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Questions? Email Rocio at ravalos@aiusa.org.

Help replace the death penalty in California by calling California voters urging them to vote Yes on Proposition 34. Gather friends and host a phonebank party! Select a location, set a date and time, and gather fellow activists, friends and neighbors to make calls with you. We will train you and provide call lists, a script, and talking points. Your guests only need to bring a phone! You will be calling Amnesty International members in California to let them know about the historic opportunity we have to replace the death penalty and urge them to vote YES on Prop 34.

We need YOU to phone bank or host a phone bank party! Gather fellow Amnesty members, friends, neighbors, community members anyone who wants to help end the death penalty in California. Aim to have at least 4 other people join you; it is a party after all! Amnesty groups: hold a phonebank party during regular meetings!

You can make calls from just about anywhere. Organize a phonebank party on your school campus, a local coffee shop, or at your house. Select a location that can accommodate at least five people comfortably to make calls. Make sure it has good cell phone reception.

All phonebanks should be scheduled weekdays between 6pm 9pm or weekends. These hours are ideal for reaching the most voters. Make sure to schedule at least two full hours dedicated to making calls.

Read the enclosed materials and contact Rocio at ravalos@aiusa.org to learn more, get trained, and receive a call list!


Set a Date and Time

Schedule your party to take place 6pm - 9pm on weekdays, or on the weekend. These times are ideal for reaching the highest number of voters. Pick a day that is most likely to suit your groups schedules


Select a cozy caf, community center, or your house! If you are a student group, reserve a classroom on campus or a common room in your dorm Make sure the venue has good cell phone reception and can comfortably accommodate your expected guest list

Guest list

Create a list starting with people you know are likely to attend. This can include family, friends, neighbors, or your group members. Consider inviting other organizations or student groups that may be interested in joining

Material Check List

Guest list Invitations or flyers (optional contact us for template) Sign-in sheets (contact us for template) Script and call list for each caller Make sure everyone brings a phone and phone charger (just in case!)

Food: Tasty treats can help lure people to your party. Ask if you can bring in outside food



Contact your guest list to invite them to your phonebank party. Make phone calls, send out personalized invitations, emails, an E-vite, or make house calls Confirmation calls or follow-up emails 1-2 days before the party remind guests to attend

Make Flyers or Invitations

Contact us for a template that you can personalize Flyer on campus, let your neighbors know, make announcements in class, church or community event to advertise your party

Online Publicity

Set up a Facebook event Create an event on Amnesty Internationals Event Center at www.amnestyusa.org/events



Welcome guests to your party and thank them for their support of Prop 34 and coming to help replace the death penalty in California Have everyone sign-in using (see sign-in form provided). We will use this information to thank volunteers. If you are part of an Amnesty group, you can also use this as an opportunity to invite guests to join your group


A training session should follow your welcome and replicate the training you received Start by asking if everyone is familiar with Proposition 34 (the SAFE California Act) and follow by reviewing the basic talking points and messaging: Replaces the death penalty in California with a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole Savings, Accountability, Full Enforcement Eliminates the risk of ever executing an innocent person Make sure everyone understands and feels comfortable with the messaging Explain who we will be calling: Amnesty International members likely to support Prop 34 Handout a script and call list to each guest and review the process for making and tracking calls Each guest should have one call list with 50 members they will be calling Everyone needs to stick to the script! Messaging has been carefully crafted Explain importance of carefully tracking call results and checking appropriate box (make sure to review each option for tracking call) Set expectations for the time-commitment and number of calls. Agree to make calls for a minimum of two hours, or until you complete your call list

Have Fun!
Make sure guests are comfortable. Have baked goods, other tasty treats and refreshments available for your phone bankers. Play fun music, or an inspiring movie, to energize callers!

Before everyone leaves

Talk about how the calls went. What worked and what didnt? Make sure call results are tracked correctly as you come around to collect call lists Make sure all call lists are accounted for and review that they are completed correctly and ready to send back to Amnesty International Thank everyone for coming! Encourage them to phone bank again!

Hi, my name is ___________ and I'm calling for Amnesty International about Proposition 34. May I speak with _________? Do you know about Proposition 34, the California ballot initiative that will replace the death penalty with life in prison and redirect some of the savings to solve crimes? IF YES: Oh, good. Proposition 34 would save California $130 million per year, and is endorsed by the California Democratic Party, the League of Women Voters, and the California Nurses Association. [Go to ASK 1] IF NO or NOT SURE: Well, Proposition 34 is on the November ballot and will replace the death penalty with a sentence of life without the possibility of parole, saving the state $130 million per year and eliminating the risk of ever executing an innocent person, while still keeping the public safe. It also allocates $100 million to local law enforcement for the purpose of solving more rapes and murders, about half of which go unsolved every year. Proposition 34 is endorsed by the Democratic Party, the California Nurses Association, and the League of Women Voters. [Go to ASK 1] IF VOICEMAIL, LEAVE MESSAGE: Hi, my name is __________, and Im calling for Amnesty International about Proposition 34, the California ballot initiative that will replace the death penalty with life in prison without the possibility of parole. Prop 34 will save the state $130 million per year and eliminate the risk of ever executing an innocent person while still keeping the public safe. It will also allocate $100 million to local law enforcement for the purpose of solving more rapes and murders. Prop 34 is endorsed by the Democratic Party, the California Nurses Association, and the League of Women Voters. I urge you to vote YES on Proposition 34! [ASK 1] Can we count on you to vote YES on Proposition 34? IF YES: Great! Thanks for your support. Be sure to tell your friends and family to vote YES on Proposition 34. You can go to yeson34.org for more information. Have a great night. [END] IF NO: Okay, thanks for your time. Prop 34 is supported by the California Democratic Party, the California Nurses Association, and the League of Women Voters. I encourage you to go to yeson34.org for more information. Have a great night. [END] IF UNDECIDED: I understand how you might be unsure of how you want to vote on Prop 34. It's a lot to think about. I hope you'll keep in mind that: Proposition 34 will save the state $130 million per year while eliminating the risk of us ever executing an innocent person, and still keeping the public safe. 56% of rapes and 46% of murders go unsolved each year, and this initiative creates the SAFE California Fund, which will provide money to law enforcement to help solve those crimes. Prop 34 is supported by the California Nurses Association, the League of Women Voters, and the California Democratic Party.

[ASK 2] So, can we count on you to vote yes on Prop 34? IF YES: Great! Thanks for your support. Be sure to tell your friends and family to vote YES on Proposition 34. You can go to yeson34.org for more information. Have a great night. [END] IF NO or STILL UNDECIDED:

Okay, thanks for your time. You can go to www.yeson34.org if you'd like more information. Have a great night. [END, unless the voter has questions] [If the voter has questions, refer to the sample Q and A below. After Q and A, repeat ASK 2 above.]

Potential Questions and Answers: Q: Why does the death penalty cost so much more that life without possibility of parole? That doesn't make sense. A: Many people believe that the death penalty is less expensive, but that is not true. The truth is that it is it's more costly at every step of the process. From the trials, to the lengthy appeals process, to the housing on death row, it's all more expensive than sentencing someone to life in prison without possibility of parole. Q: Well this just means we will have to pay for healthcare and housing for these people for life, right? A: The truth is that while over 800 people have been sentenced to death in the last 35 years, only 13 have been executed. Most people sentenced to death die of illness or old age, anyway. The system really is broken beyond repair. Q: Why don't we just speed up the appeals or get rid of them? A: There have been many attempts to speed up the appeals process, and none have worked. The fact is that it would actually end up costing millions more to speed up appeals. And we can't get rid of the appeals, because then we'd be more likely to execute an innocent person. Q: What will happen with the money saved by replacing the death penalty? A: The money will go back into to the general fund to be used for things like education and public safety. A small portion of the savings, $100 million over 3 years, will be allocated directly to local law enforcement for the purpose of solving more rapes and murders. Q. How can I get involved with the Yes on 34 Campaign? A: You can volunteer! Contact Amnesty International at (415) 288-1800 to learn how.

CALL RESULTS Total Number of calls made: Yes: No: Undecided:

Tracking Call Results

LVM: Y: N: UND: TA: REM: W/D: Left Voice Message Yes on 34 NO on 34 Undecided on 34 Try Again (Not home/Call back/Hung up) Remove from list or hostile Wrong #/Deceased

Basics and Talking Points Proposition 34, the SAFE California Act, will replace Californias death penalty with a sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole as the maximum punishment for murder. This means convicted killers will remain behind bars forever with no risk of executing an innocent person.

Savings: Many people think that the death penalty is cheaper than life without parole. That is
just not true. California taxpayers will save $130 million each year without releasing a single prisoner.

Accountability: Convicted killers will be held accountable and pay for their crimes. Prop. 34
requires persons convicted of murder to work and pay restitution into a victims compensation fund.

Full Enforcement: The SAFE California Fund* takes $30 million a year for three years in budget
savings and puts it into the investigation of unsolved rape and murder cases. Our limited law enforcement dollars should be used to solve more crimes, to get more criminals off our streets, and to protect our families. *Money for the SAFE California Fund comes directly from closing three state agencies that currently handle expensive and extensive appeals for death penalty cases. The SAFE California Fund gives a temporary boost to local law enforcement budgets at a time of severe budget shortfalls.

DOs Do your best to pronounce names listed on the call list, you will make mistakes and thats okay Do engage anyone who answers. If the person listed on your call list is unavailable, ask if the person on the phone is a registered voter and talk about Prop 34 voter education is key! Stick to the script! It is extremely important that you stick to the carefully crafted messaging It is extremely important to track call results as you make calls and track accurately using the key on the back of the script Leave voice messages! Voter education is very important, leave message on script. DONTs Do not make-up answers! Its okay to say I dont know then direct to website (yeson34.org) Do not be rude or hang-up on people you are representing Amnesty! Do not argue! Simply thank them for their time and move on to the next call do not waste valuable time Do not go off script to engage someone in a discussion Do NOT make any calls after 9PM!

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