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International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No.

7 ISSN: 1837-7823

Energy Efficiency Analysis for Distance based Data aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Veena K.N. 1 and B. P. Vijaya Kumar 2 1 Dept. of Telecommunication Engg., JNN College of Engg., Shimoga, India. 2 Dept. of Computer Science and Engg., M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. E-mail: veena_k_n@yahoo.co.in Abstract
Wireless Sensor Network is an important area due to the fact that they are potentially low cost solutions to the real world challenges. Minimizing energy consumption is a challenging issue in Wireless Sensor Networks. In this paper we have proposed a methodology to design and analyze data aggregation in Wireless sensor networks depending on Energy consumption and the confidence level associated with the data. Our method involves in clustering of sensor nodes based on the distance from the environment and its physical location. Further classifications of sensors nearer to the environment, nearest neighbour nodes and the intermediate nodes are done to decide on either to sense directly from the environment or to depend on the neighboring nodes for the sensed data. The analysis mainly focus on identifying sensing, trans-receiving operations by the nodes nearer to the environment, intermediate nodes, dependency of the node, etc. on how to conserve energy. The data aggregation is implemented by considering the sensor data associated with some confidence. The network lifetime and energy conservation for data aggregation is analyzed using the simulation platform for random deployment of nodes along with Kohonen Self Organizing Map Neural Network (KSOM-NN) for clustering. Various cases of network dynamics are studied to understand the challenges of WSN deployment, energy efficiency and data aggregation on how to improve the reliability and degree of confidence over the sensed data from the environment in WSN. Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Clustering, KSOM, Data aggregation, confidence interval.

1. Introduction
WSN found a wide variety of applications ranging from military, scientific, industrial, health-care and domestic services. In WSN[1] the sensor nodes have native capabilities to detect the nearest neighbors and help to develop an ad-hoc network through a set of well-defined protocols. There are number of nodes involved in WSN, all nodes are likely to relay on limited battery power. Transmission and sensed data without any filter or local process requires more data transmission and may leads to high power consumption of sensed data not only reduces the life time of nodes and intern network, but also introduce excessive interferences in the neighboring nodes. Thus to determine the optimal deployment of sensor node and their action for handling sensed data is critical. i.e with tight mapping between actions and application requirement in order to minimize energy consumption and prolong network lifetime becomes an important problem during the network planning and dimensioning phase. Hence there is a requirement for most of the existing works and in future to design and develop a methodology to analyze energy consumption, data aggregation, degree of data confidence, network lifetime with respect to the deployment of sensors, sensor network in a given phenomenon of interest. In this work, we propose, analyze and evaluate the energy consumption with random deployment of sensors and their distance to the environment measured in terms of physical distance, other interferences, noise and also distance among themselves. A distance based data aggregation and realistic power consumption model is presented in this paper. Major components and activities for power consumptions are individually identified, and the effective transmission range of a sensor node is modeled by the output power of the transmitting power amplifier, sensitivity of the receiving low noise amplifier, and RF environment. Data aggregation is implemented by considering the sensor node data which has the confidence level with in the confidence interval. Using this basic model [2], conditions for minimum sensor network power consumption are derived for communication of sensor data from a source device to a destination node. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. A brief introduction to sensor networks is given in section 1. Some of the related works are briefly 4

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823 explained in section 2. Section 3 explains Sensor network model. The energy model of sensor node and network and Clustering of nodes in sensor network using KSOM-NN is discussed in section 4 and in section 5. The proposed model is described in section 6. Data aggregation is discussed in section 7. Simulation and results of the proposed technique are given in section 8. Finally, summary of this paper are presented in section 9.

2. Related work
In this section a brief discussion on the related works pertaining to clustering, power consumption and data aggregation by considering confidence level of the sensed data in WSNs are discussed. A Two-Phase Clustering (TPC) scheme [3], which includes a cluster head electing stage and an energy-saving data relay link setup is discussed. Determination of the optimal node density by using Voronoi cells to guarantee a lower bound of network lifetime is proposed in [4]. A Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed (HEED) clustering scheme [5], introducing a variable known as cluster radius, which defines the transmission power to be used for intra-cluster broadcast is discussed. Simplification of the average distance in calculating energy consumption is studied in [6] [7]. With the assistance of GPS or localization techniques [8], the square grid also provides an easier coordination among all sensor nodes in the network is examined. EECS [9] introduces a distance-based cluster formation, where clusters farther away from the sink have smaller sizes, so the energy could be preserved for longhaul data transmission to the sink. In [10] proposed an unequal clustering model to balance the energy consumption in multihop networks, where CHs are deterministically deployed at precomputed locations are discussed. The work in [11] divides the sensors into clusters according to the hop count from the sink, and the size of the clusters grows with the distance increase in a power-of-2 function without optimizing the size ratio. In [12] two routing schemes, Diagonal-First routing and Manhattan Walk, which rely on the one-hop geographical information is examined. A cluster in these two schemes is a square region in which any node can communicate via a single-hop transmission with any other nodes in a neighbor cluster. This is similar to the energy conservation for ad hoc routing algorithm presented in [13]. In [14] a simple linear network and the relationship between the optimal radio range and traffic load distribution in one-dimensional networks is studied. While [15] proposed variable grid sizes in two dimensional networks, they only partition the network according to the traffic pattern in one dimension and left the other dimension intact, i.e., quasi-two-dimensional. A variable-size griding in image processing [16] is implemented. An Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks communication protocols, which can have significant impact on the overall energy dissipation [17] of these networks are discussed. A confidence based data fusion is discussed in [18]. Confidence based iterartive localization scheme in which nodes compute location is presented in [19]

3. Sensor Network Model

Sensor Network Cluster

Wireless Communication Environment Node Cluster head

Figure 1: Sensor network model

A typical sensor network consisting of sensor nodes clustered in the phenomenon are shown in figure 1. 5

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823 Clustering of sensor nodes based on the distance from the environment and its physical location. Further classification of cluster is done with respect to sensors nearer Wireless Communication Node Environment Sensor Network Cluster to the environment, nearest neighbour nodes and the intermediate nodes. Nodes within the cluster senses the environmental data with respect to the distance measured in terms of physical distance, noise, external interference and malicious data, etc., Based on the distance, sensor node will decide on either to sense directly from the environment or to depend on the neighboring nodes for the sensed data. Data aggregation is made at the cluster head considering the data associated with high confidence level.

4. Sensor network and Energy model

Sensor node energy consumption includes sensing, processing and radio energy model are described in this chapter to understand the energy dissipation for sensing, transmitting and receiving the sensed information from the environment, along with energy dissipation in the WSN. A. Sensor Node Energy Model The power dissipation [20] in the following components of sensor node is considered for sensor node energy model. Sensor sensing: The sensing system links the sensor node to the physical world. Sources of sensor power consumption are: signal sampling and conversion of physical signals to electrical signals, signal conditioning, and analog to digital conversion (ADC). The total energy dissipation for sensing activity for b bit per packet is evaluated as follows. Esens (b) = b*Vsup*Isens*Tsens Where Isens is the total current required for sensing activity, Tsense is the time duration for sensor node sensing, Esens is the energy at the sensor node per round and Vsup is the voltage required for the sensing activity. Micro-controller Processing: The energy for processing and aggregation of the data mainly consumed by the micro-controller, is attributed to two components: energy loss from switching, Eswitch, and energy loss due to leakage current, Eleak. The Micro-controller Processing Energy Emicro is given below Emicro = Eswitch+Eleak Radio Transmission: Communication of neighboring sensor nodes is enabled by a sensor radio. The energy dissipation Etx due to transmission of b bit per packet, in a distance dij from sensor node is given below Etx (b, dij) = b*Eelec+b*dij q*Eamp Where, Eelec is the energy dissipated to transmit electronics, Eamp is the energy dissipated by the power amplifier, q is the distance based path loss exponent (we use q = 2 for free space fading, and q = 4 for multi-path fading). Radio Reception: Energy dissipation due to receiving b bit packet from the sensor node is given by Erx (b) = b*Eelec Where, Erx is the total energy dissipation in receive electronics where, Eelec is the energy dissipated in receive electronics, b is the number of bit per packet. B. Network Energy Consumption: Energy consumption in Network Enet of wireless sensor network is given below. Sensor nodes are randomly and uniformly deployed and distributed in a M M region. Etxsink energy consimed by sink, Eclu energy consumed 6

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823 in the cluster. Eclu = (nc* Erx*b) + Etxsink*b; Enet=k*Eclu Where, k is Number of clusters in a sensor network, nc is number of nodes in a cluster .

5. Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network

In clustering schemes, sensor nodes are partitioned into a number of small clusters. Each cluster will contain a cluster head (CH). Each cluster head gathers information from its group of sensor nodes, perform data aggregation and relay only relevant information to the sink. Meanwhile, redundant cluster nodes can be put into the sleep mode, since sensor nodes within the sense and transmission range of others have no need to be active all the time. Therefore, clustering schemes are widely used in wireless sensor networks, not only due to their simple node coordination, but also because they use multi-hop routing between CHs to avoid long-range transmissions. This minimizes the energy consumption by not letting all the nodes to send data to the distant sink, that involves high-energy transmission process, instead by aggregating the information at local nodes with proper filtration from individual sensors, along with hop by hop transmission, can abstract the characteristics of network topology for information reach, along with applications requirement and it also reduces the bandwidth. This provides scalability and robustness with increased in lifetime of the network. KSOM-NN is competitive, feed forward type and unsupervised training neural network. They have the capability of unsupervised learning and self-organizing properties and are able to infer relationships and learn more as more inputs are presented to it. In the process of learning the network is able to discover statistical regularities in its input space and automatically develops different groups or clusters to represent different classes of inputs, this computation is useful in WSN field scenario. The neural network architecture, selection of neurons, its operating principles and algorithms are discussed briefly in the following paragraphs. A. Selection of Neurons and KSOM-NN architecture The characteristics or the parameters of each sensor nodes such as Memory, Power Sensitivity of sensors are considered to cluster sensor nodes using Kohonen Self-Organizing Map Neural Networks Eg. Cluster of sensor nodes having less energy. The figure 2 shows a typical example of a KSOM-NN with 4 input and 20 output neurons [21]. Connection weights

Neurons Competitive output layer Input layer

Figure-2: A typical KSOM-NN model with 4 input and 20 output neurons

Let the input pattern be: I = (I1, I2,.,I|V|), where there are |V| input neurons in the input layer. Now suppose there are Q neurons in the output (competitive) layer, let Oj be the jth output neuron. So the whole of the output layer will be: O= (O1,O2,.,OQ) for each output neuron Oj there are |V| incoming connections from the |V| input neurons. Each connection has a weight value W. So, for any neuron Oj on the output layer the set of incoming connection weights are: wj=(wj1,wj2,.,wj|v|). The Euclidean distance value Dj of a neuron Oj in the output layer, whenever an input pattern I is presented at the input layer, is:

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823


| V |. i =1

2 ( I - Wji ) . i


The competitive output neuron with the lowest Euclidean distance at this stage is the closest to the current input pattern, called as winning neuron. The neighborhood size and weight updating computation are (2) ht=ho (1-t/T) wjnew =wjold + (I-wjold) (3)

The size of the neighborhood ht starts with a big enough size and decreases with respect to learning iterations. Where, ht denotes the actual neighborhood size, ho denotes the initial neighborhood size, t denotes the current learning epoch and T denotes the total number of epochs to be done. Where, is the learning rate parameter, typical choices are in the range [0.2 . . 0.5]. A learning algorithm I for clustering is summarized as follows. Algorithm I: Learning algorithm for Clustering BEGIN 1. Assign random values to the connection weights, W in the range (0, 1); 2. Select an input pattern ie., based on the sensor nodes energy level, distance from CH, mobility, etc. 3. Determine the winner output neuron Oc using equation (1); 4. Perform a learning step affecting all neurons in the neighborhood of Oc by updating the connection weights using equation (3); and update ht and continue with step 2 until no noticeable changes in the connection weights are observed for all the input patterns. 5. Stop END.

6. Proposed model
Our proposed sensor network model is as shown in figure 1, involves in clustering the sensor nodes according to their physical location and distance from the environment. Within these clusters, again it is clustered with nodes having nearest neighbour nodes and nodes which are intermediate nodes. These nodes sense the environment, the quality of the sensor information depends on the distance measured in terms of physical distance, noise, external interference and malicious data, etc. Based on the distance sensor node will decide on either to sense directly from the environment or depend on the other neighbouring nodes for the environmental sensed data. Based on the above factor novelty of the work involves in identifying number of sensing operation, number of nodes nearer to the environment, total number of nodes, dependency of the node, etc. and also on how to conserve energy by only sensing-transmitting / receiving- transmitting to improve the reliability of the data for data aggregation with energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. Proposed algorithm is as shown in Algorithm 1. Initially sensor nodes are deployed with uniform distribution, with each node having equal energy. Nodes are clustered depending on nodes which are nearest to the environment, nodes which have nearest neighbour, nodes depending on the location using KSOM-NN. Within each clusters power consumption is computed depending on the decision based on the location as to sense and transmit, or receive and transmit. Accordingly the energy is reduced for every node in the network in every iteration. Later the threshold values for power content in the node is compared with its operational energy requirement, normally based on the values given in the specification data sheet of the manufacturer. Node death is decided based on their residual power, and intern the network life time is decided based on the number of live nodes and its normal working principles in the WSN, generally based on the accuracy of data monitoring, applications type, etc. The threshold values are initialized in our proposed model to decide on the same as threshold_node, threshold_power mentioned in the algorithm. These threshold parameter values are suitably considered in the simulation experiment to realize the realistic simulation environment. Algorithm 2: Proposed algorithm BEGIN Initialize : network_alive= Total _nodes, threshold_node, threshold_power, nodes_power. Random deployment of nodes with equal initial Energy. 8

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823 while (network_alive>=threshold_node) { Using KSOM neural network Clustering of nodes which are near to environment. Clustering of nodes which have nearest neighbour. Clustering of nodes depending on the location. For every node i in the cluster If (nodes _power>= threshold_power) { (a) Compute power consumption: If (node is near to environment) power=power-power(sense+Tx) If ( node is intermediate node) power=power-power(Rx+Tx) (b) data aggregation at cluster head: Calculate the confidence interval for 95% confidence using equation 4 and 5. Consider sensor data which has confidence value with in the confidence interval. data aggregation = compute average of sensor data } Else network_alive = network_alive 1 (node i) } END

7. Data aggregation
Let C is the initial confidence level of the data when sensor node senses the required parameter from the environment. The sensor node sends data to the cluster head via multihop, or directly to the cluster head CH, if the node is with in the coverage area of CH. The confidence level of the data goes on decreasing when the data moved from hop to hop in reaching CH [22]. If the sensor node senses and transmites, level of the confidence is high denoted by Ch, and if the senor receives the data from other sensor node and transmits, then the data confidence level is low denoted by Cl. The decrease in confidence level following exponential decay is given below. C=Ch if data is sensed and transmitted, and C=Cl, if data is received and transmitted. Crx=Ce N Where Crx is the confidence level of the data received at cluster head. is decay constant. N is the no. of hops. is constant and it depends on the accuracy of the sensor data, depends on the interference in the environment, quality of the sensor used, aging factor of the sensor node. We have considered =1. The sensor data along with the associated confidence level arrives at CH. CH considers sensor data with confidence level of 95% for the data aggregation and aggregated data is sent to the sink. CH computes confidence interval. X is the sample mean from a normally distributed sample with a standard error of /n where n is number of samples and is standard deviation. For confidence level of 95%, 1 = 0.95, So we have: P(-z Z z)=1- =0.95 The number z follows from the cumulative distribution function, in this case the cumulative normal distribution function: (z)=P(Zz)=1- /2=0.975, Z= -1(0.975)=1.96 The lower endpoint of the 95% confidence interval is given by 9

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823

Lower end point=X-1.96 /n and the upper endpoint of the 95% confidence interval is given by Upper end point= X+1.96 /n



8. Simulation and Results

Simulation is carried out for evaluating the performance of the proposed model in sensor networks. It considers sensor network consisting of 100 to 500 nodes with change in topology. The performance of the algorithm is taken with respect to the number of sensor nodes near to the environment and intermediate nodes. Initially, nodes are randomly placed within the square area and are uniform distributed. For our simulation we consider practical sensor network with variable cluster size having one or two or three hop transmissions from nodes to sink. We simulated our program to run for, to generate 1000 to 5000 random events each with random distances with respect to environment and neighboring nodes. Simulation parameters are chosen as shown in the table 1. We have simulated the algorithm on a Pentium system with a Linux OS using C++ programming language. For the purpose of evaluating and analyzing the performance of the proposed Distance based data aggregation for energy efficiency model in Sensor networks, we consider several key parameters to plot the graphs. The experiment is carried out for the variations of different parameters considered in the table 1 to reflect the dynamic environment that depends on the application type and phenomenon.
Table 1: Simulation parameter

Initial energy in sensor node Area of deployment Node distance from environment # Simulation event Network life time Neighbour distance Tx energy Rx energy Sense energy Network size (No. of nodes) No. of hop distance Neural network size


50000nJ 100 m 100 m 1 to 10 1000 to 5000 60% nodes are alive 10 to 20 m 500nJ 400nJ 100nJ 10 to 100 1, 2, 3 4 input, 3 to 10 output neurons

The figure 3 shows the number of clusters formed with respect to the number of parameters such as distance from neighboring node, power availability, memory etc. in a sensor node. From the figure it can be seen that as the number of parameters of the nodes increases (like distance, energy, no. of hop, memory, etc.), the number of clusters formed will be increasing.


International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823

Figure 3: Number of clusters formed

These results show on how the individual parameters affect the formation of cluster and its size. These results are essential and can be easily used in various applications depending on the region of interest. For example, low energy cluster would be used for event based monitoring applications and high-energy cluster can be used for continuous monitoring applications and also as per the requirement of different applications.

Figure 4: Distribution of the no. of nodes near the environment.

Figure 4 shows the distribution of sensor nodes nearer to the environment for a given sensor network. Sensor nodes are deployed with uniform distribution. The sensor nodes have to be uniformly deployed, in order to have uniform spread of sensor node in a given area, otherwise it becomes difficult in sensing the parameter of interest from the phenomenon. If it is not uniformly distributed, then energy consumption in the nodes will be unevenly distributed and some nodes will be dead soon and hence, it not only leads to the death of the nodes but also the life time of the network will be reduced. Therefore we may have to go for proper deployment of nodes in the network to improve the network life.

Figure 5: Power in the network w.r.t. intermediate node.


International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823 The power in the network with respect to the intermediate node is shown in Figure 5. It shows that as the number of intermediate node increases, the power consumed by the node also increases. Hence the power consumed by the network also increases. This results in low network life time. This requires redeployment of sensor nodes in the network to make the sensor network to work efficiently.

Figure 6: Power in the network w.r.t iterations

Figure 6 shows the power in the network with respect to number of iterations for which the network operation is performed in the simulation. It can be seen that as the no. of iterations increases, power consumed by the intermediate nodes is more, hence forth the power present in the network decreases as the nodes start operating. The total power present in the network with respect to the nodes nearer to the environment is more compared to intermediate nodes as the number of iteration increases. These results show that it is best to have nodes nearer to the environment to gather the information and for communication. In figure 7, We have assumed that sensor nodes are required to sense the temperature of the environment. Number of samples and standard deviation considered as 10 and I degree Celsius respectively. Sample mean X is computed for above data. Thus confidence interval is (28.61, 27.38). Figure shows that as the number of nodes in the network with number of hops from the cluster head decreases, the received data at cluster head with in the confidence interval increases. This result useful for cluster head in estimating accuracy of the data received for 95% confidence, so that cluster head sends the data with good confidence after data aggregation to the sink. These results are essential and can be easily used in various applications depending on the critical region of interest.

Figure 7: data with in the confidence interval

9. Conclusion
The work involves in the design and analysis of distance based data aggregation for energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks. We have proposed a methodology for analyzing the deployment of sensor nodes, their distances to the environment for sensing, receiving the sensed data from other nodes and transmission of 12

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, September 2012 Vol. 3, No. 7 ISSN: 1837-7823 sensed data to the neighboring nodes based on the distance for data aggregation, energy dissipation and the reliability on the aggregated data at the sink node is developed. Simulation experiments are carried out for various dynamics of the networks, like number of nodes, cluster formation using Kohonen Self organized Map (KSOM) neural networks, uniform distribution of sensor nodes, distances from the environment and neighbor node distances. Analytics of energy dissipation at different units are considered for calculating the network lifetime, remaining network energy at individual node level with certain threshold for their well being in their operations. Data aggregation is made at cluster head by considering the confidence level of the sensed data. From the analysis we have explored the possibility of deployment and distribution of sensor nodes in a given area and the influence on the energy dissipation, data aggregation and network lifetime for reliable data delivery using WSN.

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