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Although I have been asked the question as to why I would write a Will, it is important to understand that if a person does not supply such a document, then certain things, wishes, etc., are left to chance. Everyday people die, and when you are confronting corruption as in this case or complaint, those people that are corrupt have no problem of ending your life. This has been occurring in this society since the beginning of this society and even before that with the Native Americans. Now, the soundness of mind relates to the interpretation that was given to me medically. Although I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it specifically relates to the circumstances surrounding my injuries sustained while working with the Department of Corrections and those connected to the actions taken by the defendant State of Connecticut in association with public officials destroying my life as it were. This, to include the taking of my home, separating of my family, attempted kidnapping, murders or what have you. The soundness of body refers to the physical examination at the Hospital of St. Raphaels. The doctor attending me, although he held me overnight and performed several tests, medically I am sound. My heart, pressure and other vitals are determined to be within the range which would allow me to perform day to day tasks. As my social security physical and mental examinations resulted in my being able to do light work relating to gardening, raking leaves, and general farm labor to occupy my time, and reduce the stresses I am afflicted with due to the injuries suffered by the State of Connecticut. In this, if the defendant State of Connecticut was to conjure some type of scenario or rational attempting to explain my death, it will be an obvious cover-up, as SEBAC is a cover-up. Although I am not physically able to perform the duties of a corrections officer, I am not immobile, or ambulatory. That being the case, I consider my self sound. I have difficulty sleeping from both physical injuries and PTSD, my writing output although average, is in decline from where it should be. My ability to type more than one hundred words per minute is far off par from years past. My ability to focus and concentrate mentally because of the pains caused by my physical injuries does hamper my research work product. With all said, I thank God for who I am. It could be a lot worse than it is. I pray for my strength and health each day. My spirit is stronger than both, and my love of my creator is stronger than most. It being October 28th, my birthday is tomorrow and a storm is on the horizon. It is nice when you are in the remembrance of The Almighty. A storm came last year as well, and the world was rid of that BBC guy. The people that oppress me are in league with that guy. Who would have thought that The Creator of All of this, would have someone like me in The Will. It is Awtuhm. So, let the winds blow, and the waters fall from the heavens. Nature reacts to misdeeds of man. I BELIEVE. So judge righteously, so that Life Will prevails and not death as reflected thus far.

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