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Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova Catedra Limbi moderne de afaceri

Test la limba engleza pentru examenul de admiterea la doctorat Doctorate Examination Paper
Task 1.Translate the text into Romanian (30 points);(30min). The effectiveness of any committee is inevitably determined by the actions of its chairperson. The chairperson is responsible for compliance with the technicalities. For example, the meeting must have been properly convened and a quorum of members must be present. Furthermore proper notice of the meeting must have been given. The charisma and skill of the chairperson will decide to a large extent how much work the committee does and whether relationships are harmonious or strained. A good chairperson will insist that when any members speak their remarks are addressed to the chair. This is not simply a matter of extending courtesy to the chairperson. The chairperson is deemed impartial and should not take sides in any dispute other then with regard to a matter of procedure. Disagreements will be less personal when the arguments have to through an intermediary and there will be less chance of personality clashes. In any meeting there will be some members who find it easy to interpose their arguments. Others will find it more difficult. It may be a matter of experience in committees, strength of character, age and status compared to other members. The good chairperson will spot the difficulties being encountered and bring these members into the discussion at an appropriate moment. Task 2. Rearrange the words to make up definitions for the bold words: (10 points) 1. Inflation rising/ much/ few/ in/ prices/ money/ situation/ which/ are/ as/ to/ is/ in/ chasing/ too/ the/. The situation in which prices are rising as to too much money is chasing few goods 2. National income total/ the/ country/ firms/ earnings / individuals /of/ the/ all/ the/ and/ in . the total earnings of all the individuals and firms in the country 3. Dividend a/ profit/ of/ distribution/ the /company/ of/ a/ shareholders/ to A distribution of profit to the shareholders of a company Task 3. Rewrite this passage filling in the blanks from the list of words below: (20 points) Communication The first requirement in communications between two parties..that they should be on the same wavelength. Thus, when messages are transmitted.by a radio station on a frequency of, say, 530 meters, receivers will only pick up the message if they are also on a similar frequency. This explains why it is that people of widely different political persuasions have difficulty in carrying on meaningful conversations and discussions. A devout person would no doubt have the same difficulty in conversing with an atheist. Certainly someone who speaks only Swahili would have great difficulty in communicating with someone who only speaks English, though even this problem could be overcome.in part by sign-language. From a business point of view these problems are important when one considers.the relationship between management and workers in many firms. It may well be that management and workers are virtually on different wavelengths. Managements will concentrate on things like cash flows and return on capital employed which are outside the language of the workers. There is also a danger that management will fail to read the signals correctly from their customers. Something like market

research.represents an attempt to obtain a feedback.or response which indicates peoples attitudes ..to a product or service. Task 4. Transform the nouns into verbs (5 prop). 5. There is a logical connection among three of the four words in each of the following groups. Encircle the odd one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. annual report external auditors financial statements stockbroker bonus issue dividend over-the-counter shareholder creditor market-maker shareholder stockbroker debt equity share stock face value market value nominal value par value

Task 6. Rewrite the following sentences into passive: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. People say that Taikichiro Mori is the richest person outside the USA They believe that the company lost a great deal of money on the deal. Peter Franks works for Butterfield International and he runs the Marketing Department. We cannot exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale. They have taken down the For Sale notice, so I suppose they have sold the house.

Task 7. Put the following into indirect speech: 1. 2. 3. 4. He said, If what you say is true I must go to the police. Must you make such a noise? he asked. His father said, Tom must work harder next term. The official said, This passport photo isnt like you at all. You must have another one taken 5. Railway regulations: Passengers must be in possession of a valid ticket before traveling.

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