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Global Vision International,

Kenya Report Series No. 00X


GVI Kenya

Wildlife Research Marine Mammal Studies

and Community Development

Phase Report 072

April – June 2007

GVI Kenya Wildlife Marine Mammal Studies and Community Development
Expedition Report 071
Submitted in whole to
Global Vision International
Kenya Wildlife Service
One Earth Safaris

Submitted in part to
World Society for the Protection of Animals
Kenya Sea Turtle Conservation Committee

Produced by
Rachel Crouthers – Expedition Leader
Hugo Felix and Sam Meyler – Marine Officers
Jake Bicknell – Terrestrial Officer
Alex Mayers– Community Officer
Amdeep Sanghera – Community Development Officer


Wyndham Blagden Expedition Member Sarah Martin Expedition Member

Sophie Brown Expedition Member Linzi Mcdonald Expedition Member
Janae Choquette Expedition Member Mirka Meyer Expedition Member
Emma Dawes Expedition Member Mohamed Namuna National Scholarship
Jason Decker Expedition Member Hannah Oakley Expedition Member
Annabelle Edmond Expedition Member Thomas Phillips Expedition Member
Emily Gibson Expedition Member Kathrin Roelli Expedition Member
Eve Hadshar Expedition Member Jade Root Expedition Member
Jessica Hill Expedition Member Sarah Sparrow Expedition Member
Ashley Inslee Expedition Member Tajiri Mohamed Tajiri National Scholarship
Galia Kaplan Expedition Member Sarah Townsend Expedition Member
Hridi Karim Expedition Member Gemma Western Expedition Member
Roos Kok Expedition Member

Edited by
Graham Corti – Country Director

GVI Kenya Wildlife Marine Mammal Studies and Community Development

Address: PO BOX 1032, Ukunda, 8400, Kenya

Email: Kenya@gvi.co.uk
Web page: http://www.gvi.co.uk and http://www.gviusa.com
Executive Summary
The sixth 10-week phase of the Kenyan Global Vision International (GVI) Expedition has
now been completed. The expedition has maintained working relationships with local
communities through both English classes and local community events. The expedition
has continued to work towards the gathering of important environmental scientific data
whilst working with local, national and international partners. The following projects have
been run during Phase 072:

 Supplied manpower and training to Kenya Wildlife Service, and alternative income
and indirect funding to members of the Mkwiro community.
 Provided free local capacity building in terms of English language lessons,
environmental education, development of alternative income generation and
training in scientific survey techniques.
 Cetacean monitoring programme in collaboration with Kenya Wildlife Service
 Marine mega fauna surveys in collaboration with Kenya Sea Turtle Conservation
Committee and KWS.
 Wetland Avian Species list in collaboration with KWS.
 Coastal forest primate populations, faunal biodiversity, floral biodiversity and levels
of human resource use in collaboration with KWS.
 Initiated and supported ecological and cultural tourism initiatives.
 Developed working relationships with Kenya Sea Turtle Conservation Committee
(KESCOM), World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and a number of
community based organisations to support and develop scientific research and
local capacity building.
 Facilitated promotion of local community based organisations’ ventures
 Participated as primary partners on the Year of the Dolphin committee.
 Enabled local communities to benefit from support provided by EMs on their return
to their home countries through fund-raising And donations.

© Global Vision International – 2007 i

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Global Vision International Kenya ..................................................................... 5
2. Marine Research Programme ...................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Aims ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3Training ............................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Methods ........................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Vessel based forms and methodology.................................................... 12
2.4.2 Habitat surveys ...................................................................................... 14
2.4.3 Land based surveys and forms .............................................................. 14
2.5 Results ........................................................................................................... 17
2.5.1 Landbase and Boat-Based Surveys ....................................................... 21
3. Terrestrial Research Programme............................................................................... 24
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 24
3.1.1 Background............................................................................................ 24
3.1.2 Study area ............................................................................................. 24
3.2 Aims ............................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Methods .......................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Line transect sampling ........................................................................... 27
3.3.2 Primate community survey ..................................................................... 28
3.3.3 Primate behavioural surveys .................................................................. 29
3.3.4 Bird point counts .................................................................................... 30
3.3.5 Canopy survey ....................................................................................... 31
3.3.6 Fruit and flower survey ........................................................................... 31
3.3.7 Butterfly community survey .................................................................... 31
3.3.8 Disturbance survey ................................................................................ 32
3.3.9 Casual observations............................................................................... 32
3.4 Results ........................................................................................................... 32
3.4.1 Primate community survey ..................................................................... 32
3.4.2 Primate behavioural survey .................................................................... 33
3.4.3 Bird point counts .................................................................................... 34
3.4.4 Canopy surveys ..................................................................................... 35
3.4.5 Fruit and flower survey ........................................................................... 35
3.4.6 Butterfly community survey .................................................................... 36
3.4.7 Disturbance survey ................................................................................ 37
3.4.8 Casual observations............................................................................... 37
3.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 38
3.5.1 Primate community survey ..................................................................... 38
3.5.2 Primate behaviour survey....................................................................... 38
3.5.3 Bird point counts .................................................................................... 39
3.5.4 Canopy surveys ..................................................................................... 39
3.5.5 Fruit & flower .......................................................................................... 40
3.5.6 Butterfly community survey .................................................................... 40
3.5.7 Disturbance survey ................................................................................ 41
3.5.8 Casual observations............................................................................... 41
3.6 Conclusions, Recommendations and Future Work ......................................... 41
4. Community Development Programme ....................................................................... 44

© Global Vision International – 2007 ii

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 44
4.2 School Education ............................................................................................ 46
4.3 Adult Education............................................................................................... 46
4.4 Al Hanan Orphanage ...................................................................................... 47
4.5 Satellite Camp ................................................................................................ 47
4.5.1 Kidong Satellite Camp............................................................................ 47
4.5.2 Mahandikini Satellite Camp .................................................................... 48
4.5.3 Kasaani Satellite Camp .......................................................................... 48
4.5.4 Mtakuja Satellite Camp .......................................................................... 48
4.6 Capacity Building ............................................................................................ 50
4.7 Employment.................................................................................................... 51
4.8 GVI Charitable Trust ....................................................................................... 52
4.9 Summary ........................................................................................................ 52
5. References ....................................................................................................... 53
6. Appendices ............................................................................................................... 56

List of Figures

Figure 2-1. Dolphin spatial distribution on sightings for Expedition 072.

Figure 2-2. Distribution of Bottlenose Dolphin sightings
Figure 2-3. Dolphin sightings on flood and ebb tides.
Figure 2-4. Number of encounters by group size for the different dolphin species.
Figure 2-5. Number of sightings by effort hour for the different dolphin species.
Figure 2-6. Average hours spent searching per dolphin
encounter on vessel and landbase surveys.
Figure 3-1. Survey transects on the Shimoni peninsular.
Figure 3-2. Frequency of perpendicular distances at which C. a. palliatus groups were
detected during primate community surveys
Figure 3-3. Mean canopy cover for transect sections.

Figure 4-1. A beach clean for Dive into Earth Day.

Figure 4-2. Expedition members working together with Kasaani Group members during the
letter-writing exercise
Figure 4-3. Emma takes Chapatti classes from the ladies from the village

© Global Vision International – 2007 iii

List of Tables
Table 2-1 . Dolphin and Turtle species present in Kenya coast

Table 2-2. Vessel based sightings and photo ID surveys

Table 2-3. Land base sightings on flood and ebb

Table 3-1. Summary of transects in the Shimoni area.

Table 3-2. Summary of primate community surveys.

Table 3-3. Percent time spent in each behaviour state

Table 3-4. Summary of fruit and flower surveys.

Table 3-5. Butterfly species caught and number of individuals.

© Global Vision International – 2007 iv

1. Introduction

1.1 Global Vision International Kenya

The Global Vision International Kenya expedition was initiated in January 2006 and is
based on Wasini Island on the South coast of Kenya, in the community of Mkwiro village.
Wasini Island lies approximately 1km South of the Shimoni peninsula in Kwale District,
Coast Province, close to the border with Tanzania. Expedition activities are centred
around the Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Protected Area (KMMPA), which lies to the South of
Wasini Island, and falls under the jurisdiction and management of Kenya Wildlife Service
(KWS). The marine research activities are undertaken within the KMMPA and
surrounding areas incorporating Wasini Channel, Funzi Bay and Sii Island. The
terrestrial research is focused on an area of coastal forest in the South-East corner of
Shimoni peninsula, close to Shimoni village. The majority of activities under the
community programme are focused on Mkwiro village, with some activities that support
community initiatives in Shimoni village. Community development activities are also
undertaken in Kidong, Mahandakini, Kasaani and Mtakuja. These are rural villages
based near Taveta (Taveta – Taita district), between the Western boundary of Tsavo
West National Park and the border of Tanzania.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 5

2. Marine Research Programme

2.1 Introduction

Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Protected Area (KMMPA) lies south of Wasini Island and covers
an area of 39 square kilometres. The KMMPA includes the National Park surrounding
Kisite Island and the Marine Reserve surrounding the Mpunguti islands. The KMMPA
and the marine wildlife it contains are an important tourist attraction and, as a result, an
important resource for Shimoni and surrounding communities. The islands within the
KMMPA are surrounded by coral reefs attracting divers and snorkelers to the area.
Almost every day dolphin-watching companies operating from Shimoni travel through
Wasini Channel to the KMMPA (Emerton and Tessema 2001). These tourist dhows most
frequently encounter Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus), and less
frequently, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). Currently, there is neither
a code of conduct to follow when manoeuvring around the dolphins nor are levels of
interaction monitored or regulated in any way. The impact these activities may be having
is unknown. In particular, it’s not known whether increased or even current levels of
dolphin tourism are sustainable with respect to local dolphin populations.

Very little scientific research has been conducted on the cetaceans of East Africa and
little information is available on even the baseline ecology of these species. Baseline
data is required before the impact of dolphin tourism can be accurately assessed
(Stensland et al. 1998). The main objectives of the marine research programme are to
obtain baseline ecological and demographic data on the dolphin species that occur in
the KMMPA and surrounding waters. The study area encompasses a wide range of
habitats including mangrove forests, coral reefs, inter-tidal rocky reefs, sea grass beds
and offshore areas.

GVI Kenya’s main working partner is the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). The research
conducted by GVI is shaped to satisfy the objectives of KWS, so as to assist them
towards improved management of the area. All data collected thus far is made available
to KWS to aid in management plans of the study area.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 6

The Marine Programme is supporting KWS to collate data by conducting vessel and
land-based surveys. The marine programme focuses primarily on the ecology of
humpback and bottlenose dolphins and the biodiversity of marine mega fauna. The
collection of this data will provide important information on the ecology of dolphins and
mega fauna within the area and improve the scientific basis and baseline data for
management strategies. This information can support long-term sustainability of
cetacean-based tourism and other human activities within the KMMPA and Shimoni

During the initial phase of the marine programme research has focussed on assessing
dolphin species abundance. Later, parameters such as demographic composition,
residency and diel movement patterns will be analysed.

Mega fauna species are also attractive to tourists and as such a valuable resource for
the Shimoni and Wasini Island communities. Their conservation is important for the
protection of marine biological diversity on a number of levels. Another objective of the
marine research programme is to obtain information on the occurrence of marine mega
fauna within the study area. This information can then be utilised by our working partners
to manage the area accordingly.

2.2 Aims

During the first year of operations the marine programme of GVI Kenya has completed
initial research activities to determine species distribution within the KMMPA and
surrounding areas. Research questions were established to ensure that all the research
methodologies used were able to obtain the relevant information to satisfy objectives set
by KWS.

The marine programme aims to collect data to address the following questions on
dolphins and mega fauna in Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Protected Area and its surrounding

From vessel based surveys:

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 7

 Abundance and habitat occupancy
 Demographic composition
 Residency
 Habitat-activity relationships
 Diel movement & activity
 Population structure
 Rates of human-induced injury & mortality
 Mega-fauna presence and behaviour

From land-based surveys:

 Dolphin tidal and diel movement
 Diel activity
 Dolphin behaviour from an unbiased platform
 Boat traffic within the area
 Mega-fauna presence


All Expedition Members (EMs) are trained for a two-week period in Dolphin Behaviour
and identification of Dolphins and Turtles (Table 2-1). The training includes lectures,
organised study groups and in-field practice, EMs have to pass a theoretical exam on a
set species list and form usage prior to collecting data on surveys. Written exams are
followed by continuous practical assessments by staff.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 8

Common Name Abbreviation Scientific name

Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin BND Tursiops aduncus

Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin HBD Sousa chinensis
Spinner Dolphin SPD Stenella longirostris
Common Dolphin COD Delphinus delphis
Rough Toothed Dolphin RTD Steno bredanensis
Risso Dolphin RSD Grampus griseus
Striped Dolphin STD Stenella coeruleoalba
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin PTD Stenella attenuata
Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata
Green Turtle - Chelonia mydas
Olive Ridley Turtle - Lepidochelys olivacea
Loggerhead Turtle - Caretta caretta
Leatherback Turtle - Dermochelys coriacea

Table 2-1. Dolphin and Turtle species present in Kenya coast. (Peddemonns 1999; Richmond 2002)
Highlighted in bold the dolphin species encountered up to date.

2.4 Methods

During expedition 072 GVI East Africa used one research vessel, Stingray a 5.83m
catamaran style power vessel with two, 85 horsepower Yamaha two-stroke motors.
Photographs were taken using a Canon EOS 350D digital camera (75-300 ml lens).
All depths were taken with a Speedtech depth sounder.
Regular binoculars were used for land base surveys.
All geographical positions and speeds were taken with a Garmin Etrex GPS.


Photo-identification (Photo-ID) refers to the identification of individuals by distinctive

features (shape, outline, natural markings and scarring) of their dorsal fins, flanks and
flukes. Some scars will be retained through life, whereas others will be added and may
fade through life. The depth and severity of the wound will determine the length of time
this may be used for identification. These features allow known individuals to be re-

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 9

sighted. The re-sighting rate can be plotted on a discovery curve, the plateau of which
suggests population size. Photo-ID can also be used to determine residency and
demographic data such as inter-birth intervals, patterns of ranging and mortality.
Photographs can also help to determine sex of individuals by noting mother and calf
pairs (Parsons 2001).

Photo-ID survey times vary and are dependant on group size, activity and environmental
conditions. All photographs are taken from the vessel as it manoeuvres into position to
get the best angle, lighting and clear shot of dorsal fins. During a photo ID survey the
photographer informs the scribe of spacer shots (to separate groups or surveys) and
number of shots taken in order to separate frames into individuals. The aim during a
photo ID survey is to photograph the right and left flank of each individual. Making note
of frame numbers and groups of dolphins assists with latter analysis of photographs from
different surveys (Parsons 2001).

The primary aim of photo-ID in this study will be to determine population size for the
different dolphin species and habitat use for the KMMPA area. Once photographs are
downloaded onto the computer they are saved into the photo-ID database. For the first
year this database was copied into various users, and analysed individually by all users.
Each user quality grades the photos into categories including: deleted, tail flukes, spacer
shots, and quality categories which range from 0 (poor quality, distant, out of focus,
partial images) to 3 (perfect photo-ID shots). Users then identify individuals by using
permanent identifying marks or features. Once the users agree on the recognition of
individuals a photo-ID catalogue will be created in which individuals are given unique ID
numbers and names. This is an important procedure allowing for future re-sighting of
individuals on a long-term basis (Parsons 2001). Over time the information from this
database will provide additional information such as associations and calving intervals.


Mark-recapture methods can be used to calculate population size from the proportion of
known individuals re-sighted over the study period. In order for mark-recapture methods
to yield accurate results a number of conditions must be met:

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 10

 A marked animal will always be recognised if it’s seen again. In order to satisfy this
assumption; only stable, long-term distinguishing features should be used to
recognise individuals.
 Samples of individuals must be representative of the population being estimated. If
‘marked’ individuals (recognisable individuals that have been photographed) do not
mix fully with the rest of the population this assumption is violated.
 ‘Marking’ (photographing) an individual does not affect the probability of that
individual being recaptured.
 Within one sampling occasion, every individual in the population should have the
same probability of being ‘captured’ (photographed). To reduce the risk of this
assumption being violated as many individuals should be captured as possible.
 The population must be closed i.e. no emigration or immigration.

Initially, a sample of individuals is photographically ‘captured’ (n1) of which a number,

and on a subsequent occasion, a second sample of individuals is ‘captured’ (n 2) of which
a number were already identified in the first sample (m 2). The proportion of individuals
that are marked in the second sample can be equated with the proportion in the overall
population (N) (Evans and Hammond 2004).
The mark-recapture formulas are as follows:

Equation 1

(m2) = n1
n2 N

The number of individuals captured and marked is known which allows the population
size to be estimated (Ň):

Equation 2

Ň = n 1 n2

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 11

2.4.1 Vessel based forms and methodology

Three forms were used to incorporate the above methodologies and collect information
on population size and demographics, these forms are: the Event Log, Sightings form,
and the Photo ID form, a fourth form comes into place when mega fauna is sighted the
Mega fauna Survey form.

Event Log

Throughout the survey day an Event Log (Appendix A) is completed. On this data sheet
the search effort throughout the day is recorded along with number of surveys completed
and changes in environmental conditions, course and speed. Alongside these features
the scribe continues to record all conditions every quarter of the hour. Every half hour
observers rotate roles and ’view points’, every two hours each observer receives a half
hour eye break as Event log scribe. If dolphins are spotted all observers maintain the
same position, until the survey is over.

The information recorded on the Event log is:

1. Date
2. Vessel name
3. Time (24 hour clock)
4. Co-ordinates (GPS)
5. Event (see Appendix A)
6. Dolphin Survey number (each day surveys begin as DS01, DS02, etc.)
7. Vessel speed (using GPS)
8. Environmental conditions (see Appendix A)
9. Additional comments

Sightings Form
The Sightings form (Appendix B) is used to record sightings of dolphins and mega fauna.
This form was put into place to gather information about habitat distribution and in the
future study distance sampling data (distance and angle of the sighting). The recorder
notes if the sighting occurred due to exterior factors (e.g. presence of tourist vessels or
land base information). This information is then included in the analysis to note any

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 12

sightings that may have been missed by the naked eye or if the vessel was simply not in
the same area as the sighting.

Once dolphins or mega fauna are sighted, the recorder documents the following data
into the sightings form.

1. Time (24 hour clock)

2. GPS Co-ordinates of the vessel
3. Effort type during the sighting
4. Sighting number and survey number
5. Distance and angle to sighting (no data for expedition 071)
6. Tidal state upon sighting
7. Species sighted
8. Group size on sighting
9. Whether the sighting was biased, or not
10. Whether a Photo ID survey was conducted or not
11. Number of boats present (not counting research vessel)

Photo ID Form

Staff members perform all photographic documentation in the field. During photo-ID the
vessel manoeuvres into a better position to obtain the optimum distance and angle for
photographs to be taken (Parsons 2001).

During a photo-ID survey the photographer tells the photo-ID scribe the frame numbers,
spacer shots, recognizable or distinct individuals and the number of shots taken
(Appendix C).

Mega Fauna Survey Form

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 13

Mega fauna surveys record primarily the identification of the animal(s), then documents
habitat notes and position of sighting and if possible behaviour notes. (Appendix D)

After the sightings form is completed the recorder documents:

1. Time
2. Vessel
3. GPS Co-ordinates
4. General location
5. Depth
6. Beaufort
7. Tide
8. Species
9. Habitat
10. Number of individuals present
11. Photos taken
12. Additional notes

2.4.2 Habitat surveys

Habitat surveys came into place this expedition as a trial, to gather information about
turtles species and their habitat use in the KMMPA and surrounding areas.
The surveys consisted in five-minute snorkels in specific points around the Mpunguti
Islands and south side of Wasini Island.
This survey obtained habitat notes, which can be linked with turtle sightings in the area
and will be helpful for the future turtle studies in the KMMPA.

2.4.3 Land-based surveys and forms

Land-based studies were conducted throughout the mornings. The site is located at S
04.65860º E 39.40076 º on an elevated cliff at approximately 9.7m from sea level on the
North East end of Wasini Island. This location was chosen because it covers both
coastal and deeper waters. Land based research platforms are ideal for studies of

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 14

anthropogenic impact without any direct influence (Bejder and Samuels 2003). In
addition to this, land-based surveys record also environmental conditions and their

Surveys were conducted during the daylight hours from 7:30 to 12 am in the second five
weeks of expedition. There are two primary observers and one scribe present on every
survey. The three recorders rotate every 15 minutes to ensure that each person receives
a 15-minute eye break every half hour. One observer uses binoculars, scanning an area
of approximately 1.5km to 3km from the land-based location. The second observer
scans an area approximately 0-1.5km from the same location using the unaided eye.
The third person is scribing, noting any environmental changes, the number of tourist
dhows travelling from West to East towards the marine park, dolphin or mega fauna
presence and dolphin behaviour, all the information is recorded in 3 forms and a map, to
plot dolphin movements during the observation period and mega fauna sightings.

The forms are:

1. Environment and Boat Event Log
2. Sightings form (including Map)
3. Dolphin Behaviour form

Environment and Boat Event Log

During the land based survey the Environment and Boat Event Log (Appendix E) is
completed on the quarter of the hour and when environmental conditions change.

The scribe makes note of the following data:

1. Date
2. Time (24hr clock)
3. Observers
4. Environmental conditions (Appendix G)
5. Number of vessels
6. Vessel type
7. Proximity of tourist dhows to the dolphins

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 15

8. Swim with dolphin occurrences
9. Additional comments

Land-Based Sighting Form

When dolphins or mega fauna are sighted, the scribe documents the following
information into the sighting form (Appendix F):

1. Time
2. Observers
3. Bearing and distance to sighting
4. Species
5. Group size
6. Dive type
7. Duration of dive
8. Spread
9. Number in correlation to plotted on chart
10. Additional information


A map of the area is present during land base surveys, for the pinpoint of sightings and
record dolphin movement.

Dolphin behaviour and vessel interaction form

This data sheet was introduced on 6th June 2006 to gain a greater insight about dolphin
behaviour before, during and after vessel presence. Observations were recorded every 5
minutes from the initial sighting (Appendix G).

The recorder documents the following data:

1. Time

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 16

2. Dive type (Appendix G)
3. Dive duration
4. Species
5. Group size
6. Number of vessels present
7. Vessel type
8. Number of Tourist vessels
9. Number of dhow conducting swim with dolphins
10. If dolphins split into sub groups
11. If their view is obstructed

2.5 Results
The data here analysed corresponds to the non-training period of the expedition.
During Expedition 072 there was a total effort of 69 hours and 5 minutes spent on vessel
surveys, 20 hours and 14 minutes on land-based surveys. Results for all surveys are
summarised below. Vessel based sightings and Photo ID surveys (Table 2-2.) and land-
based sightings during flood and ebb tides (Table 2-3.).

Photo ID
BND 13 11
HBD 5 4
Unk Turtle 13 0
Total 18 15
Table 2-2. Vessel based sightings and photo ID surveys

Sightings Ebbs Flood

BND 5 0 5
HBD 0 0 0
Unk Turtle 8 7 1
Unk Dolphin 0 0 0
Total 13 7 6
Table 2-3. Land-based sightings on flood and ebb

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 17

The dolphin spatial distribution for the research area is shown in Figure 2-1. A large
number of the T. aduncus encounters were found within the Wasini Channel, with S.
chinensis being found inside the channel and further north towards Funzi Bay.
Interestingly, only one encounter occurred within the Marine Protected Area.

Dolphin sightings in relation to tide were examined with T. aduncus more frequently
sighted on the flood. The number of encounters with S. chinensis in this expedition was
not enough for any relevant discussions or conclusions (Figure 2-2.).

Figure 2-1. Dolphin spatial distribution on sightings for Expedition 072.

Bottlenose (Purple, n= 13) and Humpback (Red, n=4)

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Figure 2-2. Distribution of Bottlenose Dolphin sightings (n=13). Contours are plotted to show the
location of 50%, 75% and 90% harmonic mean isopleths using Kernal Home Range (Worton 1989)


Bnd Hbd

Figure 2-3. Dolphin sightings on flood and ebb tides.

Blue shows ebb tides and grey flood tides.

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Dolphin group size was estimated during vessel based sightings surveys (Figure 2-4.).
The most likely number to be encountered for T. aduncus was between 1-5 and 6-10. S.
chinensis had sightings in the 1-5 and 11-15 range. The average group size
encountered for T. aduncus was 6, and 8 for S. chinensis.



1-5 6-10 11-15
Group Size

Figure 2-4. Number of encounters by group size for the different dolphin species.
BND (T. aduncus )in blue and HBD (S. chinensis) in grey.

For the different dolphin species the number of sightings was linked with vessel effort
hours (Figure 2-5.). T. aduncus sightings were highest in the 11:01-12:00 time frame
with a second peak between 8:01-9:00. S. chinensis was more frequently sighted in the
9:01-10:00 time frame.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 20



8 -9
7- 10 11 12 13
:01 01- 01- 01- 01-
8 9: : : :
10 11 12
Time of encounter (24h)

Figure 2-5. Number of sightings by effort hour for the different dolphin species.
BND in blue and HBD in grey.

2.5.1 Land-based and Boat-Based Surveys

Figure 2-6. shows the average amount of hours spent searching (per dolphin sighting) in
both land-based and boat surveys. The results were almost identical, with the search
effort per sighting on boats averaging at 3 hours and 52 minutes and the search effort at
land-based averaging at 4 hours and 3 minutes.

Number of hours

Landbase Boat

Figure 2-6. Average hours spent searching per dolphin

encounter on vessel and land-based surveys.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 21

2.6 Discussion

This expedition continued to collect baseline ecology information on dolphin and turtles
within the KMMPA and surrounding waters. There was a marked decrease in the
number of sightings in this expedition, but a yearly report is required to investigate this
further and understand if seasonal fluctuations might exist in this region. Unfortunately
the encounter rate in this expedition was too small to draw any concrete conclusions or
to test for significance. For this reason no further discussion on Humpback dolphins will
be included (with only 5 encounters).

A distinct area of concentrated sightings (areas bordered by 50% harmonic isopleths)

was found within the Wasini Channel between Eastern Wasini Island and the mainland
(figure 2-2.). It will be interesting to compare these findings with sightings from other
expeditions to see if this is suggestive of an ongoing pattern. However, without
standardised routes/line transects or another method of weighting the recorded sightings
this data is not sufficiently strong to find habitat preferences. In this case it can be
explained by the fact it is the closest area to G.V.I. base camp and therefore would be
searched the more times during an expedition.

Bottlenose dolphin group size was most commonly found in the 1-5 and 6-10 categories,
and the average group size was 6. The author currently lacks information on group size
of T.aduncus in other parts of the world, however this number does agree with several
coastal studies of T. truncatus around the world, which reveal relatively small groups that
vary with activity (Shane 1990, Rogan et al 2000, Meyler 2006, Ingram 2000). Further
study to examine if group size changes with activity would be an important and
interesting part of any baseline data study, however attempts to introduce behavioural
studies in this area have so far been unsuccessful due to the particular limitations of our
research. Further understanding and information of T. aduncus group size in other
coastal studies of the world would be helpful for comparison.

The average search effort per encounter on land-based and boat were roughly around
the 4 hour mark per sighting. At first glance this does suggest that non-intrusive land-
based data can complement our boat surveys. Non-intrusive land-based studies have

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 22

been used in several studies to investigate preliminary population estimates (Berrow
1996, Ingram 2000) and/or changes in behaviour (including dive times) with and without
presence of boats (Acevedo 1991, Shane 1990).

However neither is possible to investigate in this expedition. Land-based population

estimates require the whole researched area to be in view (which is not currently the
case). Besides land-based survey forms and event logs are currently not sufficiently
detailed to allow investigation of changes in behaviour or dive times. However it is
worthy of note that expedition 072 occurred during the tourist low season which meant a
significantly reduced number of tourist boats, and therefore a significantly reduced
number of opportunities to study changes in dive times etc due to boat interference.
There is potential for land-based studies to be introduced seasonally, coinciding with the
tourist high season, but for this a more efficient methodology is required.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 23

3. Terrestrial Research Programme

3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Background
The Eastern Arc forests of Kenya and Tanzania are an internationally recognised
biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al 2000). They support high levels of endemism and
important populations of species that have wide-ranging, but fragmented distributions,
and so remain vulnerable. Tanzania’s Eastern Arc mountains are renowned for their
communities of endemic amphibians, reptiles and mammals. The coastal forests of
Kenya form the northern fringe of the Eastern Arc forests, however much less is known
about these unique and important, yet diminishing forest habitats.

The coastal forests around Shimoni and Wasini Island form a thin strip of ‘coral rag
forest’, officially labelled Northern Zanzibar-Inhambane Lowland Coastal Forest. This
forest zone is found along the coastal areas of Kenya, Tanzania and Somalia, and is
formed on ancient coral reef exposed by falling sea levels, leaving limestone rock and
shallow soils. In conjunction with relatively high salinity levels and coastal climatic
influences, the plant community and the structure of the forest favour shallow root
systems, which reduce stability. This makes these forest habitats highly susceptible to
erosion processes and hence at risk from the influences of deforestation in the wider
Shimoni area. The specialised flora that is found in these habitats supports and sustains
rare and endemic species which are of particular interest to biological conservation, and
sustainable livelihoods through responsible tourism.

3.1.2 Study area

Primary research is conducted in Shimoni forest (east) on the Shimoni peninsula,
positioned between Shimoni village to the west (04º64’900”S, 39º38’600”E) and the
coast of the Indian Ocean to the south and east (04º64’300”S, 39º40’300”E), (Figure 3-
1.). The forest is locally known as ‘Mbuyu Tundu’, and will hereafter be referred to as
‘Shimoni forest (east)’.

Shimoni forest (east) represents an important fragment of indigenous coastal forest,

linked in part to the larger extents of the Kwale district forests. Currently used for

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 24

resource extraction and the clearing of land for farming; the area is at threat from the
continuing development of Shimoni village, particularly on coastal land plots. This area
of forest was selected for biological research, primarily because it represents a valuable
area for biodiversity and in particular supports an important population of the Angolan
Black and White Colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus). Discussions with community-
based organisations in Shimoni village highlighted the importance of the forest to the
wider community and in particular Shimoni Youth Conservation Project were keen to
seek protection and promote sustainable management. As a result, GVI have developed
the terrestrial research programme to support local stakeholders. On a more practical
level, the forest is readily accessible and GVI are logistically able to support long-term
and wide ranging biodiversity surveys and monitoring of the area.

This expedition, research also began in KWS owned forest land, west of Shimoni village.
The area represents the south eastern portion of the larger Shimoni forest (west), and
will hereafter be referred to as ‘KWS forest’. The Shimoni forest (west) wider forest
fragment has recently been highlighted as at threat from habitat destruction. Despite
this, the survey area is privately owned by KWS and is therefore an important part of this
coastal forest fragment, and may act as a refuge for populations of species found in that

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 25

Figure 3-1. Survey transects on the Shimoni peninsular.

3.2 Aims

The aims of the terrestrial research programme are to monitor primate community
dynamics, densities, distribution, habitat use and time budgets, with particular interest in
C. a. palliatus. These surveys are complimented and quantified by the monitoring of
habitat variation through analysis of floral composition, disturbance and seasonal
change. Vegetation surveys are utilised to assess floristic diversity, canopy height,
canopy cover and seasonality of fruits and flowers. Monitoring of floral regeneration in
relation to disturbance levels are used to assess forest recovery rates, and resource
consumption including extraction of poles and timber in addition to other forms of
anthropogenic activity. Butterfly surveys are additionally used to examine forest diversity

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 26

and the effects of differing levels of disturbance on the butterfly community. Bird diversity
and habitat use is also used to assess resource competition between certain avian and
primate species. Biodiversity is additionally monitored by the recording of casual
observations, used to assess and gauge species richness and the presence of other
rare and endangered plants and animals.

The eventual aim for this research is to support the Shimoni Youth Conservation Project
in their petition for community management of forest resources, and build capacity within
the community for responsible resource use and monitoring. With community
management status obtained, the research can be used to suggest management
protocols whereby resource use is acceptable at specified levels, and re-plantation
initiatives are utilised to ensure the long-term sustainability of forest resources for both
the human and wildlife communities. Additional forms of income may also be derived
from the forest through responsible tourism. C. a. palliatus is a beautiful and charismatic
primate, and can be easily located on most days. Guided tours through the forest may in
the future provide a source of income for the local community, and the data from these
surveys may be used to suggest the location for trails through the forest.

3.3 Methods

3.3.1 Line transect sampling

The overall methodology for the terrestrial research programme is structured around a
transect grid system utilising east-west straight line transects (Figure 3-1). Parallel
transects are spaced at 200 metre intervals, facilitating a 100 metre survey distance
either side of the transects. This follows the Tropical Ecology, Assessment and
Monitoring (TEAM) Initiative Primate Monitoring Protocol (Lacher 2005).

Transects are divided into 50m sections to enable the survey data to be categorised
accurately, and facilitate distribution mapping. A north-south ‘spine’ is used to ensure the
200m separation between parallel transects and to aid access.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 27

The Shimoni forest (east) study area contains six transects; transect 1, the furthest
south, runs approximately 100 metres from the coastal edge. The total survey area for
Shimoni Forest (east) is 220ha or 2.2km2. The KWS forest area contains just one 400m
transect which runs north to south, comprising 8ha. Table 3-1 summarises the total
number of sections and lengths of each transect.

Forest Transect Sections Length (m)

Shimoni forest (east) 1 17 850

Shimoni forest (east) 2 34 1700
Shimoni forest (east) 3 48 2400
Shimoni forest (east) 4 43 2150
Shimoni forest (east) 5 39 1950
Shimoni forest (east) 6 38 1900
Shimoni forest (east) Total 219 10950

KWS forest 7 8 400

Table 3-1. Summary of transects in the Shimoni area.

3.3.2 Primate community survey

Three species of anthropoid coexist in the survey area. The Angolan Black and White
Colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus), the Syke’s Monkey (Cercopithecus mitis
albogularis), and the Yellow Baboon (Papio cynocephalus). The primate community
surveys are based on distance sampling methods, utilising two nominated observers
whilst additional members of the team ensure they do not draw attention to primates un-
detected by the observers. This maintains consistency of effort, to enable the
quantifiable analysis of data used in estimating primate densities (Buckland et al 2001).

Primate surveys are conducted along one transect at a time, during the mornings when
primates are more likely to be active. When groups of primates are spotted, the sighting
distance (distance from the observer to the first detected individual) is estimated and
recorded. Distance sampling requires the perpendicular distance. This is calculated
using trigonometry, hence the sighting angle (using a compass) and distance from the
observer is measured.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 28

Distance sampling requires a number of assumptions to be met, including the random
distribution of the surveyed objects. In order to meet this assumption for social species
such as primates, groups rather than individuals are recorded. It is also necessary to be
confident that any group positioned 0 metres from the transect line has a 100%
probability of detection. Since the species surveyed in this study are not particularly
cryptic, it is unlikely that such groups would go undetected; hence this assumption can
be upheld with confidence.

The behaviour of a primate group when first observed is recorded, along with primate
species and group size. Where possible, time is taken to summarise the demography of
the group. Sex and age class is most easily recognized in C. a. palliatus; 0-3 months
(infant), 3-6 months (juvenile) and >6 months (adult). Age classes were selected on the
basis of pelt colouration enabling confidence in accurate categorisation rather than
attempting to estimate using relative body size. Ages classes and sexes were not
assumed in C. m. albogularis and P. cynocephalus except where young were seen in
close association with an adult.

3.3.3 Primate behavioural surveys

Behavioural surveys of C. a. palliatus are used primarily to investigate time budgets.

However, habitat use, group structure, and group interactions, are also derived from the
data collected. Through habituation, and the identification of group territories, these
surveys will also support the development of tourism initiatives to gain sustainable
income from the forest wildlife.

Continuous, focal individual sampling is adopted in order to establish C. a. palliatus time

budgets. Time budgets can be used to establish conditions and constraints under which
animals are living. The most suitable conditions promote greater carrying capacities and
hence higher densities (Fimbel et al 2001), as well as less vulnerability to changes in
habitat condition. Time budgets can also be used in examining predator pressures by
analysing the relative time spent being vigilant. This data will then be used to compare
between populations, forest types, and at different levels of disturbance. Data may also
be used in comparison with studies on the other sub-species of C. angolensis.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 29

Focal individuals are surveyed in ten-minute blocks, measuring behaviours which are
broken into states and events. States are measured in real-time durations, as opposed
to events which are recorded only as frequencies logged within each ten-minute time
block. States represent behaviours of longer durations; for example feeding, sleeping,
resting etc. Events represent shorter, instantaneous behaviours; for example scratching,
yawning, urinating. Some tactile signals and postures are included in this survey for use
in the analysis of group interactions. These include stiff-legs display, which has been
identified as an agonistic display between males of different groups of black and white
colobus (Estes 1991). At the end of each time block, a scan sample is conducted to
identify the overall group state (>50% of the group); this is used in the analysis and
discussion of the circumstances under which different individual behaviours occur.

States and events are categorised under strict parameters, and outlined in the ethogram
which is used to ensure consistency between observers and comparability between

Surveys are conducted at all times of the daylight hours in order to measure a
representative portion of time budgets throughout the day. Data recording is only
initiated after a period of at least 10 minutes to reduce bias caused by the arrival of the
observers. If the focal individual moves out of view and observers are unable to
confidently identify the same individual upon reappearing, the survey is ended. There is
no set survey time limit.

3.3.4 Bird point counts

Bird species diversity, abundance and density are estimated through the use of bird
point counts. East Africa represents one of 218 worldwide Endemic Bird Areas,
(Stattersfield et al. 1998) and birds are important components of forest ecosystems as
well as indicators of habitat disturbance. Many bird species are dependent on readily
available stocks of fruits, flowers and seeds, and the presence or absence of seasonal
birds indicate the seasonality of these forest commodities. Birds such as large raptors
also represent the only existing predators of primate species in the area.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 30

Early morning point count surveys are conducted along the transect lines at 100 metre
intervals. The point count is delineated by a 50m x 50m x ∞ box. Numbers and species
of birds which enter this box are recorded for ten minutes before moving onto the next
point count. A five minute settle-down period of silence precedes each recording period.

3.3.5 Canopy survey

Canopy cover is recorded in order to enable analysis of seasonal change and to

describe the forest profile. This is in turn used to compliment primate and other faunal
distribution surveys. Estimations of the canopy cover are recorded every 10 metres of
each 50 metre section, enabling five recordings to be averaged for the section. Cover is
recorded by looking straight up through inverted binoculars, estimating the percentage of
the area blocked by tree canopy foliage and branches, to the nearest 5%.

3.3.6 Fruit and flower survey

Fruits and flowers are surveyed in an effort to measure tree species seasonality, and the
distribution of fruits and flowers throughout the survey area. Many forest animals rely on
fruits and flowers as vital food sources; and most significantly for the aims of this project,
they are vital dietary components of the primates found in the Shimoni forests.

Fruits and flowers are identified along the transect lines, recording trees within 10m of
the transect line. Trees in fruit or flower are identified and their DBH recorded in order to
assess age structure. Only woody vegetation with a DBH over 5cm is recorded.

3.3.7 Butterfly community survey

Butterflies (Order: Lepidoptera) offer an excellent indicator taxon of plant species

diversity, habitat diversity and disturbance levels. Butterfly canopy traps are utilised,
baited with mashed banana that has been allowed to ferment for at least 3 days. Traps
are baited and left for approximately 24 hours before checking, three canopy traps are
used simultaneously on each trapping day. Traps are placed at three heights; ground,
understorey, and mid-canopy. Photographs of each individual are taken for identification
using Larsen (1996).

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 31

3.3.8 Disturbance survey
Disturbance levels are monitored on all transect sections, recording various different
human induced parameters of disturbance. Disturbance is measured in a two metre
transect, positioned 2m north of the transect line. This avoids recording disturbance
caused by the clearing of the transect line. Cutting of poles (5 - <15cm DBH), and timber
(>15cm DBH) are counted within each transect section, and further classified as ‘old’
and ‘new’. Signs of fire (predominantly for charcoal), and bails of firewood are recorded
as well as snares, shelters and pit saws. Where absolute clearing occurs, the number of
poles and timber are not recorded, but the length of transect cleared is measured.

3.3.9 Casual observations

During all observer time in the forest, records are also made of other fauna observed
and identified in the field, noting species, location, habitat, group size and other
applicable notes. Indirect observations of animals such as tracks or dung are also
recorded as indicators of presence. Where possible, unknown species are photographed
for later identification.

3.4 Results

3.4.1 Primate community survey

Primate community and distance sampling was completed once across all transect
sections. Using the population estimation program ‘Distance 5.0’ (Thomas et al 2006),
the total C. a. palliatus population for the Shimoni forest (east) survey area is estimated
at 235 individuals ± 90 S.E. (CI 95%: 109 – 510), at densities of 109 ind/km2 ± 41 S.E.
(CI 95%: 49 – 231). These estimates are derived using the distance sampling data from
this expedition only. The input data does not include sightings of solitary individuals.
Table 3-2. summarises the data from distance sampling of primate groups.

C. a. palliates C. m. albogularis

Area surveyed (km²) 2.2 2.2

Number of groups 20 11
Number of individuals 61 13
Average group size 3.1 1.2

Table 3-2. Summary of primate community surveys.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 32

The data set for the primate community survey records perpendicular distances. These
are necessary for distance sampling analysis in order to produce density and population
estimates. Figure 3-2. shows the distance categories at which C. a. palliatus were

Number of sightings

0 - < 10 10 - <20 20 - <30 30 - <40 40 - <50

Perpendicular distance

Figure 3-2. Frequency of perpendicular distances at which C. a. palliatus groups

were detected during primate community surveys only (n=20).

3.4.2 Primate behavioural survey

A total of 25 hours of behavioural surveys were conducted on 7 different groups of C. a.

palliatus. Table 3-3. summarises the total time budgets for all individuals. The exact
number of individuals studied is unknown due to the problems associated with the
identification of specific individuals. Both adult males and females were studied, and
females carrying young also. Numerous notable behaviours were recorded, including
social grooming, social playing, stiff legs display and copulation. Aggressive encounters

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 33

were not observed during survey, either between or within groups. However, agonistic
behaviour was witnessed between groups of C. a. palliatus and C. m. albogularis.

One individual of particular interest was a badly injured male, who was discovered with a
large open wound on his left bicep, and a significantly disintegrated tail. Attempts at
darting the individual for capture and treatment with the Colobus Trust, were
unsuccessful. Upon return to the same location the next day, the male could not be
found. Wardens from the Colobus Trust suggested that the monkey had been
electrocuted on the un-insulated power cables. Informal interviews with a local masai,
said that the individual had separated himself from the rest of the group two days prior.
Behaviour surveys on the individual whilst waiting for the Trust to arrive yielded high
levels of stress related behaviour, including increased vigilance and frequency of
scratching. The individual later washed up dead on a near-by beach.

Behaviour Percent time

Resting 64
Feeding 18
Travelling 4
Sleeping 3
Grooming active 3
Staring 3
Grooming passive 2
Alert 2
Self grooming 0.1
Stiff-legs display

Table 3-3. Percent time spent in each behaviour state (n = 71,111seconds)

3.4.3 Bird point counts

Bird point counts were conducted between the hours of 06:30 and 09:00 on all transects.
The time required for access meant that most surveys were restricted to sections within
close proximity to the north/south ‘spine’. A total time of 22hrs was surveyed covering 42
transect sections; forming a total survey area of 105,000m2. 104 birds were spotted from
29 different species. Silvery-cheeked hornbills (Bycanistes brevis), crowned hornbills
(Tockus alboterminatus suahelicus), common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) and collared
sunbird (Hedydipna collaris), were among the most abundant species.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 34

3.4.4 Canopy surveys

Canopy cover was recorded every ten metres across all transect sections. The average
canopy cover for one section varied from 0% to 100%, the total average for the Shimoni
forest (east) was 77% and 83% in the KWS forest (Figure 3-3).

Transect number

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Section number

Figure 3-3. Mean canopy cover for transect sections. Lighter colours (transects 1 – 6) represent
Shimoni forest (east). Darker colour (transect 7) represents KWS forest. Largest circle size = 100%

3.4.5 Fruit and flower survey

All transect sections were surveyed for fruits and flowers, over a total duration of 40hrs.
417 trees were recorded in fruit or flower throughout the total survey areas. 10 species
were identified. Most numerous fruits were represented by Trichilia emetica (130),
Millettia usaramensis (77), Adansonia digitata, and various Ficus spp. (Table 3-4.).

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 35

Tree species Transect Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Adansonia digitata 15 3 3 - 4 2 - 27
Caesaphina insolita - - - 4 - - - 4
Celtis mildbraedii - 5 - - - - - 5
Delonix spp. - 1 - 1 - - - 2
Ficus sansibarica - - - - - 2 - 2
Ficus spp. 3 14 1 3 2 - - 23
Mallotus oppositifolius - - 1 2 - - - 3
Millettia usaramensis - 3 26 10 3 35 - 77
Monathotaxis spp. 1 - - - 1 - 2
Rourea spp. 5 - - 5 - - - 10
Trichilia emetica 45 23 - 3 15 41 3 130

Table 3-4. Summary of fruit and flower surveys.

3.4.6 Butterfly community survey

A total of 72 trapping days (where one trapping day is counted as one trap baited for a
24 hour period) were completed this expedition. Each transect in the Shimoni forest
(east) was sampled with 12 trapping days. Transect 7 in the KWS forest was not
surveyed. Table 3-5. summarises the species found and in what abundances.

Subfamily Species Number caught

Charaxinae Charaxes brutus 67

Charaxinae Charaxes candiope candiope 8
Charaxinae Charaxes varanes vologeses 8
Charaxinae Charaxes cithaeron 1
Charaxinae Charaxes jahlusa kenyensis 1
Charaxinae Euxanthe wakefieldi 3
Nymphalinae Eurytela dryope angulata 8
Nymphalinae Euphraedra neophron 2
Nymphalinae Junonia oenone 1
Satyrinae Bicyclus safitza safitza 12
Satyrinae Melanitus leda 22

Total caught 133

Number of species 11
Table 3-5. Butterfly species caught and number of individuals.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 36

3.4.7 Disturbance survey
Disturbance monitoring was completed for all transect sections during this expedition.
Table 3-6. shows the highest levels of disturbance were found in transects 2, 3 and 4
where the greatest extent of clearing occurred. The least amount of clearing occurred in
transects 5 and 6. The average number of other disturbance parameters differed very
little between transects in the Shimoni forest (east), but were much lower in the KWS

Transect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

New poles 19 17 23 11 4 17 -
Old poles 20 61 79 61 56 25 9
Old timber 14 31 15 43 28 39 -
New timber - - 5 - 11 13 -
Firewood - - 1 0 6 3 -
Fires - 1 0 4 0 1 -
Number of clearings 3 1 5 4 3 6 1
Shelters - - - - - - -
Pit saws - 6 9 1 3 6 -
Snares - - - - - - -

Total 56 117 137 124 111 110 10

Average per section 3.29 3.44 2.85 2.88 2.85 2.89 1.25
Total clearing (m) 15 94 170 190 12 14 6
% clearing 1.76 5.53 7.08 8.84 0.62 0.74 1.50
Table 3-6. Summary of disturbance surveys.

3.4.8 Casual observations

A total of 200 hours or 37,424 man hours was spent on casual observations of fauna
during this expedition. 39 species of birds, 12 species of mammals, 8 species of reptile,
and 3 amphibian species were identified.

Species previously not recorded include the tambourine dove (Turtur tympanistria),
Diederik cuckoo (Chrysococcyx caprius), common kestrel (Falco tannumculus), Green
mamba (Dendroasbis angusticeps), and the speckle-lipped skink (Mabuya maculilabris).

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 37

3.5 Discussion

3.5.1 Primate community survey

Distance frequency of primate group detection, as expected, is greater at closer

proximity to the transect line with a detection probability of 1 up to 17m. This kind of
distance sampling analysis has not previously been applied to this forest patch despite
being part of an area wide census of C. a. palliatus during 2001. The census utilized
transects spaced at 100m intervals, and surveyed the entire Shimoni forest (east)
fragment (414ha). The census data set, before distance sampling analysis showed lower
encounter rates than this project has been finding since its inception in 2006. This may
suggest a population increase during the last six years. A follow-up census is due to go
ahead during July - October 2007 which may confirm this. Density estimates seem high
when compared with Thomas (1990) and Anderson (2001). The area surveyed by
Thomas (1990) is unlike the Shimoni survey area in that it holds 12 sympatric anthropoid
primates which may reduce the density of each species through competition. When
compared with Anderson however, the increased densities seen in the Shimoni survey
areas seem less easily explained. The high densities are more comparable to figures
seen for C. guereza (Fashing & Cords 2000).

3.5.2 Primate behaviour survey

C. a. palliatus rely almost entirely on leaves for sustenance (Kingdon 1997). A

preference for mature leaves enables this species to live in high densities, sympatric
with other folivorous primates who favour younger leaves, and fruits (Fimbel et al. 2001).
Because these mature leaves are of poor quality and require effective detoxification (Kay
and Davies 1994), C. a. palliatus seem to exhibit energy economy and spend the
majority of the time inactive. It is therefore expected that 64% time spent resting is
normal for this species. The minimal time spent travelling may be best explained by the
group size found in this area. Smaller groups, deplete food sources less quickly and
therefore can afford to remain in one area for long periods (Fimbel et al. 2001). Groups
were easily located as their movements seemed minimal, and groups were sometimes
found in one or two trees for weeks at a time.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 38

C. a. palliatus spent more time doing all types of grooming, including scratching during
this expeditions survey period. This is likely due to the increase in the rains causing
higher levels of skin parasites, or general irritation due to a greater concentration of
moisture on the skin.

Behaviour surveys were concentrated around 3 groups. Attempts at surveying groups

whose territory was further from the local community mostly failed. These groups readily
dispersed when under constant observation by the survey team. Some data was
however collected on these groups following several failed attempts. It would seem that
habituation of most groups will not be a problem if patience is applied. Levels of
vigilance related activities seemed lower this expedition which may show that groups are
becoming more relaxed with constant observation.

3.5.3 Bird point counts

Avian diversity and abundance seems low, however this may be explained by the small
sample size and the visual constraints in dense forest of this kind. The species discovery
curve is so far growing exponentially, and with a greater sample size, will in future be
used in estimates of species diversity. A box size of 50m x 50m x ∞ limits data
recording, yet is essential for estimates of densities in forest habitats. This box size is
chosen by the average maximum visibility in the forest. In some areas, visibility is much
greater but recording numbers without area limitations would make these areas appear
to contain greater densities, and most likely greater diversity as well. Casual
observations can be used to increase the bird species list, and point counts can
therefore be used in estimating densities, and drawing comparisons between micro-
habitats. A trial-run of afternoon bird surveys, yielded even lower sightings than
mornings. These may therefore be unbeneficial to the survey program, and
concentration on afternoon primate behaviours more worthwhile.

3.5.4 Canopy surveys

Canopy surveys continue to provide valuable data on seasonality of canopy density in

support of primate surveys. Mean canopy cover was higher than in previous expeditions,
and may be explained by two factors. The marked increase in rain during the previous

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 39

four months has caused greater canopy densities. Clearing of the forest for farmland has
not been so intense since the rains, so average canopy cover has not been significantly
reduced by this clearing.

Figure 3-3. shows a consistency of canopy across transects 5 & 6. This seems due to
low levels of clearing in these areas, which are further from the local communities.
Transects 2, 3 & 4 show decreases in percent cover around the north/south spine. In this
area extensive clearing for farmland has occurred.

3.5.5 Fruit & flower

Work with a local botanist has proven successful with a number of species confirmations
and work towards a photo key begun, covering the major phenology of the survey area.
Trichilia emetica was found in high abundance throughout the survey area, with the
exception of highly disturbed re-growth forest. Millettia usaramensis was found in flower
for two weeks during May, and in fruit from May until June. Fruiting and flowering
Adansonia digitata was observed throughout the study area but in low densities.

3.5.6 Butterfly community survey

Butterfly populations seem healthy in the survey area. Bicyclus safitza safitza, the most
numerous species during January to March, was not caught in such high numbers
during April to June. This may show a seasonal variation in this species. Species
diversity may be difficult to obtain from just one catching method, yet does give ideas
about seasonal variations, and maybe more quantifiable data in relation to disturbance
levels. Trapping with this method and bait continues to yield new species, with
Euphaedra neophron caught for the first time during this expedition on transect 6.
Euphaedra are most commonly found in the densest parts of forests, and in areas where
figs are most abundant (Larson 1996).

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 40

3.5.7 Disturbance survey
Disturbance and canopy cover surveys correlate when looking at the extent of clearing.
This clearing has taken place in the parts of the forest most easily accessed by the local
community of Shimoni village. It is however, evident that the cutting of poles and timber
is not restricted to these areas. This may be due to the selective targeting of tree species
for specific uses. Although the KWS forest is closest to the village community, it is
protected, and although not regularly patrolled, the forest is adjacent to the KWS
Shimoni headquarters. Hence illegal logging in this area would be more than risky.
Despite this, Anderson (2001) found no significant differences in levels of disturbance
between protected and un-protected forest fragments of Kwale district.

3.5.8 Casual observations

Although bird species diversity was somewhat low during bird survey, casual
observations have increased estimates of diversity quite considerably. This may be due
to the fact that casual observations take place at all times of day, as opposed to bird
point counts which are restricted to the morning hours. Also, with casual observations
there are no parameter limits on sighting distance, and many bird species appear to be
particularly shy of human presence. Numerous sightings of the Zanj elephant shrew
(Rhynchocyon petersi) continue to be of particular interest, due to its rare and data-
deficient status. Camera trapping has begun its trial phase, with no formal transects
utilized. The first film to be developed yielded only yellow baboons.

3.6 Conclusions, Recommendations and Future Work

Trapping of butterflies should be continued in Shimoni throughout the course of the year
to ensure representative sampling of the different micro-habitats and to assess seasonal
variation in the butterfly community. Casual observations show that a large number of
butterfly species present in the forest did not frequent the traps; it seems likely that they
are not attracted to the bait. Complimenting the canopy traps with other survey methods,
such as sweep netting should also be considered.

Casual observations continue to reveal greater faunal diversity. Although some of the
large terrestrial mammals have been identified, it is thought many nocturnal species are

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 41

yet to be spotted. After this trial phase of camera trapping, seven traps will be placed in
the survey areas during the following expedition. It is hoped that difficult to observe small
to medium sized mammals such as ground pangolin (Smutsia temminckii), aardvark
(Orycteropus afer), various genets and civets (Family: Viverridae), aardwolf (Proteles
cristata), and various mongooses (Family: Herpestidae) may be recorded in this way.

Bird surveys using the current methodologies seem to yield low density and biodiversity
figures. This is likely due to the problems with visibility in the forest. In many areas the
maximum visibility is less than 25m and birds may also be shy to human presence. Next
expedition a trial phase using bird calls will be adopted to contribute to visual
identification. This will be done by recording the call in the field and then identifying the
species from CDs after.

Future work is summarised as follows:

 During July – October 2007 the survey program aims to take part in a follow-up,
area wide census of C. a. palliatus. The census will cover all of the forested
patches in Kwale district, and what is thought to be the entire population of C. a.
palliatus in Kenya.
 Continue primate behavioural surveys on C. a. palliatus, attempting to habituate
more groups.
 Expand behaviour surveys into new study areas, to be used in comparison
between forests of different floral composition and different levels of disturbance.
 Photo identification may be possible for a few troops of C. a. palliatus, where the
time budgets and individual behaviour patterns of specifics may be analysed.
 Continue with evenly distributed sampling of sections for vegetation and
regeneration surveys until representation analysis indicates a leveling of the
species discovery curve.
 Continue seasonal repetition of canopy surveys to support primate community
 Continue butterfly trapping, across seasons, and trial different baits. Pilot
complimentary methods of sampling the butterfly population, such as sweep

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 42

 Pilot surveys of the Zanj elephant shrew (Rhynchocyon petersi) may include nest
surveys and flush netting.

The Shimoni forest (east) continues to be under threat from human disturbance. The
‘Shimoni Youth Conservation Project’ are a group of self-formed Shimoni residents who
have submitted a proposal for the community management of the forest, and for the
cessation of extensive deforestation and un-sustainable timber harvesting for
commercial purposes. It is hoped that the data derived from these surveys will be highly
beneficial in the formation of management plans for this forest, in an effort to benefit both
the areas biodiversity and local human community.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 43

4. Community Development Programme
This element of the programme falls broadly into 4 main areas; TEFL teaching in Mkwiro
Primary School; TEFL teaching in adult classes to local community members;
orphanage development and sustainable community projects.

4.1 Introduction
With regard to the TEFL teaching, the EMs received the 2-day training course on TEFL
on arrival in Mkwiro focusing not only on the adult classes, but also on TEFL for children.
In the first phase, the EMs designed an environmental education lesson on marine
pollution to give to the primary schools at Mkwiro, Shimoni and Wasini to combine with a
Dive into Earth Day beach clean (figure 4-1.). The second phase EMs designed a short
15 minute lesson for the Nursery School students and designed a word poster so they
could teach a nursery rhyme. This training was very successful with several EMs feeling
confident enough to present classes as the lead-teacher. The main community
stakeholder we have been working with this expedition with TEFL is the Mkwiro Primary
School. During this expedition, all of GVI’s classes with Standards 5-8 at Mkwiro Primary
School have been arranged in double lessons and lessons with Standard 1-4 have been
single lessons.

The adult classes have included simultaneous beginners and advanced men’s classes
as well as the women’s group. These classes continued to be very popular and have
continued to help build capacity for tourism, enterprises and build confidence within the
village. Visits to the Al-Hanan Orphanage have been three times weekly since the start
of the school term and we have been involved with the orphanage throughout the
expedition with help and support as needed. Various community projects have been
started or continued during this expedition, and we have worked alongside the Mkwiro
Youth Conservation Group, Village Committee, Dispensary Committee and Tumaini
Women’s Group to work on aspects such as fundraising, developing capacity for
tourism, the village tour and developing markets and revenue for local enterprises.

GVI have been an official member on The Year of the Dolphin Committee and will
continue to be a key community stakeholder this year. EMs provided environmental
education to standard s 6, 7 and 8 through the school holidays, topics involved dolphin

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 44

ecology and the marine ecosystem, in preparation for the monthly competitions on poem
writing and the art competition. Adult education has also included topics such as threats
to dolphins. EMs have helped the children prepare for the choir and acrobatic show
which they presented at the official launch held in Haller Park, Mombasa. Various
schools from the Kenyan coast delighted the audience with choirs, plays, raps, mosaics
in Kiswahili and English providing a powerful message about the value of dolphins and
threats which exist and how they as a community should conserve these animals. Other
guests that attended included the assistant director from TUI, Assistant Director of KWS,
Executive secretary from Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) and alongside local
operators. GVI provided a presentation the following day about their participation in
partnership with KWS and the communities, KWS then officially presented the Code of
Conduct for Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park.

The volunteers had the chance to participate in a World Environment Day exhibition at
the start of June in Haller Park, Mombasa. The theme was focused on Climate change,
with the logo ‘plant a tree’. EMs developed resources such as educational posters and
games, such as food web pyramids. They also designed activities for the schools
involving colouring-in monkey masks, education on dolphin species and sustainable
livelihoods using natural resources.

Figure 4-1. A beach clean for Dive into Earth Day.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 45

4.2 School Education
Following the Kenyan syllabus, we have been working on the New Progressive Primary
Schools English syllabus books (teacher and student copies), and have been using
these as the basis around which our lessons are planned. With Standards 7-8, we have
covered 2.5 chapters each, and we have covered 1.5 - 2 chapters with Standards 4-6.
We have conducted more than 42 hours of English lessons and 1 hour of P.E. lessons.
We have also conducted 6 hours of Environmental Education lessons during the school
holidays in Mkwiro Primary School covering topics such as dolphin ecology, primate
ecology, coral reef ecology, bird identification and marine pollution. In terms of extra-
curricular activities, we have conducted 8 hours of tutorial work with Standard 8 helping
them to prepare for their final exams. We started special reading lessons with the
Standard 6-8 students where they come individually to our base for one-on-one reading
time. This has benefited more than 50 of the learners so far, and the individual time has
really motivated both the EMs and the students. We have been recording the levels of
the students so that we can target the slower readers in the future.

4.3 Adult Education

4During this expedition, we have conducted 28 hours of classes to the women’s class
and the beginners and advanced men’s class. These have covered topics as diverse as
dolphin ecology, sustainable waste solutions, marketing and advertising strategies as
well as developing more cookery and recipe ideas with the women. With the beginners
men’s class, we have been working on emotions, weather, general conversation as well
as vocabulary and skills relating to the student’s jobs. Half of the Adult Education time
has been used for computer lessons covering topics like formal letter writing, a typing
speed challenge and typing up recipes to make a cookbook. We have continued to offer
lessons to the teachers from Mkwiro Primary School, but they have been unable to come
due to their time constraints in the school.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 46

4.4 Al Hanan Orphanage

We have been visiting the orphanage every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for an hour
and a half each day. We have spent more than 36 hours at the orphanage during this
expedition. Activities have included papier-mâché, games, homework, reading help,
sports, drawing and painting

4.5 Satellite Camp

Working in collaboration with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
and the Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS), GVI successfully completed its third series of
satellite camps with 4 ex-poaching communities in the Taveta district. The 4
communities (Kidong, Mahandikini, Kaasani and Mtakuja) had historically poached
wildlife for their own subsistence purposes, while also supplying the local and trans-
boundary bush meat demand. The top threat to wildlife sustainability in the nearby Tsavo
West national park and local non/protected areas is, however, the bush meat trade - an
increasingly destructive and lucrative international practice surpassing habitat loss as
the greatest threat to tropical wildlife (Bennet et al. 2006 as cited by Omonde 2006).
Therefore, in order to negate the impact of this trade on local wildlife, and to
simultaneously improve the livelihood options for ex-poaching communities, GVI
continue to implement capacity-building exercises in each of the four villages. It is
anticipated that, through the promotion of environmental awareness and creation of
alternative livelihood opportunities, the ex-poaching communities will play a key role in
the long-term sustainability of their natural resources.

Overall, GVI delivered approximately 56 hours of lessons to the 4 communities. These

lessons also involved close guidance and supervision from 24 expedition members.
Attendance was generally excellent, with classes comprising between 15 – 25 members.
Summaries from each satellite camp will now be presented.

4.5.1 Kidong Satellite Camp

The Kidong Conservation and Development Community-based Organisation (herein

Kidong group) are aspiring to create a cultural centre, with the hope that tourism
revenues provide a viable alternative income. Therefore, the satellite camp concentrated

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 47

on giving formal letter-writing and proposal-writing lessons – fundamental and essential
skills for the Kidong group in realising their aim. The expedition members were also
actively involved in researching the culture and practices of the Kidong group members,
with the collected data anticipated to form part of the cultural information stand within the
centre. The next satellite camp in expedition 07-03 will concentrate on developing the
cultural information stand, while also assisting and supervising the Kidong group to
complete actual funding proposals for prospective donors.

4.5.2 Mahandikini Satellite Camp

The Mahandikini Youth Network for Animal Welfare and Rights (herein Mahandikini
group) are looking to substitute poaching with poultry farm and bee-keeping enterprises.
These themes were therefore prominent in the formal letter-writing and proposal –writing
lessons. Resolving conflict with wild animals was also a matter that community members
wanted to explore, as their crops were regularly being raided by wildlife. So, issues
surrounding human-wildlife conflict were debated, with the expedition members actively
involved in researching the conflict being experienced by the Mahandikini group
members. The Mahandikini group are looking to tackle the problem of deforestation
(primarily caused by charcoal burning) and soil erosion in their area, so the next satellite
camp will focus on setting up tree nurseries and soil conservation

4.5.3 Kasaani Satellite Camp

The Kasaani Group for Animal Protection (herein Kasaani group) are keen to initiate a
bee-keeping project in their locality. So, along with teaching formal letter-writing skills,
the satellite camp concentrated on teaching the basics of writing funding proposals, with
the theme of bee-keeping in mind (fig 2-11.). Encouragingly, a Kenyan-based honey
company are showing interest in starting a bee-keeping venture in Kasaani. With the
group also concerned about local soil erosion, a lesson on conservation agriculture was
given. The next satellite camp will have a strong agricultural emphasis to it, with topics
such as mulching, agricultural pest control and human-wildlife conflict being introduced.

4.5.4 Mtakuja Satellite Camp

The Mtakuja Animal Advocates Group is primarily concerned with bee-keeping and
water projects. These were therefore the principal topics for the formal letter-writing
exercise. Encouragingly, the honey company which has shown interest in Kasaani is

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 48

also interested in a Mtakuja venture too. As Mtakuja village is located on the boundary
of Tsavo West national park, the group members are experiencing high amounts of crop
raiding by, amongst other animals, elephants. Therefore, the topic of human-wildlife
conflict was debated and discussed with emphasis on local conditions. Group members
were also trained in recording and monitoring the wildlife conflict occurring in their local
area. Along with identifying conflict hotspots and areas for preventative measures, the
collected data will also make it possible to quantify the crop damage in economic terms;
this will provide the Mtakuja group with a strong platform if they wish to apply for funding
for preventative measures. The next satellite camp involving the Mtakuja group will
involve lessons on proposal-writing along with the introduction of methods for reducing
human-wildlife conflict.

Fig 4-1. Expedition members working together with Kasaani Group members during the letter-
writing exercise

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 49

4.6 Capacity Building

The EMs have spent their Interest Group time helping the Mkwiro Youth Conservation
Group develop the Mwauzi Tumbe Tour. Meetings have been arranged to discuss the
proposed restaurant banda and toilets at the beach facing the marine park. The problem
of finding sustainable building materials remains an issue, but it is hoped to be resolved
soon. EMs have also used their time to speak with the Tumaini Women’s Group to try to
develop their markets with stalls in Shimoni, through shops in local hotels and through a
special ‘Made in Mkwiro’ exhibition in Mombasa. We hope to help continue this with the
women into the peak tourist season next expedition. A proposal written with the help of
EMs last expedition for the women’s group has resulted in 58,000ksh being donated
from the Department of Social Services to help the women to develop the chicken farm.

Towards the end of the expedition, we received notification for GVI CT that that the
proposal written with the help of GVI Kenya had been accepted by Timberland Clothing
Company. An expedition member from 062 who works for the company was able to help
the dispensary by securing the donation of £4075 (about 530,000 KSH). The money is to
be used to by an emergency transfer boat for the dispensary. The boat will be used as a
ferry for locals and tourists to enable easier access to the village. The money from this
service will be used to fund the nurse’s salary and medicines for the dispensary.

We have taken on two local Kenyans as part of the National Scholarship Programme
this expedition. Mohamed Namuna, a marine park ranger based in Shimoni, has come to
us from KWS for training in the programme which can be passed back to KWS. Our
second NSP was Tajiri Mohamed Tajiri, a local secondary school leaver. He is from
Mkwiro village, and has benefited from learning research skills as part of the
programme, developing computer and teaching skills. Hopefully through learning these
skills his knowledge can then be passed back to the community as well as generally
strengthening the relationship between GVI and Mkwiro village.

Between week 5 and week 9 of the expedition, we were able to bring Isaac Mutua, the
leader of the Kidong Ex-poachers Group, to the GVI base in Mkwiro to help develop his
capacity building, English, computer and community development skills. He was able to

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 50

spend a long time working through ideas with staff on base, and used the opportunity to
develop his English with the EMs. The EMs also learned a lot from him about the history
of the area and the plans for the future at Kidong.

4.7 Employment
Currently, there are several local staff employed by GVI:
Marine staff: 1
Boat drivers/security: 5
Base security: 2

The expedition members get a great deal of added enjoyment and understanding of the
local culture and way of life by working closely with these local staff. We are also helping
to build capacity within our local staff by helping them to improve their English and
offering computer lessons and practice when machines are available. GVI also supports
local enterprises in the community including bread and samosa makers, the village tailor
and curio sellers who brings a stall to base. (Figure 4-3.). EMs have also paid local
ladies to give them chapatti-making classes, helping to build the capacity of these ladies
to offer the lesson commercially.

Fig 4-3. Emma takes Chapatti classes from the ladies from the village

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 51

4.8 GVI Charitable Trust
GVI has helped to sponsor 5 children to secondary school in full or in part this
expedition through donations to the expedition through GVI CT. During the expedition,
£1000 has been given to the orphanage through the Trust. Part of this money has been
used to fund the salary of the dispensing clinician and the rest has been used on
developing the buildings in the orphanage compound. The Orphanage committee have
given a proposal requesting for the remainder of the money to go towards building a new
classroom block. Our relationship with the orphanage remains strong and all parties are
very appreciative of GVI CT. Some of our EMs used their Interest Group time to
investigate further fundraising for the orphanage, dispensary and other projects in the

4.9 Summary

GVI’s involvement in the local community in Mkwiro as well as in Shimoni and Wasini
through English teaching, capacity building and help with the orphanage has made a
tangible difference to the lives of the community members. Combining the community
capacity building and the current scientific research, we have finished the structure of
our Information Banda on base. This will contain info on all elements of our project and
can be used in the future by the local community as part of village tours. We will
continue to develop this in the future. In the next expedition, we hope to develop career
information presentations for the students to learn more about the opportunities open to
them after school.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 52

5. References
Anderson, J., 2001. Status, distribution and conservation of the Angola black-and-white
colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) in coastal Kenya. A report for Wakuluzu, Friends
of the Colobus Trust, P.O. Box 5380, 80401, Diani Beach, Kenya.

Acevedo, A., 1991. Behaviour and movements of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops

truncatus, in the entrance to Ensenada De La Paz, Mexico. Aquatic Mammals 17(3),

Bejder L., Samuels A., 2003. Evaluating the effects of nature-based tourism on
cetaceans. 229 – 256.

Berrow, S. D., Holmes, B. and Kiely, O.R., 1996. Distribution and abundance of
bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Shannon Estuary. Biology and
Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.

Buckland, S.T., Anderson, D.R., Burnham, K.P., Laake, J.L., Borchers, D.L. and
Thomas, L., 2001. Introduction to distance sampling: estimating abundance of biological
populations. Oxford University Press. New York.

Emerton L., Tessema Y., 2001. Economic constraints to the management of marine
protected areas: the case of Kisite Marine National Park and Mpunguti National
Reserve, Kenya. IUCN – The World Conservation Union, Eastern Africa Regional Office,
Nairobi, Kenya.

Estes, R. D. 1991. The behaviour guide to African mammals: including hoofed

mammals, carnivores, primates. University of California Press. California.

Evans, P.G.H., Hammond, P.S., 2004. Monitoring cetaceans in European waters.

Mammal Review. 34,1, 131-156.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 53

Ingram, S., (2000). The Ecology and Conservation of Bottlenose Dolphins in the
Shannon Estuary, Ireland. Submitted as P.H.D. to N.U.I., Cork.

Fashing, P.J., Cords, M., 2000. Diurnal primate densities and biomass in the Kakamega
Forest: An evaluation of census methods and a comparison with other forests. American
Journal of Primatology. 50, 139-152.

Fimbel, C., Vedder, A., Dierenfeld, E., Mulindahabi, F. 2001. An ecological basis for
large group size in Colobus angolensis in the Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda. African Journal
of Ecology. 39, 83-92.

Kay, R.N.B., Davies, A.G. Digestive physiology. In: Davies, A.G., Oates, J.F. (Eds.)
1994. Colobine monkeys: their ecology, behaviour, and evolution. Cambridge University
Press. Cambridge.

Kingdon, J., 1997. The Kingdon field guide to African mammals. Academic Press.

Larsen, T.B. 1996. Butterflies of Kenya and their Natural History. Oxford University
Press. New York.

Lehmann, I., Kioko, E. 2005. Lepidoptera diversity, floristic composition and structure of
three Kaya forests on the south coast of Kenya. Journal of East African Natural History
94, 121-163.

Mann, J., 2000. Unravelling the dynamics of social life: long-term studies and
observational methods, in: Connor, R.C., Tyack, P.L., H. Whitehead. (Eds.), Cetacean
Societies: field studies of dolphins and whales. University of Chicago Press, pp.44-64.

Martin, P., Bateson, P., 1993. Measuring Behaviour: An introductory guide, 3rd edn.
Cambridge University press. Cambridge.

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 54

Meyler, S., 2006. Aspects of the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncates, in
the Shannon Estuary. National University of Ireland, Library Journal 24(4).

Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Kent, J. 2000.
Biodiversity hotpots for conservation priorities. Nature. 403, 853 – 858.

Omondi, R., 2006. A project proposal for the Tsavo West National Park Community
Game Scouts. Kenyan Wildlife Service.

Parsons, K.M., 2001. Procedural guideline No. 4-5 Using photo-ID for assessing
bottlenose dolphin abundance and behaviour, in: Marine JNCC Marine Monitoring
Handbook. 1-21.

Richmond, M.D.. (Ed.) 2002. A Field Guide to the Seashores of Eastern Africa and the
Western Indian Ocean Islands. Sida/SAREC – University of Dar es Salam, pp. 461.

Shane, S. H.,1990. Behaviour and Ecology of the bottlenose dolphin at Sanibel Island,
Florida., in: Leatherwood, S and Reeves, R.R. (Eds.)The Bottlenose Dolphin. Academic
Press, Inc. San Diego, pp. 245-266.

Stattersfield, A.J., Crosby, M.J., Long, A.J., Wege, D.C. 1998. Endemic Bird Areas of the
World. Birdlife International, Cambridge, UK.

Stensland, E., Berggren, P., R, Johnstone., 1998. Marine Mammals in Tanzanian

waters: urgent need for status assessment. Ambio. 27-8, 771-774.

Thomas, S.C. 1990. Population densities and patterns of habitat use among anthropoid
primates in the Ituri Forest, Zaire. Biotropica. 23, 68-83.

Thomas, L., Laake, J.L., Strindberg, S., Marques, F.F.C., Buckland, S.T., Borchers, D.L.,
Anderson, D.R., Burnham, K.P., Hedley, S.L., Pollard, J.H., Bishop, J.R.B. and Marques,
T.A. 2006. Distance 5.0. Release 2. Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment,
University of St. Andrews, UK. http://www.ruwpa.st-and.ac.uk/distance/

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 55

6. Appendices

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 56

Appendix A

DATE: VESSEL: STAFF (Initials): OBSERVERS (Initials): PAGE ______OF______
Environmental Conditions
Event South 04° East 039° Effort Trans Bearing WPT Speed Cloud Swell BFT Vis Tide Precip Wind Comments
(24hrs) # T I D

Events: Effort Type: Beaufort Cloud Cover: Precipitation Tide:

01 - Start of survey day LT - Line Transect 0 - Glass Measure in eigths Type Ebb - High to low ENTERED ON
02 - Change in effort type CW- Casual watch 01- Ripples e.g. 0/8 - clear N - None Flood - Low to High COMPUTER
03 - Sighting (DS OR MFS) DS - Dedicated search 02 - small waveletss 4/8 - half sky o/c R - Rain
04 - Start of transect PI - Photo ID 03 - occasional whitecaps 8/8 - over cast
05 - End of transect 04 - Frequent whitecaps
06 - Change of course 05 - Many whitecaps Visibility (km): - Intensitity CHECKED
07 - Bft/Env/Spd change Boat Speed: Swell: 0-1 heavy rain I - Intermittent Initials
08 - Other/15 minute recording (use GPS) 0 - no/weak swell 1-10 C - continuous
09 - End of survey day 1 - intermediate swell >10
2 - strong swell

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 51

Appendix B

Sightings Form Entered onto computer □

CHECKED (initials)
Date: Vessel: Skipper: Recorder:
Survey Group size Spotted
number Distance Angle to Tide because Photo-
Latitude Longitude Effort Sighting MFS/ to sighting Ebb/Flo Dhows? ID? Number
Time South 04° East 039° type number DS sighting (P or S) od Species Min Max Best Yes/No Yes/No of Boats Comments

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 52

Appendix C

Date (YYYY- Photographe DS or MFS Vessel Initials

MM-DD) rs # (SR or ET)

Photo- ID Data Sheet

Survey Number (MFS or DS):
Start time: End time:
Photographer: Camera: Scribe:

Frame # Notes

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 67

Appendix D

Megafauna Survey Form (10/06) Vessel: Entered Checked MFS#

Date South 04 East 039 Wpt # General Location Closest Habitat Notes

Staff Recorder Start End Depth

Species Temp Tide: Number Present

Bft Flood


Roll 2: (date/ID): Frames: Spacers(s):

Photo Notes:

Megafauna Survey Form (10/06) Vessel: Entered Checked MFS#

Date South 04 East 039 Wpt # General Location Closest Habitat Notes

Staff Recorder Start End Depth

Species Temp Tide: Number Present

Bft Flood


Roll 2: (date/ID): Frames: Spacers(s):

Photo Notes:

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 68

Appendix E


OBSERVERS: PAGE ______OF______
DATE: Environmental Conditions Boat Traffic
Time Wind Precip No. of Number of each
Observers Cloud Swell BFT Vis Tide Comments
(24hrs) Direction T I Vessels type of vessel i.e.

Cloud Cover: Beaufort: Visibility (km): Precipitation Vessel Type

Entered on
Measure in eigths 0 - Glass 0-1 heavy fog Type SR - Stingray
e.g. 0/8 - clear 01- Ripples 1-10 N - none CF - Fishing Canoe
4/8 - half the sky overcast
02 - small waveletss >10 R - rain CS - Sailing Canoe
8/8 - over cast 03 - occasional whitecaps D - Power Dhow (non-tourist)
04 - Frequent whitecaps TD - Tourist Dhow
Swell: 05 - Many whitecaps Tide: Intensitity SD - Sailing Dhow (non-tourist)
0 - no/weak swell Ebb - High to low I - intermittent C - canoe (paddling) Checked (Initials)
1 - intermediate swell Flood - Low to High C - continuous S - Sailboat
2 - strong swell P - Powerboat

© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 69

Appendix F


DATE: OBSERVERS (Initials): PAGE ______OF______
Dolphins and Megafauna
Sighting Group size Tide (ebb Plot # on Comments
Time (24 hrs) observer's Bearing Sighting Species
Min Max Best or flood) chart
initials Distance

Bearing Distance Dolphin species (Spp) Tide:

Read by observer from Use reticles in Bnd - Bottlenose E - Ebb - High to low ENTERED ON COMPUTER
compass at bottom of binoculars counting Hbd - Humpback F - Flood - Low to High
binocular view down from the top of Spd - Spinnner
the horizon or shorelineRsd - Risso's
Cod - Common Checked (Initials)
Count short reticles as StD - Striped
halves PtD - Pan-tropical Spotted
Unk - unknown species
© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 70
Appendix G


Record every 5 min./after each dive cycle from 1st sighting Split into
# dhows View
# sub-
Group size Vessel #Tourist swim Obstructed
Dive Dive Vessels groups Comments
Time Spp Spread type dhows with by boats
Type Duration Min Max Best present (Yes or
dolphins (Yes or No)

Dolphin species (Spp) Dive Type Spread Vessel Type ENTERED ON

Bnd - Bottlenose Rg - Regular SR - Stingray COMPUTER
Hbd - Humpback Td - Tail-out Tig - Tight (< 2 m) CF - Fishing Canoe
Spd - Spinnner Pd - Peduncle Mod - Moderate (2 - <5 m) CS - Sailing Canoe
Rsd - Risso's Rs - Rapid Surface Spr - Spread (5 -10 m) D - Power Dhow (non-tourist)
Cod - Common Rt - Rooster Tail Wsp - Widespread (>10 m) TD - Tourist Dhow Checked (Initials)
StD - Striped Lp - Leap SD - Sailing Dhow (non-tourist)
PtD - Pan-tropical Spotted Pp - Porpoise C - canoe (paddling)
Unk - unknown species Snag - Snag S - Sailboat
P - Powerboat
© Global Vision International – 2007 Page 71
Appendix H
Date: Time start: Time finish: Weather: Wind: still / light breeze / firm breeze / storm

Team's full names: Cloud cover (0/8-8/8):

GPS start:
Location: Precipitation: dry / rain / showers
GPS finish:

Time sighted Common name Scientific name No. individuals Notes / description (if unsure I.D.)

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