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APIs: CreateObject: Use the CreateObject function to return an instance of a class.

GetSession: Use the GetSession function to retrieve a PeopleSoft session object. %Session: %Session returns a reference to the current, existing session. Application Engine: CallAppEngine --Use the CallAppEngine function to start the Application Engine program GetAESection --Use the GetAESection function to open and associate an AESection PeopleCode object with the base section. CommitWork -- Use the CommitWork function to commit pending changes (inserts, updates, and deletes) to the database. Arrays: CreateArray : Use the CreateArray function to construct an array and returns a reference to it. CreateArrayAny : Use the CreateArrayAny function to construct an array whose elements are of data type ANY and returns a reference to it. CreateArrayRept : Use the CreateArrayRept function to create an array that contains count copies of val. Split : Use the Split function to convert a string into an array of strings by looking for the string separator in the given string. CopyToJavaArray : Use the CopyToJavaArray function to copy the one-dimensional array specified by &PeopleCodeArray into the Java array JavaArray. CopyFromJavaArray : Use the CopyFromJavaArray function to copy the array specified by JavaArray into one-dimensional PeopleCode array &PeopleCodeArray. Attachment: AddAttachment: Use the AddAttachment function to upload a file from an end user machine to a specified storage location. CleanAttachments: Use the CleanAttachments function to delete all unreferenced files from the database. CopyAttachments: Use the CopyAttachments function to copy all files from one storage location to another. DeleteAttachment: Use the DeleteAttachment function to delete a file from the specified storage location. DetachAttachment: Use the DetachAttachment function to download a file from its source storage location and save it locally on the end user machine. GetAttachment: Use the GetAttachment function to download a file from its source storage location to the file system of the application server. PutAttachment: Use the PutAttachment function to upload a file from the application server to the specified storage location. ViewAttachment: Use the ViewAttachment function to download a file from its source storage location and open it locally on the end user machine.

Component Buffer: ActiveRowCount: Use the ActiveRowCount function to return the number of active (nondeleted) rows for a specified scroll area in the active page. AddKeyListItem: Use the AddKeyListItem to add a new key field and its value to the current list of keys. ClearKeyList: Use the ClearKeyList function to clear the current key list. CompareLikeFields: Use the CompareLikeFields function to compare fields in a row on a specified source record to similarly named fields on a specified target record. ComponentChanged: Use the ComponentChanged function to determine whether a component has changed since the last save, whether by the user or by PeopleCode. CopyFields: Use the CopyFields function to copy like-named fields from a row on the specific source record to a row on the specific target record. CopyRow : Use the CopyRow function to copy data from one row to another row. CurrentLevelNumber : Use the CurrentLevelNumber function to return the scroll level where the function call is located. CurrentRowNumber : Use the CurrentRowNumber function to determine the row number of the row currently displayed in a specific scroll area. DeleteRecord : Use the DeleteRecord function to remove a high-level row of data and all dependent rows in other tables from the database. DeleteRow: Use the DeleteRow function to delete rows programmatically. DiscardRow : Use the DiscardRow function to prevent a row from being added to a page scroll during Row Select processing FetchValue: Use the FetchValue function to return the value of a buffer field in a specific row of a scroll level. FieldChanged: The FieldChanged function returns True if the referenced buffer field has been modified since being retrieved from the database either by a user or by a PeopleCode program. GetNextNumber : Use the GetNextNumber function to increment the value in a record for the field you specify by one and returns that value.

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