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Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 80, 409420, 2008

TOWARDS THE DISPERSION RELATIONS FOR DIELECTRIC OPTICAL FIBERS WITH HELICAL WINDINGS UNDER SLOW- AND FAST-WAVE CONSIDERATIONS A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS D. Kumar and P. K. Choudhury Faculty of Engineering Multimedia University Cyberjaya, Malaysia O. N. Singh II Department of Applied Physics Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India AbstractThe paper presents the electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in cylindrical optical bers with helical windings under slow- and fast-wave considerations. Field components are deduced for both the cases, and also, the dispersion relations are obtained by applying the boundary conditions, as modied by the presence of conducting helical windings. Two special cases are considered corresponding to the values of the helical pitch angle as 0 and 90 . A comparison of the dispersion relations is presented.

1. INTRODUCTION Optical waveguides have been investigated extensively during the past four decades, and such guides with various forms of geometrical crosssections have been explored in the literature [19]. Fibers with helical structures fall under the category of complex waveguides, and these have drawn considerable interest among the R&D community owing to the much use of helical structures in all low and medium power traveling wave tubes (TWTs) [10]. The analysis of helical structures generally includes waveguides under slow-wave consideration with conducting sheath and tape helixes. The implementation of this


Kumar, Choudhury, and Singh II

concept in the case of optical bers has been discussed before by the investigators [1116]. The use of helical windings in the case of optical bers essentially makes the analysis much rigorous. However, such a winding is purposely introduced as it can control the dispersion characteristics of the guide. For example, it has been investigated before that, under fast-wave consideration, elliptical bers with helical windings yield the existence of band gap for 0 helix pitch angle, which is attributed to the existence of periodicity in the structure. However, such band gaps were not observed corresponding to 90 pitch angle, which is owing to the elimination of periodicity [12] in this case. Further, under the fastwave consideration, the number of propagating modes depends much on the helix pitch angle. The aim of the present communication is to compare the dispersion relations of circular step-index ber having a conducting sheath helix [10] between the core and the cladding regions under slow- and fast-wave considerations. 2. THEORY We consider the case of a ber with circular cross-section wrapped with a sheath helix at the core-clad boundary, as shown in Fig. 1. The description of a sheath helix is in Ref. [10]. In practice, a sheath helix can be approximated by winding a very thin conducting wire around the cylindrical surface so that the spacing between the adjacent windings is very small and yet they are insulated from each another. In our structure, the helical windings are made at a constant angle the helix pitch angle. The structure has high conductivity in a preferential direction. The pitch angle can be eectively used to control the propagation behavior of such bers, and serves as an additional controlling parameter [1216]. We assume that the core and the cladding regions have the respective real refractive indices n1 and n2 . In the case of slow-wave consideration, which essentially have n1 = n2 = 1, and the phase velocity vp < c, the speed of light in free-space.

Figure 1. The sheath helix.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 80, 2008


A ber with helical windings is more explicitly illustrated in Fig. 2. An alternative way of realizing the sheath is to have a thin planer sheet made of alternate conducting thin strips and non-conducting gaps in an oblique fashion, and then wrapping it along the cylindrical core without any overlap (Fig. 3).

Figure 2. The ber structure.

Figure 3. Planer sheet made of alternate conducting thin strips and non-conducting gaps. We start the analysis with a sheath helix which is perfectly conducting in a direction making an angle with the plane perpendicular to the axis, and vanishing conductivity in a direction normal to the direction of conduction. Although we present the analysis for the general case when there is no restriction on the pitch angle , but for simplicity we consider only two particular values of , viz. 0 and 90 . The analysis requires the use of cylindrical coordinate system (r, , z) [17] with the z-axis being the direction of wave propagation.


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The expressions for eld components corresponding to circular step-index ber [11] for slow and fast wave structures can be given as follows. 2.1. Field Components for Slow-wave Structure EZ1 = AI ( r)eiz cos HZ1 = BI ( r)e cos i i E1 = 2 AI ( r) sin + BI ( r) cos eiz a i i H1 = 2 BI ( r) sin + AI ( r) cos eiz a EZ2 = CK ( r)eiz cos HZ2 = DK ( r)eiz cos i i E2 = 2 CK ( r) sin + DK ( r) cos eiz a i i H2 = 2 DK ( r) sin + CK ( r) cos eiz a 2.2. Field Components for Fast-wave Structure EZ1 = A1 J (ur)ei(tz+) HZ1 = B1 J (ur)e i i E1 = 2 A1 J (ur) + 0 uB1 J (ur) ei(tz+) u a i i H1 = 2 B1 J (ur) + 1 uA1 J (ur) ei(tz+) u a EZ2 = C1 K (wr)ei(tz+)
i(tz+) i(tz+) iz

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

(9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

(14) HZ2 = B1 J (ur)e i i E2 = 2 C1 K (wr) 0 wD1 K (wr) ei(tz+) (15) w a i i H2 = 2 D1 K (wr) + 2 wC1 K (wr) ei(tz+) (16) w a In above equations, the subscripts 1 and 2 correspond to the situations in the core and the cladding sections, respectively. Also, for the fast-

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 80, 2008


wave structure k 2 n2 2 = u 2 1 and for the slow wave structure k 2 2 = u2 = 2 2.3. Boundary Conditions Remembering that the tangential component of the electric eld in the direction of the conducting helix should be zero, and in the direction perpendicular to the helical winding, the tangential component of both the electric and magnetic eld [18, 19] must be continuous, we can have the following boundary conditions for slow- as well as fast-wave structures: EZ1 sin + E1 cos = 0 EZ2 sin + E2 cos = 0 (EZ1 EZ2 ) cos (E1 E2 ) sin = 0 (HZ1 HZ2 ) sin + (H1 H2 ) cos = 0 2.4. Dispersion Relation under Slow-wave Consideration Using Eqs. (1)(8) and Eqs. (17)(20), we nally get A I ( a) cos sin +B i I ( a) sin cos 2a (21) (17) (18) (19) (20) and 2 k 2 = w2 = 2 . and 2 k 2 n2 = w2 , 2

i I ( a) cos cos = 0 i K ( a) sin cos 2a

C K ( a) cos sin D

i K ( a) cos cos = 0 i I ( a) sin sin 2a


A I ( a) cos cos + +B

i I ( a) cos sin i K ( a) sin sin 2a (23)

C K ( a) cos cos + D

i K ( a) cos sin = 0


Kumar, Choudhury, and Singh II

i I ( a) cos cos i I ( a) sin cos 2a

+B I ( a) cos sin C

i K ( a) cos cos i D K ( a) cos sin 2 K ( a) sin cos = 0 (24) a

In Eqs. (21)(24), a is the radius of the ber core. Eliminating the constants A, B, C and D from the above set of Eqs. (21)(24), we nally get, corresponding to = 0 , the dispersion relation as 22 2 22 2 I ( a)K ( a)K ( a) sin2 + 4 2 I ( a)I ( a)K ( a) sin2 4 a2 a 2 2 2 + 2 I ( a)I ( a)K ( a)cos2 2 I ( a)K( a)K( a)cos2 =0 (25) Considering a special case corresponding to = 1 and = 0 , we can have I1 ( a)K1 ( a) K1 ( a) = 0 On the other hand, = 1 and = 90 yield I1 ( a)K1 ( a) I1 ( a)K1 ( a) = 0 (27) (26)

Following the above procedure, corresponding to = 90 , we get the dispersion relation as I ( a)K ( a) I ( a)K ( a) = 0 which, for = 1, gives I1 ( a)K1 ( a) I1 ( a)K1 ( a) = 0 (29) (28)

This is to be pointed out here that, in order to avoid mathematical complexity, we consider the low order azimuthal mode index (i.e., = 1). However, the analysis is valid for any order of the mode index.

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2.5. Dispersion Relation under Fast-wave Consideration Using Eqs. (9)(16) and Eqs. (17)(20), we nally obtain sin + i0 cos A1 J (ua) + B1 J (ua) cos = 0 2a u u (30)

sin +

i0 cos C1 K (wa) + D1 K (wa) cos = 0 w2 a w


i0 sin A1 J (ua) B1 J (ua) u2 a u i0 cos 2 sin C1 K (wa) + sin D1 K (wa) = 0 (32) w a w cos i1 A1 J (ua) cos + sin + 2 cos B1 J (ua) u u a i2 + C1 K (wa) cos sin + 2 cos D1 K (wa) = 0 (33) w w a

Eliminating the constants A1 , B1 , C1 and D1 from the above Eqs. (30) (33), we nally get the dispersion relation, corresponding to = 0 and = 1, as 2 2 K1 (wa) J (ua)K1 (wa) K0 (wa) 3 a2 1 u w 2 2 J 2 (ua)K1 (wa) 2 3 2 1 + J0 (ua)J1 (ua)K1 (wa) w a u 4 (/)2 n2 2 w +2K0(wa)
2 J1 (ua) + J0 (ua)J1 (ua) u 2 K1 (wa) 2 + K0 (wa) w2

2 4(/)2 n2 J1 (ua) K1(wa) 2J1(ua) 2 1 + J0 (ua) J0 (ua) w u u2 u K 2 (wa) (34) 1 K0 (wa)K1 (wa) = 0 w

The dispersion relation, corresponding to = 90 and = 1, becomes 1 {J1 (ua)K1 (wa) + uJ0 (ua)K1 (wa)} u2 1 = 2 {J1 (ua)K1 (wa) + wJ1 (ua)K0 (wa)} w



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3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this communication, we focus our analysis on the variation of the dispersion behavior of the ber under consideration. In order to plot the dispersion relations, we plot the normalized frequency parameter V against the normalized propagation constant bnor , given as bnor = 2 k 2 n2 2 k 2 (n2 n2 ) 1 2


In our Illustrative case, we consider n1 = 1.5, n2 = 1.46, and the operating wavelength = 1.55 m. As stated earlier, we considered two special cases corresponding to the values of the pitch angle as 0 and 90 . The dispersion curves corresponding to Eqs. (34) and (35) are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. We observe in Fig. 4 that, corresponding to the case of fast-wave structure with = 0 and = 1, the dispersion curves have the usual trend, as observed in the case of other general type of ber. However, in the present case, we notice the strange feature that there exists one band gap which falls within the limiting range V = 27 to V = 29. Also, we nd that the rst modal cuto exists at V 4. From the features of the dispersion curves, it may the inferred that an additional eect of the use of conducting helical winding is to split a mode into a pair of adjacent modes, which is essentially equivalent to removing the mode degeneracy.

Figure 4. Dispersion curve corresponding to = 0 .

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Figure 5. Dispersion curve corresponding to = 90 . Corresponding to the case of = 90 and = 1, as illustrated in Fig. 5, we observe that the degeneracy of modes is again sustained, which is owing to the reason that the helical windings are now only parallel to the optical axis of the ber. In other words, in this case, the sheath helix essentially degenerates into a sheath made of conducting lines parallel to the optical axis of the ber. Further, since there is no periodicity observed in the direction of wave propagation, the existence of band gap is strictly eliminated. We also observe that the cuto of the rst mode [2029] exists approximately at V 7. As such, we see that the introduction of helical winding reduces the modal cuto. The descriptive analysis of the ber under the slow-wave consideration is still in progress, and will be taken up in a future communication. The authors expect that all the results stated in the paper are of much technical signicance owing to the features of the guide governed by the helixes. 4. CONCLUSION Form the above analytical investigation, conclusion may be drawn that the helical windings play a vital role in determining the propagation characteristics of the ber. The introduction of helix along the direction perpendicular to the propagation axis brings in a kind of band gap in bers, and also, shifts the modal cuto to a lower value as compared to the case when the helical turns are only parallel to the optical axis.


Kumar, Choudhury, and Singh II

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