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Rahul Pancholi 09001012

Experiment No. - 3

Second order Critically Damped System Dynamics

[Two Tanks Connected In-Interacting Manner]

AIM: To find out the dynamic response of a second order (critically damped) system to a step change in input variable [impulse] and compare it with theoretical predications. APPARATUS: A constant level overhead tank with two outlets, for supplying a steady flow of fluid to the rest tank. Two test tanks, with one outlet each, for attaching a linear resistance. Collection tank for collecting liquid coming out from the second test and sending it back to liquid reservoir. A liquid reservoir for storage and supply of test liquid to the constant level overhead tank. Pump for pumping test liquid from reservoir to the constant level overhead tank. A digital stopwatch. A measuring cylinder of 100cc capacity to measure flow rate of liquid.

PROCEDURE: 1. Attach the given linear resistance [s1 and s 32] to the constant level overhead tank. 2. Attach a suitable linear resistance R311 to first test tank and R 312 to the second test tank [similarly R321 and R322, or R331 and R332 can also be used. Along with R321 and R322 central piece C.P 32 will have to be fixed in the coupling of the overflow line of the constant level overhead rank. Similarly along with R331 and R332 central piece C.P> 33 will have to be fixed in the coupling of the constant level head tank]. Arrange two test tanks such that outlet from the first tank falls freely into the second tank. And outlet from the second tank falls freely into the collection tank. 3. Fill the liquid reservoir with the given test liquid. 4. Start the pump and fill the constant level overhead tank just up to the level of over flow. Regulate the liquid flow rate from the pump with the help of speed controller to just maintain the condition of over flow in the tank. 5. Fill both the test tanks up to the height of 25 centimeters. Filling the test tanks to the heigh ensures faster attainment of steady state in the test tanks. 6. Allow sufficient time for the steady state to be attained in both the tanks.

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

7. Under the condition of steady- state measure the flow rate of liquid coming out from both tubes of constant level overhead tank separately with the help of measuring cylinder and stop watch. [After measuring the flow rate pour the liquid back into the test tank. This is essential otherwise steady state will be disturbed]. Similarly measure the output flow rate from both the test tank. Ensure that both input and output flow rates are same within accuracy of measurement [difference in the two flow rates should be less than about 2%]. 8. Under the condition of steady- state note down the height of liquid in both the test tanks. 9. At time t=0 block the flow of liquid coming out of one of the two capillaries to the constant level overhead tank. At the same time start the stopwatch. [It is better to stop flow s31 as it gives larger change in the flow rate and hence more number of reading.] Alternatively fluid coming out of both the supply tubes can be blocked simultaneously. 10. Note down the time taken by the liquid level to fell by one centimeter in each one of the test tanks. 11. Repeat 10 for every centimeter fall in liquid level in the test tanks. 12. Allow sufficient time for levels in the test tank to attain new steady- state under the new flow rate. 13. When the new steady state is attained, measure both input and output flow rates as given in (7) above. THEORY: The possible ways of connecting two tanks is [1] outlet flow from the first tank discharges directly into the atmosphere before entering second test tank. By arranging tanks in this way the liquid flow rate through resistance 1 will depend only on height of liquid in the first test tank. If the areas of two tanks are identical [A1= A2] and resistance attached to these tanks are also identical [R1=R2] then their time constants 1 and 2 will be identical and the system will become critically damped system. [2] In contrast to the above arrangement the two tanks can be arranged in such a way that both the tanks are on the same level and output of the first tank enters the bottom of the second tank (at the same level as the outlet of the second tank). Under this condition the liquid flow rate through resistance R1 will depend upon the difference in the height of liquid in the two test tanks. This arrangement loads the first tank by creating resistance, to the flow of fluid, in the form of liquid height in the second tank and its response becomes more sluggish. Since first tank response becomes more sluggish. If tanks are connected in this way the system is called over damped. However in booth the arrangement the output flow rate from second tank through resistance R2 depends upon the height of liquid in second test tank only. The transfer response of critically damped system [two tanks in series, connected in non-interacting manner] can be considering unsteady- state mass balance around each tank.

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

OBSERVATION: Input flow rates: Initial flow rate to the first Initial steady-state height in the first tank: h11 Initial steady- state height in the second tank: h21 Cross- sectional area of the second tank: [A2]:

4.14 _____cm3/s 21.5_____ cm 22.2_______cm 100______cm2

Observation TablesTank 1 Time from the beginning of impulse input (s) 0 61.24 89.21 118.3 148.21 180.77 214.65 250.02 288.77 331.96 373.58 425.68 479.74 541.05 611.96 691.93 791 917.38 1079 1205.52 1341 1542 Height in first tank (Cms) (Observed) 21.5 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

Tank - 2

Time from the beginning of impulse input (s) 0 86 157 249.58 290.5 363 430.18 492 556.33 617.61 744 811 884 958.11 1035 1121 1219 1341 1397 1461 1541 1625 1722 1834 1974 2144

Height in second tank (Cms) (Observed) 22.2 22 21.5 20.5 20 19 18 17 16 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2

Height in second tank (Cms) (Predicted) 22.20 21.93 21.38 20.35 19.82 18.80 17.79 16.83 15.83 14.88 12.99 12.03 11.04 10.09 9.16 8.20 7.21 6.11 5.66 5.17 4.62 4.10 3.56 3.02 2.45 1.89

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

Graph Height (Tank 2) Vs Time



15.00 Height in Cms 10.00 Predicted Height Obseved Height


0.00 0 500 1000 1500 Time in Seconds 2000 2500

Initial input flow rate to the first tank [q]: Initial steady state height in the first tank: [h11]: Initial steady state height in the second tank: [h11]: Resistance of first tank (initial) Resistance of second tank (initial) Time constant of the first tank Time constant of the second tank Average time constant 4.14 21.5 22.2 C.C/Sec Cms Cms

R1= (h11/q1) = (21.5/4.14)= 5.1932 Cms R2= (h21/q1) = (22.2/4.2) =5.2857 Sec/Cm2 1=A1*R1= 100*5.1932 = 519.32 Sec 2= A2*R2= 100*5.2857 = 528.57 Sec = (1* 2)1/2= 523.92 Sec

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

Theoretically predicted height

qi- q1 = A1* dh1/dt q1- q2 = A2* dh2/dt


[1] [2]

The flow-head relationship for these two tanks, provided the resistance R1 and R2 are linear, and is given by q1= h1/R1 And q2=h2/R2 [3] [4]

combining equation [1] and [3] in exactly the same manner as was done for first order dynamics and introducing the deviation variables gives the transfer function for first tank as Q1(s) ------- = Q2(s) 1 -------------(1*S) +1 [5]

In the same manner combining equation [2] and [4] the transfer function for second tank in terms of deviation variables is given by H2(s) ------- = Q1(s) R2 -------------(1*S) +1 [6]

Combining equation [5] and [6] we get the transfer function relating height in the second tank to input flow-rate to the first tank as
( ) ( ) ,( ) - ,( ) -


For a step change of magnitude A in the input flow rate Q, we get

( )


- ,(


Inversion by means of partial fraction gives

Rahul Pancholi 09001012

( )
For 1 =2 we get

} [(


( )

For and impulse of magnitude A

( )

GRAPHS: Plot the graph of height in the second tank versus time. On the same graph plot theoretical relation between height and time given by equation [10] [11] above

RESULTS: Graph shows that the predicted heights of the tank-2 from the equation of Second order critically damped system dynamics closely matches with experimentally observed Heights.

CONCLUSION: The second order critically damped system dynamics model correctly applies to the Experimental model.

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