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I was invited to the Love Berlin Prayer initiative convened by Dr John Robb in conjunction with AIMS Germany . We prepared for the ministry to Germany by convening a prophetic intercessory presbytery over three 12 hour sessions with some of our seasoned intercessors. Amazing visions and revelations were received as the Lord placed Germany and supernatural understanding into our hearts. Father's Blessing One early morning (19.04.99) I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "wherever you go, the Father's Blessing will follow you". I had an urge to visit a believer who had a mentally retarded child with a weak heart (congenital heart disease). The child was kept on the ground because it was an effort for the child to raise herself up. Many times the child had been at death's door when my wife and I prayed. At home, the child sits at the father's feet and indicates when she feels fit to raise herself up. The father would raise the child up and allow her to swing forward and backward till she has to sit down. Then this child being unable to leap up to her father's face, because of ill health would stoop and kiss the father's foot many times in deep love. She would attempt talking in he malformed gutturals. The father would with pleasure and pain at this little daughter's effort to commune with him and please him. I watched the heart-rending scene for a long time, because the Heavenly Father was melting my heart about my relationship with Him. The next day the Lord said your new ministry would be to carry children. (Isa 40:11 KJV) He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. (Num 11:12 NIV) Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant , to the land you promised on oath to their forefathers? Germany - Macho Male & Fortress Worship Germany has exulted long in military, intellectual, industrial and theological strength; in all these ways the god of forces is being worshipped. The restored Church alone can instruct and exemplify how the potential strength of a united Germany can be handled without triggering the third world war. Even if the latter is inevitable, the German restored Church will have to stand in the gap and weep for past, present and future sins of Germany that arose , arise and will arise from the stronghold of the God of forces (fortresses). Germany could oppose USA in the not too distant future or will overtake USA as NATO supremo because of the moral degradation of the latter. Gomer of Japhetic descent could be modern Germany that will invade Israel according to Ezek. 38 & 39. The nation of Germany has a false macho. (unsmiling, gritty) image of manhood. The Church will have to lead the way in meekness and kenosis (emptying). The carnal joy of an united Germany will have to be counter acted with a vision for serving the weak. To answer the question why did God unite Germany , one has to answer the question- why did God divide Germany in 1945 ? Or do we think in God's world where He is sovereign, satan did the

division and God did the unification. You will concede that both happened with God's knowing - direct or indirect. Was the division of Germany Stalin's evil work? No more than the unification being Kohl's work. God divided Germany to weaken her. Then the greatest prayer concern for intercessors in Germany should be that she will not re- attempt world dominion. Russia 's Church was hardly ready when prayers brought the Iron curtain down. Is the German Church ready to teach the German nation, by example, that "blessed are the poor in spirit ? (Psa 131:1,2 KJV. LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. While worshipping the god of forces Germany cries like a little child to be loved. The loss of fathers in two horrendous wars wounded Germany deeply. Germany gave to Hitler what the soul of no other nation gave since France did the same to Napoleon. Conquest, the apple offered by demagogues to woo an entire race has always ended in fracturing of the soul of the nation for decades. Church in the Gap Who will heal my wounds cries Germany , Only the church can. One gets the feel of being in a spiritual tomb hen you go through and see Berlin . Who will give me life she cries. The church has to. The Church of Jesus Christ will need to enter battle in Germany . The Lion of the tribe of Judah will roar against the lions of Babylon that the Pergamum altar invokes. This will happen only after the Church receives the Spirit of grace and supplication. German Church in general has not been friendly towards revival movements. On the contrary many death -producing ideologies arose in Germany . E.g. Marxism, Liberal theology, Nazism, Freudism and Nietsche's Nihilism. Lord we pray for German fathers -we pray the love of the Father to well up in their hearts. Temep Lord make Germany to be a country of smiles, colours and vivacity. Let the love for the nation be a far second to love for the Lord. May Germany experience the joy of the Holy Ghost. We pray the power of the meek Lamb of God to overcome the god of fortresses that has long ruled Germany .
vivacity: lebhaft, temperamentvoll

Fathers of Germany beware! The spirit that killed so many natural fathers will come against yo. Spiritual sons will not find loyalty to give because Hitler consumed loyalty. Mistrust will assail you . Be strong for the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world is with you. The spiritual soil of a city can be provided by the pastorate coming together in repentance and digging their heart and offering their heart as the seedbed for their city. The spiritual fathers must allow the city to speak to them and discern and heal the wounds of the city through supplication and prayer. The wounds of the souls of a city continue to e inflicted by self-serving politicians. That is why the Sovereign Lord looks to His Church to consider the whole city and nation as your flock. John Wesley said a mouthful when he said," the world is my parish."

On Mt Brocken I prayed a prophecy from Dan. 2: for the Rock to smite the foot of the Image of power. This image of power Daniel saw is the god of fortresses that attempts world conquest. In agreement with others I pronounced that the image n Germany would be smitten by the Meek Lamb of God working through His Church. " O Germany, O Germany how many times have I attempted to take you under my wings." We prophesied that the eagle of Germany wll become the dove and the bear of BERLIN will become a lamb. Germany Cries The spirit of prophecy crossed time and spoke to post world war two Germany through Ezek 16:4-6 (Ezek 16:4-6 KJV) And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. None eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field, to the loathing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born. And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live. Germany is crying in her soul about her many sorrows but puts up a bold front. There is much fear about failing and hence a driven-ness to succeed. Hitler so betrayed trust that Germany cannot trust anyone but the security of powerfulness. I heard Germany cry about the brutal division of the country - especially the tears of the Berlin wall. Graffiti on the western side of the wall (now available as a mournful testimony in a 6 hour video) eloquently spoke of the grief Germany 's worst days. She can be tempted to arm herself to prevent this happening ever again. The Lord said ," Germany , my nation-child only becomes more stubborn with judgement. I will not judge Germany . I will love her freely. Hosea 11:4. She will not know to resist love and mercy. I will become a nursing Father to Germany . Spirit of Pergamum Hitler rightly understood what he was doing when he uprooted the Pergamum Altar from the sites of ancient Babylon and fixed it in Berlin . He was tapping into the world conquest spirit. What do we find in Pergamum as we read Rev. 2: 12-17 . Doctrine of Balam - selling the soul for monetary advancement Doctrine of the Nicolaitans - conquering of peoples. Witchcraft - seat of satan; horrible sacrifices to satan is inceasing in the country. Lust - terrible pornography and sex shops. Perhaps the worst television.

The prayer initiative in Germany was in two parts. 1) Broken mountain - where witches gather for a massive annual sacrifice and witch festival - April 30 th (Walperisug). 2) The Love Berlin Congress. It was heart rending to see the streets and shops of Luther's Germany decorated for this abomination with dolls of witches- even life size. The climax of this is an extremely immoral parade through the city. The immorality of Berlin is explicit. Where as there is a battle for America 's soul between the evil and the good, Germany seems utterly sold out to satanism and immorality. However we met many intercessors and spiritual fathers of Germany who are lighting up a valiant lamp for the redemption of the nation. What is the solution.? The church to become the sword of Christ's mouth. Sri Lanka - Male Malaise It is some times thought that 'absent father' is a western phenomenon. However the enemy has worked in every nation to rob the redemptive purpose for that nation by attacking the men of the nation. This is the surest way to malign God and take over a nation. In each nation one has to discern the specific ways in which human fatherhood is attacked by the enemy in order to destroy God's love in the world. In Sri Lanka : Male Political Leaders have been assassinated.(true foe other South Asian countries). Army recruits die. The southern Sinhala militants murdered at random. Govt.'s counter- terrorism measures killed many(1988,1989). LTTE is responsible for many deaths. Sri Lankan Mafia has come of age and many men daily die in contract killings of the underworld and in organised crimes. The men waste money in drinking and gambling. The Govt. has promoted 7 lotteries; horserace betting has a field day. Bread-winners waste their money on these. The mothers are left to eke out a pitiable existence for themselves and the children who are produced by men in gay abandonment. Wife beating and incest and brutal assault of children are very common. Child labour . All this projects a very poor image of fatherhood. This produces hurt and a wide door is opened for the enemy as manifested by the world's highest suicide rate. Men go to the middle east for jobs and forget the family they left behind and take another woman or send the wife who gets involved with another. Stolen bread often appears sweet even for the harassed village housewife.

The typical Sri Lankan father is thought to be unapproachable and the mother is the mediator for many family matters. Children quiver when the father comes home. This is how brutalised the image of the father is, in reverently Buddhist Sri Lanka. Many employers find that women are better workers and are more easily repressed. It is my guestimate that the major upkeep of over 60% of Sri Lankan homes comes from the mother. This % may be as high as 80% 0f rural homes. The worst of women oppressing work fields besides prostitution are: Garment factories, Tea estates, Middle east employment, as domestic servants. Spiritual Pathology The pathogenesis and manifestation (symptoms and signs) of father-failure varies from nation to nation. It is not enough to pray, "raise up the father image". We need to take on in prayer the specific pathological process causing the father - failure in any given nation. Satan exults in this situation to substitute himself and one thousand perversions as the comfort for life. We have long discerned the major Sri Lankan demon principality(DP) to be one of charm. Bahirawa is a violent male DP. Kali is a violent female DP. People go to them out of fear - to harm others before their enemies harm them or to protect themselves from the sorceries of others. However, by far, the more binding are the demons that people think are blessing themthese are called benevolent gods and goddesses. In Sri Lanka , one major Female DP PATTINI, takes precedence over all other. Sri Lanka is the only Buddhist country that has a female deity in the nation's foremost quadratheon. She is invoked at childbirth , menarche, marriage, by witchcraft mediums(called mothers) and as the protector from small pox, chicken pox and other infectious, exanthematous diseases. These are given the fond name of 'the diseases of the mothers' - the mother being Pattini.. In effect Sri Lanka considers Pattini her mother. Sri Lanka was colonised by an invading Aryan Prince, Vijaya. Vijaya betrayed Kuweni, who was the queen of the indigenous peoples and a reputed witch. She ran away, chanting promising vengeance and committed suicide at a mount named Thonigala (rock of lament). Betrayal and treachery were present from the birth of our nation - mythology has it that her two sons became demon-gods. It is believed that the Veddahs (indigenous tribals) descended from the son and daughter of Kuiweni. Many Sri Lankan women often resort to sorcery to charm a man and connive to make the macho man incline to her wishes. Married life , even of Christians, has these kinds of roots coming from their background. There is often a love-hate relationship between the couple resulting in many extra-marital affairs in a country outwardly reputed for conservative morals. Ours is a shame culture- where what you do without getting caught is OK. The shame of getting caught causes many suicidal deaths. Taurus - In Sri Lanka & Germany We had 12-hour fasting prayer times till we left for Germany on 23.04.99. The revelations we received were quite unexpected.. God who spoke in the fire will speak. We have authority over principalities that are revealed to us when we pray. Hurts occur when people try spiritual warfare on the revelations others receive. Research does not give authority . We need to pray through till we see in the spirit what has been gathered in research. We were praying on

Dan 11:38; this was the scripture the Lord gave about the Germanic people. Wodan or Odin was (and is) a god of war (force) and wisdom - especially wisdom related to warfare and witchcraft. Satan organises his regiments from which earthly armies get the design. Those who attempt world conquest e.g. Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander are of the spirit of antichrist. They worship the god of force - BEAST. As you well know Hitler worshipped this god Wodan and had his picture in his war room. When the fire blaze of Hitler's war room fell on his face, Hitler remarkably resembled Wodan. Sri Lankan Sinhalese (my race) are Aryans and are warriors. Our national flag has a lion with a sword. We have had endless civil wars from ancient past. Taurus (Zodiac Bull) is also linked to force and is derived from Zeus worship. April 20th to May 20th is considered to be the period of rule of Taurus. April is the astrological first month of the New Year in the Indian system and is said to have the sun crossing over a kin to April 30th on Brocken Mount. The bull was venerated in Egypt as a source of strength and fertility. Hence the Sinai debacle under Aaron. The bull is also the vehicle of the god of thunder and lightening in many cultures. The bullhead was carved as a sign of protection over houses and temples. This bullhead became the head of the scapegoat, which is used by satanists. This is how Wodan, Taurus and modern satanism tie up. In Sri Lanka the ancient most god of force - Sumana Saman uses the elephant as his vehicle and has a tri- forked spear in his hand. He is based in a rain forest titled Lion-king (Sinharaja). Sri Lankan Hindus worship a bigamous god Skandakumar whose cart is drawn by a venerated bull. Indian Tamil Labourers of the Tea estates are a long oppressed people who worship this immoral and bull riding demon deity. Their relationship to him is one of kissing the hand that cannot be cut. The British Raj and subsequent Sri Lankan Governments oppressed them. Men oppress women and they together oppress their children. Suicide by setting themselves on fire is unique and widespread. We were praying and we saw a herd of bulls. They were skeletons with large horns and large hoofs. I was immediately reminded of the jack boots of Hitler's troops. Wodan also was said to ride an 8-legged horse, legs and hoofs were prominent. One of our missionaries prayed a warfare tongue. A vision of a warrior angel was seen. Then we targeted cities of Sri Lanka where god of force rules. Rom 16:20, Luke 10:19 Restoration O Lord we pray for Sri Lankan and German men to arise as fathers. O Lord in our life time may Sri Lanka and Germany respond to a Father's love. Please Father , may not this land continue being blind to the natural bounty you have bestowed. O Lord let them worship the Creator and not the creature. Father let mothers and children not weep anymore in this island of tears. Lord restore anointed Christian music to Beethoven's Germany . In Sri Lanka renewed and contextualized songs have done much to woo the nation's soul to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let there be a revival of Christian music and song on intercession, adoration, warfare and many other as Graham Kendrick has done in the UK .

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