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SUI JURIS: A NEW PARADIGM - DEFINITIONS You are assumed, by the "government" to be dependent upon it and as you have

never said otherwise you must play the game by their rules. sui juris | suL drs, su-, sju- | a. phr. E17. [L, lit. 'of one's own right'.] Law. 1 Rom. Hist. Of the status of a person who was not subject to paternal authority. E17. 2 Of full age and capacity. L17. --------------------------------------------------------Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia Developed by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties Inc. All rights reserved. "you have rights you never dreamed of under this Bill of Rights" and no other country in the world has a Bill of Rights like we have in America, reiterated at state and united states level.. As People come to understand what Sui Juris means, and people all over the world realize the same Inherent Rights come from God and demand protection of these Human Rights in their own countries, we will not longer allow ourselves to be enslaved. These are those "truths we hold to be self evident", but first we have to know what Inherent Rights are as opposed to corporate enslavement and deception , then to exercise these Rights and then to demand they are protected in lawful jurisdictions Everything is a contract, they only contract your birthright, God Given at birth, your Life, Freedom, Happiness, Property and Posterity.. Sui Juris is a WHOLE NEW PARADIGM. Back to the TRUTH and Law in a courtroom, judges with BONDS, CONTRACTS and OATHS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. People accessing the Record, in language as any reasonable person understands, no more intentional deceptions by exploiters of the People. (go to www.avoiceforchildren.com and read about the Sui Juris process for the People to access the courts) Time for the People to DISSOLVE THE BAR. and hold public servant criminals accountable for this FRAUD. FRAUD VITIATES ALL CONTRACTS AND EVERYTHING THEY DO ENGAGING IN FRAUD IS VOID FROM THE INCEPTION..... TIME FOR BUSH AND ASHCROFT TO GET THE PICTURE THAT IF IT IS NOT CONSTITUTIONAL IT IS VOID OF LAW. AND THEY ARE TRAITORS TO ENFORCE SUCH POLICY. JUST LIKE INHERENT RIGHTS CANNOT BE COMPROMISED, NEITHER CAN TRUTH OR LAW OR FREEDOM. These things can be stripped but stand as absolutes beyond the games being enforced in courtrooms today. They are either in place or they are not.
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If you compromise the least part, the whole is a LIE. pamela gaston a voice for children. -----Original Message----- From: Chris.Manson@arvalphh.co.uk Are You Sui Juris? Legal Short First, the Definition of Sui Juris is given: One who has all the rights to which a freemen is entitled; one who is not under the power of another, as a slave, a minor, and the like. To make a valid contract, a person must, in general, be sui juris. Every one of full age is presumed to be sui juris. Of full capacity. In his own right; capable of entering into a contract. The first definition is from Bouvier's Law, the latter from Ballentine's Law. First, note that both definitions have the element of CONTRACT. Now, note that the first definition states: One who is not under the power of another, as a slave, a minor, and the like. Consequently all such persons of such nature are not considered to be of a SUI JURIS status. Now, let us consider some elements to see if you are OF THE LIKE. To see if you are not "of the like" and "not under the power of another" answer these following questions: Are you a United States citizen and are you willing to be one? Do you have a Social Security Number and do you plan to take benefits? If you answered yes to either one of the above questions you are not truly SUI JURIS and you are under the guardianship of the federal government. When you turned 18 you had the choice to be a dependent of the government or become Sui Juris. As you have voluntarily elected to be a "U.S. citizen" (thus having to take a SSN based on positive law of the federal nation) you basically went from being a child of your parents to being a child of the government[s]. Unbeknownst to you, this was your first contract when you reached your age of majority. It is called acquiescence by silence. See the following definitions which define the foregoing inflicted status as defined by American Heritage Dictionary: de.pend.ent. 1. Contingent on another. 2. Subordinate. 3. Relying on or requiring the aid of another for support: dependent children. 4. Hanging down. --de.pend.ent n. also de.pend.ant. One who relies on another especially for financial support. guard.i.an. 1. One that guards, watches over, or protects. 2. Law. One who is legally responsible for the care and management of the person or property of an incompetent or a minor. vas.sal. 1. A person who held land from a feudal lord and received
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protection in return for homage and allegiance. 2. A bondman; a slave. 3. A subordinate or dependent. Without a doubt, all the above definitions fit perfectly and are applicable. This situation is stealthily imposed on you. Section 1 of the 14th amendment of the constitution naturalizes you at birth and takes you out of your native state at birth. You are then a federal national rather than a lawful national of your state. Due to said situation, you are more than OF THE LIKE. Not only are you considered a MINOR (of sorts), you are specifically a SLAVE if you vote. See "fiction of law" and "silent judicial notice" for the particulars of the above stated legal premise. In other words: you do not have to be duly convicted to be in servitude: you are silently condemned for being a U.S. citizen. Under the doctrine of tacit and positive law you have volunteered and/or contracted to be a U.S. citizen and have lost your rights to THE STATE: "The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government. . . and. . . must pay the penalties.." Stated by the Supreme Court in U.S. v Cruikshank Consequently, the governments can make you do what ever they want: Pay unconstitutional taxes Put you in jail for victimless crimes Take your property without a court proceeding Fight private wars Etc., etc... because fundamentally you are a vassal. This is all component of totalitarian socialism. But you have volunteered! Now we ask you: Are you truly Sui Juris?

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