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Monthly Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club.

Vol. 3 Issue No 09


The Blue Moon on 31st August, 2012


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

]. Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 1pm onwards. We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking. PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained are invited to share them with us all. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: randhgilroy44@bigpond.com [or catch our website on rexgilroy.com or mysteriousaustralia.com]. A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.


Pre-meeting gathering in the house for refreshments and UFO chit-chat. If the weather is warm enough we may hold a round table UFO discussion in the backyard, otherwise this will take place in the Rex Cinema. Any latest sightings report and other UFO-related news from members. Report on the Gilroys new UFO book about to go to the printers and also our two new books on the Yowie now in preparation. Report on the Gilroys recent Barraba district investigation. Report on current military helicopter activities over the Burragorang-Grose Valleys and military manoeuvres around the underground space-base entrance and associated UFO sightings. DVD presentation on UFO subject. Break for tea and cakes and more UFO chit-chat. Return to the cinema for more DVD UFO documentaries. Other surprises. If the weather behaves itself there will be a Skywatch on the nearby Narrow Neck Plateau at the usual location once it gets dark. [Dont forget - warm clothing is a necessity [the weather lately has been very COLD at night] and bring a torch and binoculars. If any members have ideas for other likely Skywatch locations for our Club we would like to hear about them. Also if any member has material or an article to place in either Mysterious Australia or The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club newsletters please feel free to forward it to us by the second Saturday of the month.

To assist with the costs involved in producing the newsletters a gold coin donation is requested.
If any members have ideas for other likely Skywatch locations for our Club we would like to hear about them.

R e x a n d H e a t h e r G i lr o y , A u s t r a li a s t o p U F O a n d U n e x p l a i n e d M y s t e r i e s R e s e ar c h t e am . P h o t o c o p y r i g h t R e x G i lr o y 2 0 1 2 .

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.


Rex Gilroy,

ome months ago while I was investigating the summit of a steep, sloping gully, that drops down through dense gum forest and brushy scrub into a deep gully, which leads into the western end of the Grose Valley, I was surprised by a young man who suddenly appeared on the summit, having just climbed up from the gully. In the course of a discussion he claimed to be a hiker, yet he was not quipped for the dense scrub he had just emerged from, and his clothes looked too good to risk getting damaged by the shrubbery and rocks. It appeared to me that he had not come far. He was, he said, hiking back to Blackheath township. However, one thing struck me as strange during our conversation. I got talking about local history which led to World War 2 underground bases established on the Blue Mountains just prior to the war for communication purposes by the military in the event of a Japanese invasion. Talk turned to present-day underground complexes in the USA to house people in the event of a nuclear war. At this the young man spoke of even larger complexes, such as one in Sweden. When I said there is talk of a vast jointly-controlled Australian-American military backed complex on the Blue Mountains he excused himself and was off as fast as he could walk up the mountainside track that I had hiked down to reach the flat area I was standing on. The incident was strange indeed; the clothes which he had taken care not to get damaged or dirtied and he carried only a small bag containing a couple of small water bottles. It seemed to me that, rather than having hiked into the gully he was hiking OUT of it headed for the town. It seemed reasonable to be to assume that he had not long before our meeting, left a section of the vast underground complex via a camouflaged entrance, located somewhere down in that gully. ***** Over recent months I have stumbled upon old saucer nests in the scrubland above that gully showing that UFO activity hereabouts has been going on for at least over 50 years. UFOs have been observed day and night since the 1950s to emerge from or descend into a particular area of the western wilderness leading into the Grose Valley. And, as this article is being written, Australian Army helicopters have been very active for the past three weeks or so, over the region of the hidden entrances of the Burragorang and also Grose Valley underground complex entrances. Obviously something mysterious is going on involving the Underground Advanced Space Travel Technology Base areas. Recently hikers on a high point outside Mt Victoria looking east over the gullies leading into the Grose Valley observed a military helicopter descend and vanish into the wilderness, without a sound. It apparently did not reappear. Military helicopters have been seen hovering over the Grose Valley/Blackheath/Mt Victoria areas with no explanation coming from the authorities. I have photographed a number of these helicopters, which continue their activities over the above areas. ***** On Friday 14th September, together with Dave Thomas I returned to the summit above the gully where I had met the young hiker who seemed quite knowledgeable on the subject of underground bases. While Dave remained on the clifftop I did some exploring and ended up climbing beneath the 4-metre or so cliff to find that there was the vague outline of a track leading down the west slope of the summit towards a forested creek. Whether an animal or human track it was hard to say but through the foliage immediately down the northern slope I could see that access into the main part of the gully was comparatively easy. The east side of the summit presented a somewhat difficult descent and I now believe the young hiker [for whatever purpose he was let out of the Base hidden entrance down there somewhere] must have climbed the north slope then branched off to work his way around to the east side of the summit, thus giving himself the easier climb. I would have descended this slope but time was running out and as Dave and I had a long hard climb up the mountainside as well as a long walk from the top back to his vehicle I gave up for now. The gully for now, still keeps its secret. -03

Copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

The track leading down onto the summit of cliffs that overlook the gully on three sides. The north end of the gully lies far beyond, amid the mountains on the horizon. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

Dave taking the GPS co-ordinates on the area. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy2012.

Here I am about to descend below the small cliffs of the gully summit to check for ways into the gully depths. The return climb to re-join Dave and our climb back up the mountainside exhausted me! Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

The view from the summit reveals a maze of gullies and dense scrub. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

A view of the northern side of the summit cliffs. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

The gully depths cannot be seen entirely from where we stood. We could have been looking at a Base entrance and not known it. How easy it would be for the Australian-American Base operators to camouflage their presence in this wilderness! Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

As we stood on the clifftop a helicopter appeared and continued to hang around as we commenced climbing back up the track. This photo was taken just before it moved on elsewhere. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2012.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

In August NASA successfully landed the Mars Rover Curiosity on Mars and the first images are beginning to come through with some interesting visitors.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

John Lodge, Kensington, Sydney.
Copyright John Lodge. 20/8/2012.

ccasionally at UFO Society meetings Im asked if I have ever had an experience of alien abduction or flying saucer sightings. I used to be reticent but since I have not concrete proof my reminiscences are merely anecdotes. Occasionally I do talk of my experiences mainly to friends or interested parties but by and large I dont shout it from the roof tops. Without corroborative evidence or witnesses they will always remain anecdotes. That being said I am here to tell you YES! Ive seen aliens, close up in broad daylight and felt their touch. They are not monsters. They in actual fact people, though evolution on home worlds have taken a slightly different turn. No point in being altruistic. They are not all nice, just as humans are not all nice. Neither are they super intelligent merely more technologically adept and better educated. Most who visit earth are of the humanoid variety [but not all] a lot from our local neighbourhood group of Star Systems. Contact experience is not what you think. Its not exciting, it can actually in some instances be quite mundane [its not mystical or supernatural] Conversations are not always enlightening. They are more interested in what you have to say than giving any scientific information or revealing biological or sociological details about themselves or their home planets. There is not one species but many and each with a different evolutionary history. The truth is Im out to debunk the classic alien scenario of either grossly ugly nasty entities or benign eco-conscious benefactors intent on saving humans from themselves. Quite simply they come here for a variety of reasons for themselves not your benefit. Some aliens are telepaths others vocalise. The experience is quite ordinary. Unusual is not quite the word. You have to understand that intelligence [self-awareness] is universal and evolves anywhere under the strangest of conditions. The same laws of physics we abide by are also universal. Environments give rise to different social quotients, behaviours and thinking, relative technologies. Some aliens project serious intense personalities others can be quite humorous. They express varying degrees of emotion and mental states [not robotic cybermen] culture and motivations. Not much different to you. They eat, sleep defecate and reproduce in different ways including I.V.F. and genetic engineering a lot but not all are based on the carbon atoms as we are. As long as an atom has the necessary complexity somewhere in the universe a species will evolve under the right conditions. Life forms on this planet are derived from Eukaryotes and pro-karyotes. Its a true saying What is it? animal, vegetable or mineral. [some are based on silicon]. We ourselves are electron chemical in origin with a high percentage of water. Nature can and does experiment. What Im saying is simply as intelligence is universal only the packaging changes. Aliens are not malevolent but neither are scouts. You wouldnt walk through Kings Cross at Pub closing time on a Saturday night if a bunch of gun toting junkie bikies were in town for the night. Just as in your normal existence you meet people that you can get along with its a case of good, bad, indifferent. However, enough of the preaching. I have been asked if Ive had any experiences in Australia. To be truthful, yes. But unless I remember something Ive forgotten, its not on the same scale or frequency to that which I had in the UK over 23 years. Yes! Ill claim to have been aboard flying saucers [a genetic term for interstellar spaceships of any design]. Ive walked through walls and gone time travelling. Ive also visited one home world. Not all the details are important, nothing you havent read in the literature before. What do I know of aliens and flying saucers? The UFO is powered by electro-gravities. The principles of which were known to the British since 1925. However, experiments in back engineering of part recovered alien vehicles in other countries havent been as successful as conspiracy theorists imagine. The problems have been adequate electrical power source - a lift to weight ratios and materials problem. Billy Meyer who claims to have been an employee of Area 51 and built one on his own initiative only got as high as tree top level and flew only two or three miles [Kitty Hawk level]. Electro-gravities use something like a Tesla coil to achieve lift and a magnatom to create thrust with microwaves. Billys machine was apt to get hot, so shielding is important [otherwise a pilot can be burned] as well as cooling mechanism to keep the machine flying. So you may take advantage of spatial properties similar to hyperspace and the time dilation. This allows you to take the shortest distance between two points. All

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

atoms in the Universe are connected to each other. You can transmit ground states and communicate. UFOs dont use radio waves to communicate. Vast distances require quantum principles to speak in real time. Star systems have local time. Each star is a mass which distorts space, distort space and you distort time. In recent years a series of time slips occurred in Bold Street, UK [Liverpool]. If they were not alien inspired then its a natural phenomena. Entering a quantum tunnel you cross an event horizon. You cant see in but you can see out of the tunnel, as you return. The tunnel is a dimly lit glow mainly dark. You dont need a space suit, as the air is breathable but has an indescribable smell. These tunnels dont need to be opened with any vast amount of energy. Spatial co-ordinates are set beforehand using a remote control. Its possible to arrive 5 minutes before you leave. The physics allows violation of causality. However, if you are thinking of changing history, dont bother. The grandfather paradox doesnt work - the effects cancel each other out. Create a loop in time you only displace energy, alter the shape of the Universe and open a temporary reality that doesnt alter history. It creates ripples in time like a pressure wave and only has significance in the time zone of the traveller. Time is elastic and pliable; you can displace it like a ship displaces water but doesnt change the ocean [analogy]. These experiences are the technological highlight of my encounters some forty odd years ago. Lastly and most important, I cannot prove any of what is contained in this article. Witnesses are either all deceased or live in other parts of the world. I have no physical evidence. So therefore do not ask anyone to believe me and to question everything theyve ever heard about UFOs and alien encounters. These are mainly my anecdotes you may or may not find interesting. In the end all I am saying is keep watching the skies. We are not alone and Govts. Know this. John Lodge, 20/8/2012. Kensington, NSW.

NB. These reports are presented for your perusal and enjoyment and whilst all care is taken with their presentation no responsibility for their authenticity is taken by the editor. Please exercise your own judgement.



August 25, 2012 By Michael E Salla, Ph.D. Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Modern People magazine published what they claim to be Buzz Aldrins photographs of two UFOs watching Apollo 11 on the moon in their June 1975 issue. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon died today from heart failure. For many, Armstrong is the all-American hero who performed the seemingly impossible. He fulfilled President Kennedys vision of putting a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Armstrongs walk on the moon was televised and witnessed by hundreds of millions around the planet. For many it was an unforgettable experience and sparked hopes of a bright future for human space travel. What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened. According to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just see the barren

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

landscape televised to millions, but something much more significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions. According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks. During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception. What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret (1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASAs Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes. Mission Control: Whats there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.

These babies are huge, sir enormous.Oh, God, you wouldnt believe it! Im telling you there are other space craft out there lined up on the far Apollo 11: side of the crater edge theyre on the moon watching us. (Above Top Secret, p. 384.) The HAM operators radio intercept was widely dismissed by the media, but in 1975 it received unexpected support. Maurice Chatelain, is a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions. In his 1975 book, Our Cosmic Ancestors, he wrote: [O]nly moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead. Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them. Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People magazine. (p. 25) Later, in 1979, Chatelain said that Armstrongs sighting of two UFOs over a lunar crater was being deliberately kept from the media and public by NASA: The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now. Even more remarkably, Chatelain claimed that: all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence. Was the missing two minutes of radio silence during the Apollo 11 moon landing an attempt by NASA to cover up what Armstrong really saw on the moon? Were UFO sightings a common occurrence during Apollo missions? According to Buzz Aldrin in a number of press interviews, Apollo 11 was indeed watched by a UFO during its journey to the moon. Aldrin describes how the Apollo 11 astronauts avoiding mentioning the word UFO in reporting what they were witnessing, and instead asked Houston about the location of the Saturn V launch rocket. Aldrins admission that Apollo 11 was being shadowed by a UFO does give credence to belief that UFOs did witness the moon

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

landing, and Armstrong had reported this to NASA in a radio communication that resulted in the missing two minutes of radio silence. Aldrins admission also supports Chatelains claim that one or more extraterrestrial vehicles watched the Apollo 11 moon landing as Chatelain claimed in his book.

Is there any other source supporting the controversial claims that Neil Armstrong had witnessed two huge extraterrestrial vehicles over a lunar crater watching the Apollo 11 moon landing? According to Timothy Good, Dr Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University at the time: Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never head by the public because NASA censored it. (Above Top Secret, p. 384) So why did NASA eventually terminate the Apollo missions if extraterrestrial visitors were there and watching the Earth? The answer according to Armstrong, as relayed by an unnamed Professor at a NASA symposium is as follows: Professor: What really happened out there with Apollo 11? Armstrong: It was incredible of course, we had always known there was a possibility the fact is, we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city. Professor: How do you mean warned off? Armstrong: I cant go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology Boy, where they big! and menacing . No, there is no question of a space station. Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11? Armstrong: Naturally NASA was committed at that time, and couldnt risk a panic on earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. (Above Top Secret, p. 186) So whats the truth? Did Neil Armstrong really see extraterrestrial vehicles on the moon, who eventually warned NASA not to return? With Armstrongs death we will perhaps never have his personal version of what really happened on that July day in 1969. Perhaps NASA will one day release an official version of what really happened, or have they already done so through a fictional movie admission by Buzz Aldrin? In the movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Buzz Aldrin comes forward to reveal a version of the truth about what he and Armstrong saw on the moon. In the movie he says on a secret black operations radio line to NASA, during public radio silence, while on the moon:

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

Buzz Aldrin: You cannot believe what were seeing Black Ops NASA Technician: We are not alone after all, are we? Buzz Aldrin: No, sir. Were not alone.
If the above events are true, it must have been very difficult for Armstrong to keep official silence about what he really saw on the moon for over four decades. Perhaps that explains his reclusive nature after the lunar missions, and public reticence in describing his personal experiences on the moon. If so, he remained true to his word and kept silence despite any personal reservations to the contrary. Neil Armstrong was an American Patriot to the end.


Published August 27, 2012 | By drgreer

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend [31st August, 2012] at age 82. Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes- and no. Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts- and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module, that landed on the moon in July of 1969. The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon- but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day. By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon. This has been confirmed by more than one DisclosureProject.org witness. So by the time we landed the military and intelligence community- and a small compartment of operatives at NASA- knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there. To prepare for this possibility, there was a time delay from the Lunar Module via an NSA (National Security Agency) uplink and other, alternative film footage was prepared to be shown in the event of something really unusual happening. Well it happened. Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event- but it has never been made public. One close family member of Buzz Aldrin told me It is not my place to out Buzz on this- someday if he can speak about it, he will Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing, and rarely spoke of the historic event. His friends and family have told me that this is because he was a man of such integrity that he simply did not want to be put in a position to lie to the public about such a momentous encounter. How tragic that our heroes have been placed in this untenable situation! When we were organizing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, I asked one of Neil Armstrongs friends if Armstrong would come to Washington to brief members of Congress at the 1997 Congressional briefing we organized in April of that year. I was told that Armstrong wished he could but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, that Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly. I found this to be unbelievable at the time, but since then have found that such threats and bullying by the over-reaching national security state is routine. A very senior scientist at the Naval Research Labs in

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

Washington DC recently told me and the Disclosure Project team that if he spoke about some of the information he knew; that he, his wife, his children and grandchildren would all be killed. This is no joke and not a conspiracy theory. This is the way the highly secretive and fascist bosses in the deep black national security state operate. They make the Mafia look like choir boys. In the meanwhile, we continue to applaud those courageous men and women who come forward, speak the truth and move Disclosure forward. The world deserves to know that we are not alone, that intelligent life exists in the universe beyond earth and that we have amazing new sciences and technologies that urgently need to be disclosed. This knowledge will give us a new civilization on earth, without poverty or pollution- and with justice for all. The upcoming film Sirius will advance this cause- and it must. Please help us in this endeavor- go to Sirius.Neverendinglight.com and join the thousands who are supporting the next big step in Disclosure, Peaceful Contact and New Energy. NASA claims that all photos, all voice transcripts, all debriefings are in the public domain and are available to the news media. ...


Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin Apollo 11 July 1969

Supposedly two UFO's hovered overhead as Armstrong prepared to step down the ladder of the LEM at the Sea of Tranquillity. Aldrin is reported to have taken several pictures of them. Modern People magazine published what they claim to be some of these photographs in their June 1975 issue. They claim to have gotten the pictures from a Japanese source. During the broadcast of this historic event on the Canadian network coverage, they were discussing at some point a light which kept appearing while the astronauts were actually on the surface. Then it just seemed to be dropped. One explanation for the halo's seen around or near some of the Apollo astronauts was that it was gases being vented from their backpacks. Timothy Good writes that HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals directly picked up the following message which was screened by NASA from the public. Mission Control: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11. Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir ... enormous....Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other space craft out there... lined up on the far side of the crater edge... they're on the moon watching us.
Timothy Good uses "SAGA UFO SPECIAL #3" as a source for this quote. From the book "Celestial Raise" by Richard Watson, ASSK, 1987, page 147-148;

"During the transmission of the Moon landing of Armstrong and Aldrin, who journeyed to the Moon in an American spaceship, two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. NASA insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the reception. This unexpected problem surprised even the most qualified of viewers who were unable to explain how in such a costly project, one of the most essential elements could break down... Sometime after the historic Moon landing, Christopher Craft, director of the base in Houston, made some surprising comments when he left NASA. Author Sam Pepper (otherwise unidentified and he has since vanished) gave this version of "the top secret tape transcript" from "a leak close to the top", as follows: Moon: Those are giant things. No, no, no - this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this! Houston: What ... what ... what? What the h--- is happening? What's wrong with you? Moon: They're here under the surface. Houston: What's there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling 'Apollo 11' Moon: We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments Houston: Repeat your last information! Moon: I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the crater! Houston: Repeat, repeat! Moon: Let us sound this orbita ... in 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? G--, if these d--ned cameras have picked up anything - what then ? Houston: Have you picked up anything?

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

Moon: I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film. Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over? Moon: They've landed here. There they are and they're watching us Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors - have you set them up? Moon: Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out. When the "Pepper Transcripts" first became public, UFO buffs wrote to their congressmen demanding that NASA officially confess to the cover-up. NASA replied that the incidents ... did not take place. Conversations between the Apollo 11 crew and Mission Control were released live during the entire Apollo 11 mission. There were between 1000 and 1500 representatives of the news media and T.V. present at the Houston News Center listening and observing, and not one has suggested that NASA withheld any news or conversations of this nature." (Letter from Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs to several
congressmen, January 1970.)

In 1976, chief of the astronaut office Deke Slayton claimed that "I don't recall any of our astronauts ever reporting UFOs." NASA claims that all photos, all voice transcripts, all debriefings are in the public domain and are available to the news media. ... ...Who has taken the trouble to check out this material? Well, James Oberg has, for example. Alan Sandler did. Dr Hynek visited the Houston space center in July 1976 and was shown the material in question. NASA's original story, surprising, has been. ...From internal evidence alone, it looks more and more like a crude hoax. This can be deduced from the vocabulary itself.
"Mission Control, this is Mission Control..." this was NEVER a phrase used by NASA, which instead always referred to "Houston". Technical-sounding gibberish such a "field-distortion", "orbit scanned", "625 to the fifth", "auto-relays", etc. were never found in real transcripts. "Repeat, repeat..." is never used on the radio; instead astronauts and Mission Control use the phrase "Say Again".

In addition, interviews with the handful of amateur radio listeners who are known to have tuned in to the S-Band (2270 megahertz) moon signals produced testimony that they heard the same conversations which were released by NASA. Since listening to the m ...The unavoidable conclusion is that the "Pepper Transcript" was either fabricated or that Pepper used very poor judgement in allowing himself to be victimized by somebody else's fake. The following is an excerpt from the transcript of the Apollo 11 technical debriefing; Aldrin: The first unusual thing that we saw I guess was one day out or something pretty close to the moon. It had a sizeable dimension to it, so we put the monocular on it. Collins: How'd we see this thing? Did we just look out the window and there it was. Aldrin: Yes, and we weren't sure but what it might be the S-IVB. We called the ground and were told the SIVB was 6,000 miles away. We had a problem with the high gain about this time, didn't we? Collins: There was something. We felt a bump or maybe I just imagined it. Armstrong: He was wondering whether the MESA had come off. Collins: I don't guess we felt anything. Aldrin: Of course, we were seeing all sorts of little objects going by at the various dumps and then we happened to see this one brighter object going by. We couldn't think of anything else it could be other than the S-IVB. We looked at it through the monocular and it seemed to have a bit of an L shape to it. Armstrong: Like an open suitcase. Aldrin: We were in PTC at the time so each of us had a chance to take a look at this and it certainly seemed to be within our vicinity and of a very sizeable dimension. Armstrong: We should say it was right at the limit of the resolution of the eye. It was very difficult to tell what shape it was. And there was no way to tell the size without knowing the range or the range without knowing the size. Aldrin: So then I got down in the LEB and started looking for it in the optics. We were grossly misled because with the sextant off focus what we saw appeared to be a cylinder. Armstrong: Or really two rings. Aldrin: Yes. Armstrong: Two rings. Two connected rings.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

Aldrin: Yes. Collins: No, it looked like a hollow cylinder to me. It didn't look like two connected rings. You could see this thing tumbling and, when it came around end-on, you could look right down in its guts. It was a hollow cylinder. But then you could change the focus on the sextant and it would be replaced by this open book shape. It was really weird. Aldrin: I guess there's not too much more to say about it other than it wasn't a cylinder. Collins: It was during the period when we thought it was a cylinder that we inquired about the S-IVB and we'd almost convinced ourselves that's what it had to be. But we don't have any more conclusions than that really. The fact that we didn't see it much past this one period --- we really don't have a conclusion as to what it might have been, how big it was, or how far away it was. It was something that wasn't part of the urine dump, we're pretty sure of that.
In his book "RETURN TO EARTH" Colonel Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. writes the following on pages 223-224;

In the middle of one evening, Houston time, I found myself idly staring out the window of the Columbia and saw something that looked a bit unusual. It appeared brighter than any star and not quite the pinpoints of light that stars are. I pointed this out to Mike and Neil, and the three of us were beset with curiosity. With the help of the monocular we guessed that whatever it was, it was only a hundred or so miles away. Looking at it through our sextant we found it occasionally formed a cylinder, but when the sextant's focus was adjusted it had a sort of illuminated "L" look to it. It had a shape of some sort -- we all agreed on that -- but exactly what it was we couldnt pin down. We asked Houston some casual questions: "How far away is the Saturn third stage?" The response was in the vicinity of six thousand miles. That wasn't it. It could possibly have been one of the panels of the Saturn third stage which fly off to expose the LM and cannot be traced from earth. We could see it for about forty-five seconds at a time as the ship rotated, and we watched it on and off for about an hour. We debated whether or not to tell the ground we had spotted something, and decided against it. Our reason was simple: The UFO people would descend on the message in hordes, setting off another rash of UFO spotting back on earth. We concluded it was most likely on of the panels. Its course appeared in no way to conflict with ours, and it presented no danger. We dropped the matter there.
In his book "Carrying The Fire" astronaut Michael Collins the command module pilot makes no mention of this incident.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D Kona, Hawaii. [www.Exopolitics.Org] 07/31/08

Clark McClelland is a retired Spacecraft Operator with NASA who during a 34 year career was responsible for ensuring the safety of numerous NASA missions including Mercury spaceflights, Apollo missions, the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. In a statement released on his website on July 29, 2008, McClelland revealed that he witnessed an eight to nine foot tall extraterrestrial in association with a Space Shuttle mission he was monitoring from the Kennedy Space Center. He wrote:
I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Operator], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!

Furthermore, McClelland wrote that he was not the only NASA official who witnessed the incident:
"A friend of mine later contacted me and said that this person had also observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET INSIDE the SPACE SHUTTLE CREW COMPARTMENT! Yes, inside OUR Shuttle! BOTH missions were DoD (Pentagon) TOP SECRET (TS) encounters!'

McClelland's testimony is significant due to his impeccable credentials. His website has a number of documents he has released to the public confirming some among the long list of achievements and testimonials arising out of his long NASA career. His claims of directly having witnessed events involving extraterrestrial life and technology while at NASA are a primary source of testimonial evidence. McClelland's testimony can and should be used to initiate a Congressional investigation of extraterrestrial life. His statement is likely to lead to more serious attention by the scientific community to evidence of extraterrestrial life. What follows are some of the intriguing questions and conclusions arising from McClelland's statement.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

Some of the immediate questions include: "how did the extraterrestrial communicate with the two tethered NASA astronauts from the Space Shuttle?" "Was the eight to nine foot tall extraterrestrial human looking?" And, "how many other NASA missions did McClelland directly witness evidence of extraterrestrials meeting with astronauts?" Also, "how long was the extraterrestrial inside the spacecraft according to his friend?" A number of conclusions can also be drawn from McClelland's statement given his credibility as a primary witness for events that have occurred at NASA. First, his statement helps confirm the reality of extraterrestrial life and technologies, and that NASA has been secretly suppressing this information on national security grounds due to the Pentagon's involvement. This is consistent with recent analyses pointing to the Pentagon's role in getting NASA to suppress information on extraterrestrial artifacts discovered on the moon, Mars, and elsewhere in the solar system. A second conclusion is that McClelland's testimony reveals that extraterrestrial vehicles and personnel are able to perform highly complex manoeuvres in the vicinity of NASA spacecraft, and even perform docking manoeuvres. This gives credence to whistle-blower claims that NASA regularly sanitizes videos or photographs of any images involving extraterrestrial technologies or artifacts during space missions. Finally, McClelland's testimony suggests that there is a high level of cooperation between at least one extraterrestrial civilization and NASA/Pentagon. It appears that extraterrestrials may even be giving assistance in some space missions where difficulties arise as may have occurred with the tethered astronauts. McClelland's statement helps confirm other whistle-blower testimonies of secret agreements concerning extraterrestrial life and technology. These testimonies have led to a civil society initiative to begin the process of nullifying all secret agreements concerning extraterrestrial life and technology. In conclusion, McClelland's statement will be very helpful in exposing NASA's handling of whistleblower and witness testimony of extraterrestrial life and technology associated with NASA missions. Together with the recent disclosure by former astronaut, Dr Edgar Mitchell over a government cover- up of extraterrestrial life, there is strong reason to begin a Congressional inquiry into NASA's and the Pentagon's roles in covering up evidence of extraterrestrial life. -00-

By Eddie Wrenn PUBLISHED:12:49 GMT, 11 September 2012| UPDATED:14:17 GMT, 11 September 2012

Jupiter was hit during the day yesterday - but it apparently went unobserved from Earth ...except for one astronomer, Dan Petersen, who saw the flash with his own eyes. When Petersen reported the sighting on a web forum, amateur astronomer George Hall checked his overnight footage This is the moment Jupiter was struck by a mighty meteorite yesterday - and our only record of it is this image, captured by a lone webcam chugging away in the early hours of the morning. As the people of Earth carried out their lives unawares, it seems our gas giant neighbour took a forceful blow to the side at about 11.35am GMT

yesterday. Amateur astronomer George Hall, from Dallas, captured the flash on video at 5:35am CET but he only went to check his footage after hearing online that another astronomer, watching the planet with his own eyes, saw the huge explosion bloom out of Jupiter in the blink of an eye.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

What a moment: Jupiter was struck by an asteroid yesterday, as confirmed by this image and a separate eye-witness Now astronomers are waiting for the planet to swing back round - to see if Jupiter has been scarred by the impact. If it has, a black smudge is likely to appear on the 'clouds' of the planet, a distinctive mark to go alongside the Red Spot - Jupiter's giant storm. JUPITER: SAVIOUR OF EARTH Jupiter has been known as the 'cosmic vacuum cleaner' of the solar system. The planet's mass and large orbit sweeps up the scattered meteors that are relics from the early days of our solar system formation, with the planet either 'taking the bullet' itself, or deflecting orbits away from the inner planets. Many astronomers believe life would not have got started on Earth without Jupiter's influence - and before our solar system settled down, Earth was frequently bombarded with giant impacts. Jupiter has taken many a hit from the rocks that maraude their way through the solar system remnants from the early days of the solar system when rocks would co-coalesce to form our planets. Asteroid impacts were reported in 2009 and 2010 - and in 1994, the string of comets known as Shoemaker-Levy ploughed into the planet, offering us an eerie glimpse of what happens in during such colossal impacts. George Hall, who blogs about his images, who went back through the footage recorded by his telescope overnight to find the impact, said: It's kind of a scary proposition to see how often Jupiter gets hit.' His image was captured by a 12-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and a Point Grey Flea3 video camera attached to capture imagery for a composite picture of Jupiter. He said: 'Jupiter happens to be ideally positioned at about 6 o'clock in the morning - it's right overhead.' The flare lasted just two seconds - and Halls' equipment happened to capture the shot at exactly the right moment for the above image. 1994: Marks from the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on the clouds of Jupiter, about two hours after impact Shoemaker-Levy: The pieces of the comet all hit at roughly the same spot but at different times, and the planet rotated beneath it, the impact sites are spread along like a string of pearls In many ways it is pure chance the flash was captured. Astronomer Dan Petersen saw the impact live and reported it on the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers' Jupiter forum. Hall visited the forum, saw the report, and decided to check his footage. He said: 'I decided to just observe on this particular morning. 'Had I been imaging I probably would have missed it while playing with webcam settings and focusing.' He told NBC: 'I never would have looked' if he hadn't heard the buzz on the forums, but luckily he checked his records for the same time reported by Petersen - 6:35am CT, 7:35 am ET, or 11:35 GMT - and found the image, appearing in just one frame. Later today as Jupiter's spin turns the right part of the planet's face back to Earth, astronomers will hunt out any visible signs of the impact. However, as Hall told, he will probably be in bed at the time. 'I'm almost 70 years old, he said. 'And it takes a lot out of me to get up at 4:30 or 5.' Hopefully, there will be a smear. If not, there would have been no record of the cosmic impact other than in the eyeballs of an amateur astronomer, and a blurry still captured on a webcam.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club September, 2012.

Please Note:
Our next meeting will be our NEXT will be held on SATURDAY same place 12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba.

20TH OCTOBER, 2012 same time,

Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting. Meanwhile, there is a lot happening up there at present so -

Until our next meeting

Watch the Skies!

Rex and Heather


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