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CS2304-SYSTEM SOFTWARE UNIT I-INTRODUCTION 2 Mark Questions (Small Questions) 1. Define system software. 2.

What do you mean by SIC and give the instruction format. 3. Give any two difference between base relative addressing and program counter relative addressing used in SIC/XE. 4. Define indirect addressing and immediate addressing. 5. Explain the instruction formats used in SIC/XE architecture? 6. Consider the instructions in SIC/ XE programming 10 1000 LENGTH RESW 4 20 ----- NEW WORD 3 What is the value assign to the symbol NEW. 7. What is the difference between the instructions LDA # 3 and LDA THREE? 8. Write the sequence of instructions to perform the operation BETA = ALPHA + 5 using SIC and SIC/XE instructions. 9. Write a sequence of instruction to swap the values of SAMPLE and TEST in SIC architecture? 10. Compare and Contrast the memory and register of SIC and SIC/XE 11. Explain the addressing mode of SIC and SIC/XE 12. What is Index addressing mode?

16 or 8 Mark Questions (Big Questions) 1. i)Explain in detail, the architecture of SIC/XE machine. (8) ii)Write a sequence of instruction for SIC to set VAL 1 = VAL 2 + INCR-2 VAL 3 = VAL 4 + INCR-2 Illustrate how the same calculation could be performed of SIC/XE. (8) 2. i)Describe the architecture of SIC machine.(8) ii)The variables V1, V2 and V3 are assumed as an array of 100 words each. Write a sequence of instructions for SIC and SIC/XE to add together the corresponding elements of V1, V2 and store in V3. (8) 3. i)Write short notes on (8) i}Date formats and instruction. ii} I/O programming. ii)Mention the differences between SIC and SIC/XE. (8)

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UNIT II-ASSEMBLERS 2 Mark Questions (Small Questions) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define Assembler and give the basic functions of assembler. What is meant by assembler directives. Give example. What is meant by forward referencing? What is a program block ? Consider the following sequence X EQU Y Y EQU Z Z RESW 1 Is a two pass assembler can resolve such a sequence of definition? Justify your answer. 6. Explain the different records used in object program and give an example? 7. Differentiate SYMTAB(symbol table) and OPTAB(operation code table) in assembler? 8. What are the symbol defining statements generally used in assemblers? 9. Differentiate absolute expression and relative expression. 10. What is the use of the variable LOCCTR(location counter) in assembler? 11. Define literals and literal pools. 12. Differentiate literals with that of immediate addressing 13. How do assembler handle the literals 14. Define control section and how it is used 15. Define load and go assembler. 16. What are the two different types of jump statements used in MASM assembler? 17. Define modification record and give its format 18. Write down the pass numbers(PASS 1/ PASS 2) of the following activities that occur in a two pass assembler: a. Object code generation b. Literals added to literal table c. Listing printed d. Address location of local symbols 19. What is the difference between the assembler directive EXTREF and EXTDEF and how it is been defined in object program. 20. What do you mean by the symbol * and + 16 or 8 Mark Questions (Big Questions) 1. i)Explain the working and the algorithm for pass 1 of two pass assembler. (10) ii)Explain program relocation with example. (6) 2. Explain in detail about the machine independent features of assembler. (16) 3. i)What are the data structures used in Assembler? How these data structures are organized? (8) ii)Write the algorithm for Pass Two of Assembler. (8) 4. i)What is the need for program block? Explain the program block in detail. (6) ii)Explain about the machine-Dependent Assembler features. (10) 5. Explain in detail about the assembler Design options.(16) 6. i)Explain the algorithm of one pass assembler (8) ii)Differentiate control sections and program blocks (6) 7. i)Discuss in detail about MASM Assembler (8) ii)Explain in detail about multi pass assembler (8)
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CS2304 System Software (III IT) Unit III Part A Two marks 1. What are the basic functions of loaders 2. Define absolute loader 3. What is meant by bootstrap loader? 4. What are relative (relocatable) loaders? 5. What is the use of modification record in relative loader? 6. What are the 2 different techniques used for relocation? 7. Define Relocation bit method 8. Define bit mask 9. What is the need of ESTAB. 10. What is the use of the variable PROGADDR. 11. Write the two passes of a linking loader. 12. Define automatic library search. 13. List the loader options INCLUDE &DELETE. 14. Give the functions of the linking loader. 15. Give the difference between linking loader and linkage editors. 16. Define dynamic linking. 17. Write the advantage of dynamic linking. 18. What is meant by static executable and dynamic executable? 19. What is shared and private data? 20. Write the absolute loader algorithm. Part B 1. Briefly describe the basic Loader functions and Features of machine dependent loader (16) 2. Explain in detail about (i) Linkage Editors and (ii) Dynamic Linking (16) 3. Explain in detail the machine independent Loader features (16) 4. Explain in detail the algorithm and data structures of a linking loader (16) 5. Explain the following (i) Relocating loader and (ii) MS DOS linker (16) 6. What are the different design options of loaders? Explain in detail functions of any two of them

Unit IV Part A Two marks 1. Define macro processor. 2. What do macro expansion statements mean? 3. What are the directives used in macro definition? 4. What are the data structures used in macro processor? 5. Define conditional macro expansion. 6. What is the use of macro time variable? 7. What are the statements used for conditional macro expansion? 8. What is meant by positional parameters? 9. Consider the macro definition 10. What are known as nested macro call? 11. How the macro is processed using two passes? 12. Give the advantage of line by line processors. 13. What is meant by line by line processor 14. Give the advantages of general-purpose macro processors. 15. What is meant by general-purpose macro processors? 16. What are the important factors considered while designing a general purpose macroprocessors? 17. What is the symbol used to generate unique labels? 18. How the nested macro calls are executed? 19. Mention the tasks involved in macro expansion. 20. How to design the pass structure of a macro assembler? Part B 1. What are the machine independent features of macro processor? Explain the following (i) Concatenation of Macro Parameters (ii) Generation of unique labels (iii) Conditional Macro Expansion (16) 2. Explain in detail with examples (a) MASM macro expansion (b) ANSI C Macro Language (16) 3. Explain in detail the Macro Processor algorithm and data structures (16) 4. Explain in brief about (i) Macro definition (ii) Macro Expansion (iii) Nested Macro Definition (iv)Macro processor within language translator (16) 5. Explain in detail about the macro processor design options (16)

UNIT V (TEXT EDITORS) Part A 1.Define interactive editor? 2. What are the tasks performed in the editing process? 3. What are the three categories of editors devices? 4.What is the function performed in editing phase? 5.Define Locator device? 6.What is the function performed in voice input device? 7.What are called tokens? 8.Name some of typical tokens. 9. What is meant by lexeme? 10.Mention the main disadvantage of interpreter. 11.What is meant by code optimization? 12. What is error handler? 13.Name some of text editors. 14.What for debug monitors are used? 15.Mention the features of word processors. 16.What are the phases in performing editing process? 17.Define traveling phase. 18.Filtering phase. 19.Editing phase 20.Define user interface? 21.Define input device? 22.Define output devices 23.What are the methods in Interaction language of a text editor? 24. Define interactive debugging systems 25.Define editor structure. 26.Give the components of editor structure 27.What are the basic types of computing environments used in editors functions?

Part B

1. Explain about the editor structure and explain in detail about the following (16) i) Editing process ii) User Interface 2. Discuss in detail about debugging functions and capabilities and Explain in detail about the following i)Debuggers Relationships with other parts of the system ii)Debugger User Interface criteria (16) 3. Explain about various software tools. (16)

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