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Lokesh (3054) Kushal (3053)

AWK is a programming language that is designed for processing text-based data.

y created at Bell Labs in the 1970s y The name AWK is derived from the family names of its

authors Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan.

y AWK is one of the early tools to appear in 7th Version

of Unix and gained popularity as a way to add computational features to a Unix pipeline.

y Tallying information from text files and creating y y y y

reports from the results. Adding additional functions to text editors like "vi". Translating files from one format to another. Creating small databases. Performing mathematical operations on files of numeric data.

y Scripti g language - esides t e

urne s ell, is t e nly t er scripting language availa le in a standard nix envir n ent.

y r cedural language -

is an exa ple f a pr gra ing language t at extensively uses t e string datatype, ass ciative arrays
reads t e input a line at a time. line is scanned f r eac pattern in t e pr gram, and f r eac pattern t at matc es, t e ass ciated action is executed.

y Event driven -

Structure of an AWK Program

y An Awk program consists of: y An optional BEGIN segment

B GIN pattern {action} pattern {action} . . . pattern { action} END

For processing to execute prior to reading input Processing for input data For each pattern matched, the corresponding action is taken Processing after end of input data

y pattern - action pairs

y y

y An optional END segment


y One major advantage of Awk is its ability to

handle strings as easily as many languages handle numbers

y Awk variables can hold strings of characters

as well as numbers, and Awk conveniently translates back and forth as needed


y Special pattern BEGIN matches before the first input

line is read; END matches after the last input line has been read y This allows for initial and wrap-up processing
BEGIN { print NAME RATE HOURS ; print } { print } END { print total number of employees is , NR }

Hello world application

y BEGIN { print "

Hello, world!" }

Some of the Built-In Variables

y NF - Number of fields in current record y NR - Number of records read so far y $0

- Entire line y $n - Field n y $NF - Last field of current record



y Operators in Increasing Precedence
y y y y y y y y y

Assignment: = , +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^= Logical: ||, &&, ~, !~ Relational: <, <=, ==, !=, >=, > Concatenation: blank Add/Subtract: +, Multiply/divide/mod: *, /, % Unary plus, minus, not, exponent (^ or **) Increment, decrement Field: $expr

Stri g



y New strings can be

created by combining old



{ names = names $1 END { print names }

y Arrays
y y

Associative arrays (hash): index can be any value (integer or string) Referencing creates entry: if (arr[ x ] != ) print arr[x] exists if ( expr ) statement [ else statement ] if ( subscript in array ) ... while ( expr ) statement for ( init_expr; test_expr; increment_expr ) statement for ( subscript in array ) statement do statement while ( expr ) break, continue, next,exit , return [expr]

y Control flow statements

y y y y y y y



rg ments

y Accessed via built-ins ARGC and ARGV y ARGC is set to the number of command line

arguments y ARGV[ ] contains each of the arguments

y For the command line y awk filename
y y y

ARGC == 2 ARGV[0] == awk ARGV[1] == filename

ARGC/ARGV in Action
#argv.awk get a cmd line argument and display BEGIN {if(ARGC != 2) {print "Not enough arguments!"} else {print "Good evening,", ARGV[1]} }

y How do you get input into your awk script other than y y y y

on the command line? The getline function provides input capabilities getline is used to read input from either the current input or from a file or pipe getline returns 1 if a record was present, 0 if an end-offile was encountered, and 1 if some error occurred Getline -$0, NF, NR,

getline from stdin

#getline.awk - demonstrate the getline function BEGIN {print "What is your first name and major? " while (getline > 0) print "Hi", $1 ", your major is", $2 "." }

Control Flow Statements

y Awk provides several control flow statements for

making decisions and writing loops y If-Else

$2 > 6 { n = n + 1; pay = pay + $2 * $3 } END { if (n > 0) print n, employees, total pay is , pay, average pay is , pay/n else print no employees are paid more than $6/hour }

Loop Control
y While # interest- compute compound interest # input: amount rate years # output: compound value at end of each year { i=1 while (i <= $3) { printf( \t%.2f\n , $1 * (1 + $2) ^ i) i=i+1 } }

Loop Control
y { for (i = NF; i > 0; i = i - 1) printf( %s , $i)

printf( /n ) } y { sum = 0 for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) sum = sum + $i print sum { y { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) sum = sum $i } END { print sum }

Built-In Functions
y Arithmetic y sin, cos, atan, exp, int, log, rand, sqrt y String y length, substitution, find substrings, split strings y Output y print, printf, print and printf to file y Special y system - executes a Unix command
y y

system( clear ) to clear the screen Note double quotes around the Unix command

y exit - stop reading input and go immediately to the END

pattern-action pair if it exists, otherwise exit the script

Formatted Output
y printf provides formatted output y Syntax is printf( format string , var1, var2, .) y Format specifiers
y y y y y y

%c single character %d - number %f - floating point number %s - string \n - NEWLINE \t - TAB

Example:Transpose of matrix
y BEGIN {count = 1;

for (row = 1; row <= 5; ++row) { for (col = 1; col <= 3; ++col) { printf("%4d",count); array[row,col] = count++; } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); for (col = 1; col <= 3; ++col) { for (row = 1; row <= 5; ++row) { printf("%4d",array[row,col]); } printf("\n"); } exit; }

y Thank you

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