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productivity:essence Green an ofsustainable development


Evidences thot promotes suggest it internol efficiency; tokes ofworker community ondsofety; core ond heolth ottrocts retoins consumers; ond green improves tinonciol oertormonce. etcetero
BalRamChapasatn Kathmandlr reen productjvity is a concept for simultaneously enhancing productivity and environmental performance for sustainable socioeconomic development and improved quality of human life. The conceptstems from the 199? Eartl Summitin Rio and was picked up enthusiastically' the Asian by Productivity Organisation in 1994. One key element of green productivity which helps distinguish it from simple' environmentalism is that it focuseson th process entire beginning from the input stage rather than only at the end. For example, rather than just putting scrubbersat tl)e top of the smokestack prevent to air pollution,it requires changing charac. the teristics of the incoming fuel and/or technolqcythat will eliminatethe needfor the scrubbers. Green pmductivity has become relevant today than ever before becausit is alh]ristic, but becauseit is central to businesssuccess better quality of and human life- Evidencessuggest that it prcmotes internal efficiency; takes care of worker and community health and saJety; attracts and retains green consumers; improvesfinancial performance, etcetera, While at the same time, it helps to save natural resources. energy and environment. It is applicable all sizesand sectorsto from very small to big businesses, us Let takea simplereal example, smallteashop A owner,Ribombo Tamang, in a rural collnnunity of Rasuwa districi is now using improvedcook stove(ICS)by replacingthe haditional on.Due to the ICS,he is sening customersfaster than beforeas it has two pot-holesto cook food and takes less time fof cooking.. Besides.it consumes30 per cent lessfirewood than t}le traditional opencooking stovewhich hasresultedinboth saving cost and protecting t}le environment. Moreovet peoplenow enjoyeatingand drinking in his shop without smokepollution and the salesroseby 15per cent within a month, Among many others, DuPont, a multi. proouc company operating in approxi' mately 80 countries in the Amedcas, Europe, Asia and Africa gives another goodexamplein this rcgard. In 2005, lrrhrrr ldddlv! Business Week magazine, ranked DuPont as the besf practiceleaderin cutting their carbongas emissions. It pointed out that DuPont gas emissionsby reduced its greenhouse more than 65 per cent from the 1990leveis while usingsevnpercentlessenergyand increasing productivi8 by 30per cent. In a nutshell, $een productivity is for profit, people andplanet.As it takescareof the long-term maintenance of systems followingeconomic, socialandenvironmental considerations, is an essence susit of tainable development and needs to be fur, particuladyin our context, ther promoted ('l'heaulhnr is a 'SeniorTrainer ond AdDEor'at NBI otl.d.an becontacted. p at btL lrom(ln bine aLorA.np ) :.:-{.. aa a r . r







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