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Unit 2 Test SS6G11a 1. The two Germanic languages are A. French and Spanish B. Italian and English C.

German and English D. German and Russian 2. The French and Italian languages are known as A. Germanic Languages. B. Slavic Languages. C. Romance Languages. D. none of the above. 3. Which language is known as a Slavic language? A. English B. French C. Italian D. Russian
SS6G11b 4. _____s holy book is the Koran. A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Islam 5. _____s holy book is the Torah. A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Islam 6. _____ believes that Muhammad is a Prophet. A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Islam

SS6G11c 7. Literacy rate is a good indicator of A. the standard of living of a nation. B. the climate of a nation. C. how many people live in a nation. D. the probability of a nation getting attacked. 8. The European literacy rate is generally_____. A. Low B. High C. 50% D. 20%

SS6CG4abc 9. Which type of government would most likely abolish all opposing political parties, the direct election of leaders, and free speech? A. Republic B. Constitutional Monarchy C. Autocratic D. Representative Democracy 10. What is a basic way citizens of a democracy can influence the government? A. voting B. working C. obeying laws D. consuming goods 11. In which system of government does the legislature elect the prime minister of the government? A. presidential democracy B. communist C. parliamentary democracy D. dictatorship 12. You are the chief executive in your countrys democratically-elected national government. You came to power in the last election after your political party won a majority of seats in the national legislature. As the leader of your political party, you were chosen to be the government by your co-workers in the legislature. Which form of government do you have? A. parliamentary B. presidential C. autocratic D. oligarchic SS6CG4b 13. You live in a small country ruled by one man, who is also the head of the military. The only TV and radio stations you have are owned and run by the government. You can access the Internet, but you can only see certain government-approved websites. People who criticize or protest against the government are jailed or executed. Which form of government best describes the government where you live? A. Autocratic B. Parliamentary C. Democratic D. Oligarchic

SS6CG5b 14. The main purpose of the European Union is to A. Require all European nations to adopt a command economy. B. Strengthen the economies of all of its member nations by eliminating trade barriers and using a common currency. C. Create a large standing army for use around the world. D. Solve Europes environmental problems. 15. How has the European Union been a benefit to the countries that have joined it? A. The use of tariffs has increased trade. B. Trade among member nations has decreased. C. More people now make full use of their country's resources. D. Trade between members has become easier. SS6H7b 16. What were the Jews forced to wear in Germany? A. hats to symbolize their importance B. the Star of David to symbolize that they were Jewish C. shoes at all times in case they had to move quickly into the ghettos D. the Nazi swastika to symbolize their allegiance to the Nazi Party 17. Why did the Nazis use concentration camps in World War II? A. to train German SS troops B. to hold Allied prisoners of war C. to manufacture new weapons D. to exterminate the Jewish race 18. What is anti-Semitism? A. hatred of all non-Aryan people B. love of ones country C. hatred of the Jews D. hatred of the Nazis 19. What was Hitlers Final Solution? A. to accept the Jews B. to exterminate the Jews C. to allow all of the Jews to leave Germany to give the Jews their own country



Directions: Use the map above to match with the geographic features below 20. The letter B on the map represents what physical feature? A. Rhine River B. English Channel C. Danube River D. Mediterranean Sea 21. The letter A represents what physical feature? A. English Channel B. Ural Mountains C. Mediterranean Sea D. North Sea 22. The letter C represents what physical feature? A. Pyrenees Mountains B. Ural Mountains C. The Alps D. European Plain 23. The letter sequence AB represents what physical feature? A. Alps B. Pyrenees Mountains C. Appellation Mountains D. Ural Mountains




Directions: Use the map and letters above to match the countries of Europe below. 24. Which country is represented by an A on the map? A. France B. Belgium C. Spain D. Russia 25. Which country is represented by a B on the map? A. Italy B. Poland C. Spain D. Ukraine 26. Which country is represented by the letters BC on the map? A. Ukraine B. Russia C. France D. Belgium 27. What country is represented by a BD on the map? A. Poland B. United Kingdom C. France D. Ukraine

SS6G10a,b 28. Which of these factors best helps to explain why a strong navy and a large fleet of trading ships have been an important part of Great Britains history? A. Its form of government B. Its large population C. Its type of climate D. Its geographic location as an island SS6H7c 29. What was the Cold War? A. a war that took place in the Antarctic regions of the world B. a very destructive war that left most of Europe devastated C. a period of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States D. none of the above 30. What was the name of the imaginary line that separated the Eastern European countries from the Western European countries? A. Berlin Wall B. Mason Dixon Line C. Iron Curtain D. Equator

31. What was the actual wall that was built to separate East and West Berlin? A. Great Wall of Germany B. Communist Wall C. Hadrians Wall D. Berlin Wall 32. After WWII the US and Soviet Union became A. allies in the Cold War B. world superpowers C. Became third world countries. D. Scapegoats for the war on terror. 33. The USSR set out to reform its government and economy during the 1980s. What was the end result by 1991? A. They stopped trading with other countries around the world. B. Their economy rebounded to its highest level ever. C. The entire government collapsed and communism ended in the USSR. D. The country returned to the rule of the Romanovs. 34. The Berlin Wall came down in 1989. What happened to East and West Germany as a result of this action? A. East Germany started to compete with West Germany. B. East Germany and West Germany held separate elections. C. East Germany and West Germany went to war. D. East Germany and West Germany reunited to become one Germany.

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