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Usurping Authority

A houseowner can easily be unaware of a termite infestation. Does that lessen the issue that the foundation of the house is being ravaged because the human is unaware? Is the rate of destruction retarded because the human doesn't know that it occurring? The answer is no. As long as the homeowner does nothing to combat the issue the damage will continue unabated. The day will come when the house falls and the person will find themselves a victim of calamity and suffering from "why did this happen to me-itus". Keep that in mind. There are new calorie caps on menus in our schools. Were you aware of this? This is under the directive of the same principalities who are vaccinating your children in the schools (regardless of its constitutionality). Is this a problem? Well it is definitely contradictory to health concerns. It is under the guise of curbing obesity because too many kids are falling into that category, but are not these the same facilities who are feeding the kids GMOs? Yes, they are. The creaking of the foundation should be audible. Look for all the indicators. Here are reputable links to the actual calorie caps they have imposed:



What did the NCLB Act do for the school system? Destroyed it. Now we have remnants of what some call an education being disseminated in the classrooms. Here is yet ANOTHER introduction of control from the government into the classroom [cafeteria]. It really amounts to a "nanny state" stripping parents of the few rights of raising and rearing their own offspring. The guise of concern of the health status of American children is a falsehood in my opinion. I feel strongly that it is another implementation in the system of systematic control. A comparable analogy is giving your pet dog doggie biscuits soaked in ethylene glycol (antifreeze). As not to kill him outright, you put a limit on how often you issue these treats. You can say you don't want him to get fat but how much validity does it

have on the fact that you are filling his system with outright poison? If you wouldn't feed your pet doggie poison why would you allow SOMEONE else to feed our kiddies poison. Makes a lot of sense. Quick quote from Monsanto (one of the main promulgators of GMOs):
"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food," said Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications. "Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job."

Wow... Well what are all these risks? What's the big deal? Well, GMOs is what is being served on your school menus today. GMOs are what your kids eat. GMOs are genetically modified organisms. A plant is an organism right? So that applies to food to. There are lists upon lists of detrimental effects on the human body from the comsumption of these foods. Altering the genetic makeup of an organism in methods to "better" it actually throws a wild card element into the structure of its DNA and sunsequently its life cycle. For example soy when modified has so many varying levels of phytoestrogen that Monsanto didn't even attempt to statistically annotate them. Once an organism is modified genetically, the process is completely irreversible. Going back to the fact that the school cafeterians are shoveling GMOs onto the lunchtrays of your kids, consider the fact that these foods are causing bizarre behavioural effects in animals [laboratory mice]. Did you know that there are secret tests of genetically modified rice being conducted on Chinese children? This is RECENT!! Check that out and you will be shocked who is involved. I challenge you to look it up. Results from animal behavioural studies are indicative that these behaviour shifts are postliminary GMO affects. Take those results and compare them with "bizarre tendency shifts" in human children e.g. school kids in America. I won't bother listing the myriad of incidents of violence and 'abnormal' behaviours in the school system. Connections can be made my friends, even with low levels of intelligence (thank you flouride in your water systems) but pun aside it isn't rocket science. In an aside, Proposition 37 is being proposed to force these poisons to be labeled as poison for conscious minded consumers to be able to intelligently make decisions about what they ingest. Good thing right? Guess who is against it? The food moguls and corporations. Here is an excerpt from theDailyFinance.com:
"Prop 37's opponents include Monsanto (MON), PepsiCo (PEP), Coca-Cola (KO), Hershey (HSY), and Kellogg (K). Together these companies and other large agricultural concerns have already spent millions to fight the proposed labeling law."

Oh, I forgot the FDA doesn't think that you <the consumer> needs to know GMOs are in your foods either (even though other countries are labeling GMOs in their foods). Hmmm.... Back to the argument, don't the products of these companies find themselves in the kitchens of the school cafeterias here in America? Sure. A better question is, are not our schools inundated with the poisons from these food giants? Why would they fight so hard

to prevent the mandatory labeling of GMOs on foodstuffs? Perhaps, America would wake up and steer away from consumption of GMO which indicative of a severe loss of business. Um, one word. Money. So is the welfare of your children's health worth that money? Not in their eyes. Obviously. In conclusion, you need to wake up as conscious-minded American parents and citizens and realize that there is a termite infestation in our house. Do we want to end up like the homeowner in the aformentioned analogy?

Additional info: http://www.relfe.com/GMOs.html - detriments of eating GMOs http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_14507.cfm is a link expounding a bit on the connection
between GMO consumption and behaviour changes in kids in school system.

http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/15/why-arent-g-m-o-foods-labeled/ expounds on
the mystery around GMOs and why they are fighting so hard to keep them in the food supply

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