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Affirmative: S+V(base form)+C Negative: S+Aux (do)+Neg+V(base form)+C Interrogative: Aux (do)+S+V(base form )+C+? En el modo afirmativo, en la 3 persona del singular, se le aade una "S" al verbo. Existen algunos casos particulares como por ejemplo, si el verbo empleado termina en "SS", "SH", "CH", "O" y "X" al formar la 3 persona del singular en la forma afirmativa se le agrega "ES".Otra excepcin se presenta si el verbo termina en "Y" tras consonante. Para formar la 3 persona del singular se sustituye esta "Y" por una "i" acompaada de la terminacin "ES"

Affirmative verb to be I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are

Negative I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

Interrogative Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they?

Other verb

I like You like He likes She likes It likes We like You like They like

I do not like You dont like He does not like She does not like It does not like We do not like You do not like They do not like

Do I like? Do you like? Does he like? Does she like? Does it like? Do We like? Do you like? Do they like?


Affirmative: S+V(base form)+C Negative: S+Aux (did)+Neg+V(base form)+C Interrogative: Aux (did)+S+V(base form )+C+? Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliar DID que es la forma pasada del verbo "TO DO" y acompaa al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En las negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contrada de DID NOT o sea DIDN'T. Para poder formar una oracin en tiempo pasado debemos distinguir dos tipos: VERBOS REGULARES y VERBOS IRREGULARES. En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple aadiendo la terminacin ED al infinitivo, mientras que los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrn determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente.

Affirmative verb to be I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

Negative I was not You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not They were not

Interrogative Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they?

Other verb

I liked You liked He liked She liked It liked We liked You liked They liked

I did not like. You did not like He did not like She did not like It did not like We did not like You did not like They did not like

Did I Did you Did he Did she like? Did It Did we Did you Did they


Affirmative: S+V(base form)+C Negative: S+Aux (will)+Neg+V(base form)+C Interrogative: Aux (will)+S+V(base form )+C+?

Utiliza para su construccin el auxiliar WILL seguido del verbo principal en infinitivo Tambin se puede usar en la afirmacin la contraccin de WILL colocando 'll al pronombre y en la negacin en lugar de WILL NOT se puede utilizar la forma contrada WON'T

Affirmative verb to be I will be You will be He will be She will be It will be We will be You will be They will be Contraction: * I will be = Ill be

Negative I wont be You wont be He wont be She wont be be It wont be* We wont be You wont be They wont be Contraction: * I will not be = I wont be

Interrogative Will I Will You Will He Will She be? Will It Will We Will You Will They

Other verb

I will like You will like He will like She will like It will like We will like You will like They will like Contraction: * I will like = Ill like

I wont like You wont like He wont like She wont like It wont like We You They Contraction: * I will not like = I wont like

Will I Will You Will He Will She like? Will It Will we Will you Will they

Utiliza para su construccineluxiliar WILL seguido del verbo principal en infinitivo Tambin se puede usar en la afirmacin la contraccin de WILLcolocndo 'll al pronombre y en la negacin en lugar de WILL NOT se puede utilizar la forma contrada WON'T

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