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a classy restaurant to a busy Gotham sidewalk. Bruce: The chocolate cake was awesome! Martha (laughing): Just keep your promise that youll be able to sleep tonight. Thomas: How about a walk to burn off that feast? Bruce (excited): Yeah lets do it. Martha: Its getting late Thomas. Thomas: Just a quick one. Itll be fine. Gothams prized family takes a harmless stroll taking in the sights. As they turn the street corner, a sidewalk clown show is performing for a small crowd. The clowns face paint resembles a gothic look compared to traditional circus clowns. In fear, Bruce grabs his mothers hand tight, hiding behind his father. Thomas: Whats wrong Bruce? Bruce: Please, can we go another way? Martha: Dont be scared they wont hurt you. One of the clowns comes toward the scared Bruce. The clowns face slightly resembles the Jokers along with a psychotic laugh. Terrified beyond measure, Bruce runs off into a dark alley. Martha runs after him: Bruce stop, comeback! EXT: DARK ALLEY (CONTINUOUS) Martha finally catches up to her teary eyed son. Martha: Its ok the clown is not going to hurt you. Thomas catches up with his family

Thomas: Bruce you cant run away from us like that. You could get hurt. Footsteps begin to emerge from deep in the alley. Thomas: We should go. Thomas begins to escort his family out but is cutoff by a scruffy JOE CHILL and another thug. Chill: No reason to leave. We dont mind company. Thomas turns the other way to see 2 more thugs blocking the other exit. Thug 2: We got ourselves a Thomas Wayne here. Finally decide to see how the other side lives? Thomas: I dont want any trouble fellows. Thug 3: No one ever does. Bruce and Martha let out a violet scream as they are grabbed from behind with guns put to their heads. Thomas: Please! Thomas throws his wallet on the ground. Thomas: Take it all. Please just dont hurt my family. Chill picks up the wallet opening it. Chill: Two hundred dollars. Didnt people tell you not to carry large amounts of cash? You could get robbed. Thug 2: Your wife and son only worth two hundred? Mr. Wayne youve gotten cheap on us. Thomas: What do you want?! Ill do anything! After a moment of pausing, Chill lands a punch knocking Thomas to the ground. Martha and Bruce scream and cry in fear. Chill: How about I do something for you. Ill let you know how it feels to have nothing. To wish for hope thatll never come.

Chill nods his head and the Thug holding a gun to Marthas head pulls the trigger killing her. Thomas: Nooooo Chill: Thats right it hurts to lose everything, but dont worry. You wont feel it long Wayne. Because its your son that will lose it all. Chill shoots Thomas Wayne killing him then walks over to the terrified Bruce. Chill: Its a tough world kid. Good luck. The thugs leave Bruce alone with his dead parents. Bruce senses someone else is present. He looks into the shadows and sees a large dark figure emerges into the light BATMAN. The fear and terror climaxes in Bruces eyes. Batman grabs Bruce around the throat lifting him off the ground. Bruce struggles to breath. Batmans menacing voices echoes in the alley Batman: All this is because you were afraid. INT: DUNGEON CELL Adult Bruce EXPLODES from the nightmare as if taking his first breath. Bruce SCREAMS in PAIN and AGONY. The mysterious dark room is dimly lit by rows of candles along the walls. A pair of hands caresses Bruces head. The person begins to say a prayer, in a Middle Eastern dialect, that slowly calms Bruce into a silent state. EXT: INDIA COUNTRYSIDE-DAY An electric passenger train speeds down the tracks amongst the beautiful Indian landscape.

INT: FIRST CLASS PASSENGER CAR Attendants care for guests with various snacks and entertainment while security personnel check passenger tickets.

At a booth sits a middle-aged, Indian business man MALIK wearing a grey suit sipping on a drink. A security guard walks up. Security guard: Ticket please. Malik takes his attention from the newspaper. Malik: Certainly Malik hands his ticket to the security guard who quickly scans and hands it back. Security guard: Enjoy your trip Mr. Malik. Malik pulls out a pocket watch noticing it is five minutes past the hour. His jaw tightens has he tosses the watch on the table in disgust. Across the aisle a voice speaks to Malik Cobblepot: It would pay you well to recognize my interest fall far from your instrument of time and closer to your instrument of satisfaction. Malik turns to see a man, wearing a black suit, reading a newspaper. The man lowers the paper revealing him to be OSWALD COBBLEPOT. Malik: I presume you are the one they call the Penguin? Cobblepot pulls a cigar from his jacket lighting it. Cobblepot gestures to the seat across from him. Cobblepot: Sit Malik follows Cobblepots request. Cobblepot: I can go by many names. Cobblepot will do. Malik: So Mr. Cobblepot, what brings you to India? Cobblepot: The question is not what Im after but what you brought. Maliks face remains at uncertainty Cobblepot: Was your mining successful?

Malik smiles: The mysterious backer reveals himself. I have to admit Mr. Cobblepot I made many assumptions but never considered you. Cobblepot: Anonymity is a powerful tool in this line of work. Malik: Very true. Did you bring payment? Cobblepot: Hes here but first I want to see what you found. Malik: Bring him here. Cobblepot gets a smirk on his face: Ok Cobblepot signals to one of the security guards. The guard acknowledges. Security guard: Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention. Will you please rise from your seats and make your way to the dining cart for exclusive refreshments and entertainment. Malik, impressed, watches the passengers slowly make their way out of the car. Malik: Impressive, I see you live up to your reputation. A door opens and three armed henchmen enter escorting a large muscular man, 6ft 6inches 300 lbs, wearing a hooded jacket covering his face, wrist bound behind his body. Malik: You managed to capture the beast. Cobblepot: Now did you find anything in those mountains? Malik: Before we continue do you understand the nature of what you asked of me? Cobblepot: I asked you do something for me and in return I did something for you. Nothing else needs to be discussed. Malik: GX7 carries a very mystical story Mr. Cobblepot. Ancients claim that it was not merely found but given as a gift by the gods. Cobblepot: Im not interested in stories that come from cave paintings.

Malik nervously restless: We searched day and night but it simply was not there. Cobblepot: Are you trying to say after I funded one of the largest mining expeditions in three decades giving you the best equipment available that you didnt find any trace of it? Malik: This is not a simple rock you can dig from the ground. It has abilities far beyond what man can comprehend. The anger in Cobblepots eyes fall from a climax to a calmer expression. Cobblepot: Tell me Mr. Malik why did you want this man captured? Cobblepot gestures toward the prisoner. Malik eyes show a hint of fear. Malik: He has terrorized my country for years. Destroyed nearly everything my family worked so hard to build. The blood of my family stains his hands. Cobblepot smiles knocking the ash from his cigar. Cobblepot: Interesting, he told me of the genocide you committed on Santa Prisca villages. He told me your family bleeds of corruption and preys on the weak. Youre a man blinded by your own desire for world domination, but what I realized is that were a lot alike. As Cobblepot finishes the last syllable the prisoners hood is removed revealing the man to be BANE. Bane easily pulls his bound hands apart. Maliks eyes poor of fear. Cobblepot: Im gonna ask you one more time. Where is GX7?! CUT TO: From under the table Malik casually presses a button on his watch. INT: STORAGE CAR (CONTINUOUS)

An armed man notices the signal beeping on his com. The armed man turns toward a dozen more armed men giving the signal to proceed. INT: FIRST CLASS CAR (CONTINUOUS) Malik: You cannot intimidate me with your tactics. The door blasts open with gun fire. Cobblepot ducks behind another seat. Bane pulls two hand guns from his back pockets firing on the men while the henchmen do the same. The car has now turned into a warzone as gun fire peppers the windows, seats, and walls. CUT TO: Malik attempts to make an escape out of the car but is met by two more henchmen who knock him to the ground. CUT TO: Bane charges through Maliks men. With a series of punches and overpowering moves the dozen men all meet their deaths. CUT TO: Cobblepot picks the bleeding Malik up from the floor slamming him against the wall. Malik: This train is filled with my men. There is no escape. A large explosion shakes the train nearly derailing it. Cobblepot: This train has one less car now. You may have your men but Ive got C4 synchronized to blow every sixty seconds. Either you tell me what youve done with GX7 or you die. Malik: Ive told you it cannot be found. I do not fear death. Ive made my peace, have you?


Sirens and alarms flash as engineers brace from the explosions impact. INT: FIRST CLASS CAR (CONTINUOUS) Cobblepot: Two cars left. Malik: Are you willing to die with me? Cobblepot: Who said anything about me dying? EXT: TRAIN (CONTINOUS) A helicopter begins to make an approach toward the first class car. The next train car explodes. INT: FIRST CLASS CAR (CONTINUOUS) Bane tosses an M4 explosive onto the ceiling blowing an opening. EXT: TRAIN (CONTINUOUS) The helicopter centers over the opening dropping down a latter. INT: FIRST CLASS CAR (CONTINUOUS) The latter falls to the floor, Bane and the henchmen climb on. Cobblepot: Last chance Malik: You will never know what it is to have true power. Cobblepot: Suit yourself. He drops the beaten Malik to the floor. Cobblepot walks to the latter attaching himself to it and begins to be retracted up toward the chopper. EXT: HELICOPTER (CONTINUOUS) Cobblepot is assisted into the chopper by his henchmen as the next train car goes up in flames. INT: HELICOPTER (CONTINUOUS) Cobblepot straps himself in putting on his headset. Pilot: Where to sir?

Cobblepot: Airport INT: FIRST CLASS CAR (CONTINOUS) Malik lies on the floor realizing his final moment is near. EXT: TRAIN (CONTINUOUS) The burning train approaches a bridge. The first class car explodes causing the train to derail off the bridge falling into the canyon. INT: DUNGEON CELL Bruce quietly opens his eyes. After a moment of gathering his thoughts he notices the stone walls surrounding him. The once dimly lit room is now filled with sunlight. He sits up on the beds edge and takes notice to the strange black rob that he is wearing. Cautiously he stands and begins exploring the room. At first staggering with short steps as if he had not walked in long time. Then he hears voices outside. He quickly goes to the window looking out to see dozens of men wearing black ninja suits scurrying in a court yard. Bruce notices a large wooden door near where he was laying. He pulls on the heavy door opening it. The door leads to a stone wall hallway. INT: HALLWAY (CONTINUOUS) Cautiously, Bruce makes his way down the hall while noticing antique art and furniture lining the walls. At the halls end another wooden door awaits. Reluctantly Bruce pulls on the heavy door opening it. The door opens to thrown room. INT: THROWN ROOM (CONTINUOUS) Sitting on the thrown is a Middle Eastern man, RAS AL GHUL, with black facial hair on his chin riding up his jaw line to his black sideburns. Bruce notices the mans semi muscular build and black cloak.

Al Ghul: The Dark Knight lives. Wayne: Who are you? Ras stands from the thrown making his way toward Bruce. Several men wearing ninja suits enter the room behind Bruce. Bruce takes a combat position unaware of their intentions. Al Ghul: My name is Ras Al Ghul. There is no need to for that. No harm will come to you. Bruce lowers is combat position. Wayne: Where am I? Al Ghul: In the company of men sharing your passions hidden amongst the Lhotse Mountains. You are very much safe from the outside world. Wayne: How did I get here? Al Ghul: What is your last memory? Bruce searches his thoughts for a moment. Wayne: The airport, Lawton, Alfred. What happen to them? Al Ghul: Your butler and the hostages were unharmed. Lawton died with you in the airstrike. Your mind and body will be sluggish for now. Youve been asleep for several weeks. Wayne: Ive been dead? Ras gets closer to Bruce putting his hand on his shoulder. Al Ghul: Walk with me, much has changed. EXT: CASTLE COURTYARD (CONTINUOUS) Ras and Bruce walk out into the open courtyard. The environment is filled with blacksmiths creating weapons and ninjas participating in simulated combat drills. Al Ghul: I lead a secret society known has the League of Shadows. We have existed for hundreds of years with the singular goal of maintaining balance in the world, preventing large empires from gaining too much power and small empires from

extinction. Gotham nearly fell into that trap before you came along. Wayne: You mean Batman? Al Ghul: We watched from a far while Batman cleaned up Gothams streets. You made peace a reality once again as your father once did. After your death we brought you here. Wayne: Why here? The two men begin to make their way up stone steps near the castle wall. Al Ghul: These Mountains hold a power unknown to modern society. Some people refer to it as the fountain of youth others the Holy Grail. Its true identity is Lazarus Pit. It has the ability to resurrect the dead bringing them back into this world. Wayne: You used this on me? They reach the top of the Castles wall gazing upon a large temple in the distance. Al Ghul: Once I too relied on its abilities. Bringing you back is imperative to Gothams future. As the empire of Oswald Cobblepot grows his threat to Gotham does so equally. Wayne: Cobblepot? What threat does he pose that no else has? Al Ghul: Unlike your previous enemies Cobblepot has control of Gothams greatest economic resource--your company. Wayne: He bankrupted my company. Cobblepots name went down with mine after Wayne Enterprise crashed. Al Ghul: Mr. Wayne I believe there is something you should see. INT: CASTLE CORRIDOR (CONTINUOUS) Ras leads Bruce toward a side door. He manipulates a control panel and the door slides open to a highly sophisticated control room filled with computers and monitors. INT: CONTROL ROOM (CONTINUOUS)

Bruce studies the room in amazement to its unexpected military surveillance equipment. Wayne: I thought we were away from the outside world. Al Ghul: It is separated from us but we are not separated from it. Ras manipulates a console bringing up stock charts and various media outlets displaying Cobblepots success. Wayne inspects the charts and notices a glaring change. Wayne: Oswald Enterprise? He changed the name and stocks tripled. Ras manipulated another control panel turning up the volume. TV Anchor: Oswald Enterprise, formally Wayne Enterprise, has sky rocketed to new heights since being taken over by Oswald Cobblepot. Recent military contracts and developments in an energy conservation package have increased Cobblepots political power making him a leading candidate as the future Mayor of Gotham City. It is only a matter of time before we see this new economic giant take his place amongst the worlds most influential people. Ras manipulates the control stopping the telecast. Al Ghul: We have already infiltrated Cobblepots infrastructure. Not only is he taking over Gothams economic and political stage, he has Gothams underworld at his control. Wayne: How bad is it? Al Ghul: Many of the major mob dealers have folded to his demands. He is wearing the police force thin which will soon cave without our help. Wayne: You plan on leading your army to Gotham. What do you want from me? Al Ghul: Fight with us and take Gotham back.

Wayne: Im not interested in joining a team of mercenaries. If I agree you will walk with me following my lead. A room full of body bags wont change anything. Al Ghul: Understood EXT: GOTHAM CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT-DAY INT: CONFERENC ROOM COMISSIONER JIM GORDON, CAPTAIN MAGGIE SAWYER, INSPECTOR JASON BARD, LIEUTENANT JERRY HENNELLY, MAYOR GRANGE, and Cobblepot sit at a large meeting table. The men appear stressed with reports and area maps filling the table and bulletin boards on the walls. Sawyer: Latest reports indicate significant increases in assault, battery, robbery, trafficking, drug trade Sawyer tosses the report amongst the ocean of white on the table. Sawyer (continued) You name it we go it. Grange: How much is significant? Sawyer: seventy two percent The air is let out of the room as everyone sighs and slumps in their seat. Grange: Inspector Bard? Bard: Homicide division is in the same boat. We close one case five more open up. Grange: Gordon, I thought getting the likes of the Joker and Dr. Crane off the street was going make our lives easier. Gordon: I thought it would too but we did not account for what would happen if Batman left with them. Grange: So we have to clean up his mess with a patched together police force? Gordon: We knew this day would come but its not an easy transition. Were currently working to provide Lieutenant Hennelly with the best men we can find, but its been difficult.

Grange: Lieutenant? Hennelly: My men are green and dropping like flies. These arent amateurs out there. They use coordinated military precision that my men are no match for. Grange: Do we have any idea who were dealing with or what they want? Gordon: At this time its unclear. Their targets range from Gotham Bank to school buses at Gotham Elementary. But we do have one commonality with the attacks. Gordon tosses a photo of Bane on the table. Gordon: They call him Bane. He seems to be coordinating the attacks leading us to believe hes the brains behind it. Grange picks up the photo getting a better look. Bard: The name Penguin is being tossed around but we cant even get a picture of the guy. Right now its just speculation. Cobblepot laughs: We had a bat and now a penguin. Where do we get these guys? Grange passes Banes photo to Cobblepot. Grange: Another man wearing a mask that hunts at night. Any idea who he is? Hennelly: No clue. We cant get close enough for an ID. The body type alone doesnt match the description of anyone from Arkham or Blackgate. He is extraordinarily strong with elite combat skills. Cobblepot: Former military? Hennelly: I dont think so or atleast not ours. Ive lost a lot of good men because of this guy. Grange: Prints? Sawyer: Nothing, these guys know what theyre doing. Grange pauses for a moment turning to Cobblepot.

Grange: Mr. Cobblepot do you think any of your military resources can lend assistance? Cobblepot: I believe so. If what you say is true about this Bane I know of a regiment looking for work. They can be rough around the edges but theyll get results. Gordon: Im not brining a truck full of mercenaries to Gotham. Cobblepot: Not mercenaries Commissioner just good soldiers. Grange: At this point Commissioner well take whatever we can get. Everyone stands from the table and exits the conference room to the hallway. INT: HALLWAY (CONTINUOUS) Gordon catches up the Grange as they enter the elevator together. INT: ELEVATOR (CONTINUOUS) The doors close leaving the two men alone. Gordon: With all due respect sir I dont feel Mr. Cobblepot is qualified or at liberty to discuss police strategy. He runs a company not the city. Grange: Mr. Cobblepot is an extremely powerful man that provides this city with resources we need. Gordon: Never the less Bruce Wayne was never granted this type of control. Grange: Bruce Wayne was also never a potential candidate as the next Mayor of Gotham. Ive done all I can do for the city and its time for someone else to have this job. Gordon stunned: Youre forfeiting your second term? Grange: Im trying to give Gotham its best opportunity to move onto a better place. This city is dying and Im not gonna be so selfish to think otherwise. Keep this conversation to yourself. Gotham will know soon enough.

A beep signal goes off and the elevator doors open. Grange exits. EXT: SKY-NIGHT A cargo plane flies through a stormy night with heavy rain and thunder cracking all around. INT: CARGO PLANE (CONTINUOUS) Turbulence rattles the planes hull which is filled with League of Shadows members. Just in front of the cargo area Ras and Bruce sit in the communications area. INT: CARGO PLANE COMMUNICATION AREA (CONTINUOUS) A loud crack of thunder rattles the plane. Bruce flinches to the powerful sound. Wayne: I really think Alfred could have picked us up. Ras smiles adjusting the communication frequency. Al Ghul: Do you not trust my plane? Wayne: Well a metal plane in a lightning storm is not what I had in mind. Ive already died once in this life. Al Ghul smiles: You are safe Mr. Wayne. Wayne: Back at the castle, you said you had to use Lazarus Pit before. What happened? Al Ghul: China and Japan were at war over South Africa. Japan was no match for the superior Chinese military and on the brink of losing. The League of Shadows intervened and China retreated. But like all wars there were casualties and I was one of them. Lazarus Pit was the only way that I could return to this world and lead this army. Wayne looks at Ras in disbelief: That war was over 500 years ago. Al Ghul: September 23, 1508 to be exact. Wayne: How have you lived so long?

Al Ghul: Lazarus Pit not only grants rebirth but immortality as well. Wayne: Can you never die? Al Ghul: Not of natural causes but my body is just as frail and weak as before. Mr. Wayne you must also understand after living 500 years death can be a reward. My time on this earth will soon be coming to an end but these men will need a leader. Wayne: What are you saying? Al Ghul: You are more to me than another man sharing a passion for justice. You are my heir. Once we reclaim Gotham you will lead these men. EXT: OSWALD ENTERPRISE-DAY Black SUV pulls up in front of the massive building. The driver exits the car opening the rear door. A young attractive woman SUSAN WADE wearing a business suit exits the car and makes her way up the entrance steps into the front lobby. INT: FRONT LOBBY (CONTINUOUS) Wade walks through the busy lobby carrying a leather briefcase. She has black hair at shoulder length with the skin tone of a middle eastern decent. She makes her way to an elevator and enters. INT: OFFICE FLOOR (CONTINUOUS) Elevator doors open, Wade exits, and walks toward a large set of double doors that have OSWALD COBBLEPOT, CEO plated on them. Wade pushes the door open. INT: COBBLEPOTS OFFICE (CONTINUOUS) Sitting in front of a massive window overlooking Gothams skyline Cobblepot reviews files at a large desk. Wade: I have the schematics you requested. Wade speaks clear English dialect with no accent. Cobblepot does not look up from the file he is reviewing.

Cobblepot: Thank you Susan just sit them on the table. Wade walks over to a side table laying the leather case down. Wade: Please Mr. Cobblepot, call me Sue. Cobblepot stands from his desk and makes his way to the table. Cobblepot: In this profession sue is not a word to be tossed around. So who wants an interview today? Wade pulls an I-pad from her purse scanning over it. Wade: David Wessel, from The Wall Street Journal, wants to do a piece on Oswald Enterprise. Ron Troupe, from The Daily Planet, wants to talk about our new energy conservation package, and Vikki Vale has been calling all day after an interview on your campaign. Cobblepot pulls a tube from the leather case and unrolls the schematic to review. Cobblepot: Wall Street yes, Daily Planet no, and tell Miss. Vale shell get all she needs at the party. Unless she is free for dinner. Wade: Ill pass the message along. I have also taken care of the guest list for the party. Have you decided on a suit? The tailor called several times this morning. Cobblepots eyes do not leave the drawings. Cobblepot: Just go with something simple and black. I dont think Gotham wants their mayor to dress for the prom. Cobblepot rolls the schematics back into the tube. Wade: Understood is there anything else Mr. Cobblepot? Cobblepot smiles stepping closer to Wade rubs her arm. Cobblepot (flirtatious): Feel free to ignore my desire for simple and dress for the occasion. A woman of your beauty should not hide behind simple business attire. Cobblepot walks over to the coat rack donning his coat.

Cobblepot: Other than that will you please contact Dr. Hugo Strange at Arkham. Have him meet me for dinner tonight at eight at the Lounge. Wade: Yes sir. EXT: GOTHAM SHIPPING DOCKS-EVENING The large cargo plane floats a top the Gotham waters. Men work unpacking supplies from the plane into vans inside a warehouse. INT: WAREHOUSE (CONTINUOUS) Bruce arranges several items in a bag then throws it over his shoulder. Ras walks up handing Bruce a high-tech phone. Bruce studies the high tech device he has never seen before. Wayne: Who knew five hundred year old mountain people were so up to date in the communication devices? Ras smiles Keeping up with the times Mr. Wayne. Wayne: We dont even have these in the states. The two begin making their way toward the exit door. Al Ghul: We will update you after we speak to our contacts. Wayne: Simple enough. Ill see what I can dig up. Im sure the return of Batman will cause a little stir. Al Ghul: Are you sure you do not need a ride Mr. Wayne? Bruce opens the door to find Alfred parked out front in white 2012 Maybach Landaulet. A cheesy smirk forms on Bruces face. Bruce: I already have a ride. Ras smiles: Have a good evening Mr. Wayne. Bruce walks toward the beautiful car. Alfred steps out of the car noticing Ras Al Ghul Alfred: Interesting company youve been keeping. Bruce hands Alfred his bag.

Wayne: Are you jealous Alfred? Alfred puts his arms around Bruce embracing him in a hug. A tear slides down Alfreds check. Alfred: I thought I had lost you Bruce. Bruce pulls back giving Alfred a reassuring look. Wayne: Im glad youre safe. Bruce smacks Alfred on the arm. Wayne: Now stop crying. It makes your eye lids wrinkle. Alfred straightens up clearing his throat. Alfred: Allergies Master Bruce. Pollen count is dreadful this time of year. He opens the car door and Bruce enters. Alfred: I shall warn you that in your absence I did take over the master bedroom. Bruce looks up at Alfred, surprised. Wayne: You slept in my bed? The car door closes. EXT: ICEBURG LOUNGE-NIGHT Well dressed upper class citizens, ranging from twenties to more elderly, roam in and out of the Lounges doors. A massive sign out front reads Welcome to the World Famous Iceberg Lounge with ice sickles hanging from the letters. Greeters stand at the entrance doors along with a valet service. INT: ICEBURG LOUNGE (CONTINUOUS) The large open room is filled with ice sculptures of various animals (one of which being a penguin), cars, planes, and people. Guests share cocktails at an ice sculpted bar while others have a meal at ice sculpted tables. Light but energetic music plays in the background. CUT TO:

A middle aged bald man with a beard wearing glasses and a suit DR. HUGO STRANGE enters through the door. He studies the surroundings for a moment and walks toward the cocktail bar taking a seat. The bartender walks up. Bartender: Your drink sir? Strange: Water please. The bartender hands Strange his water. Strange: Thank you Strange takes a sip and continues to look around. A well groomed server walks up next to him. Sever: Dr. Strange, Mr. Cobblepot asks that you join him in his private lounge. Strange: Of course Strange gets to his and follows the server. They make their way through the busy Lounge toward an elevator. The server manipulates the controls, the door opens, and they enter. INT: PRIVATE LOUNGE (CONTINUOUS) The room, quiet and private, is total opposite of the Lounge area. Light classical music plays in the background while Cobblepot sits at a long half moon leather couch watching a large TV. A large penguin ice sculpture sits at the rooms center. At the rooms back the elevator doors open, Strange and the server exit. Cobblepot stands and turns toward them walking over to greet him. Cobblepot: Ah Doctor, so glad you could join me this evening. Strange: I never turn down good food Oswald. Cobblepot gestures toward a table for two with steak dinners awaiting.

Cobblepot: Please sit The two men take their seats. Strange manipulates a butter knife buttering is bread. Strange: How is the campaign shaping up? Cobblepot pours the Doctor and himself a drink. Cobblepot: Very well, Im hosting a dinner party in a few days to butter up Gothams media and everyone with heavy pockets. Hopefully thatll put the nail in the coffin and get people to the polls. You should come. Strange: I dont see a reason why I wouldnt be able to. How is your other campaign coming? Cobblepot: I received the schematics earlier today. Were on schedule to have it completed on time. Cobblepot stands, walks over to a picture on the wall, pulls it back revealing a safe. After manipulating the combination it opens and he pulls out the schematic tubing Wade had delivered. Cobblepot: However I have a new problem. Cobblepot hands Strange the schematics of what resembles a water tank. Strange reviews it for a moment. Strange: And what might that be? Cobblepot: GX7 Stranges face forms a sinister smile Strange: The crown jewel of Lazarus Pit. Cobblepot: Malik searched for three months in the Arabian Mountains and did not find any traces of it. What do you know about it? Strange: Ras Al Ghul controls that part of the world. If Malik did not find GX7 then the stories are true. Cobblepot: What stories?

Strange: GX7s comes from Nanog plants that are indigenous to those mountains only. The actual name GX7 was coined by Ras himself to throw explores, like yourself, off the trail. After Ras used the pit on himself he had every Nanog plant destroyed to prevent anyone else from creating their own Lazarus Pit. Another way the League of Shadows maintains balance in the world I suppose. Cobblepot: Or keeps the power all to itself. So if GX7 is extinct how do I get it? Strange: You would have to get it from Ras himself, his blood. In order not to age the drug would have to be constantly recycling itself in his body. If you were able to get a sample of his blood you could extract it directly. Cobblepot gets an evil smirk on his face. Cobblepot: How convenient. Strange: I dont understand? Cobblepot focuses back on Strange reaching into his jacket. Cobblepot: No need Doctor you have been more than enough help. BANG a gun goes off but the sound muffled from a silencer. Strange grabs his stomach in pain and looks at his blood stained hand. Cobblepot: Its just good business. Strange: What are you doing? You got your company, Lawton got rid of Batman, and you have control. I held up my end of the deal. Strange falls out of his chair to the floor. Cobblepot squats down to Stranges level. Cobblepot: Oh you did Doctor. Consider this tying up loose ends. Cobblepot shoots Strange a second time killing him. Cobblepot stands up placing the gun back into his jacket. Bane enters the room.

Cobblepot: You may dispose of our guest now. Have the boys dump him in the river. Bane picks Stranges body and exits a rear door. EXT: BEHIND ICEBURG LOUNGE (CONTINUOUS) Sitting in the secluded empty area is a van with the back doors open. Two armed men stand outside the van waiting. Bane walks up to the van tossing Stranges body into the back and shuts the doors. Bane: Toss him in the river, and keep it quiet this time. Driver: Yes sir EXT: ADJACENT ROOF TOP (CONTINUOUS) A person dressed in a black ninja outfit stands on the roof top. The face is covered with a scarf except for the eyes which combined with the figure appear to be a woman TALIA AL GHUL. EXT: BEHIND ICEBURG LOUNGE (CONTINUOUS) Bane watches as the van drives off and then looks around for onlookers. After clearing the area he makes his way into an alley beside the Lounge. INT: ALLEY (CONTINUOUS) In the alley Bane meets Talia. Talia: Bruce Wayne and my father have arrived. Bane: Good, the plan is working. INT: WAYNE MANOR HALLWAY Bruce and Alfred walk at a slowed pace. Wayne: Were there a lot of questions? Alfred: Id say so Master Wayne but luckily I was able to defer your absence to the fact you had just lost Wayne Enterprise and needed fresh air. Wayne smiles: That did play in our favor

They enter the library. INT: LIBRARY (CONTINUOUS) Alfred: Not to mention Gotham had just blown up its airport in the largest hostage situation in our history. Bruce walks over to a mammoth book case. One by one he pulls six books slightly from their resting positions on the shelf. After a moments pause the six books in unison pop back into place and the book case slides open revealing an old mining elevator. Wayne: Bigger than the one Dent and Nigma pulled down in the subway station? The two men enter the elevator. INT: MINING ELEVATOR Alfred: Much bigger. Elevator doors close. INT: DARKNESS The elevator door opens. Light from the shaft dimly shines providing minimal visibility. Bruce manipulates a control panel and the darkness lights up revealing a massive cave THE BAT CAVE. Wayne: Surprised you didnt rearrange the place. Alfred: Ive never shared your fondness of bats and dark places. Wayne: If youd try untucking your shirt every once in awhile you might enjoy it. They pass through a stone walk way into the open cave. INT: BATCAVE The two walk up a set of stairs onto a platform walkway. The walkway leads to a central hub where a large computer console sits.

Alfred: I presume in time youll share with me who your friend at the dock is and how you managed to rise from the dead to return to Gotham. Bruce sits at the computer manipulating the console. The screen flashes. CUT TO: TUMBLER platform lights up with fog lights. CUT TO: BATPOD platform lights up. CUT TO: Bruce manipulates the console again. Wayne: His name is Ras Al Ghul. Alfred: I guess a little diversity never hurt anyone. Computer screen continues to shift from satellite images and maps. Wayne: Hes the head of a secret organization the League of Shadows. Theyve somehow been working behind the scenes keeping the world in check and Gotham is their new interest. Alfred: Are you sure theyre not a terrorist organization? Bruce manipulates the console no matches found flash on the screen. Wayne: Im not sure but whatever they are theyve managed to keep themselves a secret. Right now theyre my ticket back to Gotham. Their insight in Cobblepots camp can atleast slow him down while I figure out what to do. Alfred: Im still waiting for the explanation that brought you back from the dead. Wayne: Lazarus Pit, another one of the Leagues mysterious ways.

Alfred: A secret organization of witch doctors in Gotham. As if we didnt need any more of the inspired. Bruce manipulates the consol and a GPS location of Gotham flashes on screen with a signal location. Wayne: He may be inspired but I can watch him. Bruce holds up the high tech phone given to him by Ras. Wayne: Only one other man in Gotham has this phone making him stick out like a sore thumb. Im not sold a five hundred year old man is ready to seize control if he wasnt planning a war.

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