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Students staying up late to finish law entrance exam preparations do find a minu te or two to think about the future

and inevitably the thought of securing a job is bound to strike them. Students are always torn between choosing from jobs av ailable in the public and the private sector. Both government and private jobs h ave their well defined sets of pros and cons and it has become increasingly diff icult for the young workaholics to make a choice since both the sectors are appe aling and profitable for different reasons. Young guns looking to make it big in the field of law as a profession have histo ry on their sides as law related jobs in the government sector has historically been present and at a time such a job was what most law graduates used to look f orward to. The charm of a government job is still irresistible and though the pr ivate sector looks fascinating from a distance, it is undeniable that jobs in th e public sector are still in demand. And the demand persists because of a few ma jor factors which no student in this world would want to ignore if he or she pla ns to build a comfortable career in his or her choice of profession. One of the major factors speaking for government jobs is job security. In a worl d struck by recession every other year, loss of jobs is a tiring and aching head line which no student would ever want to be a part of. With jobs at the public s ector, one is sure of a secure future as loss of jobs is not a worrying factor. The pressure at jobs in the public sector can be handled and comes nowhere close to the massive pressure handled by private sector employees. The comfort of the employees is taken into account and they are presented with a relaxed and less pressurized work environment. If the topic of salary is chosen, the government s ector is a clear winner in this field as well since pay commissions tend to revi se the pay scales of employees from time to time and present them with better pa y packages, something government employees must have got habituated by now. The ability to draw a pension post retirement makes government positions even more e njoyable and enviable to be precise. And last but perhaps the most important are the factors of power and the ability to serve people better. It is undoubtedly accepted that the power bestowed upon government employees in the field of law c an be utilized for public service, a major necessity in our nation. If the government sector has so many positives to flaunt, there is no reason to think that the private sector will be left behind. A majority of young law gradu ates wish to enter the private work sphere of law as they are ready to be experi mental and use their acquired knowledge for various purposes. Serving in private legal firms or lending NGOs a helping hand, private recruiters offer a variety of work to young legal professionals making the private sector a much more vibra nt, challenging and diverse world to work in. The growth of the private sector i s much more when compared to its public counterpart and jumping up the ladder of success is not a difficult dream to achieve if one adapts himself to the world of private jobs. The starting salaries, when compared to the public sector of le gal work are huge and hefty, ensuring early financial success and security. It i s for no reason that the private sector sees a maddening rush for recruitments a t the end of every graduation year. Be it public or private, both provide law graduates with a variety of opportunit ies which are bound to appeal differently. A job must be chosen sensibly with al l the factors taken into account and whichever sector a law graduate decides on, hard work and sincerity will eventually pave way for further success. So make a choice and then get ready to sweat it out!

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