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Industria uoar este una dintre cele mai vechi ramuri ale economiei naionale din republic.

Acest sector este reprezentat de trei genuri de activitate: fabricarea produselor textile (articolelor tricotate i
covoare); fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte; producia pieilor, articolelor din piele i fabricarea nclmintei
(inclusiv fabricarea articolelor de voiaj i de marochinrie).
Conform Strategiei de dezvoltare a industriei pe perioada pn n anul 2015, industria uoar a devenit o ramur
prioritar a economiei naionale, deoarece dispune de avantaje semnificative, cum ar fi: posibilitatea de a ncadra n
activitate un numr mare de brae de munc, un ciclu relativ rapid de rotaie a mijloacelor circulante, necesitatea n
investiii nu prea mari, existena sistemului de pregtire profesional a cadrelor de orice nivel.
Actualmente ramura nominalizat cuprinde peste 278 de ntreprinderi, inclusiv societi pe aciuni, SRL-uri i
ntreprinderi mixte, cu un numr mai mult de 15 mii persoane ce activeaz n sector.
Principalele produse fabricate de ntreprinderile din ramura industriei uoare snt esturile, covoarele, articolele
tricotate, mbrcmintea i nclmintea, articolele de pielrie, marochinrie executate prin cooperare, precum i din
materia prim proprie, care la rndul lor snt livrate att pe piaa intern, ct i pe cea extern.
Ponderea volumelor de producie a industriei uoare n valoarea total pe ar a produciei n preuri comparabile
n anul 2009 a constituit 14,1 %, iar n perioada de 9 luni ale anului 2010 - 16,9 %, fa de 14,6 % pentru aceiai perioad
a anului precedent.
Cifrele n cauz ne relateaz, c ntreprinderile din sectorul industriei uoare pe parcursul anului curent au reuit
s depeasc situaia dificil creat, ca urmare a consecinelor crizei economico-financiare mondiale din anul trecut
asupra economiei republicii. Astfel, n perioada de 9 luni a anului 2010 volumul produciei a constituit 1108,6 mln. lei
n preuri curente sau 118,9 % n preuri medii fa de aceiai perioad a anului precedent.
n acelai timp, de la nceputul anului curent se observ creteri substaniale a volumelor de producie la
ntreprinderile cu urmtoarele activiti principale: fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte, prepararea i vopsirea
blnurilor - cu 9,8 % (motivnd creterea pe total industrie cu 1,0 %); fabricarea nclmintei cu 21,8 % (motivnd
creterea pe total industrie cu 0,4 %).
Este necesar de menionat, c volumul vnzrilor n ramur n anul 2009 a constituit 1,3 miliarde lei. n perioada
de 9 luni ale anului 2010 acest indicator constituie 1,1 miliarde lei, majorndu-se cu 21,3 % fa de perioada similar
a anului trecut. Analiza vnzrilor n perioada ianuarie-septembrie 2010 demonstreaz, c volumul livrrilor pe piaa
intern au constituit 19,7 %, iar pe cea extern 80,3 %.
n prezent, industria uoar joac un rol important n economia Moldovei, efectund circa un sfert din volumul
exportului total pe ar, din care 38,4% fiind exportat n rile Uniunii Europene.
n ianuarie-septembrie 2010 exporturile materialelor textile i a articolelor din acestea au totalizat 231,2 mln.
dolari SUA; nclminte - 22,7 mln. dolari SUA; piei tbcite, articole de marochinrie - 16,6 mln. dolari SUA.
n aceast perioad importul n industria uoar a nsumat 232,6 mln. dolari SUA, ceea ce constituie 8,8 % din
totalul importului pe ar.
Totodat este necesar de remarcat, c din cauza insuficienei pieelor de desfacere interne, mijloacelor circulante
proprii, precum i a lipsei materiei prime personale, cea mai mare parte din ntreprinderile de confecii, tricotaje,
marochinrie i nclminte activeaz n regim vamal de perfecionare activ, prelucrnd materia prim a clientului.
Dintre cei mai mari importatori de servicii pot fi numii: Italia, Germania, SUA, Austria, Anglia, Romnia, Olanda,
Belgia etc.
Producia din materia prim proprie (covoarele fabricate de ctre SA Floare-Carpet, SA Moldabela i SA
Covoare-Ungheni) se export n Romnia, Slovacia, Germania, Polonia, Federaia Rus, Ucraina, Cazahstan.
Analiznd faptul, c n industria uoar activitatea n regim vamal de perfecionare activ prevaleaz asupra
fabricrii produciei din materia prim proprie, ce reprezint un rezultat pozitiv al acestui gen de activitate, putem
remarca c, ntreprinderile mari i mijlocii, actualmente, au posibilitatea s investeasc mijloacele circulante proprii n
reutilarea tehnic i totodat, s nsueasc tehnologiile noi fr aplicarea cheltuielilor suplimentare.
ns, trebuie de menionat, c situaia creat n urma modificrilor structurale n Uniunea European, desigur,
atrage asupra sine i modificri pe piaa serviciilor.
i din aceast cauz, la momentul actual n faa ntreprinderilor st sarcina de a majora volumul de fabricare a
produciei din materia prim proprie, fr a micora volumele serviciilor.
n acest context, aici putem relata, c deja ntreprinderile din sector au nceput fabricarea produciei proprii i
elaborarea modelelor individuale. ncepnd cu anul 2008, cu suportul acordat de ctre proiectul USAID Creterea
competitivitii i dezvoltarea ntreprinderilor, agenii economici din domeniul industriei uoare particip la
expoziiile internaionale Textillegprom, or.Moscova, Federaia Rus. n anul 2009 ntreprinderile de confecii pentru
prima dat i-au expus producia sa la expoziia Interselection, Frana. Este important faptul, c la aceast expoziie
la direct au fost ncheiate contracte de colaborare privind livrarea produciei proprii. n acelai timp, n ultimii trei ani
snt elaborate mrci comerciale proprii destinate realizrii att pe piaa intern ct i extern, cum ar fi: My Revival,
Nikkas, Gt Colection, StarDrak, Madzerini, Marinelle, Ravetti, Vistline, Jovani Primo. Semnificativ s-a lrgit reeaua
magazinelor de firm. Astfel, numai n anul 2010 au fost deschise noi magazine de firm ca Tricon, Zorile, Ionel.
Totodat expunem, c n ultimii ani, din toate ramurile industriei, cea mai dezvoltat n teritoriu este industria
uoar, care pe parcursul perioadei activitii a acumulat o experien bogat n dezvoltarea sectorului.
La aceasta a contribuit efectuarea modificrilor respective la Codul fiscal, n ce privete extinderea scutirii de plata
TVA a serviciilor, prestate pe teritoriul rii de ctre agenii economici autohtoni solicitanilor plasrii mrfurilor sub
regimul vamal de perfecionare activ. nlesnirile fiscale acordate ntreprinderilor ce activeaz n acest regim a permis
dezvoltarea potenialului industrial, inclusiv n teritoriu, datorit crui fapt au fost create ntreprinderi noi.




The Light Industry is one of the oldest branches of the Moldovan economy.
The industry is represented by a number of sectors such as: production of textiles (knitted articles and carpets);
production of garments; leather production; leather articles and footwear production (including production of travel
The Industry Development Strategy for 2009-2015, lists the Light Industry as one of the key economic branches,
given its significant advantages, such as: possibility to engage a large number of employees into various branch
activities, a relatively fast rotation cycle of current assets, moderate investment need and a professional training
system for employees in place..
At the moment the light industry consists of more than 278 enterprises, including joint stock companies, limited
liability enterprises and mixed companies, with more than 15,000 employees.
The main products manufactured by the light industry are fabrics, carpets, knitted clothing and footwear, leather
goods produced in cooperation and as well from own raw material, which are supplied to domestic and external
The share of light industry in the total industrial domestic production in comparable prices in 2009 entitled for
14.1%, and during the first nine months of 2010 - 16.9%; compared to the same period of the last year - 14.6%.
These figures show that the light industry companies have managed to overcome the difficult situation created
as a consequence of the global financial and economic crisis impact on the Moldovan economy last year. Thus
production volumes amounted to 1108.6 million lei in current prices during the first nine months of 2010, or 118.9%
in average prices compared to the same period of the last year.
At the same time, a substantial growth in production volumes have been observed earlier this year, in light
industry companies with the following activities: manufacture of wearing apparel, dressing and dyeing of furs - by
9.8% (explaining total industry growth of 1.0% ) footwear - by 21.8% (invoking total industry growth of 0.4%).
It is important to mention that the industry sales volume in 2009 amounted to 1.3 billion lei. During the nine
months of 2010 this indicator constituted 1.1 billion lei, increasing by 21.3%, in comparison with the same period of
last year. Analysis of sales in the period of January-September 2010 shows that the volume of domestic deliveries
were 19.7% and on the external markets - 80.3%.
Presently light industry plays an important role in the Moldovan economy, carrying nearly a quarter of total
countrys export volume, of which 38.4% is exported to EU countries.
In January-September 2010 exports of textiles and articles thereof amounted to 231.2 million. USD; footwear 22.7 mln. U.S. dollars, leather, leather goods - 16.6 million. dollars.
During this period, light industry imports totaled 232.6 million. U.S. dollars, which constitutes 8.8% of total
countrys imports.
It is also necessary to note that due to scarcity of domestic markets, their current assets and personal lack of
raw materials, a considerable part of clothing business, knitwear, leather goods and footwear enterprises work in
customs procedure for inward processing, using customers raw material.
Among the largest importers of services can be mentioned Italy, Germany, USA, Austria, England, Romania,
Holland, Belgium, etc,.
Products manufactured from own raw materials (carpets manufactured by JSC Flower-Carpet, JSC Moldabela
and JSC Ungheni Carpets) are exported to Romania, Slovakia, Germany, Poland, Russian Federation, Ukraine,
As analysis shows light industry activities under the inward customs processing prevail manufacturing processes
that use own raw materials, which is a positive thing, and which therefore makes possible for large and medium-size
businesses to invest financial resources in technical reequipment and to assimilate new technologies without any
additional expenses.
However it should be noted that the situation created by the structural changes in the European Union, of course,
leades to changes in the service markets.
That is why, currently the main task of branch enterprises is to increase business volume of manufacturing
production of own raw materials, without narrowing volumes of services.
In this context, we can report here that enterprises in the sector have already started making their own
production and development of individual models. Starting in 2008, with the support of the USAID-funded project
Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development, the light industry businesses participated in
international exhibition Textillegprom, Moscow, Russian Federation. In 2009 for the first time the clothing companies
have exhibited their products at Interselection (France) trade fair. It is important that during this exhibition was
established a direct collaboration on the delivery of Moldovan products. At the same time, in the last three years, own
trademarks have been developed, for both domestic and external markets, such as: My Revival, Nikkas, Gt Colection,
StarDrak, Madzerini Marinela, Ravetti, Vistline, Jovani Primo. The companies store network have been expanded
significantly. Thus, only in 2010, new stores were opened by such companies as Tricon, Zorile, Ionel.
Thus, the light industry has become the most developed branch among all the other branches of national
economy, which accumulated so far an extensive experience in the development of the sector.
Modifications made to the Tax Code have contributed to the sector development, mainly the extension of VAT
exemption for domestic services rendered within the country by local traders operating under the customs inward
processomg. Fiscal incentives granted to enterprises operating under this regime has consolidated the industrial
potential, including in the regions which made possible the creation of new companies.

: ( ); ; , , (
2015 ,
, : , , , .
278 , ,
, 15 .
, : , , , , ,
, ,
, .
, 2009 14,1 %
, 9 2010 16,9 % 14,6 % .
, - .
, 9 2010 , 91,6 . $ 118,9 % , .
, : , 9,8 %; - 21,8 %.
2009 107,4 . $ . 9 2010
90,9 . $ 21,3 % . - 2010 , 19,7 % ,
80,3 %- .
, , , 38,4 % .
- 2010 231,2 . $ ; 22,7 . $ , 16,6 . $ .
232,6 . $ , 8,8 %
, - , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , ..
(, Floare Carpet, Moldabela, CovoareUngeni) , , , , , , .
, , , .
, , .
, , .
, . 2008 ., USAID , Textillegprom, . , . 2009
Interselection, . , . ,
, : My Revival, Nikkas, Gt Colection, StarDrak, Madzerini, Marinelle, Ravetti, Vistline, Jovani Primo. . 2010 Tricon, Zorile, Ionel.
, , .
, .
, , ,
, .




Industria uoar este o parte component a sectorului industriei prelucrtoare al Republicii

n Republica Moldova aceast ramur cuprinde urmtoarele genuri de activitate: fabricarea
produselor textile (articolelor tricotate i covoare); fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte; producia pieilor,
articolelor din piele i fabricarea nclmintei (inclusiv fabricarea articolelor de voiaj i de marochinrie).

n ramura nominalizat i desfoar activitatea aproximativ 330 ntreprinderi, inclusiv societi
pe aciuni, SRL-uri i ntreprinderi mixte cu capitalul autohton sau strin. La ntreprinderile din industria
uoar activeaz mai mult de 26 mii angajai.

O mare parte de ntreprinderi, circa 61%, sunt amplasate n regiunea central a republicii (Chiinu,
Ialoveni, Orhei, Streni), la nordul rii - 21 % (Bli, Soroca, Floreti, Edine, Rcani, Sngerei) i la sudul
Moldovei 18 % (Cahul, Taraclia, UTA Gagauzia).

Conform Strategiei de dezvoltare a industriei pe perioada pn n anul 2015, industria uoar
a devenit o ramur prioritar a economiei naionale, dispunnd de avantaje foarte mari. Acestea sunt:
posibilitatea de a ncadra n activitate un numr mare de brae de munc, un ciclu rapid de rotaie a
mijloacelor circulante, necesitatea n investiii nu prea mari, existena sistemului de pregtire profesional
a cadrelor de orice nivel.

n anul 2008 la fabricare produciei n volumul de 300, 0 mln. dol. SUA, ponderea acestei ramurii
n volumul total a produciei pe ar n preuri comparabile a constituit 15,0 %.
Volumul produciei n preuri curente n aceast
perioad a alctuit 144 mln. dol. SUA.
Competitivitatea produselor industriei uoare,
este asigurat de nivelul nalt de calitatea
produciei fabricate, implementarea sistemelor
de management al calitii i ndeplinirea n
termenii stabilii a obligaiilor contractuale care
contribuie la extinderea colaborrii ntreprinderilor
moldoveneti cu partenerii strini.
Actualmente, livrrile de export constituie 80% din
volumul produciei fabricate i serviciilor prestate.
Totalul exporturilor de textile si articolelor din acestea
n acest sens sectorul dat joac un rol important
n economia Moldovei, efectund mai mult de un
(n USD) pe ani
sfert din volumul exportului total pe ar.

Ponderea volumului exportului materialelor textile i articolelor din acestea constitue 20,6 %;
piei tbcite, articole de marochinrie 2,2 % ; nclminte - 3,0 %.
Totodat, din cauza insuficienei mijloacelor circulante i lipsei a materiei prime proprii, cea mai mare
parte din ntreprinderile de confecii, tricotaje, marochinrie i nclminte activeaz n regim vamal de
perfecionare activ, prelucrnd materia prim a

Dintre cei mai mari importatori de servicii
pot fi numii: Germania, Italia i SUA. n afar
de aceasta, exportul serviciilor se efectueaz n
Polonia, Marea Britania, Romnia, Olanda, Belgia,
Producia din materia prim
proprie (covoarele fabricate de ctre SA FloareCarpet, SA Moldabela, piei tbcite SA Piele
i articole flauate SA Flautex) se export n
Romnia, SUA, Anglia, Polonia, Austria, Japonia,
Australia, Lituania etc. Concomitent, producia susnumit se livreaz n rile CSI.

Este necesar de remarcat, c n ultimii
ani n Republica Moldova a fost creat climatul
investiional legislativ favorabil. Aa dar:
Exportul produselor textile si articolelor din acestea
- se scutete de plata TVA: materia prim plasat
structurate pe ri pentru anul 2008
sub regim vamal de perfecionare activ, precum i
importat prin contracte de cooperare; utilajul, introdus pe teritoriul vamal al rii, n scopul includerii n
capitalul statutar;
- conform Legii cu privire la investiiile n activitatea de ntreprinztor se asigur garania respectrii
drepturilor investitorilor i acordarea facilitilor fiscale i vamale;
- ncepnd cu 2008 se aplic cota zero la impozitul pe venit reinvestit n activitatea de producie etc.

Concomitent, n Moldova exist 6 Zone Economice Libere, rezidenii crora folosesc impozitele i taxele
vamale speciale (scutirea de la TVA, accizelor i cota zero la impozitul pe venit).

La stimularea procesului investiional contribuie i acordarea Moldovei de ctre Uniunea European a
preferinelor comerciale autonome n scopul plasrii produselor pe pieele UE fr aplicarea taxelor vamale.

n afar de aceast, una din faciliti fiscale este modificarea respectiv a Codului fiscal n ce privete
extinderea scutirii de plata TVA a serviciilor prestate pe teritoriul rii de ctre agenii economici autohtoni
solicitanilor plasrii mrfurilor sub regimul vamal de perfecionare activ. nlesnirile fiscale acordate

Light Industry of Republic of Moldova

The Light Industry is an integral part of the manufacturing industry of the Republic of Moldova.
It includes types of activity such as : production of textile goods (household textiles and carpets);
production of garments; production of leather; leather articles; and footwear (including production of
leather accessories).
In this industry sector there are approximately 330 enterprises, including joint stock companies, limited
liability companies, and mixed enterprises with local or foreign capital. In the enterprises of the Light
Industry more than 26,000 people are employed.
A large number of enterprises, around 61%, are located in the central region of the country (Chiinu,
Ialoveni, Orhei, Streni); in the north of the country 21% (Bli, Soroca, Floreti, Edine, Rcani, Sngerei); and in the
south of Moldova 18% (Cahul, Taraclia, ATU Gagauzia).

In accordance with The Strategy for the Development of Industry for the period to 2015 , Light Industry
is recognised as a priority industry sector within the national economy. Key advantages are the possibility to
employ a large and available labour force, quick rotation of capital funding, the need for moderate as distinct from
largescale investments, and the presence of a vocational training system for all levels of personnel.
In 2008, the volume of overall production
in the Light Industry was 300 mln.$ and
production in the Light Industry accounted
for 15% in comparable prices of overall
manufacturing production. The volume of
production in current prices is 144 mln.$.
The competitiveness of products in the Light
Industry is due to a combination of a high level of
quality of finished production; the implementation
of a system of quality control; and the timely
Total exports of textile and related products
realisation of contractual obligations with foreign
(in USD) per years
clients. This helps promote a broadening of
collaboration between Moldovan enterprises and foreign business partners.

At present, 80% of production and related services are exported.

The Light Industry sector plays a major role in the economy of the Republic of Moldova, accounting
for more than a quarter of the total volume of the countrys exports.

The export of textile materials and articles made from such materials accounts for 20,6%; tanning
articles and leather accessories 2,2%; and footwear 3%.

However, due to insufficient working capital and lack of funds to pay for own raw materials, a
major part of sewing, knitting, leather accesories and footwear enterprises work on a contract basis for
foreign clients and customers.

Among the most important importers of contracted services are clients from Germany, Italy and USA.

Also, the export of contracted services goes to clients in : Austria, Poland, Great Britain , Romania,
Holland, Belgium as well as other countries.

Production of carpets from own raw materials, made by JSC Floare-Carpet; JSC Moldabela;
tanning articles - JSC Piele; and terry articles made by JSC Flautex) are exported to Romania, USA, UK,
Poland, Austria, Japan, Australia and Lithuania. Products are also exported to ICS countries.

It is important to mention, that during recent years a favourable legislative investment climate
has been created in the Republic of Moldova. Details as follows:
-excluded from VAT payment: raw materials placed under customs regime of active


ntreprinderilor ce activeaz n acest regim au permis dezvoltarea potenialului industrial pe tot

teritoriul republicii, datorit crui fapt au fost create n ultimii 5 ani mai mult de 80 ntreprinderi noi
mici i mijlocii.

La momentul actual, n faa ntreprinderilor din ramur este pus sarcina majorrii volumelor de
fabricare a produciei din materia prim proprie, pentru livrarea ei att pe pieele actuale i ale celor noi, n
special, ale celor europene, fr a micora volumele serviciilor.

Este necesar de menionat, c obiectivele i sarcinile dezvoltrii industriei, inclusiv
mecanismele i instrumentele principale pentru realizarea acestora, care vor asigura creterea
eficient i competitiv a sectorului industrial, sunt stipulate n Strategia de dezvoltare a industriei
Republicii Moldova pn n a.2015.

n conformitate cu Strategia menionat a fost elaborat proiectul Programului de
dezvoltare a industriei uoare pn n anul 2015, care deine un Plan de aciuni concrete orientate
spre asigurarea ramurii cu for de munc, sporirea nivelului productivitii muncii, creterea valorii
adugate, stimularea produciei proprii.


manufacturing and raw materials imported;

-in accordance with the law concerning placement
of funds in entrepreneurial activity the guarantee
of observance of investors law and assignment
of tax and customs discounts is provided.
-as and from 2008, zero rate of tax is applied to
profits reinvested in production activity.
Also, in Moldova there are 6 free economic
zones, residents of which benefit from special rates of
tax (release from VAT payment and excise duties).
Stimulation of the investment process has
by the EU granting to the Republic
Textiles and apparel export structure by countries for 2008
of Moldova autonomous commercial preferences,
without customs duties, for delivery of products to EU markets.
Also, an important beneficial tax, is the changing of the tax code so as to provide liberation from payment
of VAT services, and granted within Moldova by the domestic customs agents. Tax facilities offered to enterprises
working within this regime, have facilitated the development of industrial potential throughout Moldova, and
helped create more than 80 small and medium enterprises during the last five years.
Presently, at the forefront in the development of enterprises in the Light Industry sector, is the
task of increasing the volume of production of product ranges using enterprisesown raw materials for
sales both to existing markets and to new European markets. However, at the same time, endeavouring to
achieve this task without decreasing the volume of contracted services.
It is important to indicate, that the objectives and tasks of Moldovan industrys development, including the
basic mechanisms and instruments for their realisation, and provision for its effective growth and competitiveness,
are reflected in The Strategy for the Development of Industry for the period to 2015.
Within this Strategy document, the Program for the development of the Light Industry to 2015 was
elaborated, and presents a concrete plan of actions, promoting the development of skilled labour resources,
raising productivity levels, promoting the development of added-value products, and encouraging the
stimulation of production of own product ranges by Moldovan Light Industry enterprises.


( ); ; ,
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330 , ,
, .
26 .

, 61%,
(, , , ), -21 % (, , , ,
, ) 18% (, , ).

. -
, , ,

. 2008 ,
300 .$
15% .

- 144 .$.


( )



, 80% .


20,6 %;
- 2,2%.; -3,0%.

, - ,
, ,

, .

, , ,

(, FloareCarpet, Moldabela,
Flautex) ,

, , , , ,
, . , ,

. :

- : ,
, , ; ,


- 2008 , ,

, 6 ,
( , ,


, , - ,
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, ,
, , 5 , 80-

, , .

, ,
2015 .

2015 , ,
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, .


Organizaia de Promovare a Exportului din Moldova

MIEPO este o organizaie de stat subordonat direct Ministerului Economiei i Comerului Republicii
Moldova, obiectivul principal fiind dezvoltarea social-economic a Republicii Moldova i anume:
de a ajuta ntreprinderile autohtone s ating valori profitabile ale exporturilor i de a le oferi
asisten n domeniul promovrii exportului pentru a corespunde concurenei pe plan internaional;
de a promova investiiile strine directe n Moldova i rolul lor ca o principal for motrice pentru
dezvoltarea economic a rii.
MIEPO acioneaz ca o punte ntre instituiile administrative de stat i cercurile de afaceri ale economiei naionale;
lucreaz direct cu ntreprinderile, autoritile locale, ageniile de stat i organizaiile internaionale pentru a identifica problemele care mpiedic dezvoltarea comerului i a investiiilor.
colaboreaz cu ageniile de atragere a investiiilor, organizaiile de promovare a comerului, camerele de comer i industrie i alte organizaii comerciale internaionale pentru beneficiul
economiei Moldovei.
Efectueaz analize i evaluri ale procedurilor comerciale interne i internaionale, ale politicilor i
regulamentelor referitor la investiii. Prezint Guvernului propuneri practice pentru mbuntirea climatului investiional i cel de afaceri n Republica Moldova.
MIEPO este divizat n trei direcii care colaboreaz strns n vederea realizrii obiectivelor organizaiei:
1. Direcia Atragerea Investiiilor
2. Direcia Promovarea Exportului
3. Direcia Promovarea Imaginii i Organizarea Evenimentelor
Direcia Atragerea Investiiilor ofer asisten att investitorilor autohtoni, ct i celor strini prin prezentarea oportunitilor investiionale ale Moldovei i i ajut la extinderea afacerilor lor
n Moldova, le ofer servicii post-investiionale, pentru a permite obinerea rezultatelor maxime n
urma investiiilor lor i pentru a face posibil cooperarea i parteneriatul.
Direcia organizeaz activiti promoionale i campanii cu scopul de a promova Moldova ca un
loc atractiv pentru plasarea investiiilor strine: misiuni investiionale peste hotare i spre Moldova,
forumuri investiionale, etc.
Fiind n colaborare cu diverse ministere, noi suntem implicai activ n crearea unui mediu de
afaceri i investiional favorabil, n mbuntirea cadrului legislativ pentru investiiile strine i n
nlturarea barierelor administrative.
Direcia Promovarea Exportului ofer asisten companiilor autohtone la stabilirea obiectivelor, pregtirea programelor de promovare a produsului i a strategiilor de export care vor ajuta
ntreprinderile s-i extind vnzrile peste hotare. n acelai timp specialitii notri lucreaz activ
la identificarea barierelor care mpiedic realizrile companiilor i pregtesc propuneri pentru a le
depi, prezentndu-le Guvernului.
Direcia organizeaz misiuni de afaceri peste hotare cu scopul de a facilita accesul produselor
moldoveneti pe pieele strine. MIEPO de asemenea organizeaz misiuni de cumprare invitnd
potenialii cumprtori n Moldova i organiznd vizite la companii n vederea stabilirii unui contact mai bun ntre companiile autohtone i cele strine. Aceasta va oferi productorilor autohtoni
posibilitatea s-i demonstreze ntreaga gam de produse, capacitile tehnologice i de producie,
etc. MIEPO de asemenea faciliteaz programele de promovare a sectorului i a produsului.
Direcia Promovarea Imaginii i Organizarea Evenimentelor Deoarece succesul MIEPO const n cooperarea eficient dintre direciile sale, un rol foarte important l are Direcia nominalizat
care ofer un suport logistic direciilor de atragere a investiiilor i promovare a exportului. Echipa
noastr ofer asisten companiilor locale la participarea n expoziiile comerciale internaionale, fo-

Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organisation

MIEPO is a Government organisation that directly reports to the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic
of Moldova, its primarily objective is to enhance the social and economic development of Moldova especially:
helps local enterprises achieve profitable export sales and support them in export promotion area in
order to meet international competition and;
promotes foreign direct investments in Moldova and its role as ombudsmen for development
of Moldovan economy;
acts as a bridge between public administrative institutions and business circles of national economy;
works directly with enterprises, local authorities, Government agencies and international organizations
to identify issues which impede trade and investment development.
cooperates with Investment Promotion Agencies, Trade Promotion Organisations, Chambers of Commerce and other international trade organizations, for the benefit of Moldovan economy.
performs analysis and assessment of internal and foreign trade procedures and investment
policies and regulations. Submit to the Government practical proposals for improving business and
investment climate of Moldova.


rumuri investiionale, misiuni economice, seminare specifice de atragere a investiiilor i promovare

a exportului, mese rotunde organizate att n Moldova, ct i peste hotare.
Mai mult dect att, Direcia este responsabila, de activitile de promovare a imaginii rii i a
brandului Moldova inclusiv prin:
Elaborarea i implementarea campaniei de promovare a rii;
Promovarea logoului Brand Moldova;
Monitorizarea imaginii Moldovei peste hotare urmrind mass-media internaional i analiznd posibilitile mbuntirii ei.

MIEPO has three divisions that cooperate closely to achieve the objectives of the organisation:
1. Investment Promotion Division
2. Export Promotion Division
3. Events and Image Promotion Division
Investment Promotion Division assists both domestic and international investors by presenting the Moldovan investment opportunities and helping them to develop and expand their businesses in Moldova as well
as offering post-investment services, in order to enable optimal business outcomes for their investments and to
make new cooperation and partnerships possible.
The division is conducting promotional activities and campaigns aimed to promote Moldova as an attractive
location for foreign investments: inward and outward investment missions, investment forums, etc.
In cooperation with ministries we are actively involved in creation of more favorable business and investment environments, including improvement of legal framework for foreign investments and removal
of administrative impediments.
Export Promotion Division - provides help and assistance to local companies in establishing of goals, preparing product promotion programs and export strategies that will help enterprises to expand sales abroad. At the
same time our experts are working closely to identify barriers that prevent companies achievements and prepare
proposals how to overcome them, submitting them to Government.
The division organizes outward business missions in order to facilitate the easier access of Moldovan products
on foreign markets. MIEPO organizes inward buyers missions and site visits in order to establish a closer contact
between local and foreign companies. This offers to local producers the possibility to show the full range of products, their production and technological capacities, etc.
MIEPO facilitates also sector and product promotion programs.


Events and Image Promotion Division As the base of MIEPOs success in achieving the main goals lies in
cooperation between divisions, a very significant role is played by the Events Division that provides an enormous
logistic support to Investment and Export Promotion divisions. Trade fairs and exhibitions are reviewed in a database, which helps local companies to be well informed about the possibilities to promote their products both on
local and foreign markets. Our team advice local companies attending International fairs and trade exhibitions,
Investment Forums, specific Investment and Export promotion seminars, round tables and workshops that are
organized in Moldova as well as abroad.

Moreover, this Division is responsible for the country image performs promotion and Moldova Brand promotions, activities:
Develop and implement of country promotion communication campaign
Spread the use of the image promotion logo
Monitoring of Moldovan image abroad following international media and analyzing the possibility of its improvement

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SA Artima
Societatea pe aciuni Artima, a fost nfiinat n anul 1999 pe baza fabricii de marochinrie
din Chiinu.


Asortimentul mrfurilor produse include: poete, geni de voiaj, geamantane, diverse articole din piele i
piele artificial.
Investiiile, efectuate n ultima decad cu scopul reutilarii tehnice, au constituit mai mult de 1 mln. de euro,
ceea ce a permis reducerea cotei lucrului manual i sporirea productivitii muncii. ntreprinderea dispune
de un colectiv de muncitori calificai care n prezent, constituie circa 300 de persoane.
SA Artima dispune de echipament tehnic necesar pentru confecionarea articolelor din piele, dou
complexe pentru croirea automat a esturilor i de un atelier mecanic.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie mai mult de 1,5 mln. de euro, din care 86 % se export n
Germania i Italia.
SA Artima este deschis pentru colaborarea reciproc avantajoas n vederea extinderii producerii i
diversificrii mrfurilor.
JSC Artima, founded in 1999 on basis of leather accessories factory from Chiinu.
Output assortment: handbags, holdall, suitcases, various articles from leather and leather-substitute.
Placement of funds, made in last decade for the purpose of technical retooling, form more than 1 mln.
euro, what allows shorten the part of manual labour and increases work productivity. Enterprise has skilled
staff. Currently, on this enterprise work approximatively 300 people.
JSC Artima have necessary technological equipment for the fabrication of leather accessories articles. It
has two systems for automatic cutout of materials, mechanical workshop.
Annual volume of sellings constitutes more than 1,5 mln. euro, from which 86 % are exporting in Germany
and Italy (export of services).
Enterprise is interested in colaboration based on mutually beneficials up to widen the production and to
diversify the producible goods.
1999 .
: , , ,
, ,
1 .,
. .
400 .
A Artima

. ,
1,5 ., 86 %
( ).


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Alexandra Can
Adresa: Moldova, Chiinu,
str. Calea Eilor, 6
Tel.: +(373)22 750781
Fax: +(373) 22 750779
E-mail: artima@mdl.net


director - Al. Can

Address: 6, Calea Eilor str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373)22 750781
Fax: +(373) 22 750779
E-mail: artima@mdl.net

:: , ,
. , 6
: +(373)22 750781
: +(373) 22 750779
. : artima@mdl.net

SRL Bevera Nord

ntreprinderea Bevera Nord este situat n zona de producere a oraului Soroca, cuprinznd 11 ntreprinderi

SRL Bevera Nord n cadrul brandului Bevera Nord & Sergio Cerchezi a elaborat o colecie de modele
iarn-primvar 2009, bazat pe serie de cataloage BUC, Collizione, Show detali. Colecia cuprinde
haine pentru dame i brbai din stof natural n combinaie cu blan natural i piele de reptile.
ntreprinderea Bevera Nord este deschis spre cooperare reciproc avantajoas.
Bevera Nord Ltd is situated in the industrial zone of the town of Soroca, and has eleven affiliate industrial
The product assortment includes: school uniform(suits, jackets, trousers, shirts, skirts, coats); special
protection clothes; and uniforms with firms brands or signs.
Bevera Nord within Bevera Nord & Sergio Cerchezi brand has elaborated a collection of models for
winter-spring 2009, based on a set of catalogues BUC, Collizione, Show details. The collection contains
male and female clothing from natural fabrics in combination with wool and reptiles skin.
Bevera Nord Ltd is open to mutually beneficial cooperation.


Sortimentul mrfii produse de companie include: uniforme colare (costume, jachete, pantaloni, cmae,
fuste), mbrcminte special de protecie, uniform cu sigla firmei, etc.

Bevera Nord - . , ,
, 11 .
(, , , , ,
), , .
Bevera Nord Bevera Nord & Sergio Cerchezi 2009, BUC, Collizione, Show detali.
Bevera Nord .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Andrei Mrza.
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Soroca, str. Snzenelor, 4
Tel.: + (373) 252 44465,
+ (373) 69210908
Fax: + (373) 252 44465
E-mail: beveranord@yandex.ru

Director Andrei Mrza.

Address: 4, Snzenelor str.,
Soroca, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: + (373) 252 44465,
+ (373) 69210908
Fax: + (373) 252 44465
E-mail: beveranord@yandex.ru

: ,
. , .,4
: + (373) 252 44465,
+ (373) 69210908
: + (373) 252 44465
. : beveranord@yandex.ru

Brio Model Management SRL

n anul 2001, este nfiinat atelierul de creaie si producie vestimentar Brio.
Piesele vestimentare sub marca proprie nregistrat Brio sunt destinate femeilor moderne,
preocupate att de carier, ct i de imagine i care vor sa se evidenieze prin elegana si stil.
Coleciile noastre sunt axate cu precdere:

pe inuta de zi i business, cuprinznd: compleuri din 2 sau 3 piese: sacouri cu pantaloni i fust,
bluze, rochii, realizate din materiale moderne si de calitate,

pentru zile mai rcoroase: trenciuri i paltoane din materiale clduroase dar uoare.

pentru ocazii mai speciale oferim costume si rochii de sear.

Coleciile se lrgesc cu 2-3 modele fiecare 10 zile, fiecare model fiind executat in cantiti limitate
pana la 20 uniti.

Realizam i alte servicii ce in de domeniul crerii vestimentaiei:

Elaborarea i executarea unui stil unic al vestimentaiei pentru companii.


Executarea comenzilor individuale.

Ajustri i modificri.

Confecionarea produselor vestimentare in serie mica la comanda.

2001 , o Brio.


, , ,
. ,
- , ,

In 2001, fashion atelier Brio was founded.

The articles of clothing Brio are for modern women that are not just career-drawn, but fashion
accurate as well looking for elegance and style.
Our collections are axed on:

Business and day to day look, containing: comple from 2 or 3 pieces: jackets with trousers and
skirts, blouses, dresses, made from modern and qualitative materials,

For colder days: mackintoshes and overcoats from light and hot materials.

For special occasions we offer costumes and evening dresses.

Our collections are getting 2-3 new pieces every 10 days, every piece is limited to 20 units.
We offer another services related to fashion industry:

Elaboration and execution of exclusive company style.

Execution of individual requests.

Adjusting and modifying existing articles.

Executing articles in small quantities on request.

Contacte/ Contacts/
Director Natalia Culi
Adresa : Republica Moldova
Chiinu, Bd.Decebal 80 nr.107
Tel: +(373)22 551012
Tel : +(373)22 551546

Director Natalia Culish

Address: bd. Decebal 80 nr.107
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373)22 551012, 551546
E-mail: info@briomodel.com,

: , ,
. 80 .107
: +(373)22 551012,
+(373)22 551546
. : info@briomodel.com,

ntreprinderea specializat Bujor-Prim SA

Societatea pe aciuni specializat Bujor-Prim este un productor de nclminte special (n
deosebi pentru brbai) destinat pentru utilizare n condiii nocive, activeaz n domeniul industriei
uoare din anul 1944. De asemenea, ntreprinderea presteaz servicii n producerea nclmintei
pentru alte companii.
SA Bujor-Prim este certificat ca productor de nclminte, care folosete materie prim i accesorii att
din Moldova ct i importate din strintate.
Anual, volumul comercializrilor constituie cca 140 mii euro.
Compania este n cutarea partenerilor de afaceri i este deschis pentru cele mai diverse contacte i
colaborare reciproc avantajoas.


Bujor-Prim JSC producer of specialized footwear (primarily for men) for use in work conditions,
has been active in the light industry sector from 1944. Also, the enterprise provides services in
production of footwear for other companies.
Number of employees - approximatively 50 persons.
JSC Bujor-Prim is certified as a producer of footwear, which uses raw material and accessories from
Republic of Moldova as well as import of raw materials from abroad.
The enterprise is searching for business associates and is open to diverse contacts and mutually
beneficial collaboration.
Bujor-Prim 1944
( ),
, .
50 .
A Bujor-Prim , ,
, .
140 . .



Annual volume of sales constitutes aproximatively 140 thousand euros.

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Petru Cojocari
Adresa: Moldova, Chiinu,
str. Lev Tolstoi, 63
Tel.: +(373) 22 549962
Fax: +(373) 22 549962
E-mail: director@bujor.md
Pagina web: www.bujor.md

Director Petru Cojocari

Address: 63, Lev Tolstoi str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 549962
Fax: +(373) 22 549962
E-mail: director@bujor.md
Web page: www.bujor.md

: Mo, . ,
. ., 63
: +(373) 22 549962
: +(373) 22 549962
. : director@bujor.md
-: Www.bujor.md

IP Codreanca SA
Fondat n anul 1967, compania de producere Codreanca SA este o companie- productoare de
mbrcminte pentru muncitori (salopete, semisalopete, scurte, pantaloni, halate) i lucrtorii medicali
(halate, scurte, pantaloni).
n cadrul ntreprinderii activeaz circa 400 de lucrtori.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constitiue mai mult de 1,6 mln. de euro, dintre care 26% se export n Germania
i Italia.
SA Codreanca utilizez, n special, echipamentul firmelor JUKI, PFAFF, DURCOPP, precum i maini de
cusut, produse n Federaia Rus.
ntreprinderea este interesat n exportul vestimentaiei pentru muncitori i pentru personalul medical.
Founded in 1967, enterprise Codreanca JSC is a producer of working clothes (one-piece suites, bib and
brace overalls, jackets, trousers, overalls) and working clothes for medical workers(doctors smocks, jackets,
In this enterprise work approximatively 400 people.
Annual volume of sales constitutes more than 1.6 mln. euros, of which 26 % are exported to Germany and
Italy (export of services).
Codreanca JSC is equipped, especially, with equipment of such firms as JUKI, PFAFF, DURCOPP, as well as
with sewing machines produced in Russian Federation.
The enterprise is interested in export of medical and working clothes.
Codreanca 1967
(, , , , )


(, , ).
400 .
1,6 ., 26 %
( ).
Codreanca , , JUKI, PFAFF, DURCOPP,


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Pavel Axenti
Adresa: 4400, Moldova, Clra,
str. Alexandru cel Bun, 114
Tel.: +(373) 244 22334, 20075
Fax: +(373) 244 20667
E-mail: office@codreanca.com.md
Pagina web:

Director Pavel Axenti

Address: 114, Alexandru cel Bun
str., Clrai, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 244 22334, 20075
Fax: +(373) 244 20667
E-mail: office@codreanca.com.md
Web page:

: 4400, , . , .
, 114
: +(373) 244 22334, 20075
: +(373) 244 20667
. :
-: www.codreanca.com.md

SRL ODRU-TEXTIL a fost fondat n anul 2006.
Numrul angajailor constitue peste 100 de muncitori.
ntreprinderea este specializat n confecionarea articolelor pentru partenerii strini. Sortimentul mrfii
produse este constituit din scurte, blugi, mbrcminte pentru pompieri, etc. Volumul anual al vnzrilor
depete suma de 300 mii euro.
SRL ODRU-TEXTIL este interesat n orice form de colaborare reciproc avantajoas.
ODRU-TEXTIL Ltd was founded in 2006.
Number of employees - 100 persons.
The enterprise is specialized in production of articles for foreign partners. The assortment of produced
goods jackets, jeans, apparel for firemen.
Annual volume of sales exceeds 300 thousand euros.
ODRU-TEXTILLtd is interested in all forms of mutually beneficial collaboration.
100 .

. , , .
300,0 . .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Lidia Cosle
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
r. Ialoveni, s. Ulmu,
str. tefan cel Mare, 12
Tel.: +(373)22 276776
Fax: +(373)22 276776
E-mail: ftmcodru@rambler/ru


Director Lidia Cosle

Address: 12, tefan cel Mare str.,
v. Ulmu, d. Ialoveni,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373)22 276776
Fax: +(373)22 276776
E-mail: ftmcodru@rambler.ru

: ,
- , .,
. ,12
: +(373)22 276776
: +(373)22 276776
. : ftmcodru@rambler.ru

I Colibani
ntreprinderea Individual Colibani a fost nfiinat n anul 1992 i este specializat n fabricarea articolelor
de vestimentaie din tricotaj pentru aduli i copii.
Compania activeaz pe piaa Republicii Moldova cu volumul anual al comercializrilor de circa 90
mii euro.

IE Colibani was founded in 1992 and is specialised in production of knitted clothing articles for adults
and children.
The enterprise is presented on the Moldovan market with annual volume of sales of approximatively 90
thousand euros.
IE Colibani searches for business partners for the extension of production and export of finished products
and is open for mutually beneficial collaboration.
Colibani 1992
90,0 .


I Colibani este n cutarea partenerilor de afaceri pentru extinderea producerii i exportului produciei
finite i deasemenea este deschis spre colaborarea reciproc avantajoas.

... Colibani
, .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Sergiu Coliban
Adresa: Moldova, Chiinu,
str. Spartacus, 12
Tel.: /+373/ 22 43-94-75,
/+373/ 079628096
Fax: /+373/ 22 43-94-75
E-mail: olibani@rambler.ru

Director Sergiu Coliban

Address: 12, Spartacus str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: /+373/ 22 43-94-75,
/+373/ 079628096
Fax: /+373/ 22 43-94-75
E-mail: olibani@rambler.ru

: , . ,
. , 12
: /+373/ 22 43-94-75 ,
/+373/ 079628096
: /+373/ 22 43-94-75
. : olibani@rambler.ru

Coralav-LUX SRL
Firma Coralav-LUX SRL a fost fondat n Republica Moldova n anul 2003, activitatea companiei noastre
este de croitorie mbrcmintea uoar pentru femei i rochii de seara.
Timp de ase ani, am ctigat atenia clienilor din Moldova, Rusia i Polonia datorit calitaii nalte i gam
larg de modele.
Fabrica noastr este dotat cu utilaj germanDurkopp Adler, Mayer, Pfaf i cu surfilator japonez
n acest moment, firma Coralav-LUX SRL poate fi numit o companie n cretere, la fel ca n planurile
noastre de a extinde capacitile noastre.
Firm Coralav-LUX SRL has been based in Moldova in 2003, kind of activity our company is tailoring light
ladys clothes and evening gowns.
For six years of work, we were worthy clients from Moldova, Russia and Poland thanks to a high degree of
quality and the big assortment of models.
Our factory is equipped by the German equipment of firm Durkopp Adler, Mayer, Pfaf and Japanese
equipment of firm Pegas.
At present, it is possible to name firm Coralav-LUX SRL growing firm because in our plans to expand our
Coralav-LUX SRL 2003 ,


, ,
Durkopp Adler, Mayer, Pfaf
, Coralav-LUX SRL ,


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Sergiu Coliban
Adresa: Moldova, Chiinu,
str. Spartacus, 12
Tel.: /+373/ 22 43-94-75,
/+373/ 079628096
Fax: /+373/ 22 43-94-75
E-mail: olibani@rambler.ru

Director Sergiu Coliban

Address: 12, Spartacus str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: /+373/ 22 43-94-75,
/+373/ 079628096
Fax: /+373/ 22 43-94-75
E-mail: olibani@rambler.ru

: , . ,
. , 12
: /+373/ 22 43-94-75 ,
/+373/ 079628096
: /+373/ 22 43-94-75
. : olibani@rambler.ru

JSC Dalia
Societatea pe aciuni Dalia a fost fondat n 1952.
Genul principal de activitate a acesteia este confecionarea i comercializarea articolelor tricotate, precum
i prestarea serviciilor n producerea articolelor de confecii.
ntreprinderea produce urmtorul sortiment de producie: articole tricotate paltoane, jachete, rochii,
poncho, tunice, pulovere, jemperi, fulare, plrii; articole de confecii - bluze, fuste, rochii, pantaloni.
n cadrul ntreprinderii sunt angajai circa 80 de persoane.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie aproximativ 190 mii euro.
Fabrica este dotat cu echipament tehnic necesar pentru producerea articolelor tricotate i de confecii.
SA Dalia este interesat n colaborarea comun cu atragerea capitalului strin, primordial, sub form de
utilaj modern pentru broderie.
JSC Dalia was founded in 1952. The main type of activity is the production of knitted articles and the
offer of sewing services.
The enterprise produces the following product assortment: overcoats, jackets, dresses, ponchos, tunics,
jumpers, sweaters, scarves, caps; sewing articles blouses, skirts, dresses, trousers.
The company employs approximatively 80 persons.
Annual volume of sales constitutes approximately 190 thousand euros.
The enterprise is equipped with the necessary technical equipment for the production of garments
and knitted goods.
JSC Dalia is interested in mutually beneficial colaboration and the attraction of foreign capital, mainly, in
the form of modern equipment for crocheting.
Dalia 1952 .
: - , , ,
, , , , , ;
- , , , .
80 .
190 . .
Dalia ,
, .


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Gheorghe Plopan
Address: 7/1, Zelinski str.,
MD-2032, Chiinu,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 553396
Fax: +(373) 22 553397
E-mail: dalia-2006@inbox.ru

: -2032, . ,
. ,7/1
: +(373) 22 553396
: +(373) 22 553397
. : dalia-2006@inbox/ru

SA Fantazia-O
Societatea pe Aciuni Fantazia-O a fost fondat n anul 1969.
n prezent numrul angajailor constituie 120 muncitori.
Compania dispune de echipament tehnic modern i muncitori calificai. Volumul de baz al produciei este
fabricat pentru firme din Italia, Romnia i Germania. Fabrica este specializat n producerea urmtorului
sortiment: scurte pentru dame, brbai, copii, veste, pantaloni clasici i sportivi, fuste, bluze, i deasemenea
mbrcminte de protecie.
Anual volumul vnzrilor este aproximativ de 250 mii euro, din care 96% sunt exportate.
ntreprinderea este interesat n cutarea comenzilor pentru prestarea serviciilor i deasemena pentru
exportul produselor sale.


director Gheorghe Plopan

Adresa: D-2032, Chiinu,
str. Zelinski, 7/1
Tel.: +(373) 22 553396
Fax: +(373) 22 553397
E-mail: dalia-2006@inbox/ru

The enterprise Fantazia-Oc was founded in 1969. At present the number of employees constitutes
120 persons.
The company is equipped with modern technical equipment and qualified employees. Basic volume
of production is made for companies from Italy., Romania and Germany. The factory is specialised in
production of the following product assortment: jackets for women, men and kids, sweaters, classical and
sport trousers, skirts, blouses, coats for women, men and children on the basis of padding polyester and
down, windcheaters, and protective clothing.
Annual volume of sales is approximately 250 thousand euros, of which 96% are exported.
The enterprise searches for orders in contract services and the exporting of own label products.
Fantazia-Oc 1969 . 120 .
, , .
, ,
, , , , , .
250 . , 96% .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Vladimir Ozarciuc
Adresa: Or. Rcani,
str. Comarova, 28
Tel.: +(373)256 28452
Fax: +(373)256 23885

director Vladimir Ozarciuc

Address: 28, Comarova str.,
Rcani, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373)256 28452
Fax: +(373)256 23885

- .
: . ,
. , 28
: +(373)256 28452
: +(373)256 23885



SRL FASCHION GRUP este o ntreprindere mixt moldo-italian, fondat n anul 1999, specializat n
confecionarea articolelor tricotate pentru dame, brbai i copii.


Articolele se produc din pnzele tricotate moderne cu mbinarea diferitor metode de broderie, imprimare
policrom, broderii aplicate, precum i finisare cu pietre i dantele. Designul mrfii produse este asortat
cu tendinele modei, elaborate de ctre Case de Mod europene de prestigiu: Guess, Calvin Klein, Cavalli,
Armani, Pinko, Dolce Gabana.
n prezent, concomitent cu exportul produciei n Italia, ntreprinderea livreaz marfa sa i pe piaa
intern a Moldovei, aceast colecie proprie a mrcii comerciale Dolce Vita, a cucerit cumprtorii prin
originalitate, stil i calitatea nalt.
FASCHION GRUP Ltd mixed moldovan-italian enterprise, founded in 1999, is specialised in the
manufacture of knitted articles for women, men and children.
The products are produced from modern knitted fabrics combined with different methods of overlay,
polychromatic printing, application embroidery, and finishing with rocks and lace. The design of products
is assorted with designs elaborated by prestigious European fashion houses including: Guess, Calvin
Klein, Cavalli, Armani, Pinko, Dolce&Gabbana.
At present, simultaneously with the export of products to Italy, the enterprise sells its goods on the market
of Republic of Moldova. It is an own brand collection, which customers buy because of its originality, style
and high quality.
, .

, , , , .
: Guess, Calvin Klein, Cavalli, Armani, Pinko, Dolce Gabana.
, ,
. Dolce
Vita, , .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Ghiulinara urcanu
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Bli, str. tefan cel Mare, 128
Tel.: + (373) 231 26249
Fax: + (373) 231 26452
E-mail: zoya@mail.md

Ex.Dir. Ghiulinara urcanu

Address: 128 , tefan cel Mare str.,
Bli, Rebublic of Moldova
Tel.: + (373) 231 26249
Fax: + (373) 231 26452
E-mail: zoya@mail.md

. -
: ,
. , ,128
: + (373) 231 26249
: + (373) 231 26452
. : zoya@mail.md

SA Flautex
SA Flautex din oraul Bli, cu 100% capital privat, este succesorul ntreprinderii textile, fondate n anul
1947. n cadrul ntreprinderii date activeaz circa 70 persoane.
Genul principal de activitate este confecionarea (cusutul i esutul) articolelor flauate.
SA Flautex propune spre alegerea cumprtorului o gam vast de produse: prosoape flauate, fee de
pern i alte articole de lenjerie de pat, halate flauate, set pentru baie, set pentru nou-nscui, n afar de
aceastea fabrica produce seturi de prosoape pentru saloane de cosmetic, sanatorii i staiuni de odihn.
ntreprinderea este utilat cu echipamentul tehnic modern al firmei Textima, JUKI, Meca-Italy.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie 250 mii de euro, din care zece la sut sunt destinate exportului n Italia (seturi
de prosoape pentru hoteluri i camping) i Rusia (halate, lenjerie de pat, prosoape din bumbac).


SA Flautex este interesat n identificarea potenialilor investitori cu scopul reutilrii tehnice a estoriei
pentru exportul ulterior a mrfurilor produse.

JSC Flautex located in the city of Bli, with 100% private capital, is a successor of the textile enterprise,
founded in 1947.
The number of employees is approximatively 70 persons.
The main type of activity the production (sewing and weaving) of plush articles.

The enterprise is equipped with technical equipment from firms such as Textima, JUKI, MecaItaly.
Annual volume of sales constitutes 250 thousand euros, of which 10% of plush articles are exported to
Russia (towels for hotels and campings) and (dressing gowns, bedclothes, cotton towels).
Flautex 100%- ,
, 1947 .
Flautex : ,
, , , , . ,
, .
Textima, JUKI, Meca-Italy.


JSC Flautex offers a large range of products: plush towels, pillowcases and other bedclothes articles,
plush dressing gowns, bath suites, layettes. The factory produces towels for beauty salons, sanatoriums
and recreation centers.

250 . , 10%
( ) ( ,
, 100 % - ).

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Ludmila Zagrudnaia
Adresa: Moldova, Bli,
str. tefan cel, 155
Tel.: +(373) 231 25377
Fax: +(373) 231 25379
E-mail: flautex@beltsy.md

director Ludmila Zagrudnaia

Address: 155, tefan cel Mare str.,
Bli, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 231 25377
Fax: +(373) 231 25379
E-mail: flautex@beltsy.md

: , . ,
. , 155
: +(373) 231 25377
: +(373) 231 25379
. : flautex@beltsy.md

SA Floare-Carpet
Societatea pe Aciuni Floare-Carpet este o ntreprindere specializat n producerea covoarelor
jacquard dublu plu.
Covoarele cu marca Floare-Carpet SA sunt caracterizate ca covoare de calitate nalt, aparinnd
clasamentului superior a covoarelor jacard dublu plu, confecionate la rzboaiele de esut
automatizate, asigurnd caliti excepionale de exploatare, cum sunt: longevitate, elasticitate nalt a
pluului, pstrarea ndelungat a aspectului exterior, rezisten la murdrire i ecologic pure.
n dependen de design, covoarele sunt mprite n mai multe stiluri: clasic, european, modern, covorportret, suvenire, etc. Sortimentul se caracterizeaz prin o gam variat de desene (circa 500), care au
ir variat de dimensiuni i colorite.
Pe parcursul anilor de activitate Floare-Carpet SA a obtinut mai multe merite, printre care: n luna
noiembrie 1992, Secretariatul Internaional al Lnii a conferit covoarelor de ln pur, produse de
ntreprindere, semnul Internaional de calitate WOOLMARK, iar la finele anului 2005- covoarelor din
ln WOOLMARK BLEND. Floare-Carpet SA a implimentat sistemul de calitate ISO-9001, ce a fost
utlerior certificat, de ctre compania german de Audit TUV CERT TUV Thuringen e. V.
n domeniul calitii managementului, productivitii i competitivitii, Floare-Carpet SA a obinut n
anul 2000, Premiul Internaional de Calitate International Gold Star World Quality Commitment
Madrid 2000, n anul 2001 Premiul Internaional de Calitate International Platinum Star Award
for Quality Geneva 2001, n anul 2003 Premiul Internaional International Quality Crown
Award in Diamond Londra 2003, n anul 2008 i 2009 Premiul pentru Excelen i Prestigiu



n Afaceri New-York . Floare-Carpet SA a fost declarat nvingtor al concursului Marca Comercial a

Anului nominaia EXPORT, obinnd Premiul Mare Mercuriul de Aur pe parcursul anilor 2005-2009.
Drept clieni ai ntrprinderii putem enumera ntreprinderi din ri precum: Rusia, Romania, Ucraina,
Portugalia, Bulgaria, Italia, SUA, Australia, etc.
Floare-Carpet Joint Stock Company is an enterprise specializing in producing jacquard double faced pile
Our carpets are characterized as high-quality, belonging to the higher league of jacquard double faced
pile carpets, machine made, providing exceptional quality service, such as longevity, raised high elasticity,
duration of storage appearance, and resistance to organic fouling.
Depending on design, carpets are divided into several styles: Classical style, European style, Modern style,
portraits, souvenirs, etc.. The range is characterized by a wide range of designs (about 500), which varied
range of sizes and colors.
During the years Floare-Carpet has won several merits, including: in November 1992, the International Wool
Secretariat gave pure wool carpets, produced by the company, an international sign of quality WOOLMARK
and the end of 2005 - wool rugs - WOOLMARK BLEND. Floare-Carpet has implemented the ISO-9001 quality
system, which was certified by the German audit company TUV CERT TUV Thuringen eV
In the field of quality management, productivity and competitiveness, Floare-Carpet has obtained,
International Quality Award World Quality Commitment International Gold Star Madrid, International
Platinum Star Award for Quality - Geneva, International Quality Crown Award in the Diamond London,
Award for Excellence and Business Prestige - New York. Floare-Carpet JSC was declared the winner of the
contest Brand of the Year nomination EXPORT, the Grand Prix Golden Mercury during the years 20052009. The Floare-Carpet production can be seen in such countries as Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Portugal,
Bulgaria, Italy, USA, Australia, etc..
Floare Carpet
, , ,
: ,
, , , . 500 ,
, :

Floare Carpet ISO-9001
TUV CERT TUV Thuringen.
2003 Universal
Accounting. ,
Floare-Carpet 2000 International
Gold Star World Quality Comitment Madrid 2000. 2001 .
International Platinum Star Award for Quality, Geneva-2001. 2003
International Quality Grown Award in Diamond, London-2003. , 2008
(-, 2008 .).
Floare-Carpet :
, - (), (), (), (),
(), , , , .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Nicolae Rabii
Adresa: Str. Grdina Botanic, 15,
Moldova, Chiinu
Tel.: +(373)22 55-80-06
: +(373)22 522-000
E-mail: mk@floare-carpet.md
Pagina web:


director Nicolae Rabii

Address: 15, Grdina Botanic str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.number: +(373)22 55-80-06
Fax: +(373)22 522-000
E-mail: mk@floare-carpet.md
Web page: www.floare-carpet.md

: . , 15,
. , .
: +(373)22 55-80-06
: +(373)22 522-000
. : mk@floare-carpet.md


ntreprinderea cu capital strin FLOREANA FASHION a fost fondat n anul 2004. Genul principal de
activitate const n producerea vestimentaiei pentru dame pe baza sistemului lohn.
Numrul de angajai este aproximativ 880 de persoane.
Volumul anual al exportului n Marea Britanie l constituie 1,5 milioane euro.

The enterprise with foreign capital FLOREANA FASHION was founded in 2004. The main type of activity
production of womens clothing.
Number of employees approximatively 880 persons.
Annual volume of sales constitutes 1.5 mil. euros. All the goods are exported to Great Britain.
The enterprise is equipped with specialised universal equipment for sewing, allowing for production of
high quality product ranges.
880 .
1,5 . . .


ntreprinderea este dotat cu echipament de cusut special universal, ce permite producerea confeciilor
de calitate.


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Ellinas Ioulios
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Floreti, str. tefan cel Mare, 61.
Tel.: + (373) 250 26076
Fax: + (373 250 26077

director Ellinas Ioulios

Address: 61, tefan cel Mare
str., Floreti, Republic of
Tel.: + (373) 250 26076
Fax: + (373) 250 26077

: . ,
. , . . , 61.
: + (373) 250 26076
: + (373 250 26077
. :

ntrteprinderea cu capital strin GABINY SRL, A fost lansat pe pia n 2001, n scurt timp a devenit o ntreprindere
recunoscut pe piaa Republicii Moldova i peste hotarele rii datorit specializrii n producerea nclmintei
din piele natural de tip sport i nclminte special de lucru, precum i n producerea confeciilor textile de tip
sport i agrement, haine de lucru pentru muncitori i personal medical. Din anul 2005 potenialul pieii interne
i a celei externe provoac ntreprinderea la expansiunea sferei de activitate, lansnd producerea mobilei din pal
laminat i a mobilei capitonate.
n urma colaborrii cu diverse societi din Uniunea European, ntreprinderea noastr a obinut o calificare
necesar pentru satisfacerea cerinelor de calitate impuse de clineii notri, ct i n logistica mrfurilor impusede
UE. Astfel, din 2006 ntrteprinderea cu capital strin GABINYSRL a fost certificat de sistemul Management
al Calitii (ISO 9001) de ctre SGS, ceia ce prezint distincia suprem care confirm calitatea incomparabil a
produselor noastre.
Actualmente ntrteprinderea cu capital strinGABINY este divizat n 3 sectoare industriale: Confecii textile,
nclminte, mobil-corp i mobila moale.
The company of foreign capital Gabiny LLC entered the market in 2001 and in a short period of time has become
an acknowledged company in Moldovas market and abroad due to the specialization of manufacturing sporting,
work shoes made of natural leather ,textile articles, tracksuits , working clothes and clothes for medical staff. Since
2005 the potential of inward and outward market has made the company enlarge and launch the manufacturing
of soft and base furniture.


As a result of the collaboration with different companies from the Europe Union, our company got the necessary
qualification to satisfy the requirements presented by our customers as well as the logistics requirements imposed
by the EU. Thus, since 2006 the company Gabiny LLC was certified by the SGS system called The management
of Quality (ISO 9001) which is the highest award confirming the excellent quality of our products.


At the moment Gabiny LLC is divided into 3 manufacturing departments: Sewing production, Footwear
production and Production of soft and base furniture.
, , ,
. 2005
() ,
. , 2006 GABINY SRL
SGS (ISO 9001),

Contacte/ Contacts/
Director - Iurie Rija
Adresa: Republica Moldova
or. Orhei, Str. Tamara Ciobanu,2
tel: + (373) 235 25541
fax:+ (373) 235 25541
e-mail: office@gabiny.com

Director Iurie Rija

Address: 4, Tamara Ciobanu str.,
Orhei, Republic of Moldova
tel: + (373) 235 25541
fax:+ (373) 235 25541
e-mail: office@gabiny.com

. , . , 2
. + (373) 235 25541
+ (373) 235 25541
e-mail: office@gabiny.com

Fabrica de textile GALANTA a fost fondat n anul 1949, specializnduse n producerea articolelor de galanterie.
ntreprinderea deine un personal de aproximativ 80 oameni.
Sortimentul mrfii produse sunt panglice i sfoare de galanterie, stofe i accesorii pentru perdele, irete
pentru nclminte, etc.
Toat marfa produs se comercializeaz pe piaa Republicii Moldova.
SA GALANTA invit investitorii spre colaborare reciproc avantajoas cu scopul diversificrii sortimentului
mrfurilor produse i rennoirea utilajului tehnic.
The textile company GALANTA was founded in 1949 and is specialised in production of textile/
apparel accessories and haberdashery.
The enterprise has approximatively 80 persons.
The assortment of products tapes and cords, fabrics and accessories for curtains, shoelaces.
All products are sold on the internal market of Republic of Moldova. The enterprise is equipped with all technical
equipment: sewing machines, embroidery machines, woven machines and knitting machines.
JSC GALANTA invites investors for mutually beneficial collaboration for the purpose of development of
new assortments of products and for technical re-equipment.
80 .
, , ,
, .
, , .



director Leonid Minciuc

Adresa: Republica Moldova, or.
Orhei, str. Vasile Lupu, 171
Tel.: +(373) 235 2 35 01
Fax: +(373) 235 2 35 01
E-mail: galanta@mail.md
Pagina web: galanta@mail.md

director Leonid Minciuc

Address: 171, Vasile Lupu str.,
Orhei, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 235 2 35 01
Fax: +(373) 235 2 35 01
E-mail: galanta@mail.md
Web page: galanta@mail.md

: , . ,
.., 171
: +(373) 235 2 35 01
: +(373) 235 2 35 01
. : galanta@mail.md
-: galanta@mail.md

CS Gekatex International SA
ntreprinderea cu capital strin Gekatex International SA a fost fondat n 1999 cu scopul producerii
vestimentaiei pentru femei (fuste, bluze, pantaloni, etc.). Compania activeaz pe baza sistemului lohn.
n cadrul ntreprinderii sunt angajai aproximativ 130 de persoane.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor alctuiete mai mult de 600 mii euro. Toat marfa este exportat n Uniunea
CS Gekatex International este dotat cu utilaj tehnic modern pentru toate stadiile de producere.
ntreprinderea este interesat n instituirea producerii comune a articolelor de confecie cu exportul
ulterior a acestora.


Contacte/ Contacts/

The ennterprise with foreign capital Gekatex International JSC was founded in 1999 for the purpose of
producing clothing for women (skirts, blouses, trousers).
Number of employees is approximatively 130 persons.
Annual volume of sales constitutes more than 600 thousand euros. All products are exported to
European countries.
EFC Gekatex International JSC is equipped with modern technical equipment for all stages of production
(equipment for cutting , sewing, ironing).
The enterprise is interested in production of garments for export.
Gekatex International 1999
(, , .) .
130 .
600 . .
Gekatex International
(, , ).


Contacte/ Contacts/
Admin. Svetlana Camiliciu
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Comrat, str, Ialpugului, 29
Tel.: +(373) 298 2 28 57 , 0
(691) 36 421
Fax: +(373) 298 2 35 92

Admin. Svetlana Camiliciu

Address: 29, Ialpugului str.,
Comrat, Republic of Moldova
Tel. : +(373) 298 2 28 57 ,
0 (691) 36 421
Fax: +(373) 298 2 35 92

: ,
. , . , 29
: +(373) 298 2 28 57 , 0
(691) 36 421
: +(373) 298 2 35 92
. :


SA Ialtexgal-Aurica
SA Ialtexgal-Aurica a fost creat pe baza fabricii textile i galanterie n anul 1965. n prezent, n cadrul
ntreprinderii activeaz circa 80 persoane.
ntreprinderea presteaz servicii companiilor italiene n confecionarea scurtelor pentru dame i brbai,
mbrcminte de protecie.


SA Ialtexgal-Aurica este interest n identificarea noilor parteneri de afaceri i investiiilor n producere.

JSC Ialtexgal-Aurica was created on the basis of a haberdashery and textile mill in 1965. The number of
employees is approximatively 80 persons.
The enterprise provides services to Italian companies in the manufacture of jackets for women and men,
and protective clothing.
JSC Ialtexgal-Aurica is interested in finding new business partners and investors in production.
A Ialtexgal-Aurica - , 1965 .
80 .
A Ialtexgal-Aurica

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Angela Poparce
Adresa: Republica Moldova, or.
Ialoveni, str. Alexandru cel Bun, 30
Tel.: +(373) 268 21662
Fax: +(373) 268 21662
E-mail: aurica@altnet.md

director Angela Poparce

Address: 30, Alexandru cel Bun str.,
Ialoveni, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 268 21662
Fax: +(373) 268 21662
E-mail: aurica@altnet.md

: , . ,
.A e , 30
: +(373) 268 21662
: +(373) 268 21662
. : aurica@altnet.md

ntreprinderea cu capital strin ICATEX-pro SRL a fost nfiinat n anul 1999.
Compania a angajat peste 200 de persoane.
SRL ICATEX-pro produce mbrcminte special pe baza sistemului lohn. Linia de producere este
reprezentat de o gam vast de articole: halate pentru dame i brbai, veste pentru dame i brbai,
pantaloni pentru dame i brbai, cmae, jachete, plrii.
Cantitatea anual al vnzrilor alctuiete circa 2,0 milioane euro. Toat producia se export n Polonia,
Germania, Olanda i alte ri a Uniunii Europene.
Principiul de baz al activitii ntreprinderii este calitatea nalt i ndeplinirea la timp a obligaiilor contractuale.

The enterprise with foreign capital ICATEX-pro Ltd was founded in 1999.
The number of employees is approximatively 200 persons.
ICATEX-pro produces special clothing on the basis of the lohn system. The production line is
represented by a vast range of articles: dressing gowns, jackets and trousers for women and men,
shirts, coats and hats.
Annual volume of sales constitutes approximatively 2.0 mil. euros. All products are exported to Poland,
Germany, Holland and other EU countries.
The main advantage of the enterprises activity is the high quality and timely execution of
contractual obligations.
ICATEX-pro 1999 .


200 .
ICATEX-pro .
, , , , , ,
2,0 . . ,
, .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Veaceslav utkevici
Adresa: Republica Moldova, or.
Anenii Noi, str. Suvorov, 1
Tel.: +(373) 265 2-00-50,
Fax: +(373) 265 2-00-52
E-mail: icatex@teamdress.de

director Veaceslav utkevici

Address: 1, Suvorov street, Anenii
Noi, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 265 2-00-50, 0(265)239-55
Fax: +(373) 265 2-00-52
E-mail: icatex@teamdress.de

: ,
. , . , 1
: +(373) 265 2-00-50,
: +(373) 265 2-00-52
. : icatex@teamdress.de



ntreprinderea mixt moldo-turc INFINITY Inc. a fost nfiinat la 26 decembrie 1997. Numrul de angajai
l constituie mai mult de 1000 persoane.
Asortimentul mrfurilor produse include: cmi de noapte, pijamale (pentru dame i brbai), costume
sportive, lenjerie pentru brbai (chiloi, boxeri, maiouri, tricouri), mbrcminte pentru copii.
ntreprinderea are o vast experien de colaborare cu bine-cunoscute companii din SUA, Canada i Japonia
NIKE; GAP), precum i din rile europene (Anglia, Germania, Italia, Frana (EUROPRIDE LTD, GRUPPO
ARCTE SPA, VIP LINE MODE GmbH, JMJ , PALMERS, M & S, CHAMPION), ceea ce asigur calitatea
nalt a mrfurilor produse.
M INFINITY Inc.SRL este dotat cu utilaj tehnic modern de producie european.
Compania dispune de Certificatul Internaional de Audit Social WRAP.
Toate produsele sunt exportate. Volumul anual al comercializrilor constituie circa 2,0 mln. euro.
ntreprinderea este interesat n identificarea partenerilor pentru crearea societii mixte i instituirea
filialelor n Rusia cu scopul de a nfiina la Moscova ntreprinderea mixt moldo-rus DREIK& pentru
confecionarea articolelor din tricotaj.
Moldovan-Turkish JV INFINITY Inc. was founded in 1997. Number of employees is more than 1000.
Product assortment: nightgowns, pyjamas(for women and men), tracksuits, underwear for men (pants,
boxers and tank tops), football shirts, polo jerseys, and knitted clothing for children.
The enterprise has wide experience in collaboration with well-known companies from USA,Canada and
NIKE; GAP), as well as from European countries(Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France)EUROPRIDE LTD,
high quality production.
JV INFINITY Inc. Ltd is equipped with modern technical equipment from European suppliers.
The Company possesses The International Certificate of Social Audit WRAP.
All products are exported. Annual volume of sales constitutes approximatively 2.0 mln. euros.
The enterprise is interested in finding partners for the creation of new product areas as well as the
organisation of branch offices in the Russian Federation - with a proposal to work with the MoldovanRussian JV DREIK& in Moscow for production of knitted goods.
- INFINITY Inc. 1997 .
1000 .
: , ( ),
, (, , ), , ,




( ).
2,0 ..

, . -
& .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Vladimir Selezneov
Adresa juridic: Moldova, 2004,
Chiinu, str. tefan cel Mare i
potal: Moldova, 2004, Chiinu,
str. Mitropolit Dosoftei, 115
Tel.: Moldova: +(373) 22 295-395,
222-731, mob. 8 10 373 7900006
Rusia: mob. 8-9055584009
Fax: Moldova: +(.373) 22 21-38-16,

director Vladimir Selezneov

Post address: juridical: 196, tefan
cel Mare i Sfnt street, Chiinu,
MD-2004, Moldova
post: 115, Mitropolit Dosoftei str.,
Chiinu, MD-2004, Moldova
Tel.: Moldova: +(373) 22 295-395,
222-731, mob. 8 10 373 7900006
Russia: mob. 8-9055584009
Fax: Moldova: +(.373) 22 21-38-16,

: ,
2004, . ,
. . ,196
: , 2004,
. , . . , 115
: : +(373) 22 295395, 222-731, . 8 10 373 7900006
: . 8-9055584009
: +(.373) 22 21-38-16,
. :
officeinfinity.md @gmail.com

CI SRL Intercentru Lux

CI SRL Intercentru Lux a fost nfiinat n 1993 n oraul Tiraspol.
Fabrica de confecii Intercentru Lux produce peste 1milion de uniti de articole tricotate pe an, cu un
variat asortiment pentru toate vrstele din materie proprie, precum i din materie prim lohn. De asemenea
compania dispune de reele comerciale proprii.
Asortimentul produs include:
-paltoane pentru dame i brbai, scurte, trenciuri din diferite esturi, bleizeri, mbrcminte special
pentru colaboratorii poliiei, militari, mbrcminte de protecie (pn la 35 000 uniti pe lun), utiliznd
capacitile industriale ale fabricii, situate n oraul Dubsari (1000 persoane);
- bluze pentru dame i copii, jachete, fuste, pantaloni, ori, sarafane, rochii din stofe diferite (pn la 40.000
de articole pe lun), utiliznd capacitile industriale ale fabricii, situate n oraul Tiraspol (500 persoane).
Diverse articole ale fabricii se comercializeaz cu succes prin intermediul cataloagelor n Frana, Belgia,
Olanda, Italia, Austria, Germania, SUA. Astfel, SRL Intercentru Lux confirm permanent reputaia unui
partener de ncredere att pe piaa intern, ct i pe cea extern. Compania are o experien vast de
colaborare cu companiile germane, olandeze, austriece i italiene n confecionarea articolelor din diferite
tipuri de stofe att n producie de mas ct i articolelor de elit i modelelor pentru comercializri n
Fabrica este dotat cu utilaj universal special, aa ca: maini de cusut universale i speciale firmei JUKI
(Japonia), utilaj automatizat de nalt productivitate pentru secia de croire (Japonia), precun i alt
echipament specializat firmelor Kannegiesser, Gigli (Suedia), Grundler (Germania), Theobald
(Ungaria), Brevittata (Italia).
ntreprinderea este una din cele cinci companii unicale din Moldova, care sunt certificate pentru utilizarea


Fabrica de confecii Intercentru Lux, deintoarea Arcii Europene de Aur pentru calitatea nalt i noi
tehnologii brandurilor aplicate, aa ca PRADA, ARMANI, DOLCE & GABBANA, CALVIN KLEIN, MONCLER,
DANIEL HECHTER din Europa, Canada, Belgia i SUA, este interesat n stabilirea contactelor cu partenerii
de afaceri din domeniul confecionrii paltoanelor, scurtelor, pantalonilor i altor articole din materia
proprie i cea a clientului.

The garment factory Intercentru Lux produces more than 1.0 mil. units of sewing articles per year, with a
large assortment for all ages using both local raw materials and lohn raw materials.
The product assortment includes:
- trousers for women and men; jackets and coats from different fabrics; special clothing for police and
military; protective clothing (approximately 35 thousand units per month produced by the factory
located in Dubsari and employing1000 people);
- blouses for women and children; jackets; skirts; trousers; shorts; sundresses; dresses from different fabrics
(approximately 40 thousand articles per month produced by the factory located in Tiraspol and employing
500 people).
Different products of the company are selling successfully through catalogues in France, Belgium, Holland,
Italy, Austria, Germany and USA. Intercentru Lux has a strong reputation as a trusted business partner not
only in the internal market but in external markets also. The company has wide experience of collaboration
with German, Austrian, Italian and Dutch companies in the manufacture of products from different types
of fabric for large - scale selling as well as elite products for specialised selling.


CIE LTD Intercentru Lux was founded in 1993 in Tiraspol.

The company is equipped with specialised equipment such as: universal and special sewing machines of
JUKI (Japan); automated equipment with high productivity for the clothes-cutting section (from Japan);
and other specialised equipment from companies such as: Kannegiesser, Gigli (Sweden), Grundler
(Germany), Theobald (Hungary), Brevittata (Italy).
The enterprise is one of the five unique companies from Moldova which are certificated to use
GORE-TEX and technologies.
The sewing factory Intercentru Lux, holder of the highest international award The Golden Arch
of Europe, for best quality and the latest technologies of well-known trade marks such as: PRADA,
Belgium and USA), is interested in establishing contacts with businees partners in the trousers,
jackets and coats production field as well as producing other products from both in-house and
clients raw materials.
1993 . .
- 1,0 . .
- , , , , ,
, ( 35.000 ) ,
(1000 );
- , , , , , ,
( 40.000 )
(500 ).
, , ,
, , , . ,
, ,
. , ,

, .
, :
JUKI (),
Kannegiesser ,


JUKI (), Grundler () Theobald (),

Brevittata (), .


- ,
, ,

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Vladislav Dzernovici
Adresa: 3300, Republica Moldova,
or. Tiraspol, str. Kotovski, 4
Tel.: (373533) -79001, 72600
Fax: (373533) 73322, 79001
E-mail: info@centrelux.com
Pagina web: www.centrelux.com

director Vladislav Dzernovici

Address: 4, Kotovski str., Tiraspol,
MD-3300, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (373533) -79001, 72600
Fax: (373533) 73322, 79001
E-mail: info@centrelux.com
Web page: www.centrelux.com

- .
: 3300, . ,
. , . 4,
.: (373533) -79001, 72600
: (373533) 73322, 79001
. : info@centrelux.com
-.: www.centrelux.com

Fabrica de confecii Ionel SA

S IONEL este una din cele mai vechi ntreprinderi industriale din Republica Moldova, fondat n
octombrie 1945. Colectivul fabricii deine o parte considerabil din aciuni.
Fabrica este specializat n producerea urmtorului sortiment: vestimentaie pentru dame i brbai paltoane, semipaltoane, costume, sacouri, veste, pantaloni, ori; vestimentaie pentru copii - costume,
pantaloni, scurte, sacouri. n afar de sortimentul de baz fabrica produce seturi de lenjerie de pat,
echipament de protecie, plrii, etc.
n cadrul ntreprinderii activeaz cca 1200 muncitori.
n fiecare an, compania dezvolt i propune spre alegerea consumatorului mai mult de o sut de modele
noi. n 2002 a fost introdus Standardul Internaional ISO 9001-2000, care se confirm anual.
Designul modern i calitatea nalt a produciei contribuie la dezvoltarea unor parteneriate durabile i de
succes cu companiile din Germania, Italia, Frana, Polonia, Romnia.
Fabrica este dotat cu echipamentul de nalt tehnologie, produs de liderii companiilor europene.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie cca 4,0 mln.euro, dintre care 80 % alctuiete cota exportului.
SA IONEL este n cutarea partenerilor n vederea ncheierii unor contracte reciproc avantajoase, ce ar
viza exportul produselor finale, precum i exportul serviciilor, prestate ntru confecionarea articolelor de
JSC IONEL is one of the oldest industrial enterprises in Republic of Moldova, founded in October 1945. In
1999 the enterprise was privatised.
The factory is specialised in the production of the following product assortment: Men and Womens
clothing - overcoats, short coats, suits, coats, jackets, trousers, shorts and waiscoats; Childrens clothing
- suits, trousers, jackets and coats. In addition, the enterprises workshops produce overalls, bedclothes ,
table linen, headgear and other products.
1,200 people approximately work in the enterprise.
Yearly, the company develops and produces to the customers demands more than one hundred new
models. In 2002 the International Standard ISO 9001-2000 was introduced and is confirmed annually.
The modern design and the high quality of the production promotes the development of durable and
successful partnerships with companies from Germany, Italy, France, Poland and Romania.
The factory is equipped with high technology equipment, produced by leading European companies.
Annual volume of sales constitutes approximately 4.0 mln.euros, of which 80 % is exported.
JSC IONEL searches for partners to enter into mutually beneficial contracts, for both the export of final
products as well as the export of services.


: , , , , , , , ; , , . , ,
, .
1200 .
. 2002
ISO 9001-2000, .

, , , , .

4,0 . , 80 % .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Tamara LUCHIAN
Adresa: MD-2001, Republica
Moldova, Chiinu, str. Bulgar, 47
Tel.: +(373) 22 57-88-11
Fax: +(373) 22 57-88-00
E-mail: Partners@ionel.moldnet.md
Pagina web: WWW.Ionel-SA.com

director Tamara LUCHIAN

Address: 47, Bulgar str., Chiinu,
MD-2001, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 57-88-11
Fax: +(373) 22 57-88-00
E-mail: Partners@ionel.moldnet.md
Web page: WWW.Ionel-SA.com.


. O. IONEL -
. 1945 . 1999 IONEL

: MD-2001, , . ,
. , 47
: +(373) 22 57-88-11
: +(373) 22 57-88-00
. : Partners@ionel.moldnet.md
-.: WWW.Ionel-SA.com

ntreprinderea IUVAS este specializat n confecionarea produselor din tricot, care corespund
cerinelor de calitate i celor mai noi tendine ale modei. Compania activeaz n domeniul industriei
uoare de la 24 decembrie 1998.
Fabrica este considerat una din cele mai cunoscute firme de tricotaje din Republica Moldova,
caracterizndu-se prin calitatea articolelor, dotarea tehnic a ntreprinderii, promptitudine n executarea si
livrarea comenzilor, personal calificat, flexibilitate, preuri accesibile.
Sortimentul mrfii produse include o gam larg de articole disponibile pentru toate grupele de vrst:
lenjerie de corp (tricouri, maiouri, pijamale, cmi de noapte, pantaloni) i mbrcminte (costume
sportive, pulovere, pantaloni, jachete).
Actualmente ntreprinderea reuete s satisfac toi clienii att cu confecii calitative (calitatea confeciilor
este confirmat de certificatele de igien si conformitate) ct i o gam de produse foarte variat.
ntreprinderea de tricotaje IUVAS beneficiaz de o dotare tehnic performant, care i permite realizarea unei
game diversificate de articole si o productivitate nalt. Dispune de maini de cusut tip Juki, Global, Yamato.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor depete 400 mii euro. Toat marfa se comercializeaz pe piaa
intern a Moldovei.
The IUVAS enterprise is specialised in the manufacture of knitted garments, which correspond to the
latest requirements for quality and new design. The IUVAS company has been working in the field of light
industry since 1996.
It is considered to be one of the most renowned knitting companies in the Republic of Moldova,
characterised by the quality of articles, technical equipment of the enterprise, efficiency of orders execution
and delivery, qualified staff, flexibility and competitive prices.


The product assortment of the IUVAS enterprise includes: Underwear (pants, boxer shorts, undershirts,
sports shirts, combinations, pyjamas, night gowns) and Outerwear (track-suits, jogging jackets, trousers,
pullovers, vests, dresses, skirts).


The enterprise satisfies the requirements of all clients for ready-made garments. The quality of readymade garments is confirmed by certificates of hygiene and conformity and by the broad range of products
- commencing with underwear and ending with outerwear/ knitwear, designed for men, women and children.
The IUVAS knitting factory has high specification technical equipment, which allows for the production of
a diverse range of products and high productivity. The company has sewing machines such as : Pegasus,
Juki, Global and Yamato.
Annual volume of sales contitutes more than 400 thousand euros. All products are sold on the internal
market of the Republic of Moldova.
The factory is also interested in exporting its range of products.
IUVAS 1998
, ,
, .
(, , , , , )
( , , , ).

) .
Juki, Global, Yamato.

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Iurie Vasiliu
Adresa: 2023, Republica Moldova, mun. Chiinu,
str. Meterul Manole, 9.
Tel.: +(373) 22 47-80-29,
Fax: +(373) 22 47-80-29
E-mail: lilia_iuvas@mail.ru
Pagina web: www.iuvas.com

director Iurie Vasiliu

Address: 9, Meterul Manole str.,
Chiinu, 2023,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 47-80-29, 42-13-94
Fax: +(373) 22 47-80-29
E-mail: lilia_iuvas@mail.ru
Web page: www.iuvas.com

: 2023,
, . ,
. , 9.
.: 22 47-80-29, 42-13-94
: +(373) 22 47-80-29
. : lilia_iuvas@mail.ru

SRL LeniCris-Lux
Compania LeniCris-Lux produce un asortiment larg de produse textile: pentru nou-nscui, pentru copii
de vrsta precolar, pentru aduli, dame i brbai.
Confeciile se produc n gam larg de culori din tricotat de bumbac de nalt calitate.
Meterii ntreprinderii elaboreaz individual designul pentru fiecare model nou. Articolele mrcii LeniCrisLux pentru nounscui sunt alctuite din cele mai calitative stofe de origine strin. Materialele utilizate
contribuie la libera circulaie a aerului, nu irit pielea copilului, nu se decoloreaz i sunt uor de splat.
n prezent LeniCris-Lux produce mai mult de 300 de modele. Toate produsele sunt vndute pe piaa
intern a Moldovei.
Compania are urmtoarele avantaje:
- standardele nalte de calitate;
- confort i aplicativitate;


- ambalajul original i comod;

- mrci stilate i design european;
- actualizarea regulat a asortimentului;
- certificare i siguran.

Product items are produced in a large range of colours from tricot cotton of high quality.
Technicians in the enterprise elaborate individual designs for each new model. Products of LeniCris-Lux
for newborns are made from foreign fabrics of the best quality. Materials used facilitate free air circulation,
dont damage the bodys skin, do not decolourise and are easy to wash.
LeniCris-Lux produces more than 300 design models. All the products are sold on the internal market
of Republic of Moldova.
The companys products have the following advantages:
- high quality standards;
- comfort and practicality;
- original and practical package;
- stylish brand and European design;
- regular updating of product assortment;


The company LeniCris-Lux produces a large assortment of textile products for babies, children and

- certification and assurance.

LeniCris-Lux :
, , .

, 100- .
. LeniCris-Lux
, ,
LeniCris-Lux 300 .
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Maria Bujor
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Voluntarilor, 8/4
Tel.: + (373) 22 438239, 470029
Fax: + (373) 22 438122
E-mail: lenuicris@gmail.com

director Maria Bujor

Address: 8/4, Voluntarilor str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: + (373) 22 438239, 470029
Fax: + (373) 22 438122
E-mail: lenicris@gmail.com

: ,
. , . , 8/4
: + (373) 22 438239,
: + (373) 22 438122
. : lenuicris@gmail.com

SRL Liudox
ntreprinderea Liudox, nfiinat n anul 2003, presteaz servicii n confecionarea articolelor textile pentru
partenerii strini.
n cadrul companiei Liudox activeaz circa 40 persoane.


Compania este n cutarea partenerilor de afaceri i este deschis pentru stabilirea contactelor pe baza
colaborrii reciproc avantajoase.
The enterprise Liudox, founded in 2003, provides services of sewing garments to foreign business partners.
Number of employees - 40 persons.


The company is searching for business partners and is open to establishment of contacts based on mutually
beneficial collaboration.
Liudox 2003
- 40 .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Galina Ungureanu
Adresa: Moldova, Chiinu,
str. Milescu Sptaru, 15, ap.79
Republica Moldova,
r-l Criuleni, s. Dubsarii Vechi
Tel. +(373) 22484257,
mob. +(373) 69144302
Fax: +(373) 22 422355
E-mail: liudox2003@gmail.com

director Galina Ungureanu

Address: 15, Milescu Sptaru str.,
ap.79, Chiinu,
Republic of Moldova
v. Dubsarii Vechi, d.Criuleni,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22484257,
mob. +(373) 69144302
Fax: +(373) 22 422355
E-mail: liudox2003@gmail.com

: ,
. , .., 15, .79
, -
, .-
.: +(373) 22484257,
. +(373) 69144302
: +(373) 22 422355
. :


ntreprinderea cu capital strin M-IT FASHION SRL creat n anul 1995 este specializat n confecionarea
articolelor textile pe baza sistemului lohn.
Anual compania export articole n sum de 600,0 mii euro.
Fabrica este interesat n majorarea comenzilor pentru producerea confeciilor din materie prim a clientului.
The enterprise with foreign capital M-IT FASHION LTD is specialised in the production of textile products
based on the lohn system. Foundation year - 1995.
Annualy the company exports products in sum of 600 thousand euros.
The enterprise is interested in increasing orders for the production of lohn garments using the
clients raw materials.
600,0 . .


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Angiolino Aldrovandi
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Valea Dicescu, 99
Tel.: +(373) 22 72-38-57
Fax: +(373) 22 72-17-01
E-mail: mitfashion@starnet.md


director A. Aldrovand
Address: 99, Valea Dicescu str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 72-38-57
Fax: +(373) 22 72-17-01
E-mail: mitfashion@starnet.md

- .
: ,
. , . , 99
: +(373) 22 72-38-57
: +(373) 22 72-17-01
. : mitfashion@starnet.md

Maican-Com SRL
Maican-Com SRL este o interprindere cu capital privat fondat n 2007.
Activitatea companiei este producerea i comercializarea articolelor din tricot sub brandul Maicom .

lengerie de corp (maiouri,slipi,pijame,cmi de noapte,halate pentru dame,brbai i copii)

sport( tricouri,pantaloni, orti,jachete pentru dame i copii)

fashion(bluze,maiouri,colani,rochii dame)

Interprinderea dispune de echipament modern i muncitori calificai,care permit elaborarea unor produse
de nalt calitate.
SRL Maican-Com este cointeresat n identificarea potenialilor parteneri cu scopul unei colaborri
pentru exportul ulterior a mrfurilor produse.
Maican-Com SRL is a privately owned enterprise, founded in 2007.
Its activity is manufacturing and selling knitted items under the brand Maicom.
Products Maicomare for women, men and kids.
Main categories of knitted items are:

Body underwear (shirts, pants, pajamas, night gowns for women, men and children)

Sport (shirts, pants, shorts, jackets for women and children)

fashion (shirts, vests, tights, ladies dresses)


Produsele Maicom sunt destinate pentru femei,brbai si copii.Principalele categorii ale confeciilor sunt
urmatoarele game:

The enterprise has modern equipment and skilled workers, allowing the development of high quality
SRL Maican-Com is interested in identifying potential partners for a collaboration in the subsequent
export of produced goods.
Maican-Com SRL , 2007 .

aicom , .

, ( ), , ,

( , , )

(, )

SRL Maican-Com

Contacte/ Contacts/
Director Victor Maican
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str.Ion Incule 13
Tel.: +(373) 22 27-74-68
Fax: +(373) 22 27-68-07
E-mail: info@maicom.md
Pagina web: www.maicom.md

Director Victor Maican

Address: 13, I.Incule str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 27-74-68
Fax: +(373) 22 27-68-07
E-mail: info@maicom.md
Web page: www.maicom.md

: ,
.,. , 13
: +(373) 22 27-74-68
: +(373) 22 27-68-07
. : info@maicom.md
-.: www.maicom.md


Fabrica de confecii Mobile SRL


Compania Mobile SRL este o companie privat creat n 2006. ntreprinderea este specializat n
fabricarea unui asortiment larg de haine moderne pentru femei din esturi uoare.Coleciile n culori
incendiare sunt actualizate permanent n concordan cu tendinele modei.ntreprinderea este n cutarea
partenerilor pentru stabilirea contactelor reciproc avantajoase.
MOBILE LTD was founded in 2006. At the moment the number of employess is approximatively 60
MOBILE LTD is a medium-sized private company. It is specialized in the production of a broad assortment
of womens fashionable clothing from light fabrics. Bright, fiery collections constantly add new styles and
are in pace with the latest fashions trends.
The company is exporting its goods basically in Italy. The company seeks partners for mutually
advantageous cooperation.
MOBILE 2006 .
. ,
60 .

, ,

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Geogeta Iahia
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Columna, 174
Tel.: 22/59 36 86
Fax: +373 299/24 21 34
E-mail: mobile.fashion@mdl.net

director Georgeta Iahia

Address: 174, Columna str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: + 373 22/59 36 86
Fax: +373 299/24 21 34
E-mail: mobile.fashion@mdl.net

: ,
. , . , 174
: +373 22/59 36 86
: +373 299/24 21 34
. : mobile.fashion@mdl.net

ntreprinderea LDBELA SRL a fost nfiinat n 2001 pe baza combinatului de covoare - SA
n cadrul companiei activeaz aproximativ 500 de persoane.
Fabrica este specializat n producerea covoarelor mecanice sintetice i de ln i este lider n ramura dat
n Europa de Est.
Compania ofer un sortiment larg de covoare (mai mult de 3000 de designuri): desene clasice orientale i
europene, desene abstracte, covoare pentru copii, traverse i mochete, i deasemenea covoare cu elmente
de frezare manual.
ntreprinderea este dotat cu echipament industrial modern de producie belgian i german.
Calitate este cuvntul cheie pentru LDBELA. Calitatea se aplic la fiecare etap de la elaborarea unui
desen nou i pn la producerea covoarelor i oferirea serviciilor adiionale clienilor. n cadrul companiei a
fost implementat sistemul de calitate N ISO 9001: 2000.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie aproximativ 20 milioane euro, dintre care 95 % revin exportului
n Rusia, Ucraina, Kazahstan, Romnia, Polonia, Germania, Belgia, Cehia, Serbia, Japonia, Australia, Noua
Zeeland .a.
LDBL SRL este interesat n majorarea exporturilor de covoare i articolelor de covoare din fire
de ln i sintetice.


LDBELA LTD was founded in 2001 on the basis of a Moldovan carpet production company JSC
Number of employees is approximately 500 persons.
The factory is specialized in production of synthetic and wool double face jacquard carpets and at the

Moldabela 2001
- Covoare-Ungheni.
500 .

( 3 000 ) :
, , , ,



moment is the leader in this field in the Eastern Europe.

The company offers a wide assortment(more than 3000 designs): classical oriental and european designs,
modern carpets for children, runners and broadlooms, and also carpets with hand carved elements.
The enterprise is equipped with industrial modern technologies from Belgian and German producers.
Quality is the key word for LDBELA. It is present at every stage of development, from creation of
new designs, to manufacturing and customer service. Quality is ensured by using Quality Management
System ISO: 9001:2000 which was successfully implemented.
Annual volume of sales constitutes approximately 20 mil. Euros, of which 95 % is exported to
Russia, Ukraine, Kazahstan, Romania, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Serbia, Japan, Australia,
New Zealand.

Moldabela -
ISO - 9001:2000.
20 . , 95 %
- , , , , , , , , , ,
, ..

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Ruslan Chitoroag
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Ungheni, str. . Ungureanu, 2
Tel.: +(373- 236) 29300
Fax: +(373-236) 23168
E-mail: salescarpet@acvila.md

director Ruslan Chitoroag

Address: 2, . Ungureanu str.,
Ungheni, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373- 236) 29300
Fax: +(373-236) 23168
E-mail: salescarpet@acvila.md

: ,
. , . ., 2
: +(373- 236) 29300
: +(373-236) 23168
. : salescarpet@acvila.md

SRL NOUSTIL, fondat n 2000, este specializat n producerea pnzelor de tricotaj i confecionarea
articolelor tricotate. n cadrul ntreprinderii activeaz 140 de specialiti calificai.
SRL NOUSTIL produce o gam vast de articole tricotate moderne conform comenzilor i cererilor
clienilor. Pentru Frana mbrcminte din semiln i din pnze de tricotaj franuzesc. Pentru
Germania - tricotaj fin destinat damelor. Pentru Romnia pnze din tricotaj i articole din acestea,
precum i articole tricotate prin utilizarea mainilor de croetrie.
Volumul anual al comercializrilor depete suma de 250 mii euro.
ntreprinderea este interesat n atragerea investiiilor pentru producerea pnzelor tricotate cu
ulterioara confecionare a articolelor din acestea, precum i n confecionarea articolelor tricotate
din materie prim a clientului.
NOUSTIL Ltd, founded in 2000, is specialised in the production of knitted products. Number of
qualified employees - 140 persons.
NOUSTIL produces a wide range of modern knitted articles in compliance with clients orders
and demand. For Franch clients clothing and knitwear from wool mixtures. For German clients
delicate knitted products for women. For Romanian clients knitted items and articles.


Annual volume of sales exceeds the sum of 250 thousand euros.

The enterprise is interested in attracing investment for production of knitted items as well as the
production of knitted articles using the clients raw materials.


- . 140
. -
. - .
- .10 ,
- .
250 . .


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Ecaterina Martniuc
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Soroca, str. Viilor, 15
Tel.: +(373) 230 23388
Fax: +(373 230 23388
E-mail: martiniukek@rambler.ru

director Ecaterina Martniuc

Address: 15, Viilor str., Soroca,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 230 23388
Fax: +(373 230 23388
E-mail: martiniukek@rambler.ru

- .
: ,
. , . , 15
: +(373) 230 23388
: +(373 230 23388
. : martiniukek@rambler.ru

Fabrica de nclminte Romania SA

Fabrica de nclminte Romania a fost nfiinat n 1975. Numrul de angajai depete cifra
de 200 de persoane.
SA Romania produce articole de galanterie (geni de voiaj, trolli), nclminte pentru cas i
agrement, nclminte din pnz i ln pentru iarn.
Fabrica este utilat cu echipament modern a firmelor Adler, Pfaf, Strobel.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie circa 700 mii euro, dintre care 93% revin exportului.
De mai muli ani fabrica colaboreaz cu partenerii strini n producerea articolelor de galanterie.
SA Romania este deschis spre colaborare cu partenerii de afaceri n domeniul producerii i
exportului nclmintei de cas.
The shoe factory Romania was founded in 1975. Number of employees more than 200
JSC Romania produces accessories, footwear for home use and relaxation, and linen and fur
winter footwear.
The factory is equipped with modern technical equipment from such companies as Adler, Pfaf,
Annual volume of sales constitutes approximatively 700 thousand euros, of which 93% is exported.
The factory collaborates with foreign business partners in production of

footwear and

JSC Romania is open to collaboration with foreign business partners in the production and
export of footwear for home use and relaxation.
Romania 1975 . 200
Romania (, ),


, -
Adler, Pfaf, Strobel .
700,0 . , 93% .


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Maria Lica
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Hnceti, str. 31 august,72
Tel.: + (373) 269 21471
Fax: + (373) 269 22836
E-mail: f_romanita@Moldova.cc

director Maria Lica

Address: 72, 31 august str.,
Hnceti, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: + (373) 269 21471
Fax: + (373) 269 22836
E-mail: f_romanita@Moldova.cc

: ,
. , .31 , 72
: + (373) 269 21471
: + (373) 269 22836
. : f_romanita@Moldova.cc

SA Rotan
SA Rotan produce nclminte de specialitate, rezistent pentru muncitorii ce activeaz n domeniul
construciilor, industriei constructoare de maini, industriei prelucrrii petrolului, industriei de prelucrare
a produselor alimentare.



Caracteristicile constructive ale nclmintei permit asigurarea proteciei mpotriva traumatismului

de munc i a impactului diferitor factori ai mediului ambiant, precum temperaturi joase, umiditate
ridicat, etc.
Pentru partea de jos a nclmintei se utilizeaz talp din poliuretan, care se caracterizeaz prin greutate
mic, rezisten nalt la roadere, rezisten la aciunea duntoare de uleiuri, motorinei, solveni i alte
substane chimice. Buna rezisten la temperaturi sczute, proprieti de izolare a materialului permit
picioarelor s pstreze cldura, iar caracteristicile excelente a poliuretanului, ataat direct la partea de sus
a nclmintei, exclud ptrunderea umiditii n interiorul nclmintei.
SA Rotan este interesat n propunerile de afaceri i colaborare.
JSC Rotan produces specialist resistant footwear for workpeople in construction, machinery , oilprocessing industry, and the food industry.
The structural characteristics of the footwear permits protection against occupational hazards and various
influences of the external environment, like low temperatures and high humidity.
The lower part of the footwear uses a polyurethane sole, which is characterised by reduced weight,
high endurance to abrasion, and endurance against the harmful influence of oils, fuels, solvents and other
chemical substances. Also, good endurance to low temperatures, and the insulating power of the material
permits the feet to keep warm. The excellent characteristics of polyurethane, attached directly to the top
part of the footwear, prevent the penetration of moisture inside the footwear.
JSC Rotan is interested in new business proposals and collaboration.
Rotan ,
, , .

( ,
, ,
, ,
. ,
, ,
, .
Rotan .


Contacte/ Contacts/


director Valeriu Bekker

Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Meterul Manole, 9
Tel.: +(373) 22 411044, 475175
Fax: +(373) 22 475354
E-mail: info@rotan.md

director Valeriu Bekker

Address: 9, Meterul Manole str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 411044, 475175
Fax: +(373) 22 475354
E-mail: info@rotan.md

: ,
. , . , 9
: +(373) 22 411044, 475175
: +(373) 22 475354
. : info@rotan.md


Fabrica de confecii RUNFELSIA SRL ntreprindere specializat n confecionarea articolelor tricotate att
pe baza propriilor modele, ct i pe baza comenzilor clientului. ntreprinderea utilizeaz pnze din bumbac
natural, viscoz natural, viscoz cu lycra, alte feluri de mtase cu lycra i fr aceasta.
n cadrul ntreprinderii activeaz cca 160 de muncitori.
Gama mrfii produse include:
a) Sortimentul lenjeriei de corp: maiouri pentru brbai, flanele, lenjerie, pijamale pentru dame, halate,
cmi de noapte.
b) Sortimentul mdrcmintei: rochii, bolero, bluze, pantaloni, tunice, pulovere.
Fabrica dispune de certificate de calitate ISO a Federaiei Ruse i Republicii Moldova. Compania efectueaz
comercializri cu ridicata i cu amnuntul. Principalele piee de desfacere: Federaia Rus: Moscova, Kazani,
Nijnecamsc. Volumul anual al vnzrilor alctuiete cca 600 000 ero.
ntreprinderea este nzestrat cu echipament tehnic ca : utilajul de croitorie a firmei JAPSEW, mainele de
brodrie a firmei BROTHER, TADGIMA, complexul de croire GERBER, plotter Infiniti 45, digitaizer GERBER.
Formele anticipate de cooperare: exportul mrfii produse, investiii, realizarea produselor.
Company RUNFELSIA Ltd is specialized in the production of underwear, both on own and clients designs. It
uses 100% cotton fabrics, 100% viscose, viscose with Lycra, other mixes with Lycra and without it. Performs
wholesale and retail sales.
The main types of activity: production of underwear, outerwear and rendering of sewing services.
Number of employees is approximatively 160 persons. Annual volume of sellings constituted
approximatively 600.000 euro.
The enterprise has the certificate of quality (ISO certificate) of Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation.
At the moment the enterprise is exporting its goods to: Russian Federation (Moscow, Kazan, Nizhnekamsk).
The produced assortment: linen assortment (male tank tops, sweaters, underwear, female pyjamas,
dressing gowns, chemises); outerwear assortment (dresses, tunics, boleros, blouses, jumpers, trousers).
The enterprise is equipped with modern technical equipment JAPSEWs sewing machines, BROTHERs
embroidery, TADGIMAs 6-headed 9-colours embroidery device, GERBERs cutting complex, Infiniti 45s
plotter, GERBERs digitizer.
The enterprise is interested in exporting and distribution of produced goods and investments from
foreign investors.
, , .
100% , 100% , ,
. .
160 .
(ISO ): , .
: : , , .
) : , , , , , ;
) : , , , , , .


GERBER, Infiniti 45, GERBER.

, .
600 000 .
: //.

director Alexandru PachiiV

Adresa: Republica Moldova,
o. Bli, str. Libertii, 14
Tel.: +373 231/2 41 77
Fax: +373 231/2 30 09
E-mail: elitestyle_admin@mail.ru
Pagina web:

director Alexandru PachiiV

Address: 14, Libertii str., Bli,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.number: +373 231/2 41 77
Fax: +373 231/2 30 09
E-mail: elitestyle_admin@mail.ru
Web page:

: ,
. , . , 14
: +373 231/2 41 77
: +373 231/2 30 09
. : elitestyle_admin@
-.: www.tricot-elitestyle.ru

SRL altoianca
Fondat n 1993, SRL altoianca este o ntreprindere specializat n producerea articolelor de confecii, ce
activeaz n regimul lohn n comun cu firmele din Italia, Frana, Belgia, Germania i Austria. Gama articolelor
produse scurte, rochii, fuste, pantaloni, pijamale, cmai de noapte i mbrcminte special de protecie.
Fabrica a angajat 160 de muncitori.


Contacte/ Contacts/

Principiile de baz a companiei sunt, calitatea nalt i ndeplinirea la timp a obligaiilor contractuale. n
timp de 15 de ani de experien de lucru cu companiile strine fabrica a reuit s ntrupeze o reputaie de
un partener de afaceri fiabil, care anual export articole de confecii n sum de circa 1,0 milion euro.
ntreprinderea este interesat n producerea i exportul produselor proprii.
Founded in 1993, altoianca Ltd is a specialised enterprise in the production of garments based on
the lohn system for Italian, Belgian, French, German and Austrian companies. Product range jackets,
dresses, skirts, trousers, pyjamas, nightshirts, nightdresses and specialised protective clothing.
The number of employees - 160 persons.
The main advantages of the company are high quality and timely realisation of contractual liabilities. In
fifteen years of working experience with foreign companies the enterprise has gained a reputation as a
reliable business partner, which annually exports garments of approximatively 1.0 mil. euros.
The enterprise is interested in production and export of own products.
altoianca 1993
, , , , .
, , , , , .
160 .

. 15-
, 1,0 ..

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Margarita Cunir
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Bucureti, 37 - 4
Tel.: +(373) 22 589847
mob. +(373) 69113449
Fax: +(373) 22 589847
E-mail: saltoianca@yahoo.com

director Margarita Cunir

Address: 37 - 4, Bucureti str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 589847 mob.
+(373) 69113449
Fax: +(373) 22 589847
E-mail: saltoianca@yahoo.com

: ,
. , . , 37 - 4
: +(373) 22 589847;
. +(373) 69113449
: +(373) 22 589847
. : saltoianca@yahoo.com


SRL Sotex Grup

SRL Sotex Grup - ntreprindere specializat n producerea articolelor de confecii pe baza sistemului lohn ncepnd
cu anul 2002. Numrul muncitorilor, angajai n cadrul ntreprinderii depete 250 persoane.
Gama de producere include: paltoane i semipaltoane, scurte pentru dame din diverse tipuri de stofe,
jachete sportive pentru dame, pantaloni, pantaloni scuri, ori sportivi pentru dame i brbai, veste, etc.
Marfa produs este exportat partenerilor din SUA, Italia i Frana.


ntreprinderea este utilat cu echipament modern a firmelor Zoje, Yamato, Zoje, Pfaff, Brother, Lectra . a.
Volumul al exportului anual alctuiete circa 600 mii euro.
SRL Sotex Grup este interesat n stabilirea contactelor reciproc avantajoase.
Sotex Grup Ltd. - an enterprise specialised in production of sewing articles based on the lohn system.
Established in 2002. Number of employees is more than 250 persons.
The production line includes: trousers and half-trousers, jackets for women from different materials, sport
jackets for women, short trousers, sport shorts for women and men, and coats. The products are exported
to business partners in USA, Italy and France.
The enterprise is equipped with modern technical equipment ZOJE, Yamato, Zoje, Pfaff, Brother, and
Lectra machines.
Annual volume of sales constitutes 600 thousand euros.
Sotex Grup is interested in establishing mutually beneficial contacts.
Sotex Grup 2002
250 .
- /, ,
, , , , .. -
, .
- Yamato, (, ,
..) Zoje, Pfaff, Brother,
( Lectra) .
600, 0 . .
Sotex Grup .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director L. Abuahmanova
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Soroca, str. tefan cel Mare, 110
Tel.: +(373) 230 31832
Fax: +(373) 230 31645
E-mail: sotexgrup@rambler.ru

director L. Abuahmanova
Address: 110, tefan cel Mare str.,
Soroca, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 230 31832
Fax: +(373) 230 31645
E-mail: sotexgrup@rambler.ru

- .
: ,
. , . , 110
: +(373) 230 31832
: +(373) 230 31645
. : sotexgrup@rambler.ru

ntreprinderea mixt moldo-italian STEAUA REDS, n cadrul creia n prezent activeaz peste 250
persoane, a fost fondat n 1998 pe baza fabricii de tricotaj Steaua.
Noua ntreprindere a mbinat cele mai bune tradiii ale producerii articolelor tricotate 50 de ani de experien n
producere, profesionalism nalt, miestrie i calitate de stil italian, tehnologie avansat i gust impecabil.
Urmrind tendinele moderne ale modei i fiind n pas cu progresul tehnic n industria tricotajelor, STEAUA
REDS produce un spectru larg de articole tricotate din toate tipurile de fire toarse pentru dame, copii i
brbai: pulovere, jachete, rochii, fuste, veste, fulare, plrii, jambiere, etc.
n dependen de tipul firelor i utilizarea diferitor tipuri de finisare (imprimare, broderie de maini i
manual), articolele capt stil elegant sau sportiv.


Volumul anual al comercializrilor constituie cca 1,4 milioane euro, dintre care 70% revin exportului n
Italia, Bulgaria, Rusia.

Cu reputaia de un partener de ncredere, STEAUAREDS activeaz n baza comenzilor firmelor renumite,

producnd articole tricotate celor mai renumite branduri europene.
ntreprinderea este interesat n exportul produselor finite i n confecionarea articolelor tricotate dup
comenzile clienilor.

The new enterprise uses the best traditions of production of knitted articles 50 years of experience in production,
professionalism, leading edge skills, Italian style and quality, and advanced manufacturing science.
Monitoring modern trends in fashion and being in step with technical progress in the knitting industry,
STEAUA REDS produces a large range of knitted articles from all types of fabrics for ladies, men and
children: sweaters, jackets, dresses, skirts, jumpers, scarves, hats.
The enterprise uses different fabrics and different types of finishing (printing, machine and manual
embroidery) giving to the products an elegant or a sport style.
Annual volume of sales constitute approximatively 1.4 mil. euros, of which 70% is exported to Italy, Bulgaria,
and Russia.
The reputation of trust between STEAUAREDS and business partners is strong and the enterprise
produces knitted articles for some of the best known European brands.
The enterprise is interested in increasing its export of finished products and knitted articles
produced to clients demands.


Mixed Moldovan-Italian enterprise STEAUA REDS. Employs more than 250 persons. Founded in
1998 on basis of the knitting factory Steaua.

250 , 1998 Steaua.
- 50-
, , ,

, : , , , , , , , .
) .
1,4 . , 70%
, , .
, .


Contacts/ /Contacte
director Irina Cursacova
Adresa: ,
. , . , 30
Tel.: +(373) 22 20-40-50
Fax: +(373) 22 20-40-80
E-mail: office@steauareds.md
Pagina web: www.steauareds.md

director. Irina Cursacova

Address: 30, Sfatul rii str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 20-40-50
Fax: +(373) 22 20-40-80
E-mail: office@steauareds.md
Web page: www.steauareds.md

: ,
.,. , 30
: +(373) 22 20-40-50
: +(373) 22 20-40-80
. : office@steauareds.md
-.: www.steauareds.md

SRL STIP a fost nfiinat n anul 1992. Numrul de angajai depete 60 de persoane.
ntreprinderea produce jucrii pluate, perne pentru scaune de autoturism de unic folosin i pungi
igienice pentru companiile aeriene.
Volumul anual al vnzrilor depete 500,0 mii euro, dintre care cota exportului n Romnia, Germania i
Ucraina constituie 42%.
SRL STIP este interesat n ofertele de afaceri i colaborare.


STIP Ltd was founded in 1992. Number of employees exceeds 60 persons.

The enterprise produces plush toys, disposable headrests and sick bags for airlines.
The annual volume of the sales exceeds 500 thousand euros, of which 42% is exported to
Romania, Germany and Ukraine.
STIP is interested in new business offers and collaboration.


1992 . 60 .
500,0 . , ,
42 %.

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Valeriu Dimcov
Adresa: Republica Moldova, or.
Bli, str. Sadoveanu, 17, D 3100
Tel.: +(373) 231 28381
Fax: +(373) 213 26252
E-mail: stip@mail.ru

director Valeriu Dimcov

Address: 17, Sadoveanu str., Bli,
D 3100, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 231 28381
Fax: +(373) 213 26252
E-mail: stip@mail.ru

: ,
. , ., 17, 3100
: +(373) 231 28381
: +(373) 213 26252
. : stip@mail.ru

C Svibmagtex SRL

C Svibmagtex SRL a fost fondat n anul 2005.

Genul principal de activitate al ntreprinderii const n producerea articolelor de confecii pentru copii i
aduli. Compania ofer lenjerie de corp, pijamale, mbrcminte.
C Svibmagtex SRL invit spre cooperare toate prile interesate.
CE Svibmagtex Ltd. was founded in 2005.
The main type of activity consists of production of sewing articles for children and adults.
The company produces underwear, pyjamas, and outer clothing.
CE Svibmagtex LTD invites cooperation with interested parties.
Svibmagtex 2005 .
, , .
Svibmagtex .

Contacte/ Contacts/
Admin. Maria Anghelu
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
r-l Ungheni, s. Mcreti
Tel.: +(373) 22 287572
Fax: +(373) 22 287572
E-mail: svibmagtex@yahoo.com

Admin. Maria Anghelu

Address: v. Mcreti, d. Ungheni,
Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 22 287572
Fax: +(373) 22 287572
E-mail: svibmagtex@yahoo.com

. -
: ,
- , .
: +(373) 22 287572
: +(373) 22 287572
. : svibmagtex@yahoo.

CS Tirotex
S TIROTEX este cea mai mare ntreprindere a industriei textile din sud-vestul spaiului CSI.
ntreprinderea reprezint un complex industrial unic cu infrastructura puternic i o baz tehnic,
organizaional i tiinific dezvoltat. Construcia ei s-a nceput n 1972 i s-a finisat definitiv
n 1982. Componena ntreprinderii cuprinde fabrica de cusut, de estorie, de filare, de inginerie
tehnic i asociere social.
n cadrul ntreprinderii activeaz mai mult de 6000 de muncitori.


Domeniile de activitate de baz sunt producerea firelor, esturilor din bumbac, articolelor de confecii,
pnzelor de tricotaj i articolelor din acestea. Gama mrfurilor produse esturi grele, finisate (tiprite,
vopsite, cu efectul conciziei, produse de plu), pnze de tricotaj, diverse articole de estorie: lenjerie de pat
i de mas, produse din flauat i tricotaje.

Volumul anual al vnzrilor constituie 80 milioane euro, dintre care 56% revin exportului.Produsele
TIROTEX sunt furnizate pe pieele din Austria, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Olanda, Suedia, Elveia, Portugalia,
Romnia, Polonia i Statele Unite ale Americii. Plus la aceasta, sunt comercializate prin intermediul
cataloagelor QUELLE, ALDI, Jotex, Hemtex.
Compania este dotat cu echipamente moderne de fabricare vest european pentru toate fazele de
producere: filare pregtitoare, filare, estorie pregtitoare, estorie, finisaj, fabricarea mbrcmintei.
S TIROTEX este interesat n exportul articolelor de mbrcminte, esturilor finisate i esturilor grele
din bumbacul de calitate nalt i n asortiment vast.

Tiraspol joint-stock company TIROTEX is the biggest textile enterprise in the south-west of the CIS region.
It is a unique industrial complex with strong infrastructure and a developed technical, organisational and
scientific base. Its construction commenced in 1972 and was completed in 1982.
JSC Tirotex includes: 2 spinning and weaving factories, one finishing factory, a sewing factory, power
station, automobile base, agricultural complex, and a Textile scientific research institute, developing
ecologically pure technology.


Sistemul de calitate al ntreprinderii este certificat n conformitate cu Standardul Internaional ISO

9001 2000. De asemenea, companiei IROTEX i-a fost acordat recunoaterea internaional pentru
conformitatea cu cerinele standardului Oeco-Tex Standart 100.

Number of employees more than 600 persons.

The main fields of activity: production of fabrics, cotton fabrics, garments, knitting yarn and finished
The range of products heavy and finishing fabrics (printed, coloured, plush products), knitted fabrics,
various knitted articles: bedclothes and table linen, knitted garments and terrry products.
The quality system of the enterprise is certified in compliance with International Standard ISO 9001
Also, the company IROTEX was internationally recognised in accordance with the requirements of the
Oeco-Tex Standart 100 standard.
Annual volume of sales constitutes 80 mil. euros, from which 56% goes to export.
The products of Tirotex are exported to: Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland,
Portugal, Romania, Poland, USA and are sold through catalogues such as QUELLE, ALDI, Jotex, Hemtex.
The company is equipped with modern technical equipment made by west European companies for all
stages of production: preparatory spinning, spinning, preparatory weaving, weaving, finishing production,
sewing production.
JSC TIROTEX is interested in the export of sewing articles, and prepared and unbleached fabrics of high
quality cotton in wide assortments.
- .
. 1972
1982 . -, ,
, - .
6000 .
: , ,
, .
- , (, , ,
) , :
, .
ISO 9001
2000. , ,
Oeco-Tex Standart 100.


80 . , 56% .
, , , , ,
, , , , , . ,
QUELLE, ALDI, Jotex, Hemtex.


: , ,
, , , .

Contacte/ Contacts/
director Vilor Ordin
Adresa: MD 3353 RMN or. Tiraspol,

Tel.: +373 533 95574
Fax: +373 533 25838
E-mail: support@tirotex.com
Pagina web: www.tirotex.com

director Vilor Ordin

Address: October unit,
Tiraspol, MD 3353, PMR
Tel.: +373 533 95574
Fax: +373 533 25838
E-mail: support@tirotex.com
Web page: www.tirotex.com

: MD 3353 . ,

: +373 533 95574
: +373 533 25838
. : support@tirotex.com
-.: www.tirotex.com

SA Tricon
Societatea pe aciuni Tricon a fost nfiinat n anul 1966 i este cel mai important productor de
articole tricotate i confecii din sudul Moldovei.
Asortimentul mrfurilor produse include articole din tricotaje pentru femei, brbai, copii, paltoane
de iarn, costume, fuste, veste, sacouri, pardesiuri.
Compania a angajat mai mult de 1200 de persoane. Anual volumul vnzrilor este aproximativ de 3
milioane euro, din care 93% este pentru export.
SA Tricon colaboreaz de muli ani cu firme din Frana, Germania, Italia, Austria i Polonia.
ntreprinderea dispune de utilaje moderne pentru confecionarea articolelor tricotate, ceea ce
permite implementarea noilor tehnologii.
n anii 1996-1997 la Concursurile Internaionale International Gold Star calitatea nalt a confeciilor
a fost apreciat cu Steaua de Aur. SA Tricon a fost decorat cu Steaua de Platin pentru prestigiu
de antreprenoriat la cel de-al XIV-lea Concurs Internaional la Madrid, Spania n 1998.
Compania este n cutarea unui partener pentru producie n comun a articolelor tricotate.
JSC Tricon was founded in 1966 and is the most important producer of garments and knitwear in
the south of Moldova.
Product assortment: sewing articles - overcoats, jackets, female suits, skirts, trousers, blouses;
knitted articles women and mens sweaters, and womens jackets.
The company employs more than 1200 persons. Annual volume of sales constitutes approximately
3.0 mln. euros, of which 93% is exported.
JSC Tricon has collaborated for many years with firms from France, Germany, Italy, Austria and
The enterprise is equipped with modern equipment for the manufacture of knitted articles, and the
implementation of new technologies.
In 1996-1997 at the International Contest International Gold Star the high quality of articles was
awarded the Golden Star. JSC Tricon was also awarded the Platinum Star for entrepreneurial
prestige at the XIVth International Contest in Madrid (Spain) in 1998.
The company searches for partners interested in the production of knitted articles.


Tricon 1966 . .
: - , , , , ,
; - , .
1200 . 3,0 .
, 93 % .

, .
1996 - 1997 XIX- XXII- Internaional Gold Star
Tricon .
Tricon XIV- 1998 . . ()

Contacte/ Contacts/
director V. Andreeva
Adresa: Moldova, Cahul, str. tefan
cel Mare i Sfnt, 20
Tel.: +(373) 299 20476
Fax: +(373) 299 22070
E-mail: tricon@mtc-ch.md

director V. Andreeva
Address: 20, tefan cel Mare i Sfnt
str., Cahul, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373) 299 20476
Fax +(373) 299 22070
E-mail: tricon@mtc-ch.md

- .
: , . ,
. , 20
: +(373) 299 20476
: +(373) 299 22070
. : tricon@mtc-ch.md


Tricon , , , .

Societatea pe aciuni
Fabrica de confecii Vestra
Numrul de angajai n cadrul ntreprinderii depete cifra de 700 de muncitori.
Genul principal de activitate const n elaborarea, producerea i comercializarea articolelor de confecii
pentru dame din materie proprie, precum i din materie prim a clientului.
Sortimentul mrfii produse de SA Vestra sunt bluze, fuste, pantaloni, jachete, veste, costume, paltoane,
semipaltoane, scurte pentru dame din stofe naturale i artificiale bine cunoscute n Moldova, Italia i
Germania. Producia ntreprinderii corespunde standardelor i modelelor internaionale, care reprezint
o combinaie echilibrat de nalt calitate i preuri accesibile.
n anul 1996 SA Fabrica de confecii Vestra a fost decernat cu marca internaional Pentru tehnologie
i calitate. n 2007 ntreprinderii ia fost nmnat premiul Calitate european.
Producerea articolelor de nalt calitate este posibil datorit utilizrii echipamentului universal specializat.
Capacitatea anual a comercializrilor constituie circa 2,4 milioane euro, dintre care 97 % revin exportului.
ntreprinderea este deschis spre colaborare cu investitori cu scopul de a diversifica sortimentul mrfii
produse i a valorifica noile piei de desfacere din rile CSI i alte ri.
The sewing factory Vestra was founded in 1944.
Number of employees more than 700 persons.
Main type of activity elaboration, production and selling of garments for women -both from the
companys own raw materials and from clients raw materials.
Product assortment blouses, skirts, trousers, jackets, coats, suits, overcoats. The companys range of
jackets for women from natural and artificial fabrics is well regarded in Moldova, Italy and Germany. The
companys products satisfy international design and standards, and represent a balanced combination of
high quality and competitive prices.
In 1996 JSC Sewing factory Vestra was nominated the international mark For Technology and Quality.
In 2007 the enterprise was gained the European Quality award.


The production of high quality articles is possible due to the utilisation of specialised equipment.
The annual volume of sales constitutes approximately 2.4 mil. euros, of which 97 % is exported.
The enterprise is open to collaboration with investors for the purpose of development of new product
ranges and new sales to CIS and other countries.
1944 .


700 .
- ,
, .
, , , , , , /,
, .
. 2007. .

, .

2,4 . , 97 % .


Contacte/ Contacts/
director Tamara Poloz
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
or. Tighina, str. Lazo, 16
Tel.: 0 (0 373) 552 2 05 03
Fax: 0 ( 0 373) 552 2 24 14
E-mail: vestra@idknet.com

director Tamara Poloz

Address: Address: 16, Lazo str.,
Tighina, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: 0 (0 373) 552 2 05 03
Fax: 0 ( 0 373) 552 2 24 14
E-mail: vestra@idknet.com

: ,
. , . , 16
: 0 (0 373) 552 2 05 03
: 0 ( 0 373) 552 2 24 14
. : vestra@idknet.com

SRL Viat-Plus
ntreprinderea cu rspundere limitat Viat-Plus este specializat n croetarea articolelor i ofer servicii n
broderie profesional pe piele i toate tipurile de esturi.
Compania activeaz ncepnd cu anul 2008. n cadrul ntreprinderii sunt angajai 18 muncitori.
Capacitatea anual a vnzrilor alctuiete 40 mii euro, dintre care 50% din marfa produs se export n Italia.
ntreprinderea este dotat cu echipament modern , masini de brodat ZSK ,de fabricare germana
SRL Viat-Plus este n cutarea partenerilor de afaceri pentru producerea n comun a confeciilor croetate
i prestarea serviciilor n broderie.
Viat-Plus Ltd. is specialised in knitting articles and offers services in professional knitting , leather, and all
types of fabrics.
The company is active from 2008.
Number of employees 18 persons.
Annual volume of sales constitutes 40 thousand euros, of which 50% is exported to Italy.
Viat-Plus searches for business partners interested in production of knitted articles and the provision of
embroidery services.
Viat-Plus 2008 .


18 .
40 . , 50% .

director Tatiana Puga

Adresa: 3100, Republica Moldova,
or. Bli, str. Bulgar, 158/1
Tel.: +(373- 231) 60895, 92409
Fax: +(373- 231) 60895
E-mail: pugat@mail.ru

director Tatiana Puga

Address: 158/1, Bulgar str., Bli,
MD-3100, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373- 231) 60895, 92409
Fax: +(373- 231) 60895
E-mail: pugat@mail.ru

: 3100, ,
. , . o, 158/1
: +(373- 231) 60895, 92409
: +(373- 231) 60895
. : pugat@mail.ru

SRL VISTLINE a fost nfiinat n 2002. n aceast perioad scurt de timp ntreprinderea a crescut dintr-o
companie mic la reea comercial de distribuie. Colectivul de munc alctuiete 50 de persoane. Structura
organizatoric actual a companiei, traininguri regulate de formare i dezvoltare a personalului, pachetul
social efectiv asigur cointeresarea nalt a colectivului n succesul afacerii comune.


Contacte/ Contacts/

VISTLINE ofer un asortiment vast de mbrcminte stilat pentru femei n gam variat de culori
moderne: paltoane, scurte, trenciuri, costume de afaceri, costume elegante, rochii, fuste, bluze, pantaloni.
Fabrica i rennoiete permanent sortimentul de articole produse, combinnd calitatea nalt i preuri
rezonabile cu noile tendine de mod, pe care designerii le ncarn n modele noi.
VISTLINE utilizeaz esturi naturale de nalt calitate i stofe amestecate de culori i modele actuale,
ceea ce permite folosirea hainelor de lung durat.
ntreprinderea VISTLINE se bucur de succes pe piaa Moldovei i n continuare invit prile interesate
spre cooperare.
VISTLINE Ltd was founded in 2002. In this short period of time the eneterprise has grown from a small
company to a company with a good commercial distribution network. Number of employees 50 persons.
The organisational structure of the company and regular trainings for the development of staff, provide
high motivation and interest of the staff in the success of the enterprise.
VISTLINE offers a large assortment of stylish clothes for women in a wide range of modern colours:
overcoats, jackets, coats, business suits, elegant suits, dresses, skirts, blouses, trousers.
The enterprise permanently updates the product assortment, combining high quality and reasonable
prices with new design trends and new models.
VISTLINE uses high quality natural fibres and mixed fabrics which allow for long term use of the clothing
articles produced.
VISTLINE is one of the successful womenswear fashion brands on the market in the Republic of Moldova.
The enterprise invites inquiries from interested parties.
50 .
, ,
. , , , , , , .
, .


, .


Contacte/ Contacts/
Man. gen. Leonid Cunir
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Uzinelor, 115
Tel.: + (373) 22 421065
Fax: + (373)22 421065
E-mail: vs_vistline@mail.ru

Exec.Manager. Leonid Cunir

Address: 115, Uzinelor str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: + (373) 22 421065
Fax: + (373)22 421065
E-mail: vs_vistline@mail.ru

. . -
: ,
. , ., 115
: + (373) 22 421065
: + (373)22 421065
. : vs_vistline@mail.ru

SA Zorile
Fabrica de nclminte Zorile este cea mai mare productoare de nclminte din Moldova. ntreprinderea
este specializat n fabricarea nclmintei pentru toate anotimpurile, pentru brbai, femei i copii.
Fabrica a fost nfiinat n anul 1945. Pe atunci era doar un mic atelier. Pe parcursul anilor, Zorile SA i-a
perfecionat procesul de producie, a fost renzestrat tehnic, lrgindu-i astfel piaa de desfacere. n
prezent n cadrul ntreprinderii activeaz mai mult de 1300 de muncitori.
Producia Zorile este fabricat n stricta conformitate cu parametrii normativi, stabilii n standarde.
nclmintea cu marca Zorile este comod, durabil, are aspect exterior plcut. Se folosesc materii
prime naturale de o calitate nalt i materiale ecologice pure.
Fabrica Zorile, de-a lungul anilor, menine poziia de lider n producerea nclmintei pentru copii.
Ultimii ani s-au marcat pentru SA Zorile printr-o colaborare de succes cu firmele italiene i germane n
producerea comun a nclmintei. ntreprinderea a mbuntit indicatorii de calitate a produselor finite
i a valorificat noile piei de desfacere.
Cantitatea anual a vnzrilor depete 5 milioane euro, dintre care mai mult de 95% din marfa produs
revin exportului n Germania i italia.
SA Zorile este interesat n propunerile de afaceri i cooperare, inclusiv prestarea serviciilor n prelucrarea
materiei prime a clientului.
The footwear factory Zorile is the largest footwear producer in Moldova. The enterprise is specialised in
manufacturing mens, womens and childrens footwear for all seasons.
The factory was established in 1945. At the time it was a small workshop. During recent years Zorile
improved its production process, was technically re-equipped, and expanded its export sales markets. At
present the enterprise employs more than 1300 people.
Zorile production is manufactured in strict conformity with modern standards. Zorile trademark
footwear is comfortable, lasting, and looks well. Natural high quality raw materials and pure ecological
materials are used.
TheZorile factory has maintained for years its leading position in footwear production for children.
Among the successes of the enterprise can be mentioned the variety of the product assortment range, the
manufacture of footwear in collaboration with Italian and German partners under lohn conditions, and
the continuous sales penetration in export markets as well as the Moldovan market.
The annual volume of sales exceeds 5.0 mil. euros, of which more than 95% is exported to Germany and Italy.
The Joint Stock Company Zorile is interested in new business partners and is ready for mutually
advantageous collaboration.
Zorile .
, .
1945 . ,


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1300 .
Zorile -
. , , .
, , .

5,0 . , 95%
Zorile ,

Contacte/ Contacts/
Gen. Man. Fiodor Iacovlenco
Adresa: Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, str. Calea Eilor, 8
Tel.: +(373)22 837448
Fax: +(373)22 740842
E-mail: zorile@moldovacc.md

Exec. Manager F. Iacovlenco

Address: 8, Calea Eilor str.,
Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +(373)22 837448
Fax: +(373)22 740842
E-mail: zorile@moldovacc.md

. . -
: ,
. , . ,8
: +(373)22 837448
: +(373)22 740842
. : zorile@moldovacc.md




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