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Classification :- alll the elements have been divided into a few groups in such way that elements in the same group
have similar propertise. Dobereiner s traids:- when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic masses, group of three elements(known as triads), having similar chemical propertise are obtained. The atomic mass of middle element of the triad being equal to the arithmatic mean of the atomic masses of the other two elements. 1. Alkali metal group:- elements like lithium, sodium and potassium. i. All these elements are metals. ii. All of them react with water to form alkalis and hydrogen gas. iii. All of them have a valency of 1. Elements of the triad symbol Atomic masses 1. Lithium LI 7 2. Sodium Na 23 K 3. Potassium 39 Eg. Atommic mass of lithium=7 Atommic mass of poyassium=39 Arthmetic mean of atomic masses of lithium and potassium = ( 7+39)/2 = 23 Actual atomic mass of sodium = 23 = Arthmetic mean of atomic masses of lithium and potassium

2. alkalline earth metal:- Calcium, Strontium, Barium i. all these elements are metals. ii. The osides of all of these elements are alkalline in nature. iii. All these elements have valency of 2. Elements of the triad symbol 1. Calcium Ca 2. Strontium Sr Ba 3. Barium

Atomic masses 40 88 137

3, the halogen group:- Chlorine, Bromine , Iodine. i. All these elements are non metals. ii. All these elements react with water to form acids. iii. All these elements have a valency of 1. Elements of the triad symbol 1. Chlorine Cl 2. Bromine Br 3. Iodine I

Atomic masses 35.5 80 127




2|Page Li it tions of dob in s l ssifi tion:- was at it faile to arrange all the then known ele ents in the form of triads of elements having similar chemical propetise dobereiner could identify only three triads from the elements known at that time

Wh n elements are arran ed in the order of in reasin atomi masses the propertise of the ei hth element are a repetition of the propertise of first element

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Limitations of newland s law of o taves


Mendeleev s Periodi Table

4 3 3 3

The propertise of elements are a periodi fun tion of their atomi masses i. ii.

If some elements form oxides having the same general formula then they will have similar chemical propertise. If some elements form hydrides having the same general formula then they will also have similar chemical propertise. Mendeleev took the formulae of the oxides and hydrides formed by the elements as the basic propertise of elements for their classification in the form of a periodic table.


Increasing atomic masses.



In the classification of the then known elements , Mendeleev was guided by two factors


1 2

Newland s law of octaves are applicable to the classification of elements upto alcium only Newland assumed that only 56 elements existed in nature and no more elements would be discovered in the future 3 In order to fit elements into his table newlands put even two elements together in one slot and that too in the column of unlike elements havong very different propertise .(Ni and o). 4. Iron element (Fe) which resembles cobalt and nickel elelements in propertise was placed far away from these

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Si Ti In Zr


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H F l o and Ni Br

Li Na K u Rb

Be Mg a Zn Sr

N P Mn s





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O S Fe Se

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3|Page ii. Grouping together of elements having similar propertise.

In order to make sure that the elements having similar propertise fell in the same vertical column or groups, mendeleev left some gaps in his periodic table. The undiscoverd elements at that time for which the gap were left in the periodic table were named by mendeleev as eka- boron, eka-aluminium and eka-silicon by prefixing the term eka to the name of the preceding elelment in the same group. The term eka is derived from sanskrit and means first. So eka boron means first come boron. When theses elements were discoverd later on then eka- boron was named as s andium(Sc), eke-aluminium named gallium(Ga) and eka- sillicon named germanium(Ge) .

MERITS OF MEN ELEEV S CLASSIFICATION 1. Mendeleev s periodic law predicted the existence of some elements that had not been discovered at that time. 2. Mendeleev s periodic table could predict the propertise of several elements on the basis of their position in their periodic table. 3. Mendeleev s periodic table could accomodate noble gases when they were discovered. LIMITATIONS OF MEN ELEEV S CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS 1. The position of isotopes could not be explained. 2. Wrong order of atomic masses of some elements could not be explained. 3. correct position could not be assigned to hydrogen in the periodic table. in this table hydrogen has been placed in group 1 with alkalli metals. This is because like alkalli metals hydrogen also combines with halogens, oxygen and sulphur to form sompounds having similar formulae so hydrogen resembles with alkalli metal group in some of the propertise. Hydrogen also resembles halogens in some of the propertise .it shows that hydrogen could also be placed in group VII of halogen elements. Thus mendeleev s law could not assign a correct position to hydrogen in the periodic table.

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