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The New Economic Landscape and the Future of Global Power

This conference was given by Fareed Zakaria, who is considered by Esquire magazine as the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation, also, he is the host of CNNs foreign affairs show and Editor-at-Large of TIME magazine. The main subject of the speaker was the globalization and how the United States influenced on its development. The USA was well known as the world power for many years, and, because of that, most of the countries used to follow its instructions, for example, which type of economy use, how to grow, which educational system was better, and everything that was possible as a result of the globalization. This globalization was not an option, actually, the economies and the countries who refused this change, did not grow as they were expecting, most of this countries were in serious problems and some of then went into an economic crisis. As a political factor, Fareed Zakaria considers that is into the globalization where once political stability is reached, as the current history is showing us, for example, that the pursuit of global economic stability is not dependent on the west side of the planet, or economies stronger. Despite the fact that in Europe and Asia and there are countries with growth in industrial output, the language has been a determining factor for investment by large companies. Therefore, from the perspective of Zakaria, America has the most dynamic economy, and demographics including many young people and the phenomenon of immigration increasingly legalized in this country, are the secret of its success because the population next from other nations come to work with a purpose, "impetuously, with energy, a force that does not have any one" and that the U.S. has developed with its immigrants, Zakaria notes.

CLAUDIA CACERES MARQUILLO The developing world has the potential for major economic growth, but first it must prepare its young people for the burgeoning jobs market The need for quality employment in the developing world underlies the success of almost every other development initiative. Job creation has become one of the most pressing issues on the road towards fueling the economic engine and impacting complex and intertwined poverty issues such as education, nutrition, health care and housing. Without the possibility of a stable, reliable income, there is little chance for the poor to engage in sustained solutions that will improve their circumstances. The governments of the developing world are faced with the task of creating an environment where the labor force can be expanded, upgraded and modernized at the same time that new employment opportunities are developed. In order for this to happen, the comprehensive framework will need to address a range of issues, from infrastructure deficits to nutrition shortfalls and education gaps. The challenge over the next few decades for developing nations is vast and complex. However, population demographics are working in favor of a successful outcome if a coordinated, sustainable and, most importantly, cross-sectoral approach is hastily implemented. Finally, Fareed Zakaria took up the idea that the world and globalization is happening and there is no other way but to also adapt and try to grow through best practices. He concluded with a recommendation to take an early demand for change: "We must run fast, but not run with fright."

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