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Timpurile n Limba Englez

1.Future in the Past

Future in the Past (Viitorul in trecut in engleza) are doua forme: forma cu would si cea cu was going to: would / was going to + verbul de conjugat I thought you wouldnt pick him up. (Am crezut ca nu il vei lua si pe el.) I sensed he was going to hit him. (Am simtit ca urma sa-l loveasca.)

Acest timp il folosim atunci cand, in trecut fiind, ne-am gandit ca ceva urma sa se intample in viitor, indiferent daca a ajuns sa se intample sau nu:


I just knew he was going to leave for Seattle that evening. (Am stiut sigur ca urma sa plece spre Seattle in seara aceea.) He said he was going to bring some wine to dinner, but he forgot. (El a zis ca urma sa aduca niste vin la cina, dar a uitat.) We knew we were going to sleep there. (Noi stiam ca vom dormi acolo.)

actiune voluntara:

I knew my mom would offer to take care of my daughter for me. (Stiam ca mama se va oferi sa ai ba grija de fetita mea in locul meu.) She knew he would take her out for dinner. (Ea stia ca el o scoate in oras la cina.) Diana told us she was going to quit smoking, but that didnt happen. (Diana ne-a spus ca se va lasa de fumat, dar asta nu s-a intamplat.)


Something told me the evening wouldnt be that much fun. (Ceva mi-a spus ca seara nu avea sa fie prea distractiva.) I knew it would turn out well in the end. (Stiam ca lucrurile urmau sa se sfarseasca cu bine.) We were almost certain that our company would recover after the depression. (Eram aproape siguri ca a noastra companie urma sa-si revina dupa recesiune.)


They promised they would send her to summer camp. (Ei au promis ca o vor trimite in tabara de vara.) I promised I would take care of him. (Eu am promis ca o voi avea grija de el.) I made a vow that I would stand by him for good and for bad. (Am facut un juramant ca voi sta alaturi de el la bine si la rau.)

2.Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Continuous (Viitorul perfect continuu in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar will + verbul auxiliar have + verbul auxiliar be la forma a treia + verbul de conjugat la gerunziu I will have been waiting (forma contractata: Ill have been waiting) you will have been waiting (youll have been waiting) he/she/it will have been waiting (hell have been waiting) we will have been waiting (well have been waiting) you will have been waiting (youll have been waiting) they will have been waiting (theyll have been waiting) Forma negativa (in engleza) : I will not have been waiting (forma contractata: I wont have been waiting) Forma interogativa (in engleza) : Will I have been waiting? ; Wont I have been waiting? Acest timp se foloseste in engleza cand:

avem o actiune in viitor care va dura pana la un anumit punct in viitor:

I will have been waiting for over an hour by the time the church bell tolls. (Voi fi asteptand de mai bine de o ora cand va bate clopotele bisericii.) When the sun sets, we will have been walking for three hours. (Cand soarele va apune, noi vom fi mergand pe jos de trei ore.) By the time I get the diploma, I will have been studying German for three years. (Pana cand imi voi primi diploma, voi fi studiind germana de trei ani.)

dorim sa aratam relatia dintre cauza si efect in viitor:

He will feel sick when he gets home because he will have been drinking the whole night. (El se va simti rau cand va ajunge acasa pentru ca va fi baut toata noaptea.) The market will be richer because a lot of government incentives will have been offered to the buyers. (Piata va fi mai bogata pentru ca multe stimulente guvernamentale vor fi oferite cumparatorilor.)

Diferenta intre Future Continuous si Future Perfect Continuous este ca primul subliniaza actiuni intrerupte, pe cand al doilea timp este folosit mai ales pentru a exprima durata inainte de un moment in viitor: You will be upset because the stocks will have fallen pretty badly. (Tu vei fi suparat pentru ca actiunile for fi scazut destul de mult.) actiunile au cazut dar situatia s-a incheiat You will be upset because the stocks will have been falling pretty badly.(Tu vei fi suparat pentru ca actiunile for fi scazand destul de mult.) actiunile inca mai scad

3.Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense (Viitorul perfect in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar will + verbul auxiliar have + forma a treia a verbului de conjugat I will have forgotten (forma contractata: Ill have forgotten) you will have forgotten (youll have forgotten) he/she/it will have forgotten (hell have forgotten) we will have forgotten (well have forgotten)

you will have forgotten (youll have forgotten) they will have forgotten (theyll have forgotten) Forma negativa (in engleza): I will not have forgotten (forma contractata: I wont have forgotten) Forma interogativa (in engleza): Will I have forgotten? ; Wont I have forgotten? Acest timp se foloseste in engleza atunci cand dorim sa exprimam:

o actiune in viitor care va avea loc inainte de o alta tot in viitor:

By the time you come home, I will have already eaten. (Pana vii tu acasa, eu voi fi mancat deja.) By tomorrow, you will have finished packing. (Pana maine, vei fi terminat de impachetat.) By midnight, we will have arrived there in our car. (Pana la miezul noptii, noi vom fi ajuns acolo cu masina noastra.)

o presupunere despre ce credem noi ca s-a intamplat in trecutul recent:

Why dont call them? Theyll have waken up by now. (De ce nu ii suni? Probabil s-au trezit pana acum.) As I know him, he will have gotten over his anger by today. (La cum il stiu, probabil ca i-a trecut supararea pana azi.)

*Putem forma Future Perfect si cu be going to: My cousin is going to have finished the speech by the time I get there. (Verisoara mea va fi terminat discursul pana ajung eu acolo.)

4.Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous (Viitorul continuu in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar will + verbul auxiliar be + verbul de conjugat la gerunziu I will be talking (forma contractata: Ill be talking) you will be talking (youll be talking)

he/she/it will be talking (hell be talking) we will be talking (well be talking) you will be talking (youll be talking) they will be talking (theyll be talking) Forma negativa (in engleza): I will not be talking (forma contractata: I wont be talking) Forma interogativa (in engleza): Will I be talking? ; Wont I be talking?

Acest timp se foloseste in engleza atunci cand exprimam:

o actiune din viitor care va dura o anumita perioada de timp, sau care a inceput in prezent si dureaza pana la un moment dat in viitor:

Sam will be playing with the children for two hours. (Sam se va juca doua ore cu copiii.) Ill be seeing you tonight in the club. (Ne vedem diseara in club.)

o actiune mai lunga din viitor care va fi intrerupta de o alta actiune mai scurta:

The students will be working on the project when the inspector comes. (Elevii vor lucra la proiect atunci cand va veni inspectorul.) Youll be listening to music when your friend calls. (Tu vei fi ascultand muzica atunci cand prietenul tau va suna.)

cand dorim sa ne proiectam in viitor si vedem deja ce se va intampla:

This time next summer Ill be swimming in the ocean. (Vara viitoare pe timpul asta voi fi inotand in ocean.) Youll be spotting me with no problem Ill be waving the whole time. (Ma vei oberva fara probleme voi face cu mana tot timpul.)

cand credem/presupunem ca se va intampla ceva la momentul vorbirii sau in viitor:

Dont go into his room now, hell be practicing his guitar. (Nu intra in camera lui acum, probabil repeta la chitara.) Youd better not wake him up hell be saying some unpleasant things to you. (Ai face bine sa nu-l trezesti acuma o sa-ti spuna niste lucruri neplacute.)

Natural ressources will be disappearing at some point in the future. (Resursele naturale vor disparea la un moment dat in viitor.)

5.Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense (Viitorul simplu in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar will + verbul de conjugat I will call (forma contractata: Ill call) you will call (youll call) he/she/it will call (hell call) we will call (well call) you will call (youll call) they will call (theyll call) Forma negativa: I will not call (forma contractata: I wont call) Forma interogativa: Will I call? ; Wont I call?

Pe acest timp il folosim in engleza atunci cand:

exprimam o actiune ce va avea loc in viitor (deseori cu adverbe de timp tomorrow, today, later today, in five minutes, in two hours, on Monday, on Saturday afternoon, next week/month, this year etc.)

They will go on a vacation. (Ei for pleca in concediu.) You will settle for something smaller in the end. (Te vei multumi cu ceva mai mic intr-un sfarsit.) *Will este folosit cu precadere intr-un stil formal, de obicei in scris; going to este folosit cand vorbim de actiuni viitoare planificate sau intentii puternice: Im going to show him what hes loosing! (Ii voi arata eu lui ce pierde!)

Im going to meet him at the party tonight. (Il voi intalni la petrecere diseara.)

intentii spontane, voluntare (decizia este luata la momentul vorbirii):

Here, Ill take this for you! (Iau eu asta pentru tine!) Somebodys at the door! Ill go open. (E cineva la usa! Ma duc sa deschid.)

pentru predictii:

I believe he will come around eventually and do as you say. (Cred ca se va decide intr-un final si va face cum zici tu.) Tomorrow it will be sunny and hot. (Maine va fi insorit si foarte cald.) * Pentru predictii se bazeaza pe dovezi concrete in prezent, folosim going to: Look at his face hes going to cry. (Uita-te la fata lui o sa planga.)

pentru promisiuni sau amenintari:

I will buy you that bike, I promise. (Iti voi cumpara acea bicicleta, promit.) Ill break your neck if I find out you cheated on me! (Iti rup gatul daca aflu ca m-ai inselat!)

cu expresii ca probably, possibly, perhaps,(Im) sure, (I) expect:

Im sure hell ask you out on a date. (Sunt sigur ca te va invita la o intalnire.) Ill possibly run into her at the conference. (S-ar putea sa ma intalnesc cu ea la conferinta.)

pentru a exprima consecinte (cu if, when, provided, unless, as, as soon as, as long as etc.)

Unless you come in the next ten minutes, Ill leave. (Daca nu vii in urmatoarele zece minute, voi pleca.) As soon as theyre coming over, Ill fix them up some cocktails. (De indata ce vor vin, le voi pregati niste cocktail-uri.)

cand verbul de conjugat este be, chiar daca vorbim de planuri:

Ill be there in a few minutes. (Sunt acolo in cateva minute.) Ill see you the day after tomorrow. (Ne vedem poimaine.)

6.Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Trecutul Perfect Continuu in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar a avea (have) la trecut + forma a treia a auxiliarului a fi (been) + verbul de conjugat la gerunziu I had been drinking you had been drinking he/she/it had been drinking we had been drinking you had been drinking they had been drinking Forma negativa: I had not been drinking (forma contractata: I hadnt been drinking) Forma interogativa: Had I been drinking? ; Hadnt I been drinking?

Acest timp se foloseste in engleza cand:

vorbim despre o actiune care a inceput in trecut si a continuat pana la un moment dat in trecut:

I had been working on the car for two hours before he came right in and fixed it. (Lucram deja de doua ore la masina cand a venit el si a reparat-o imediat.) Michael had been talking on the phone when his sister interrupted him. (Michael vorbea la telefon cand sora lui l-a intrerupt.)

dorim sa aratam cauza si efectul ei:

He was in town because he had been hearing all kinds of rumors and wanted to check them. (El era in oras pentru ca auzise tot felul de zvonuri si dorea sa le verifice.) Sarah was going crazy because she hadnt been doing what she liked most, which was painting. (Sarah innebunea pentru ca nu facea ceea ce ii placea cel mai mult, adica sa picteze.)

Diferenta intre Past Perfect Continuous si Past Continuous nu este usor de sesizat in engleza, dar exista: Past Perfect Continuous insista asupra duratei actiunii pana la un moment dat in trecut, pe cand Past Continuous subliniaza intreruperea actiunii: He had been working in the garden when his friends showed up. (El lucra in gradina cand au aparut prietenii lui.) lucra de ceva timp in gradina si nu se stie daca mai lucreaza inca He was working in the garden when his friends showed up. (El lucra in gradina cand au aparut prietenii lui.) lucra in gradina, dar s-a oprit cand au aparut prietenii lui

7.Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense (Trecutul perfect in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar a avea (have) la trecut + verbul de conjugat la trecut I had won you had won he/she/it had won we had won you had won they had won Forma negativa: I had not won (forma contractata: I hadnt won) Forma interogativa: Had I won? Had I not won? (Hadnt I won?)

Acest timp se foloseste in urmatoarele situatii in engleza:

pentru o actiune din trecut care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni din trecut:

He came by, but I had already left. (El a trecut pe la mine, dar eu plecasem deja.) She still visited him, although they had split up. (Ea inca il mai vizita, desi se despartisera.)

in discursul raportat, dupa verbe ca si told (a spus), asked (a intrebat), said (a zis), wanted (a vrut), wondered (s-a intrebat), explained (a explicat)

He asked us whether we had gone to the beach. (El ne-a intrebat daca fusesm la plaja.)

I wondered if anything he had said was true. (M-am intrebat daca era ceva adevarat din ceea ce imi spusese.)

pentru a arata regretul fata de trecut:

I wish I had brought you with me. (Trebuia/Imi doresc sa te fi adus cu mine.) I wish we had followed his advice. (Imi doresc sa fi urmat sfatul lui.)

conditii neimplinite din trecut ( al treilea tip de propozitii conditionale):

If I had knew, none of this would have happened. (Daca as fi stiut, nimic din toate astea nu s-ar fi intamplat.) If she hadnt complained so much, we would have stayed longer. (Daca ea nu s-ar fi plans atat, am fi ramas mai mult.)

cu conjuctii de tipul no sooner than sau hardly/barely when:

No soon had we turned our heads, than the boy just disappeared. (D-abia ne-am intors capul, ca baiatul si disparuse.) Hardly had he dressed when they came to take him away. (Tocmai ce se imbracase ca ei au venit sa-l ia.)

o stare care a inceput in trecut si a continuat pana la un anumit punct in trecut:

Sarah had polished the floor for an hour before it shined. (Sarah frecase podeaua o ora pana sa straluceasca.) The family had lived in the city for twenty years before they moved to the country. (Familia locuise douazeci de ani la oras inainte sa se mute la tara.)

8.Past Continuous Tense

Past ContinuousTense (Trecutul continuu in engleza) se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar a fi (be) la trecut + gerunziul verbului de conjugat I was reaching you were reaching he/she/it was reaching

we were reaching you were reaching they were reaching Forma negativa: I was not reaching (forma contractata: I wasnt reaching) Forma interogativa: Was I reaching? ; Wasnt I reaching?

Acest timp se foloseste cand:

ne referim la o actiune deja inceputa la momentul vorbirii:

At 7 this morning she was making the beds. (Azi dimineata la 7 ea facea paturile.) This time this spring they were going on vacation. (Primavara trecuta pe vremea asta ei plecau in concediu.)

dorim sa setam un fundal pentru o actiune trecuta (o actiune in trecut brusca ce intrerupe o actiune in trecut continua):

The teacher was presenting the lesson when the student entered the classroom. (Profesoara prezenta lectia cand elevul a intrat in clasa.) It was raining outside when he left the house. (Afara ploua atunci cand el a plecat de acasa.)

doua actiuni continue, simultane in trecut:

While my mother was baking the cakes, I was washing the dishes. (In timp ce mama cocea prajiturile, eu spalam vasele.) While everybody was dancing, I was sitting in my room alone. (In timp ce toata lumea dansa, eu stateam singura in camera mea.)

actiuni in trecut repetate, dar deranjante:

She was always speaking loudly when I was asleep. (Mereu vorbea tare cand dormeam.) He was constantly forgetting his keys. (El isi uita constant cheile.)

pentru intrebari politicoase:

I was wondering: could you borrow me a few pennies until I get my salary. (Ma intrebam: ai putea sa-mi imprumuti cativa banuti pana iau salariul?) I was just thinking if you would be kind enough to help me with my exam. (Ma gandeam daca ai fi atat de bun incat sa ma ajuti cu examenul.)

Verbele care exprima starea nu sunt de obicei folosite cu prezentul continuu: seem (a parea), know ( a sti), feel (a simti), hear (a auzi), smell (a mirosi), taste ( a gusta), hate (a uri), hope ( a spera), mean (a insemna), prefer (a prefera), love (a iubi), like (a placea) etc.

9.Simple Past Tense

Trecutul simplu (Simple Past in engleza) este, de fapt, a doua forma a verbului: - pentru verbele regulate: adaugand -ed to suspend (a suspenda) suspended ( a suspendat) ; to finish ( a termina) finished ( a terminat) - pentru verbele neregulate: au propria lor forma to go ( a merge) went (a mers) ; to see ( a vedea) saw (a cantat) ; to sing ( a canta) sang (a cantat) Forma negativa: I didnt suspend/finish/go/see/sing Forma interogativa: Did I suspend/finish/go/see/sing? ; Didnt I suspend/finish/go/see/sing?

Se foloseste cand vorbim de o actiune:

care s-a intamplat in trecut (deseori insotit de adverbe de timp precum yesterday, the other day, last night, last week, three days ago, a few minutes ago, in (year), from (year) to (year):

Last night, I watched the late show on TV and I went to sleep. (M-am uitat la emisiunea tarzie de la tv si m-am culcat.) I saw her three days ago, she was having lunch in a restaurant. (Am vazut-o acum trei zile, lua pranzul intr-un restaurant.)

trecuta, repetitiva (aici se poate folosi si used to):

We played tennis often. (Jucam deseori tenis.) / We used to play tennis often. (Obisnuiam sa jucam tenis des.) You cleaned the place every other week. (Voi obisnuiati sa curatati locul o data la doua saptamani.)

intr-o povestire, pentru o insiruire de actiuni:

We had a full day: we went shopping, then we took a bath and prepared for the party. (Am avut o zi plina: ne-am dus la cumparaturi, apoi am facut o baie si ne-am pregatit pentru petrecere.) It all took place on a winter day. (Totul s-a intamplat intr-o zi de iarna.)

evenimente istorice sau foarte indepartate pentru vorbitor:

The Roman empire fell in the fifth century AD. (Imperiul roman a cazut in secolul cinci dupa Hristos.) Greeks blended their culture with the one of the Romans. (Grecii si-au amestecat cultura cu cea a romanilor.)

pentru a raporta actiunea unei alte persoane:

The lawyer said we didnt have any chance of winning the trial. (Avocatul a spus ca nu aveam nicio sansa sa castigam procesul.) My father told me to do what I want in life. (Tatal meu mi-a spus ce fac ce vreau in viata.)

o actiune trecuta ce a avut loc in mijlocul unei alte actiuni:

I was flipping channels when my brother came in. (Cautam printre canale cand a intrat fratele meu.) She was cooking dinner when her husband called from work. (Ea gatea cina cand a sunat sotul ei de la serviciu.)

Daca un verb se termina intr-o consoana si este urmat de y, atunci trecutul simplu devine: to study studied ; to try tried ; to cry cried Daca un verb dintr-o singura silaba se termina in consoana+vocala+consoana, atunci consoana se dubleaza: to stop stopped ; to rob robbed ; to plan planned

10.Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous in engleza se formeaza astfel: subiect + verbul auxiliar a avea (have) + verbul auxiliar a fi (been) + gerunziul verbului I have been reading (forma contractata: Ive been reading) you have been reading (youve been reading) he/she/it has been reading (hes been reading) we have been reading (weve been reading) you have been reading (youve been reading) they have been reading (theyve been reading) Forma negativa: I have not been reading (I havent been reading) Forma interogativa: Have I been reading? ; Havent I been reading?

Acest timp se foloseste atunci cand vorbim despre o actiune care:

a inceput in trecut si tocmai s-a terminat:

Theyve come back from the gym now; but they have been working out really hard, so I dont know how much theyll feel like talking. (S-au intors de la sala; dar s-au antrenat din greu si nu stiu cat chef vor avea sa vorbeasca.) She has been chatting to him on the Internet, but shes left the room now. (Ea vorbea cu el pe internet, dar a iesit in camera acum.)

a inceput in trecut, continua in prezent si va mai dura si in viitor:

You have been sculpting for three hours now. (Sculptezi de trei ore deja.) We have been studying all afternoon and it doesnt look like were going to end soon. (Noi am invatat toata dupa-amiaza si se pare ca nu vom termina prea curand.)

o actiune sau o activitate generala in progres la momentul vorbirii:

I have been thinking about taking a new hobby. (Ma gandesc sa ma apuc de un nou hobby.)

Mom has been cooking more vegetarian lately. (Mama a gatit mai vegetarian in ultima vreme.) Diferenta intre Present Perfect Continuous si Present Perfect este uneori foarte mica, iar intelesurile lor se suprapun de multe ori. Totusi, diferenta esentiala este ca Present Perfect exprima, de cele mai multe ori, o actiune terminata de curand si rezultatul ei, pe cand Present Perfect Continuous se refera la o actiune continua care fie s-a terminat de curand, fie are loc si la momentul vorbirii. You have attended these classes for a year. (Ai urmat aceste cursuri un an. cursurile s-au terminat dupa un an) You have been attending these classes for a year. (Urmezi aceste cursuri de un an. cursurile continua inca, dupa un an)

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