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Oceans and Their Coastal Margins Unit Test

The map shows the age of oceanic crust

a) Referring to the map, identify the type of plate boundary shown on the map at
A constructive (divergent)
B Destructive (convergent) (2)
b) State the age of the crust at C shown on the map ............................................ 141-180 million years BP


c) Clearly annotate on the map with a D an area that would have low levels of salinity .................................... (1)
D) Explain why this area would have low salinity levels : normally relating to either rivers entering into sea or ice
caps melting ............................................................................................................................................... (1)
E) Describe and explain the effect that oceans would have on the climate of areas E and F on the map
E kept warmer by Gulf Stream (north altantic current) .(1) Also warmer in winter due to the regulating effect
of sea water which retains heat better than land,(1) as opposed to F which is far from the sea and therefore has
no effect on its climate.(1) (1 extra for detail) ...................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................................... (4)
c) Using an annotated diagram only, explain why the age of oceanic crust changes with distance from the midocean ridges (4)

Oceans and Resources

Describe the pattern of fishing hotspots shown in the map above (on coastal margins, continental shelves (1) in
areas of cold upwelling (1) on coasts of East Asia, West coast of South America, In the north Sea, some areas off
the coast of West Africa (1) maximum of 2 just for geogaphcial areas and 1 extra for others. (3)
Explain the pattern that is shown with reference to geographical areas.
Cold currents with areas of upwelling contain large amounts of nutrients e.g. Peruvian coasts. Continental
shelves are shallower and have a higher Net Primary Production which fish can feed off. Areas of high
population e.g China. Technology of fishing fleets e.g. Europe. Political decisions e.g. many European fleets
bought rights in West Africa due to European Fishing laws and Quotas. (3)
Describe two positive and two negative features of aquaculture
+ reduce pressure on endanged fish esp top predators such as Tuna. Can provide fish cheaply to a large market.
- Fish exctretion can damage ecosystem in small area causing eutrophication. Spread of diseases. Lack of
sustainability as predator fish are actually fed from smaller fish.(4)

The maps above show ocean temperatures during an El Nino and a La Nina year.
How is the pattern of ocean temperature in an El Nino year different from normal years?
West coast of south America warmer than normal. East of Australia colder than normal. (2)
What effect does this have on people in different areas of the world? Droughts in Australia and wildfires.
Diminished yields due to lower rainfall 25% lower coffee crop in Indonesia in 1998. Flooding and landslides in
2 for valid effects 2 for specifics (4)

Identify the landforms that were created as a result of sea level fall
C ............................................................................................................................................................................... (1)
D............................................................................................................................................................................... (1)
Describe two factors that may have caused a relative fall in sea level: ice age, tectonic uplift(2)

Referring to a named example draw an annotated diagram to show the formation of a Wave cut platform. (6)

Describe the relationship between mangroves and coral reefs?

Mangroves will act as filters of sediment and nutrients from sewage fertilizer runoff which would otherwise kill
reefs. Nursery for fish that live in reefs. (3)

Choose one of the following to answer in detail. Indicate which you have chosen
Examine the conflicts which arise from competing land uses in coastal margins (10)

So what case studies do you know Barbados for example, .. but also Ynslas, aquaculture, conflicts caused by
certain types of coastal management What about West Africa Agriculture,, dams, groynes, port
development. This should be very case study based

Referring to specific nations, discuss the geopolitical issues that arise over ocean areas (10)

In other words you have examples of geopolitical issues but you need to refer to them in the specific
context to get higher marks. E.g. in a world of declining energy resources and rising costs, the

discovery of oil in a contested ocean area can create enormous political, military and economic
stresses between neighbours.. then you need to give the case study of the ARCTIC very carefully with
full detail. Simply putting the case study down is not enough. You also need to show greater thought
maybe by referring to other specific geopolitical tensions Indian ocean, ascension islands

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