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PERSONAL HYGIENE Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence

e of disease or infirmity. Hygiene is healthy habits that include bathing, keeping the mouth clean, keeping the skin protected from the sun and washing hands frequently before handling edibles to insure the safe delivery of food.

A - EYE CARE Eye Examinations performed by opthalmologists and optometrists Opthalmologist a physician who specializes in medical and surgical care and treament of the eyes; can diagnose and treat all types of eye conditions, test vision, perform surgery, and prescribe corrective lenses Optometrist specially trained in a school of optometry; can test vision and prescribe corrective lenses. Visual acuity sharpness of vision Refractive Errors a variation in the shape of the eyeball that affects the way images are focused on the retina and blurs vision Retina the inner lining of the eyeball Refractive Errors: 1. Myopia nearsightedness; distant objects appear blurred and close objects are seen clearly. Eyes are longer than average. Images are focused in front of the retina. 2. Hyperopia farsightedness; near objects appear blurred and distant objects are seen clearly. Eyes are shorter than average. The images they see is focused behind the retina 3. Astigmatism irregular shape of the cornea causes blurred vision; affects both distant and close vision Cornea the transparent front part of the outer shell of the eyeball 4. Presbyopia a refractive error caused by the weakening of eye muscles and hardening of the cornea. Correcting Refractive Errors: 1. Use of eyeglasses and contact lenses 2. Bifocals lenses that correct for both close and distant vision

3. Radial keratotomy a type of surgery that improves myopia by changing the curve of the cornea 4. Photorefractive keratectomy laser surgery that reshapes the cornea to improve myopia Eye Conditions & Diseases: 1. Conjunctivitis/ pink eye an inflammation of the eye membranes that causes redness, discomfort, and discharge Causes: bacterial infection, allergies, contact lenses, certain drugs and secondhand smoke 2. Glaucoma the pressure of the fluid in the eye is high and may damage the optic nerve Optic nerve bundle of nerve fibers that transmit messages from the retina to the brain 3. Cataract clouding of the lens of the eye that obstructs vision; images are hazy and out of focus Cataract surgery removing the cloudy lens and implanting an artificial lens Eye Protection: 1. Wearing polycarbonate eye protectors during sports activities. 2. Wearing goggles to protect the eyes from substances when swimming 3. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses with 99 to 100 percent UV protection to reduce risk of eye damage from UV radiation.

B - SKIN AND NAILS Skin considered to be the largest organ in the body Functions: a. Protects the body from invasion of microbial agents and ultaviolet rays from the sun b. Serves a sensory function by relaying messages from the outside world to the brain c. Helps eliminate toxins and wastes from the body through perspiration

Many products with strong scents irritate skin and can cause allergic reactions: Dermatologist a physician who specializes in care of the skin 1. Acne a skin disorder characterized by inflammation of skin glands and hair follicles and the eruption of pimples

3 Main Types of Skin Afflictions: a. Pimples- occur when a clogged pore becomes infected with bacteria b. Whiteheads occurs when a blocked pore is not exposed to the air c. Blackheads occur when a pore becomes clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells Factors that make Acne worse: Acne: Not caused by foods or beverage Not caused by dirty face or body Cannot be spread from one teen to another Stress Certain medications Menstrual cycle Exposure to sun Oily of heavy cosmetics Popping or picking acne Perspiring Putting pressure on the face for an extended period of time Heredity plays a role in acne.

Treatment: Skin should be kept clean and washed gently with a clean washcloth and rinsed well Special soap or over-the-counter topical medication recommended by a physician Do not squeeze, pick, scrub, or pop an acne to avoid infection and scars. Hair should be kept away from the face to avoid excess oil. Limit time in the sun to reduce perspiration and select cosmetics that are water-based.

Sunburn a burn caused by overexposure to sunlight

Prevention: 1. Wear protective clothing 2. Apply sunscreen with a sun protecting factor (SPF) of at least 15 Outdoor activity: It is recommended that individuals slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protecting Factor) of 15 or higher, Tattoos & Body Piercing Tattooing equipment and needles can transmit communicable disease such as hepatitis C All tattooing equipment be clean and sterilized before use.

Risks of tattooing: Can transmit communicable disease Allergic reactions Bleeding, scarring, permanent holes or marks appearing in the body Tattoo removal can be painful, expensive, and require several treatments

Fingernail Care: Trim regularly to keep them clean Dont bite or pick at fingernails and cuticles cuticle the non-living skin that surrounds the nails Use moisturizing cream to prevent hangnails hangnail a strip of skin torn from the side or base of the fingernail

Body Odor - occurs when perspiration combines with dirt, oils, bacteria, and dead skin cells on the body Prevention: - Regular bathing - Use of antiperspirant - Use of deodorant

Foot Odor - caused by bacteria that collect on the bottom of feet and between the toes - Wash regularly with soap - Toenails should be regularly scrubbed with a nail brush - Dry the feet well - Wear clean socks everyday - Letting shoes air out after wear Foot problems: 1. Athletes foot a fungus that grows on feet. treated with special foot powders or creams 2. Ingrown nails - a toenail that grows into the skin can cause swelling and infection clip toenails straight across to reduce the risk of ingrown toenails 3. Blister a raised area containing liquid, caused by a burn or by an object rubbing against the skin If blister breaks and oozes fluids, clean the area, treat with antiseptic and cover with sterile bandage. 4. Callus a thickened layer of skin caused by excess rubbing 5. Corn a growth that results from excess rubbing of a shoe against the foot or from toes being squeezed together. special pads can be used to reduce pain caused by corns. 6. Bunion a deformity in the joint of a big toe that causes swelling and pain can be prevented by wearing low-heeled shoes with a square toe or open-toes Foot Problems can be averted by: Properly fitting shoes Beware of high-heeled shoes

Hand Washing How to Wash Your Hands Use warm running water Use soap Scrub hands together and under nails for at least 15-20 seconds Dry hands on a clean cloth or paper towel or use an automatic hand dryer if possible

C - HAIR CARE The hair on the scalp grows an average of 0.5 inch (1.25 cm.) per month. Rate of growth varies according to the hair length, season and persons gender Short hair grows faster than long hair Hair cut infrequently grows more slowly Hair grows faster during the day than at night. Hair grows faster in warm weather. Participating in physical activity may speed hair growth. for serious disease later in life, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes

D - EAR CARE Ear Examination- performed by audiologists or by otolaryngologists Audiologists a specialist who diagnosis and treats hearing and speech-related problems Otolaryngologists (ENT) a physician who diagnosis and treats disorders of the ears, nose, and throat can diagnose ear conditions, test hearing, recommend hearing devices, and perform surgery

Audiometer a machine that measures the range of sounds a person hears Eustachian tube the tube that connects the middle ear and the back of the nose allows fluid to drain from the middle ear and regulates ear pressure on both sides of the eardrum

A physician should be contacted if any of the following symptoms are observed: Pain in the ears Drainage from the ears Difficulty hearing people talking A need to turn up the volume on the TV to a point that others complain it is too loud Difficulty determining what direction sounds are coming from Difficulty understanding what is being said in a noisy room Difficulty hearing in social situations

Hearing Loss - Causes: a. Premature birth b. Exposure to drugs or infection before birth c. Middle ear infections d. High fevers e. Injury f. Exposure to noise 1. Noise-induced hearing loss is the second most common kind of hearing loss, after age. - too much noise hurts the hair cells in the inner ear - usually happens slowly and theres no pain - theres a ringing sound in the ear Early Signs of Hearing Loss: Trouble understanding what people say especially in crowded rooms Need to turn the TV sound higher Asking people to repeat what was just said Not able to hear high-pitched sounds

3. Conductive hearing loss sound is not transported efficiently from the outer to the inner ear Caused by:

a. excessive wax build-up b. ear injury c. birth defects d. middle ear infection 3. Sensorineural hearing loss damage to the inner ear or acoustic nerve; generally a permanent kind of hearing loss Acoustic nerve connects the inner ear to the brain Cochlear implant an electronic device that is implanted in the ear to restore partial hearing to the totally deaf 4. Noise-induced hearing loss one of the most common causes of nerve deafness; lasts forever Hearing aids can help but cant fully correct it. Audiologists warn that listening to loud music on portable music players, such as MP3 players and iPods, poses serious risk of hearing loss. These devices can pump music through headphones directly into the ear canal at dangerously high decibel levels To minimize hearing loss, audiologists recommend that listeners switch from earbud-style headphones to over-the-ear headphones Assistive Hearing Device a device that helps a person with hearing loss communicate and hear Hearing aid the most common assistive hearing device Ways to Protect Against Hearing Loss: 1. Do not insert any objects, including cotton-tipped swabs, into the ears. These may puncture the eardrum. 2. Clean the outer ear with a soft, clean washcloth to avoid wax buildup. 3. Use the corner of a dry, clean towel to gently dry the ears after bathing or swimming. 4. Keep the volume of radios, compact disc players, personal stereos (iPods & other MP3 players, and TV at safe levels. 5. See a physician if ears become infected or if there are signs of hearing loss. 6. Avoid listening to music through headphones at unsafe levels. 7. Wear protective earplugs when operating loud machinery, using power tools, or attending rock concerts.

E - TEETH AND GUMS Dental health problems can usually be avoided by following a dental health plan. Taking care of the teeth and gums that includes: - frequent brushing and flossing - reduction of cavity-promoting foods - avoidance of tobacco - preventing teeth from injury -regular dental examinations -cleaning the teeth by dental Types of Teeth Baby Teeth teeth appear beginning 6 months to 2 years old Permanent teeth baby teeth will be replaced with 32 permanent teeth Types of Permanent Teeth: 1. Incisors 8 teeth in the front and center of the mouth that have a flat, sharp edge that cuts up food. 2. Cuspids 4 teeth in the corners of the mouth that have a long, heavy root and a pointed cusp that tears food 3. Bicuspids the 8 teeth in back of the cuspids; have 1 or 2 roots and 2 cusps that tear and crush food 4. Molars 12 teeth in the back of the mouth; have 2 or 3 roots and several cusps that grind food. * Dental Checkups : twice a year for children * Teeth Cleaning: 2 times a year Dental hygienist- a trained dental health professional who works under the direction of a dentist to provide dental care by removing dental plaque and calculus that have built up on teeth, especially near the gum line Calculus a hardened plaque that may build and harden and may be difficult to remove by simply brushing * Removal of calculus may be done by a dental health professional * A flouride treatment may be given to strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities hygienist

X-RAYS of the teeth may be taken to detect tooth decay & other dental problems - show the insides of the teeth, gums, and supporting bones and can show problems that a dentist cannot see by examination alone. -dentists use lead aprons and shields to protect the patient Whitening - treatments to whiten teeth; Natural yellowing does not place a person at higher risk of dental problems. the only reason to get such treatment is cosmetic. Dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating painted on a chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent tooth decay - painted on as aliquid and quickly harden to form a shield over a tooth that protects the teeth from the food. Dental veneers is a thin shell of ceramic material used to cover teeth; used to improve the appearance of front teeth; used to treat broken or chipped teeth - attached directly to the existing teeth; nail biting and chewing on hard objects can damage dental veneers Tooth Problems: 1. Tooth Decay Cavity an area of tooth decay Cause: plaque- the invisible, sticky film of bacteria on teeth, especially near the gum line. The bacteria found in plaque ingest sugars and starches and excretes an acid waste product that is corrosive to teeth Dentin the hard tissue that forms the body of the tooth Filling the material that the dentist uses to repair a cavity in a tooth. Pulp the living tissue within a tooth Root canal a dentin procedure performed to save a tooth in which the pulp has died or is severely diseased. Periodontal Disease a disease of the gum and other tissues supporting the teeth; main cause of teeth loss in adults

Cause: plaque formation and acid production by bacteria in the plaque -

Gingivitis the early stage of Periodontal disease - a condition where the gums are red, swollen and tender and bleed easily - gums pull away from the teeth; pockets fill with more bacteria, pus, p[laque, and calculus, which causes bad breath and infection - particles of food become trapped in the pockets and begin to decay - supporting bones and ligaments that connect the root to the tooth can be destroyed, teeth may loosen and fall out 2. Malocclusion is the abnormal fitting together of teeth when the jaws are closed. Orthodontist a dental health professional who specializes in correcting malocclusion Braces devices that are placed on the teeth and wired together to help straighten the teeth Retainer a device worn to keep the teeth from moving back to their original locations. To keep teeth and gums healthy, a person needs to: a. Brush and floss teeth daily b. Obtain a source of flouride c. Eat a healthful diet d. Wear a mouthguard when participating in sports. Tooth Brushing (helps remove plaque from the exposed surfaces of the teeth and freshens teeth) Brush twice a day or after every meal Tooth brush should be soft bristled to prevent injury to the gums Long enough to reach all of the teeth A toothpaste with flouride should be used to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay Take time to brush teeth carefully New toothbrushes should be used every after 3 or 4 months

Choosing a Toothbrush and Toothpaste Choose a toothbrush certified by the American Dental Association (ADA) A soft bristle brush is good, and it should fit to your mouth Get a new toothbrush at least every 3 or 4 months

Choose a fluoride toothpaste also certified by the ADA

Bacteria in your mouth grow on sugar Try to eat as little junk food as possible Foods to Avoid: candy, chocolate, and other sweets Avoid drinking soda and sweet tea

If you do eat these things, you may want to brush immediately afterwards Flossing helps remove dental plaque and bits of food between teeth can reach areas that brushing cannot Reduces the introduction of bacteria from other teeth

Flouride - a mineral that strengthens the enamel of teeth Teeth with strong enamel are resistant to tooth decay. They can withstand attacks from acid in the mouth Helps repair areas of teeth that have begun to be dissolved by acid

Community water flouridation the process of placing flouride in community water supplies to a level that is optimal for dental health Teeth-damaging acids form in the mouth every time one eats a sugary or starchy food. Eating healthful foods can help protect from tooth decay and gum disease. Dentists advise using mouthguards when playing sports to protect the teeth and face.

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