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Integrated Maternal and ChIld Care
1. Physioogic jaundice occurs after __-__ of birth and is primarily due to ____________ liver function. Pathologic jaundice is identified by hyperbilirubinemia in the first ____ hours of life and is indicative of _____________ disease. (UTG 31) Symptoms ectopic pregnancy as vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy includes ___ or more of the following: abdominal pain, ________, pale, and _____________. Interventions are to insert IV and administer IV fluids, and ______. (UTG 34) A newborns anterior fontanel is __________-shaped and closes at ____-____ months. Meanwhile, the posterior fontanel is _____________ in shape and closes at ____ months. (ULG 244) Lochia results from endometrial sloughing. This is red with fresh odor and some clots (________) during __-__ days after delivery; pink to brown with fleshy smell (_______) ____ days after delivery; and yellow to white (________) on the ___th day. (ULG 198) ______________________ is the collection of blood under the periosteum of the skull bone. ___________________________ is the edema od the scalp at the presenting part of the head that gradually disappears at about the __rd day. (UTG 31) Report the frequency of uterine contraction of less than every ____ minutes, and the duration of more than _____ seconds as it may lead to uterine ______, fetal _________, or abruption ____________. (ULG 198) HIV is transmitted transplacentally, during ____________ delivery, and via the ____________. (UTG 30) The phases of sexual response are: phases of excitement, _________________ (cowper gland releases fluids with continuous enlargement and thickening of the penis in men, while full elevation of uterus with concurrent rising of the cervix in women), orgasm, and _______________ (return to pre-arousal states in both sexes). (ULG 197) Implantation occurs at the upper __/__ of the uterus. The best time for implantation is between __-__ days after ovulation. (UTG 29) Skin changes during pregnancy include: _________________ (reddish slightly depressed streaks in the abdominal wall , breast, and thighs), ________________ (line of dark pigment extending from the umbilicus down the midline to the symphisis), and _______________ (mask of pregnancy). (ULG 202) The leading cause of death of children < 5 years-old is _________________. (ULG 280) Solid foods may be started by ___-___ months of age. Offer new foods ____________ and allow the child to eat the item for about __ week. (UTG 32) Fetal tachycardia (> 160bpm) is an _________ sign of fetal hypoxia and fetal bradycardia (<110bpm) is a _________ sign of fetal hypoxia. (ULG 198) ________ is applied to a symptom complex characterized by hoarseness and resonant cough described as barking. (UTG 32) Tetralogy of fallot consists of 4 anomalies, namely: VSD, ______________________, _____________________________, and right ventricular hypertrophy. (UTG 32) _________________________________________, also called cordosentesis or funicentesis, is the aspiration of blood from the umbilical vein. The blood will be used for









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Coombs test, blood gas analysis, and karyotyping. (ULG 207) __________________s disease is characterized by ribbonlike stools. (UTG 32) Fetal heart rate is a significant indicator of fetal _________________. It is heard below the mothers umbilicus (_____________________, which is the most common position) or ROA (______________________). (ULG 197) Why are pregnant women dying? Due to delays in: _____________ to seek medical care (failure to recognize danger signs and ________ pregnancy); identifying and reaching ___________ medical facilities (distance, road, __________, and communication); and receiving appropriate and adequate ________ at the facility (lack of health care personnel, ________ of supply, and health not prioritized). (UTG 33) _____________________ is the premature separation of a normally implanted placenta and is characterized by _________ pain, high at the fundus, and bleeding. The patient is kept in _____________________ position and _______________________ and rectal examination are avoided. (UTG 30) Readiness for toilet training is evidenced by control of ____________ and _____________ sphincter; the ability to stay dry for at least ___ hours; recognition and expression of the ______ to urinate or defecate; and the ability to walk, ______, and squat. (UTG 32) st The recommended schedule of antenatal care visit is: 1 nd rd visit _________ months, 2 visit at ___-____ months, 3 th visit at ___ months, and 4 visit at ___ 9 months. Moderate mental retardation is characterized by IQ levels of ___-___ with delay in motor development but are able to do some self-help activities (with _______________). Reading and math skills on progress until the grade ___. Has _______ communication skills and ____________ of selfmaintenance. (ULG 249) th The placenta is formed by the 8 to ___th week of pregnancy. It is functional by the ___th week, and at term it is 1/__ of the newborns weight. (UTG 29) ______________ is the number of past pregnancies that has reached the period of viability, regardless of the number of fetuses and whether the fetus was born alive or dead. (ULG 197) Estrogen is the _____________ on the day before ovulation while progesterone is the _____________ at this time. (UTG 29) Within 12 hours after birth, the fundus is ___ cm or finger breadth _________ the umbilicus. It descends by __ finger breadth each succeeding day until it returns as a pelvic organ in the ___th day. (ULG 198) For emergency signs of pregnancy, go to the hospital with ____________ capabilities ________________, day or night, __________________! (UTG 33) Surfactant starts to be secreted by the alveolar cells at about the ___th week of pregnancy. ______________________________ ratio of 2:1 indicates fetal lung maturity. (UTG 29) Herpes simplex is transmitted _______________. Thus, __________________ is preventive measure for mothers with active lesions. (UTG 30) Fertilization is the union of the ovum and spermatozoon within ____ hours after ovulation occurring in the outer ___________ of the fallopian tube or the _______________. (ULG 197) IgG maternal antibodies cross the placenta providing ______________________ to the fetus. (UTG 29) ______________ refers to any pregnancy that terminates before the age of viability. (ULG 198) Fetal heart rate is heard by Doppler at ____ weeks, using a fetoscope by the ____th week, and using a stethoscope by ____-_____ weeks. (UTG 29) Normal weight gain in pregnant women would total ___-___ pounds. (UTG 29) Postpartum blues is common from __-___ days after delivery. (ULG 198) During pregnancy, cardiac volume increases by 40-___% causing increased __________________ and increased pulse rate by ___-____ beats/minute. Slight decrease in BP (____%) during the _________________ effect if estrogen. (UTG 29) Involution or the return to the non-pregnant state is faster in ________gravida and __________________ mothers. (ULG 198)


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40. _________________s Rule estimates age of gestation in weeks based on the 3 abdominal landmarks: the symphisis pubis, the ____________, and the xiphoid. (UTG 29) 41. BEmOC facilities can give pareteral AB, ____________, and anticonvulsants. These facilities can perform manual removal of __________, remove restraine placental prducts, and perform __________ vaginal delivery. On the other hand, CEmOc facilities can perform BEmOC facility functions plus ________________, hysterectomy, and __________________. (UTG 33) 42. _____________ maneuver is a gentle pressure on the contracted uterine fundus while __________________ maneuver is pushing the uterus upward while gently pulling the cord downward to deliver the separated placenta. (ULG 224) 43. The fetal biophysical profile assesses 6 parameters, namely: fetal breathing movement, fetal ________ movement, fetal _________, amniotic fluid index, non-__________ test, and placental grade. (UTG 29) 44. Kegel exercise is the alternate tightening and relaxing of the __________________ muscles. This is used for the management of urinary ____________ postpartum. (ULG 198) 45. Mild preeclampsia is characterized by a BP of ___/____ mmHg, ____-_____ proteinuria, and weight gain of more than ___pound/week. Slight edema in the __________ extremities is evident. (UTG 30) 46. Class II cardiac classification in pregnancy is asymptomatic at ________ and symptomatic with ______________________. Meanwhile, Class IV is symptomatic with _________ activity and ___________. (ULG 204) 47. Toddlerhood is stage of development of extreme ______________ characterized by _____ reply. (UTG 32) 48. _______________s Rule, the most accurate estimate, st estimates the age of gestation in days by counting the 1 day of the last menstrual period as day ___ and the day of the visit as the ________ day. (UTG 29) 49. Infants engage in __________ play, toddlers engage in ___________ play, preschools engage in _____________ play, and school-aged children engage in _____________ play. (UTG 32) 50. Fetal ____________ refers to the degree of flexion a fetus assumes during labor or the relation of fetal parts to each other (good - ______________ flexion, moderate _________ not touching the ___________, brow _____________ flexion, and poor - _________ arched, extended __________). (UTG 29) 51. Habitual abortion is characterized by a history of three or more abortions, commonly due to _____________________. The treatment is ______________ (encircling the cervix with suture), using ______________ or _________________ technique. (ULG 198) 52. Yellow classification of preeclampsia include diastolic BP of ___-___ mmHg, and ____ proteinuria. (UTG 38) 53. Preschoolers have very active imagination leading to the fear of the _________, fear of ______________, and fear of _________________. (UTG 32) 54. The probable signs of pregnancy include: ___________________ (bluish discoloration of the vaginal wall), _______________________ (softening of the lower uterine segment), __________________ (due to the presence of gonadotropin in the urine), _________________ (the sinking and rebound of the fetus), ____________________ (softening of the cervix), uterine enlargement and _____________________ contraction (painless uterine contraction at 28 weeks). (ULG 200) 55. 5-6 year old children can remember ___ digits or object sequence and know ________ and __________ tense. On the other hand, 7-9 year old children can remember ___ digits or objects in sequence and uses _______ and _______ correctly. (ULG 263) 56. Quickening or fetal movement can be detected by ultrasound th as early as the 11 week but can only be felt by the mother until almost _____ weeks. (UTG 29) 57. _________________ is the drug given to Rh-negative mothers within ___ hours after the birth of a Rh-positive baby to prevent the development of antibodies in the maternal bloodstream, which will be fatal to succeeding Rhpositive offsprings (___________________ fetalis), (ULG 198)

58. Post partum schedule of visits for home delivery is: 1 visit nd rd (within ___ hours), 2 visit (____ week after), and 3 visit (___-___ weeks after). Visits to the health facility should be within ___-___ weeks after delivery. (UTG 36) 59. The positive signs of pregnancy include: fetal _______________, fetal ______________ felt by the examiner at 20 weeks, and fetal _______________ by sonography. (ULG 201) 60. Pregnant mothers qualification for home delivery: full term, ___ pregnancies, cephalic, __________ existing diseases, ____________ of risk, imminent deliveries, and adequate pelvis. (UTG 35) 61. Hydramnios is the presence of excessive amniotic fluid of __________ ml (normal levels are ____-_______ ml). It may indicate the presence of ________________________ of the fetus. (UTG 30) 62. The period of viability is when survival outside the uterus is possible. A fetus would be viable after ___ weeks of gestation, at least ____ cms in length or at least ____g in weight. (ULG 197) 63. Neural tube defects indicated by high _________-________ protein levels in the amniotic fluid may occur because of lack of ______________. (UTG 29) 64. Normal weight gain during pregnancy should ideally be steady and _________. First trimester weight gain would be __-__ lbs, second trimester is __-__ lbs, and third trimester is 8-12 lbs. (ULG 203) 65. True labor contractions are characterized by _________; increasing _______, duration and __________; and shortening of ___________. (ULG 215) 66. __________________ is the thin yellow fluid produced by th the breast starting on the 4 month of pregnancy up to the __-__ days after birth. It is easy to digest by the newborn. Mature breastmilk is produced by the ___-___th day postpartum. (UTG 31) 67. The _______ Read method of prepared childbirth covers pain relief methods, muscle strengthening exercises, and breathing techniqeus. On the other hand, ________________ method or the psychoprophylatic childbirth covers breathing techniques during labor, controlled perception, and mouthing silently words or songs with rhythmical tapping of fingers. Meanwhile, the ____________ method covers the relaxation of the craniosacral axis by supporting the head neck and sacrum, restoring the body heat loss by a warm bath, and delaying the cutting of the cord to permit placental blood flow. (ULG 216) 68. Meconium should be passed out within ___ hours. nd rd ______________ stools appear by the 2 to 3 day and colored greenish to brown to yellowish brown. ________ th stools appear by the 4 day anf vary from yellow or gold (_____-milk odor for breastfed infants) to pale yello/light brown and ______________ odor for formula-fed infants. (UTG 31) 69. ______________s maneuver is the systematic method of observation and palpation to determine fetal position. The woman should ____________ her bladder and lie in _________ position with her knees _________ slightly so that the abdomen is relaxed. (ULG 213) 70. Pink classification of anemia includes: hemoglobin of ___ g/dL and/or severe ________ pr conjuctival pallor, any pallor with ___ bpm, tires easily, and breathlessness. (UTG 38) 71. 15 month-old children can build a tower of __ blocks while 18 month old children can build one with ___ blocks. (ULG 253) 72. Growth spurt occurs during in utero, during __________, and during ________________. (UTG 31) 73. Prenatal emergency signs include: unconscious/convulsing, __________ bleeding, severe __________ pain, looks very ill, sever headaches with ____________ disturbances, severe ___________________, fever, and severe vomiting. (UTG 33) 74. The three most common causes of vaginal bleeding in the rd 3 trimester are: ___________________, ______________________, and preterm labor. (ULG 34) 75. The 3 Cs of home delivery are: clean _________, clean _____________, and clean ________. (ULG 35)


Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare. - Thomas Fuller
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