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A brief summary: The purpose of this process is to go back to the point in time when the original thirteen colonies came together under the Articles of Confederation to form a Union to be called the united States of America. Crafty bankers and power mongers were alive and well at that time, and they made sure that their interests were protected by perverting the process by forming a parallel, identical shadow government called the United States. Most of the wellmeaning and trusting people of the time did not realize the slight-of-hand maneuvers, so subtlety were they implemented, thereby allowing the corporate United States to be formed and to become more and more powerful until it became the master instead of the servant, and the organic government faded into obscurity. By going back and picking up the process where our forefathers left off, and bringing it forward, we, the People preparing for self governance, will once again have a lawful structure for our government to operate within, one which was designed to protect, not abrogate our freedoms. After all, that is the sole purpose of a government, as stated in The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America in Congress, July 4, 1776. (Declaration of Independence): We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Also, the sole purpose of our Military is: to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Problem is, the military cannot lawfully set their own agenda, so they have no choice but to follow the orders of the corporate CEO, who is also considered the commander-in-chief at this time. If a pending action will potentially affect someone else in any way, it is a duty to give proper notice to them, alerting them of what you intend to do and your authority to do so. Proof of that notice must be unimpeachable. That requires meticulous records of every step of the process, supported by affidavits from eyewitnesses, documenting the chain of custody in each stage of the handling of the notice documents. The process of giving notice to the world has been previously attempted. Although that exercise apparently served a purpose for certain people, the process contained serious errors that prevents it from rising to the level of Lawful Notice, and thus is unacceptable evidence for us to use for our purpose. This time, the process and the content of the documents themselves will pass muster with anyone.

NOTE: we are NOT forming a government. We are merely, in a lawful way, reclaiming our sovereignty. THE PROCESS: Original 13 States (union states) only Note: all areas outside of the original thirteen states were territories at that time, later to become states after certain guidelines were met. Their procedures will be different in this instance. That will be discussed later. 1. Obtain a certified copy of your state's first Constitution. Copies of important documents are usually available from your states archives. Your Secretary of State will be able to give you the phone number of the custodian - call them and ask how to obtain a certified copy. You may be able to do all this by phone or email, and have them mail the certified copy to you. If they refuse to certify it as a true copy, record that fact in your meeting journal. In either case, on the back side of the last page, write we, the undersigned, hereby approve, accept, and adopt this constitution, while retaining the right to alter or amend same. Then have each individual autograph below (in blue ink). This makes you a party to that document, and your signature creates a contract. 2. Get a copy of the original state seal. This is usually somewhere on your state website. 3. At your office supply, get a bound book, such as a ledger book with numbered pages. This insures that your records cannot be tampered with by removing or adding pages. 4. Convene an Assembly of a minimum of five People who have inhabited your state for at least two years. 5. Elect someone to take minutes of everything that is discussed in the meeting. It is also a good idea to make an audio or video recording of the meeting. Record keeping and documentation are necessary to make everything lawful. Note in the minutes who made a motion, who seconded the motion, and vote count and results of that motion. 6. Read and discuss, for the record, the purpose of your meeting, your State Constitution, Seal, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, and the Notice, acknowledge them as being approved, accepted, and adopted. Note the adoption of those documents into the record. Also note, in the record, the names of those attending the meeting, and the names of those who autographed the back of your Constitution. Note: in your minutes, make sure it is clear that you reserve the right to amend or alter your constitution. 7. Read and discuss, for the record, the NOTICE document, and vote on accepting and sending it to The Hague as a Notice of your proclamation to the world. 8. Make a copy of the meeting minutes. Have your clerk make an affidavit that he or she witnessed each signature. 9. Assemble your documents in order: a. Notice b. Minutes with clerks affidavit c. State Constitution d. State Seal e. Declaration of Independence

f. Articles of Confederation g. Affidavits of witnesses (to be signed at the time of shipping, and included in the package). 10. Take all the documents to any copy center that has a Notary (UPS store for example). If you have your own Notary, you can make the copies anywhere, as long as your Notary will notarize the signature on the clerks minutes and the affidavits that will be filled out by your witnesses. The copy machines at the UPS store are very fast and take little time compared to most home copiers. You will have the Notary make at least three copies of all your package documents and certify them as true and complete copies, on the form that you will provide to the Notary. (see sample) Note: copy the signatures on the back of your constitution also.) Place each set of documents into an envelope and securely seal. Make sure your witnesses observe this for their affidavit. The extra copies are for safe keeping. You will later secure the original and certified copies at different locations. 11. Take one set of certified copies, still sealed in an envelope, along with the Notary certification and witnesses, to your Secretary of State, or any other branch that will perform an Appostile and have the Notary certification Apostilled. Make color certified copies of the Apostille to attach to each of your archived packages. 12. Attach the original Apostille to the package you are going to send to The Hague. Note: you should not send the originals of any of the other documents keep them in your archives. 13. Back at the UPS store, with your witnesses, now place the sealed envelope with the Apostille attached, into a shipping envelope and seal. (use tape to seal around all edges at a minimum you want to make sure that any tampering will be obvious.) 14. Fill out the shipping forms and give the sealed package to the UPS clerk and note the UPS tracking number onto your witnesses affidavits. 15. Have each of your witnesses enter the tracking number onto their affidavit, sign their affidavits in front of the Notary, and have each affidavit notarized. Make copies for your records. The affidavits should be prepared ahead of time, so that all that needs to be done is add the shipping number and the witnesss signature. Try to use the same notary that was on the Appostile. Include the original (or certified copy) of all affidavits in the package. 16. Keep all receipts. Territories: The territories process is the same as above, with one exception: All constitutions except the original thirteen states are in fact corporate charters. You can either adopt your existing original constitution and use disclaimers that you reserve the rights to alter or amend it in your minutes, or you are welcome to use the Indiana Free State Constitution. A copy is attached to this package.

Overnight originals to be bundled into a notice of coalition To: Alternate Perspectives 3650 Nazareth Pike #123 Bethlehem PA 18020

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