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Community group of people who make up half of the CSS system and which form a network of relationships between

people, the ordinary meaning of the society refers to a group of people living together in a structured format and within an organized group. And communities basis based upon the study of the social sciences. A group of individuals living in a particular location Tterbt among them cultural and social relations, seeking each and every one of them to achieve the interests and needs. Correspond to the word community in English word society that carry the meaning of peaceful coexistence between individuals, between the individual and the others .. The important thing in the community that its members share common worries or concerns working to develop a common culture and consciousness prints community and its members qualities that shape the character of this community and identity. Human society is a complex system is balanced constantly changing and evolving, where you pay the complexities and contradictions of social development researchers to the next logical conclusion: that any simplification or minimize or ignore the multiplicity of social factors inevitably leads to a proliferation of errors and lack of understanding of the processes surveyed. The settled opinion that the discovery of scientific laws is impossible in the field of social development studies dominant comprehensive control over academic group, especially among those who specialize in the humanities and face directly in their search all the intricacies and combinations of social processes. The way search of human society as a highly complex system is to recognize different levels of abstraction and time scales. The basic task of the scientific analysis is to find the key forces that affect certain systems for the initial discovery of scientific laws through detachment from details and rules deviations. Of course human society is a very complex system already. Can we described simple laws of science? The recent achievements in the field of mathematical modeling enables us to answer this question a positive answer specific - possible to describe social evolution by Macroqguanan minutes simple and acceptable manner. The Islam in many places of the Qur'an and Sunnah, that Muslim is the brother Muslim, and the insured's brother believer, and it is not preferred for an Arab Ajami, not for the grace to white on black except by piety, he says: (O people, I have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God) closets 13 this verse has ruled this nerve, and is a measure of differentiation when God Almighty, people Vokrm ruled on tribal arrogance. when the most piety; whether this man was an Arab, Persian or turkey or whatever Here it is evident to us that the most important characteristics of the Muslim community because it is based on the brotherhood of faith, this relationship of faith that failed all systems of intellectual occur like her, could not the system that happens the relationship between his followers based doctrine, the foundation Belief did not only succeed in Islam, claiming to types common image: language, land, history, etc., all this did not give the result, which gave the result is a brotherhood in God and the brotherhood of faith .

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