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Student Opinion Survey We are conducting this study to learn about students opinions concerning a variety of current topics.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your responses are anonymous. Part 1. Please tell us how much each statement describes you. (Check only one.) Strongly Disagree Feel Disagree Neutral I really like surprises. I am drawn to experiences that have an element of danger. People view me as an unpredictable person. One of my dreams in life is to be able to own expensive things. I think others judge me as a person by the products I own. Money cant buy happiness.


Strongly Agree

Part 2. The following questions are about how you see yourself. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. (Check only one.) Strongly Disagree Feel Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree It is important to me to act as an independent person. I prefer to be self-reliant rather than dependent on others. My personal identity, independent from others, is very important for me.

Part 3.The following questions are about how you shop. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with each statement. (Check only one.) Strongly Disagree Feel Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree I often buy things spontaneously I am usually among the first to try new products. "I see it, I buy it" describes me. I often try new products before my friends do. When I see a new product on the shelf, I often buy it just to see what it's like. I carefully plan most of my purchases. "Just do it" describes the way I buy things. Part 4. The next questions are about how you purchase chewing gum. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. In the past 3 months, about how many packs of gum did you purchase? ___________

If you did not buy chewing gum in the past 3 months, please tell us when the last time you bought a pack of gum was. 6 months ago 1 year ago 2 years ago More than 2 years ago

Part 5. Thinking about the way you buy chewing gum, please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I often try new flavors of gum. I like to try gum with new combinations of flavors. I usually stick to my favorite flavor of gum. I dont like to buy exotic flavors of gum.

Do you have a favorite flavor of gum? Yes If yes, what is your favorite flavor of gum? __________________________ No If no, what is the flavor that you buy most often? _____________________

Part 6. Please tell us how important the following items are when you purchase gum. Its important that the gum I buy Whitens teeth Is sugar free Strengthens teeth Helps reduce cavities Helps me reduce stress Has added vitamins Helps increase my energy Does not contain artificial sweeteners Freshens breath well Uses only natural sweeteners Kills germs Helps suppress my appetite Satisfies my cravings Is low on calories Part 7. Thinking about the way you purchase gum, please answer the following questions about price. Strongly Disagree Feel Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree I usually check the price of gum before I buy it. I usually buy the most inexpensive package of gum available. I usually purchase gum when I see it is on sale. I never check the prices of different types of gum. Part 8. Thinking about the way you usually buy gum, please answer the following questions. Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree When choosing gum, I look for packages That have attractive colors That are easy to open Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

That are easy to reseal With designs that catch my eye That are better for the environment That make it easy to share Part 9. The following questions are about brands of gum. Please tell us how much you agree with each statement. Strongly Disagree Feel Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree I almost always buy the same brand of gum. Once I find a brand of gum I like, I usually stick with it. I try new brands of gum because I like the variety. Even if I try different flavors of gum, I generally stick to the same brand.

Do you have a favorite brand of gum? Yes If yes, what is the name of your favorite brand? ________________________ No If no, what is the name of the brand you buy most often? ________________

Part 10. Thinking about your favorite brand of gum, please answer the following questions. If you do not have a favorite brand of gum, please answer the questions in relation to the brand of chewing gum you buy most often. Strongly Disagree Feel Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree This brand of gum makes me feel happy. This brand of gum is long lasting. I feel good when I use this brand of gum. This brand of gum doesnt pretend to be something it isnt. Using this brand of gum gives me pleasure. This brand makes true claims about its gum. I buy this brand because it is of good quality. This brand of gum is consistently good.

Part 11. Still thinking about your favorite brand of gum (or the brand you buy most often), please answer the following questions about advertising. In the past 3 months, do you remember seeing any advertising for this brand of gum? Yes If yes, please tell us where you saw these ads most often (TV, magazines, etc.). ________________________________________________________________ No If no, skip to part 12. From the ads you remember, how much do you agree with each of the following statements?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The ads for this brand of gum are Enjoyable Humorous Fun Entertaining Original

Part 12. If you were to buy a pack of gum tomorrow, please tell us you how likely you'd be to choose each of the following brands. (Check one per brand.) Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree If I were to buy gum tomorrow, I'd buy . Orbit Trident 5 Gum Eclipse Extra Other: ______________________

Part 13. Please answer the following questions about yourself. How old are you? ____________ Are you male or female? Male Female Which of the following describes your current academic level? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Which of the following best describes you? White African-American Hispanic/Latino Asian Other_______________ That concludes our survey. Thank you for your time.

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