i~ J~U foe~ 6 Fiat volW1tJS Dei, alT ejtts budem,honorti'Tt & gloriam, nunc & fe~per Ame
.Anno 1585. Janu~ry '7 Thurfday. Ma,~ e , c.ilc"i'l horam 3.. ~ . Oratione D omw ica finita, & alia brevi eja.culatione,pro lumine.& vemate Dei obtitlendis,&c.

Poll quartam hora: parte m; Tenit. E. X. Here heis now. 6 (j lori~, bus, & honor fie Deo noftro Omnipocenri . A mm . . ... ... Ho~ro:4r And than/z.rgh!il'lg wtth lowd voices, be unto our Lord J-efiu. 6 Amen . E, K. Amcp. Note th i~ 1!. K. He hath a great htAp o{lMth, or littlt: hill naturil6J him of orAIIgi~r tAwi'lj V I ~ 10 N. Earth of a tow~r, drAwing fomtwht~t ttJ A Lion~4wnJ. tawny colour. E. I(. A Woman commcch , and with a fpadc diggeth about it. ~ow GO~-

Green. Red.

m<:th achild (a man-,child) OUt of a dark place, WitR a fire fhoyc} in his hand~ The Woman hath taken &'lfii.J tjfl the tArth, 11mi thtrt ."ptM:tth 'IIAiti'j whe'rt'lhe tt~rtb wAs. The:.boy cafteth out that Waccr with tbdirc.lhovcl. 1 he Woman laughhat ' that . The Woman is in green clothes, a11d the boy in .red. ['low commcth a Woman with child, or with a great belly, in white clothes, fhc puttcth htr ha~d down to the gr?und, and pullcth out A 1i!tt~ Git4!J~ flJ 1{red 1iJ. Now commcth an old ~pan wrch a Crab- tree fiaffc on h1s back, his clothes of metly colour . Th!s old man taketht?e Glaff~ from the. Woman by~<!lrce, with:his'fift he breaketh the ~laffe, a~d all the 01l runncth about hts arm, and. ~tilt 1j lh~tiitJi fttm ,. ){oak u t'lmt; avery ltttkBoolc.

...... Pli.ner, trHtr, or buter c~n ngthing)e. E . K. He: faid this, looking on the Book. , The[e fouroN1id,. b.u mme HA J? F R U IT, ""'' the f .He11r IUia write the ,,_ 1 AW oman. 1. A C hiW. fterfes of God, wuh h~m/Jle h~arts, ~ot jittmg,. J:.neding, befort Sane\um Sanctorum. 3 A W >nnn 6 I k neeled, and io pr.c:pared my ldfro the wrmng. In the Name of Jefus our Rcdeerher.anQ with child. the Witllom eternal of God Ahnight1 ' 4 An o ~ d m.tn, E. K . He knccleth himId f. E. K. Now gceth fire out of his mouth hcamingly, he turncth himfclf to,the 4 par~s at the Wodd, fpouting ~ur, 9r breathing fi re vehemently. E. K . Now commcth one hkc: an angel, hovering over him in the airc :. and bid.. An Angel


'"ft _ .

An O.tth

...... T.J:ou Jh.tlt [wear ~J heaz;en Ar.ol earth, and hj him that Jitteth '" th~ Thrsnt, thlft thsu {htdt ope." rhJ "'our.h, tmd fpe~k_no more . the~J is t:on:eintd in this Boofv E. K. He dchvercth htm a Boo~ out of h1s .8ofow. f h~ve {worn.

dr.th him Hold up his hand .

The Angel is-gone. Now truly, the place is holy. K.lic holdcth the Book in his hand which the Angel gave him. The Book is as if it were of Ivory bone. The Book is open, he lookc:th on it. The letters fcem to be


blcwHh .

...... 7 here ii (ilence in us, and ,in the. heaflms.

E. K. Now all is fuJlof fmoak,

6 O raYi paululumtaciws.

,, .... ..
E. K., thought

E. K. Now i[ is clc:uagain. ....... Hefleme.thtueaaDfth,B,Dfv

r~~ ~ ofJOUr Dlafad.

E. X. The book fcemcth robe: writren io thc holy Ghartet(rs.

, ...... Dla[!d dignified.

t,.,. per ~notit~r.

rnia is igne

E. K,....:. . .. ; ... t.JUf,hrother,feAiJe ojftbJ c/,i/Jifhneffe; tnll;mNr nDt, thot~bitulreft mt E. K. He: is again in a Cloud. E. K. Now he is clccr again.

...... e/f,d Luminus or from due degreu. . ReAd ir. ~ r' read ir. '''t T ak.! offyour &JJlafqd dignifid,-,nJ L1,1minus, or from d11~ tiegrerr E. f(. He feemcth to labour much about the reading of ic. , Gather or t4k_; fierce degru ...... [1 feel tJ() power, therefore have patience.] . , Notr>Pith.ft andint, work.Jt di~rfo di4JtS multiplyi,g four digeflwm. E. K.. Now he is in a Cloud again. ,, Tr14J, rh at it may Ge given unto me ofGod. .. ... , , And do11b/e then D lafod, 11Nd thJ R o d 1n r. [it is a word whi&h cannot 6e [ou11deJ J ..... , , <.M(nd it R 1 o. 6 Mu{t ic.be R 1 o d .n r ? ...... Look_~bout you ,for'Satan would hinder JOU of oaJ benefits . ,, ...... R L o d "' r. ,; ...... DiligmtiJ . ...... Pr~J. that JOU may underft.t1ld. 6 VV c pray ed. , ...... For, until thou p>lltch Jo conlinuing. E. K. A Cloud fiandeth by him, and nowcommcth before him :ts ether time~

ihu; a{tcrw:~ rd.


before: and then gocth away from bcfotc him again.

,, ...... if, a huly bo~1r defccndetb

...... Note thiJ, v erJ welL, for here you may be caft over fhoe.s.

...... Thil Cloud idn rhee.

6 VVe had talk of rhe forefaid Cloud. ,, ...... Of ewrJ work., there Afcendeth on~ Audcal, ~tnd fo everJ L~tw R 1 o d n r.

:e ~ J(.

Now he is covered in his vail or cloud again.

-g, K. Prayed a.ihortfervc::m prayer, whcreac I re joyced much. E. K. Now thcre.commcth a beam from above into his head as big

as my little
&: c~ileth h is arms abro:1.<1 fwiftly.

,, ...... eAnd purppfe Dl.[ud, tal<,: a {wife lm~tge, >11Jd h11ve tJ:.e propo:tiDn of'4 m~fl glorio:-u m;xture Audcal and atfo Lub. Contint4e And bJ o8ice reek_ R n 0 d fl r. lutcif.:ward by the red di. J' J' grftUJ!' But he by the common or red D a r r doth gather mo{f ripeft Wor~, pu.rge the. 141 forte ne J!Pell fixed. Then the four through your [R 1o d n r] [IJ.-,d]'Roxtan ~n:foei:l tiiQre together at the ifJfi/er hod] hJ one degree \b u 1 be by you for him hold it for him in one of them. -


He- fpe 3 kcth;


[ Fo't~ne]


Now hclucthdown profirate. J.

'' ...... V11tii of the ldjl thi11g. ,, I nhim beco'!le bis red AtJJ._highejf ~gre.e~f hu refurr,ffioll thr1ugh coition, E. K. Now there commeth a great 1hing hke ~fire, and covcreth him.
D, We diti rife up fron:~ kneeling. ~, ..... After a while I come again,

. [(.-

ThiS w~s added & corretted af cc:rwards. Hefpeakctli


Now ti'c up. .

++ ihere is the whole wor'<.,.

E. K.

Here is again,

tiber EnoCJi
Six \'vordto

]Jying forth thl ilook._o{ Enoch. Read JOllY fetro,. .. :. ~ I read the former, Take off your, ate, '}]' Gather JIIHT fix Wll~ds, 4 wurds conftjf of 6 /itrers, 1ind tw11 of 4 R 1o d n r reAd thA_, in the upper 11111gle d.efcending' in t~e fir(l fquare, t It is a griAI thing to k_nq., which is the ftrft table there m N11t11re 7Je/i-uer the Bot~f<.. here. ~ I ga.e the Book eo e.K. , .... Looftwhere thou E. K. {eeft the letter. clear. . .E. K .looked, and faw a f park of light upon R, then on ,L , &c. 1::::. He was le~ by lighc appearing on the letters to read the fix words , ~!afod, Roxtttn, 'RJdnr, rV/Hd.clll, Darr, Lu/11, ...... Here is ~aternarius in Circumferemia, and .!i(_uatemari'us in Cemro. 1 here be ~he 4 mediating wJes ro theCenter. AH that m}' /,e fpokfn in that JOH caJJ Animl'l,fTegetahle;or MinerAl worlz.mAnfhip of N"ture is here, as in a pare of the four. Thu f4r nCiw, mure M JDH deftrt it. But that J~U "'"l foe, I am a Companio111rith the re (f.



Vegulb !e,Mineral.
Omne 'lltrlll1t'll'rl1

E. K. He is gone.



6 ' .Benedicamus Domino Deo nofiro Onm.ipotc:mi; Patri F{lio ~ Spiricui fantto, JIJIItn. 1"nut~r'ii tS. Prt~z.t. Frid117 Mane horarn circicer 8 ~ Oracionibus fuGs ad Deum, ut MyHeria nobis exhibita (helterno die) explicenrur; &l ut detraCl* lirerx cortice fuccu5 &fpiritus vcriraris maoifet~us fiar, &c. tandem apparuit ille cum velo;cin<:rco. E. K. Her.e he is, upon a green cndldfe plain field; and as I ke abroad io th~ field,

fo the Heaven appcare.th, and all circ urn fiances of the air abroad : but my th1nketh, that I am from the earth aloft, and (ce all under me,. as if it were in a valley.
-. ..... Now wblllh"m JOH learntdoutof th~tt Lejfo"?

Th-e ufe :uld

. 1 f ru1to f t hc.or!\)er Ldlom.


The place of words and lee-ters. Tbednumbdelrof WO( ' :tn etten. The joyning t~fnumkr and



6 We -perceive the grace and favour of God, to deliver us Myllerie~itt outward terms determined, but in the fruitful inward verity 1 as yet unknown ro us. ...... Behold. I htn;e delivered J?" (through the Will.of Goa) the trut perfectand_ ntolt plain Se ienc.e or underHandmg of all the lower S::reatures of God : che1r natures, fellowfiup together and c ~ h" h. _ c Id ' perac\_;{ knitting together, w J~ JS tourro . . The firjl, the i(_>titting Ulf.ether of celefti~tl influence, and the Cre4tures /?elo"RI. The focond, the t:e~tr~ of every hody E j{eHtM!. The third, the c~mbintion of mAn1yarts or hrJdies c~t~Curren.t to 01., prmcple. 'Thel14ft the true uje lltnd ~O."R!Le~ge [E. K. He fpcaketh a language which flj evcrJ fr~bjlttnCe fo be Wl}fiJneJ 1111J. dijlrtbuo. } C30nOt.fOUnd after him. ttd. TAk....ea p~tufe~ We read the premiffes, nnd difcourfed of them. . K. Now he is here again. . .,.,.Jn the Lef!on whtch 1 have ta~~gbt you is thi;k._nDlllleate) with the rejf contAined. Therefore feek_., l!fnd rur11 the earth uptidc: .down. Lallour, thAt 7"* "'"] receive fruit, for utfJ him thAt wo; /r.!th, and hAth ftrtngth,ftrength jha/l/, 1,iven, mul the rtwArd of 11 '~~"ltma. M~~~t1 Jears, the d:zughterof lflng time, lire 1101 mcefJArJ to Jhe o1ening f this MJft"l MllnJ mt111eth.t hA~e nothing to J, here: For Jo, it i4 a-labour of one day,for in 9nedAJ J&H Jnil]llllllerfttUUit"HIIIT rhi& u Jfon in piecu, And to HNdtrftand whAt everJ worJ Jg~ifteth. But her~ is tfl b~ eonjidered, ;, the leAri11g of this Lejfo,, three. things : the pltttl tpAt WerJ '"'ord occupieth; the place hAt ever1 /mer Dccu.pieth, ~~nd the n11mher and place that tverJ ""ord and letter is referreJ Hnto. for here place and number are apart, anc:J bear an Image of the work thAt rhq intre.-t of. . Btit Ht~mber 11mJ plt~ce m11ft be jop1ea t9gether, and there~} Jhall Jd tllft, f thAt whkhfllow6th, . tfl/.e wi{dome-. Bet herefBre diligent, And prJ fr the graft" 4 qod, thlll JOH I'IIIIJ letiT ""tl t~nderji;,J. The 111An1:1ff of mans teathiNg /o ok_.not fflr, in me; f or I luwe rwthing to dO with m~~n. Stt, hm Jnl ~'"' dge/f this: E. K. He is ficpt afide. 6 1difcourfc:d. E. K. He is here again ...-. ~ Now hear of wh~tt I fha/1 f"! unto JOH. /will optn unto}'"' 4 MyA:ery, the key llnJ fqlln aatlurdnto the tf!tr.tnce and k._nowldge of rhe divine wifdome, deliverld HUtl ''"' ill" Scie11r:t plfable, conteined ill letters and words unorderly placed. as a Chaos: t~na therefore Wflt to /,e Hndlrftood [,ut by order to be reduced and dr~tz into their places, nd therebJto be u11dtrjloqd. For JOH hAve not a letter, wor the form of a letter, n~~r the place of let-ter, bt~t the] Are 11R (1#111 reli with us.As rh,ft.ers are counted with God. The [ett"s nd word.J workJ"t intfl "" ret~foJ, M the ft.crs do ;nto th1 lo"Rier ereM ures : Tkerefqrt humbly receive rht 'I!Phifh 1 ht~'fJt to [111 t41Jio Joll, . or [hall pen unto JOU M ob"ii#ne Sch,/ars, /tnee/ing. Firfl," little with me pr~ti[e God- . F... K. He is on his knees. E. K. prayed the 14z I_Jfalm, Dln~le txtli orti~ntm mtAIII, and I withhcan confcnicd, and greatly rejoyccd in tbc-aptncffeof the prayer: as E.K. his cafe ~hie fly rc-

quircd,and mine alfo.

.... I come agam.

E.K. Hcis gone. 6 W (:conferred and confidered many things to the praife of God, and the contempt of the worldly \vaiome, &c.

Now he is comcagaln. E. K. Now there commeth a white cunain before him.

Now hear "'1 ~fli~e, ftrr thDH flllljl lt(lt foe mt.

~. K:

t IG Stvent; three, 67, 29. Z0 'JV"d- 1::;. . I read. .. , it m~~ft bt llO



J true './{!Lnion ofDt. Deebis.AlJions, 'Tl'ithJFirits, &c.

E,. K. I hear a voice, as ifbaskcts,and earthen pots wctc thrown from place to place-, from one fide to another.


.. 78. ..1')'.0' 9f roo. 6o. 9l K. K. I hear as it we: re: a whiftling 'lery bafefy or lowly~ ...... Say wiJat JOU hdvt, ~ I read all the 1 ~numbers-, -.... Mte.~e A note there~ 6 I uJade *as you [ee before .

whu, wbutwhu,&c

...... 39 . E. k. Had a very heavy thingon his head: and as ifit would have: crept into his hc:ad.

in his cap it fcemed

'' 5! P 83. 6, 7 Il, 2,0. 8S. * ...... Note that., 6 So did I, as before, with* as a full poinr, N otabll', ...... 7 ake thou .- K~ lllfo pen, tnk._, and pAper, ,.,d note the numbers alfo , tht JIM -'(rtt. E. K. To. k pen, ink, and pe1por o ... Wriu thou .K. itifo the m~mber s that he hMh 11'Tjttm. E. K. Wrme ouc all the former numbers. 5 ~ ... , .. IJ. q. 62. ~ J4I 9 81. 18. 26. H t23. 105. 14 1-7 liS ll5 I 37 10 64. 46 59 b. I became here al~Uolt in a ft)und , I w.lS fo~ccd-to rife from kneeling. Our guide at:ld School m:1Her bad me go away, and E. K. fhould write out the refl: : But it was not our friend that [o bad. 139 22. 3 4 5 1~8. 86. 7'" 68 58. I41 121. 143. ' 6 ' 6 2 4 19 1) 1 ;. 9 5> l). 37 3 '-1 7 57 75 4o, 1 7 41.. 79 119. 8. 9 S. IJ3. 9j 84, . 70 49 jZ



Theft: E.'}\.. .
had received;






I ~8,



8 1,

124, 30, ug. 130 90


4 3.

109. 102.




lJI .ing,byfuCwgf



6 I .



4 7






132, 21.



94 Thou , K 1 hattall done.






89, brigbd~hc 2.8. rehprefen~i~ t e num"'"rs 8 o. llponhi$paZJ" per. Budt wauSophi nical Chew 2 &$


may app~&t after.

After Dinner we repair~d to our bufindTe, and by and by apparition was made ." .. And luminous, all one word.

. N1w fer JIUr nu m hers, 11s t!tJey f ollow in

mler,[o ordtrl] wer 1ver7 wml.

TtJ guher 1s eo be cak'en for one word.


..... f.t is fo.

...... Nn hrlng every 'a'OTtA confequentlJ in order by nl4mb4r diremng you . . Whtll }ON hAve fiNifhed And confidered, afur 2 hourJ I wilt help JOU "!. ain. S ~ Mnft he in th~ place of z 3, ~tnd muft an[lller And luminous. " ...... T/ie number over Corrioron, muft be :z.: 1111d not 138,Stt All tggethn-, l will hdf your

A There ieern robe ju!t I 44 accounted words .

C::. I.,annot. do ic well this night ...... As thou wilt, IVld when thou wilt ,ram reAdJ. 6 Omne quod vi vie refonet laudes altiffimi. tAen.


J~muarii I 9 Mane hora 9 Infpe8o Lapide flatim app:nuir, qui ante heri.Poct prece! ad. Oeum~ ...... Hear wh~tt I fha/1 [14J tmto l"" The Werd .:end Teftt4ment of Jefua Chriff, the hmtd of /,fe, lift ro tbe comfort and inftrf,cfion of the fAithful, it fuch IIJ infmJUth 11ww~g t1 th, digni~ ty 1111d purenej{t of Spirit in h;m, which feei<Jzh to be inform~d. For whJ, th~ Ho/7 Gh~fl h'lpeth ll#t fuch as are Lepm, neitha h~aleth fuch M are ficlt, u,/ej/i th~J c~rm {e1/rJ'1.t him truiJ for

tM.tnJ rMa rhe Scri?turtJ ~frer the [ttme mAnmr, (mJ-lmthren) b#lt thq are CQnfoun4e'd ~ heIAMje t?q feek._their '"'" glrJ, and not t/v glor1 t~f him, wheret~f thq intreat.. Htrein tL11h $14tAn reJoyce that the WIJrd.ofGod is b~r.ll,#an inftru,mmuntohim, t~fpoilthe life, .(Andjhttl to comt) of man. HereiN til.th he rljOJ(t, thtit .,;ith tht [lfme mtiit thAt ~,J fmkth, e'VIN with thl feJf [N'II

IJt tllnj'OII11deth,


~66 @_A true relation of Dr.

b. I was very

Dee his ABionJ,ritbJPiritsl.&c.

After the fame mAnntr ha~h he done ~nto yo~. . . _. . For ye./ftrdal, whe" he(.-., thee (A) l_ab,ur and ftruggle wtth mfirmmcs.of the flelh, he thoHtht ficl fuddenly, a fie time to thrt~/f in himfelf, ~tna of the jl11m 11re~td t/IAt I have t.iven.JOH (;,.the power fChrift) and was cOn- to mak.! himfeif An inflrt~mmt ~I~Yntlllg of himfelf into our brighmefk, to )ead you iwto errour. {\raincd to BHt not HFrW4rthJ are JfJU of this miftor ddrk.._nt.{t: Read ygu "ot ill the Seriptures, thAt he perifh:.. leave off ed rJ,at moved him[elf to ftl the Ark._unbidd~n? . The Hand dorh not the p11rt of the bodj,neither c11n he thAt is 11 Seer,-.nd the member of anotl.er, C:J ~~ufqr;'firr; ~u!fill thufftce of hmJ of whom he ts a member. proprzl(.m 1 o1 um J ' J f h [E J
0 fficio un u.f ttuifqrte funr;IZtUr proprio.
.J IIJ tlnto t ee .K. . .. Bec~tufe th~u lefterdAJ woulde./1: 111fer up Jacrijice, woulde/1 put th J h.tnd to that wh1ch- IS no~ thy office, aNd tht~t in the n.bfcnce of him, whi~h is thy body : therefore hath Sati/UI decei1.1ed thee. 11nd as the father of lurs hath in a lejfon of truth led you fo far inio errourl rh~~t you "i!IM11tr. find

Mercy and


the "alaJ Otlt, if roH fhost/d follow thofe inftruD:ions. For "hl thq are f.cife, and of tlte Devtl. when th!Ju wert commantl.t4,Jaying, Write ; then write; But when tho hAft no 11.-i.borit7 f,Jven thee ,uf tJot. BHt notwtthftanding, Humble your [elves bef re the Lord, tt.nd k,.n~eliN.t before urp o him, Receive you Ldfons toge.ther, you are bucon:e body .. 6 Thanks be unto 0ur God, which hath delivered us from the fnare of the wicked hunter, an4 is ready to lead us into the path of truth . ...... Now write both together, ttS JOH f.a/J hear. 6 lnrheName of Jelus. , .... The PlAce is hoiJ.

r o,







E. x~

Now I near as the falling of a block.


33 78-

I 2 I.








I 2.


I I). 1-42


I I.



6j. Il5 141 9 SI. IS. z6.


54 123 u8. l"'f-

I I] . 31.







24. 75











70I 3 I,

3 I.








3 5.





I I "

106. n6.



119I Jl













l 8]. 2.8 [ 46j 7 T~

14. . 47
I I J..

14+ 127


6r .





I J-3


56- 118. 119 IOJf Icg.


A holy m;eft he ~tll one '!Pord, and fo elfe where, A mofl:.





6 I find here 8 numbers double, and 9 !lumbers between I and 1-H, not ferved with words,aod one to want of 144 . ...... Wh4t id it to m~, if Satan confound)OH. . . 6 A~ I pm my rru.A: in the Almighty power ofChri!1 our Redeemer, fo I n:~ort humbly, beattily and conllamly be{eech him, and verily believe, thatbe will confound and utterly extermine all Sacani,al temptations in thefe actions, elfe are we nothing. ..... /Jefeech God to forgive JOH rour jim. I will 'l.lijit JIU at the t~urth hour after dinMr.

Dco Gratias.
SAtHrdaJ, After dinner,circa J.!oram 4 A Comtorcus, 0 God, with thy truth, as we intend truly to be: thy faithful and dcyouc Ser vanu. t.Mitte /imam. E. K. Here he is. I ..... Tou have 29 twice, the lttft 29 mufl ~lean be pNt 1/lt. l rotf have two Dlafod, JOU muft pHt the lAtter ollt. E. K, He is gone. E. X.

_ J tr11e relation ofDr.Dee his ABions;withJpirits, &c

E. K. He is here again. 3 . Have JO~ 110t this "J#ord double? Put two words next to thAt, D lafod and ..... Look out the Nttmber of 6 3 P ut next to it I 15. ....6 The wicked enemy prompted falls. 4 ..... You hllve two 10 Mak..f the l.jt 66. ~ '1 he lHjf 77 najl ~e 71. The reft wtlt prove it fdf. No)ll Jet tbe num6trs and gather ..... 'J hink_ 11ot' that I C~n erre; if there be a fault, it is JOHri.
S .tturdar, Afcer drinking at night, hora 7. . r ou,. words and numbers mull- he all one, or el~"eyou lAbour in vAin, '.1" J' I 2.. 3 6 Which be the wor~s :mfwering to ehof.:: numbers? ...... Take Common Rlcdnr I wifl teach JOI+ na further. 6 God be thanked

- -- - - -

I fpok/ to thee il4 the ~egivnin! of Darr and And, over the 1rhi'h there muft ht I Jo iftrutled thee in the btf.inni~t . But it muft be for a new Revoluuon, hut ntJt for thu. P Ht out thefe numbers, let them fall dfewhere. Nott that 1 ; , the Mar.tent,forthe beginning of another. I Take 1. Common ~ Audcal 4 Purg-:: 5 and 6 Work 7 lt
..... I 21

.....T k.! Common

I: I



Nore. For a ne" Re

v olution

The brginninc & anolher. f

..... D!Afod 11nd rh en tDgether . qver Dla[od, 11na r z5 tJver then. Now doubt Mt.

J~nullrii 20 . Sunday after D.inAer,abouc 3 o(the clock. As we [at together in the Myflical lludy, and the Shew-fto"' being btfore E. K. our School-mafler appeared therein. Behold I open unto thee thu k.!r, which is not lflorthy for the unworthJ ; neither Are the Nn worthy worthJ of it. Tr11 {e1ch it u, as never entred iAtO man before ; bur the body it u, with t he image whereof thq have brought forth many things, to the 1nife of God, ;,. the 1'{.11mher of hu w ork.!. Takf Common, &.c. Takf hold. Write it in a paper bJ it [elf. Now 1ou have that 1~u fought for ( you mal appl] it , aJ~d find JOUr D"J#n erroNrs) which JoH are 1JTn41orth' to receive any fuch thing. 1::::. G loria la us & jub1lacio G Deo noflro alciefimo D omino Dominam~um &. Regi Regum irn~ t mortali. .Amen.


{anuarii 2 I. <.Monday. Mane hora 9 ~ 6 Oratione D ominica~- aliis precibus ad Dc:um fufis, pro ejus gratia & auxilio,per fideles fuos M ini!lros, & nofhos eonatus promovendos, &c. E . K. Here he is. 6 Bcnedietus qui v~nit in r.10mine Domini, cujus nomen fanctificetur & exaltetur, nunc & in :rvum per omnes gefltes. m 1\.;member that JoU ~re fiefh, And bJ JOUr 111rk; deftrve n1thi11! at Go4s hArtdr.


J true Relation of Dr. Dee his .AfJionsJflJitbJPirilsj&c.

N 11'fl! then ifl'" be man, then Are you f earth, eArth]. 'But ACt:OTdin' to JDUT fimilit~, graftetl in the im11g~ of God'" his So11ne Jeflls are heavemf. But hehoid,God is oppojite unt~ JOU, II1Ui his fpirit cleA'teth not untiJ 1~, in thAt JOII /Ire fiefh,11l thttt JOH are eutb,in th11t 1(}11 are filth 1 : in thM Jilll re the children of SatAn , 11nd thllt therefore, r11k.._e part -with him 4[.4inft Chrift Anoiwttd fthe f,.o,d. E. K. He is out of fight now . Now if JOH he oppofire, or mtWe contrary to the im11ge of hi"' which dtl1elleth in 'JfJU, if JOII dweO in him -wh~t iU 1ee here: wh1 prefume JOU tD nuer wjthin the Doores of him to who, JOu are 11n ttdverfllrJ? Herei11 fOil [hew JDUT ignor1111ce; awd tb'e fumpifhnejfe of Jt;JHr fragiliq, in tht JOH foelt of him, unto whom JDH are odious,or crave the brud which is due and ne~ej[ar1 fn- hiJ i:hildren And for1!AI1if 'IIA"ts But h1ar MJVoke, Petentibus dac, fed pctemibus &liis, ~ fervis, fed non ahenis. Notwithfta'Jdjng\of hss merq, nnd for that, he ~nm before the beginning of allworldr, the corr~tptionof 1o~r vejfels, and mnembring that JOH have ~J,, of hiJ houfhold, mercifHltJ he bAth hitherto wink!d. at you, and At Jour prefumltitm, nd fed JDH with that bred, whi~h it not th1 bread of ~nners. But 1'Jli'W ctnfidering thAt you ctmtinue in yoHr wickeheffe , contitfue in 1our rebeOien agatlljf his Upon conaiti- c..Jt[ajeftJ, and fight d.AiiJ undt' his banner whith is AC&Hrfed, he tf<!th hii hread. from 1.ou, Jhllton. teth up his Doores t~gainft Ju', wttrr.eth his ferVAnts ttt,ainft JOU, 1111d is be&ome a fire-brAnd of wrath "I.inft 7on, But here Jffl will {111 :were not...,, of thofe number until .,hom he mad promifo,Joll wtre f.But upon condition: ThAt if JOPI would bridle JtiUT tong11es from fpeAi(Jng evil, .,d btcqri'Je 'll1ho01 his. But JoU are neither his , nor bridle your tonguu: b11t (peak BlafFherny before the Lord , and che Mdfen~ers of his light a71d. cwenant. Therefore Rre 7ou 11ot inheritors of hii promife, Beht~ld,while the grape! J.rer~, llfnd the corn ripe11eth, Gqd J.id expea JOUr return, for r~o h()ltT is um"teptllhle sm-



But no., the h~r11ej/ commeth that the corn muft be c11t down .tnd the grttpes preffid, you are not as you fa id you would be. nor as you proillifed, T~erefore are you ex~/ud:d, for i11 the vinqArd there commeth no ftrAngers > nor in this harveft co.smeth An} hirelingr,for is n1t the hArveft ofmAn,
Ngw eithtr fulfillJour ptnntf# ndrtrurn from the m11/tit11de of Jfflr jinnes: fJT murmur n4t, thou,gb JOU be fhut Olll of q)qores. Th t.trth of -;, fllf hringeth fQ1'tb 1fothing, for it is the lump And excrmunt of dAr~eff', whofo b~els are a burning lake. But where the heavens Jitld, ~tnd the S unnt pourttb down his force, [he ope111th her felf, a.d hecom~th {pong1, receiving mjxture to geeratiQn, and fo is exAltul Abtn.~e ber felf, 11nd hringeth fqyth tD the ufe of1111111; :Evm fo the Body when it l]tth ;, the p11dale lll9d hotchpotch Df his et#'tb/1 filthinelfe, and dt~rk..ne.J{e makJng himftlf llJNIII ,..;th beAjfs : whofo dignit] is ot, hilt in their fo.



E. K. Now hcis here again. TTothings JOU hAVe tob&in{frufiedi,, iiJRlodnr, llndinthe Law ofCoition and Mixture. Y"he firft, is the injlrNmtnt wDrk.!g, 11nd drawing th;ngs together of one rtAture. .T he Jecond is the boil nds llnd termes, wherein t'lltrJ mixt11rt conjifteth, and beJona the which it cann()t LO The firft of4 parts., ever1 part conteining,conttintth hiJ csntei111d douhle, The ftrft ij T epens , this teacheth the rejt. The{e two things can I open untfJ )OH in t-wo revolutions, which it hut one d11Jes T171(. But nQW I ceaje to open an1 more unto J'" till I fee th fAVIHr ofGod morupea u~~to )OH. After 7 daJes I will come gain, until thew, /either 11m, nor fpea'<: li The mercies of God be upon us, now, and ever; e/lnkll

Jefus MerCJ. UltfondaJ. Janutlrii 1.8. M:me, hora 1 e ferc. Oratione Dominica Be aliis pro mifericordi:t divina, fulls pttcibtu extemporanc!is: After diveri'e pitiful complaints of our frailty, and calling for favour,grace,and mercy, he appc=a red ...... Let the heavens pr~pttre themfehm tD beAr , tht emh fcMter her [elf llefore 111] voice : for I am th1 Trumpet of the HighejJ, and the pierciwg Spirit, difperfod into ,JI rrtllturn, whi&h are from tht beginning in 6od, And mAde to his glor1, Nul the t~fe of man-~nd, thflt i m411 h, flught 6e glor~fied. qi11e ear therefore,gird up JIUr gArmtfJts, feMttr JDIIr bait .DroAd befort tilt Lord, 'IFhieh is glorified in me, ;rnd thr(JIIgh nlfpe111(; uJ tbtfi '"' m].,ords.



;A trMe re/.ation ofDr.Dee his .At/ions;withjpirits, &c.


Jlarden not 7our he~~rts againfl rh~; Lord, neither exAlt JoUr {elves JdJove him thll_t hteth &rcltttd B~tt- humble JONr [elves, 11nd confider-you Are .fiefh, mort.!, tralljitory, and full of ~nne. t.M7 brethren, m1 brethren, jinne Ana fiefh t~ppe~Cr not blfore the qrd, neither [Hch 111 t~re jin11trs, and fiefhiJ .vej[els Apt or fir fg the Lord to dweli in. Underftttnd whlft the Lord is, a,d how greAt he is: a 1udg to the '!7ic/z.ed, treat and terrihle: t1t. fther to the holf a11d jincere,ju ft,full of"'erCJ, tlnd loving kjndtzejfe. If you nor9 therefore be ho/1 , and put on the garments of I nnocem:y , a11d wtetk. before him;,. u righteoff{nejfe; ThetJ look_.to hAv_e the reward of Children; Th1n lovkJor his fatherly mercier, ttnd loving kjndnef[e; Then, then rejoJce at the garlllents of gtory prepared for you. But if you feek.__him in juJ.gment~ And jfir him up to wrath ~tnd anger: ifJOU cAu[e ham to call the Rut it terrible thunders (provided for thi wick!d) tebotlt him, in the mojf furious (lamer of his indigNation, t~gather JOH together lik.f whirl Wind,: ifJoH draw his holy Angel from yqu, and fpcilJOU of your ttrmes: ifhe fit down pvn the mot~th of vengeAnce, l[t11d Arm hitnfelf P~ith righte8ufmf[e ag4~Hj JUHr T#ick!dtze-ffe, 7hm lofJk.Jor the horrible and unfpeR/z.4ble reward of the wick5d, and the confuming fire of 'f!4ftice ,fharper thn~ the two-edged{word. . Who bath flood before the LorJ. in }ujlice? or who J.ttre quarrel with the higheft? what fiefh hlfth ftm the Lord in hu Mtejefl-ie? or can Appear before him,as righteous ? Tear. J911T [elves therefore in pteceJ, andf~tll down hefore the Lord, worfhit> him as a [~tther, and become his childrtn: for his Judgments ( mJ brethren) are terri~le~ and his wrath iJ withoe~t tm4J11re~ Man7 wa]eJ you Are bound tendtJed umv God; As bJ di{ctplme JOH learn. But three fpei:ial rMJeS 7ou i11we been advanced bJ him more then pmr 6rotherf or.fifters htwe bin~ The firjf in the vifitMin, wher.ewithtel he htCth comforted you, and exalted pu Above theworldJings, of his. good,pure, and ju!l: Mini!lers of eternity and light. Secondly, in thllt -with his rrwtJ hand, Jea,1111ich tht 6eek_of his own eye, beJond the mini/fry of Jlnge/s,he h4th diveri waye$ protected you: tUfended JOH, rea,AHdfxatchedJoUfrom imminent and viole'llt envy, and prepared del.truetion of Slttan, at home, abroad, and diverfe other wayes, fecret tbUl 11ot tD lu opened. LA.f/1~ tluu by their wmcnes And miniflr1, wh;.h are his good Angels, ~tnd minifter tmtl him, he h.:bgrded !~"'from the wick.!dnejfe ofJOUr own C11untrJ., t~~~d h~tth bruttghl JOU, ret~~d] to plate JH' mtfJ the lap of a Virgin, wich whom, if you take part, you fhall afccnd into that Hierufalem, which Jhall defcend, and there live frJr evtr. . Therefore ought you, above all men, eo lift up the born of che Lord , and to blow blis praifes a broad. Therefart ought JOU 7Phen others are f~li of idluuj{e, the dalLiAnces ofJinne, to humhl~ JOin' [elf """rhe e.,.tb beft~rl the Lord, and to prt~ife his N "me. Thn-efore ought you,thoHgb aU. flefh forfook.__the Lord, and cried et agaitift his Anointed, to/~tna J-iflJ t~g.tfnft the maltce of the hills, and to be wirhe~ut fear. 0 "'1 hrethre11, rher(for# ought you (i" 'VerJ deed) to fhafte offJOt~r wick.dnelfe , and to cl~:~we ( !Jiforl the Lwd) unto the innocency of Angels, d.elighti~tg in the one as an erern4l food , de[,ijing the other as a fir e-briU1d for Hell-fire and the wick5d. C::. 0 Lord, V elle ade!l nobis, afl abfque tu9 Gngulari favore, & auxilio non poffumus perficere, quod ica .debemus prxtlare. Igicur Deus. Lo,l,ehoJJ, 7our humility is not, JOU are fealed to the World, And according to the World mea- W oriJ. Jre the Lord; Therefore with the World Jhall JOU he judged. Therefore Jhalt the L ord fit in judgm~nt "l"injf JOU 6 0 Lord, what prevaileth us that we are are-born ? or what prevaileth us that we have heard of the myfteries and promifes mofl: merciful of the highefl, as concerning our EleCtion, if the Lord will not hdp us in our great frailty and mifery.'; .where. fhall we beceme on the face of the ea.rth? ~c ...... Hear me, Fret not. ;n Spirit, fQr tt lS not 10 thee. 6 E. K. Now a flame ot fire fl.allieth in my face ...... 0 yee of little faith ! 0 7ee of little faith ! 0 yee of little [t~ith! I have gathered you to get her ar Prophets. But yo" flie from me. If I h.td lz.nown or foreften, th~t tll fit on the feat of Kingr, had bu11 mm for you, to have IMd h11b.h4tion vr dwe/Jing With the e-rll{ty Cotmfollors of rh, Et~rth would have made JOU fit for mt If l had feen that pride of the loathf ome heAps of mone7 ill garhemJ. tigethe,., could have J4n1ified JOI4 before me; Thtn ~rmld I h14ve lifted you up, placed ~ JoH amo'ngft the wor/Jiy wife, or pened unto you the lvwth ofthe Earth. But I provtd#d you agatnl.t Abi[Tum, the Kings, againll Counfellors, aJ.it~ft the Govern ours of the World, toopen my judgments, and to lawth, bear -witnejfe of my power. B~t Jince JOU Are {o full of rebellion, and wiLl rife up ~tgaift the L~rd 6 rh~tt made you, difdain to takf part with his holy'Sp,irir, that you may be recUfied and [;..JCtified to 0 ~~~c~~c: ap. 0 the performance ot h1s b0ly w1ll; H etfr [~]thou my vo~ee. P T .rkf whom{oever thou wilt, in whofo jlf.ce rhe Lord Jhall feem ti dwdl, A1Jd place him with this De ;:ov Seer, And let him jlaNd [even times bJ'hiM : I will e.ak! the fpirit from him, and wilL give it unto af{J{wuJ.Q vi """ther, ~tnto.tho fame that ftankth by, IU1d jhAil have power to fee: and he fhall fulfill my word, dmte & ~~~. thatl ha.ye begun. B#l if thou .tofo, tAk..e heed thAt upon his he"d thtrl ~oml ,.~ rlljor; But keep him }:;:~:.'""... forme. Cc I

@_A tre R.el4ti.on of Dr.Dee hit .AOions/.JJith fpi. itJ,&c:. r

6 0 Lord God, thou haft_ coupled usy~o together, io .thy cleaio~? _and wha~ the lord bath joyned, no ~dhly f~ncy of tnlf\C !hall wlllmsty feparatc. Bu~ Lord, It lt be'thy wU~ feeing ne is fo hard to g1ve credH to thy holy meffages, w1thout fome_proof1n work firft paffe<l; as for example, this doCtrine ofthe_Philofophert ftone ;_ that fo he_may come to be ~ll?wed?thou~h he imitate 7lia.mM 7)Jdim11,J Ill h1s hard aud How belief, or credJt g1veJ:1 to thy M1mHers m thLS ACtion. Lord, prcceed herein, rh~t he lil'layperceive thy Fower and J.nercies, &c. And lord, bC"caufc he is to receive the pledge ot thy merc1es, and myftery of the heav~nly food, we would gladly hear of tha. t htdJ S ~c~amenr fume difcou1 (e for our better inlhuaion, and his bmer incoura g:ment eo the my He
I come agai .

ry recelv!ng.

6 After a good while, in which mean rime we had difcour(ed of ~he Sa~rament receivin~h and of the Philotor hers llone making, he appeared. E. X. Here he is now. ,. Nou well "~'*hat I fal Hnto yoH. . K. He opcncth his face, he: putteth on a whi!e garment, he takctn up the fout

Crt:aturiJ; of N~rhmg,becttu{eilthm;Jelfheu. E. K. He holdcth up his hands, and lookctb up to heaven, and fe~mcth&o praytx ... t 1111 M1'111JIIif1114. If h1 Be, ~hen doth it follow , thAt nothing iJ, but thAt which ii qoJ. But GHl ,.M not All thingI (mad( And creat~ i.) of himfelf, neirhtr out of himfilf: tluref(}fe of nothing. Undlrjf.uul. rhmfore, thAt God (ml' leginNint, and btJond the luginning ;, himfeif, ;, himfelf M 6od, conuintd. I am and u, pr11ptr to hi111[elf, ani for himftlf: BHt lfo 67 the k.._11DJJ>~dg1 t~f himfcif, he comeincdaJfo thlftl.'\ othing, of 1h1 -,hi eh 'N his [tcret IIMd dettr111ined p,;r pofe [tp.wu'from himj cJf, h~ intended to m,kJ.all things. It fotlowcth ncccffariiy (therefore) thAt thlft -whidJ 'IM! not, hiVd no po~er ~f it feif, muff remAIN After tbe lmllge of IS, /lro,ght or k_~u t!lJethN' ~~ tb~ Wifoe ofGod,f~tbftantillliT i11 h;mfolf, wherebJ 'fefuJ (hrift ~tppeared in hi1 G(J'd-hlaJ. But hho!d, when GuJ. the PA-t h.,r and the Son) t hr o~tgh one fpiru u.cl [11bflan~~ 411d i/JumilltM11). from 0111 ~entre, hadgatherered tog ether (Utu DiYino) that Nihilfepa,.l4blc.

comcrsof his garment, and puttcth them under a broad girdle he hath: on IUs head is nothing, but hir redtlifb ,uvering . .....God, in rh~ hegi11ning, of 'N,Jfh;ng, b1 ~im(tlf, T~~AJ.e, t:rtllt~d, 4-d gth1r~a tigttl.1r .a

E.K. He fcc:merh to be confumcd toafhcs in a fue,ud folyethasit were in allies profiratc. . E.K. Now he is up again I know not how ..
E. K. He: fc:c:rncth now to be very dear) and in mano.cr ttanfparcnt. SJ that /;~ft. D. 1 n:ad~ But bebold,..,.ben G od.&c. aB in the 8'th. Iioeabove. . E .K. H~ loobrh ab.ottthim dilig~ntly . 'TIcn did he [epar11te that Nothjn!. fro(_< himfol(, uui.. 44 it ttiA'fVII~H.flJ /AJ hi4 i11 J,;,: fo mArveiou f/J he wrought upon it: Not a( 0.1-1 e inl1a1.t, fqr thin it h.tJ been ltk,ft ""to h~folf. But tn time, which he firlt made out of nothmg: which lui11g co,fomea, Nothino !hall return into the place frt~m wherke it cam~. .Ad that whtch bath offended in nothn!lfh.JI (ecfJnd,, t~ppo jite from Go_ And o:# of GoiJ; which fhali h.-ve COIIthiMillnt;c, 'JIIfJr/d r~~ithqut f11d: A11d it jh~tl.l " d, AlwaJes vexed, t he Spint of God. mediatint,: not of the fubft4n~e or purenej{e of GoJ, or of his Spirit, !Jilt nmh the [t!f-Jame Nothing; out of 111hich 9odc,t4tld t~N thingt. Sui11g thtrtfore, th4r the W 1ll of God, which ts hi. lmlfj,e,Jcp,znting N'tbig from eurnitJ,'" time mAdt all tbigs ( b-(lnl the work._ of fix dayes.) [But/ teach JM A MlfterJ.] v11L thtn.{J tht&t through q oa art mo:ua to rhe Center b7 th1 Spirit of Gall, (which is the ctnter ()f the Godh.e~t.d) 11re 1101 4ttr the wo~ia, After thl c~,fNwli(Ati~, of the -w~~rla, as Angds and rh: blef~d fouls, are nor to b:: reckoned wuh Lth;u J Nothing: B~ ano.f God, becaufe thq J.r;pe/1 ;,. him, of whom ii it fttid, There they !hall not 11t cd the Slll!lnar the UJ{oon, the L11111b himfeif [halt ~et hm light, 4nd.11 forning lamp for eve,-. Note here rh11t tbt T rillitJ, ftrft, [ew:d, a11d third., t()tally nor moved, bHt bJ IJtmfc!f, in him[e./f, time brtgi,gf~tb 11ti tbi111,1 ~ccordmg tll h11 Wgrd,




... ngel~ Mws fouls.

made alt things except Mll,.. For why? when~~~ thmgs h.-d pleajed him, i:ot. luc.cufe thiJ Wlrf, but b~caHfo 6.y TheWord ( rlu lmagto[himfr:lf,.t&nd wbrrein he it del,ghted) theJ w~re m4de,l:w m de '1tJttn, 4J the Scripture uachtth Jou, how bJ the Spiri,.of God ;, Mofes) tht h, fhoula ~nfo! .fn4 ufe the benefit of llil thiJ fom~thillj!, proctt4cnt from nothing in the Cre4tUreJ ()f God in their kind: that inhnn God migh1 be giorifi(d ; vqt b111eiJ ix tbis W<Jrld,-which i1 ~Y '"rth & vAi/ ~f-'"' fer1 ; _/111 t a/(o an~ cbiefll thnt rhe mcmor7 of his ex~~edivg AnA i."~"t ~ntrq & omnipottllt"J mith rem.tm befqye htm fn he11ven. tn the 1m11ge ~f mlln, and the moff txce//ent Creature.s, w~Jd witJi .. ~~~rend, E. K. Now he is faln into allies again, as before. _ E. K Now he fiand cth up again, as bcto!'f" ...... H1re iJ tht n~ak,.mg Df to buu5dtfed: for of t hl _.J- IXCI/ttsteft dignifttd, lltiJ pcerc:fi part of Nothin~ d;jlribHud, 111 it wlrr t~ppr~A(binl netr 1111t1 G~a, G,t4 ,Adt tb1 Soul f/


d true telation of Dr. Dce bis AlJionr,withjpirit-J, &c. 371

- ~""' ~ "thing k.._nit-or ti~dln ihe ,oaiJ~x of .his own Sphn>~, I'IQt tllkjng '-art with Nothing materi- Creation of ally. but wit b. Noihing .Immortal. . n1an. The Soul w111 mAde fpiricual and increaGri.g, wherein the Philofophers, the wi{~ me~ _ f t hu world Anima hcmilrit P Me tkceived, Ad hath h" em a ftcret.fuut .up in the Book of Efaras, not fit for the world. Ef driU book. fqy rom as.jiefh 6r conjNnflion. a'!d c~mmixtion of likf!ihood~ prop(r 111 tb1ir .~wn natur~ to ~ore~ rhe /?ri~g forth. t~ _m-ge of himfe!f; fq dotb_ the ll!o.ft CXellenteft part of m:m, taking pare with die :ouls fpiritaal i vicinity of God, (4nd fo perp~ruallJIIlOV.ing) b~1~g fonh?.a_fcerih_ ma_tln~r o~ c~ernity, every living ~~=;:;:~ nce fml: .the Spmt of God. (.conJOJned wtth J~e Trt>1tfJ) worKI(}l; With h101 1!1 hu m(init l . ry. y Behold in the beginning God nat.h, not numbred tormally atl foteli thilr fhall-emer into thef~ v~f- 6 fdJ, or other part. Butthc mmer imterial in himlelt~ ht .knoweth and hath limired; bc_Jond rh~ So th~tit may ""R'bich, Dehciente ma.ceria, there CAnnot ke. Tln-c{ore it is-conteint'd in Nu-mber: Not,_th.tt it . bc faid,t~~ -il ~onteitua in Number to be numbr"(d, but within 'the pro port ion of number conteit~ed ;, 't h1 ~nowmle-dg of ]t[t!I Chnjf, I akfnt: p!!rt w!th man, and ~ to mm: bred. . . '{;tn:r:~~ Adam f~ll; tranfgreJC-d G6d htJ C?mmandmenD, .end rh,erefore wa1 hi! foHl dt~rk}ned, bare 11r.d d1, ~mm 11 rn nak.!d, becaufe he w.t71ted the bellUfJ and excellency of GodJ .Spirit;; 'F'herein he drgnifieti htm, And hum::narn prr m add hiW~ l1k_; unto btmfelf, being a Jiving t'ou l. He wM c~ft oru, axd now c .cfteth off m1{er '' gig; nit. wanting the kJtowledg6 of rhofe thing!, for thf which he waJ created. Now God, the imflg~ of btJ F llther; grieved at the fp/1 of man, And ov4ti with pit;, vouchfafed, bec11u[e of the e.xc~llencJ of 111an,ro-e11Urinto mRn. being before fepArat~d, ~nJ~ rhiJ p~trt<of nothing, into 7J:11n. Not th,whe would b~aNttJi.e himfe!f with tU1J thntl{, that man had : Bur th4t, Bcome man; bego~ten of. the H oiJ qhoft, he might,. lli fO/JIIz..tw~P bJ the Script!~res-; mk.! man accqt116!e a_~ain IIth God hiJ 1".' J ~ TheTrinirjt Father:, God himfe!f, with Go d in unitJ,J oY urlice and T crrour is Gvd the Father, Mercy and love di(h'oct. iJ God the S'" Wi(domc ;~od Jmowledge is G od 1 he Holy .~ h"ft: He, fi il&e he bec11me mti1J, pNr nst ~n. rhe.~efh flf man to b;tCfUn& 4 lp1r, b11t that the fiefh of nun might be fa// of rhe fpirit ef truth- and Hder/f~d.tng. _ K. Now he is fain ~gain into allies. E. E. K. Now he is up again . .Andfo rectivt forgivenef{t of fi,J, and be o11e with GruJ, which iJ to fay, In JJjJ f~"!Jour, tli kJn.{ hold in God, not aJ cwt_ted, fOld from _ Cmttion [inful bJ fait. .B1tt bJ "~nfome and redemption IU bought and made free -inJefus Chrift. wh~ch offered "P ~he S acri~c~ ~f franlz.inrn~fe, gold, a11a Jrrh, of true propitiatio,,f~rr the quick..,and the dead. N~w, mJ brtthren,give good ear wht l fAJ unto ,10H; The wtf~me of the Fath~r, i~ lo v e, crcattd and made man, dignifJing him, and exalting him, ~tt the Lord and U'Vlafter owr all Creatures mortal. 1JHJ how f b7 PlAfma,ion. For it is written, Let us make man. Here thou feeft alfo the _ cripture faith, that qod took,_of the llfrth. M~~r/t:..this w~rJ, and crm- E1crh. S flder it .,.bm I [hall appl1 ii. , . N IJwif thispower,if ttisP/If[matini,if this Takjng, which wlli thl Word, btcome ~an, perfetl man; then fulloweth it, that-111/JIJ wM if11d is, G od creatin3 and created. If the~t-e{ort thii &onj,,.[f~, or i(_nittint together of God and m.sn, ~eAr the image of him, in excel/enCJ _ llNa po'fJitr, ,.hichfr~lfti~All thingJ, and hJ whom thiJ Nothing was {pria dabroad, ami. had form in bi1 pfiTts: then follo-,eth it, th4t thefe/f...fameGod.and Ma, being trr~-_th,fpeakjng of himfelf r~mo his D ifcipi~IJaJing, This is my body.


vrzq:;.Ji ;:.,p'


E. K. Now he is fallen again in a(hcs. E. K. Now h~ is up again

..... lteAd. 6 1 read, Now-my brethn:n give good ear, &c. . , . E. K. Now he holdcth up his hands. . .....did in breakiOQ of bread, whichjignifieih the t4r&h, in t-k.Jng it fignified, the powe'r of md /(jng, lfnd hiJ o~n an4 brekJng #before.his' Di{ciples, Aocording to the fecr'e t {N~fo Df malil foul, rhen being yet alive, give himfelf in the nread, and m bmckjng unto his Difciples, M the fenfo




..... d;J imp~rt and truly Jignifie him.flf, his vrrJ body, to fujfcr, and fujfered in tht~~t, in hiM, in /ti1 Godhead lfnd wifdome beforr the wor(ds it w.u fo : hsr ver1 true bod1 ~nd vtr] trNt blood. Bllt ndtwi:hft~din.L Myitkllly. Confider of thk-. E. x~ Heis gone.

E.K. He fpeaketh that i undcrfiand not .


..... Marlz..htre forwh~m) and NntdWbai!'.Chrift t l)ok,, ,nd brA'<! bread : '!' took,_ the Chalice, AJ1d call(d it lm blood of the New Te{tament, whi1h {b411 he g iven. . Here J OH fee, that in faith, _ Sacramenta1ly ;~ w/H giv~N unto his 1Jifciplel there, which w.u Note. and At[~ to be g Jven-upon .the Cro]{ef~r tTu. m{l11'1tifln.o f m~ kjnd ; fgr tlfe~ wh] fhoHld h~ hlf.1!e {aid, In faith&: sacra"'Gmally. wl.schjkAO 6~ give~~

E. K. N0w

he.is here again..




. ,,


~ trueReldtionofDt".Dee his Atlions/ll'itb fririt.r.)&c.

Blit hert "'1 'Brethren, ;n th4t it ~M t(l be gwen,i~ w..utoJ~4l the petp~tu.f! And ev"/AjtiJtg m~ .. morJ thereof un~~ the deflruCf;ion of Satan, and the comfort of his 'thofon. ~ut ;, fpirit ," bef~re, he hAd pttcffted tht wrath of his Fat her : Therefore it was given and to be g1ven. ]Jut unto whom? to his Dlfciples, tJnd not tmto.ftrAngers; 11fJt UI'Jto th~ Scribes alld Phari{eer, but unto fuch ar d"id apprehend him by f!lith. . Here thou Jeeft, th~tt to appreh:nd b7 fairh, is to be comprehended. in tht lo'De.ofGod. Bttt in th..rt Chrift J11ia thAt [hall 'be fo ~d, it fignified umo the worlds md: for his blood is always lhed befor~ his fathe r, .u t11 fatis{afJionfor rh-e obftjnAC and fin of man. J Bm rl\e remembrance thereof is the power ()f doing, that he gave whu Di{ciples_ ~hich conjift , The rememeth ilf At., whit'h muft be do~e in the [hurch of Gtfd, yea even unto. the e11d. For a1 God ( 1e[lu. b rance. Chrtft) is Jaid to be~ SAviowr and anoinrd, fo u he an eur~al KiJ?g, aml ... continNAI Saviour uf [h,iflra pottfl fuch as fir unto hiilJ~ conteining in m11n _(being dignified through his Godhead) the eternal power of prefcnce and Being, m all places w h ~reloevcr. . tg'e ~ique. Confider (mJ brerhre'!) umo~har rife fhculd rk.e bodJ of Chrift be, if the Body it [elf were ,ot , A SacrJmem, and the holy fign ot the pe:~ce between God and '>~~an. Behold it is fa; d, un/e ffe thou elltof rhe ~e{h a11d afin k._of the blood, thou C1111ft not, &c. If rhe 'Difr:~p!es. dzdeat the hodJof ChnH, Chrift mimjlring hirn(elf, ~tnd lh_nding by, not Je' crucifte-d,. whJ therefor~ fho uldeft not thoN tat th~ hoa1 of the [~t11Je Chrift, which dwelleth in thee, and in whom thou ha(t CO dwell. But here it to be confidemf.the manner of eating.

'E.K. Now he fallc:th in alhc:s again. E.K. Now l)c is up again . . BHt at whom jht.IJ we learn this manner, of eattng? My brethren, of his 'Difciples. For aftboHgh Chrift himfelf alive, vjfib/y t~nd_ fub[lantia/t~ tl:ood ?eftde :th~,m, an~ m_imflrea \Uf?tO
them : Notwithftanamg took,_breacf, br~kf tt, ~nd g11ve tt unto them, [4JHtg, Th1s l S my body : Ther Jimply aid believe it, COiljideri~g and licbowledging his Omnipote11CJ (which Peter had groun.ded in fay ing, Thou art the Son of the /iving-Ged.) If thertfori he be llcl(nowledged of us (I [pe11k_, for :you) to /,e the Son of the living Gid. Then m'J.ft we tr~IJ confej{e, that all rhm~s are poJ!ible untu him, and that by faith, we ou~ht to belieY~ the myflenes, works Ana 'R!onders of God, Sacrameqtall y ope,ea .tnd to b1 ufed for tbe cure of oHr own fores.

[.He fpcakcth I know not .what, nor to whom.]

..... 1{Jild. 6 I read : s u t at whom? &t. And not as the wicked ufe to do; Tie the power and majefly of God and his Omnipotency to the tai l o, end oi rcafon, to be balled as frre w1ll. If his . A pofHcs ha.ve left ~s exampl<'s of belief, have taught us how to believe, and. upon what rock and foundation to faH en our bt licf; 'rh en fimply and nakedly follow the lteps 0f cru~ Fith, and laying rea(ou a ~d_c, believe. . But bere note, thlt this Sacrament is to be mini!l:red amongfl the ApoHles, among!l the Minilh:rs and true Servants of G.od, in his Church, nnd not in the temple of the Scribes and Pharifec:s, Hypocrites, and Deceivers, which wruleH they_ Chriti J d us and hisbody after the frowardne!fe tear of their own fenfe, do cat (as 7ud.u d1d) and to pen!h eternally. Eut I lay umo you, and teach you, _chat wher~foever iri the true Church of GeJ remembrance ,is made, and the ufe of th1s Sacrament JS celebrated of the true body and blood of Jefus ChriG crucified, there is alfo the true body of ChriH, God and man fobltantial,"' and bread of eternal comfcm and food, to fuch ai humbly, nakedly, and penitently receive it, pro.piciat0ry for the qukk and the dead ; not UntO ruch as are dead in !in, :wd in hell, and out of this life, but unto fuch as are here Sinfler ' '.end fo dead, and to be revived. For he that dwelleth in Chrifl is quick, becaufe he dwellech ~n and light." But he that. goeth out of Chrift throu~h fin, and in whom Chrilt .dwelleth n~, he is dead. For this; I hAve f !Ud. 6 Lord, what fhall we fay to the Prielh, when they would have us to acknowledge TranfUbHantiation, &c


~he words of

.... The bread that w.u miniftred lxy Chrift unto his <JJif ~iples, will fiot a figure of his hQJ.T~ hut histrue body. Ssthe M tmCter ufing the office 11nd perflm of C hrift in office, profJOHncing the [.o] Confcct'Won words, d oth alfo gi11e unto the peopl~ not Bread, but the true oody. p onQuncc.d . 'lJut he11r me, Th~" mft confider il M aS acnmunt, (lnd muft /Jelkve- aJ the <JJi{ciples did, that Sub forma pa- ;list he t rff e Body ofChrift, that thou Mteft in the form of' Bread. ,.j,. 6 As concerning under b~h kinds r eciev'in ~, what- is yeut dothine? ++ Ctiro & fanguu faciunt corpiis c- conJfitM~~nt. Then it is no offence to God, to.recei\re under one kind ondy~ 0 A5 conc;crn)ng the vvorfhipping of it,b-eing lifted l!~ by the Pticfr.


N()t m that tt bath the fi1ape.efbread, but thAt ~t tJ the hod] of {hrift, tru6 God-ana m""

".''' Th~t,bJfaith,(~n that it is belitTJed to ~e :he rrHe bo4y,) if ~!fo by JaltfJ to he wtJrjhipp~d :

6 As concerning al[o the refctving of it,bcing confecrat~d, what :ir-: we to underlland? ~" Rea(on h.11th no place here: To them that receive it, it fs a S.tcrament But receiving ceafing, tht: Slci~mcnc:cea[uha!fo. .. . . . . . Celebrandt, & :rcclplentlbiJS, Sacramentum & Sacnficwm c(t : Cefhme celebra~lcne, ~ nulls accipicntibus , cd.fac Sacramencum &: Sacrifitlllm. Nam Sacramentum dicitur ab inflitutioue &. modo. The mean confifterh in them both
...... To fmrrow j?rt Jh.1ll hear mornf me, in J he "'eanfeafon confider jou, How mer~ful God , is ~nto JOU through me, and open this dodrim :1lio unto y.our Wlv~s, ;hat tkeJ m{/J al[o k.._norP qoa tru!J. l:::. Gloria in cxcclfis'Deo,&: iri terra pax hominibus bona: vpltintatis.

1:9. TuefdaJ. Ma1e hora Io ;.. Orationibus tinti s, po~f he!lem::e a&ionis leDionem, apraruit, facie vdata,uc prius. ...... J tkmonjlrated to JM, Jt:Jferday, how the V ilibJe ogn~ 0 l' m:mer appulring W.tJ /{niud and i{.it uHto rh, vt(ibl~,ft.gntfiated: wher8ih and WhcreurJto 1 anfwCJ;ed in my own torm ;md perlon, fw.wh'f~vw tAik,Jth of qoJ. and Chrift expou~:dmg the Scripture.r, ought to tali{_pl4inll, trul], And openlJ, that that which rheJ fpealcm"J be rmderftuod. T!Jujs the Office of a Preacher. vm [o I talkJng 9f god, and t!lumin4ted to this Office, for the time, was b:1re, 6ecaufo Ifpak.f not of mJ foif.But the d o& rin~ I taughcyou was true: and is worthy to be graved in golden Tables,and monumentally eo be pbced upon the altar1wherein man may tee, as in a glaffe,How God through his Sac;raments aAdho~y inttirutions,[mt.lJlicrh, rege11cratech and purifieth m:1n unco hirnfelf. Nrrw to the 'work,. intended, which is culled in the H oly Art Gebofat, which .is net( tzs the Thilo- Ars s fiJIC!d. fop hers h~tve written, ) The ftrft .ftep [upr:rMtural) but tt is theJ,r/1 fupcrTIIttUrAl ftep n:tturally /i..! GE BOFAL. Mited Knto the 48 Gates of W tidom; where JOf4Y holy Boo~beginnech. The laH is the [pe11kJng .~ri~a Po:ta irhGod,as Moies did, wllic h Js infinite : t.A'tl the reft have proper limits, whcr~in they Are con- h~rt foncz,, d 4~'Portte Sopi


But urJderftand that hoc opus unum re>ei'ueth Multiplication llnd .J:ligniftcation, lq afcenfion Colloquium ell. throgh 11/J the reft that are tirmted ~tee-or din! to their proper qUAlitieJ. Deo, fummaOf this k.,nowledg I h11ve /aid a .fure foundation, have taught what it is ~ and the injlrument Sapienti.e l'o r. wherewithal, ~V~d whereby it ;;. The manner of procteeding, and her BaGs. So thnt there wanteth ~ . r . nothing but the !imple and eafte U11~nttting ofthofe things t1.tt are wrapped, not with the bAnds of u1 IC.ttJ . t,p it [elf, but with the ob.l_curi~y and c;ali~inous Cloud of J9Ur own igllor.~Jnce. ~gnific~rion .Bt if t ht Cloud be tn you, then bJ JOur own help and con[ent it mttft 6e re111oved. What hath 6 By the fa tour and help of the HigheH we tru(t the Cloud fball be removed. l:ccn caught. .. Tal:! heed therefore you lift mt up your fe/pes in mind, prefuming agamft re~tjon, (where WhH yet 1 J,! JOU Are lz.ni toget het,) and the will of Goa : wherebJ Jott Art taught obedience. ackch. For pride is hAteful before ljod: anJJo be in love with J~Ur fetve s is the greAtejl if.noran,e. Pridr. Shll,; d-Ark, ftUer lmg rtr !J""/f 11[ he.r be~eut]? hecAufe fhe receivetlf ltght and c/11erneffe, by a Self-love,. (14ndle hro11ghr into, or jhming into her. Nd ~e CR11jl rh".tt,[E. ].(.]for theripennej{e of thJ wit and under.ftanaing u through the pre~ fence of U$,and our Illumination. Bllt if ;.e atp~rt ' thllu fh4lt ~emne " dttrk.. foller ' and fhati tEinlooo well of th] [elf;,.


M.rter '~Ptl'lfteth Atmntft 7ou, the firt1 C1t1mot co,tinue, but when JOU hii'Vt~M"e fire, I wzlt ~t vijit you gAit~, until the Jevevth day.

hring more Woud,



C::. Deo "''tlro Omnipocenti., Sempiterno vero & vivo, Gt omnis Laus,Decor,Gloria & gratiarum atlio,nunc ~ femper. eAmm.

Fe/,ruttr'f 5' TNefdttr.


f::l Oration.ibu~ fi ni{is, & fpeci::dit~r pro' mifcricordia divina fuper noi tres, [.AL. ]E. K .)6] ad

Mane. h9ramdrcicer to.

tjus honon;m-, laudem, & gloriam.

E. K. Hc.:is here now.


Gloria patri, &c.


true reldtio11 ~JDr. Dee his AOions, rPit~..~irits l &c.

11'1 be uht1J the World, for .{behath appeAred befare the L.Prd H!!Pre. . Wo je U11to the Sotlnes of meN, ftJY thq are the d'ltlelling pl~tces of the bea!. Wo b't unto the feed. of the earth, and unto the feed within her, (f!r foe iJ touched with fire from Famer. on high, And is trod undtr the feet of the Highejf. Who is he thllt tJrdeth h11 fwdrd :tnto him : or -whJtt is he thAt is read! for the hattel 1 [Ftch' AI h4ve forfak_:, the Lord a~J tire run ~tjfraJ ~ an ~ bath placed. him[tlf J~ith the [cornful. Great for row is at hand 11mo All jlefh : the juH fhall be troden down , and Ehe ftreets iliall bear JN~i nri~ witndfe of the01. mwrur, eliam. For there is a BJ.ttail proclaimed in Heave11, and Jhe G()d of H6fts bath put on his armour, 1111a is become 11. fire ofwr11rh. ND-1'1 commtth the time, thai: fuch M fo : te,fe:H not God, fhall faN down Headlong_, and fuch M bave been lifted up, ru1me ttftr "lAnd down -dlfHilJ. . H~tppy iJ he that endureth an apptareth a Labourer befure the Lord, for he fhalt enter into hit d hoiJ h1/t, And jh11/l be crowned with the Jl'ifi~r,. Such as God coTcteth, they flie from hi m: ye~,fu~h as ferve a r his Tables, become his enemies. WhAt therefore (hall I [AJ ? I mak.J feed, hut I reap it not: I build, but I t njoJ not. _ 1:::. Be merc1ful to us,O God, and help our.fraiky, purge our filthindfe; and create a clean bean:

ln us,-&c .

..... Th( fim~r k._nock}th .c,.d is heArd : h~t /,lfhtet is/Hft entreth,For i.fltr?. th~ SttnflurJ of thl Lord, ng tenclea11 thing comnut h , for being cle~tnfed, thel enrer. He th.tt iJ eJPruphet, or an Apoftte,orA S ervam c~tlled, by the month of th~ Lord, andfo {epe-,, rated from the reft, Let him do his duty; Firjl, that he make himfdf d ean before the Lord; And 6 Make clean then may he h-ear, and fit u1 judgment , a:llinjl the impNre .-nd flnjuft, ""d tt:JJ f ee the wo'(k.J And Ml. wonders of the L ord in his hoiJ pt.cce. Laboro vos, ad naufeam. . K. He is gone. 6 Afrer an hour we had difcourfed rogether, I fell to this Pray ~r. D.. 0 Lord i:hou hart heard .our conferences , difcourfes .and refolutions : 0 G od, be our cornand r econci \e thefe repugnances of purpofes fo as it inay appear that th ou art the merciful Fa;. ther, the almi ~hty and living God, the Creator of .all things bein~, and that thy promifes made in mercy and favour, lhall not with mans frailty be overthrown, or hindred. tft{,mifeft rh7 power ilndglorl to 111 herei,, th11t th] Prophecies rt~al come .trJ light, to-the end a11d purpofe 1hJ WifdfJ nd power mt:q work.., thJ own bon6r Aml glllr:J. So be it.


1'aruol.: de [tu.-d, &

p1m11, 1p~-1~

E. K. N. w fir, whcreareyou'! o ...... Her~ I m, tbefer1J4ntofGod. Unus vcCtrum, vocatus eft hujusegotii minifler. eAiter, Puer. l giutr ad impleat niinifier minilterium: Puer autem'humi)i & fe mini(\erio. UnaerjJ.uzd thAt. 6 I remem1 the old Parable told us of a !nan naked, who cloathed hirnfelf with leaves~ and of Jer a child,and a Whak, &c. Anno r 5~4 .Aprzli-s :u . Craceviz. '

.HeAr '"l counfe(, ttnd follow it w,nderful and great are the focretJ a,d. j11Jgmen11 of Gods ilerermi,#;om ttl co"u: -h"h lire d cujfim. read! leafed. and g atheredintfl JoUr hofo,e. . A fimilitude of Thq llregtellt and trtile : and lfre lilt.! unto the Rainbow which the SHnnunAk.;tb bJ tbt 11pt~U.ffi the R~in- bow of th~ mAttertV~d place(thllt jheweth it [elf[udJmlJ Alld m'"'l heho/J. it: So fhall the.harvdt of thit very apt. DoCtrine, when the PIA! is runne , and the W orld receiveth difpojiti'n, fhew himfc:lf wonderful and terrible to 111 Nations. But ifthe matter agree not with the w1!4k._,ejfe of JOUr H11Jerjlanding) 11nd. f11lpa/,/e /J{indmjfe; 10Jpine not, neither mt~rmur. But pra~, that you may have the fpirit of " od, to undert:land and that your eyes may-be opeoc;d. 6 It.er,umhb. The Prophet [,~]Jaw, hut his h,J did not. 4 'ap. 6. But the ?',rophet prAJillll, tht boy~s t]fs were opened. ' Eli'(eus. _Theft mJfleries are delivered and tt~Ught to a Minjfter 11pt for-them thr~ugh theGra~e diJd frt .. knawledg of GDd., wherein ho ha rh blejfed thee,Dee. DIC, Vnto thte is jo7'1ed tpe digniq of this "'"JI.S vej{el, which mimjlretb NtJtl thee,as a feMJant. He therefore is not pArt uf the i11kour, /J/1t p11rt of thJ k._ntrWieJge. _ KeUq. T rue it Is; that tbiJ rain f/Jeth ()Ht at thJ Wf11eft. But lo, thou art let into th~ ga.rde~ K.JI/ty. and art preferred iifore 11/l others, as a gatherer,that the wond~rs of the Lord m~y be finiilied m hlS N irtr.ilill Dti, Houfe. Our own ju61gTherefore fccing thou art let in as a fervam, not a1 a 1 V D G, /AJ ]11Jgmem 11Jid#, od M rh1 mc:nt is to be



J '"'' ~ tlMioofDr. Dce bir ACiianr, Witb jpirits,&c.

ef 41fectff"'l)


So fhaU ic come to paifc that tk tninifter, tbr~111,h tht~,foAif b~ [lfli~fietJ, ( 41 tbrp11gh tiM IAI?our D.Throug1i a.nd thou through thlf r~~is(iul; ~u IM [fllllsfoJ. A/fo. E. fii(j robe fa In chc: mean feaion gacher thy felf together, fear God u~ly, and humbly f.' hom1 ullto tbJ UU'oc~d cclt-

Endeavour thy felf eo k.now thing. 11\C.t:~ry for mans uJ;,lder!landing 1 "'he~eby thou fhalt be aptcr c/Sm Ma !r(m to judg, and to cake: p;nc yvirh che "Spiri~ of God, ~mnium fidel promife the~, if thou do fo, cha.c the Sp of ~nJerj}and.ing in ~n huma11e k._nuwldg ltlftl Jivim, ~==,;;,dim. 'irit [HjftcientlJ for thJ Profd1ion, Cotllwg, a~d Crt:atlon foal/ mttlripiJ up< thee. . m 6 ~ 1,; "le~ I prdum;: not eo interrupt ynur d !leout [c: of m: er, but as we are kmt Wtth the Lord &A. L, fta Cdtbolica. m in bgue of hiend!hip, for th<i Service of God, fo doth charity, and the order ot our af[ures r~ - A promile. to quire that fomewhac we fhould underHand of his preCenc eH ate, &c. J ~ 1\.. of great .... ~ Caft pride AWIIJ 14nd be humble: for he that hat/, an hurble fpirif k_,fiW#Ih mHc:h. !IDportance, Et cum puct Prophw:, es, ab illo qu;~:rc, 1pfc te inform~bic. .&. L. V1d~ o ~ .<;in;tl mlpici.9 , (;d non video, Lasky. .A. L. "N o1111! 6 Oh Lord, whar is this, what is this ! Oh Lord ! ptmt in conf pc..... , Swe m pofuit s~Hanus iu cor cjus. & neglexlt tl]andMa Dei. {j u bOIJor J~m.;. qlil~ dixi fr~,ritis, b&ti~ jiet vobiJ: Sm mimu, fiAt vobi4, ((d '"n~ mihi. ~ L,Jiye Ol: leave to ipeak I pray yqu,

]lam Catholl

D. If L~kJ tall, ( uporl whom f> much of our worldly doio~s is grouodt:f.i, as the Houfe-keeping,
\ill in Cra&will, in hire for an ycar,&.c.) How !ball we fupp.ly the wanes ? &c. , . Sice,idcrit_ !taru. Unicum h.bet [A. L. J aC(Z/O fecum reliEJum. B~t iniquitJ P~d 1#lltgen'e ~Altfrth him avob.re 11/fo, of;: l , this iltht 111ft A. t.. Mtlicu 6 0 Lord, Lord, Lotd, have mercy hon us. lhonum ..Aftnbg;t1 h . jf . N111Jil1111~ ....... Conft"er t 11 lp t:()Hnjil j11r t:llll r:ounf(l !"~ tiiO mare. .As JD~tr fttht u, fo jhA/1 JO~ b~tbct uMiu111:

fjq, uq~du, ma,er.'


C::. I befecch you let me know your Rafft(!, if it fhall not o~nd you to Q5\c.
...... Sum fan8lil1imi figilli fcedcris centrum. 6. Arc you the fame that is about the Crofrc in the Center ~

iia6uit l.l. ulri~num r:oft lu~m

/. [L+~~J 6 Then arc yQIII..C.ro,....e/. Lt-n. ~lilliJu~foJ M Jefiro E. X. is gone.


. .. 6


t.ib.t.. 111

b. Gloria, Laus,Honor Dco nofho Omnipotenci.




FtbRU 18.
Mane horam circiter 9 Orationibus :ad Dc:um fufis, & aliquantulum de E. K. quantum ad myfieriorurn participatio.. ~m pretentem: uc mi(cricordicer nobifcum agar, & 11liut [. K.] intcntioncm, & fidem Catholicanl rcfpicit, 6l ut t'ua divina bonit:as nobifcum procedcrct in myflerio pcrficiendo;vi~. de lapidc Phi lcrfophorurn , propter honorcm & gloriam fui nominis, &c.

E. K. I fee an endldfc thing like a red S(a, A head cut ofJ from a bC>4.y' doth appear: the Hair hath bin pulled offit:that Head appcarcth to come out up of that bloudy Sea, tumbling fometimc one p:ut) and fometimc another upwar~, and femctimc under the W3tcr clean. . E. K. Now I fee a Tree upon an old Hill full of motrc in a dcfolatc plac;c) bclidcs the former water. The free 15fprung of agr:afc, which hath b(cn grafted in:. The Tree hathafc:w gtecn lca9a on, and many old leaves: Thcfiatc of the Tree ius if it wcr~ A~,.,. There lyech by itthetop of a Tree cut off, and ~ad withered. The Tree hath a eleven ~hots or branches iffuing out of it. There tumblclh down fr<>m heaven a white thing, and our of it iffuecb an ann with a broad axe in his h.lnd, iuch as they ~w pamncl board with,it feexncth 'o be about a yatd loJlg That hand wi,h his nail make~h a race: down along the body of the Tree, and then lprcadcrh the bark open from that place of the race made
.fl....tml ~rit, & [11trm 41-, tjl & n eft,

Shortly after.

A Yoke.

B. X.

T!Wt voi fcelllCW to ~omc out of tbc cop odlc Shew s,one.

d truerelaion ofDr. Dee his .AC1ions:Jwitbffirits.l&c.

8, one in man~s: under another. Now the barkis put together again, and the Tree feemeth whole, and as it wc:rc not cur.
]._ voice OUt of the white. Io bunches cut off of the grafted. tree,

E. K. On the place of the Tree where it was made bare appeared two figures of

Q!lod erit & futurum eft, jam eft.

E. K. At this word he !hook off tea of the Tree branches, and the fiem or branch that fiandcth, fccmcth to be now between me and the Sun rifcn about an hour high; And that fiem or branch bath five ldfcrbranches out ofir.
Every. .

E. K. Now there fiandcth one like Mich4el,, with a tanckard in his hand of filvc:r and fiooped, he faith ~
Mic h........ lter1mz, L~tva6o tt. E. K. He wa!heth wirh water, and his hands the old branch cut off. Now he ta..... Pl~tntavi te, & nti.Itxifti mandAtA & ftatuta legis me.e, & ;, [t1pn-/l~a tu~ dtft~lcAvi tt: Sed jAm memor fum 7Jtrhor#m & pa51i mei ;~pud patnr, & occupabis locum fohtum, & ipfe ror;~/,q !lone, te P'hibUI ca;/i, Jam pon,(m limortm in cor tuum, & vijitaho te ftgi!JJU meu, & introdflca, ptJer reduEJo! i11 S anEJuarium: Ne que cade.t,jicut pat res tui ceciderunt ; lndsxi gentem mala, & fuperham, ~ ~encdixi ei, (fed proh dolor) tttdet me. Igitur de jeci, & prttcipir.cvi ill~Js A me : Ne fertl triumph,utes po fuij{enl mt!lum Deum, Michael .. Magnm es tu Ben Elohim, magna eft glorill tult , ,agwitudo tHII [per at ctXIoJ. & jam regr;abu in terri. l{tgnum 'Dri E. K. Now Mi&hAelputretb on the: dead bough on the: former tree: Now be with i terris i'IJ flat, the ax with his thumb, clo~ctb the barks together.
A voice fcom

keth that old branch up in his band, and holdeth it up. The ax is tomcd from the tree .

the top of the

h~d 1 :z. branches ; and both that and the reO: fpdngeth togcthet very frdhJy.
Michael. '++ Q_ui haht& occulos videat, & cui funt auru slait~t. 7Je, E. K. Now appcareth one like 1.:::. under the rrce. E.K. or Sfeguara.

Now outofheavcncommc:thdropsof a rain, and that ficm which was foput to,

Stnn more.

And alfo I fee my fclf(faidE. K.)comming there, and my Gown is All white, but6t61Dudied: and 6 fccmcth to have a white Gown, or rather like a womans fafcguard fuJJ of pleats , and full of mens eyes. . .There appear fev,n more, fix men and one boy. One is a Blackamorc. They have all white garments alfo. The m:c at the firft fecrncd to bring forth and !hew horns, and after that there appear~d men iifuing our or growing plentifully on that tree, and thofc men to have
tboic horns.

Then he with the Ax pulled one of thofc men off, and pulled one of his horns, skull and all, .t?Jd thereof gAvt ta tAt tl 6., E. K. and the other fevcn; and they diJ tAt: a.nd fo all [he Vifion did vani!h away, nothing appearing in the ficmc
A 'fe~ice.

..... lfta 11d rem; Vos ~tutem poft modicumttdmaneho. - -6 Afcer half an hour, wherein we talked de Com~erjiontfHd~t#rHm.

f.. K. - Here is now LevAJiAtt, as before time.

levan ...... 0 thQH which art of the feed of the eArth, lllttend m7 vo;ce, t~nd open lbJ heifrt, thAt thJ bowds '""T be_ filled with g /adnef{e, and thllt '~'it bin thr lmtd ma7 wifdome enter,fince GQa bASil not Q"tJely ca/Jed thee, /nu -'lfo hath mati.e a choice in. thee, If thou hear hi; voice, .-nd o!lq it. . 1Je not jl-iff-neckJd, 11either [H/fer fenfua/ imagi11ations to ob[i!#re or defile thJ inw4rd UlltUrfta,ding. The firft nouri{heth thee to the nourifoment ef thy jlefh, thAt thy flefh perifhing mal 11![~ cllrry th] {oH I with it. The feco,.J:teadeth th~eto underftanJ. thJ [elf, 1md therehy to ac~trP~Iedg .~he Creator: th4t.thereby thJ foul pHrified n.a7 alfo p#Jrifie thJ bodJ; thllt thereby in enJ. thl* maJeft rift t1 purified ana perfeCi {ret~ture. . Behold, there are which rife; and have .l.oft their bodies: Ana there are 11/fo which rift, And th11 rife in body. ~ui appetit fe propter fe, not imelligit Deurn, fed qui intclligit. Deum, appetit fejpfum; fed appetitus ejus non efi afe, fed ab alio. siNCI therefort, to feet qod [not l for your own fak.!s, iJ to glor;jie God, lift up rur [elv es' ~~nd ~thold the he~Wens, and look,.into tbe eartll, ~Cnd mufe At her wonders: And let not the le!fer pMt c~rrJ AWf4J thegreater, E. K. I pray youfp~ak higher, I can fcarce hear you. ThofnhM hf47.1t their SAntlifi~,;;,,. through pmift, .,J,fulftlillgo{ ,he ma of"~;., h"'IJI Ill -wlfJl s



trHe-relation o[Dr.Dee his AfJions;withJpirits, &c.


f~Jforf~ JOUr {el11er, ttnd do the Pill ofGod, tha.tfor the comforts of Jour [elves~ and your e-

w 111es forfak!n themfehm: But 7et,_for themfelves, foOo~eJ his Commar~~ements ; Therefore I

ternal falvation , you may feek God. Bt~t he that fuk,.eth God,feek.fth him thro11gh patienu, through ajflmiom, through temptationJ, p 2 t:ence; Theref~re defpife this c_Monf!tr thAt tempmh JOH, and neg/efl_her ir~ the midd.eft of her pride, fl_ffiitt.ons_. . for fhe is poor, mif'rahle, and prepAred IIJ .a ftrelmnd for deftruflton; if JOH fielzpches_ her, fhe '1 cnpt~l.ollS. of hthnone, if JOU fuk,;wifdom M her,Jhe k...,noweth it not, jf JOU dtfre qF~tttlltj{e)and the ;oyes ofreft, MundNs. fhe cryeth out llt,Aift ]OH, WIZtch)lfAtch, Andgird up JOHT [elves. And if rou feelz_eternal ltfe, or ftudJ to pleafe God, and to glorifie Hm, whereunto Jrm are created, feperat~ your Jelves from the Harlvt. SweM your [elves het tntmJ, And hate all-thofe that take part with her; For,br:hold, foe is /;e.. .A mu'!ldo ~ come t~n enemJ ofhim thAt created 7ou, ~ Blafphemer ofhim whom you feek..to gl~rifie;the d~U~ghter mknd.1uiJ del)! hi111, which [et himfelf again]l the Higheft, bcmlsr c(Jc tiTherefl)re for J01~Yi Cre~ttims fak.!, oHght JOU to defpifo her tl1i, For JOUr 7\!demptions [4k.f to negleft her, and for the qlorJ thAt JOU feek_to ICttain unto, UtterIJ_tO det'pife or comemn her. But here, peradvmture, 7ou wilt fa! "Nnto me, as he [a;d unto (hrift the Sonn~ of rheli11ing qod. E. K. He makc'h curfy, and kiiTcth the ground. What fhall I tlo t6 enherit e1.1erllfjl_ing life l 1 fal unto you follow the Ctmm~tendementt Behold, it iJ written, I give JOII a new Commt~ndemat; Love one avoth1r. I.ove. How love JOH one aruJther Without CharitJ? But what i4 (harlq? is it not the gift of the Hot, Ghoft ? you k..'~OW ., n[Q, JQN i{_no;r alfo,that the HoiJ Ghoft is C4lltd A Comforttr. But confider with your [elvn, why he u called a Comforttr; Not becAu[c he comforteth hi,;. feJf, fgr he u aLl comfort; Br~t brcaufc he is the comfort of fuch as he hath jpo/e.!n to, [aJing,l ht~v give11JOU a new Comm~,dement, Love one another ; But, whQ ~re theJ ? Even the] rhat .eat the Refh, and drink the bloud oft he Sonhe of man efus Chriil , the So,ne of God, true God and m~tn, Whi6h unlcjfe pm do, JOU are NOt of thAt CompAJ tmto -whom (hrift [11id I g1ve 7on tuew Com-


For info doing JOU are grafted in Chrift, are jflhjeu to the Commt~~tdment, tyed unco Charity, wh,rei11 ]~11 Art refrefhed bJ the HolJ Ghoft tile Cominut~l Comforter, .end giver of w;fdom to fucb as dwen in Chrifi. See therefore th4t none is of Chrift, thAt hl!4th not Charity, neither bath any Charity, that is not of the Company offuch as feed of the fldh and bloud of Jef:.u Chrift, without the TPhich thrre i4 no Sai"Jation, theref re ayt thou E. K. A IJ~tr when thou [a7eft I fer God, 1 love God, I intend to o Jive 11tll And ilf obuJ.ie1_1ce, for thou follrrweft not his Comm~tnde111ents 1 thou flieft from him; Therr fore thofl art not with him. .. 1J11t I heAr* thee faying, I confdlc: my fc:lf to Chriil before the Throne of God. 1::::. e. i(. did But thou haft nQt offered th] [elfunto the Prieft, 111ither hft laid down thJ Sacrifice. contdfe th:ar I fa! unto thee , Tholf confejfeft IWt tbJ [elf, 11either th] finnes, before God, becau[: thoN c1m ~; tti~~~~~~meft not where he is. P~nance. Not thAt God feeth thee nor, but that be is f Aid not to hear finners ,_ unldfe rhq be penitent , hut The Church. pmtmce is limited bJ the Church , And foryowfu/,Jfo is not judged by thy {elf , it behoveth th" A d Eccltfillm therefore ' if thou wilt flie Unto {hr;_ft, to enter imo th~ CompAtJ] of uch If( profeffe him' whert Catholz_cflm he is, ttnd with l'tlhom he dweller h. unjw,lend!Zm. There, at what ttme thoH repmteft thu of thJ ftnnes, And [halt confej[e them with forrowfulnefe, hefore him whtch is in office at the m1fter1; there .clfo by the mJfterl (which is Chrijl) Jht~l& thou Yeceive forgivenejfe of thrfinnes. For if he that miniftreth, is heArd in the power of biJ AdmJniftrati9n , and Sacrammtal vow, much more hath he power to f orgiveS innes; For lo, that he do rh, is not of himfe!f, but his digni J]is of that, whereof he is cAlled. a Pmft Nr;v therifore l[fl-J unto thee, K. until thoNmak_.ethJ folf clea, tho11 fhalt continue filti;T> & immundis &: impuris, non rcvel:it Deus Sacramenta But even 111 thou, not cle~n, feeft, and ret ferft notlt~ing: fo being dttJ1ffed1 not feeing tbqu fhaf& ~'' a11d fee ~tit rhings. I have done .t. Glorh.Patri & filio & SpirjtllS faneto, llcuterat in principio. & llLlnc & femper, & in fecula feculorum. An

D d


FellruArii 2,3. . S a.rurd4J A meriJie_ horam cirdter z. 0 ratimibus ad D eum fu(is, pro luce & verirate divina,.&c. 6 The occafion.of cl! is comtRing to the Shey-'-Stone' ,, was that as we [ac together in .the_Stove-, there was a pat or (hnke or ~wo (M( natural) g!Ven on the Bene~ and Wall .: and withal I felt M~ -my head& he.wy movttrg thJNg, and al(o afcer that E . K. fdt en hts back., as 1f ,one had written Jet.. tcrs ditlinWy : whereupon we went to underftand i:he will of God). as ..being theretO half warned and !tirre'd by thefc cokens. E.' K. .Mdimi i~ here. 6 Benedicb ium pedes evangelizantium pacem & fa vorem altil1imi. M adimi ..... What Jhould I [peak__ Hnto Jotl, Jin~e. JoU ha7.!6 no fttith p why fhou.ld I teach 7ou that defpife mJ docBments? I k__nock)n 7.1ainJor you hear me not. Vnus imam alius aliAm qu<irta: difpares efti;. 6 Deus potetl omnibus & d tV.:tfiliimis farisfacere,b6na femper petemibu!. . Mad uni ...... Shall! jpeAk._,or no? 6 Speak io the N ame of God, who would not hear the words of the wife ~ns of the mighty, of the good and true? . M adimi ..... Shalt 1 clofe mJ mouth,h!ceu~feofyeur w.icf?:!dnej{e? 11r [halL 1 opett my moNth. 6e rtVtfe my Moihcr IMth commanded me? I will;;o back__, 4nd wz/1 de_ire that my mouth mAy be fowed up with" do~t~le thrwh fort~J{Kr~ ( yourfelf 1 will not come agarn nnlling/1 : But iffhc far a_gAin, Go, I ,m come. Hui, wherefor~ doth GodgJve bread to Dop: or fuJtereth hi1 fonm to Jhi~~e io the /,otttJ.tlt./fe Cllvet? I ~(now a. cauje, bHt yet lt~~.m torn in [pirir .. 0 Mother:, Mother ,if thou [houldcft fputi~_;HNto this people, out of tt11djrom abo7.!e the ClouiU, -they wou!d.melt before rhee , 7ea, thq wQuLd ftt!l. ' But lo thou fpeak.f.ft unto them by thy daHghter that they mAJ ftand 1111d hear, ln1t th'e.y hear nut t .But I [wear unto thee; thq d.~fpife thee. What fhAIJ.sh_erefQTe 6e~~me fJ[ them~ I go ., I will fee if I cn .h[e11t my feiffro,. thms.

Mm half an

ny Crowns bordered on it, with .l1md~ outof cvcry- of. thtn'l, .:and a great pa(t of ~he Arm, they arc right hands, the fir It Ga~ment (which !be put off) and ftingcch it into a fire.
Madimi. w I fpuk._unto rou, though. l fa ]IIOthin.g. . M adimi The counfels from .ho'IJe,. 11re perfect, 6ecAuj; thq Jt{ultd. BHt wrapping s 0 f mt~nl .,;,,Are unperfeEl k.n~tl,- h.crd IO pNt togetbe;, AIJd h.trtkr to "'!ID[~: 'Therefor'.rhe y ttre not, _ . , . . Bu.tthefe.ar.eofGod, theJ an true.. Envww m1.nds.aod falfe heartS, do hum after thee, and Imprifonment the1 ~ave fa id and have confpired; Bud h47.it fA id untl them, be it Hnto .them~ 46 the} ha:Zlt .meA conlpired ar;ainfl me. {t~rea unto orher1: And thAt which thq ha,'l!f TJQnr;fhed in corners, le~ it"6efire, and. c~{ltln.e their 6. dwe~iing plAces; Let it fce~out their hrothers: Let thrir throats he burjf in pie&ts.;. Lt # rpn,p Alrmg thetr J{ingdotnn , 11nd let it hurn down tht gt~te of tlJitr 6orders, tbllb the W.IIJ r114J. Je wide.= for a nt~rro~ W4J forveth not :where I hr#ng mifchief ~ J wilt bri11g her to the borde~r~ ~4 wilt place her in the Gates, ~ndwillfaJ Nnto her.

6 'SHe went away as if lhe had been angty, in tb~ mean fpace we argued after our former man ner; E. K.-as he was wom, and I !lill.i.n my-qonllam hope of Gods merci'es. E. K. Now.ilie'is here again. . E.K.Shc.puttcth offberiJcticoar-; .and putt~tb on an otbc:r Gar.mc~ full p!rats of a golden colour, and after that an othc.r Garment , upon that UaJ.lllmr; with mar




Accipe tibi vitn.




~ rq>i.re.dl>y

A . t...

v!nd I will t,ive her a two edgd [word, but I wi!J not enttr;, with her .: -!Jecuft t #ill t10't hellr their L a-ment.ationJ, neither he mot~ed with their groaning;. _ The(e are rh~ hJrd and heavy knots, toot the evil fpirit and mans wit h:tth wrou(jhtrcgtha ; But becaufe they are humane, they !ha~l peri01. Truly it fee,mh good to my Mother And me: ana OHr confent thin(!th good 4/fo' (and the rAther bm1u[e (ht: hath prep~tred the way l>J her own wifdome, which p~~rt of the Nln-th 7oHmHft a/wiiJtl (loo~u nto,) aP~d be direCl:ed hJ. FfW' whJ, thAt (onftellt~twn iitrue, ana dothtrltCh thofl thurr~; 7hof.e alfo that Artright,it umforteth them,

J trHerelation ofDr. Dee bis Aflion.r;with[piritr, &c.

But I will go U"to "'! (.fi!other, ,..d Its( her o~tce more, #het her I ma7 hide thefe things from

Sapimia divi:na no(fradciJ~t

E.K. Shetsgone. ri, i s in.l1utJJaC::. vVe read over the pre~iffes, ~nd gathered,that fome cre.achery wa.s devi(ed againfl me: And ri magnt~. :herefere,l be[eech God,to gtve us h1s counfcls ~ and advJ[es,to be my gutde and protector, my light and comfort. E. K. Here fi1e is again. . Madi.ni . ..... That JOU both,or(f JOU TJ~ill be diftrAted)one ofJOU,go fecretlJ henc.e\andfpeedily Flie frolll Unto Lasky : So jhAII u come to pajfe that he whom they umnded to imprifon, (T4J in_'(, we will Prar,t. compel him to pcrforrn'his word, lcaH be pe.radvenrure triumph elfewhere a:gainll us;) .L&J 11MJ at The w!'rds lAfl) ope" the Prifon 7)o9res for t htrn' And tal me a fhange Kmg, even ia the [elf fame place, where of tb: Coofpithey fhall eat tomorrows Dinuer~ B'! ~ ~hen ~hey perceive th4t you art gone; Then T~ili tbeJ Hit'" rators. derfland th4t JOU ftnew, a13d that chc lpmt of l.iod was rmngfiJou. 1 come ttgttin. s r D l

cffe flel/a


M adimi ...... lf thefe words betnu.)e~tr wirne f[e of thetruth: ifJOH thinluhem to bef~lfe,Jo~ need tJ9t fJOow them. b. How Coon would you zdvi[e me t o be going hence? you fee h0w bare I am of money. Madimi DoJo M in an emintnt danger. I have fpok.! the i11jl word. Sed adhuc tria;
Omnia fucccdent voto.

E. K . ~he 15

here agame.

pm r t nobifa~m.

C::. D eo noftro Omnip:mnti, fapien,ti, & mifericordi, !it omnis gratiarum actio, Laus, Honor & Gloria, nunc~ fempcr ' e-Ame11. '

t.Mondaj FehrHII)'ii "~ - a merid~) circiter J i Precibus ad D eum fioitis,cir{, apparu1t Angelus D ei,
M adimi

"Which God comma13deth, that do. Excufe 10Nr [tive1with rmn , 11ntl. g ird up JOHr GArments to tbe mw.,ile ; Not in waggon,l111t

E. K. Here is Muimi. You have vowed to your felves, and to the Lord, perform your vowes. Tht~t

E. K. Fell on his back as one had written as he fat at the Table ; Hereupon we rdortcd to the Shcw-Stone,&c.

n H orfo-6ack..,. E. K. I pray you-to give us fomc infirutlions of my Lord LMlJ his being. TrllvAile hence directlJ, ~d unto WratiGania , ttnd there I will meet JOU.

I pr2y you to deal openly with us, according to our frail ftatc, and to declare umo us of my Lord L1.sky his etlau:.
E. K.

A, L.

Madimi .... You depend not upon LM~J, but LaskJ dependethupon Jo11; ifhe do evil, bi~ pnijbme11t iJ re..d): if he do well, he dath it for himfelf. I am g reAter then JON, and m7 e7e ftretcheth [lfrthu the, J"llrs; l'"' though you wem eo morr~w , you have loH Come dayes. Dayu. C::. I mull carry my Books with me, we ~uO: be at the leaft three'hdrfe. Books to be Madimi Not fo, but thou fhalt h1de them. hiddcc, 6 Arn I to return hither again, before my wife come fro.m hence? Madimi ...... I am 11fJt ~efh, neither dD I move , or ~m moveJ. with ftefh; But if you fulfill the 6rH, the IeO: followetb. D o this, 41 though 7ou committed theft, 6 Secretly andfpeedily. for if the hours be diwinifhed, the p11rpo[e jhfll.l Alfo want{u(ceffi. Duaus es, fequere ft vis. The h11.na ;s open, and ready to r.ake hold on JON, wh~tt therefqre fhall I faJ WJDrt 10 JOH? 6 What hand 1 pray you? Madimi ...... (.)MAnU! ampleElenJ nonrApitlllr. CJ. Lord I underftand no~ that neich: r. E. K. She is gone. 6 In manui,tuas D omine, Commendamu9 nollra corpora, animas nollru & fpiritus nofi:ros. &/.Imu.


FehruArJ z7. 6 .I and E. K. and.ThomM Kt/11 as fervam, rod~ eo Linsb11rl, ( otherwife m. .med Nimt~rge,) fu miles from Pra1.e, Ul the way toward Brefftl; othcrwife,namcd WrllfijlA,;A.

D 4. ,

@A true Relation ofDr.Dee his.AEiionsJwitbfpiYits,&c.

18. -Manecirc& 6 horarn. eAt Limb~rg. Thurfd"J Note, I hit~ dlu[ed from"'- of.the clo~k in rh~ l?orn~ng the fforfesto be looked .unto, fo ali, by five, or a!foon as 1t was break of ~ay, ~e m1~ht be -nd10g. . . . In the mean fpacnvhJ!e E. K. yec lay m hts bed awake , and I was 1n the next Chamber by, ip. ordering my things of my mal::. E K heard a voice (like mine) fay D. Whereat he asked me, what lay you? I anfwcred, that I fpake nothins. Then he doubted what creature did ufe that voice. Afterward he rofe: and when he had been ready a whife, and.fate in the Chamber wher~ my male lay , he faia, chat he,felcfom~what crawling, . or aon~ writing on his back_, and.adength ro afcend into hiJ head. And f'J I le.ft him, and we m out into another place, and kneeled to pr;~y, and prayed, and upon the coinming in of ThomM KeUJ into that room where I knee.l ed (in the Ooc:Jr of a little 0pen Gallery .over the Hrec:t) I rofe up, and went in again eo E. K. md he told me that he. Gumbrcd by reafon of the heavind(e of his head; and thAt he feemed t 11 fe, me pr~ying, and Michacl to ftand b7 me. I anfwered, thac.t.ruchir was I had been fo~ewhatbenr eo prayer,.bm chat I could not pray as I would, &c. Hereupon.; ImmediAtely he Jaw M1chael over my He~~ d with A ptn Jn hid bA,d: Thereupon I was refolved that I was to write .fomewhat of importance: And I made fpeed to take pen, ink a:nd paper, and to fwle my felf to wririn9, bec1ufe we made hall to ride , as intend in~ to ride 8 or fJ miles thar day , and company tarrying tor us: one of them beiug a Jew, whofe fi!h:r is wife to Doaor S ~lomo of Praguethc ] ew 1 &c. And going about eo . artend for lbmething to write, a voice iaid,as followeth. Cur non incll'dis tt ad audiendum vacem meam? 6 Hereupon , !"did fhut all the Doors, and uttennorl Doors. A "fJtJice. ..... In recepraculo, ut magis approbecur vcritas. 6 Hereupon fpeedily I cook out the Shcw-flone, and f~r it on the Table before E. K. E. K. Hercappcarcth a white Circle: roundabout the bordc;r of the Scone,


A Voice:.
N ote the re:t fon why' a Receptacle is f
more cred.ic.

and a ball or Globe of flaming fire in the midfl:; The white Circle bath great brightncffc of light in it. E. K. N ow.hcrc is MAtlimi, ilie fiandcthin the white Circle: andlookcthinto the fire, {he kncclcth. On the oucfidcof her, fiandeth MichAel with a fword. E. K. MtJdimi is gone away ,and MJcha1J is come to the lower part of the Circle. his feet., as though he kificd the place wbcre he fiood : as.if it were the Circle that he kiffcd.
A voice ...... Spealf.., for wh~ controiJeth me? E . /( . .Miche' bowcth himfdt toward

M ichael ...... Theft arethe wordof the Lord, and ofme his ~ngel, ttnd c..Minij/er of truth: ,.nd theJfollo~. Behold, I have led .JOII forth divcrfe.tmes : . t~~nd ]OH have ~bqea me, Therefore I f"'J Nnto JOII, Be now StewardJ of more. ~ 0 me1 cifu!God . E, K. He fprcadeth his Arms abroad,and fioopcth down. M1chacl ...... He th"t com,itteth his Treafure unto man,fimieth favoNr,nd at his retMrn hAtb his own. But he that committcth him[elfunto me, And heareth "'}voice, I will write his Name i11 the Book._of Life. Bthold, B,ho!d, Beh(J!d, I [wear and it is That in thee, Dee, I detight. .And lo, becaufe thou haft olteyed me, And not of fore~ of hu~J~am 'Det. perf.ujions, I fhew ulfto thee what is to come, ~tnd what I would have thee to do: a~~d wherefore thou commefl hither. 6 Fiat volumas Dei. E.K. Michael ... , Covtr mtfDr A whilt, lejfperAdvent#rc th()H fee I am bt]o",J. the J;iJit]- of th] capacity, and (o return not ealily. E. K. He bccommeth verybrighr. Cl I undedlood not well this faying;neither E. K. Michac:l I {t:zl unto thee cover the rm:pt~tcle. ~ We covered the Hone a while, and read the premi!fes. E. K. He is brighter then he was, the Circle of light ihincth fiilJ. 6 We uncovered the Scone, and then hdpake again. . . Michad . .... Bcfote cwdve moneths of your account be 6mfhed , with the S11n11e: I wil '<fep m1 promife with thee, as concerning the defhuB:icm of _ odulph : !eft pmcdventRre, he triR '7( d umph, as he often doth. For, thy /inuare many times perufed by h1m; SaJiny; This man doted, T~e def!rwdi-~ where is become his.God, or his g<=md Angds? o.n of I{QdHipb, And 6ehold, lw/l fwup him-off th8 fAct of the tArth: .Ana hefhaO ptrifh miferah!J: that he .may under(land , t}Jat t~ou dealt not {oi ~y .fdf, bu~ didft fulfil th~ work of thy matler. c.7tf"t

c.Moreov er 1 win bri,g in, even in the fe"cond mcinerh, (the twelye ended) Stev1n. St . 6 .And fo r a truth,(t~s l11m) "':ill. pl3:ce him i11 rhe feat l_ periAL; He fhlt/1 p'ojfej[e ~tn t'mpirt m All conditiomoft gre~tt! "~ fh~t ll fhew what~~ u t o gover,, when God placeth. na lly to be In h1s rime wtlll fullfil many thmgs that I have proiniied thee, and I wi;~ be m::cifull unto thee; underfioo&. bec;aufe chou halt not broken my Co"enant. A . L. My minde abhorreth frbmL~tsk,J, for he is neither faithfuho me, n"0r to thee: neither he camh for his. owl) r~ul. A Chamo & fra:no maxillas illius conftrir:~ge ( Deus) ut approxirnec ad t~ .. Michad ...... The fpeeay return "f Curtius rNu to deii~er"&e with Roclolph ho-w thq might'; (lender: the colour of Juft,cr) entil ngle rhee. And lo, whom. thou fofl-redft and fedft at thJ Tii~ble, u he, that ~ath wet' his hJnd in the difh rrith thee, and bath delivered :hee. /1)./ouover, he hat-h betra7ed his M~fttr : ANa the caufo of h;s ad.verJitJ , h~tth had chiefrollt in Emtricll4 . him. FroTII the third 7e11r ,he h~th d~ne Hnjuff!J : and hath made ~ak}d his Lords focrets. SontagtMr. Bllt he fha/1 hillv~ his rew ard : and lha11. per)fh with his own hand. Before thou CA,rjf ~ut of thJ own Doores, t o tnk! thj ]ottr_nq, R qdolph knew of thy going. ' And tor a rrurh, his letter s are befo1 ether. 'Therefore, it behoveth rm, to give thee warni,;g, tmd to reach a~td infiruct thee, as one exercifcd io my buline!1e. C1Jvcr me, l am become .cle~rcr. A We covered the Receptacle; Afcer a while we uncovered it~ Michad .. .... This therefore fhalt r hou do. The fame 194J thou cmeft, the [a1JIIe wa1 tho Jh~tlt a!J return: Not to flie from their.rnalicc o or tyranny: But eo ftand in the face of them as my k rhnt. Herebl , indirefliJ, {h~tll the Traitour underftand JOU k._now him. Tht: Traicor. And Rodolphus h_.rd heart, I wilJ jfir up with indignatiM ag~tinjf him. For he fha/1 be co,ftru

A Lyar. And chey lhall begin to fear thee, aad alCo ~o love thee : and thou frl.'llt be in favour among(t them. Not~. Annuate their doings, and /?ear t heir [4Jings. eAnd thofe things thq [hall offer thte, refufo Annum rheii nllf, I ~iLl. {end. one oHt to pay them their wages. doings. Moreover, I comma~d thee Kelly: _ ( B* iN m1 owlf perfon, 1 &ouNfel and advertifo fhee) thAt , th~H tak,f pan with the Lord Jefus : .And go forward with the bufindfe thou haft in hand. 6 Bdike he For why ? T,Rey fhall be fhortly made "pen nnd plain ; left tlof (A) word (to the Emper~ur h1 ~as Qudyin~ meaneth) receive f oil in the he~rts ofmen. m Dunftgns B14t I bind it n?,t to that plac~. .For, t~e fruit that fpringet.n of it~ lhall do my fervice with Ste~ ~e~!fTabiei 'lien; vlnd yet , 1f he Wlll, wsth th~tt UO)Uft ~ . L.csk_.y. Awd 1t{hall be -a q~rden J~'orJOU: where;11 mad e mehe ' not 1 J'nl fhall not borrow ~f the World.,.but ~f the G 1ft of Goa. privy . And htthmo I wzll de4l with thee, that the leafl thi11g which thoH haft bejforud in obedience to~ Yet if, wara me, jha/lwdt be forgotten. Donum Dt_. i Li1Je rou toge.ther~ M brethren~ and won~\:r together' at ~y works' a1fd in me' for there fhall Together. 1111 A hair of yowr h~ad perifh ; So that you Wl:eo, and be obe~1ent unto my votce, If~ when therefore thoN comm_eft" home ' hide not thy felf; Bu~ iee, that. the Infant be regenerated; lnfans baptl~ A As coocernin.y the Godfathers : fhalll reque(t and ufe luch as 1 mtended? '.{and ut, Michael ...... ihat thoH h~tft done. Mi'h~ But put all t hefe thingJ up ~tmowgft the fe cret1 of JONr heArts, a~ tho11gh not feting 1 }tt {eein~ 11/l thingJ. Let tht(e for this time Jujfice. E. K. The: fire is gone, he: and all. . . . . . b. Creatori noltro Omnipocemi, Proteeton noftro mJ[-encorddfimo & confolaton nofim abundantiffimo in tempo're necefficatis nofhre f1t pc:rcnni'i Laus , Honor, ..Gloria, & gratiarurn attio.;



A Hereupon. we'had great corntor, and [a brake our faCt, and returned to PrAgue again, befor,e 4 of the clok in the afceruoen.

No re. While I was thus our, and. had iefc a letter for the C ~rtefo Bltbafar Federicll4 7)ominuJ Ab Ojftt.; &c. eo deal with tbe.Spanifh Emb.aftado_r, the Lord ~mfe, an~ rnyne Her Kin.slq, t 0 crave pard()n of my fudden departure, 4nd thi (pild 1fOt J~t chri/teed, &c; and had given my wife charge not to ddiver the.Letter before Briday ni~ht, &c. It came eo pafte, that this Mr. Balthll[ar had lent word of his cemming to ~r11g4 withthe Lard KinJk..J; ( whein0n the Friday before l .had mec ri-


tn~ereitttion ofDr. Dee is Al1ions,fllitb Jfirib.~&c:. h

din outdf :row~: and,hetoldme chat he was tO be OUttbrce Or 4 dayes,&c.) g t~t ht..was~ firous eo fpeak wtt~ rot. . Upon "~~Yhkl\ oeca.flon my wife thought irbdl to fend ~he letter to him, and (o did, not Ion~ be"" fore my coQJing home. Which thing when I un.derG:ood,.l v<~as~ half forry for it; a.nd fcnt prefently word to MaHcr Balth~f.fr of my comil"\g home, and tq...:~tifie himtna.~ myY~ife had en:ed to .fend that letter unto his wot-fhi? before FrtJ"J riight,when fhe 1t1ight pe!rceive that ind.eed ldid 1ide forth ~o Brtjtl. . He.thereupon was de~rousto fp~ak with me, and oj him I received ~1 Letter which h~ hAd ptr1/ftri., a-nd )ffered himfelf tho(\: rea~y to fatisfie the content thereof,..&c. Now to.the- chi.ef purpofe, A..t my re[urn home from Mall er Btelt~.cfAr Fedtri~~ ,J, Olf!4, I found Emerirt# Sonr~tgi111, in my wive.s Hove w.ich Marter-Kelfy, who 11.,t the jigbt of -m~ . {ore ~tU:.etl, ~Nihlf not tJIJLe,,r not 't!Pi!lrng to (peal, but f~Jid, vos dtis vmres equices. Tlien ,r.Ktllj told me, that EmericJU had told bitn, chat tbe Emperour had.bc:en all day ydlerday very melancholick. and would (peak with. no body . And thttt he k.!~ew of "!J .jtJurneJ in moment when it wtU, and fon, that by the- Jews,&: fpeciall y by the. DoCtor his_ that had gone abo4t to get n:e.~he four ho.~[-es, & laboured very much witirhimfelf (unasked) t'> perfwade me that the Emperour lus firfi and clue l,Ul derHandii~g of it was by the Jews, &c. Hereupon (being llOVII night) he went bJme.



Thu,fJ.,.,; . A meridie, hera 2 ~. Baptizatus crat MichMl Dtefili.us meus in arcis P'ragen!ls majori Templo. Baptifmum ~xercence, Cxfare<f Majdlatis Capdlano. Sufceptoribus v-ero, Illu!trifJimis Dotl1inis, Domino don Gulidmg de lando Clementc, Hifpaniamm Regis, apudCa:tarem ~egato, &: Domino Magnifico, Domino Rornff,. fu.mmo-C:rfarca: rilaje-:ftatis cill>1cu1a~o, & . acort,(il..iis arcani~ intimo & primario, &c. Sufcept~ice al!tcm, Nobilitlima feemi!la, Domma de D imechHain, Domini de DiccrechHain, ux-: o~e charifiima ~qui rna jor Domo C~Gtre~ ma jd1 at is eft. I nfand verQ- norueo erat inditum :Mi.t-h.d ad petition cm mea m, ob gratam b(t~ti Michaelis mtmoriam qui (ex miferi~ordil$ Dei) tlltn: fHit eft & .erit ntJbis bette-ficsu, '4HXilia'ri4 & tutel~trw) & c.



M~trtii 1 S.

r_MondiiJ. Maoi,horafn circiter 7

D. Precibus ( tx more) ad Deu)ll fufis, p:-imtlm;deinde (aliqua i.n tapofita mora) aliisetiam ejaculacionibufque faeti~ pro mi(ericcrdia, luc_e &; aux1lio Dei, &c. polt horas z .tandem nul1a fach a~pa.
Tit1ooe, cdfavimus. B~o vero de Dei ira timidus, caufarnlubeHe magl'\atl} dnbitavi, &c. D. Mlfctere noflri Deus, Se ne nobifcum ng:ts, joxca pmnes iniquitates nof.has, .,Ame11.

Martii 20. WednefdaJ, .m: mc.

6. Note-- E. K_. yefterday had a fbew of a little thing as hig as a pe9fe ef

fire as it were in the Hone _going about by the brinks. And becaufe it was not in fhape humane,he of p~rpole woul_ not . .eclar:eit toro m~, and_ I have n ot~d (aiappeareth.) of no lhe~. T~is ~e d d fo told me on 1\t eld~y m~ht. (chat was yeltern.Jght) upon occafion of a a rear ttir and movmg m hli brains, very (enfible and diltin-tt, as of a creature of humane fhape a;d lim:ameDtS going up and. down ro and fro in his brains, -and within his skull: iometimes feemino to down, fomeume to put his hed out at his ear. z. And rhis began from the fame night following.





E. K.

m1ne circicet 1'1 f.


Precibus ~d Qe.um &J!ls aliq\Janto prolixior~us quam e:x: more:, Bee, Hat}m fatt~ dt apparitio.

geing about the border or thdlo- e. n E. K. Here is Dl'lt 1 but ht hAih' e~vtud, f~ct, I ~c.,_,, hi,. 110~, his covering is. of a compoundcolour;bctween black- red and white, he iscovercddownto his middle. . t~c.ground of. it is wh~:e: There be f~ots ot black and red on~t, fome big,fomclittlc,

Here lS the !ame (hew of a ltttle parcel of fire fomcwhat lc1fe then a peafe,

as 1f they hadbccnfpnn'klcdon w1th a}'co,.


a pc:ncil.

.... .dgllinft divine necejfity is no prAJer nor refi(l.ance. E.X. 1 feel nothing; in my h~a~1_1ow,, a~d till now I did, as is moved bcfoxc. ..... Come, you Prophets, 4nd _ render JOUr accoNnts. Come, 0 JOU. thtlt haWJfHck.Jd of the . ilrefts, ~herein. the judgmmts lmd (ecret w.iO of the Lord is hid, and of Neceffiry to come, qather JONr folves together, ren4er fo~ acoount -whJ the King of ererniq de{cehdjngfrom the hesvm; hath fo often 71ijiud JOU? And whJ be. httth rt~ther vifired ]DU, in the Defo rt, upon mig htJ ~nd high c.Mountllin:r, emr,anged of tmn. Tell, I [aJ, wha~ the cau(e is, that he hath come down inco the Pens_, 4n4 amongft Jour fl(Jck._ : Could not this G_d have ltfid ytJu.up, 4nd have hrought ;ou imo o his Jeer et chambers.? Could he not h~1Je ravifhed JOH llnto himfelf, and fo have Ctfl'ried JM ahout -wit-h hiM. t~at JOU rr;Jght foe his great ~if dome Hni{_nown to mA.n, and the ab1mdance. of G,lorJ,wherein he hath ~is hlllmlltion. There it non11 of JOU that dare prefume to faJ, that JOU deferved the L9rd his prejen.ce. 1" here is none of JOU that dare ope" his miJuth, ft~ying, God hath med of u.r. T~/1 t.h,rcfore what is the caufe chat Gr;d h.trh vi.flted you. 6 The unfearcha~)l'f pdgrnencs and determinarions of the high::fl:, &c . ..... 11~ flent, thott- im[W4re/f 6ef re e_hou art called. o Wh4t is there none ofJOU thAt lin[wereth me? No, where arfthou? ] ob., where 11rt t h11u? Motes; where ar& thott ? Zyrom, where 11rt thou? Syra~as_!;Ja, where art thou ? Damel;where .crt thou? Jona.s, Jllhere art thtJu ? Ezrchiel; where art rhoH? HrJI;, hDly Efdras,wh"'re art thou? To"'lt!Jftr Propheu,.where are rou? To'- number without number, (whom the Lord hath t .1Lked withal) wherefore [hew JOH not JoUr fo/v;:s-? A.a thefe were fnllsf. the Holy Gho(l-. Ail thefo mortified thei~ fie(h for the love of God. Tet,,what, Are J~f4 not able t():r-emler accounf tJr to flm~ :he true caufe why God h11th vijud you ? . Go_ v 1pted JOU f long, and Jo oft,[o mer"ifu!IJ and fo alnsndlfntlr, and are J014 jiltnt and tgno... d rAnt? . Wbf ?

Maooata .t.ua jutta f~.Domine.

Whttt, rM.I this the aufo that God vijited JDU for, that JOH fhould fulfitl his commandmentJ,and teA&h his people thewal 11ffalvati1Jn? 7 rue it i.r, it wa.r th1 caufe that moved JOH to o!Jeli.iencer But the veq .caufe why G~d appe~~red Behold, the Comm"ndments of God are juft & tr. ue.whofe font JDII ~re: if therefore JOH follo~ 110t the Commandme~:ts ~Jf Jour father, .JOU are difobedient. But why, 1our fathtr h"th commadtd JflU 1 L11, I teach yat~. When GfJd ~f very God, the truelight, 6ei4uty a11d honour of his FAther, conteined or Tf)tU full of th~ image if .an heavm 101d earth, and ~1 the omnipotent, conjoyn:cd, ttnd equal power ""~ ftrmgtb if thm~ bath, }o7nd tn one; was brought forth, and h11a~is re4/ hegi~ning., he detert:nined alfo,, in the fe!f-fame [m age aml/d(lf.., the dne and proper order,.J~'ft law 4n(l determination, of all thm~ ~ thAt wer:~c~mprehmded; which [4W and tbi11gs togethtr ht~Ve their COurfo c_o-e.tfentja/ /Jot.h in ~eav_en "'"~ e4r1~, J.tjliNg u((hmg all thi11g.r i!fto their mtl heginninp, limit~tion of time. ~nd .determuumo~ bettl!em i~extreams, .Y}lis order or l~tw, . begun. in the-bofo.me of the Word of qod, k.!epeth fo h~ proper courfe, tJndord~r, and law of his o~n ejtablifhme~t, That thofe thing.r t_iZt befor~ were b wro~ht in God, might alfo receive Jork.fng ~nd be;ng.fHbflAnti.4l to the end of God h's pro [;.-t'f!io,.._ This is the {elf-fame chat we fpok_e of before, in the. nllmeof Jj~ipeNeceffity. ag4il'!/f the which "olra7er prevaiieth, nor rejiftance can 6~ mAde. Tlm .NecPfllrrnr~ thHaufo, .0 JOII PN~fhltJ ""d Childr~N of GP"-4 ,. 1hat God dwelt ~mongft

JIJJ4, JPH/t.no-w nM

This- ~/f.t'! Wflt.rhl iuj}rllment thallmJUght l'"'' rh.~ftaguf /Of:lr ele1iDn. 'Thi; N~Jfi~r w.u ih~ ~"411ft that God c~e JOU, Tl:i; Necef{itJ mak.Jrh of wax, honey; of tar, millu of Long rang.i11g-; nt~rn, of Infidels, Chrif/i,.ns; of di[obedie11t, ho/7 onu. . Finally, ~f the u1tperfeEt and evil., ""!land roming.4.ftr~l of m~,kjw}., the . rtu rlfltihr of [t~cb t As returnfro~ wic~ednejft:, and are cho[etJ t.o etern~l JOJ {r!J1fl th.e begiiming. Bnt thi.s ~l feem utif.~ TvtJ. a jlrAnge And fl:t~tnhliiJt .DD.ft.r:ine. I hAve L~d :he Baji.L. 6 W <: read the premi[es, which .[ce~ci -to 1,1$ w.r:y pithy, a.Qd ponderous, and full of my


8 I

jS4 ;;;true relation of Dr. Dee his" ABions:J with JPirits l&c.
~ I noted two ~rophets names~ no~ before. .. This.N~ce/flt} is to-f~ld, ~ne (that i1 to ft~J, the firft) comempiAtive IINd fi:r. The other, vmk.!g 111nd /~tilding ,~ tm mtl. In the Jirft do J.-welltwo g,.e# .-nd mighJJ Judger,{uftice and Merc7. In the Jecond dwelleth tlie fo ""d im.tge of ]uftic~, l~tilaing gn hJ order for the corfo of thi11gs, th~tt are led on b.7 the Jtiltrr, hAve mt true Juftice, lu1t the im4ge t~f 1uftice. This is thuaufe thlft the,ele6land chofen "'"] trre A~~aguftra], a,J. loft the/mJejit lmh Df thl end of his Eleclton and firft dmrminatiu. For whJ : All things come ow, aNdf<!~p their courfe, evm M thq artled,bJ the image of111Pice, t.Man oneiJ excepted : whi eh by reafon fJf hit free--will ,dr11weth [E. K. He tcachcth out of order, r111merh from the mar/e.., refufoth that which 1is good,. himfclf.] and rhrough the burd,;n of hiJ fiefh, inclimh Hnto evil. In the which evil, whilft he dwellerb and co11tim~_e.Jh, lo the tourfe of neceffitJ ta.k!th hold upon him, and dr11werh him unto the {cope or end whereunto he inclineth timfolf. For, behold, Althr gh he be before[anfiijied unto the Lord, 411d made A cllof~n vejfel, wh"ein m 1f he continue. if he continNe, neceff~riiJ he {hall enjoy the rewttrd ad gJorJ of the fanl1ified: Yet if he Jofo thA! Neceffiq, and fiJ from hiJ own lw and 'ondition, taking p~trt with the filthinefe ~Jtnd iniquitJ f h14 enemJ, throH_th Satan or hi! flefb, of Nece/flq he mujt perifh. For as rhoje 1hat are good, tied unto thelaw of goodnejfe, <~re glorified, if they conti,Ne : [fl ltk./If wifc a re the evil tJed unto the law of wick.!dnejJe, the Nece{fit} whereofis damnable. Thi! iJ the caufe that the ProphetS are vijited. 'Becaufe God fond them pHMijhing their Jlefo, efpijing the Vtlnities of thl ,orld, a,.d reflfli"f.

Satan. For lo, the Lord look.!d do" If unto the earth : And he faw the111 defpiGng wickedndfe, fearing



him, and grounded in the faith of redemption. Therif6re he thru.j} himfelf ;nAinOifg/1 them, Ana throNJ.h the ~rft part ()f ntce/flt] (in merc1) he 'flijit"ed them. TAle:! heed ( 0 )"011') that the LorJ. ofneceffitJ vi.fiteth Jn }ufti'e ' for JOUr b!'lrden jTMII be grtM intoler.tble. E. K. H c is gone. 6 WI! read and difcourfed a pretty while. E. K. Here he is again. ..... N tiW 11nto the yeft Wh..zt is (therefore) thlllt 11tceffitJ divine ttgainjl the which there is no praJtr nir refijJA1Ke? For whJ it is evident, Tha~ .finMrl ,,., retNrn , t11nd t~fo that erre, "'"1 he hrfiHght ;llta rh rig bt 'IPA}, atui that"' Pr4J" BehtJid, 11o man it penitewt, /lu~he 11{eth PriiJtr. No man Jatisfi~th, hNt he Nfetb PrAJtr. No man tA'<fth pArt with the Chu.rch, lntt in PrAJn',for Pra1er is the Kt], ft~Ciiftri /11 thl Holy Ghojf, which opeweth the 'WAf Hltto God. Nccdficy had determined the defuucbon of Ninevee, neceffity alfo faved ic. For lo, when t hq jhoHid necefari!J h11ve received reward for their wickftbu.fe, thq 1rAJtd, 111Ul re.ftfled neceffiq. It ~tppttVeth, therefore,,,, ret, whAt lleceflitJ thAt is, th~ PrAJef prevai/eth nst ag~tilljf. Note here, The later 11tceffitJ is ruce/flty, leadi11g malom ad malum, & bonum ad bonum; which nmffitJ i! thAt, which is tyed HntoeverJ thing kAdi11g it unto the end thllt it dejireth. E Vtn 114 God, feeing the Pro phers jrw[11k,e the /oAt h{om11tjJe of their flefh , 11nd frt~~rNing thl111feLves to the 1teceflitJ which leNieth Nnto tooa, 9fhiJ mur merq, in the firft, thruft himf~lf ~~~gfl them, jixi11g thetr lt~ter ""4 liefired ~~eceffitJ, with A ntctJfitJ of his Om,iptmt andN,.fpettk._Ablt merq wherein there J.,eOeth t'Wo things;


1oy,, 1111d Perjtfler~VJce. Thefe thereflm ( aJ tbl Prophets) ~bleb are vifit~d with God ;,. rnerCJ , lfr.l fed, nourifotd And. .f6flered liS the Prophets were, with theft twO aifhes, Whereof the greateft is Per[everance. Htrein I teach JOH, thAt ht thAt is firft eJeEled ~t,d appiJeth himfelf to the "eetffilJ ~f his Ele[f ion, dojng thework.J th~Ct rt righteous hefort the L,.d, and receiveth comfort by the 'Uijitatmuf Gods merq, i! foaled to the ma.tJf his Eletiioll' ;,gl~td11effe, And through the VAIIIt 111Jd Jl~engtb of 'l'erfeverance, And cannot f.JIfo far, thAt hefh~O btbru.ifed, or r11n fufr .flrtlj 1 tlo4t hf Jht~l nDt he ~_thle to rem~mber hi,.fe/f. H.cpp] "'-"' thofo thllt are eletfed .But happJ,happier are thofo thAt perfevere in t~eir Ele8w~r; 'Thefe tilre thofo H11to whom God impNteth not their finlfls. Thfe lire thofe that flnne 11nd S~ttn Are If w.._eArJ of, for t"eJ are 11/JI ahle to prevailt. Thefe ~~re thofe which are ,brtd in the BOf~ of God, a~td whofe brelhrtN1"J As Jfl for their "mminz. Bu; thl "'''"/h.JIh t~prwd, 11nd tbtJ fhteiJ rife. . IJIII

trlie ~l~tion ofDr. Dee hit A Elions, withJPirits} &c. ; 85


Bt~t ii tb(re a rmrq fix~d, AIUI ebth thii "'"cj ~tlfo fix Juftice; 111 I h~tve cA/l~d it the I . mAge of J~ffice, It ;, eviJo,r; &~ il~(o Is thrre A1H{I:;ce that is fiXed. 4 1"ftice triumph;,g, a JJI.!f.ice mightt. A 1t~fticl Hlf.chle to b~ J <.~d, Tll{lice tbilt Pr117:r preiv.ti/eth not ~tg.;nft, JtiAj aJftice that Hell ,,J the Devil lire co~rtbmned in. ThiJ h th~t Ju/lice, this;, that two taged /word, this ;,,tht Iron r.Ma.O, whermit~ thop that refu[t their EhtftoN, . or 111rr ot.e/efJed, fo/JQWing the neccflitJ of wick.,edneffc , Me .lind fha/1 b~ ~~~t in pieces wiih, 6e11tc'! into f m11ll prrw&er, ana be caflt'n to the ~~~it! of firt 11a hrimfton:. 4 1 hl.f ish~ lhtft fcaleth up the fecond Hell, wi!h the [econd de11t'b. "This iJ th11t Josr, ~ JOJJ ftar'flelzngs, ;iu vngabondJ,"Jo jliff-neck...,td Mid ftinkjng jtn11ers o11ghr td dmad .snd fear! Harh God efe[ld Jou, illnd do you dr[d~tinit? Har.h he prov~de,d SeAt [11r J9H, ,ill" Honottr for J oll, Crow_n for you, if Wedding arment for )OH, h11 lttrnalgloq forj~u. And wtll JOH frce htm t~ caft.tt mto the fire. Sh.c/1 thf finger of Go _ write jou, a11d fhal/ thevcnlttlntt gfGod rPfJt JOII !Jilt, 'R..;.pe11r 1 fal, andftie from Jou; ilf.iquitJ . ~rrn mto rhewaiof-the Lord, I rAft God[ctit~g 7our 1r1i~~dnejfe., Jollr . .. WAtlir.tl ~d inhll"" '"'"re rthellio,, yortr drfo!udience 4Iai1cft 1~ur fAther, thrujl himfelfllpn Jollnseuffitj wi&h hit j~... f/ict. ANd TJenge~tce. Which thi~rg ifru.Jn, PrAJtr prrodt/eth ,ot. ~eh leffe iJ theirreftfhnce. vfre JOU Not fraid to lofe th; ftght of god, and to be.depri'tJtd of the giiiTJ of hitMAjejfie; . A re you Not ll[raid ofthe f!lnfpeAthlt flt~mu And firi-brMJds of HeU, hieh ~~ri prepAred (ot th;



What {hall If~! 11nto JOM t Sha)! I tak piq 11po111 JO" ? fYIJ J Ctlre J till 1rO fir JDIIr [dvtJ ? t ShatJ f pra, llntd qod for JOIJ? ioH pry nor for JOUr jtlves. S ba/J 1/Jejlr/w goakeJft upon JOII?

Hui, JtJU dtfpifo it.

Shttlll bring rhret Sheep from th,. rJv!,untAim , and !ball I tofe two of.tbcm b~fore i come Thrc:c !her~ home. 0 JQII .,.IJ,.1AI .,,,, be m ercifit/ unto JOIIr [el'lle J, T ilk! pitJ on yoNr fehiu. Fal i11to the trHe juJgent of light ~md JJ.rft,eff~, o.fgood 11,.d evil, 11( eternal GIDrJ 11nd pamnAtion. For,b,eh,td, 1 tell JU, that qoa itrttldJ tD thrwfl him{eif, JM, to throw himft!f 111 t1 miJ.htfton~
Npon JOHo

Againft the whi,h there is no time of praJer, 11or wothing th~t ct~n prevaile. 1 have here lllught]oU, IVId exhorted 7ou. Ex ho~e~pu to [#r[Ak.J JONr Jflick_eaneff'f, ana cleAVe Unto the Lml . T11ght you thilt thofe that are elefied ma7 lofe r.he;, e/e f1io11, .ilnd. .,.,., he eftablifhed in their lleflion, Al(o th~tt thofe th41. re 11101 eleRtd.run 6JJherule o.f Rletjfity Mnto - e,d of their wick,.;.;. the eJ111e /[e,which is ret~tttrdid with eternAl fire: From the which qod of hiunrriJ, 11nd ;,/nr Sonnt ?efu~ Chrift, who bath rethemtd JON, is 7et rtlldJ> ifJOII ~IJ, to.tU liver JDM,


Ha! rowgh ha.

IJ. We longdiCcourfed of fundry things, and each reproved other of haughtindfe, or pride of mind, how ju!Hy wi.~did it God kqowech. E. K. He is here fiill. D. 0 Lord order thcfe m:mc:rs with us., and between ws, to thy Honour and Glory. E. K. . . hQu E. K. <fna wt, rtceive 11t ove +ountllin, -we are creAted a.nd m11debJ tJne God, tt~ the ~~dttk . 1(hacl T J' 1a1 1ea them tnd we (hould 1 torifie him, as 1M Crt t~t~r, JOU, as Jour Redetmer '"'d Creator. . &ive'me 1'omeBstlo, we A'-e of Ht4v tn heavenlj, cfJmforted and nourifhed 71'ith the glor1 of GoJ, whtrei whac~ or fuaw (finceJhe ( .1\) d1Vtjirm m~de amonj,Jf us) we erre not: JOU to the intent JDU ma7 be prtJved, Ar6 thing bcne6.~

covt7rd 'With mtJrtlllitJ and corruption, to the ir.unt that the j fldgmtht of God mAJ t~llow JOII, for ci~i tQ my . tho[e piAceJ JDllare apt.to inherit . IfrherefQre webehoth'refre{hedofGod, hAveoul' begimlint m~d~rb~~ from God as from o11r Cre~~tor, let rn boih ack,powledg his goodnejfe, Andglorifie him in the work_s ~i~r: ~k~nbcc7cr of our h<tnds ; we, in our .cngeltcalformJ, 1011; in-the Skjrmtjh wherein JOH fight, h] {ighti11g ,,,. of chcm. f u fly, and overcomming. _ ~ The f311 gf rcr of us than haft, .u thofe have that are m~arded ;, the la/Jour of him thlft ;, fent ;, mef!age .1\nr,cls. fro"' the giver. If tlu King [md his c..Jneffe"g" Hnti thtl, ht o~tght frJr thret r:4Hfis, Hrft,f;r the ptr{on/rrJiil Jl c 11ht1U'I

j86 ~A truereltttionofDr. Dee his A8ion1,-'1Pith JPirits~&c.

whence he commtth. Secondly,fo,. the ANthoritJ of his m.effage, vr f.t70~Jf# t!f rt:wllrd. Third ',{; . IJ, that b h tm JOH receive t he bene t, wh~"'!)IJII Are grat'red '} bc:honotl!ed Evenfo deallflithJU . fwU4 emJfaJ,,fluf~trethebmerbJhim, mrefptel ttf his lahour, for J caufcs, and the ~t~~thuritJ tht~t he ufah: fo 11MJ we f~J, JOII f~~re the better HI , T he 1\ro"cls B11t Jet the heavm ad 1arth bear witnt-jfe ( /JejiJes the benefits of GoJ) of tlllr g11od will ttrwllrds l CJ ol will to- JO II. But Anfwer me. ward E. I\.. E.K. Wbat fay y-ou tome-: wherein ,,, As rquching Jour rcteiving, M loH ch;n,( thT t~".l p11rt'witb Chrijl /efNs, verJ God IIJJa
A Kin' his mefiC:ngcr to.


E . I(

would n ()[ ~~- r e fins t e peop e. h h .~ h b b Ch h ,..J. l ow of [heir Whet er is gTeater, t taut oritJ o; lrHt , 1 t e HTC' Mi/it4111, 4r Trinmr-Ant? doiogi & coun .Anfwer )OH [E.K.] to that, fcls, unlc:lfc E. K. the Church Tiiumphant. they were tvetJ [11ch is o11r 4HthoritJ. Thertfortit is grellttr then the lfHthorit] of him that is a lowed of an" I t fi J by y Pnel.

r~id he

man: 1 he Son of the livtllg God, whofe precious/1/,oJ N-Ntn out. co~ttinNilllr before his F 111her for

~ 11





~~~ p~ccft, [~
whom he

Ifthl :Angels th~tt hAve Appeared Hnto JOM, had AppeAred ttlfo Nllto. the ]tWs,faJing, Cru~fie ntJt

For thou:h 1hq he!ttved not "'"n, Jtt woNid thq have /Jeliet~ed All Angel. Too,fored;dGodtheFatheraci{.nbJI11tJgehisSo11(brift,bJbothChurches: M JOH "'"!read Tfhe ::tudthollty "' thulngels that ~tppe,:~red tHhl Shepherds, a&k...,110.,/tdgil frq heAVIn rhe trHth, thM ]e[HI o goo Anh f d t!,Cls is grcHer Wl t t Soli o. Go . rhcn rheucho F.. JC. what is the Church~ I did not think that the Angels were of any Church. rity oftbe 7he Church is the numlier of thofe which"..' governtd bJ the Ho/7 Ghoft, and that conttnuaRJ Pope. f h fing HoiJ,HoiJ, HoiJ, Holy, Lmi God of Ze6aoth : But that 'Pit ftnt fo, th~ Scr.iptllres bear 0 rote t c witnef!i. Ther~fore we are of the Church, and our tdlimonies are rrue. B~~i;church~ I Co1m[el JOU therefore ttJ put c humiliq, and to 111~ JOMr Jelves fbje51 /,t{ore thl tr#ltb. e!Triumphant Love one another, mt hecaufo JOII Art men, b11t bect~fe JAil are partakers of the heavenly tdti:and Mil i[a~t. mony. celtft#'i,~'dJ In refpecr 11[ thJ boJ7 Ana miktJ, I anfwer thee, thAt 1h7 b{)dJ i.r which no~ had nut /JtetJ,A~~d -wht~t i~t ~:m thj milld.tJeeth, commJth throllgh the light thal we leaw with it. ~~~:me [omc- /Jut ifwe f{)yfak:! thee, thJ bodJ is not, m11ch leffe fhll/1 thJ underjiAnding bt, wh::tt p:ofiraStaJ And I coe ~tg.W.. blc to . y bom 6 We read, and E.l(. marvdled at the apcnetfc: and foundndfe of their anfwcr. a~ , cdomc E.K. Here heisagain. E. K. I cannoueJIF or f. "tfdom to my Jnin.ds behoof. ..... When 'I> ht~th mud, t1nd p bath entkd, fl Prophecy. I comegAin. C:::. foue P L. E. K. He is here. [:}~~~~;:!~!~ Wh1n lJ bath ended, AmiL hAtJ, enkd (which At hA11J) tbnl tMIItth th~ {o11 ~ ptrrl#w, nJ. Rir. . t11tretb. This we lud Ofthefe two Letters I will}AJ TINJrl, in your next ;~et ion. aot yn. The Light 1 heA'fltn /JeTJUilgjl JOH. 6 Amen. Mi(ericordia Dei indfabilis fit fuper nos, nunc & femper, Jme11.
would confcf.s
. h imfclf.

tht S Ql1 of God, they JlfiJIIId twt have ne it.

{ .fa

Sequitur Liller 11, tjlli, har die etimin(ept11s 1jJ ~ M"iAit,hvrAM rirtittr 3 ptripflll/ll Levanael.

M yfteriorum PR AGE N s 1 u M Confirmatorum Liber.

P R A G lE,
I 58),



M yfteriorum C R A c o V 1 EN s I u 1\-1 Stephanicoram.

Initia Aprilu

1 2. 1 J 8) .

Myfteria Stephanica.
~~~~Ake common Audcal, purge and work it by Rlodnr of

four divers digeftions, continuing the lafi: digefiion for fourteen dayes,.in one and a fwifc proportion, untill it be Dlafod fixed a mofi red and luminous body, the Image of Refurreaion. Take alfo Lulo of red Roxtan, and work hiln through the four fiery degrees, until thou have his Audcal, and there gather him. , Then double every degree of your Rlodnr, and by the .law of Coition and mixture Work and continue them diligently together. Notwithfianding backward, through every degree, multiplying the lower and lafi Rlodnr his due office finifhed by one degree more then the highefi:. So dorh it become Darr, the thing you feek fqr: a holy, moO glorious, red, and dignified D lafod. But watch well, and gather him, fo, at the highefi : For in Gnci hour, he defcendeth, or afcendeth from the purpofe~ Take hold.

E. c

An no

~J truerelati~fbr. Deehi1 AC11ons}witb jjirits:.&c.

t-n~iecbone, e.cc. ~ w~dnefd.t,J,, amerid ie ci"t.c:a - 3~ ;6. As we fat cage~her in my Study, and calked of our affairs, and rif the--I>.hilo(ophe'r i ilooe, E.J(. fclca thing lieavyupon his head, and heard a voke, fay
10. ..

Vide hu jus Diei aet1one pra:


De_ Ntcellitate



+ Prag~.

ing, I wiU t~a.c11"t.hee, . Hnwpon

EJ. K.

thc_ ftoo.e in place. H.t:r.eis ~ey~nael,_ Jovere-d.as


he was w. at. o

Lcva!J. - _'fJ'h1are l~~()t pur~, (ha_iy~uma1 le4f~.~

E: K.- So wewill receive .a:t .E.afier, .as the time of the year doth
_1::-:, Lo ~d, t!:10u

halt faidl we Should at length be of


minde:J-through-chy m~rciet,. J..ord help Ui


.E. K . He feemeth to have had. his lips. fewed: for the vail is-fo thin, that it p.ermitteth his nee in manner to be .p erfealy di[cerned.
t'l OT E. Thriu.

L{v.an, ..... See tlult JDH tllk:! ihe[t~Z[on, '!3d gjCth~r lfl)ile itiJtime; p4fr>JOU Jhafl b~ d~.ftro_IU to gather, 1&11~ JQU cannot. Thlicc I mull come unto you, if 1 findc you not. 'Lo, l have done,for I cqme 110 more,


JD ltt this H~trvefl

E. K. I pray you to deal with another : here is John , a boy in the _houfe, _ may _fe him. you u
Lev_an ....... Th1 talk_ is humJndolly: But before I go, I will not he hidden from y~u. RrAd xo~tr Lej[on, it is now A fta/e lef{on. 6 I read, To ke Common Audc&l, 8ic. Take hold. le van. ~ ... . You flrl beft to do fo.

E. K. Now he hatq heaved up his vail, his face is bare, it wa~ not his lips that had thofe}titches as it were? but it was in his vail, his face is a very fair beautiful face.
6 We befe~ch you for God~is fake, his !!lorv and honour. to giv!= light; and to make plain this Ldfon or Conclufton. Levan .... ;This Concl;l(ion wh"ein man is ex.alted being the 1"./f And the firft, is As necejfar1 f or Jou, and for the avo{ding of temptAtions that-are t11 come, as Jour gArm~nts are to cover yoHr nA k.J.~pe/1(, ~.r. 1~1 f:qufoj to)<!f'N!J}[,-t~t jfo_rms. ~ ,Give IJS che,J.cfo.re.~his pefp, this hl!lll;thisilaff, this couofel, 0 Lord. Ltvah .../ . -Flow mud r-'hi tnorr:you lfegle!t i.t, .nJ. 'the.}Hne ~h~rtui h <is. to he garhtred, fo . r m_ch th_e 1f.C..1'$. (ht4Jip.N:be. Ftd!4~: Hf1tl ,o~frfveJ 411d. the ln~j,dl[e w.h~~ JflU muft ft~!fill in th, i writ of G~.d, if,JO#_~J~~ th~f i it will firjf ~.au~e you t~ iC:nfa kt; fecondly, it will plant rou there, where wHhoun~ y~ur feet~nnot emet, antU.tom whence whn you are. planced, you fbal not caGly be moved. I fpea/z.r;qt .~hit,for that lq'f Jho~ld murmllr,[afi"!.' Canmd qod pl411t Ns 'Without this? BHt t() mak$ it evidelt JJiJJo 1ou: Vi hAt God ll[eth his C.r-e. tures v)i'ible eo inn:odu<:e or lead in (yea, Cupera nat~r~l jJol cc anq wi(dom~ Thefe things will demonftrate the will aNd power of God grafwl in you, tbat it is found ptrfe1, .-nd [Yom alxJvt. Fonf JOU, fal; (o .thefnAiing.sJ..,.ath God taHght me, f1'?4 th~Je things h~ttb God opened unto me: \V h1lel-l: they wooder at the one, ~hey 01all be for.ced to believe the other. Moreover, theyfi:Aille~vt tbj,,-T_ble-calks, _ a which objett poverty umo you, and the1 jh11ll b~ forced fO fay, ( ev~n m defptg~t. if rh m wth) :whAt nwJ. hAd he pf s? he fo~tghtH4 not of the world, forlo, he le11deth her as h;s Jl.zve. Theft things, if you confider not, I put you in rem:embranc~, thAt JOU m14J k..now JOU Jofe tim~, 'Jtft) that JOU lofe a ~enejit, 4efi.red of marq, 1111d fo forth . Lo, [ tome ag~tin. 6 I read over the premiffes ,

The fruit of the Phi)l) foGf>hcrs fione.

The: divers
commo~ i-~ie s of the: l hdo-

'~~~~: ftone

Table: t:tlk of p.ov~1 ty objcdtd to us,

E. K. He~e he is again.
Levan. ..... ~Ad,
~ 1 read. Levan~ ..... What i4 Audcal? 1::::. G od knoweth, I kr1ow not, Levan ...... It Gold.

D. Purge and work it. How your purging is, I know not.


L evan. .. ..... Read ifna.go f~tUd . Levan......... Dfll{qa i1 Sulphur. Go on !11 me.tMch J~ugenerally. D. Take alfo Lulo of red Rostan. Levan. ~~... Ronan, i1 PH"t .tnd fifiiPir W#lt ;, her {tlj. !-uto is het mother. -~ There may be in thefe words great abiguitft:. LevaR. lulo i3 Tartar, fimply of red wine. ~udc4t i; hit c.Merc_llrJ.
Darr,(in rhe MTgdfc~tl t ongsu,)i; the trl~t N4"'e of the Stotm 1 come agai71.

6 He fa id !;c..
f ore it was


E. K. Here he is,again.
I hlilvt no more to

E. K. He is gone.


to JOH' this is che fidl tim~.

. . The fil!l tmc: 6 We. k111o~ ch1t'La.p1s Philofophicus Gt ex n1etalli~,com of due~; before mecallis, & 1uper meulla, &c. fpo\.cn of.

E. K. Here he is again. _.._ All is there.

Levan......... How.man7 letun Art in e.AHdcll/.---6-- Si.L
Suma") wJt.: is thts a wori(jng.-

. K. He is gone.
-- . ---- --------

6 Divina nobis [ernper a~l1t ~raua, & nobifcum coope.:. rt cur, ad D~i Honorem & Gloriam. eAtnen.

+ Pragtt..

Thm'{dJ, a ,neridic: ciJ'ca ~ hor<tm. Note, my wift: be m~ in g i-eat perpkxicie:for want of money, requdletf E. K. arid rnethat the.d'fett of the unocx-ed pentinn might be propound~d to and his good Angels ; to give anfwer or counfd in the caclc? H neupon l prayed al'1tde to the lamepurpoCe, and read cbe petition> &c.


We defi:te Cod of his great and infinite mercies , to gran.t us the help of thefe heavenly myfreries~ that we may by the1n be directed how or by whom to he aided and relieved, in this Iieceffity that we are in , of fufficient and needful provifion , for meat and drink for us and our Family~ wherewith we~ . fian& at this infiant much op.. prdfed: and the rather becaufe thit might be hur~ful to us , and the credit of t~e aCiions wherein we are vowed and linked unto his ~eavenly Majefiie, (by the miniHry and comfor~ of his holy An~ gels) to lay fuch things asare the or~aments of our Houfe) and the coveringsof our bodies , in pawn e~ther unto fuch as are Rebels a.; gainfi his divine Majefiie, the J ews , or the people of this City, which are maliciousand fuH of wicked Handers : I ane Dee humbly requeft this thing of God, acknowledging my felfhis fervant and handmaiden , to w horn I commit my body and foul.

E. K# Here is one.with a leather coat and a Cpade, wirh a white

Coronet on his .head round~ hath a bag on one fide of him,- aoo on the other fide a bottle, it feemeth like an husbandman, hut a young fair man he is. Jane Dee.
Giveel#' NntD m~ thou W oman, ;sit 1'JOt written, tbllt Wom.:n com~ not intd tbt Synli~ottut Th . - . 1 . t. . 1 - 6 " ' meh le jfe tJt4f.htt h q ro come be1ore thetell 1mony of the wtl of G ~d.to bc fulfi!led m1ghnly, :~ Ad eo a ae tu e out . ions. come againH the vVorlcl ;~nd . agHntt the pomp for money and m~qu1cy, bllt bu~ufe thou ha/lb.mbJed ti6J fctf , ~end ht~ft refufod .ro tarrJ before me, 111 it J,"~mmtth thee l 1 will 11n[wer to th] .itljirtt~#its,.aud wilt tAI/t;~itb tbtt.

@A true Relation of Dr.Dee his AEJionsJrz,itbJpirits,&c.

H e that h~tth his Hou[t inhemmea JVith iDitch, "R~hich ' is deep A11a}~e/led wJth' wAter mMft nmls make a Bridge over, that h1 mal be at lifurtJ, elfe i1 he A Pri[o11er Mnto thl -wAters, but if he want Wotui, and h.ve no fhift to enter into the fields, is it ngt Wiftkme to hre.l(. lliJ Dining TA. ~Jes, and. to {et himfdf free; why cr1eft thou unro me ; Be bold, let th J H oufo yuld, ANa th1 &overing of thJ bodygive piA&e to the ncceffity ofhunger,Behold,God fuffereth his Eleel ~ chofen veffeh: oftentimes to be without ManGon (JT'. APfiiTt!:BIIt,lo,he fe1Jeth tht S pttrrnn, h141 I wili 110t repnhe11d thte .becau[e thJ fouL is frAil, but be faithful and obedient ) . and that truly, as thou art yoked: Behold,! have blt.f{ed thy Children, and of tllJf~ a~td bonn will 1 hrti/d A 'In, lllnd they Jhal/ h~n~e H.11[u, ~tnd fhall b~ ferved of ft~ch ~s the p6efle J~tbm, f"Jing, hail Ut!t~jler. Be thou patient and full of repentance, and do thAt thoK haft to do, and not thai: thou haft done, For,lo,mer'y it with thee , and well fhall come unto thee. . Behol~the S(;ourge i1 wirh joH, 1111d tJf ntu!JitJ J.o* mujlbe tempted, thAt 7or FAith 11111fU'Or tbi!J 6e glorified. and that Jou mal be pr11i{ed in me.. Bthold thou foek!ft (ounfel of me, I will CtJunfel thee, Behold,! 'WOH/d dig for thee , hut I jhONid Jo CMtrllrJ to my felfe, b~c4ufo I hAve give11 power, lllld her hat poffej{eth theeArth is ttgAinfl mt; But fucb as I have, I will give thee, and it !hall be fufficient ~ more then thy vdfels (an hold, or thy dayes can thank me for. Confider thAt tomorrow c~mmeth lfDt ~efore he/,e brt~ught in: Ndthercanft thoH h.cvet611 til thy power corn!!; . But ca(t up thy eyet, And hop1 for be tttr thingt; Lo,jince I cAn11ot gi'tle thee thAt thou de)ire.JI ., rea/11, yet l bow "'1 head, Attd fo 1 coHnfel thee, let thy husband arife and gird himfelf together, and let. him take bis eyes with him, and let him haft out of this place: For my t.hinks thcydiffemble; Lo,.let him fiand before StevC'n, and lee him vil1t La sky, peradve,.t,.re he .find him Rot !Jving~ But if he live he is dead, there lbaU you fee that I will {Clieve thee and do good unto him , and will bind up the Jawes of the perfccutor, that he may go on. 7 hoH Art "WomAn, ana th, infirmities follow thu, I ~ounfel not without" cttJifo, ~~either dia I fiirre thee up tG{peak,.: B11t for thy fAith I will rewArd thee~ 'JIHt one j1flrmeiJ IHome, t4.! it pA timt!J, thoH Jhalt ht the more 'TIIhitm, and mote ne.erer: Behold, I go before an~ he that fol/owetb me dsth well Mnto bimfelf, f6J' I da well Hnto thofe thAt foll~w me ; Clfjf AW4J yo/1'( 'IJIHrmt~rri"g, And [weep your Houfes, tttlcJ heed ofSp;Je,.J, f the whore RAtI.'. 'T,h~s is the ft,.ft timet hAt I have An[wtrtd to thiJ kJ~td. ;., thl /litter tlaJts ; Lo, I g o.. 6 Lord,icwas faid unto us as a W~cch-wor~, when Stevms Meffengcrs fhould come for us, thlt then we fhould go. Now his Mdfengers are not yet come, &c ...... If the BriJ.eg~WJ ill'llitl thee himfelf, wh.tt ne1deft thtJU his {erv1t11t. 6 Now isrhe dlfficulty for money greater , for if we had carried together, lefi'c money would llave ferved then now it will do, &c. m- Tb~u hAft Mk!d~ottnfel' I hAve &OIInfelled thee, if it pleA[t thttheAr mt' it Jh~tll ,, wea with thee.if thflu tarrJ; llut 111uch llmer. ifthot~ go; I have numbred thee, but be not proud, but becaufe I have numbred, diminilh not thy felf, kaH when I find not the number, I find not thee alf<J, if thouwiltanything elle, thereare, aridtheycanfay umothee, butwho~eaketh withthc:e thou knowefl nor.

J a11e her chil


A promifc ro

Of Ncccffiry.

Note, One: llottn js

yet to come.

flui& fuui

['iii"' rnllik ,,;.


JINIIItr at di'llina. Ne{dmusquir nobi{cum lo


E. K. He is gone.
6 Sr4ing here i~ matter unlooked for, we are flirred to ask queftions no~ thought of before: Therefore,O Lord,fend whom it pleafe thee to us. A voice ...... SHnt a/;.c J,.r~,.

Deo noftro Osnnipotemi Gt omnis L:tus,Honor, Gloria, & Jubilatio. vfm111.

WedllefdaJ. 27 Martii Mane circa horam 9 . E. K. came to me and asked me the Circle or Copy thereof which was fuewed eo him at Ox- ford, and he had written ouc, or defcribed by the light chat was fhewed to him by cbe fpiricual Crcature , he intended as Me [aid to ihew it to a Jefuit, and to ask his counfel of it, &:c. having a great miiliking of our fpiritual friends, !aying, that they JPtre theL"'"t. DroUt; and fo the l~ffer'that he cfealc withal before, gave place unto them, &c. Hereupon I told h1m I would ask our fucnds CQun' feJ before !'delivered any thing of theirs Ul theire,emit, &c. He would ptefemly have it ' and with great threats mofi tenible and dangerous to me, he willed me to deli'fer it flrait waycs. I being occupied with writing a letter to the Q.ueens MajeHic: , faid affoon as I had leafurc I wouldf:i'e it him, be faid he would tarry my leafure : I cold him that would fcarce be this feTen night , 1 had [o many letters to write , he then:upon grew in fuch a rage that he laid I fhould not}'dleone foot beyond him before I did ddiver it him.. at length he rofe to !hut the Door of the Rudy upon me, I arole and went after him and cook him by the fhoulders to keep him from the Door , and withal c;illc:d aloud to my folks ; Come here (how) here i1 lioknce offered unto me, whereupon they came ia

1r11e relatitJnofDr.Dee his AClions,WithJpirits, &c

a f word, and Willed htm to 1peak, whiCh he. dtd f~rbear to do; aoove a quarK, fai<i: At length he lpue a,s followcch - -


in all,and my wife, and {Q afterward by deg~es his tiuy ~ffwaged; and myfolks, my Wife :1nd _his -went aw1y ~ and a~tc.r be had ticten c~o or t~ree h?u.rs w1ch ~e, Me ~aw on my head :1s .Hat Wnting
t_Micht~cl {bnd wtth ~r of an.hour, as E.

E. K.. Here a ppeareth Michael on your head , and ha th bid me divers 6mes to fpeak to you.

him} a nd 4 on each [tdes of him 4, and all .with fwords of fire, and he the hindermoit of them had a Barrel of GlaiTe on his back full of fire, the 1 ':l were all in red CoJ. ts.
Mi.: h:1c\ ., .... The P rophet . .N1111r: n-go Norr~_m f~te~mu~ Domine R''- quoniam ji civitAI httc ~Ji~c11tl& fnerlt, lllati fuerJnt' dtfcenfus tibi non erll c~Jqf'lrlam, neque in 'Phtinicem.

I dilpofrd my idt to write, 'and Mich11e/ b:td bring the Scon~. E. K. Here appear 12 with him , 4 behind

& lpfit~smtt-

3' ~far~ rap. i.

K. Now thev all kned down about him .. They look pitifu.lly with their faces upward, as thop.gh they were praying, they be all in blood red Garments, andMichael his iword is asthe fword I oncf! did .fee him have; whofe edge did open. E. K. Now an(wer n;Ie to the. purpofe: whether I fhaH havc:t the Circle of Letters which 1 did defire ?
Mtchad ....... ls rh1re anJ lik.! unto thtt, 0 Jehouah in Hr-.vt,. ~nd in E4rth, Dr ~all thJ ec-' and fhali the! ftan4 ) 0 thou whofo loJk:, is ~ore terrible unto thJ .Angels, then all the fires whte~ rbau haft crea~ed, either;, the bottomltj{e pi~ or in the bfe of All ElementAl CrelltNres, or 11h.J'1J: m tlu hea.ve,s if thtJ -were gAthered together'" one Cll" be U1,.;b/e to "'"". HRjf thou not made Heavm And eArth, and haft put thJ head no whe;e' and th] feet fo11Uwhve; bec.aufe withoNt thte there is not, and without thee thertcallnot be! 0 thoH thAt hAjf nNmilred the Starres, t~nd art D.ominHs V11minAntiMm Ahoflt thof~ thAt go .. 'Wrn thr"', IVIA f!WTI ; , k...mrwkdg then thctr qq'!(ernnmtt. Thou; Th~u, H'ift thsu fujfer thj N11rm to he troddln under foot? T hou, Tho11, Wilt thiJH correct the H~tWens, And the whole[m.l. ~f mAN? Wilt thou drw" the Wf!rld ~~th w4ters, and ro't the wick}d fro"' th,e fc.' of the Earth? W1lt thou r:ft down the lothfome And wici{;d Citie1. thAt the] ns:i7 gm?~ in thtterrollr of th} jJg.ment? J1Ti!t thou J,nd fo ''"'"1 P iagtm ito EgJPt? _ . Wilt tholl fujfer .JI theft thU.gs to be tU11e and"'""! more memQr.bft, which Are all in thee: And rho11 p,ermir one Man, o11e Soul to be thtu C4TTied IIIWAJ with SatAn to th~ difhonouring And tread- One auJ?~ inv tinder 1 o~ thee, ""d rhJ liuht f thee, and thJ trHth. ~oot E. K. 6 '1 J ' If the Krng '1 aired him whi1 mngni.fiea Truth !Jefore tht flrengt h liNa Poliq ofWomtn: ex- Verita~. ex J t~JIIed him before h11 Trina ~, nd Clf.ufed for his [ak! the /Julding of thu Te111ple to go forward: Wtlt thou no~ pumfh him that det'p1feth trmh, ~hat preferreth the w:~.monrtdfe and volptliou[nef[e ' B.{d.ch.4.jj' of the World (that errant ftrump et) hefore rhy wrJrd, and b::fore the fl:rength of a heavenly Au- &c. thoriry: Art thou fo become a little one, that thoH art lef[e then A Ki11g? haft thqu tl.rned th1 ft~ce {o f4r a{ide that tholl jeefl ttOt t~is ~be/lion? (all l'ltt man' be dtllrer /Into thee then the whole WrJr/J. w.u ? or. {hail the H eavuu h, thrown head-long down , and fh4ll he go lll!l&orreflea? H 11ft thDII UY.ountiltnr; 1111d Stones uvtrodr:Un op, out of thr -which thou cat,ff fhew thJ Pra. feand Ho- A i .le . 'HillY? Are there n~:>t yet lnfams whtch may be 1a~6tified' to fpeak with the H('avens ' t~At thou fo isf_:~sdi:~.t hdeft thy felfe arva7 f rom [ufike; Wh.r, what; if thofe chat of~n cry for grace rece1ve lt not, yet doll: thou oivt: it ullto him chat comrnech from ir. NptA, 0



,u, rife u p [faJillg] Ag ainft 1hee,

Sane ftupor Crt/is,

er ft~por terris.

WhAt, are~~~~ fo "'""!Fires M wait upt11t me [~tJPcient to atm Sat41J with VtfigtAnte 11[4in}1 thh 6 Nordhe aun wit:k~d one? 0 thoH Beaft, 0 thou ro.Ar{ng Lioir, 0 th~u c._Monfttr, 0 thou Whirlpool, 0 tholl ter- ntrof }l1fticC', rillie Mrth"er. E. K. H.ft thBu pla,..t htadlong man' tl:!oH[andJ ;,to Hell' ~~t~d aft tholi lint.er to r.tge 1tp11n thi.i impt WhOm thou haft fo /ong foHgflt for f bit not w itten, lea:t peradventure be find them Ueeping, and to overcome them. . Bllt.~ hehold, whon~ tho-.fiadeft fl eeping, is.reAd, r~ thee ' .,.;a;,.g to g TJ1ith thee. 711,hAt /,Rt/1 thtl ? 4Tt thotl fo bold, to giw tUUMr'tJMt thJ Miniftm ll ttllfounl., 11A],ttJfo blind that (hdU MI/i mt jtt fo gmct All Hi/J ~ Beh,/J1


@ trHe R elation ofDr. Det: his AfJions)fliithJPirits,&c. A

B~hold, thJ

rJ,!inifters cr1 out umo thee, and [e.11d thee .-,.ord, caO;,g thee Mall:er, King. T 11k.! hml tht Citr. be not built,~~ hml th1 ails of it he Mt bfted up, tin astheJ that 'Wert the Me/fi,gers f the King mdd4 evidt,t before hJJ fact thAt -~ wAJ gA_inft his .c~m1119dir1 , u have rh~ Tmiple.of the L~rd 6uj/t up, to have the Cit J ne-w fhap, to: tWt 1he waDs t!lffl11ftrog, h t l{drM uot. btcaufe lt fhould hmdet h1s pailagc: Into C:rlofyi1:~ 1 :md the relt.

E. K. Now the


(he excepted) fall down.

Mirtbilil 'D: j ...S[iritordi.

rebell ion.

M !ch. , , .... .Ana thJ Mimftm h4ve rhey 1101 faid u11r~ thee, if thiJ worl{.of the Lord go [Drard, if the Ciq fent du~n from the He4venr 111111 r.ecd1Jt a pl~~te to {et her [elfe in. if the WAlls lll"d RAmpiers of this that _ 4'M b'ui/t bo-rN {hall be placed oil AJp/4Ct 1 the Wotld 011 ettrth,BehtJ/d. " &hold, will it not hmder tbrc.aJffo ~ will it mtfubvcrt thy K~ttgdAme, wtll tlll#l ' " ' " theeDIIt f 7Juors : will it 9t bring fhte to Att:rrible day bejore the Lor4? Is it 110t w~ltten, that that daf tba11 be terrible to Satan, and his Ar.~eh ? .A"~ wilt thou fu/fer a DoOT to bt ~petitd , wherein it""'! tnter; il bch~v"b thee S 411111 here ttJ /,end thJ ~Dw, it beho1Jet/J thee nfJW to drAt. up t hJ arrowu. y{na if thou i11tend to pla11& on et~~nh 1 rh at it,., t.riJftt, time ir,Jtt, nDrl 111 weed DMt this Mt[~ f"l' f ro,. above. 'Do thJ M ejfengerl gi1Je thee li1terriing of th~ji thing~, 1141 thou bold~,c!,.,. th] force : . -,.htn thl Port~ swill bttrAJ tht Cit _ , would dr/nJ_e~jr inro thJ ho~nd1, 'ti1Mid heM_. dQW!f the .,.,.~-- "t[Q11 Y tbu, wblit I [aT art thot lik! t Q e11rer, thoH th111 lo {eth nQ ~ppntunit], Ar1tho1i fo ~~tgligm - Bl: hold, the Doors fta nd oprn befor.e t b et, wh] nureft thoH ol, Do thou ant fire, lo,huhat betra Jeth_ ie haJh fire for thu, Jut, r1JU1', ft Behold, heo{fereth him[elf A companion, wbat wou!dljJ- thou mort,. Hllto ihefe things-:ho~t htAreft the faJilgs of thJJ~rvants, which f,.J uio thee 0 S4Jan, if rhu {;tJbt. b;tilr , 1111a tbt RNIBs treflid ; Thou C-'nft mt go into the Holy. LtVJd: ..A_11a lo)heareft ,&,, nottJiml, ntithtr t!ojJ regArd thiS oppl!"tunitJ' whe nee art rhou r~ forgtt[lfl,O God! greAt is thJ mercies~ and fr Art thoM .W111.. , theft nnes of man: 0 thou f'lOt o'lllJ (hMttt/1 11p the e7es o the w~ck__ed, th11t thq cannot fot f ttHth b fore the~r f.:ce , but the'profotti'Ja [rbr] "'lice and fight of SAt A,_, thAr .,.h1r1 he fhou/d e rnoft mttr he mifferh th~At piA ce, Ar.d when time ferrmh him, t'~iJt he lmetb it p~Cjfe. liNt f o, fo, God, t ho11 gj1Jtft to wh,m, And whtre rho,. wilt, a11d tven A4 rhou 1Ut ttrrihle ;. Jufthe, fo ltk$wife art thoH wottJaful in mere] ; Ihertfor~ ofther ;s r. a end, neither cAll he tllidtd
,.,,, end. This thy great mere} is the c11u[e thAt rhiJ ~lll{phemoNs Rebe/Ji4n is Jet *"P"nifhtd; This is th6 c11~Je thar Sarannij{eth hi4 m"r.t; and u becotm weafv lf~J mAn mlfk$ a po,, anellrthenveffil, 'Work._ethhe not, temper~tbhe nn, f_# _ thttnd ta r~~.Jr.! 11 pot? B11t lt~, when ht hat h'mArU it, ~ ~tpplieth it to his intmt ~ if ~en h, 11gaini ~Uft,.oJ it~ _ u he (111t vain? Do not. thofo that ftAnd b7 him onder at him? MDre tMTtl il rs il, tbttt wh':n St~-: tttn fhouteth And hitttth the lfiiAr~, thoti h1.jhoNJ db, bli11d, Jtt~,[o bli11d, thilt he k._no-,.~th not'lflher~ tog~rther up his arrow ? But lo, the Tetn?.lt'IMJ built, 1111d the {itJ flood, Aithougbth~ 'lllfJrk,. f/PM ltft off for 11 -,.hilt,

3 E.{dtM Cif


ltnd he thllt mll~ r.ifitd t ruJI; went with glad tidmgs, neither d"efiring rich ~tppArel, ehher to fit next the King, but rh~Jttbe CitJ of the L orfl mit.ht be built , and thAt the Namt of God might be mlf.gNijied, fo jh.tft it Pr o this CtfJ which the Lurd hAth .fun dow,. wit/Q his fi11ger, his unl:;:arc hable f and wonderful truth: the R cvelarior and Law of rime ro cnme, it !ball b~ tUJlt, it fhall flounfi1, ic {h all Hand , it lhall endure, it fhall be magnified, It !hall' be lpoken of through all the World, and it !hall not cc:~fe. Behold, the King of K i,zs hAth a/l~wta it Awd the lov~_e:i truth, is greAJwirh him, -whAt hath he to do 'lllilh Kmt.s! or whereilf nmuth he the hAIItJ of tht EIITth 1 Domini dt terra) Sl pl enitude ejus . W/;of oe1.Jcr theufore j1tck!th Hnto trNth, {hAll he 'exa/ud with G,tl, which is t k e King of Kings Jl71tlt bonagnifi:d ~fqrr his CoH11}dlor~, 1101 CounfeUors f ore-wltrni'llg, hut {ounftllors pertlfkJng~f htJlJ Wt/l: not c.c/le4 Co H nfellors; in refpdlof cou,felli"! him, bMt in th"t th'eJ Are matk privit f the c~u,fol of GDJ: B~fore rhefe a!fo {hAll he~ Nllgmfied.

E. K. For what end faith he all this.

o,~ Infidels, And of little fairh' which.taft of the meAl th~t was hidden from the -Pxophm, whtch 11rt over-fhadQwed with the light of hea1.Jen, which htwe alwa7es 11jf dared with the hoiJ o c_Mmiflers of Go .i , whn-efore are 7ou ftJ fttjf-necf<! d , pleafant is the yoke wherein you are link~d) 11nd hol')oUrt:~ble i1 the earth that you draw the plow M( O", for the Lordfolloweth, and hi, .Angtlt driTJe, and the feed thttt 11 Jown JhaiJ be the bfginning of glory. . 0 yet ftijf-neckfd peop le, whJ f orf.ck.! Jou 1"ur 1lijitatio-, or t~{frAJ fro JOIIr f aith 'thAt oti ll.r6 driven. in, rk 7ou m4~ much ~ the L~rds f the e.trtb? . Do J OH delight ~n her dro thAt f lfe Arlot mo"tJ? DQ yofl g1ve r~1Jertnce to the ~'"!' AJ~d j111,J. J OH 111 fedr 10 brrN1k,.h111 Ltfwes ? hAve you a ~reater Lord the, the L ord o Hett1Jen ill.d EIITth, h11e J_all .,, mrmejor j ,.,.e!J to he Cflll1f ftCnd to hi& Grace ? h1111e Jo" h~Mr on Ji.,;rth, thi# ct~n ftt~nd up IIJ.Ainft the Crg}'fn of H~~




11111 CJ{~l41ion o[D . Dee bis Allionr, with JfiritJ, &c. r

39 3

thofe thAt A_re f!i_Clors Ht:~JOII~~. L4w fweeter 'then the p re 1/1Nml1111t~'"' Alfd frveer dew bk.J cPm[trts,-the votces and prdence of ttle holy angel$? Be mindfu{, ~e mind[11l, lfnd lift lip 7o11r filver, ~tnd he not bli11d, hilt crmfider the time of 7our vijitAti~n, 11.:d rh~t. -which J OU do, is the " ork._of 11 K tng , A King which is able in p-;wer ../fren:, tb, . ,d mt~;ejlit to e:r:alt J"ll, to ftr~ngthtn JO rzd to 'maf<! you honourable, lmt in the end of 1he J/iH,

':'IJ' .r.b~TtJIIith 9.Dd crowne~h


forr~ 4 ftdt , And contirme JOHr labour., le aft peradventure God unhood-wi11k_ , 11111d .,ak.,e open the

.,J ;, the reward ofJoUr faithfu/nejfe,

work not todfiJ, iUid beforrJ tp morrow ; But [af

jigbtof SAum, andf Ddeliver JIU. Wo, ~o, 6e Hnto !hem that are delivered, for heieev e met heir rr;bu lttti011 iJ g reAt. T her, is horro11r and gnafhing of teeth, ther~ is m if And vengett.(Jce for ewr ,. there is hi1rroitr ery 1t11d the worm ofC6n[cirnct, But tw~ things 11re to be confidered, here, .,het her the umpt<ttion lu gret~ Urt hen the rejiftance, or tht rejift~tnce, mor( digmfod then tber1gor of umpt 4tion .. Behold, tht work,_is t.rtAt, the l~tl!our walfo equal unto it ; ~nd to fitht againft the P rinco ,f dAr'<_mjfe ;,. 11 Jet btlttail, requirerh g'et. fQrCe. Tht te!PptatiiJ11J therefore th4t follow J'"' muft nmit be gmtt, I fu therefore the t.emptations hength , and your dign ity is mt [t!ch .tHrln refift againft it; For wlq , Satan furmounteth yow- C ftrivah 110t -with J OII_' JimplJ fort he. jinlle ,[ Adultery, fo r the dret, s of FtJrnication, for r/Je co&~e t olls d~ji re of 111011CJ) for the r1a11t (If chariq, Or fgcaufe JOU ~re PrO:~d; }Jut ht j/rh1ah , ri{et/J ftp gtfillj} JO* and tempteth you ~tgt~in/f tb~ L ord, and agAinft the ftre"'!,th of his truth,whtmmto 7011 are 1letfed : Therefore, I giv e fetmce. Lo, /Jecaufe rhat temptAtifJfJS hath tntreJ imo JOH .tboVI JOUY powtr' and r.ot fo much for the f,P11erti11g Ifs of th, ~ork._df t'ht ~orJ intenqeJ, an~ of necetlity to be done. . sign.urn qu1 Tlterefore, I pr8eed not Agamft JO# , hut ttgat,;ft Stttltn, and God JhaU deltver you from JOUr cmi r(Je pn!fl tt~t~pt4rio"s; .And this fhall bn.t figt~ and ttl~n , that I will hamper and bridle th: jawn of t he ~ m111 qJJod 'JJenmiJ, thAt iJ to f~tJ, fo long 111 thou (Kelly) art in thii \eili, n::ver fhall there appear, or vifibly (hew U& Sat a~". frtl himfelf Unto thee any wicked or evil fpirit, nt:ithcr fhalt t hou ee ha led in peeces, as thou halt bC'en, llll m ~~wet. wb_otOtver t.herefore appeareth hereafter .is of Go~; For thy eye' fhall be fhm up from the wicked ota. obJ~d . Et mtelledu cuo on incroibit umbra mon:is. . . . . cn"'i 11 r E: 1C B11t 1I_OT9 taf?.! hud, ~~either ptru11ft or froward , fhffnccked or dtfobedtent; T he jitme 11 of dtinupr. thJ [elf, AndJh~t!l fa/J upt~n thet, tmd thou 1l1alc npt be [pared as thou haft been ; Now watoh And . . girJ up JOf~T /(Ives, And do the will of the 1/Jgheft, pref errt worfhip _ truth , that JO mal he a/- VmtiU, U fo ~orjhipped. Ljft up Jt~Ur ftl'l.les, as the jertnmts of God., Ntdhtlp tokring ftoni J unto the bHild. ing of this zreAt CitJ' th.tt JOH may be-openers of tbc: Gates' ~~,,J th4t the Wb!te .. harfe '""7 en- Eq!4P.4 ~[list, hh AJO&.cap. 9 ttr~ ""d t h At h ethift tTJ~ret h m~7 re war d J'll wit onour. . "(_Gpra vocati1 Gre,.ter t~n)Oil Are tn the dlgntt} of truth,are not a11111ngjl mortal ttHn, nett her fhAII there be any , 111g114 AMQ11lft morr'iflmen th.rt fha U. mor~ defpif e the World then JOU , therefore ha.th God f rAmed one of Dcc {tP Jllll 111 "ftiffi mttd~ af{t , to bi,J Nf the cunt..elt4ce 11f biJ JJll)rk, Ailia io be [tu fro. yieldmg UJJto m S4tan, which well umkrftt~Ndeth tbllt SMan endev11urech, 1tnJ th~ hiJ Minifters cr7 ONt ''lai11ft thir glorius habitlltio,, w hich beinJ, bt.11t, the wickJ;i Clltnenot to,Ca:lofyria, nritlur [hall they fee the be11ut7 of the PhfXnices. When JOM have rtlld thefe.tbiflgJ I 6Qme t~g11i11, all~ poNder them .we!~. 6 We read them,. and tht phce~ of fdrr ::. one 1n, the fecond Chapter of the third Book of EfdrA:~, and the other in the third and fourth Chapter of the fame Book.



E. K. Now he is here himfelfalone. .., bOrtl d.t , rt1Yt1 M1chael ++ .A Wofld g_rew up 11nd the Trees were JOUnl , ami lo, thtre aro[e If guat Tempeft nobi6 t(110b116; from the N11rth, "~d rhe SeAs threw out tbe Air that had fubtiliJ ftoln h1m[eif inro them, ' And the wi11d1were F_reAt m.d behotd,there JIIAS one Tree which waJ older the,. the re{f, "nd had gror;nlong'.. er then tb4t which fhot up hJ him; This Tree could nct be moved with the 'tl1ind, but Jh t Tree thlit 'WAr !"ll"g, wAs moveJ tD and fro 'Withtbe W ind, And ftr,.ok.. himfelf oftmti1Pies, upon t he ftif[et 7 ree: T h;_ Forefter cAmt and J,,h,/.J, a111a [aid wjthin hi1n[elf , the force of this wind is'grtttt, {et his JHI"g 'Trie l>eamh bimfolf in ptecei "l."inft tlu great er , I will go hcme , and will ~ring mJ ~round inftrume1fts, tmd wt/l er11dicat1 him> nd I wil! place hitn furth er ojf:Then if the wmds ' ome; hefo~tl httve reom to move : !Jt~t wbett he ~ame home, the L ord of t hs Wood fceirt~g him in 11 readi,f{c,tvith his M.zttoclz."." d hiJ fpadt,liJk.,l d him ,f hit going-Which 'told. the thing in oraer to huMafter; 1/Ut./o;hu MKjer rib~t~d hi.m,an~ he faiJ. thPU,wh~n the windJ are not thry increafe,they ari not hHrtfulone t o.the other, {?ljfer. thtm tflerefe re, w.he_n the Joung.Tree t~tk!th roots,andjlia/J look_t~p 11nto,fome j'ears;his roots f'haR i111k th~in!H vcs with and uudcr the r oots of the greater ; 1 hen tbfflgh t~ windt ~ome, thq jhAIC nor~ hurtf,J-one to Anetbtr, but.Jhall ftawrl [o much the more.f'11ft; h~ htfw milL/, t:he more rbel are wrapped cogech~r ,ye.c,when rheold tree ~;,hereth, he jha/i be a ftrengtb nro /,;,;, a,:d {h3ll :rddc unto his a~us much as hehath aJ~cd uncu lus yeuth ..And lie ce.Afoa t~. atg ~ Be mt therefore hal~d ;n i~'!der .., neither. be ro11 qfftnded otte at amther,perAdvellture Rrofon would-ftt-you alide: . Bet Gmt will 'riot. Beholti, ifJOH 6fe.~ the JOk! tmei tou Ar~ ,.., 4111l ril~~e llftr"T ,k~.that erreth lliall perifh t even fo (hall h1 that ftttndeth alfo be defolate: For ttllllJ;tk dtiQ' .-,r;,c-ontinlleth mt with o'":BIIlt he lhall return home,and !hall not fee tbe end '?f the Harvdt F f .l ove

J>rimitill & D"im.t.

@A true Kelati011 ofDr~ Dee his Af1ions~rliith fpirits,&c.

Love ~he refore one another, ~,d eo,for t o1u ltnot htr; f or he. 1h11t comfo.-uth his 6rllthtr, c~mfort eth hun(elf: and when one 1s a weary , let the other d raw ; F~, whJ you are rlltn ~&~~tlllit 1, &rowned ; the ftrfr is. paid: fo is alfo the tenth; ~1m, fo ~he tree that i.s grlljttd be"rtth fruit [ooner then that whteh grrnmh (If the Jied. N otwlthftandmg' bot/, hav( their plAce in the or~ chard, t hq night iet that yield unto daJ , ttnd Winter bear rule over S 14mmn ;.' L et JP Jield unIIth to ript for rears i Solomon f~tith,it Ugood for that JOUng m41J that obeJtth the C'O IInJef of hir eJder ; In the C?Hncil Ho1t[e the things th~t they h~tnd!e Are fo r their . f!ommon tvrllllth; N.? twithftand;,g h4th his ordtr and Jegree. C11ft JOUr qe upon 11U thmg; and 7ou .(ha/i h~ve exam!'les ; Peter ;11 [ F.ch his vocation prMched the j11me Gofpel th4t the reft of tht Apoft!eJ d1d, bm he w 1u g rutrtr then t he rtft,not in refpeft of his rV{pojl!eJ!;ip, nor in rtfpeft of fee~!t;g , 6utth.;t Gcd rmght k.fep his J'ettr. Ordo ferutn- order, as (he chtcf amongfl: them, r.htth pref erred P etcr firft ; 1 htuforc l:e mt ft~bborn. But 1 commllJ1a yo11 in the Namt of him th~et fent me, and becaufe JOU f:at.e Y0WCd t hAt l he one of you dus . Votano~ra. did nothing witholfl: the others coun[d, notwithftanding fhall !Q1e no: be two counfollors. .Atlor, 1 heref"re, in things thllt are to be done, let the Door occupit the j apr:rimitJ ; The Se ~r let him Y~de111, fee, and look afcer the doings of him that he feeth; For you arc but oc.c Lody in this work.

One body.

E. K. He i:; gone out of fight.

~ As concerning my Letters and bufineffe imo nghtnd> I thought good to ask counfel wha.c I were bell eo do with the Letters to the Queen and 0thers. Michael ...... Gather QUt of the b"otofEnoch, the Seal and the Angd ofthyCoumrey ,d eal wich


kim. 1::::. I found a Door, in the name due to Britannia, eAnno I

M ichael Thou Jhaft eAjiiJ find the trHth bJ their app~ing, for the ONe anfwereth mt Hff..o It is 2fcribed to the "thcrs ft~nflion, eo my neg!iHertbJ tnlljf thou do in a/J. ~~~e~~~~~! Ki~gdomes4nd Ejf11teJ, both how, and what thou wilt, that thou hall not is thy own errour. pr2.dice of !Not~ ....... Underft~md me well here. ,D(h hi~ Book. When.thoH wnt have~~ thing f(J d(} in the World' in humane afli ires ) [tek,.nothilg in Sigillo ~ Sigii/IUn mcth, Enoch hu Bookjs 4 worldly Book_;

Lib,, z,ocb. NGte this


V eritas

in Crelo.

Imago veritatis , in terra,

homini Imago imagini refpondet. Ccelefiia au~em petnntur a Crelo.

1::::. I be!eech you, Michacl , ..... 1Jt~trk.!,e1Je yeeldeth uto light: F~lfum 1Hod eft, vtritAti mAIHm /m,. But note in ,.he Buolz.of Enoch there are tho(e th~tllrcgood, thtre lfrt there alfo thP[I that Jlr4 t~il , the Prince ~fdark..nelfo is evil, ,And. t~[e tl~~tt are t vil there, t/.4 ftand o11 his fide: b~tt ~i his Minifters give place to thofe that are good, fo do they alf0. Note. ...... But 114 io~~&erninz. tht mllnntr h~w to prAffi[e rh.ct 1Jook._, I -w~uld tJAiilT he11r /t11tm:,bllt. Michael ....... Sua flim,fua dicunr. 6 I undedland cle.is to be required at his hands that gave us that Book. Michad ... Polonia te expettat , & qui EST pra:ceffic. 1::::. As concerning my health ~elping, may I ftay here yet 8 dayes , and then make fpeed to be goine towards Pttlana, al wa.s prefcribed eo me. Michad ...... Pojf~m~ ti6i c-oncidere dies,SeptemIf thQu didft k_nuw r hAt whi&h I fee.;bou woutdft 1101 go,l111t thou wouldft rU'MJl : He thltt is ~1[111 HtJrtldanur 11tfter CbriftNJ iJ t1 G"rdener, amihe ltnolf)eth the 11mue of Htrhs : But the eighth dll) I wiN/, thtrt llifo. 11ti fptro. ...... Wllere, and whrch eighth daJ. Mic bad ....... The eighth d~J he(e I will ht inCracovia: I luwe to/a tbte p!AiHIJ. ~ May I then flay wdl7 dayts, before I fet forth on my journey. Micbael ...... Potu, & n9n potes. Tbou hAflthy ow, judgment grAnttd thee, tbtre~y thoN mAift do it: BNt in refpttf of the neceflity that requireth thee there, thou canft 111t. ~ I befee'h you not to be otfended, if I ask the: caufc: of the Lord uskJ, filence """"'-~-He:


Ji. K.

J true rel4tion ofbr.Dee hi~ Aflitmsjwithfpirits, &c. 395

E. K. Why did you not fpea-k now~
~hael .. h Br:hold,he h11th [lfia with bi,;fotf~, ( atffl th11fe th4t ~rt wickJd , haw lflhifpered fUI:lo.him,) [11reJ.r jt fmmtb that therae[pife.me, AJtd ~!JfliMtelJ( becaufo he bath not rewwd letterJfrDm 7oti) lu uJeth thiJ jileifce. . . . . .
::..:lfiJ'I'~er,be h<1th

not done, M God cDmmanded him: But! w1ll .gwe h1.m thee ; ufc thou him MJft~t cord~tt h 1 & pax Del flt as t OU Wl c. . . . .. . [uper 110 , D. I u:nder u~to thee 0 mofl merCiful, m1gbcy and lov.mg God) tban~s and honour, and w1ll ( dunng my bcint' ) prai!e thy holy N ame.

. K. He is gonei and went away m'Ounti11g upward, &c.

.:Zltis, li eut Deus no Iter>qui humilitir telplice<, & pcccatore s lua d it:l( g1 adibus. llii foli flt omnis laus, honor, & gloria, nuitc &. iemper. Amen.
-- - - -

~[ondaJ . . Aprilf.r 1. Mane, circa ~ . 6 Pr.eces feci) & v-iGtata, &. :1li:1s (ex tempQre) c-jJcu-:!ationes, pro au"ilio Dei omuipocemi nccdfario in oiJ:HJibu.~ no(his (Dei preicripp) rra6hnd is negotiis, &c.

/;::; A remembrance for me;

Enol:u.ld Letters. . A. L. His Leccers opened, and fonie yet kept. Emmck_ his craicerous dealing eo be deciphered; C ounfel for the man"' ner of our going , and what things {hall be necdfuU to tak~ with us.

E. K. Here is a tall man with white clothes , with. wide fleeves, and his gar-

ment very much pleated~ and a thing like a Cypref~. fcarf before his face black, which had been many titne doubled, and with a kn<?-t behind him; Two others there are by him on his left hand, one of them is apparelled in a green thing like { a Caock comming down to his middle leg , and a pair of hooes on his feet, and a hat on his head. The other in a marble Jerkin like a ~eather Jerkin with panes, and a pair of Hofe ; with round Breeches of the fatne fiuff , his ne- ther ftocks like common black; and ufual lhooes , and on his i head anhat as the other bath of the nglih failiion :. The firfi hath a litd~ beard fuort, aburn colour, The other bath a young beard whitiili. . ....... WhJ do 7ou provol.e me to indiuiuuio11? 61 E. K. He feemeth to lhe ""hitc man. WhJ cc.il[e JO" m~ of. ~ing wrong? HtWt I not lead JOU out by the h.cnd from the Strper.ts? f peak to them two looking Carritd JOU agam/f n.cture thoro-w the waters? on them. H 1171e I not htid Jd~ up frrJm falling? HAve 1 ;ot brought fiJu hither untD the Hili 1 E. K. There appeareth a This is the elltrancc. Thewajisopenfor youafcend. . very great Hill up to the And are 7ou not yet afhttmed to urge m_e? Heavens by him.

If 1 bavrdone JOH wrong, wront. be NniiJ me. If I h1171e' done more then I oHght to ao~ whJ do 10U vt~-me r 0 He leemeth eo mean u~. E. K. He lhAve fid unt1 7ou e.ct, and JoN have11ot. I htwetold JOU it iJ time to eat, b~t~t Jbu bllitt.. JOH'I o~n time. I h11ve[aid unto you. Go before; F oUow me.

fpeaketh to them tWo

But itJ thir cafe I will not be ]udt ~gain/f JO~ Theft tJPo, thAt record mJ [11Ji11gs {hAll give judgmtllt 11gainjf Therefor' no-, U'JtO E. K. l{e turneth toward


you, 6

Here 1'"'' fee tht Hill. here JOH fee the "~P"1 'P'" Hrre ]PH jee11o hint:lFr_.n~. .
.ret, /q_,_ t-h.efe men accufo me, trouble me. Dttritllhte JDU agA~nft th!tll.

c.a not at theft Dv~rts ~J wsore, NNtill J'H te c"Oea utw thtm.
f f ~


taketh his hands, a11d fling(!th the bloud of them about~ and it' fiicketh to the fides.
A voice. ...... \Nha t is it to m: if man had never been.

tr~t~reltttiontJfDr. D~bis AlJion~,JZJitbfPiritt~&c. r, h4".1e fa id f, ~ef.,-e tpe Lord' if,,. hlki ~t., JtJ,aJ. ltmlmttt'for 'fO" E. K. He treadetb them two under his feet all to pieces, and

E. K. He wrappeth up the place of their lying as if it were a Cloth, and putteth or tumbleth them out of fight. E. K. Now he is gone like a Whirl-wind away.
L 0 R. D, I am hearqly forry for any thing I have {aid or done, which hath provoked thy indignation; thy mercy be upon us, and not the rigor of thy moLl jutt Judgmem. Amt. Thy Name oe alwayes praifed. Arne11 . 0 Lord, I find my own weakndfe and frailty continually, and therdore l call" unto thee for thy g1ft of W ifdome, _ I might wifely and difcreetly ferve rhee all ::he dayes of my liie. 0 Lotd, that ~ efcape~ of my l.ips and the folly of my heart pardon,r mo!l hearrtly bekcch-thee: And if thy helpmg hand forfMk u:. 1 and much mort, ifthy indgnation work againlt us, we are in moll m1fcr.a le: anq picifuli.cafe, have picy~ have mercy, ha vc compaffion on us, Lord, Lord, Lord, forg ve this o~r offence wharfoever; Suffer us not to be ~onfoundcd through our little fauh , 0 G od~dp our faith, help, help, or elfc we perith.

if tholl hJft f~ done , 11ml h,J,ft Mt tk.!n thine OWif timi) him, 11.d ~~JUre had bun addtd Nnto t hu. 4 LIUfcJ his Ja,. BMt MW Utters camt, thAt hAve pf!ld th1o11gh the hAnas {Sodomites 11nd Murderers,( throgh ten c:ame 01\ whofe h~11J1 the J Are accurfod,) }IJH,Ttjoil:f, JOU TtCti'rll Cort'f117t, JOII aet~rmine to goe . Friday lafi. Bt ifJOII h11d ltft thofe letters ~ehind Jou , h 11tl. come when J blld.1ou go. 1 hen b~ m1 N iU/11 : d f~tt~ 111/IIJNChed. d:~ .o;:r!o~: Tberefere #sthe LDrd lfntr1, 1111d f o,.gnwh not this.off~te. . . . . & God, thy Far he thAt dell!eth with tilt , deAieth "ft As .,;,h m.a11, fo~ 1 hAve 1111thmg ,,. me flfd to t1me, iud~ots are Pllllch lejfr: ll~th h~ thAt fttrt ~~~e. ;wt. 4 0 God, what a wretched miferable man am I , thus to fall, and to oflc:nd my Gad, 0 Lord, ~hat thou judgdt is very ju!l.; for maa would have taken mQionation agal.lrt his Cervam that thould not go Where he biddeth l Or that W~uld feek ~ better (-r~dit tO encoura~e him tO his du cy, then his Matters, &c. tMIUIJ times h~~oft tho./;~elf "'llet~ried. Have -mercy,O God. Et dele omncs iniquicates meas, cor mundum crea in me, & f\Verto iram tuam a nobis, Is thy fury implacable, or iliall thy angu1/h hii for ever, what is fle{h and duit before thee( 7 here fh.O rm~ttine the fti,g of this ojfince, ;, both your generations, until tht fifth. A fc:ntence of Ad I [11~t~1Y,tt1 1u b1 hene~~. punilhmcnr yet ,... to ed be mer ~ Spare this Sentence of. indignation ( 0 God) againfl u.s. Thou ha!\ fa id in what hour foever ciul. a linner is forry for his tlnocs , and turn~th unto che Lord, &c. And Lord, I am heartily forry, I bewaile wicb teares this great offence, thou iedt my conrrite hearr,O God,O God, 0 God,&c. Pardon. ..... This ht~th lidded much, evm h4lh bound up the rod, which I fpok..f ~efore.NJJto thee. /:::;. Thy n,.ercies be rec.-rded, Iikewifc,O Lord, and praikd from Generati<Dto Generanon. After this we lat and cont1dered,and perceiYed, and confdled the greatndfe of our oflence, how it concerned much the Honour and Glory of God, if we had gone wirhout receiving the advertlf~ ment of thofe Letters ; So Cho~ld they hear (the ) and the King St. have percei,cd that we had the direetion of God, a:nd of hi~ good Angd3 , and not eo have depended upon mans 1 tters, or perfwa!ions, &c. we ooth a like coutdfcd this great mifdoing, and fo framed our fdves to make all fpeed away chat poffible we could 1 the mercies of God be upon Ui now and tver.
mor~ h~td ilu, given Hilt~

!':f:::! Kftat

...... Whel# the Lml ~aa thu go,

K. K. Here he is againe.


n dayes the Sronc i& to be !hut,

E.. K. He is h~re, andfaid, Be thou fhut for twenty dayes,

and withal pulled a thing like a Curta~n about the Stone, and the Stone feemed to be full of the fame fubftance , being like the froth of the Sea ) yet hanging or joyning together like Curds of a poffet.

J u.e relation ofDr.Dee hit AUiontpi; bJPiritl, & c. 3.97

M ifericord ias D ominum in otteflnl'l m camabo, quis fiout D eus mat1, qu1 cur.R i rat us fue rit mi~ fericordiam prO!Ravit contriro corde invocancibus: Soli igiau Dco,meo; ftt omnis Ltni honor, &Joria & jubi!2tio:, nunc & fernper, Amen.

.AprUu ~. A Pr~~~~ FridJ, I rook my Journey from Prt~g toward Crt~coviti, God be our good lpeed, E.JC. I)ThaWJII4 K~llJ, rJ- Ht~gh Brjck_;: my fer-vanes.

FridAJ CrAcovi.t, 1 5 8 5 ..Apri_is U . A meridie w~ came to CrM"ovi , aad as w~ were within an Englilh mile of th~ l Ctty, beu~-~ f~u a~d cal~1 day, there palled about half a_ mtle before u~,croffing from the rigRt hand t~ thelefc W h alvvmds, d1vers one after anocher,wreachmg up the clult with great vehemcncy {)fl h.1gh, ~nd lhooriog forward l~dl, and eh en mounting ime chc: a~r, and lo went Southerly from us, and likew1fe fo me began on the nght hand, an~ came fnrioui1y, ra1fing up and wre:Hhi.Po the: du~ up into 0 the air Soutberly alfo, and did not cioffe the way. When .we came to our houft, we found rhat a Grange\ was fee into it, by the landlords (Mr.J,h.l LoHg, rh e Juclgc:, a_nd tMartin P lutner) and having by me the keys of the Storc:-houfe, and of,the Stree_ c-door, 1 eau led my ll utfbroughc with me to be fet in, and that night we twde hard O.ift for lodgwg. But che new arid b reed w teJJants gave me leave ro have one of my Bedfl eads, which' was lTl one: Clove, and emptied lhc f:t me to us, wich much ado. Slltt~rt:jAJ and Su11d.AJ we were lore our-faced or rather chrcatned, that we lhould have no houfe there, and allo one Bon11r his-urns were fee upon the door,:~ u tf rhe houte had bctn allowed (O him " o fficio. MoNJ.,J I made the Rettor privy of the Injuries I indured, an d he coutteoufly fenc two Matters of Arr wirh me to the l'roconf~t ro have Citation for the Landlords to appear on T uefday by 7 of the clock, to anfwerco our complaim. Th1s MondAJnighc came the Lord LMkJ from LMk.J, upon a Letter he had received from me from Nifp, of my coming. T111 fd,.J ( efiprilis 16) the Lord LMf<.1 ,a me to the hou(e, and in the morning would have prefcruly ca.!t all their fi uff out of doors, but' by entreaty he permitted the rn to empty all in to the lower fiove. In the mean fpace I aJ-peared w!th my lawyer or Att<>umey Mr. TetdJ.o, (an Italian) an ancient PraCtitioner in th~ Polifh and CrllcMJill;, Caufes: . Arid to conclude, 1 bad a Decree againft my Landlords, that I wa i to' ha\'~ at leallan half yean .warning > whereupon ]oh11 ~~~~~gh gave me w:u-hing tB ll'V~jd at.Mic b~aelmu, and fo we came: from the Court or T own-houfe, called Prtttori _n J_acine, This &me JHefdAJ afternoon, my J.erd Lts~f wenc t~J the King Q Pof,.,d up in i f to the Cattle, 1t!ld told him of my c~mming,and how tvilly I was ufed : !Uld he: faid, why did he not cafi them OUt of do~rs? fo have I now, quoth the Lord-LsUk_J; and the King gramed the Houfc to be holden ex officto : .And the lttxt d'*J ~~ Kin_K -wM defi rou; to fie'<. with me .Aprtlu 17. Wednefdy, I went wich the Lord LA4k...J to the Kin!;, to wh om I fa id, to this in tent, Co,fol~ttiu, pAxt & mifmcorAJA 'Dei fit tibi, Q forrni/fimt R~x: CRrAm qt~o , D.vinitU4 redpi admonitio11em, Nr m~ [Hft lmm, 'JM'd nnc hNmillime facio: pratr /flmHI c11m omni fideltutte & (incer#te eA cu.m 'R..!giff veftra M.tjeft4tl traCt are; que mihj divinitw injungant~r, f2.uorttm "'!fteri()rttm hiftorfM d~ ordiHe h urdi11em rtferre, prout occajio dahitHI, noli recH[a6G aliaqt~e omnit~ IX'"L"'' qutt 'D~ V veftr~ M.~tjeftati Rl~i.t.[.ratia f()Te intelligero, &c. The 'King aafwered, V r de vt./fra P"foH4 mt~lt A /,1J1JA t~~~divi abfente, lt ll (ltm mihi g-AtUs V AIM eft AatJet~Uu vefltr, & fi qttrnl. fit v~il "''" trtiA. & fo.r, po/fit eff! _ammoJp non dec n-o me vtftril, f~tvor~, & prouilarem ex;ftert: t!Aflque de ijlu d' ~tlit.f m11;uribH1 re~HI aliqt~id magis opportuni loquendi umput poft feftas iftos di~s : quo tt,pore vos ll&c~rfori eH~~&~ ' Hereupo I m>.de Courfy, as wa.s a pperta inin~, and flepped back fomewhat from the King, and fa the Vicc:-Chancdor and other Offic(rs, the chiet Secretary brought B1 to be read, and fubfcribed, 1l1 or affigned with the Ki ngs own hand, which he did:' and atcer the: Lord Lalk1 had watched a fit time ro tell the: King of hil defire to fptak a few words to his MajeHy fome of his own afiairs,and was bidden eo rdorc fhaightway after.dinnet to his Majdt y, we cook our lea'\'e with reverence doing, and fo went out of the privy Chamber, or rather Wlthdrawing Chamber through his privy Chamber, vvhere he had fa id M1ffe when wecarne, and fo ince the Guard chamber, and down, &c.


u "''


Fril"'' I t ook GhofHy counfcl of Doaor H~tn'ltib~tl, the great Divine, that had now fee out feme of hi.!i C()mruentaries upon .P Jm4nder, Hermit it Tr ifmlgifti. SlltUrUJ ( Aprtlit 10) l recCiTed the Communion at the P~rnardineJ, where dat D otfor is a Profdfor. Tbil day E. K. the Ghoflly Eounfeland..con,fort, as his cafe required~ On



rvf truereltrtiontJfDr. Deebis A8ions,witbJPirits,J,&c.

On e~jhr MondAJ, verydev0utJ.v in SaintSttpben.s Church}?.. J(. received the Communion ro my unfpea kable ?ladnd.Ie and C'llntent , being a thing fo long and earnel1ly required, and ur! ged of him) by our!piritual good friends; as may appear by (undry former aCtions. Cracovitt. THt[drttJ in Ea/fer week_, .Aprilu 1-3- Manecirca horam &. Pr:rcibus fufis; mediocrit ~r!ongis.

E. K. Here appears many thoufands of fpiritual Creatures, all

in white : Now there .feemeth one like Michael, (all in red) to fiand before them, they all fianding in an half Moon compaiTe be ... hind him.
Michatl. torcedt A.L. i~reUigit,

Michael +>++ Adhttc fomel ( jid Stephano ;tjfidente) Loqflor. Seti fi 11Urem1& animtfm r~Am, loquet.e mu. prtthuerit jiAbtlietur fedes illi.

E. K. Now they fee m all to mourn or hum, all in one -tune. He fpeaketh frill, but I underfi:and not his fpecch.
Sin minUI loquitor pro me prftis: ufure enim percutia., terr~m Zeli p!emu [Hm, & {ujliti<t.' ,

6 Ne' obferves iniquitates meas (Do mine J e(u Ch ril1i) qni fperamns in mifcricordia tua, qui redempti f~:~mu5 pr:rtio[o fanguine tlio,t.A'men . . Emitte Domine verbum tuum Evangdic~m, ut liquefacias &'emolias obdurata corda mea frigore vttiorum, ut mea peccara purgemur, & efficill.ntur, quai1 in Chnfio, ut nebula ignoranti:r ei:pellatur e cordibus meis, l5c fpiritus Sanclooratia affiuant alJua: Lacrymarum in pocnitentia Salutari, A mm. 0 .

E. K. All are vanifhed away.

.Aprilis 24. inE.{fer-wtek., WcdncfdJ lllOrning, 'irca horam 8. Orationibus faetis ad Dcum, t:lm oratione Domiftica. quam aliis particularitur refpeClu MiniH~ii Angelorum, qui regnis prertdent obtinendi, ut n0bis pr<!:fcriptum erat, & dum collarer partirulariter nominare a/iquem, fhtim iocipit E.K. &. fequitur-,


Nfirum o!fi_ ,iMm erga Src:phanum Rt gt/1f. .AtrtS 3o .

E. K. 'there appeareth afar off a woman commtng, and ihe 1s here now, the is all covered in green, as with a -cloud: I may ihrough it difcern her fair face , and her hairs difperfed abroad.. The place about her feemeth to be concave, replenifhed with light of the Sunne : ihe fiandeth as in a hollow bell, or Oval figure concave.
..... St{phen, lift up thy he.td amongft tht Jars of Het?.ven ; for the Spirit of God;, 'llfith thte, and tho~ a,.t become the Darlinf. of the High,ft, hMuhe Lord wtll repr~hend ~hee f or th1 fins BeholtJ.,..'thou fh~tl-t ftt~nd, .tnd th,-[word jhA/J 6e mAde holJ . See thtrtfore that JOH honour him, labour fur him , nnd obey h~m, IU the lf"Oiwted ana beloved. of the Lord~ Fot whJ, hiJ fpirit Jh.cil be plentiful amongff 7ou, and he fhall put the pillowo{ re(\: under your heads.

.!<_ui wram 'gubtrnalJt &

~ s ~eg~s T !i-




1584 ..?rfa-ii 2.[ 1 )I+ Juni l o. dy .Angelu A e \ rum.


E. I(.. The morethe fpeaketh, the rnore the place is bright.

.. ...The Prince of <JJ~tr/z.nilfe fhllli lie a1 a ftumbling block)n his 'W"h but he fhll flridt ovef him without ofen>t. The earthly C';reatures t;vnttJt to M in thw receptAcle: Therefore tl1iz.e heed thou defile it not. If thou foRow rhe rules of calling them., tho fhlt fee. _h4t the air is their haoitation. t Other wa7es irregultJr!J thq appear in fr~cb 'vt.ff!ls : B#t[11ch tU llre preplfwJ for the~ T11k.; hted (therefere) thou 4ejile t,~ot the plrttce o] thl luftified, with the prefence if thofe thAt are accurfed. But .u thq are of twtJ forts; fo let their appe4ring placn be diven. ThJ fervat~t is condu~ed, and !ball not ltumble, lmt /hAll retllrn, thAt the n,.me of God RIAJ l11 &lelfeJ. No., ceafe aPJ voice for ot'r prefenre, ntilthe Lord h,uh rthllk,!d Stephen: '?: tht C1'flfihr4ti~li ,hereof cpnjifterh the fiat of his E/etlio11. V crbum fh411 /J~ the firflwm~ .,htrtin tht Lord fo"/1 jht'll himftlf11nto bi,..

llllibr11 En('ch
funJ qui ttrre
u .t


mnli, 11tin 30 .Aeru fac~u

1111joribrtJ nlm
f urt.t tales qui
b~ r um


tes rfl.


f84 . ed Cent into



J trrle 'l(_~lation o[Dr. Dcebir Al1ionr, withJPirirs, &c. 399

Behold, 1 am full of the light of heaven, ~t1Ul I jhHt up ad go.

E. K. She is gone-.

Note> all thofe thmgs I iotended or defired to be fatisnc:d in, are anfwered me without my-

Mi[ericordia, Pa&, & Lux Dei nobis femper adGnt. . omnis o.utem la us, honor, & gloria fit Deo noHro, A men.
Not~ CTJtcovi.e.

W.:dnefd"J MaJ 6, & 7,8. E .K. was Tery unquiet in mind, and [o expretfed to me in words-: for thar Jl.
L. had not paid him his money, long Gnce due': and chiefly for that he doubted very much of .A-. L. his turning to the Lotd with all his heart, an~ conflamly. So.mttch didA.L. his formtr ltfe and ungodlf living AtJd dealing offend him, and [ovoid was he of any hope, that he became in a great opprdfc of mmd w find us coupled with fo *ungodly 11 man. I fhewed vf.L. his laH Lettets, how be was in <t Monaflery of his own, belonging to the CaHle Rithl'IJa11, ( vvhicb he had now by a ~ D. What firacagem won from the unjull: delaying of h1s adverfary )and what penance and contrition he was in, ht?u~d: ~1 e~ what meditations, and what godly purpoics, &c. But , K. would not hope (lf converion, and ~~m.o. ot th~reupon ~tterly and refolmely intended with all fpecd to be gone from hence coward PrAge, and Wllled ~e ( tf I would) to prepar~ my Letters, He became vcrJ biafphemoHs .tgA,inft God eo DIY great gmf and cerrour: what the lifue thereof would be, [o great was the blafphemy and rebellion againlt God and hi~ holy purpo(es in us, that almofi greater c0uld not be uttered. I u(ed as quie\: words :rs I coul~, affuring him of Gods mercies alwayes ready, and hii helping hand for all fuch u put chc ir crufl in him, 'and call upon him in their troubles and times of need, aod [o did betake him to God for chat T uefday night, being paft 9 of the clock.
H'ed~fdaJ morning, as I was at my prayers in my ftudy over his Chamber, and had made declaration of this caufe, and of the perplexity moft grievous that I was in to fee my friend and partner (E.K.) thus carried away with {o grievous a temptation, fo manifold and vehement. E .K. yet lying in his bed,did call his brother Thomtlf to him, and willed him to call me to him..: ThomM came (when I bad in manner ended my devotions and prayers) for me, I we m to hiLll, yet lying in his bed: And after I had wi!bed a good morrow, and fate by h.i.m on the Bench at his beds head, he began and fai~ fuch matter as followeth,

c_Mund.ty, Tue[d.1y,

E. K. A .Spirit appeared to me this morning by my Bed-fide, and bid tne be quiet. Bad me will you to go to morrow with both your fervants to my Lord, as fecretly as,you could. Bad you comfort him. Bad you bring him with you. Bad you to go to the King as you came homeward. Bad me to board in the mean fpace with the Italian* DoS:or at * Grtggriut; Jardanur~ Perins houfe. Vmitp.f, Bad me lie here every night.
Hereupon I was moll glad and joyful, and praifed God for his maNellous merc~ea, loving kind netfe and oE>odneffe toward us, and declared my [elf atfured that God had put out hrs term, and feeled the: degree : For the performlnce of h~s purpofes and ~romifes ma~c: to u~, for his own honoar and glory: And fo with joy and thanks gtven E. K. for ntscourteoastmpamn~thefe good news trl me, I we m about my buGneffe intended, which was to go to the Table of the Lord : all I was prep~1 rc:d for ic, and fo went to the B~trn11rdines Church. $Gli Deo noflro Gt orr1nis laus, henor,. ~loria, 8c ~ratiarum aB:.ioj nunc & fe[Jipc:r, vlmen;

N ote; I had" in lllY prayers alledged eo God, that albeit I was in g:eat perplexity a~d agony ~f mind, yet fince I w.u ~lludto ceaft m7 v1ice for h4vi11f. ~t any a,gcltr;Al preJe.nce, I fa1d he of h~~ divine clemency and care. over us1in thefc great dd1res O"nght counfel ~s and daect u~,t~ough we d1d n ot urge our requdlas we were wont. The ~ondurlon a:od fl1ame which many wayes would foll?w if this intended purpo[e of E. K. fitould ~o forward and ta~~ plate) was (o great, tha:t ..ve lllt~c: feem to the world, to have been led to chat e ~il end, by a mantfold dtgreffion, rather then otherwl.re led in mercy and verity, wherein I requefled God to regard his own hoaE>Ur-and glory,~ .


@_A tfHe R.elationofDr.Deehis Atlions~fZ'itbjpirits,&c.

M4ij 10.



tJJ.!ollldAJ i meridie horam circiter 6. in manfio meo.

E.K. GrtiEgwith me in my (Wdy,cold me, that after my go.ingto Rithianco the Lord LM!t.J, he had very many apparitions, and dtvers matters d.edared unto }nm, of the llace of (hrijtt~, &c. He faid (moreover) fault was fouud with my manner oflla11din~' before Stepkm, I fhGuld have 1 rsr made Come more ample declaration of KJY ~alling and knowled.ge m chefe our a& ions. Secondty, "'J~'f:. O LU' a....JOns t') that'. I did mi(lake the phrafe Cipo'ken unto me at Prao:J! of dthe roJ bindin.r up : For he fa .id ' that 11 "' be cut utf for M1chae/Vu fhould die, that -I fhf:lu)d tpereby be alwete , and diVers fuch thmgs he told rne, . and eur unwonh~ among orher that he was willed to be readJ to Je'ltve mt, when he fhou/d Ue ~a/lea: for, he faid, ou, acf.. ~aions ]hAll be c11t off, for foe Df trur'anw()rtb;,ejfe, .ci-c. All which things were fo gr~evous unto 'file, as I Was (in ffi<\nner) ready to found ; and my d1lheffe was the greater, bccaufe (alter a fort) I was barred from requirino the pre[ence of any of our fF'iritual ft iends, till Suphen h~d been rebuked by the Lord, and I had vgwed to 'obey their commandments and inf1ruchons, whereby I wai 'driven to ?efeech God to confider lllY cau(e and grief, who unfainedly de: fired .to be his t~ue Servant: And be1ng defirous to obey them, l:layino of my TO ice f\)t the prefence of bts good M1n1(\ e rs, I was concencc:d to o'fter up my obe.diBr1ce he~in for a facrilice; and ready to receive this diflrdlc and offiithon, as a punifhmenc for my fim, awaiting his will and pleafure.


E. K. faid, It hall riot be amiffe to bring forth the Shew-fione~ and affay what the good will of God would be herein. 6 I fetchc the Shew-ttone, ami after it bad been fct about a quarter of an hour. E. K. E.~. fpied 10 it a little naked boy , with a white cloth fcarf, fr-om under his Navel hanging down unto his knees; The hair of his head is <hort as of an young child : [and about that time came the Ld A. L . Unto us, whO' fat down by \iS:] He had a little Cir~ de of aire .in his hand : There is a light in the ftone as .i f there W~re the fhining of the Sun ne in it.
Puer CrtllVit DtN4 omtJiA Spiritu uru fui qui etilfm Spiritllr,difendit d- defenkt [1111,
_ , lf()vHt ;


f-. fllrMt(J


his Circlet , and catcheth it againe, three times ; He fl:andeth frill, and faith nothing more yet.
Pucr l'erforatU4 .-i Dom;.,(), ''1"or.

E. lC. He thtoweth


Puer ...... 7 heend r-f t~ll fiijh is tit ha.J. ~~~J tht fickle ()f thl Higheft fh~tlt reap tUwn tht cMoHnt4ines ; The Vt~lltJI jh'llll. be without frHit: eAnd the feed of m~tn fha!J be 4Ccllrjed. E. K. Now. he turneth his face to you [ 6.. Puea: ...... Who u heth~t the L,.dr6Jo1ceth itJ, or on whom the HtaV"ll look witl. mtrrJ r;oHnte,~e t wh~ft feet ATI Not A b11rdt11 to the earth, and In whom U thtforce of the fou/ comforted f wbo H he th" fotlllreJiee in the Lord ? Even he h ;s that goeth ()Ut of himfelf, and beholdetil hi.~ftifo.[~Jjing, 0 tho. C~tmcft th()u Art ~Sepulchre f()r 11U; Neither t~m I placed in thu,for u thme own /Je.cut}, bs11 that the L ord ma.... ~e mAf,nijied, and hu Cre'Aturts dignified; He it i4 that fhA/telh ~ffhimji/f, And putt et~ on the e.ArmrJur of Afflictt()", praijing and extoW~g, the GArland of the qtJd ()f Ht~fls, lufore_thlft great Wbote.,. ~nd it! defpite of her Congregt~tio; He it i4 thAt ftJrft~k.!th his Dwn wtll, to do tbt 'rf!ill of him that cru.ted him; wlsofoever (ther.efore) 4oth hu own wiO, ;i the fervant Df Perdhi; But he thAt expefleth thew ill of qod is 4nliNttd. lJeboiJ, therefore, becaufo fou dofo, ltnd h1tt31e ~theta jour fdvu, not;,. .JoUr felvr.r, kavt ll~ D11m:n lltrt- k_nmledge'J the p()~er of (Jod, ~Uta the t1'N.th of hu Mej[Age, JINr Honour Jh.ell be grtat : Th6reP: ;1ri11 noPro- f.arefeAro1Rit, Foy, lo, ThiJ G~~rlt~nd is Rr~Ared for JoU : and reil: is fealed lilnto you, of the Highyllm fm:ilirell, unto you~ your wives, children and ferv.ancs.

E. K. Now he is tl,uned into a water which goeth round about:. and in the midfi of it is bloud. Now he is 'rettrrned eo his former {hape again.


A Bfdfed br thy . ame far ever, 0 eternal, almighty, and mg(l merciful. (!nr God and King of N Glory.


P~r +HtH lftht. Sunn~ jhine not.iii_V#n, if i& s,;,r.;.mav~nlt, ,,~t bJ ;;,,i!MUiwrtl 'dlftoitrf~, movi'lg thiiJl.f, .alrernatim , to"" eltfJ, ~~the E~Jrth ftP,4 ft~tl ~; b.'ffeJh~ iJ fo crurttd.:. Mt~,b fejf6 o_ught f.IM~ to 4ifpair~ in the merci'es apd promiks (U7God . ~ 1Ph~ch --~not :without~ c~U~Je; 11r#~ th~r An)--t.i'm.~[pok/11 without effea. . . . _ [rt1f16fll(m.tblt ( Lasky) {atth ~ Lwd,; .An l_wi~ chdfl~n thee .fotorhJ jinnes , a11d behold) 1 [.w.ear.NJ1tf t.ht1,_ J h~t~uioNe; ButA~Jm6ttthJ [el{1 .This/todJ ef th_ilr~ fhall,mrn into dt'ft Taft.! M pm(tbn-ef~re t.h.At it liefile not the gr4.ae~r: pvt; . Fotllnt<? him that diech a finner 1 vengeance u ju~gm~n~!' iliJt ifrb~u livufcordi'ng unto Jr)Y ~aw~ 1 a,n,d g~afqhy felf within my .will, 'j.f thou forfake.,r.he 9r\d for my faka, an4 do Ehe .wur.ksof.t:~~~outndfe; Becaufe :I have called thee bef~rt= rite.'~ .l.:whl ad de \into rhy yea res ) aud will-. ll9t bl'Qt- out thy r':;~me out of my remem-



tr~te reidtion of Dr. Ore his ACiitms,wilhjpirits &c.





br.:tnce. -Be not therefore A Man, but the Jealed fervant of the . lfigheft. Rejoy~e in him that trea'rl.fl tbe~ .and rrhen l '~~rJIIJIJd thee tO jfrikJ,fl!/:ow me,for 1 wilt Mtt~ tht waJ very hroadfqr thee. h'e!Jo/4,ilf1l!J miiJ#ttl'f <mj CovtntJ~ made unto thert ,- the feventh..day of September /n the An no r 183 ; yearfo14rf,orean'-thru. . . _ . .. . . 7Septem/r._ . 1 1111;R ,ft,Atijhfllhfo thu:, that fartltua~,. poth m true W1ldame anq V1Cl:ory: ~nd 1 will nMk,f. Monlact Mr6 0 -rhftmigh('riM ,_ Co'fn& S~neiwrbe AntJc 9f_"!J Ttm(le: i~ thou cu:n, if choudo the will of h~m 1 - lf thAt ~~~"~th ~m-o th~e t 1f thW becm1e ~ ":~rb!e /f~ne,fpeak;t'g ]~Jltce and rrmtJ ; The my Hems ortny CtoA'~ hgli,c up.on th.ee, and let thy tonnes be ble[ed m thee.

1 greMifrbirft aftttT See11en , fn t'Pu cf}/lrfe of 1_ings are '~tt hand~ h

Bebo!d,,_l will b~ef{e him, thA_ he "'"lllave bi:ffing Hf!~" thu. . t &bold~ f .,.I pLace.thet_Jnio him, A:t his _ight l eg, and he [halt ft.wJ. 1 r Bu~ his '!'licl(tei:GilrlhlnU 1-rP-ifl tut'in'fttt!_de-r, ye.i I < ferui'in the fire of wrath and diffcntion: Rnfl And 1 will t~/c! aWRJ th~ buc~ons from his brdt. J h11111 tTI'Jit . , . , him three,Pir:k,!d IV aNIJ1/s ) th-At the] mal grinde under him M Jlavifl.. Cane 1u r
ti'lltJ ;

When I C()me in one Wak.__, Behold, 1 ftrik.J, ad th~tfc that ara p7wta,become poor and defolau:. The fa~t,Ard]~t&r of thingI {Jf~tfl bt ehifwged; And the whole World fha!Lftt J,Lo here,is the finger DigittM D<i. f th~ highefr. . . Rife~ Therefore, and. with (peed go befor~ Sceven ; But th~ Leagu~ 1'4ble t~R jh4lt leA~e ilehind Mrnfa fiZderu. thee, I "!Pill revt11l my foLf in thy proper Shrwfto ~ e. 11 meo prop. i11 Lapide myfii,o, Di:r:i: qu.erite :vifl()riAm_.. (O] b. I>.eo noHro.OmQ;ipotenti, Pacri 'Ot\JS confolationis & mifcricordiarum pkpiffim9, !lt omnis Hbnor. -Laus. l>enedi8:io,Glcma & Impc:rium, nunc & f~.tr~per Amen, Anmt7 4mew.

T rts impi.e TUtiMtidattt, St.


M"ii ~~. 6


Id~ tQm~Aicaa:_~ il.rtd this was the: third time; witbin Eafler receiving. PJimo cum H umbate, _ bis cum R4phMli confdfus; &c. &

Thit albnaHncr of wayes I might have a clean and

a quiet Con(cience.

I :a meridie. . N ote, after dinner as we tauogcLher, A. L. E. K. and 1 diltoud1ng of fome of ou:r matteri; There appeared o"'er vf. ~~is head (~o rhe f:ghtcf E.K) a l_i,t~e Qlild h<~lf:. the pp.p~r parrh?lding and.a fiHgcr out of 1c_ over th~ bead of A. L. a white Crown 1 powrwg towarQ 6,:md'vmha.l he iaid, Puer ...... Audivi te viElorrs ~ftio. A Hcr~~ W() ..f:i.t cmt \h~ Shew-f!one, as belilg ready and deGrous to be inflruch:d , actbrding as thecaufe chiefly required. As I began eo pray and Hudy, Domir.-o non fumus digni ut nos exaudias, fuddenly E. I( faid he faw as follp'fVech.

M4ii :n, . Weanejt111J, NJepolonic~e, in Auh Regiil? circa horam

E. IC lfee a _ reat Hill of fire, a very great Mountain, and it g is _s if it did han-g. in the aire : for l fee the aire under it , and I a fee the sun fhine onit .. the.Mountain fire flameth not. Nowt:h.elittle b0y hat appeared laH day, fiandeth on the top t
~uc.~ ~ Godhathfpl)f;.,!1Ju~to JOH_, and hath gt~themlpu together, and lo, JOU Are become" ft..ro'!{ fw~d , with the wb,_ch the Nauons !hall.be_ cut down, and the G.d of HIJftJ fhall. ./freuh /di'tb 'hil h.tntlt; ~nd.hehoU, 1011 Me. ca.e., 11n.J n.ow is the time J"U SatAN jhl*it re11p ;, But Sa~ G g mn

of tnis -Mountain.

t11~e R.elationofDr.Deehis Allions)witbfpirits,&c.

tan Hriveth iore agai11H you; Behold, la sky thou art become rich; But have fAith: Ftn' st over~mmh riches, andjhali beAMtifie axdjlrength6n thee, that tlm1 fh~~tlt be able to r1ceive rew~rafor rhJ IAbfJIIr : For it is not fma/llabourto contend againH finr.e, 1 have brought. thee unto Steven; ANd I -will give him thee intfl thy hands: eA,d !Jtcaufe thou fhtlt fff"t:" that God it not h.,.. ren, I Am a( pow1r; Her me therefore faith the Lord, -wilt tbiJU that hefore thy face I jhall JeflroJ Steven for his -w;ci<fdnej{e? "a'itt thou thAt I jha/1ftrik_e him lll'ith a perpetseat L eprofie, Qr wilt . thou that I thall correCt him and leave him ~o do good umo thee? NDw th()T;t jh11lt fee that I 11m n~t OpUQ data, weak_; Neither rhat m1 words are htrrren or -without fmit : .Ask._ theref,re of th, Lord ~md heAnrzohl:l~ky ,it for~ 1/.rou moveit fh~tll be uivev rhee.. FQr tbgu thlejf with him that u a flame of fire, ~nd a twfJ $tcp am . ..r L: .r. .r Hilione. en- edgeJjiword to 1he wJtft...ed 1 out o; t he D1mgml I ch1 e htm, out I)J 11Qthmg I can ftirre thee up, lllld exa/; thee, bHt thou mu.ft firft be fOOr before thou be fJXalted, reAd the Scrtpture; ~tnd ;udge. . Now !Pk. E. K. He is gone. I nfinir:r & incomprehwfibiles funt mifcricordix tu a:, 0 Deus, & Judic;ia tuf. funt inperfcrutabilia, hominibus. A. L. Domine Dcus mifericors , quanta efl: tua mi[ericordia, quod me fummum peccaton:m tama graiia profequeris? Indignus fum D?min.e ante faci_cm ~uall!: .Ita que Do~i~e, qua:fo, ne illu!t'l propter me deleas neque Lepra pcrcut~as: l_e~ rouus mfpr:s 1n Jllum, Ht mllH proprer _ e, & a c te, per 1llum bene fiat. Non qua:ro Domme dlVmas, fed glonam tuam. N on nobts Domme, non nobis fed nomini tuo da gloriam. Et fia~mihi fccundum voluntatem tuam Domine. Tu fois Dominc, an hypocritice ago. . Miferc mei Dominr, miferere mei, fitque milericordia tua [upra me & fiat voluntas tua, llcut in C~lu,fic eciam & in Terrra, Acque nomm tuum fit benedictum il} fa:cuia fzculorum. Amen.

E. K. He is here againe.
Puer ...... Sapiens es tu, [A. L.J & plenus fpiritu Dei l Nov qrurtns ftUJguine fratriJ tui iitttr henediilum ). Jil inter potenteJ hajus [ttculi, & ab hac die fpimus meus 1fU'J1M"' 4 te di{ce.. det; & h~.c quia te h.umi/i.;tfti nam non ehgJ te fine CAufa. Puer ..... ~nd.lo, I wiil correa him fharply : .Ask,.therefore in wh~tt Langua~e thou wilt h11ve me correct him (for he u fcarce worthy to hear that he may underlhnd.)

E. K. He is gone.
.A. L. Hungarice p~co, ut ipfe audiat ea qua: illi funt dicenda Gc ita D.ivina: tux placcne-ric M ajeftati. Puer ...... H Hg..rie is h.tt~ful unto mt; FBr it is fullll[ iniquitJ ; Neitherwill I [peal{_ 11111-0 him my [elf that he fhall (yet,) hear me. I wilL open mJ mouth in Lat~n fort hJ JakJ: and if he become obedient , I will alfo appear unto him my felf and unto you all, m the fpirit and prefence of my Angel: .But to overcome him bJ Miracle; it needeth not, for b1 him the people are not edified, B tt by my wot:ds he fhall wnderfl:and, that I touch him, although SAtan ftand hy him: unleffe it were for thJ f~tke I woula not withdraw my word and curfe from him, for why, I am fufficiently ad~ vited , .And l ~o fmt kfep hactthe fire from him. Btu go thou [.A. L.] tmto him, and[pe.ck,_ ~mto hin. /lberlllll, when he hath heard me , if be receive me, my olefftng is upon him of neccffiry. If he hear me not, I cAn eafiiJ ml/ock._ for I hfiVe the Key reAdT. {jod the Father, God the Sonne, (unto l"hom All power is given i11 HettV en .end Earth,) 'PI'ith the fire of erernal comfort, whi~h tJ the privr [ci11fce IINd k,.nowledg of the faithf~tl; The Holy Hodit dtf1tn1Uf Ghoft, be upon thee , and with thee f ar this d11y, th] [A. L.] Jinnes Arlhlotted out of Gods rep tWI.l#. ip 114 memhrAce. ft A.L, 1 ht~~ve n' more t~f! . . 7Jeoh,lln, Omnipotenci , tremendo & Solis Adorando Deo, & Domtno nofho fit omms gratia-rum acbo, l1.K1 (;- titna. Laus & Jubilatio, nunc & in omnc ~viurn. Amen.

e/fnn~ 158 5

+ NJepolonkz:.e

jn .Aul~

Regis Pq/mie.

A meridie hora Ci~citcr 6. The King lent for the Lord Lask..r and me, by his Vice-Chambcrlaine, whom we came unto in a Chamber, within the Chamber or room~ where he ufeth to give audience , or eo eat with his Pa-latines and other: He fat by the Window which is toward the South , and by which his Pro[pe& is ~to his new Garden, which is in making: He began thus, (the Lord Albert LAs~y being by, and thereto v.illed by the King,) and {aid unto me-very near as thofe words import. St. Egit mecUJ;n Dominus Pabtinus, ut vas audirem de rebus il1is magnis & raris loquen te : Q..uod libentur: feci : & ea men hoc confiderari debet, quod Prophet:!e omnes & rc:velariones jam rliu & in tempore Chri(h cdfavetunt, 1 amen ji Nihil in tftu, c~ntr4 Dei fit honHTem., eo lubrntiuJ funt ~tudiend"' ~ Er ego quidem haud dubito quin D eus nunc pol1it mulcis wodis fecreu
<.Maii. 1.3.

qua:damhom.inibus.deligere, ad ha~ ufque tempora, mandatis & inofitatis.

He er ...

trHe rele~tiono[Dr.-Dee his ABionr;withJpirits, &c.


Hereupon I anfwered to this fence, although I cannot expr~/Je ' the fame words.
6 Confidcr0 in m dine vdh;r regia tria quafi capitaia, in ~uibus totus ordinis veftrre eft medulla. Prim urn de Prophctiaris,& rc:vcla[ioncm cdfationc,fc:cundum; an -ali"'juid in nollris attionibus, vel exc:rcitiis in fit contra Dei honorem : & tertium(quod animo roco cfl valde gratium) quod , Dco non pr~fcribatis ccrros aliquos mod os vel rcrnpora quibus fua hominibus vclit aut debcat fccreta detcgere. De prime, hoc poffirnus vdh~ Ma}cfiati Regin.r a!ferere , quod ille Scriptur;r locus haud redc a plurimis irnclligetu : & ab ilJis pd!i.me, qui vclint omni mod a>. Dei potcntix & mifericordi~ & fapicnti~ pr;rfcribere ccrtos mod os, & tempota c~rra: a!fercndo nullor~m hiis temporibus c!fe Prophctiam , vel poO: Chriltum fore : quia omnes in Ckrifio cdfaverc:: hoc c:fr, quia omncs de illo qux cram Prophetia: felicet. De Dei fiHo in-earne vcnturo & Mdfia vcro, & redcmprore generis humani fururo , (&de tota ilia quam nos agnovimus & confitcmur Chrifiiani, completum & confummatum dfc: Chrifii hifioria) jam cdfavc:rc: ad eo quod ilia ne que jani futura func m pmant Jud~i, ncquc rc:pctenda film, cum jam funt confummata & peracta quernadraodum Prophcr;r pr:enuntiabam nam ob hac ca10fa cum Chrifiu~ Jcfus in cruce pendens fciniC:. fc:t} quod omnia de eo Prophctia complera fuiffent, & pr~cepirnus fcilicct omnium Prophetiarum (ante Chrifiiano) fcepus jam dfct: Collinatus , & Juxta pr~fenti am & propofitum Dei redcmpcoris humane conlciemram dfet rnyfic:rium ipfc: dtxit confumrnamm eft: Nam & Paul us dixit ad Juda:os, (namquc confummaffem omnia qu~ de eo fcripta enwt~ deponemcs cum, de Ligr.o pofuer.unt e~m in monumenro. Er 11 1 pofi Refurrettionem fuarn ipfamrnet Chrifius luis difcipulis (pergemibus verfus Ca.? flellum EmAUd, & de ill ius morte & refurrcctione differc:ntibus & dubirantibus) dixit:l 0 fiulri & tardi corde ad cred edum in emnibus qure locuti funt Prophet~: Non ne b~c oporcuit pati Chrifl:us, & ita intra re in gloriam fuam, & incipience: a Moyfe & omnibus Propbetis intcrprretabitur illis in omnibus fcripturis, qu de ip[o erant, &c. & paul o Lu~e 1 ~ pofi itcrum ad c:ofdcrn vobifcum : ~oniam nccc!fe impleri om,ia qu~ fcriptA Jtmt r, lege MoJfi & Prophttu, & Pfalmisat me.! Sed quantum ad alium fcnfum quod pofi Chriftum mille dfent Prophec~ vd re~ lationes ipfam Scriptur~ planifiime contrarilllm decent. N am quod de!ccndum erit de rcvclationc fine notabilc ilia Beati :funni Apee.-lypfi qux pofi Chrifium crat-: qu~ & ab ~ode m ;1oa1me Pr?~hcta vo~acur, dicen~e* B~At~ qu~ teg_it & ~uait verba Pr~pt7etJt * (ap.r .ApDr:. hUJtU & ferval t4 qut m tA fcrtpta fu~t, & m t~lttmo Captte e;~[ae Apocalypfeos fie re'Vtlationes, 1er, ta'em V#CAt FrfJphetJ l$6rum. Qpa re rnamtcftum dl: pofi: Chrifium die Revclationes & Prophctas. Pra:ter_ia que erat ilia P11uto faCia rcvclatio in cjus Vocatione & Converfione per ipfum Jefum Chrifium, ut in Apofiolicorum apparc:t A ttcum iibro, Cap. 9. quid de ill a decenncs * Cor11elio Cc:muriano . * .Ails 10 ~id de illa .Pttro de aninulibus mundis & irnmundis. Et fau/114 ipfatn diccdi


gloriari opo~tct (non cxpcdit q~iclem)venia~ ante ad vifi~ncs & rc:vclarione_s .P?mini, 6 ,. . . &c. & paulo pofi: & de Magmtudo rcvelanoncm cxtalht me, darus dl: mthdhmulis ~Ad CD,~C.I-. earn is rnc::e,A-n~dus Satan.-e qui mccolophizet cs,notum mihi faCtum efl: facramc:ntum, ficut fupn fcripfi: prout potc:fiis lcgemes imelligere prudentiam rnc:am in my!l:erio Chrifii, quod aliis gcnc:rationibus non dl agnitum filiis homini, ficur mmc reveiAwm efi fanctiaApo!1olis cjus & Prophetu in fpiritu,&c,ubi etia Prophctas pofi Chrifiu dfe apparc:t: & cap.4. Et 1pf(: dedit quofdam quid em Apofiolos quofdam auu:m Prephet.u, alia~ vero Evaugdifiis,aliosautcm Pafl:ores & Do&oresad confnmmationcm filndomm, in opus minifierit, in ~dificatioJ:1e Corporis Chrifii,Donec occurtarnus omnc:s in unitatc fidei in mc:nfuram xtate plcnimdi11is Chrifii, &c. ubi tarn.diu Prophetas fore in * AC!s c~tp.g. Ecclc:fiachrifli pofi Chrifiii apparer.Domc occurrarnus omncs in unitate fidci,&c.quod Philippi dtlfnondum poll Chriftum factum fuifle bene fimus & jam h~c <rtate nofira rnaxime fu- tor~ loco i~ll~ mus circ;. negotium fidei difcordes maxime videntur dfe nccdfarire non Propbc:tx fo- ::: 6:;. spnrlurn fed ctiam Rcvelationc:s valde exprdfe de Myfieriis Divinus. Et de locorione Angc:lica ad Philippum, & cjus de lo'o in locum invifibilc quafi tranilatione pet SpiriGg 3 tiUU!1i

Afls ti.

@A true RelationofDr.Dee his AfJionsJIZ!itbfPirits,&c.

ritum Domini, quod putcndum cfi. Et de Prophc:tis poO: Chrifium tempora tcftifka tur ACINm undccimum caput , ubi lcgimusquod codt;t;ttcmporc quopcimtmtdifci puli Chrifi~ Alltiochi;e cognominaremu~ Chri~iani,fupcrdcnc:ru~t ab:jt1ijitymil Prophctcr Jnttochittm, &furge~s unus-c:x cts nom me .AghN4, figntficabac per (pirirum, fame m magnam futuram um~rfo or be ttrrarum, qucr fadum eft fub CIA,,io, ad fc:cundurn amcm veftrcr Majcftatis Rcgi:E Capitulum, lie rcfpondco quod coram Deo & bcaris ejus Angel is, affere quodconfdentia mea nihil adhuc deprebcndit,Notivir, vel Jijudicarc po.tu~t, nequc poffit in o~nibus nofiris aetiombus? vel illarum aliqua, quod fit contra De1, honorcm, vel glonam, Immo, quod ad Dc1 hoAorcm & groriam valdc: fpc:Clcnt, poffimus. Dcniquc: tcrtio in loco quod cum magna & vc:r z pi aRegiaqlle & difcretione exifti~ tis, me Dcum Omnipotcntcm iis temporibus pofie modis fuis variis, h~minibus quibufdam fua manifcftarc myfic:ria & fccrc:ta. Vaide lc:tor: & eo magis, quod tarn ex nofiris pr:rtcrids id confiarc porueric multis AC1ionibus; quam ex futuris: qoibus tntcr dfc & adcffc prcrfcns (fi ita illi vi(um fuc:rit) vc!lra poffit Majcfia5 Regia. '' Et pr.r'' tcricarum nofi.rorum ~Clionum librus. 24, paratus .liun (qnr.cunqnc vc!lr.r fcrenif,, fim.r Majcftau pla-cucnt tempore,) vtdcndos cxh1bcre; quorum qu~dam Latina '' lingua, Gra:ca alicr, ali.r Anglica lingua, fed ex maxima parte &glica func Confcri " pl.r ipf.r adiones Angelorum,viz:-. Dei bonorum InfirucHoncs, admoniciepes, ex,t horrationc:s~concioncs, ProphctiCE,& quocunqucaliofunt.Ccn!endcr nomine nobis '' fader Rcvelationcs, realcs vel vcrbalcs ., & per fpatium jam uium fcrc .annorum a '' nobis rccc:pt.r & annotatcr) &c.

Die L11u Suphano Rege,& A. L, & . ! c <..MaJ 27 Mane, horam 7 circiter. In camera priva~a Regis. Omniporens ' Stmpiterne, Ver.e ' & uni DeH4 ' aI H miferin~rJ pAter wn' qu~ me de p tltri~ Ju IRpitll qui meA Ju,efta contrA me cncept~ mlicill, per Angtlos tHos bonos AdfWJnifti, & per lo~m , ink .Anr,r.ltu mihi ~tddi:dt: lit metNm t.Jx .. re, Liberu, & FamiliA mta ij"l[~ duobtl4, egredi }u/fi.ftj: e egredientls noi, trtefcripr "m e- ex fertib~U marw, quaji mirttrHIDfo lihmcfti: et qHi ex hott#icidiArflm & HeretiCIJTN'I'H manibw rat, rrfhi 11ai~ & frAud,biU variu ntJJ expedimifti : Et IJUi multu ~tos modi.! ( putim nobu ctJgnitil, part/m incumcodtm. cognitH ) "pn-icHlu & morte prouxiji, 11b eo tempore, quod ad tua fen-etA judici11 & negoti.c ,. A,L, e .l(, uftififA11dtt, rraflantkt & promovenJ11 ltQJ voclffti: Ideo propur b"llnc t~eAm t/111tam & t11am ad mir~tbiie miforicordtllm ; immortii/U tj.j nobw- deberi /it11~s & grl:fliM IJNmi/l.;me 11f.119fcttm/IU. 0 tu Pill" nojler Ciementiffime qHi nos d1m; vincH/Q tllo !)ivipo A(tlif{ m copuit~ffi: & qt~~ft ~ D & . 1(. unum ex Jug(nu. ef{e VQ/Hijfi. 0 tll f ortifJime Dew ftWU qui h""" t1111.m lasky, fJ*"fi Athletam meHm cautiffimm, animofH*, .& me11m a1tMntt!fimum, nobu t~dJHnxifti : virum Ct~ rhlictt tlltC & orthotkx.t Religio,w att'IAntiffimum & Anti-chriflitmifmi Qmnu t1Ce~rim11m hqflem; 2>miqNe 8 St~ptmtijfime,. P ountif!ime & Optie DeH4, & P"ter meus, ljlli tllu mox incspie,du Regiu, m11g11u mirifici CQnAtibiu, quem [AtiebtU Rtg_em, tandem iHveniflJ Stephanum, tuum futurum,Bellatorem; 'Fuis tuo mlltlli, & ;u(/i.t ex animu, rotiJ fuis verjbui , ft "'aximo ~tlf1 IJbedire velit: f!r c111 noJ ho11orem & ohedienti"m & l!xhi biemJU, '" mandatis drJ.,fti: & prupter quem la,rwes ( ttbi~tll4) ut [11birnnH1 & jujlomm .mUI ftatutjf1 : & Ad qutm, poft laborill[114 peregrtnAtionu ~ttflri multiplices qili"dem, pr~ ttr 7 cYvtenfcs faEtas, direfi 114 aliquas, a/i.u Ante, ( bumito jsdic~q) q1111ji retrogrAdM , tlo~ttm max~mam grtJtiAm' f~t.vore: & aHxilitJ inco/umnitJ & f.tlvos nos perdux;jli: Nos qu.c1ji hie tuo-., tuo Nomine & u~a mente ronvenientes t tHtl dig.neris PAterntl miferi&ordia J 4. tomu vittt mett omnihm purg11re fpurciliis: Et Ch~triJi.mi tui Filii Domini & Rednnptoril N,,;,; Jefu Chr){h intercedentiiJIII mer# is, nobu Cqndou11 qui~- qut1lcontr4 Legu tU/14 SanflM & Jiift114, volmte1 , vel nefcii) Vtl ntt_ltgente!, verbo, [~tflo vel co~itatione ~ h111c_11[q11~ hordl off~;~~~~ qmnet & (ing,_li, ~~ tibi ;am po HI .!Jim. pur.4 & a~'"'" tJjf"r': UJt4 Dtvln4 & AhuJti.AIIti./fund fer1111landa gratsa; & tutt cht~rsuuu 'i. 11e m [~t-cfi in 7 emplo tuo efficiamur pllntJ cqrdJ,III ntJjlru per t1 Acirfo ' qKAji q~d4m y~porfwni.s .Et fit tiObuinurim Fihw iMHI v~minU4 11Pjfru J elus Chufius Panis vit I( : 6jlltmguftan~ JUAflijfi!IIMIII, tJ- jiJei vmbiu ttrAnfgfAaienrb vhl-.ciflitnum <..MannA tHndem h~t6eamll11tlobifc11m in ,erpu~Wm' mitt, igitr nunc LNce & l"eritllttm tHIIm aDe~~& Omnipotens femplttrntC, Vtv.t,(#Ver~, G- ti41 Stepbano ( nbj/er 1111lt11f SereniffimD Grati~jiffirmque R~gi) tlpptt'reat, Te Oel!m n~ {hum ver'Um viva m, Omnipment<;m Do8 orem nofhum in iis actionibus tk Myaeri1s dfe 1/llt Ant; ( lictt ptcctlti's tJbnsxiNfh) 'tilt~ et- Con.ctu magns , fide le t1111m & (incerium ejfe fer-rJatum: DfiJIIia ~e IMIIJUJ!a mihi n~,xime eJfiCNrtt ! mfdf'" jing11loJ ftngularibtl4 in te auwn m"HI!di t.xordl~,;, pr,~i""tu ;,",,;b.,-, ,, :ti'S ffo[er:flilill trAH~tmli,, d-e.

Nyepo/onh tt in Aul.t RegiA prl.[eiJU ..







E. K. Nihil pofi primas pr~ces


6. Brc:tesftt:unda5 feci , & adhuc nihil a_pparebat . Terriai ~eoi~ etiam breves; . . . J>.oH .,~.rrias e-x .lupide. quidem Calor m factem tpllus

E. K. Exire videbatur. Chca la:pitlis oram & finibriam rubicundus viddis circulus appa reba t.. F . K. J a m video h6minem albis indutum vefi:ibus, & fuccindis
facie longa fparfis crinibus , & adeus notu quail undentibus , & dexter p es fians fuper magnum lapidem rotundam, & finill:er fuper aquam,. & poft dorfum ejus magna lux eft: Nunc video terram iub pedibns ejus, fed quafi inaere videtur effe tam lapis ipfe quam a qua iHa.
D. Sit benedid us D eus noOer , & fiat voluncas ejus. Aquce c1.1 rfus (qui v,e ri~s Occiden~em eH) pc:? em ejus. videcur fecundum fe prius ~efc;rre. . V tserur ill:e lwgo a m~ df(: cum 1mueor faCiem C:JOS lnterdurn una apparet elfc: lnterdum tres fac1 cs & ira c:onfufo CJ"oda m modo.

E. K. Audio magna m voce1n Dicentem , Veni & Vidi. E. K. D efcendit jam alter ad ilium quafi Globus Ignius cum facie eminenti, & ab eju::; corpore q uafi verga arundinea videtur e ... m ana re .
...... lnfp(xi , & cxaminavi, & e-cce, N ulla (ft (u)icia;. V ox fnt eret Aqua iiQ m are, & fiat [ 11/{a , quia ecce tertia ,;io/11 tjf plentt.

t ia" cant uf.


lillgtiet om11il

E. K. Jam venit ignis , & ilium totum circundat, aliquo mini..

mo : Circa illud releB:o intervallo fibi proximo.
V ox .... , o....Men{t~nl.

q11e d 'lltrblltrl

<.;Ue,.f ur.avi & fir.,llum eft ( p ) qr~inq u11ginta duo, .Aft t c'Ce, fims ple11Us Juj1iti & M 1 er"6rdi.e, [ Vis igit ur t Ji, quod aptries os meum'
e,Aft q uare inq uit D 11minu1 vifttarem Stephanli.r~~ humili(t StmetJrH,,

E. K -- Inclinat caput fuum] quia ecce liabeo quod dicam, &: ecce ha beo,& labia mihi confuta funt.
tM~tJ,niji.cAt ig icur ?ottnt; C celi & ttrr;, Dt~m Crellturem, Regem & ii/JiminAtlrltn '1"'4 pofJir vobis JIUCatoribus ~ropttiJU (f{e & VU/tum I} US ,.ifericordi.~m fuper VIS C Dmltrttrl,

E. K. Jam converfus eft totus in Globium igneum.

A Milerere nolhi D ornine,fecundum rnagn.tm mifericordiam tuam, &c.

E. K. Jam magnus qui dam fumus per plicas quafdam (infia nu bis) la pidem operet. L. K . Jam videtur illa uub~s convoluta dfe, & feorfim ad unum latus la pidis [epofita. . .. .. Jl erhJtm) ab altiffimo mifJm facio ; ~ a mobrum erige te & diligentir A tterule Step bane , quis t~ a Cunabulis . . . D llJt/rtVt.f.? qJtzs rvzarum tuarum Jabores.

ru~t 'lmbati,;,

Latlnt h~c

:;:~;:r~~;~ r~erelwtfto i11.-

,e, ab h4c di -

C'f1Jtbitt L atz-

At~e j u vwwtis t Htt tnmrit11te m (n[uravit ? .cb i~npuu judicii & tempDris ~ 'Jilis tt J~git j Bioz:t 7Jtrbum 'li~tt "".d( m ;lnitus cs Cal~ff~ deco.re? . B an_c tibi Anim~Cm ~iv111t~m , ["f.llcem, & fl plenu,, qNis q~~r :::dum 1nd11X1t ) N onne 'R.Jx tile gloru., t~J c~Tus g ratsAtn_ omu fub;,~ eft, in c~lt1 & in terrAjpot~- ~aii. Crlftbt~ii ft~ ! qs te potc.ncs el~valfs br"chto 4 m tltte ad ':'ll ;orrm, a ma;ore, 11d m~ilflttm evociCvit Jipm um; No11n~ t~ms z/le , qut te & vocAt & vijitat: 6' de fi':'!tipf", Ante J4cul di~it, Eg. o fum ? Quare gm~r, N:hul~"' tAM tenebrofm, tanta t cce Clll1gi~~e tanta dko ingratudtne fu!f ulum, inter D eum_ tUHm , & aws~am. ~uiCm induxifti ! An, quod IWN Accepifti hAbet ? [he fhaked h1shand ar the Kmg, afcerthe Poloman 111anner] .Aur undt (~Die) Diadmlti C.-pith t ecct lJII-ilf Jn frt~gili e~rtlii t us prlldt,tia, De Km A.finiflriJ, tergo, pD{uifti, fequitur tc fpiricus a..: m



J truerelation ofDr. Dee his AEJionJ,ithJPiri-ttl&c.

lionus; Nam erafti: lgitNr mHlt_jplicAtll & n:umerAtA ft~nt pecct,. t!Nl in Ccri.Jt, ]t~tlict.Mm ll'llm i: t, c11n11 ipji cum pfeudA Prophetit ftrAati.JU 1in"ta fw# Regiatru [cder.e ttrfilfi~, Ciibiclllll J1 tua oluJt malum, igitur furrexit 'Deus t~rgidHS & terribilis faCt m eft & ir~ttus ti~i. Verum fie
drcit Dominm; q uul patre.t tui, ad A !tare meum r~nlliores ftetere; neqHe perverfi 4 V~Ct '0'- vi mei recej[ere; te 11111tem , quia v irum a v u$go dijfinffum fopmrndo feper.~vi.:) ~ f.ep~Atll"': -eli!'"do, d1iexi : N onvi{tuebo iniquitaw tJJas in vcry:a mea: J}Jr,ut 'De;~i:4fn. . !t ~J.uiHm C.ccrevi.: s,J i~ Solio tirubami ftdeas pmnittam. V n-um fi b.rllcMfim .meum.Zeia r ogo!Q"is pgtens : ji impietarem tHam Jqrelinques: fi te mundit i ornAveris, .fi fetid14m a..ji~ tuo leprm & ~funic~ tine am, ( non 4d vomirum redicns) ~tbfter {fru Ego quoqu e JJam .at~ertt~m meAm., 6-Jie.s tHA r1li~qn t. Jf~biLien?ut fortitt.ul.int: RegCI 11111 /idifli & pawrtts ~j~s1;udi ;ntoxicati. ;alict, Merurictt (mea .qui~ nfglex ere ft lltHt ll) fulmint ire me() in manu , & Ante pedes tUOJ c~tdent f"ror iqfSC er it gflldiNJ t 11-#J J'JAiio,nibiiJ, tHtcfiJ tt! c~/i CtYvHmducent d1em mru/J.ore de>:tfrte t11re peri bunt iJJitnl'i. Cor populi t ui, a te.a/ien.ctut14, poft-rnodicu~n repurg ahit~r : qui lftltem.inJan!um,r:Dn(pir~tmere turp)f/i.mJJ , .&A dent .Hiferc Ad.hur: ji latere m eo cum jimmer, tam fo:kl#rr Adh4[~tfl llbim,brhit te jp1ri.tu.J mei11 & ovt~-'ieJ [4piens: refJ!fC r~-J Fczcundabil de C(J!lo. H tee~ veritM & Lex DorJIIi lfi, quam propo(tt tihi Lux Dei hodie Stephano: Igitur fume trbigladi11m femori, eftringe, eievA ,. F1rlt -vricl, pro <JJommo & veritAte, pugna, vince, '1\_egnli Nob (jicut horpo,) timori cedere, neque de ;14unJ~ queritatl : quiA D euJ tutH tecum eft; IgniJ terribilii & magnsu Dominus exercituum: lgitur ji <JJ tuum ju{tt 11. fo/U1 operies : ji impium condemnaveris impietatiJ i111pitto te fpiritu meo, & iini,m" 11111 r.epk~ttr.tr ig.J'Ji potenti, dum mam11 tH.t vitulicant C(/os , [il'jcltn.tt Cl!put.] Jmpiam i/Ja.m generationem, (de qua D ommo loq~trmtur eft, & jn fervrt utem tibi tradiJit,)cum 1lohtmit, vidcris temp~"' cum filii$ ffl~, & ~pofNlo[IID, 111 parw ufque ad m;~jore , pn-L:utc gl.tdio m pro impictate pecc~tt.i,jit pittf,4ru.m vumerus; CJHia erit infli ilt#J Bohemia (.non TPinuJ odiofll ((/is : qu~tm terr gr~v11, & tcdiofa) Ji!M.ta tthi eft; & malcdtfla in j~tbare JoliJ, Cotlige & Orna. Fl$ge pd,i ,.,. in Aqtti.Lfme, & dtgJtis t,tu;ge m4lre, & nP ifpunere cor.iMtn aW[Ji.mi o/f-eNdat tihi t 110mm meum, & ponam l~tudes tUaJ inter aquM, Cingc te etiam jicut forti, ~mp/eftere montes meridionales; & Jtdtfic~ mihi A/tare : Erip.iam er.im ?Jincuia ab illts. Ab Occidcnte , m1111Us villent M in vifcera tua ~xtenaunt: Sed f erro pr .efcind.cm illas ungues. Denique Ji,a pecc~ttis ceffaveris,ft ftHdioJl~tgrabis cizleffiu"', & Ambttlndus coram me D omino '])eo r uo i" ;u/fitia, & :veritare, cf ,W,cqniJ. i1111~rmnemu foperi.t .be~tHr & in me fp!cndorem fufcipit; Sin ffHtem,v erlu, qu.e
Egomet ufter



Junii :t4,

locut 11s eft D omiuJ, a1tdire Hl~#eris Egomet ulrer exi[tam h~die e:>.. Aitav i te in D omino, & pofui c11put tH-um inter ftellAs : Etlo igicur obed1ens: PAratt~J rft terrpr impiis, & m~~,ledir:ttn e{f mundus: Beat us ltutem qui ~deimr. obfer'Vant T"erba, & illa cH-ftodiet qu~t D< m;imn htJdie fir:it qrA till Dei p4triJ, Jefu Chrifti filii, ejus [inclinat caput] & Spiritm Sanr:ti vijite; vos f emper [extendit manus futJU valae:] 6. Amen .
Ad~~ f~~.miliAm cu~m

cum celeticate.

Anglife hoc


Sit beneditus nomen alciffimi qui in fer,andis prcimiffis eft conflantiffirnus. & in mifericor~ diis a-bundantisGmus-.. Illi Gloria, Laus, Ho nor ,dccus, jubilatio, & gratiarum aCtio none & fempc;, .Ame11,

c_Maii 28. T ~~oc(day mane circa 6. In Nyepoloni:;:,c. 6. Oratione finica & aliquibus verbis fact is, de nofha cum Sceph:1no Actione prz terica hceri,

E. K. Here ish~ that was yeilerday in our Action with the

Hei mihi (faith the Lnd)

[He fiocpeth by little downward]

why do I hold

mJh,md from theEarth? Wha~. h~tve al( the PrinceJ of the World huifp A 7ower againftmc? Thefe in denfi"~ me ttnd 1117. Ma,;~ffie: The other wAflowing in extreAm drunk,Jnneffe amongft the plea{14res and blindneffe of the fiefh, neglecting (wit hour fear) mJ CommaNdtments , have I thrown out the (hiidretJ frdm rla YtntJM'd , . awd c~Jfhd in the Dongc<tTrier'? have lvifited '".! forvants., ( wha!H.l chafe,) ill wrat!. i$nd indignAtion with the jword of Juftice r h~ve I thiU fcatt ered th~m 11pon the face of t be WorlJ, wirho11t a Shepherd , to enttrtl4in bJafphemous Murderer!, L1ars, And the R,unnagttw of tilt Earth, the feei ~f Cain, i!lnd of the curfed! 0 JOU Clfterpillm, C>-1ou th.at fill_the. Earth with peifon t 0 Joll Ahufert of "'l Nart#e, and . Difhonorors of m;r Tt1111ple ! what is I he cufe th4t J~ art fo barrtn , or that the Lord hth not mighti!J fhewed himf'elf ttmongft 1~u, M unto hu ChUdren? WhJ lire 'lOt the c.Mir4cles .end W.nders a TeftimonJ if rhe God of Truth 41t1o11gjJ Jou, liS theJ wtre Hlfto the l{rMl#es? WhJ,hAth not the Sea dividtdher {elf? WhJ, h11th 1111 tlit Lor4 dtllve.rtd ~~~~ frrnn bond~tge? Vnt~ the Ifraeliw he g1111e a fruitfHt


J true 'l(_~lation ofDr. Deebis Af1ion~? withJPirit!, &e. 4o7

land (the poje(fisn of the r:Pic/z!d )'abo:.nding. wtth 0Y1llz. lld Jf_oney: unt.o you, he hath d_ltve .. e ttd )oMr roJFJiion JtfJt~ the Dbgs.'ANa JDfllr chtld're to become CapttVes,whJ c.oth 11(,( t.hrGod of Hcjfr ftretcbforth his h11ntl f;~Jing: Deliver m7 people fmn hondage? 11re not the times ~f thofo lamr diiJN 6

of :he H arv"tft of the 7Jifcipks * fot~dowed amongt the d'omgs ttnd grace~ of the lfrae/ires,JO P 11re llecome blind, yo1 have t}l! but yotl fee 1 1 rot) for )'OU * ki10' 'V not che wne o[Jo~r vlCitatton, () yf,-in; Jtif-1tetkJd (je~ter~tion thii is the cauf that the finger of God wnmeth ot amongfr pm: ~, 1 .r. ..L I h . Th 1s,thisisrhecAu1r.e, btc4u1 e youuavenot Fa:tl: N e~ot-ersr he Sptrtto{ godt d obedrenc~ mesan Amt~!'gft JOfl, CAll he that is a/~ Tren.? defife himfdfe w_ic/11Jing : or can. de flejh of man diminifh t t.~ FJuthoriq ~f the qodhett.tl: rs Chnrl ] clus, ( verJ God of verJ God) of !efi por:Per or Jlrengtb f!nto JOU, then he wM before, unto thl feed of v1br4ham: bec111tfe he h.trh rak!n Jour flefh upon him, 0 JOI~ ignorant, B JOlt blind ftrangers, oyou that we-re fai!h[ut in the Jight of the Lord, is 'r.ot t. e qod ~f Heaven 11xd Earth heire unro JOH , 67 r~afo~ of hi; M .en-hood have JOU not now ach cefs JOM felws unto the Thr~nt of the Highejl, which Jollr Fathers hcd not ? the !Jraelites 1'Al1 ffnt~ the Prophets and high Priejls: 7ea ,thej dHrft not rli1f!nfore the Lord: For it wtf6 [aid of them " L et thefll ftantl b~fore the hill. Tbe7 br~ught rheir ojferimu ttJ tiJe Priejf, which offered up thllr prayers and h~emiliq : But unto Jou ( o of tmle f tmh) the (}am ar~ {c.t opeN: Jea, ewn Hnto .JOII the ThroneofGod: why therefor~, doe Jot~ t~Ot ~fctnd unrg JOetr Chrilt, wh,-chis anoinud before the Fttther. Hmh homointedhimforhmlfeife,orfor Jou? for both : /fyouhavc no miracle; you have no faith, if JOlt have (fa11h t he Son of God ) faith, t~ be compared with a Muftard-feed, &c. But y ou do none oft hcfe things, neither u the name of (iod magnified amoNgjf JOH, Is it m;t A Jhtfme, rhat the faith of man groweth not to be equ~L -wrrh a Mu{u1rd-[eed ,ir it not a,figne ofJoHr flavifh nttmre , from the which JoH -.,ere c~t!led,r h11t there iJ no f11ith amogjf J(Jit? TrHe it is! For whJ the b!ood'()f Clmft is fhed upon J,ou: and you are wafhe~ without defotl!, BehoU,now ([<~rth the Lord) when I have ft1rred lip a.Mol,s there are iiO lfrael,es thllt will follow hi711 : the feed of A br f4h am tJ deftroJed with the Winter of idf-love ami dif-obedience. The LDrd gro.tner h, fa;i~g: Wh~th.er fha R l.turn me? ~rnto -.,hom fha/1 I {hew my face? $fI J.cy Hnlo them go OHt, jet JOHr J ents ag ajnjl th1 WJck}d: Beholdi 1 wtll b~ amo~gfi yo1-e , Ar.d fight for JOH who is it that he11u1h me ? where ;r your faith become l whu is he that believe h me , 0 put w;d~.;d CjenerAti.on jh.1ll the Lord callJoU and fee~e your delivmmce , and will you know otche Lord wich what mcane J he will wor~among(t you, i1 the God of Hellven~~t~d E_ttrth vecome a11io11gfl 7 .-n Ingmeer or a Merchant~ll Hoorder up of J1orldiJ trea{ure; or one thl4t ndeth on horfe~bdcft io bllttaU r .JOU ftinkj~tg Carrion, you hatefHI "IV~ett:hes P(fore Hlaven llnd ~ar~h' JO.U b!tnd htrelmgs. Who dnnAtd the S eM .,ho thre'W down{ertcho, r:Pho overthrew the wtck.Jd Kit?gs? wljo def/roJed the Citier o the wick.Ja l 1flbo ftJugbr Af.ainfl the reprob.fte qiants ~tndthc jlefh ofmanl<}nd? who f opened the windowe1 of Heaven And confumed JOJI all except ~ you read ... eight prr[o11s, Jea if out of th~ window(s I can confume JOU, wh~t fhall become of JON if I opeJJ m1 daors, if f fend ;ut mJ fervAnts ttgainft .you, and m1 i~tnurmrabie armJ. Is it not f~tid, whAt[oever I put Into JDHr mouthes ' th~tt fpelli<J WhJ doJfH fo, brtt for the truths (Ak!; If ther~fore I ~id JOU doe, is not ml trHth a/J one ? I am full of forrow : for no man openeth hts do1r s unto me , no ma~r~ Ge!ievtth me no man r(membreth th4t I .nad1 H eaven and earth: St141 11 while thttt I ma7 we~p r1ith m7 [elf.

p.. 5 thctfrditt!

lcm k.n<'w n:J~

the t Jmc ot theirv;lic::ciarl and f0 arc



thcfe dayes ihadcwed iri


"Exod.r.x,. be



.A .,9-to[tr.

Htec rtfpiciow;.
w rba Strphan a
Rrgio c~m q~t1



Ccne 1 8

f. . .

E. K. All the fi:one is become black and

full offiery [pecks.

6 Arcer we had read che premiffes

E. K. Here is another now come in green a man with nothing on his head but onel y his yellow hair. He hat.h like a p~ir of black boots under his garments clofe to his legs : like buskins &c. 6 N ote Iiemef e appeared in July,
6 I cea' h you [ he p1ufed afcsr a pretty while




A nno I 548, and -did make an end of Nllivage his work, &c. He appcareth their like a little child with ydlow hair, &c.

Th~ faith the Lord thou muft An[wer Srevcn tt;coraing to the haranefs ofhis hart: A nfi9 er ~ cfpsnfnmP,rl thee, and mo s~e phatt'o h>ttb fheweti Hnt o 1hee his wi/J ; h11.th ndurifhed up me hiJ forvant from m7 )'Outh unto thu d11.7 , in It l,e. the fear of.him and che fervent defire of true wildomc , wherebJ 1 have attained ( throu!.h hjs help) unto the k11owiedg e And fec ms of the 1hing1 ;,. Nt~tttre: which k owledge behold i11 the name of God
himth~, for the Mean: Lo, King,rhe GqJ. of Heav en and arth bath placed me befoTe

And for his fak.: and becd.Ufe he hath cho{en thu, lo, I offer up unto thee , ~nd willing I] m4d~ thee pttrt.ckJr of; This do;;e be not afraid to opN2 thy m~uth Unto him, .u thoH didjf untt~ Rodo!ph_, in !.odNf tht: ~rit.iog, Behold .( oK ;nt) I can malz.e the P.hi!o(ophers Scone, for fo they c~tO it, Bear thou ther~ limp<:rour~ fore the c hargt., .end give me A nam, witS,;, tbf Ct~Jn1 thAt I mAJ hAve ac.cefl Hnto thee : ana JUirlf Aintenance of thee for us both 1 Comma~~a hi111ttA/fo,or ftrif<! 11 hAnd ,ffouecJ 6etwem him ; ch1 felfe1

~ true relation ofDr. Dee his .AfJhJils~ll'tibJPirits j!Lc.

f ,r l iS both F.\.- :~nd6

felfe,a 11dLasky. Tal{f he~d thou wamnotfaith: forlw~helpthee: Amlhr.foAil ha~ea3reat Treafure , I w11l fee them, if he wilt //IQQI4r for "'e" BIU fl mq /1e Lasky wtll lolldhnn b] tbt hule. f::l What mean you by that phrafe ? F! ..1cr. .. A, ]11cfb aid Efau. Vnto thi.r 11pplJ th] [elf, ttnd .give .thy ~hole en_deav':r from titntJ'timtAlfl.,i/lV/llf 'l " mind umo Srephen through thee,or lO the pretence ofhu.nfdt. Bur let L:tsky ope" this unto h11n : The Camp i.t l(.nown Hnto me, .ea. I und~rltand not this point, , . , , , L~t him umler;r,,,d, thoN 4r.t minded fo ~doe. r '>'em dicb/14 For this [even d~Jes, ask: no more anlwcr. . . 'r . ndmn 4 6 How, and if the King b~ deGrous of any acbon f , '1 .~nnfis pe ,.,,, lrefpe& nottheKing, l<l:dlf. 6 I be[~ch you be not off'11d.ed that I aske your name?

E. K. He is gone.

6 The other will come again.

A voice. N on venit.

Therefore iliut up the window. D eus Ca:li & Tenz da nobis Fidem.


NJepolonicuin .Aula Regis St.

T uefdtty a ,rne:idie circa horam tertiam: The Xing fend for; me to hear what I had eo fay to him as I had, tend him word that r had to fay iomewhat; eo him in God his bchalfe.When_l'was come 1nto his privy Chamber, and all others excluded but onely the Lord La1/z:; 'Nho came Wlth me, and flayed by the King his con:unandemem. I faid thus verlrAtim as followech. 6 Ecce ( oRcx) D eus Ca:li & terr~ , me ante oculos V dhos pofuic: & vobis fuam dcclaravit volumate.m: me autcm tervum Cuum :1 juventute mea ad pra!femcm diem enutrivit in timore .illius, & ddiderio fc rvemi ver~ fapicmire qua ratione(& ejus au1.ilio )illecutus [urn cognitioncm & fec.reta rerum nacuralium quimc,.,gnitione ( ecc'e ) in nomine D ei.
Junii 6

Orationibu~ finicis, pro luce & veritate D'ivina, qua: nos ducerent & perducerent ad montem fan d um S ion. &c. I have ( o Lord) according to my limplc= abilitie, (:ndeavoured my [elf eo declare. to Stevtn thofe thin~s I ...vas willed ; ~ccept , o Lord, my intent, and give me thy gr~ces ancl cnc.rea[e my faith that I may in my doings and tayings, pleafe thee or not offend thy divmc Majefl:ie, a.nd now 0 Lo:d, TVC awa.it thy further clire6hon: not prefuming to propound (as now) mattc:r,fu<;h as our hail {hre might nvve us unto : but therein we crave cni~ aide , thy ligbtahd wifc:dome,8~.

Mane horam circicer 8 .


is a great head withwings like a Cherubim : all of fire, the eyes are very big, as big as your hat, and his head as big aJ' this Table .
..... He tbat ii a Jlup let him jlup on , he that is ~if the high wa7let him not rltNrnhom,. 1-fc that eateth let hrm not rife, llHt e11t ftili, ad he that wuptth let him weep fWJ, ht that rejoJ"th ht him rejorce for ever. He thRt ' goeth awr7 lu hi"' not retHrn inr~ rhe W4J He th~t plantcth hiJ Yixqard let him not fee it, hr that gaihereth the grapes let him not dtink,. t~f them, ;J. that blll{fhemub the Hlf,cof God , Let him hlfphemt ,f,r he rttHrnet'JJ not. But he that /oQk!th tsp umo H eaven, l et him J:tJt cttft J,is eyes u pon the Earth. Behold,the L ord hath fiJrgotten the Earth, :wd ir i5 :1 burden to m: that I am here, thrrefn-e I go. Vnto thofe thll.t do.rn/1, the Stmard is reltdJ with the , , ward, wo he un1o the Moi1fter uf tbe Earrh,forhe iJ accurf d. e

K. E.


E. K. He is gone: and jlyeth in a ftrange order : upward in a f pecialline in 1nanner ?

A vc:icr. Put ail thingI to filena thllft the Lord had touchrd,
Thereceptacleana the Boo~.s,{ee Jouopenthemnot, nor touch them Hntil yoM,hear more from mt. But f, o{right heart, And waif:.! t~e waJ! that 7ou are retHrnuJ ii4to. Tal<! fhis ot~e le./JoXI: you :ue in favour with m:, and for the rel.t Cl re ooc. 6 Thy mercies be fealed up.on us for eTcr ande~r, b Lord, of Hofts,

E. K. Now is a red thing, like a Cloud come all over the ftone.
Ignem cui amons & prxpotcnris fidei in cordibus nofhis, accendc., Omnipoten' nunc Se Sc.wper. .,Amen.


cvf 1r14e reution ofDr.Dee his Aflions,witbfpirits, &c.


585. Attglljli 6.
I I.

Unica ACtio; qure Pau-imza vocetur.

Que Jurabat ab hora 5. mane, ad horam

1' 1\. A {j .lE.
Atljo Puccidna.


.Allionu Pucciatu:,

AHgufti 6. . .. prior part. 7 Hefd1tj, Mane, circa ortmn Sohs_, & nobts ~eri in jungebarur. Fulls de roa:rc prxcibus, &c. prcr!emibes nob1s 6, E. K. & Fr. Pucci, ut pr;rfcriptum erat. Difoofica erat Menfa hdcm : Candelaque cerea accenta.

E. K~ Here is one, covered in white to the brefi, all white apparalled,he hath a long glaife in his left ha.nd, full of filthy loath! ome ftuffe , like matter or like bloud and milk, or curds mingled together, and a fiaffe about an ell long in his right hand , he fetteth the end on the ground, he pointeth with his ibtffe toward the Table of .Covenant. b:,lh1dfct' Accede Do mmum. x.. ar the ufu

6 He[. K.~ came tu the Table of Covenant, and looked mto the Hol-J-(lone, our fecrc:t fiu and !aw che fa m;: viGon, but his face is (here) bare, and he [eemeth to be V riel. dy,and bQd fcQ
my ufual

al Table, in

in t10t!linc Domini: b beata Dei Lux, U R I E L._ ..... t GforiA t1bi 7Jomine, 'R._!x cmli, & terr~, qH.i er, & 1/tnturus t J.

~ B~nedictus qui v~: nit

Sht 7'f ftonc before him,

E. K. Now I fee the foundation of an old thing, as though it were of a Church.

M6ill{ure from the E4j1 to the N"rth , ami from the North to the Weft pAri, for behold, tht reft iJ judged ~tlret~dr. U R I E L ...... I h6ve meafurul, ( L~rd) 2 5, ~tnd the haif of twentJ five. ~1~ \'uictt ...... Dlwtk. Wo th,u.hArtJ. [6 The third p:ut of 37 ~] U R. It. L ....... Iris do11e. is Iz{ The votce ...... Vnt()'the Kings of the Ea(f git~e tbefirft. Unto t/u Ki11gt of Weft giv e the Jec.nd. The rttlltJAilt mc~J.fon .M11NJ the dtiJtS of the North : thllt tht fire of "'l iHdignation, tn~ty6e A ~idit A'IHNg.j/ the111, ttwd.thAt the who# Wurld 'exctpt the excepud) mliJ dri1Jk._of th~forrow oftk~ 'J'ropbwa f w171th p~Jn .-[ the half.rim:, yet to come.

A voice ...... Metij#re.

u RI EL Th, mouth ( 0 urd)il A f'O""edgeJ. [r#ord' thJ.iudgments A r e perpetMIII tend e'tln-lajlinf,, rhJ wontJ ~rf ~ fpirit aftruth ..d u,Urft"ding' tb] Gtlrmtnt I moft ,pure a?~ me1/i"f ilwtttfo; TbJ s~At wiflio eHd t ,lfd triH~phi,g, who ;,tikj llnlq lhu am~1fg/f IJ:.f Ht~ t Hh 't- m J,


true Relation of Dr. Dee his AOionsjwitbJi:irits-,&c.

venr,orwhohathk_nvwnthJbe~tutJ? Greatartthou mth] h9lJoner, A,dmighty i,thy wordamongft the S onneiOf men: ThJ Teft ltfmnt is lroiJ, .tnd lind(filed, T h~ glw7 9[ thJ Stilt~ 11nd th~

he 11lcb of thJ Sonncs: 7 hy Anointed is Jacrijiced, axd hAth brot;eght heAlth unto the fithfsi, A~d Hnt9the Sonrm of Abr:~ham, 7hy fpirit is everlaftmg)aJJd th, oiL ofcfJmfort: 'The Herwens (rherefor~) ,(',at her them/elves together, with H alldujah to bear w;t.ne/Je of thJ great indignAtion lfnd[u ry prepared _fort he Earth, which hath r1jen up with the Kmgs of t'he E11rth, 11nd hAtb pHt tm the Wedding Cj arm ems : [.tying with_ her [elf 1 am" Queen : I am the dANghrer of fe/icit]. Renumba aiL JC, that are drur.kfn with m1 pkafttre,the CharllGter I have givtn JOU, and prepAre J~ttr fe!v e> ro contl!l'ld with the Htg hejf , {et J OM {elves Againft him, tu 11gainft the Anointed, for you are beu;me the Children of a ftrong (ham pioN : whofe Sonne fba~l garmfh.rou 'With th~ N lf.m~ of a Kmgdome, and fha tl postre wonders amo>1gj1 JOU, from th.e jfarreJ, wbtch {hall put the Sunne the fteward 9 fhis W aggon,and the Moon the h:mdmAid of hi1 JtrvAnts.B~ttt,O G_d,fr.e is a Lyar, 11nd the o fire- brand of dcftruUion. For, bthold;thou art mightJ, and {haft tri11mph,4nd jhah be a Conquernfor e'1Jer.

E. K. Now the Stone is full of white fmoak.

6 A

E. K. The fmoak is gone, and here fiandeth one over him in the
aire with a Book,who[e nether parts are in a cloud of fire, with his hair fparfed, his arms naked, the Book is in his right hand) a four iquare Book, with a red fiery cover, and the leaves be white on the edge, it ha th 7 feales upon it => as if the clafpes were fealed with 7 golden Seales. And there are letters upon the Seale~, the firft E.M. . 1'. T. A. V.

I.i bt-~ cum 7



...... Tafte this Book_, ut verit~As Luce TJMJ!is clarefcat,Et Lux, '1Jertt4Ufi11t vA!ida. Thon~d ~ "itlaheBcok. eft .enim tib; pottjf.tS, dandi &aperiendi hunc liJ rum mu11do & mundis.

UR I EL,, ...6'Lort.a t ibi, R.ex crx li & terr.tt q~i fui.fti CS,& venturus ,es hine enim,judic iti mcrctricis.

E. K. Now Vriel taketh die Book, kneeling upon both his knees.
U R I E L . Re joyce 0 yon fonnCJ 11f mtn, lift up JOUr hearts 1mto heaven for the fecrets of
God Me o~ened: and his 'ltord let out o[Prsfon. RejoJcr:,O JON fonnes ofGod, for the fpirit of rruth and underftlfndin g is amongff ros~. Rejo7ce 0 Jou that fiTt ofthe Sanche~try, for youfloaH be full of w;fdom and smderftandmg. Rej~7ce 0 thou the Houk ef Jae~b) for thy vilitation is at an end~ and. 6,V'ifittttio t hJ vijitAriotz i.r beginning :The foHr winas fhall gather th ee together ,and thou fha/t build up the trod}u~iri~, ,!Mifcricordi.e den wall: 7 he bridegroom Jhilli d1f!ell with thee. And lo, .behold, the Lord h~tth jJPorn, and wick,pJJ~tdttoru m . nejfcfoa!i not cnt'r mto thee, neither Jhall the Spint ~f the Highcft go from th~e, bw th} (Ath(Ts 'onv efio. boH Jha/J ha'tle reft; And thou {halt liw eternaliJ. es The bloud of the Innocent J [hall be wafhed awtfJ from thee, .end thou -fhalr do pe'!llllce )r itl4nJ d.qes. Then fhatl the Lamb Jland in the middeft of thJ {lreetJ 0 Hierufalemumd jhAi/givf Stlltllttr umothJ people and inhabu.cntJ: All Nations {hall come unto the HoH{eof DatJid : The c.Motherr . . jh~tli teach their infants , faJing, Truth hath prevailed, and the Name of thl Lord {hall be the r~ru.u prwa ff'atch-man of thee, 0 City .
u Ar.

E. K. Now all is full of a white clond.

U R IE L .... ,. Silence unto me,,:md reft unto JOf.l for

E. K. All is diiappeared, nd the fione feemeth deer.

Attionis Paccianapofi:erior pars.

6 Legi p~~miifa La tine ipfi Fr. 'Pucci, & pauca Iocutl!S lum de reglbus & aliis q~i- h~c putant dfe no[has impoHura s, & a nobis I a:c 1mla ratione tracbri,&c.

E. K. He is here again. E. K. He iitteth in a chair of Chriihll~ with his.Book in hi lap, and the meafuring YM in his_ right handland the ghtife vial in his left hand.
ll R I E L . !\ S.eting thA(. p,ower ii t,iven Hntll'llllt , a>Jd thlft Jr111h is ~ddrd. .1mU "'l MinrflerJ' 4TJd 1 .m.6eco?1N f Q ligh.elf!l4 t.rHth,. I will.open rour qe:s.,. i1'1Jti' I ,.i/1 ff~; llntD JDU ~til f the truth that you maJ fh alz! off the INmpifhntfft of your dttrk._,ejfe' liRa rrofollllli i:nurrpKI: it111d

WAtk)n truth with your f~~tlutr. Giv e M f { rher~fore) Jil;gmtlJ unto mJ 'flfiiC"<: ~tnd i1t1bi'e "'1 f-4Jn.!h -Mtbia th1/irr 11( Jflllr lmms that tlie [Ap of your ;q~d:rftandmi 111117 rerli\1: jlren!tn, 411d 'tbllt JM ~rifh



J true l_/(~lation ofDr. Deehis ABio.ns, withJPirits, &c.

'itlith IIC'~tptable T rttth, tl! the cho firvants and MiniftcrJ of the H ighej}. fon "'ot111 mu111l114 if) matjgno p~{it114 e}) and is bcceme the open {hop of


Satan, to de- Malitia, cdvc the Merchants of theE~rch Wtth all abhomination. But whar, arc you the Pcd- Mrmdt~ma, T om~a, & ler of [uch wares r: or the Carriers abroad ot lies and fa] re doctrine. Do you think Vnllit M , it is a [mall matter to tic the fen re of Gods Scriptures and myfl:cric~ unto the fcnfe and f~tching of your Imag inations~ Do you count it nothing ro ht in judgment a~ gainfi the Spirit of God: leaving him no plzce, but at your limitJrion. Is iclawful before the Son ne of God _, to fpcnd the whole: daycs, yea, many yearcs , with the Sonnes of Satan, the: lying imps,and deceivers of the W orid ~ Are you [o fa! cnncd into the ilio.p of a13hominltion) tha! you point umo the: Sgnne Bf Goa the time of his comrning, the ddcending of his Prophcrs, and the time wherein he iliall vifir the Earth-: Mo[n durfi not fpcak, but from the Lorcs mouth: The Prophets expoun~ dcd not the Law, but the voice of the Lord. The Sonne of God fpakc not his own words, in that he was fidh, bm the words of his Father ; His Difciplt:s tatJght nor, butthroughthcholy Ghoil; D . reyou (thc:refore) prefurne to teach, and open the 1 fccrct Chamber of the Higheft, being not called-: Tell m~, have you ldt your Merch.:mdizc, :wd the: counting of your mony deceir... fully goacn, to bcomc:Tcachers of the Word of God~ Arc you not afhamcd ro teach before you underftand~ yc:J,1rc you not alhamcd to lead away, where you cannot bring home-: Hypocrites you arc, and void of the Holy Ghofi,lyars you are become, and rhe enemies ofChrifi , and his holy Spirit. Peradventure you will f:1y, ifl rcJdi ng the ~criptmes we underfiand Bur tell me, by what fpirit you tmdcrfl:and them : whar Angel hach appeared unto you~ ;r of which of the Heavens have you been inlhucted ? It may be you will fay of the Holy Ghoil, 0 thou fool,and of little undcrfianding! Dolt thou not under Rand that tbc Holy Ghoft, is the School-mafler of the Church, ofthe whole Flock & C ongregation of Chri~~ It he be the School-mailcr(thcreforc) ovcra multitud~, it followcch then, that one dochinc caught by the Holy Gholt, is a leifoa or an undcrftanding of a multitude: But what multirudc are of thine undcrihnding or o what Congregation art tliou ? Wilt thou fay ,thou an fcatcerc:d. Thou.fpcakcfi fafly,thou art a runcagatc.But, behold,! teach thc:e,and thy frror is before thy face. Whofoever cloth undcrfiand the Scripturcsmuft fcck to undcrftand them by Ordinance and fpiritual tradition. But of what fpiritual tradition undcrfiandcfi thou~ or by what Ordinance arc the Scriptures opened unto thee ~ Thou wilt fay thou art informed by the Holy Fathers, and by the fame: Spirit thatthey taught, by the f1me Spirit thou underftandefi. Thou fay eft fo,but thou daft not fo. Which of thy Fore-fathers h~th tieJ rtA{on to the WDrJ of G~d-: or the nderflanding of the Scriptures to the Difu cipline of the Heathc:A~ l, {ay unto thee, that thy Fore-fathers were dear unto Chrift, were pertakcrs of the heavenly vifions and cclefl:ial comforts, which vifiom; and celcfiial comforts, did not teach unto them, a new expofition of the Scriptures , but did confirm and give light unto the myficrics of the Holy Ghofi fpoken by the Apofiles; the ground-layers and founders of t be Church. W hatfocver, t herefore,thou lcarncfr of thy Fore-fathcrs,thou tcarndr of the Apof.Hes,and what[ocver thou lcarnefi of the Apofl:lcs thou haft by the Holy Gho!l. But if thou expound the Fathers aftcrrhy fcnft, & not ~her the fenfc ot the Apofilcs,thou hafi not the Holy Ghofl:,but thc:fpirit oflying. Therefore humble thy felf and fall down before the Lord. Lay rcafon aGde, and Re~({.o, cleave unro him. Seck to undcrfl:ancl his word according to his holy Spirit. Which ho J!-cclrjia'lliftbi ly Spirit thou mufl: needs nnd, and fh llt find in A vifibte Chrch, tVtn "nil the md. llf, I will plainly fay unto thee ( That,Truth may appear mightilyio light:) Whofoevcr is contrary unto chc: will of God, which is delivered tJmo his Churcti,taught by his A. pofilc:s,no uti~Jed by the Holy Ghofi,dc:livercd unto the Worl?,a~d by Peter brought to Rome, by htrn, there taught by h1~ Succdfors, held~ and mamramcd, is contrary to ilit~rr. God and ro his Trmh.
Caltlin: Lmher hath hiJ reward. Wilfull y, C alvin hit re-ward. Ob!lio~tc:fy The reft, aLl. that h avc ~rred, ~na wilfHl!J runnt ~~ft~AJ, feparatin~ themfllves f rom the Chztr(h erring. . . -en~. CongregatJon of Chrrft oblhuately, .-nd through &he in/fig ation o their [.ither the DetJil,h{(r}e Th ~~: <i din irl ~ f en of :m H~:thtJr rewa,.J, A ginft whom the Sowne of God foA/1 pronoue judgment, faJ int, H h 'l


d true relation ofDr. Deebis .AOions,itbfPirits:.&c.

Go JfJII liectiver.s into Hdl'ftre, prt~videcl for 7011r FAther 1111a his Chil"dtm fmn t~ beginning. The Pope is . Yqu rife ttp am:mgff JOHr {el'fm, (.qing,! he Pope it eAntichrift ; For bJ thit nlii'Jie JOH c11/t not Antichrift hsm, an evtl man he may be, and fall from fm vocanon: B11t he tAn n1ver he Antichrift: FQr An1\ntichrill. tichrift u he, tbt fonne of the Devil, a man,fiefh and bloud, btJrlll of A wick.!d and deceitful HArlot, that Jhaff {educc tht: people , [well with the ftrength of his [.ether, and rejift God in Earth amongft mm, as /;is father did in Heave lf-711()g the Angelt, MttriJ denJing llis Om,ipotenCJ, ad [etti1'!g himfelf t~gainft him. [!~tws Cllli A07ou f ools, and of little Hnderftanding: When svzta the Apoftlel , tlu Kqes of 1feav"' wert pJjlolis dat.e. given, that is to [aJ, the fame authoriry and power of Chrifl: Jefu10 the Sonne of the Lit~int God, toforgiv~ Jinner, and to exciudt jinmn from the Ki,gd(Jtne qf Hea'lkH ; (And) when ltntfJ the [me Apo.ftLes;it 7'l'as [aid if' Come behind me Satan: JOU hAve not underftanding t9 foe into th~ mJfteries of the Highejl:; ifthe Sonne of God dill commend ad reprehmd hir Di[dples, -why inJ not Re member til (therefore) A Bifhop , be counted good and evil 1 ifit follow ( ther6fort )t h.ct good ttnd evil 111AJ {,"A :oske ~mc:nding Bifh?p,it fo/lowetb n!fo, thAt ne1ther go"d nor evil 11ddeth unto the Authlfriq 11fa '1Jifhop, ~Ht U11tl of t,h;s place. hiJ own fife; if he be good he rellpNh the bentfit of his goodnef{e, bl#t ifhe b~ evil, he is a Lyar, !:~:e be long' 6ecaufe hts '])otlrine is_ ain.ft him{elf, if therefore for rhe flnne .of man, G~d hAth /H./feud 711A11J ag A& ~>. A. tn tl.e fpirit of ... Anamas to fit in tbf ho.lJPlce,it l1 foryour f!nneJ fiik!~ ndfor JoUr rebeilio#s tJAtwre to he pumfhed.: And not" for the obtcunng or darkmng of h1sChurch. Opm your e7es therefore, And underftand ~ .cnd cle4fleto the Churth for the (hurch [111<!, 111nd nor for the love fJf m11n Defpifo not the Church, becaufe of the trl(nfgre/flons of man: But Jubmit your ncck._unde,. that holy yok.._e And ordmance, which {h11/l le11d you to the Congregatilln goverfl b' ned67 the SpJrit "f God, wherein you fhall underft " ";.the Jicrets of qoa his Book._, to he illter::~,::e! ~?u: prettd according to thefenfe 1[ yourJ~tther s: whofe Hnderftanding was the finger of the Ho/7 Gho}l, ~nere potefi, JON canngr Aftthorife J"Hr [elves, And without authority J'U can do notloiJJg; Therefore if JOUr authoritj he r.ot, why t4k,.e JOU ~tpon JOU the doin,p gf the {hurch which it tl one thii, to fuk.. to underjla11d. rhe Scriptures, and 1111 other thing to tt4ch the Scriptures Mcordin.J'. to his underft.,nding, for he that te~~chnh,tlllche&h, hJ Aurhomy , but if he have 110 A~tthoritJ, he is Al'l Ufurper. An ururper. tMJ brethren reflltmber rmr filves' and conjid(T JOU tare Children: JOU are not' vefhi juris, but alieni. 1 hmj'ure, do nathing thAt is of Jour fdves: But follow , (as goga chHdrtn) the jftps of ccltjia, n~ffra JoUr Mother: which M<1ther is a pure Virgin , lfnd iJ allllayes inftru8td with the wifd-om of the ~;~i~gt;, ta- Comforter; what mear.Jhe foflllgivt unto Jou her Chtldrm: and how {he fhll bring JOU 11p tmd i11~ simpliciras. ftn1l Jou: S impliciq u much '"R'Drth, and obedience is a Ga,./and hefore the L ord. But Ct~rirtfitJ Qbe~ientia. is tbr: Devil; H avtJOU lfOt ,:eAd; Th4t tbe bread of the ho/7 OntJ is ngt to 6e caft Pinto 'Dogs 1 C~nojittU 4 Lgo/z.u111o your {elver TPhether JOU he <])ogs or 1lO, See if JOUr bfe be ho/7: your doi11gs .ftraight And ~:t~~~o ~~ JHft , JourpAtien~e mAnifold : y~ur _ jflitfzon great fort he Lord t if JOM find not yo~r Jelves fo, JOII a Filii lane~. 11re no~ Chddrm; IfJOH be not Cb,fdren , 7ou are not Sonnes, If JIM be not Sonnn JOu hAv e c 4 11 : Mother , tfJOU ha".Je m Mother JOU are Dogt, JOU .are devgurers ofth bre11d o(Childrt11, CMrrlfh, Ill no(lri ju1i - fenfelejfe, And againft God. cium {la!tu ipfl Enrtr therefore into judgment with JONr {elver. dc-fce~darmu. {onjider JOH are created bJ God. ;~~er. Con,r,der JOUareredemn:d by God. s;i;fr:U Sana. Confidrr ll/fo 7ou are a/fo left to the fpiritu~t tuitio11 ,.,d comfort of God: .,hich God hmh m.ede Ecclrfi.:. ~fJOU" CoNgrtgation: a hof'! .tnd fanUified ftllowfhip, feeding AlwllJtl M brethren togtther,undrr ~be brc;~.d of his wings, and At his r ~tble: whhh feedeth 7ou wirh th-e brMd gf lift a,.d u11derftnding, with ltfc the boJ., and b!oud of Jefus Chrift the SoNwt of the Livin~ God. tlan '.ng. W11 h ut~der!fa,ding thAt JOH may lz.now the -wilt of -JONr FAther which it ill HeAven at~d /z.naw. . . ing him, 6e obedient : which is the concluJio of }QUr 'f/'OcAtion. S hak! not off therefore the 7ok.J of Gb~dent~a c{l 06ediencc, left you pHt AnMJ lfo the Cup of under!landin~, And fo ~ow not tht ""ill of 1our fin~o{lr.r vo~ Father. carzunu. But m7 thi~tk!th,JOU art jfArved 1 JoNr gutt Art (hruk..up: JOUr bona And finewet Are withered. What iJ the c:Vt.fo thereof? When 7'eceived rou the bread of the Lord? whe received JOU nourijh rmnt ? 0 JM oflittle f.cith : .end lef[e u,derftAndi.ng 7ou errt, a~td runne t~ftraJ : yvu ~re ~lind,ro#l follow not the will of "fOIIr Fat her: 'R._smrn, 1{Jturn, a,.dfAJ -.it hin JOHr fe!vu ,




~ ri~p~r11ittntu & ad Dtum


{'~114 fP.onfa) 'Tf"tMntu.

0 eternal God and loving Father, great is thy care and mercy . . , J r. . . over us , w h'IC h b ewg 1ed afi ray ( wtt h ~a tan anu t he 1ptnt ofd arkndfe) haft brought us home: whkh being blind haft fet open before our eyes: (our eyes alfo opened) the true path and line of underfianding: Happy are we whom thou lovefi fo deerly : and unto whom the care of our health is fo dear : we will therefore praife thy

trHe relationofDr.De~ his .AOions,withfpirits, &c.


thy Name, and return from our errors : we will acknowledg our finnes , and foliow thy Commandements :for thou, 0 Lord, art onely jufi: and true, and thy mercy is everlafiing: Thy Lawes are fweet, and thy love andkindneife mighty amongfi us, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Zebaoth, all honour praifeand glory be nnto thee for ever.
6 Amen, ...... After a -,hilt I rttttrn agAiR.

E. K. He is gone.
6 N ote, I read the premifies to Fr. Pucci, in Latin) whi'h fcemee to us to be wonderfully pithy,and to the purpofe,&c.

E. K. He i here againe.
U R I E L ...... Franc is Pucci,give tar vnto "'! wDrd, StAJ a "While. 6 Htre.upon Fr. Pucci did kneel on both his knees. Prttncif "" U R I E L ...... True it iJ, that, tfi thJ fpirit mrwed thu, [o G od hath called thee to the Pu"i, parta.kin~ tad w nderihndi ng of his will to be fulfilled in punilhment and wrath againft the falfhood and deceit of the earth, And thtrefore bath God in his t:reat Jovt Ad txcuding mercy ~a!itd thu awAJ frtnn the S onnes of the ACC14rfed, ad frDm the 7PAJ 'f ttnrighteou[Nij{e: -whtrti11 ifthou foiiDw him in jimplicitJ of Confcience, ~~~d rif.htiiMfnef{e ( tht JVDrkJ of faith) thou flutit be cotJfirmtd: for I r~r Unto thu, I will power , , vengeance upon the .,bolt Cllrth ' ~Uta I will ~haften herm her ir.iquit] , tt~d in tht midd.ejl 1f her pride, I .,;/J thrDw her bw11 h141i-lo,g, ~~nd Jhe jhA!! tri~tmplrl no more.. Ad lucAufo thou hAft hum/1/ed thJ [elf, 7 fpirit jha/J be wtth thu. Juicium inc;.., And thDH [halt underftad. And this wicked M onHer, that fitteth in the Holy Temple, and Gn- pit& ADIIIO neth againft the Highe{t, !hall be thrown down head-long with his pride: And he !hall bechaHifed De~. and correCted with the mourh of you two ; For at rhe. houfe of the Lord Jud~ment muH be~in. Fili!II,Strv/11. And the rete!li."! fonne mufle fcourgtd before the wtcked ferTant be punifhee4, Ftar nit, I -,ill tttt H,llt l'Mr Drds , ftrt11ft h An4 ptrwer: Ana if he heAr JOM Dt , 6ttt ftretcb far:h his h,rnds A~airifi' yoN, [.,;tJ rtai11 firt~tnd brimj/DNt [r1m Htafltn : Alld hi~ dwelling plAct.s jhAJI (ink_: A11d 'the Lak.! th~t {hail re1ffllin, fhll heAr witnejfe llf.Ainfl Mm for ever,orc: Lift *1 thJ he11rt thertfor(, ,,d defpife the H'Drid; Fight with her manf*lfr, tt!Ut bt n1t 01/ercomt. Mortot~er, ack...owledg rhJ finnes, lflld flJ unto the Lorli.. Seek,.oNt his Houfe, ..J. tilt Df his brtMl: f~r thiN hAft much ~Jtcd of it. . The feeds th4t thou hAtb {ow11 J,r,.-d, g4ther MP again, ltllft thoN ~~ Pnifhedfor tht fins of th] ]Jrerhren. ThJ fSoNie ftanderh dtare 6efore tht LDrd, which is the ca11J1 that ht h.cth mtrCJ up111 thet, 79hich [11ith 11nto thte, If thou b, Dhethent hef"rt the LDrd, fo/10}111 rhe inflru[fiDIIs ~~na difcipline of tht hD/1 qhoft: alld do the work.! 11{ righreouf,efs ~~nd ChlfritJ , my Spirit jhAII reft upqn thre. 1 h.-ve {11.id,

K. E. He is gone.
I read over the latl parcel in LA tine to Frlfllcis l'ttcci: aftc:r be had il1 very penitent (ort thanked God confdfed himfelfan offender,as be was here no~ed, &c.

U R I E L.... T-o,r JJ enance ""d Devotion premifea, The bleffing of God the F.tth~r, tht S ~~~, tUtd the Hot! Ghoft, in his everlajlinl truth And Ji:ht, comfort ]ON, blef{e ]'N, lffld tc
n$trcifui Nnto JoH.

E. K. He is here agam.



U R 1 EL. ..... Extingue /,;mm: NAm decedq.

. Deo no!tro Omtlipotenti, :tterno Lucii 8c Vcritatis Authori fit omnis laus, gratia actio, honor & gloria, nunc & fine fine. Am

Actionis Pucciantt pofrerior pars.

Videns, ( ', K.) nubem jam rece!Iifle confpexit: ut fupra U RI EL IS ca.put ( quali in ac~e) J"~osttt olim. alium v~.i~ Anoelum: cujui pan inferior, nub'i~c:acontincbatur.. CapitisvericapiUi, Clr'a q~~ P~~~-a.; I:J husnorc:t po.~''" ~~~'1

~true R.elatio11oj Dr.Dee his.dOions)'WitbJPiril!~&c.

humeros fpadi, & brachia nuda apparebam. Dexcra autem Librum cenebat, quadrata fi~a, teg mine, ( qua(i ignico, rubicu.nd6que cohre,) velatim: Foli~rum ~c:ro eJ:terior lllargo, ;~.lbicans erat. Scptclll retinalulis, quail totidem feris, claufus dTe, hber VIde'batur. Arquc fuper retinaculorum ora , ligilh quafi aurea, impre.{fa corrip~rebant. Et fuper llngulis flgillis, litter;e infuipt<t {iogulares. Super primo E, fup. 2 M, lup . -j E, hip. 4 T, fup. 5 T, fup. 6 A, fup. 7 V . .. , .. eAccip~ liurum hunc , & v~rit M lu' m11giJ cl11rej(at : Et lux , t~eriuue , fi tJt valiatt. DAtlltjl- ztbi poreftao dandi, & aptriendt hu~TJc ~ibrum, l.M'N11do, & tMHndiJ. u R 1 EL. ..... G ratia tibi,Rc:x Cocli, & terrx, qui fuifl:i, es, & vcnturus es, hi ne; enim Judiciuro

U RI E L. ..... Gaud~re, o ,.os filii h0mini , l~vate corda velhll Ca:lum verfus. ~ecreu. enim Dei pandlilltur: 8c ve rbum ejus rx carceril::us erni!fum Gaudw, ovos Filii Dei, quia Spiritus veriracis & imellioemire inter vos exiHit: Gaudece, ovo', qui de !anttuario dlis, qu1a fapientia & intdliaemi:t r~pkbimini. Gaudcce, o tu domus ]11cob, quia jam tua finira eH vitltatio, atque inc ipit v;l1tatio wa. Q_uatuor vcmi te una colligem : & ' .onculcatum r~difi,abis mirum. TiLli cohabitabit !ponfus. Et, ccce, jura vie Dominus, &._non te uwadent imp1etatcs; neque S~iritus AI.. t!lfimi atc recedet. Vcli1m, Patrum tuorum oHa quietcm naucifcemur: & tu ipfe xterna hueris vita. Sanouis innocemum' are abluctur: & ad dies multos pcrnitentia ce a~iges. Tunc C]Uidem A onus. , i~1 medio ptatearum, Rabit, Hierufalem: Edichque pl-omulgabit populo tuo, civibufo que tu1s. Omnis Naciones ad .domum D~tvidis confluent matres, fuos inbnnabunt iufantis, iis verbii : P r:~:valuit veritas : atque Dei nomen, cum erit vigil, oC ivicss.

E. K. Jam accipit librum U RI EL, utrifque flexis genibU5'.


E. K. Jam, omnia , nu be alba, oppleta funt~

vohh vero

u R I E L ..... 0-ihi ftlentium'


ad temporiJ exiguum intervaUIIm , qHie.r eft,,

E. K. Ex oculis meis prorfm evanuere prorfus.

NotA. Interea ab ipfo Angelico [ermone, pra:fcripta in Latinum recicaviconv ~1fa, leQendo expedite 1 ipli Dom1no FrAncifco Puccio, prreterea abiter pauca locutus fum, Calurnniis , c~ma noHras aCtiones tales oracularis, &c.


E. K. lterum hie mihi apparet Uriel , atque in Cathedra fedet

Chryftallina cum Libro illo , in fuo gremio : dextra autem , illam tenet virgam Geometricam : & jinijira, illflm Philo[ophiam ruitream, ut prius.
U RI EL , ... Cum mihi fit concdfa potrGas, & cum meo miniflerio fir adjuncta Yeritas; (uncle lucis & veritatis Jum falilus plenus) vellra ego aperiam oculos , atque vobil> ipfam eloquar veritatem; ut inertem illam mole: m tenebrarum velharum, et profund:r ignoranci::e, cxcutere pofitis , et in luce cum patribus vdhis aml::ulare. Voci igitur mex diligemer pr:tbere aurem, & intra cordium veflrorum liquorem, diela imbibatis mea. Ut vel.h:r imelligcntiz fuccus , vfgorem recipere poffir : & vos ipfi l.lorere policis cum acceptabili veritate, veluti fervi eleCl:i, et Mioi!hi ALTISSIMI. Totus mundus in maligno pofitus eG , apena Satane facrus dl: officina 1 ad terra: merc-atores oami abom..inandz impie:tatis genere decipiendum. AH:, quid vofne faeli eA is talium mercium [ub mercatores garuli ? vel mendaciorum et dochira: falfa:, in publicum veelarii: thmatifne vos 1 levis momenti negotium dfe Scripturarum Divinarum & My!leriorum fenfum, judicium ec temeritati a.Higare -vel1rarum imaginationum ? nihili rem e~e_flatutis, in judicio federe contra fpiritu!ll Dd, nullum illi concedendo locum, ni(i vdho ex pr<tknpto! Vobifne licec, coram Filio Dei, integros dies , immo injuftos confumere ann os, cum 6liis Satane mendaci fobole, & mund i dcceptoribus ~ Adeon~ penitus in abominationis officina m vofmet comuliflis ut Dei filio, futuri.adv emus fui tempus prxfcribere velitis, Prophetatumque luorum defcenfus : rem~orifq!}e termilllum, in quo ipfe cerratn erit vifitaturus ? Mo;fes nihilloqui ~ufus erat, niG ab ore Dei. Pr~phetre Legem non cxplicabant, fed Dei voJ:. Filius D ei propria fua non eA locurus verba , quatenus Caro erat, fed verba patris fui. Diicipuli ejus, nihil, nifi ex Spiritu fant!o docuerunr. Aud~ti!ne ( igicur) vos, vobis d~endi aifumcre munu, alilitaque fecreta Altiffimi f~ander~, minime ad id adm1ffi, vocat.lVe ? Dicitc: mihi, Mercaturamne de[eruiflis, vdharumque p~cuniarum (fraude partarum) fupputatio nes, ut verbi D ri dfetis Doaores ? An non pudec vos, ante docere, quam ipli imelligatis? Immo an non vos pudet feducere, prius1quam do mum reducerc n<m:ritis ? Hypo,ri~<~: dtis, &; SpiriJwfanClo Ta<:l.li.

eA true CJ(~lation ofDr. Deebis Altions, withJPirits, &_c._4_15

Mcndaces eife deveniltis, & ipfius Chri(li inimici, &. fui fancci Spiritus. Forraffis dicitis, ex Scri~turarum Lechone, imelligencbm comp:namus eanmdem . . All mihi rcfpondcatis, cujus fpiricus auxilio, ha ne vobi~ comparatis imelligenciam ? fluis vobis apparuit Angelus~ vel ex quo Ca:.lo, ve(lram rec~p1ftis inflruetionem ~ Fieri poteH, quod, ex Spiritu fantl:o dicetis. . 0 llulce tu modica:quc imelligeoti:e !. non imelligis tu; quod Spiritus [anCtus Ecalell:r Pxd;~gogui dl, imegri ~regis, & congregaur>nis C hrifl i ? . . . Proinde !i mub:udinis PxJagogus eft, ft:quitur, quod Doelrina ahqua, qu;im Spmtus fanCttt~ docet, inLbltCtio, documcntut~, five,intelli~e.ntta multltli<.linis. Atqui, qua: hommum rnulmudo, tu a: dt mtelltg~ntl:l! ? Vel cujus es ru Congregation is? Aliter difperjioniJ. DictCne, difperfus alicujus te unum eO'c : Fal(mn narras, fugitivus cs. Ven'un, ecct:' ce doe eo: Errorque tU US anee: tuam conflat r~c icll? .Qu :cunque ad Scripturatn incelligcmiam perveniet, conari debet ad illarum imelligcmiam prxve-" uirc~ tccundum O:dinacionem, & Tradicioncm fpirituabn. A!! ex qua ipirituali tradicione, na~tus cs tu indligenciam? Vel juxta quam Ordinatioocm, tibi eH :1pcrws ~c riptU!an;m fcnfus? Dices ( forfim) ex fanctis P:wibus , informatum d1c te , & per eundem fpil'itum per quem doce0tnt i!IJ, tuam tt d{e conrccutum incclligenriam. Dicere t1c quidem pores, vc1um non tc 't1c faccre cerrum etl . Qws enim antiquorum Parrum, r:1rionem copulavie verbo D ei, vel Scripturam imelligenciam, Echn1 corum afhinx1c di!Cipli11a:? Tibi dico, quo J amiqui Panes, Cht irl o ch:ui crane, & ccxlellium villonum, coofolationumque Ca::leflium participes: qua: viiiones Ca:ld1 ciquc con(olationes non illos docebant nova m Sqipturarum expofiuooem , fed confirmabanc, luccque ilhifirabam my(leria Spititus fancti 1 per A poliolos dec!araca , qui Ecclelia: iplt fua pofi.H~ re fundam.enta; quicqu.id igimr ab anciquis Pacribus difcere poais, ab ApoHalis difcis, & quicquid ab Apo(tolis intelligis, habcs id qu1dcm , aSpiricu fancco, fed l1 ipfos Patres ex?onas cuo (enlu mod6que, & non juxta fenfum Apoltolorum , cenc Spiritum fanctum non habes, fed (piritum mendacii. Humilcm, )giwr, temet pr:rbeco1 & coram Domino procidas, rationem femoveas, D ominoque ad h:rrras, bborelque verbum cj.ufdem imelligc:re, ex Spiritu fuofancw: quem Spiritum fanctum, 0mni ex !\Cceffi~ate inv=nirc deJes, :uqu~ invcnies in\'il1bth Ecclell~ ufque ad mundi fincm. Pc:rfpicue tibi dicam; (ut vericas potcnter in luce appareac) quitunque Dei conuarius eft volunr~ci, qu~ luz eft trad ita Ecddia: per ApoHolos quidem publicata, p~r Spiritum fanctum enutrita, 8c mundo impertita, & per PctrHm ad Rom4m uadicta, & per mndem ibidem expreffa, ab ejufdem fuc .. cdforibus recc:ma acque iu[cencata eft : Hie idem Deo & vc:ritati fua: comrarius efc. L~tthcrHI [worurn recepic mercedem. Calvimu fuam. . Reliqui omnes quo:quot erra verum, & [ponce in dev ia con~urrerunt~ feparando feipfos ab Ecclelia 8 Con3regacione Chrifci, obftinlt<! & Diaboli ( patris fui.) infrinctu , mercedem fuam rcce..:


pet~:~tra quos filius Dei.j,tdiciltln pronun~iabic, dicendo:

Ice D eceptorcs 'in gehenna: ignem, Patri vcftro & filiis illius)ab exord.io pr:rparatum. I mer vos iplo~ infurgitis affcrendo, P.t~pam Antichril-lum ~(fe (hoc enim nomine illum infionitis ) hom) cene mllus cffe poffit' atque i iua Cl\,cidcre voc:monc ) vcrumtamen Ancichri!lu~cffe 11Unquam potcft. . Antichrillus cnim ille dl, qui filius dl Diaholi 1 hom:> quid~m ex came &: fanguine natus C)! impia & (rauJulcnca merecrice, qui populos lcduc~t wmidut"quc fui patris potmda Deo rd1fl:tt in Terra inccr homines, qucmadmodutn pace r ejus io Cocb ti:c~rac imcr Angeles : pror(us dencoando 0 D~i Om inpocentiam fequc iltf opponendo. 0 vos ltulci & exigu:r i meUigemia:, quurn Aporlolis Cctl i C:lncreclabantilr chvcs : ( qthll dice res) cadent Chrith Jelu li 1i i Dei viventis , auihoritlS & poce!tas ad homine111 condonanda peccaca, & ad pcccatore:; Co::lo excludeodos, & qw.lln ei!Jem Apotlolis, vade poH me S?.tana, etiam dicebamr , non tanca e!tis intclltgentJa uc m Alcif1imi ha:c introfpicerevalcacis mytleria. Si D ei filius cum comabu.i.tbac uim <Hiam reprehendeb:u: Di!~ipulos fuos , cur non polfsc iaitur Epikopus ,. & bopus & m.1lus cenlcri? Si hinc conlequatur , bonum malumque Epiftopo i~effe poff-:: , plr( rationc inferri pollic.authontatrs Epifcopalis rationem; a bono maloye illo n0n pendere, fed ip!1us ad .Epilcopi vi~am hoc; bonum malumve fpdbre !i bonus llt > fux booicatis mecet beneficium; lin mllus lit, menda dt ; ii:tl enim ilh contrlna eft doS:rina. Promde, fi, propur hominum p~ccat.t Deus perm i(erit, rm.rlt()Sin fpiritu * 0nllnt.t fed ere in loco fando.,id qutdem propter peccat.l vc.fl ra eft, & rebelk1n paturam , ut fupplicium recipiacis : IX non oblcura vel teRebroCa ejus tierer tccldi:t. Aperite itaque oculos vcfhos & intelligice ; & EccW1l: adh:tritads, atnore ipftus Eccldia:, & non,horoU1Uin, Ncq~ Ecdefiarn contemnacis 1 proptorhominum iniqttitatis,

"Mttti ,Caf.l~



Venlm coHa iUi fubmuratis (an6to ;ugo 8t. ordinadoni , qua: vos ducet ad illa.m Congregacionem qulf gubernator per Spiritum Dei, in qua imeHiget~siecret~ L_ibri D_e~, explica~ dle juJ>ta fen(\I m amiquorum vdhomm Patrum: quonlm 1ntelhgem1a erat dJr;nttus Spmtus San&1. Non poteOis :1 vobis ipfls authorir:mm recipere, & hi ne: author~cas nihil fa cere poteG is. Idcirco c.um- Tefha authoritas nulla flt , cur Eccle!ia opera Acrave mer a veihas arripttis manus p ;:;:~fideipof- Una quiClem res elt , Scriprurarum aliqucm qua:rere imdllgentiam ~ atque alia e.ll Scriptura! docere, kcundum intclligcmiam fua m. ~i . cnim docct, ex authorirate docer : fed authoritarem 11 non habeat ufurparor !ive int1 ufor efl . Frat_re~ m:i , ~on!1de_t:a.re_ vo(me~ ip(os bene , & c?n0derate v~s ~uer?s dfe i &: _quod_ vel1rl juris non flm fed nhcm. N Jlnnguur factlttlS qualiex vobJs 1pfis: fed tnbltaus ( ut puen bom) vel1ioiis M:mis vclha:, qua: Mater pura Virgo eH, & femper aPnracleti fapienc1a ioformatur, qU(m vcl,is ( pueri: ~jus) exh ibere cibum debet; & quo vos modo educare acque in!huere. Simplicitas muln}m valet & oecdicnua, cenum ell:, coram Domwo ; All curiolitas Diabo \us eH. MaJt.7. ~ 1 ~.C An non legiHis quid fan~orum pan is, uon fie :mte cAnes projiciendus? 1 Mar, Pe nicius volinec c:xaminetis, utrum canes !it is, nee ne. Videreutrum vit:t veftra fan eh fit, opera vdha reaa.& jufl:a ; patiemia vcfrra multiplex; affii. Clio veti:ra, maona propter Dominum. Si vo!inet ipJ'os , in hoc ftatu dfe, mini me deprehendatis, pueri non efcis ; (j pueri baud lltii, non e[tis filii {1 filii haud fitis matrem non habcris ; fin vero macrem non habet, devoratores eftis ill ius pan is qui filiis dcbctu r, canini-, iNfenft~ti, &. contra D eum e{cis. In ve(ni lQ itur judicium ttarus vcs ipli de!Cendaris. P aur tJ Confide rate, per De urn Creati eft is Yu h.tr ill$ cripu~ru mulFilim Confiderate, per De urn Redempti eftis. tNM Mjif4ta. SpiritU& s. Confiderate etiam, relitli eftis Spirituali Tutela: & coni'obtioni Dei. QUi Deus ex vobis congregationem ?rdin1vit, ianCtam & (anetificatam focietatem, pafccntem femper Gmul ra~qnam f~acre~ , . fob alis 1i.J!s ~ (ua ~enfa ; . qui vos pa!cit viere & intdligemia: panx; (orpore ( nimirum) & iangusne Jefu <:hnfu fihf Det vtvenus. Inrelligemire aucem pane vos pafcit,, ut patri~ vefcli ~voluntatem incelligatis, qui in Co:liseft; Obedientia ut ill'i quum noveritis, obediern:es fachs; qux obed1encia veti:rcr vocationis fiQis eft. Nullo igicur modo obediemi~ jugutn excudatis' de Gmul eciam Calicem inrelligemia: ayobis repellads ; atque ea radone Patris ve(cri vos la teat v?lumas. Sed 'judicid meo famelici efcis, vefua comra~a iunt inteftina, offa ner'fique mariefccmt. (LU<r hujus rei caufa eft? quando -ilium Domm1 pane m recepifcis? quando nutrimentum a.ccepifris? 6 vos modire fidei & imdligentia: minoris errabs, & dev1i curritii. Co:ci eftis, pacris veti:ri , non -ebtem;.>eratis voluntati; redice, rcdice ~ tntra vofmet ipfos talia dicatis, 0 f~mpiterne Deus, &: benign: ~atcr, magna certe eft ~u:a mifericordiaque ru:t t;rga: nos, quos in ~e v1a aCl: os per Satanam, & Cptncum _tenebrarum red1.1.x.tftt domum; &: nobis co:cis pr:rpofui!ti ( vilu etinm nobis rdrimto ) veram feriuralll Hneamque reccam imellioencire. 0 nos fcrlices, quos tibi cam charos babes ; & quorum lalu!tanra: tibi cur re elt. Nomen proi~de wum, laudibus cdebrabimus; & :1. noti:ris revcrremur erroritus. Peccata conficebimur noirra, &: pra>cepta obferva&limus tua. ~uoniam Cl\ rolus , 0 Dothine, jufrus & verus ~$' & mit'ericordia t\la rete:na eft. Leacs tl.lX fuavcs iim(, et per amans hta benigniras inKr nos valida efr. Sancms, Sanctus, Dominus D~us Zcbaoch, Honor omnis latJs et gloria cibi demr in p:rpecuum. 6. tAmen. U R I EL. ..... UY.odi~o trlln[atfo temporis [patio revertAm,


~ J

E. K. Abiit.
6 Nota. 6 Interim Fr.-lncifco Puccj hxc ( qua: Anglic~ dictata recepimus) Latinc: recitabam, Nobif'que ncrvola valde, noft i'fque accommoda infcitutis vide&ancur.

E. K. lterHm iltum adef[e 'Video.

U R 1 EL. ..... Franci(ce atwniJ rumbus, virlroJ.excif't~~ m~,.

S I S T d 7 I S

P A U L U L U M.

6 HiQc !larim, Frt~ncifcfl!l Puc~iJU 3 fede lua geuibus urrffque (quail D"o !i.Jpplu.) cerra111 petcbat, l:llt I E L...... V l\!11.1m quidem eft (ut cuus te alias ~mmune fecit fpiritus ).quod Deus te voca Vlt uc pa mceps & inc" lljg~I}S cd-l~ts vuh.mc~d~ fua: explc:nd~ , in v indida. & ira (ua exc:rceu.da, contra terr:r: fallit~tem & fraudem, Atque hanc ob caufam , ex magno fuo amore, & immc:nfa mifericord.ia. fua avoca.vit tc: Deus iliis.hotnutuill, Deo.inv:iforum, & ah iojuiliticr tromi~e. . Irt qua rua vocatione, fi sllulll im.ittt.ii ., in tua coofcientiz lirnplioicate , ~ juHitia ( quz fidei fl4nt opc:ra) c~n~rmab;ris, Tibi enim dico, vindieta.m meameff~ndamfupc:r univeJfam terram


dlrwe CJ(~latkJn of Dr. Deebis AflifJ1Jt, withJPirits, &c. 417

:ltque iUarr. caHigabo in iniquicate fua., & infua: [uperbie [ummo gradu illam przcipitcm potternam; Ec quia. te demiil'um humi1"6mque uhibwfii fpidtu.s ll)(US tee~~-, iritelligtmi":1m'tu confc:qtKnS; . Ec_ mn"!lftrum hoc im_ium' quOd -in Templ o Tanao f~et ' & c<'nrra Aft iffimt~m jecc:n, -przti- E'{'th .,.c p p!tibHUI''eun\J.iJ.pcrbla lua ~ Atquc ex.ore ut.nufq~e ye!ln ca[l1gabmu -& corngetur. udtcium cnim 1 'Pelri 4. 0 a D omo [kt mchoan drlJt-t., E filius rebellis pnus flagellis ctrdi debet, quam impius punid fervus. Ne t" itn.;aus; v dr:ris cnim vcrbi~ vires & poc:ntiam adjungam. Et -velira 1i centcynnat verba m:~.nuft!llle iuas :<:omra vos fxerac.: de Ca:lv ignis atque fufpnuris ded)1ttth1 imbw:m, & Pab.tio. eju(dem iu tertam defcer:dc:nc: lacu(que ibidem remarttns contra iUum rcH ittDnium dao1t perp::cuum. Erigas igi~\lr~o.r. ~Uiil m1.m.d~ue difp.icias, & c.ontra ej1.1fdem veriHt::r p.u gua, mque ab ec de m v'~nca ul. T na P' a::~rea conlicearis pcccaca : & ~d- D ouunum contugia s, illius perqui riwdomum, & de illiu) pane comedas: ~o crri m mulcunH1b1 opus dt. Et ien;ina qux fpadim f~mina(H rccolliga: ne ,forie cu pcrnas tuas, ob fratrum tuorum peccaa Anim1 tua D eo ch:lra et, atque idcirco mifcricord1a erga ce mo.vetur, tibique dicit, G cor~m D omino o:Xd ten's; appare:rs: :i.tque- fcq1i:rris inthucrtones & difciplinam Spiritus fancti faciakl.ue opera JuHicJx & Cnaritacis, fpiritus m ~ t:s lup::r ce requielcet.

ne que uttra tri""rup}JQbie.



E. K. Abiit.
6 Ex Anolicis di~acis irlis ultimis Latine eundelll exprdli fenfum, D omino Fr. PHccio, valdt 0 dcvoco humili , & prxmi!fa ::~gnofcenti 8c :tcceptanci, &c. quain devouone ' aened ictio P .ei Patris F1lii, & Spirim fan~h, in (ua fempitc:rna veritate luccqtle vo~ confol~tur; -vobilque benedkar, ~ vobis mifer~c<>fdiamimpertiat copiolam.

E.. K. ltenmt mihi confpintus eft~ u R 1 J:.L .. ..... Ptxmiifa vdha cam p~nicenria

i::ttt Puccius, ut promiffis-pn-ficinulis ,-ovia~t.

. btttr "' ntUIIIJ 1111t1m 4/JqquAeHr m~rtiiA Arb11j11, de DQmin~ ~t111Nr'' A IIJ,ufet c,m mtJntibUI ut i/J ej114 audire Pffit. THIIt: ,_vrrttCtur ut tpm:l teliqHNm ft tld imp/ere 19ffit .A.tqui aico proprios tergat caJicetJJ, 6 V os-oro ut ill all) nobis explicare phrafem le litis obfcuram. !)~i Jlllf.eiUtNr: ;p[e {tlltit, . , . . . . . , , , Jlr,t(t( Al}gelica vox. . /li/iqui ( te;umi veftn ) ,Ji_et , "'" hu: eompleb1111t11r, fid ,., flu 'lilt Hit~ 4ir6ut , in q11ib11s Rorncr optr~~rt D""tt11M eft 1111ht,

-.At cor hK/1-eAt jincn-Hm u&umque. Jmm7l f~pe pr1pi~r detergllt cllii~Hs.

I i



eA true relation ofDr. Deebis .Aaions,PitbJiiritJ &c.


Pragte, Aprilis 30.

PaCtum, feu Fa!dns Sabbatifini.
oaoc. 14


_) Venimus e
[ Septcmb. I.lj.


?, In .At4gl.ljl~ 8,,R(1(erfio~is permi{Ji<J D. Rofc:nbergio, obt.inente nt tfd [HtHI'tii;JUnw

S !11 UJ(.;, 19 Exilii Dt{T'ttum contra nqs txiit .tC C.tfart Rod.

S E.K.fcood at_chec:n~ qfthe GJlery by hisCh~mber)looking onrint?the Vin~yard he fe~mtd to. ke tae htde man the fj 4rdiner , m all rmnner ofbehav10ur and appart!l, who is the chief workman or over~fecr of Mr. Carpio his workmen in the fame Vine-yard. He feemed very handfomty tG, prooe fome Qf the Trees : at length he approached under the wall by E. K. and holdin8 his face away-wud he faicj umo him , QHttfo dieM Domino Doaori quod veni11t 11d me. And fo went away as it were cutting here and there the Trees very handfomly, and ~sch over vile CMrrrtri by the bouk on the Rock in at the Garden he feemed to mount up in a great pillcr of fite, E. K. bade his Wife to go , and fhe who wa' in the Garden. Slte(amc up, and broughtbine word, No body. E. K. then came tome andfaid, l uhink thareisfome wicked fpiric that would allude me, and he told and fa id w me, as is before noted. Then iaid I, I will go into the Garde11, and bade E. K. come. with me. We went diWin that way ~i~h this Crurure did go: buc nothing we faw, went eo the Banquetinghoufe in the Vine~ yard, but thac place p.kafed ~ not:fo,we wem alor1g in the way by the cbffGde, and fat down on the.bank by tbe gfeac pyle ofVine-(hkes lying in the very Soutb end of the Vine-yard. And we had not lac there ~alf a quarcer of an hour, buc I ~fpyed under the Almondtree, and on the South~ fide of it, being the Wellerly Almond tree, that is ic which is fcanding on the Wefcerl y llde of the ftraight path which leadeth from th~ N orth coward the South in the V me .. yard. I e[pJ'd ( I foJ ) lik! "Jhm off.t_ire white paper IJing to/Jed to And fi:oill the wind. ''I rofe ''"and w~n~to ic, and (eo the pray1e ot God his truth and power ,) there! tound three: of my Books 4 ' lying) which were fo .diligently burnt the temn day of .Aprillafr. 1 The three Books were, noch hu B11ok_, z The 48 Claves v/ngelictt. 3 And rhe third was the Book of my gathering of the thirty Aires, and entitled Liher S cienti~ ttrreftru auxi/ii & v;Cfori.t, Thereupon e.!(. comming to me, I fell on my knees. with great thanks yeildi1,g to the God Almighty :1nd (o did E. K. whofe mind and body were mervailouflr aftetled at the fight of the "faid Books, h:1ving no Chew or Ggne that ever they had becmin chefire,neitherbycolour or favour, " or any rhing wanting. And after we had fet half an hour under the f~faid Almond~t~! prayling God and wondring at the Mitacle. Suddenly appeared by us the fclf-la!'ft Gardiner like perfon, but with his face Comewhat turned away , and no,hing thereof to be adjudged as of AtJe the 'uflome iJ, He faid , KtfiJ, .follow me) E. K. wc:nt, and I Cat fiill, awailing his retura.

tr11e 'l{!lation ofDr. Deebii Allions, withJPirits, &c.


AnJ as he went before E. K. [o the doores did feemc eo open before him, he l~d him up the oreat fiairs on the left hand by the Vineyatd dOQr,and fo in at his own Chamber door where E.k.hath his new Study, and then the door going out of that to che fcairs opened of it fclf, and he went up tbofc: fca.irs, ac At.Jtllf.th brough& him to the Furn"ce mouth where"" the Book.! and pllptrs had heen bwrnt the t o da1 of &nu April. And coming thithc:t:, there the fpiritual Creature did feem to fee one of his

This Gardiner went before E. K. and his feet fwned not ro touch che ground by a foot heJghc.

feet on the polt on the 1 ighc hand without the Furnace mouth,and with che other eo Ge19 to the Furnace IllOUth, and[<' to reach into the Furnace (the bricks being now plucked away which Hopped the mouth of the Furnace a I! fa vir g one brick thick ) and as he had reached wto the furnace there appured a great light, as tf there had been a window in the back of the Furnace,and alfo toE. K. the: hole which was not greater then che thickne(s of a brick unHoppcd,did [eeme now more then three or '' four brick thic.kncls wide, ~tnd fo ov1r hu fhoulder bAck._ward he did reach to E.K,all the reft oftb. "fta,ding Book.J, excipting the Book.,out of which the la.Jf AcriottWM 1u1, and Fr. Pucci his Recan. "tatim, alfo tc E, K. appe"reJ. n the FHrnMe all the rrft of the papers which were not M then de "livtred out. That being done, he bade E.l( go, and (aid he 01ould have the reft afterward .He wcm before in a little fiery cloud, and E. K, followed with the Books ur.der his arm all along the Gallery, and came down the (hies by fr.. PHcci his Chamber doot, and then his guide left E, K, and he brought me the Books unto my phcc.under che.Almonrl-tree.


1 586 Aprilu 3o tM~y- evew. Mane circa 8. ~ . Precibus qui.bu!Ciarn fuGs ad ~eum., & gratiis ~ro miraculo HeGerno aetis, pctebamus jam a D eo conGltUm fuum qutd de tflo mtraculo nobts eifet faciendumulterius, &c. Et quid faciemus cum Domino Rofen/,ergio, an ilium debeamus admittere ad amiciuam n o!ham & f(x;dus !anetum ? quid de ejus obbtis a:dibus, &c.

Vox. , .... Tho~ W 1lharn. ~ A paufe ~ I {i (j . b h L ,r,. ,_ lo[mbert Thou Williarn. 6 A paufe ll ptcc tt to et e ord I<.o;tlluert Tho~ Williarn ofRofenberg. 6 A greater paufe This daJ in the ];loud of the L11mb, do I pronounue forgivene(s ofjinnes, 11pon thee: IVId for A fig~Je and tok.fn : T bJ lines fhall be opmeJ, And thJ feed fhalL he multipiJtd upon et~rth TherefornAk..r llnto thee A Sheep , that is ]et A Lamh, 11-nd fpoilenot the jloc/tofthJ po()r neigh:

.K. A voice commeth down right before me faying. .. E. K. Who is this William?


eAnd, /,eh()lJ, iftheH turn thJ /elf fmt~ the North, 4nd afcend Hnto the Ho/1 r....Mountain, [11-ndl I ~ill hertAfter mak A Covevant with thee. But tak! heed, thoudefpi(e me noc. Bleffed are rhefe thAt are comforted ilf me, for their ftret:fth is from abot~e. For whofoever is rtpHk_;J. of the [pzrit of trHth, jh11tl with rjme perifh ll.I 11- fh;~doR/. ls it not [aid, if thJ qe offend thee, (;ttft him out l I faJ unto 'hee alfo, 7ea , though thy head Djfemi, c4! him alfo aJJ>.iy. Tht unjhtble Whifperings llwd ,-,ord!J Poi/Jcies offueh M are the Printo of the World, are rhe J not k._11own unto mte? 0 JDII- H7Jocrices! 0 rou little of underft~tndiug, and ~f lefs fAith, how far llrt JOU in !sve with the World, and her pomp, with the ~efh And her lightnefs or wanto1fne[s, with the Dive! ,.nJ his J~t.mnAhle fubtilfJ ! PHrge JOUr houfes, And purge JOUr Kingdmes, if JON wiil ftir up tht Confiiim"~ Lord to ftrengthen yoH; Curfed is that NAtion, that defilea ber {elf with the focietJ offuch tU Are BAfl'Arlis. ']Jut wo, w, .he uto him th~tt Ruleth not 11-oCirding to the length of his biidlt, . The chff ofthiJ Empirt and Kingdom, behold it rtm.cint th, the father [wept it not out,mi- Dt Imp~rio Ro, ther aot h the Son !if; up his hand for the name 0 f the Higlnft. & ~tglo Bo-. 0 }OH HJPoCriUJ) you are faithlefs' for JOU ful~l not rour ch~trge! htmu:. Tho11 h".fl:, ]tt time to 4WAfct, tbol'l ma7ft Jet be acce-ptable, Time yet. Thy doings let them he a Judge lmween thee llhd me. ~ Magna p:IUla . ~ V ox ..... Behold, I have f,iven thte unto Rofenberg , him .-/fo have I given unto thee l:::., The voice ~0 Who[Pever therefore Ct~jidereth not the giverJhall be calhd to account and that lliarply. c?oundcd u fntheJeAre88,Iwillfendoutmyvijitationthattheendsoftheworld maJ he k,nown; ~ndthat :an:~umyrc Juf!ice maJ Appeare in th~gtAr.ments of her Hnmea[urahle honor. ~u11~0 81. I11 the me11n {eafon, I will biefs yo" abu~~:dantly with all tht gifts Antl feui.J t~f nature. See there- "(_opfY llel1t fore, thAt you WPtk,., And labour th~tt JOM ha11ds ma1 brml forth frHit, the infr6if[e Pfthe ftctutiffimtf lArJ. D:m. I i 1 Si:t

Sex Afliws

J true reldtioa ofDr. Deel,.it At1ions,fithfPirits.&c.

six A Et ions you fh~a h~tJI : tbl fevtnth Mthe sAhlncth !the Lurdl , -~ fm Jbu4,., (lte;,l "p.-r1of thetiflle) j,,t:.innigfr~m * FrJrUJ /aft ctlth~t,l, .s the illt~(IJ'iA/ ~rh;, tbrN~h jiiWTe & Sab- -wpt1M I fpeak_.111ftO ro ' which {uffererl. upoJf rile Croj{t(flr JOUr 'R.j/t111pt111J' "'"'' tht daJ ~"'-' ~;:u;. o.f tht jixth M6neth, JtJI;I Jb~ll nflt prefume to aske ?-ny vitfcation of h;m lhtt.fp..uik._t.th 'With JOIIo .A,J. 6 1 t sked fo the [ixth Moneth( the latl: day eM.{Hing )[hAll ,cJr~.-JtJ bt ~111r ~~1 of A flton. . which Fryday. Pucci is deft/eJ., and f1ut.tl not he partak..fr of thefe fix vlfitatlons eo come: lt11t fh11 Alpllrt frlfl ,. from ~:ood you, 11nd he ready M the L~rd ]halt find him , and as he !hall be :-'ar.ned of you. N~ib/1111Ji'!l ~~~~;ayen- my fprrit {h11ll not depart from him,and I wiiJ opm h'ft'f~ftantntthlft k . "'&co~~~,l;'{l ~.,. ly Kalcn<icr of the World mu.fo bt {lf.tiJjitd with ttfti1110~J IU JJ't".o lS hi e,Md t e Tltlllltfilftdlo:'. thfr.OJB''JI'k ~ ''*d fix moneths 6 Welack(o Lord)his rccama.tionP;Wntten by h1s own an ,I cannot n It Ln e oo H~;u:ore 1\aion. Thof~: Boo~s let them he k!pt of tlm, a.r c-o mmitre~ unto th} cujlod1 bJ"'' A11d fit tlilft UJtf The rd\ red he never opened until tbe (ixrh Actio" to r;ome. Books to be Stt 11lfo thP Joll difclo not m; hA11d Arnot.ft JOU, IP lt/,e11 rifo Hp ":Ai./1 Jlllo fo ~oil cloft;{\e For hehQtd, y11u ar~ JU in the wi/Jernef!e. 1 heref.ore, be ftlent. fi:~~ ~~i~. Vn~o W illiam , notwithftandin$ ( hert4{tf1') all thin's mAJ bt 1t._,o.,,, nd mAde mMii{!ft Domini miraIf ""l m".Jt fodtJOII , dfe, JOu Jtno~ hi, not. culum fub ftFor Jllelive -within the Jilen~e fljfhe Higheft.
imtio t{t re-




fciendus efl eonfciHs fu~ umpore. Omnia reliqu.: rtflitutnlur quce i~ni eo mmurebantur.

The rell that wantc:th, fh:tll be reltored unto you: evm ,.,to the leatl and 4Clletter. Live, therefore , tgtthtr M in the hAnds ofyoffr ProteEfor. AmJ. doubt not,- but that I will he mercifnt 'unto him thAt i4 ftck._thr~tgh his ~njirmit7: l"', An),Jhl.l"o hi.s [-#Jt~H'AtUn M I hA'lJ~ J"~ifod. A11J. tlu Ji111U W'hkh re~~~lliMth ill hU F MMrl ~, And in hi1 hufo for m4nr ~ener11tiom, I w11/ mercjfu!ty hl1t out. <JJoHht not, "'l pe,cct( which""' ptAce, the,Ptlinnhrg And the e~tdi~tg)fhAil Ai-wA]IJ 6, Atllongfl fOil.

lhall I fay untO ]?.ofonoerg of yQur pre1cnt 'r. C:::. We read all anJ had 1 '-~llCourle ong _. r L\ \Vhat E. K. and 6 of all, and a:c laH, I asked rhus. merciful d~aling and intent coward him. together. Vox ..... ThAI, '"hichilfaidPJhim, th~, f"JthiiH 6 Hntohim. Adttm of Wcw Move no more q.MeftioiiJ. houfe ! nrd 6 Benedicice Domino omnia opera eJ'us, laudate illum omnes Creatu~:t eJus : laudent :Tlum c hancclor. r Angeli eju , laudcnt illum Sanc'ii eju5 : ille folus .e!LOmnipotens, .tlie .lolus oft Sanccus , iUc Protector nofrri, Illuminator ac Confola cor nofcer efr. Cinguli ornnis honor & gloria. .Ame,.

1586. M.-~ 1. On M a,.day afce.r din nor I went over the water (being brought to the water fide in the-Lord
Rofet~herghis Cofl.ch, and ]~~.,obus Me~tfchick with me) unto the Lord R~fe"~"g hii Gardens, and lodging by the water-l'ide, whether he: came eo me by appointment. To whom when I hadread in Latin ( 1x umpore) the things that concerned him, I asked him. what h~ had done, finte the time of my being with him, ,that I may thebetter und~rftand thefewo~ds fpoken to him and of.hirn. l:ie told , r:hat he had ofcen prayed , lince unto God for the fo~givenefi of his fins, and to open bis eyes how .he might fem: him; and eo make it to be c:vident umo.him whether he is to marry or no, and where,or in what flock or kindred. And if it were his divine will,chat he might receive comfort ;md inftruction by me,and thatthefe and fuch matters,and fomewhac earneftly he: had pra ycd al(o for his Mr. the Emperour, that he mighr behd himfelfto enjoy God his favour ,yea ,for his own marria&e and amending of his toofe life, while he yet liit at dinner this day at the Archbi!hops table, his heart :tnd thought did ' omc: very much upon ir, &c . At thefe hls WO(ds 1 rejoyced much to perceive the doing of the Highefc, in the he.arina ofhis pra.yer-~ait~fully pra_ & t.hac che anfwer which I read. ~n;o hi~ was fo filty applyed unto !ii:'prayer yed as he alio hHllfdf, d1 pc:rwve with great comfort and 1pmcual JOY:. He entr~ted much that I woul!f d p.ray to God that the Empercur might be reftored to the favour of God,as he was when I declared my me!lage umo him from the Higheft, I anfwered, that whatfoever the GodofHeavenand Earth thould appoint me to fay or do unto his Ma jefty , I moft willingly rejoyce in the faithful doing of it: and that it was my duty (as a Chrifrian) to pray for his l..iajefty : but I iliould not maka my promife of my prayer to be heard, but would highly rejoyce if his Imperial M:~jefiy would fo ufe himfclfin God h1s judgment, as might be meritorious in the light of our Redeemer. Such words and matters :ts this pafled between u~. And he [aid that he wollld in all points, futi\1 Vorum &pro. the advice and warning of G od, in this At!ion expreffed,& Wo111ld rnarry a Maiden as he was wllled. rmffum Wil- And this .day did acknowledge, & account bimfelf a happy man. And as concerning our mutual bond ile_ ll~fini , by the mcanas of each bein~ given to the: other by God of Heaven and Earth, he vowed and promifed Jmi rtc~rtgiS ~o- that he would regard it ic all points to the bc:fl: of his skil and power, &:,. . llflltt. Tnc(e and mher fuch gcrod feeds for the {(t'Tice of God being fown ~tweenus; he went towards his Pa~ce in the Court, attd l to the water--tide, and flil over to the (;oach awaiti,Jlgfor-me,and io.,awe home. God be prayfed.


U'IIC telatioll o{Dr.Dee his AEiions,?it.bjpiritl, &c.


The Lord R~fonhtrg f~nt Mr. f Aeob c.M~t~Jchik._with this Lecter unto ~e..

lvlagnijico Domino oanni Dee ad mantts propricu.

8\lfagnifice Domine~Pater Obforvand & Charijjim.
us p:acc:t & flllfu.Jcors l)omu:ws, lcique qaxuno p1re-<!eftJeravl uc quam lep1flime ea mllnlc:gere, perlege.re &. femper ab oculos habere poffim : per amo~ru Dei oro. ut faltem eorum, qua: mihi per\ejla &: ad me pertinent yerborum m,ihi tranfmittas defcriptionem: Non tantum mih~ multuta g:ra.titic.abiwt, fed le confolabo.r plurirullm. O.liec.rJJ p~terea DOlDinum vdtram, ailidue pro me ora re Tc:lic , ut confirmet hoc Deus quod o~eratus e~ in nob1s : 8c dirigat omnia cooElia, opera, aCtiones, imwo.& cogitationcs nQ(tras ad laudcm & gleriam fanB:i!linu nolhis li,ti, cummodum multo rum, 5c anim:r noHr:r falucem. Neque .d.eiiWlt, pro a.more .fuo pacorno, quo ll;le (uti fpcro) Domin;uio Td~s::a profequitur me, fern per in omnibus .qucr: pro honore D c1& commode ve!tro ame fieri !l debent & po}funt, a.tmonere & (~ni iicare. Rem fummopete mi:hi gratum & cxpechriuni me~dignatn & confentaneam facie c. Et cum his, me comm.endo fu is .pr:ecibu.s 5c o:ratiQnibus, nee non plterno fuo amori &. ~ordi. Optimt \'ale~ Ma_gnitica Oomt.nado vdlra Oominica ,Cantate, .Aitn() 1 ~86.
F~lius ' Am.icu.s yeller ex ani~o "

L Etatus fum i~ hi.~ qu:r mihi ~iKi!tis. , Cognovi_enim quoniam n~_udivit 4erre_cationern ~e~m pi-

WiihtimiU 'R..; Manuprop.ria

~g~ #t fl'tli~tt i11tei~igM 'Do!l'inAtil1 veftr~
fi!IIAm quAm ver_ A Q.NiA mibi in f~ ntJn fuit J V tnllitJit~,,;, LitJ[./111 LfltinA ,d- pemiJJi. in h~c re C()njden vol~.

eAqt~e fcrifl" [u11t' & confldn-lt plus "'''"'"'


I had tranflated thii Sunday morning, the fame parcel of the fonner Action into Latin for the Lord R~fe~eTg w~icb he then fem fo.r, jump at the time , when 1 haci 6.niJhtc it ~ And fo I fent it b1m mclofed .m a Letter.

t.M.4J 6.

]3oing }.ueldav, I eotred my Jowney coward l'~lk!n Glaffe-houfe, and /Aipjg

Tl\C!{e are diver.s V tfik.tlfttws, one by Egr1, or EJI,,gcn, not far from Crls Bath, welward from PrAg,about .18 Eemi{h wiles, .another in B~hem, a~ou~ r I or I l miles from Prttgt, nonher)y, a mil'efrom. Kr~bit::., and two miles from Lit.p,and a m1le from K~UJ~nit:c-.

My .11 I came to uipftf., on Sunday the I I of MJ, and was at Peur H~t111 SwArt1:. hi1 H outdodged. ] found LAurltt(l' Overto11 , (with much ado) an Englilh Merc~am: to whom my \'Yi(e (~~lal year) had fhewcd no tittle friendJbip eo himfdf, and Tlwm111 his partners lervam, iri the time of hi& lying tlc.k in our Houfe, Bee. at Pr"!..'; He came from ,.glAnd a[ Mid-le"t , he
confdfed that dmrmd my fervam had been oftemimes with him, at his Houfe, and that he did think tita.t hewould come witb the next Ships afttr his commin~ fcomE,gl-a, then to come within 16 dayes. I perce\vrd by his diverfe exprdfe fayings, chat he wa1 but a hollow friend unto me, and feemed half afraid to.de:~l e.ither with me, or my man. There, allo I f.ound a CQUrteous Geotlrn1an c~lled Mr.Fra~WiJ Evers,the Lord E111r1 his Son ne of the N orth. And of all other matters omittmg the rehbr(al in thefe &cords, ( chofe.rnatters I mc~n whi'* at Leipfhh ~oo in ~his Journey harpeocd notably unto m!! , or I did my (elf). one Letter whU:h l. w tOiMO thl: Q.4CC:fl of Egi,.J ~I sc,rettry' the R~t Honoorable Sir I ,4/Urtilll'tUpllghp, u folhvmh.


41 z

@A trHe Relation of Dr. Dee his 40ionspithfpirits~&c.

Right Honorable SIR, Lbeit I have (almoft) in vain come a hundred miles (from Prage to this Leipjich Mart) hoping either to meet my Servant there, with anfwer to my former Letters, fent in November lafi to her T\1rt jefiy (when alio I wrote unto your Honor, and divers other). And fo with fpeed from this Leipjich to have fent again, mofi: fpeedily as occafion iliould have ferved. And now, I find, neither fervant, neither Letter from hi~n, neither word of tnouth: yet all this notwith.flanding : and whatfoever the hindrance or delay hereof be (whether the keeping back of my Letters from her Maje.fiy, or the manifold and importune, mofi weighty affairs publick hindring or delaying her Majefiies mofi: gracious, difcreet and wife refolution lu:rein :or what other occafion dfe hath and cloth caufe this long and wonderful delay of anfwer receiving. All this notwithfianding, l thought good, before I fet up to my Coach, to vi ... fit, and mofi humblyto falute your Honour very faithfully, dutifully and fincerely, with great and the fame good will , that my Letter Come yeers fince written to your Honour , (butt hen) a finmbling block unto your Honour and other , for the firangneiie of the Phra[es therein) doth pretend, [o it is, right Honourab It, that the merciful providence of the Highefi , declared in his great and abundant graces upon me, and mine, is fo wonderful and mighty, that very few, unleffe they be prefent witneffes,can believe the fame. Therefore how hard they are to be believed, there where all my" life and doings were confirued to a contrary fenfe : .and proceffe of death contrived and decreed againfi the Innocent, who can not eafily judg. I am forced to be brief. That which England fufpeB:ed, was alfo here, for the[.e two yeers, almoH (fecretly) in doubt, in quefiiou, in confultation Imperial and Royal, by Honourable Efpies, fawning about me, and by other, diftourfed upon , pryed and peered into. And at length, both the chief Romifh power, and Imperial dignity, are brought to that point, refolutely, that, partly they are forry, of their folate reclaiming their erroneous judgment againfi: us and of us , and feek means to deal with us, fo as wee might favour both the one and the other: And part1y to Rome is fent for as great Authority and Power as can be devifed, and likewife here, all other means and wayes contrived, How, by force, or for feare,they may make us glad to follow their humours. But a1l in vain, for force humane we fear not : as plainly, and often, I have to the Princes declared :And otherwife then in pure verity, and godlinelfe, we will not favour any (my words may feem Very marvellou~ in your Honours ears: But mark the end, wee have had (and thall have to deal with no babes) I have full oft and upon many of their requefis and

1r.e reJ4ti~ ofDr.D~e his /JUiont,witb(pirits, &c

and quefiions , referred tny felf to her Majefties an[wer , thus, in vainJ expeCted. Nunciu-s' Apoftolicw, (Germanicm lvfala Spina) after his yeers [uit unto me to be acquainted with me, at length had fuch his anfwer, that he is gone to Kome 'vith a flea in hi~ eare, that diquietcth him, & terrifieth the whole State Romiih and Jefuitical: fecrerly they threaten us violent dearh, and openly they fawn upon us. We know, the fling of Envy, and the fury of the Fear in Tyrannical minds , what defperate attempts rhey have and do often undertake. But the God of Heaven and Earth is our Light,Leader, and Defender. To the \Vorld:. end, his mercies upon us, will bread his Praifes, Honour and Glory. Thus much very rhapfodically-, (yet faithfully) tan~Jtllt dictum jd.pienti, I thought good ro commit to the fafe and fpeedy conveyanc.e of a young Merchant here called Lawrence Ocz;erton : which if it come to your Honours hands before my Servant have his difpatch,I (hall or may by your Honour be advctdzcd. Your Honour is fufficient from her Majefiy to deal and proceed with me, if it be thought good. But if you make a Council..Table Cafe of it, QJ!ot bomincs, tot fementix. And my Comii: f10n from ahove is not fo large : Q!!i poteft cape re, capiat. Sir, I trufi, I fhall have Juftice for my Houfe, Library, Goods, and Revenues, &c. Do not you difdain, neither fear to bear favour unto your poor Innocent N~ighbour. If you fend unto me Mafier ThCJmd'S Diggs , in her Ma)efties behalf 1 his faithfnlneife to her Majdty, and my well liking of the 1nan, {hall bring forth fome piece of good fervice. But her Majefiy had been better, to have fpent or given away in Alms , a Million of Gold , then to bat;~e loft fom~ opportKnities paJ1. No humane reafon can limit or deter mine God his marvellous means of proceeding with us. Hee bath made of Saul (R K.) a Paul: but yet, now and then, vifited with a pang of humane frailty. The Almighty blelfe her Majefiy both in this World, and eternally : and infpire your heart with fome conceiving of his merciful purpofes, yet, yet, not utterly cut off from her M a jefty, to en ;oy From Leipfich this 14 of May 1586, at Peter Hans Swarts Houfe. ToHr HonourJ' faithful wel-willer to ufe and command for the honour of God and her Majefties ~eft fer'r:~i,e,

To th~ right Honourable "Sir Franci~ W aHingham Knight , her ~~toft ExceUem Majeftiel Principal se,ret~try, 111] ftntHIP good Friend and P~troJt> with JPeed


IUuflriff. & Maf..nif. D. mei Colendiifrmi

Enedi[tio Dei Patris & mera gratia & mifericordia per unicum mcritum JcCu Chrifh, illuminatio Spiritus S~n.Cti, confirmet nos cum omnibus Chrifhanis, qui magno. cum zelo , propter gloriam e_jus ~ crucnn, tribulationem , & pra!fentionem a ranc.i<.lo atque putido Cco:rto Bab}loltico, in tnrbulentiffimo hujus mundi Oceano p;Himur , ut exc=:rnplo Jefu Chrifii qui e.fi in Patre .. virtute &. auxilio SpirituS. h~c omnia perferre patienter valeamus ad nomini~ fui gloriam animarum nofirarum falutem. Amen. & Ivlirum fortafl"ls videb.itur Dominat V. quod ignotus ad ignotos fcribo imputabiris bonam. hujus culpx. partem jufiiffimo dolori, q.uem ex rumore rparfo ) & ad me delato propter D. V. concepi: mirari-enim non [atis pofium pertinax fiudium befiia! ifiius Babilonice, qu; nihil intentatum relinquit, nullum non movendo lapi~ dem, quo hominibus vdha! natio11is pr~cipue piis & amantibu~ lJei non folummodo nocere fed & funditus perdere .fiudet. Elapfo e.nim undecima die huju~ menG.s Legatus Pontificius Libellum fupplicationum ut vocant) Ca!f. Majefiati obtulit quo J).V. Nioromanci~ & aliis artibus, prohibitis infimulat, alii[que calumniis graviter accufat copias hujus libelli habere potuilfem, fed nimis fero hac de re fum certior faB:us, nee-tutu m & abfque fnfpitioneefi qui ilium ex ltalico in Latinum fermonem tranftulit petere. Qp.are cum hxc omnia vana a D. V. ut hominibus Chriftianis & Philofop.his certo fciam Epifiolam banc cum tenendi turn admonendi caufa exarare libuit ut promptiores & pa.ratiores D. V. ad refpondendum offendant. Pcto itaque ut eo animo fufcipiatis quo fc.ripta efi fcllicet Chrifiiano integro & candido.Valete meque precibus veftris Chrifto commendate.

P 0 S C R I PT. Ante aliquot dies tranfmijiJfem . D. V. Litter M fed ]..,~. V. peregrx prufeti:M effe mihi jigniftcatum fitit poftqnam aut-em a fcrvitore genero-fo D.a Bikerftein cog~ noviffe";n (Ferdinando Harnik..) D.V. hanc noftram remifJe patriaJ1l,intermittere non potui quin ilbtd quod Juliits Arcaaiusf~ rimA 4 Verdeman. vejlrJtm intereffit fcire ./itteris iftis jignijicarem.

llluflriit & Magnif. D.Joanni Dee & Edwardo V, &c. Dominis & amicis meis colendi!f Rceived of Mr. K elly on Friday before Whit~ funday, after my return from Val"-.enaw. 1586. Mr. K elly received this on Thurfday before Whitfontide, ~) May I s86.

J true CJ{~lation (}fDr. Deehis At1ions, w.itbJPiritJ; &c.

I/luftriffinro Principi
~'":'~Domino Domino Wilielmo UrG.no hereditario Domino lnclite DomU:r a Rofenberg, Domino in Crommaw quiti aHrei vellerisC-x.farea; MaJ~ftatiJ i1ttimi co11jilzi Con{zliario)


& in Kegno Bohemia; fuprem<J B1ugravio, &c. Domi11o & P atrono meo Cohndiffimo. Llufiriffime Princeps , nihil mihi gratias a Magnifi.cG Domino, Schonbt:rgio. turrari ~oterar,quam vefira~n Ce.Ifitudinem .rro~pera ulte.rim frm valecudtne , Dum ego vano, dtverfo, & tntncato quodam fueram jacratusitinere, peJ 1nontes, per valles, per fv lvJ.S denftffimas, per apertos campos, & per nivem profundam, & nobis fere inperviam. ; Et (fcmpcr tamen nos protegente altinimo) tandem fani , Jalvique illefis tarn equis quam curru Celfitudinis vefir~, rever.fi fumus. Pro quo pro!"pero fuccelfu,. [ummas Altiflimo agimus gratias, & V dha: Ccl1!tudini infinitas a nobis deberi f:-ltetnur. Dum abrum contra nos netcio quid fall! incipit ill:e Apoftolicus N ~-tnciJfs vel leviter nimis credere, & tcmere conq ueri, vel a feip(o excogitare perverfx. Ver.l: fi ita petgant(habito jam nofiri,per bieniliwn experimento fatis accLu~a-to )iHi q.uidem,qui pietate& fapientia, (faltero vulgares) dePcrenc fuperare homines omnes, omnium hominum femet declarare 1Haxime invidos> malitiofos,perverfos,fanauinis humani appetentes , fuperbos, innocentum carnifices, & pior~m in Chrifi.o Calumniatores exitioios,&c.Vere ( dico) cogemur pulverem ex calceis ncfiris excntere, & alias in mundi partes nos conf~rre. Et nifi vefir~ CeHitudinis haberemus eam quam debemn.c; confider<Hioneln : Et nifi nos ipfos veftrx Celfitudmis pr~fidio quocunqne armato ( q uafi) minnros exifi:imaremns ( pr~ter illud invincibile , Dei Opt.Max. agmen invi~btle) fl:atim a?ire ex hoc regno conaremur. Curare eriam debet iuaCa~farea MaJeftas, ut aliquo modo, & citiffime ,perfpe8um toti huic Regno effe pofiit,no~ duos non folum verx Catholicos dfe,fed etiam vera: pietatis & pacis Chrillian~,eife amantiili.mos. Per litera.s ifias non eft opus ut plura effundam, fpiritu s mei fervore quodam. Sed diligentiffime & circumfrettiffime refpiciamus nos utrique, wefiimabile i)ei,qllod nobis utrifque contulit Donum. Sumus eoim quaG. tres. Sed in uno Deo,urms quafi vir eife debemus. Myfierium hoG notate I ..D. E. K. W. R. Nam qui me habet, habet & E. K. & quem ego meUJn habeQ, ille etiam ipfius meiE.K. cenfendus tftelfe. 01nnipotens ille Deus qui cunfra creavit, vefiram 11lufirialmam Celfitudine.m, fu~ divin~ JuH:iti::e,& Glorix Comimni..ftrum & co-operatDrem nobis conjunga.t & diutifiime co.c.ferver.

Prag.x, Maii 26~ Anno I s86. IU~tJfrijfime Celfttudirzis veffr~ Jidelifftmu-s in C/-;rifto S ervitor. Joannes Dee.


, - -- -- - -- -4 2. 2 true

reldtion of Dr. Dee bi1 Aflions, 'R)itb JPirits.&c.

-- --~ -------~-~----------

Incvi&liffim-x. P otentiJFmeque f4crz fu~ C~fare~ Majeftati Hungarire, Bohemix> &c. Kegi, &c. &r:.
Er aliquot jam hebdomadas , InvicHiTim~ & Cratiofiffime Czfar> aures no!has circumfonabant rumores varii, quafdam contra me, & focium meum, pra:parari accufationes graves & exitiofas : Veftrxq ue Sa er~ Cxfarex Mll jefia ti offerendas fore vel jam oblatas eile : Et prxterea Sa era~ Vefiram Cxfaream Ma jefiatem, quorundam peduafionibus,prene eo perdu8am die, ut aliquam mala m, &nobis periculofam> de nobis con~iperet opinionem.Vdhx igitur Sacrx Cxfarex Majefiati humillime fupplicamus ur (Authoritate fua Cxfarea,interpofita(illius,cujufcunque contra nos exhibiti libelli, copiam, accura:te & verbatim exfcribi, nobifque tradi,mandare,gratiofe dignaretur,Sic enim nofiris refponfis ad accufationis contra nos confiB:x collatis articulos,.citiffime & clarifiime intelliget fua Sacra Majefias Ca:.farea, quid in prxmiffis, (:Uffi J ufiitia, ad Dei honorem & Reipublic~ Chrifiian~ utilitatem, arbitrari, vel ftatuere poffit aut debeat. Et de hoc certiffimi nos fumus,favente Deo,(quod adhuc, et nimis diu, aliquorum negligentia, et contra nofiram voluntatem, Vefi:ram Sacram Cxfarem latet Majefiatem.) Nos cum Vefir~ Sacrx Cxfarex Ma jefiatis perfon~, turn Reipublic~ Chrifiian~, per vos longt! utiliores, gratiorefque eife poffe,quam omnes, et quotcunque hie nofi:ri pr~fentes adverfarii : vduti ipfa docehit veritas ii prenesVefirx Cxfart~ Majeftatis aures proprias,eum poffit habere favorem, ut gratiofe audiri queat Deus Opt. M~x.Sacram Vefi:ram Cxfaream Majdlatem fua Divina ahundantiffime illuft:ret gratia abrachioque fuo extento, contra, Chrifii atrociffimos bofieiImperatorem reddat triumuphantiffimum Amen.

Maii ~s,


Sacrz Veftrre Majeftati.r Cxfare:E H~tmili.r &- jideli.r Ser'Vitor, ad Dei promov.endam gloriam oannes D~e. lnviCiiJ!im~ potentijfimeque Sacra?. Jure C:Efare~ Majeflate Hungaria:., Bohemi~, &-c.K.egi, &c. &c. Domino meo Clementi.Jiimo ~ Patrono incomparabili arJ mantH propria~ expeditilfime Edlor

tnte 'l(~lation ofDr. Deebis Al1ions, withJPirit!> &c. 42.7 ~.

Dlor gojlronger lirbor bortra:tter frmmdt,Difejhtmdoift mir dafrx, brufflainJu ~mon,Darauf~ichzuzi: fondon frondron Cotte.rdiono't behor'Lt ganuottvon~.oman, In f nmma craf'L David frazbt ifl waar , Mirabilis Deus in fanB:is fuis Deus Ifrael, ipfe dabit virtutem & for.titttdinem plebi fu~, Benedictus Deus. Difo Varfolg1t1tg wirds lnon, ( obgottcoill) In Iror wolfart gor ... ricbon und don Lonidon In Irom [pot.

Dentibus fuis. frement , &: contabe[cent defiderium peccato-. rum peribit. Dom gutton Jungon Gortn Civillor got Joinrm horrn vndjicffolbft or~nam.) ~an afu foelvnd Crib goholjfonwordon. Daf'ZJ Vborig crollen c~ir cunnadtlich brld Vorricbton , Inte1im, So brott.r lch, fie bon :moiu & angon , Jum fermmdtlichfton Jubo gneoffon, va ... da'rim t.rouots grazuott lna, Juofforiron, Darbinbegott jhimt vnf'L Von Nanafa In arif!.k..ftil.

Datum in Eyle Kaudmit1., don 28 Maii, Anno


Des forru trruoer

Wilfclm Moim~tigne handt1.

Horrn Lafpar von Schonburg aujf Voplit'tl Moinom Vartranotr4 gutton froundo ln folbfthandot..

Cito Cito Cito Cito Cito


4 2.8

J true relation ofDr. Dee his ABions, fl).itb ffirits ..&c.

sOwtlcr Rum~Jchenn Kayferlichen a1u:h Ju Hungern unds Be.. b om K oninbchon Mapt v":[or s allor gJtadigjion horrn cropen Dot1ori Joanni de Dee Engellandorn , anformoldon. , Daf<L Iro Mapt ja1tj~ jondorn vrgeblichen > bodencfilie.hon vndt billichen vtfachonjottt fchlo.!Jon fom fnovndt dio fo.migon In Joror Atlapt ~ tstmg R..uch Bobem Jb wo/1 ah andorn dorofolbrm Fomp Kanchon, hurftant gumbombon vndt Landon longer nicht lnrluldon nach julugivn Hioraujf fo fuN nun Jorar Mapt End/ichor oriOe tVndt trufter beurhlich Dafrz.. chrjicbfambt foinom Worbe tindorn, tVmdallo1l don foyinpen, fo wofl als foinem Conforten vndt Jugethanen boy vormedanp Iron Mapt truften vnnachlvfrz.,lichemt ftt--ajfland v11guad, lnnerhali dru Negt nachoni-andor volpomdon [echs Zagen, a/hie or heve, tVnd jichalfrz..balet daranjJ vrn hinnon, aufforhalbgedachtor Jorar Mapt K oningraich Behannb vms andoror ]~ror Mapt Koningraich, Cu~jfantbumbay vndt Cainder begeho difeilben Durchauf~ Jun K unjjtigmedr Nuchfuf forror Darumen, weyternicht befunden nacb hetreften laffe Damit auf'"k den lafll lafTalba tVn lmo odar den feympen auch doupy Jme Jupethaury, vngrhorfamblicfay tVborganpen crourdo lrr Mapt Inn trufton einfchon vndt Straff, fojie lirber vormitton_ fchonvrolton nicet Vernrfacht wordoun , Wolton In Mapt, lme Jwmdtlicher Nachrichtung, nuht porgen. EJrz.. hof'"kfefe auch Hieran lror Mapt foruftor Willey tVndt mainug. Decretum in Conjilio lmper.ztoria! Majeftatis fecretiori. Prage xxix Maii, .Anno Lxxxvi.

E. Waldtnons Saylddt.

Decret DoElor Johann de Dee lTO.r Ma.pt Konigli1h Bohomb fo woll ,zls andors lror Mapt Lander fureamboy. Doctori Joanni Dee ojferendum

1 received this the 30 day of May, Anno 1 586, klane hora nona, By one of the Chancery Clerfts.

The Copie of the Emperour his Decree , of our Banifoment oHt of his Kingdomes, Duk,!doms, &c. with onelJ fix daye.r

(VI INte reltltionofDr.Deehis AfJioM,ttJithfpiritt;&c



e/llirt# 1 s86 18 ]'~J_tsii in Erpburdia Thuringi:r.' fUO' Jlillftrif1111J# D,inJH Ro1cobergius ~ mifmtt J oannem Carpwmm .ed ,o;, li:erbf.U, ~ maxnni 111t_.J~ xart futii'I'.C, Dei~ teaigeret wlll11t4ttm, & de AliJs rein-s, &c. Ego vertJ jAm Cafidb: trAm;, Heffia' & Erphnr~ di~ trAt D. Eduardo Keleus. ~ui [II]Jtr .qu...flkt~t.illll & pttitidnJh.u IHwftrtjfimi ju.Jfiu erAt divinitl# ChArtAm mund.tm fuper A/tare, ante _S.ccerkte716 M;j"Am ceJelmnutrn. p,omre, qHod &- 6 fic.it, .tnM'& die fu'fT'r {&riptls, c..MoJZajlirio Minoris OrJiwls s. Francifci, inter heirAm AdmonitiV; t) & 7 MN4CkQ S1-'<1rt Mij{lllll CeiJ,rfUIUo _fi,it~t Mif!' hu iJUIC feqitltr il9 Chllrta invenn. .i1111tur pti/Gb,e [iiTiptl4 Sui. dir jiqfltllt6, poftq""'"' exfcripra trRnt pr11 11/uftnjfiMo Trincipe Tempore cxiln f/lfl.i"H'Wnlter~ omml/ine.-.(j' llttr, nibflq'" in 11J11 {h11rta, poft vifibh perm.cnjit, &.t. n'flrj,



Nat)os6 t~IZ omm~s .vocat~ in Judicium, . oram Tribunal !hbunr. Populus enim tebelli5, c cimiumqtt'c hujus munch ckd1ms voh,qnati, mei jamdudum ira furoris irricitus tabefcit: Ita quod, neque ad CiniHram ncque ad desnam (ed ad volunratem mea m perinplendam, declinandum dl. Beatt!S iRe: quimt.bi rll',tOOatque patris mei ebediens efi & pell~veranria decoraws. Ma\cdit'ituY llmem' ~uirnc:ndax opel'ibtAS, perdicas verbum meum: .quia fcmdalo mulcis er it' &: ignorrHrn~ pacis E vange.lti mci Ego cc f.jNiitlM~( quia manus adjunsi:fti mihi) Davidtm ad GoliAihA jugulandum con!litui & conlllcuendo tfflexi,
Mur~d0 igicur:rd-gloria1n mearn ucere, ~corpus mum erigc in me, ad juHici:un tnearn in fede d"9iatcoliocandam, e< (uperb-iam iniquilftmalin turpiffimamque ( illorum qui po!ucrunc fedem meam, in f()aet!lctw ~em blat'ph~niz & aborninationis ) ::td penitus tum conculcandurn, rum eradi

B(at~ eHim eris in fonitttd ine manus & fpiritus rne-i, quia audire preces tuas. Noli igitur wnput vijitarionu tHtt negligcre: 1~d f~ertte zelo & indignatione acerima, & con junClam ruis ptri:etrbu'S, v1rgmem in uxoem accipe , para ram lumbts & fenetruti ru<t illamque am:indo diligc, & diligen:io fove, ut mea in te & in illa benediCtio pollicita manifdh fiat. C;tve porro, oe quos tibi in auxilium para vi, fcrvos meos, vd negl igem:ia vel timiditate tua, aliorum (le patiaris e)( tn:~oibus tuis vel tanquarn ove~ ab ovili tuo, malis artibus & iniquitate~ eripi '!"is enim ittud i\.mipi~t quod datl.i~ cfi :l me~ Cog.ita ~insr ac vigiluldo cura, quod ha&c:nus lefum elt Friflgam tlamque trzoum Satanz 8c inirnicis velhis. BenJJ:hctio PatriG a Spiritus mei, ~ confolatio me ( cui fubje8:a dl omnis pote!las ) fit tecum


A puEia dtnique monitus cdfa ut c.um mecWM loqueris , vita rua fit lwnine- ac gratia U\fJ


the fame J"'l th~rt the Bi[l9op fPlacenza Nunews Apofiol!cus d~ti exkibit to the ,.perour" libel A~mo 1 s&l. t,M"jl "I if m11/f hor-ribl~ untr~tths, &~. .At hit goi,.g fro Prage he h4d thAt Nunc ius hleJ/btg, Ml&ii 1. &~. f, the mtrmt! [pace, tU~ after his mrn t~ Prage ~tg.ci11 it h.cppened fo, thAt the 30 of M~ 14ft, I relieiflea the EmptroHrs &om,...tuilllr:nt, I, ,., C11mp11nion, "'ml 11/1 mine to tltparD within p d"'Jts-ont ofPrav,e uti. &DftquentiJ oHt ~J.Il his KingrUMel , DHI(:domes and L.c,JJ, W/#ch 'WI1 '"d, ,}. r~N"e Nmt to Erphurd in Thunnga , Mli f""etimtsto Catfel whethn' y,e b,J removetl DHr goods ~tnd f:;miiJ bJ rea[o11 theSeltAtort ufErphurd JliiHid give M leve tiJ hire AnJ hofl[e thqe aJ 6oth br the Lord Schonberg in the nAfm of rlu L"d Rofenberg, I wM ~/[ttfttl, with repulfo JWMwa, a~ l/(1 Al'" ~! .u od E. K. prvtti, ]11/J J, 8, 9, I o, r I~ 11, 13, 1-4 ..Aml"" THeft., ( tht I s ~h d.., of]ut) <JJoflor Cura broHght 11pward from the Senat thAt ,h,, wMI/d nit [.Y4n& N~r ReqHt{f, yu norwrthft~~nding, if thr L()Ta Roienberg woHIJ. AgAinfet~d Nnto them ill the mAtter; ffl6J 'W01fid t~bmerflfm the m~trer, &c. N(J1JI rdme111hr thAt Francis Pucci cAttu to Erphurd a. Th~~r[J"l lf{ter 1r1r [11pptr, ]J41') Ie { (hlo .10\"o )~t~~hoJrf~llack._,, 4 bor.Je hich lu b...d bought At Mawnberg1.,ire, fi-e. ,,.,, th~ [ tth he alfr;o.r[t-a "~Nth E. K.Md me, tbiU lu ,b,t~ght Jl'e mitht. Jfftlill f~TJ~IIt' to rto,,., ;oPrage tlf.4i" ;f w.rt'lluLd, Tlua he- haa foH~d this Nunc ius Aroflolicus IIJ()Tt CtlttrteoNJ th~n M~lafpina ; f ~hom he ,eporttd #fo~ JDAt it -rPM rredi-b!J nifarn~ed thAt ht WIU fore offmdtd that wt f.11V# him no"'"~ hono1mcbU titli i.u our {Ft"hu ttt him, rhm Reverendioima Vdha Patc:raicas. ThiJ Pucoi fr4~ the dij'CDurfl of his tAll(..to perfwad411J to thin~{_welL of rhii Epifcopils' PlatenthAi h~..1/lliS. cbllritlfhkr~r~~~ards 111, ~Znd forrrrtr thAt 1/ff 'Wn't fu HtiCIIIrtlflujl J lljtti, t}utt ht nltA8t .,b;,g tlfo in hisJute rtJ the i.mperollr ag4i11 f1' ui, bHt thAI .,, might ~~ IXIItnined , tllld thcu bc:in~

b~Hfe 11t Pngf!- , .ill the mltllfe [pAct h~tti """M. FraJlkford. ~tpon- Me ne , .-d went from Prage A6oHt 'I'~cc/""'


M-r. fr;mcis Pucd Florentine, y,hom


"'! goillg t~ Leipfich I left;,~ M 'F



d true Relation of Dr. Dee his ANionspithJPiritr,&c.

[o11nd faHlrJ, -we fh1Juld be ienc te R9e~ but afcer eh a~ he had begun tmove againft us th;tt he foHHtl the Empm;ur more e"teriJ bent againlt us, than he him{df ,-.,as. '

No re.
The t ord ~fenbergco1d us that when he did (in our b<Jhalf) advi.fe: the Empetour of hi error 'COmmmed in our extermination, that the Emoerour anfwered that this N1mciK1 from his firft Audie n~e did urge [o vehemently againR us, and al(o the Pope _ha~ [em. corr.mandmcnt_ by Letter to hnn to delm:r u! and fend us w Rome , that he was forced-m manrtcrto do as he d1d. But if the commandcmem or his Decree wt:re to be made again, that it fhould not pafle, or if this Nunci1U Ap-j!olicU6 had not f~m t~is Decree a~ay to Rome, ~at he fhould not fend it,&c. This I !late m refpcEt of the comramty m the NuncsH4 aifenron, and the Emperours, of our fo hard ulage. The fore(aid eleventh day of ]ulJ, the forefaid Fr. Pucci to prove thi> his intended perfwaGon of theNunci m good rneaniQg toward us, and to make us be,leeve that great benefit w<;>Uld en[ue our 3oing to Rome, did bring fonh unto us a writin~ of his own hand which he read unto us, and at the hearmg of it we muled much fl)r many caufes I asked hjm then why the Nunci1U had not fubfcribed this writing. lt is nll one [aid ht: for that ; l-;lath he heard this read ( qtioth I,) yea, that he hath heard me read this three (everal times , a rife unto him {fa id he ; ) And 1f you hke of it iaith he, wher.eiq,his power ferveth him not to performe as much as is fpecified in the writing, he will make and ufc meanes'to have it from his Holineffe; well, laid I, take a copy hereof Mr. KellJ, fr I was rid ing coward S~tifei/d abom a h oule getting; Thereupon (aid he, contented, but 1 think i.t a-~eeccr tO fave and ke ep the original it fdf fa1d . K. W ell, iaid b1cti, and fo the original WilS delivered to E. K.

After 10 of the clock the fame Friday, being the d evemh <.hy of this moneth, after break-fall I rid toward. S alfula about r:1e houfc ot the Earl Alhert o( Swarf:>.jenherg, &1. But after I was out of Erff~~rd until my return again , l was fo (ore vexed in mind to think of Pucci his return to our company , M well fo.,.,hu unquiu nAture jn dtfputMiORJ, .u for his hi~Jbbinl of our fe,rm without rJUr le.cve, or welL ltk}ng., or A11J good doing therebl; either in God hu fervice , or our credit, but rather the contrary 1 e111uing albm not of his intent~ but by eitheT his undi(creet )landling of it, or of his undue hearer~ of him, &c. A!'ld alfo for !).is Houfhold beh:tviour, not t~cceptable to our wives and family, and ~lio_becaule we were ':""arned that he fhould be ~ut 'if fr(}m our corJIAIIJ,&c. And chieA.y, ~ow to conhder that he had la1d fuch ~ h11it for us with our mortal enemy, eo entrap us by fair fa wrung words, wh1ch by no meanes the Emperour would confent eo do before by bis anhoriry, rut rather eo_ put us out of his Kingdomes, &c. And imagining that he was a miohty Explorator' upon us,. forclus Nuncim ~poj!Dliou? and. his adherents , that now he miu~c perceive what we had . d one hirheno_, what we were dowg, and what we intended to do, and conll~ering that"ht: ~rg~d at our ~ands m anfwer to the fo_mer w!icing . wherein alfo lay a trap r for either m not anfwermo tt, or rduling to graht fome pomts of lt, or m our cortfentino t6 the whole, this NunciiH wo~ld put ~cterag~iolt us _o our great_ t difadv~nrage. Thus beiJ)lg tor~emed in mmg in my abfence,how we m1ght bend of chts Fr. Pucct,by qlllet and honcfl meanes,I devifed to write eo this NunciUI to koow if this writing were of hiscontriving onely, or of Pucci his contriving omly ,or j.?yntly ,or i.f at the le aft the writing vo.:erc ~ccordi1g to his will,and_ after unto us,and [o to fend him away; where m he could make no refu1al,Imtendmg not eo make h1m privy of the content of my Letter; .t\nd in the mean fpace of his abfence l h-oped that forne good way and better meanes would a ppcar or fall out , whereunto we might trull,&c. Thus -I note my imamnations and diiCourfes in the tJme of mv abfence. :;, 1 returned to Erphurd JNly I 3 horA ) . a meriJ.it. I found Fr. 'Pu&e1defiro11s to have anfwer to the forefaitl writing' and very much perfwa~in(JO this Roman vvyage , u(ing arguments out ot our ~Cl ions, as that God !aid we fhould go to Rom~ in a certain moneths fpace ; That we ought eo obey the R oman Bi!bop, and to love him, &:c. I replyed and (aid,that he was not to urge God.upM any hu fqingJ to m,but to rebre all eo his malt free -di(polition , his w!ll was to be done and not otus ~ God was noc bound to us, &c. He anfw(:red very vehemeAdy, and often, that-'DeU6 eft nobis okligt~ttjJiTSm, & Dem di~:it noJ ituros Rom~m, & ~go credt & er! & !iter non ,reti.cm nifi mihi DeU6 dix6rit non nobis ,&c. Well, (quod we) G od h:ttb delivered unto us h1s meamng in that phr:1fe , whiCh we alfo devife you of, that it is not: .m:!ant (by the fpw:h) that we Chall corporally goe to Rom1, and fo I brakt: off that his reafoning; J\nd rold .him that we mervailed that he fhou1d urge this Roman Voiage fo violently and e::tgerlymor c then wt: ; It appertained unto us asmnch as to bim, &c. The fame day I told him that he had heretofore oflended G od with his cHriofitJ in O ajft.tires otherwife then appert:.>.ined unto his calt'r liPg, and he may well remember his repentance therein-, and his forgivendfe obte.ined. But that

A bait.'
A fpic,



<!A tr11e relation ofDr.Dee his ACiions,withfPirits, &c. 431

now be had offended much more in curiolicy, and half. in confpiracy againH us with our morta-l enemy this NunciHJ Apofte/icm, upon whom he did fawn, ilil who[e favour he is ""bn joyneth counfaileth with him in our afi~ires, who dar:: prefc:ribe us .what we ha~e to do i~ fo weighty af: faires as our Journ('y to Rome, who hath framed-a b1ll, ac_cut10g us coufu[edly of. H('re(i(', and wicked Ma.,ick, both bllCly in one part, and dangerous to life, and infamous at ,he lea.H in the other, and he~to reqnireth, urgeth, and in manner in God his name argueth by our a~t.ions paH, obedt~nc('. And therefore he hath Ccparated himldf from us, and hath fet himfdf ag.ainft &c. With a < vehemwcy he f:tid, He imend{d nothing, 'but well.to us, and wM Exp/~rlft~r with eat zh11 N ~~~cinfor our behalf; . We require no_e (faid I) neither we ne~d :wy, for God feeth all,and n doth all , for our benefit, 1f we w11l conlhndy. love and Cc:rve h1m ; To be brief, he would lcct\) to be worthy to be thought well of for his zealous good V ill and fidelity w us ward, in a\1 his doings and fay i1 i::;s.1 The u.urh whe1cofG od knoweth , to whom we comm1t the caufcJrecwecn hu~ and us.


The Copy of the writing before fpecified.

cum S11mmo Pomiftce de fHu Rcvtlationibus, vtner4mes eum llmqHAm S.znCfi Petri S,flcccfforem rt- chnfti tn ttrris Vic~~triHm Illuft d- lroerend. epifcopus Plac~ntinus A pofloiiclls NunciiiJ 11pHd Ca{Jream .Majeftaum, dabit i/lts Liter~ts commmJarionir, ut pertotum iter, & Romx, huwanrffime {tmzmt4qHe c-haritiu trAElemur, & in fuu neceffirAtibs jHventHr: Ac pr.eterett- IIUthorizate .Apojlolk" ~bfiLvet tos & Ltbmtbit ab. omni cHLptC & p~na, qulfm merhi ejfent in ~itA 1111U Aflfl, ob artes J'Yfag;r:a~ exercitauu, J uefes, fa!fll{que opiniorJts tth cir fparfM , aut fiftas, verhi.s : At# fcriptu lfut aliu rationibuJ; ob ft~ros prohJbill.t teffos Aut fcriptos, jivt fJb Rliud quodvit #rt,en, cujHs Accuf.Jri 4tH a;gui pof!enr in foro [4nefo lnquijitiQnu, t~ut in foro qIJd Comentiofum voca nt; J.Ut in quovir Alio foro P o~tificitt J;,;,,ir : Ne quu 1h Hlium ptccatum IIHt (e-t/us qu.-ntKmviJ ,;(tTOX, quod i/li admiferir~t anr~ hoc iter [~t[crprum, tiJ uquAm jlfc~ger~ net.otium, llllt moleftur t J!e po[Jir, ANt u/lo modo inquireu, AUt ipforllecuftr.re prefumat.
F or rhe betceiground of any manner of aniwer making herewnto ~asked the fame Fr. Purci, afcer fupper,on T udday the I 5 of Y u/7, (for<~C.nuch as I had framed a Letter for anfwer to the pith of the Letter or writing here rccord::d ) whether this Letccr were written and fcnc to u~ by the c:onfent of this Nuncim Apoftobou , to know our a11fwer in,orno. He feemed robe unwilling now diretHy to ~flirm the Nunt:im confent.We replyed that he had already told us that he had read it thrice over to the faid Nu,citu, and that he hked well of it, and did mervail that now be would make fhanoe to affi_ tbe fame again, ieein3I had now, ( ac;cording ro his purpofe) written a plain and perfe~t rm humble anfwer to th~ fame Letter, and much more marter, true and needful for this NuncttM eo know. Well, fa id he , EaunHs ex ejus confenfu eft, fi velit;s ire Romam, ea prjar'e ~onAilstur. q~ in e1[dem lsteri1 c~ntinent~r,(frc, Well, faid I, qn Latin alwayes you muft u_nderft~r:Jd my_calk with him m the fame ience h~re 1n Eng~dh recorded ,!f he mean well unto us, and m chamy unfelgn:cd; he will not be offended wuh my an{wcr; The Copy whereof doth enfue.

S1 D. Jobanncs Dee, D. Eduardus Kelleus , & Fr. Puce ius, volent ir" Rom110,



llluft,iffimo RetU~eren~iffimoque Domi~o~Domino Epifcopo Placen~ Tffefuper ttno apud r otcntiffimum &. lntT.Jz&liffimum Romanorum I m- rcriprion of d rheLe([er . . . f peratorem Rodu1 hurn, epts nomznu ccun um, Apofiolico wirhout, p Nun.cio, Domino mihi (in Chrifto) Colendijfimo.

Illaflrifomc c3 Reverendifome Domine , mibi Culendi[ftme.

N Nomine. S:ma~ Beater & lndividu~ Tr1nitatis, veftram Iltufiratiffimam Remember r:r Rc:vercndiffi~amquc: Dotninationem , eaqua virum Chri{li~num dccct an.1mia1fc. Pl4ecihi:~wn . . . . . . h:aod w rthn Cl tone & hum1lnatc faluco, non prcfumpttonc altqua, vc:ftns mambns ocuhfvct he reof is k! fia.s mcas obtrudcns lit eras , fed ex ifiius N11ncii 'lltjfri verbis admonitus, non gracas in~ I~thc:r bf~ folOffi ) fed (fCJ e) CX:pCetatat fOC: hafcc aliqUQ[ ) haud iOVl(US. ) CXaravi lincolas. by tC fclf, tO~ . d rl: {i tll.e more'fafc Qurbus _cum non potcro, .40 ~no.rum ~OntlnU~m ~ ar C~tlullttUm VltZ me CUr _um 2 nd ready eo in limauons qu1m V'tllgaus veruatts Phtlofophtcre tn dagattonc tranfa~um , dcfcnbc: b~ <hewed re, (vel adumbrarc Eiltcm) fatis prefcoti aoiho cffc poffit intht:uto, i przfc:nti rcuftn ~~rhofuchl.ll' ~ew- o


@A true RelationofDr.Deehis .AOions)'IIJitbfpiritsJ&c.

mctamorphofi, & ad miran~ :negotiorum . nofirorum a.dioni. iddumquc .circuitioni multiplici, aliquid ex primam quod maxime quadrct. ,. .Ab A1~no :Diwninis ame aliquot annos * informati, & dc:inde ex At~t.li.c 6 cyocati, non fol rsr. 1~ fortiffima Dei Omnipotcmis manu., & miraculofe, ex multis magni!quc cvafi. 6 .An:zo,tsg3 .rnus maris pc:riculis: fed ctiam ex vari. s hominum fraudulcntis & truculcntis conua i nos, & vitam no!lr~m con.filiis & conatibus, liberati hadenus, cidem Deo nefiro gr:.ui:ts Jaudcfquecaoimus mcnte grata, men re l~ta, mcntc profcdo Chrifr1n~, Catholica: , Apoftoliccque Rcligionis amantiffima , & (Dei nos confirmame graria) renac1ffinu fucura. Afi c:cce, tamcn, q.ui cjufdcni noftr :r pie rnatris (Santlre Eccldi~ Cacholic::E) lceitimi eciatn ccn{tnrur dfc: filii, nos, fratrc:s fuos, in omni moddtia, q~1icrc:~pace, & civiHJ ufritia, inter illos, & coram illis, PrAg.ec'onverfanrcs, fubito, in exi\ium quoddam, five: exterminium, C.efarto cmitti mandata procurabanr nulla, nobir, nulla prorfus, ncq~e -privatim~ ncquc pub! ice d(darara tarn violcmi mandati, caul a (cd vulgati [alum, & aulica . relatione nobis fada il'Helliximus ex libcllo quo. dam, per vos, facr:r c.:efAre.e Maj~fiari c:xhibito, conflara~ contra ncs fui!fc: maxiroam C.tfari& indignationcm,&quafi cxcandcfccntiam: undccx Canccllari~ Bohemi&.t; ,. Ann~! 1 5.36. accibiffimum ad nos (facr:r f~ C.efore.e Majcfiatis nomine) milfum fie* mandatum 30 Mao. (nulla.in eodem c:xprdfa , cjufdern mandati eaufa, vel rarione.1c:gitima) ut infra tunc fd proximos fcqucntcs dies , Ege, co11fors mcus , uxorcs naih~, Iiberi mci omncs, immo ~ ipfc infans no!ler Michaet (Pr.t~tnfis natus, & baptizac'us) atquc ad matris achuc pendens mamillas ,. famuli cdam mei, & :mcilli', mci dcniquc omnts, & domcfiic'i, ex ipf~ Pt.tg~, arquc ita confcqucntcr, ex univcrfo regno B6ht111i.e, & illiis quibufCunq~1c: facr:r C~tfre.e Majdlatis Regnis; Ducaribus, & terris, migrarcmus, nunquam eafdem revcriuri, fob terribilis infligend;r po=n:r periculo. Nos . auccm, nulla intcrpofica mora~ hue mandate C.efArto fi~clitcr. & hurniliccr obedirc nofmet accinximus: Bonaq ue noftra mobilia , a peregrination Is ne fir re f1:1ppellettilem, tam librariam quam domdlicam , in duos magnos currus conici curavimus: Rcliquorum nofirorum bonorum , pan cm unam , amids dedimus, & paupcribus difpcrhrnus & difiribuimus: Parttm am cm, .de .facie ten~, (propter cauf:~s Deo non ingratas) pri,. AM~, 1 ~ 86. die, ante exitum ifiurn nofirum , per n"s del cram dfc fci~ds: Aft optimum partcm, 10 AJ'IIIu. Divino juifu, decirna die ApriJi6 (qu;u1do ctiam, de tota hac affiidione, & pcrfccutionc noltra, & aliis adhuc futuris cram us divinitus pra:moniti.) Igpis l!Jculentisfimil Jl4rnmi6 &ftnmiftmus : quAIIdl ilia , cjufdcm . ptim:t partis , qure null us unquam na~ o turllis vulg~rifquc: ignis porcrat la?dcrc vel conlumcre ,.vifi6ilt tmgtlici llliijltrio, ex ipfis fur1N1is fiam mis in Divinam, Angclicam vc invilibilcm rccipicbanun Cufiodiam. A!llibrorum Divinorum Thefaurus maxim us, tunc, & ibidem (duorum ad hue vivcmium tdlium diligemi opera,) ab ipfis flammis in cincrcs faviUamque coirverfus cfi torus : rcnovationem, rcftaurationem, & quati regcncrationcm vel rcfur rectionem quandam, per Diviaam manum , opponuno rcccprurus tell) pore Saccllum; Dcnique cum altari q lied ornniporemi Trinirati confc:crandum fore cupicbarnus (media ex pane abfolutum") intaetum rclinquimus. Ego vcro, cum con forte meo' uxoribus no!his, liberis mcis, & re.liquis exulibus, five cx~cr~inatis nolhis 11htJM: uibus avecri, uanimigrarioncm hanc, nobis injun~am, die prcrfinita ing1cffi. fuA> 1586. mn, m us .A~quc oondum ex Imperii RomAni finibus cgreffi, ita grdfus no fires difponi]llnii "'' mus, &, de ca:tcro ( Dco faventc & gwbernante) difponcmus: ut toti orbi Chrifiiano Claroapparcre potcric , patientcr nos h~c . (quahacunquc) telerarc potfc:, aut faltem vdlc: & paratiflimos ctfc nos, Rccdc:rc Dco qu:r Dei fu!'lt, & CitfAri , quz funt C.e.foru. 0bcdientiffimos.criam 11os elfe, & bumillimos facrofantl:E Catholic~ Ecclcfi~ filios, & fummi Pomificis Romani, & aliorum Eccldiafiicorum Pr<Ffulum Catholicor~m; ii:t C hrifio & propter Chrifium tarn ctfc obfcrvantcs & fore , quam jpft qui Judcx futurus eft vivorum & mortuorum, varriis nos e!fcmodis haud raro admonuit. Vc:fir:r vera Illuftrifiin1e, Rcvctcndiffimegue Dominationi, hoc aDeo opramus bonum, ut per fecund as vdlras (dc-tora dlUfa.nofira) meditationcs, nofirz Inocenti, finccritatis, & fidclis (coram Dco & hominibus) in ill a Republica B'9bt mic11 convc:riationis hofir~, ju.fl:a habcatUr ratio: Mc~quc hoflGfi~ fam~, exifiimationifquc ( fi.ne qua., ne vivcrc quid cm cupio) ea fiat in integrum rcfiirutio: uc [alii


J true reltltion o[Dr.Dee hit Actiontill'ithfpiritt, &c.


-::-----.:::--- ..-.---------


pofthac dfc . ibdicctur indubiutte, quali$. (ant~ v~r~m. C.t{i!-i..e Majefiad ~bibi'cum cofttra nos 1M1u~ ~r -3o-armos ~ (kplur~s~ m ~onrni.bus (p<l:ne!) Chnht~rti orbit ram Acadcmir.; quam R~nis & Pto~nciis (ex Dd- :immenfa Bdilftate-., gtaua abun dartti!fima &dingulaH prof'idch.tia) t:niti1fe-, hand obfcuris.cwlbrma-ripofiic ~dnmo~ n.us. Ex niis 'igitur paucis, Hifiertre fpfius vcdratis fe!ntlrtis, Velh~ IUullriffi!l)z Revc:rcAiiiffimc:que Dominatioriis pr~.dcn~ia, magnum fibi lumen alkerc five accc:ndc:rc potuit: ad nos, n0firorum animo rum affc:Cliones, nofirorum ita mirabilium & ad hue incudrbilium n~~riorum. pr<?g.rdfum &.fi:'lt~ dijodicandum ~: & deni. bc de q ipfo fucuro horum omnmm CXltur, baud. lcvcs iibJ comexeAdascOI'lJCC'turas t Cam nos., cx:.folo Dc:o Omnipoccnte., & vcro &. vivo~ :in omnibus noftris pc:Qdcamus, & .tb ipfo d,irigamur &proiegamur. C\:ltfoh) nos ipfos, noftraque.om.ni~ ~ .An1ttt2', cOl''pQrrs & Fonunz n~ncu~a:a B'ona ; .tanquam .~ol?Caufiu'!l., -qt:1oc~d1ams no!his bumitlimis' & fpontanc1s ofienmus prcctbus. Curdcmque foh fkomms la us; honor,g[o. ria, & gtatiarum Actio, .nunc&. fcmp. Amu1.

Datx. Erphurdi~, Anno

S86) die I 6 .}11lii.

Fidelis (in Chrifto., & propter thrijl.H.m) fervulm.



This Letter being written, and read u1.1to E. K. and of him well liked for the quiet and modett cour{e therein kept, ..otherw1fe (as he faid to Fr. PJ~cci) theRhe could.have ufed: or had ufcd in a Letter which now he had al(o ..-.rinen: buc now would not fend, thinking rhac my forela:id Leccer might (dficc for our caic, he calked with Fr. PHcci of chi!'Letcer, which Fr PHcei faid he would ~ladfy Jee and read, which E. K. cold him chat I was minded not to Jet hi~ read it r Then fa id he, that h~ wou\d not carry it: Hereupon in talk with fr. PNui, [peaking of this L~uer ,- I told him tha: I .h:1d ~ricten a Letter 'yVith fufficienc anfwer in general eo the NunciHS requd't a.nd offer by hi,m ~ri wriong brought eo u~ , and in fumme t.old ,him the chief contents of the Letter. Thc:l). faid he, whereas 7ou write of the Books burnt , why write you. not unto him of the ruoverJ of them, I mJW pt~&ewe ~J pu 1mb, that thefare reftortd l And 1t fhall be a-difgrace to you if tlJe ' #U fh~llundentand more by other, then by your felf. Thereo( have I no ~are, Quod fcripfi,fcrtpji; . and I xno')Ji. the truth of my writing: .And they are not all rdlored thaC: I know of: ~And wnacto. ever he bath at my hands ne may be affured is true : whadoever he iliall.otherwife hear, the RC(ord thereof cannot be goqd, unldfe, our R ecord confent thereto; Then !aid he, wh7 write JDN of. rhofe Book.! burning, li~ng done before JOIIr.cqmmig IIWIIJ : It 1:0 as if you wrote backward. Ha've you no cJre Mr.'Pucci, for the method of my Letters fa1~ I, and Iiald farther, it is told .me that unidfe you t'ee my_ L etters you will not ~a~ry them, you lhaU pardon me for feeing of them, the content I have fuffic1emfy cold you.: and 1f yo';l w1ll n~t deliver them, I can gee them delivered di vers waycs ~ or I may omir the fending of them) andtvrice fuch a Letcerto ~he NNnci~Y ch~t I had wrim.nanfwer to hi.~ requc:Hs, andoffe~ fe.nc by Fr. P11cci; But he would . oor bring che fa id my Leuer, untelfe he m1ght have a fight of u h1mfelf. At t~e length by fanher dlfcourfe with e. K. he becamc rclolved to goe with che letter, and (by E. K. !m order) he was eo receive 50 D o11ors of fDhn 'Carpio, that he lhould noc be de(titute of money at Pr,.ge. ~i!cy Dollor~



N 0 E. T

Thisday, FrAncu P~cci faid t6 us both, how can you doubt of my fideli'Y coward you (whom I lover my own life,) anrl againH ~his Mon~~r of ~m1, whom my . chief d~fire is, and:long Pucd infidtl;. hath beeh, that he m_ b~ overthrown, &c .. Ag :u n,.co(lhder, wl~a.t fidehty, obedte~ce ., and ,rtve-:- tct Tanifefii[ ::ty toncc he' hath prom tied eo eh~ P ope, and ch1s N11nmu ; as the wntmg , brouoht by h1m; and fo fore finu faUa, 0 and many wayes u~ge_d by him, fur us to accept of 1.can fpecifie.. . Th-erefore Fr .is fa. lie eo the Pope, or us, or botls,or rah,foolifh,blind , &c. And (as our fpirit1,1al s~h oolmn11c:r ' .divers times. termeth him) leprous: Therefore I commit this his doin~s to the )udg.. ment of God: Hue alto 1t 1 sgreatly t<i><~ rem~mbred ani:i noted thac he now alfo dilcour[ed again wich E. K. as concermna the Bnth of Chntt, rhac it could rrot b~ proved oy'tbe Scriptldres, that Chri(h:ame of the line ofDlfvid, un!e{fe he were 1:1egocten of' the .a dual copulation of Jofepb, w~th' c..M~trJ, and l- thac, b~caufe it was the gift of the ~oly GhoA: t- that at Jofiph his fi'r(f and aid ondy nrnal copulation with Mar1,Chrilt was co{l~eivecl ; Therefore the wai atcawn~d <~mnan:.. L 1 . ntr)


J Jruereldtion ofDr. Dt!ehis A1ioTJs,-withfPirits &c.

ntt. aNJrgin..accordingtP 'thcJ~ws do6hroc: whicb hii. ile'?firwheixi h'f'r4,JJ:reiilblrcl:oor th.~hQl- r~~ (o manife~ af"\'~~e }g_a,i.nfl evid<:MS.c~tptUr~liirL_o~nl'ipl{t & wgo_p"~~itt.,~c:_~ga-in(t-. th~t Virgo i~ roany.Pther moflplatna.gd (Gffic1em-- -Aw:.lmr.!~os b.otb. of.Sanpu~rcs~ and alJ.O. ~ifl.ortes..at oull" Lady pnmQ cum 'IIHO her exammation(made b.v Women., and,tha.t !he was Satrnd .a V..irgia,.&c, .t\nd.at:het> con('t;?tion .. '~ngtefft' fUR her anlwer to" Angsl,~ m.,ll virum lliQH &OITnoilt, &&. .& llnreauam convenirent) .jli'lient~ eft ;,/ the "P'ret ' ' , 't o<..! - .,.. -~ ,n'e~b'h-aben""J. d~fp"frttu !af!Ud, !Tc. ( NnT e.
i! mirac;lou5

IC:is- e-vidcnt=~erebythat: tllts PIHt:T lj~~tf1eprol.!s; borli in this Herdi"e (what otlieti He- is infeaed"W.it~, ~.hc!"kflowtih )and atfo thdor-nkrioo'dc ti~y pro.vt'd. 0f('fhui6hy- 17 ]11/j'F.,dJ.HtJc"i-enured his oyegtrow:nd l'r.agt" wich my Lettet to the Nttncfm: ApPflo /icll4~pil.d with. Li:t~rs t~ John C.-r-pi~ from E. X, and with my-~_e-crers inclofed-~o theLord R~ftnberg~ An~ we enued. ourJoomey ~aw"r~ C,aJfti . -but at night we rode one! y th rer t_nild, lO , Goih,o'tl.r bllri~s were f.q.1lL iliac ~e h.Ued,~d chtrefore ft:nding them back again the ne~ day, -we hued ac oach; &c.


P 0 S C R I 'P T U M.
the morning btfore his go~g requi~d of 117e our ~etters Tdtimonial to our frien<rs, of his fidelity tow-aid u$. What needetli i:hat (la id J) for as much as yoqr deeds were ~swell knowo w them as to us, your own con.fc:ienc.t to y9ur felf may ferve abundantly. But our friends ~1vers, who havt V-J:nt1ed u..s of yo\1, and ha\'~ m:nv~lled why we would fuff you any longer er in our houfe ancfompany, would neither credit our Letttr.s.a&yet in this ca!e. And would alfo condemne us of light judgment, or great blin<lnefs to judg the oufe between you and us. But truly I ob(erved 1rt him; now, a mo~e proud pn{urniug over us then hitherto, before , when he vva~ (ore reouked, for over-crowing us, (o as he began eo do. 1 N o: -he fa id, he had asgreat auth6nry as we eo pubiiili any of out Secrets , at his difcretion. w 2 That he oug~t to eat bread wich us. 5 That he.unclerltood our.Books of Acciohs better then W(! .4 Tlw h~ m.ede'd not our' confent or counfail to deal with the Pope his Nsmcim: he did.it by-his duty gene~al 1 of Charity, &c. 5 He .offered to orde~ the Nimci~a,abd ~He Emperw to the nclaixr.ing of the Decree made again:fl: us;&c N 0 7' E.
Rememb~r that Fr. PSJC~i.,


Confillier what this nuviu:\port , that the Decree touching hi in, beingone of my hou!htild comtHem chat then did appertain.to ~o , and wh )fe name he is not affraid one way and ~ Vide fcrip- anothe!l' way 'nut abalhed fo ~ thruH hunt elf m to the whole body of our R cv-elation5 , as a pr.ine~ tum iOitts de pal fellow 6r R~ce'iverof then{; By the fid1 he ought ro bi:afra1d of the da11gcr-of the D~cree which Maro itinere ~ni!h,eti us;:u~lds be i5affur~ of;(hei r g~'odwill who ha~e fh.:w~d ch::r~(dves our mortal encrmes; R.omano, &c. or cUe fomc othe-r caufe e'rrlbd!Oned;hlli-1 tofome other purpo[e,. &c. by the fecond"he mioht be afra id of fo grca pr!=fumpnori",belrig but a Pro/J.A"tlo'h~ ,. ndt- yetallowed of', and to im~wn to- be cut off. All thefc poims 1 cantlotxb:iphcr aria Jll<fge, tlut-referre them to th~ prot0ut1d wifdome and hioh r. v. providence-of G od, when~fure and hdw farr't :he_ ath adit)it(~d him to be privy o~ our A-chons, a~d h io 11. Witnefs tp f-ome purpb[6J (ujji&i"Mr. !Vll Ohi.i1gt; be tothdfonour and glory ot G od A mm.


-~-- ---

r/JVfagnifice Domine-,

EEl is tuis !iter is fui miratu.:r quod intelligerem te illiu.:r effi opmionzs & fimtenti-;, m e apud c~farem tibi ac conforti tuo oj: jciis meis non parum obf'Ki.JTe , quod fciam ita me & religione & natura COIJtparatum , ut omnibu.:r quam maxime cupiam prodejJe, nemini iifU obefJe. Q!!od tllttem prteftiterirn quod mei erat officii, mihi vitio verti non .dehet. Ca:terum cum inter fummum l'ontijcem , &. C::farem, menu Jzm interpre-s, non video quid in hoc veftro negotio pr(fftare pojfim : .Confulo autem , ut veftram innocentiam , cle fide 9athdica jenJu.m, ~ de Ange/()t'lt.1H converfatione & aJJiftentia, qztam rviftblierJz hahere diciti-s , juxta Concilii Lateranenfis in uutlecima Seffione dectetum, coram S1~mmo Pontijice & Sede ApoftolieJ ct~dtulttir ;; ~ ita t~jonatis ut rton poffit cuiquam effe dubinam

rvf trJie relation ofDr.The bit Aflions;withfpiritr, &c.

bium quid fentiatis, qnin fede Apoftolica approbante , Jides tuto ab omnibJH Angelicis affertionibn:r veftris-, prxftari p(tffit, &v t1tm de .. mum & obtr~Ciatoribm, fi q1ti J1mt, ora obcludentz-er. Nee ut arbitror grave vobis videbitur confilinm meHm,fi enimea vobi.r eft in jid& C,ztholica purittn atque conftantza, ea in pr-xfenti Angelorum commJtnione Jincerita., vitx integrittn,& innG centia, ut ~fferitis : !Yfe etiam tacentc occajionent qwxritis declarand-x veftrx fidei & bonitatis, &bac una ratione houori rvejlro (cuj u-s vo.J rationem habendanJ dicitil', & nti t antJtm ab eft quod per me aliquid fit detrafium, u-t illum etiam pro viribm -1uantum ofjhii mei &-- injunCI:i muneris ratio patietJtr, fovere jim paratuo,ut Vomino Puccio pherib1H dixi) & omnib- vi m t;e. commodis vel maxime co11juletis. De m gratia j11a vo.J ita regat, ut Angelorum con~"Jerfationem in Co:lis aliq1tando habere poffltis. Vale Pragx , die 2 8 ]ulzi 1- S86. !Ylagnifc. D.V. Ex Corde ilz Cl~rifto frater Philip. Epifcopu-s Placentinus N unci us. Magni.ftc. Domino Joanni Dee, Arzglo, &c.

4 35


Oraculum Divinum.

Vlta funt jlage/Ja prxcepta mea negligentium : !rlultiplexqJte fieror hominibm propriis conftdentibw viribm. Hi enim contemptores Janguinis & R.egni mei fortitudinis, GiganteJ' facti funt, arl omnem abominationem multiplicandam. Sed ego Sum qui j 1tm, qui pofui in P atre.Solium verbum que ad faciendum interris Judici-Jt.t :qui in 1tltima Tuba percutiam illos, ut coacti recognofcant viM meas, & ad ovile proprium redeant. Peribit Eccleft-z C'- populi lniquittn, & judit.'abitur in gladio. Tu vera Culielme,ma~ num in tempore extende opportuno, prout a me informaberis, & Kegnum, ( taeio & moriente neq1tiffim(}) adjunClum induc : Immxi enim te in fortijflma dextra mea, ad falfum ilium Prophetam, & Goliath [forte lr1ahometanQs & T1trCMJ extirp~ndum ut intelligat Tar a judiciJtm a Na~areno Cruciftxo me. Su~t qui cribarent te :fed maleo dic1:i funt machinantes in te malum. F ac b_nunz , & 1ttere creaturiJ' me is ad gloriam meant Docni Kelleum, inquiete, hac noele, de cxteris, qux ah i-/Jo difces. Spir}tm mew habitet in ryobis.

--- -

- - - ---

-----------~ -~----------

Tre~on~, tAnn1 1589.

LMusfis Allt,t~Jii fine:

When M-r. K~lll was gone from me: at S.ttiftild coward B~hcTfi~A, and_ ~h~ mean fpac~ ~e Em..:_ in -p~rour h:1d grallted eo the Lord K.o fenberg l1<;en'e for us to rc:curn lnto Bohenmt., e-o any of h1s. Lo.rd-

L1 1


@A truerelatiOIJ ofDr. Dtebl1 Atlirim~'lllitbJP&itt:.&~.

Chips, Towris, <;iti'es_.Ca.fl_es, &c. Th~ was delivered ~rit~en by fpiritual ~d.divine axan~s. and , l the writing y.ec remaurc0 m m.Y Lord h15 handB, out of whu:h 1 copyed th~s for th~ omer of olir HiHory fomtWhat ll)aldngplam.

Francifcus Puccius pr<r.ftantiffimi.r IIC v~o tlileClts '11l1'1S DD. Joanni Dee & Edu<lrdo Kelleo generofi.r Anglis, ntajoribu;s in Cbri.fto fratribzts , & ipfis tanquam patribus colertdi.r, precatur gratiam & pacem a Deo pdtre noftro, & a Domino Jefu Chrifto,

fect , vendtto Ltpfix. equo, baud parum vexatns f'utt meus-Jptrinis, dam anirntun mecum volveiim, quot mod.is Satanas divinum opus retardare & nofrram conjunCtionem dirimere, adhibids exterioribus & interioribus ma<Zhini~ & armis, tentaverit) & adh4c tent.a te non ceifet. Ne que enim poffum, nift ab eo, agnofcere afflatus illos diffidentie, rumcres ab inyidis hominibus, fparfos, fufpitiones nt>bis 'injecras,.abfque certis indicii:.;, adverfus fidem. non levibus a1'gmnentis probatam, atque hujufmodi impedimenta & offen'dicula, quibus curfum nofirum i" pedire .ac raria~un ainicitiam, divinis m aufpi~iis, inter nos cocptam, convellere ac labefaB:are, maligmis ille fpiritus aggrdfus eft. ltaque, in illa.luB:a, ne, ullo modo ~anus illi darem, aut fatifcerein , decrevi me, magis ac mag~s, munire c~rta fide in Deum, a c. fpe promiffionum ejus, qu.as illum fervaturum non dubito, tuin prc:cibus frequentidribus magis infiare, apnd fummum pattern, tit nos qtram priml1i'I1 dcrnar~ vdit illo fpiritu , qlilo nofiri hurn:eri 'm onrihns:fetendis;'titille ...rn:quit, pares evadent; ad hxc aufieriotem vitam irrftit"uere nee nknfa~ lautas amicorum adire ) red )?anein doloris folo s comedete decrevi, ne fim. metiore condidbrie quam vos,qui ta?.Ztopn-e afftigimini,ut ~enigniffimus Don.tinus quamprimtuh,vos "in integrum 'rdtituat; atque ad fd'lita colloquhi. piaque exercitia nos una -rcvocet, & even tu confentaneo"fuis fan8:ifthnis dictis, fi'ngulos nolhum e~hllaret~ Ha ne viam feq uenti .D ominus mihi fpem facit tote , Ut vobtS & aliis facilius meam fidem probem, & tnultas tentationes vitetn qu~ 'apudbu'jus mundi homines fadle nos inv'a dunt. Ideo, nii1 necefiitare urgente, aut comrnunibus negotiis, familia"ritatetn chnne m & cohvithiin crim anlicis fugio , & me hoc tnodo minus ineptem p1ecibns ge.n tio, mea mque Vitam''& mores in dies ettiendaie conor,_ne vid~ar otiurlno'indignus ea 'fchola, in qtta. Dominus me etUdire digrt~tus eft, nee intetiitl cum publica no, illo, precari ob.livifcor, ut P,eus propltius Gt mihi peccatori.Vo:; non dubito me vefiris votis & fupplicationibus juvabitis, ut vocatione mea! refpond~am, & in opert Domini vobis adjutnento & confolationi etfe poffitn : & benigniffimus ille pater propeaiem hoc advetfo vento

~uo J. v?bis ~ifceffi, toto illo" itinere, quod 0~0 ~iebus co~

I1UI 'l{~latiou ofDr. Dee his Alliont, ll'itbJPirits,

&c. 4 37

t~ igne.m ftwm magis ~eitari L"llrabit, ae nos tna'j0ri, q~~m unquam antea: , jucnnditate recre-abit. Ac de his hacte.nus. Q~:~od vero ad noilra sxgoti. .a.ttinet; pervt!ni hue .die ~4 Julii, fub vefperam, ac ftatim adivi llluftri.ffim~tm Domimtm Nnncium, cui vefil'~s tfadidi,
quasl~to vultu aecipere vifus efi : fed colloquendi non fuit otium, c.um, parata eren~, jam diG::umbere vellet. In po.fieriorem Diem igitur rejeaus, ad Domin~t~n Carpionem me conferebam , cum didici

eum ad vo.s Milfum,quatriduo nte, hinc d.i[cefli{fe.Dolui admodum c. m.n on effe mihi obviam f~Cfum , turn ratione vefirarum , turn u n1earum literarum, quoniam fafciculum quendani ad me quoque ferebat. Sed quod maxime me torqueb~t erat cura de litteris lJJJt .. /1rijfimi /)qtpini R.ofcnbergii, quas iciebam inclufas Domini Carpi()fJis literis, nee eas aperire,aut alii tradere audebam, cum dlferte effe.t, .fi:riptu1n i llud .-td man~U proprias.Dum ita que occafionem quero & e~pello , ea fdc obtulit, quam mox audietis. Reverfus fequenti di~ ad liJ.Jlftriffinr~tm D ominum N1mciu1?1, invenio apud illum J c j)ti tam ItalHw, '}Ui mihi fuit a confeffionibus : hlande ab- ambobus ac cipior, fede_ jubeor, a J~fuita nomine candoris & ingenuitatis,non re parum laudor.Tum lupide moneor ~b lllnftriJFmo Domino Nuncio ut ipii adfim 1 in convertendo Jefuita .ille( is enim era.t qui cum ipfo ex~ poftulaverat,quod nimis facilemihi dedilfet : teftimonia triHmphantiJ' Ecclcjiz non [1tbjici judicio militantts.) Refpondeo me feeifi'e quod inme erat ut doeerem eum pr~ferre Crelum terrz, ac tribuna) iuperius in.feriori:, fed cuin id mihi mini me fucceifet, ejus ~ffe, fua dottrina & ,au.toritatc, hominem de fententia ilia dejicere 101tftriffimiM Domin1M NunciM haud gravate,noftramfententiam,hac in parte, pr-ob.at, & exemplis confi.rmat, ~Ztque ita coucludit, ztt ftatuat cert1tudinem videntis & audientis Dominnm ~ aut eju.r angelum , non pendere a _ r.obat-ioue Euleji.aftic4, nequt ab iU.o effe rationem repetenp d4m f(}l,a:. rervelaionis, d;mz nihi) publici muneris exercere audet : fed ft inci:piltt ./J-4am projtcti) fe a D<o do.Eium & miffiun, ita ut non ip .[ uu fliiJtm., fed aliorHm 'fJ.tOq:ue intufit, fcire q. o JPititu ag.a tur, u tH.nt: Ecdeji4licontm zHnus effe, iilius jpir"itxm examin!Jre &. pro bare, nequ: ipjjou jure poffe exam.en .ho~ detref1a.re, licet .fuas reve .. lationes eis fubjice1"~ m.initne te.neatur. Nam fi ordinaria a-utoritas enm admifer.at, .hene ha-be bit , nihilquc"turbarunt excitabitur: fin per iojuriamaut inf.citiam ali.quam, aur per aliam hujufmodi cau1-.m, rejicietur, [uu:merit a ppelbre Snperiorem Dominum ,. qui i-p iuw miJ1t,que furHn fervum & Legattam defendat, aut Qrdinario udtGC commGn~fa&o, ati"t~lia ra.t ione : ~uod probaba t decreto La~ teranenje .Concilii, cujus ~ntionem facit in fui s litcris ; ac przterea hifiori"a S. Frallcifc!, qui primum . expulfus ab Innocentio l'ontiftce, tnox re~o~atus fait, cum per qHictem apparuilfe Pontiftci panno[u3' ille, q11i Latermenfe tetnplum fu.is humeris fulciret. Addebat pr:l!terea viros Dci .non (ifc folitos deterreri una aut altera repulfa, & hoc


4 38

@A true Rel4tion of Dr. Dee his .Al:iiqns)witbJpirilJ~&c.

repellendi modo1_ dicepat Pndtlles allqi.tando ufos die; ~t prob~rent fpiritum & conltantiam eorum qui res novasmagnafque propone~ r.ent, Ego vero in.qn~m, ut hccc ita "fehabe~t , . Vos h~tCI:enu.t pu.hlicuin inunu_s exercere non tentaf[e; & intra priwatw pariete_ fum.ma .r, n~odeftitz vo.r c on~inuiffe. Tnni illc? longio_ ri-amoitu. Yerborum, fie de vobis diferint, ut ex vdhi~ verbis Sereniffinrum l'olunix. .R~gein, ad invitl:iffimum Cxfarem ., & ad IlluH:riillmum Legatum HiJPanicum, jam coLfiarc:diceret, vos aliquid ~rhplius quam privatum moliri: Ac SummoPontific~, fedenti in fpecula fuper totam Chrifiianam Rern.publ1cam potuiife merito fuCpeCtas dfe vefiras pcrfonas, hoc modo Pri_ncipum a.~~t;nos, & i~teri~.res aularum re~effus f~rutant~: Idque. rauone vdh~ Regnx, wfenfiqlm;e Apofiohc~,fedt,& cum tpfo Turca pira~1tis, necnonJPiritm..familiareJ: habcnti" ac pr.-eterea ra~ s tione vefirx fumm~ peritia:, in a.ttibus & fcienti~s reconditis, quibus facile. pkbi & imperitis imp6ni potefi. Cum eriun fitis magni Afirologi, dice bat ille, & facile vobis fit habere genefes principum, necno.n Magicas attes calleatis, haud difficulter poffetior bonorum Angclorum_.nomine, ea proponere;_qu~ a fpiritu Eccleii.x hofte. manarent. Ideo Summum p ntificem, (cui due, ill; Principes Cunt maxirne ob.:. o fervandi, utpote qui inter Hxreticos vivant& regnent) prudenter feciifc,qui.jufferit, ut in vefiros ~o"res..& dochinam inquireretur.Accidiife autem prxter. ejus pofrulatam & voluntatem, ut, indiCia calt.fa, expelleremini. Se vero vicem noiham dolere, & parrl.tum dfe ad ~urandun1) . tlt VG$ juHificare poffitis, idque fibi eifein votis, non feme! afferiniQuapropter hortatus efi me, ut ad Illuftriffimu.m Do1tlizmm K.ofenbergiumcontoodere~,,,nque ipG.us bonam propentionem, erga vos,t':i Ggnific'arem; Nam. ille a Summo Pontifice facile impetra~ bit, ut caufa vdl;ra hie- cognofcatur, & fi ille vobis faverit,-utha&nu~ fecit, quoque adfuturum vobis omn'ibub\ officii~, ac primum fore, qui fe vefiris gcnibus obvolvat tales eritis, q_ ales vos mm"'! u uulli pr~.di.cant. Ego igitur r.eCla ad IU.uft.rif. D. Rofenbc,-_giu"!. Sed ql~ater redeundum mihi fuit, antequam admitterer. Die 'J; tandem admiffis, expofa]i tneum fiudium;erga vos refque vefiras,a.c quomodo lllJtjl.D.Nnncim affeetu~ ergavos dfe.t,ac.tandemoravi utnon defereret patrociniu.m & defenfionem iliam, quam fufcepiffet peregrinorum pi '11tiffimorum, qtti a C~fare mi!fiU bene informato ad C~farem m.efius inform. tum , prQvoc.arent , ac fuam innocentiam, Dei & ho- a rp.inibus, pro9atam cuperent ..JUe humaniter refporrdit; Vos non.adniodum Gbi'_,n otos ~e: fe his. feniore; femeltflntHm CltmjHnior~ coUocutJ,m , j ud~ca./Je ~o.r .doSo.r &.- piqs, & pr'Jt.Cl4ris :doniJ' i1lftr11ios_: exifiimaJ:e. vobi9 hoc accidi.ffe mala a1iqua relatipne ~ui incom~ modo -a res principum. funt o~noxi;; veih-um effe id ~quo . animo ferre:non fe preni~ere :quod vQbis faverit, & .t fci~it quid potiflimum, f a ie, p~teretis~ datur~J11 pperam, fit .vdhis votis refpondere~.r.. runc mihi vifu efi nonnulb..di~ere . de optilll4 fpe ~ quam de ipfo_ m concepiifetis,





dtrJaJ '1(~./dtionofDr. Deebis AfJiont, withJPirin> &c.

piffetis , & quomodO ~ noJl d.im,ik!ra.tti:s ftne Hteris. ad ill urn ; Sed er.a.n.t incltrfa: .fafciowo D .. 'fmm. . . .ca,..pi(J1lis, que.nY figtith .pro.tuli; atquc eo 1nfianie a<: refpondente D. Garpionem_non xgre laturum._ fi ifdi .de.diffem,trQdidi..falcicu]ljm ei,q.ui dixitfe per otium: l~B:urum)
ac, f~quenti die, m?hi .re[ponfufUlu. Di(cedo igitur ab iHo ad Illufr. D. Nu~cisi:m., atque otiumna&s)tnm p<!r 1ne, tum per lllufi. :Lega... tu m. EVO?tentinumyplo~;ibus. ctlJll! eo ager~ i1dHtuo~ de infiglti.i:rzjuricr ~.obit f.r6ia~ expono quan.top01H..~ laboravetitis) ut oonGdere .pt:~:.te .tis, apud Catholica Templa,& q.u.arn inhumanite.r~ in .hof.p.itiis & crvitatihus cratiane huj.lls p-tm.judi~ii C&[arei, tratl:aremini, .doceo qu1un forili.dD 8u ~ngufip loco vefiraE farnilia s reliq ueri ta-s , 1ta tt t. Y .dlram fupeJlooil~- & hb:ros cxp1i~are nequi vcritis ;. Nlon~o, ut Domini v~. jam. grandis naru, aut po.tius feni s, & .nihiL tale haB:cnus. patH vicem doleat; {~ju.s <lttrmnasnon tanquam ilmphcis hominis confidera.nda.se&, cum viu fex.agenariusj qnatll.or tenellis fuaviHimifqne liberis ( q~onun major feptimuiri annwn. vi~ exc(;iferit) a. dile8iaic m~ conju.gi a.d}uncwj longe.gravius a.f fligatur , ratione uxo.ris .fu~


leaif!:imz fmmina; &. pignorum. char:iffilnG>rum, q:uain.fui ipGus .; o,. fi.aado quantooff~udiculo hoc. futurum lit Cathohcis Anglis. ~ aa c:ntri$ ., & qnaiui anf.a pr:tbe::t>tm:. l:~t.rbs, ii1vehendi in E'ccleGa~ fiicum.ordinem : declaro penicuJum.imrniaans ordiriiriUi, Gforte Deus..facuh:atibus v.efuis ad eos pk8endos.eorumiuimicos anD.Ari pernai.tt.trei:. t Deinonfbro Deum aJi.as> per.lfaelitAs hxcetico.s C.atholicas J11.da:oJ1 punir{t confcreviile : ac deniq.ue declaro., qu.am : a.bfurcblm fit:VOJ" indiCia ca:uffa. condtu7tnari, U id Ole.l?tti Uti~ : quanta abfur.dit:rs, fi norr meri~ fr tis quicq.nam tale ~ a.bfurdiffi1ll.Llm vero, cu1n a. Catholica EccleJia honor potius vobis deberetur : Ac emu non petatis niG.ut. voblli vos purgare lice at , nihil magis COQ.[en ta neum ratio11i e~oogitari, . nnllo alio modo errorem admif.fum emendari, atque hoc negotium hene d~rigi & redintegrari poife. llle mihi le.:. gt vdiras lit~ra.s, id efi D. Dee , fed de rebus, ambobus vohis, J.liqncmodo., commuNi bus : dicit fe non credere- ea , qux de d~vinis nton1tis & miraculis, in illis, continentur, p~ tit ut ipfe d~clarem obfcuri.orem lcactim. de lih>ris con~bufiis : audit a me teftimonittm oculatnm ck illis com:re~itiJj, & q]t.{)modo vobis audi.verim eos ~!Je cCKlitHJ r. ftitsdoi, ac demiqLl~ concludit in illis literis eJie multa laudae bilia, moha admirahilia, mu1ta itidem incredihilia; fed cum non fi.nt Deo impoilibilia, fe fufiinere ~ffenfum, nee velle quicquam c~rrri, re non penitus.explorata, pronunciare : vobis ~.amen.refpon furum humaruter, ac daturum mihi literas , quod fecit pofiea die 28, .quas literas ad vas., cum hifce, mitto. Et quia legendi eas mihi fcrit eopia,m, fatis J~juititJtS & frigidM. mihz ej[e vzfus , hau d diJ!i~ mJtlo-Talnen quia mr:ntionem aliquam mei facit, tanquam hominis cum quo fufiu s de fuo anim:O, erga v6s, egerit,vifuin efi mihi accu i'lte &. partknlat-nn.exp.onere, quid inur.nds aC\um di8umve fit, ut


verba cum faffis conf~rrc poffitis, & pro vefi:ri -prudenti.a ~ :pie tate 1 confilium capere, & ii_ perx pre_cium videbittir refcribere; o Q!Iantum enim ex ejus fermonihus colligo, vidctur ip!ineceiTarium novum mandatum, a fummo P~ntifice, ant~qllilmquicquam~vobif cum agat; nee [e. fcripturum dicit-de vobis Komain,nifi prius-petati..r quod ab cjltS fanctit;zte capitis : Utpote qui,- in hac Ca~fa;'- fuerit merus interpres, inter Pontificem & C:efarem ; ne~ .poffit, niil verbis fui po~ini quicquam promittere & fiatuere. ldcirco, quantum videre pofftim, res diutius protrahetur quam vdlemus, nifi Do.minus nofier & Pontifex creldtis, alio modo; nobis providerit. Die 2 8 & ~9 inveni tllufl. D. Rofenbergium tarn occupatum, ut admitii non potuerim, fed per cubicularium fignificavit, fe valde cupere nt colloqueremur, ita9.ue rediremdie -jo. Interim fui rurfus cum Illufiriffirrio D. N.1tncio~ mox difcefiuro ad Sancti Caroli Monafieriam,.ubi commorabitur quarpdiu hi efius f~vient. Et cum commodo ceci... diffet, in colloquendo, vifum efi, mihi interroga-re hominem,an probaret meam fententiam de difcernendo ex. cenis notis & tenninis verum verbum,Dei a ji.B:o & fucato -, cum poffit angelus malus tranfformare fe in angel urn lucis & A poftata faH!, non raro, fe transfigurent in Apoftolos Chrifii. Dicebam enim duo mihi videri necdlaria, ut hoc judicium rite fiat, primum quidem, in homine :~ndiente, bona propenfio& animu!) bene affe8:us adCreatorem.,totufque exei ita pendens, ut nihil antiquius habeat quam ei placere' & qui de ' eju~ bepignitate atque veritate non dubitet erga e<:>s, qui ad ipfum con-. fugiunt, tit bonum fpiritum hauriant. Deinde in fermone., nomine Dei propofit6, requiri e~s proprietates, qtra: tantum authorem decea.nt; quas graphice defcribit P aulus, cum-dicit, Vivm eft enim Rth.4.o,, ,3. fermo De.i & efjicax, & penetrabili.or omni gladio a,ncipiti; &-pertingens ufque ad di'Ziijionem dnim.e ac fpirit1u, compagum tpwque ac medullantm,-& dzfcretor c,ogitatiomtm & intentionum cord-is, (;;-..non eft ulla creatu_ invifib. lis in confpectu ejus_ Cui .adfiipul.atu Deus, ra i . ]L'Y. 23,~s,1,. qui apud Jereniiam dicit; Prophet a qni fomnium habet, fomntum nar-,. re_t,ct qui 'Verba med habet,verba mea n_rret.QJ!id pale is cum tritico? a dicitDomimts.N unquid non verb~ mea funt quaji igniJ?dicitDominm, quaji malleu-s Cfl'!terens petranr? Concludebam igitur,hominem Deo fi<ientem, ex efficacitate& a(dore illo,quo affici fe percipit,depteh~n dere fer~onis Dei veritatem. Nam vox lupi .& alieni pafi:oris non potefi permovere v~ram ovem, utipfum diu fequatur, & hanc effe regulam,. qua judkarem divinas fe;ntentias a non divinis, difiingui poife: Ille probabit meam fententiam,atque .addidit, fine bono fi:u ... dio auditorum,non a pparere .efficacitatern divincfrum [ermonum, ut confia t ex Chrifii -hifioria. Dum eni111 fimplices Ifraelite, dicebant; N unquid fic-loquutus eft homo,& fimilia de Chri.fii dochina jPharifi & perverfi Sacerdotes eum deridebant & contcmnehant. Tnnc ego> ii contingeret igitur1 ut ~UJD congred.icmur, fieret ad te ve:rbum Do.. mini,

tnte relation ofDr.bee bis .dlJjonspithfpirits ~&c. 441 mini, num hujufcemodi regula. utereris~ Hie iUe ioq_ui.t, cut:U potfee

ac.c idert , ut mihi ~e hac re judicandum dfet, nolo hoc tempor~; meam fententiam declarare, fed hujufcemodi ratio not_1 mihi - a:la m videtur. Ex. quib11s verbis nefci~ quid niihi vifus fum adorari minus candidum) quam in re tanta, opuseffet. Sed Dei ~flo judicium de e-jus interiori (enfu 1 Ego, bona tide, colloquia nofl:ra expofui, ut vobis ufui effe poffint, ratus hoc vobis gratmn, Gcur fo"ret mini ft vefiro locoeffem . .Rc:verfus die 30, ad IJlufi. D. Refenbergium vidi eum tandem exeuntem, ex cubiculo, ad quofdam nobiles, et dixit (e tantope.re difiriCl:um elfe, Ut mecum colloqui non pofiet. Sicut ~uperet. Ego vero,inquam me $. Celfttndinis monitu, toties rcverfum exp~8:are ejus refponiurn, era:n vobis refcribere vellet. Tunc ille inquitprius tecum colloquendum eft mihi, itaque, (ut e jus verbis utar) habeas.patientiam,. aliquot dies. donee ego pro te mit.tam, et fie me dimifit .. Docui igitnr Venc_ eflaum eubicularium nofiras ~desJ qui dixit fe optime callere 1ocuffi:, ac, [uo tempore~ memorem fqre mei, cwn Dominus me accerfet. Expcaans igitur au.t re pon-' .fumllluftriffimi D. Kofenbergii, aut aliquid aliud dign\lm vefiris au .. rib us, non vifum eft mihi id vos cxprelfum num:ium . mittere : iytonente pra!fertim Domino -Se'T/embergio, vobis die paratis nefciQ quas a!des in oppido Naitu , in Comitatu S1tarreburgenji, & ut expeltarem reditum Domini Carpion1s,quem propediem rey~rfu.::um fperabat, ne fine magna caufa atqueincertus de loco vefir:E fedis,ad vos llteras dirigerem. lgitur non parum folici~us de vobis & de reditu D.Carponn, femel ad ~inimum in die, ejus a=des ad~o,atque interrogo fi quid de illo fignificetur , nee quicquam, per multos die.s au_dio.Taodem de die Cl 'Augufti fcifitor D.Millerum an aliquid mibi.de amico, dicere poifit. Refpondet fe quoque expectare hominem, atque .admodum mirari tatn diuturnam moram, prxfertim cum D . Gregt~rius, qui in ipfo Carpione ad vos venerat, fit triduo ante reverfus. Ego igitur, qui nihil prius de D . .Gregorii .aut itinere aut reditu noveram, ad ill urn reCl:a con tendo. G,zlbw e}us contubernalis humaniter me admit tit, jubet expecl:a~e D. Doaorem) et ad ilium a~.; cerfendum currit._ Sed cum diuti'Us moraretur , ~go jam diicdfurus, video D. Gregorium feorfum cum ipf? colloquentem; et me torvo -vultu intuentum. Sa.luto illum & . g-ra~ulor reditu~, ac 4emutn de volJis. iucorrogo. llle refpondet fe n.ihil quicquam de v~-bis 21: t. reu b~!' veftris fcire , nee vobifc;um fuiife. Tunc ego aliquantulum h~reo , ac tandem d.ico, fi nolit quicquam dicere me %quo anim() laturum; fed jam mihi 'ortftare emn vobifcum fuiffe : Ule Homachatur vefhum nomen~ ac totius mun~i fallacias '& impofiuras: di~ cit fu-a ft.bi effe cur! ., non vefira vo~ multa qUidem promittere, fed parum pr~frare; qefcire fe quare con.querelmini : fe per fefqulann.\1111, vana fpe.la.&num, vobis ad. ha!ftife , ut aliquod e minori~us :vefiris. ar~anis di(ceret, ne~ quicquam ali~uju9 mem<!nti percepiffe.


44 2.

@_;!true Relation of Dr.Dee his-.AalonJ>rPirh.fPiritt,&c.

Hie ego': a,n parvum tihi-videtur arcanum illud ~o~tB lam ven~... ntam ( .llle ver'O, fubri'dens~ aD_ Scottto; inquit-~ longe pra:ftanrio.... . rem habeo. Denlque, his omiffis; pbrum meum Poftdl.~etepeto ~- 1!..n'egat fe habui!fe interroglta quo audiverirn; -acme laudante D. De-e,iile rurrus negat fe vidiffc:; 'nifi 'forte,inqu- t, ex manibus D. Se.. i .-oenbergii, vis dicere lib rum nefcio quem fine titulo : ac denique. de rdtituendo nulla m fpem f~cit. Ego qui cum illo verba commutqr~ nollem, abeo : ac puerum-veftrum Staniflaum, in arrio oftendo,& b a illo i-ntelligo , vos Erfotdiam ufque cum D . Gregori~ & D. Carptont veniffe,a,nte'o&iduum . D. Carpionem illinc B-ambergam ad exigendas nefcio quas pecunias,profechun; fe LUm D. Gregorio, hoc venilfe.Interrogo an litera s aut aliquod verbulum, a vobis., ad me, ferret; refpondet, nihil prorfus, quia forte putabant, inquit, te- hie non dfe! fe pofi triduum aut quatridntim ad vos reverfurum.Laudo ej-us confilium; & tonfiantiam in ferviendis Dominis, ac doceo meas ~dos,ne fin-e meis litcris ad vos veniat: promittit fe non difce:fft:uutn, me infalutato D.Gregoriu-s interim percipit, _me cum eo coHoqui, atque ira tns ( quantmh- ex voce cl a mantis jndicare pofium-) puerum revocat. Ego, cogitabundus, difCedo. Die quin:to decimo hujcs menJis, tandem na&us fe-rvulum vcftrum St.anijiaum, in loco liber0,_eum accuratius de vefhis rebus ac fta-tu examino; atque non fine magna .a nimi lnei volupta te, audio -vobis conc-dras elfe at1Yp1iores ~des.Illuft. D.Langravium pra-fiantill[mo JJ. D e - u ltum trihuere tit favere, e m& fi.unrn- Deo pro tanto munere inagnas grar.ias ago,atqne pt:teram o ad meum cubicuium duco ofi~ndoqu~ illi literas ad vos paratas, ne fine ipGs ad vos revertatur. Sed paulo poftea pate!' Carpionis -me monet, ie veJJe ante noctem, a-d vos. nnic.u m exprdfum tnittere & Ut fcribam fi vdim : nam ilea D-. Kdl-eamonitt1m hoc mihi f1~nificar-e: ingentes gratias ago D.KeUeo qui mei -non fit omnino obHtus , & hxc, per hunc quem vobisJperQ fidem nuncimn , fignificare fiatuo; fcripturus ru~fus per St'anijiaum, fi operx pretium videbitur. Oro vos atque obtefior per Deum i-lluin vivum,qui Autor efi no~ firx amicitia:, & qui _ diferte prxcepit ut nos invicem ;tc mutuo a me~ mn s~ _ne oblivifcamini mei cum datur vobis occafio invigendi m e per literas aut per -inter nuncios, & reddendi me certiorem de f.htu vefirarum nofiror_ mque' rerum; nam ego certe vefiri non oblivifcar, u & ofl-icia '111ea id tefiibuntur,non folum coram Deo,fed edam coram omnibus hominibus. Si vefier reditus aliqua ndin dUfe re tur-; in vi fa m vos pr.oxi~o menfe Septembri; longe enima vobis vix-vivere po(fum, immu _ proprie loquendtim t, me vit~ t:tdet : Ac pri:fens -agam {i u de non null is re bus quas fcribere mini me decet. Jam elapfl fum: l B dies ex quo Illufiriffimum NHnciu-111 Apoftoli~um DOll vidi, & CUtn fatis fuperque fa tisfeterim GbedientlX;rlOD ad_ibo illhm, ile vetba npbis dare fibi tamfacile fc>re petfuadea t. OftenNit Hter~n Lega-t'O Yeneto & FlorenttftO & Hfe1tpfe :wtihi




(I_A tr~te cJ(_~lation of Dr. Deebis Al1ions, withJPirit;, . c. & [ummopere cM lauddvit, dixitque fibi vi[us dife~tas.graves) & pluj'.: qltil111 vulgar~ JPiritus, &. optilflnt exemplum illantm , fed ego offerre non poteram, & dubito ne Illufirifiimus NunciJU ea's fupprimat ; nam haud obfcure, innuit fe tiure veftrum congreffimt pr~ fertim tquum, & rationale,_& id qu~rere videtur, ut vobiCcum age re poffit more HiJP. &c. D. Joan. Carpio, nondum revertitur~ & D. K~fenbergim eras dicitur di[cdfurus & nefcio an recuperare potero literas ad eundem Carpionem, in quibus de pecuniolis ilJi-;- agebatur, fi dubirati~ ne ille diutius quam par fir, folutionem difFerat qu~fo curetis, ut aliquo alio modo mihi profpiciatur~ D. ab Offa, per '2o dies, non vidi, ac efuitis palam dixi & dico quandocunq ue .occaGo fe offert, 'l!obis fatium ab ipfis infignem injJtrian;, eos plm pendcre ab terrejfribm q~tam a c~lefti: tim ere collationem &r tam cum vop bn,ac fu.f caltf~ anmwt baud ob[c1tre diffidere)itaquc jam fum eis minus gratu~. Saluto uxorem D. Dee lectiilimam treminam, ac mrhi non minus quam ~atrem venerandam; necnon conjugem D.Kellei rarum exemplum juvenilis fanCl:itatis , cafiitatis , atque omnium virtuturn. Saluto omnes , alios vefiros domefiicos fan8os vofque inprimis D.D.Joan. & Ed. defidc:rabilia mihi nomina frelices ac beatos in Domino cupio ac precor. Q!.Iantum tribuam & tribuere debealn vefiris precibus nofiis,eis oro atque obfecro me a pnd D .Deum ;uvetis ut vocationi me;:e refpondeam, & curfun1 meum hilari animo ac tirmo corpore perficiam.SanCl:iffimus ille pater, qui nobis jam fufcitavit paftorem ilium magnum D. Jefum filium fuum mox reverfurum ad fubigendos omnes innimicos ejus fub pedibus fuis, atque ex... tremam manum impofiturum renovationi rerum, nos omnes fuo fpiritu foveat ac recreet,ut Lati adventum ejus pr~fiolari,atque nu~ ptialibus vofiibus, lampadibufque accenfis ornati, ipfi occurrcre poffimus. Praga X'V Kal. oaob. M.D. Lxxxv.




veftris acldiCii.Jfim

.Atqut ex animo frater

ruc crusJoannes Dee. &

Pr..tftantiffimis ac DetJ dileefi6 viris D.D.
Eduardo Kelleo Gene-

rojis Anglis, ac Majoribm in Chrifto fratrib~n) mihi, tanqnam F atribm ,Dlendis,-

444 d truerelationofDr. Deebi.r A8ion.r,.tllitb ffiirit.rl&c.

Mgniloice Domine;& uti pa~er amamitli~e & ob~ervande non mi~ori_ ~tiain defiderio i:eneor vi.. dendi & de multis colloquend1 cum Magmfica dommature 'Vdtra de CUJUS .erga me & fide, & amore nunquam dubita vi nee dubitarc: poffum.poH prandiurn !-)ora cemmoda ego ilia m acceda01..Deus.fua.. gratia (emper nobis adfit. . . . . Veller e:r antmo, 'Guilie/mtu propna manu. Fehr. I o. 1~87, llilo novo. Tre~one. Pollride reditus lllufhiffurii P'iennA aci Tn~Qn~m.

Sir My hearty commendations unto you de(iring your health as my own , my Lord t'\ia:s exceeding glad o'f your Letters, and faid now I fee he }oyet~ me_, _and truly as far a11 I perceive he: loveth Ui heartily. This Sunday in the Nam.e of the Ble_ffed Tnn1ty I ~egm _my Journey. whereml commend me unto your prayers, deGnng the Almaghty to fend h1s fortitude wtth me. I commend mt. unto Mrs. bee a thoufand times, and unto your little babes: williing my (elf rather amongfl: you, then dfewhere,- I will by Gods grace about twenty dayes hence return, in the mean feafon all comfort and joy be amongft you;

Pr11ge. 158]

r our affnred and im

moveable friend.
went with hia;t.


5 jii11Uilrii.

Thomas K1ll]. Frtlncis Gar/Aa FmihtAn~ HernJfv

E. Kelly.

To the Right WorjhipfN/, 11nd his a./{urrd frie,J Mr. John Dee EfquJre, gi11e

c..Milgni{icll Domi~o, <JJomino Dce,

Received of Lodovick.. in the High-way by P IAtz., ill the " middle way betweefi' 1'1tr.Adufi and
Tre/Jon, as I was comming from Ne"fll-houfo, whither! went ro have met y Lord~- he c.uc m f~orri Vuna: ~ut Arch-duke f.rneft was occafton (as was thought) ~bat. they ffiould ;P t9 Prif.ge by Triegle, beu~g the more e.veri, alt~ough. nbt the ne* way: I rece1ved t~em ~n Friaay ~be 6 of Februq, and chey were dehvered h1m at Prt~;ge on Suaday was a fevenngbc baf.orc, beu1g the

sof JanUIIr], noflo fti!o.

Swethllrt I commend me:unto you. hoping ~~ God tkat>.'you :ue mgood health, :tS rand my children, with all my Houiliold ain here, I praifc: God forlt; I h::rve nono vcher matteno .write unto you at this time.

l being at N~-huuft from Trellrme, (to go ~o underlla~d which w_ay my Lord Ro(enherg


go from Vim to Prage and when,) and th1s Letter bemg in the iame day brou.ohc from Prt~.t.r, my w~fe fent ubvie-.l:,.with ir, toward me, and (o without Plat~ Town in the High-way he gave lt me,

+ Tre!Jone in Bohemill.
l'ijitlftionu Secund.c , Atlio inftituta.

6 Preces ad Diem fudi , and declared that we here and now prefented our felves, as in obef dience, according to the lime prefcribed o fix Moncrhs end, tince the lafl: good Friday: I craved ttmbru. pardon of all our errors and mifdeeds, lince the lafl: time of ~is vifiting us , and now requefl:ed his Die J:'mru aid and direCtion hence-forward to walk profpe.roufly, according to the well pleafing of his d.ivine fe:xcJ rn_tnftr Majdlie: and chat he would grant unto Wi0ilfm R~fenl1erg, E. K, and me his oraces, fo abun~Z~~=~~;;:; dandy, that in us his hoi)out might be increafed, and glory adv,.nced m~htily and uium4 meridie bora phantly,&c. J E. K. Here is a round ire f a. Sunne. Vox ttu+t FrigidA p,.ttp11r11tio, FrigidA orlltifl. Frigiliam k exigunt u/~/11 .&-vtrlt111t IAIIUII Guliclmo,mtNAIIrlm & llliiH111, rlfiqruUfl plfrAtNm, t~nft~l#,.
Die 19 Stp~



E. K.

E. K. Heis gorte Iiow.

:::. T!l jufh~s-.es D omine, & nos. iinp~i' ~ . tu ran~us CS .Pomine, ~.Vl<rtU<r immac.ulatz :. nos nee el.fi.TC1hequ. no~.~~~parare tine tuo_ c aupho .&. gratia ~nquam poff1.11)US: T.~a m 1girur -no b.!sq::mcedas &fiUa~,. ~d.!:: c.~to err:' re ao!ho ~~.gnam ag~ re p~mtc_m,an)~. ut agnum,&.. mediatorem no!hum Olh lll .~mpprc: uobtS;.rwemamus pro.pmum ex tua d(:men~1a ? ilhus m~ric is~ 8 fpir:icus tui .S:i.m~h.affiat" ~onfolatono : . Ame11. C~i, T ri.J;l.Q~ uni, Deo vero, &. On:mipotemiJ lie fe mpicernus ho:1or) .la us perennii, 8c glor ia


perrecua .ATNn

U'J{ant pDj/ foiw ortNm .(;Jr~ti1 ~rec_ii11~S fuJi_l, .gr._ariifq~e af_lis pro mi{er_cort!.iis '])ei __fi;.itil erg nBs tlf1H in pr4 J... i i ~~'!Atume fJH41# mexicHt~, ""'J"trsa, tn man, & m h4c peregrmario1tla, & pro libr:ratrone notUX 11MII~UJ hofl-im-in Pragenfi e.~ilio ' o-_,ro [Ha Co1Jlii'JU4, tutela' & pro rrda[Jioi'Je noj/rA &m hoR9re & .gloriA in illo, Rd quieum & fccurit"ttm cum Willtelmo R olenbergio, J ~m /ebAmus IJUia ipfc potif/irt~IPIT nohiJ propon.crt v~it ex f~i4 m rfleri~ , & c p;id_ Puccio ef[u jl a dc tHe11dum , q~tid de & operibui J!Mofopl)icJJ .f1iXt4 eius propojit imt, _& qtti-d d~ e~ron: ;, pracl-ica nupcr f,.Ua fit ftatumtium, & tptid pr.etcrea nobi1 i am & pr.t.t1fHe fit fatiendlim, & Ad Willrhelmum vocandum-par,.ros, nos e-ffc jux tADei beneplacitwm,& c. 1::::. I .had fet up c..MtnfmftzderiJ, with the a ppurt~nanccs , and had .let the A "gelical S,tont in the frame of G old on che Table, .oncly E. K. and I being in the goodly lictl: Chappel ncxtmy Ch a~bc:r, appinted t,o our u{c$, A voice ...... L, himc<HNe, tbat nt~ r:Tn.-~~ 1:::. I w6uioi~ ch<: Lord Ro{tnb(rg, whom 1 f0tl1ld in his Oratory of the Church hearing ofMafi'e ~ A nd he came with me and C 111 his place. at

o{1.i6. 14 Tuefday.

oAiim 1'5 86

E. K. I fee a great plain like unto a field , as though it were a Ytj,. Mile over, in the ehd of it ther-e is a great .high rotten Tree, all
the graffe is as though it were withered and burned, ther.e:_Qm c meth a beatn as of fire from Heav.en, and H.ght.e th upon the Tree, .n9w t~ere cominet:h water out of the root Qf the Tree, as t~u:gh it were Sea, and fpreadeth all the. plain over: And the Tree o.pen!" eth and there col_llme-rh a Man out of it , his hair hangetf'l down unto his girdle ftead; his g~1rment coveretll hlin down from his ..fho.ulders, and hangeth behind him down upon the water. The earth .. bath now drunk up all the W..<lter, and the Man ..4lan-~. deth upon the dry 5round. All the place is full of green gratfe about a cubit high. Now the Man is out of fight. It feemed to be as beyond and without the Stone. The Vifion is clean dif-appeared.

A I expounded this Vilion iu La-tin. to c Lord R.p{t~rh(rg. he

E. K. In the middefi of the Stone feemeth to fiand a little

round thing like a fpark of fire, and it increafeth, and feemeth .to be 3 s b~ge as a C lobe of 'lo inches Diameter, or thereabout.
Vox Wo he itnto rht ffllrkL, _, bt!llnfa r;he:H'br~ W.drld/ii:Jf.S : -Wo ~e HnPD JP~ Sonn.t,l and. behold the field of rke Lj!rtfb~ingeth Jf)U.'110tJ orth . [oHll'!f Jeftkd, amJ.hein_g defiled, JDU defile a/fo the btat~t} of xour S,edt: . .A"dbt>hoiJ; behold, helfofd, ( l fA1~) .roil rh,# Art th~ Kmt. "" :~;;tmtets s{-1/M EA~rh' "Fd. ~td t11i.t. togerber Hpsn otte f/tMP~e, J9U " Art a/lrotle11 and b4rrtrl, behold., rol4 brill,!{orth no fruit : b14t tfiOJ M the grA[fe that wir h~r;th, k is a J;fgillrj tl ~Jie pl11ce. ev e'! [1, ~rtyou.rlw is. grAJ[~, 'ofJ Ofllr jitHatiox ar-_ dwt/lt~j!. , f Jr .bed hold, JOU h11ve 11o leaves, mucfJ lef{e frHil : Wo, 111>o, w11, tuuo fuch a gen~rr._tton, whzch lack.!_rh 111oij1Hrf, An4 the jiYi f (,~for.,: . '(ht Jt'e>n.moh'!'t carr:iteh JO is the S tAt and holy pbce, wbrch U alfo is comamiria'tcd. e,An[(li.,..h,Jwld,_( M it weYI) .,itht'iei; .'f /;8/i,ejfc be hidden . wher~~pow to&IJ4 (~iJtt~ ;.JId, IHw .witk.fa tir1 "thsft tnM Areiaver,ea "' J''li i how ~k.!a ffre JoH, And how ~~~~~ - wr&QfiUII~~III.

.f men,for rou Art "aaithered,

J true relation of Dr. Dee bis A8inns:)~tb f}irittl&c.

b/r : h-w filii of corruptioll rt 7ou thtJt ft11na witln"t All htANtJ, 'RIQ.i,,r~, ,. iomfttrt : Th1 time [h111/ c~mt thA.t the po.,.,. And might of God which here fpeaketh amongfl you, in the fire and fpirit ot his holy truth fhall CIPHt down from above, from Heven, [tom thl se.t uf co,fort, f""' tht e7.wl.cfting T hnme, ""a foIJ fttll down, 1111t into JoN, nor a1mngjt JDN (for 1~ fhll he rtotlll out;) b,;r into thrflrmme And in,. the roQt which isthe hfllJ plact, anti the houft of &omfort ~ Ana b"thold, the power of God, (of him thttt ffe~tft!th) {h11/l fg mit,hl], ftro111 , and of infi~ritt pOJPer": So thlltlik,: A IVomAn with (htiJ., fhe fha!l bri11J!. forth In the Church of qod, mAu, cltheJ witli ,. white 1,arment : which iJ JU S T I C E unfpotted-, whkh m.sJWALk._ wirh rnfit~itt p.wer (And 1n1h1 Garment of holieJ!i Ana beAHIJ,) ufro" the .AbHnd4nCt of graces, Alfd.the water; of tomf"'' which Jhali flow out of the ho/7 Stilt. . . And behold, oJDH SonmJ of met~, JOU {lut/1 hefu!J of under{tAtuling ,~ 4nd of the fpirit of Wi{domt, ~&na the gr~tet of G~d, (If him th~t fpe~kJ~h wuh Jo) fh"/1 /leplenrifNt llndflrowg nmongft 7ou : So that JOII {hAll fpnng, Ami h~1111tijie the E~trlh 11.sd tht Houfr of Chrift : .And lnh9ld, the higher boughcs,Ahd mightJ bra~htJ {h~tlt lofe their ver~He, t~nd In c"./1 ~eca!lfe the1 JuiVe pla~,J themfe/veJ upon tht outwllrd rotten St11ck._ , to tht difhonour of hlm thA.t hth &111/ed rbem: ""f. re {hall no mm flrrngth or tllrtlle be ttmo,.gjf JOI4: but JOU fha/1 he fub;rllto ver;IJ, lf)ld " ~ando Hit- &IJ11trfluleJ with ;~n iron rod,hJ him thAt came ollt, Ana wlkJd on the JPAttrJ: Then fha/i 6e pt4&1 ,.flt"' def~tnd re.ft: Thtn {hl4ll Hieru[lflem Jejcend.



E. K. Now is all dif-appeared away .out of fight.

l:l I read the former parcel in ~cine to the lord '1\ffonberg.


A Tu jufius c~ Domine, & J udicia tua vera, tu{)mnipotenso Deus.n;tler, & brachio tuo null~ reliltere pocdt. Veni,o Domine,8c confolare nos veJicate & JuHiti:r.

E. K. Now he is returned again in the form he went away in. A red crolfe commeth over it, pure red, fo yellowilh.
' A l)aufe.

Ana hehotJ, the elfdJ of the WtJrla jhAII be~peneJ, ~tna All ptDple fha/1 rtjoJct in thr Cr~Jfe ~~~ NAme of 1he L.nnb. de 'rrtntr. Blit firft commtth tenour t# All N litions. S Wo, wfl, therefore be 11111o ;ou, i JO Ki~tg111ntl Tmibm11priH1. PrinceJ of the ]!.11rrh ! he tluct harh eArts let him hear ...... And lo, behold' this I Am aefcendtd, proMife is upon him lhllt he4rtth If.. llmowgfl JON. Ltt him "?itigAte therefore the (r11giliq of bmane rea(o11, ""d giflt me 11 . J-.e!lbtg pJ~r_ "' wtlliam7(_o- ~'Aith-: ~'orlwillthisJ.AJ1ntl~e4 ~lfen411t with him, [~thAt "'7N11111e Ana Spirit 1 n,Aii 11Dtde[t11berg. 1' 1' ,r. , part frDm his H ou1t. ~ /4 11 ~ lh1 11 y1,.J what I hA1.1t prsmifoJ him I am, And l.,i/1 bring to pJ!i : whAt is he, or wio;, hr t~at f~l~ trl:; l'augheth met? [corn , thllt (if he repent 1111t) rt~eiV1th n11t hi; rt>:urJ? _ And mreovrr, I ppe11r 1~ him htrtll/ter, 11,a be fhaJI be pariI<Jrof the Cl6!t{lilll mJftrrJ, if Mj N 111ne be tx,./uJ ;, him. And /Je/nld, he jhAII tJ(ten fail, illlt htjhAII rife ,gain, 1111ajh11ll P'rflvrre 111111/llhu,J.
11 114

Rtli~io."il.rtSo that the Name of che God of ltighteoufneffe, and ~f his Son ne Chrill ~all be mag~ified in frm~no thee: .A11a behold, b1 "'J ftlf, I (w~arthat after a few Monechs the umc rxpirtd; /-will 1 111 .Angl f '~ ' fmiie, Ana breaftrht hoiJ place, [o thM there lh:~ll be no abomination in it.


~t~~ fa

Fi 11ts mMndi




E. K. It is dif-a ppeared.
D. Legi ultima m hanc parciculam Latine ipfi Principi R'fonbergio. A P aufe.

E. K. In lapidt: ftetit fcriptum. At[er an hour.

6 We removed nor, butfac Llilland G!i!courfed partly upon the premiffes, and partly of Entlw .-Jifery to come.

from Prage, ftir hr {hAIJ t:k~tive thofe that Are d~cei~ers. T-wo -winds fh"ti ~~riftfro,. the E.rth Y11ithi thefe next yeare.s in ~his Kingdom : /11 the fir flltt A(l_tt~ /ebt71.- him fit jli/1; I tht foe~,d ltt hi"' 11rm himfelf; lln~ refijl With V1~ory. ft~ EK
Ofrhc firll,

K. K. There appeareth a little white cloud, like the end of a cloud, with a dark image of a face of three in one : fometimes appearing three, fometimes one. The end of the white cloud doth wave up and down before dte . . face. r~oK~l;J~~~ Vo~ ex latere lapidis ...... 7 heji four MlntthJ, let William(for ll[mN&h M in hillll]llh) MijfAiiJ
Vid~ ..A~~o 1 r87

/11-rl. ''


~~ tr:~te relniDIJ DfDt.D; ~it.Atli011s,U?ithJpirit.s, &c.

E: !(. "{he.r eappeareth a Wood,- great Wood-on die l~fthand. a

u {~Uprimu;,

b.y Cl: R:i~es ~ Ther:e be two like Hawks, whereof ont ;s white, and
the orber e biack; The <>neis on a bough in the water, that black, the o~her on.a withered boug.q on the land. A great Bear commeth out of the Wood.
1~. the

Now he runneth towar4 them, he catcheth the black one in the:

water,and fwalloweth him~ and fianderh up upon .hts hi.ndf;r leg~. No\V he goeth to the other, a.nd fhaketh him in his mouth, and fiau-1 deth up-on his hinder legs ; and hath pulled oft~both his \Nings, he returneth into the Wood again ) the body of the white 1yeth ort the .ground. Nqw he turneth his.fe~t up. Now he fiandeth on his legs again. He followeth the Bear the fame way he went, he would lift up him[elf as if he would fly, but he cannot. All this Wood, Bear) and two fowles are vanifhed. E. K. Below ftandeth a great Cafile, at the foot of the Hill on w hie~ that Wood did fiand, down in a valley from z:he Hill goeth greathigh Bridgeof Stone long (in fight) about ten Englifh miles long. BeGde the entrance, on the right hand of that CaiHe, is like a Dia.I, with moti.o ns crele.fiial in it, of Sun ne and Moon. Now commeth a ~ear, (black a s the ?ther) a very great mon- u rfusfew fupus Bear. The Bndge quaketh under htm as he paffeth it toward diU. the Cafl:le he ioat'eth, look~ngtoward the-Caftle,. .fie freppethup to the pial) and taketh the Moon out of it, and tearcth it--all in pie c~s with his ue~lu The Cafrle fuleth, ;;tnd the -hri4g~ .where he fl:and .. eth.-i-s brWlken. The Cafrle i.s all in ruita.e. The Bear fiandeth upon the edge of the bridg~atid.beholdeth the ruine of the Cafl:le down irito a p~t asit were. Now he goeth back and the bridg falleth ~own after him. Now the Wood appeareth again, and he goethinto the 'Vood. Now r hat Vi~on is all vanilbLxf~way.
Vox Toufhall fhdrt!J f(e, ag.sin/1- wf~~tt ftpne P ucci hach fpNrned. MJ Puce And'bltfli"tbe u pti.nJOU..

-~ Gl_~ria, ~au~, ~onor, Benedi&io.& Tubil.uio .ft,Deo Pani, D co fiho, 8l D eo Spiritui (.w~o : Gcut ~rG.t tn pn?ct~lo , & nunc)& m fem9~tc_rna f:tculb_rumfa:cwla. eA'mm. , . Spirii:u pttntlpaltconfirma nos De as, ffiUS:oolht(Con-firmct tlOS .Deus_; Omntpotcns, Scmp1cernc vive &l verr. y/men, .Amm, Amtlf <.M E M 0 R 4 N D tl M . A,mo 1586. Otl-ob.ris Die 17, A nuridie; 1 pofr~"J clt1'J Fr. PuccX> tHr/J~s& rixifJ., ~rup_ ur. p:cunias quas cHpteb.tt n1hiJ haber:, tX /iberA/It4('~ (j- i~ II,Oml!'.t _J?f'i, cfr ta X.qU"_.~ a jerv tS cpeiJ no ab Edwardo Kdleo ranqu.m,. ab Edwardo K elleo; nor [ 6 & E. K J.co~tcl~fim_us (ad JrandA/a .,.;,tea evit~Jnda qru ipfo c11ntra nol fpar[erat & o:cogitav erat, propter paunrM t JIM 8 oo Floo:oorum, De~.rib/at..U & rdditas prr illum,& fW-Uu.'I!UII_(at~ qnando nof il/i fol.v ere pt~~ rA/i rrAr11MI,c!r 6 3o. Du&AtOJ lli exhihuimm coram Deo, ut 'ind1 accip:ret qf!od fieum ejft .TJtdtca,, h.t~t;) ~tJ~ji1I!SIIs i11q'H4111' (.c/'lm ~onif {p_(, gH otlnoh;olf-dmmHS D_ eum) 4nte,i/lum, r:or/111J ttfl'.b/11;, IX['4ur:e, "tJNMetUM S oc Flo~rum: d- i ~~~'hl'!'4/'~ft., f!W~a rwpe~e pof!e~,ft ~d Iet; P" v trl ne~ Soo Floreno~ ~ ~-et ~lij~~N~~-jil ~lfp/m ~bm pecr~,.;ATif, Tunc & 1d etr. n mm n(/ib11s pra1JII1Jt.iAtfl'm Vlllf~llniRS' tljfimo)l~> CJ"~hitfi!T_ph6 ~RI}c#pt(! 111fHln fAcer~ ttmpo-.

E. K. Now all is gone away.


,.;J,,s-d" /,Qds gpp11rtwnis.


Jtae1 fir IC/i'1Hot fcri~il 111141-ris[1#,,; Pri'"ipis ( Dowli1Ji R.ofenbergii) duot mags:tos faeces ptcuniarum expotluimus, & ex (ubi duo tnillia ducuorum, & pr:!!ttt~a plu.Jes qt~it. ~o Doleri nutne~ rabanrur fupra mmfam 1 8o~ Pbreni :. E, 'DJe,..,"" il/i propoftt() ( 1uod [/lptri11111111UtJWi) p~c1111iM

E~ Arc11 lt~im11s ii#MT Ad 'rRiuliJ

Dnn., d'_c6WTJot~t.fiuliq1Ut CiTJJIJtu pr~, Sllctrtu-

Acciprre contt1tt11s trltt , fed ille fl/}blit [11/,[cri~rre,J~ ACCrlifr;, n~mi11e Dd, ft A 1fobista'"l"" ' rteipr~e ;, ""' t a Dt6 hoc bis e.ff(t ;_.;. jn1Nm dtcerunHJ, Nt illt i/las pr",."""""' ptcNmM, vel AccipitllaAJ, t~el recMfJtU Ab i//o : SeJ tllntNm ad rvit~tnd.11 mag"" & ,.M/tA f c1111a11l.c contrA nus, ill iHiHs ibidem Jl6er1 c~itrere a;bitrio ' Ht tll & aiCtft , f!HOd tlli viderttr mtlisu -, & iUi ejfet !T Acctpit ergo pec#niM, nHmeravit, & ;,dujf co1J{cript11711 Cb;,-o!Jrpahum m11~m [cr1~e fm 111; Principu (Pauli W olfgJ pr4mtis c11m di11erJis tejftb'"' q~ti Ju.a nomina jHbfcripferr~nt, ut;, ipfo

.C (ervir Dti. Nos fltro protlflal!tt11111r IIQs """' 1/11(/d,

Chirographo PPAT~ pottft.

Francifcus Puccms.
ftti Mtilem ;,

Deo gr11titU "!~"~ . SP''""''" enim, -_clio~i , os f4m qtmufrir,-.s: gr1 for( J1bert~s .b eJIII /sngu,. wntnAtA d-'"f"llt/4 D~w-tllum ctJnVfrtat; & iHl fit propitil, AllJ*' dixio nob~ fo velle 1111111 ,.;,;Jir fcir, [11 div;,tt Maj-

C: ,.,_

Vie ~ Jant~llrii "t ~ m4Ne hor. , .


._4lflltJ I) 8J,

D. Tempus beneplacici, dt ttmpus opportunum. Ntee.J!itiM 11011 h11het L'I.,. D. In nomine pat1is & F.&: SS,&c. Pater no~ler,&c. Omnipotc:ns fempittrnc vere & unc D.t:us iJJ
adjutonum w. C. E. K. & me17,amus Dee, mtende,&c. 6 Not by or upon prciumption ( 0 Lord) but with fear and lOfc toward thee we are ready eo llear thy will , as concerning the Shrw and Commandemenc , now at P.rt~ge in tttis .~onc:ths be~ ginning, rt1Jde toE. K. We belccve and hope ic 11 oftlue, and that thou VVllt not tempt uf, or fuffer us to be tcrnptcd in to weighty a c:sfe, Apd therefore bc1ng nor p~tft tlly informed in thfljt IJ11'9 tJHnUJ ~f p~wder. E .K. Knowech not how to do ,fee wg ~t h1s rewrn hnher he miffeth an h~tlf IN et thereof whether fhall he ~f the rdidue make up that halt ounce wanting, or no ? we will or dare propoutld to make any compleat aCtion : but therein re terre all eo our Parliamem dayes, or prioc ipal ordinary aCtions a ffigned. Ul!"A inurpojitll, parte hor ~-

E .. K. Here appear Letters if I could read them, thus they arc. 0 6 E:J o c:::::z
...... Mibr, H4, & 4 me.

E. K. They feem white Letters - of greenUh yellow colour~

figures., in every figure one of rbe four words,in all being E. K. Now they be gone.


6 . I underfiand tbat the. firft part uf chat my Propofition is touched in anfwer of mibi, that i1, to GoJ, rhe fervice required is to be done: and itA (fr 11 "'e, Co i5 che .meffage or t:ornmandmenc from the fame our God. 6 Mora interpolita horz p ami

E J(. Now is here other writing, t~us, C/a,ditt, clau[& Junt. 1:::. I undedh nd not this well, if ir mean no mQrc eo be t~ken out of thr p~.,Jn., or what clfe.

Now appear over the former words, other words, as thus:Ceffate E. K. Over Claudite,is C. j[ate,the other words I cannot read yet. e E. K. Ovet claufa funt appeareth di'l!znum propojitum Jibi ad h11-c non conftat. .
A Qu:-e jgicur cibi funt, &'i re, nobisfum acceptiffima.: & perte, & propter te,wt nobis injun~a Tibi Creacori Redemptori, ac Sanaifiatori noRro, fit o.mnis Laus~ HOJ1or, le Gloria, ~ne k {emper, Amtn.
f~iamus tuurn,b Oeus.,nobis parat11liinum przbeas auxilium!

Ad Omnipotentis Trimtatis Ltmtkm, Howrem, CS G~rimn. ~yperi,. Di'&Jinor~~m memor4/Jilia Clli diet lJIIartHs Atril;,~ .4nno 1~87, Ji'at' fitit.


A true 'Relation of Dr. Dee hu AElions, with Spi;its, &c.


'Irebo.nte qeneralu.

pO.ft prrces a~ J?eum,

quievimus atVznil
~ .. , .. . .


& recitatunt Fatalo~um il!um, petitionum noftrarum ad eundem, Aprilu


crmfilta; m:mzta:,& eracula.


M.mc circa

1 andem accepi literiJf * utrn.{q; iUuftriffimi Domini Rofenbergii,& recitavi coram Jlla-1 CHm 1 Deo, ut ej111 obeduntill., humj.littH, & de{iderium, coram Deo & An.rr,elio ej u[d.em contljl:at.t effent. 1 _ q ~ i(.ftt(JAlia adhuc pau[a, five Mora f alJa, fed non longa.

Magna paufa.

prnru ad

& tlltU

E.K. There feemeth a black Curtain of Velvet, to br drawn from one {ide of the Stone to the other. The Curtain, is fu11 of plights. There teemed alfo one to have defcended from above, (a good way behinde the Curtain) and fo to go. behinde the fame Curtain.
Alia pauGt.


Vox .... , Happy if be, wbo[e ,,;nde tbirfteth after the ltnoYPledge of fuch thin(s 111 4rt ffiiri tu it!, ~tnd celejtial, of[ttch things IH are in the everlaji ing place a,td glory of. him th.tl u, t~.nd 'WIK, IZnd JhaU bt for ever.: for unto him brlongetb reft in the han eft of the Hi~he{f, and comforr in the midft of many worldly forr ows. For unto him, thJH f.litb the Lord, the LorJ. of Re(f, Thou bajl: rendred my blood tttain, with comfort UHtO 1ffl, and haft made a blood of ~ternal reft unto thy fe~f for ever. A[cend therefore and dwell with me, and receive eternal comfort : for unto fu ch * be{;ngeth the Kin~ do m of my Father ; [or I lt.m . Zebaoth unto all ,fuch M tru(f in me. But. he- ~ Rrq,iel hold, the eltrt~ brmgerb not forth my mzghty praz[e, becaufe of the wzc~ednefs that aboundrtb z1f all aj[ar:io f ab7niZHkjnde : NeitM ba.ve I many fuch chiltfrm amongfl the [ons of mm M I have ffiok!n of be- bat urn,& c. fore ; for why i' Tbe Giants of thit w~rld are a ftumbling block,. unto the poor people, and unto S1bb:~.th. tbeir fubjdls : for lo, behold, b.ebold I ( I fay) vile and bafe things ( fo r tbat they are mi[u[ed) ~re become gods within their hou[es: fo that,Go/Jand Silver, precious Sto~s, and [oft Apparel, 'JIPhic ~ wrre wont to be brou, ,ht out of their houfes to garni{h mine wirhaU, are become thezr godJ, l ,znd. tbe Idols of their deftruliio n: .for, who if be that exalteth not hi mfelf in hif riclm, and deIPifeth me that 1Pflf tbt Author of them l Where u he that loveth not hif wife anJ. children, pomp ~tnd '!"0 Idly glory, m~re tb~n the [etting i1t order of "_IJ little jioclt, or the preferment of my J!.lor) l Who (I fay) if he, that ma k.fth not nzore of hzm[elf than of me ? Woe br utztoyou that fo do : .and ypoe be unto the generations that fh~U foUow you. t:. Be merciful unto us, 0 God of Merc te~ . . . . 0 wretched and miferable mankind, look, look in and upon thy felf. Haft thou made thy feln or when thon art affi.i8:ed, canft thou remove thin~ own affiicbon? Haft thon any thing of thy o:wn, which my Fac.her hath not given .thee, through me, in on( provident and et.ern~l wtll_? Canft thou h1de thY: felf where I cannot fee thee ? or canfi thou do that whtch lteth htd from me? Look agam upon thy felf, and confider what parents,and root thon hadft thy beginning in Nature: behold, they and their fathers are: become the dufr of the earth; even fo flialt thou do. And even as of them is a ftraighc account of life required, even fo !hall it be of thee : for, I that made t hee, and ga?Je thee buath, made thee partaker and nft:r of my creatures, led thee. in and one, gave thee the Sun e-o !hi ne upon thee, and th e Moon a.s the mother of your radzcal moifture. I thac lifted thee up, either to the honour of a King, or Magiftrate, and made thee a governour over thy brethren, will at \aft take a ftraight account of thee, how thou haft ufed thy felf t owards me, and where thon haft advanced my Name in fuch things as I have lent thee : And be right fure, ~hat thou !hale pay, even the nttermoft 'farthing. Woe be unto thee, if thou make not a juft account; mi!'erable fhalt thou be for ever, if thy defern condema thee. Therefore while thou haft time and fpace,look, look up unto me ; for l am the Well ~f comfort, and the God of peace ; the true reward of rig hteoufnefs to all (uch as faithfully' love and en& me.

I read this over , , .. Oh how comfortable are chefe Ielfons ! Give us and confirm unto us thy graces an d bleffings, 0 G od,. to do thy bleifed will herein, and In all burduty coward thee wbacfoever.



/J true ~latton of 0.. Dee hu AElionr, TllithSpitits, &c.



E.K. Now the voice feemeth to come from hhn who fiandeth be... hinde the Curtain.
?vlagna 1'&1t(a. WiUiam the fon of Vr.fint, the Lord tafke~h wir~ fhee this day, faying, Wilt t'hou that I buy a Kingdom focchee with ~old 9-r U\vev? -Wi\rithou'chat the Kings aod Princes of the earth (hall laugh the Ahi11ghty God of die heaven and e-.uth to fcorn? Have I at any time preferred (fuch as truft in me) eo the government of -my people, by gi-.ing t hetn the eX.Crcmencs ~w r,.h( earth t Look down upon my fervaRl: ./lbtabiUIL Look down upon his children. Call to remembrance my fervant Dni.tl~ Sec .:iolv1Hrm before thy eyes. Tiu: Kings.aud PriHces of Juel4h and of Jera{IIJ""" . Coniiderwichchy fdf theCalliug of the.twdve-: The"govemMent and ftate of fuda as have been Princes amongfi tht: flock Chriiha11. R:tvethey been hired or promo~ed? Have th,; be~ lijftd up by_me 'Wilhleld ~ filv(f', or-[uch lik,) trumper,y, t,e Monjfers of thtt:1rth l In neceffi[y, to pay, Tril;.ut.e the .fiffiminifired, wl~oert'withall Tribuu tnight be paid accorJing to cufrom. ln the c:11ling M AbrahRm, multi vliq.t ion ef feed w~ pro!llifed..; which w~ to be a multituck it1 pwple, might-y and gn:at t{pon rhe face of the earth. DttviJ, w ;.~s b: tMght in ( chele.a.ft9f his bl'ethren) even robe King of I{Ntl, n<1t1 bf the mulri.:ude of precious fiones, gold or 1i1Yer. A Shng he haJ, a Satchel with a few fiones. Swh~ n was commanded lO bu1ld rue a T~mple,wichour any fum or Jli"nt. The Apoftlet wem fr<:>m place ro }:llacej m~ending to teach ; oeithu can ied th~y gol,d or .fil\'er, bur oaely a icn!Jo r bag prepared f()r their-cornuwn vi&:_~i and nouriilio:1ent. Ma-ny Prmces anu K,ug~ h~ve pu.b!iih~d my Nawt;,. w~:h.~t any prQIDU&: ma.de unto .thnu frolll heaven. Notwu:hfb.nd.ing3 unto AbrabJtw T hue plenty, .a.s his Rcce.iUcli required: ,.nd wu:o hiH,-hiklre11,.as i hadltmired. Un+o Dtiv~d, bc:ing .Ku~g, r:i~es follGWed hi' Scau; -.alld unto "b.ii .foo pleury bc.rh 3t home a~.1u abroad, eo ~utW. my Ttmp~ Unt~ .the ApoHtes.lgavc (m cl1e t;llle:o f t4e cal!Wg ot &nJ" pc..>opJ.e);.bc.if.m~ of ufldcr~ tb.miing, .wh.e.reby they undt:rllooJ..aud had power .tQ..teaW ; J\.n.d: Wl~fw:h ilS Lket'"hcd Out:.their hands for my uarue.; I h.avea.butJ.dancly glYeN a.nd it hath,~l fa.itb.fuily~Dd for t.l"K lov-e of me c;alttn .iu .h~nd. -.B~li.e'V~ the-t:efo.re wirh ,4br~Jbam.~.nd with hi.s eh~ Bring. tsy..fi~n.g .and hag before uh.e }Ieo,pie of d1e .LQfrl .ag~intl GtJ)IIJJ. f;ndc:avpr ch.y fdf with s~Lonun, ro build ,a U;,mtnon-woalth~ w,huein I wiU-.be-aulted, ai t1hef-orvam :of the Sou of God., and as his follower. . Go.for,ward, as city own _power -a.nd ability .fR.all fe.r.v.e tb.ee : For tbus {aicls:the .I..Qr-d of Hofts: Thou hafi nothing but what thou hail received of " ':- t\f~thtr ~ .tlciclter thy .farhor. t'rov:i.drthuefor.c,.of that ,thou haft, w'h ich is mine: : that is to Cty, of dtat ~h.ich .tJw pQw.er c.a.1,1 ~endunt?,.iu .thiru own faculty .and ~iches, to fhew .W, good .wlll and r.~ c-ndc::a."orus m.tuch tiungsto he .brotighc ,to pafs, .a.s thouhaftJearnc:d of me.; l'haus.t.o fa.y, Neg!t:&:-ttPt .the time'()f .this ~ey vi1atarion, neiJ;he.r dei pue this King~ ,Yfh~.ein thou .{halt ~:eig1_1~ ~or in lfo doi.Q.g I d"wdl wilb rhec .for .e~cr, and. w:ith.thy pofit:.ricy whiclt lhall.be(in me) nughty. a; Wbet1 chou.art entred m.to u, wh4tfo. ru" Tr.~rr{u,. t.lltrt-* NI e ~ bou[e; .ar.antongflyou, Take it_, ufe it. The u(e of Mak~ t-Lu.e a fwordof .it witoh .rwo ige~ that with .the on( thou .maift .cut Pii bathe: Powder. fi<l'rds h-eaq~ and with the _'().(her build-lip the Mot_mmoncs and.thc houfes pf .deMlW..etS, . goJlinefl;,.and underitmdtng ..: Th~c cb_: .Eafr agam may .tlourifil, .a.1Ld that~ .make o: U,um ovt/r. ~t Floc , from r.he Sun.. n!ing to h.u; gomg do.wn. (~eh:'Jf'C.:~ " In the. n1ean fealon, ilia ll.nht Po.wdc::-r -Whi.ch. thou haft to be:mulcq>lie4,,'br. e~CIIded,411.1 ;R. ha rh 15 ~m.ultzphd ~~rh _thon.tL~ llr~ Juu.prr[mt,that u: may be apt for thy .\lfi:.s_,an.d ~h~ -'ln:ngohco be multintng of [hy fatrh. plied. Tilt one b-al_f of -it.thou lb,\.lt ke;e~ as .~be perpetual .r.cme.utbx"Rne& ofl11<it..evtn,thw1l



_e m



chy _pofienry.


Jb ndtt qeuu ~r'' The L. SobcO'fl:.:l;, rhe


Unto him that is thy head, do thy true obedience: although.it'loe~trrle lutth44 ~gain;1 thee, and thirjtetb after thy d~jrrulli011.

For:behold, :thyenemy rht f1reketh to ~our thy Sout,-ce:afethmot tofVm/!t.s frrrthre, Lar. d-Hoil tb~tt thou m~tijt be,o-pu.odiotts tQ comm~n people. .Bw:the time tbalLibo.cdy ~ .whm thou 1 ~~ ~

A tr#e 'Relation of- Dr. Dee hu Afliont, -with Spirits, &c.

lha~t h'il~C juftice ag~i11~ him. See there for~ that tho~ f!l'ite; fee, I fay agai~, that t~~ f,Jf ce afmne h1.~1_, for Juhce IS the hand of the H1ghefr p.umfJung fuch as offend, euh er agamft ga n/l'Tnf,. hin'l or hts Innocent. {u(l:c.':rThefe chat now come unto thee, h~ve bret~ghc thee a gre_ ~lufier 0f g rapes, even as The Lord at big as they can both _ carry : aruongft the wh1ch, notwit~frand1_ng there are many rotten . Czo:ck BuL behold, the foohlhnefs from .abov:e fhall appear wtfdom befOre them, when thtil' Schon!;cri~ 1vifdom fhall become foolilbnefs before me, and before themfelves. A He alluRound about thee thou !halt receive . affiftance , and many hearts fhall be made glad dc_rh rof rhe . 1p1:s o che . m thee. h l 1 d -A_ for my Treafru;{:S to be opened; To him that defileth my Seat, and the Sword .o f fo~ cl 1caS.ils .J tu11ce. . dren ofi l~ad To hinn.hat harbpureth abornination.in his own houfes, and li.llneth unto wicked To the q \:(counfel. lhon vf _ Unto hitn .w llich hat,b-.defp'ifed me, which is accurfed of me, fhall none of my Trea- BY:tmdnfuus b.e oyc:n,ed. . . ~ r.~ h lend1 have JUdge,d .hqn~ an\i 1t fhalt appear fhortly. Hg 'o. That which is C4ars .g,v~ unto f;~[ar; and that which is mine, unto the Houfc of my 1?. .- fP.-r.d~t . Honour. A n :r.u, !J L ,Be q~dlent (as th~ ferxant of Go,d} unto thy Snperiours :. and whilefl tho'tvmaifi-, di- '~::1_rum f~~~ ligently dojuftice. Thy Country hall .r eceive fuch remembrance of d:ee, as !hall nev er ~~. :;,'' . (!YJ be rafed frotr\ the_ ~ce of the eaJ;th. unti! the fire co,tt do11n f"m heaven co11[uming aU trjings. r ;!~:;;~ r;;;_ : Be full of h.u~ml!ty, and abandon pnde. r n fit da;jp Bow down thme ears nnto the poor. d 1 porrio. Be oftt';n forry for thy dayei mi(-(penr. Be ftroirg for ever in me.

Thy wife is even at the door of ficknefs : But behold, t am neo he, the Lord of Jttne my wJe. health

As unto thee, Barrennefs dwelleth with thee, .becaufe thou didfr neglect me, and take Ed-K. uxor contraxy unto my commandment: for neither young nor old, rich fferilis i/li nor poor, are refpea:ed with me; but what I will .have done, is juft, and whofoever dc th ~rat. it nor, is privily (if he be not openly) l'unilhed for his offence. Therefore tho~t lh:! lt : Ar _Morthave the wom5which thouh~ft barrm, artt! fruitlt(l unto ihu, becaufe thou haft cranfgn:tTed tuk;.,I 58J . that which I commanded thee. Be it unto thy brother, as his fervice~ truft, and confidence hath been in me, and to- D~ .' lionM wards me. Ke:eottgroto L<iy Y<?Ur hands to work,_ and your podies unto labour,, and prtrticipate Htt witb an-~ Our mut~al 1ther, as ts comu1anded rou. partJC!panog That the bleffing which I have pramifed ybu niay go forward in you ; and that yonr one wrrh labour may bring forth good fruit. another. The f'ourteenth' day hence hall this AC\'ion end: In .,hie~ day you jh4ll one~ again af- I8 Apr1 fis [ttnble your fel-pei here together .And now behold I fay unto ' thee, unto thee; that .hafr f uturadie thy eyes'_opened, and thy ea~s made perf~lt, ""hich haft been exalted by th1 fight of the S aturni. "'avrns, why doft thou call npop. nte, de.finng to_ maJ.e free. be E.K.cold me Is ic a burthen unto thee to be comforted from above ? 0 foolilh man! by how much that he had the lrea vens .e xcel the earth, by fo much doch the gift that is given thee from al:.ove, ex- all ~he Lent eel al1 earthly treafu're. Notwichftan ding,-becaufe that Mabna is loathfom uuto thee, ~ra1d once a behold what is faid unto ~bee t.his qay. . . . . leaf(l acrh~he' -rou !"rt 1!Jade free: nmher_ jhalt thou any ttt1te berea[ftr be co11-jtranted tl fee the Judgment mi no of the htgb~ft, or to hear the votces of the b.eavmr. mo~e have But t~o.u arc~ ftnmbling-.b~ock unto man:r. . . dealing eo N ocwtthftandmg, my Spmt hall dwell Wtth thee; and m the works of thy hands (hon skry. blt recei:ve comfort. And the powenvhich is givrn the~ of feeing, !hall be diminihed in thee, and !hall Ar.tbur Dt~ dwell upon the firft-begotten S on of him that 'jitterh by thee, M I b~tve *before [aid. . Praj[l~t In the mean feafon lhall he be excrcifed here before me, until tbe time come) th~tt hit ann.r 585
a wife unto thy felf


.yes jhail be _opmed, and.'h ears u ceive paffag~ towards the highe{r. w

And thefe fourteen dayes ha H it be a rime unto thee o f chufing or refufing. For I will .noc ca ft thee away , neit her out gf my honfe, u1tl.tfl it be long of thy own igno- Unleafi,ch

and wilful dej}i.fing_ my great .e,efit. gf

If thou 'th erefore be 'vca ry of ic.J the fourteenth d ay hence, brin& hither, and lay be:.. fox:.c: me the Powder which thw bttjt, for thoLL haft offended nre, IK 4 falfe jte'Ward, in takjllg 7 J,e Piwllt-, ~J of that which if 110t thin( d'JJ'H.


.11 trUe ~e/atjon ()f Dr. Dee hu .Ailitmr, lWth Spjrits, .&c.
J~ill no longer <411y
'W~b -y~,

.hut wil.-1 give UntO y.ou -ac.coniin~ unto yo.ur work$.

~. 0 God be merciful ~nto 'us, and deal tiot with us acco,rding to the . witkednt(s.

fro~arth1cfs, and bhtl;dnc(s of our hearts.



N 0 Y' E.

!. uPon. this ~1'mei' part of the Third A8:ion GCMrat, wh~e mr fkft begotten Son (namely Arthur) was affigned eo the Mini{hy offeeing ;md .hearing, in place and tlead of E .lC. l{ he -wo~t[d uaef'[J u-fu{e the f~~ office (h!thercoby luru. aecuted, 1and by him to be execureq, tJntil the fcven actions general . finifhed) !tid that the f~me Ohildc and Son, ifl the RH:afl fpa~:e (chat is te Cay' between the c!ay of -d.eP"rt of A~ion rocei.ve'd, and th~ end of the fame: determined to be fourteen dayes _after) ihou!d be ~xercif-Ul before GoJ. I thereupon thinking chat E. K. W()HL;4 lbettld, .{)If bci ooald inftrutt and c1inlt tht: Clti-lctc in that exercife, dHi ,alway'es-await, MY~t E.K. waut~Lef B:.imf.clf call the Boy tp tb;J.t Exe_ri[e with him; and' fo much the rather, becaufe he faid~ that be WM v~rJ r gl-.J.. no., tJ,Jtt b~ jhonld bav, a Wi}nefs of the things jk/Petl ll'lld dtcl~W.ed by j;ir~~- Cf'eatuus,: And tha.t hewonld b6more willinJto do what filoitldhe fo ~;orncd to h!m I!() do, then. tm, :rl\at if OJ?.ely b.ehimfelf did fee, and that for divers caufes. But..,.hen El K. raid t.() < I !houlJ cxercifc the Childe and noc he,..and that se ~.Ould n<>t, I the~poR-appeffited wi~. my felf ~o brln~ the <?hilde tothe. pl~toe, and to Qtier him, and prefenc him ~o -the ferv1ce of Sewrg and Skrymg from God, and by Gods lliligumem, and ef the tune f o fourteen daycs yet remaining, being the 15, 16, 17 dayes of April, . and next before the 1i day, (the day affigned to end the Action in) tO have the Child~! exercifed iri them. And thereupon coi1trived for the Chtlde this order of Pray er enfuing.

Vie Mercurii{ummo mane die Aprilis 15. anno 1587. Cf'rebrmtt.

()rAtio pro

.Art hltfrJ .
tiuA in exerclti ufu 's uti titbet myfti

In the Named" God the Father:, d Gt1dt-he$Gn; .and uf O.Od .thcH.~ly Ghofi. ANen.. Glory-'bet()Godthe Father, Goo the $os, .and God tbeHolr. Ghofi:

A-s it was in the b~ginning, 1s now) and ever .Ihal'l he, world without

. 0

.Al~ighty tmd t:-uer.laftilcg, .tb. jfJie.pulli."?11tg Gd? .baw mtNy, JiJJ tmrJ. .com.pa.pfa~ . ~my t father John Dee~ ~tnd on me Arthur Dee; who ~ezng ~01t' c.4.lle(l bttlur .by t.r affign.me-~, t 11 ne ~where prefentand.muiy iN a1l bumility; .pbedience .iJUI. fithf.ubujl, J'tJ [tMJ.e t.hy .I>i'vint Maje)ty, with all the gifts and graces which thou b~tjr hitherto endued me 'JI'itb; .4M tPi.th 11ll ,Qthnyphicb of tby .m oft bountiful.ftnd f.~ttherly mercy, t-hou 7Pilt :ht~efo~lt'rd bejfow upo.n .me. Lighten ( tha-;~fore) 0 Almi~hty God, #line ~ye7, a1td o.pe.n th~u miHe ears> ~ic~Nt, InftrulJ ~tnd- ~ firm iPMIIe, l~til unt~ 'llf, -~J .Jjfcretion, ]Udgeme,t, .Jm(!erjranding, memory7 ,:z.n<l urtera~e, tht~t I may be a. true and perfea S e.rr, He.arer, De.ctarer at~d Witnep of [11ch tbin.t,swhich eitlur.in~ 1U!d.iat(l;tof 'thy Divi"ftNfljeflj, sr medilf.tely by the ntiniftry .of thy .holy, m1ghty, and fairhful 1 _ Hge/s foaU he ml#life_{ted, J.t~lared or .fhe.wedJUZt:O ti1.(,'.J:O:IP, A At itJl.t)mts .JUSd. cceafions, .for -a~e ~tdva.~:tci~g of tbj Pr.aiff, Jj~~ur aud G/Qr). Amen.


l\{cFe~n, 'IV~J<l.A-Y mQrntng, (the .~~ \Qi'<thl5 ...4pil) .I brought the Childe.t:P.the holy Table, being it\ order of the ~umitut:e ,t.he1eto belongi~, and .fet b,fo.re him i:}le Stone in the frame, ( tny firll fanB:tfied Stone) and cau(cd htm gn h1s knees, to fy the .forefaid Prayer. , t\nd I alfo .pra.id.to the .Ohilds 4ca.ring, other Prayers to God for the pnrpofe in .hand : and a~ his co.mi!tg to loo~ and ~ee in the,Stone, . . . There a.~peared tohun :(as he )\t_dged) dtvers ht:tle fqual'e figures, with .pncksD and divers other .figures and lines, ,wl\ich I c~u1ed h~m wjtb his own hand to imitate upon ~ pa_ with .pen and ink. pe-r . . The hnes were white, a{uUonl~ of the ,pricks .alfo, but other of the pncks were.b-W<k, ~5 of ink.

wicll ~Jack beards, and with golden - r.otWI\s C upon their heads, do .a,ppear. One is .now gone : thii holdeth fiis oha=ds befare him lik~ a : aid. n M
Arth. Two .old

1\"rth.. Now .in the p1ac,:e ~f thofe fquare marks, I fee two. Lio,ns, tho one very exa&1y, and-gapifl:g. 1\hoot ,f he upper brim of the Stope
they appear: :1nd the Lions feet be waxen greater aR~ greater. I fee another man from the tlwead upw3A'd~ f.cm iee no hair on hu head. I fee ~ r-eat company o( fte:t, ~nd .t~ir f"ll'JllCats skirts folYJ~what. above thetr ankles : and they a-re iike womens kir.cl.es withgards about them. 1 fee ~nothcr 1Tl<J.n witlhout:a -d<imbk~ itt his fhtt't, and with ~ white Cloke a~ut .him:, .hanging_ hands do~n by his Gd_es. .
A. N-vr..h.ing ..el(e eftc0111 ed Qr JUdg.r d to "be fu ewn .m tlht: :stonc, .by th_e Ch1lde, we cea .. fed .r h&t }!:xc.rci(c:, ~nd c.ommined :all to Gods merciee.


A On 'f\ urftlay ~nd Fritl(/y , I determined each of them two dayes that the Childe .Aprilis I 6, 9lttB thrice in <ihe da.y :be puc to the Eurcife, and ~acb tim~ repeat rhe Prayer prefcribed thrice. A ln the for~noon I brought the Childe to the E~ercife, and he faid as follower h. t

I fee two men with Crowns of go-ld upon their :heads : their. appa.. re 1 is black.and white. I cannot fee their feet. Their faces are white., thei ( eyc,s are b1ack like fpors of ink~ There appear now two other, without Crowns: of the which one fiarde.th whole bt~ore, and of the other I fee nothing but the head, which fiandeth behinde the firft. I fee not" any with Crowns now. 'The ~ppaFel -of lUtn is white that I fee. I fee no bands of him. 1 fee nothing now. The f.~uares and pricks appear agairi .as yeftcr-day.
And I doubttd i_ was fomethiug of .rhe Glafs ic felf: as there were ia it cutaia t whire fpos. An bo:Jr we we:re at the praai[e.

Tlx.fecond &ercife before Dinner.

Aftertbt Prayer thrice faid, .&t..


Arth. I fee the firfi fquare lines and pricks, .white and black: the pricks fol' tbc: moli: part he aJl w.hite, but fome are black, and the lines all white. I fa w, even now, fome of thofe fquares made Lions : hut now there appear none. Thefqwres are .now turned alfo into .other lhapes, which I cannot

well decJ..aro
Now the Letters be gone, and the fquares do appear again. The f9uac.es are g<me, ~nd a. W<lrd i s there. The Jetters are clearer then they were : for ail the 'lines .a nd letter~ do appear white. Th~re appeared. aB, w1th a fquare, with four black pricks in it. lt fs gone. Now fome .of the.fquares.are come amongft the letters B DO .UiJ.der the B appcarcth:a litt1e - thui., backward. t


/1 true ~!at ion of Dr. Dee hu AElions, ~itb Spir#J., &c. The letters as if. orie had cut._ them ill.t,h e glafs B D 0 He re appeareth a Cafi:le With little pin~cles like a Church. Now it is gone. B a this appeared an.d fuddenly is gone.
Now there appeareth a young man with a white doublet, and hii anns by his fide, and a B-befote him agai.Qft his doublet. .He hath a black-beard and .a white fa(:e. I fee no: hair on hls head : his beard is a little----He is now changed: he bath on his doublet breaft, on each fide three black lines. He is gone, and another is cmne in his place, with a white leather doublet, and a grey cloke like Hans of Gloats his cloke. He is gone. 'fhe firft young man is come again, and hath .now on the Q.r;te fide_ of his .doublet= on the other :fide, thus. : Now I fee only two ftrokes overthwart all the.doublet,but he bath no head that I fee. Eithei his head is come agatn, or elfe another man" that bath two Jin.es.andtwo pricks as he had. The light of the candle did feem to fhine fuddenly Qll his face, and go away .again. It did not iliine on his doublet~ but onely on his tee :and his head. There i6 now another man come in,who holdeth: u.p both his hand~: the upper tpa.rt of his.fleeves are white,and the half towards his hands black. The firfr man i .~ here-.f iilL Now he bath no arms, but aB before his doublet, but no lines, but only on each-fide Lwo pricks in fiead of the lines, thus : : Thefe men came amongfi: the fquares fuddenly before I was aware. Here appear not fo many as were here. Here a .e now but .flx fquares, and one man. r I iee no farther of the inan,but to the wafi:e of his doublet. The man appeareth not fo brim to my. fight as he did, his head is no bigger than the mark in the margent.


The thhd Exercife after Dinner.

Arth. Whereas I f.1id before there was fome of the fquare figures wanting : No~ I finae that they are all here again, as many as they
were at my firft feeing. ~n lifting up the Stone, and bringing-it down again, the iquares do ;tll feem like B-B of the Roman letters.

Arth. I fee now BA. It is now vanifhed away, afrer thre~ Pat~r nofi:er times faying. R a appeareth, but I cannot fee clearly the foot of the R. Now it is gone. I fee a thing all white in thii form, and a little (i) before it. It would

Magna mora.


A tue 1V.JatiwJ of Dr. Dee hu AElions, ith Spir-its, &c.

would [eemto be as an X and an o. It is vaniilied away. e B Anngli-lh J,ittk e,_ and a Roman great B. It is. gO'ne be fore l can be aware. $ B now appeareth. B by himfelf: it appeareth foiiowing S B thus S B B. N appeareth by the lafi: B; in order following, .thus S B B N. I can fee no more now but the S B the B and N. f B appear. e B is here now. B by hinifelf, with two great White pricks before it, appear. :l 'hepricks wax clim. The man fiandeth amongfi the fqnares aod.letters in the midfi: of them. :: This now appeareth. The 4 little pricks be gone.. There appeareth like aB and a d joyning to it. A circle appeared with a black prick in it,and two white pricks af. ter. An n, iwo firikes, and two white pri.:ks after. The n is white and the p rick within the n black. ua appeared, _and quickly went away. Two long .fi:rikes by themfe1ves, white. The two pricks. black; and the crooked line white. Four white pricks by th~mfelves. Two black. Two long white fi:rikes and a prick. A rou~d circl~ white,and ~black prick in it. A white prick by it felf. A little prick as - were blotted, and a firoke by it all white. The crooked lines it white,and the pricks black. Two. white pricks by themfdves. Two long white ftrokes. Jo Thefe both white. ere appeareth the thing like the Cafile, all white. H The pricks black, the lines whi~. A little Englilh o by it felf. Four white ftrokes. The man is herein the midft of the things, as before ltold. Four white pricks.
Note : All th~ ibew-s are within the uppermoll quarter of the llene, as where A -with the prick.

Like a figure of 'l all white. Two little b-lack pricks, and the flroke white. '"fhey are now gone. Do appearcth all white~ X o appeareth aU white. Be appeareth white. Two o' s joyned like a figure of 8 all white. A great Roman white S by it fel B Bu Thefe appear white. A white prick by it felf. An EnglHh little t white. Two lines white.

M or~ "tHag,a. So we ended. Ooli m rich us with his TrutlM. The end of '1hurfdayJ third Exercife.

FridAy Morning.
The Prayers on both parts being faid.

Arth. I fee not the fquares, lines, pricks, whlch I wa~ wont to fee "6dt.
14mz. .ht11'~ uniM.

and tbofe

other thing9

A true ~lation of Dr. Dee hu AElions., 'With Spirits, &c.

Afrer I had ~arried: an h~i1r, anJ.had ha-d no ~idem !hew : .a~ r.ently again, he faid that he had from the begin.ning feen thtts

as~ b b

the boy -di-.1-i ___

Alfo thete appcated X oaJI white.

Do the 9 joyneeh to the D. Fiat voluntar Dei in [zut luct &.vm'tll.tt;, .ad ejifl nomillil laudem, ho1WM1H,~loriltm. 1\men.


.I I.

l!fo:tit hor.etuitu( ~atio. toto illo ttmpore; . . /l. B.&1fediaio, mi[e;ricVrtlilf. .&:P ax, Dei, & p.omi'!i o.flti Jefu .Cirifti, fit {t~prr rtllbilcl(ttt' , nunc & i11 [tmpitentlt [.rculorum [~tcula.. Amen.
NuTI~ ojtt:nfi~







a meridie.

ldftlt~fall.e' preres

tu1, r;effltatiquocumquetempqre. filll"lt ejt puero ipfi.

n-ant, & invitttti illifiaeles Dei fervi quia ni4~t~ .au~ili~t {ua pollice~ Et(l mora m.g'"' & admir~nl~t: & "pparitio null
fat~ divit~o tZCcc>ff!t

?""hurfdar a
ea 3


'I'and-em nJirab'ili fortun.r, jive

Ita noj Dominus E.K!

mer/a i 4 cir- bantur notavi..

& qu11 foqw-

He fate down by us: and Arth1lT yet ftanding before me at the Table) being cc>-

v~red after the teil manner, but onely the Stone being fet .therepri ;' He a!>ked if.any thing app~ared: W c anlwered No, albeit-! ~ave.cal~ed oftentim~s, and" have prayed earneftly that .fome o f our former accounted fnend~ mtght !hew tliemfilv~s to the .boy, as Madi~tti, Il, Is, and chiefly Vrifl, bccanfe ' he- wa~ firji: wbich appeared to th~ Joyning of E.K.

and /me ttc getbe_r- : fo he might be a\fo the- Direaor in the tianjlating _ f E. K. hi$ office to Ar, o tliur. Then faid he, I m_aiv~l if yo_u lrad .no ~pparitio? her~: for I fomewhat thinking of .A.r:thur and his i>rocecdmg m rh!! feaLof skry1.,g;caru~ here mto .the gallery,aod I hearcl you pray: an.d opening the window, 1, loo~ed out~ : ~nd _:1 faw a great num~e~: going in and out .of rhts chapi'el .a t the httlehole 1~ .t he glafs w,mdow. 1 faw Md,,,, Il, and many: Ot'het tha t h;~J de a led With US hererofor.C:,but fhewed then:tfelvesin Vt:l"J filthy order; and Vriel:appeared, and _1rl(H/ied all to b~ of God~ ~.nd good : And. therefore I -wonder if here you ha"e no fhew : perhaps t~ere IS (omewl~ah bu~ Arthur fe~.tl:l: it no~. A Tme it i~: a. d how thould 1 help hun ht>rem, feemg I cannot yet fee or.liikty? n

E. K. I will come and .fee if there be any thing.

A. I pl'<ly you do.- L:Nore : and fo ' : . .looked towards t~ fro,ne, and he by and K

by faid,

E .K. 11~-.e like a white Marble fquare table or book ly~ng on wooden de~k. 6 i pray you Sir ta1te the.pains to loo~ and difcem what i!i here fhewed. E.K. t fee ~writt('.n , up<m tha~, book,
Btatljqu per pecc4ttt, mihi; dQmum corrumtem .& hominibM inttgrttM .t'elilit.

any thing,. an d_be.faid No.

He~e appearerh fo_mewhat, and y omted to :Arthtir, where: and asked him if Then .fal~


E.K. Now a feaf of that book is tu.;ned :open, -and there is writ ten on it, but I cannot n~ade it y.et. Now .l.fee it.
Ego ftfm qui dedt & datut'UI [um t~obil ftgem:: ex qu m~rtttlibM ptipetua requies ~ _ -fe~icitiK fit venUU'Lo,

E.K. Now ano ther leaf is turned over, and-appeareth written,

Ejfote ergo t4"lts,) quales J'ft m_eofque llcet, & t'ltfi cor:am me ambulate.

E.K. N'ow. turneth over the lea of .it felf.

Ne populUI ~furiens & ftt.i ms, ~ligentia & qbjntUti~t veftra vel ruat -.el (altrm.
temp9re~ alimmt8citrellt.

E.K. Now the leaf turneth.




desk and book or table is gone .

By -and by after, while "E;K. did lciolt-imo the ftone, he faicJ,. E.K I fee a hand appear).a very gr~at one, white, with.the fingtti . fpredabroad. E.K.
.A ~ote ~

11. true 1(elation of Dr. Dee hu AClions, with SpiritI; &c.

E. K. Th~ hand. is gone, but: there remaineth writing.
Videbitw & audieti.drevi omn~s.



E. K. lt is as if it_were upon the fi.de of a white 9lobe afar off. Si~h~ and The 'Glo~e.turne~h fo fwi~tly that I cannot well read it. ~;~~~.
Anttnz ad melzora comport.

E. K. The Globe turneth fo fwiftly that I cannot _ read it tiJl it

fiand fiill.
Sefe mibi & mei6.

E. K,. Now again the Crohe is turned mofi: fwiftly.

(Filio_umm_ re) _{ubjic~ent. _S! vero (per meip[um lo.qu~r &jure) _ r o alieni & vagabundi Jt.[ul! vobzfmet tpfis difimpmtu non ocy/o, [ed .corporz, uHmo ommbw memb7i4, ca{111 & rui1za paratur. fl.!!ales-enim in futuro eriti1, vobi! ut fciveti-1 nuUo Jttodo licet : Mlljora .t. im a[ttperif morta/iblll, pu foribtK funt, quotidieque inftttHt quam vel primo _, vel fen eundo eta tit modulo fueru~t. _92.Ei ~ures, erigat : Cu~ inteUelllll, fapiat.. Omnia peccatll apud me pajtpo.nuHtur huzc. in[immts propter nee, [apzar : I mmo ~tlulten~ans propter me, in fempiternum bmedicetur,& premio afficietur celefti.

E. K. Now the Globe is gone.


(Jloria Patri & Filio .& S!iritui Janllo, erat in pri1tcipio & nunc, & femper & [eculorum. Amen. Soweleft off.

i~t fteultt

'Trehon4. eA8ionir 'Ttrtiit altera pars.

pucn aJ, Deum Omttipotentem , pro {ua vtritafe ~tobil impartirnla.,

atl Hominil fuo l~tu-

1587 Saturday Aprilis tS.

Jem,bonorem. f!1o gloria111.

~ Note Arthur was fet to the ftone, but nothingappeared ; E. 1(. had brought the powder with ~im as he was bidden todo. Then I defired him to apply himfclf to fee a~t he was wont. And fo he did.

E. K. Here appear all in the ltqne that appeared yefierday unto me in the. air in that moft diforderly and filthy manner Theyare in .

the like apparel as yefierday.

6 0 God confirm us m thy truth (or thineown.hononr and glory, andfufferusnotto be overcomewith any temptation, }?utdelivh us from all evil now and ner.

E. K. . There appeared Madimi, 11. and the refi : And fo they are here ; but n'Ow a111he reft are gone , and onely Mad.imi remain:. eth. Madimi openeth all her apparel,an4 herfelfall naked; and lheweth her ihame alfo. E. K~ Fie on thee, Devil avoid h~nce with this filthinefs,&c.
Mad. I.n the N11.me of God, why finde you fault with nut 1 ~. Bec~'ufe JOI~ryefterdayes doings, and words are provocations to fin, and unmect for anY godly.creaturcto ufc. Mad. Wh-at it fin? . ~. To break the Commandement of God. Macl. $,e~ tl.ur,t JQW.tJ~ fQ. Mac!. If the fe:If.:farpe GQd give y ou a ne-w Comm4.ntlem"tnt takjng a;hty the formtr foini 11{ fin which he l~mit~ed by !be La'fll; W&rt remainetb tbne.? . ~. lf.bJtlle felf-[4m.e;Gid that gave the Law to M/Jfes, and gave hiS New Covenant by Chrift, who fealed it by his blood; .and had his witnelfes very many, and his ApQftles iriftrnB:cd by .hjs h~IY: ,Spirit, who adiPOIJ.ifhed ~s ~fall cleanncfs in words and w:orkS., yea and in di(ttighrs, if by the fame God; bofe f~rm'er Laws AHa DollTines be llbrogat~d,and that B b b fuffu:ient

~utiic :tll t

prod.and tdhtnooy
to be bad

fufticiem proof-and r,~t;.mo~J .f:'-lay ~e h.aq rhat it ~ 't~e fame Gv : Then muihhe fame God .d be obeyeJ : .For.Qnly G oJrs the Lord of Lon:l.s, K{ng of Km&.~, and Governourof all


Mad. '[be L a1f!s tf..9o~:, !ffl.~. of 'hit $q11:Chrift ,.fta:blijh,tt;by tbe teft~J of bh Difcipl~, a1tl 6.A privi- C& ngregati(Jn , And b rbe force- and power of hi-s holy spzrit, HJTf ~-- i'll any particular vocay ledge gran.c- tion-~ brogaced,. brtt rl.'th~r. ~onfirJJred. c:d doth noc For oftottime$ it falletb ~ut, th~tt GoJ. b(ing tjfended jtt the wicl<fane[s ofany m~~,. or of fo>?!~ ibrot;~te a num privat e> fendeth down hu Spirit of Death, infetiing tntd tempting another 1t1ti1ts mi'!de ; . t f d a'f,but fi that he becomcth voidof B.eafon, and ri[eth uy againjt hlm, whom God i4 ofevdetl 1P~h, and {lrit~:fo~~t~/ k,etb him~ fo that he dyeth~ Thil, bef~e ntan, Mtt_c ~oult,eJ._ ~~~; befort 0.(/.d it fh4_ll be impute~ ,mu the Jaw in it him f or r:r;;hteoll[n~[s .Even [o whatfoever the Spmf of God t oPCbftp 111[rom hm, tbo1igb zt '~tPfclf other- peltr fin befp~ man~ i1. r.i~hteou[nt[s before him. . Th.erefore ltffnre yo1-1r felvrs ~ that wh4t[ ~ewr J~ feen .and heard ~HllQhgfi you, i( [row above.., wile. -t .Artht~tr aJ.tt.{ k tt ftg~t ani:h :eftitn;n. even tbil day before yozt; for I rkat:touched tbfS.on,* ,~#t,~(~lfo hav1 Y ~as ~n1ttcn t:al<.!n away .bid b-reinb.. . m a I wound But u,you are Ofl(ttli 1mderftanding-: But behold I te~tch J?!l ' . ~ ld E.K: That ttntO thofe that a're ai:ccounted righteous . ( t.hrot'tgb the ~oed will.of G.od) fin is ~al~n90~hice jnfrly punifhed, but as un~othe wicked. For whatl?ever yQu hJve don~ unto other arm~t men,even the felf-~a~e fualt hghc t\pon you, but happy If he that reW'IIeth HQf)ujhce through ~ake as t he t frtof.of nJa/PdzfJu~ bm through the. grace and mercy of .G od. thotq;h he <fh: Apojtle Paul~tho;mdul in carnal l~fi : h~ rPM alf? offenfive unto ."u-b.rethf.~,. fo. t. at bf' : h \\oulcj (mite-- defp~zre~, and was ready to have left hts vocatlon,unttlh:he Lord dtd fay unto htm, My him. He '-":as mercy and grue fvfficeth thte. very fick tor Releeve llli:~ ch.at we are from above. the time. Which confidered : C'.nfider al[o, That M JdU cannot comprehend the h~avau, [o li~ife can !ulllce y ou not compreh~?td the~ijtl'tf'le of God, which faith, I will 'be mercifulunco whom I l~ft; and S. PaHL le- unto whom I wilt riot; I have none,in ftorc: Foolifb is he that asketh why ? . ger~t~ And hecold I {~ty unto you,Stumble not againft God. Who he i-s that mtde ) "u?Who;. he tha.t gc~~. n hat~ given JOU power to liJofu;p taw4-rds bfaven l You tJr~ fq v/s; ~tnd of little under-jtandi11g: ThewtCdom ThHday[tmhG .. d unt~ yoll, . . ofGod,of us Bho/J you ~re beco.me.Jree : . Do that wbich moft plea[eth you : For behold, your own reafon n compte- rifeth up !lgavill.my 'Wtfdc;!me; . hcnul.>le. N ot content you are to be hetr~s,- bur:;:ou would be LcJt,.ti.s:)yr~t,.G ~&s..,. yell the J udgers of tb~ hMVt'7fS: Whe~efor~ ~0 etJ~nM you l;ft, b~t rfyou f orfak! the ~ ~~y taught JO~ fr~m above, behold., -~v# :(l;utJJ entrrr~nto y_o_pr J.en[tf,.and abolru:aatlon ilia~ dwel .before your qes,as .a r~cpmpef\.ce, unu Juch M J.au :k,:'Pe d. ne '11'r,~ng ~.1Jt9 : MilrJAUt WtJJtS and childre~jhllll be C~tTrie,d ~1Pay bef9re o your face. . 6 . The-Aimi,ghtyG?d of heaven an~ earth ~e my.comf9rt ~ as .Iddirecomfort in his {ervtce;>.anJ jfVC 11)e'W~tdo~~s I detitc tt '(or ht~ hon~ur gtory,; .Amen.

K S~e _ neekth , and ho'ldeth up h~rh~nds. k


The Chrytblme pillar

E.K_I fte a whtte p1itar; and. upon the ptpar,I fef: four heads. .. Shee tieth the pillar roun d ab<;>ut with a 1.{)_ in. The fu fhead.sa:rc'l.ike ontwo heads. .and on .wo W o1veS: heads. u , t Nmvtl1ure.cometh a _hing li~ a whi.te Crown of Chriftal., and t fi:uuieth upon all our four heads. The heads feem. to.be inclofed hy the necks within the pillar . ..Now ihc taketll the,pillar and.,..g.oeth up.with it~ Now ihe bringerh an half Moon down , and written in it as folM low.eth.. Inj'uftum nihil quotl juft141tl eft Deo.


Now. lhe goeth.rilurul ahour ttpon a thing -li~ 'a carpet.; 1he goeth
now beyond where is an Orchard; ihe cutteth branches of two trees, and ihee feemeth to infert them,or graff,th.em into aoother. Now 1be goeth into a black place. behinde the wood, and 'pringeth a thing with her ina chain : An ugly thing like. a Devil.
Mad....... B#bgJJ.,:Peft. tPo~ tltit : 1Piltre1Jiilhall ~h~u tbottghteft to GJ'tnhrw, .... .,;1 Ut/tl1, '~~~ r.t utter!}. o~~r.tXTP:nr~ jhll/t H!t!Vn: retu111Agi11.

E.K... Now he Iea~h, and the_round openeth, and he fin km 'i tt: g

/1 true 'Relation of Dr-. Dee hi.J AHioni, rPith Spirits, &c.

and there feemeth a fiink of brimftone to come to my Nofe from the pit. Now the grafts are all grown in the tree, as if they were all of one tree. Now fhe cometh out of that orchard. Now fhe goeth round about the orchard, and kavcth a darlu1efs like a cloud round about the orchard.
Mad ....... Vifible to God, but invifible to man.


E.K. Now /he cometh again upon her Carpet.

Beh~ld, if you rejiff not God, but Jhut out Sa tan ( throvgh unity amongff you ) thM it it {ttitl Unity. Jt.nto you Affmble your [elves together evn-y {eve11tb day, that your ryes may be openei and An offer of that yo11, 'may underftand by him that jhaU teach you, what the fecrets of the holy books ( deli- every 7lh vered yon) are : That you may become full of undedianding, and in knowledge above day hco bhe eau~ c t e common_me 11 . , fecrecsohhe And m your works go forward, and detraCt no t1meJ that you may al(o have fruit. b k5 ecciUnto !Yzlliam I will be merciful for ever, a~cording ro my promife. But I will buy v~d. hi!1 no Kmgdom, after the m~nner of nlan, Wtth money: Bu~ what I have determined The holy unto him, fhall happen unto hm1 : And he ihall become mtghty m me. bobks ddi~ And this Powder~hich tho~ haft brought here, is appointed for a time by God, vered. and cannot be ufed u~utl then, Without offence. Happy is fie that heareth my words Our works this day : and happy lS he that underfrandeth them. eo go on Bnr if you deny the Wifdome of the Highcft, and account us his Meffengers,Crea-1 T~~ Lord cures of darknefs. Thw day you are made fret. .; fi?.oJenbn-K And look.. tbat pu lay up lfll tbingl thaf is lok.,en of from above ; and hat[oever bath~ lie powdez

bun taugbtpu,( ilf.well tht

blok,!. inftrummts.) You jhall jhortly h1-ve to do ag~tin 'Jf'ith the cruelty of the Emperour, and the accurfed



Whereunto, ifyou go forward with Gd, you .fh41l be taught to ltx{wtr. foon M you hear of it be going into Germany, left you perijh before then. I have no more to fay UHte you, but my [wiftnefl il fr~m above.

E.K. Now Jhe maketh her felf ready, &c.

bear towards pu.
I have not one 111ord more given me to JPea.#fv

Om11iarepom11da. If yolj leave off, CAtfar r:PPapa 6revi nDs infefta~ denNq.

Mad ....... If my frimdfoipl;k.., y~u nQf' I be[eecb God [mtl )ou M g_eod will, df I (ill lower)


A I was glad that an offer was m~de of being every feventh day to be taught the fecrets of the books already delivered unto us : Thinking that it was eafie for us to perform that unity which was required to be11mongfi us four; underfianding all after the Chrijri1-n and godly [enfe . But E.K. who had yefrerday feen and heard another meaning of this unity required, utterly abhorred to have any dealing with them farther, and did intend to accept attheir hands the liberty of lea~ing off to deal with them any more : which his undc:rfianding,as irwas firange and unpleafant unto me,fo I eameftly requcfied to be refolved therein in manner as followech. At the fame time.and in the fame place this enfued.

E.K. Now ihe is gon~-

N 0 T E.
t::.. Ul'on Mr. K.eUy hls great doubt_ bre? unto me of Matlimi her word~ yefierday~ fpo-ken tO h1m, tlutt 11t t'JPO bad OUr two W111eS tn {~tch f~rt, 4f "'Pt might ufe them tn Common, lt Wai agreed by us, to move the queftion, whether the fenfc were of Crn.t ufe (contrary to the law of the Commandment) or of Spiritual love) and charitable care and unity of mindes, for advancing che fervice of God.

E.K. Upon a Scroll, like the edge of a Carpet, is written,

Ve utroq; loquor.

The: one is exprdly againft [he Commandement of God : neither can I by any m~ns confent to like of tha~ DoB:rine. And for my helv in that verity, I do caH down the power of Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and all the good Angels,. ~is faithful Minifters) to affift me in the defence of my faithful obedienco to the law of theGofpel, and of his Chu~h. A~jf me, 0 Cbrijr. .Affitr 0 Je[u. .Jffift me, 0 holy Spirit.

* Bb b





fi true R..{Jatwn of Dr, DeehiJ Afli()?J~> n.ith Spirits.; &c.

E. K. 'It appeareth-written upon a white Cru~ifix, asJqllowet~,.
Mea gratia, major ~ft mandate. Gratia enim bee mea e(i, ut homi>tibtu in[ani-1 c,ncedert<tur beatitudo : Et que _ita di[f a. funt, Vel jint, vel htdie libert M vo~i-1 rejtituitur: Atne1t diao vobi-1,.tjwik. fi dicerem homim; EM, & fatrem Jugula, & not~ fac~et, filiwtft peccati & morri-1. . Omnia,.enim? poilibilia & licita func fuperis. Neque m1~id cdio[ti. .funt pudenda iUw, qua.m mortalmm quorumcumque vuhlli. ltrt enim fin,fpuriU! cum fiiio( quYJtl magi4 abfur dum efl)cop,uillbitur. Et orims cum~ccidmte, Me_idies queq'!te cum [eprmtri~ne coadunabuntur. r



Now it is vanilhed~
in great: amazeme!lt . and grief of minde , th~t f~ hard,ari(:\ (a_ s

fo unpure a Doonne, wa~ popoun~ed and en;oyned 1'lnt() us of them, whom I alwayes (frotp. the beginning hitherto) did judge and ejreem, undoubtedly, to btgo6rl Angels: And had unto E K. offered my foul M a pawn, to difcharge E.K. his crediting of them, as the good and faithful M'inifiers of Almighty God. But noW>. my hea:rt was fore .-affiitl:ed upon inany- caufes : And E.K. had (as he thought) now,~ jnft. and fuf~ fic.i cm caufe, to forfake dealing wii:h t.hem ariy more. A.s his p~yer w God .o f a long time ltath been( a~ in the former part of this Action n1ay appear.) . After our going o ut 'of the Chappd,and at our being ar dinner, when we four (whofe h_eads fO \yere uni:ed , . it1 :t pillar fhewcd, as is before fet down , I found means to ntake fome ficdt deda~tioil of ourgreat grief (mine chiefly) ~owocc~tfio7ted, either to tr.y us~ or real\y to be execute~., in thecom~on and indiffe,ent nfing- of Matrimonial Atl:s.a m~llgft any co~1ple of us f~r : Whi eh -thing was firangc tot he women And;th'ry' hop.e d ot fome mote comfortable dfue of th'e caufc. And fo we lefc off. After Dinner_, as E. K. was alone; there appeared unto him little creacures .of, a cubit l!igh: and they c ame to-the Still where he had the fpirit of W_ine ~ifii_lling o.ver ~ut of a Ketorto: )\nd one o~ r.hem (whofe name they expre{l~d Ben) fatd .c~at.tt was m vam.f.o tp hope for the beft fpmt of d1e W:ine : And !hewed hxm how to dlfitH tt ,: <1-nd fep(\ratc it better. And n10reover how togetoyl of thefp1rit of Wint~ a.sit burn~d in the'lamps~ And -began to ask &K. what Country~man he was? And when. he had anfwered an . Englijh-man, .h.e asked .then, how he came hither ? he anfwered by Sea: Then fai9 .h~ And who lfleJpcd y6n to pafs the marvellous great dangers ofrne Sea.~d.fo rook ,occafion te fpeak of the benefits which (Sod hati'hi<:berto done fe1 _s,.-qery marty.And thj.sBtn,faid u than among very many other things(as Mr .E.K.col~ me on Satmday night after SU}>per Ben was the hol~ing on his talk almofi till t"WQ pf th~ dock after mid1_1ig~t) 'Ihat heir 'lPM th'!-t de/i~er ddivcrerof 1d btm~.r g_,w~ unro btJ fJt11ttls _be f(iw~; . ttn<l. alfq hL fatd ~tther than or the next day at t the powder the furthelt,thac unleaft be would be co.nformable to the wtll of G_ d in this'lafi Aaioll o eo E.K. at declared, That be would t11.k.! the venue and force of the powder fro1ti it : That' lt lhould.be . ~he digging unpnfitable : A nd that ~ejhoulti be~ome ~ beggar. _ . .. . 1n E!1~land. . Attd of me alfo he fa1d that I d1d evil to requzre proof , or telfimony now , that th1s ~aft N o[c~und : Doctrine was froniGod Almighcy,ai1d faid that I !hould be led prifoner to Rsk116,&c. l~aH fin He cotd of.England, and faid, Th~t abouc July or N !Jvember he~ Majefry iliould from O~~z heaven b~ qdhoyed.; aricl _hat about the fame t~methe K.mg of, Spai?dboil.ld dye. And t K:Phi. that this prefen.t Pope at hts Mafs .f hould .be depnved 0f hfe before tw? years to an end. And that another fhould be Pol?e, who fhould Dectmlli quintJU".of his nam e ; And ~;hat he would begm to reform thmgs, bnt that lhortly he fhouid of the Cardinal~ be noned tO death. And that after that there fhould be no Pope for fome years. England. Of England he fa;d, That after the death of our dear ~een, One of the h;u[e of Auftria made mighty by the King of Spain hif dearb, jhould invade and conquer the lnd, &c. He fa id, One.(now abroad) fhoo:Id at Milfordhaven cnte~, and bychehelp of_ the Britans fuhdue the [llid .Co'Jtqueror : Andthat one Morgan a Bntan fh~ uld be mad~ Kmg of the Bntans, and next him, ofli Rowla:~d~&c. He faidatfo, That this Franc if GtLr!Jtnd wa.s an efpy upon ns from the Lord Trea[urer 1[ Fr. GJt~/~~o.,d England. : And that Et/:(pa.rd. Garland is not his brother: Ani;! that fo the matter is ;tgree.d Edw.G;~r- between tbcin,-&c. . /And. That my Lord Ro[e.berg fbould be in danger of poyfoning for thefe certain roo.:ntbli to come. Enochr That my Tables of Enoch, were ~n fome places fallly written. Tables. Of Amichr_fr he fpake, a11d of hts appeanng. i . ,Ancichrifl. Of .Eryand.Enocb coming outof~arad1fe : And of Samt J~bnEva11gtLIJt,tbat b.edyed Etr;E,o f!h, ndf, but i.n.P~ttbmos -hlld bHixvifible being: And that he it w.as , who did ,giv.e J.1i1i~7JJI6 j tJhanna. :Jlpo jhzta hii deaths wound . . . . . . . . . . . E.vangelift~ . He.fa i.d:alfo that he kath at div~rs um.es preached V1iibly ~nee the ume pf llil zwv.ifole ft~te cntred.

t;,.. Hereupon 'we were 1t, yet feemed unto me)


.A true~ation of Dr..Dee hn .dElions,.Dith Spirits,&~.



coofirmc'd the words of the great . Famin:e and . Blood-thed that ihould . come

He (a id.that <;>n every fide of us, people lhould be fiain, but' that we lhould .(by the Di...; G od our vine proteCtion) efcape. . . Prorcccor. Hefaid that1horrly this Frttn'4 Garltmd lhou.ld go into England : And that we fhould ! Gttrland bt fmt for. But that it ~were beft rorefuft their caUmg iM home. . Jr.ro En.~/. He fa id dtar there were four other , who .w ere made alfo privy .of God his myfteries Q~ R t:fuhfe ca11Jn<> orr.e. . wewere, wtt hwhom we {houId meeC'at R ome. c-1' 4 He f~id_that Mary and .one mo&;e.in England, fhonld fee the wonderful days to come. { i ~f;t ~~:~ Madzrm a.Ppeared to h1m there.alfo. ,:rjler:0 _ The fame Ben weiu once away mounting up in a flame of fire : and afterward upon rum oeeafwn of asking him fomcwha.~, he came down fo again. _ M ,,r 1 my )\nd of the ma~ner how to draw the oyl of eh~ Spirit of wine being burnt, lu: brought old M1id. thither the inftruments of two filver dilhes, whelmed one U}?~ ap.other with rn hole paf- Ben. fmg through tlte middle of them both, and with Xponge betw.een them; in which the oyl would remain, &c. Afrer all thefe, and many other things told me 'by rhe fame Mr.E.K. we departed each About 2 of to his bed, where I found my wife awake, atten_ di1'lg to hear (o~~~ new matt- of me from rhe clock afer Mr~ Kelly his reports of the ap_ aritiGJns, contiuuro with him ~r,ove four hout'S, being etfe rc_ mtdp r alone; I then t'old her, and faid, Jane, I fee that there is no ottter remedy,: hue as bath ~q~ht.D been fa id of bur cr.ofl-matching, fo it mu!! needs be done. ane u. Thereupon lhe fell a weeping and trembli-ng for a qua.l'td' of an hour :, And-I pacified her as well as I could ; and f(), in the fe:~tr :of God, antf in believing qf his Admoni!Rment, did per[wade ~er that !he fhewed he( .felf prettily' -rdblved to l:>e content for God bi-t fall, a;td. his fecret Purpo[ts, k> obey the Aamonilhmen.c. 6.- Note, Becaufe I have found fo much halring and untruth in E. K. his rcportsto April 2 0 , me made, of the fpiritual Creatures, where I haye not been. prefent at an Aetion : and becaufc his memory may fail him, .and becaufe lie was fnbjec:t ro ill temptei:~,. 1 belieY~ fo much hereof as lhall by better tnal be found true, or conformable to truth. tJ..w Note . E.K. had this day divers apparitions unto him in his OWll Chamber, al}d in(hucrions in divers matters rPhicb heregnli-d not, but remained ftill in. his purpofe of ;~tterly Ji[cru.litillg thofe Creatures, and not to have any more to do with them. But among divers apparitions he noted this of one thM f~id Wltd hlm . -... Joy~ En.och hi-f T abl,s . . Give evrry pl~tce hi-t running number.

E. K. What mean you by places ?

. <[he fquares. Whtch JOHe, refer every letter in tile. fo tuui what I will, for thio ~ tl;q l"ft time I will admon~fhyou.

1 able to

hifnf,tmber, and

E.K. A .m an fiandeth in the Air in a fiery Globe of my he.ighth, accompanied with fome hpndred of Puppets : on the one fide of him ftandeth. a woman, and about her are four Clouds aH w.hite.



lltrue 7V._Iation.of Dr. DeehiJ .AElions, lllithSpiritJ, &c.

The man upon a white Triangle ~ .lhewcd thefe Numbers with fpaces, as you fee following.


j'.H8 49




1173 97

55 6o3 1 49



17) 1 77 273 fi6 2.46 441

2~ I

466 597 502 55 6 t 19 264 312 24 338 41I 6o3 6o4


495 ... 6, 306 473 51 7 363 247

':J} I



6o7 228 1 79 141 22 43 37 243 8o 55 2


395 254 566 42 3 214 26 1 59 494 51 7 I 16 103 45


152 418

320 49 1 390 414 366





6) 11
46 '267

182 460 163 175 17 [

418 '.l 14

4 4 395 467 5 19
53 59 68



83 132

'l28 33 1 97 269



163 418






b. I


that corn monly one: is to be ab& tcd of- the

'J77 39 34 40( 496 59 2



355 618


418 444 355 497 20 116 287

23 75 1]8 586 545


253 395 538



53 32


2'.l4 512

46 55

188 33 1 136
335 408 45 2 4 24 97



43 ,____.

2) I]

123 433
I) I



16') 93


-97 28)

244 7'l 34 1 95 31 4

5II 175 1]0 ..___,

335 621 544





11. true1V.Jation of Dr. Dee- Afttons~l)hh Spirits; &c. hu

--t;.-.N-ote ; When E .]{. h ad !hewed me d1is Note, f by attd by brought forth my b6dk . t>f En~ch his Tables, and found .tbe fourlerters r T b d eo be the fon r firft letters of.the f!=>Ur principal fquares Handing abounbe bla~k Cwf5 .: an~ !.hat here they we-re to be pia~ ced Qth erwi.fe than a- I had fet them .. And m the . firft placlllg of them together, ( res memb~r chat. I had. doubt how to joyn them ; for they were given apilrt each by che. -: m

,~ 5

Secorrdly; I found out the 4: Ch~rafrtr~ .' fa:ving they"were inverfed fomewhar, and one of them clofcd : wherof I found none hke,but verynear. Thefe Chara&ers were of e., err fquare on~. . . Thirdly, I dtd take thefenumberG contamed between the lmes (Come more and fom~ fe\Ye1 )'to be wordsco be gat hered put of the Table of letters: fo m any words as were diftina coni p!l!lies of uuruben; ; it is to wit, 4.r. Hereupon ~e began eo number the fquares wherein the letters ftood in Enocbs T ables ai.l-had. t hem, bm we could not exaltly finde the words, but fomewhat near . Hereupon being tired, and defirouli t? know the (enfe of that Cyllher, we left. off till after (upper, a-nd then we a!fayed agam: but . we could not .b olt 1t ouc:l though we knew very lH;a r what was to be done by the infi_ruetion of a fjiritual Voice, now and then-helping u s to ward the llraB:ife. At length f,.K. w~ willed. to f.O d~111 into hi5 Charpber, and I did remain frill at our D ineing Table till h is return, which was within an h our or fomewhat ID91e. And at his return this he brought in writing.


rztlaf a r d z a 1 czon s a
t 0 I
S. I

t t Z
S 0

g a

fmonda o r o t ba txga s d t n a b r v p a I o a 1 0 J I I tT a b am oo oacvca n aocot Tnprn't o c an m a g o t r r I s h 1 a I r ap .m zox

aytlpa d p a I a.m reyavb opacoc m rb z n b t d I a r 1 h a oz p 1

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n h odd 1 p a t a xI

tnphars mamglo
o 1a a d n ' p a L C 0I n da z n z I I d .p 0 ll

d ll I r o m e b xm a 1 gm a 1 c ao o / 0 V S p s n arvrois: lg<l I oi~


m l




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sdaspi~~ a r n d 1 j _~
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VJlfi:Qli .O


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d on p a t o 1 o age






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..... Th


A true ~/at ion~/ Dr. Dee hu 4Elions, withSpiritJ; &c.

'[he bhicJt Crojj il right, nnd niedeth m mending. But thM much I do, ro 'let thee tntierfland, that thou mayejt confider thy [elf to be a. m~tn: And beneath .tbid undtrflanding, ~~~ lrfs thou fubmit all into the hands of God, for hts fake; ho tlfe leavmg.you, n,IJ nllk,:a, provideth in hu creatures to hid own.glury. . , Car a tibi uxor,carior ribi [apientia,cbarif!imid tibi ego {Rm. Elef1M tremil,& hefitand peCCM: .Noli igitur ad genium,& carmen [apere; fed obte.mpera mib; : dull or tnim tUIH {;mt & ~:utor [piritM omnium. Hec tmmia a me funt, & lieit~: vQbu. . . I admcnijh you M the' children of Go~, to confider your vocation, and the love of Gol t6wards you; and not t9 prefer your rea[ before the wi{dome af the higheft,wbo{e '!'eYCJ is fo great on tuwards you, That Y,Oll are choren from the numb~r ?f ~tt:n to wal~ with htm, and to underftand his myftenes, and wuh all to execute hts Juihce and pntfe throughout the Nations ai1d people of the earth. C onftJer that if he /i1tae you obffinate, tbe plagu, s of haynow e ftnners,and cantemners of the gifts of God jh'llU fall upony.o u, to your great overthro-w : Tb~ H the laft time of your trial . Therefore jhew your {elves lovers of him tiJA-t ha'h led you, ~tnd ,,._ vered you with a mighty jhie/d : Or jhortly [Q,ok,.for the Te'IJ'ard of [uch, M have cmtemned the Wifdome. and Maje}f.J of the Higheft.

I }\aphael, cotmfel you to mai,.e i Covenant with the Highift, 11nd to efteem hit wings more then youro"Wn lives.
~ When E.K. had brought me thefe things, I greatly rejoyced in fpirit, and was utterJy reColved to obey this ne~ Doctrine to us, peculiarly, of all people of the world enjoyned. A_ after (ome little difcourfc and conference hereof, we went to bed, this nd Aprilis lo. 20. day of April, at night.




~. Thus, alfi I refolved, 0 Almighty G,od, as concernisg the cafe: fo hard.to ildh and blood, to be rttfolved in, thus : A11d thusl defire, that we all fOtu:,mlght witli one minde and confent, offer and pr.efe~t unto thee, this wl'iting a!i a Vow, Prop1ife,and Covenant, if it fo pleafe thy divine m jelly to ,...,cept: it.

f;E. four. ( whoCe h~ads appeared UJ:tdcr one C~ryftalline Cr?~n, in_ one pillar uni,. ted; and mclofed) do n~ofr humbly ard heart!ly thank thee,Q f\lmtghty G_od (our Creator, Redeemer and s~matfier) for -all thy merc~s and benefl'tls hitherto received in our perfons, and iu .the.m .t hat app_rcain. unto us: At:~d at thi~ prrfen~, do faithfully ~nd e fincerely co:lfefs , and ackr1:o~ledge, that thy. profound wtfdome m t~il m_ new anJ. oft ftrange dourme (among Chnihans) propounded, commended, ~nd enJoyned unto us four only, is above ou.r humrtne reafon, and Ch~ijtian profe J!in to lik.f of : . For that in outward !hew of words, 1t ~ee.meth to us exprdly t.o be contrary_co the punty and c~aftity, which of us, and ~11 Chnfttam, thy fol~owers, . I S exaaly reqmr.ed . Notwtthfi~ndmg, we will, herein, capnva.t e, and tread 'tand~r-:fooc all our hu~1ane nx;10ro~ dot,J.btmg of any inconYenience., wluch !hall, or may fall upon us, or follow us m thts world, or in the world to come; m refpeaot by rea1on of ourimbracingof this DoB:rine, liftened u.nto, of us, as delivered from our true and living God, the Creator of heaven and earth; who Qnly hath the true : m-iginal pow~r an~ Authority of ,fins releafing a~d difc.harging : And whofe pardonmg, and not tmputmg of fin nnto us, through oui'ltvely fa1th in the moft worthy me rit, and preci.ous blood of t:he Lamb.Im.maculate, thed for us, is.and iball be our j~ftification and falvat1en. We, therefo!e ( a(:CQ!~ing to ?letfe.d Rapbael his .counfel laft gtven) meft humbly and fincerely requtre thy 01Vme MaJefty, to accept th1s our Coven~nt with' thee. ( for that, rhr me.r uifu:l promifes made unto us, may be to. us performed; and rhy d1vme. pu~pofes m us and by J.~S, may be furthered, and advanced and ~1lfil~ed.) '[hiz_ ' as we a~J<:lowledge thy divine . ~ifdome an4 &rice offered unto us in: t rll!s thy laft mylhcal Admo~lhment : ~Q.d doft mofl: earneftly will u s to .tccept the [a1tu, IH lawfulttnd j u}r"i~h ~hee;Wh~ch Ap~ontlhmentfran~et h.upof). two parts :That ill to_ wit, upon ou r truf Chnfuan chanty fpmtultl between us four, and alfo upen the Matnmo-niallicence'and liberty, indifferently among us fot.H' r~ be ufed : .So we the f~91e four, (which hereunto will fuPfcribe) covenant with thy ,Divine Majefiy ,,. upon the two princtpal refp~as b~fore rehearfed, t ruly and unf'ainedly to accept and perform henceforM .~Yard amongfr us four, in word)thougb.t .etl'ld deed, Chrifrian charity, and perfe8: friend~ip>and all that bclongeth thereto: And as for the Mat.rimonial-like.licmce,aud liberty, we

true~ati()n of Dr. Dee hu Aflion.s1Dith Spirits,&c.

* 17

~e accept aud allow of it, and promife un~o thee (0 onr God) to fuifiii the fame,in c~ch

fort, as the 5odly are ~e.rrnitted ~o.-. ful.fill, and hav~ been ~.Y d~vers tefiimo?ies cornmended for, and by O!Vlne. do8:nne wtlled to fuHill, 111 Matnn~ontal canverfatton,whenfoever thy motions and. allurements (Matrimot.li~l.,like) fh~H dr~w at\d ,Perfwade ~ny couwe of us.. Befee~hmg thee 1 as thou .art ~he ~ne1y ~rue .Alm~gh~y and E.verlafisn.g (Jod, Creator of Heaven and Earth, T,honwtlt,. tn thy ~afinttc. merctes , not unpute rt WltO us for fin, blindnefs,raf?nefs, or prefum. tiOn; bemg not accepted, done, Ol' perp form~d upon carnal lull, or wanton concuptfce!lce; But . bJ: the way of .Abraham-lik~ faith 11nd obedience, unto the~, our Gc.d, ont: Leader, Teacher; Pr~e8:or and Juftifiet, now and for ever. And hereunto we c~ll the holy Heavens to be wttneifcs) for thy hon9\lf and glory (0 Almighty God) and our difcharge, now and for ever. .Amm

..... ..,..


Edward Keliy.by good and provident (according to the Laws and ordinances of God) determination and confideration in ~hefe former Aetions1 that is to fay, appearings, ihews -made, and voyces ~ttered, by the within named in thi~ Book, and the reft whatfoever Spirits hav~ from the beginning thereof(which at large by the Records appeareth) notonly doubted and difliked their inGnuations a:nd,dochine tittered, bp~ alfo divers and fundry ti,mes (as coveting to eCchew. and a void th~. danger and. in~onvenience that might either by thetn, their felves, or the drift ,of their doetrine enfue, or to my indamagemcnt dive~s wayes, happen) fought to. depart from the exercifes thereof :. and withal boldly (a~ the f~rvant of. the "Son of Cod) ipveig4ed againft them; urging them to depart, orrender het- ter -reaioQ of t.h eir unknown a.n d uncredible words and ~peecbes delivered ) and withaH often and fun'dry .times .friendly exhorted- the Right Wodhipful .Mafier JOHN DEE (rhc_.chieffoHower thereof) as aJfo in the Records appear~th, to- ~egard hts foul-s health, the good proceeding of his wordly credit (which tb~ough Europe is great) the better maintcnan~e to come of his wife and children , to beware of them,and withall to give the~ over : wherein ~l~houg~ IJriendly andbrotherly laboured~ my labo~r feemed to be loft a, u counfel of ~im n defpifed' and w;thall was ~uged with replies to the contrary by hitn made~ a.nd .promifes,.in that cafe, of the lofs of his fouls health, if they were not .of God; Whereuntoupon as jt were fome f;uther tafieof them,.Qr opin.ion.gro.unded .4 pon the frailty of zeal, .~e ceafed not a lfo to pAWn.unto .me. his foul, &c. which hi$ p~dwafions were the duef apd ope]y .caufe pf n:tY .t his fo long proceeding with them: And ~ow alfo_ this infiant ' and . before a iew dayes having manifeft oc~ at cafion to think they were the fervants of Sathan , and the children of darknefs.; becauf~ they m~nifefily urged and commanded in the ~anie of God a DoCtrine D~mn~ble , and contrary to the Laws of God, his Commandenients ,. and Gofpel by our - aviour Chrifi as a S Ton<;hftone tQ u& left aod deli ered , did openly unto them diflike v thei'r proceeding, and brotherly admonifhed the faid Worihipfu1, ~dmy good friend Mr.JOHN DEE. to beware of them : And no-w having jufi occafion to determine wh.lt they were ,. to confider all Cc c thefe

'* 18

A true7\_elation of Dr. Dee huAflionr, rwithSpirits? &c.

thefe things before mentioned by me;and ~ifcly to leave them; and the rather becaufe themfelves,they (as that by their own words appear... et h) upon our not following that Oo&rin,e delivered, gave pnto us a . !J2.!!ietm eft, or pafport -of fr~cdome : But the Books being br:ought 1 :t~11~~r~ forth*, after fome difcourfe therein, after a <4y or two had,. and their words perufed fpoke.n heretofore, did as it were (bccaufe of the poffible verity thereof, Deo enim omnia funt poffibi/ia) gave us ,c~ufe of further deliberation : fo that thereby, I did partly' of my felf, aftd p:utly by the true meaning of the faid Mr: DEE in the receiving of them, as.from God ; and after a fort by the zeal 'I.faw him bear untn the true worfhip and glory of God to be '( as that was by th.eiJl , prom'ifed) by us promoted., .a efcend from my felf; and condefcend unto h~s opinio.n and deterrilipation, giving over all reafon, or whatfoev~r J~~1 en. for the love of God : But the wome~ difliked utterly this lafi Dochine' and confulting.amongft themfe]ves gave us this anfwer' the former aetions did nothing offend them but m~ eh . comforted: theni : and therefore this lafi,not agreeing with the reft (which they think to be according to the good will and wholefome Law of God) maketh them to fear , becaufe it exprdltis contrary to the Commandement of God : . And thereupon~defiring God not to be offended '~ith their ignorance,requiredanother acti?n for better information here~ in; in the mean, vowing, fafting, and praying; Mrs. DEE hath coveAn altiou nanted with God to .abfiain from the eating of fifh and tlelh untill require~ his Divine Majefiy fatisfie their mindes according to his Laws efia~ ~~~~ewo- blilhed ,. and throughout all Chrifiendome received. To this their requeft of ha~ing a? aetion, I abfolutd~ anfwer , that my limplicity before the Htghefi: Is fuch as _ trufi: wtll excufe me: And becauf~ I. the fumme of thi.s Docrrine, given in his name, doth require obedience which I have (as is ~fore Written) offered , I think my felf dif.. charged : And the- efore have no farther caufe to hazzard my felf r any ~ore in ~~y alti~n: 'Yherefo:e I ~?f:vcr that if it be ~ lawful for them to call thts Doetnne In que.lbon , 1t :a:s more lawful for me to doubt of greater p~rril ;" confidering t~t to come whe.re we are abfolutel y anfwered were folly , :and- might redound unto my great inconvenience. Therefore befeeching God to have mercy upon me, and to ftisfie their Petitions, doubts .and vows, I finally anf wer , that I will from this day forw;ttd meddle no more herein. ~2. of April, ~587.





A true 'Rel~tion of . r. Dee hu AflionJ, "tPith Spirits1&c. D

Aprilis 24.


i::>.pRa_y~rs to _ od made in .refpe8: of this ftrange; and'ne:v det\:rine,. r~quiritig his G Otvme Ma Jefly to be merctful unto us, and to,gtve us .wtfdom and f.uth tl.tat we may herein pleafe him ; and that we c~nno~ finde how w may ~o the thing I'e<Jtttred, . e being contrary t o the Laws of Mo[e.s, Chnft, h1s Church, and of ail Nations. Therefore f eeing G od is not contrary to himfelf, we defl.red that we might not be contrary to him or his Laws, &c. t:. Not long, lo, there appeared a ~ reat ~a x_ne of fire in the principal Stone, (both fianding.on the Table before E.K.) wluch thmg though he told me, I made no c:nd ofnty Prayer t o G9d. And behold, fuddenly on e feemed to come in a~ the fquth wind<;>w ~f rhe Chappel, right againft E.K. (But befqre that, the flone was heaved' np an handful. high, a n d fee down ag!lin well, .which thing ~-K. thong_ht did fignifie fome ~l'ange matter ro~a rd.) Then aft~r, the man that came m at the wmdow feemed to have his .nether 2 arts 111 a cfoud, an<:J. w1th fpred-abroad arms to come towa_rd E.K. At which fight he {hrinked b. ck fom ewhat, and then that Creature took up between both his hands the a flone and frame of gold, and mounted up away as he camt>.. E.K. catched at it, but he cowld not touch it. At which thing b eing fo taken away, and at the fight thereof E.K. was in a great fear and trembling, and had tremorem cordit fvr a while. But I was very glad and well pleafed. ~ Here ap1)earerh a fir e in this other fionc alfo, and a man in the fire, with flaxen hair hanging down upon him, and is naked unto his Paps,; and feemeth to have fpots of blood upon him. He fpake, and faid as follo'o/eth. If I hitd intended to have overth'r:own you, or brought y ott. t oconfujion, or [u.ferul you to he Chrif!. 11s. led i11to tnnpt:lltion beyond your ftrength .and power, then had the Seas long ago J-,a!low.ed. / 1ou. Yea, tber~ had nat a. [oulli11ed amoHt,fi you. Bur the law anti. tidings (t~ mankj~e) of glai.ne[s, are both groundetl ire me, I a.m the Be.. The Law & ginning ~nd fhe Ending : ~Hd beholtl, ha.ppy il he that d~lighte~h -in me, for in me it truth anJ the Gofpel. ~nderftandiJtg. Whatfoever you have received, you h.tve received of me; and without me you have received nothing. Behold, I my {elf was even the figure of mifery and death for yonr fins. Why (therefo~e) eiifdain JGU to be figured a.ftrr me ,t I ypi/l gather Jhe four quarters.of the earth together, a11d they fhilll become one. . . . And as I have made you the figur~ of two people to cdme, and amongft them, the ~.and E .K. oecur9rs of my Juftice: SQ lil<fwi[e hav~ I {~tnllified you in an holy Ordintznce, giving you a figure of the firfi fruits of the t ime: to come. Httppy it he that it a Serpent in the "Wilderntfs hAnged t~o peo.Pie up upon the Cro being the will anJ. figure o my determination, 1111d Ki1tgd.om to come: I a.m to "ome, [s, f even i n the doors ; and I will overthTow all flejh. I will no more delight in the fons o nWJ. f Contr~t.ry to my [elf, I tettch you nothing. ~. HeanfFor this Dot\:rine i~ not eo b,e publifhed ro monal men: bnt is gi"f'eti unto you, to wcreth eo manifdl your faith, and to make you worthy in the fight of the heavens,for believing in phrafe of my n1 e of your vocation to come. pra ycr or <fiJerefore I fay unro y ou, Rdoyce, and be not careful for ti lflorrow : for I, even I, btt..e difc_ . ourfe 1rovided for you: Sin no morr. . . . . -;fh1 do&'1n s Behold! N one of the.Orders, tttber of Heavm or Earth, arearmetJto openthetr mouthes m IS -hl?fu~ be my Name, teaching Qr opening thil Dolfrine, unlr[s it were f me, for I am the Firftand the pu 1 to Laft. .And 1 will be Shepherd over a.U, that the Kingdom f my Ftttlm' may come, and thlltt 1ft] an'Jlai~ Spirit m ay be upon all fldh, where there fhall bt no law, 11or neeil of light: rmj felf am their UnHI p4ftflr /11nthorn f or ever. . . & ur.Mm tJAnd beholtl,I \vill be as a Roe~ between you and the teeth of Levtathan, whtch feek~ - vle. cth t6 fer you afunder, and to bnng you to confufion. ContttHJ Dl .Au I am, ilnd am holy, and hol~He[s it [elf : Out of me Clmeth uncle~tn thin~. ioli. F6r even tU tbe_ time of . Mo[es WM 'f!'onJ.erful to all the Gentiles, even fo !hall tho[e days Mofos. to come be lmto rhe Nat-~.ons and Kmgs of the earth. I an~ a lttJ'9 for ever. And' behold, power it givw uvto me from 4bove: Attd I have vifited the t'arth, IU bav~ thrown my cutfe Ste1'ilitM upon her : Ad 1o, fhe jhall bee,ome b~rmt. Terr,_. - He that fa(teth and prayer& doth but that which u CQmmanaed : Ht that lll[o fulfilltth *J -,iU, if jujiifird before me : for who il be that raifetb up, or tf'ho if he that cafteth do1Pn ? Tell, eve" I it -if that have .takfn .J4U f our Trees out of the forreft of the worlJ, and h11ve covere&l Tbt {hew ~f yu hitherto with my wings._ .And behold, thil thaf- i1 takJn IZWil) jh11ll be reftored .tgaiH to ) Oil. 4 treh,whttt with mort po_wer. .A~td Might Jhall be in it, and a. breftplate U11to you,- of Judgement 11nd, itm(antth. l{nowledge. PttforAI Ana if t/<Jrt be at.~y of jou.that {tek,th a Miracle at my hand.r,and believet h in my words, let him or1]er.pre[a:t themfelves her:e the next Monday, with the uft, and he {hall ptrceive tbllt N Mmmlm, I .Wili the Judge .ofAbiram,- amltl.:e God. of Ab raham: Walk before me as the fons of my um. Ccc 2 Fafhll',


A true JZelatron ~f Dr. Oee hu ~EfiotH, 'f}]ith SpiritJ, &c.

Fatl}er, in aH riglit~oufnefs~ And [if/low you thllt which you Qilll un righteou{P,efs even with gladne(-. : for I cttn nzak.,e jo'll. wbitff then [now. Our unity of. Your unity and ki1i~cing t'<;>g&he1 iS. the e~1d "utl. '<:Oft~aromat'ion of the beginnit.l g of whatnnpot- my har~elt. I will not dally Jptth you, but I wtll be.mJghry tn deed amongJl. youJ A~trllo, 1 ranee l~ IS: will jh.ortly open your ejes, and' jo14 jhaH {et: ..MtJ; I . : ill fay, A a x.s E:; and JOU ' jhall .t;. w ~ft ftnu el., ollt. t'Yhft I am I (fm.. .


E,K . . Th~ flame and all is difappeared.


The ancieQ,t token ... nd wa~chwor~ fordhewcd us: A rife',

eo"'! an,d

GlorUl Patri, & Filw, & Spiritid S antlo, jiCUt mrr i11 principio,& nuHC, & iH fml'-


:piterna f.eoulorutn f.ccuh,.


, , jNdgem~m s,


l": d . .... lU lt 1 . L f l ytt a.ft er, t h~t.h' b0 dy had" . l'ke ~ ~s ~e,ry \1~at,..~yeu' l'OmarS :breR down tuo all hts par~s, htS _pnv.~tt~s an~ tlitg~s: . . , 1J~b Omn,pottnh, Mifencortft ..& Regt [e.culorutt?- fit . mnu i:A.Jff, ~11or & glor:i~t. "unc o {e-mpd. AD,)..en.


J. .D~
11 1 " ' 5

E. K.

J. D. J. K .

.Ap~ili~ x.8. wE~:four{w-hofe heads' appeared under one Chry~alline Crown, .and ir~ .one .piila:.r 11

. umtc:;d and enclofed) do m<;>ft hu~nbly ~nd h.e arul.y .t hank th_e ( 0 A~mtghty Go~~ e our Creator, .Redeemer and Santrtfier) for. all thy mei-ctes and betiefits htthert0 .recet;.. v~~ iriour :own ~erforts,. al\d in- th~m ~h~t appen~in unto us : A~d: ~t thi~ . pre\ent .do fatthfully and fincerelY. con.fefs and a~~n?wledge, that thy profo~md wtfdol'n .t h t~us .~oft new and ltran.ge Do&rine(an.10ng .clvifba.ns) propounded; comrnended and enjoyned unto us ~u.r Ol)ely, isabove OUl' huma.tle R.eafoti, arid our Catholick Chtifiiat\ p rofeffion to tike of : . for that,, in_outwa.r~ 0ew of. words, .i~ [fe:nerh to'l.Jse'Xl?reny. .to.be c.o mrary to .the ptw ty and cuafbttywhJch oof: us and all C!w{ilans (tny- (ollowers) ts exactly .required. . . Notwit~ftanding,we wilJ,fQ,r thy (ake herein captivare and tread under fooc all oqr humane ti~ero~s d~obtiqg m~ in~onv~nience Y'hich ~ll or ":arfaJi up?n us, or follow us (m thts w.o rbt, or m the ~orld tO.COJ;Ue) 10 refpefr, or by reafon of .o ur embraciitg ~lf.'.t hi s Qo8:riQ~; 'Iillned..u.ti t~ o'f u~~ as dehvt:red front, tb ee,. our true a-rid living God, th~ Creator. of .heaven apd earcl:li)who O'ndy haft the t-rue origin:i .p owt:r and aoitd thority of. UfiS rele~~g- ~d ~J[~argt~ ; ~~H:lWlto.f~ f.rdo!ting~ . Q.r t~Ot .i mputing of fifl untQ us,'t-~t;ough ou r.;hn~y f aith m {h~ n1oft wprt~y Mer~t and p~cto~s Blood of.thy Lamb' immaculate, 1hed fonts; 1s and fhall 'Be. our JuihficattQn and. Salvaoon. We therefore fi i/iJ t.o. (accordin8 _u~b1ef~~. klipf;!Ul his. c~~n1eHaceJy g,ven) moff. humbty . an~ fincerely re~ ""~pro- .quire. thy qivu'l~ .~aJCfty~o ~cc;pt t~ts~ur.Covenant wt~h th~.e (t~ the mtent that all~hy [lm(i~J: merctful an& grac10us :p~o?.nfes ma ~e u:u:~o us four;. and any of us, may be t,o us performed ; and alfothar thy divme purpo[esm us, and by u s, may be fun!tered, advanced. and fulfillt:d) That .. as w:e .acknowledgethtdiv~ne . wifdom 'and grace opened Uflto US 'irt this: thy Jafl:'Jl1yfiical Adni oniihme~t of umverfal unity to be. between us . : And doll mofi in;. fiantly.andearneltly w.i ll us,co accept and ufe the f'ame, as bothmyfiically moft 'needful and alfo lawful andjuft wich thee.: (-whit~ ~dmot~it~r.tentllandcih upon two parts,; th : a is' to wit; upon trite arid couf~mma~e C.h.rtftt~n C.h~nc.y betw~en us ~ou~ uuviolabl j to b.e kept. And a.lfoupon t~e N.ew Ma~rtrn01Hil-likc. h cence and I_1berry mdrft:eret~tly a'tilbrtgff. us four to be ufed :) So we tht fame four above-named ( wiuch hereunto W1l.l al[o cu~ f.l:rlbei<>Ur. ?-James) do c.h \s. day .~ven~nt witliJ:hy Divme Majefry (befidc;~ all oth~r re.; "Before at fpefts, c~u~fly upon the two pnnctpalr~tem s andrefpeas.* before her:e .reherfcd) truly this mar'k and:unfetgnedly to accept. and pe>rfotm henceforward amongft us four (m Word, ell oughc a1~d deed, to the utter.mo~ an~ .b:eft of o~tr pow_e-r) a . per~eCtut~~ty~ ahd with 'i nc.omraJ'able q ne love and goo:a Chnfuan ..Cbamy, fn.end11up, rmpart'1ng and commumcl;ltmg each u11ro other, all and Whatfoev.er we have or fh;,ll have here~fter during ot.ir lives. 1\nd as forche Matrimonial-like licence, we accept and allow of it : And promife unto, thee (0 our God, theAlrnig!iry, Qreator of heav ena.nd earth) to fulfih!1efame in.fuch fort as the godly .are pcrmicted to ,fulfil, and have. been (by divers teftimonie'~) commended for,. ai1,d by-.divineDolhttie willedw.fulfil..in ~atr4oonial-:-like conv~rfat ion~ whenfoeverihy motions and allurenttnts- Matnmotu-alltke lhall draw and.perfwade ,any CbuJ?Ie of ~s thereunto.: Befeeching thee, as tho~tl\.rt the ondy, true Almighty and everlafhng God, Creator of heaven a'nd eart h, Thou wi.lt in chy,infinite m erci.es hot il)'lpute it un~o us for fin, blind~1e(s, ra.fimefs. or p vefu~rption ; being.not accepted,. don~':or perfot:m ed o~ us upon carnal lull:, or_ wamon concup.rfcen~eJ but by the way of Abrabam... h ke ~.tth and pbcdience unto thee ourGod, OlJt Leader, Teacher, Prote8:or and Juftifier, itow an.d for .ever . And hereunto we ntoft htimbty .and faithfufly require thy Dwi11-t Majdty .to be ~urwicnefs. ~ .And moreovt:l' .we caH cliy holy Ang..els, and to bear record for thy h9no ur



A true1(dation of D.r. Dee: h~

4fliorTS~ ith ~piritr;&c.

* ;.l.

and glory:, and fer our difcbarge., t.~ow ~ud for e~er. And for:~ further confummatioh of thi~ New Covenant on our behalf~ (by thy wd~ a?d ~ermiffion) made with rhee (cbe God of heaven and earth) we the fame four firft o<;>Cified, and particularly and vulgarly named Jo!ht -Det, Edward Kel{ey, Jam_T>ee, and ] one Kelley, have faithfully,. obcdie~u!y, willingly an:d wittingly fubfcribed otlr Names with our own hands day of May0 :A1f1to 1 87.. In 'tre~o~ Caftle.

AnA fi.nally, as thou h~warn_ed. us (0 God)that this. do8:rine and doings lhould unto t\o= mort~l man elfe he d~(clofed., bur' among. ~~ ondy the_ above-nam ed ~our to b~ 1 lr,.cpt 1nojt ftcut ; and haft fa1d, that whofoeve.r of us lhould by any means d1(clofe the (a me, a1rd he alfo C?r fheto wfiom the (a me fhould be difclo(ed' fhould prefently' and immediim :ly pe ftrucken dead by thy Divine powu: So ..ye alfand every of us fol1r do requcft cbee ~oft ~arne{lly, a~td CQ.ve.nant wit~l t_hee a~ 01~r God,_that fo ali this do8:rine a Ad dojng.reay . be~ep~ moft hid aitd fecter; andalfo that the f9dden and immediate b'o.dily death may light and full on. the difclofer, and on him or .her to whom the faro~ doarure or aoing any mamier of way !hall b.e difcloied or knowl.1. Amen; Amen). Amen.
}OH f ' DEE.

Note and remernbei; That on Sun_ .the third of May, Ami.1587. (byo the new acday counc) I } oh11 Dee)Edwa,rd KeUey,and our two wi~~s)covenanred wi~h God,~~d fub{cribed the iamt, for indiffQlubk and ii1 violabl( unities, charity and.friendiliip keeping between us four, and al~ thit. gs betwcen"t1s t- be common, as God by fnndry means willed us to l C? do. 1./.d Dei honorem, laudem & glorittm in fide & obedientitt.Fa{Jum efto. Amue.

Trebonte, in the fine Chappel.

He furcfaid Covenant being framed by me .John Du, as near as I c~uld according tp the intent and.faith of us required, to be noti~ed and declared by the works of uqity botQ fpiritual and..corporal. Now it WM by t.he women by QUr [elves thougbt:nec(jJary to ultderjtand the will of God and hk good plea[ure, .Whethen:hk Covmimt "na fotm -of w~ rds perfrrrmed, i:> and will be acceptable, and-accord~ns tO t:h;c wd1'liking of his Diviue Majefiy: .And th1u ~ereupon, the :ra of corporal kf\O)Vledge. bemg performed on both our parts, =.R . wi~l pleafe hi~ Divine Maje~. to fea! and warnn~ Jtnto w :m,oft cert(li11f.1 and ffi~e dily all hH Dtvtne, Merctful and bountiful Hrlmzifes Jtntl Blegi1gs; and alfo prom1fes us Wifdome, knowledge, ability an~ powex:-t;e execute. his juihce, aad decla1e and demon.Urate his infallible ve_ rity amongft meri, to Ius honour and glory.. Hereupon E.K. and I went to the ~happel to the South Table~ t:.. To this mtent 1 prayed to the Almighty God, Creator P~ heann and eafth, f~cher~y, favourabi:r and mercifqlly eo regard the.fil)glenefs and ftr.a1tS of my heart, definng htrn to encreale the faith, atidto opetHhe eyes of my heart; that I may fee Opera digitorum & tir~t.bilia eju,s, nobi.f ficuti nec.effaria, fur his fervice and glory, and for the confufion and overchrow Qf his enemies. Amen. I read oYer the Covenant (verb~tim) beforethe Divine Majefty, and his holy Angels.

May 6. Wednetaay,

.a ~ritl.ie.

Pau.fo ~hor~.

E. 1{. Here appeareth Madimi. As a thing like a head with'three eyes cometh upon her head', and one of the eyes feem to tome one into another.
Mad..... Pepjgi.ftu. A J'ep(gitn.Uf. .

.perrimpiu [ttnt vobil omnia communi~t, Dei, non hominid eftote: Prottliffa. que funt, poffidete : V9btt 'deftiHata, tltra funt. ~ .lEtent.U! [um.
:Rittu"- eft:

_ ; K. . he is gone . E S .E.K. My thought an infinite number of fpiritual Creatures flood afar o.ff behinde - like as in an half Moon.her
A 11/i qui JEtcrnll.! e(f 0 mnipotens,S ~tpiens,BonUI, V fTNI, Mi[tricors,& rerumomnium.Crtll tor, Redemptor,no_(ler & Illuminatoromnium (lumine vero Coltu_lratorU>m) Sit. omni.f gr.ariarum. ( ~Qio, laM,-benediCiio, honor &glorla: Nunc win [e~p#erna {ecitlontm (.-cula. AtJ:len .



A true ela"tion of Dr. Dee hiJ AElionr, n>itb Spirit1,&c.


mornin~ Mail l e.

.. Reces ttd Dcminum Crttttorem C!fli & ttrr:-e~. &c. Then as concerning the Covenant which.was.ma<;fe fubfdibed anc\ deli~ered in , but.the next day req~ired again of Mr. E.K. and m !us wtfes name to put ont hts nallle, &c. But when he had tt , h.e Cut it into equal parts; keeping that half wherein his fubfcription and his wifes were, and delivered unto me, the or her half but after a few dayes defired to have the (ight and'readi ng ~f both together; and then he kept the Otherpart from me alfo: But afterward M~tdimi did with her finger draw. on t~e tw_ pape:_s m~tk.f them whole atain, &c. ~tnd then .fhe gave the prU.r o of my Charal:Jrrs, and fa~J, 4 red Czrc/e fhould alwayes appear m the Swne to all mens fight,&c.



thitt it lifted up in tlittnders, and i1t the voyce 1f _nany wate~s exalted . ~d magnified through 1 the power of a Seraphin (which H'the pow(r of bzm that made him! ). Who it he th11t ftretchetb our bit 4rms and imbraceth aU things l Wh!J i4 he-that it not, and i l l W~J -H he that numbretb rb1 Stars 111 the lett~s'of a. V olumne.? G rntretb down inu the w~tves ? In tbt ttiJlltitude of r bil wonderswhr> it he that harboured' hit Whelps there, where t,he Sea glideth., and fl.!epetb then1 in Chains, tiU the dtfy of hit ftretcb-forth power come ? WIJo .it he tharmllk.!th hi-t habitation the Sun, or filletb the Moon with 11 perpetual River? Who it he tha~ bath made Winttf- lfnd Summrr, times ant/. [eitfons l Wbo it he that it rhe Lord of aU beaffs And fowls ? 'fli'}Jo it he th4t hntb made you of nothing 1 ev lt hf. it it that bath led you out, even, he it -H that hitth carried.you to theSetUeven he it if, thathllth k._eptyoujleepi1tg", and pre'[ervedjou wa~H!!,: Even he it;, and bath harn~(hed you. that bath tyed hit th~nders underneath your Wirh the Wh~rlewind of 11enr;ra.nce ~gaiuf!- the people of Ethan, yea even he it u (I fay) .that it, and liV'eth f or ever , and hath prf;vided yon Ill the ch'iefeft reapers; yea anti. over-{ters of bit~ harvefi, which hatb ~1tde you a.promi[e : That the Kings of the eart~ jhaU he inri~hed by you, ~tnd hath made you free _(rom aU men, againft the day when you jhaU {te me. .But 0 you ef little faith and un.Jerfta,ding, 0 , I fay; you of little faith and underft~tnding, how long 'll'iU you h your o'!PII tm~ften, fUJ Y"r<r o-W,. [ervaHt$, how l~ng do you contemn, tbe pofound and unfpe~ft llble floods of my wifdome, ttnd forek.,nowledge tn you. How lo!zg (I fa() .wiUyou run after .>:our own ima.ginations tt~ cont'em_n the ~e{ent counfelt JPhich I g~veyou,hmdrtng the power that H ready to f11U uponyoJt,O y r,n of lzttle. fatth 1tnd unt.l'rrlla1tdinf,. . ~ Behold I have prepared a ban1<ft .for you, and hav-e brought you even unto tbe do f!rJ; hut becaufe you fmeUnot the fettjr you difdain to enter, happy H he that entreth in through m1 .: For I am the very gate to a1J felicity aJtd joy, and witlmtt me it nflthin;. : Are you mofe di[lrut tht1l I am wife l or more homft thar. 1 am holy l Righteoufne[s,anJ righteou[ne[s u that,'flhich it reJParded with honour. < Behold I made aU t~ings, Is it not co,trary to Nature, that the lights of Jof,U. heaven jhouldjtand : Why theref~re at the praJer r{ the Carpter c~ll you upGn the Son in my namt; Calling (I fay) upon my name dtd the Sun ftandftzU. Rebuk.f hz1n tb4refore if he hatb .d1me at;[s; or te~tth him, why he fo abu[ed Nttture, 0 you 'Wretches, _1 [al unto you, you are the /aft of Figt~rtlliln the beginning of the_ times to coml!, (~ figured by my determtnahon a1td eternal fur;~ofo : .AnJ. behold the Son and Moon.fhall ftand. jft.U,. even at your voyccs, and the Mountaznsjh41l bring themfolves together before tbe face of man, at your commandement, that the people and ICi~tt of rhe earth may (ay, Lo this is the finger of him that bath created all thi1:1gs. Et therefor~ obed~nt,t. fl~ fulJ of faith., At'd (ee. that all thlO~S bo on.e amongft you,.; ttnd.cleave no~ ,r[und_r, left I tak, vengeli1tef e A\lth!ngs upon you,for behold Satnan hath power to catt you afim~er)but a ltttle he jhou/dooe. be faithful tbrrefore, ttrzd provident, be watchful, andtak,t lieedfor you have made" Covenant; ~nd behold it -H 19.riuen before my.fa.ce in heaven, even ~ whatfoeve~ I ~ave fpo~en urito you, ACAvenaa' i~ laid up in my treafurcs. '[akf h~ed that you run nezther to the n.ght hand,ne!ther to _ lef~; th.e. but tb~t y oucajf a'tPI.Y your [elve,s [Qr me : .As I humbled my [elf to .deatb, wheretn the unztJ behreen mJ Congrega~ion 1tt1d m~, "WM. htffY!e my Fat!~ perpetuaUy fealed, .w~ereby I am alwyer prefent'with fuch as put thetrtx~u{bn me. Evtn fo tH the Eaft 11ntl tb~ We.ft,tbe N orth,llntl_ the 'lote,ti-' South,)Efau itnd TacobJh.t/l bt gathered togetb~ t~ough the ,pow.er. I will gtve you)~nd united mAt,n4 iJ. JtofMtNrA, for ever in the IGngdome of. my Father wh1ch xs to come, m one holy and eternal fellowlhip, fo be you contented alfo to he tbe figures of the r:hings rhar: are to come by you, tbar: ft may.be ~perpetual rejfinto11j. before t~e heave11s, Jtnd ~efllre '!'en, of ! our rrfeO a71d found fttit~: Figures. Alld rh~u , nms t~N rar lntft tote '1f peew tiltn Jh11 morm1f.g agaunb11 'vmttnr wh~eb th111 lltt.Jf

E. K. There is here a great Globe of fire hanging in the top of the Stone; and in the Globe a man fianding with a purple Robe like Chrifi, I cannot wcil perceive his face. Who -jittetb upon the 'Cherub ins, and: i4 cttrried abro,~td with their wi11gs : Who iJ hi



A true'RdaJirm of Dr. Dee hu Aflions, UJith Spirits;&c~

ha.Ji made witb me, Behold tbe time.fhaU c~me that thou lhalr he torn in pe~~es tby {elf, and t wilf rurn even my f nce. away. from thte for 4 t~tm : And even -M ~bou b4ft ohjtina.tely and ignor.tn.tly, bla(phemed the con1p,any f>f my hol1 meff'ajers,~ fo jhitl!. t.bepeople of the earth obftin4tel.J and ignerantly throw rhee out from - own to Town : .And even M thou haft done unto me, eve11 T fo }hall. twn d~ Jm~t tbH. But beca.ufc t;hy minde was inw~rd\y never to forf4~-1U, evm f fodt thtJu. nevey k~ fo.,[a.l(p qf 11H, but I wi.JJ mum ~gain".wt.to tlaee. ..tl1td IWII' 6ehold, thou haft made a bargain,and behold rJ:\QU thi.nkeft. tO- take thee: up a 11ew dwelliug place,and tho4 (-~Xi aol cfo.fo : Bur whq fo. l'f:Ceiveth t.hec Ul~ ~~~ hou[e jhaH truly as I am, both Iae and bis &ftlily fink d)Wn into th.e very lake ofhi:U. Eut before thou enu:r .ii:l,I will by dream~ and vifions.lJ'arn him; tbe.reJfirr ru no.t 1111ro~trl : T Jdtc lmd o.f the Teaprer, 'fhou made. a Co-.e.unt with lflf, "fflfM(b tllou cani n.ot in breakmg oft he papers put out; for.QlY regifier is
ete.mal : ;Uld ooc that bea~ "WQ.tn~[.-. before me a~:c the'cqropaf' of my wings. 4nJ. lo _beh~Jld Carpio hath f~r hif for.ut intent of feparating yo~ -1 cut Qff the day of bi.t Farhn, a11d is \ircome fathedfii : '8~bold tve*filortly ~U his I,Uother periih alfo. A.~,. if heruftc;.r, h.1tft111JP {itrth~r, .I 1Pill throw the vengeance of Juftice ~pon him, that he fha,ll be a laughing fiock to the people amongft which he was born: Wo be unto them that> rifeth \lp againft me. 4fttr a while I CD:Jnl ttgttin.

* ..,J ... ,


E. K.
~. l

I thought we iliould nave nothing dfe, but

ind this oYer. to E.I.

~ tbvtrp4 ..nir :t bw foul for: ntr:).lofotllitltOI, hlflt,_r Jytth for me~ This vvasfa.id bccaufe! had dieth to etn-nalli_e. Behold you. JhaU both 111 Lambs be brought forrh ~e&ore pawned my (Qv-1, upon my ":f ,. J' vouching. th( (piricuat C< _'.~ C' mm in your ltttter da.yes ; and Jhall he ~verthrown an4 flttin , 4nd yur Dfidies tures which have d~alt wt:h toffe.I tq a1ft] fr:o : Bu~ l ,;g fllli11t JOlt *gaU. :t .lt"tl 'IPilJ ba fuU of PD"'I'rr ; us, to'be of God and ~ood: .Aiuty_o1t /hall be c-omfqrtetl "JIIith the joyes ofJ.our bretbrm ~ for ll1ave ftlll1!J which my bugain E K nadrJfltJ. fetretly ferve me , and wlm1 J'fnl hav..e jhf'!Ped your o~edimct, the {eco71/l, by word & writing, difdatni.A.y. .fre-;, CQm~ h.n-e 4tttm befre 1ft; fq I '~rill letitl you itet tile 1l'll1 tJf f1,1lly chai-~d, _and of late J(JSo."'r/tdge A,_ 'lJPid<rftllnJ,i~ : . And Jul.gemmt Jt.nd Wi{dofle j1111 U~t. uJon. thceamed mew1thatl. you 3 llM jhd St reftored 1111to JDM : AHII yori jhall gr(}JIP evtry day ; wife and mighty The fecret in ~ lervantS for

E. K. He is here a~in.

E.. K.. He i$ gooe ~ and in going he made a Crofi ( tOWClrd us) - f ~~P~-;HtiA o ~ffi~ . ~~~ Rtnt1M nt11i Creat~f. ();ni.lJ.otmti,. Mif~'ortli. & Jt#ft, IJ.omino noftro & Deo nojtro, ua tn Deo.
fit ow,;, l~t.lll, &omr, gl~r{a, gr4ti11.rum aCtio & Jubilatio : Nunc & ;,; f,pitmaJ'ulaUtm [11cMf& Amen.

I ca-n~ .and by our two ~nfcti~s , . and at . th_e re quell <?f ] ane ~ unto the womt1f. And Mr.E.K. hereupen fatd to h11 w1fe, _ '!ilt h11 h~sts .'lltt:ll nD1P {uJ of, a,.d-chaJtged hii: pn1-fe o.f g4ing ll'fii4-J'1Pitb<Arpio ft4~. Gpd coninn Ius minQe.in al good purpofe~ accoroing Carpio. to tbf weU-pkafif!g ofthe.Higheff. .Amnr. . . . ~ A As I, and E.K. walked out at th.e new fta1rs, mto the rirw O,cbttrd- Friday .,a~ alMg t~e H~t.l~ l\.~verta vje~ :t he fmall ~tb, ~nd tet~rniog to ~he fore ftaits again, afternoo1,1 .. ~.K. faw nvam ~ btg~ as my fon A'!ln~r fightmg by the R.ter fide '_"tth fwords; and the a9out four ot one t\t1d to theother1 thou haft-begurlcd me 1 Then l at length, fatd un~o .them , _ ean I the clock. -ttke ilp the. U&Utd bclwct'n you~ pne fa id yea tbu y~ ~an : in what is it quoth -I ? .Tlwr f'itl be,. 'f. fort 11 fbi.ng to wift bJ "'J , . , , 4-M f. frll~ h~Jth t11k;n it fr.Dm him. Thr;y fought (ore,and at \'engtb', he tllat had ic was wounded in the thigh, and it feem~ b bleed. Aftertirt~rd lu>dtat .WJS l'JoQndtd, (Ji<l bring a yeU~w fq\larething-9\l.t of hii bo~ thenJ,gue[td iuo be my Scone th~t was taJt,en away.~hf otlltr faUl_ unto Um,ki itbe I .tarrW>Cuddcmy be n:emed to hav'ebeen out of figh.r:,and to be come again; he chreatned L l di the other that' bad wounded him, and f~tid hewould be even with him. The Ot~llt f~ld, :~ H4ft tht~~l~tid it undef. the righ.t pill07 of tb:t ht6 ltm.hit wife.layyeft'!"_ ight., p;~11;;~. At length they bot b w~nt (one after arro~ber) m to a ltttle W1llow tree body on the right hand ne.- t!ulll.Cllf .tlairs J.nr() dac garden:; tltc tree (eellled t~ (:l~y~ or .o pen, and



bed(whekl lay 1cfteirrught) and there Uif,d up the ttgllt pdt~. , ~r\ wlrich H\e lay fw.ft-ll {bcl~.aQt well t e#() And iu ~nner ~~de.r .li..cr.lbo n; ~be re I ~tU.ld Jll~-:ious StQQ.e, that Wi!\ talcen away by 1441/imi: w~za't E. K. greatty-wondrcd~ d g the verity 9( tlae ftkw. &tl and rnt wife rejoy tkanking .ooa.

~~~.~ He~q..af<'n J'C. weqt aw~y:

And. I coming_to my Chamb~r,fo~d my wife fyin~ upon her

* ..+. ..

A true ~latwn of Dr. Dee hu .AElionr Dith Spirits, &,.


our the -Alm1ghty and Pformed ( accordmg toand fa1th co!tce1ved of our vocauon , fromcefoJ:Ward we might Ete_mal God _ heaven of m1ght And that hen.
ea~th) b~ accept~d:

Saturday May 23. Mane circa 9 ! RfCU ttd Dtut fpndebantur,~c. And ~hen we requefted ~hatthe aa of obed~ence per-

be mftruE\:ed m the underftandmg and pracbce of w1fdome, both fuch as alrrady we have

received fome imroductitms Myfiical 1 and alfo of all other whatthe Almighty God thalJ deem mett for us to know, and execute for his honour and glory ,&c. A E. K. Took. Pen gnd bzkf, tlnd wrote the requeft lure adjoyned; and be_ read it to nu, and he requeftcd me to read it to the Divine Majdly ; and fo I did , and hereupon w~ .,aited. botb ro th'e firft my }Jrayer and to thi1 Pttition, the Divine anfwer. ~},. Omnipotens fempiterne, vere 6" ~ive Dem mittM lucm1 tuam & veritatem tuam Jtt if[ PIOS Jucanr- & perducant admontem, fan{ium_ SJon, tx bite v~Ue mi[eri.e & ~tJ Ctlefttm t'tiam Jerufalem. Amen.

E. K. From the beginning of this our coming, there appeared a purple Circle as big as a fiar. in the Circumference of the holy Stone, which yefl:erday was brought again: And that it ihou1d fo be, Madimi had forewarned E. K. when fhe ihewed it unto him , when alfo fh.e gave the prints of the letteh of the backGdc of the bOttome of the gold frame of it. E. l<. There appeareth here a great man all in bright EquM albM harnefs fitting upon a white horfe : he hath a fpear all fiery in his left hand, he now pu~teth into his right hand : he hath a long [word by his Gde : . he hath alfo a t;J.rgct hangi~g on his hac~? it feemeth to be of fieel : It hangeth from his neck by a blue lace;it cometh up behind him as high as the top of his head. The horfc is milk w-hite , all fiudded with white : a very comely horfe it is. Theman is in cornpleat harnefs,the top of h'is helmet hath a lharp form. Upon his Target, are many Cherubi~s ,, as it were painted in Circles ; there is one in the middle: About it as a Circle with fix in it, and then a Circle with e_ight, and then a great Circle with ten in Sum. it, and in the greatefi: are twenty ; and about the Circle of twenty are feven parts : at each of which points is a Cheruhin ; Their faces be like burning gold, their wings be more brighter and as it were their wings coining over . their heads do ChtTubin. not touch together. His horfe is alfo harniihed before and behind. The horfe legs beh_nd are harniihed as with boots mari veiloufly coritrived,for defence as it were_ of his hinde legs. E. K~ He is ridden away, he feemeth to ride through a great

E. K. Here is now come Madimi. E. K. She. is gone into the field, that way which he rode. E. K. Here is another, like a woman all in green. E. K. Here cometh another woman ; All her attire is like gold; fhe ath on he~ forehead~ Crofs chryftal, ~ her neck and h are bare.llnto un~er her dugs : She hath a. .girdle of gold flacldy buckled unto her with a pendant of gold down

beaten breaft beaten to the

.11 truc1Vjation of Dr. Dee hu JlElions;r;ith SpiritJj&c.

I aiu t~B- Dtiur.,hter.of Fc r:titlld~, Jha ritviJhuJ ~vtrj bofiT; from my yauth. For be, old, I lf.m Vnderjrtt7tding, and S,cience. d-welldb inme ; t:nd. the 'hiavens opjirefi m~, they covet ~tnd defire me.with znfinire appetzte: fe~ (JT ~one ibat are earth() havt imbr~t.eed me; f ur I am jhadowed wirh t~e. CirCle' of the Stone, ~tnd.~o vn:_ed with. th_ morping Clo!lds. My fut 11re [wiftel" than 1 the Wl.Jtds, and mfhattds ar( fw"teter tb1111" the mo~ning dew. My {,A.rntents are from the beginning, 1111d my tl.welling pliice u in my [elf.- 'f.b~ Lion _,.nowerb not wber~ I w_lk,., neither .dl) the beajh k a of t!Je fi(/d zmde1jland me. I am defloured, . a11d yet a virgin: I fanl1ifie, and am not fa!fl1ified. Happy i-f he that imbrtceth me : for iJi the night [ea[o11 I am. [weet, anti i~ the day. full of plea[1m. My company i-f a harm on} of miL_'!J Cymbals, a11d my lips [weeter tha11. health it [elf. I ,a,m a harlot . for fuch M ravifh me, _ a .virgin with fuch M Jtnow me not: For lo, I a in loptd and of ma1r.y, and l aH~ a lover to many-7 ttn.d M many tH cotne tmtome M tliey jho.uld do, have entertainment-. P..urge your Jlreets,,O ye fons of men, and wajh your houfes clettn:; mak.r your felves holy, and put on rigbte,ufnefs. Clljt out JOUr old [trumpets, au liiu.rn their ~lothes ; ~bjttti"n from the crmtpatty of othfT women tbat .are tlefilea, thitt i-re flutti(h, lfitd no-t .[o hntl[ome atul beautiful df I, and tben will I come il!Jd dwell f!ntongfi yoJI. : and : ehold, I will br.ing forth chilb dren unto .J o~, aud they }hall be tbe Sons of Cmfort, lwill open my garments~ anJ, jrand.na~d before you, that yo'fr love may be,more enflamed toward me. ,~s yet, I walk.. in the louds; 111 yn:J I ltlm carrried with the Winds, and can110t de[cend unto c yott for the"1tt,JJltitude of jour abominations, and the filthy lo~tthfomlt#[s." of your hellzngrlaces~ B.ehold thefe four, who is he that fuaU fay, They hne finned~ ? . or uitto whom thal . they The four, make acc?unt? Not unto you, you fons of men, . nor unto your children: for unto .6.~ E.K.I..K. o the'.Lord belongeth the: judgement of his fervants. . & ! ..6. . Now thh'efore, let the .earth give forth her_ fruit unto you, osd let the frlou1f.tains for[ak.t A blcfs1~g their barrenne[s ll'~ere your footft.eps j1,-aU. remain. Happy is he that [tllutetb you, and curfed if he forobc~hcnce tha~ hold~r~ up his hands ataiJJ{l- y?tt. And power !ball be giv~n unto you from' henceforth acco~dmg to relift your enerrties : and the Lord Lhall aJwayes hear you in the time of your troubles. to faith. And I ll>m fent rmto you to play rhe harlot w#b you, and ttm to enrich yu with the .loi[s of othn- Prtparare mm. Prepare for me, .for I come.Jhortly, 'Provide your Chambers for m~, th~r t&ey may be nos met tfe.. (weet .a11d.cle/mly '; for I .will mak.; ~ dwe.lling-place amo11gfl jou .: 1-n.d I will be commo1' with lumm. the father a1td the [on, yea anJ with all them that truly fvoureth yeu: for my youth is in her SaiNtAtio flowers, a H my .f~renl(th u not to be extin~uijhed with-man. Stron~ am I above 11tul, below, there- pritme. d fore provide for me: for .bebold, I now faluu you, ~tnri let peace be amongfl yo11 ;, for I,am the Daughcer of Comforr. Difclofe not my fecrets unco women, neither let them underftand Secrecy from hU"ffl fweet lam, for ~tll things bel~nr.,eth 11ot to tVeT.J.one. I CIJme wtto you agtti11..


E. K. -She is gone along that green field alfo.

I read it over. to our great comfort. . We mo6 humbly and heartily thank thee, 0 God Almighty, the ,onely fountain of Wifdome, P~wer, and all goodnefs: Help us now and ever to be faithful and fruitful ferva~1ts t<? thee~ :for thy hopour and glo.ty. .Amen.


E.K. The field appeareth a very -level ground,covered witl1 pretty grafs even to the brinks .of, the ..... It is bright if the Sub ~ight, but I fee not the Sun, but the dear sky over it.

Paufa [1111iho_a .unim r

.E.K. Now cometh the borfeman, and rideth by into the.field, and fo dotQ Madimi. Now cometh the third, and fo goeth away into
she field.
ahook tnher ~nd covered (as tt were) .Wtth Mofs three mch~sat the head, and four inches long, and afinger thick : .it hath no Clafi~s ; it is plain.
Paufa. .

No~ cometh ilie that Was le~ .here :

1J:e. fiandeth fii!l: .fhe hat~ ~'f:k J

1he fourti hoJir ~tfter d;11.ner, r~pair hithet agttin : And 11h~[~ver you lliaU rea de oilt of . this book, .re~eit~e ~t lt,peelin.g,up~,; yourl<.1aes; ~nd fee tb4t you fufer no Creature female Se~~y re4 to ent.e r w ,tthm thts place : Ne1rher jhaU the .thtngr that 5e otmeJ unto y.ou, be revealed. l1fl.. qw_ to your .wives,_or unto any Creature as yet : for I wiU LJe 'llith you a while, antl you jht~U -perceive that I 11m [weet and full of cmfart, .aM. tht~t the Lord is at hand, inll tbllf ~,m filortly 'viiit the earth,. 111Ul ~tll his whole Pnvinces.



D om.'nHJ

prop:-eft -

A true ~laiiqn of Dr.Dee hu AEiimJ~ TPiehSpir1ti,&c. E: K.. Shetur.neth her fe1f into a thoofand 1hapes of all Creatures:
She hangcth the Book in. the air. Give God thanks, and lo depart.~

and now.ihc.is corne to h.er own foon-agaip.

t:.. All.latld, thank~, honour and glory be to our God, our King and Saviour; now and ever. Arnen.

S4tHtd~1 thefame


Fter Dinner, about four hours, erfomewhat l$'fs we reforted , o the pla.ce. t A voyce to E..;~. Kned to:ward th.e .Eaft ,; he kneeled a.t the'table of Covenant, with his face towud the Eaft; a.nd I at ~y table oppofite to. hiQJ~ 6. . . . . In the .Naroc of Godthe Father, .God the Son.', and Gqd . the Holy G'iloft.




R.eife fa.pete & inteUeg"e doctto nos ( 0 Do?'finiH) nttm [a.pi.ntia. tua.,tohtm eft quod qurifiiUt Da verbum_twtm in.o.re:noftro. &.f~pientU'IfJ ru!m in cordib.M '!Oftri, fig e.

E. -K. The Book remaipeth hanging in the ayre~

A voice ...... KeUy, I know it is troublefome for thee to kneel : Sit. ' A . . . . . . . ~o E.K. rofe from knteling, and did fit:.
l' "ufa 1tlttf,n4.

. . . . . . E. K. Now ihe is -here,

'fh~ book


laft advertifed- us.


othel: half cover.belongingto the' other, .th~ fides with the'.covers are towards me.

She t~keth the book and div'id~th it into two: parts : and it feenteth to e two books : the half covr adj~yning . to .o ne, and. the. a

.. Wi f(lome il a pierci1tg bt~tm, wbich il the cmter of the [piritual being of tht holy , t ouchinl! front tirl parts . from w~mc~ th~ 'Divinity {ettdeth ii out , : and .il .proper to th~ foul, or unto [ubftg.,nces, t7iat Ff~tTJe begtn:lfing, but n o ~; fo.that, wbat[oever jhaU have end can never attain ~nto rh at which .~ caUed Wifdome : Neither can things that are {ubje. r~ B the fecond death, receiv~ any fuch influence, becau[e th- y are alr~ady notetl, and marl(et:f with e the[eat ef deftrullion. IiflPPY H he w'hom God bath made a wffel of [ttlvation;, fo r 1into him beAd ;m.tgt- longrtb joy, an~ aCrown ~f rew~rd :. ~d~m (Jou; forefatber :aud firJ! parent) in re{pelJ of 9u nun Dei cre~ tion, that H t o [~ty, zn re[petl of hH zmagmatzve compojitton recezved ne frrtHgth, but by.the J~tuus er lit Holy GAlofl~[or the f oul af m~tn wf reef~om a~ pa/JtottfnHd affellions, u'ntil .it enter into the had.J. tmto the which it itJ limited : [o th4t, bezng nnther good nor bad (but apt u;,to both') be h left> by Divine providence and per-_miffion joyned together to the md of the one, or the otber : But 'Where{oever wi[dom'e dweUetb, it dweUeth not 'JJ'ith the foul, .~H. a'IJ fropertythereef, .bu~ accord_i~ to the good . ill of God; whofe. mere;: concurreth o1t every fide. mto hzm , ad -rak.fth up~ m~nfton w therein; to utfer out; ~tnd man~feft hw greatgootlnef~ : And even the heavens are glorzfied C01f.rinu~Uy with the .$p~i_t .of .Go~ : Soil_ the [G o( man {)o~ifi-e~; that receiveth fanllificati~1f u[ thereby;, for no man Hzllumu~ated,. thllt. w not.[anOified .= ~ther 11 ther' any ma.n perfeCtly [anzllumznate.d. I fpea/t thH (my fmthren) fo r that you jharl U'!tlifi rd, that wnot derftand, '[bar no man did, w -ean tVtr att~in to wifdom ( that pir{d1 -wiftlome which I fPeaJc. of) without b.e become a Ce,Hter in hh foul unto tht> mereus; and.. good "rPill of God comprehenJThe con in[;h'im , -,md, dwelling in him ,. therefflre lif t up-y~ur ey~s JZn,d fee, .Call yoN.r wits together, 11nt ccivtf~ rh~. nrark_ mj words l 'To ieacb you, or expoun_~ unt'oyo'! the myfimes of the-:Boo~ that you have 4l~fP~u1tt1f;;_ rrady received,. il not in my p_owtr, but rn .the good_ wiU of Go~.) ttf terwhofdmttge I a.;n : mer ho ks. Whi_ h good w1ll o~ God': ts t~e defcendmg. ?f hts holy Sptnt abu~14amly upon .you, c 9 The gaod and m to you , openmg aU yo_ Jm[es , and nrakjng you perfe_ti men : for Adam underftood bJ ur wit~ of God. that gracel .a1tt! hit e were openul {o tha.. he faw and lt,new aU tbmgs. tbat were yes t . A dam his to hH uHderftandin~ : S_ have all tbo[e mo.re 'Jlnd lp[s, that haveb.een counted wiftt, received tbt o knowlroge giftt o the l-!9ly Ghoft ~ wh.ich' [ettetb th~: .[O'l!l.o'n ~n (o . on fire i:hat. h~ pierceth into ~11 f. thi11g~~ ~ndJ9geth .qug~tlly.. _ TAe Apoft~e~. wh1ch koew. even . thedioug~ts .Of' men& 1'he Apo underfiood al_l things? becaufe .the holy SP,l'nQm~de a cfwelli~ pl!lce in rbem : even fo Hies, fhall it ~appe~ unto you : Fd.ly~a.r~ .the chofen of thi!>laft ~ay,es,- andfuch as !hall be \\'1! ft~ll' of the blef!i.ngs of God; ~tnd bil Spir,t.Jh~l/ reft with. you. ltbund~ntly. Marl(therefore 'WIIIzt J h#.VI'f-Q {4J 11nto ),fJU.

A.trut 'Relation of Dr.. Dee hi& AC/ions, "flJjth Spirtts,&a ..


~ A);und~ed Jaj~s a;: limitei u~td yo~ duri~f, the which tim-e_; you thall everyfeventh;pre- . fem_your felyes 1h th1s place, anc! you !hall laud and praife God. And behold I will be. A~ hundred pr-e[(nt amongfrj&u. . dates llm!red AJZJ beffJre t'befe dayes pa[s, when power if given n:e fo to do, I will" enter out of thi-s StoHe un- ~very 7th to yQU andyou Jhall ea.t up thefe two book.,s, both the one and t9e other: .and .wif.:. p~;fonal dome jh.all be .divided between:you, fufficient tb each man. a pp '.thmfhall your eyes .be opened t9 [ee.imd underftand all fuch things as have been wr~tt~n un- Th:~~4~~ to nm, and t~?ght you from above. B~t be'f!are ye tak.,e beed' that _ dwell. Wttbzn your [tanding of you felves, and kupthe fecrets of God, unttll the time come that you lhall be tnd SPEAK: fuch.things Fc.r tben:fh~tll the Spirit of God be mighty upon you; fo that it fh(dl be fa id ofyou, . L 0 were as have bc_nQt thefe, the Sorcerers , and fuch as were ccounted Vagabonds : Ot~er [omejhall [ay,_ fore .mn~ a Behold let us take heed:. ~nd. let us humble. our felves before them : Fer the Lord of been dtllAnd you ,fb~ll have power in the Heavens, a'nd in the lower bodies : .And it ]hall be ~lally'. taught you:ic'all tim.es inwaF~ly,~ven what belongeth to the hearts qf men: The~fhaltthou' u~ci1ze E." K . . havea'IU'W coat put on the~ , . it~d itfhall be all of or:e colour. Then jha.lt tb{)tt A alfo Powe~ to be have power to open., that book , whtch God hath commm~d unto thee; but ufe your {elves given us. M nten, yea ~~en thm remember fuch M may.receive the mercies and grace of God : And let all Viae ~flio peace and umty be amongH: yotk For even M the.Sun look..fth into al{ thi11gs from above,fo !hall .1rem an.158l you into all the creatures chat live upon the earth;yea the one ofyou jhall b~ve hu mr.njij die, lifted, 11.nd jhall enter into We fourth or fifth heaven, for unto him that if worldly of hisdivtrs k.,nowledge be give1t f and unto him thar hllth been patient , ]hall greater things defcend. Not- fpotted coat. lf'ithjtand!ng _oth fufficiently fati4fie.~:Jn the mean [eafol!, Th~ feventh day hence,jh~l tli~u b1ing ~ore a~: b m fuch tfm:gs, a5 ttre Lord bath gtven thee' : And 111 dus place they {hall be dtfpofed ac- E m~m ':' 10 cording to the knowledge that is given me : And h('Yein thrm bllft pleafa the Lord; For th~r4chcc: that thou hafi dealed fireighr, aJ!-d atcordinCY to brotherly meaning. 5th.heav~~. c,. Now cometli.the time that the Whorejhall1e. called before the Higheft,~tnd the tenth Month c. 0 Lord j bmce, jhaU tbe Turk and the Mofcovite mak,e a, perpetual league together, and in the thirteenth thank chee month,jhall Poland be affaulted, with the Tal'tarians, and jhall be fpoyled : 'yea even unto thacchou . the very tibs,[fJ that in the jiY.teentb month they !hall fall all. topether f;-om Chrifi : And the haHaw~pcc:d ha1zd of God jhall run in vengeance , venypmce, even through this Kmgdome, and through my P.~ttencc. Gerroaoy,and_into Italy; and in the ~3 Month Rome .flllt.llb-e drJlrol.ed, {o thilt one jfcine jhall ~:tb 3 0 ,otbe left ftandtng upon another , and vengeance lhall b e on a !I .the- earth~. and fear upon f D ~~s allpeople,for theLordw gon~ ou~ aga.i:njf them :_ Th_ e~t -~p.J ~rink,. andfay, Let us _be ~ndth;J~u~ ey mer.ry: Wo h~ unto. them, for the:k.,now not the _wn~ of thezr vzfitarzon. For lo;/~Jftce ~all vzfit powder.Jhem anatrtat.l thfm uni.ltr fo~t : A~d .~""'"' d.y Kn~~ome Jf11U'( /tun: [liT a wtn e ' . rlurr n ro fay, t:.. ThH wicl{_ecl_ triumpb. _ And _1ehold in the ~orth jhall rt[e t.~a~ M?1ffier, . ~nd Jha.ll fa[s .for!.h with Mm/c 1 o. many Miracle~, but yo.u fmng all tbefe tbz~gs.fhall ~e at qmetnefs untJll fucb. ttmes a~ 1t lhail f orte menfe be faid unto then1, Revenge. _Happy H he thllt.JS not partali.,er of the l~ve of fucb M ]hall be pro ann.edt. ,need theje latter' d.ayes. A ProphcG.c E. K. She is gone. Menfe 13. T h' c Poland. t:.. 1 read .thr.[e over to E. K. . o tS great eom1ort. Mcnfe t6 . . . Mak.! aJt end, I have no more tofay Bohemia.
Hoafts is with .them.

vered us my-

b.Deo noftro Ont~ipotenti, f atri, Filio, & Spirittri. [anlfo fie om11i1lallf gr~tiar.um ttl1i~, bo-nor Icalia. ~loria. & Imperjum nunc & in [empit:6rna. [~cularum [~cul~. Amen. An.tr89 Bohemia.


A ntichrijiHJ Uutill.



* ;8

A true~l4titJn of Dr. Dee hu Aflions, UJithSpzrits, &c.

Agniftci viri [ratre_s & amici ~hari.lf~ Hodie ~ora 9 ante meridiuH ijt mthi aUat.e j#tnt !tter a Dummo Schombergto, qu.e dattt }unt 5 Marcii, & debebat jam'deveni.f!e in manTn metH ante a. Ex quibM inteUigu ipjum cum Domino Holek exp eCiare refPonfum Munfierbergii. !JLHandoquidem. Omnipotens iUe omnium rerum moderator, & reCior vos delegaverit ad hQc miniflerium & op1H perficiendum. Ego nihilfcio q1tid agendum, necuUumme1em Conjilium to accedere potefl, 1et difPonere aliq1tid poffim, j'ciam aut velim; ni.fo quod Japientiffi11to iUi moderatori vifHm fuerit. Proinde omnia vobis tranfmitto, Orate fedulo, & q1eod plac~terit .Altiffimo & Potntiffimo Domino hoc fiat, & me etiam in omnib~n informate & in tantis libenter obedi't'e cupio & volo : Et ita nolim neq; diem (ftam prtttermittere quin ftatim rurftH ad VOS' tranfmittam. Interivt voJ & meipfum Dei omnipotentk bonitati immen.fqu.e mij'erico1di commenda1u. Dat. Cromovi~'l 16Marcii, Anno 1587.

Veflet- amicm

& frater,


manu propria.

Magnificis viris Domino JoaHni Dee & Domino Edvardo KeUeo & ad manus proprias.


RecepimtR tandem Trebon~ Aprilk 2. Nos enim a Reichfrenio abiverainm & redi'lJeramTH. antequam adReichfrenium nun.cimvenit.

Agnifici Domini Charifiiini amici & fratres, ad literas vefrras nihil refpondere potui, qu.a.ndoquidem per fua s mihi lit eras D. S chomberg . de fuo & foc!i ipfius a . . . . tu lignin ea veras, volu i pri~um qucc ;IDih.i ... neccntur audue. Et fi ahqua DOV4 cffcnt -v-el non audtta,. dommatiOnem vefiram magnifi~am denuo certiorem reddere. Ha!ri noB:u folus ad me venit D. a Schomberg. reliB:o focio in monafierio meo. Coronienli dimidium ab ?inc milliare, & d~ negotiis m~hi mul~a exp?fuir, ~~ q_uib?s uti intellexi, ex tpfo & Rom. v~fhts Mag: figmficavertt, Uu potm mtelhgere,. fatis circumfpefre & provide negotta funt traCl:ata ufq; hue, & fpero ettam fideliter : Ad omnia ifi:a refpondi, prout fepifiime a me intellexifris, & nu per etiam literis quce illi dicenda putabam Dom. vefir<f fcripfi. T ota res videtur confifrere in .adjuvandis aliquibus p_erfoni~ ~;ecun~a~um aliquo auxilio, & prout & fcnptum five ... memona1e mthi tradtdlt, quod tranfmitto Dom. vefiris perlegendurn & confiderandum; & pofr, mihi remittatur oro. Charifiimi Domini fcitis qu~ fit voluntas Domini, proxima al1io & alite, (mihi videtur) annuunt ipfos adjutandos, fiat fecund urn ipfius cujus omnia funt voluntate & mifericordiffima difpofitione & expediantur eo celerius, proutcum Domino Edvardo locuti fu~us. Ipfi refpondeant Domino altiffimo & potentiffimo de fide quam ipli pr<Efrabunt, fin vero alitervifumfuer1fil'DmnipotentiDomino fiat ita. Rogo Dom. veftras Magn. quam amamiffime piis fuis ad Deum orationibus & mediis a Domino vobis traditis & concefii.s promovete, & adjuvetis Domini Dei nofiri opus & voluntatem exequt. Socius remanfit in monafrerio, ut fupra diCl:um; & conclufi cum Domino Schomhergi o, ut neq; videam neq; tratl:em cum illo, certis de caufis, quas vobis fignificabit, & a me etiam intelligetis ; ta'men ut eo lit melius contentus de duobtR vel tribtR millibm taUerorum ipfi procurabitur ad qu~dam fi.. hi ne~eifaria comparanda in lucio fperat -ipfum bene fore contentum pro tempore modo c~tera qua: majora funt propter reliqua u~ fupra fcripfi pro.. curentur.


.A true~atir;n of Dr. Dee hu AElions.,"'iith Spiriti;&c.

Ego non .fum ab Imperatore vocatus, fedmeam de aliquibus expetivit fua M a je{ras fententiam de quibus refcripfi ut d ecuit. De afri'one intellexi Dom. ve!has paratas ad prCEfcriptum diem effe velle, bene elL Semper nos paratoseffede~et & convenit; Ipfe benigniffime qu~ in nobis defunt, fua mifericordia & dementia inenarrabili perficiat: ~ Placet mihi fententia Dom. vefharum & qu<E initio & in proremio actionis propo~ ne re velletis, de quo me informabitis, ad hoc me componam & expettabo humiliter refponfum.
ff2.!fre proponenda ptttabam nuUafunt alia ni}iUa.,
I. Si Imperator de re bus Polonici:r a me quicquid fcifcitari vellet, aut fuJ fpicione aliqua de me concepta aut fingendo fibi aliquid quomodo me gereri: debeam. '2. Si Imperator de fucceffione Regni hujus pro fratrealiquid traltare vel let q uomQdo me gerere debeam. 3 Si eleCl:io Polonica. fuccelfura fit, quid de bonis meis paternis difponat Dominus, & mihi quid faciendum. 4 D ebeo-ne de negotio Polonico aliqua cum Elefrore BrandenbHrgico ~~t aliquo Principe Imperiiconfidenter conferre, vel non. Cum quibus, quan d.o & qua ratione. 5 Similes aliqui$conducendus&quando. 6. Si Pontifex aut Irnperator de perfonis Dom. vefrrarum vellet aliquid attentare, vel eM iterum relegare,vel quovis modo perturbare, quid:agendum & ip.(ls refpondendum. . 7. Si, de Thefauro nobk concredito aliquid Crefari fit commlUlicandulllo q:uando, quantum, & quomodo. 8. Si Imperato~ mea opera uti vellet pro agendis Comitiis in Moravia & Silefla, fi hoc fufctJ?eremunus debeam. De cceteri humihter fupplicent ut me ita difponere dignetur altiffimus ut fibi foli placeam & ferviam fideliter & confbnt:er !lH1li nominis 3!ternam glo~ riam & R.eipublicz Chrtftla~~ falut':m Si Dom. vefirre putant ahqua omtttenda, aut qu~ offendere poffent.per 4 morem Dei oro, bene confiderent: Omittant aut emendant pro fua pietate & prudentia. Unum eft quod omifi de propofitionibus; ~uod confiitu.eram in ?Oi!Do de The [a1tro Dof!lini mihi benig~e conceffo ahquas fun~a~tones, htc. m pa.. tria ifia con!htuere. Deus fc1t mentem meam quem mhlllatet. St placet hoc meum mifericordiffimo Domino propofitum vel non. Et prce fertim fi mihi alio ( divina ita difpon~nte gratia) fit com.mi&rand urn, vellem patria mea cognofcat, & ~ot~ pofier~tas quod amavcnm tllam~ ~ optime de fa lute ipforum & pofientatts fenfenm.

Dat. Cromovif~ria 5 pofr Pafcha,Annb 1587.

Vefler ex anio,


6 ft4ter 6



manu propria.


* ~0

/1 true ~lation of Dr.

Dee hi& AElions-, with SpiritJ,&c.Amen.

In nomine Patris) & Filii) & Spiritus Saneti.

Gloria Patri, & Filii, & Spiritui Sancto : ficut erat in pri11cipio & nunc & femper & in fecula feculo nnn. Amen.

In Aflione 'Tertia, proponenda.

DEo Omnipotenti, Ptttri, Filio & Spi't'itui SanlJo, offerimM no{ humili~ me,parai:os ad Divina Oracula; mo.n ittt, inflruCJiones, informationes, & alia qucecunq; in hac generali ACJione, Jufcipienda, intelligrmda, & exequenda, quce jua Divina JJ,fajeflt1S, .pro fua gloria & noflra confolatione 1ttaxima fore, prceviderit & decreverit. 2. Humtliter requirimll.f, an hie plenaria hc tran{lgetur Atlio: vel an nob~ ad Cromoviam, cum necejf'ariis nofirM- reh~n, ( 6- quihll.f iUis quidcm) properandum fuerit. 3 Hasnoflri Domini Rofenbergii ffl..!!jliorzer I'lgeneraler, & alia qucecunq; in eijclem particulariter continentur, _humiliter ojferimfl!.f, tam ejtH q1eam nojtro nomine, iU.- & talia expetltmtes rej]>onfa qu & qualia a f ede Mf!)eflat~ Divine, in juorum .fervorumconfultationibiH procedere, 6'- olim & femper folent. 4 Et quia.ih eifdem ff23flionibll.f, nuUa faCia ejl: mentio de 1tju putverw q1te11z Jibi divinit~n concej]um habet; & _aliquoties pri~n diltu.m fuerit, qttod in ' hac Alfione, informaretur de iUim pulverif. ufu, nos~ jam humiliter iUam de~ jideram/U' informationem. 5 Et qttia extraordinarim ifle vehemenf favor 114ofchovitici Pr.incipk ergtt me incognitum jam eft mihi & multi! alib- conteflatM, & manzfefl111, (ago Deo Optimo Maximo gratjrH. quantM pojfum maximM) & quia incertll.f jum ad q'lem ftne.m DeY5_ i,Uum d~H favf!rem erg a me, dirigere velit: h#militer pet() & mihi ate ( Ommpotens DeM) znformatzo aetur : de ;fin fine , & voluntate tua in hac parte, & qtttJ. modo ejufaem Nuncii:r refPondere debeam, ji qui jam venerint de ccete~o. 6 . .An aon d~l!c-um.~ :vvJ m a atjponere, (ut alirH, atu;uotiu prcemonitum efl) ut hie~ lapidem Phziofophorum ex muhudo Dunil:am conjiciam111: qu methodlld', q1eia mihi non conflat, ftepe me hatlenm fecit videri qua.fi iti hoc labore t 4 rdum, otiufum, vel i'gnav.um, : , Vbi, contra, quam eft paratll.f animll.f ~eJH & ma nm &_pedes & 011fne.t vire.r tam animi quam corporis mei, Tu nofli, Tuq; ( 0 Detn Ytiji~ efto meui. . . . 7. tUa. Pra~if, Cl!f?t pp_culo ferreo, . canalz. vztrea; ea lee. &c. nondum noh~ f 1tccedit; idcirco?Aad iUiu.r_ uo'l.; C oncilejioni.r veri~atem _p~atJicam ~_btin_'en q dam, lihenter fczremui, qtttd ejt quod nos hatlen11s rmpedtvtt, vel qutd nobw deefl, ad veram inte~igen1am., & perficie~dam praxim iUttm. . 8. T home Kellet decumbentis valetudrnem & fanitatem, _tibi ( 0 Detu) commendamus, & fupplicamur, ut iUi, nobifque propitius ejf'e vel~. : illumq;fanunt-& .[aiv1em p.obH reddere .& confirm are dignerh ad non#nir tui laudem, honorem 6,-... gloria:mrex jideli ej1i.[dem poflhac f~rvitio, & officio : erga di"vinam tuam l'vfajeftatem. Amen. 9 Joanna, uxor Ed: Kellei ttoflri,- Omnipotenti D1vin Mrtjeflati . tu fupplica .': per me, & ego humilime ( ejujqem Joannx nom:ine) . tibi ( 0 Deus) j'upplico , ut iUi velfs ejJe mifericors, clemens & . benignus; & ut ej1es m1tltiplices ad te prece.r pro f cunditate cum hoc ejus marito obtin enda, pat ern.d reJPit/it1S charitate: & ut illi hoc contribuere velir gaudntm~ & q1tdji f1.ti fideli:f f ervitii (erg hun c fuum maritum) prmium, ut prole per eundem & film eodem gaudere pofJit beata: reJPice qu.jumus hanc noflrant petitionem, ut a multii olim piu [minis & virl$ eandem acceptfli, & etiant co'nce_F


4 true <Relation of- r. Dee hiJ_ AElions, rvith Spirits,&c. n

Jift i petitit:nem Mifericordiffime Pater; per Filium' tuum, Dominum noflru,;t je.fttmChriftum. Amen. : 10. PrometJ. Jana (o De1u) h~tmilime gratitJS ago, quodh~lJe..nus tant cle~ me~tter & pie illam liberaverh' a Jute radical-is injirmita 1 tk contagione : contra quam & medicinam facere, m.e do cuifli: & me ut facer em adjuvifli, jarJtequ'e eam virtutem conceffifli, ut iUa remedii optati nobis. prteberet jigna, q~~.alif!.noflra imperitia magif .fl>erat ej]'e bon a~ certa > .iptam ret1a ratir:ne dijudicare poteft, hoc igitur fymptona egeflionis fa1tgu ino lentt q1tid Jit n e-: fcimus~ an morbi alterht-t in1i.ch~m, an diCite M edicin adhuc in .fua virtute & ejficacia procedentir, operatio . T1mm (o D eu.r) ne dedignerk impartire mihi conjilium: & de flu.xu illo frequ enti, ex ejujaem Ja nee auribJts, lihenter audire velfeHUtr remedium aliquod.

*, ,,

De Angli~ & Regin ejHfdwe flatu, ji aliquid f cirf noh" expedit, li~
benter au.diemus.

~ 3:,

.11 true 7\el4tion.o[ Dr. Dee hu Affionf,,UJith SpiritJ, &c.

++*++++++- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++f4>+++ + ..,....++++++++" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +


At Mrs. qoodman her houfe.

Martii 20 a meride hora f ~

Omnipotens fexnpiterne & urte Deus.
1 V tuum & T abernacula. Amen

,JittM lucem tuam & veritatem tuam, . ut ipfa me duc.at & perdw:a.~ ad m'Qntem [anC/um

. . I am bleffuf. Raphael, a bleJJed meffenger of tile .Almighty,I llm fenr of God, who i1 k/eed for evermore. Amen. John Dee, LamJenr of God for thy comforr fitft to cmifie thee thon foalt overcome thil thy h infirmity, And-when t_ou:art ffrong jn body, M God ~n hit go~dnefs will maR; thee, TH~N thotl fh:tlt haye all made known unto thee.of fuch thttigs bemg f10t come to pafs as have been befo~e fpoken of, becaufe that thoufouldefi~tak,: comfrt _in God, that thou arr not left fro m the comfort of .Gods bleffed 'reatur.e.s. Now God bath [tnt me at thif time where~y thou jhalt be [tztiffied, THAT when thy body is able to abide .the time of my fervice ftom God eo be delivered,unro thee by me Kaphael : Thy friend John Pontoys yet liveth, but hit t_ if lik.;ly ime to be jhort. Ask.. at your will. . A 0 God, I am beaten into a great attempt, to.inake the counfel priyy,. of my beggery, and eo offer the Earle of Sa/is bury, fuch my P.uttes as I may perfeit to hts content. How ftandeth this with your good liking? e:.. Spiri~;qal~ "fhou {halt ha.11e frientis :> in thy [ui-r, attd. tbou fhl; l;,1w~. fots \ hut through Oods A. Spiritual, mercies, thy friends, jhall overcome.thy foes ani, thoujhalt fee how.tbat God in hil gooJne[s will worl(, mightily in hif po.,er for thee. Proceed in thy fuit. fo foortly. ar thou canft finde Phy health in body itble : And for thy heaMJ u[e thy own sk,jU, that God bath, aH.d jhall guide thee withall to thy good and perfe8: receiving of thy perfefr health. A Of the blood, not coming out of my Fundament, but at a little:,as it were a pin hole of the skin. Rap h. That the which thou badft no k,_nowledge to help thy weak,_nefs, God in hif mercies did. fend thee therein pre{ent help, the which but only for th~tt iJJue thou coul4eft not.ha.~e lived.. And for the cure and thj help, _ [ttme God will work.. with thee in thy heart and minde fo, that the it j!Jall he I<Jtown unto ng m~tn, hut by G.ods merciful goodne[s tlelivered Jtnto thee,fuch waycs 11-nd. means M ./hall be thy_ help, and re_{l-ore thee to health af_ain. 1h~ GtHl. of hu mercy hat~ fent me tf ~iliver thu foort meffage, bectu[c of thy weakJte[s; Thou art not ftrong to indure them, ther.tjfore Juch il Gods goodne[s to let J9U to underftantl that after the tenth dizy of April , I will the11 ~.tppear again, a~ thou fhttlt underftand much more 'JPhat GGds willn.nii ~is pleafure il to be d"on~ il"t.Gods fervices, _ for your good, and fo fr tbil little.fhort meffage,. I have declared. unt,o you and tf'e will of J efus Chrift : And [o for thif time , In the Name of the moft highdt Creator and maker of Heaven and Earth, I do now return at hKwill an:l commandement, and I am reP.th ar: all timeswhen he .fhall comma.ts~ me.to appear to thy comfort~ Hu N~tme be prlli[etl e'!Jerm~re. Ami ,Amm. n A. Amen.


A erue7?dation of Dr. Dee hu AElions,l)ith Spiriti,&c.

Friday 2-4 Martii hora .9 !

EIIf in adjutorium noflrum intendilf D. D. R. R~ Zebaith ~ .. Th~ Onwipotent Gpd be praifed for evermore, hil holy Name b~ glorified. Now John Dee, I R.aphael am n.w come at Gods pleafure,and at hil commandement to [peak, witb thee,and mak,s k,:ttown unt~ thee ilf far forth iK itt my rower licth 'to [peak_ God bath [ent me to declare unto thee: the eau[~ {If thy d,fire now at tbil time, John Dee, Af thou art an earfhly man, if thou doft defir~ to have help from God of fucb things M earthly men cann;t he without while they h~tve time here in thil m'Ortallife, thou defireft to have k,_nowledge M concerni1tg things hid, the which I Rap had have no delight, nei~her plea[ure in fpeakjng ofany fuch earthl_J matter, 1or earthly cafes. But my delight i1 in the Almigkty, and in hil wi[dome. But 1to~with{tanding at thll requeft, and thy inward defire in God to be ~ertified of thil trea[ure , .the wh~cb thefe two men who~ thou k,_noweft do [peaft ~{,they ever had a ttm~ appointed of God for zt, and zt WM not ufed accordzngly iSf tbey.fh~uld have J~ne. N ow th# fe~ond time; becaufeyou have a defire to have help tt:nd k.._nowledge at tbe hands of I he Almighty, I Ra phael do command thee and tho[e men whom thou k.._nowrft, that they.fhaU not internzeddle,or to ta'<.e it in hand before 'the tcntb day o!January be pi!ft, f . r if they do, thryjhall not prevail, for that if a time that God bath bejt aptoi~ted for the [aid purpofe, and f~ r tbe quiet tnjoying of it; fo w.~en that dlly i1 p~t./f, thm let tbem in the 1tame of God mter into that wor : ,. And if they wiU be {ucb mm tH rhey ought for to be, and iSf Goas wiU i1 th.rt they.fhould be, to deal faithfuUy and truly one with the othe! in deed and in word, God wiU thmblefs their good purpofe, and bring it to their htad when they jhall tal{; in hand to open the earth, God w'iU prefenrly at rbat injlant then [uffer their good purpo[eto tak._e ejfe{J , and the matter to ~e ejfe{Jed and had, fo that they }hall not be put off, if they {hall he~tre or fee a1t) thing that they jhall dijlik._e, bur fafely to ftand in the hope,and cravi1zg at Gods band to have that good help to be a w~rrtint between them and all hurt and danger whatfever may beh~tppen,and fo overcome. I [ay, If they will faithfit.U; pr~ty unto Goti with their whole truft i11- G~d, God: will blefs their good fucce[s, if they be otherwi[e, then llf ,(POd nevrr ftir, and their goad fucce[s will be againft them. So I R.a phaef have made k.;town unto thee Gods purpofe in t/,if thy requeft.

For this I have {aid.

John Dee, I Rappael., did ma./zy Jtnow1t unto thu defire of that [ecret, ttnt! thltt great gift that gav1 unto thee in fuch order and maner s tbou ~rwweft wberc Tbo~ bidfl it , and that never tKyet lladft fhe k.]Jowledge a.nd the 'WifdQ1tte that God wiU give ~hee tK concerning that and many mo [~c~ unto thee : So rbil rare gift being.tal~.en away from thee b/tbem thou k._no'R'ejl, bj ta/qng thy k.fy, ~nd fo t11.kjng of it f rom thy k..eeping, it Wilf tbe wiU and purpofe of G, J,that I Rayhaeljhould give fucb ... that thou.(houldcfi have k,.1W111lcdge . of the [awe. Q Thoujhalt t4'<! fuch cour[e thou mayeft obtain it again, and whenthoJt haft it, thou (halt p_ut it into the fame cheft agai11 , and commit it into tbe Ctt{fody and k,.teping of thy very. friend John Pomoys,. and he jhall,and w!ll deal faithfullY_ a.nd. fr~endly with thee it: k.;epi1tg the fame ulltil fuch time ar by that .. the wh1ch thou k._noweft H promz[ed unto thee , that tho1t jhalt receive the perfeB underjta11ding of the hid k..nowledge and [ecrecie f .God that is not iSf yet made k,.nown unto thee, anti . . IH hath beeH.[aid, fo .fhalt thou have [uch wifdome delivered U1lto thee by me Ra phael that .fha ll come in fuch llnd order tK hat~ been late made k,.n~wn unto thee for thy good in fucb fliort and fpeedy time .o be performed, and fo tbus much I have made ~own t unto thn, M God bath in .flore for thee t9 be !erformed.Thur m~ch I have now [a.id,and givm thee. cu1ming to k..;ep it in fuch maner tH I~ha.ve fpoi<;n, or elfe thou wtlt be tii[appointed of thtn,and it will hiJ.e fuch purpofe iSf God will h~tve comt to pa[s,[o ~n his mighty power comm.JZnd me to come. I have for thi4 m11tter ftni(hed; If thou ha-re any thi.ng fpfedily, ark.. i1: for I am to depart. John Dee, I f thou wilt have fill thy caufe then Ill tb~u ~u.ft jhew unto thy .likjng and thou haft drawn,and crave .for gooJ. affi{tance it of defiring hu hell',. allll unto her the difeafe . to go to fucb men ~hat.fh.o ~tld give thee further inftru{Jion thy beft 111 I hav~ {aid to jhew u1zto her tbat thou haft done . and he will ,.. . in thy cafe unto llnd Canterbury, and fo the faith ]hall triumph i~ jhort time, ar~d if th~ be
h~rs what

1ulii 9~ hora 4 a meridie.



After my Prayers fora quarter of an hour, a Voice faicf? . . . l .am Raphael -whofe VOtCe thou doft htar: 1o lt!orTOll' mormng llt nzne of the C[()c'<.Goll wiU fend ntf to thy fight. So with thanks eo God I ended. Eee ~"~

H'ejl116t.per Time Kinc in Xiav. !lrcct.

11 true :Rt_,lation of
rr;d,q the
o ]ttl.:r, hor~t 9

Dr. Dee hu Aflionr, withSpirits,&c.

mon~em [anCium

~, Mitta; lucem tr~am & Vtriratun tu am~ qjt;e nos ducant & perd1(,ant ad tuum 6 ctZlejtia tua tabernacu!a. Amen.

Barth. As for you, the Creator of God doth appear.

c.. enedit7~U q~ti venit in nomine Domini HaUduia. . , . Bleffe_d be God the F_a~ber, and G.oJ. the So-,, and God the holy Ghoft. All honour and tower be afertbed unto the ltvzng God for evermort. Amen. C. Ame~. . John Dee, [..Jtm Raphael; ott'e of the blelfed tntd elea Angels o( t~e .Alm,gbty; and at his will a~td hi6 good ple4ure, be l11tth comma'll4ed me to appear -here at tlm tzme, to Jet forth the will and:Jlea[ure of the Almighty Got!. ohn. Dce, my meffage th'at I have at thif tim~ to deliv!'f u.ro thtt, u of grelt.t force, in tbitt Go wou!J have thee to do. And 'WhetttH it 'R'II faitl at my lajr ~tppearing at this beholder) that I would a:ppear ae-ain, and now it ha.tb plell{ed God to fend me t8 perform ~mJ, mk.f ltnown acco-rding to that which was then [aid, thac all things before promi(ed ihould be made plainly known wh<tt Gods will is to pc: done ip all' that had~ been before fa id. N O'fll I do mak.f k_nown unto you the plain me~tnin~ and underftanding thertof. Fir,{t tb~ u h~fi been pr(jmifed the fecret k...now~edr,~ and lZni.trjranding oft he Philofophers Stone, of the Boo~ of St. Dun tans; t9 have the lz.nowledge of .th.em. It if jinte a long time, M thou Jtnoweft to mans rea.fon, and to the minde of man, a. few years if with man thought to be big; andttow God hatb been thy k._eeper, and- mo{t chiefly createa thee, llHd bath {uffrred thee to h~tve time to live unto thh age: aHJ. furthermore, thfJu doft lik_e unto thy N~ttivity, and conftdtring thy gtettt age that W3e _courfe of Nature for agt', M lik.fly; by thy rea;:. 'fon, to t4k.,e place. BUT John Dee, tbou doff well reme,mber unto whom,in the holy Scriptures, that God in hit mercies did at;fde_and, put to fifteen years longer thaH the time war Jet him:- So thin'~<. not but Got/, in hil me'rties 'lPHi be as great unto t'hee .And now to come to the msttter whereby to let thee to undet(fand why tbou hadft not' chns the[e rltre gifts and promi[es terformed unto thee, it rPM the w'ill of Ctod to k.fep them away, a>ttl to fuffer the he~rt of ~by fupreme bead a1zd g.overnour, undet GiJd; to be bard1ttd againft tbee0 that thou art no hater ~tccount made. of unto him, but to be {uch an one thatJ.otb deal with Devil ttnd by Sorcery~ f1f you corimto11./.y term them Witchcraft : a1zd who dth, ~tnd who bath informed him, to be th& evil anti hardly infonned ttg~ti1tft thee, b~t only the Devil, and by the hatreeJ of tby Jtcret enemy whom thou Jtnoweft { Salifbury I me~n) and all malice and emmies that he 'ca1t bj hh 'De11ils, .Mafeti~n, H~rmcloe, the four wick./d .ones,the which are a'counte.d thef o:tr Rulers of the Air,~hofe names be Ories,Egym, Paynim, ~~ May~ary : '(hey_ be the Devib th.tt be .:leth dtfll withttll, . thltt he through their enti&ing ant! hw, he thznk.jth to be pleafant antt gorid 'Wifdo,. -t64t w receivetb 1ft their httnds ; That he and his Devils do feek thy overthrow in all good things, and d~th and fhall, [o fAr forth IS God will fuffer the'!', (eek.. dll the malice and hindrttnce in, a~l good ~au[es to be done to thy good. Therefore now John Dee I am to let thee to underfrllnd plaznly wb.-t Gods .will and hit 'Hfiderinr; tK great purpofe-if to lut:ve thee to do, altheugh it nzay fr:em hari to thy goorJ lik.j~tg, co thou 4oft think,., the ""e'!kJUfl cif thy body,. and c'our[e of agt: yet not'tlithftaniing~ that fame God that bath bun th; protelior and'<fepe1'until thit pufent .tim~ of ye~trs, ihat fame merciful GoJ. JhallltJep thee, and mak,.e tbet ~t.ble to perform things tha,t jhall hemade ftno'fltln fiHtO thee ; for God 'J!Pill not beftow fucb rare gifts t~~ I ha-be hef~reJaid, amongfl thofe which he rmworthy of [uch greAt blef!ings from tht A/might].' For God will not beftow PeMls amongfl tho[e that will not believt nor unde~jta111d thar God hat~ fhiY [ll'b bltji11f,J to befto'W ltpon nwi: for I , f((.y unto thee, J?hn Dee, that zf God jhQulJ. or ""rmld brft~"' thofe bleJ!ings-uponthee, even at tbH pre[e1ft, or at any ti me to be lbortly perfonned.and delivewJ unto thee: ''lhe~r, except that thou jhouldff malt~ 11.ll things plainly ~nowfl_. of Gods fec,-ets tlelivere_ unto thee, Jtnto thy (upreme he~td under d Got here rtpon earth,aJtd lil{ewife thy enemy hl b.e panak,.er i11 t~efe {~crets and great gifts of God,if t- woalllf1 n~t pt'rform 11 much u~to thelftjilf God jhou.fd t,n1e wzfdom unro thee,tberetn,thy life hou w&r~lt:l and jhoultJ., by the- envy am/, malice of thofe wick.fd ones,and by thy great enemy thou jhouldfl ffieedily be cut ~If from this life, but God will nit have it. [o. So if thou wilt do a; G jd .fhall ctmtm((.ntl thee fy this mejfag~, thou fhalt have all tflefe 1neages, prom.i[ts attd 1Vi{do, both for th~Philofophers Stone, rhe book of S.Dunftans,the fecret wi[tl'm of that Jewel tb;t wM delttJtrell, M thou kflo-weft, in1Phttt mantttr.i t iJ pl6-inly /tnf1pn untt thee. So noJr it is thotill of God t~ fuffer thyfu.vreme Head his heart to be hardned againtt thee; ~tnd lifvwife ftir thy gre1.t memy for hu"'R'ick._ed inftruliio~rr again.{t ihu,G od dr,th ft~Jfer it fo to be, ewn M Pharaoh hu heart WM hardned ~tgainft the Gbild~en of God, [o jrandeth the matter againft thee with them. It i6 the will of God fo to fuffer it to their great account that they jhall have to mak.~, when it Jhall pleafe the Almighty that that time fhalt be, that the muf1render y unto God their accounts. No'R' John Dee it if tht will of rhe .Almighty to fend me R,a phael r, deliver unto thee thif MeffageJ the which will feem unto thee to be v.~ry hard ;_ /K thou ..)Tt llrt the {erviZnt o God, 11.nd one whom God dotll favour and love (((./though the world b wicl<!d f y eiumies doth bate thee) willingly and obediently follow Ul.at cour[e tbe wkicb <iiod in hi4 mer~its #f thif time jhlfll mHJte k._nown untQ rher. Thou


li true ~ela tion of Dr. Dee hi! AEiions, -with Spirits,&c.

* 35

Thoulhal.t (if rho~1 ~ilrobey the commandment of-God, by me made known unto theej rake a long JOUrney m hand, and go where thou lhalt have all t hefe great mercies of God perfqrmetl unto t hee, and God will fhrw thee M great favour in the fight of God) M ever. he did Jhew tmto Jofevh,who WM f.ld into bond'ttge,IJS. thou k.,noweft, and in all hif iillprifrmment and troubles G,,d WM with him, and deliver d. him : ,S s,if thou wilt follow tbif commandment from G~d delivered unto thee by ?He Ra phael,that thott jhalt npt.doubt ,11or waver in thy mind,but God will be merciful untn thee,both i't thif life and in t he life to come: and think. God wiU not command thee t o t al<f.[uch a jou~'IJ in h~nd, but that be doth k..now t~at if b_ejt for tlm, and he wil\Jreferve thee, and keep thee. lf~ thy JOurny. A nd thoujhalt find m thy ;ourny, that God jha/1 trn wi/1 dei!! me~ cifuL'y with thee in finding eafe of the infirmity oft he frone, that the Angels of God lhall dire[( thee in thy heart and mind, .how thou fhalt u[e t by body, to the health and comfort of t hy ftrength . A nd wben thou art at t_y journies eud amongtf fuch frit::nds heyond the [cM M thou h kJto~ejf,God jha/1 and will rai[e thee llf fai thful friends _(~ now I have [aid ~ef.re) >~f}okph had, [o fhalc thou be favoured W1 th God and man ;.for zt u the wiU and purpJfe of Go eo have thee to be obedient umo thif thft which I do makt k.Jzown u11to thec,ber;au[e thou jhouldfllt.t re1nain here, t o be beholding unto thof~ that are thy mortal e n e m ~~ , a;td had rather to hear of t by end, thm otherwi[e to hear of thy we/1-doing, or a;ry good to be d .ne tmto thee by any man; it if a grief arrd a _fpight in head~_nd mind unto them, chat thou fhouldficome to any help, or thing:; necdlary for m;m~ u1 e here upo1t earrh,the whzch man cs~nnot be w1thour. And Joliu D ~e, I am t~ crmmzand thee, that fo lhordy as thou canft by all means poffible, fee chy thing\ 1n order, for thy Wardcnjhip,and in all other cau[ts "f worldLy affairs. And for mamtenance to further t hy journy,God will moft gracioujly raz[e thee up [ome good friends to be helping unto thee,that tbou 1~zaijf .have maintenance in thy journy. A~td rhy very frimd John Pontoys }hall by God.s fav"ur ] 0 {1 11 Toncome home, and be.fhall and will be ll great aid u11to tbee,t~ perform thi-i cour[e the which God by uys. me bath commanJ.ed thee to undertak,_e: That where thou doft liv , no.w in wanr; and to be beh)ding unto tho[e, who do not love tha, neither in hfart do wijh thee w~U; [o God would have tbee to be wh~re thou lhalt do him fervice,tt.1Jd God will give thee long days in [o dving)andi fulfilling thif hw Lo:1" \ife. commandment and '1Jii/l by me R.a phael)the wbi~h meff.age I am at Gods will 11nd his plea[ure plainly "' t o mak_e k,.nown unto thee,that it if hw will to have t hee t o foll9W thif c~ur[e) in which God will hflve t hee to ente.r imo, Not fearing 1Jor miJfrujting the Weaknefs of thy body, but tbut God wiU pre-Jtrve tbee fo r that time,tX {hall be hif good will and plea[ure, thaff:hou jhalt have life here in thi-s w rld,to be a.r merciful a God to drliver thte from all hurts and dangers, and from all infirmities, t ven with M mztc.h health iH thou baft .had in thif time M thou hajt lived thUf ;n.,;H.y years; [o God will have thee to follow hif will in thi4 dire[;ion,and then--t hou jhalt htt ve all things afox:efaiJ performed unro thee, and thou jhalr the~t haue fuch favour, r)ult thou fualt behold h.is bleffed C~c:a t ures with the[e r:hy mortal eyes : a,ttf.. .f rh_ "!";'". tc-.-Jor-:'"1 to t:be urrermoft or :by pow~r thn m eJftr,( ou from God by me deliveud; Then God wtll zn hH merc~es perf~rm all rhat H promz[ed unt ~. ~nu. A nd except thou w;lt be willing and dutzfulJo mza:h M tn thee lutb t~ mak,; good t~w, the which I ha"L'e through Gods means declared w.~at cour[e thut mujt tak,.e >aud tf thou dofi !t not,then God wtll not no more [md unto thee,to the beholding of an; muns e~r~hly e_yes)a.ny of hif bl~'f!ed Creatures. CZ'herefore I Command thee f t om Go.d,M I~m hir fa ithful. M1_ 1 n fter and bleffed Angel of God,cbat thou jhouldfl not doubt t o t ak,_e thif journy zn hand,for God wzll be Wtth thee and for thec,and his a Si DatJ bleffed An <YelS jhall be thy comfort,even M the Angel of God w.M the comfort unto young Tobias in nob fl;um hit journey,:::.Jo God will deal with thee in thine., A nd [o I have delivered unto thee wbat God will qui& comr4 nos. havr tbee to do. It if the will and favour (}f God to give the M much underfta nding of Gods m ere ics towards theeyet for eo come, M ever mortal matt had delivered unto him by any fpirima1 Creatur~ f.rom God. So now I have fully ended my meage. ThereffJre, fee t.',at thou John Dee be M ready t o perform it to the greateJf of thy power,af lovingly in g.ivingGod thankJ for thH m_ffuge deliverer:l, e becau[e j would have thee to be [uch an one M jhall not end. hif dayes in reproacl;, and rejo ycing of t hy enemies,but thozt jhtdr have time and days to live, that wbm thou dii'Jt, and }halt depart thi-1 world,thoujhalt dinpith fame 111td memory t o the end,_that f~tch_an o~e was upon the .ea r_ h, Mirtt.cu{ti, c that God by him had wrought great and: WfJndcr ful Mtracles m bu [r.rvtce. A nd thUf to Gcds h, nour and hi? glory,! haw mded my mefJat,e, yielding w11to Gvd all honour, and prai[( , a11d thank! for aU hi4 b.leffings,and hi-s great bmrfi ts brjfowed upon- hif Creatures) borh now and for cvt'nuore. Amen. B!eJ!ed be Gbd in all hif gifts,and. bt,ly in all hj1 wvrl{f. Prazfed be God. Amen, Amen. o. Amen. A Now, 0 God, as I have willingly yielded unto rhy wiH and commandment of undertaking a Journey : ft:> I befeech t hee.thacit may.fiand with rhy good pl eafu~e to no:. cifieunto me che Country, Region or City unto wh1ch t hou wouldil: have me dm:tt my courfe from hence-forw;ud .A Not hing appeared. . A Voice. .. . . A Voice . .... In the Name of God, t o nrorrow at ten af the clock._. .A So be ir. A AI~ t hank,, praife and glory be to God the Fat her, God the Son, and God the holy Ghoft) now a nd for ever. Amtn. A Note Eee ~

* 36

.11 true 7\.elatzon of Dr. Dee hu Affimu, lP;th Spirits, & c.

A Note to be conlidered.

Mr. 8ccleflonLJ.
In the houfe at the breakiftg up of the place were thefe: Jamer Bolton, Lettic~ Goflwich a Maiden, Cook and Dairy-maid.

O k.ttow the ho11[e Mtd place therein where it k; or if it be in many pla-

ces divided, which the] are. 01 if anJ other be priVJ of it, who m y give an] evidence. a

And whatfoever may make this a perfetl: work, to Mr. Eccleflones reafonable contentment, mofi humbly and heartily I befeech God to make known now unto us, and fo the praife and thanks due t(\I!God for his mer cies ,to the befi of our power to be yielded unto him.


Saturday, fulii n. hora to.

The fir.ft Schedule.

~nte meridienz.

Nate, In the Original two Schedules are pinned acrofs .this page.


Name of the place whether I am to dire& my total JourneJ. Whom jbaU I havein my companJ be.Jide.~ John Pontoys. 3 what of Patrick Sanders. 4 What of mj daughter Kathcrine . 5 what of my flanding Booft.~ and other app11-rtennncer. what of Mr. Bardolf to go with mef Or, Of Mr. Dortnall hif Companion? 6. what jhaU illJ Son Arthur do, to hk help 4nd comfort in hif intelldecl tl'avel ? 7. shaU not I at any time return hither into England again ? sha.U I mak.._e account to fteep-fome title of enjoyinl. my houfe at tltJ return?


To enquire,


Eccleflone hu


The fecond Schedule.

He Nttme of my Houfe k Ecclefion of Ecclell:on, the nuuts Name who

I fu.fpell is Thomas Webll:er Carpenter, of the age under fourty, not more, within the County of Laucafier. The pla ce WM in a falfe Roof adjo;ning to a Chimney caUed New Ch.--rnber chinmey.

Edward Eccleftone.
ThomM Webfter the Thief.


A true''J<.dation of Dr. Dee hu Aflions,r;ith SpiritiJ&c.

1. Significllt Domintt. A[cendenti-1 & o{fave, and the r~me having no direction where it fhould be placed, I thought bcfr to place it here, the page im- recuperari po.JJe.


Note: There being a Figure in a fingle leaf of paper,

mediately aforegoing making mention of one webfler a Thieh and here being words \~hich (if I mifrake not) relate to fuch a bufinefs,an unquam recuperabitur, whether that was froln fhall ever be recovered; and, Jn quo loco jam eft, In what place Webfler the Thief is at prefent.


Applicam per fed

cum receptione , recu. perari poffe fignificat, fed cum difficult ate ali-

qun. '4- Nota locum,& fignum eft: & Ancilia vel f(nnina aliqu" conjid~anda eft. 4 Luminaria [t'[e nmtuo ref}icientia,nln pofterdum' fore denotttt 5. & inaxime cum Domi1tUt medii c xli carpere 7. [exali radio refiiciat fed interim 7' domum comburat.


Ex frercore

A Domino factum efr ifrud & eft mirabile in oculis nofrris.

erigit pauperem ut collocet cum cum principibus populi fui. Amen. Mittas (0 Dt!ls) lucem tuam & veritatem tuam, ut ipfa nos ducant,mira.bilem in me fac miferi:cordiam tuam, & fa pi entia m tuam in corde meo figas.
A Voice.
Ra phael th1tt jjeaft, if ;~ou will hav~ me to appear, proceed in bafte, for God bath appointed me great fervzce to do, ~. In the Name of Jefus, .we defire your anfwcrs and inftru8:iom to thefe Articles here lightly noted. I. R.aph. Iu the Name of Jefw ch.rift~ I Raphael 411~' now fent U1ttO you to de!iv~r unto you your queftion fo far forth M God hu wtU ILnd pleafure H to command mt, and I muft nzaJte ~ jhort continuance -with you, for I have fervice of God r:omlanded me in hafte .to be done, in #lis blelfed Name I am come to fulfil his will in yaur de fires, and therefore in hil Name go on. J, 6 The name of the place. Rapb. John Dee, thou haft been a TraveUer, and God bath ever yet at any time provided for thee in ~u thj 1ourneJ5, fo much Gods fav our and hi-~ mercies i-1 fucb toward thee, that thil thy requejt and defire to be ltnown, What Country is bdt fo~ thy good: God hath referred it to thy own will to make choife, in what Cou1ttry or City thou haftthy beft minde unto ; and .,hen thou hajt made thy choi[e, if it be Gods lil{}xg, and to thy good, it !hall be direCt:ed unto thee ; otherwi[1, if it .fh~t.U be made Jtnown that fome other place Jhall be better for thee: Therefort tak,.e thy own cboife antlliltjng.

J Am

Raph. John Dee, he thltt bath commanded thee to tak./ thi1 Journey in hand,he will provide for thee in Germany ,e~r any other Coumry wherefoever thou goeft. Therefore let thy god wiU antl li/ljng be in placing thy [elf, if thou -wilt be uar unto England or far off. t.. Whether is befi, I know not. Raph. I have [aid, tlJat 'Jflhn-efoevn" thou wilt, God iotb prize thy wiT!ing dejiu, to fulfil 1hat God dotb command: thin'<. but thou fatH/ie an$ reft in takjng thy own choife, God 'W'ill provide for thee, whither antl to what City tou haft a minde or will to enter int, and always Gods good Angel !hall hold thee, anJ etJer give thu to under/4nd, what and where lhal 1 be. ever beft for thy good liking) when thou art there. Therefore tak.f no care, he, that Almighty will provide for thee, that thou jhalt be Jo governed with hi-~_ goodnefl, that All jhall ftand well with thee. 2 A. Whom !hall I have in my company befide John Pontoy~? . 3, 4- Raph. Jonn Dee, thou of thy [tlf doft beft k..now that Without thy daughter; thou canft


.litrue TvJation of

Dr. Dee hu AE!ions, with Jpirit1,&c.

canJt ncr &e without b.-r : and lik_er:,JIJe God .hath fent tlm (l . v:ry honeft and weli-diJPofed young man to- go. wii.~ t.~ee itt thy Jo ntt:)' AnJ for }rohn Pontoys, he ihall be one, as thy greacdt u CO\llfort a nd fpcci3\ ayJ, nex t unto ch e Alm.~ghry. An4 for any other el[e, it u at thy own good will and well-likjng, whom rhou will cbufe to mak,.e fit thy pur~fe for necejfary ufos, for helps ab 0 ~t Jher, Servants I mean. '5 6 , What of my fianding books, and other ~tppurten:ances? R..a,l>h. John Dec, thou haft ffiok.,.en already of iz very goodcourfe to fmd the'm away, not all at once, but fome at one time, and fonze at another, and God (hall 1md. will give the~ good John Po.n- [w.:cef! th.rein ; and let thj friend John Pontoys, let him provide for alL fuch purpofes, and [f t op~ "jhtilt thou do well. A As I have been heretof~ne hind n~d of many of. good purpofes fulfilling, fo perchance the King will not be willnig now to grant me ltcence eo pa[s over fea. R.a ph. He ]hall awl will grant thee licence. . . . 6. 6 , For IVY Son Arthu_r, do to hts help and comfort m Ius mtended travel. }\a ph. If tl)) So~ do lik$ ~~ c~urfe ,to t.ravel, he Jhaltm. the mea.n wbi/e do we~l, for thy fa/{.(', bfing a. father uuto hw.')Godwdl favour hmt.. And when thou art m pl~tce where GrHi bath com-:manded t.~ee to g,., in fhoit ttme aftrr rh y bemg l hcre,thou jhalt be able to d, him good,in h~fp ing him for [uch thing;s M h:! now wanteth, and rhen thou {halt ta.l<,u him ntar unto thee, fo that he may haw acomfort of thy fatherly help, and thou to have comfort of hit well-doing : 4Ud Jo for thu I have certified .thee. 7 6 . Sha\lnot I at any tim e return hither into England again? . Rap h. Thou .foalt be better ahle in health and jirength of .thy body to come into England again if thou wilt : but thou Jhalt fee and percrive thy [elf fo mercifully pr:ovided [r. r, tbat thou'wilt have but little minde or' willingne[l to come into England again, fucb jhall Gods great mercies be towards. thee. A. Then .I perceive .that I fhall no't make any great account of keeping my hou[e at Mortlak! for any my return hithe r.
Mr. Ecclefton his Cafe of his money taken away by one ThomM Webjfcr, &c.

deal by extremities with him,.he Jhall jrrevatl little, he.fhall tM thereby o.btain hil purp11[e. But by frimdly dealing with the party? ~tnd inprcfferin~ him to be a parta~~ with him, he mlly yietd unto Ecclefion . But otherwz[e, the marter wzll grow hard. I woJtld fro'~ Gfi.d advzfe thee, John Dee, ~ 0 ,Ht~r; fe- of ~!>..[ .. Ht4tters 4f ~ay be, for thH will not be compnffed, e:JCcept that be foal! proceed mto the m~ns hou[e IZ.CCordzng unto Law ; an.et -then ~ Jhall .mrangl. himfdf into ~rouble, and for the thmg neVtrthe better : but, ~ I have [aid, by friendly dealing be may yz~Ld, and jo f~tr forth M tt Jha~l plea[e G~d, I. wtl1 wo1'k by Gods favour to make him yield. .An thll! much I have [azd, and let zt fuffice. It doth remain as yet in 4 _Co that i1. [ome-whizt of a w~ire CfJ[our; ~ut h~ w,ill, if he b, ffer ftirretl he will then remove it, and hide it in.the ground in a little P,ailour that he bath. .And fo 1 have'JPoftJn and anfwered thee at thif time, ar concertling ~. Money I had fent me from the Emperour by Hans Bi~: I marNel that. it is not yet

Ra ph. Thou doft tal{; 1t1t hard mattt~ in hand~ Thi1 man Thomas W ebfier had it, and bath it it~ hts keeptng as yet, but he wdl. not yzeld that he h'ath tt. And for .Eccl efton. to

t!m, all to thy good. A nd ~" who[e N ame,and in hi~ wbofi Power I came, :Jo ~ow agam I return to that place,to tbe winch in hu mercm bring ;zll hu ble Jf.ed Creatures, yuldzng all honour and praife unto bw holy N ame, I end. .A.mrH, An~en.

come hithe r. R.aph. For that, John Pontoys will mak.f k.,no~n .unto

14 day of fuly, hora n ~A

I fate at f.?inner with Bartbolomew.Hick.:man, my Daughter, PatricA and ThomM TJtrner, about the end of die Dinner BH-rtbolomt'1P h~ar-d a Voice, f<Jying, To morrow ha1f an hour after 9 of the clock, giv,!youratcendancc: to know.the Lords pleaM fure, ~. As neal' as I remember, fo be faid. or.to that eff~a.


A tru ~elation of- Dr. Dee hu Atliont, "JlJith Spirits,&c.

* 39

Julii I). hor. 9 !

t~nte meridiem.

In nomine Dei Patris, &~ Filii & Spiritus SancH. Amen. Mittru l11 cem tu am & veritatem tuam, fapientiam & omnimodunt auxi.. lium tuum, Do mine DetH, ut tibi je1viamus )ant1e,jideliter & confianter omnib1ts diebus vitce noftrce.


Barth. . . . . . The Creature.

N theName of him that created me Raphael; m:d all the bleffed Creatuur, and li'<!,ife in hh por~er made aU tbe ~or!~, and 4/l things therein con_tai~ed :. Jc{us...Ch rifi ~f hi! great good-. J efio CJm:ft 1te{I b~tth fent me now.Jtt h.M wtU, and fo I am bound at hM wzll tQ return, whm hw pleafure il. All bonour be given tohim being Go.d Almighty f or e~ermGre. Amen. John Dee, 1 am R.aphael that lnft appeared mtto yort, and 1 through Gods good plea[ure did [et 4own and made k.,no~n unto thee, what pretended cour[e God would have thee to enter into, 1md hi! will h [uch, that [o f ar forth, and [o fPeedily M thou canft, toproceed in it, becaufethat God hat h great fervice for thee to do, when thr .fhalt be there plttced. m And now I do let thee underftand, that M concerning Ecclefion hi! [Nit and matter th11t I did Mr. Ecc/eat ~/aft being here fPeal{. of, fo far f orth tU it plea[ed God to give me his free will : and now fton. God bath [mt me for favour that God doth bear unto thee, and not for no caufe el[e, I R.aphael do now teU thee, that this matter, and ttU fucb lik.f unto it, are not f or me to enter into, neither for any [u.ch ali be of that high Society <1nd C_ Uing as I am of. Yet notwithjfanding, I am a ready by God> merciful good1te[s to command thofe whom God hath and doth appoint to ~11phad his ferve under me : and [ucb hh bleffuJ Creatures being tho that do ftand in hu prefence, I Ra- infcrieurs. [e phael willltt Gods plea[ure command thofe chat fhall deal in Et cleft&ns fuit, in confiraining by fuch Cruzt.ures M I bJtve made ltnQ1J'n unto y ou, th~tt they thall _ force and conftrain chcfc p~trties, M he which he had in h~tnd; he il one~James Bolton ir another, ~tnd the 1re~t(ure WtU car- The Trcaried ro the Carpenrer his brothers houfe; antl tber.r, M I did jhew ~nto thee, a Coffer of fure. white colour. Tbo parties are fo troubled in ~indc,. tbat they cttnn~t be quiet, bow or where [e to place the Tre~fur~, ~ecaJl[c Jhcy would keep lt clofe. But le~ thH fuffice a_nd fa.tidfie for the whole anfwer m .thH hH [uzt : ! Itapha~l throt~gb Gods power wz_U command luch Creatures Raphael his that thall confiram thofc: l'arttes to brmg the matter to true ltghc, and confefs the faid commandTreafure; and he, the partt the owner to have his money again, tn fo jhort time lW may bf ment. plcafing and acceptable unto the Almighty. God will h~ ve th'! ~h<?le ma~ter made known i1z. thil or4er, without any further t rouble tmto the partzes : but zt H hi~ wtll tbat be ]hall eJCaruine them in friendly manner, if they will not yield, then by the force of a Tufiice in exa-:- How ciev mina cion; but they will not yield till fuch time as I by thefe Creatures jhafl mak,.e them r:o will & fhall yield, through Gods help, to thtir forrow_; ~tnd fo the pttrty the owne~ jh~t.U [o come by his goods yield. a gain. And 1tow I havt ltn[wered yau tn M ample manner M God wtll have me ; for ( I have [aid) fuch matters are n~t for te, but that co u~[e that I b~ve now de.clared,_ h! Gods help jhall be perfor~zed. And [o m the N~tme of the_Hz~hejt for th11 I dl) nowenJ., gz_vmg _pra.zft to the .Almi.gbty. .And furthmnore, John Dee, m few words, for thy fak.F, lf thts Wmdow by his ~.By this Creacures.> thould have medled in the caufe, they .Lhou{d have had a gre;it labour. But not- The Winwithjt"ttndmg, that which I ba.ve j}ok,.m of, h [ufficimt, lrai[ed b~ the Name of God: AM [o . ow eo ~e I .ncd. hroughtm, .u. If it lhould not ()ffend, then I ~ould gladly know the fum of the Treafurc. ~. R.aph. Two tb?u[Jtntl a.11d a half, a.J, .qdde money. e:.. How, in gold artd .filver ? Rap h. More then three parrs thereof in gold. e:.. Moft humbly and heartily I thank the Almighty for .... Pu~yh. JohnDee, if thou dojr do.ubt of any thing. M conceming the entrinl into the.cqur[e ~f thy journey; and lik._awife,if thou dojf dw'bt of a.~y tbzng that ~a.U be againft thy good. fuccefl whe11 tho~ ~rr there, N ow fteak., , .a;rd I jhall through Gods mercus ma~ thee anfwer, M tt mltJ and jhaUplea[e God' to the good ~iretlion of 11.ny thing t~at thou jha~t tloubr f, for God will11~t C.rmmand tbee to enter into that Journey, but that he Wtll moft merczf u//y ana gr<~.lflQUf/J be thy r l<,eeper, and deliver thee from the hands of rhy nte~ies in t1Jy J ourney. And 1qr. the good health f thy body God will {o carry thee iJt good health, that tbou {halt Jet f orth [ucb fervice whm o tb ~u 11.rt tb;re placed, that jh~tll be thy grrat comfort unto Gods honour, in making of .h is marvellous works to be known. And thUl mucb for thy comfort tbrou'h Gods ?'lterciful goodnefl I La'lie made: .known tl.ntO thee: : llnd (Q I tnd-

A .

.A true7\_elatron of-Dr. Dee hu Jl8ioin, with Spirits) &c.

~John Dee, God da~h ~no"~P all. thil thllt thou dojt ffi_ttJt of. In few words, to tnd "'11."1 e words, he will [o direa thy wayes m mdtng [uch troubles~ M }hall he to tby gootland f}wJy fini.Jhing.

John Pontoys, before fuch time 11r thou Jhalt have any grutt cau[e to ufe hil aid, and furr:b~remim, God will fo 1J'ork._for th.ee tn_the.h,art of hit M~jttr (wh~ be il Fallor jpr) Stapers I mran,that Sra pers j111lll with all the atd and help that he can to further thy goodproceeding.An,J. fo God in tdf cafes -will thM gracioufly deal with thee. And now il my full time to -depart in Gods peace, and to ferve him fr~m whom I came, hi, mighty Name. t:,. I fearing his fudden departure, did earncfily urge at his hands, to know the truth of TobitH his hifiory; and fo half unmannerly did interrupt his fpeech with my quefiion. John Dee, 1 am Rap.hael that il appointed of_ God to be thy Gt_Iid~ in this th] Journey ; ani J am rh at fame R.a phael thJf.t. war the Guzde unto young Tob1as m hil long Journey., ttnd deliv~red him from the powtr of the wick,r.d Spirit Afmodeus, 1pho bad, M thou k,.nowcjt, b()w many he bad dtjfroyed: and I brought him through Gods power home again, and deliveretJ him in he~tlth unto hu ll'wn parents. And tb~U much I have m11de thee plainly to ttnderftand "~Pith out any doubting; to the contrary. And [o now once again I d1 depart. All hon~ur llnd glory to the everlajting God, both now and f(,r evermore. Amen, Amen. t., Amen.



17 July.

Fter dinner (horam circiur 4 }.) as Bartholomew and l talke~ of divers of my doings with Mr. l(eliey} a Voice produced this ro Bartholome1Jis heanng,

A Voice.. . . I, John Dee, I havehetrd you all thH whi/e. '.(bou .fhalt be able t o .do, and. to fee, ~tnd to unclerft4nd more th4n all tbit as thou baft ffioft.!n Df, ltCCording a; God barb pnmifed thee. A Bleffed be his holy Name, and his mercies be magnified on me, to the honour .of his holy N-ame. Am~A Note Upon occafion of further talk and Jieecb of my Jewel t.hat was brought, I asked Bartholomew if e\'er he had feen it fince it was fet in gold; and he thought chat he had not feen it : Whereupon I went fpee~ily to my Chefi, locked it, and took it out, and undid the Cafe, and {et the Stone: m Ius due manner. And by ar...d by did RaphAel appear in the Stone, and in voice faid thus, as fol)oweth: Rap h. In the N ame of ]e[111 Chrift, 1 am Raphael who[e 11oict: thou didfl hear right now .And now, in G-ods holy Name, for ti1y ~o od, 11ttd for thy comfort, I have, now, here, in thM Pe4rl entred Poffeffion, i11tol(_m h~ret:.fter u be that bleffiJ Creaturt, to ~e obedient .unto Gods CommandmeHt, eo ferve thee at all times, when thou Art pl~ced in thy Journey, which God hlltil Dei do~ I commandetl thte. And lik,!'wife thtlt halt have the book from whence this came. Antl that mum ::. Dnft which thou htt}t in k.,eeping, (the 'J"hich thou doft mllk.,e 11Ccount of no better but duft) Then it VJd.Ar- 3 {hall be turned to the right ufe, from whence it was : 11nd to that good turpofe, that Gd 6/lfh 6~td. ~rdainuL for to do. And now it JPtH rhe will of God, that I fhould fjeak.. unto thee a ftW words of tbit good comfort to be performed. Prai[e God, honour hit holy Name, for hit great blef!itsgs now and for ever; That it did plea{e the Almighty to feHcl me to your pu[ence, in to"ltJ1t of hit love, for hil great mercy. A11d [o now, in hil N ~tme I go ~a'in int(l the pre[ence of the Almighty, wbofe N amt be ever praifed, with all hit ele{l Angels, and all the bleffed Creatures of GoJ., 1mJ. aU tbe bleffed Cre~ttures upon earth, praife buN ame for everm~re. .Amen, Amen. t:. Amen.
t:.,. 0 Lord God, mofi humbly, heartily and fince_rdy I honour thee, praife thee, and utoll thy mercies, and moft loving kin.dnefs, for thefe, and all other thy graces and bleffings on me. Accept, 0 God, my hearty thanks, and enable me: fo to thank thee, a& may be a moff ~cceptable facrifice unto thy Divine Majefty. Amen, Amr11, Amm.


A true~ation of Dr. Dee hu Jiflions;ith Spirits;&c.

Sept.;. hora 9 ! e.9\1 ortlak:

Mitte lucem tu am & verittttem tu am Domme, qut nos ducattt & pet~ ducunt ad montem Janchtm tuum & ad cte/efiia tH4 tabernacu/a. Amen.

Barth. He is in the Stone now.

Benedi{fUf qui venit in nomin~ Domini. M a11d Chrifr Je[M, .and the Crutt8r and of Mank_znde, ltnd of power I am comt at 0will oft commandmmt, allS fohleffed Creatures. Inpleafure I mujf then return at fucb tim:e and and liJtewi[e at hil good
mer~ifnl Lord 1t~iour

w'11o i1 h14



R.a phael

Redumer no19

be bath commanded me. . John Dee, in the Na~ze of the Moft High~(f, I am come t~ deliver unto thee thi.s my MeDitge, !he which God in hil good11e{f lntth commanded me. Pirft, I Ra phael am [ent of God at thil time moft chiefly to put thee in that good. remembrante of my litjt appearing to your prefence, to let th~e to under(iand, that look., what courfr God in bU mercies did [et then down, what -way thou jhouldfl ta/te t o enter int~ thit Journey, rhe. which God in hit goodite_(j u mojt willing that thou jho,,ldfl enter intq. Fer, John Dee, God bath declared, and made manifrftly k,.nown ~nto thu at my !aft appearing, whar fervice God would ufe thee unto, and all fu ch purpofes that were the laft time /Po'Jten of, fhall be by Gods favour and hu mtrciful good gifr performed unro thee : and fctar thon not, but Cod will fafdy help and preferve thy body in chy Joumey, to that end, that thou !houldefi be in chat place wherein thou mightefi have time to enter into all fuch fervice as Go.J hath. by me made known unto thee. For, John Dee, fuch hath Gods mercies been in i'uffering wicked men to prevail againft thee, and they have a.t~d do ~ake a. fcorn -of thee here in this thy Native Couo'trey: s~ it" #ith thee IH it 'IJ'tlf wztb Chrift and h~ Apoftl,s, being mojl cruelly u{ed_ their own Ntttl ve Countreys; fo John Oee, God bath fnffered thofe wic;, /t,;d men to pluck thee down in .w orldly affairs, the which fhould be maintenance for thee and for thine, and without fuch *absten~nce man cannot be without, while he it here its thu vale of Mi[ery. Such wick,ed men have moft cruelly ufed thee, evm M Job, by Gods [ufferance~ who fMJfrred the Devil to prevail againft him : yet Gods mercies be fo gre~tt unto thee, that although [e they (mojt wick_edly) have robbed thee of .thy -p6ffefton, yet God would not fuffer tho wicJtd ones by any of their malicioM pra{fices to pre'vail in any wife to hurt thy body, tK Jobs was: For if tbey (brougb their -wick.;d purpo [es) 'could have wrought fu~h cruelt] agai;tft thee, thou badfl not been tt man living here upon eart.h. until thii time. So John D ee, rhou d o k,.now who ft 'H thy mortal enemy, who, rules next unto 'y our earthly King.

Wby thou "'aift well /{How, f~Jr I bave ntade it k_ttown before tzme U1fto thee, that he it not thy ftiend, though thdu b~tjt not offended him in any wife, Therefore, becaufe t hllt thil thy Native Countrey il n~t a place fit for Gods purp?fes in his wifdome to be befiowed upoh thee h ere, , Therefore at my lafr M~Jfage, G_oJ_ tl.rd fend me to makJ Jtnown unto thee, whether he -t9o ,ld have thee to giJ , that there thou nughdl: be a man; and that man, whom God hath appointed to make his Wifdome known: for thou art tbat man wbom God bath chofm, that ( acccmii1tg!y at it WM [aid yejl:erd~ty) rhat no JTIOrtal man in flelh, but onely Enoch, had ot lha ll have the. like wifdome made known, plainly to be under!tood b)t any man, o-r thou thy '[elf (halt unclerftttnd an.d receive at the hands of the .Almighty . Therefore it i1 hit will antl'purpo[e of Go~, that he would have thee in that Countrey, for tbw thy Native Coun..; trey is not worthy of .. gifts that thou fhalt receive <tt the hands of GodJ tQ come, and w be ~ made known unto thofe which be nor worthy of fuch great gifts of Gods wif~ dom~, '0 conle a.mongft rhofe that be unworthy. . . . Tbtrefore, John D ee, in all the[e mattfTS the which in f~t11out llt thw time made Jtno-w~t unto tbu, rhe chu f _ and g,teateft caufe of thi1 my coming unto thee, i1 to rnakf the matter plainly k._nown, ~hlu God in hit ht~rcies would have thee with all diligence th11.t thou canft po giblh ~0 h~tjte thee to that Countrrj whtre. G,d Jorh c.mfliand. thee, 4nd. JZt my /aft being beYe tiou F.f f J:..nowqjf

A true 1V..Iation Qj Dr. Dee hu JIE!ionr, with Sp.irits,&c. 4:!._ * k.Jiowe)t what my Mrfftige, therefore do rhJ. diligence to fulfil it thou ca.njt, 11nd God

will put h-! great helps tmtTJ thee, in ftrmgrf..ning of thy 'body, a'!d ~ otberwi[P, which .fhAll be i to thy good. And tiJou ~eing once in th~t place whe~e God_ would ha.?Jt. tb~~ t o be, rbou jhouldff well perceive Mtd pittinly underftand; thit God .w11/ moft . 'merrifully wor1( wi~h. tb~~ ,f9r thy good in performing :~11 fnch piomi[e!i, the rPhich h11tb i,_em l-oth at the li!Jl ti me and at thi.t time made Jt,.nown unto thee. Johf!. Dee; I do put thee i'! temembranFe, tbat where.~; thou did;1 [!~J, that time lu;dfi a q portion of money [er.t thre from the Ex:nperour unto the_ I tell thu,_ tha t the Devil. in work_ing iirthe heart of on:e oft hy enemtes (Cook_ I mean) <hd fe ek. Jome wa yes hy his fa l (e important ill fpeeches, in mofr fa~(e manner, unto .one that did in _(omewhat l et the Em~ }lt't;ourto underland, whar he had moil falfely, to tfiy d1fcrdtt (as he tlLOnght) to hinder thee, that thon ihonldft not come to any he:! or credit at rhe Emp ::rollr' han~. But John Dee, be of good. C<>mfort, The Emper'o~r of all Emperours will be thy comfo!r, nnJ: aid thee, and evermore put down tl)y memzes j that tbe Emperour (rhat tbou (houldfl haw rrceived that portion of) ~t jhaU be J.o . with tlm, th.tt br fhiJJ\ have m<> re .nr.cd of rhee, in [uch wi[d-ome M G_ JhaU drliver unto tiJce; for tbo~ Jhalt .h4Ve 1to nud of him, but od onely to k.frp good wiU a1td frirndfhiE betwixt hi~ and thee, in ]hewing rhy [rlf f rimdly unt9 him, 4f God _(hall hereafter give t hee plainly to und~r[fand:. . Now, Jobn Oee, I have md'de k_nown tmto tbu what Gods wiU if in thit my ~t11'f[age. Thif w the greateft and the nioft prirteip~l cau[e, wby God batb [att me unto. rJ.w ar thit pre[ent t ime. _ And now I bave through Gods ?tzercies idivered thi-s bw Comma;zdme~t untQ rhee; and for tbit I have now fair/. and fnijhed.
A Bl~ffed be the Almighty God, now and for ever. Gladly I woulJ. have underfiood how much the pprtion was wntch the Emperour would have fent me. J o hn Dee, let it go, and JPeak, no farther of it : for thou.-maift be joyful, wherrtK . it H [aid mtro thee, that he !hould have need of thee, ttnd n~t th.ou of him. '(hlrefore ru~fon no nz CIU in-that matter.

~. As concet'ning Mr. Eccleft on. John Dee, in few words I an[wer thee, He bath deA-lt with the parties in tbo[e affairs, bur the chief parry will not,M yet, yield (lny thing to be made Jtnow,, but doth ftubbornly A-nd jfottt!y Jrandin hit own defence: And Gods Creatures have wrought with .huu, and, nothing he will ( llf yrt) Y!~Jd ""t"~. ~.~ c~r ~bat' rbofe C rearu rt:s jhoulJ. de4l fo crueUy "fth him, M it wtrt .to puU him apuces: thH H hH ~tck..,ed Jfubb ornn.ef! . But GorJ wiU bring rhe matter eo lig ht ; but Ecclefion hat~ not dutlt [o t'Jt; the matter M oe mzght have done,he i-1 too to-~ JlaCil.)n bH ~wn cau[r. Therefore. if the fault be !n him, thendo_ bl~mr the Creatures-of God. For God rould (as not you very well do know tr) 'C()mmand that fard Tre~(ure to be brought: hut he will not havt:' it {o to bo, bec~tufe it jhaU come by other means ttm~ng men : So God bath a great care and purpo[e t~ do aU for your ,~ood, to k._eep matters om of blame and flander of the rPorld, df it might come to ptt.JJe_, if it jhould com_e by any otherwafes, but..by t bw plot wiJich u laid down. t o decliJ4e. And whm it i? the wiU of God,that it Jhall be deliveud, God will [o perforni it.., if p1an will do M he !hould do, in all reverend manner towards God-\'(ard. And [o ;ww J let you tQ perceive, and to k,.now, tiJttt it if r.ot 111 yrt o~ tained.

e::. . Whether hath the o~her party confe{fed a ny thing? Raph. He ha.th n ;r ar yet yirf,Jed openly: but lu hntb in fecret ntamter prrjwa.ded hi? f ellow, that the matter migbt be made J:..~~r:-n !mro Ecclefiou) in confeffing of plf the rPhole matt a, but the other ~ill not yet yield: but it were better for llim t o )itld at the firi, then to tarry Any longer, tbe leffr would be hi-1 puni(hmmt from God therein. .And [o I let you ro underftand, .. that you .fhall give God bit tim~ to work_ in that matter at bit plea[ure, and then }hall it be Jo the good of the owner) and of you lii<;wife. And.now I hnTie [aid.
A. As concerning the bereaving me of my o wn goods, I would gladly underland who hath my filver double gilt bell-Salt., ~ud other things here of late conveyed from n1ee. Rap~. John Dee, Thi! if the wiU and purpo[e of God to command the~, lllt/;ough t/,oll doft fuffer wrong &ecau[e thy goods be fo tak.;n a"tPtt) f ront tbet, yet Gods will H [uch, that be will have thee to b-e a peace-maft,_er in thi-1 cau[e: for 1t is paft help to have it again: But qt tho~t ~trt a flfortal f ather, [o u[e that matte r a s a fa t tier, for thy fon had it, although he would not, neith(r will confep it. Anellik.,ewi[e fo r Jnch tbings of lnt( mifling about this hou[e, ;halt hereafter 4f plninly Jtnow wbo blld them, and how they were gonr, M thort dojf plainly tbou _ ftnderjfllnd f vr thy Salt, but tbou .fhalr Jfaj and proceed no fu rther, till [uch time M I Raphael jhall JPeak., further of it; for God "'ill have all things to be don'e well, and t Q his be]t li/!Jng, S q for that I hav~ no'W [<!ld,

A true 'R.!Jatir;n of Dr. Dee hu AElions,ith Spiriti,&c.


* 4-3

John Dee, it if in the hanJs of God and hf! power to fend thee fuch helps M thou doff [eelt of the Treafnre to be brought unto tbee, but God will not have it [o to be, the while thou art in this place ( Enghmd I mean) for God will not have tbee to come ixto any difdain, or {lander might tnkJ fome advanrage agttinft them, but be con~ent with rhat little that can be mttde of thy right in the CoUedge matters. And furthermore, thou.fhalt fee that God will fend thee foon[ome efuch fmali helps by man, that thou }halt have [ome feeling of help, to help rhee whither thou jhouldjl: go; and therefore I Raphael h~tve now [aid. A Jobn Pontoys. JohnDee,be not too.much inq~tifitive,but what jhaU be bcft to your likj1tg in any good caufe what foe ver you or be jhall tbinl(_go.od to be done for your good, God will put hil ..a.fli;tance and help that you{hall pl'rceive Gods favour therein. And thm- much I have [aid: 1ft Gvds commandment 1 came, and fo on hw merciful! goodnrJJe, and by power, I muft flrtfently depart. ~ . Bartholouws requeft of Georgr: ShermaH his earnefr ofc and dreaming ofTreafure to be under the foundation of the wall called De la pry wall, a Nunry in timesfafi within half ;~. mile of Northampton, Sir Wi/Jiam T ate his houfe is within that wal in three parts. That man 1ttay lawfully h11ve it, if he tak_t heed in the breakjng of the the three places, fo'l' it if for the greatrft part under the bottom of th.e wall, and many roo~s of thorns and trees thar will let and hinder the workjng ffJr it, if be do not work much as flope as y~u can, to [.o 11nder the roots, the which he may well and lawfully do. So deing, he may well obt:tttn his purpofe; tmd n,,w you f;ttvl' plainly undl'rjhod the truth. . The one part of that Treafure was laid by an old Nun, that wM of that hoH[e, llt that time, that wus her brother, and the other wM laid even at the fame t2mt:, that tiJe fame anti one travel the which you to~k. the lajt day [aving one, t o k..now of that biJtrel, it WM hid at the fame timt by rme of the Lords that WJH there }?Jlled, and fo it hnth remllinttl ever Jince, the one place more eofier to come ac then the other, but with the f~tvour of Gotl,and in hi4 mercyJthat good fortune to be defiredat parties hand, it may be had and compaffed by the (aid party. Ani f 1fO'W I have made the matter k..nown unto y()u. And now in the name of t:be Almighty, a.nd mercifuU God, at whofe will and pleafure I came, fo now I depart in Gods peace. The mercies of G~l be upon you, both for thw life, and for that 'Whicb is to come, hi1 name be glorifyedfor evermore Amen, Amen. A. Amen.


Munday 7. Sept. hora 7.

His morning as Barthn!omew had intended to be going homeward in the morning, and I not intending to move an aC\:ion now, but committed all to God, iartho/o.; nuw \Yas { poken unto by Raphael.


.. Command John Dee to come up into tbi1 place.

A voice eo Bartholo-

A In the name of Jefns, and eo the hononr and glory of the mofi bleffed Trini- mtw. ty. Amen.

Mittas 0 omnipotens [empiternf & une Dnu luce;;r trutm & veritatem tuam, qu.e nos duca.m & perduca.~tt ad montem fmc7um tuum e~ c~lejtia rua ta bernacula. Amen.

Barth. . ... He is here.

r:,. BenedWM eft, qui veHit in nominr Dvmini. Amen. The Almighty God be bleffed and praifed of all good creatures, gi\'e praife unto his holy name, for evermor~. Amen. John Oee, I am the fame blefJed creature Raphael, thllt did appear the laff J,(ty but one in thw placr, I am 11t the conmttrndment of thr: mojt bigheft to come untQ your prefmce at ~bi1 time, flec~tu[e thou jhould eft very weU k_now thtlt I Ra phael am very rf'4dy ltt aU times, to come, when Gotl.fhaU command me; hut John Dee, I have no long meffage, at tbi? time, f vr thou haft Gods full purpofe and his will, in what be w 1u/d have thet to enter into, and becaufe tbJtt th6u ]hale JPeU k.,now th'at even now at y our dl'parting, the one from the other, it bath plea[ed God to fend me to let thee to underjtttJfd that for thif time no more matters (as conen~ing what thou art taught) jhaU ot (at thif time) 1to more be JPol(_m ~ r, v.mill fuch time M God jhrtll appoint, at your next meeting and coming together, that then, if there be any thing, that if not done of you, (o fa r forth M it i? in yout power to frrlfi/1 it, if 11ny fu ch default in you be, I wiU then pur you in TMtemhrance of it, and help you in any thing w~ich you fhall do"bt of: and if yBu have any qr:ejtion or dtmRntl to ask, of me, evm nQw,I am very ready in few words to ~tn[wer you, ~tnd then in his Ff 2 rM,le.

*._4_4 _~_/l_t_r-e-~ :----::-'~ o/~D=-r-.--=D=--e-e--: u ~ ation~ el - h;-':'u~Afl--==-i:-.on_I_,-w-:-it-=-h--=sp-i=-rt. .ts'--,&~c~. ..

nante' who batb [em me ( that i1 the Almighty ) J mufr return therefore ) if yoi~ hit V C to asft do it. . . _ . .. .. e:. ; As concerning Mr. John of tile IOe of Mtm,hts ,t>Ittful cafe bath moved my compaffion. . . . . . Raph . . Tohn De~, nffuu thyftlf, tha~ as thoutl~f n,:aft hearhly,.Wz!h tt goo/, f~titbinGod, tha t tb9u. migbfe{f be that ma11 wherein G o.d will moft mercifully help hi1.diftrrffi_ cafe, therefore 1 d ~tn[wer thee, thatGod barb, attd he will hear tbee, to tby c~.mfort !herei11; and to the great com- f ort of the man whom that caufe dotb belong ttnto. God w_tll, mercz[ully.help the cau{c {o jhortly, ilf hif will and plea[ure if to be done in it. So much I have fazd for tbu-. .o. ,. , I thank God m oft heartil_y for his .fo great me.t;cies~ . t:.. }ohn Pontoy:r, my great fnend, earneftly defireth to ~now hts good Angel . . t\.aph... , . John Oee,foY. thy fak,; he jhall .. ftnow hi1 toQd,.Angel, . ~ut let .it , not be with hinr hereafter to have a pride in ncind, that God bath made k,_ncwn un~o . h!11t. hu go_ ~tngel, for n~ od. ntan upon the face:of the ear~h r:t.n h'!ve 4- better the1t he h4.~h-,for: Unel 11 h11 ~ppomted .Angel from hi! birth to this day, a1td [oJhall Gontinue with him to the a.ppqiJ(ted tiJ11e, that G~d will t~t-k/ his life awa:~ i1z [eparating IJw foul from hH_ b~Jdy, for .Uric! bath b~en. undet God his tleliveier forth 'of many dangers, and fo he .fhall b~ hi1 defence unde:r God t o hH lifrs md. .And fot this, I hav~ 1t1ade the matvr plainly k,:t~g.n unto yw. Procede. . . . A Sec. ndly, J r.,hn Pontoys is defir9us toknow tbe end of .the Polilh tronble6. o Rap h .... John Dee; i. ft'RJ words, for tba~ matter'? I ~n[wer t~u. 7'ho[e troubles .will [om.en .,.~at tnd. to his l.offe; . but i{jhRil be no g!Cilt1ftatter,fo that God 19tll. w.orl<_ the cafe th.Jtt ,it jhall end !o hi1lik,_ing. And thur much fonhi1 I have [aid. . .6 . As . contetning the man a~cJ: tqe .Treafure, 1 am de.firou,c; to . k~ow ,wh~th~1~ 'he will be cement to affign .h.is title t~ BartholOIJTe-;,, upon f()me portion tbereef delivered \UUo h.in~; and 1:vhat otb~l. \le. hath inade ;tcquainted with the, matter; and' whether it may not };Jy Gods g()Od lik.ing b~ fet yp without dig!?i'ng. . e . R.aph .... John Dee, ~n all.this I .liear thee, and I tt~ow .thin_ intmt horein. That man may q_ rea.fonit._bly ruled, &ut yet he will nst put over hi1 tit[e the.rei"; h'tlf he . h~tt~ 4 th4f bek_nowing e how the m".t.~ dothft.~tnd.wi:tb Rim, and fo mucb M he. dotk ~now) he i?-lZth mitde: them to ~(]tow M $uch as ~i.m[elf: Therefore ai[ure thy {elf that hejhall be rul(d, artdthllt-it jhatl1101 be M . he -will. Ifhe 'tfiM.n(JJ~'e-ordered i'f [ufh fgrt and good.CoHnCel'iK I Rapbael.fJnzllgive unto thif Bartholotnew at that time, t hat then he jhall have no part of i't , but I certifie you that he w-ill be ruled.; but onely the otbers, 19bich I bave made k,.nown unto you, they will not. come to [o good cour[e ;., the matur a; he will. Therefore let _jt reft, I w..ll direlJ Bartbolomew in the nratter which jhall be to i hf1 good., or el{e iT foall notcome to hi1 ban~; the which y ou have t o k.,now of. And for 1hii, now I, have fa~d. John Dee, it i1 the. will and purpo[e ~f God, that 1-tf':all co~eo by breakjng of .the ground,.becau[e that God will bav~ all things don~ well, .that 1lD d~f6ord . mllJ .break._ out betwi~t the pr~ie& hereafter .Jlnd [o now in Gods .name I have fard. 1::.: . MofUn.trnbly I thank and pr<J.ife Almighty God for his infinite meu:ies and fa vour, befceching him to affift me evermore. An~en. . . t!.,.: ..JohnPomoys woutd lhortly f~ll to work fomewhat, to win fome hdp for mony by difiillations and Alchyrnicall conclufions, till we were orherwife holpen1. and we are utterly unable to provide things neceff'ary for lack of fufficient provifiou ot mo~ey. Raph .... Tro.ublc not thy felf ( M yet) Wttb thefe cau[es. a. . If aptain Langbam will lend me an hundred pounds or more, as }.le _Eromued tll e, fot: which my f'ervant p arricft expet\:eth his performance at this hour. . ' RaEq ... .. Not (i11 fuch time) T 0 D 0 Y 0 V G 0 0 D. John Dee, that is the plain meaning, wherein it is fa id, not to do thee good,_ bec:aufe it will be fomething too long ( for thou art ready for ir, if it were now, therefor~ wit.h all haft, fo much as is in Gods will to be done in )t, it thall be hafiened forward to tl thee


I .hn Pont o note. ]S

Antl mw I .. have plainly fpok.fn unto thee in thi1 cafe , my time (lfpointed 'Of God M at, hand. Js~hn De~j tbvJt. haft fulfiUed Jwo p~tftions, as coNcerning John Pontoys, look,._ th]= Not~. in J olm pq'Jitt. Oh.tijar .I ~ight he fit.to (e,ve you .in .8.rrtholomews abfence. . . Raph . , John .Dee, ln..thf!. nf!.me of the moJr bigheft I an[wer.ther, tbif hil defi..te "'lhe-rtin he dotb cr: .sve tbe hands .of. God, fpr :to. ob.tltin the fight of ~is bleffed. creatures; but . hen a fur # jhall be made knownunt.o thee. what' God will do for hint in thar hi1 d~fire. 4n4--uow, d r:Jbe gi9Jfn t o t~e Almigbty.who bath m~Je heaven aml oart!J, his name b~ ~gnifiJ, piJwer and ;,lo: f11Ul pr11-i[e,d ~verlaftingl;. .8:n1en ,,Amen~






.o. All praife, aJl thanks,, all honour and glory be yielded unto God of all hi! now and for evermore. Anrtn.


.A true~elattOn of-Dr.. Dee hil Aflionr, 'JPith Spirits, &c. _

m or~. I would defire to icnow J. My proper Angel. 2. The end of the Polilh troubles. 3 0 that I might be fit tofcrvc you in B~trrhollmmtabfmce.


John Ponto noc:e., which h~ wrote, and left on my ftudy table, 7:S~pttmh. The Note ys mane. If ir may jland with tbe wiU 111Ul lea.vt of t~~ .Almighty., "hD~ HAmt be hltlfel. for tll~

Vnder John Pontoys Note the whic~ i1jo~ed over, ir thss JPrittell,
The place of Bafel in [he l'vhp of

To the left or next fide

Baftl City

foot, and a bout 4 incbes

from Bfel.

...:...----------to the edge of the Map below 4 foot and' a finger

t .tct+t<tt;++++t+<t++++++++t+++++*++++++++t+++t..,-++++++++++ I. A R.ney vah n[ gaderb <'l~lteJ ox-vals, ntnh gem[~b . ab orza vaugemmab, ob ge~vam on


zemb~h11ohhid. vomfab oUru amp' 11. nots admanch~ niJ'!fah mimfM ornad, alph()l an-:JAgt or~adab 11os au{oh banfah 7.Job ad m '1#.~/1. notma g'otb vamful- adg~s o~feple tJUde~a;c orzan, a unfa onmAh vnda_br a gou{~h zols ~tah,iz.d NIL.. 2. Oxar Varmol pan [tttpM os.al paus onty auJlu al[aph oncha, co [dam onzagofes natm~t-. ;,~ttatp max, ol ah 'Z!01f gan[t pacath ol:Jtoh vor nMqJ uth lot1 adnay no~tfab oxan[ah V als ncdax ~andqverh lan f.c~Jdq,(at ox ~rd.anh onztZbel ormaCIJ donquin aJim~Zx arpahels ontipod~tb omvah no[ch als 1ffltut q~ts,- ar .mad .n.otgals. 3 V1Zntantqtutb o'ltdreb ltls v.rh quanchah ~rn [andvah lob, audah nol pan, {edmah zvgeh ali abmicadampaget rdomph, o:uh g~thol val axe! authal h gor{an vax par[ab vort lanq audantf[ah getheol, urchun utt;badtth oxrmbles arm~Jx loth~tr, vos antath, or[e vax, alnbth, ot(,er mal; olHah gethom V ardumach, all(a. + p~g~th ur pa (qq_ah mzadah vons, an'~'tnodab varrava, oncb a! dumph, auget on[avfll galt~o ith arve.th ax pa g~fne ovad JX ;:rttey al<i11mb1 ge~, Vofcomph alze . x, orza.d au.dah, 1-,M ajl:ob nailab Vo.r~es, a(rmttb notejima g4th natbad om_z11, getb ab. tb ox degath.oudit v~x'a gemnacke ad~ nv dau{a 11ls a!fl ar[tth, S. Orthath ols guft ttrdob ~ax vttrm-~ dot I, novttmtf l~tth, ~dvat Gotham; ardrivoh ~~:ftomagel ttrpat,ef afte.'b arde obz~t,- tJ/s (y~t)-gem Va pah bnnJa orf~tt nahah orlmzrn andulphel, ox llmbr~lf h oxab geth nor U1Zmfab ge1ioh daqueth als apsa, oh tu' o ', a/fah go;h necor ttndeob neo ttL-


;.rel~tb~<zna,gamnac o aftmah ochad() 'aldriiah v :ns fah, lu~bo iahat nab(r:ham nobads V;mdifpJ ro(/a:niod ttud.roch ~tlpoh z(mUob 11r11ah gonfageph aldeb lo dah tJJz~ 9rh a{rti-s gad av dan fe qua tJeo, datb va-x rtl)grah vox [e~bat Mon.. . 7 Arni olbah gttlpa lohanah~ gaupumagenlah ollo var [r darfab ~oho albvmielamacapa-

q,VAnl~h obit elemageus ou [anfab, paphab ole:mue~, ozadcba ln.x ornah v or

ad me

ox Vajlmah

lo;:h who na.d vejl.th vors ardn?otmnony a[qvam rath flls va(mah geruJ.a loggahtth:a;{tmv. 8 . .Arnag notah lax vart lvhoh d f..,t,phi ol e,apraminacah oxandahvah gemveloriphitonpha attamplahi10fiapha ormaxadahahar orzerubllz:admah panchefelogedoh afchah olmah ledob vaxma. 9 ~ans ~~~ c.,p!an (tda ax 111r vorza vo. Las pral on{a gem gnnah noph f.llz o na von fa. Zfa u lfOjtra.dg an[el1Jnf~ _pah v ~ rt ~rl{fZ o. Rld~t vittx nor. adroh [e "'neb of. v.ande(qual olzah nolpax pllr luth loth r ax r>z' 't!a far glmtna!'h gtttb ardot ardn axa nob ~ a.ga lrtb 11rd .. m~xtt. . ro. Car[alma.b4h >te phch ttlps arford vord Vilnfax oriiJx nllbat l_:ntnepoh laph 't .foda nat VtJm~al rtllms 11r:et:1 alloah n-phirt lauJa nr; xa v.oxtaf ardno ttndrr.ch !abma~eth r/ft almaglo ~trdet nlllf,ar vanfe d.otrto vorts par fan ur. unrah vor gadeth [, tb orz.e nax vomreb gelph a., lfg~tr or nembla ex ar vah fu . q. Za.IJchevmacha(eph, olzaminoa h Valfeburaah node1ig:anax orfapnago darfagnaph~ nobfiblitliarmi}>ytli atfepolimitanton~ Jembul(amar lt:boge axpar ornaza oldax;irdacoah. 12. Semno ab al ehi do a eh a da Selpagmodah a da hn ba mi ea noh dam pha gli af eha nor ox om pa mina pho. Ie'mp, na, gou, fa, pha ne eo al _pha af.pa ge mo ea!. na tt.i rage. I~ Sen gal fe quar ruf fa g!au furta~ ~r.ma7.a_ oxinqd.;t] ge- ?rh nop tar na gel vom na che1 pal ma cax ar(e(1 afdon iadg' afc lan fau che dah nor vt ca r tnax coh zum bla xanpha . ad geb do ea ba a h. . . 14. Ar gem rtil c;z. ratf.~x, or ntdo hab caf p1gan alpuh g agah loth zal fa bra dan go fa pax vol{an quef ran on4apba opi,ab or zy la pa a chra pa ma les ad ma carpah oxalps on .pa; gem na Je vor gufe. '1 Lat gar~s (a par.fat [-afteah for adith nox ax ardep~es noufou ant!ob ;.v,.zi vvr fa F. lihoh ad ni fa pa loh g~rho Jar va 1f.OX ltX oho fun mpah nux ~ V ri Jb fc:pbuh lu[az o!dg~tf[ax nottaph I.X vtnt,,c arpoJ ar 1a ~em. zub~th, lorbor ~M lvbab vom xa Ja phi ea no. 16. Affotapheondah V or ban [anp :,ar pa loth a,e:no ja-,n nrfr h-am al~ors_vrrllbah geufeb ald~ ox nah vor; pwrbl x a mpbic!tt o n,jirfJI~h ad>nadg or n~prv a[110 !on r.rru.J~hi arbtl nof amphi vH {embelu~ a!chi ~ar laff.Jx l.Jf du:u pra ge~ a {tflrox am phi nax var [.-,ubi::\ . 17. An;ge[el IJTCupac.d onz adq qchaditl) ~lzah V )T nah orpogfJ!f..raph -1 al (a gem na ea pi coh. Ul ~a pa por fah n~txor von[a rous Erbauf lab dttn 'l;J;,>h lllgadeF l~b gon tJQrta gb ~~ompb tl ho ha :1:.11- lla.xorza. lepteh oxor ne oh ~th 11a. dv na ca.pi ea loJ.ox llrd nab.


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Emericus Casaubons True & Faithful Relation, published in 1659, is a partial transcript of the Spirit Actions of Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley, compiled from MS. Cotton Appendix XLVI Parts I & II. The main body of the text begins in 1583 with the parallel Sixth (and Sacred) Book of the Mysteries (the companion volume to the real Sixth (and Sacred) Book of the Mysteries that is known as Loagaeth, now indexed as MS. Sloane 3189) and ends with Dr. Dees last recorded scrying sessions of 1607. There are numerous errors of transcription and of printing (too numerous to note), and the Cotton MS. itself is incomplete; however, Casaubons text serves as an often invaluable aid in the reading of the MS., supplying the occasional word which has decayed since 1659, and otherwise greatly assisting in the reading of Dees handwriting, which frequently borders on the illegible. For the interested reader, there are some errors of pagination which must be noted. These are errors on the part of the overworked printer, and do not signify lacun in the text. The pagination skips from page 104 to page 109. Page 142 is numbered 124. Page 218 is numbered 212. Page 220 is numbered 206. The pagination skips from page 256 to page 353. Page 421 is numbered 417. Page 426 is numbered 422.

Please note that a text version of A True & Faithful Relation may be found at Cornell University Library, whilst digital scans of the Cotton and other manuscripts can be found at The Magickal Review. Links to further sources of information on Enochian magick can be found at the Open Directory Project.

Ian Rons 4 March 2005 aer vulgari 57/5/100 aer nov


[This Public Domain document was produced by The Magickal Review.]

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