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Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil for




With ASTM Lubricity and Detergency Testing
Published August 2012
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Editors Note
When Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP

) claimed AMSOIL

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil does not meet the performance demands

of its Rotax


engines used in certain models of Ski-Doo

AMSOIL immediately took notice. The results of BRPs test, which depict a
scuffed piston allegedly lubricated with INTERCEPTOR, directly contradict the
results experienced by AMSOIL customers and achieved in several real-world
hold trials and industry-aoooptod laboratory tosts. NTEPCEPTOP nas domon-
strated exceptional performance in the following tests and trials:
Field Trials & Case Studies
Pooky Mountain Pontal Floot Fiold Trial
Exnaust Powor valvo Fiold Study in Polaris

and Rotax

3,469-Milo Potax


Engine Case Study

Industry-Standard Bench Testing
ASTM TC Soquonoo Ootorgonoy Tost (ASTM O 4857 Mod.)
NMMA TC-W3 AF-27 Lubrioity Tost
JASO Ono-Hour Ootorgonoy Tost (M341-92)
Multiplo 50-nour 2-Cyolo Snowmobilo Engino Oynamomotor Tosts or doposits, valvo stioking and lubrioity
Hign-Froquonoy Pooiprooating Pig (HFPP) Tost or lubrioity and hlm strongtn (ASTM O 6097 Mod.)
Standard Tost Motnod or Ootormination o Lubrioity o Two-Stroko/Cyolo Gasolino Engino Lubrioants
(ASTM O 4863 Mod.)
INTERCEPTORs high level of performance and protection in demanding two-stroke applications is well-
documented and indisputable.
Tnorooro, AMSOL is onallonging BPP's olaim tnat NTEPCEPTOP will ail to adoquatoly protoot Potax E-TEC
snowmobilo onginos. Basod on its hndings, BPP strongly implios its own XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil, wnion is
often more expensive, is the only oil safe to use in Rotax E-TEC engines.
AMSOL ormally roquostod BPP mako availablo its oil spooihoations against wnion to qualiy NTEPCEPTOP
for recommended use in Rotax E-TEC engines. BRP refused. Instead, BRP provided a summary of the
25-nour ongino dynamomotor tost it porormod in its attompt to disorodit NTEPCEPTOP. BPP rovoalod it
modihod tno tost snowmobilo's olootronio oontrol modulo (ECM) on tno assumption tnat an ongino oporating
or 25 nours undor modihod oonditions oan simulato 300 nours o normal sorvioo, wnion aooording to BPP is
the engines life expectancy. Under the premise of BRPs testing, the life of a two-stroke engine can be
accurately predicted within a short period of time by modifying its operating conditions. BRPs results should
be viewed with skepticism. In effect, BRP created forced-failure conditions through engine operation and
ECM modihoations tnat aro not roprosontativo o roal-world oonditions o uso or any industry-aoooptod
standards. While BRP implies expert status regarding the formulation of two-cycle oils, the company is not
an oil manuaoturor. n oontrast, AMSOL NC. nas noarly 40 yoars' oxporionoo ormulating syntnotio two-
stroke motor oils.
To demonstrate INTERCEPTORs effectiveness in real-world conditions, AMSOIL INC. conducted an extreme
dynamometer test on a Rotax E-TEC engine. In contrast to BRPs methodology, the test snowmobiles ECM
was not modihod and oonditions woro dosignod to roplioato tno oporating oonditions snowmobilors aotually
encounter in the real world.
This document contains a description of the test along with full results. AMSOIL welcomes any outside entity
to perform its own testing.
Page 4
Oiroot uol in|ootion (OF), sopnistioatod oomputor programming, targotod
electronic oil injection and other developments have enabled a new era in two-
stroke powersports engine design. Modern engines offer an unprecedented
oombination o inoroasod powor, improvod uol ohoionoy and roduood
The increased level of performance comes at a price: Modern engines
encounter increased heat, friction and stress while often using less oil to
lubrioato and protoot vital ongino parts. Tno Potax E-TEC 800P, or oxamplo,
is a liquid-ooolod, OF two-stroko ongino oapablo o 7,900 rpm and 163.9 np.
t inoorporatos olootronio oquipmont tnat oan ad|ust tno amount o oil tno ongino
uses depending on operating conditions. As a result, the engine produces fewer
exhaust emissions, but undergoes increased severity. Durable oils formulated
to provide increased lubricity are best suited for powersports engines like the
Potax E-TEC 800P.
Comparo tno ability o AMSOL NTEPCEPTOP Syntnotio 2-Stroko Oil and XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil to
protoot against ongino woar and doposits in a snowmobilo oquippod witn a Potax E-TEC 800P ongino.
Furtnor oomparo tno lubrioity and dotorgonoy proportios o oaon oil using industry-standard Amorioan
Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) testing. Demonstrate that INTERCEPTOR exceeds the performance
roquiromonts o nign-porormanoo OF snowmobilo onginos in sovoro oporating oonditions.
Note: XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil (baton oodo 071 11 208), obtainod in Oooombor 2011, and AMSOL
NTEPCEPTOP Syntnotio 2-Stroko Oil (baton oodo 14631347) produood Oooombor 12, 2011 undorwont
tosting oomplotod in Maron 2012. Botn oils woro availablo to oonsumors at tno timo o tosting. Tost rosults
do not roprosont uturo ormulation onangos. Tnis tost data rohoots singlo tost runs, and statistioal
repeatability was not determined.
AMSOIL developed the extreme dynamometer test on Rotax E-TEC engines in order to determine each
oil's lovol o ongino protootion. Following oaon 50-nour proooduro, tno ongino was disassomblod and tno
components rated by an ASTM calibrated rater. Merit ratings for each set of components (e.g. piston skirts,
piston rings, oto.) woro dotorminod using tno appropriato toonniquos and rating soalos as dohnod in tno
Coordinating Research Council, Inc. Deposit Rating Manual No. 20. Some components received a merit
rating basod on a 1-10 soalo, witn 10 roprosonting a oomponont roo o dooots and 0 roprosonting
catastrophic distress. Others received merit ratings indicating the percentage of an area with defects
(o.g. tno poroontago piston skirt aroa oontaining souhng).
The lubricity properties of each oil were compared using the Standard Test Method for Determination of
Lubrioity o Two-Stroko/Cyolo Gasolino Engino Lubrioants (ASTM O 4863 Mod.). Tno dotorgonoy proportios
of each oil were compared using the Standard Test Method for Determination of the Ability of Lubricants to
Minimizo Ping Stioking and Piston Ooposits in Two-Stroko/Cyolo Gasolino Enginos Otnor tnan Outboards
(ASTM O 4857 Mod.). n botn ASTM tosts, tno rooronoo oil was roplaood by XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil to
establish a performance benchmark and facilitate a direct comparison. Both ASTM tests were performed
by an independent lab.
Extreme Dynamometer Test on Rotax E-TEC Engines
Tno Extromo Oynamomotor Tost on Potax E-TEC Enginos sub|ootod a oandidato oil to 50 nours o ongino
dyno tostingsuhoiont timo to simulato a ull soason o snowmobilo riding. Eaon 50-nour proooduro
included periodic breaks to refuel and overnight periods of inactivity to simulate real-world operation.
Following oollootion and dissomination, all data was oomparod to dotormino oaon oil's lovol o porormanoo.
Page 5
Test Snowmobile
Tno oandidato oil was installod in a 2012 BPP Ski-Ooo Ponogado X snowmobilo oquippod witn a Potax
E-TEC 800P ongino. Tno snowmobilo was puronasod now rom an autnorizod BPP doalor.
Engine Dynamometer
Tno snowmobilo was oonnootod to a Land and Soa OYNOmito ongino dynamomotor oquippod witn a
9-inon wator-ooolod oontriugal pump wator brako oapablo o absorbing 200 np. Tno dyno was hrst oalibratod
using the test snowmobile to ensure the most accurate results possible. Throttle position and load control
woro striotly oontrollod via oomputor. Oata was gatnorod using OYNOmito Pro Oata Aoquisition Sotwaro.
Tno dyno usos wator undor prossuro to plaoo load on tno motor, simulating tno torquo produood by a
snowmobiles continuously variable transmission.
Pre-Test Procedure
As is standard praotioo, tno dyno was hrst oalibratod along witn tno tost snowmobilo prior to tosting.
Following oalibration, tno snowmobilo's ongino was rorosnod witn now oylindors, oylindor noads, pistons,
rings, wrist pins and wrist pin bearings using only authorized BRP replacement parts and standard
ongino-building praotioos to onsuro oporation timo during oalibration did not aoot hnal rosults.
To onsuro aoouraoy, variablos inoluding uol quality, ooolant mixturo ratio, rpm and ongino load woro
oontrollod rom ono 50-nour proooduro to tno noxt. Tno main oooling unit oontrollod ongino tomporaturo via
tno aotory pro-sot tnormostat. Por BPP's spooihoations, a 50/50 mixturo o ooolant and wator was usod.
For additional oontrol purposos and to urtnor limit variablos, ongino parts woro moasurod booro and ator
each dyno procedure. (Pre- and post-test measurements are included in Appendix A.) The snowmobiles
ECM was not modihod in any way.
Care was taken to replicate real-world operating conditions while conforming to BRPs recommendations
given in the snowmobile owners manual. The same batch of pump gas was used throughout testing. The gas
mot BPP's spooihoations o a minimum 91 ootano rating and a maximum otnanol oontont o 10 poroont (soo
Appondix B). Gas oontaining 10 poroont otnanol was usod booauso it inoroasos ongino stross oomparod to
gas with reduced ethanol content, representing a worst-case scenario that further challenges each oil.
50-Hour Dyno Procedure
Witn tno ongino proparod, a oandidato oil was installod in tno snowmobilo's oil tank to tno 3/4 mark and tno
uol tank hllod to tno bottom o tno hllor nook.
To supplement the traditional dyno cooling tower and to further simulate the cooling effects of snow in actual
use, an auxiliary spray bar directed a controlled amount of water on the front and rear heat exchangers. A
nign-spood an was positionod to provido additional air undornoatn tno snowmobilo's nood, simulating airhow
in roal-world riding oonditions. Onoo tno ongino roaonod 100F, tno automatod dyno program was aotivatod.
Each dyno procedure was conducted according to the same computerized script. The engine underwent
break-in according to its pre-programmed ECM, which was reset prior to conducting the second procedure.
Tno dyno program roquirod tno ongino to undorgo all typos o oporating oonditions, inoluding idlo timo,
partial-tnrottlo oporation and ull-tnrottlo oporation. Maximum rpm (7,900 100) was ropoatodly run during
oaon proooduro and oxnaust gas tomporaturos oton surpassod 1,200F, illustrating tno sovority o oporation.
Onoo tno 50-nour dyno proooduro was oomploto, tno ongino was disassomblod. Tno parts woro again
measured and the post-test measurements documented. The parts were rated for wear and other distress
by an ASTM calibrated rater. The complete upper end of the engine was again refreshed in preparation for
tno noxt 50-nour proooduro.
Page 6

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Soratoning, wnion is not lubrioant-rolatod, roors to tno altoration o tno skirt suraoo by hno partiolos
suspondod in tno lubrioant, uol, air or omboddod in a suraoo. Souhng is lubrioant-rolatod and appoars as
a matto hnisn. Botn oils oomplotoly provontod piston skirt souhng. Tno pistons aro manuaoturod witn a
coating that is black in color. INTERCEPTOR effectively protected pistons from wear and limited removal of
the black coating.
Piston Scratching, PTO 2%
Piston Soratoning, MAG 3%
Piston Souhng, PTO 0%
Piston Souhng, MAG 0%
% Coating Removed, Exhaust Side, PTO 20%
% Coating Removed, Intake Side, PTO 5%
% Coating Pomovod, Exnaust Sido, MAG 25%
% Coating Pomovod, ntako Sido, MAG 10%
Results of Extreme Dynamometer Test
on Rotax E-TEC Engines
Piston Scratching, PTO 3%
Piston Soratoning, MAG 1%
Piston Souhng, PTO 0%
Piston Souhng, MAG 0%
% Coating Removed, Exhaust Side, PTO 5%
% Coating Removed, Intake Side, PTO 5%
% Coating Pomovod, Exnaust Sido, MAG 45%
% Coating Pomovod, ntako Sido, MAG 35%
Intake Side Exhaust Side Intake Side Exhaust Side
Intake Side Exhaust Side Intake Side Exhaust Side
Power take off side
Magneto side
Page 7
Piston Rings & Lands

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Piston ring doposits oan oauso ring stioking and oonsoquont powor loss. Tno rings in botn onginos oarnod
poroot 10 morit ratings, domonstrating oaon oil provontod stioking.
Ring Sticking, PTO 10
Ping Stioking, MAG 10
Crown Land, PTO 0.64
Crown Land, MAG 0.75
Ring Sticking, PTO 10
Ping Stioking, MAG 10
Crown Land, PTO 1.83
Crown Land, MAG 2.30
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Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
To protect against pre-ignition and poor performance, two-stroke oils must resist piston crown deposits
caused by the elevated temperatures inside the combustion chamber. Piston crowns in both engines earned
high ratings for deposits, with INTERCEPTOR earning high ratings for undercrown deposits as well.
Piston Crown, PTO 8.39
Piston Crown, MAG 8.25
Undercrown, PTO 2.66
Undororown, MAG 3.48
Piston Crown, PTO 8.48
Piston Crown, MAG 8.45
Undercrown, PTO 7.76
Undororown, MAG 7.90
Piston Crowns & Undercrowns

Page 9
Wrist Pins & Bearings

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
The wrist pins and bearings undergo constant rotational stress and represent areas prone to metal-to-metal
oontaot and woar. Tno oil must maintain its lubrioating hlm or optimum protootion. NTEPCEPTOP limitod
wear effectively and provided a high level of protection.
Piston Wristpins, PTO 4.90
Piston Wristpins, MAG 5.30
Piston Wristpin Bearing, PTO 8.05
Piston Wristpin Boaring, MAG 8.35
Wristpin Case Condition, PTO Good
Wristpin Caso Condition, MAG Good
Piston Wristpins, PTO 6.80
Piston Wristpins, MAG 7.30
Piston Wristpin Bearing, PTO 8.92
Piston Wristpin Boaring, MAG 8.92
Wristpin Case Condition, PTO Good
Wristpin Caso Condition, MAG Good
Wrist Pin Bearing Wrist Pin Bearing Wrist Pin Bearing Wrist Pin Bearing
Cylinder Heads

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Excessive cylinder head deposits are undesirable and can negatively affect performance. Both oils
demonstrated strong cleanliness properties.
Cylindor Hoad, PTO 9.37
Cylindor Hoad, MAG 9.09
Cylindor Hoad, PTO 9.10
Cylindor Hoad, MAG 9.04
Page 10
Exhaust Ports

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Exoossivo oxnaust port doposits and blookago rostriot airhow and oontributo to poor porormanoo. Botn
oils demonstrated strong cleanliness properties as demonstrated by the high merit ratings for deposits and
virtually no port blockage.
Exhaust Port, PTO 8.80
Exnaust Port, MAG 8.70
% Blockage, PTO 1%
% Blookago, MAG 1%
Exhaust Port, PTO 9.54
Exnaust Port, MAG 9.54
% Blockage, PTO 1%
% Blookago, MAG 1%
Intake Ports & Cylinders
Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Intake port deposits in both engines were virtually non-existent. Both oils inhibited cylinder bore wear
extremely well, demonstrating strong wear protection. Overall merit ratings were high for both sets of
Intake Port, PTO 9.89
ntako Port, MAG 9.89
% Scratching, PTO 1%
% Soratoning, MAG 1%
% Cross Haton Pomovod, PTO 1%
% Cross Haton Pomovod, MAG 1%
Rating, PTO 9.70
Pating, MAG 9.70
Intake Port, PTO 9.90
ntako Port, MAG 9.90
% Scratching, PTO 1%
% Soratoning, MAG 1%
% Cross Haton Pomovod, PTO 1%
% Cross Haton Pomovod, MAG 1%
Rating, PTO 9.66
Pating, MAG 9.66
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Exhaust Power Valves

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Excessive hard carbon deposits and varnish on the exhaust power valves can interfere with operation,
reducing engine performance. None of the exhaust power valves tested exhibited any sticking, indicating
both oils provided strong cleanliness properties.
PTO Bottom PTO Bottom
Page 12
Exhaust Power Valves

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
MAG Bottom MAG Bottom
Page 13
Results of the Standard Test Method for Determination
of Lubricity of Two-Stroke/Cycle Gasoline Engine
Lubricants (ASTM D 4863 Mod.)
Wnotnor using a gas/oil pro-mix or diroot oil in|ootion, two-stroko onginos oan oporato or snort poriods witn
less oil than is desirable. In direct-oil-injected engines, throttle bursts can also result in the engine operating
witn roduood oil or snort poriods. Tno oil's lubrioity is vital to protooting against piston and oylindor souhng
under these operating conditions.
Tno ASTM O 4863 lubrioity tost ovaluatos tno ability o a lubrioant to minimizo piston and oylindor boro
souhng in two-stroko, spark-ignition gasolino onginos. Tno ongino is oporatod at a 150:1 gas-to-oil ratio
much leaner than the ratios used by Rotax E-TEC engines.
A rooronoo oil is run in a Yamana CE50S 50oo ongino at wido-opon tnrottlo. Tno oooling an is tnon snut o,
allowing tno ongino tomporaturo to inoroaso. Hoat oausos piston oxpansion, oausing riotion to inoroaso and
torquo to dooroaso. Tno torquo valuo o tno rooronoo oil at tnroo dioront tomporaturos is rooordod. Tno
oandidato oil undorgoos tno samo proooduro, and its torquo valuo at tno samo tomporaturos is rooordod.
Groator torquo loss moans lowor powor and loss lubrioity. Tno torquo roduotion valuo at 662F must bo oqual
to or below the corresponding value for the reference oil in order to receive a passing grade. In short, lower
valuos moan bottor lubrioity. Gonoral ongino oondition is ovaluatod at tno ond o tno tost.
To facilitate a direct comparison, the benchmark reference oil was replaced by XPS-2
Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil.
Torquo valuos or NTEPCEPTOP woro lowor tnan tno oorrosponding valuos or XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil.
INTERCEPTOR demonstrated strong lubricity properties and surpassed the benchmark for lubricity at the
95 poroont oonhdonoo lovol.
XPS-2 Synthetic
2-Cycle Oil
Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
572 3.23 lb. in. 2.83 lb. in.
617 4.00 lb. in. 3.62 lb. in.
662 4.79 lb. in. 4.42 lb. in.
Page 14
Results of the ASTM TC Sequence I Detergency Test
(ASTM D 4857 Mod.)
Hign-tomporaturo, nign-rpm two-stroko onginos aro susooptiblo to tno ooots o lubrioant ailuro. Piston ring
stioking, doposits and varnisn oan oauso dihoult starts and dooroasod oporating ohoionoy. Tno lubrioant's
detergency properties are critical to resisting harmful deposits and varnish.
Tno ASTM O 4857 dotorgonoy tost is dosignod to ovaluato tno oloanlinoss proportios o a two-oyolo
engine lubricant. Particular attention is paid to piston skirt varnish, piston ring sticking, spark plug fouling,
pro-ignition, oombustion onambor doposits and oxnaust port blooking. Tosting is dono at a 50:1 gas-to-oil
Tno tost usos a Yamana PO350B 347oo ongino dosignod to oporato witn a rooronoo oil in ono oylindor and a
oandidato oil in tno otnor. Ator 20 nours o run timo, tno ongino is disassomblod and ratod or doposits, ring
sticking and other distress.
To facilitate a direct comparison, the benchmark reference oil was replaced by XPS-2
Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil.
Cylinder Heads

Botn oils provontod oylindor linor woar and innibitod oylindor noad doposits, witn XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo
Oil earning a high rating.
Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Cylinder Liner Wear 10.0
Cylindor Hoad Ooposits 7.7
Cylinder Liner Wear 10.0
Cylindor Hoad Ooposits 8.7
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Pistons & Rings

Both oils prevented piston skirt scuffng and ring sticking to the top ring, earning perfect merit ratings.
Piston varnish ratings were also high, while NTERCEPTOR earned a high rating for ring land deposits.
INTERCEPTOR met or surpassed the performance benchmark in nearly every category.
Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Thrust Thrust
Anti-Thrust Anti-Thrust
Piston Souhng, Tnrust 10.0
Piston Souhng, Anti-Tnrust 10.0
Piston varnisn, Tnrust 9.2
Piston varnisn, Anti-Tnrust 8.9
Ring Land 3.0
Ring Sticking, Top Ring 10.0
Ring Sticking, Second Ring 8.4
Piston Crown Deposits 8.0
Piston Souhng, Tnrust 10.0
Piston Souhng, Anti-Tnrust 10.0
Piston varnisn, Tnrust 9.8
Piston varnisn, Anti-Tnrust 9.3
Ring Land 6.1
Ring Sticking, Top Ring 10.0
Ring Sticking, Second Ring 8.7
Piston Crown Deposits 7.9
Page 16
Testing proves the effectiveness of AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR

Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil in Rotax


spooihoally, and nign-porormanoo OF poworsports onginos in gonoral. Following 50 nours o ongino dyno
testing, merit ratings assigned to components by an ASTM calibrated rater offer convincing proof of perfor-
manoo, witn NTEPCEPTOP oarning poroot ratings or piston skirt souhng and piston ring stioking. Patings
or oylindor boro oross naton romoval, oxnaust port blooking and otnor aroas woro nign and rohoot tno oil's
ability to control deposits and inhibit wear. The results of the Extreme Dynamometer Test on Rotax E-TEC
Enginos disprovos BPP's allogation tnat AMSOL NTEPCEPTOP Syntnotio 2-Stroko Oil will ail to adoquatoly
protoot Potax E-TEC onginos. NTEPCEPTOP oxooods tno porormanoo roquiromonts.
Tno rosults o tno ASTM O 4863 lubrioity tost provido additional proo o porormanoo. At a 150:1 gas-to-oil
ratioar loanor tnan tno ratios produood by tno Potax E-TEC 800P onginoNTEPCEPTOP domonstratod
inoroasod lubrioity oomparod to XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil and surpassod tno porormanoo bononmark. n
addition, NTEPCEPTOP provontod piston skirt souhng and oylindor woar and snowod strong dotorgonoy
proportios in tno ASTM O 4857 dotorgonoy tost, surpassing XPS-2 Syntnotio 2-Cyolo Oil as tno porormanoo
benchmark in almost all instances.
Tnoso rosults navo also boon oonhrmod in a 3,469-Milo Potax E-TEC Engino Caso Study (G3038). Pistons
takon rom a 2011 Ski-Ooo TNT snowmobilo oquippod witn a Potax E-TEC 800P ongino oxnibitod no souhng
or ring stioking ollowing 3,469 milos o roal-world, aggrossivo trail riding.
Tno oaso study and 50-nour dyno tost aro in stark oontrast to BPP's 25-nour ongino tost. BPP admits to
modifying the snowmobiles ECM, in effect forcing a failure using operating conditions not representative
of real-world use. It is the view of AMSOIL that BRPs test provides no value in determining the overall
performance of any oil, including INTERCEPTOR. AMSOIL, on the other hand, closely replicates the actual
oporating oonditions onoountorod by ownors o snowmobilos oquippod witn Potax E-TEC onginos. Basod on
its decades of experience with powersports applications, AMSOIL concludes that BRP used a forced-failure
testing tactic to create failure conditions that do not exist in real-world use.
Based on the results of the Extreme Dynamometer Test on Rotax E-TEC Engines, AMSOIL guarantees
that INTERCEPTOR Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil effectively lubricates Rotax E-TEC engines and is a high-
performance replacement for BRPs more-costly XPS-2 Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil.
Use of AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR will not void BRPs warranty, as BRP would have enthusiasts believe.
The right to use AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR in Rotax engines without voiding the warranty is protected
under U.S. federal law by the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act of 1975. AMSOIL additionally warrants the
use of INTERCEPTOR in all Rotax engines according to the AMSOIL Limited Warranty (G1363).
Page 17
Appendix A: Pre- and Post-Test Measurements
Pre-Test Post-Test Pre-Test Post-Test
Cylinder, Magneto Side (MAG)
Bore at Top of Ring Travel
Oiamotor (inonos) 3.226 3.226 3.226 3.226
Bore at Bottom of Ring Travel
Oiamotor (inonos) 3.226 3.226 3.226 3.226
Comprossion (psi) 150 150 140 150
Cylinder, Power Take Off Side (PTO)
Bore at Top of Ring Travel
Oiamotor (inonos) 3.226 3.226 3.226 3.226
Bore at Bottom of Ring Travel
Oiamotor (inonos) 3.226 3.226 3.226 3.226
Comprossion (psi) 150 150 140 150
Piston, Magneto Side (MAG)
Oiamotor (inonos) 3.221 3.217 3.221 3.221
Piston Cloaranoo (inonos) 0.005 0.009 0.005 0.005
Piston Woignt, witnout ring (g) 462.3 462.5 473.1 473.8
Piston Ping End Gap (inonos) 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019
Piston Ping Woignt (g) 9.7 9.7 9.5 9.8
Wrist Pin Woignt (g) 100.8 100.7 100.5 100.5
Wrist Pin Boaring Woignt (g) 31.7 31.6 31.8 31.8
RAVE Valve, Magneto Side (MAG)
Woignt (g) 317 317 315.6 316.5
Piston, Power Take Off Side (PTO)
Oiamotor (inonos) 3.221 3.219 3.221 3.221
Piston Cloaranoo (inonos) 0.005 0.007 0.005 0.005
Piston Woignt, witnout ring (g) 471.7 471.1 472.1 472.5
Piston Ping End Gap (inonos) 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019
Piston Ping Woignt (g) 9.7 9.7 9.8 9.9
Wrist Pin Woignt (g) 100.9 100.8 100.8 100.9
Wrist Pin Boaring Woignt (g) 31.7 31.7 31.8 31.8
RAVE Valve, Power Take Off Side (PTO)
Woignt (g) 317 317 317.1 318
XPS-2 Synthetic
2-Cycle Oil
Batch Code:
071 11 208
Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
Batch Code:
Page 18
Appendix B: FueI Specications
RON (Research Octane Number) 96.2
MON (Motor Octane Number) 87.2
R+M/2 (RON + MON/2) 91.7
EtOH (Ethanol) 10.2%
Benzene 0.48%
Toluene 2.0%
Paraffns 64.7%
Olefns 6.2%
Aromatics 18.6%
Page 19
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