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1.1 Background and Reason Choosing the Title Nowadays, literature has become usual thing in daily life. Many people have known about literature. Somehow, unconsciously all the people always meet and enjoy its literature. They read, watch or write literature for pleasure and many others read, watch or write literature to satisfy academic or job requirements. Duty or pleasure, however, has to be a classic thing, but literature has to be legendary things nowadays. As the reason, literature has been exist since long time ago until now which has also possess in people daily life. Literature itself is pieces of writing which valued as works of art. Many objects discuss as part of literature, they are poetry, short story, novels, prose, and drama. All of those objects have different characteristic in some cases. Its caused by, those elements is presented in many and different form. But on the other hand, because of those differences, it has made all aspects in literature become interesting in learning and analyzing by some people. In fact, many literary works is used as media analysis by student or expert. Poetry is one of literature object that often use as media analysis. As the reason is poetry has simple, unique and interesting characteristic. Poetry itself is a rhythmical composition of words to express something. Poetry also has a message which gives the

readers some motivations, advices, stories, lessons and so on. Poetry is divided into two types, lyric poetry and narrative poetry. Lyric poetry is usually a composition that tells feeling and deepest emotion of the speaker. Lyric poetry may be written as songs, sonnets, or odes of praise of celebration. Lyric poetry also has intrinsic elements; they are diction, imagery, figurative language, theme and so on. Besides intrinsic elements, it has also extrinsic elements which can be seen from the authors background, background of literary work and critical perspective. Critical perspective also has many kinds. There are formalist perspective, feminist perspective, biographical perspective and so on. Talking about poetry, do not forget about the poet. There are a lot of poets in literature world. For example, there are Chairil Anwar, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson and so on. This paper will discuss about lyric poetry from Emily Dickinson. Whereas the list of poetry from Emily Dickinson that will be analyze are I Felt a Funeral, in my Brain, We Grow Accustomed to the Dark, I Died for Beauty-but was Scarce, I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I Died and The Bustle in a House. That poetry from Emily Dickinson is famous, good, interesting and has become legend. So that, the writer is interest in chooses those poetry as her media analysis. In this paper, the writer also chooses imagery and theme of intrinsic element of poetry as the aspect of her analysis. Besides them, the writer will also analyze the biographical perspective in five of Emily Dickinson poetry. As the reason, in Emily Dickinson poetry has different theme, image and also has an interesting biographical perspective. That is why discussing and analyzing the theme, imagery and biographical perspective in five poetry of Emily Dickinson has become challenging for the writer.

Related to that case, the writer takes the title IMAGERY, THEME AND BIOGRAPHICAL PERSPECTIVE IN EMILY DICKINSON POETRY. The writer will look for the imagery and theme aspect in five poetry of Emily Dickinson. She will also analyze those Emily Dickinson poetry based on biographical perspective.

1.2 Statement of the Problem Understanding the poetry is not easy as someone look. They have to find out the meaning of the every word in that poetry. Because of that someone must know and analyze the intrinsic or extrinsic element of that poetry. For example, they must know the theme or imagery aspect in that poetry or they also have to know the biographical of the author. As the reason, those should do in order to make everyone get more detail of poetry aspect and also make everyone more understand what the poetry mean. Through this paper, the writer tries to find out the answers to some problems that may occur when everyone try to analyze the theme, imagery or biographical perspective in the poetry. Therefore the writer states some of the problems in the following questions: 1. What types of imagery are used in the five poetry of Emily Dickinson? 2. How to determine theme, imagery in the five poetry of Emily Dickinson? 3. How is to recognize the biographical perspective in the five poetry of Emily Dickinson?

1.3 Scope of the Problem

In this paper, the writer wants to focus on discussing and analyzing the theme and imagery of the words in five poetry of Emily Dickinson. The writer will also analyze that poetry based on biographical perspective. Whereas the five list of Emily Dickinson poetry are I Felt a Funeral, in my Brain, We Grow Accustomed to the Dark, I Died for Beauty-but was Scarce, I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I died and The Bustle in a House.

1.4 Method and Procedures of the Analysis This paper uses descriptive method. The technique of collecting data and ground theory are through library research. She takes all information from source books and some notes during she studied in English department, the academy of foreign language Bina Sarana Informatika. The steps of making this paper are preparing some books, making an outline, analyzing and classifying the theme and imagery in the five poetry of Emily Dickinson by using some reference. The last step is drawing the tendency the biographical perspective which mostly used in the five poetry of Emily Dickinson- I Felt a Funeral, in my Brain, We Grow Accustomed to the Dark, I Died for Beauty-but was Scarce, I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I died and The Bustle in a House.

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