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WORKSHEET 1 : Fill in the blanks. Name : ________________________ Class : ________________________ BoilingMethod the heat kills most __________.

However, those not affected by heat will grow when t the _________________________. CoolingMethodExamples- in a cool condition, bacteria become _________ and do not reproduce or give off poisonous gases.a) by storing food in a cool place s such as a __________.

DryingMethodExamples- the removal of _________ from food substancesa) _______ _________ _________ _________ b) by heating it in the oven c c) by heating it with a flame

Vegetables,fruits, Eggs, milk

Fish, prawn, cuttlefish, fruits

1.2 Synthesising the concept of food preservation

PicklingMethodExamples- reduces the water content. Vacuum packingMethodExamples- the removal of ______ from the package where food is kept.a) by sealing the food in __________ __________ P Peanuts, powdered milk, crackers, fruits - food will last longer but the _________ and __________ content will be differenta) by soaking food in : __________, __________, _ __________. onions, chillies, nutmegs, mangoes, cherries, papaya

FreezingMethodExamples- to keep / store food in a freezer - preserves the _________ and _________ content of the fooda) _______ _________________________________ _ ___

Fish, prawn, cuttlefish, chicken

Bottling / canningMethodExamples- the process where food is boiled before putting it in airtight cans or bottles.a) _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ M Meat, fish, fruits, vegetables

________________MethodExamples- the process that can destroy microorganisms in milk, ice cream and fruit juice.- the food is heated quickly for a few seconds. Orange juice, milk SaltingMethodExamples- the age-old way of preserving food. - the salt draws out _________ and prevents __________ from growing. a) by adding a large amount of ________ to the food. - food are gutted, washed and coarse salt is rubbed into it. Fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits

1.2 Synthesising the concept of food preservation

SmokingMethodExamples- the process of drying food with _________ for a long period of time. - a) the food is hung over a fire to dry it ( but does not cook the food) - the smoke changes the taste of the food _________, _________, _________

WaxingMethodExamples- the process of covering food with ________ which is obtained from plant and petroleum sources or from beef fat.a) by dipping the food into __________ __________

* waxing can be harmful to human. Bananas, oranges, tomatoes, chillies, cucumber

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